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File: 57 KB, 728x546, some wiki drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6627185 No.6627185 [Reply] [Original]

does taking adhd meds or coffee help with concentration?
im easily distracted and can't regularly draw or learn the fundies without browsing this god-forbidden site for half of the day
also i dont usually drink coffee because i hate bitter foods

>> No.6627538


>> No.6627542 [DELETED] 

Outdated nonsense.

>> No.6627577

is this AI?

>> No.6628077

bump one last time

>> No.6628126

meditate don't drink caffeine

>> No.6628132

any tips?

>> No.6628646

search yoga nidra on youtube

>> No.6628664

I'm on adhd meds and i definitely will really zone in on drawing after i take them, problem is I'll also end up spending too long trying to fix my trash sketches, or I'll finish one drawing and then end up getting focused on somethijg else

>> No.6628671

Meds only work as intended if you actually have adhd. Otherwise you just get high and will get even less work done. Caffeine seems to depend on genetics but mostly it's fine in moderation.

Ultimately there are no shortcuts to success. Either way you need to work hard to see results.

>> No.6628755

derailing threads with AI shit is trolling at this point right? against the rules.

>> No.6628760

It breaks a global rule which is advertising and it's because the jeets are getting desperate for several reasons.

>> No.6628851

medication first if you really have adhd.
then anything else (saffron, meditation, optimisation...)
adhd destroys your potential in such manner its as if you're not even alive, 50 years will go by in a second, regardless of your IQ and all your plans, adhd is death

>> No.6629102

is caffeine really that bad?
im not a fan of coffee since i dont like the taste but i can still add some creamer in it or make it slightly sweet to lessen the bitterness

>> No.6629518

stimulants helps somewhat at various degrees, doesnt replace meds

>> No.6629527

I started to stream me drawing and doodling. Helped me focus on the action and not mindlessly browse internet while "drawing"

>> No.6629621

ADHD bros how the FUCK do you do it?

I feel like I'm doomed to suffer for eternity.
Used to be a gifted child with insane potential (still have insane potential, I know it.)
But adhd paralysis fucked it all up.
I've wasted so many years not being able to do anything yet having so many dreams I want to achieve in my lifetime.
Tried to get meds and agreed to therapy as long as I get meds.
I was essentially lied to and my therapist told me he doesn't believe I have ADHD.
There's no way I could get an ADHD diagnosis at my age and in this cucked country.
Fuck therapists.
Having to rely on pure, unfiltered willpower to get anything done is so tiring.
Coffee and other stimulants barely do anything for me.
I guess my only choice is to keep struggling and increasing my willpower.
Fuck this gay earth. If free will is real, I'll just have to beat it with pure hatred alone.

>> No.6629657

>I was essentially lied to and my therapist told me he doesn't believe I have ADHD
did you try going to other doctors?

>> No.6629703

Tried to. Either I was dismissed with weird stares, the doctors that specialize in ADHD are in bumfuck nowhere or the ADHD treatment is paired with a fucking rehab clinic with the risk of not getting meds again.
I just want the meds without all of that therapy bullshit.
I gave therapy many chances, but what's the point of knowing how my mind works and why I do certain things when it's my lack of dopamine that paralyzes me?
Yeah, I'm not depressed anymore (for now), thanks. But depression was always just a symptom of my ADHD.

>> No.6629716

change doctor

>> No.6629717

gifted people are screwed because they can hide their adhd, find a doctor specialized he knows all corner cases

>> No.6629724

this dude (expert) is interesting and on point

>> No.6629734

There's like a million pill mills online with legit health pracs go get a diagnosis from one of them.

>> No.6629761

Draw in a dark room, with the only illumination your desk lamp. Stream music without lyrics,preferably with headphones.

>> No.6629762

insane info, most ppl (especially women docs) barely give any single effective advice

>> No.6629986


>> No.6629999

this is the equivalent of telling someone to pray to solve a problem.

