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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.35 MB, 904x1200, 107504362_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6625921 No.6625921 [Reply] [Original]

Is it even worth now learning to draw anime? Might as well learn westoid and find your own niche in their styles. One visit on Deviantart/artstation and I have to vomit. They tag their AI Art with "digital art" to get more views too. But it's so so good, it's really demotivating.

>> No.6625922
File: 1.59 MB, 1024x1536, 00186-2877779513654172e0db8afd5f723788fdeffc7cdb7df328c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some can even do hands now

>> No.6625924
File: 95 KB, 441x532, 1465742114604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Might as well learn westoid and find your own niche in their styles.
We have come full circle. For me, it's always been Marceline.

>> No.6625927
File: 559 KB, 1410x747, chad A.I. master artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it still needs more time for development, a better user friendly interface

same thing as pic related, it still needs a good doodle and numerous generation attempts for the AI to get it right

>> No.6625994

Who said you can speak, dalit?

>> No.6626000
File: 927 KB, 245x200, 589B081F-4C63-44CC-9907-2E608502B9A9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6626018

Good. Fuck leftard artists who hate Elon Musk

>> No.6626019

Do you enjoy the act of drawing as in the fundamental process of putting pen or pencil or whatever to paper? If you don't then quit. Simple as, you shouldn't have any other motivation other than pure enjoyment.

This is what I hate about you spineless demotivated slugs. If you just fucking drew because you enjoyed it you wouldn't get so easily demotivated.

>> No.6626067

I don't think animu artists are the leftist ones

>> No.6626071
File: 1.13 MB, 1154x826, 1647081231254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and nothing of value will be lost

>> No.6626076

Shh, you'll ruin the propaganda narrative.

>> No.6626086
File: 52 KB, 500x383, 1541469262893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Is it even worth now learning to draw anime?
Ultimately speaking, nothing is worth it, life is completely meaningless and worthless at the end of it all. So it doesn't matter Anon, just go and do what you feel like is fun.

>> No.6626087

it you stare it for for more than second you could already notice the fuck ups it already made not that a shill would notice

>> No.6626088

This is your future, faggot. >>>/aco/7227917

You will never draw what you truly want. You will forever be a dopamine addict spinning a slot machine and you will never learn any worthwhile skills in the process. Your brain will rot and degrade into early onset dementia, that's if you haven't already choked on a full bottle of deep sleep by that point.

>> No.6626089

Elon Musk should be hated by literally everyone artists should be the last of those people actually.

>> No.6626103

Fuck weebshit, good riddance

>> No.6626124
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, MV5BZmEwNmM5MDctODM5Ny00OTFhLWIxYjgtNTIzZTg3ODJmZTdkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTI2MzU4MTAy._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tool is this? I want to use AI for painting/rendering
I love drawing and my lineart is decent but I can't colour
I want AI to do the painting but WITHOUT changing my line art, is there a waybto do that?

>> No.6626155

Anime bros...you are and always were the weakest link

goodbye :)

>> No.6626175
File: 166 KB, 896x678, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's possible as of last month with controlnet 1.1, you can also separate the result in to layers with mattyamonaca's layerdivider.
how practical it actually is for us artists though? eh, i'd rather just use it as a reference

>> No.6626177

i didnt actually answer your question kek, but it's likely stablediffusion. also, it's not very practical because from my experience it still likes to change the lineart a little bit, the colors will be wrong and you spend a lot of time fixing it, worst of all you get the melty ai look and no art gains.
once again, have it render your artwork then simply use it as reference if you get stuck

>> No.6626190

that's not what a tool. is, neck yourself.

>> No.6626193

define tool
(don't say me or my mother)

>> No.6626195

your sister last evening, you come from z long line of such individuals and niggers like you don't deserve any serious answer

>> No.6626197

you got me.

>> No.6626199

So crabs have moved completely to AI threads?
No wonder the board quality skyrocketed lately they are pretty much slef containing themselves.

>> No.6626212

i don't think AI is going to struggle with this LOL

>> No.6626224

>i don't think
Yes, we know.

>> No.6626273

drawings of anime women will never be art

>> No.6626345
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, mangaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime bros...you are and always were the weakest link
AI can do any style though not just anime

anyway, today I was drawing after not drawing for awhile. It made me realize how much fun it is and how much I like the process of drawing. That's one thing AI can't take from you. Is this cope?

>> No.6626380

Have you tried it? It can't do The Simpsons correctly and it surely has more images of that in the database than any other cartoon.

>> No.6626463
File: 1.10 MB, 1521x1173, itsfuckingover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shit

>> No.6626468

not really a layer system. the AI can't really do it. itd be like a using a star trek replicator to produce a car, putting it appart then writing the building manual. the only reason to do this is deceiving the audience.

>> No.6626472

Yes but decieving the audience will be enough to destroy many artists livelyhood

>> No.6626475


>> No.6626477
File: 13 KB, 350x197, the-ren-stimpy-show-ss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional cartooning is actually impossible.

>> No.6626486


>> No.6626504

Coomers don’t give a fuck, look at shexyo.

>> No.6626505


literally me

>> No.6626507
File: 22 KB, 667x460, Pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> samefagging on an thread about AI

> on a board about drawing

>> No.6626509

Op is for once cute ai art

>> No.6626512

Shexyo is CSR alt. He started the "trace" drama just to boost that account interactive, then he use it to post his "lazy art" for quick buck.
AI shit is him testing the water.
Every fan know about his bs but still support his second acc to increase his income.

>> No.6626513

lmao AI art died faster in relevance than crypto and NFTs combined.

>> No.6626539

Are you living under a rock?

>> No.6626541


>> No.6626725

That's impressive but I don't like the style
You're right It's good for reference but is it free? I'm not paying for that
I don't hate machine learning, it's already here and there's nothing to do about it. I just hate the fact that some talentless pajeets are making money stealing other people's work

>> No.6626756

>post wip lineart
>immediately gets rendered with ai and posted by 10 different pajeets and chinks
fun times ahead

>> No.6626764
File: 274 KB, 1521x1173, srg4mqsabmta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free if you have a gaming gpu. Though a recent breakthrough at google has Stable-Diffusion running on smartphones, not public yet.

>> No.6626769

I never got how Elon became a darling of the right and hated by the left. He's an electric car maker who was originally funded by Obama's government gibs ffs.

>> No.6626777


Right wing retards will fall for milquetoast shit over and over unil the leftists gulag their dumb naïve asses

>> No.6626778

>But it's so so good, it's really demotivating.
If your view of art is that it's some sort of technique competition, then you've already failed before starting.

You're not nearly as subtle as you think you are with this dumb AI doomposting propaganda. Just stop posting already.

>> No.6626783

yeah it absolutely blows at cartooning. especially that R&S style, individuality or expressiveness destroys the AI.

>> No.6626784
File: 222 KB, 510x643, Untitled-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna glaze my line art...

>> No.6626791
File: 280 KB, 1753x1752, かねこ鮭美少年展通販 @kanekoshake Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it even worth now learning to draw anime?
Depends on what you mean by anime. It's fine to have a personalized style influenced by anime (like pic related), but factory standard pinup animu has been pretty much mogged by the AI. But desu that whole style was played out way before AI came along.

>> No.6626801

Glaze is a meme that gets fucked with 15 lines of code

>> No.6626813
File: 59 KB, 600x760, nyehehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you can use google colab (read /g/sdg sticky). dont tell mr google, but you can make as many alt accounts as you want and bypass their usage limits

>> No.6626814

True, there was hugging face too but last I saw they took down all the Stable Diffusion shit

>> No.6626816

Even without code you could extract the line art with select color range.

>> No.6626824
File: 687 KB, 1280x720, controlnet-posable-rig-in-blender-v0-efghpquuiria1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just FYI alot of these images are created with control net with Blender as a posing tool.

>> No.6626852

It's true that our mistakes are what makes us who we are, and perfection in itself is a flaw. There are mistakes that ai makes but they are mistakes a human would never make, and also reaches a perfection that humans can never achieve. Maybe that's part of what makes it easy to tell apart despite being "good" by all means?

Is the true path to being a master is to make skillful mistakes?

>> No.6626863

Man, no one really cares about AI art anymore.

>> No.6626884

AI shills are worst than jannies, they shill for free.

Just learn to paint you dumb faggot.

>> No.6626885

noce try, aifag

>> No.6626886

>It's true that our mistakes are what makes us who we are, and perfection in itself is a flaw.
Yeah, this is why I was never really shook by the whole AI thing. The artists I admire—Kim Jung Gi, Robert Crumb, Sam Kieth, Wally Wood—all have quirky imperfections in their work. Also, cartooning is an aspect in all of their work.
I guess if you're the type of artist who aspires to the sort of impeccable facility found in highly rendered, polished digital painting, AI is more of a threat. But that approach always bored me to tears.
>Is the true path to being a master is to make skillful mistakes?
I think it's reaching a certain skill level and then letting go and letting idiosyncrasies show up in the work.

>> No.6626918

What book is the Loomis of cartooning?

>> No.6626928

Anime fanart and art basically suck now anyways since all of the normies are learning to draw it. Gone are the days of charming deviant-art anime drawings. Now it’s all egirl shit. I can also always tell when an American draws anime as opposed to a Japanese person

>> No.6626958

Glaze is only in its infancy imagine how good it will get. 2 more weeks.

>> No.6626968

murked in 30 lines of code

>> No.6626981

I'll check it out thx

>> No.6626992

that was 2 months ago

>> No.6626994
File: 258 KB, 561x1806, 1682545208160351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's truly joever

>> No.6626996

Thanks to Ai those artists can all download stable diffusion and flood the market with competing products to spite the companies that fired them. It's not ogre it's just begun.

>> No.6626998
File: 210 KB, 936x1436, DN8ncSnVQAA5-Zr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once again Hitchcock was right

probably Famous Artists Cartoon Course

>> No.6627002

We're Barack?

>> No.6627003

China loves low quality knock-offs, cheap labor and get rich quick schemes? You don't say

>> No.6627013

Its Jean Renoir not Hitchcock

>> No.6627021

fuck me those fats look too similar

>> No.6627025

oh shit, he's the son of Pierre-Auguste Renoir! Whose paintings blew my mind when I saw them in person, they did nothing much for me on screen or print.

>> No.6627028

Conveniently you didn't post the absolute garbage that came from that gacha.

>> No.6627053

>Jean Renoir
> imitates reality, fails at it
> muh, it's my style
fundamentally, he's not wrong, but he's still one of those who use this as an excuse. of course, you want to push the boundaries of reality, that's what makes art more vivid, but skills has to be solid first.

