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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6644283 No.6644283 [Reply] [Original]

How much longer do you give this age of anime/eastern artstyle dominance before western makes a comeback? What will it take to turn the tide?

>> No.6644287

>What will it take to turn the tide?
burning the entire american comics industry to ashes and rebuild from scratch.
or just purging the idiots with gender studies and all that marxist racist bullshit from the companies and hire competent writers and artists

>> No.6644304

>What will it take to turn the tide?
Just a string of hits that capture people's attention again. Hell, even just a single good property can cause a short-lived trend (such as what we saw with scott pilgrim). It'll likely happen somewhat soon, as we have a generation or two now raised on comics and manga - though a spanner may have been thrown in the works because of AI, we'll have to see on that.

Also, hopefully we do better than the animation industry, we're they take the most shallow dogshit ugly inspiration from anime rather than anything good (look at steven universe)

>> No.6644307

cut all the people in the business from social networks, make employees to sign agreements to stay the fuck away from twitter and fire any idiot who types an insult to a fan.
Half of the business is customer service, and "the western" destroyed its image by letting idiots to spit and insult the audience for years.

>> No.6644314

Maybe to you.
Remind me again where all the anime corporate mascots are, or eastern dominated graphic design? Last I checked, outside of internet weebs and hentai addicts, westerners largely don't even acknowledge that "eastern artstyles" exist.
Your art teacher will still fail you if you draw a goku.

>> No.6644329

Tbf any teacher who would fail a picture of goku would probably fail for any fictional character.

>> No.6644341

When cape shit dies

>> No.6644352

Possibly never. Enjoy ai slop in the near future.

>> No.6644354

Untrue, you could get away with realistic goku if you used a photo ref then altered some details

>> No.6644366

>west making a comeback
Your country is imploding thanks to woke asses and niggers sacking and pillaging and you think you'll make a comeback in art lmfao.


>> No.6644369

Suck my black cock, crackerfaggot. You supposedly have universal favor and influence across the whole world, but lose a little bit more control of your homeland every single day, despite being the majority.
Wait, wha?

>> No.6644376
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>hire always the same people for decades
>recently start letting people into the industry that do not give a shit about doing comics but only want to push narratives because blackrock pays you the big bucks for hiring the mentally ill
>the mentally ill produce shit product that not even the other mentally ill zealots are slightly interested in buying but only virtue signal about
>consumer demographic starts purchasing more interesting and actually diverse products instead of forced lgbt propaganda with fake/token diversity and ugly af shallow character design
>american comics haven't created anything other than the same telenovela tier capeshit in the last 60 years
>western animation is a fucking joke
>western comic industry hates his actual consumers because they don't want the lgbtvomitslop they want to force down everyone's throat
>meanwhile eastern animation studios get paid to produce some shitty ecchi anime about some fag reincarnating as the dog of his crush or making a second season of some incredibly shitty and retarded show of some fag getting isekai'ed with his fucking smartphone and being OP
>meanwhile even the inner culture is evolving and the whole OP-isekai thing has become a cliche and is getting parodied by other shows and manga
>while the western comic industry seethes at the customers they've driven away for not buying their less than mediocre product while staying afloat with the diversity money they get from the fund of some jewish billionaire
>western comics and animation are forever linked with being ugly, shit and woke and the same rehashed garbage just with a different coat of paint
Nice bait thread OP.

>> No.6644401

>art teacher
Art teachers are but pretentions idiots who'll pass you if you puke some stupid pseudo philosophical political bullshit behind your dead nature picture.

>> No.6644405

>>the mentally ill produce shit product that not even the other mentally ill zealots are slightly interested in buying but only virtue signal about
Damn, this shit reminded me of that shit Not-Scooby Doo cartoon remake with Mindy Kaling as the MC, where it was such a shit show that wokes went full retard conspiracy nutcases and claimed the show was a right wing psyop to make the woke cult look bad

>> No.6644408

That is true, but my point was that your average Mrs Finkle has no idea what anime or manga is and/or thinks it looks absurd. The same goes for your average Stacy who only watches dramas and live action sitcoms. Or your average Joe Shmoe sunk into the couch watching sportsball. The youngest zoomers are more likely to know about eastern art because they're chronic internet addicts but the majority of westerners would be completely confused by the words "eastern artstyle dominance"

>> No.6644478

Sounds like shit is devolving everywhere. I don't watch western shit at all and recently stopped watching anime as well, maybe that's why I was drawn to this board to try to learn to create my own shit.

