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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 624 KB, 1463x614, pick your beg slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6650007 No.6650007 [Reply] [Original]

/beg/ & /int/ - Beginner and Intermediate general

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO ~1000 PIXELS wide using one of the following methods:
1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in MSPaint

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit
New collaborative sticky (anyone can edit): https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn

Read the stickies

When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help. When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

Previous Thread: >>6646657

>> No.6650024
File: 2.58 MB, 2227x2546, 20230511_162646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reposting so other people can see how disabled onii-chan made me
I did enjoy playing with the thickness of the lines tho

>> No.6650027

I should have waited for this thread

>> No.6650029

portraits are like jumping straight to max difficulty
you would benefit from the sight lessons in keys to drawing

>> No.6650038

I had a look at some resources today that told me to draw 250 cubes but I got bored of it quickly. I'll look at the sight lesson you mentioned (but I still plan to draw a portrait every day as well, I think it would be fun to do 30 days of portraits).

>> No.6650053
File: 163 KB, 1430x1403, 20230511_180734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone pls explain to me how when i try to use the color palette in pic related on another piece the colors don't look the same and how do I make it look the same

>> No.6650054

post the other piece nig

>> No.6650057

OK so which of these is perma/int/, pre/beg/, and pseudo/adv/?

>> No.6650058


>> No.6650059
File: 1.03 MB, 1668x2388, IMG_2141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted it too many times now...i don't wanna get flamed for posting it again, ok sure last time istg

>> No.6650064

It's not even the same colors.

>> No.6650066

change the background colour to the one you have in the other picture
surrounding colours affect your perception of colours
it would also help if you actually used the same colours

>> No.6650073

I just realized I changed the colors the last minute but i swear when I used the colors they didn't look the same

>> No.6650086

it's probably you messing up with photoshop or whatever program's color profile.
RGB & sRGB result in different colors when saved.

>> No.6650246
File: 81 KB, 620x802, 5100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it? be brutally honest

>> No.6650249
File: 164 KB, 1050x1050, WIPBocchiGosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any notes before I move on to adding values and shading?

I'm specifically asking about form and lineart

>> No.6650250
File: 159 KB, 1369x1076, 23.5.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I poorly drew a TIE Fighter hangar. Only at the end did I realize TIE Fighters panels are hexagons, and not octagons.

>> No.6650280

Is it better to stretch yourself out and make one drawing that takes a long time or make lots of drawings that only test you a little?

>> No.6650287

All the strongest hero's.

>> No.6650289

Ideally you'd want to do both. Dedicate a day or two of the week to make a larger piece while the smaller stuff just gets you into the habit.

>> No.6650294

Is it true that creative people are better to be born in 3-d world country because they can download any courses from torrents without consequences? And then they could move to better countries.

>> No.6650300

In running, the way to maximize your fitness gains is to do something like 85% easy runs and 15% hard runs. I'm too beg to say that art works the same, but it kinda feels like it does.

Wouldn't it be better to be born first world for all the opportunities, and then move to the third world where your whopping $40/month of commission income is enough to cover the cost of living?

>> No.6650302

yeah, thats why firez is from some shithole

>> No.6650319

your name sounds like a place garfield would send nermal so maybe

>> No.6650323

I can do the same thing with a VPN, so not really.

>> No.6650324

Is it worth leaning 3d for bakcgournd art now? i found this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdRXjSLQ3xI

>> No.6650329
File: 982 KB, 2560x1440, 292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello beg, dont get backstabed!

third world art advantage is that you can sell your art to 1st worlders: for them its 20$, a cost of 1 burger. but for thirdie that spare change will feed his 8 kids family for whole month. pirating books is legal even in the biggest totalitarian shitholes like germany or australia, you just need to use vpn or dodge p2p networks and use something standard like libgen. and even if you were so dumb and used vanilla torrent client, all you will get is a warning or some small fine
less thinking, more drawing. if you want guidance (you want guidance, at least at the very start) follow some course or book ala keys to drawing
looks okay
>abu zubaydah
what? and idk, it seems you had fun while drawing clock 10 times but its all under beg standards imho
you need keys to drawing, badly

>> No.6650363
File: 332 KB, 1018x889, 1660368805378456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total beginner here, took about an hour to draw this after the first week of Brent Eviston's course. I feel like I'm kinda cheating by using a reference as simple as a porkymon instead of the scrub jay, and I still made a lot of mistakes, but I never would've gotten something this close before. If you're struggling to stay engaged with the beginner's books like I was, I wholeheartedly recommend trying Eviston's video course.

>> No.6650403

all his stuff is on skillshare right?

>> No.6650407


>> No.6650411

Idk, I got it from the torrent
>IC-STUDY\Courses\Fundies\The Art and Science of Drawing

>> No.6650440
File: 2.32 MB, 2080x4624, IMG_20230511_233753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me again.
Guess the who this is

>> No.6650441
File: 443 KB, 1495x1000, resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some sketches, i dont like the faces. Gonna take a nap and continue with studies

>> No.6650444

mate I'm a yuropoor and I've been torrenting music/vidya and everything else for like 2 decades now without any problems.

>> No.6650459

I'm doing a project and most of the others are drawing digitally. I want to do it traditionally, but I have to be able to scan it. Will UPS work for scanning or am I just going to have to draw in Paint with a mouse instead.

>> No.6650483

Extremely soulful

>> No.6650501
File: 933 KB, 1709x3038, 20230511_151934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time choices: what is more important, cardio or drawing? I only had time to do one and I chose cardio, but I got a flat at the end of my shift so I tried to freehand the switch truck in the time it took the tech to change the tire. I didn't start right away, so I had to work quick.

I'm home now so I got time for more practice, but with my job I can never be sure that I will (have time after work.)

What are your priorities anons? Would you rather be beg and thiner or int and fatter?

>> No.6650504

>I feel like I'm kinda cheating by using a reference as simple as a porkymon instead of the scrub jay

>> No.6650507
File: 69 KB, 500x500, artworks-EAM49M1rb5tk7oR1-IR0XdA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6650518

Int and fatter. Weight is easier to lose than drawing.

>> No.6650550
File: 2.56 MB, 3098x2244, 20230512_010549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you anons think? I am trying to do something stylized and have a unique look. I can sense some stuff is off but I'm not proud enough to understand it completely.

>> No.6650559

>"Lineart is all about confidence"
this is a lie

>> No.6650562

Fundamentals before style.

