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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 55 KB, 715x611, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6647891 No.6647891 [Reply] [Original]

Fantia and Fanbox just banned AI art on their platform.

>> No.6647893

Took them long enough, can’t read moonrunes, so I need a proper translation. I wonder how ai shitters will cope now?

>> No.6647897
File: 291 KB, 700x700, e47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOOOOO b-but I'm a real artist!

>> No.6647901
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>> No.6647902
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the gist of it is:
>our aim was to create a platform where creators can create their own communities of fans who will support and cheer them on.
>however, with the recent influx of (the vast amount of) AI-generated art, we feel that they were made only to create contents that can be marketed and we disaapproved of this mindset.
>and this is why FANBOX will stop supporting AI-generated works (in a future, unannounced date)

failure to comply with this rule will lead to their accounts to be warned, privated and then deleted. I hope they extend this measure to OG pixiv too but I don't think it will happen.

>> No.6647911

Nice, finally my totally not a scam speedpainting of real digital art won't be drowned with AI shit

>> No.6647913


but ai art was barely making any money for people (despite getting a lot of social media clout).

people won't pay for something that they could easily do themselves.

wish the techbros would realize how little value there is in this venture.

>> No.6647915

I prefer AI art a million times over shit tier beg art plaguing the site.

>> No.6647919

but can I post non-airbrushed girl pinup anime? everything on their front page still looks like AI, kek

>> No.6647920

Shit tier art has way more control than prompts, retard.
People are making 1 grand a month on patreon with ai shit, anon. That’s seems nothing, but it’s basically a free 1k by doing nothing.

>> No.6647923
File: 98 KB, 1458x534, 1673495203885344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. AIniggers get the rope.

>> No.6647926

This. It's very easy to get retards to follow AI accounts but you get almost nothing in return. I made two instagram accounts that quickly amassed over 160k subscribers and only made $40 a month on average

I suspect a lot of those are fake subscriptions.

>> No.6647929

>160k subscribers

>> No.6647936

Fuck pajeets. Go make your own site.

>> No.6647940

They did and it died, so they have to use social media platforms because no one goes out their way to look at that shit

>> No.6647941

>Can't flood the site anymore
>"Fuck. Guess I'll build a strawman now"
lmao even

>> No.6647956

AI stuff has been selling decently on dlsite

>> No.6647991

AI has been selling well everywhere, /ic/ just likes to bury their heads

>> No.6647994

>Its free 1k by doing nothing
I hate to be promptranny apologist, but unless they were using Midjourney that spits you pretty looking images from less then 5 word prompts, then it was not free money. They were using SD with anime models, you see lot of /sdg/ autists spending hours on their pictures just finding random good combinations of words. Yes it is easier then drawing, but it is not free.

>> No.6648023

more platforms are parting ways with AI because they realize it looks like shit & shits up their sites.

>> No.6648027

If you guys haven't done so already, I suggest checking out the /g/ thread on this topic, it's filled to the brim with delicious ai fag tears

>> No.6648032

AI 'artists' are basically trannies.
No cutting your dick off and wearing female clothing doesn't make you a woman no matter how much you tried to immitate being a woman.
No your proompting and training models off of artists will never make you an artist. Just like asking chatGPT to give you codes will never make you a programmer.

>> No.6648033

Should just make their own sites. Instead of trying to blend in with artists

>> No.6648036

>/ic/ just likes to bury their heads
But I keep seeing AI spam everywhere?

>> No.6648037

dalits literally have no souls

>> No.6648051

And nothing of value lost. Artchads win again.

>> No.6648052 [DELETED] 

How would you possibly know that? I'd imagine people were making more than they are on patreon, which can be substantial.
What I want to know is how long this will last, since AI will eventually improve until it's indistinguishable. And people are getting more and more creative with it(meaning it's worth it to support them).

>> No.6648058
File: 63 KB, 987x280, aipajeet malding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a certain sense he's correct, the process from which AI put togethe a drawing with the way an artist learns how to draw from reference is very alike.
The difference is we call shit like that "STUDIES" and even if (non-shit and self-respecting) artists use references, they don't LITERALLY use that exact same drawing as part of a puzzle piece to complete their drawing, the reference goes inside our head and we transform it and transfix it in a similar but different way on our canvas, where the AI generated art is essentially cutting up their stolen art in their database into a million puzzle pieces, putting them together and call it "original work".

>> No.6648066
File: 60 KB, 535x640, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6648073

>Social media clouts
Didn't Musk said Twitter had to deal with thousands of AI shill bots? He tweeted that it's even worse in other platforms and Twitter is the only place deal with it.

>> No.6648078

The whole tech was made public so that those who can scrap and storage lots of data could make even more bank by selling AI models. Moving profit generation from individual artists and individual pieces to companies and AI models.

Shit is peak scumminess.

>> No.6648081
File: 69 KB, 687x880, fb1f72ef-8bb6-421f-acf9-57920490a03e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>> google translate

so basically, people abusing the system early for money. AI fags only care about that.
a big decline in AI uploading is obviously gonna happen.

>> No.6648082

Can't wait for twitter retards to cry about their artstyle getting "stolen" again lmao

>> No.6648083

where he goes wrong is when he argues that any measures taken against AI should also be taken against humans. like bitch humans aren't machines, we deserve a dignified place in society.
fuck, these people worship machines like gods, society doesn't even treat other living, breathing species like they treat their venerated machines.

>> No.6648108

Yes, HUMANS LEARN LIKE THAT, why should we give a shit that these AIs (in his perspective) do too? How does that change anything? This stupid argument is brought up so often and it drives me insane, because it's so brain dead.
Should we have labour laws for programs too? Should I try feeding my computer? They're not human and we should judge them in the same way - in fact why are we even judging them? It's the companies at fault - THE COMPANIES took the work, and it was THE COMPANIES that used that work to create their "AI" that is intended to replace the people who created the work they stole. So why bring up the AIs learning method? It doesn't change the wrongs the company committed.

>like bitch humans aren't machines
Essentially exactly my thoughts on it.

>> No.6648132

LMAOOOO, 2 more weeks sirs it's over

>> No.6648134
File: 1.11 MB, 200x200, 1667291229047709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI sisters... How do we cope?

>> No.6648139


i thought japan legalize AI?

>> No.6648140

>It's the companies at fault - THE COMPANIES took the work
This is the clearest way of framing it I've come across. Hopefully lawyers involved in these cases do the same and don't get bogged down in the technicalities of the "machine learning" methods.

>> No.6648155

And I prefer if you killed yourself instead of wasting our oxygen.

>> No.6648156

Clear and to the point.

They frame the AIs with the anthropomorphism bullshit when the companies are the ones that are commiting the crime of malicious engineering, by training their fist models on scrapped datasets without the licensing to do so, you build a product with high potential for harm but you handwave away responsibility because "much tech".

> Yes we made a robot that breaks into anyone's house and put the blueprints on the internet but it's not our fault if people use it the wrong way.
> Yes we built mind reading glasses but it's not our fault if someone's privacy is violated
> Yes we made a way to clone someone's personality, voice and likeness, but the illegal uses are not our fault

Fuck these people, they think math and tech are the only sciences available, when they are beyond drooling retarded when it comes down to the sciences of humanities, ethics and society.

>> No.6648159

By making money

>> No.6648162
File: 755 KB, 897x893, En0EtscVEAA-hrP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it or hate it, AI art and the abolishment of copyright (which a lot of AIfags really want) is a precursor to picrel.