>> No.6627126

He didn't have to when the article already outed itself as a shill piece by referring to pixel farts as "high quality" several times.

>> No.6627136

In another article, it appears even Chinese customers are starting to hate AI

>> No.6627179

>I can also always tell when an American draws anime as opposed to a Japanese person

>Ah yes, this particular turd has bits of corn inside while this other turd is smoother in texture...mhmmmnyess

>> No.6627196


>> No.6627201

>born 1894
>Date: 1901
Painted age 7? no. It's a painting of him by his father.
Just reading about his rheumatoid arthritis and hand deformities/paralysis at the time of that painting. Ouch. Explains the "skill" drop from his prior works.

>> No.6627267

Its always funny taking a glance to laugh at AI threads after a day working on commissions.

>> No.6627292

>Just learn to paint you dumb faggot.
painting is the most boring part

>> No.6627450
File: 369 KB, 256x512, 1681319755503.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not draw then use controlnet and img2img as a speedup? I don't really get the point of being demotivated, don't you just want to make anime? Just make it with or without AI. Where is the sense in getting upset that there's more good art out there, easily accessible?

>> No.6627458
File: 523 KB, 1894x411, 1672625294219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Controlnet mostly but img2img as well. Stable Diffusion.

There is stuff like that, methods of rendering in layers for use in post. This is the guy to follow for useful AI art tools.
There's some improvements in the oven that will properly color mangos too, pretty cool.

>> No.6627462
File: 518 KB, 2604x2330, 1665240268925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can train it to create anything in any style. If you say "it doesn't do x" it's because no one has bothered to train it. Most notably you, the only person that apparently wants it lol. Saw a guy saynig it couldn't do Family Guy a while ago and now it can since someone trained on that. I laughed at the time though, why would it be able to do Ghibli and almost every Disney style but not Family Guy?

>> No.6627463

this isn't drawing, this is rolling gacha woth stolen artstyle

>> No.6627465


what's that?

>> No.6627466
File: 161 KB, 1590x934, 1667714023746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he posts lots of pictures of it. Basically a rig that the AI uses as a basis. You can use depth map, a skeleton, scribbles, sketches, whatever basically. To give it stronger guidance to get what you want.


>> No.6627469
File: 203 KB, 1557x1558, 1678099700549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6627471 [DELETED] 

won't be long until I personally stamp you out :)

>> No.6627473

so you're admitting it's stolen lmao

>> No.6627474
File: 71 KB, 672x949, 1676794441154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mocking your frustration. Nothing was stolen.

>> No.6627479

>posts the aco shitters and not the /h/ erokings

>> No.6627502
File: 92 KB, 700x990, remilia spill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing was stolen
>we're really still doing this bit
>look at all the complicated words and phrases it's not stealing

>> No.6627510
File: 325 KB, 925x500, 1661040146607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"you wouldn't steal a jpg"
He says while he posts a "stolen" concept .

>> No.6627515
File: 334 KB, 512x512, blob_https___waifus.nemusona.com_c7b017bb-b177-447d-9085-688f6233e3c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /ic/ still stuck at the denial/anger phase?
It's been over a year and ai isn't going anywhere, only getting better, more accessible and free

>> No.6627520

can see the fucked up watermark from whatever it was stolen from on the bottom one lmao

>> No.6627522

The AI made up a watermark just like a person does.

>> No.6627526

>artist complaining about "stealing art"
Oh the irony
>The AI made up a watermark just like a person does.
It's literally learned behavior

>> No.6627528

is this the same AI-loving ESL who blames his retarded vernacular on his phoneposting? are you the one who keeps making these threads?

>> No.6627531

No, are you a schizo or just assblasted?

>> No.6627540
File: 367 KB, 512x512, blob_https___waifus.nemusona.com_dc7ac47a-1361-4e10-848e-70598587d89a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just got here after not visiting the board in months, schizophrenic retard
Good to see nothing has changed.

>> No.6627559
File: 1.18 MB, 1189x1219, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay niggerman, since you're turbo-sperging across the board and way over your own head show me how far the AI has come. Give me an image that looks like this. You can even use img2img if you want. Better yet give me an image of an old man punching a horse.

>> No.6627560

you mean photobashed

>> No.6627562

Stop being a creep and do it yourself.

>> No.6627564
File: 418 KB, 640x640, 02356-1353476467-girl, lara croft, pointing gun at viewer, gun, holding gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you asked because I also have Stable Diffusion on my computer since it is democratically accessible to anyone who has a hundred-dollar GPU. Here is what I have redeemed from the generator:

>> No.6627565

You are very bad at prompting.

>> No.6627566
File: 28 KB, 347x209, Ed_screamsfsf_2608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a very roundabout way of admitting defeat. And I know for a fact you're wrong about nobody trying to train toon models because I was in a thread with someone trying to get Ed edd n eddy style and all he could get was thousands of pinups of Ed in 1:1 view. Nothing like any of the characters interacting as they would in the show. Truth is you're thinking about art like modeling a video game, and sure if you stick to models 100% of the time you'll get the same boring results, but cartooning requires you to draw off model and exaggerate in ways 3d could never immitate so what makes you delusional enough to believe you could get any closer with algophotobashing?
>family guy
You couldn't have picked a more on-model show kek the show itself is basically copy + pasted like bluey

>the only person that apparently wants it
That's a cope. More people will go against the grain the more one area gets oversaturated so prepare for a western resurgence in the future.

>> No.6627569

Maybe take a look at recent news about ai in general.
>that pic
I've seen ai make this a hundred times over, just add ((aiming at viewer)) lol
Schizophrenic dummy

>> No.6627571

For real
Probably didn't even have a prompt
more hours of grinding away at toilets will fix it

>> No.6627573
File: 1.72 MB, 1203x1288, for fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thank you for the tip sirs! AI is the future!

>> No.6627574

Post your prompts then, you wont because it'll be scuffed no matter what unless you controlnet it which you'd also be too lazy to do

>> No.6627576

You're moving your goal posts. You're now saying that one guy was trying to do animation stills when the tech is made to do generally still images. txt2video is a thing now anyway so your point will eventually be moot since you can now prompt a funny janky AI cartoon, and that tech will only improve. And another person could succeed where one has failed. I have several loras for certain artists and they're all different even though they were trained on the same artist. Some awful and some amazing. Since you're talking about a hideous art style, the guy training the model almost certainly wouldn't produce something decent!
>You couldn't have picked a more on-model show kek
THE POINT was that another anon just like you said it was impossible and yet it obviously and evidently isn't.

And seriously, no one wants that crap. Yes that's hyperbole since there are a few shit eaters out there. But you don't see it anywhere for a reason. You more often see pursuits of realistic beautiful women or aesthetic anime instead. Like this.

>> No.6627578

>post your prompts
Don't you know it's in bad taste to demand things while acting like a child?
>ai is improving but not fast enough, ha!
Funny how the most vocal artfags never pyw.

>> No.6627580

What is wrong with you? If you want something good, make it. What point do you think you're making asking someone else to do it for you? You're just being a creepy loser.

>> No.6627581

> another thread where crab and no draw tell their 694274th reason why they wont draw
Never change ic

>> No.6627584
File: 494 KB, 512x512, 04827-2126443824-old man punching a horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're just being a creepy loser.
>no rebuttal or proompts posted, just trannies chimping out
Good to know this technology hasn't come all that far despite it being almost a year old. This is now an old man punching a horse thread.

>> No.6627586

>You're moving your goal posts
>proceeds to move goalposts
I accept your concession, pajeet.

>> No.6627588

So you literally can't do it even though you claimed it was because the person didn't know how to prompt, ok

>> No.6627589

>proceeds to move goalposts
...How? What an ironic post, you're literally copping out.

>> No.6627590

>I can make trash art even though I want something good, I win
Embarrassing. You're an utterly pathetic loser.

>> No.6627591

He said as ai advances in leaps and bounds in every field
>it will never do faces correctly
*does faces correctly*
>It will never do hands
*does hands*
>it will never make good anime
*makes good anime*
*does x*
Just go draw titties or something dude idk what to tell you anymore

>> No.6627593
File: 445 KB, 512x512, 04828-1263508076-old man punching a horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one came out a bit better this time. How should I adjust the prompt?

>> No.6627594

Hey that's pretty good, I know you are very angry right now, but I like it very much
What model? Personally I find (((dark atmosphere))) never hurts a prompt, maybe make the horse a pony that would be hilarious

>> No.6627595
File: 460 KB, 400x215, aacd137d-583b-481b-b8db-d703010e84fd_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rajeesh fears the western toon will make his animu bob and vajeene irrelevant

>> No.6627597

Where do you input lineart to color it in? How do you choose a unique bjt similar coloring style?
I was always ass at rendering, maybe this will teach me...

>> No.6627598

>the unironic shit eater acts tough while ignoring the facts I presented


>> No.6627599
File: 355 KB, 512x512, 04832-1067323438-old man punching a pony, (((dark atmosphere))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As per your summons m'lord. The prompt has redeemed marvelous results.

>> No.6627600

Ah, submission. A second favorite to futile resistance. ¦^)
Fuck, that's actually really good

>> No.6627601

Funny part is that even this garbage is better than anything you can do yourself.

>> No.6627602

Nope, it was shown to fail horribly trying to do complex styles like the late and still greatest KJG, anything complex it will struggle with but since most manga and anime are simplified styles they suffer by the AI learning being able to replicate them not only flawlessly but better.

>> No.6627603

>thread turn into AIjeets jerking off each other
Janny must be getting spitroasted rightnow

>> No.6627604
File: 353 KB, 512x512, 04829-3177374030-old man punching a horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's good
>it's garbage
Thanks for the fun AI friends. See you in two weeks.

>> No.6627606

The duality of man, see you in two more weeks, ai movies will probably be a thing by then.
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better
>two weeks pass
>it gets better

>> No.6627616

>gets released today

>> No.6627624

It seems to do hands not even less than half the time or are cherry picked images that were edited in. Considering y'all can take any of your "AI" pictures and claim it your own or my own why should we believe any your shit considering you say this while another one of you fags spams images of worse quality than you claim

>> No.6627625

are you new? those talking points were btfo months ago. you niggers just pile up obfuscation and whattaboutism and try to redefine shit to win, truly the troons of the art world.

>> No.6627628

AI shills and spammers never post their own prompts for some reason

>> No.6627629

Aichads take another W over wiggartfags
Good artist copy
Great artist steal
Deal with it

>> No.6627630

Honestly, if the fake "AI" hype surrounding silicon valley isn't just a phase like web3 and crypto was, then the only real future is an ethically sourced model made by a company to ultimately win over competition. At that point, it'll be streamlined and utterly simple to use for the average person anyway, so you're always better off just continuing to learn to draw whether you do it for fulfillment or monetary gains in the future.

