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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 208 KB, 353x494, 1673028620829467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6618032 No.6618032 [Reply] [Original]

The one thing you cannot do is give up. If you want to be a professional artist, you can survive anything. You may lose time, you may lose followers, you may lose direction, you may lose friends, and you may lose lots of money.

But you cannot give up. Giving up is the one thing you cannot do. Keep faith in yourself, and double-down. Keep drawing. You'll make it eventually.

Post your best art career advice in this thread too. Be helpful for once. Cheers.

>> No.6618034 [DELETED] 

Learn AI

>> No.6618071 [DELETED] 

It's still not too late to learn to prompt.
In 20 all the luddites not only will be absolutely ridiculed and laughed at, but also utterly despised for holding back the steam locomotive and gunpowder.

>> No.6618079
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oh ho ho, I wonder what those 2 filtered replies say... too bad I'm not going to unhide them :)

>> No.6618081

Yeah, learn the new tool

>> No.6618086

Gonna hijack this thread to ask: what kind of finished pieces would it be a good idea to put on a portfolio? my work consists mainly of women standing in a void or studies on a gray canvas

>> No.6618089

Never put studies, they are not hiring you to draw studies. Have a sketchbook with you if in person

>> No.6618092

And draw in the style of whatever you want to work for already unless you show in your portfolio you can draw well on model

>> No.6618094

Good question! Perfect question for this thread actually.

Hope other anons know the answer....

>> No.6618098

Make finished peices of the kind of work you love to do. That way you get hired to do that. Simple. If you've been holding back due to skill issues, don't, you were inspired by artists who drew cool shit? Do cool shit because of the challenges involved, you will grow more from those pieces, get out of your comfort zone.

>> No.6618118

Only put the best works you have, if in doubt don't

>> No.6618120

You should learn new tools to keep competitive there is a reason a lot of people adopted digital art once it matured to be cheaper and faster than oil paintings

>> No.6618144
File: 771 KB, 2048x2731, tumblr_9a71f16797e49f1a90a7378ebe88404e_b7f894e9_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew my tips

>> No.6618145


>> No.6618147

Tis is a red board

>> No.6618152

>adopt tools that tech illiterate boomers can use
Great plan. Maybe learn to weld instead.

>> No.6618153

I am a failure at being red X,X

>> No.6618154

In 20 proompters will be the new luddites because AGI will mog them at proompting

>> No.6618159

It already does, ask chatgpt. Might not be better than the top 5% of prompters, but the gap is closing. in 2 weeks it will be over for promptcells.

>> No.6618294

search for actual professional advice, Ethan Becker made a video

>> No.6618390
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I've heard the opposite advice, and it stuck with me. Something like: Give up, you're probably better off doing literally anything else. The life of an artist is a hard one and full of sacrifices. If you know you cannot be fulfilled doing anything else then godspeed, just remember why you truly chose this life at all times.

>> No.6618392

>The life of an artist is a hard one and full of sacrifices.
Not necessarily. Plus, there's an abundance of hard jobs demanding sacrifices, because the norm still is that hard work pays.

>> No.6618402

I think the idea is that if you if you take the same amount of dedication and passion it requires to make it in the arts, and put it towards almost any other career instead, you'll likely end up with x5 more money, more free time outside work, more social acceptance etc etc. So you need to weigh that up against what makes art personally rewarding

>> No.6618413

made me chuckle with the retard face in the second panel.
Very cute anon!

>> No.6618425

if you are reading this, you are ngmi

>> No.6618456

That no longer applies when robots draws better than anyone else in seconds

>> No.6618466
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>> No.6618479


>> No.6618480

Like, this AI shit actually got too good. I'm sorry guys but how the fuck do you justify still spending the time to do art all manually
I'm so fucking disgusted. Been drawing for 5 years straight, it went so well honestly, and then this shit happens.

>> No.6618514
File: 529 KB, 520x512, aishit1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robots that draw better than anyone
The robots drawing:

>> No.6618517

Looks great, would be even better without these random circles that I'm guessing were human made

>> No.6618523 [DELETED] 

sure, you dont have do be a genius to spot the mistakes. But that doesn't make it a bad reference image, because you can fix them when you redraw it

>> No.6618524


>> No.6618554

>be me
>draw for 6 years
>make progress but hit a plateau two years ago
>hear about the sunk cost fallacy
>figure that I'm just drawing because of all the time I'd invested in it
>meanwhile relatives try to get me to quit because "there's no money in art"
>they want me to leave my part-time job and get a career
>I start learning to code
>coding is extremely soulless and think maybe I should just kill myself
>get back to drawing
>all my months of not drawing gives me a fresh perspective
>it's clear what fundamentals I need to work on
>make big gains, get out of the plateau

I guess it's just harder for us self-taught fags to find the way at times.