>> No.6650564

I'm actually going between fundamentals and style, I know I gotta learn the basics but I also really wanna jump on character designing

>> No.6650565
File: 271 KB, 2279x1697, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i beg or more of an int

>> No.6650567
File: 356 KB, 575x665, 2de2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Request from my friend

>> No.6650572

inbetween, you have the drive, you can get to /int really quick, if you let yourself go.
ygmi anon I can already see it.

>> No.6650579

It's not a lie. But it is much more than "lineart". Confidence is about conposition and fundamentals, and it's not an ego thing, it's a natural reflex built on infinite repetition. Eventually, you will know what you're doing, so you just do it like if you're hand writting words on paper.

>> No.6650580

Focus more on fundamentals do character stuff on the side, you're style will develop through your fundamental practice cus you'll start learning what appeals to you and what you want to exagerate. Truely a moment of you need to know the rules to break them.

>> No.6650593

You're barely even /beg/, but hey, I can see the intent. I also started with a mouse drawing on ms paint or whatever you used here.

>> No.6650605

Uhm...isn't that from some poor arab that got tortured by the CIA or something and he drew what they did to him?

>> No.6650616
File: 354 KB, 850x1100, [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus GONK

>> No.6650619

I like it a lot

>> No.6650638
File: 674 KB, 725x1054, 4349D8D1-27E5-4419-B392-F724E6C1C056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s still some problems with this but at least it’s finished now :) starting to feel like my art is looking less beg as well

>> No.6650641

i like it anon, gmi

>> No.6650644

/adv/ get out of here

> futa
immediately /pro/

high /int/, low /adv/ once you learn 4 point perspective

awesome. high /adv/

>> No.6650649

top kek

>> No.6650653

KyS tourist trOOn. Get your brain checked.

>> No.6650674

Way better than earlier

>> No.6650679


>> No.6650699

Whats a redpilled brush for lineart

>> No.6650709
File: 143 KB, 1600x1200, how_the_fuck_do_you_do_digital.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought I tablet, screenless and how do you even draw with them? It's fucking me up so bad, I don't understand how to use them, I feel lile I'll scratch it with every movement and maybe I picked a very small one

Pic related is how I (can't) use one now

>> No.6650715

You develop a third eye and learn to not draw while looking at your hands, or save yourself the suffering and get a graphic tablet. They're only a hundred bucks or so nowadays. There's a learning period with both but screenless is way more brutal.

>> No.6650718

are you telling me the reason I can't draw for shit is because I use a screenless tablet

>> No.6650719

They're harder to get used to than tablets with a screen, you just gotta keep practicing but it'll take a few weeks until you get the hang of it
This is why I think screenless tablets are a meme unless you're buying one from the absolute poverty sub-100 dollar tier

>> No.6650720

It's not the sole reason but it's probably a huge factor. Screenless is dogshit, especially for learning.

>> No.6650721

You need time to get use to it. It took me a month.
1. Try to adjust tablet sensitivity to your liking.
2. Put a sheet of A4 paper to cover your tablet. It will protect your tablet from scratching and wearing down your pen tips.

>> No.6650723

>are you telling me the reason I can't draw for shit is because I use a screenless tablet
Everyone else can draw, so why can you? fucking drama queen, attention seeking ass nigga. Less complaining and more drawing.

>> No.6650724

nta but i cant that's why i'm here

>> No.6650725
File: 68 KB, 784x860, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys keep drawing lol

>> No.6650726

Guys...I have big trouble with drawing a box and rotating it. Am I retarded?

>> No.6650727
File: 3.34 MB, 4032x3024, 5-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I'm in the op image, I feel graced. thank you anon.
damn and I thought I was done for the day, if you insist anon

>> No.6650733

can i be honest, i spent 2years with screenless tab and within 2 weeks of trad my linework was better on paper

>> No.6650735

I want to get faster at drawing, but I'm about the worst at timed gesture I think I could possibly even be. It's bad enough that I don't think I even improve by attempting it. What do I do to try and improve my speed that's more fundamental than this?

>> No.6650738

try setting stroke limits for yourself

>> No.6650739


>> No.6650740

>It's bad enough that I don't think I even improve by attempting it.
bad mindset, just do it and you'll get better

>> No.6650741

how to conquer videogame addiction so this stops feeling like a chore

>> No.6650743

play drawing video games
or heroin

>> No.6650744

>play drawing video games
name some besides scribblenauts, sounds fun

>> No.6650746

i haven't tried it myself, something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAY5N76VP8M&t=263s

>> No.6650752
File: 596 KB, 624x825, newa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6650761
File: 2.36 MB, 2518x1647, ghostfinallol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference observation study I did yesterday.

>> No.6650772
File: 151 KB, 500x500, Untitled1_20230511195637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to work on my perspective and spent more time on this drawing. I think the hexagon thingy's shadow is fucked.

>> No.6650774

Gesture is an unironic beg trap and I have no idea why every course leads with it.

>> No.6650776
File: 145 KB, 692x1851, 5AE744E6-788C-4E13-A7DD-BEA3A9D26E0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this style of colouring have appeal? I really cannot tell if it looks passable as what I’m going for or just trashy. I’ve never painted black or silky textures before either

>> No.6650779

>gesture beg trap

>> No.6650785

hes right the gesture is the start of a drawing but it shouldnt be the start of a beg's journey. to do a proper gesture you need to be an expert in proportion, anatomy, and perspective. and you also dont know if your gesture is good or not until you use to to compelte a drawing so beggers would never be able to analyze how useful their gestures are

>> No.6650794
File: 39 KB, 478x478, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to be an expert in proportion, anatomy, and perspective
No. Gesture is very easy.

>> No.6650797
File: 1.20 MB, 2227x2546, redraw_idklol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried resketching this for funsies, lol

>> No.6650801

Could be reallly good if you learn the difference between hard and soft shadows, also exaggerate your values more

>> No.6650811

Gesture is easy to those who know what they're doing. It's impenetrable to beginners.

For starters, beginners can't recreate what they see accurately, and haven't wrapped their heads around concrete 3D forms. Gesture asks them to go beyond both of those skills, and *distill* what they see and represent it with *abstract* 3D forms.

>> No.6650816
File: 579 KB, 2176x1594, 1683649309715913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesture is easy. Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.6650818

im so tired of reading books

>> No.6650822

stop reading and just draw from life loser

>> No.6650826

hasn't worked
books are my only hope now

>> No.6650832

if people saw how bad my ability to draw lines even remotely close to where I want them to go they would think I have a physical disability

>> No.6650835

Why not both? You read for the knowledge and draw to apply that knowledge. It's called learn to draw. Why it's so hard with you guys? Laziness? Lack of creativity, wit?

