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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.82 MB, 1344x896, 748F6E8A-CA3F-40D7-904F-0EE1047577DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6621938 No.6621938 [Reply] [Original]

Is it even worth it anymore, now that AI in its infancy can generate better art than any of us in a matter of seconds?

Why did I grind all these years like it was a job if AI could just come in and do it better in seconds?

Why would I continue?

Why should any of us?

Should we all just start learning how to create AI prompts instead?

Browsing through the Midjourney Discord, these are so much better than I could have imagined. And many of them actually have soul?

How do we reconcile with this?

What about in 10 years when it’s better?

>> No.6621949

Most people here still haven't gotten over the nooby jelaousy, which makes you want to give up.
It's a stage you gotta work through just like the nooby phase. What would work is just drawing what you like, for fun.
Most people here grinding fundies cannot even draw a basic cartoon cause they suck at placing the proportions.
At least make this hard stage enjoyable for yourself.

>> No.6621956

>can generate better art than any of us
why do you talk like you draw? i can see your intentions from a mile away

"ai art" is worthless, everyone can do it = no value
can't be copyrighted, so companies won't use it as anything else than a reference tool or just avoid it completely.

just fuck off with the ai threads and go to your shitty board >>>/g/

>> No.6621961
File: 9 KB, 100x100, artsycat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cállate puta

>> No.6621967

You type like a fucking esl

>> No.6621971
File: 1.39 MB, 1337x1400, 1607814425910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what you do, someone else will be better
kys op
Prompt me pic rel

>> No.6621973

Everything you did could have been done better by someone else, even before AI, yet you're still here breathing and living, which means you already have an answer to your question.

>> No.6621989

Did they pull the trigger on AI art too fast?
Did art already reached it's peak?
AI can only learn from what's available, and with it's advent, the motivation to learn art and innovate will be lost or at least heavily slowed down.
So now art will stagnate entirely.

>> No.6621998

I make a hundred per day only by streaming sketches.

Why the fuck would I care about AI art? Its valueless.

Stream yourself making a picture like this and it may be worth a few hundreds, prompt it and its worthless.

>> No.6622000

If you are an artist, and you won 50 million dollars, would you stop drawing? if not, would you change what you draw?

>> No.6622011

Interesting. what are you drawing?

>> No.6622013


Report this retards ffs.

>> No.6622014

i draw because i find joy in creating nice things, ai doesn't bring about joy because there's no effort behind it.
seriously speaking the reasons most artists bitch and moan about ai proves they're just as "soulless" as prompters.

>> No.6622023

this isn't ai, it doesn't have that uncanny inhuman feeling nor is anything melting

>> No.6622026

nvm on 2nd look the glasses and hair are really fucked. I hate it every time I find an AI image appealing all it takes is a 2nd or 3rd look for me to entirely stop liking the image

>> No.6622029

>Another demoralisation thread
You can sage threads by typing 'sage' into the options bar btw

>> No.6622030

You're not fooling anyone, pajeet. Look at the fingers.

>> No.6622031

Hello sirs, I will not redeem your shitskin app.

>> No.6622051

sageru! sageru!

>> No.6622064

And in a few months it will get even harder to tell and take more looks, then in less than a year it will be indistinguishable, then in a few years time you'll be able to tell what's AI art because it's literally better than human art and you'll be able to hate it again because it's too good.

>> No.6622068

Well, I finally took the AI pill. I've been prompting for a few days now, and I've got to say, there is more to it than I expected.

I would say I'm more willing than before to call what I'm creating as "AI Art" or really, even just art, as I occasionally do simple fixes in photoshop.

It's pretty cool beans, I would suggest giving it a try before knocking it down.

>> No.6622069


>> No.6622075

I will knock it down whenever it tries to breach our walls, this is a place for human made art, human expression. go to /g/ for AI slop please.

>> No.6622076
File: 2.08 MB, 404x720, sirs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I hate the way this retarded AIjeet concern trolls. it has that feeling of "trying too hard", that's probably intentional. when will the jannies get off their asses already?

>> No.6622078


I'll freak out when we have an actual AI capable of learning like an actual human. your image stealing tool is not freaking me out. It's annoying that retards flooding the social media with their tasteless trash fucking up the algorithm even more than it already is. You fuckers especially you the dumbfuck that has wasted hours posting useless thread here will never be a part of the art world unless you start learning properly.

>> No.6622080

Listen, I understand your reluctance to accept this, but the truth is, the AI art I've been making wouldn't be in existence if it weren't for me and my prompting.
So, isn't it fair to say that it's human-made as well? Try to be reasonable

>> No.6622083
File: 142 KB, 1283x933, prompt kiddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.6622085

Imagine when they insert AI into a cyborg, man machine will be unstoppable. What a time to be alive

>> No.6622088

kek. what a delusional retard

>> No.6622093

Does anyone still believe we can put AI art back in the box? Lol.

>> No.6622095

>Try to be reasonable
Excuse me? The gall! holy shit!
I wan to see human made art, and I will give critiques to those looking for help to improve their art. And (you)s to those whose efforts impress me. There is no improving your AI art, there are no efforts, simply waiting for updates from the developers. you could sit and do nothing for 3 years and suddenly be a master at hands, why is that worth me commenting on? What will you get from being able to share AI art here?

>> No.6622097

no but we can put AI fags in a box.

sager sageru sagerareru

>> No.6622111
File: 768 KB, 2244x1208, 1682238019068328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree to disagree, babe (=
Anyhoo, back to more experiments with AI art. Enjoy your day and good luck with your art, however you make it.