At that point, it's pretty obvious the industry landscape will change if you're wanting to jump into it, but at the very least it's pretty simple to see that artists who have their fundamentals and know what they're doing, can easily sub in learning AI skills if they need to really quickly. There's no world where you would ever hire someone without any artistic skill in a creative field anyway since the tech is pretty simple to learn.

Although honestly, it feels like there is always going to pushback and a hefty sentiment towards the idea of actual drawing and painting skills digitally or traditionally. It's kind of like how people want to have the best taste in anime, people will generally gravitate towards the same artists who've grown and offer themselves through their drawings. It definitely is annoying seeing how low people have become, endorsing such unethical means if it means dunking on artists who simply never asked for automation like this, but hey capitalism, and emad's stability stock shares when he goes public is what matters after all.

I think you're all fine, just adapt if necessary, but you should always remember there is no shortcut to getting good at drawing/painting and truly understanding the fundamentals that go hand in hand with creating something visually. I also don't see AI models being able to fully bring out the type of animation we see today for a good chunk of time, so I guess if you really want to foolproof your skills, you can learn some animation on the side as well if you like it.

>> No.6627632

I hasn't done a single one of those things

>> No.6627633

Are we back at denial again?

>> No.6627638

>Good artist copy
>Great artist steal
probably shouldn't use quotes you don't understand and note make a 1:1 equivalency between a sentient being and code

>> No.6627640

>Good artist copy
Great artist steal
Deal with it

I'm glad we all agree it's stealing, but even then the context is in place of a human being, but if you're trying to call the machine learning algorithms sentient beings, we've got bigger issues of retards like you coping for code

>> No.6627643

There's literally no such thing as unethical AI.

>> No.6627649

>defending the trust fund baby retard
Hows his boot taste? fucking faggot

>> No.6627651

That's great pal, and I love scouring twitter and dumping an artist's works into a model to train, post it up on civitAI and leave a patreon link to make some quick cash over someone else's hard work. Just shut the fuck up if you're gonna type such a retarded statement without backing it up at all. Even if you're trying to play dumb you know how blatantly unethical it is, but if you wanna play the idiot, then I have no qualms about it retard.

>> No.6627654

Why waste time replying to the desperate samefag when you could be posting in one of the drawthreads? Or even make a new one.
This retard is only seeking attention and he won't ever stop posting if you keep giving it to him.

>> No.6627655

There's no difference between doing that and creating fan art. The new method is just faster and more accessible.
>and leave a patreon link to make some quick cash
Again, like the fan artists stealing designs from corporations?

You are a fucking moron brainwashed by grifters.

>> No.6627658

true pod dweller logic

>> No.6627659

I accept your concession. You didn't even attempt to reason with this post.

>> No.6627664

This is kind of how I know you haven't even hit intermediate in drawing. The difference is the human spirit of art vs. a machine learning algorithm of code designed to scrape and pump out mass images for automation.

Have you never done fan art? There's a reason companies don't go after it because it's a symbiotic relationship. There's also the human aspect of an actual person taking the time to do it in the first place, something your retarded ass can't grasp for some reason in such bad faith. You're an absolute dumbass and don't come pointing that stupid brainwashed grifter shit, this ain't politics numbskull

>> No.6627668

I accept your concession.
And yours.
Hes right you know

>> No.6627670

>There's literally no such thing as unethical AI.

You're literally the same, stop projecting, there's a reason why people can't be bothered to argue with an absolute peanut like you

>> No.6627673

Oh here we go with muh soul muh human spirit drivel
Where's that chris chan sonichu ai when you need it?

>> No.6627674

You can try to deflect, but art and human emotion is tied pretty closely. It's honestly kind of sad that you can't even admit that when there's no shame in doing so. Are you seriously that insecure this is just sad

>> No.6627678

There's no difference, the machine is just a tool. You can infuse your spirit into it just like a pencil. More effort into it will yielf better results. Look at this garbage >>6627604 anon was just posting then look at the good stuff.
>inb4 there is no good stuff
If you say this just tie the noose already because your delusions aren't doing anyone any good.

>There's a reason companies don't go after it
What the fuck am I reading? They don't go after it USUALLY because there's too much of it. But they do go after it, many forms of it too.

And don't call me a grifter, you're literally brainwashed by grifters trying to make money on art. It is now free for anyone to make almost anything in almost any style and that's almost exclusively the reason you're all angry.
>muh ethics, you can't just make art you want to make!
Yes I can and there is nothing wrong with that.

>no argument at all

>> No.6627680

And humans are now making art with AI. Your point is retarded and he's completely right. You're a pretentious idiot parroting garbage you've read online.

>> No.6627681

That's odd you mention >>6627604 being hot stinky garbage because I actually haven't seen a better old man punching a horse yet. Could you do a better job for me?

>> No.6627685

>There's no difference, the machine is just a tool. You can infuse your spirit into it just like a pencil. More effort into it will yielf better results.

Yeah I do question your actual drawing skills, because the whole point of these AI models are to automate the drawing process away. It's not a tool, a tool would be something that helps you in your workflow, not complete it. Even if artists want to use it as a tool, you do realize it's just a simple post editing process at the very end right? Even then, the actual majority of AI users are people who automate the process and don't do anything else with it. You're delusional if you truly gaslit yourself into thinking that.

>What the fuck am I reading? They don't go after it USUALLY because there's too much of it. But they do go after it, many forms of it too.

It's clear infringement, there's no saving the small artist who does fanart so they can and do you're right, but they don't in most cases because the fanart is crucial to their community aspect and fostering that relationship, there's no merit to going after people simply expressing that joy when it only helps the company.

>And don't call me a grifter, you're literally brainwashed by grifters trying to make money on art. It is now free for anyone to make almost anything in almost any style and that's almost exclusively the reason you're all angry.

You're quite literally deflecting after you tried your brainwashing argument, and stop gaslighting your shitty arguments backtracking on it all. Artists would've been fine with an opt-in situation with AI, there's a reason why it wasn't and pushed through into what it is right now you fucking dumbass.

>muh ethics, you can't just make art you want to make!

You're free to do so, you have a pencil right? It's even more financially democratizing than having a computer right? You can try to sugarcoat it but you're just pathetic, trying to skirt around the ethicality like it means nothing.

>> No.6627688

Honestly, you just seem like someone who gave up on art trying to justify it. Even trying to make fun of the whole Muh emotion human spirit shit was just sad. I hope you find solace in using AI, and it curbs your feelings of insecurity even a little bit. At least you can delude yourself into the equivalent of google image searching because drawing was too hard.

>> No.6627690

Humans are making slop with Ai. Art is dead.

>> No.6627691

You know you say this but I know dumbasses also like be far to up your own ass that you sperg out in near every media site I've seen to ware people call niggas out on harassment
You could say your retarded quotes but when you immediately go to the person you say your stealing from and try to gloat about I'm not sure why your shocked when people start witch hunting y'all or you get a DMCA'd/Cease and Desist suddenly
>also insert how many AIfags accounts been deleted/got struck down
>INB4 get some shill post on Reddit,Twitter or some other media site showing an "AIchad" winning against someone
>try to find the "AIchad" account
>near 100% it prob got deleted due to their sperging

>> No.6627692

>they are still replying to bait

>> No.6627696

I here only here to help in the effort to get this post to bump limit. Since Jannie is still useless and the same fagging OP bumps it when it's about to die

>> No.6627697

It is a tool, it's helping you create art.
Creating art is not a craft, it's an act.
You're putting overt importance on drawing because you've spent so much time trying to improve that skill, and you're(whether you realize it or not) angry that your skill is worth a lot less now that people can create art without drawing.

There is a workflow for creating AI art, you're trying to talk about something you've spent no time with. And before you, again, start attacking muh drawing skills. Everyone alive has drawn. It's not some cryptic ability only initiated monks have access to. We all know the process of creating art with a pencil. But you don't know the process of creating AI art and you probably don't even care to learn about it. It's been over 6 months and you're still acting ignorant after all.

>It's clear infringement,
So is going to an art school or creating fan art or using a style you didn't create then. Retarded leap of logic. It's just speeding up what you want, and that is to create art. Crying about how it's not fair someone can prompt quickly is fucking retarded. Do you cry when someone has a chainsaw and you have a hand saw? (Yes). So do something about it, or keep crying lol.
AI artists make fanart too and no one is going after them so your entire point is retarded.

Opt in/out systems are on an extreme level of stupidity. There's no reason to acknowledge a crybaby whining that his style was trained on because there's absolutely nothing wrong with training on any art style. We all love art, why should one person be the sole owner of a style? That's FUCKING mental. If life was like that there wouldn't be an anime industry, pixel art games, animation in general. We're all apes copying one another. A tool to make this faster changes NOTHING except that we can now produce more art which is a good thing unless you hate art.

Pick up Stable Diffusion. You know nothing about it apparently.

>> No.6627698

I'm saying it can apply to any endeavor, I'm not making fun of it so much as I'm making fun of you for not realizing this.

Art is more alive than ever, you'd just a retarded luddite. Same kind of person who was against digital art, film, photography, and even the printing press and literacy for everyone. You are a freak

>> No.6627705

again, those arguments are at least 3-months too ood with how thoroughly they got refuted.
>luddite and false equivalency
thanks, I was missing those on ly bingo card

>> No.6627706

My arguments are rock solid that's why you didn't retort. You are a retarded loser and you're probably a shit artist too. Grow up, man up.

>> No.6627710

If he reaches bump limit he will just make another thread.
Ignore him, stop fucking replying.

>> No.6627714


>> No.6627715

your arguments are sophistry and you act like a tranny. people won't bother retorting because you niggers chose to ignore any and all of those cogent retorts in hundreds of previous thread s. you lie, misdirecte, try to redefine and refuse to hear your opposition...so all that's left is calling you a room-temperature-IQ nigger, it's faster

>> No.6627717

the truth is that this thread is off topic, mr glorified commissioner who masquerades as an artist

>> No.6627718

I accept your concessions and pity how miserable you two losers are.

>> No.6627719

I could ask what you know about traditional art or just anatomy and basic principles but when I literally Ctrl C and Z an AI pic and put a phone filter on it no AIfag would prob no the difference
Because really it's is just practically google image searching since your just waiting for something to pop up and some y'all niggas call artists paintpigs because they know how to fix stuff
I could ask what separates AI shit from Photoshoping but you have less control
>don't know the process of AI art
I could tell you the same about Photoshoping

>> No.6627720

Well if he spams making threads then hopefully he'll get banned for being a dumbass

>> No.6627721

There are no mods on this board, there's only one jannie and jannies can't ban people.