>> No.6650840

For me it's laziness and the fact I've wanted to do this for years but never bothered because it seemed so intimidating. I'm finally starting to take this seriously and I'm freaked out because I want to do a good job after romanticizing the idea of "being an artist" for so long. I keep reminding myself I'm new but it feels different than other things I've attempted for the first time and I'm not sure why other than the idea of just simply taking so long to get started being there.

>> No.6650844

ive fried my brain on instant gratification.

>> No.6650858

this, it's a problem nobody wants to talk about because how the fuck do you fix it

>> No.6650859

Gesture isn't easy, it will never be. That's the point that you are failing to get, it's not about perfection. That's also the reason begs should do it, so they don't get stilted poses, or can only draw after measuring for half an hour, you know, bad habits that can develop if the beg only study construction and measuring.

>> No.6650876

>simply taking so long to get started being there.
It took 1-2 years top to start making passable art with decent anatomy. Everyone sucks when they start drawing.
There are fixes for that. Human brain is an amazing thing.

>> No.6650884

Fasting and meditation will fix you right up.
Nothing like seeing an addict squirm and scream until they are back to baseline.
>t. Ex fatty who would fast for weeks.

>> No.6650889
File: 54 KB, 478x478, KTD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6650890

Are you using ref

>> No.6650894

1-2 years top... Damn half this board is ngmi. Sadly that includes me

>> No.6650911
File: 1.40 MB, 1193x1548, page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long time lurker, recent posting in the last few months, but haven't ever tried to get critique

i've never done many studies or anything, i just draw but i've been trying more seriously within the past year. i think i have issues with proportion and i try to cover up mistakes with stylization and never putting a lot of time into one drawing

pic related is no references, i feel like i can draw individual parts of the human body well, but when i try to draw a full character it all just looks like dog shit, any advice for that or any tips just based off this page?

>> No.6650914

not /beg/ get outta here nigga

>> No.6650918

Push yourself to draw figures from life.

>> No.6650920
File: 1.98 MB, 3508x4960, 2023-05-08 TogaThighs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6650921
File: 45 KB, 478x478, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hands and feet are bad imo

>> No.6650923

how is it crab, it's a compliment

>> No.6650926

idris elba?

>> No.6650927

>get outta here
Weird complement

>> No.6650928

use a ref

>> No.6650929


>> No.6650933

hot mannequin

>> No.6650934
File: 133 KB, 1179x854, 877C4D7D-6137-48A4-A92A-5C41E5F89D51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m honestly a bit disheartened by this.

>> No.6650935

That's how my before and afters looked too until I stopped drawing for an hour once a year.

>> No.6650937

draw 3 hours a day minimum

>> No.6650948
File: 8 KB, 240x240, samiways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this kind of shit makes me internally scream like this:

I imagine myself years from now still afraid of showing my sketchbooks, still hating myself too much to call myself an artist, a illustrator, a draftsman, anything!
Still doubting every single stroke, every single colour pick, every single pose and every single theme.
Hearing the crazy shit the pros with actual talent and skill talk about like reflected light, hues, shadows and other crazy mumbo jumbo that I can't even begin to comprehend and hopelessly think I never will.
I don't want to end up like this guy. Never.

>> No.6650949
File: 84 KB, 695x611, CURSEDSHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I havent? I have even tried to trace it and it only comes out worse.

>> No.6650952

Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?

>> No.6650953
File: 76 KB, 478x478, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be 1 or 2 months not years. He draw 5 or 10 pictures per year top.

>> No.6650954
File: 71 KB, 600x600, 1683834073878868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6650955

Knock yourself out.

>> No.6650957

>posts a new piece every day
he's already mogging me

>> No.6650981
File: 296 KB, 1179x1513, 222C04C0-150F-4296-A7D7-AB4AB4B767DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was true until about November 2022 when I started drawing a few hours a week, and then a few more in January 2023.
I have been doing 1-2 hours daily since about mid March 2023, but I don’t feel like I’ve been challenging myself enough. I will try 3 hours and see if I can maintain it.
Also, not to make an excuse, but I did find I am better at more painterly methods of everyday objects as opposed to line drawings of anime girls. Pic related, it’s from the end of March 2023. My friends seem to like it more when I do the anime girls though, so I go back and forth. I think it’s hurting the rate of my gains in both areas though.

>> No.6650985
File: 847 KB, 1445x1629, plyzuv9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try again

>> No.6650991
File: 210 KB, 894x1280, IMG_4466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this one

>> No.6650992
File: 200 KB, 894x1280, IMG_4470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6650993
File: 67 KB, 683x692, CB80E99F-11BE-4174-BDB0-EB22C47D0D1C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I’ll do some research on those topics and try using reference.

>> No.6650994

sauce pls

>> No.6650995
File: 44 KB, 850x400, 9AABDE1E-88EA-4173-8109-BEE5B5A29246_5pi06sbd4o_xa7ae9iztp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6650999
File: 3.13 MB, 2190x3738, __toki_and_toki_blue_archive_drawn_by_rkin__7eccbd232c42d9cf55b3ec945e65225c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651000
File: 368 KB, 1073x1447, 12 5-12-2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My copy exercise, thoughts? I feel like i copy better than my actual drawing skill

>> No.6651001


>> No.6651002

Is screenless really that bad? I'm using one and have no problem making strokes, but can't circles for shit. I think I just lack practice, though
>Everyone else can draw
Less than 10% of the population can draw, anon

>> No.6651005

>can only draw after measuring for half an hour,
Literally me. Can gesture drawing save me?

>> No.6651007
File: 41 KB, 546x524, h1i8B4V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can always overlap the layers and check

>> No.6651010

Hating screenless is pure cope. I find them much easier to use than screen tablets. An inability to work with one is a skill issue.

>> No.6651012

It’s definitely better for my back considering I can sit it in my lap and sit straight to look at the screen.

>> No.6651016

>Is screenless really that bad?
>but can't circles for shit
try different types of grip

my accuracy and control improved after changing the way I hold my pen

>> No.6651020

What the fu k you on about nigga? Thst I shouldnt evrn try to apply colour before my lines stop being dogshit?

I will once I come back from the gym. Heavy iron makes the frustration go away.

>> No.6651023
File: 63 KB, 478x478, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Screenless tablet is le bad
I think screenless tablet are surperior to screened one. Using screened tablet proves that you have no imagination imo.
>Everyone can draw
Everyone can draw. They can draw well or badly, and everyone can get good at drawing.