>> No.6622116

>Agree to disagree
Tell me why. I am open to hearing your opinion on the matter. Why does AI art belong in /ic/?
Not that I think AI art is there yet for this comparison, but should forklift drivers enter human weightlifting competitions with their forklifts?

>> No.6622123

I'm a traditional artist and let me tell you, it's even infection this medium. Everyone I know just uses AI to trace onto their canvas these days. It sucks so much fucking ass that AI is draining creativity and motivation for people to try.

>> No.6622131

Trad is only going to get more fun when people start abusing AR glasses

>> No.6622136

>the next kim jung gi will have AR contacts and just trace
How do we go back?

>> No.6622137

This thread is retarded and is now about gachimuchi.

>> No.6622139

None of my coworkers have been replaced so, that counts for something.

>t. visdev artist

>> No.6622141

This thread is retarded and us now about gachimuchi.

>> No.6622148
File: 70 KB, 830x1024, 1661394255363323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a photoslop liquifiy coomer thread

>> No.6622171

You'll continue if you actually love the craft itself. Idea guys are dime a dozen, and so far barely anyone has made anything interesting with these actual tools. The cool thing is that actually being good at art will be a great barrier of entry, so far AI art isn't seen favorably by more respectable artists(ie. not porn).

>> No.6622177

I thought the new artform was winning a bunch of art contests and fooling art experts

>> No.6622178

I don't even care about that. I use photoshop and that feels cheating enough.

>> No.6622183

>Everyone I know just uses AI to trace onto their canvas these days.
It takes skill to trace/copy well, like using reference the result likely differs due to medium/style.
And AI sucks so if it's a 1:1 copy their art also sucks. It's generic and sterile and lacks all the qualities associated with interesting art.

>> No.6622190

>fooling art experts

>> No.6622193
File: 432 KB, 512x512, 1661317505832807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't think there's a lot of work put in to writing out a good prompt then I feel pity for you.
Why would people be able to buy and sell prompts if there was no artistry there?

>> No.6622196

please do tell of an example, the only time i've seen this is last summer on /sdg/ someone offered 1000 monero for someone's victorian loli prompt

>> No.6622199

First the cope was that language models make it easy for anyone to generate beautiful images. Now you're saying it takes skill? Which is it?

>> No.6622200

Normies are too lazy to learn AI art, just start making easy money from it while it's new and not everyone knows how to use it yet

>> No.6622201

I made 10k AI images during the beta of SD last year. My results were among the top rated, and spread around as examples of good AI art. There was no effort in prompting, I just knew good artists names and typed random shit until I struck gold.

>> No.6622205

"Why learn carpentry when I can just buy a chair from ikea"

"Why learn to play guitar when I can just open up spotify"

"Why go outside when I can just play adventure computer games"

"Why get laid when I can just watch pornhub"

>> No.6622209

So when are your platitudes supposed to start halting the progress of AI art again?

>> No.6622211

Post your carpentry project

>> No.6622226
File: 595 KB, 719x768, you achieved nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6622228

Gross eyebrow, you lack skill but you can get there too

>> No.6622230

I don't really see what difference it makes - you could already pay to have an oil painting done in a Chinese sweatshop. AI just makes the process cheaper and easier.
I haven't done any since high school. I don't play guitar either. I'm just using those as examples. Furniture you make yourself will always be more valuable than mass produced particle board shit you buy from a store. I made a little table when I was 15 and I still use it today.

>> No.6622232

>AIcuck starts to nitpick after complaining about nitpicking

>> No.6622234

iris isn't round

2/10 would not redeem

>> No.6622235

It's almost like there are more than 1 person who is pro ai on /ic/. Not to mention /ic/ still hasn't decided if Loomis is bad or not, people are different, shocking I know

>> No.6622237

How did that ArtStation anti-AI shit end up fizzling out? I'm assuming it isn't still going on anyhow

>> No.6622238
File: 166 KB, 1080x1598, FmsVmB2XEBAcStJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try, actual subhuman

>> No.6622241

>How did that ArtStation anti-AI shit end up fizzling out?
Tim Sweeney removed all of those posts

>> No.6622242

>gatekeeping art
Makes you wonder why artists are so undervalued

>> No.6622245

come back when anyone actually values your AI slop

>> No.6622246

fianlly, you admit you're not an artist

>> No.6622248

They already do if I go by my etsy stats

>> No.6622250

post your etsy

>> No.6622252

For you to report it? No

>> No.6622253

what would I report you for?

>> No.6622254

False advertising

>> No.6622255
File: 141 KB, 1166x839, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Art is useless, it doesn't add anything to society, artists are not valued"
>AI slop generator shows uo
>"Art should be a right for everyone, everyone can do art now, top gatekeeping!"

>> No.6622256

b-but it's supposed to be legit art?! hahahah

>> No.6622257

It is

>> No.6622258

so you admit that you're false advertising and tricking people? nice future for ""AI"" """""artists""""" lmao

>> No.6622259

Nope, it says it's art generated by AI. But I doubt etsy automated system would care if you fucktards mass reported me

>> No.6622260
File: 2.55 MB, 1239x1305, 1599641988160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622261
File: 81 KB, 724x850, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man, sounds like false advertising to me

>> No.6622262

Pretty sure he is not me, what he does with a tool isn't my problem, if someone uses a hammer to kill a person anyone who uses a hammer for their job shouldn't be responsible for that crime too, that much is obvious

>> No.6622269

Why is a no draw asking for work?