>> No.6627724

Sure it can be a tool, but it's not in what it's used for right now. It doesn't help in drawing and painting, it spits out something already completed for the vast majority of people. The value of being able to draw hasn't gone down at all, so i'm not sure what that even means. Maybe the pinups and equivalent to modern tracing has devalued quite a bit and that makes sense.

Yes, there's a workflow to everything, even google image searching. I have spent time using stable, just to try and see if I could fit it in, or if it really is able to help me more efficiently. It really isn't that difficult to learn to prompt, post a few negatives to tidy the search up, or even narrow the parameters. Then if you want to go the extra step you can use controlnet, to get something more workable. Don't act like this is something foreign, anyone here is capable and have used it trying to figure out if there's a good use for it. Likewise, everyone alive has drawn, but just like you wanna accuse artists of being luddites and not knowing more than just the simple prompting, you act clearly like you haven't put more than a few months of effort into drawing with your statements. The projection feels unbearable at this point and you can stop trying to call out people for ignorance when you haven't even put your foot into drawing fully for even a little bit.

Do you not recognize how stupid your statement is, it's a human not fucking line of codes, learning passively and actively because humans possess agency. Machines do not, we have never granted machines in any capacity human rights, not even the same machine learning algorithms used decades ago in the stock market which is similar to the ones used for these models. So why do you keep trying to bring this style argument as if the two entities are the same. You do realize how retarded you sound right?

There's nuance to every artist even in their iteration of a specific want of trying to draw a certain style.

>> No.6627727

Dumping an artist's work into a lora model and calling it the same as people paying homage to other styles and works in video games and the like is a retarded statement. I actually can not believe you're trying to liken it all cause you can't draw. It's utterly ridiculous

>> No.6627729

It doesn't matter as much anymore. People can make characters with great anatomy following advanced principles just prompting now. The landscape of art has changed and that's a cool thing to live through. Instead of denying it doesn't exist you should be paying attention to it. AI is only going to keep improving, it won't stop until it sucks the ideas straight out of your brain and converts them into video games or movies. And even then you bigots will act like people aren't making art because all this is about is your skill(or lack of). You don't actually care about art you care about the craft that is increasingly becoming irrelevant. Link related

Again, art is not a craft and AI is just a tool people can use to express their ideas. Art is the product of your expression. So funny how I have to explain this to you.

>I could ask what separates AI shit from Photoshoping but you have less control
You have infinitely more control over AI than PS. You, anyone, can create almost anything with AI whereas photoshop limits you to your own ability and imagination.

The product is the same. Quality is subjective. Make an argument.

>> No.6627731

>You have infinitely more control over AI than PS.
This can't be a fucking real statement.

>> No.6627733

>The product is the same. Quality is subjective. Make an argument.

There we go, there it is. No you fucking retard the ends don't justify the means, drawing is a process, and the fundamentals that you use to create works of emotion are learned through that process. You can't make anything compelling if you don't even understand that. Quality is subjective, which is why your statement of using AI is ironic af how do you sit there and type that as if you're in the right.

>> No.6627737

>AI is only going to keep improving, it won't stop until it sucks the ideas straight out of your brain and converts them into video games or movies. And even then you bigots will act like people aren't making art because all this is about is your skill(or lack of). You don't actually care about art you care about the craft that is increasingly becoming irrelevant. Link related

You do realize, that drawing is enjoyable first of all right? It's not supposed to be your demon. You truly can't draw can you, and you think this is the solution. This is actually cope on the highest level and i'm cringing reading what you typed. Best of luck to you, but even then your so called "prompting skills" that takes a day or two to learn will be utterly useless if your future takes hold, with more streamlined AI model UI's and optimization. Keep on trucking my dude, but I do wish you would just tackle your insecurity instead of trying to force something people of passion want in its current form.

>> No.6627738

>anyone, can create almost anything with AI
using AI doesn't make you create, stop trying to be a word semitic semantic wizard

>> No.6627742
File: 143 KB, 1080x1205, 1669467817947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> but it's not in what it's used for right now.
Yes it is.
>It doesn't help in drawing and painting,
It doesn't have to in order to be a tool, but it can.
>it spits out something already completed
What is "completed" is what you decide is completed. It can spit out a rough sketch and you can say it's done, or it could spit out whatever you want and you could spend weeks working on it if you wanted. You aren't even fucking making a point here, is it bad to finish art fast? No, not at all. You're just mad and making up dumb points.

> The value of being able to draw hasn't gone down at all
It has and you know it has. Stop being disingenuous.
>even google image
Pretty sure you're a bot, I only see this argument coming from trannies and bots. At best you're an NPC. So asking you not to be disingenuous seems like a tall order. I don't mind replying to the rest of your posts but if you don't reply to this one like a human being there's no point.

>> No.6627745

>leave for a hour
>luddites and AIkings still at it
Blessed be all forms of intelligence

>> No.6627748


>> No.6627749

>a literal redditor that posts on a cope subreddit

>> No.6627750

I know you won't reply to the other points posted above because i hit the nail on the head. Your image showing the post about an artist charging her commission fee is proof of that. The jealousy is really showing through, and I honestly don't really have much else to say because i know my points stuck through. I wish the best for you, in your endeavors

>> No.6627752

>tldr; "nu-uh"

>> No.6627753


>> No.6627754

How man images are in latent space? How many can you prompt in a day?
How many ideas are in your head? How many can you draw in a day?
I am objectively more correct than you. By orders of magnitude.

Drawing is a process
AI is a process
Your fundamentals and opinions can be expressed through either medium.
And of course you cope with the fact that quality is indeed subjective. Plenty of people like AI art and that's okay :)

Yes. AI art is enjoyable too. I didn't say anything bad about drawing you know, that's your own demon making you think that lol. And it's making you an ignorant dick too since you can't understand anything I'm saying, and you're only looking to attack me and my views, and to ignore my logical arguments. You are pathetic.

Yes it does.

>> No.6627755

These must be trolling. How are you calling this expression when 95% of the effort come not from you but a machine? You better just use an emoji just to express your retarded method of expression at that point. You barely care about art or anything, you just type whatever shit you could come up with just to feel like you win an argument, so you could feel like you "own" somebody. Fucking pathetic

>> No.6627757

Yeah I didn't read this cope nigger, kill yourself

>> No.6627756

N Shiet

>> No.6627758

>Art is more alive than ever, you'd just a retarded luddite
seether harder AI tranny. I'd love access to high tech that allowed me to brainwash you, possess you and commit suicide with your body, but such a thing should obviously not be made. it isn't "luddism" to regulate tech or to not want it to be made for the sake of it if it causes more harm than good. but then again, your brain is devoid of nuance, and you don't even know what the luddites wanted in the first place

>> No.6627759

>How man images are in latent space
That's silly, how many books in the library of babel?

>> No.6627761

I didn't even read them lol. And no it's not jealousy you fucking retard. It's concrete proof that drawing is worth less now. You're an idiot for not understanding why I posted that.

What kind of retarded question is this? What do you think expressing yourself is? Drawing with a pencil? That's it? You can't type and express yourself? You can't dance, write, paint, speak, or sing?

What an autist you are.

What's silly?

>> No.6627762

At this point it's clear he's just acting retarded for the sake of it.

>> No.6627763

>"nu-uh, nu-uh!"

>> No.6627764

I won every single argument and you can only name call and make fools out of yourselves.

>> No.6627765

Its just kind of sad at this point

>> No.6627766

>What's silly?
implying images exist before they are prompted.
how many pixels configurations are on a 2000x2000px photoshop canvas?

>> No.6627767
File: 32 KB, 484x326, AI bugman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard, do you even know what "control" means? if it doesn't allow you to simulate mark making to the finest intentional detail (which is what a stylus or...pencil does), you do not have control over it. a.k.a the whole point of being an artist is to have full control on the result. you don't have full control over anything by creating cheap RNG copies with mild directions of someone else's art. you're a fraud, a deluded retard

>> No.6627768
File: 55 KB, 916x1100, 1635026004095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, I am not an artist. I do not wish to be considered an artist. I reject the title of artist. I am commissioning my A.I. companion to create beautiful illustrations for me. I consider it an insult to A.I. to call it 'art'. 'Artist' is a deprecated title that deserves no prestige nor merit

>> No.6627770

Lets all agree to leave him to argue with chatgpt from now. I am feeding it this thread so it can mimic us.

>> No.6627771

My art rival drew like this but worse and he deleted all his socials and went radio silent after AI started to get good. I told him 10000 times that he needs to develop his own style and every time he'd make fun of me about "uhh but it looks good???" and "lol you're just mad I get more likes!!".

DevelopingyourownstylethroughyearsofstudyChads we can't stop fucking winning.

>> No.6627772
File: 91 KB, 828x1338, 1673506983662588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nonsensical schizo brainfart, par for the course of an AItranny. it's a good thing you admit you're not an artist though

>> No.6627773

like a kid thinking he won against his dad in a fistfight. the only thing you've achieved is making your sophistry apparent

>> No.6627775

Nah, he's getting into the nitty gritty of the issue and you guys have no retort
He has my admiration, keep chugging on you glorious bastard
The man is so right he leaves no room for argument

>> No.6627777

>he's now also mobile posting

>> No.6627778

That's.. latent space 101. A model is just a file, it doesn't change. Everything it can do is concrete until you mix it with other models. There is a finite number in any given model.
>how many pixels configurations are on a 2000x2000px photoshop canvas?
That's why I asked the other question. How many can you draw in a day? Less than the AI user. Thousands of times less.

Yes you do. It's a different kind of tool but you can control it. Does it support your stylus? Why yes it does, so what the hell are you talking about?

Says the "dad" who is crying and name calling like a bitch.

>> No.6627780

>Yes you do. It's a different kind of tool but you can control it. Does it support your stylus? Why yes it does, so what the hell are you talking about?
are you pretending to be retarded or has your brain completely skipped over the point I was making?

>> No.6627781

Artist are bitter luddites and I take great enjoyment from your squirming and crying.
Go ahead, call the jannies, see if they care.

>> No.6627783

>That's.. latent space 101
they don't exist

>> No.6627784

I leave plenty of room for it because without arguments they'll never learn. It's just that they're too stupid to keep the debate up, or they know they're wrong. I'm right so often that I honestly can't even relate to them so I'm not sure which one it is.

You aren't making a real point though, you're comparing an apple to an orange like a fool. Both of these tools we're talking about help you create art but they aren't doing it in the same ay. The methods are obviously incredibly different.

Yes they do. It's a neural network.