>> No.6651025
File: 1.52 MB, 2920x2864, yrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asanagi hips study, seeing in 3D helps like you wouldnt believe

>> No.6651030

unironically what the FUCK did he mean by this

>> No.6651033

The anon who posted this >>6650995 think that your painting/shading/use of colors suck, and he wants you guys to focus on learning to draw first. Drawing is more than just linework. By getting good at drawing you will get good at painting natually.

>> No.6651039
File: 748 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

min 47:18
drawing >>>> painting

>> No.6651041

painting is more funny :)

>> No.6651045

no just moving shit where it looks right

>> No.6651048
File: 221 KB, 1099x858, 09B50DE0-46A1-4CCC-9CAA-FECFD520D672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(When actually trying to draw in perspective)
Holy shit

>> No.6651063
File: 173 KB, 595x956, scrumblo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was literally telling him that that guy is too good for /beg/ and should go somewhere else

And yeah I agree, this is obviously above the level of most people here, hands and feet are quick quick but its appealing

>> No.6651069
File: 822 KB, 2000x2894, sksbent 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6651075

>not /beg/
>get out of /beg/ now
>what are you doing? dabbing on us /beg/lets
>you are a beg larper
>don't encourage it.
I used to recieve comments like that and they triggered the living shit out of me.

>> No.6651077

>try different types of grip
>my accuracy and control improved after changing the way I hold my pen
I'm using a huion and my grip is shit because every time I angle it, my pressure completely disappears and it starts skipping lines. Buying a wacom to see if it fixes the issue, but fucker on ebay wont send me my item

>> No.6651083

idk i literally have more time in digital than trad and pencil and paper will always be easier than screenless for me

>> No.6651084

call em up

>> No.6651093
File: 6 KB, 182x249, 1657654311223s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6651096

how do I see in 3D??
>inb4 feel the form
yeah but HOW

>> No.6651098

Tips for seeing in 3D for an absolute niggercattle?

>> No.6651113
File: 2.31 MB, 3508x4960, 2023-05-08 TogaThighs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kept polishing the huge log of shit to no avail.
How to get started with faces? Every single attempt comes out like suicide fuel.

>> No.6651116
File: 393 KB, 739x600, 1604322639152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Ingres.

I think the problem that Sycra (and many others) often misinterpret the concept of painting is that they assume that "anything that involves laying down value/tone/color" belongs to this realm. And while this is a true to a certain extent, Ingres' quote refers to the fact that back when people trained under a master artist/studied at the big boy institutions, they were rarely allowed to touch paint until they demonstrated a specific level of proficiency at drawing (depicting objects, casts, human figures with line and value) with charcoal, after which they'd slowly allow students to paint with limited color palettes and eventually open the flood gates to the complete color range.

Rendering in B&W is meant to act as a foundation to train your eye to see/control value, a thing that rightfully belongs to the act of drawing, You could be autistic and say that the fact that you're laying down tone should be seen as "painting" but I see that as a misnomer.

TL;DR: Sycra & Ingres are right on the fact that drawing is the foundation of painting but the former is doing a disservice by saying that you should forget about painting (assuming he includes grayscale B&W stuff) until you've got the other concepts down. Even the act of rendering primitive shapes with Black and white (done right) is beneficial down the road.

>> No.6651118

pencil really is based

>> No.6651120
File: 732 KB, 2480x1754, 2023-04-26 Faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please for the love of god I am begging you with tears running down my eyes and a knot in my throat.
Teach me how to draw faces.
I can't.
I can't lie down the marks or shit at all.

I am just tired of slaving away on something that just keeps getting worse and worse and worse the more I try.

>> No.6651122
File: 70 KB, 300x598, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just draw a mii

>> No.6651124

Can you even draw simple volumes from observation?

>> No.6651126 [DELETED] 

stop using construction and learn to copy accurately. only then you may go back to construction.

>> No.6651128

Good advice

>> No.6651144
File: 403 KB, 900x964, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not using both pencil and digital? They have their own pros and cons.

>> No.6651145

tacobell, ey?

>> No.6651149

Just hide it like you did the hands and feet.

>> No.6651150

What is it with this board and shilling books, specifically keys to drawing? I tried that motherfucker and got totally lost, what the fuck are you meant to get out of it?

>> No.6651151


>> No.6651164
File: 9 KB, 239x211, confusedpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you're a fucking retard. Imagine living in a third world shithole and not making art that sells for 100 bucks a pop, which is 20 monthly salaries in said shithole. You'd have to be a retard to complain about how difficult it is making an art career in a third world shithole when literally all you have to do is make some shitty hentai and make muttmericans pay for it. But for some fucking reasons seaniggers just love to drag the rest of us down, kill the market value of digital and sell their shit for 2 bucks instead, fucking retards.

>> No.6651165

>get filtered
>baby raging
>blame book
Teach observation and how to draw what you see.

>> No.6651166

Play Pass Partout. The second one.

>> No.6651167

Gonna be honest it has that typical beg-ness look to it which stems from not knowing how to properly render light and materials.

>> No.6651168
File: 259 KB, 1000x1000, 1683875326154816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing drawabox because its the only thing that actually manages to get me to draw
>haven't done 50/50 rule because I dont know exactly what to do for just free drawing
Is that fine? I mean, its meant to just stop burn out right? I haven't been feeling that I don't think.

>> No.6651169

Are you blind and fucking retarded?

>> No.6651170

nigger I was told to use it as an absolute beginner, if its for people who dont know jack shit about drawing then why the fuck can you even be """filtered""" by it?
>Teach observation and how to draw what you see.

>> No.6651171

>Using screened tablet proves that you have no imagination imo.
How the fuck does that make any sense, you dumb nigger?

>> No.6651172

You are indeed filtered by it. Reading with out understanding.

>> No.6651173

This. It's honestly infuriating the amount of bullshit that gets thrown around here and it leads to pre/begs/ trying to learn anatomy construction when they can't even accurately copy a single line. I just copied random shit as a kid and now as a 30 year old who only got back into drawing a few weeks ago I'm already better than 99% of this board just by having that observational ability locked in. And no I will not pmw, not looking to get shit on because I claimed I'm better than everyone else (learn hyperbole). Believe me, don't believe me, whatever. I'll just keep improving my linework, anatomy and rendering while crabniggers continue to seethe and learn 'gesture' without knowing how to pick up a pencil or WHY they're even trying to learn gesture/construction/etc in the first place.

>> No.6651175

Now tell me why the fuck it would be recommended to someone like me then? Thats the question after all. How the fuck is a total beginner like me meant to """"understand"""" it?