>> No.6644586

ngl a lot of the anime currently airing is bad and i’m watching pretty much every show. If it’s not an isekai rehash it’s something that you’ve felt like you’ve already watched before. I love isekai trash, but the isekai that keeps coming out all feels like failed gacha ideas, like for example…that one show where a girl is reincarnated to get better at swordsmanship except she barely if ever picks up a sword throughout the entire show and there are random beasts that come out of nowhere and apparently they keep talking about weapon upgrades like it’s some artifact genshin system. I know that’s the point of isekai most of the time, but it’s become blatantly obvious lately that writers are trying desperately to break into the smartphone games business and anime adaptions is no longer the final destination anymore.

>> No.6644604
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what do you mean by western? just beefy comic book men? or is 3d western?is 1920s western? are those vaguely anime critical role artstyles western because they aren't actually anime?

kek, name me a single proud 'right wing' comic from the last 10 years that isnt utter crap

>> No.6644610
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Disney has always been dominant

The animation is just 3D now, like it or not this is what the masses pay for

>> No.6644638

Our mistake was giving nogs rights thinking you would actually be responsible citizens. Instead, you immediately started doing crack, having all of your babies out of wedlock, destroying your neighborhoods with gang violence, and twerking all day. It was our mistake.

>> No.6645122
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>'right wing'
Another braindead moron who thinks that everything that's not marxist shit that sucks maoist cock and gargles on castrista balls must immediately be the "alt right" boogieman
As long as western comics keep doing this stupid shit they'll get outsold by manga

>> No.6645123

can't wait for brand power to run out and these shit remakes to start flopping one after another like Lightyear did

>> No.6645126

Konosuba made the isekai genre into "Dragon Quest Parody" and every writer now wants a piece of the cake.
There were other shows/games that did that before, but Konosuba was the most popular and thus what set the path to follow.

>> No.6645127

I feel if something like EC comics made a comeback it could work. Like those old spooky but kinda goofy horror comics would be a welcome change from all the capeshit

>> No.6645133

>still doesn’t show evidence and just projects instead
I accept your concession

>> No.6645195

>I accept your concession
You gave up and changed your mind, okay.
You stay a loser until you show a "right wing" comic.

>> No.6645211

Never. American artstyle never became prevalent outside of its own country. They need a complete restart in their fundamental values.

>> No.6645217
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Only gringo zoomers who are terminally online would see this as anything else than a stupid joke
Cut the whole shit out and hire people that can do shit that sells

>> No.6645266

Picrel isn't official is it? I know comics have been on a wokeshit stint for years now but the quality of the art here is weeb high schooler notebook doodle tier.

>> No.6645614
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It's as official as >>6645122, 100% current canon, official 616 Marvel.
It's the result of diversity hires where pronouns and "self-perception" are more important than basic skills like writing or drawing.
It's not limited to comics, the infection has been ailing videogames as well for almost 10 years.

>> No.6646919

Nah don’t apologize man, I’m having fun. Apologize to your neighbors for your weakness and sloth that’s stopping you from doing a damn thing about anything. Alleged leaders of the first world, but get pushed out of your neighborhoods by a few minorities. Oh, I know you’re sorry lol.

>> No.6646926
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Japan was fascinated with western media and cultures right when the latter was at it's peak in the 70s, 80s and 90s, so the anime of this era had some sort of universal appeal in spite of not being planned to reach an international audience. Stuff like Lodoss was literally an adapted DnD game and even more outlandish things like Saint Seiya had enough universal appeal to latch onto regardless of where you were. Now that western media and culture is in a dead end, nips have been left to their own devices and the vast majority of what they produce those days is just incestuous pandering schlock for shut-in otakus who are scared to consume anything that doesn't have an anime girl face plastered in. First we fix what's wrong with western art styles today, them anime needs to be westernized again so we get actual variety in themes and women who actually look like women back.

>> No.6647006

Sauce on this? Tineye is being useless

>> No.6647098
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>anime girl face
Nigga, "anime girl face" has been a thing for over 40 years

>> No.6647103

We. Had. This. Convo. Before. Please stop.

>> No.6647233

Just a weird trend, it'll pass.
Just a weird trend, it'll pass.
Just a weird trend, it'll pass.
Woah it's starting to get huge, but this is definitely just a weird trend.
It'll be our turn in the limelight... r-right white bros?!?

>> No.6647446
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I fascinating how you don't argue that blacks are generally bad citizens and instead say that whites are weak because we don't lynch you anymore.