>> No.6622271

I draw though

>> No.6622275

Prove it

>> No.6622279
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>> No.6622283

>*ahem ahem*
Kill AIfags. Behead AIfags. Roundhouse kick a AIfag into the concrete. Slam dunk a AIfag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy shills. Defecate in a AIfags food. Launch AIfags into the sun. Stir fry AIfags in a wok. Toss AIfags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a AIfag's gas tank. Judo throw AIfags into a wood chipper. Twist AIfags heads off. Report AIfags to the IRS. Karate chop AIfags in half. Curb stomp pregnant AIfags. Trap AIfags in quicksand. Crush AIfags in the trash compactor. Liquefy AIfags in a vat of acid. Eat AIfags. Dissect AIfags. Exterminate AIfags in the gas chamber. Stomp AIfag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate AIfags in the oven. Lobotomize AIfags. Mandatory abortions for AIfags. Grind AIfag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown AIfags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize AIfags with a ray gun. Kick old AIfags down the stairs. Feed AIfags to alligators. Slice AIfags with a katana.

>> No.6622287

Who are you quoting? At some point you have to grow up and stop using imaginary boogeymen to help you win internet arguments, anon.

>> No.6622289

you use a dilator, not a hammer

>> No.6622290
File: 61 KB, 750x862, journo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe look at the post I replied, moron?

>> No.6622291

Now can you post your work, I'm interested in streaming art too

>> No.6622292

> At some point you have to grow up and stop using imaginary boogeymen
The irony
>no arguments only autistic screeching
Not surprised with you braindead shitters

>> No.6622293

AItard makes retarded nonsensical analogy speedrun no #252351. because in this case, there's really no difference between you and that other guy, other than the level of shamelessness

>> No.6622299

Where did the post tell you to do the epic 4chan greentext strawman routine for no reason?
What do I need to argue? What point are you trying to make, here?
I'm not even the original anon and you're telling me I have to argue something I wasn't trying to argue.

>> No.6622300

Are the people selling """""watercolor""""" digital painting online that is definitely without a doubt not just a filter the same as the people selling digital paintings in a watercolor style?

>> No.6622301

Not a no draw. I didn't ask to see it, just the subject.

>> No.6622305

Forget it he was larping

>> No.6622309

Yes, digital artists are all grifters

>> No.6622316

No because I can create an a machine that puts in every prompt imaginable like a monkey on a type writer and very quickly it would be possible to exhaust every single prompt possible in the English language in probably a few years depending on how fast your computer is.

The same cannot be said for human-made art.

>> No.6622321
File: 722 KB, 487x560, 6b35b0048bfe9ca02d8af7ed72b46c340b002760d3b49ffdaa467e9af1b9ecb5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom look imma go demoralize them again, im gonna have all the market for myself when ic demoralized doooiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.6622322

>very quickly
Meanwhile password brute forcing programs can take hundreds of years to crack the password if you have a 10 word password, with AI you would need to exhaust not only the order of the words, the punctuation, spaces, settings, seed number, AI version, models, loras, etc

>> No.6622326

You know, I feel somewhat validated given I've been bitching about the postmodernist interpretation of art for like a decade now. This idea that "Oh anything can be art and anybody an artist" poisoned the art community long ago and AI just feels like the next step. I would bitch and moan about postmodernist having zero skill and I would get told I'm gatekeeping and "if you could do it, why didn't you?" Now AI art is here and it can literally shit out tens of thousands of any postmodernist shit on a canvas in a day and they're crying about it, "There's no emotion" because even the AI thinks it takes zero skill to produce. So postmodernists can suck my cock they removed the skill requirement of art and AI has now removed the emotion requirement of art.

It all just proves me correct that actual respectable art requires a level of skill.

>> No.6622329

bro why even draw when there's a billion chinese people who can all paint better than me ;___;

>> No.6622331


>> No.6622333

Nigger, passwords have infinitely more variability than constructing English words together.

You can also create an AI which learns what prompts produce what outcome and it can do a Deep Blue and improve the next iteration without needing to discover further branches. It isn't like a password brute force at all.

>> No.6622335

I'll be waiting on your AI development then

>> No.6622348


>> No.6622363

No matter how seemingly sophisticated and advanced AI art becomes, it's always going to have serious limits compared to what a human artist can do, simply because of how fundamentally different the process is. You can get pretty pictures from AI, but you can't get the creative process and visual problem-solving skills you would get from a real artist, or the ability to make specific minute changes to a work to suit your needs. That's one reason why the risk for industry jobs is pretty low at the moment (the other major reason being that you can't copyright AI-generated art.)

It'll affect artists one way or another, but it'll never replace the creativity and ingenuity you get from a skilled human artist.

Now stop whining about AI and get back to drawing!

>> No.6622367

No matter how seemingly sophisticated and advanced digital art becomes, it's always going to have serious limits compared to what a traditional artist can do, simply because of how fundamentally different the process is. You can get pretty pictures from digital, but you can't get the creative process and visual problem-solving skills you would get from a real artist, or the ability to make specific minute changes to a work to suit your needs over an undo button. That's one reason why the risk for industry jobs is pretty low at the moment (the other major reason being that you can't stop copying-pasting digital art.)

It'll affect artists one way or another, but it'll never replace the creativity and ingenuity you get from a skilled human artist.

Now stop whining about digital art and get back to drawing!
I felt nostalgic now

>> No.6622381
File: 219 KB, 1280x961, 13509123845091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promptfaggots are going to waste years jacking off to the diffusion gacha producing literally nothing of value or developing any worthwile skills.
I cannot wait to see all the impotent rage and cope that's coming their way as imagegen tech fails to live up to their future expectations and gets regulated out the ass while they get laid off by the code monkey robot they trained.
For now you can just fuck off back to /g/ though.

>> No.6622383

You're on 4chan, lets not kid ourselves

>> No.6622391
File: 120 KB, 640x640, 1682186645994474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would suggest giving it a try before knocking it down.
That's right sir, ingest the bug.
Enter the pod.
Consoom product.