>> No.6651177
File: 393 KB, 1023x874, Illustration11 (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gesture is very easy
>I still can't make a good gesture drawing

>> No.6651179

>how do I understand words
the absolute state of /ic/

>> No.6651180
File: 25 KB, 600x600, ayypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most if not all begs in this thread would benefit HUGELY from just straight up copying tons of good art for the first 2 years of their art journey AT LEAST. This is literally the secret to drawing well, and something that construction/gesturefags will never understand because they can't fucking do it. Develop observational ability first and THEN you can use that skill to learn anatomy and how to actually draw shit yourself. Wanna know why you never read this in your dumb drawing books? Because if the book starts with "spend 2 years purely copying other works and pay attention to the shapes and lines" nobody would buy the fucking book.

Basically, this: >>6651173

>> No.6651181

Most retarded post Ive seen
>skip building the foundation and supports and just make the building out of drywall

>> No.6651183
File: 371 KB, 1023x874, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy. Flow like a river, give a sense of motion

>> No.6651184

To be honest I don’t really understand why so many people here do so poorly. Tradfags I can understand because they don’t have access to a lot of digital tools. But I don’t really understand how anyone using a tablet cannot even align the basic features of the face correctly. If you can’t make your hand draw the lines in the right place originally, use the warp and selection tools? Can begs really just not tell when the face looks really wrong? I get not picking up on more subtle errors or not being able to illustrate the features of the face in a way that’s palatable - but placing / aligning them wrong? What’s going on? Are they stupid?

>> No.6651185

nta but

just watch videos
literally fucking just watch proko
that book is indeed doesn't age well but you bitching about it doesn't help yourself

>> No.6651186

Fucking retard. Pyw now or shut the fuck up. You know nothing about art. Nobody claimed to 'stop building a foundation', your observational ability literally is your fucking foundation. Without observation you will never draw something appealing. Have fun in your crab bucket, nigger. No skin off my teeth.

>> No.6651187

It's just what happens when retards take advice from >>6651181
instead of >>6651180 and >>6651173

>> No.6651188

>how do I read
>how do I draw
>how sucky am I
>X is too hard for beginner
>Y is also a beg trap
Lazy and stupid zoomers who would whine 24/7.

>> No.6651189


>> No.6651190

Post Your Finished Works? But we are talking about gesture. It's easy.

>> No.6651192

this one is mine >>6651069

>> No.6651194


>> No.6651195
File: 18 KB, 500x359, e7d3a4743e16b5df777f3b7c35ca3bb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is big mad huh??

>> No.6651196

And it fucking sucks. Post your reference for that image so we can all laugh at you. Literally nothing about that image is appealing, and it all stems from your lack of observational ability. I wouldn't be an asshole about it if it weren't for the fact that you were shitting on good advice and then it suddenly becomes apparent that you're dogshit, proving my point entirely.

>> No.6651197


>> No.6651198

Fucking how? You call it easy and just say shit, but how? How the fuck do you "flow like a river"? What the fuck is any of that?

>> No.6651200

Ignore gestureniggers and just copy to improve your observation. Notice how gestureniggers never have finished art they want to share.

>> No.6651201

They (as in me) dont know what looks right in most angles, its guesswork for the most part.

>> No.6651202
File: 220 KB, 554x838, gwen image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this one for my reference

>> No.6651203

Are you the type to have trouble reading textbooks anon? Serious question

>> No.6651204

All of art education is people who've been drawing their whole lives not understanding the things that beginners struggle with, because they either never went through that phase, went through it at the same time as there physical faculties were developing apace, or plain just don't remember.

>> No.6651206

Ask for Vilppu Gesture course the OLD one when is still "young", not the academy one. He compares drawing gesture with river flow.

>> No.6651211

Faggot I can read words, i'm not illiterate. He said im ""reading but not understanding"". What the fuck does that mean? Why can no one give me an answer?

>> No.6651212

You use beginner references? Lol. Ngmi. And it shows in your "art".

>> No.6651213

Said the nigger who can't understand the easiest thing in the world and post nothing :)

>> No.6651215

Where did you get lost in the book? What did he say that didn't make sense?

>> No.6651216

say the ones who won’t post their work

>> No.6651218

>improve your observation.
oookaayyy, now how do I do that?
yes i've seen the old man ive seen him draw shit and turn random lines into full figures within seconds like a wizard, I havent seen the old course but i'd hazard a guess he's going to tell me to "just do it", something like "feel the flow" or whatever, like he always does.

>> No.6651219

I dont remember man, its been a while since I tried it. I do remember thinking that both that book and the right side of the brain one just babble on about nonsense without getting to any real points.

>> No.6651220

whats a beginner reference? I use real models for reference almost every time but I saw that image browsing on /k/ and I thought it would be good to make a sketch of it

>> No.6651221

Shut up no draw nigger. Imagine being so stupid that you can't get gesture. NGMI.

>> No.6651222

>oookaayyy, now how do I do that?
Literally just copy art from artists you admire. Try to choose established artists and not some degen seanig furry artist on twitter. Do this and only this for even a few months and you will notice rapid improvement. Don't listen to the schizo telling beginners that have barely every picked up a pencil to learn gesture and anatomy, that's like trying to sprint before you can walk.

>> No.6651223

Read Dorien Iten

Ignore crabs, especially gesture crabs. Just practice the stuff in there until it's second nature.

>> No.6651225

If you can't see how utterly /beg/ your reference image is, it just proves my point even further. I sincerely hope nobody takes you seriously, and I hate that this board is full of retards like you who stunt the growth of other learning artists because you can't cope with how shit your art is after all this time.

>> No.6651226

>Read Dorien Iten
NTA, is that yet another book? is there any god damn art resource that is not a book? holy shit man i cant use them, no focus.

>> No.6651228

Someone is big mad huh??

>> No.6651229

It's like a five page PDF. I believe in you.

>> No.6651230

>Try to choose established artists and not some degen seanig furry artist on twitter.
I dont know many artists and the only ones I do know are degen furry artists on twitter that I happen to follow.

>> No.6651231

I'd tell you to browse artstation, but it's become an unusable shithole of untagged AI.

>> No.6651232

>no focus
This is literally what I've been preaching here since forever. DONT DO THE FUCKING BOOKS. Just copy established artists, do this for however long you can without getting tired of it. For people like you (and me) it's also way easier to do then to follow a course or a book because it's very straightforward, you just look and try to copy as best you can. You WILL improve rapidly by doing this. Drawing books are a complete meme for /begs/, use them when you're /int/.