>> No.6648164

Not any more if it keeps getting deplatformed.

>> No.6648168

I'm kinda glad that might just be the case in the future. The generative part of AI art really is just high-tech spam

>> No.6648171

Learn to co-(replaced by gpt-4)

Learn to draw, kek.

>> No.6648172

Only drawlets are getting deplatformed

>> No.6648176
File: 39 KB, 524x228, 1668037464737876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA good riddance
Now the AIfriends can show the great artists they are by "creating" art purely for the love of their "craft"

>> No.6648180
File: 22 KB, 667x460, Pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> AI art and fake subscribers are a ridiculous easy way to launder money by providing money in exchange of a service that doesn't exists

> MFW banned on Patreon next to avoid laundering schemes

>> No.6648189

Don't have the image on me but they really are misanthropic bugmen.

>> No.6648207
File: 182 KB, 2560x1440, 5f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been tagging half my posts on Pixiv as AI art because I thought it was funny

One one hand they're dogshit and the art world would benefit from their destruction, on the other it's still half my fucking gallery and maybe they'll prove any retard can make it if I ever do. Is there some sort of browser extension to mass download images on art sites ?

>> No.6648261

Seeing the jap AI niggers seething in the comments is hilarious.

>> No.6648297

They are either extreme autists or gaijins who hate artists to the bone

>> No.6648305

Some of them larp as japs for some reason, but there are also legit jap scammers. Jap artists remained quiet at first so I guess they say it as an opportunity.

>> No.6648323

AI creates art in the same way kidnappers create ransom letters.

>> No.6648329
File: 390 KB, 949x863, 1682009181901583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is delightful to witness more and more platforms tell AI faggots to fuck off like the undesirable subhumans they are
If you don't ban it outright, your service will just crumble under unbearable machine vomit spam, simple as

>> No.6648331

I'm a better artist than you little faggot and still like AI. It has good porn and it's a welcome change compared to trash tier cringe anatomy ridden "art" that i find whenever I look up a tag. Kys permabeg

>> No.6648340

Stop deluding yourself, I've seen the same traced poses from Pinterest over and over again. 90% of artists are as lazy as Ai fags and just want an easy way to get liked (trace references)

>> No.6648346
File: 43 KB, 612x612, 15534487478838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that this braindead argument completely fails to mention is that even if ML learned the same way humans do (it doesn't), the licensed data used to train it had no business being in the dataset to being with. It is a program, no matter how much they want to anthropomorphise it. Fair use doesn't hold up here when it fails almost all four criterias. Why do you think the likes of SD went through all these legal hoops to host their training data under a "non-profit"? They know it, everybody knows it.
Tech faggots think that its OK because they shamelessly plunder each others code to do their daily job, but this logic doesn't apply to pretty much any other field.

>> No.6648347

You don't draw, faggot waste of carbon.

>> No.6648348

>sometimes artists bad so... AI GOOD
fuck off back to /g/ and/or kill yourself

>> No.6648349

Name a tracefag artist

>> No.6648350


>> No.6648357
File: 155 KB, 448x448, 1613623378017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeet seething

>> No.6648361

Totalitarians ban art. Americans have the first amendment. God bless America.

>> No.6648367

Make your own platform

>> No.6648374
File: 309 KB, 800x600, 1613955859277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6648379

> "we don't want you in our privately owned club, please go somewhere else"
> "nooooooo this is a violation of my free speech somehow"

>> No.6648384

this, its another front of the WEF brand of communism

>> No.6648386
File: 2.68 MB, 498x252, vincelaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are by "creating" art purely for the love of their "craft"

>> No.6648395
File: 1.50 MB, 765x2365, AI trannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bunch of them are trannies which makes it funnier. Most tech spergs ruining the world are trannies.

>> No.6648399

Are you not gonna go back and take the tags of them?

>> No.6648400

you can tell these people never put any effort into a skill in their life

>> No.6648412
File: 52 KB, 563x773, 26f0d89d5d05a52397ecca408044b263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all Inorganics and their worshippers, Art is our birthrite as humans

>> No.6648419

Lmao, these patronizing fuckfaces never cared for the disabled.

>> No.6648432

>until it's indistinguishable.
It already is( in the right hands). The problem is 95% on AI artists don't really care to make their are undetectable, the tech is already good enough, just need to improve hands and text and it's golden.

>> No.6648439

What's next? Will they try to replace athletes with robots because sports are unfair to disabled people?

>meaning it's worth it to support them
Nice try. Find a real job.

>> No.6648465

pyw falseflag nigger

>> No.6648466

> those trannies waging war on kiwifarms by bullying any ISPs that associate with them and threatening staff and their families
I can't believe these eunuchs wield so much power.

>> No.6648471
File: 483 KB, 2078x1299, keanu kneeru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixivu sama... I kneeru

>> No.6648490

Some times people can't do things, that's what being disabled is. Shocking revelation. It sucks but that's life.

>> No.6648495


>> No.6648498

A very good and underrated question is why AI trannies keep spamming regular art spaces and trying to pass as real art instead of making their own unique spaces to showoff the innovative uniqueness of their "art".

>> No.6648504

Their entire existence revolves around poorly passing themselves off as something they aren't and invading spaces where they're not wanted. Why should art be any different to them?

>> No.6648518
File: 102 KB, 924x889, 1595630448705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the only people who consume AI generated content are other pajeets and coomers, they know unconsciously that what they do is wrong and that people repudiate it but since they live shitty lives and don't like to make an effort they try to shove their shit down people's throats by force and think they can get away with it. All AIjeets deserve the rope

>> No.6648539
File: 122 KB, 500x500, 1683661223197836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there's nowhere else to post other than current existing platforms (which are now finding out what AI is doing to their site). Were they to have their own AI-art platform, nobody is going to visit the site because art audiences are not interested with AI generated images.

>> No.6648542

>art audiences
Even the AIcoomers are barely interested. Pieces are discarded from the mind just as fast as they're generated.

>> No.6648572
File: 753 KB, 783x1796, 1669723839220872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great point, it's insane to think about. They're like parasites latching onto already well established art sites. It's like making their own click` of ai "art" isn't as popular as they seem to think it is.

Pic related is the absolute fucking STATE ai "art" currently is in.

>> No.6648589
File: 217 KB, 450x450, nytlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think of AI art as something eerily similar to Tiktok/short-form reel content. It distracts you for a while but you're not really forming any attachment to the platform creators. With AI, the artist is just as valuable as the loras and prompts he uses. Take away the mix (or use it yourself) and the person behind is suddenly rendered worthless. At least with human art its being gatekept by skill and personal tastes.
ML generators are just averager tools. Take that as you will

>> No.6648605
File: 147 KB, 931x840, 1683730217659460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder these idiots want to pollute art sites in a attempt to trick someone into looking at their trash, they really think this shit is good and undistinguishable from human-made art. The seething is so good, i am having a coffee on my drawing break and having some heary chuckles.

>> No.6648620

It's the Chinese food of art: good in the immediate moment but ultimately unfulfilling and quickly leaves you hungry again.

>> No.6648641

I mean I like Chinese food. Using food analogy, AI is more like processed junk food, while your human art starts at around street food stall level.

>> No.6648660

>while your human art
no wonder AItards think they are bots, claiming ML is "just like a brain"

>> No.6648699 [DELETED] 

It's not a problem that people do that and what I mean is that when AI art is indistinguishable even if people aren't trying to hide it. When you prompt "sexo woman" and you get 5 perfect fingers, every time. And there are no smudged details and such.