>> No.6627787
File: 45 KB, 281x1000, 61gI5qLbc-S._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You show me this shit and I could show you a regular camera picture anon
Your example speaks volumes to your retardation on what we have had for years now. Ah yes the power of poor quality barely recognizable shit at it again by people who don't know what their doing will be your fucking standards because being faster doesn't equate being better. Especially since the ones who are promoting this shit don't care about actually fixing things.
You say you could spend a lot of time on the prompt or working on it till it is completed and we'll anon is that what they went with in your example.

>> No.6627792
File: 836 KB, 4236x2860, 1672485952325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bla bla my subjective opinion about quality
Doesn't matter, we weren't talking about something so shallow. The fact is that drawing is objectively worth less now. Maybe it hasn't affected everyone but it has affected some. Anyone can very easily get a decent image prompting themselves or asking someone to do it for them. Where last year it would cost you a lot of money. No one on /ic/ can even draw a picture like this one. And they sure as shit couldn't have done it in a few minutes.

>> No.6627793

I take great enjoyment though in spreading Koolaid and actively making y'all look worse for the fun of it

>> No.6627794

I admire your dedication AIking

>> No.6627795


>> No.6627796

Because it is a mockery of art expression. Art expression doesn't just come from the final product, it also comes from the process and the human artist him/herself. You can use AI "art" to "express" yourself, but don't act like you are similar or better than someone who actually paint it themselves. You using AI to "express" is like someone searching meme to post on image board to say his day is shit.

>> No.6627797

Try typing that out again without the nigger babble, ok?

>> No.6627798


>samefagging this hard

>> No.6627799

Was the prompt "Game ot Thrones, but retarded?"

>> No.6627800

>>samefagging this hard
Paranoid schizophrenic

>> No.6627801

Photoshop my guy. Also all that it public domain now so sure might as well ask everyone to take your image not like Ctr C and V is hard or anything you don't have protections for anything nor do existing ones apply to you

>> No.6627802

Wasn't me.

>> No.6627803

>the jew calls you schizophrenic as he's found out

>> No.6627804

Thanks bro.

No, YOU are making a mockery of artistic expression if you think it's so shallow that it can't include ... a tool that helps you make art. You're an absolute idiot seething over technology, a literal luddite. Again:
Art is more alive than ever, you'd just a retarded luddite. Same kind of person who was against digital art, film, photography, and even the printing press and literacy for everyone. You are a freak.

And art is that final product. Art is not a craft and it never has been. A craft is simply a craft, and using AI is a craft. Dancing is a craft but the performance is the art.

>ut don't act like you are similar or better than someone who actually paint it themselves
I'm not. In the same vein as this suggestion, don't talk about what art is or isn't. You're being pretentious and ignorant doing so.

>You using AI to "express" is like someone searching meme to post on image board to say his day is shit.
I could say the same to you but I'm not a bitter faggot with no self respect. Stop being like this.

It would take for you centuries to do that. Don't lie to yourself.

>> No.6627805

>Yes they do. It's a neural network.
potential rather than actual
The AI decodes, thus creates.
Does the written notation of a piece of music exist as music before it is played, or is it only a potential or abstract representation of the music until it is performed?"

>> No.6627807

What the hell are you talking about lol. We were already talking about potentials in both cases. AI has more potential than you because it's seen more than you have. It can also output more than you with PS because it works faster.
Why are you so dumb?

>> No.6627808

now the bait if way too obvious
>more semitic semantic games

>> No.6627809
File: 279 KB, 770x584, 2475708689024677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when anon says you are one person despite it clearly being 3 different pro ai posters with different posting styles
Clearly you are schizophrenic, jews or no jews
Are the ai rabbis in the room with you right now?

>> No.6627810
File: 10 KB, 531x148, Screenshot .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this just a game to you?

>> No.6627811

That was chatgpts answer I am not taking that position lol. it doesn't quite get what is happening.

>> No.6627812

Considering I can once again Ctrl C and V and not show my work for near any of it why would it take centuries

>> No.6627813

there are no Ai rabbis, only Ai-using good goyim

>> No.6627814
File: 702 KB, 2560x2048, 1663906985360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's genuinely entertaining seeing images like this.
>the guy is being a dick but he isn't really doing anything morally wrong
>the artist is seething because someone can play with a variation of their toy
It's like someone showing MJ the moonwalk and going "you mad? :^)" and MJ actually getting mad. Fucking retarded.
In the future this drama won't exist at all so it's entertaining seeing the growing pains and human nature expressing itself.

>> No.6627815

>. AI has more potential than you because it's seen more than you have
it can never create a new style, only combine previous ones. I can create a new style by thinking about how I want to represent reality.

>> No.6627816

Anon... that's devilsh as fuck, gaslighting artfags
Yes we are all the same person
>¦^) &

>> No.6627817

>he isn't really doing anything morally wrong
that's where people disagree and why your ilk is found insufferable.

>> No.6627819

I don’t really care for ai but why is it always these people trying to seek validation for their ai usage on a critique board for art by drawing? They never mention their drawing skills or how they use it with ai at the very least and yet they seek the same respect as someone who learned to draw and learning how to use the models, it doesn’t make much sense. Ai art is just another category of art like photography or collage at best, which is why it’s always odd to me that they try to validate their skills the same way as drawing when we wouldn’t do that for other categories of art.

>> No.6627821

>there are no ai rabbis
Objectively wrong

>> No.6627820

>it can never create a new style
It can and it has created literally millions in the past year. You're just a braindead parrot who was told to think otherwise and apparently can't think for himself.

The 20 finger hands is a new style of art, as a quick example. It's one of the infinite branches of AI art -- a new genre.

And you can't create shit by your own logic. All you're doing is combining ideas into something new after all. This isn't creation!

Your emotions have no bearing on logical truths. Casey's style was inspired, just like Matt's model.

>> No.6627823

The only potential it has it turning your attention span to be fucking goldfish for retarded it makes you. Your barely be able to comprehend basic shit but sure you need to be hand hold for every thought and action as well. In which case it's a effective tard wrangler

>> No.6627824

Because they want to get praised for something for once.

>> No.6627825
File: 9 KB, 422x143, Screenshot 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no need to feel down

>> No.6627826

No one really is looking for validation, they're just talking about AI art. That's just you guys being schizos and projecting I think.

Some debate lol. How immature.

>> No.6627827

good luck convincing anybody that if a robot dancing is "expressing" for me means me is performing. Fucking retard

>> No.6627828

It just feels like pure envy and disdain for not being able to enjoy drawing so I kind of get it but I don’t at the same time when they try to compare apples to oranges and say it’s the same. Bypassing logic because of your guilt and incapability of drawing is not the way to go

>> No.6627829

don't talk about logical truth when you can't properly use language properly. proper debate requires rigor and your debating method is pure kikkery of changing definition or bending them to retroactively make yourself (seem) right

>> No.6627830

Ok, so these new styles, can we see them? whats new about them?

>> No.6627831

Not a argument

>> No.6627832

You clearly are if you’ve been trying to argue for this many paragraphs on a board of people mainly here for drawing no? At least the people opposed to it are here for the drawing skills and they have an excuse

>> No.6627833

Your analogy only proves how fucking stupid you really are lol.
Man codes robot to dance = Man animates a dancing robot
Same thing. Animation is not art? This is what you just said.

>name calling like a little bitch, again
I won every single argument. That's why you're posting like this instead of retorting to my points. You are a sore loser.

You've seen them. Pay attention. You like art don't you?

>> No.6627834

It's nice knowing the goy already knows his place and already is going out their way to listen to what we say and distract them

>> No.6627836

quick lads! we're nearly at the bump limit, one more counter argument will convince these brain dead artcucks!

>> No.6627837

>name calling
where? you have claim to have won every single argument because you've said you do. here, let me summarize the whole thread:
>"Ai is X"
>"no it isn't"
>"yes it is, I won!"

>> No.6627838

The age of the anti artist is here, but it will be short lived
Their only purpose is to accelerate the divide between purely physical artist and ai artist until one gives.

>> No.6627839

I'm helping you all cope by presenting facts and strong arguments for you to think about. So that you can understand what's happened and is happening in the word of art instead of coping, seething, staying ignorant, and staying angry at... art. I really enjoy doing this for a variety of reasons.

Stop projecting how you think onto me. I don't care about validation and I highly doubt most AI artists do either.

>> No.6627840

>ai artists
not a thing

>> No.6627841

>You've seen them. Pay attention. You like art don't you?
New style, not amalgamations or errors. take art movements for example, prior to them, art was different yes? there was nothing like anime in the year 500. They emerge from the new thoughts, not combinations of old ones.

>> No.6627842

I'm not here to worry about your retarded arguments and just here to keep the debate going

>> No.6627843


>AI art isn't an art movement
jesus christ

>> No.6627844

Thanks for adding more fuel to the fire, inkcel.
So sorry you won't feel special over anime titty doodlings anymore.

>> No.6627846

oh i didn't know you code and built the ai yourself, I would actually respect you more if you parasite actually did, but you didn't retard.

>> No.6627847

But no one is taking you seriously because you come off as someone who hasn’t even touched drawing at all. You’re trying to validate it for some reason but you’re doing it in the wrong place because you want to prove yourself right. You can keep saying no and stating your points but when you don’t address and continue to deflect it just makes you seem that much more confusing

>> No.6627848

>citing wikipedia
now you've truly lost
>projecting this art
don't worry, maybe one day you'll fool people enough to pass artistically

>> No.6627850

Any idea where I can find more stuff like this?

>> No.6627852

Maybe start debating then, y'all.
The hilarity of a artist calling anyone a 'parasite'
Stalin was right about you people

>> No.6627854

>>AI art isn't an art movement
>jesus christ
It can not go anywhere, it is stationary within the latent space. It needs to keep training on new human work to ever keep up with real actual art movements. Always a step behind.

>> No.6627855

>no you are
guess that all you can say now

>> No.6627856

I could say weather you like the association of tick tockers using filters as part of your movement or it basically being photobashing for how similar your going of someones original thing
But all I've seen is fags just add AI and buzzwords to their stuff and claim it's somehow innovative when similar shit was was not even a few years ago

>> No.6627857

>without direct input from human artists
thanks for defeating yourself?

>> No.6627859

Well your replying still and here to say fuck all

>> No.6627860

99% people don't care, you aren't special.
People give artworks a few second glance, say "nice" and move on with their life
Of course, a egotistical histrionic artfag would worry about being validated and "passing" as a artist, whatever that's supposed to mean

>> No.6627861
File: 3.45 MB, 2560x1080, 1654321578924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious reply here. Amalgamations of our perception is all art is. Anime is a combination of styles. The fuck are you talking about seriously? Every single model or combination of models is the equivalent of tens of thousands of artists creating new styles. Morons like you who say it all looks the same are sub-human autists to put it bluntly.