>> No.6647475

>1980 - 2010
Anime was still niche at these times anon.

>> No.6647490

i mean, this but also a return to based masculine stories. I'm talking stories that make the semi-based japanese look like the cringe wokeists of today. The only way to do that is with the destruction of the current corrupt industry though. They would never allow the kind of stories im talking about while they had the power to..

>> No.6647589 [DELETED] 

There is no point in attempting to disproving what is already false to some depressed loser a million miles away who saves anime reaction pics. You are artistically firm and intent on believing what they want you to believe. I don’t really have a problem with whites, but you are an ugly faced virgin crackerfaggot who deserves to get x, y, and z’d by some real ‘niggers’.

>> No.6647590

There is no point in attempting to disproving what is already false to some depressed loser a million miles away who saves anime reaction pics. You are autistically firm and intent on believing what they want you to believe. I don’t really have a problem with whites, but you are an ugly faced virgin crackerfaggot who deserves to get x, y, and z’d by some real ‘niggers’.

>> No.6647626

>underdevelopes frontal lobe
>8 month gestation period
You arent even human LOL

>> No.6647630

Destroy the US. Let Europe bloom.

>> No.6647637

Laugh it up, Johnny. Soon you’ll be the alien minority, and all those graphs and statistics I know you have saved prove it.

>> No.6647698

>a spanner may have been thrown in the works because of AI, we'll have to see on that.
spend less time on the internet. you do realise AI is plagiarism and cannot be used in any real project, right?

>> No.6647774
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They dont have a family
They are raging cause of mental and hormonal imbalance
They lack love and can only hate
They have no eggs and have no womb

>> No.6647818

a pleasant public face isnt going to make the art magically not shit. You just dredged up some shit in your head that irritated you thats irrelevant to the discussion. nobody dislikes Captain America because one of his writers talked shit about current politics of comic publication. customer service have absolutely fucking zero to do with the quality and popularity of a fictional character. what the fuck were you smoking when you thought this was a valid reply to the OP question

>> No.6647943

The west is going to collapse into a dark age soon. You'd have to be extremely optimistic to think in 100 years your descendants will be able to read still, let alone make advanced art.

>> No.6648063
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Customers don't buy from someone who insults them, you genius.

>> No.6648142

who that bitch is?

>> No.6648178

A lot of us already can't do either

>> No.6648416
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>> No.6648437

You guys saw the Star Wars Visions? Second seasons seems to have Western-based animators. It's not fabulous, but some of it really is original

>> No.6648444

Kill all the crap on the progressive left, mostly the Democrats, unless that happens, keep watching the comic book industry die a slow and painful death.

>> No.6649485

>make something actually good
>stop talking about pozzed crap 24/7
>stop letting incompetent women take over comics where all they can write are scenes of people eating and talking in a wide sitcom-esque shot

disregarding what you think about the capeshit movies, their entire industry were almost apolitical until black panther and they were very successful because they released something a lot of people can enjoy.

>> No.6649830


>> No.6649972

Me. I will get good, create good shit and turn the tide. That has to be our attitude. Not sit around and wait for someone else to do it.

>> No.6651533
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>> No.6652397
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Did people ditched westerners all together? You'd assume that if the problem was "wokeness" bunch of non-woke western comic book titles would've rose to the top replacing the now woke comics by formerly big brands. Instead what you see is tittles translated from Korean and Japanese growing in popularity while western produced comics continue to lose relevance. Were are the non-woke western comic creators and why aren't they rising in popularity along side the Asian artists?

>> No.6652497

>if the problem was "wokeness"
Not an "if", it IS.
Wokes are usually incompetent, they get hired by nepotism or because they flash some privilege aka they're diversity hires, once they're inside, they keep using their protected oppressed minority status (race, sex) to avoid getting fired.
>Were are the non-woke western comic creators
There are indies out there pushing their content, what people doesn't understand is that getting to the point where Marvel/DC went requires decades of work, so people say they failed because they haven't reached that status in two or three years.

>> No.6652509

>Were are the non-woke western comic creators and why aren't they rising in popularity along side the Asian artists?
I believe they are? Haven't some of the biggest recent kickstarters and such been western comic creators (who were well known for their "non-wokeness") pitching their comics?
But these people aren't companies, and if they plan to become such, it'll take time to have the power and distribution to make a splash.

>> No.6652510


Everything cartoon related is an Asian thing at this point. Every thread like this talks about the massive industry east Asia has and then there is the same old western cope about Disney, capeshit, Sunday strips, and childrens books.