>> No.6618561

Pro tip: don’t watch him. He gives terrible advice and draws niggers.

>> No.6618677

There's no AI art with the perspective and spatial awareness of KJG

>> No.6618682

AI isn't aware of anything

>> No.6618698

Honest question:

Can one become an illustrator who can make a living from this being self-taught?
I don't want to be a millionaire or famous, I think that being able to live with what I like to do is more than enough but currently I am only studying through books because I feel that many teachers-courses could not necessarily help me since art is subjective (excepting more specific things)

>> No.6618703

Considering you don't need to know as much as you used to anymore I'm sure you could get a job in a year if you're constantly learning new things

>> No.6618709

I was talking more about commissions and/or patreon but thanks for encouraging me to think big, I really don't know where I could get a permanent job from this but I think it would be great to do it.

My goal is 3 years of studies
- one year for anatomy and forms
- another year for perspective
- and the last one would be for the most difficult "Light and color"
(I've been barely three months)

I hope I don't sound disrespectful for wanting to do it in half the time that you've been drawing, I just had the opportunity to leave my degree that was killing me inside to do what I like

>> No.6618723

>Can one become an illustrator who can make a living from this being self-taught?
As long as you're good enough, the rest is just getting the work. Nobody cares if you have an art degree.

>> No.6618740

>My goal is 3 years of studies
>- one year for anatomy and forms
>- another year for perspective
>- and the last one would be for the most difficult "Light and color"

Those things have a lot of overlap. If you know perspective you can draw accurate forms, with forms you can draw more convincing anatomy, and knowing anatomy and form, you'll also know where apply your rendering. However there's no independent mastery - you'll go back and forth a lot, sometimes focusing on form, sometimes on anatomy, and they will each help in improving your overall ability. Aside from these 'structural fundamentals' there's also gesture. Vilppu's Draw Manual outlines all of this quite systematically.

>> No.6618742


>> No.6618746

I understand, so I will try to study perspective together with anatomy, what I understand is that color almost always goes to the last, it should also be clarified that I still draw in traditional until I fill 7 notebooks with studies, I don't want to go digital I guess it sounds stupid

>> No.6618749

Traditional is a better way to learn

>> No.6618768

More than for fun or because I think it's better, I'll continue with the traditional one because I still don't have enough money for a tablet with a screen (I wouldn't like to start with one without a screen since calibrating the hand-eye even more would cost me time

>> No.6618862

Some art career advice
>never get attached to your OCs
>you're gonna be drawing shit you don't like, so embrace the suck
>get ready to work long hours with little pay
>Never draw your OCs at work (Disney is notorious for taking the OCs of workers there then using it in their films)

>> No.6618865

AI image generators makes more errors than most permberg level artists.

>> No.6618870 [DELETED] 

Yet it sells more, go figure

>> No.6618873

Nobody seems to care
I hate being an artist and I wish I could undo all the time I've lost on this meme.

>> No.6618891

>sells more
Nobody is buying that dogshit lol

>> No.6618918 [DELETED] 

Sure buddy, sure

>> No.6618947

Two more weeks, sirs.

>> No.6618954

What do you need the portfolio for, exactly? The answer depends entirely on that. If you have mainly women standing in a void or studies on a gray canvas, what can those be used for? What kind of art director would want to look at those to hire you vs pictures with elaborated designs or complete illustrations featuring some kind of story telling? Figure out what it is that you want to do first and then assemble a portfolio that is suited for that specific purpose.

>> No.6618982
File: 282 KB, 1000x1000, AAD484BC-BB90-4F35-84EE-09BD293BD8F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bored and need an activity to fill my time. I can already draw things I like in 20mins so why spend money on an ai just to sift through literal garbage filler in hopes I find something similar to what I’m looking for. Why do that anyway if I enjoy actually drawing?

The only artists who have cause to worry are the ones who draw for clout or money. If you draw because you like it, then robots can’t do anything to upset you.

>> No.6618999

Fuck off, I'm really an artist and I'm just worried about the ainiggers

>> No.6619001

Commercially, the law already caught up a few days ago and call AI prompters
for what they are, art commissioners, you want your stuff eligible in the commercial market? Learn how to draw, otherwise, art generated by AI is not eligible for commercial use nor are they protected, unless you take some idea from the AI art and redraw it or heavily edit it like photobashing and only the heavily edited part can be used, before the law changes, some digital entertainment companies have already said they are not touching that shit even with a 10 foot pile and now with the new law, no companies would even dare to use it, and even if in a fucked up alternative timeline where AI art is allowed, why would any companies hire a button pusher with skill that can be learned in a few days when they can just hire an artist with actual art background and teach the artist to push button? Art commission market hasnt gone up, nor has it gone down either and people who are using AI to generate art are most likely, not supporting artists at all, people donate to artists not just because of getting a beautiful art piece, they are also paying as an appreciation for their charisma, their skill getting from hardwork, their subtlety in putting meanings in their art, AI creates a perfect mockery of the best artists work with no meaning at all, all the suggestive lines and meanings the artists use that the AI scrapes from now mean nothing but a perfect meaningless recreation of it, artists with actual skill have tried to used AI art and made it their own by editing and even then, they get sniffed out instantly as a fraud after just a few pics.