Every time you see AI art you're probably looking at something new. AI art is also inherently surreal in novel ways. You are blind and retarded.

>continues to project

Youtube. Midjourney users make videos with those images.
>"Oblivion if 80s movie"
As an example. There were those Balenciaga memes too that went mainstream.

Dozens of new models are made literally every day. AI and robotics also exponentially speed this process up. Constantly gathering new data to train new models on.

>> No.6627862

Image diffusion programs are autonomous? Retard grasping at straws lmao.

>> No.6627864

>99% people don't care, you aren't special.
like deluded leftist, you over-estimate your base and under-estimate your opposition
>"I pressed a button! I'm an artist"
okay, retard

>> No.6627865

>"I wiggled a pencil! I'm an artist"
I can be retarded too.

>> No.6627867

Post your socials and work.

>> No.6627868

>I can be retarded too.
I mean, you're doubling down on it. there are no ai artists, only proompters claiming they are artists and trying to redefine everything so they can be right...like a certain group

>> No.6627869

>dox yourself
the last bastion of ainiggers

>> No.6627874

You're a luddite seething that the times have changed. An artist makes art just like a "proompter", they're .. both artists. The only redefining is what you're attempting to do because you're coping. You're using the same arguments retards used against digital art 30 years ago.
Scroll up, I've already addressed this
>What do you think expressing yourself is? Drawing with a pencil? That's it? You can't type and express yourself? You can't dance, write, paint, speak, or sing?
>No, YOU are making a mockery of artistic expression if you think it's so shallow that it can't include ... a tool that helps you make art. You're an absolute idiot seething over technology
AI is just a tool to use to express yourself in artistic forms. You are coping because drawing has been devalued, and that's really unhealthy.

>> No.6627875

>Amalgamations of our perception is all art is
>Anime is a combination of styles.
I didn't want to have to do this...
Cave art, a certain style yeah? now move forward in time... humans have new ideas, invention from intuitions and curiosity... NEW! not a mere combination, new vectors, uncharted territory of thought. Anime is not a mere combination of styles btw, lets imagine anime didn't exist yet, say 1950. and AI trained on all the art of the time, How in the fuck do you reach Dragon ball Z with this AI? in 1950?

>> No.6627877

no need to read the rest

>> No.6627878

Nah I'm pretty sure that's exactly how it is.
Getting rid of the histrionic artists is the best thing that could happen to art.
The only thing that matters is the end product and the viewers appreciation for it. The process is irrelevant for the most part
People don't care what brushes or techniques where used to draw the mona lisa, and if they do they are part of a vanishingly small minority

>> No.6627879
File: 116 KB, 1600x1067, supreme-brick-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say its surreal but what separates from any other shit considered as photobashing besides adding the words AI to your fuckin sentence. And your classifying it as surreal but what makes it different from surreal that it can be classified as it own thing if you say it "creates new styles"
Anon I've seen more retarded shit people bought into for a phase I still remember this shit

>> No.6627880

guys guys, every time you look at a cloud it's a new cloud!

>> No.6627881

>Reek AI bug cope
Yeah yeah you are "artist" alright. Go convince someone outside of here

>> No.6627882

>they're .. both artists
they're...not? they just keep claiming they are. I could make an appeal to authority and bring the latest copyright statements.
>same arguments retards used against digital art 30 years ago.
false equivalency, debunked more than 6 months ago, repeatedly
>AI is just a tool
transwomen are women, same level. you fail at the fundamental premise that AI doesn't make you express yourself. if the AI was sentient it would express itself and you still wouldn't for the specific production of the picture.

>> No.6627883
File: 3.53 MB, 1200x2000, 1669874150054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are new just like AI art is creating new. They are all recombination's of what exists, or rather what humans perceive either outside of themselves or inside. And inside is just a combination of what we got from outside.
CGI is a new style right? It was made with computers. AI is a computer.

I can't even fathom why I need to explain this to you. How do I even get this through a guy like you? Are you able to be helped?

Spoken like a true coward.

>> No.6627885

>Nah I'm pretty sure that's exactly how it is
and we're the schizos

>> No.6627886

>Youtube. Midjourney users make videos with those images.
Alright thanks man.
Yeah I thought it was some gay branding after the first few.

>> No.6627887

>AI art is creating
no need to read the rest

>> No.6627890

>that non-composition
you people would make more salient point if you posted good examples. but I can't expect much from people getting dazzled by rendering.

>> No.6627891

Can't handle it huh? That's fine, being confronted with truths you don't like actually triggers the pain response of your brain.
More histrionic egotistical artfags obsessed with being special.
Yes you are, mind arguing against literally anything I said?
No? Thought so
Small man can't entertain thoughts he no like, make his head hurty, no read

>> No.6627893

Not really sure why you’re contradicting yourself, you can consider both ai and drawing art and call yourself an artist if you value picking up dog shit but we’re on an art board for drawing. There’s an inherent distinction in the process for a reason which is why we have photography and other mediums as well. You’re also saying drawing has been devalued but the actual end product of art itself has eroded including ai. The actual drawing process and those who have the skills will still retain their value, ironically enough it’ll probably be more valued if ai keeps continuing without regulation, I don’t know why you keep trying to conflate the two it’s pretty disingenuous

>> No.6627894
File: 120 KB, 512x768, 1680027324748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's competent and logical. Also people can create new surreal art too so again you're outing yourself as a moron trying to pit me against myself. I'm trying to explain something simple to you, you are too dumb to explain something to me so stop trying.


They are.
>false equivalency
It's EXACTLY the same arguments.
"it's too fast"
"you're cheating"
"there's no process"
"there's no physicality"
>transwomen are women, same level.
Now this is false equivalency
> you fail at the fundamental premise that AI doesn't make you express yourself. i
There is no logical argument supporting this claim.

I want to create an image of a dog
I draw a frog until I like the image
I prompt a frog until I like the image
Both methods are legitimate expression

>> No.6627895

I could look at those hands again and already see they're melting. But it's getting better just need too sort through the billions fuck ups to get something you think looks correct

>> No.6627896

>brand new image exists now, didn't minutes ago
>but it doesn't exist..! NOOO REEEEE

Again with your low IQ subjective opinions. This "non-composition" image is a new art style and you hate it!

>but we’re on an art board for drawing.
This is /ic/ - Artwork/Critique, where does it say anything about drawing? AI is creating artwork and while that does make people upset this is a relevant board to talk about AI art.

>> No.6627898

>Can't handle it huh
rich coming for someone 3 months behind the debates.
>obsessed with being special
words have meaning, misusing them gets you corrected
>mind arguing against literally anything I said
so you'll keep saying "nu-uh" and ignoring? as soon as you claim only the end result and how it's viewed matters you've painted yourself as a consumerist drone who will keep missing the point.
>Small man can't entertain thoughts he no like, make his head hurty, no read
why would I read the rest when your first sentence is flawed in its premise? Had you used proper language you'd be worth reading, this just tells me you're gonna use sophistry

>> No.6627899

New surreal art, what separates it from old surreal art then your not explaining anything so much as your just pageet shilling for constantly you what to come see the same arguments here

>> No.6627900

cry more bug, its starting to get funny

>> No.6627904

Critiquing for the sake of getting better at drawing has always been the main purpose and the constant backlash to ai sentiment should be simple enough to understand? There’s no relevance when you won’t even try and understand the points? You just blatantly tried to gaslight the devaluing of art and completely misconstrued the purpose of the different mediums in an attempt to shove your point through. That’s not a discussion and the people are upset because you keep deflecting and repeat the same points

>> No.6627906

>How do I even get this through a guy like you? Are you able to be helped?
I was just thinking the same about you.
>They are all recombination's of what exists, or rather what humans perceive either outside of themselves or inside. And inside is just a combination of what we got from outside.
humans combine in new ways, using reasoning, AI combines without the new, just an interpolation.

>> No.6627910

>where does it say anything about drawing
in the rules
>User-created artwork is submitted for critique, and visual art is discussed. Do not claim authorship of works you did not create.
Now lets argue about whether prompter created the art or if it was the AI, again.

>> No.6627911

"it's too fast"
"you're cheating"
"there's no process"
"there's no physicality"
never said the first one, you're not cheating but you're not creating or being artistic, there is indeed no process thus voiding its artistic status and I have no clue why you bring physicality.
>brand new image exists now, didn't minutes ago
>but it doesn't exist..! NOOO REEEEE
careful with all that straw
>low IQ subjective opinions.
it's actually an educated, informed opinion and you're seething when people call it like it is.
>AI is creating artwork
it's generating pictures, not board-related. again, there is no AI art, it's a pure misnomer

>> No.6627912

Link your shitty AI art Patreon and be done with it.
Jesus fucking Christ you are pathetic.

>> No.6627913

>Now lets argue about whether prompter created the art or if it was the AI, again.
according to copyright they don't, but those fags will argue using a printer makes one a calligraphist

>> No.6627914

Your not wanting to or capable of fixing anything you post nor are your getting better so much as your need to be feed new updates
>Y'all also keep bitchin about the critique part apparently if you need to say 2 more weeks when a flaw is pointed out
>It's 2 more weeks of basically sitting on your ass waitng for handouts while you simping out for newest thing or update

>> No.6627915

Yup. And what good is critiquing AI art for the prompter anyway? he could sleep for a year and come back to the latest update and have improved output. There is nothing to gain at all.

>> No.6627916

I succinctly proved that drawing has been devalued, I'm not gaslighting. The rest of your post has nothing to do with me or the discussions in this thread. You can criticize AI art and lord knows you do lol. You can get better based on that or through other means too so .. yeah you're just wasting your time with your post. You entered an AI thread to complain about it.

AI is a tool for humans to use to create art. AI dramatically compounds our ability to create new styles, because it's like a borderline retarded galactical genius of a person, we've modelled it on ourselves and fed it immense amounts of data.

You are a mongoloid. Literally.

So it doesn't say that at all lol.
>visual art
AI art falls under this.

>> No.6627917

I'm gonna ask the single relevant question in this whole thread: can the AI improve on its own?

>> No.6627918

>AI art falls under this.
neither user-created nor art just like animals don't

>> No.6627920

Because physicality matters to real traditional artists, you're a zoomer so you don't even understand how ignorant you are!

You are arguing that there is no progress in AI generated images? holy

>> No.6627921

>AI is a tool for humans to use to create art.
Humans can create new styles by using reasoning that AI lacks, but absolutely all of the new comes from the human, not the AI. You've shifting goal posts a lot itt aren't you getting tired?

>> No.6627923

>You are arguing that there is no progress in AI generated images? holy
Quote where I said that.