>> No.6630202


>> No.6630639

Kek, all these "muh validation" comments and nothing about how well these strategies worked

>> No.6630702

it can.
if you have adhd, your brain is deficient in dopamine, so basically any stimulation will take your attention away. dopamine could be characterized as what guides your attention / motivation / ideas (creative ideas but also simply ideas for "what i should do right now").
shit like adderall just gives you some baseline (normal) level of dopamine in your brain so that every random bit of stimulation doesn't grab your attention. if you have adhd, taking a little adderall will likely make you feel calmer and yes, it will be way easier to focus on whatever you want. it also feels nice ofc.
but still, if you haven't planned what to do before taking addy, you might find yourself deeply focused on something like talking to your friends or browsing 4chan.
in my experience it kind of makes things equally enjoyable and interesting, so it won't necessarily make browsing 4chan less appealing, it will just hopefully make drawing AS appealing.

>> No.6630726

I have ADHD, but I've been drawing/doing art for way longer than I got my diagnosis or using medication. I never relied on coffee or any type of caffeine since it was always more of a hinderance to me. That being said it used to take me a loooooooooooong time before I would start drawing anything and then I wouldn't start until the end of the day.

With the medication I can start way earlier than I used to and I can actually remember to take breaks versus just sitting at my desk for hours and not moving. That being said I do find that the instant release tablets are much better for getting more done than the extended release ones.

I don't know about taking them if you don't have ADHD. The meds are supposed to give someone with ADHD enough dopamine so that they can operate at the same level of someone without the disorder. I assume that someone constantly taking it without proper guidance or in a controlled way might end having those stimulants work against them in the long run.

>> No.6630731

Also, not every ADHD medication works the same for everyone. I have taken 2 types so far and only one of them works way better for me than the other.

>> No.6630799

If you have ADHD, give medication a try. It might not work, but it might. It's certainly made my day-to-day better.

For coffee, try starting with low-caffiene mochas. If you don't despise it, you can work up to a coffee. If you hate it then it's probably not for you, but you could try green tea or something. They're not as bitter and are probably a bit healthier too.

I had the same problem and symptoms. Try to keep at it, even if it isn't ADHD (it sounds like it is but you don't want to be diagnosed on 4chan), there's clearly something wrong so you need a doctor who will at least hear you out.

>> No.6631134

kek he should sit there and listen to you, kek

>> No.6631507

archive with keywords: adhd, drugs, coffee

>> No.6631555

do anyone know a real alternative to adderall / Methylphenidate?

I know saffron gave excellent results in an irarian test.

could proomptin gpt help to find better plants / elements if we get technical?

>> No.6631591

Fuck you all adhd is probably the biggest strength one that talentfags will never have but the problem is you guys are making problems that never existed in the first place. If you learn to embrace it you will end up with other skills that is not necessarily art related or which can potentially make you more money.

>> No.6631605

how many hours per day can you draw? genuinely curious, if only you really have adhd

>> No.6631800

ADHD feels like a monkey's paw situation.
I get so many creative ideas and inspiration out of thin air but I can't make them a reality because I simply can't start...drawing.
Once I'm actually able to draw I can go on without stopping thanks to hyperfocus.
I once worked on a project for 15 hours straight, slept for 90 minutes, and continued to draw for another 5 hours.
If only I could tap into hyperfocus at will.
I'd be unstoppable if I could have ADHD without the drawbacks.
I'd probably die in my 30s due to a heart attack because of lack of sleep but it'd be so worth it kek.

>> No.6631933

only one thing made me hyperfocus, a stupid video game toolset, from morning to sleep, without eating

>> No.6631944

none of you have ADHD.
Learn to sit down and make yourself focus, turn off your podcast and draw. It's as simple as that

>will taking an upper help me do something that requires sitting still for long periods of time and not get distracted?

idk you tell me you fucking mongo retard

>> No.6631948
File: 144 KB, 1000x666, ADHD scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6631951

It's a double edge sword. On some days u can be crazily productive and creative or u can hit a dry spell that could last from days to months. Van Gogh most likely also had some form of this condition. Some of his most recognized works were created during spring to summer. He virtually did not paint during the winters. I'd rather be consistent and dependable than erratic.

>> No.6631957

>Having to rely on pure, unfiltered willpower to get anything done is so tiring.
lol are you people fully human?

>> No.6631962

not sure :(

>> No.6631982

what am i supposed to be looking at

>> No.6631989
File: 19 KB, 259x271, pieta1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Is practically the same. Adhd is a meme I think. We are just lazy.
God helps us all.