>> No.6651233

PYW first then I'll post mine. That's the rule right?

>> No.6651234

good god imagine being this retarded

>> No.6651235

>literally fucking just watch proko
alright what one. Which one is gonna get me off my ass to actually start drawing things I like?

>> No.6651236

You lose.

>> No.6651237

Okay retard, have fun making trash "art" for years on end. I couldn't give less of a fuck what a crabnigger like you does with their life.

>> No.6651238

sorry onon I was assuming based on the word 'read' and the fact we're on /ic/ where everyone and their mothers shill books.
i am sorry i cant focus on books. maybe you guys can find some people another type of resource if you care so much about people learning.
>Just copy established artists
like who?

>> No.6651239

>Why don't you read X

>> No.6651240

I'm not the person who first replied to you. Someone asked you an innocuous question and you started fucking seething for no reason, kek.

There’s entire threads with art books and video courses, what else do you need man??

>> No.6651241

Anon, stop posting and go download the pdf, and then start practicing. You're spinning your wheels here.

>> No.6651242

>like who?
Nigger how do I know? I don't know what you like, what you wanna draw etc. Are you a 5 year old child? Just look up artists you like the look of ffs. Just make sure they aren't trash, it's not that difficult.

>> No.6651243
File: 50 KB, 200x200, pepe-sad-comfy-wearing-confident-face-mask-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not the peron who replied to you
lel. Kys troon.

>> No.6651245

Lel. Still mad.

>> No.6651246

>get btfo
>taking in 3rd person
It's OK. I won't hurt you any more.

>> No.6651248

>art books
>video courses.
must've missed them, apologies.
yeah yeah, just a second.
anon, i dont know what i want to draw either. not at the moment anyway, i have my goals, but wont be able to draw them right now.
>Just make sure they aren't trash, it's not that difficult.
anon. i am in /beg/. yet i genuinely enjoy most of the art posted here, how am i supposed to know what is and isnt 'trash'? what should and shouldn't be copied? i dont exactly have the experience or knowledge.

>> No.6651250

Why does gesture consistently bring out the grumpiest crabs?

>> No.6651251
File: 555 KB, 1299x1036, Illustration11 (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried that 'flow like a river' nonsense for shits and gigs, there were no gigs. I cant fucking do it.
If you dont have any actual advice thats usable im going to go copy shit like the other anon said.

>> No.6651252

>anon, i dont know what i want to draw either.
You must have some idea. Otherwise what is the point? What is your goal? If you like anime drawings, study shit like ASK or Modare. If you like landscape paintings, study Andrew Tischler. like fuck dude, are you even able to put your pants on by yourself? Come on now, this is getting ridiculous.

>> No.6651254

Because all you people fucking tell us is ""just do it"" and ""feel the flow"", something something river. None of it makes any sense for people trying to do gesture.

>> No.6651255

Gesture is the GMI filter. People who can draw gesture are GMI. Crabs who can't draw gesture tell people to read obscure books they found on the library.

>> No.6651256

i said i have my goals, didn't i? i just dont like attempting them because they aren't presentable, not even to an anonymous imageboard. i suppose i could find artists on the topic, but again, what should and shouldn't be copied? what is and isn't 'trash' here?

>> No.6651257

>Gesture is the GMI filter. People who can draw gesture are GMI.

This is like saying realistic shading is the GMI filter. It's true, but it doesn't actually convey any useful information, and it's not a beginner's first skill.

>> No.6651258

I expect you to watch the Vilppu clip not basing the whole thing on a fucking sentence that I typed in 5 seconds. NGMI lazy faggots.

>> No.6651259

You can't draw gesture and it's OK. You can learn it later :)

>> No.6651260

Draw from real life. Copy art later, if you can't pick any now.

>> No.6651261

Crabs, all of you.

>> No.6651262

>t. untalented faggot who got overwhelmed by reading suggestions.

>> No.6651263

Proko treats gesture like a stylized piece. His course isn't for total beginners, which he's even admitted on a podcast.

>> No.6651264

draw what, from real life? we're getting nowhere here.

>> No.6651265

Filtered by gesture

>> No.6651268

Anything. You cannot pick wrong. Copying a bad artist might teach bad habits, but you can't pick a badly formed real object.

If you're just artificially stalled out of stubbornness, pick something on your desk that you can draw in 5 minutes.

>> No.6651270

>The Vilppu clip
You mean the older one that was meantioned to me? Tell me i'm wrong first. Tell me he doesn't say some shit like "just do it" or "feel the flow". Tell me he actually DOES provide something I can follow for once. And be truthful. Then i'll go try to find the clip you're talking about.

>> No.6651271

The /beg/ thread is full of retards who can't draw gesture LOL.

>> No.6651272

He spent 2 hours to show you how to draw the videos is like 4 hours long with 2 hours practice.

>> No.6651273
File: 390 KB, 1544x717, drawwhatyousee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6651274

>pick something on your desk that you can draw in 5 minutes.
well, its going to take a LOT longer than that, ive never drawn anything under 20mins. but sure, ive got a bottle here.

>> No.6651275

You try explaining it then.
Sure. I can watch him work some magic all day and form random lines into figures. How do I learn from that?

>> No.6651277

So you are the reatarded troll who made these "how to draw" threads. KYS bitch. I don't care about you.

>> No.6651279

Its just some guy samefagging

>> No.6651281

I have never made a thread here. I occasionally post in /beg/ and rarely even look at the rest of the catalog. Shut the fuck up and tell me how to do the thing.

>> No.6651282

>I can't draw GESTURE lol.
>I'll just call the ones who can CRABS instead of learning to draw those wacky figures

>> No.6651283

>Imma tell people to read books that I found on a yard sale LOL.
>Giving advice while drawing like shit make me feel powerful

>> No.6651298

Gesture is a fucking meme, you don't need it if you don't intend to draw a lot of retarded poses for american comic books

>> No.6651304

>translation: I cant draw gesture, so I am going to cope.
Pin up anime girl poses need gesture too faggot. Look at CuteSexyRobutt art. Gesture to the brink. Super soft and sensual.

>> No.6651311

Hey I get it, keep secrets to yourself, right? Every artist for themselves, right? Dont help the competition right? Makes sense.

But for the love of god. How the fuck do you do it?

>> No.6651314

Then what do you want to draw? Portraits?

>> No.6651317

>download the pdf, and then start practicing.
i must have gotten the wrong one, was accuracy the one i was meant to download? its the first one on the site, but what am i meant to get out of it? what am i practicing?