>> No.6627925

Ah the mindless copyright cope next. I swear twitter trannies aren't even human. First the AI creates nothing, then the human telling the AI to create an image which it does isn't creating anything. What exactly is happening? We're all under an illusion? Artists are crying and losing work because ... nothing?

Legitimately braindead.

>> No.6627926

You implied there's no growth when any AI gallery will show growth.

>> No.6627928

>real traditional artists
are trying to muddy the water? create a divide between digital and physical illustrators to somehow make digital artists accept AI? or making that false argument that AI is treated like digital art 30 years ago and that somehow make them the same?
>mindless copyright cope
it's not the copyright but the underlying reasoning that leads to AI not warranting copyright, keep up, brainlet.
> First the AI creates nothing, then the human telling the AI to create an image which it does isn't creating anything.
it generates, period. you could use the common usage of creating but then would try to substitute it as an act of artistic creation in an obvious semantic switcheroo.

>> No.6627930

>cry more bug, its starting to get funny
Refer to >>6627768
Stay mad

The debate was settle last year and you have yet to catch up with it.
Remove artist.

>> No.6627934

That divide existed before your time, zoomer. And you're now creating another equally retarded divide.
And it is just copyright cope, the law does not represent reality and I've already destroyed your peers in regards to the processes and creativity involved in creating AI art lol.
>it generates, period.
Oh, what does it generate? How does it do it?

>> No.6627935

>Legitimately braindead.
Explain where the new comes from with the AI? its just interpolating.

>> No.6627936

>The debate was settle last year
yes, and the result was "it's not art"
>Refer to >6627768
>"we are artist"
>"w-we never wanted to be artists anyway! c-cope, you're obsolete"
something something fox and grapes

>> No.6627937

Quote me. I said no such thing.

>> No.6627938

You are just interpolating too. You use tools to further that. AI is a tool. All this compounds to a process of image creation that is extremely creative :)

lol nice cop out.

>> No.6627939

>lol nice cop out.
Huh? just quote where I said what you claimed. why are you dodging?

>> No.6627940

>And you're now creating another equally retarded divide
nah, digital illustrators and physical ones are closer to one another than digital illustrators and AI users are. just like a sculptor and painter are closer than a painter and someone printing a picture
>what does it generate
pictures, I know you really want to somehow validate those as art but they can't be as there's no physical interaction on the part of the AI and it's not sentient.

>> No.6627942

>yes, and the result was "it's not art"
Nope, that's the kneejerk reaction given by the assblasted copers.
It's art, it's art that bothers you, the highest form of art
>"w-we never wanted to be artists anyway! c-cope, you're obsolete"
"artist" as in this narrow arbitrary definition you people have come up with to cope since the simple existence of ai art puts you in a existential crisis.

Anything can be art. Go ahead, argue otherwise.

>> No.6627944

>You are just interpolating too.
did Einstein interpolate the theory of relativity?

>> No.6627946

The point was that traditional, who are physical artists, hated digital art because it is not physical art. Their arguments were retarded just like yours are because AI is just another form of digital art like animation, texturing, 3D modelling, photoshop, digital music, vidya, etc. Sculptors and painters are not the same either you idiot.
>pictures, I know
It generates what you want it to according to your skill, just like your pencil. Dumbass.

>but they can't be as there's no physical interaction on the part of the AI and it's not sentient.
None of this is in any way relevant. What do you think expressing yourself is? Drawing with a pencil? That's it? You can't type and express yourself? What are we doing right now? You can't dance, write, paint, speak, or sing?

You are one dumb fuck.

>> No.6627948

>"artist" as in this narrow arbitrary definition
>assblasted copers
you plugged your ears, ignored the cogent arguments and claimed you had won etc.
>"we never wanted to be artists anyway"
>Anything can be art. Go ahead, argue otherwise.
anything not created by a human can't be, cope.

>> No.6627951

>You are one dumb fuck.
You can just admit you are using words wrong.

>> No.6627952

Only humans can make art huh?
Funny. Could swear those apes and elephants unleashing their creativity on a canvas was art, guess not? According to seething artist here, Lol
It's art to someone somewhere.
As far as I'm concerned, and that's all that really matters, if a banana on a wall, or a literal can of shit is art, then ai art is beyond arguing against.

>> No.6627954

So you are pretty much telling me that AI fags are apes.

>> No.6627955

>AI is just another form of digital art
it really isn't because it is not art.
>It generates what you want it to according to your skill, just like your pencil. Dumbass.
false equivalency, we're coming to the point chatpt can write decent prompts, where is the skill? secondly, the pencil doesn't move itself in the process of drawing. next you're gonna argue "but I control by setting up the conditions!". sure, you control the constraints of the subject matter, it doesn't mean you're making the picture.
lastly while digital illustration isn't physical art and active interaction with a physical object is required for its ongoing creation.
I was waiting for that debunked argument. yes, those are trained behavior, not as of yet proven to have artistic wills behind them. does a parrot really talk?

>> No.6627957

Yes anything can be art, just like banana on a wall right? Whatever you try to cope with to make your AI "craft" as equal as actual handmade painting to make you sleep well at night, you are delusional to think their isn't somewhat of an objective spectrum to make a craft more valuable than other. You are not convincing anyone but yourself bug.

>> No.6627959

>So you are pretty much telling me that AI fags are apes.
Desperate to get any jab in huh? I accept your concession
>learned behavior
Are toddlers born with inner artistic abilities or do they learn what art is and how to do art?
Something something in the eye of the beholder, get fucked

>> No.6627961

>Desperate to get any jab in huh? I accept your concession
I'm not the want who compared AI art to ape and elephants drawings.

>> No.6627962

>Are toddlers born with inner artistic abilities
My walls tell me yes.

>> No.6627964

you conflate artistic ability with the will to express oneself artistically. and again you'll fail to see what define art isn't end result but how and why it was created

>> No.6627973

Nothing but a bunch of cope, bunch of stuck up pricks, glad you will be left behind as a relic, a curiosity of the past.
And ai art will go far beyond simple images, soon entire projects will be made with ai images, ai music, ai video, ai scripts, ai voice actors
One man and his computer will dwarf whatever measly projects the traditional artist could produce in his limited scope of media.
Better quality, more quantity, more control, more freedom, less expensive, less time intensive, less restrictions from lazy faggot artist and voice actors that demand pay.
What a glorious future

So stay in your little chicken scratching corner, the rest of us will adapt and prosper.
I know this burns your ass more than anything ever, and I'm glad it does, so bring forth the cope train.

>> No.6627979
File: 93 KB, 192x192, vid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine the media I can consume, tailor made to me!

>> No.6627989

>bump limit reached
>AI fag disappears

>> No.6627995

>"lol you're just mad I get more likes!!".
Attention whores are so silly. They're now seething because AI art gets more likes on Twitter of all things, crazy.

>> No.6628006

So how do you get it to take your input and draw that instead of generating random stuff? Or what are they using?

>> No.6628010

Way to miss the point, but it's probably on purpose.
We've been at it all night you spastic, passive aggressive faggot

>> No.6628027

It's morning in the only relevant part of the world you third worlder

>> No.6628047

>we've been at it all night
>night ends
>morning starts
Well it is now, you fucking histrionic freak.
Holy fuck you people are something else

>> No.6628052

>No one on /ic/ can even draw a picture like this one.
That's not even a drawing, retard. Those images are derived from photos. Very few who learn to draw and paint aspire to create anything like that.
But imagery like that suggests AI will evolve into something different (shitty & over-refined) akin to CGI. It's geared much more towards that than traditional drawing.

>> No.6628065
File: 149 KB, 1000x998, 3d792d80b88e6efa15689d2b8d10da29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more accessible and free
Like your mother

>> No.6628068
File: 582 KB, 664x848, 00041-3567612532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played with sd before, been trying to create a LORA of a character. (picrel).
To be honest, It's really just lame and less fun than drawing it yourself. it doesn't really feel much like i created it.

>> No.6628075

>it doesn't really feel much like i created it.
and this is what it boils down to. no matter how good it gets, or what you can create with it, it's not intrinsically from you. this is why drawing will never die.

>> No.6628081

>it doesn't really feel much like i created it.
It's a very versatile tool but its limitations are very notorious after a while. At some point trying to force the AI to make the exact thing you have in your mind becomes harder than to draw it yourself.

>> No.6628115

Aside from the leg shadows on the left the AI rework looks like shit. The contrast screams AI which makes me instantly dismiss it 0.5 seconds upon witnessing it, the generic face shape is boring,, and the weird fucked up shadow on the boob is the final cherry on top. The whole picture had hard shadows with no gradient but then the boob has gradient for some reason. Not to even mention the fucked up shadows on the arm. AI is only good for nodraws or artists who prefer speed over drawing. taking good image and running it trough AI is waste of time and complete downgrade, text2img is only useful way of using this tech.

>> No.6628120
File: 87 KB, 768x1024, FhDuxIVaUAE3eMh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing, it has not gone anywhere, it is still the same it was the day SD was released, only difference is that the background got less fucked up and the hands are not right looking 70% of the time instead of 10% of time. The fact that it is getting easier is problem only for prompters who were able to get good pictures 6 months ago now have to contend with normies who can write literally anything there and get the same picture they did with 5 hours of prompting and configuring. We said this from the start, promptrannies saying "get on with time, its just a tool luddite" are now seeing how it is getting easier and easier and how their prompting skills get less significant. It has been 6 or 8 months since it has gotten really good and Patreon subscribers, Twitter retweets and vies and other stats do not show anything even resembling artists being fucked. Maybe except for China where they use AI for posters and tell artists to only fix some details.

>> No.6628229

Controlnet mostly but img2img as well. Stable Diffusion.

And this is a benefit over using AI to drawing. That was the point. It's still art and it can make basically anything really well and really fast, that's cool.
>But imagery like that suggests AI will evolve into something different (shitty & over-refined) akin to CGI. It's geared much more towards that than traditional drawing.
Again, it can do ANYTHING. There are just as many stylized pics as photorealistic or CG. It's not a shallow tool that is moving in one direction. You move it to where you want it.
>want CG?
Use a CG model.
>want anime?
Use an anime model.

Different extensions and models are just different brushes and techniques. You have to learn about hem and use them for your purposes.

>> No.6628274

>It's still art
>Again, it can do ANYTHING.
except actually draw
>it's not a shallow tool
correct, it's not a tool at all
>You move it to where you want it.
you more or less vaguely tell it when you want it to go and convince yourself it's what you wanted all along and you had absolute control.