I have one and I didn't try to make money with AI(I did make some though). Some people made a lot more and it's not right to take that away from them obviously.

Because it's regular art, and most of it isn't posted in regular art spaces anyway lol.

>> No.6648708

AI art is real art.
AI art is valid.
Your AI art passes.
AI art is beautiful.
AI art rights!

>> No.6648711

>right to take that away from them obviously.
It's right to stop scammers from scamming people. AI should be free since it's a worthless endeavor.

>> No.6648714
File: 258 KB, 854x480, Variational Autoencoder (VAE) Latent Space Visualization.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not an artist, you are a cipher.
Each and every image already is already extant within the model's latent space. When you prompt, you created nothing, only ran a search and brought up what was already there to begin with.

>> No.6648718

I don't think the AI tag on pixiv behaves like the rest, you can't specifically search for it the way you'd ask for touhou for example. It seems to be similar to "R18" or "Original", you have to take it down and repost it again.

Or maybe buy pixiv premium but I'm not spending 2$ a month on this shit.

>> No.6648719
File: 68 KB, 599x449, 84178670298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the joke is tired but its hilarious how many parallels you can draw between trannies and AIjeets, from the way they romanticize being an artist and creativity to a hilarious degree, poorly attempting to ape it, to how they throw tantrums when "gatekeepers" tell them to fuck off because they shit up the place
>"j-just two more weeks of HRT"

>> No.6648724

>Each and every image already is already extant within the model's latent space. When you prompt, you created nothing, only ran a search and brought up what was already there to begin with.
Are you saying the model compresses trillions of lossless images into 2GB ? I think you should write a paper for the IEEE journal.

>> No.6648728 [DELETED] 

They aren't scamming people they're just selling new art.

Your opinion on what a real artist is will never have any meaning.
>Each and every drawnig already is already extant within your brain. When you draw, you created nothing, only ran a search and brought up what was already there to begin with.

>> No.6648737

>subhumans not being able to differentiate between the infinitely complex human mind and lines of code

>> No.6648740

But that's literally how, dumb AI troon. You don't even know shit about the garbage you're shilling. Go back to /g/ if you don't want to get your feefees hurt.

>> No.6648741

People already had a pretty solid understanding of what a computer was and how it differed from a human in the 70s, I do not understand how human intelligence is regressing like this when there is more free data available online than ever. It is like these people are choosing to be this comically retarded.

>> No.6648744 [DELETED] 

There is objectively more potential for the amount of images in a given model than a given brain. This is a mathematical fact.

>> No.6648748 [DELETED] 

But that's what? You are projecting your ignorance and emotional damage onto me. Stop being autistic.

>> No.6648750
File: 467 KB, 1500x2100, 1679032039960379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning

>> No.6648753

You should go prove this wild claim of yours to a committee and grab your Nobel Prize, because there are currently no way even reliably quantify the numbers of pictures a human brain can imagine. There is no basis for comparison and you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.6648758 [DELETED] 

This isn't even a difficult problem to solve... Image diffusion models can create pictures of almost any animal and then mix them with any other animal. Can you? You probably can't even name 100 animals. How many portraits of completely unique people can you draw? 1 trillion? Obviously not, but image diffusers can. You probably can't even draw one decent portrait. Most artists can't.

Lord knows what point you thought you were making but you really embarrassed yourself.

>> No.6648760
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1653370654173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it democratizes art, now we can all be artists
And what prevented them from being artists? Having to work hard? That's why people hate ai niggers so much they are a bunch of lazy and unethical people who try to take advantage of the hard work of others, just like the commies, get fucked pajeets

>> No.6648765 [DELETED] 

Why aren't most people artists and why are you calling them all lazy? What have you accomplished?

>> No.6648771

>Why aren't most people artists and why are you calling them all lazy?
why does everyone have to be an artist when there is a fuckton of other hobbies they can enjoy more than forcing themselves to do a hobby they don't like to the point of using a machine that does 99.9% of the work? i swear to god, aijeets are even more stupid than Americans.
>What have you accomplished?
my art is on danbooru unlike your ai generated shit

>> No.6648778

it is astonishing how a bunch of random /ic/fags seemingly have a better understanding of how imagegen tech works than your passing /g/igger using it
techjeets are actual subhumans and interacting with them will result in nothing but getting your IQ dragged to their level

>> No.6648780 [DELETED] 

Pathetic deflection. I also have art on danbooru, it's AI too.

>> No.6648788

>Useless parasites coomerbrain got yeeted off the platform
And nothing of importance was lost

>> No.6648789


>> No.6648793

no is not since AI is against the rules of danbooru, keep coping pajeet

>> No.6648795

>I also have art on danbooru, it's AI too.
No, you don't have art on danbooru.

>> No.6648797

Get a new joke. Think.

>> No.6648800 [DELETED] 

His IQ is too low, he can barely draw.

>> No.6648804

It's simple
actually drawing requires effort
pajeetniggers only works for hours on rolling prooompt. The only thing they do are drawing in thousands of gacha pulls. Its just they're paying their power companies instead of some gacha companies.

>> No.6648805

Good, nature is healing.

>> No.6648816
File: 25 KB, 247x404, 1519735415253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were talking about the potential of the brain to conjure up images, not finished artwork. Potential. Do you even understand the words you are using? Your hilarious ape logic exercise isn't proving anything, simply opening your eyes conjures a flood of images in your brain, the quantity of which there is no way of measuring.
Are you following? This means that unlike an AI model, there is demonstrably no virtual graph in a latent space to search from with keywords in a human brain. Which means that the retarded comparison you attempted making earlier is retarded.
It seems it is impossible to have even a coherent discussion with you AIggers, I'll just believe that you are only pretending to be an imbecile, it's simpler that way.

>> No.6648817

>"I-I have AI art on danbooru too!"
Holy shit you're bad at lying. I have artwork on danbooru too, and someone else has to upload it for me. If I upload them myself, the tranny approvers would probably reject them outright for 'posting your own work'. Also danbooru mods outright banned AI. You probably uploaded shit and they're left at review status and thought you've gone through the system.
The absolute state of AIniggers nowadays. Unbelievable

>> No.6648819

Now if DA and Twitter kills it Earth will finally be healed.

>> No.6648820
File: 199 KB, 508x471, 1230587100956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have art
>its AI

>> No.6648827

Hello sir

>> No.6648828 [DELETED] 

Jesus that damage control.

>> No.6648832

Im afraid jeets are not pretending, anon

>> No.6648844

Of course the jeets have no idea whwt they're talking about. They're not the ones developing the AI, they're just the ones typing keywords in for hours which any monkeys could do.

>> No.6648847

Ni/g/gers are retarded, no wonder so many retarded trannies end up as programmers, it probably barely requires one working braincell. I check their board for the first time to see their seething over this and they are so retarded they are convinced there is no way to tell them apart from artists. They are fucking subhumans.

>> No.6648855

The sad thing is most AI coomers can't even program at all. They're literal tourists staying on /g/.

>> No.6648860
File: 210 KB, 1024x576, slurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sir

>> No.6648862

great when the pendulum hits back

>> No.6648877 [DELETED] 

It didn't hit anyone though. I only know of 1 anon who had a fanbox and he didn't even label it as AI.

>> No.6648878
File: 84 KB, 1792x116, 1209374510987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so hilariously delusional

>> No.6648882 [DELETED] 

He's 100% correct though.