You just need to come to terms that the "west" (we all know what that means btw) lost. You don't see a rising from the ashes because there is no ash to rise from. America dominates live action movies while Japan/China can't make good, live action movies. We don't count Korea as BTS fans are louder than weebs on the internet.

>> No.6652512
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Based as fuck post

>> No.6652516


>> No.6652521

Short and dirty answer is western artists just suck comparatively. And if they don't suck at art they suck at writing. Either way people would rather read beautiful/interesting manga.
Koreans can't write for shit, but they're stylish so it's popular. Some manga looks ugly as sin like SNK but the author can write so it was popular. How creatively bankrupt are westerners that we can't manage one nor the other, it's humiliating.

>> No.6652540

>There are indies out there pushing their content
Then post some. Shill for us, baby.

>> No.6652548
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>Indies are doing okay but their aren't big like companies
Fair point.
>Westoids suck
But is it the overwhelming majority that does and those indies are the only ones getting attention because of that or has the shitty mass media fuck over smaller time creators this side of the Pacific?

>> No.6652607

Lmao rektd
He's right tho, niggers won, it's over. The support of the narrative is way too strong, making those apes untouchable. Looting and rioting, next rape and killing will be legal for them, better run while you can and plan a big bloody payback from somewhere else.

>> No.6652623

Casual manga readers aren't really reading anything but manga. That whole market is just isolated and nobody, not even indies, has broken through it. You can blame mass media or publisher monopolies but at the end of the day we just suck. And we suck mainly because we lost our roots. Those same roots that japs took as the inspiration for the very same mangas mogging westoids today. Which is shameful on us for letting it happen.
The world clearly wants big eyes and stylish sexy bodies, and/or cute personalities and physiques for both males and females and we just keep on drawing malformed gremlins, big nostrils, old hags, and lumpy bodies like complete idiots.
>b-buh muh western style is superio-
You wanna make money? Suck it up or die in irrelevancy.

>> No.6652651

You mean if capeshit art will ever make a comeback again?
My guess is never, that style is just too old-school and not in a good way

>> No.6653427

my takeaway from this thread is that americans are too busy bitching about twitter politics to make anything of value and that's why comics suck now

>> No.6655520

me. I will become better than kim jung gi with ZERO anime influence.

>> No.6655599

>Westoids suck
I never thought western artstyles were bad compared to anime. Imo western strengths at least in terms of fantasy was being grounded in reality, as in despite the fantastical subject matter being depicted the viewer could imagine it existing or happening in reality, whereas anime's strength lies in it's expression of story and the art revolves around it. So ideally western art would have the viewer create a story in their mind while the anime/manga style tells a story with less detail to the art letting the viewer fill in the visual blanks with imagination. Unfortunately the west is now divided into 2 major camps, the wokeshitter calarts style and the fake-anime trend chasers. It's like seeing a mega-corp unable to keep up with the times or able to create a competitive product in the face of challenge.

tl;dr shits fucked here.

>> No.6655614

To add on you can really see when anime falls flat if the story just isn't there. 90% of the recent isekai shit falls victim to this.

>> No.6655617


I wonder what the next trend will be after isekai dies down. I can’t see it still being squeezed past 2026. Maybe military themed stuff.

>> No.6655627

Later will probably be the rise of china except still with japanese animation studios. They've been producing powerhouse IPs recently regardless of how some anons feel about it (Genshin, azur lane, honkai, blue archive etc.)

>> No.6657948
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i give it 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 years till it makes a comeback. i honestly think there will have to be a whole renaissance of art, fiction, ideas, and just shit like that to ever even hope to make a comeback in any believable fashion.

>> No.6657956

that's gonna require people actually buying comics
even actually good comics struggle to make sales
woke shit obviously is a factor but comics were on a hard decline before the 2010s.

no one wants to go to comicbook stores to buy comics, and people who buy comics already won't buy something thats not batman

american culture has gotten so used to not reading comics that with all the competition from smartphones and videogames and free comics online that you're not gonna convince people to buy a few comics weekly

>> No.6658002

>unironically think feminine traits = pedophile
>Lack of guidelines for retard kids and teenagers
>Western adults think comic is for children.
If you don't improve those shit, comic will forever appeal only to faggots

>> No.6658008

All the popular American comic book artists are already approaching their retirement age. The younger cohort refuse to fix the remains of American comic book illustration good luck

>> No.6658019

>comic books
I honestly pray you all go extinct, eastern or western. Hopefully AI will do you maggots in for good.