>> No.6619002

it takes a lot more than 20min for actually great art, at least for me. even if it's fun you're still losing time and time lost not being productive doesn't feel great either.

>> No.6619005 [DELETED] 


>> No.6619012

So at the end, that leaves the AI niggers with nothing, the law is cracking down on them and it will only get worse as more regulations to protect creative work pass, and the art community considers them as nothing but fraud, they are barely scrapping by creating shitting VN filled with shitty AI art or flooding the dying nft and crypto market with even more garbage shitcoin or trying to convince naiive people that their easy to use AI tool can help them make up to 300$ a day, at best, AI niggers are porn addict without taste flooding image website with even more garbage, at worst, they are scammers, fraudsters.

>> No.6619025 [DELETED] 


>> No.6619028

How is it lost time if you're having fun? I’d say the opposite. If you are doing art and still asking what the point of it is when ai slop exists, then you were probably wasting time pursuing art for the wrong reasons anyway, despite ai existing.

>> No.6619044 [DELETED] 

Between making a single painting every 1-2 years or one every 3 days I took the latter through stylistic and medium choice. Between 3 days or 2 minutes I now take 2 minutes. If you don't care about how many different art you create in your life time do whatever you want but I care about both quality and quantity so instead of rushing my art I will just use AI to speed up rendering


>> No.6619045

It's fun but it's still hard work and time consuming, meaning it still has to make some cash.

>> No.6619052

Also art is rarely just fun and rainbow unless you have 10y of experience, a lot of it is frustrating and really hard to figure out so fuck this 'but it's fun so you shouldn't be paid" horseshit, that's the favorite argument of normalfags and ainiggers, taking advantage of us, devaluating what we're doing, while also constantly pirating our shit and now stealing it so they regurgitate it through a machine.

>> No.6619057

Fuck this

>> No.6619075
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>> No.6619086

> that's the favorite argument of normalfags and ainiggers, taking advantage of us, devaluating what we're doing, while also constantly pirating our shit and now stealing it so they regurgitate it through a machine.
Anon this was reality before ai even existed. Unless you hit the artist lotto which is mega fucking rare, you’d sure as shit better like being alone and enjoying your own work or you’re in a very real sense ngmi. Drawing is a hobby. Trying to make a living with it is ceaseless suffering. Go ahead and don’t believe me but time will show you that I am right.

>> No.6619089

I don't agree with this at all, depending on what you draw it's not hard at all to make a living with art. However the ai nigs made it a whole lot harder and likely impossible now, yes.

>> No.6619094

> it's not hard at all to make a living with art.
Oh ok, so what are you whining for? Go make a living with your art since it’s so easy for you. No…Instead you’re complaining on an anomalous forum about what exactly? Because it’s so easy right?

>> No.6619107

Because I basically do already but the pay is meager.
"It's easy" by that I mean that you can work hard on your quality and then provide meaningful content and then get paid for it. So many artists successfully did this, you're grossly underestimating the amount of financially successful artists, it's not "mega fucking rare"
However it is a multiple year long grind and AInigs made it a tousand time harder now and that's absolutely a reality. Fuck you.

>> No.6619128
File: 38 KB, 497x362, 3F48DF8A-D344-49D1-B51E-B6BE38E387FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you're grossly underestimating the amount of financially successful artists, it's not "mega fucking rare"
> pay is meager

>> No.6619146

Only because I'm still slow and unknow, still got many more demand that I can even deal with.
Artists with more experience can do a lot more in much less time and charge more because of their popularity. Going from where I am to where they are wouldn't be such a huge undertaking.. if ai didn't exist and slap a huge question mark over literally everything

>> No.6619181

They are retarded hypocrites, aren't they?

>> No.6619184

>Drawing is a hobby.
So are sports. Guess how much you can get paid to throw a ball.

>> No.6619226

Idk anon, how much will they pay you to throw a ball?

>> No.6619241

>"Art Career Advice"
>"just stop it's not serious work so it can only be a hobby"
get hit by a truck you fucking nigger

>> No.6619257

how the fuck do i go through the initial stage of being a fucking ugly beg? It's so demotivating to only draw sphere, gestures, boxes in perspective and the occasional study of some of my favorite artists. It's mind numbing. I had the same problem with programming, I hate the learning curve I HATE LEARNING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.6619348

>Ethan Becker
Lol. Lmao, even.
Also, kys.