>> No.6648883

>the process from which AI put together a drawing with the way an artist learns how to draw from reference is very alike
i'm tired of hearing this. a human knows how many fingers a hand has just by observing a hand once. an ai has millions of images of hands, can directly reference them in its perfect memory, and still has trouble making hands with five fingers most of the time. the way humans learn and the way a machine learns are still extremely different.

>> No.6648885

>theres a multibillion dollar industry based off profitting from other peoples shit but the ai industry threatens to put all these useless cock suckers out of business by giving tools to aggreate hundreds of manhours of work into the hands of 1 autist.
(he's inadvertently describing the AI industry itself)
(kill yourself)

>> No.6648888 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 816x459, 1680169642948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a human knows how many fingers a hand has just by observing a hand once.
And yet they mess it up all the time, why is that?
> an ai has
An AI can output an image in seconds, if you want you can output 500 iterations of the same image, looking for perfect hands, faster than a person could draw them. You aren't making a killer point here.
>the way humans learn and the way a machine learns are still extremely different.
At the fundamental level, no not really. You present images and the AI connects them to words an maps them in a neural network. People do the same thing.
Just like you associate "tits" with women so does the AI. Not because it was trained, but because of the associated words and images.

>> No.6648892

>Drawing tools are the middlemen of creativity
>But somehow AI is not (and is totally not owned by a billion dollar company)
Cavemen Greg were on to something it seems

>> No.6648894
File: 38 KB, 680x539, 1683725947069432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>patreon is thinking about banning ai too

>> No.6648895

There's far more giveaways to AI retarded shithead, just looking at them at thumbnail size give it away to instantly now I just call it out as "AIshit" before looking at the tags where AI is pathetically displayed in full.

If you can't see the difference between human creation and soullessness you're just not human yourself. If you had my eyes it would be painfully obvious what's Ai and what isn't.

>> No.6648897


>> No.6648898

>mess it up all the time
>one example
post an example of a human drawing 3 arms on accident

>> No.6648899

But has AI ever felt the softness of my ass before?

>> No.6648901

> got banned for imitating the AI shill in a mocking way
> the same obvious AI shill is still here

>> No.6648902 [DELETED] 

Post your score.

>> No.6648904


>> No.6648906 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 460x266, 1669075410476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those goalposts

>> No.6648908
File: 716 KB, 1680x1024, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6648911

>All the time
>posts image drawn by an underpaid and overworked jap running behind schedule.
lol ai niggers grasping at straws
>An AI can output an image in seconds, if you want you can output 500 iterations of the same image
That's over 8 minutes, not counting the time looking for the "perfect" hand, and it won't even be the pose you wanted, not that AI niggers care about getting things well. I can draw a hand in less than that time.
>At the fundamental level, no not really. You present images and the AI connects them to words an maps them in a neural network.
neural networks don't work like the brain at all, retarded nigger. Do your research.

>> No.6648913

>There is objectively more potential for the amount of images in a given model than a given brain.
And like proteins in every cell on Earth, 90% of those combinations of DNA orders are completely useless and unstable. More does NOT equal better, and the human brain singles down to better looking outcomes than the potential of Ai ever could.

>> No.6648915
File: 555 KB, 1024x1004, 1576690933588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At the fundamental level, no not really.
Are you a machine? Do you have a honest to god NPC brain running on algorithms? Do you have access to backpropagation in your learning process and function on a finite dataset?
No? I suppose it's not so fundamentally similar then.

>> No.6648917

oh no no no no

>> No.6648918 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 460x259, 1677585820780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professional animation where artists are drawing frames upon frames yet still fuck up doesn't count because it just doesn't okay?
>I can draw a hand in less than that time.
Doubt it. Wrong about the rest.
Neural networks are literally based on our brains. We have our own.

>> No.6648919

>He has no idea what he's talking about
>Talks about it anyway
Sums up the tech snake oil industry as usual. Go back to crypto faggot.

>> No.6648920

this discussion isn't about efficiency, it was about copyright crap and the claim that humans and ai learn things similarly. and yes, everything is similar "on a fundamental level." but learning is a complex process, and the fact remains that ai learns in a very different way compared to a human.

>> No.6648921

Unironically aim for the Nobel prize anon. I dare you for reals

>> No.6648924

>AI faggot is so retarded that he cannot differentiate a palm from a finger
Just leave

>> No.6648927
File: 149 KB, 618x800, _n_o__nonono-1403241547223601157-20210611_014350-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet they mess it up all the time, why is that?
"They" don't exist, you're a fucking nigger that thinks everyone that's human can't do hands when it's not about all of them, it's most of them, and most professional or longterm artists can draw hands.

>> No.6648929

He has to cherrypick images from low production anime. Meanwhile ai hands are still infamous for being terribly rendered.

>> No.6648930

Done putting in my own thoughts on it.
Fuck pajeets. Down with all the pajeets.

>> No.6648933

AIblock is a premium feature? No wonder my pixiv looked same as always.

>> No.6648934 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 600x450, 1668303554779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck lol

The efficiency part is a counter argument to the argument that AI can't do hands. Yes it can, it just takes some iterations. Not that different from artists who also struggle with hands.
And we aren't going to agree with the learning part. You're being bullheaded.
>give AI or good artist some reference images
>tell them to draw it
>they draw something similar to it because they can learn from images

They do exist and I proved it. Most western cartoon characters don't even have 5 fingers. And AI can draw hands too, you aren't making a point here.

>> No.6648935

The premium feature allows you to ban multiple users and tags is probably what they meant.

>> No.6648936

This kills the pajeet

>> No.6648938

>Souless tranime
No difference from the appeal of Aijeet shit anyways.

>> No.6648939

>still cant provide anything that looks as hideous as ai art
lol, lmao

>> No.6648940

>They do exist and I proved it.
Them existing doesn't matter because they are the minority.

>> No.6648941

seems to cause enough seethe

>> No.6648942

> using an ancient low budget show as evidence
The shill is getting desperate.

>> No.6648944 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1280x719, 1664251035980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn't matter that I was wrong
It does. Grow up.

This is a modern high budget show.

>> No.6648945

imagine being a ai nigger lmao

>> No.6648947

Guys, isnt it funny that most of AIfags arguments to justify their mass spamming sites are 'but artist bad too' or 'look at this shiny thing going in the background that I have no part of except typing words into it'. Nothing of actual value like using chatGPT to come up with codes.

>> No.6648948 [DELETED] 

I don't save hideous troon art but 90% of twitter artists make art way worse than your average 9 fingered AI image.

>> No.6648950

No, you grow up antichrist. Stop gaslighting an entire population of artists just because the begs you're seething over cannot do hands yet when the masters at their craft has and isn't going to bother with your kind shitting up the place with your malice intentions.

>> No.6648951

>fucking wan piss
>high budget show
The AI niggers are getting desperate lmao.

>> No.6648952
File: 107 KB, 737x524, 1613143765982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half the "6 fingers" pics posted don't even have 6 fingers but AI fags are too blind to comprehend it

>> No.6648953

Nigga if you want some accurate hand-test just fucking screenshot a random gallery of human made art and a random gallery of AI shit over at sadpanda or something

>> No.6648955 [DELETED] 

You are wastes of breath, wow.

>> No.6648959

If you're attributing learning the same way for a piece of code to a human you're arguing in bad faith. There is no "learning" like a human when the capabilities and ins and outs haven't even been discovered of what the intricacies of the brain mean and do.

We also don't attribute human rights to the same degree at all to any other piece of machinery/code so why are you again trying to equate the two when it doesn't even make sense to in the past and now.