>> No.6622393 [DELETED] 

Do everyone a favor and jump off the roof of your mosque, rhajesh

>> No.6622397
File: 352 KB, 788x576, Sub_Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An hero has been at the front of my mind since last summer. Mostly over it now but I'm so tired. I invested so much time/money/hope in building a skillset with animation. I've never been good at anything else. This AI thing has really killed any chance of making a long term career or even side hustle out of this thing. Maybe its for the best, now I can do other things with my life but the real damage is to the core of my philosophies. I believed that even if I failed to achieve what I wanted, so long as I had made the best decisions with the information available to me and put in as much effort as I could in to making my intentions a reality I would have nothing to regret in the future.
I hear a lot of people bemoan having wasted their 20s drinking or drugging or playing vidya and having nothing to show for it.
My problem is that it felt like I was working really hard at the time.
Every ounce of effort was an ounce wasted, I regret everything, the fact I wasted more effort than anyone else is cold comfort.
Career isn't everything, I still have things I want to draw with my useless skills learnt on my worthless degree between barely covering rent, but a lot of my hope for a better future is gone. There are still other things I want to do and try out there but I feel things have gotten far worse over the last 10 years than I could have possibly predicted at the start. I can't take another decade like this.

>> No.6622402

I just did, AI saved me midway through. What a time to be alive

>> No.6622407

>Muh "if you don't waste your time proving me wrong, I must be right"

Look up Deep Blue's learning algorithm and that was made in the fucking 90s.

>> No.6622411

Ask it what the prompt "luddites" will show

>> No.6622419

>I have absolutely no idea what Luddite means

No one is taking away your toy.

>> No.6622420

>i have absolutely no idea what luddite means

>> No.6622426

Why are you asking me instead of an AI?
Why should you talk with I rather than with an AI?

>> No.6622429

Why not

>> No.6622430

Go ahead and explain to me how the definition and historical use of the term Luddite connects to "An AI algorithm could do exactly what you do and that's why your output has intrinsically less human value than a real artist"

>> No.6622431
File: 580 KB, 1024x512, 1660865581022218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making art has never been easier, and I'm 100% here for it

>> No.6622432

>"An AI algorithm could do exactly what you do and that's why your output has intrinsically less human value than a real artist"

>> No.6622433

Shit bait

>> No.6622437

How do you know he is not AI, or me for that matter?

>> No.6622440

You can read.

>> No.6622442

I like making money with art, that's why I adopted AI technologies to my workflow and now I make triple of what I used to make. Life is good

>> No.6622446

Just predict

>> No.6622457

Can't wait until reverse img2img comes out. You can't stop progress.

>> No.6622460


>> No.6622461

what did he mean by this

>> No.6622463

I wonder

>> No.6622465

I'm not saying you can't have a laugh with your AI thingamabob. I'm just sayin' you're kind of lame.

>> No.6622468

no i'm genuinely curious, what do you mean?

>> No.6622471

What the fuck is reverse img2img? You mean the equivalent of something that automatically makes a lora of a style or concept, but better and faster?

>> No.6622475
File: 119 KB, 1687x1816, FqTaGk2WcAI16hO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish it ended art pajeet, but it will however end anime. Whether that's a good or bad thing is subjective. Art will move towards cartooning and sketched styles with emphasis on things algorithms cannot do (perspective, storytelling, gesture, sequential art, etc,.)

>> No.6622477

Yes, it is worthless, just like real art now, because there is little difference and unless the picture is made by newbie prompter it is hard to detect.

>> No.6622478

it's not at all lmfao

>> No.6622480

It's not worth it grinding anymore, it's like grinding for something then suddenly someone decides to nerf what you were grinding for to the ground, why even bother anymore

>> No.6622481


>> No.6622484

I don't want to be a carpenter

>> No.6622485

C'mon answer the question rajesh

>> No.6622491

AI is not one guy who makes only stuff he likes and has all of his artwork tagged with his name, AI is free for everyone clone that everyone can hire in minute.
Prompters are not a monolith, there are AIjeets and doomers who will say all of creativity will be automated in 3 years including music, animation, movies, storytelling and even videogames. Then you have the other kind from /sdg/ who actually make money from AI art and know it is difficult to make, and that just writing few words into Midjourney will give you picture that looks very AIey and full of artefacts.

>> No.6622493
File: 483 KB, 1891x1949, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking over, I can't take it anymore. I will end it all. I'm worthless anyway, and now the little worth I had is getting made obsolete by machines peak clownworld, covid was enough to drive me almost to insanity, this is the cherry on top, i'm there, i'm officially clown level insane now. I'm convinced this is hell.

>> No.6622497
File: 2.03 MB, 480x480, 1679925783184109.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go over to /g/ or /h/ and look at that shit, it has gotten so good. I will become a homeless traveler now and explore the country while doing drugs and then ending it all. goodbye.

>> No.6622501

what app did you use for this?

>> No.6622506

Am I you? I think I'm you.

>> No.6622511

How will it end anime? Please elaborate.

>> No.6622513

oh yeah its real mr incredible posting hours

>> No.6622518

I think this is their thinking:
img2img is a way for people to slightly change existing art and call it their own
"reverse img2img" would reveal the original used in the process, given only the slightly changed picture

>> No.6622522
File: 76 KB, 668x688, 1679519555147448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6622524
File: 346 KB, 1024x512, 1660862365742726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just img2img and stable diffusion is freeeee

>> No.6622526

It takes an AI image that used img2img and creates the original from it by using spaciotemporal diffusion-subflexion, in laymans terms, time travel.