>> No.6632000

get real, even the medicated one is lower than the control

>> No.6632521

im easily distracted

>> No.6632791

these don't understand science, that's why they're triple vaxxed

>> No.6632794

Literally zoomer illness
Imagine believing you have a disease that ends when you turn off the internet

>> No.6633066

I think about this sort of thing for a while which may make me sound like a schitzo, but if taking medication can increase productivity by even 10% the cumulative gains would be very valuable.

Melatonin has been good. Buy the 3.0mg tablets and break them into sixths.
Sleep quality has a massive effect on concentration/willpower and intelligence. https://gwern.net/melatonin

>> No.6633074

wtf is with the recent uptick of midwit threads? its not even summer yet

>> No.6633085

I drink coffee because I have sleep Apnea, I have a hard time getting up, and that 1 cup of coffee in the morning is enough for the day, any more and I start to feel bad.

For concentration, I usually put either some semi-interesting topic on youtube, I don't want to be fully engaged... Just enough curious to make me work while I listen...
Dub Techno music/chill synth... These usually get me through and keep me focused.

I know I can't work in silence, and I need to enter "The mood"... I can be rather easily get knocked out of it... Especially in times I can't find anything to keep my mind semi-occupied, or when I am not in the vibe for chill synth or techno dub.

It is a struggle for me...
Taking half an hour walk, eating small meals and drinking enough water can help me concentrate.

>> No.6633086

nothing schizo about that, meds being used in all sorts of competitions by non adhd's. melatonin is obligatory, can't sleep at all otherwise

>> No.6633425
File: 298 KB, 2201x1376, tffu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6633626

nah youll just end up edging to bestiality for 7 hours straight at best drawing some midget furry shit in some brief moments of clarity

>> No.6633769

oddly specific, anon
want to talk about it?

>> No.6634612

I stopped drawing for the most part ever since I started on meds. It's like I don't need the dopamine I get from it anymore.

>> No.6634618

everyone reacts differently to every substance. know your body, know your mind, know your substance.

>> No.6634634

what do you mean?
you lost motivation?

>> No.6634643

caffeine gets my adhd into overdrive making me want to juggle 3-6 different trains of thoughts/ideas constantly overtaking each other with nothing productive coming out of it. i only drink it for the buzz of feeling productive without actually doing anything.

i started chewing a few coca leaves i brought back from ecuador for fun and i actually committed to doing shit that came to my mind. since natural ritalin aka coca is illegal to import im hoping i can get prescribed adhd pills by my family physician before needing to see a psychiatrist because theres a huge waiting list for them.

>> No.6634663

this guy is trying to fuck your life up

>> No.6635516

>read it as cocoa leaves
>its actually fucking coca

>> No.6635552

Don't think about magnificent AI artwork

>> No.6635570

why would i even do that in the first place

>> No.6635582

Because it is replacing talentless weeb drawfags and making 10x better good elf woman teddy drawings

>> No.6635599

good thing i dont even bother with AI artworks

>> No.6635603

ADHD and the hyperfocus involved in it is real. The times where I'm not hyperfocusing feel like a constant haze but then the hyperfocus kicks in once I have something specific to do and I'll do it for 12 hours straight without eating or drinking, but even then it feels like nothing is really going through my mind. I'm told that this is what taking meth for normal people is like

>> No.6635728

what's the foolproof way to know if you have adhd?
aside from not able to focus on a single thing

>> No.6635730

Well that post got deleted so yes, pajeeting around is just trolling

>> No.6635752
File: 64 KB, 748x420, broughtoyoubypfizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are individuals. Being a little different is now classified as a mental illness. What is a mental illness? It's an arbitrarily determined set of behaviors observed in a person, or feelings described by a person. There are now around 300 so-called mental illnesses in the DSM (psychiatry manual); the number grows every year. A little boy is "diagnosed" with ADHD and prescribed dangerous drugs by a psychiatrist or family doctor simply because he can't sit still at school while being lectured by the lady teachers about toxic masculinity. The drugs turn him into a zombie. Then he is diagnosed with depression and put on another cocktail; the cycle continues into adulthood. These drugs have side effects which typically include suicidal and homicidal ideation. A change in dosage, or stopping cold-turkey, can trigger these effects. The rise in mass shootings corresponds with the increase in prescribing of these drugs to children, but there's an entire iceberg of suicides and murder-suicides that don't make the news. Drug companies frequently settle out of court. They own the politicians and the media, so nobody talks about it.