Finally, if you're trying to say the machine learning algorithms are able to both passively and actively learn just like a human, then you're arguing that it has agency, and therefore should be considered the actual artist, but every single AIbro calls it simply a "tool." Which is it? You can't have both without contradicting yourself on either foot. It's insane how you have to break this down for retards who have never touched drawing/painting and explain it when it's so surface level of easy to understand.

>> No.6648961

The anime’s budget doesn’t even reach half the shit western cartoons uses.

>> No.6648963

Like I said before AIjeets are like transsexuals who are so desperate for validation they will use every possible trick in the book to prove themselves.

>> No.6648965

It's actually not high budget, it varies greatly depending on the plot and episode importance. A filler episode budget would be a pittance

>> No.6648966

Aijeets is the kind of "person" to call a slave a "tool". That's how they see it.

>> No.6648970

They're the same retards who think we like the banana wall when we loathe the retarded thing.

>> No.6648971

refer to 'artist bad too' argument

>> No.6648972

They're the same retards that think all artists are rich leftist kids majoring in gender studies.

>> No.6648980

The great irony is the artist styles they're trying to "replace" are highly rendered japanese coom anime, drawn by the very artists they used to look up and worship. I see none of the globohomo or western slop artists they strawman about and having their work mass generated. They can't see this whole movement is astroturfed to hell. Well there is money in ai gens and it's not for them, it's for corporations to train and cut production costs for the next new thing.

>> No.6648982

i wasn't saying ai can't do hands, i'm saying the information it needs to be given before it can draw a hand properly is a vast amount more than what's needed for a human. and that isn't to say that ai is dumb, but that it's an indication of how different humans and ai are when it comes to learning. so i'm just arguing that it's more different, and you're arguing that it's less different, so who cares.

>> No.6648983
File: 20 KB, 349x120, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aiggers are a plague

>> No.6648984

>Having to work hard?
Honestly that's it, they want popularity and social clout but dont care about the skill or craft that they are using to achieve it. Its like tiktok zommers that lipsync to whatever trending shitty pop music is popular to gain followers instead of actuality learning to sing.

>> No.6648992

Honestly, i thought it would be double that, but then again a fuck load of those shitters wouldn’t even tag that shit

>> No.6648995

Took them a while, but is better late than never, fuck AI fags.

>> No.6648997

Funny enough, programmers are majority leftist, lmao. Fuckers have no beliefs.

>> No.6649004 [DELETED] 

they just want to create and post art, and they do, and they get attention for it because it's good

>> No.6649017
File: 1.34 MB, 767x813, effort and an actual practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we can go back to the soulful days

>> No.6649019
File: 167 KB, 680x678, Fj99C43XkAEBCQy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't handle all this soul!

>> No.6649020

Get off your copium faggot

>> No.6649028 [DELETED] 

stop projecting

whenever you see a successful AI artist you literally start coping crying about bots, don't you? don't lie.

>> No.6649031 [DELETED] 

You should have been to /g/ when that was going on. Anon was img2imging those and making really beautiful art.

>> No.6649034
File: 164 KB, 2048x806, media_FpHchBiacAEFFef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6649040

its makes me laugh they are all losing considering their massive ego

>> No.6649042
File: 375 KB, 2592x1946, 8D8A8D10-63F1-41B3-A3B5-4CBC96FCF998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common Fantia/Fanbox W

>> No.6649043 [DELETED] 

AI is winning you delusional freak.

>> No.6649046

>getting banned by fanbox/fantai and probably patreon
c-cant stop winning

>> No.6649047

>massed ban every where
>A-ai is w-winning

>> No.6649048

This is literally the reason AI looks like it does. It's not the other way around, AI tranny.

>> No.6649051
File: 3.41 MB, 1536x1792, trained-a-lora-for-ascii-art-is-it-good-let-me-know-what-v0-6xroouutgyya1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sheer cope and fear from artists on AI.
AI art is the gift that keeps on giving and it hasn't even been a full year since Dalle-2, MJ and stable diffusion were released. I've never seen /ic/ so mind broken and that's saying something considering this board is the most chronically suicidal.

on the topic of Fanbox how are they going to enforce this? Require in progress shots of work?

>> No.6649052
File: 372 KB, 864x704, 1650068433328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uh acktually it's AI's fault modern "art" is generic coomshit drawn by sakimiclones

>> No.6649053
File: 871 KB, 1024x1024, ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, what prompt did you use?

>> No.6649059 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1114x1390, 1656354767085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire point was to make good art freely accessible. And now good art is freely accessible and constantly improving. How isn't this winning? No one cares about grifters trying to sell art on fanbox. Only seething NGMI retards like you, and paypigs.

This solves none of the issues you have that you are constantly whining about. It doesn't affect most AI artists either. Take a look at pic related, who won? The artist or the AI artists?

>> No.6649060

>on the topic of Fanbox how are they going to enforce this? Require in progress shots of work?
Yes troon, the internet will be more restricted because of you fucks.

>> No.6649062

>good art
>their booru is dead so they have to bruteforce their shit into legit sites
no one likes ai

>> No.6649063

>AI nigger calling anyone NGMI
0 self awareness with these gpu cucks lmao

>> No.6649065 [DELETED] 

What are you talking about?

>getting mad because I'm right

>> No.6649066
File: 949 KB, 824x1370, 1683770293061008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I can see that working perfectly and foresee no issue whatsoever in the future.
Then again I keep forgetting how mind broken digital artists are.

It's going to be such a shitshow with accusations on whats human created and what isn't. Not to mention lawyers using this logic to instill doubt over photo evidence in court.

>> No.6649067 [DELETED] 

But that would be the fault of people whining about AI. Also AI will be able to produce progress shots of work and even videos.

>> No.6649070

>the 2nd home of ai shitters
Not surprised

>> No.6649080

The funniest part about aibros is they think they're against the system for being pro ai when literally every big monopoly is supporting this shit. You arent a rebel, you're just bending over backwards for temporary satisfaction

>> No.6649084

You do realize that was posted on a trad/human only subreddit right?
My point is this is going start a shit flinging era where people will accuse others of using AI art with no quantitative evidence or even just to troll and fuck with/destroy other artists.
In any case my stance on AI is pretty ngaf. The entire digital and illustration art scene has been a shitshow for years, more than a decade. If it wasn't AI you be competing with millions of other artists on multiple platforms with an audience that has the attention span of a nat. Its the art equivalent of trying to find a woman on tinder for a relationship. That's not even taking into consideration the SEO and algorithm shenanigans you have to contend with.

>> No.6649085

So will you be showing you made 4 fully rendered pieces in less then 10 minutes with the "progress" video being longer then the time you reportedly started said project

>> No.6649091

Nigga you gonna commit suicide by two shots to the back of the head spilling out like that

>> No.6649100
File: 41 KB, 1200x630, 1663829188454974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me an actual moment
fucking kek'd

>> No.6649109

The point i was making was that they dont care about art they just want attention dumb dumb.
>it's good

>> No.6649111 [DELETED] 

you can't make that point because it doesn't exist
they do care about art, they're making it, and it is objectively good

>> No.6649114

>piss off and shit on a entire comity
>cry victim when they get push back
Are all tech fags this socially unaware?

>> No.6649115

It's not art, and if they cared they would at least fix the hands, pajeet.

>> No.6649116

>do care about art
>they're making it
>it is objectively good

>> No.6649118 [DELETED] 

>do nothing but create art using a new tool, break no rules or any laws
>'people' get mad and suicidal, cry constantly all day long

>> No.6649120

point proven.