>> No.6622531
File: 166 KB, 441x433, 1681948225330258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6622534

>Why did I grind all these years like it was a job if AI could just come in and do it better in seconds?
There could still be opportunities in the form of fixing small mistakes that the AI makes for other people.
It would likely pay a lot less than full commissions, but I think this will be demand for this as more and more people use AI but aren't able to "fix the fingers". But, with the lower barrier to entry (and getting easier every month), despite needing to set rates quite low for this, there could be a lot of potential customers, so it would even out depending on how quickly you can fix errors.

>> No.6622535

Funkily enough he is easier to replace then most painters, book writers and even musicians once text2music comes out for everyone to use. Wasn’t there already one news site that silently replaced all their writers with ChatGPT and nobody noticed until month later when they revealed it?

>> No.6622536

>being an AI jannie.
No. Gibs is preferable to that.

>> No.6622542

>have to compete with 3rd worlders racing to the bottom for rates on fixing AI shit
>spend 12 hours a day fixing fucked up eyes and fingers for $2/hr on big tiddy anime garbage
Not like this

>> No.6622543

Being a hobbyist is better than being a pixel jannie lmao

>> No.6622557

1. Styles change over time. Anime has overstayed its welcome.
2. World events encourage style change. Between a pandemic and an imminent social media collapse, now is the perfect time.
3. If everyone can easily do something, it's not special. Therefore people will gravitate towards things that are not easy.
4. Anime is what imagen does best. It's devalued by default. People will look for where the value is.

>> No.6622572

Dangerously based

>> No.6622574

I do think there's quite a bit of excessive fearmongering, regardless I like to believe that for most people here, building their own following and carving out their niche with their drawings will always shine through.

Ironically enough, there's always going to be people who will always prefer hand drawn skill and growth from an artist that will never be able to be replicated from AI no matter how many developments it goes through. The person behind the art in conjunction with what they produce is always going to beat out an ai prompter who never touched drawing or just gave up on it in the first place. In essence, just continuing your journey and improving will always be the best choice of action, financially and more importantly because you love drawing.

In the absolute worst case scenarios, and I'm talking worst case scenario, ethically sourced AI models will become the winner, the process will be streamlined for even simpler usage and at that point, artists who've continued to grow their skills will be able to utilize it to the same extent that AIbros who use it today will. It's retarded to think companies won't want the process to continue to become easier and easier. At that point, if you really are forced to use AI or not, you will always hold more value to the average AI prompter who never picked up a pencil to try in the first place. Which is why it's so weird to me that AIbros think honing their prompting "skills" does anything for them. Why on earth would companies hire a no skills prompter in a creative field where the fundamentals of art are still relevant for creating something of worth

The best thing to do is just continue enjoying the process of drawing, and getting better. I don't think much has changed quite frankly especially now that we're going to see how the current lawsuits play out.

>> No.6622575

*giggles* *whispers* What a time to be alive *giggles*

>> No.6622586

Anime and manga will always continue to be popular, AI in its current form can't even touch the directing and style of taking 2d images like anime does and making it look as good as it does. Not to mention, the most popular mangas out there can't even utilize AI either and I don't foresee any change with that either unless it's for backgrounds which photobashing already exists for. Or were you just talking about anime pinups you see posted?

>> No.6622587

Guys, someone made manga with AI, it's over....

>> No.6622596

Manga is a different story because there's no limit to style. The most basic streamlined anime genshit impact vtuber style is what will and should die. It's the easiest to replicate because of how basic and uninspired it is.

Like the dozens of manga made out of 3d models, it will be shit.

>> No.6622599

Its not worth it for career anymore. Any artist here who is not an animator or a traditional gallery artist will be out of work and money within the next decade. I still think its worth pursuing because honestly its fun, and I still think human art will be appreciated at the end of the day.

Like I kinda broke my year long streak recently out of gloom for the future but I just need to suck it up. I love drawing so I wont ever stop, but I need to move forth with better career options now which is the only thing Im very saddened about.

>> No.6622600

>but the truth is, the AI art I've been making wouldn't be in existence if it weren't for me and my prompting.
literally not how that works. Causality /= reality. Information can never be created/lost, meaning it always existed and was always going to exist one way or enough, but human created versions of that information will always be its perfected form of information.

>> No.6622601

It took 4 decades for modern manga to become """"""""consistently""""""""" good (read DBZ formula). 2 weeks for good ai manga

>> No.6622602

>westoid /co/trannies celebrate the death of anime thinking their fundie-less ugly comics will finally be valuable.

>> No.6622603

there's good AI manga? Are there fight scenes?

>> No.6622605

Those "fundie-less ugly comics" was what originally inspired Osamu Tezuka, brainlet-kun. Cartooning is the final black pill of artistic merit.

>> No.6622606

Try applying that mentality to something else:
> Forklifts exists therefore you shouldn't lift
> Cars exists therefore you shouldn't jog

>> No.6622607

i'm making a good one, its baking ready in 2 weeks, will be have fights and sex scenes

>> No.6622609

Jogging and lifting is healthy, sitting on your desk staring at a screen for 8 hours isn't. Try harder

>> No.6622611

Generate the next chapter of Jujutsu kaisen while you're at it

>> No.6622614


>> No.6622616

How is it skill if anyone can steal your prompt word for word?
No one can just steal my brain and hands that draws art from the soul, unlike your pajeet code.

>> No.6622617

>why read when you can listen to a youtube video of a guy talking about said book in the background while you're jerking off

>> No.6622618

Please include a suplex. thx.

>> No.6622620

>we wuz disney n shiet
dont you have a new george floyd mural to paint?

