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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 218 KB, 700x750, 54245574_p2_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6642965 No.6642965 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think makes a drawing appealing? for me pic related is very appealing, despite the simplicity

>> No.6642974

Is it because of the puffy vulva attached to her head? Makes me want to fuck her brains out

>> No.6642978

This is a very deep and interesting question.

>> No.6642980

Round shapes are erotic in nature, and men are attracted to erotic things

>> No.6643004
File: 49 KB, 575x620, lust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6643018

a lot of it comes down to composition. Simple things like big/medium/small, 1.618 ratio, straights and curves, simple and complex, stuff like that. oh, and eye path.

>> No.6643138


>> No.6643146

I mean I think that pic is dogshit, but the reason you like it is probably a combination of nice shapes and interesting clean lines.

>> No.6643151

Post art you think is good

>> No.6643156

Happening, everything else adds emotions to happening
Give her hammer, change face, mood from picture will change. If you don't like emotions given from the new picture, you won't like it

>> No.6643163
File: 535 KB, 487x498, cf8e0737fdfa5d418211523c42a2467b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this board so shit?

>> No.6643238

newfags and normies

>> No.6643481

It is a cartoon rabbit

>> No.6643821
File: 1.23 MB, 3508x3508, __lappland_arknights_drawn_by_misaq__8a7639a47aa42e7f03922e6b2168e7d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep coming back to this one a lot recently I guess. Now what?

>> No.6643824

because there aren't enough based anons on here like me and too many nodraw fags like you

>> No.6643851
File: 578 KB, 1068x764, 1657263226846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People ask the same questions over and over again.

>how do you draw anime?
>how do you learn anatomy
>what's better: eastern vs western?
>how to make coombuxx?

It's just all so tiresome. Search the archives. You'll find an answer to your question.

>> No.6643856

It's unironically one or just a couple of discord trannies trying to farm (you)s and artists replying with their personal blogs because they crave validation or the same discord trannies samefagging to make the thread seem busy.

Just post a stickman and tell them to go choke on a rope like the statitstics tell them to do

>> No.6643861

> literal balls
> anon is gay

> brain penetrated by a dick

Emotion is clearly expressed, bright colors, has a central focal point



I think it would be interesting to actually start a habit of not replying / telling people to look in the archives. Wonder if this would take.

>> No.6643933
File: 259 KB, 1656x2047, Fc6wkzzaMAAw9Ft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it would be interesting to actually start a habit of not replying / telling people to look in the archives. Wonder if this would take.
They don't care if you do not reply since there are other anons who will unquestionably and gullibly take the bait and they will keep replying to their own threads anyway, so it really doesn't matter.
Even by giving the benefit of the doubt, and these copypasted threads are made by actual people, if they bother making inane question threads, they won't bother googling shit because they're phonefags with the attention span of a slice or rotten cheese.
Otherwise, if you tell them to go look up the archives, you're just going to get spammed with
>cope, seethe, not true didn't happen, pls spoon feed me and do my work for me, think for me and tell me how to win at life

By not replying you only enable them to keep doing it, but if you reply to and mock them for the absolute low iq monkey they are, they will keep replying and wasting their lives trying to """"win a conversation"""" even though they're wrong, while you can use them as an excuse to say things, introduce concepts, educate other anons and seed memes by having the justifiable cause of faggots being retarded and being starved for (you)s.
It also keeps your brain running, since why even bother replying to some fag with retarded buzzword one-liners? That which you put out, you become and if all you post is passive aggressive one-liners, you become a passive aggressive effeminate faggot who will """hear""" written text in a demeaning, arrogant voice because all you'd be doing is projecting your own crippling faggotry upon what you read.

OPs question itself is shallow as fuck and begs other question to actually start talking about the topic of appeal but since OP clearly doesn't give a single shit about the topic, or just wants to waste time baiting for (you)s by disagreeing with anything you say, it's better to just not even bother.

>> No.6643938

Red irises with no eyelids looks kinda psycho to me

>> No.6644104

there's no how. You just have to be naturally interesting as a person. Its like asking how to be funny. The whole point is that you can't learn it as an adult that missed out on key developmental phases of life. You can cope by learning anatomy and perspective to try and brute force appeal, but its not guaranteed. That's like asking out every single woman you meet and trying to play the numbers game.

>> No.6644112

>Its like asking how to be funny.
Funny you say that. You should watch Louis CK's standup from his early 20's. He had no talent whatsoever. He improved his craft through brute force and lots of study. Everything about his standup today is very calculated and studied. There isn't a professional comedian who didn't have to study their craft (except maybe Dave Chapelle)

I absolutely hate this blackpill nonsense. Appeal and Design is learned in the same way every other part of your art is learned: through studies. You copy your favorite artists, every day, for years and years. Your shapes improve incrementally.

You got it. Your bait post got me to participate in the thread. Fuck you.

>> No.6644256

Probably the shape design, good shapes like Marco Bucci said, are easy to read and

I mentioned Marco Bucci, reply at me to let me know how right I am

>> No.6644265

>one example out of millions of people who tried
you sure showed me.

>> No.6644886

So why the heck are we still saying here... Wish there was some decent, non-anonymized place to hang out (that isn't a discord lair)

>> No.6644903
File: 265 KB, 575x620, 1683211774232002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6646360
File: 221 KB, 1464x2048, FgYxxtbaYAAGJiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we're all fucking autistic and lonely as fuck in this hyperconnected social media world where everyone just wants to get those numbers and become a celebrity to be worshipped instead of interacting with other people in a honest and genuine way, and just want to scream into the void to let out the things we need to say, while the void creatures come here to just vomit and shit all over the place and walk away smugly as if they achieved anything of real importance in their truly miserable existence devoid of any actual substance or essence.

If going outside, touching grass, getting laid fucking helped, this wouldn't be an issue, but the outside is the same dead fucking place full of philosophical zombies who will murder you if you even try to express the nuance of a real emotion.

I crave violence.

>> No.6647517

> very appealing, despite the simplicity
Because of the simplicity

>> No.6647604

god dayum i need to drain my balls in pic rel

>> No.6647700

there was a post that explained how living a full life will teach you appeal, and sitting in your room wasting away will make you worse at art, but I didn't save it.

>> No.6647704 [DELETED] 

>im the only elegant and true human, everyone else is just a mindless drone!
wow cool im also 16 and an atheist do you wanna hook up on whatsapp?