>> No.6649124 [DELETED] 

I'm clarifying what you said. Innocent people made spergs angry, they are innocent and are being treated unfairly.

>> No.6649126
File: 595 KB, 1500x1500, 1664000468305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'people' get mad and suicidal, cry constantly all day long
Wait wasn't this place and other art communities like that before?

>> No.6649128 [DELETED] 

It's even worse now.

>> No.6649137

AI drones keep coming up with weaker and weaker bait. What's wrong? Did you reach your openAI usage cap and can't come up with arguments?

>> No.6649138

You're clarifying jack shit.

>> No.6649139 [DELETED] 

You're just being ignorant. A petty tactic that only makes you less human.

>> No.6649142


>> No.6649145

>lossless images
lmao, it doesn't need to be lossless to be stolen

>save image
>re-encode in a different, lossy format
>I now have legal ownership of the image because it's not "lossless"

>> No.6649146 [DELETED] 

>it's bait because I'm retarded!

>> No.6649151

>how can people be getting dumber if they stop thinking and just go with whatever shows up first on google?
very mysterious

>> No.6649162

Not to mention neural networks are well known for being able to compress large amounts of data with few parameters.

>> No.6649164

> neural networks are well known for being able to compress large amounts of data with few parameters.
You just went full retard there.

>> No.6649174


>> No.6649179

read and do the math, nigger.

>> No.6649180

Reminder that analog artists are objectively superior to digital artists and digital artists are objectively superior to ai artists. I say this as a digital artist. AI is art (assuming at least some amount of human input) but it's bottom-of-the-barrel art.

>> No.6649185

>everyone shits on tracers as faggots since the dawn of time
>AI comes along

>> No.6649189

Trad = Digital >>>> shit >>>>> AI
No need to make a distinction there. Trad artists can draw digitally with a little practice, and digital artists can draw traditionally whenever they want. Now give a pencil to an AI retard and see what happens.
>but muh digital tracing
trad artists can also trace if they really wanted to.

>> No.6649193

Neural networks/ML are good at compression schemes yes, however though this anon >>6649145 >>6649162 is trying to imply the actual parameters/weights of the AI are a form of compression which is flat out fucking retarded. You are talking about taking Petabytes of data and compressing it into something like 4-8Gb which is physically or near physically impossible just based on material density alone.

>> No.6649198

>AI fags only care about that.
It really is that simple. The only situation where humanity would be incentivized to create a technology that deplaces itself is in a society that values efficiency and profit over all else. Profit and greed is the only incentive for AI (and many other anti-human technologies) to even exist in general.

>> No.6649200
File: 7 KB, 462x559, aassx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so tiring! so tiring!
Alexa play amogus theme remix

>> No.6649201

Tradcucks and digi chad can actually draw, why do ai shitters keep trying to cause infighting?

>> No.6649202 [DELETED] 

AI is a tool to make our lives easier.

>> No.6649203

Stop replying to your own post Dinesh

>> No.6649206

Putting people out of a job doesn't make their lives easier. This reminds me of the people who say it "democratizes art", as if a pencil and a fucking piece of paper are hard to come by. What they actually mean is it democratizes success, wherein they no longer need to hone a skill to gain success at art (or so they hope).

>> No.6649208

That's just economics fred.. I should remind you that before photography there used to be a thriving trade of artists that did nothing but specialize in portraiture. Granted trad portraits didn't disappear after photography but the application/demand was gone.
Also you're about 300 year too late, with the industrial revolution taking humans out of the mix.

>> No.6649209

To all of the budding pajeet Shadmen out there
My sincerest condolences

>> No.6649210 [DELETED] 

>Putting people out of a job doesn't make their lives easier.
It makes everyone else's life easier. And eventually we won't need to have jobs to get by.
>This reminds me of the people who say it "democratizes art", as if a pencil and a fucking piece of paper are hard to come by.
It democratizes good art.

>> No.6649213
File: 88 KB, 256x256, aaaaa].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my spiny little pp jerks!
yeah i'm talking to you! dickface!

>> No.6649214

Leeching off artists won't get you UBI, retarded commie cuck.

>> No.6649215

The Industrial Revolution is what started us down this path, but that doesn't mean we can't change course. People in the tech industry say that this is a pivotal moment for mankind, like some kind of test to see whether or not we can successfully integrate with AI, whereas the real test is whether or not we have the foresight and wisdom to abandon it entirely, or keep being blindly led by profit incentive and hubris to the death of civilization as we know it.

>> No.6649218 [DELETED] 

Your post didn't even attempt to make sense. Calm down and try again.

>> No.6649228

>AI art won't go away,
>Digital art will still be around
>trad art will still be around.
>Yes artists will lose their jobs and commissions because of automation and AI. Some more than others being worse affected. Mostly in the commissions and illustration world.
>AI will not "stop" artists from creating art (fine art by definition is just for aesthetic value)
>Deviant art will still be full of terrible, fetish/furry art 300 years later.

Why do artists act like disruptions are a new thing?

>> No.6649232
File: 151 KB, 256x256, aaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai art is good because it's good because it's good because it's good because it's good because it's good. ohhh my god.

>> No.6649234

>>Yes artists will lose their jobs and commissions because of automation and AI.
why hasn't it happened then?

>> No.6649243

Ah, you see. If you're tracing an existing work, it's easier to be found out and called out on.
But prooompting pretty much has the same stigma as tracing nowadays.

next the jeets are gonna say "b-but artists did that too wahh"

>> No.6649249 [DELETED] 

it has

>> No.6649252
File: 92 KB, 256x256, craiyon_234552_scene_emo_cat_girl_crying_vomiting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai art is bad because it's bad because it's bad

>> No.6649260
File: 42 KB, 826x754, sakimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it has
do you live in an alternate reality?

if there is an artist that should be easier to "replace", that would be Sakimichan. She seems to be doing ok still, after all this time... same as everybody else.

>> No.6649271 [DELETED] 

oh wow. obsessive and delusional

>> No.6649275

>shows no evidence and just projects instead

>> No.6649281

That's you.

>> No.6649283

concession status: accepted

>> No.6649284 [DELETED] 

>but patreon

>> No.6649292

>game illustrator jobs in China

>> No.6649294
File: 83 KB, 256x256, cato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit oh shit game artist jobs china down 70 percent gen ai adoption oh shit oh shit oh shit.

>> No.6649299


>> No.6649301
File: 3.36 MB, 2194x4208, understandinglatentspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brilliant thing is, yes, it actually does- and not only that, it contains every possible interpolation between every trained image as well.

Have you ever heard of a game called .kkrieger? https://youtu.be/2NBG-sKFaB0
.kkrieger is a fully 3D FPS game that, through the magic of procedural generation, is only stored in 96 kb. You see, the trick is that it doesn't actually store the assets in, say, an archive or something, rather this tiny file is a seed, a set of instructions to generate the entirety of the game on runtime- 3D models, textures, sound, the code that runs it, everything.
Or for a more well known example, Minecraft. Each world seed contains the entirety of an enormous world that, if it were fully generated, would take up something like 50 THOUSAND terabytes.

Image generator models work in a similar fashion. The model itself is just a *function*, a set of instructions to turn an input into an output. Image generators are trained to OUTPUT EXACTLY WHAT HAS BEEN INPUT INTO THEM.
Now, the model itself doesn't contain the images- it is the model's LATENT SPACE that does. If you knew the exact seed that correlates to an original image, you could get an image generator to output a replica of the training data, because *that's what it's designed to do.* However, as a side effect, any seed that doesn't correlate with an original image will be an interpolation between whatever original image points it falls between.