>> No.6622621

unironically this, but with chatgpt summarizing a book in 500 words. best invention

>> No.6622623

its mind boggling to me that these people think there actually creating something or putting in a modicum of respectable effort into these prompts lol

>> No.6622624
File: 203 KB, 720x1011, IMG_20230424_012320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're going to see how the current lawsuits play out
We might see some truly bad shit before it gets better

>> No.6622625

Don't you have an 8 year old to molest?

>> No.6622626

That's right, stay in that pod goyim.

>> No.6622628
File: 135 KB, 1076x593, 797786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cartoons are okay for me

>> No.6622632

>It's almost like there are more than 1 person who is pro ai on /ic/.
Not an achievement.

>> No.6622633

/ic/ always is malding at ai threads because they know their skill cant match, meanwhile professionals in the industry couldnt care less if their studio just hired a prompter

>> No.6622635

>you are... le pedophile
dont you have teenagers on discord to groom, tranny?

>> No.6622636

Damn and I feel bad when I need to look up a pose reference, begs are literally just tracing a whole picture and getting away with it...

>> No.6622644

I'll be fine until AI can make comics.

>> No.6622646

Technically everyone on /ic/ is still better than ai because everyone can draw a minimum 2 panel comic of any character in their own style.

>> No.6622650

>professionals in the industry couldnt care less if their studio just hired a prompter
Source: trust me bro

>> No.6622653

are ni/g/erians retarded, did you forget the artstation chimpout? atleast make some basic research on the topic you are shitposting about.

>> No.6622655

not me, no

>> No.6622657

My god. You nerds would do the world a favor if you just had the courage to self delete. Nobody is gatekeeping anything. You're litteraly comissioning an ai to make art for you yet still try and convince artists that you are somehow not a detestable parasite and on top of that our peer.
This is another greedy moneygrab for megacorporations at the expense of people who dedicated their life to this craft. Cows like you supporting billion dollar corporations who prey on artists are why we're more undervalued than ever. You bugmen are by large a special breed of stupid. And on top of that you drooling idiots think you can afford to be smug and condescending. You're the but of the joke. You are of no significance.
Your comissions are worthless and they're definitely not your work.. parasite.

>> No.6622662

At least you aren’t denying it. Shitters who are honest about it are rare.

>> No.6622666


Im >>6622599

I would say that were all still fairly young, and we can still make our own futures. Begin study in something more stable, feasible, and easy to access. Then leverage that mid wage job to study again for a larger one. I know its way easier said than done, but its an option.

Another thing to keep in mind is the exponential growth of technology. Once most jobs get taken (when quantum computing gets discovered in sub 10 years, everything will progress obscenely fast) then everyone will have to be given a free life anyhow, as thats the only option for humanity. So really, most jobs will be taken within our lifetimes. Imagine doctors in a few years. AI is already far more capable of nailing down diseases and illnesses (tested prototypes). Atleast you didnt become doctors huh? There are jobs that will be forever safe, i.e moral jobs. Lawyers, judges, politics, etc. But all "cog" jobs will be taken. If a job is logical, it will be wiped out within our lifetimes. Art just happened to be first because of how much art exists in the internet for the AI to collage.

And finally, were artists. We can see the beauty around us far better than others. You guys know deep down why you should keep going. Loved ones. Loved things. Even just to live to see something else about the planet that amazes you. Realistically, we've all got less than 40-45 years im guessing (microplastics, chemical waste, etc) left in our lives, so I would say fuck it all. Try to see everything that developed on this little 3 bllion year old spec. Theres millions of planets out there with life, yet we were born on this unique planet, as all of them are. But we were lucky enough to be brought up as a lifeform with higher cognitive function, there we cab enjoy everything for what it is. So I say, enjoy it.

>> No.6622667


>> No.6622673

KYS satan. Quantum computing is a meme and will never be real, should have stopped reading there. Living life is not about having fun or traveling the world, living life is about having meaning in what you do everyday, and if humans are getting replaced by machines in almost every possible way, humans will be obsolete, do you understand this nigger?

>> No.6622682

I'm a game developer and you guys probably won't like hearing this, but just told my artist it's not working out, because I've been doing all the art myself with SD. I didn't tell them that obviously but that's why

>> No.6622684

Jeet, please stop you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6622686

post a pic from your game.

>> No.6622688

what's your game called pajeet? Where can we find more information about it?

>> No.6622692

>better career options
AI will steal those away from you as well, what will you do then? Humans will not be able to adapt in any field AIs are deployed into, they're just superior.

>> No.6622694

Not going to say, you'll try to cancel me.
Just saying, expect more of this.

>> No.6622695

Sounds like too much work to not even own the copyright desu

>> No.6622696

> Two more weeks.

>> No.6622697

But I can own the copyright.
Even if I couldn't with AI, I would just not mention it's AI art.

>> No.6622698

Ok, I look forward to your nonexistent game.

>> No.6622699

If you're actually being honest then you don't have to worry about random anons cancelling you some random from Twitter will do that as soon as your "game" is out.

>> No.6622701

>I just won't mention these gfx models were pirated nobody will noti-

>> No.6622703

Normally I would agree with you but today it's impossible for me to see anything but a living hell all around me. Young people are being deprived of their futures and no one gives a shit. Children are worse off than their parents. Putin is a fucking retard and decided to fuck things up for the entire world. Western populations are collapsing because people are forgetting how to have healthy relationships in general.
Sure, there is an obscene amount of wonderful things to experience but at the end of the day I'm hungry and miserable.