>> No.6651319

You draw what you want without adding some imaginary bullshit to it

>> No.6651320

Every fucking art course has a gesture lesson. There are hundreds of tutorials on youtube. Litterally watch one of them? and practice doing so? Why are you asing baby questions?

>> No.6651322

>You draw what you want without adding some imaginary bullshit to it

>> No.6651324

Literally me

>> No.6651325

Gesture is good for any kind of character or figure drawing, cartoony or otherwise.

It's just that it's a tool for creating expressive and non-stiff poses. Beginners don't need that tool yet, until they're at the phase of "can draw a figure, but it's stiff and unexpressive". It requires lots of other skills, seeing accurately and distilling visual information and comfort laying in 3D forms, that beginners need to acquire as groundwork first. You learn the basics, then the advanced steps that deepen them, not the other way around.

>> No.6651326

>what am i practicing?

>> No.6651327

So here's what usually happens with me.
>watch one of these videos to the end
>'wtf none of that made sense'
>try it anyway
>post it
>"no you're doing it wrong"
>'how am i doing it wrong?'
>"just feel the flow bro, like a river bro."
>"but how?"
>no response
and then later I understandably ask again, some asshole shows some videos doing the exact same thing, and the cycle repeats.

But at least these ones specifically I haven't seen before. Maybe these will help me actually do it right for once.

>> No.6651329

suppose just combine it with the drawing from life from before? i dont want to make those glasses though (nor do i even have the materials right now)

>> No.6651334

Nah the glasses are meme, just treat them like states of mind instead.

>> No.6651336

So we shouldn't draw with lines, because they are imaginary bullshit, nor should we use the perspective system, because it's imperfect and we all see in curvelinear perspective, so it's imaginary bullshit.
In fact, we should just take a picture.

>> No.6651337
File: 713 KB, 1216x3800, how to pet a dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no algoritm for it, anon.
Maybe you should focus on copying for now? That can also be very hard, when you're starting out, but it's simple in the sense that you can clearly see what you're supposed to be doing.

>> No.6651345

Anon, how long are you stuck in gesture? Do you do figure drawing regularly? Proko(which most here would point to learn gesture) says that you should move on after one week, that maybe another element of figure drawing will help you understand gesture, but you shouldn't stop doing gesture, you will get it... Eventually.

>> No.6651346

Theres that comic again. Forgot to include that but its a common player as well. Whats the point there? They still didnt teach the guy how to do the thing he wanted to do. They said 'just do it' without being helpful. Why is this thing so commonplace for people who are trying to understand shit?

I'll refrain from overanalyzing /ic/'s thought patterns. I'll try and find something I want to copy and go from there (which is what I said i'd do hours ago too)

>> No.6651347

This is basically the whining no draw beginner faggot we are trying to help. Talking to him is like talking to a merry go round.

>> No.6651349

dont even bother with ngmi pre/begs/

>> No.6651351

Holy shit you are both a dumb and annoying faggot. Just stop. Learn to prompt AI.

>> No.6651358

>Why is this thing so commonplace for people who are trying to understand shit?
Experts make terrible teachers. This is true of all walks of life.

>> No.6651360
File: 356 KB, 843x843, stop doing gestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6651361

>Anon, how long are you stuck in gesture?
I dont exactly focus on it but it comes up occasionally.
>Do you do figure drawing regularly?
nope. No idea how. I'm >>6651168 doing those exercises. I just was told that it's important, and that guy from way earlier saying it was piss easy brought it up so i tried again.
oh, buddy. Im sorry I cant understand it. Did you immediately get it when you were a beginner?
tried that. cant really come up with much there. surprised there isnt a random prompt generator honestly

>> No.6651362

>Be me
>Artist, like to see what the begs are doing
>Wake up and go to /beg
>Thread has more than 250 post in less than a day
>It's all some fag hating on gesture and others arguing with him

>> No.6651363

I really blame Proko for a lot of this. He openly treats gesture as an art form and style unto itself, and then people watch his videos while trying to learn how to do it as a beginner.

>> No.6651364

Nice propaganda. That's not an artwork though.

>> No.6651365

Im the one asking questions and trying to do it, theres another fag just shitting on it entirely. Its at least 2

>> No.6651368

>transIation: can't draw gestures so I'll bring everyone down to my level.

>> No.6651373

You cannot even define it

>> No.6651375

I can fucking draw it nigga. Gesture is the body movement. It's not my problem that you can't see it.

>> No.6651380

>Whats the point there?
A man who doesn't know how to pet a dog is an absurd concept, and I find the comic funny because of that.
It also illustrates some parts of your problem - to the woman, petting a dog is intuitive and obvious, and he's unable to explain it to the man, or even understand why the man is asking for an explanation. You just pet the dog. Likewise, most people can figure out gesture drawing without needing a point-by-point guide on how to do it, which means that they don't actually have a point-by-point guide. Maybe it's possible to explain it, just like it would probably be possible to explain how to pet a dog, but it's a much harder problem than they expected when they started replying to you. And so you're sitting on that park bench and crying, having learned nothing, and everyone is mad at you for wasting their time.

>I'll try and find something I want to copy
How about you stop making excuses and just draw the woman swinging from a cloth?

>> No.6651381

>No idea how to figure draw
Go to line of action or watch some figure drawing sessions on YouTube, you basically try to draw lots of poses in 30 seconds, then a minute, then 2, then 5. The first ones are going to suck ass, but the last ones will give you time to do something with it. Also, you should take all advice from here with a grain of salt.

>> No.6651384
File: 373 KB, 1023x874, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NGMI crab posting mis-information
I can see gesture. You can't. Cope, Seethe, Dial8

>> No.6651385

just practice observing and duplicating angles in the model. like see how the spine of the model is curved but then you straighten it?

>> No.6651386

And I can hear voices in my head. You just drew an outline with few extra lines.

>> No.6651387

i was a construction fag for a year and i started grinding copies this year and i feel like its really helped me out

>> No.6651390

learn to copy, you can't even get the proportions right

>> No.6651394

Rriiigghhhtt. So how am I going to learn it, then? If its intuitive to them, but not me, and people can only do it intuitively, how do I work with that?
>How about you stop making excuses and just draw the woman swinging from a cloth?
Jesus christ I keep getting torn left and right. Do this, dont do it, draw gesture its so easy, no dont do copying instead, are you telling me to go back to the gesture again?
Isnt that just gesture. Quickposes does the same shit.
>Also, you should take all advice from here with a grain of salt.
Yeah I know this is /beg/. I just dont know anywhere else.