As for writing a paper, there is no need since Stability wrote one already and it corroborates with what I'm saying.
This article in picrelated also gives a decently easy to understand explanation of what the latent space is and what it contains.

If a dumb algorithm is the equivalent of a human artist's brain, then in that case it is the algorithm that is the artist, not you, and either way you still didn't create anything.

>> No.6649311 [DELETED] 

An algorithm isn't a person it's a tool a person uses. So the person is the artist.

>> No.6649320

yes honey, you are a real artist, and a real woman too.

>> No.6649322 [DELETED] 

I'm a man but keep coping.

>> No.6649324

remember to dilate

>> No.6649325
File: 141 KB, 256x256, nononono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh the tables have turned.
oh how the tables have turned.
the tables are turning. they have turned
they are turning, the tables.
have turned the tables.

>> No.6649453


>> No.6649476


looks like shit ai or not

>> No.6649504
File: 190 KB, 665x917, ai holocaust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6649511
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1656763381301416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what china aitards want to sell you

>> No.6649516

those pieces of trash should get an actual job if they want money so much.

>> No.6649517 [DELETED] 

you realize that goes for every artist right

>> No.6649518

Artist do art for many reasons but usually it's not for money, unfortunately everyone needs money to live. That's why creators ask for support in first place and that's also why sites like patreon were created. AI leeches have no place in this.

>> No.6649523 [DELETED] 

those websites exist to sell art and you're literally calling creators pieces of trash, there's no real distinction between someone using paint or a computer.

>> No.6649524

>highly rendered jumbled mess
AIjeets...? I don't feel so good...

>> No.6649526

>There's no real distinction them
Oh, so you're one of those AI retards. Not gonna waste my time with you.

>> No.6649529

How to push the next Patreon ban for AI? I want to see more Aijeets seethe tears lmao.

>> No.6649530

they are considering it

>> No.6649532 [DELETED] 

It's a fact.

>> No.6649543

I look forward to it. The mass migrations of ai spam will make everyone hate them more than they already do lmao

>> No.6649596

I do not hate ai but it makes totals sense, grenerator will just go brrrr, it kind of defeats purpose of platform, I you want to look at ai art just sit and hit generate by yoursef

>> No.6649598

AIsisters, how do we hide our cope and spin this as a win?? It's like no platform really wants of us...

>> No.6649612

it’s not even AI, it’s the AI niggers
the irony is that AI itself is 100% acceptable to these platforms, it’s it’s the useless faggots using it that are the problem
it’s like they don’t comprehend the concept of self expression, they don’t touch up, they don’t post ed, they barely fucking curate their garbage, they just generate shit for their dopamine drip like untrained monkeys and then spam that shit everywhere as if anyone gives a shit
they literally just needed to be less of a bot than AI and it’d had been gravy for them, but the average retard has literally zero taste, discipline or self awareness, so “democratising art” could have never played out any differently

>> No.6649626

honestly i don't mind photoediting from AI or using by actual artists. but looking nowadays it just AIpajeets just spam with generate things

atleast have some effort doing something like manga/doujin is a pass for me. example patreon/kisou00

>> No.6649627

Pajeet sister…

>> No.6649691

Ah, sweet schadenfreude. AIfags have plenty of them for past half a year, laughing how drawfags are being a thing of the past.
I think it’s our time to have some joy, laughing as they slowly realize all their lying about noble crusade of “democratising art” and authenticity of their products and their love for it were in vain, and everyone is kicking them down into the bottomless pit of irrelevancy and isolation, as they are sick and tired of the flood of their garbages.

>> No.6649786
File: 851 KB, 1632x1024, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6649802

Holy fuck you gotta give to the chinkjeets for *really* upping the effort. Even makes the typical pajeets looks like a completely utter lazy fucks

>> No.6649815
File: 73 KB, 775x770, cien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fanbox and Fantia ban AI
>all the AI Artist had in mind is to find a new platform or find other way monetize shit
>not backing back a little, making new things that will make people change their mind or anything that doesnt involve money
>but how to gain money with other means necessary
>they finally move to Ci-EN
>now Ci-En is banning AI bacuse of the amount of AI artists flooding the gate
>patreon will follow suit
Such irony....im one of those who use Stable Diffusion but somehow i'm really glad it finally hits them. They've been carried away and now they already put into their place

>> No.6649852

This means one thing: artist lost. They're just delaying the inevitable.

>> No.6649871
File: 244 KB, 687x576, 1667114435585899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do even human artists lose here? Its just a return to the status quo before AI really got big

>> No.6649983

Maybe it's because their retarded spamming is driving server costs too much, these niggers actually have no self-awareness and will all post 50 declinations of the exact same pinup every day.

>> No.6650015

I don't think servers are even the primary issue but the user experience being plagued with AI shit. Its like spam e-mail in the wrong folder

>> No.6650061
File: 29 KB, 332x326, 1587297603067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barge into a community they know nothing of to sell their bot none who can actually draw wants anything to do with
>shit on all customs and ethics artists cultivated for decades
>flood the shit out of every art website without using proper tags
>brazenly steal art left and right to mass produce bootlegs, expect people to accept it because it hm... it learns just like le us...
>actively build models to spite specific artists, generally make asses of themselves
>all while screaming in the face of artists to adapt or die, they're useless now, etc
>"wtf? why are we getting kicked off?"
Its like watching an unruly child getting slapped across the face. I'm glad more and more platforms are realizing that imagegen AI brings negative value wherever it is allowed at all.

>> No.6650104


>> No.6650108

Artistry is a skill; selling prompts is parasitical usery. Nothing but grifters.

>> No.6650116

You disingenuos little bugman/parasite. Fuck off. There is a world of difference between a promptcomissioner and a real artist. Don't think you can come to a fucking art forum and convince us otherwise. We are nothing alike parasite.

>> No.6650125


>> No.6650127

>AI has been selling well everywhere
lol of course

>> No.6650131

Well stated. I'm not a very sadistic person but after being subject to their hate and mockery for months on end I certainly do enjoy seeing them fade into irelevancy. They deserve it. Never have I seen a more entitled, spiteful, ignorant and downright stupid bunch of people as these bugmen.
What do they leave behind in their rubble though? The thing artists warned about; an even tougher/atomised market for the real human artists out there.
All so that greedy megacorporations could sell subscriptions fees to stupid cattle at the detriment of hard working artists worldwide.
And you technerds wonder why nobody respects nor like you. Why you're unwelcome everywhere. Why nobody considers you an artist. Gee wonder why...

>Blueeyegirlwavyhairue5realistic renderd4k2k8kpoopintheocean
>prompters are artists
Oh rly...

>> No.6650132

Name one successful AI artist

>> No.6650134

proper artists have actual skills, unlike you AInigger

>> No.6650164

You dont know how good it is to fap to poorly drawn sonic inflation porn.

>> No.6650167

better later than never, get fucked pajeets

>> No.6650218


>> No.6650228

Kill yourself.

>> No.6650235
File: 65 KB, 256x256, FvVwdUgXoAEME1V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not wrong though? Were things to go real south Midjourney and SD are going to be raking in all the money that should've gone to artists.
>B-but muh art programs like photoshop and CSP
Skilled labor has inherent value and has to be produced by an actual artist. SD and MJ outright skips the skilled labor that the CEO might as well just do it himself with AI programs

>> No.6650237
File: 1.95 MB, 4096x2856, 53a414af3d4a3172d4203aafb1eec8f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, is it true he's the real matersmind behind all of this or are ainiggers just falseflagging to deflect from the criticism? would be hilarious if it was true it was all fake. Either way AIniggers messed up with the wrong generic moeshit artist.