>> No.6622707

Well, continue with your implication. Let's see your AI detector, that can also determine that I didn't train it myself on my own art that I then burned

>> No.6622709
File: 520 KB, 576x704, 1667629615657033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey uhm, wonder who is behind AI..wonder who is profiting from the war...I wonder who benefits from bad relationships in the west...I truly wonder.. https://youtu.be/_jI6iAa-cC0

Hitler should have gottem em all

>> No.6622712

schizo lol. You can't get cancelled for posting here. Just say someone took the screen from your discord or something.(nobody will ever ask though)

>> No.6622726

Ok well I gain nothing but risk even if it's very minimal, so pass?
The real point is that this will be more and more a common occurrence.

>> No.6622729
File: 197 KB, 330x281, IMG_20230423_171647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know anon once again if I zoom in your image shitter gets worse. Not that you'll be able fix them anyways but at least attempt to notice stuff next time

>> No.6622732

Meaning in realizing this rare existence. Human creation will still exist once society evolves. Meaning is created by oneself and nothing more.

Atleast later than art. Rather be the one behind the wheel before the wheel grows sentience.


Again, fuck it. The worlds state isnt in your control. Live in it and do your best to move forth with whatever you have now. Enjoy whats out there while it still is here. It wont be here in a little bit of time, but being someone who got to see it is what counts I say. And again, when nexessary strucutral jobs are automated (farming being the biggest), everyone will live better lives. Hold onto that hope anon, ridding yourself of the life you were gifted with isnt worth it. You are a rare instance of the universe experiencing itself, and experiencing itself at a higher level at that. I can only say so much to convince you, but I have hope personally. I have to.

>> No.6622734
File: 2 KB, 173x76, 1671384272796353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fix it either LMFAO

>> No.6622739

The risk? There is no risk I just explained that, you gain being able to gloat about your triumph over these greedy artists.

>> No.6622745

Just sold a prompt for $50, holy shit lol that's ridiculous.

>> No.6622746

Let's not kid ourselves, this shit is unbelievable and it will only get better. Sure, some details are fucked up but dude... It looks great. Fuck this stupid world, we need to fight for our rights. This is not about art, AI is welcome to improve our lives but not to empoverish us. If it's here to stay then we need UBI or some other form of basic support.

>> No.6622747

I can't tell if you're just banking on the idea that your game won't be popular enough to warrant it, but do you really think people aren't already making Ai detection systems that will fuck you in the future? You can choose to be dishonest, but you're that cowardly you won't even tell your artist why you don't want to use him anymore? Lmao fuck off retard

>> No.6622757

Good morning, sirs.

>> No.6622760

go back to /trash/ and post some good lolis pls, thanks in advance, love ur gens

>> No.6622766

>230 replies in 7 hours on a slow board
/ic/ loves ai

>> No.6622771
File: 434 KB, 600x600, 00032-3440520324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs to be shut down, the goyim have to stop gathering or this will be another shoa.

>> No.6622772


>> No.6622774
File: 486 KB, 600x600, 00012-3669335446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI has SOVL(stolen from ghibli)

>> No.6622776

>Let's not kid ourselves, this shit is unbelievable
>a basic cartoon coomer pinup
Do you not understand that somewhere out there are several images that look 99% like this? The AI did not "create" this, it just frankensteined a bunch of images together which is the whole reason everyone hates it.

>> No.6622779
File: 755 KB, 512x768, 00344-2849651487-masterpiece, best quality, high quality,extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, An enchanting and dreamy scene of a fantasy fo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6622781
File: 2.16 MB, 1024x1536, 381734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will be replaced! lalalalala hahahaha

>> No.6622783

Then why not draw without the help of an AI?
My question is even more valid if he's an AI - why replace only human art when I could replace human interactions? Where is the limit, assuming they keep getting better and better and enough to fool us?

>> No.6622784
File: 974 KB, 1024x1408, 1667477370193428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pohst en ymageh similer too thiz wun, yhou cahnt

>> No.6622786
File: 316 KB, 640x960, 00566-3211370709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this, so beautiful. I wonder who the arti-ACK

>> No.6622787

I think the rope prob suit you better for how much you niggas complain about wanting UBI when honestly you could just say welfare or food stamps
though I'm not sure where you live that you need to call it something else or labeling it differently.

>> No.6622791
File: 1.12 MB, 1536x1920, 1681660231917446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just prompted this, what do you guys think?

>> No.6622792


>> No.6622793

you are a truly deranged individual

>> No.6622796

That's not the point, the skills of the top 1% of pros will be available to every single person on this planet for free to do as they like relatively soon, with the ability to output pictures at the speed of light. This can't be stopped, the technology is here to stay and the code is already open source. We need radical changes in our societies to avoid turning into the humans from WALL-E.

>> No.6622797

we arh tha vanguarde artissts frhum this jenurayshun

>> No.6622798

>t just frankensteined a bunch of images together
People still sincerely think this is how it works?

>> No.6622799

guessing jannies have sunday off, uh?

>> No.6622801
File: 227 KB, 1080x1080, 1681154560027568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking owari da.

>> No.6622803

UBI is fee money for everyone including Jeff Besoz and Elon Musk, welfare is not the same you absolute fucking retard who couldn't avoid telling people to go neck themselves if his life depended on it.

>> No.6622806
File: 1.59 MB, 1024x1536, 00186-2877779513654172e0db8afd5f723788fdeffc7cdb7df328c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI can't draw hand- ACK

>> No.6622807
File: 32 KB, 373x521, 1680868663071542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get this post to bump limit because Jannie useless as always

>> No.6622808

Why did you just samefag?

>> No.6622809

you're not creating shit

>> No.6622810
File: 14 KB, 493x147, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling stupid now huh?