>> No.6628290

>put some words into an email, send it to a draftsman, receive drawing
>i didnt make this drawing
>put some words into an instant message, send it to a musician, receive music
>i didnt make this music
>put some words into amazon, receive package
>i didnt make this product
>put some words into google, receive web page
>i didnt make this webpage
>put some words into a mathematical function, receive deterministic output of function
>i made this
why are aibros like this?

>> No.6628294

the lolicon community has never been better with ai lolis though

>> No.6628319
File: 1010 KB, 1792x2688, FuGahx4WYAc8ihs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an artist, I made this. Using the brush called stable diffusion, keep seething.

>> No.6628354

weak bait

>> No.6628382

As if anybody cared about lolicon community other then being disgusted by them before forgetting about them again

>> No.6628393

Ask normies or at least little bit online normies names of 2 prompt engineers, then ask them if they know about Stable Diffusion, Midjourney or Dall-E 2. Then ask them about the names of visual artists that dont use AI and then ask them if they know about some of the professional programs used by digital artists outside of Adobe. I guarantee you that they will be more familiar with the tools that AI artists use then with the AI artists themselves, likewise they will be more likely to know non-AI artists better then the tools they use, because with normal artists is more about their skill rather then the tool they use, while AI artists it is all about the tool they use. I guarantee you that if you took two professional prompt engineers who use the same program, and then one who uses two programs, you would find more difference between the one guy working with two programs while finding almost no difference between the two guys working with one program, because in the end the program is the artist, not the tool of the artist.

>> No.6628396

She should learn to code.

>> No.6628404

Anon, AI can already code to an extent. By the end of the year the main job of programmers would be to understand computer science and correct mistakes made by AI, something learn2code bootcamp monkeys cant do. Tell her to instead learn how to drive trucks

>> No.6628458

Its been like half a year and they're still jealous they cant draw.
You could have become /int/ if you used your time wisely instead of wasting it pointlessly proompting.

>> No.6628464

>AI art is also inherently surreal in novel ways.

That's actually a great way to describe the feeling I get from looking at ai art. Initially, it's like "waow a machine made this" and it's pretty cool to think about. Once you get beyond the novelty of a machine making art, there's....nothing left to discuss honestly. What is there left to admire?

>> No.6628514
File: 467 KB, 1500x2100, 1670679271013516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AItards never fail to amuse me at their own delusion.
Are you still misstagging your shart because every single community rejected you or are you finally coping that you are really not an artist?
See you next thread when you collect your rupees for this one.

>> No.6628536

It's fucking over.

>> No.6628552

What is the best AI creation so far? It's been a year now, and they are better than 99% of artists so... where are the goods? Anything worth checking out? Is there a rising star in the community? The next Miyazaki?

>> No.6628678

>saw bob and vegene on pornhub
>I am no longer virgin

>> No.6628686

besides elf pinup X and img2img2 animation overlay Y, the coolest thing I saw was corridor digital's AI video, which was actually just another live action overlay. and the entertainment mostly came from their directing and multimedia talent. the only reason the video involved AI was to shill their paid course kek

>> No.6628692

1. Its not deterministic
2. If it was deterministic, it would mean that the guy made it. Writing function that draws batman on a graph means you made it, you just drew it in form of a code. However what I just said does not apply to AI art which does 99% of the work. /sdg/ autists will argue that they put in more work to make the pictures, but that is just their problem of bothering with program that requires it. Just go to Midjourney discord and get similar result from single sentence in less then 5 minutes. You prompting in a program that makes it hard does not mean there are not people doing the same in easier ways, you coding in Notepad does not mean it is extremely difficult to code when you could just use VisualStudio that marks your errors and helps you with autofill, or using MS paint instead of literally any other drawing program.

>> No.6628844

>1. Its not deterministic
Yes it is.

You haven't seen anything yet. AIs are still retarded.


>> No.6628850

Miyazaki is famous because of animation, no one is really impressed with images since digital art already oversaturated the amount of images online.

I guess some notable "best" AI uses are that now people can make beautiful almost or fully photorealistic sexy babes. That's pretty cool. And that people can make shit tons of fan art of any character in any weeb style they want. I really like how when new gacha characters drop, AI users can make high quality art that very day instead of it taking days to get the good stuff.

>> No.6628933

I used the phrase "next miyazaki" to mean "somebody making interesting innovative new stuff that looks like it has the potential to be huge/widely admired by all age groups"
could substitute Miyazaki there with anyone that is widely admired for their vision. maybe for still images, the next James Jean.

>> No.6628957

Yeah but he made video meaning it's almost completely unrelated to image.
AI itself is that huge widely admired by all age groups innovative movement in art. You can do any style but I named two of the popular things people indulge in.
There are plenty of individuals making exceptional stuff but you probably knew that already.
Like another way of looking at it would be putting model creators on that pedastle. The guy who made Abyss Orange Mix for example. But since this is technology, pushing a FOTM is asking a lot, it's like the flavor of the week if you're lucky.

>> No.6628960


Holy mother of cope

Is there a r/defendingnfts subreddit too? I'd love to laugh at some more retards.

>> No.6628974

You've lost me...
I was interested in seeing if there was anyone sort of establishing themselves with a unique vision, someone using AI to look out for. Model creators are just people who scrape popular shit. I don't follow fotm artists for similar reason, I want to see somebodies own vision.

>> No.6628988
File: 1.45 MB, 1024x1024, 1653712161733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Model creators are just people who scrape popular shit.
Each model is a work of art per-se. It's not just about scraping. it's about combining art to get a certain kind of style which is the foundation of whatever the end-user is going to create. Model creators are absolutely the stars you're talking about. The people who get the most attention and express their visions the best. Often they're just aping styles but just as often it's some unique visual style. Everyone else is just making images which again is pretty uninteresting. Some do it better than others but it's all subjective.

>> No.6629006

> Imagine thinking good ai art exists.

They are all grouped together as trash and spam once the user selects "I don't want to see AI shit"

Just a massive waste of bandwidth to the sites being flooded with it.

>> No.6629011


>> No.6629018

> nooo it's not useless

The thing can't even be used to fulfill requests from a fucking drawthread, yet you expect it to be used seriously in behalf of actual art.

Lmaoing at your life defending AI art anon.

>> No.6629034

>schizo strawman argument
huge cope

>> No.6629036

Ok, so abyss orange mix creator is the star atm, but you don't even know his name without googling.
All he did is something like scrape the top 3 pixiv artists and put their work in a folder and push a button.

>> No.6629053

it's not really an exciting accomplishment...
the only stars really are AI researchers...

>> No.6629076

Emad senpai... please notice me!

>> No.6629082

That's like saying the tree is the real MVP of a painting.

>> No.6629094

I would say the stars are the investors, they need to make that money before AI crahes and burns like NFTs did and how VR basically killed facebook.

prompters are just spammers, outside of their AI spaces there is no one looking at their shit.

If I wanted to see AI art I can go it on reddit r/stablediffusion and glance at the cemetery, however

> looking at ai art

Lmao, its like looking for ads and popups of how to enlarge my penis to watch on purprose.

>> No.6629160

you will never be more popular than ai artists

>> No.6629178

I used ai today for some base clothing outfit ideas and anatomy tests, it actually helped a lot.

>> No.6629364

Funniest shit is that not even their fellow AI trannies give a shit about their vomit, they dont compliment it, just go "wot prompt did u use" like that snotty kid who asked you if you had games on your phone.

>> No.6629409
File: 53 KB, 610x172, 1653964921806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6629427


>> No.6629432
File: 177 KB, 1170x1159, 1681095038799488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400 replies
>74 IPs
Can we rangeban AI trannies already
Do your fucking job, jannies

>> No.6629504

Not even that, its actually just CEOs with about as much AI knowledge as the average /g/ poster and with batshit insane ideals about the future like Emad that get famous from AI. Up until like few months ago people still thought Elon Musk was behind OpenAI that made most of the advancements. The actual people behind AI research like Ilya Sutskever (lead scientist behind Dall-E, ChatGPT, GPT1234 and the person who popularized deep learning, technique behind all AI advancements in the past 6 years) are far less known, even if they try to be as visible as possible by going on million podcasts when not working on AI at the moment

>> No.6629509

Jannies do it for free, its not their job, its their hobby

>> No.6629551
File: 17 KB, 752x161, Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 14-34-46 art Etymology origin and meaning of art by etymonline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creating art is not a craft, it's an act.

>> No.6629950

>more control
>more freedom
Everything is true outside of those. I have been prompting AI for the past half a year and have never gotten any character I tried to prompt there. I tried img2img, text2img, different models, dreamboothing it, nothing. AI is great at producing things you vaguely want really fast really quickly and outside of some artefacts sometimes really well, but is is absolute paint in the ass to get what you want from it. This is why everyone including >>6627979 talks about tailor made media instead of the pipedream that AI will allow you to make amazing stuff and everyone will become artist. Most AI is good enough to give you your preference but is bad at projecting what you have in mind. Maybe in the near future if the tech where device scans your brain and then SD manages to transform those thoughts into images it would become true, but until then it wont. Notice how almost no previously non-ai artists never jumped on the bandwagon, not even gamedevs. Gamedevs have fucktons of art to do per project, yet the only places they ever use AI is in making generic assets and never in making the main character, the main character in 2D games now developed is still made by hand because AI lacks the control and freedom. Nothing has more control then your own hand, not even your other organs unless you are amputee or similarly disabled, and it will likely never will be. Even those brain scan images are just vague blobs of color that the AI will have to fill in for us with details, details that you would otherwise have control over with your hands.

>> No.6630004

>I have been prompting AI for the past half a year
Kill yourself you waste of skin

>> No.6630140

train models retard

>> No.6630244
File: 721 KB, 2100x3000, 1682599845318094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art can't construct scenes like this, never will. If you try it all ends up fucked up and soulless. AI has and will have more uses for artists, but this current art can be spotted miles away, it all has the same uncanny look, exept stuff like OP's which is too mushy/oily to see if it's AI.

>> No.6630248

AI art will kill the untalented artists, which is a good thing. Either keep improooving or get to prooompting.

>> No.6630268


>> No.6630440
File: 82 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? check this out!

>> No.6630511

Ok, ignoring anime girls, where would I even find images to train my model to create 4 armed skeletal demons with 2 heads and armor depicting dragon face? Where would I get images to train my models on making landscape that is inside of a giant mushroom and has smaller mushrooms growing from the top? Do I just use mushroom model and then try to prompt it to make me a cave made of cheese or something?

>> No.6630519
File: 1.36 MB, 384x384, 1655844181085.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you try so hard to be wrong about everything?

>> No.6630595

aibros are gonna be so disappointed to find out that the medium of animating isn't actually just about having an image that moves

>> No.6630716

Its so close... AI will mog 99% of sakuga animators in 6 months.