>> No.6651396
File: 282 KB, 900x900, Bridmancopy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder bitch. I am going to copy some more Bridgman and get some gain. Keep on seething and stay beg.

>> No.6651398

You are like the textbook definition of a crab.

>> No.6651399
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like see how the spine of the model is curved but then you straighten it?
I drew. A curve. What the fuck do you mean I straightened it.
>watch a proko video
>""dont focus too hard on the contour, just draw the movement"" (paraphrasing)
>get the proportions right 4head

>> No.6651401

Don't watch Proko. His videos are aimed at intermediates, and he himself has said as much.

>> No.6651402

The correct way is to draw boxes in gestures

>> No.6651404

whhhh then why the fuck do people here keep recommending his videos

>> No.6651405

Because they're at a higher level than you, and can't understand your current struggles.

>> No.6651408
File: 219 KB, 545x594, ewrewrewrwerewr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Telling people that you are wrong for posting this >>6651360 is not a crab. You are a crab for spreading mis-information. I just simply state the fact that gesture is very useful.
Cope, Seethe, Dial8

>> No.6651409

>are you telling me to go back to the gesture again?
No, I'm telling you to just draw a copy of the same image.

Nah, he's drawing. A crab pulls you to his level, to keep you from leaving the bucket. He's pushing you down from above, to a lower level than him.

>> No.6651411

>Isn't that gesture
No, you don't need a time limit to draw gesture. You should do these figure drawing sessions pretty regularly on your level, seek feedback on some of the drawings and try to study and implement them in the next one.

>> No.6651412

>No, you don't need a time limit to draw gesture.
Oohh man, i think I had them backwards then.
So I just try and copy the picture as best I can in that amount of time?

>> No.6651413
File: 1.11 MB, 1896x3440, krenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st accuracy is the abc
2nd perspective/construction are the syllable
3rd you combine both to create words

>>""dont focus too hard on the contour, just draw the movement"" (paraphrasing)
>too hard
he never say to skip proportions, just not too hard
learn to copy,until become second nature, so you can get 80-90% of the proportions right even if you dont measure all the parts

>> No.6651414

I fucking love this comic, kek. Literally every /beg/ itt.

>> No.6651415
File: 184 KB, 610x868, sai_ZpRJhfWS2J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the urabe anon :^)

>> No.6651417

>every pre/beg/ seething at this meme edit of a meme image
I wonder what the collective IQ of this thread is. Can't be more than 2 digits.

>> No.6651418

>learn to copy
Thats another 'just do it' sort of thing but I suppose it'll just be from practice.

>> No.6651419
File: 60 KB, 250x250, 1641211585454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks his dumb lines will make him draw better
Kek-ing @ your life rn.

>> No.6651420

Still seething I see. Sad.

>> No.6651421

No, just pointing out the fact that I have never seen any one of these gesturefags draw something halfway decent. I'll retract my statement once that happens, but I won't hold my breath. 99% of people in this thread just need to fucking copy for a at least a year.

>> No.6651425
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3hrs vid about how to copy, what brush to use, what to copy, lvls of copy, etc...take notes so you don't have to watch again
https://youtu.be/dgjx6y6B_G8 (eng subs)

>> No.6651426

You are in the beg thread you dumb faggot.

>> No.6651427
File: 410 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6651428

There my copy. >>6651144 happy?. You dont need to pyw. I dont want to see shit.

>> No.6651430

No shit retard, that's exactly why they should learn to fucking copy first.
Great. You're still dogshit. Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it. This entire general is one big /beg/ trap for other /beg/s to pretend like they know what makes a good artist.

>> No.6651433
File: 136 KB, 584x454, yotsuba_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copy it, anon. Just b yourself and draw. :^)
This time it's easy to iterate on, though. You got the model, whether it's a photo, a drawing or your own left hand. You got the drawing. You can compare the two and find the differences. Then you can try to avoid those mistakes next time.

>> No.6651435

>Say anything to win an internet argument
Cope harder bitch.

>> No.6651437
File: 595 KB, 2304x4096, FRjATSXVUAAGlJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some gestures using the FORCE method
>How do you know that she used the force method?
she mention in one of his stream

btw loish also uses the force method

>> No.6651438
File: 34 KB, 600x600, pp,504x498-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651440

(Kek, the link has "gay" on it)
Yeah anon, you can use the figure drawing session to copy as best as possible, in the shortest times, you are basically doing gestures.

>> No.6651442

Keep coping faggots, doesn't change the fact that you're never gmi. I couldn't give less of a fuck how dogshit your 'art' is, literally do what you want. Perma /beg/ mentality.

>> No.6651443

>t. the No draw Tranny

>> No.6651444
File: 2 KB, 145x66, Meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS tourist. get btfo and start deflecting like a police shield.

>> No.6651446

>I couldn't give less of a fuck how dogshit your 'art' is
so why are you replying?
you lack self awareness and stop projecting

>> No.6651447

I keep replying because it pisses permashitters like you off to no end and that's funny to me.

>> No.6651450

>i am good artist
>i will make it
Keep sniffing copium honey, plus you sound pretty triggered to me, lel

>> No.6651451

>aka i prefer shitpost instead of drawing
Concession Accepted

>> No.6651453

Stay mad, shitters. Your art is dog.

>> No.6651454
File: 2 KB, 142x60, MAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing-larper is MAD bros. We triggered her..

>> No.6651455
File: 463 KB, 1131x618, 23.5.12.portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 minute portrait.

Self assessment: way way too wide (common mistake I struggle with), on top of putting the ear nowhere close to the right place/angle. I really don't understand ears in general, although I think I'm starting to understand *why* I don't understand ears.

I don't even pretend to understand rendering, elementary stuff like literal hatching is still beyond me so I don't care too much about phoning it in for now, although maybe I should figure out something that doesn't hurt my hand so much. Probably won't draw much else today because I'm running a 10k later, but I think I should do some structured perspective stuff tomorrow maybe, instead of just drawing, since the TIEs and my son GONK turned out so askew.

>> No.6651463

New Bread:

>> No.6651515

Yup! What can I improve?

>> No.6651742

Below the belt.

>> No.6651765

>now as a 30 year old who only got back into drawing a few weeks ago I'm already better than 99% of this board
pyw buddy, and preferably not some shit you copied from someone else

>> No.6652107

>suicide fuel
i finally have the words to describe my art, thank you anon!

>> No.6652201

Is there such a thing as over reliance of digital tools that you can't draw on paper?

>> No.6654038

Keys to drawing. Find those midpoints.