>> No.6622812
File: 554 KB, 1462x2047, FuFAI5MaIAEDzed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the 3d pills bros

>> No.6622814

>not changing setting to last post instead of last bump

>> No.6622815
File: 1.41 MB, 576x1024, 1668507108948149.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622816

I won't redefine the world to fit your incorrect perception of reality

>> No.6622818

It's literally copy pasting chunks of images out of the latent space where it stores all the images they stole. Latent space is multidimensional they said, which makes sense how it can store so much data, it's storing it across the multiverse.

>> No.6622819

why do the rich need more money when the can get tax breaks

>> No.6622820
File: 88 KB, 360x500, 56756757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622821

It is inevitable

>> No.6622822

You just switched vpn country. look at the file names. 1681~ coincedence? I think not.

>> No.6622823 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 400x500, 1672269592519871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622824

>however you make it.
pic unrelated

>> No.6622825

I might, but only if I learn to sculpt my own references first.

>> No.6622826
File: 124 KB, 800x800, 1535290591503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622827

Holy shit we got a 4chan baby, lurk more zoomie

>> No.6622829
File: 114 KB, 344x500, 987898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622832

>same reddit spacing as OP
uh oh

>> No.6622833
File: 176 KB, 792x1008, 877687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622834

>if you don't think there's a lot of work put in to writing out a good prompt
there really isn't, I can have chat gpt do it

>> No.6622835
File: 512 KB, 1600x1240, 45455645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622837

why asks for UBI and not welfare when the poor need it more than the rich
why even mention the rich when they don't even need UBI

>> No.6622838
File: 87 KB, 344x500, 6786867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622839
File: 212 KB, 792x1008, 98987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622841

Lurk where though? I only visit /ic/
eta on discovering this 4chan secret?

>> No.6622842
File: 560 KB, 1019x1600, 5645456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622843
File: 38 KB, 792x693, birp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6622844
File: 260 KB, 1008x792, 34234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622845

>Latent space is multidimensional they said, which makes sense how it can store so much data, it's storing it across the multiverse.
8/10, was pulled along until that last part

>> No.6622847
File: 137 KB, 256x256, tmp9bfi6pt61.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622849
File: 2 KB, 843x20, AI ends art - Artwork_Critique - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6622850
File: 466 KB, 1245x1600, 5465456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622851

really like this one, mind sharing the prompt?

>> No.6622852
File: 292 KB, 1600x1062, 67677667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622856
File: 3.99 MB, 1089x1561, 766576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622857

I figured it out, it's unix time. but I don't know what triggers the filename change.

>> No.6622858

Giga-based cat poster

>> No.6622860
File: 102 KB, 864x492, 67667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622867
File: 502 KB, 2048x1506, 1680146470158406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy art from the ancient times of our fathers..

>> No.6622869
File: 79 KB, 564x564, 9d1d5de9d318e4daf8ee86938fd044a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622872
File: 1.32 MB, 792x1014, 8778788778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622874
File: 298 KB, 1600x1064, 76676767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622877
File: 783 KB, 1073x754, 2018_F475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622881
File: 120 KB, 500x704, tumblr_nng9h33Gue1txjysio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622882
File: 143 KB, 500x703, tumblr_nng9h33Gue1txjysio2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622883
File: 529 KB, 512x512, cat treehouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love adding Louis Wain to my prompts

>> No.6622884

ok got it, 4chan X? pass.

>> No.6622885

AI can draw, period

>> No.6622887
File: 125 KB, 500x703, tumblr_nng9h33Gue1txjysio3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622892
File: 193 KB, 709x720, tumblr_988c9fb9fb17728dc4426bf2ffbafdf8_2baf2ac1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622897
File: 369 KB, 913x1400, tumblr_480d5337e473af4cc569a5421e1132a2_954ca3e3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622899
File: 714 KB, 640x640, 1682234621365660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty proud of this one

>> No.6622902
File: 587 KB, 1034x1445, tumblr_noz3s78mj31rkpejfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622905
File: 70 KB, 400x580, tumblr_naf3d9GOlm1qb2ab9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622909
File: 410 KB, 1404x1004, tumblr_8e5dbdc98ce50f539b90d0a08fbffe8c_ff584d2e_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622910
File: 2.13 MB, 366x349, 1678243804867064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The horse didn't realize how fucked it was when cars were invented, either.

You guys are being shipped off to the glue factory as we speak.

>> No.6622922
File: 340 KB, 206x222, H0uAsaWqv3emKaafokVzekOjUqM5ikrmEnPJR_Elk34.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6622927
File: 1.93 MB, 3072x512, 1661326549158555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6622935

You should quit drawing and learn prompting instead. I will keep on drawing, in case I'm ever in a room with another person, and that person hands me a pencil and a sheet of paper and asks me to draw something.

>> No.6622938

Why do still have horses though and they can even be considered a luxury. Plus have you ever been somewhere with poor infrastructure

>> No.6622944

Prompting might as well be dead since you can Ctrl C and Z someone else image still. Drawing actually requires showing your skill/work method but what differentiates 1 proompter from another

>> No.6622949

>ignores how the horse industry dwindled
Having a business involving horses in the middle of mass adoption of cars sure was fun

>> No.6622957


Literaly 5 scribbles per day 20 USD each, that's all it takes.

>> No.6622962

larping not even the same dude

>> No.6623045
File: 71 KB, 720x960, afdsgfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't rely on AI to make art - it won't be there for you everywhere you go. When we get to the end of time, there won't be an AI to save you from mediocrity.

>> No.6623051

Don't rely on internet to communicate and get news

>> No.6623058

Yes, that's the spirit we need.

>> No.6623114
File: 80 KB, 599x786, 1672864373352159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it cand draw cute boys so i dont give a shit

>> No.6623177

AI helped me cure my depression. My new goal in life is to out-live AIniggers.