>> No.6650322

Did you take a look on ci-en? It's genuinely disturbing. Half of ai art creators are cp. No wonder Japan welcomes it with open arms.

>> No.6650621 [DELETED] 

>I you want to look at ai art just sit and hit generate by yoursef
This goes for drawing too. I know you guys will argue that all AI art is the same but that's ridiculous. If someone doesn't share their prompt you will probably never be able to generate stuff in their style. And some people can't generate stuff at all either because they're retarded or just have no time.

I actually welcome AI not being able to make money and it will be really cool if that trend continues into the future when AI stuff gets better(movies etc), but it still doesn't really make sense from any kind of business standpoint to ban it. The only sensible reason I can think of is that real artists are threatening to commit mass suicide which would hurt the profits lmao. Otherwise it's just naive moralfaggotry, virtue signaling that isn't going to do their business any good.

>> No.6650629


>> No.6650634 [DELETED] 

You are making strawman arguments. Like who are you even talking about? Can you post a single example? The majority of people against AI are the unreasonable and rude side in this debacle, some extreme minority of AI artists act like dicks and they're probably false flagging.

>> No.6650643

Why do you like sucking corporation dick so much?

>> No.6650645 [DELETED] 

What the hell are you reading? I'm just saying it makes literally zero sense business wise to do this. They're seemingly just hurting their profits by banning people who make money.
I very clearly said I like that it's happening. Maybe fags won't be so quick to hoard prompts. AI will make art free and that's a good thing.

>> No.6650650

Alienating the core user base is not good business. It took a riot to get them to stop.
>AI will make art free and that's a good thing
AI spam is never a good thing.

>> No.6650660

You're being a little too obvious bro

>> No.6650663 [DELETED] 

no one will care about your useless skills, the world has changed and you can make better art easier with less effort, 99999x faster.


midjourney has one of if not the most active discord servers in the world with 1 million users. they're absolutely raking in money and artists are seething because they aren't getting any of it.

>> No.6650667

Midjourney is raking money and they deserve it.
They made a good tech.

But as for fags like you who think that it's going anywhere, lol lmao

Get banned, bitch

>> No.6650668

>/g/ tourist

>> No.6650671 [DELETED] 

>Alienating the core user base is not good business
That's why I brought up the mass suicide thing. I don't see how they're in any way losing money by having different genres under their belt.
>AI spam is never a good thing.
It is if you actually like art lol.

>> No.6650678
File: 318 KB, 460x651, serval_smug_by_burntuakrisp_dda91gf-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are losing money because you guys are overloading their servers

Get banned, bitch
Go make your own site

>> No.6650684 [DELETED] 

You know that's not how it works, right?

>> No.6650685

That is how it works, bitch
Every single site in the world would ban your spamming ass because they don't want to pay your damn bandwith

It's just a matter of time, which is happening now

>> No.6650688

AI trash will never be art, and you will never be a woman, looney troon.

>> No.6650691 [DELETED] 

It's already high art that has won competitions. You are a retarded luddite, the same retard who said digital art wasn't art 30 years ago. A complete moron.

>> No.6650698

Bait harder, pajeet. Nobody will respect your worthless trash

>> No.6650706 [DELETED] 

you okay?

>> No.6650730

and yet, they were all disqualified for using AI.
Your point? All you proved is that AI retards are parasites invading spaces were they dont belong

>> No.6650731 [DELETED] 

>and yet, they were all disqualified for using AI.
Of course this retard can't read. None were disqualified and even if they were it's still proof AI art is extremely high quality art.

>> No.6650737

>AI art is extremely high quality art.
As proved here again and again, its no different than tracing. AI is very low quality, even those pieces, which is why they made headlines on scientific news sites.
You are a /g/ tourist trying to prove the worth of your scam and being proud when you pull it off.

>> No.6650764 [DELETED] 

Palpable cope.

>> No.6650767
File: 804 KB, 598x881, 1661341255866238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>painting competition
>cheat on your submission
>lmao cope
nice try pajeet

>> No.6650833

dlsite too now

>> No.6650851
File: 1.10 MB, 1600x960, debug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Tracing/AI is a compression algorithm cope.
It truly shows just how out of touch and technically illiterate most artists are by repeating that line.
Next your going to tell me you can compress petabytes of data into a 4gb file. If you could you would be a billionaire overnight.

>> No.6650852 [DELETED] 

Do you guys think cuckolds will stop crying about AI now?

>> No.6650869

Not until midjourney and emad burn in hell. We will not forgive what these AI leeches did.

>> No.6650870 [DELETED] 

But nothing would change even if they lost the lawsuits(they won't).

>> No.6650909
File: 2.27 MB, 3000x3150, 1680049601192571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I easily could give you a lesson on extrapolation of patterns and ML and how all those thousand of images scrapped and stolen got into that size.
But I won't, because I don't care to explain to a shill why nobody is buying his snake oil.
How do you expect me to buy your nfts if even you dont know what you're selling?

>> No.6650915 [DELETED] 

I accept your concession.

>> No.6650916

Still not buying your nfts, and now you can't even sell them anymore, as per this thread lmao

>> No.6650946

Proompting is not a skill or art, nobody wants it or you and even normies are sick of your shit. Kill yourself.

>> No.6650950 [DELETED] 

Yes it is. When are you going to stop crying? It's not going anywhere and it will only improve.

>> No.6651018

It will be easier to use not harder and complex. The point has always been making "art" accessible to brainlets.

>> No.6651278
File: 301 KB, 1564x487, AI trolley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The verdict is in.

>> No.6651416

it truly is over for /g/keks, their machine god has spoken

>> No.6651457

Good, as I said before, artists WILL in the future be able to use AI to help making their art, IF they want to.

But only after pajeets, scammers, grifters, techbro hype investors and NFT/crypto fags are driven the fuck out of the art community.

>> No.6651527


>> No.6651644
File: 1.22 MB, 1232x1785, 1683853489225012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6651867



>> No.6651901
File: 163 KB, 294x340, 1608927672520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so funny to read all the AIcuck cope
It's like they actually believed anyone appreciates their garbage or even wants it around

>> No.6651919

el basado grande magnifico

>> No.6651960


>> No.6652016


>> No.6652026

Who the fuck pays for AI art? What the fuck is wrong with Japs?

>> No.6652064

>look up "ai pixiv" on twitter
>people posting hyperrealistic "loli" ai shit and bragging about continuing to use fanbox until they get banned
>flag on pixiv for ai generated cp
you asked for it

>> No.6652486 [DELETED] 


best perspective book out there IMO for free my boys (dongho kim) helped me a literal retard to understand it way better

>> No.6652679
File: 1.30 MB, 1232x1785, 16795345438920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The updated version. It's really funny seeing the first day of Fanbox AI ban.
The first thing they did is try they their hardest to find a new platform, Half a day passed the new platforms started banning them too, after that every single of them are trying to open pixiv requests until it gets banned too.

>> No.6652765

fucking leeches

>> No.6652792
File: 91 KB, 369x364, 1555455349306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"AI surgeon"
they call themselves promptsmiths or synthographers, it's hilarious

>> No.6652929

so, any good Ainigger salt yet?