>> No.6635781

Hatred is my superpower. I would hate to see people that hate me happy to know I'm failing. That's what keeps me motivated. My family, my so calldd friends, and other gangstalkers who talk shit about me.

>> No.6635788

>monkey in op

>> No.6635999

first time i witness true schiz'

>> No.6636045

whether or not people believe it exists, i got diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and have been given meds for it
the medication -helps- but it doesn't make it easier if that makes any sense. the negative feelings about drawing will still be there if you have them.
it took me about a full year of forcing myself to draw every day even when i didn't want to before drawing became a habit rather than an optional sort of thing i could just ignore.

>> No.6636047

but are you still easily distracted?

>> No.6636051

nope. but i do have to be careful of what i do once the medication kicks in or i'll focus on the wrong thing for 6 hours
it helps to have a schedule in conjunction with it. even if it's an alarm on your phone that just says "draw".

>> No.6636064

You need to want to draw even when medicated.
If you don't want to draw for whatever reason then medication isn't going to help that either. You need to enjoy the process or stockholm syndrome yourself into enjoying it.
All the meds do is stop you from being a weirdo spaz who gets up from their chair every 5 minutes.

>> No.6636085

>Insane potential

Potential is a meme, art is taking that picture you have in your head and translating it into the real world. You ever see those AI morphing vids? That's basically what your mind is doing, constantly mixing up memories, ideas, poses - endless possibilities we think it's great but when we execute said Ideas we're faced with the limitation of our medium. Same for everything else, we think we have the greatest ideas because every thing goes well in our head but then we're limited by the tools of reality. Your true potential is the final result; that point you gave up at on a painting is your current potential. Your ultimate potential is cemented when you die. Every thing is stressful as is stop inventing new ways to be stressed.

You don't have to rely on willpower there's plenty of things you can do in order to learn, the name of the game in everything is to stack the cards in your favor, if ADHD meds aren't in your cards, What can you do to make drawing easier? How can you change your environment to promote drawing? What rules can you put in place to be more productive? Also it sounds like you're spreading yourself thin, the great part of being a human is that you can do anything but the bad part is that you're limited by time. Pick one, stop jumping from task to task because when you refuse to sacrifice anything, your ultimate dream becomes the sacrifice.

Also reward yourself when you're doing what you need to and by reward I mean take the time to think "because I am doing this I am becoming the person I always wanted to be" or something on the lines of that, an adult is just a kid who's grown old with responsibilities that little kid is still inside of you,give it some words of encouragement when it's doing hard (and by hard I mean tedious and boring) things.

>> No.6636092

true, should be your natural obsession + focus with meds

>> No.6636149

Back of the brain : Kowledge
Front : Performance
Knowing & doing.
ADHD splits them appart.
Regardless of what you know, you won't use it.
You can know stuff, you won't do stuff.
This is called the performance disorder.

ADHD interferes with all 7 executives functions.
ADHD gives you Time Blindness
You won't be able to aim your behavior toward the future
Intention deficit disorder.

ADHD is a real neurogenetic disorder, medication is absolutly justifiable and the actual one best thing you could do, ADHD is the most treatable mental disorder, it's the most effective thing we have.

ADHD is actually undertreated, not overtreated.

What to do :

- Make mental information external, use cues, charts, reminders, in your visual field
- Make time physical, put a clock in front of your eyes
- Break lengthy tasks in small ones (10 min - 3 min rest pomodoro-ish)
- Make motivation external, make a deal with yourself

- Refuel your self-regulatory strength by
- Use rewards
- Pomodoros
- Relaxations (in pomodoros pauses)
- Physical exercise (refuels & makes the tank bigger)
- Glucose ingestion in liquid form (sipping only) blood stream to frontal lobe

>> No.6640111

ADHD means you need dopamine
But the pills affect people differently
And your born like it
But you increase your dose every decade because you're addicted
And it helps you keep a straight line of thoughts
But you never had proper self control in the first place.

It's horse shit by drug companies. It's like people who are perfectly fine socially calling themselves autistic.

Autism exists, just not the this level.
Parents seek these drugs for children because they have a hard time controlling them. Drug companies get a rent payment from you for life.

But yes amphetamines are awesome (and shit) for a lot of reasons and if you know how to dose yourself/plan accordingly you can get a lot done. They probably would be otc if they weren't so addictive.