>> No.6619362


>> No.6619365

Ask Fifa

>> No.6619373

Why not do both?
Like an engineer who also makes money with his drawings.

>> No.6619374
File: 47 KB, 661x800, The_Outside_Viewing-tank_Directorate_of_Camouflage_Naval_Section_(1943)_(Art._IWM_ART_LD_2759).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw whatever you want, it's supposed to be a fun hobby.

>> No.6619393

The Feng Zhu regimen solves all your problems.

>Draw trees, rocks, fish, insects, easy subjects
>Draw from reference, 20 minutes per study
>Draw 2 hours a day, all studies

There's more detail in the videos:

>> No.6619453
File: 315 KB, 494x408, 162348842931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you senpai.

>> No.6619812

It's been six hours, little bro. Post your studies!

>> No.6619811

Sacrifice everything

>> No.6619947

Anon, I...

>> No.6620091

Retarded answer, they specifically put drawing, shape and color in there to pick out of those who are not complete retards trained on trannime. Half of Korean artists are unemployable because of that.
Find student portfolios and compare them to actual industry artists. This is you vs the guy you want to be.

>> No.6620103

the robot doesn't draw
>do art all manually
well you DO the art, the AI doesn't

>> No.6620128

you didn't even lift the pencil didn't you?

>> No.6620155 [DELETED] 

>they specifically put drawing, shape and color
No way I didn't know OP was living in Mars all this time, just don't put retarded studies in your portfolio and take a half filled sketchbook with you

>> No.6620278

Explain that to the HR lady.

>> No.6620326

I fucking hate HR cunts so much, bros

>> No.6620745

Products containing AI generated art are okay for commercial use though. Any game, movie, book, graphic design etc generated by AI then used in the context of a multi media format is fair game. What you think someone making a bunch of AI images for a TCG won't be able to sell his cards? The law only prohibits 1:1 selling of prompt generations.

>> No.6620839

>What you think someone making a bunch of AI images for a TCG won't be able to sell his cards?
He can sell his cards, but the art won't be copyrighted; so if the card game is popular, any company can release merch with the art from the card.
I wonder if the character design the AI comes up with is even copyrightable.

>> No.6620936

Go back to /co/

>> No.6620948

>I wonder if the character design the AI comes up with is even copyrightable.
Most likely it won't be, since there's a precedent of denying the copyright of any image made by an AI, the "rest" of the components (Texts, arrangement, layout) can be copyrighted.


>The USCO examined the different elements of the work: individual images generated through AI, text and selection and arrangement of images and text.
>With regard to individual images, the USCO examined in depth how Midjourney works, underling that users operate through “prompts” (text commands) which include the image and text description of what Midjourney should generate. After that, the technology generated four images in response.
>According to the USCO, Midjourney does not interpret prompts as specific instructions to create a particular expressive result, but simply converts words and phrases into smaller tokens that are used for the training of data and to generate an image. The main finding of the Office is that the process is not controlled by the user because it is not possible to predict what Midjourney will create ahead of time. This process is not the same as that of a “human” artist, writer, or photographer.
>Based on this, the USCO concluded that the images generated by Midjourney contained within the work are not original works of authorship protected by copyright, since Midjourney generates images in an unpredictable way. The fact that Midjourney specific output cannot be predicted by users makes Midjourney different for copyright purposes than other tools used by artists (e.g. editing tools, assistive tools) which allows the choice of specific changes and includes specific steps to control the final image “such that it amounts to the artist’s own original conception”...
>...Also, time and efforts by the applicant in working with Midjourney do not imply authorship under copyright.

>> No.6621039
File: 38 KB, 792x693, birp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a birp

>> No.6624428


>> No.6624820

Get employment.

>> No.6625951
File: 33 KB, 360x469, 1678833617286335_1jjjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to sound rude but I'm genuinely curious; what drives someone to actually pursue art as a career? For me art is my hobby, and i do i like drawing things because its putting my own ideas to paper. If art was a job, id be putting other people's ideas to paper, wouldn't I? what if other peoples ideas just feel boring to you? doesn't that just suck the fun out of it? and if you're not having fun why not just get a normal job? Am I the weird one for not thinking that would be enjoyable?

>> No.6625959
File: 97 KB, 776x483, 1670845439696089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're actually very smart. Most artists are bull-headed and don't think about the future. They just want to "draw all day" and don't think much about anything else, be it finances or personal satisfaction. Some realize this halfway through and successfully 'elevate' their career to where they can make a living with their personal art, while others get stuck at studios and slave away at the desk, miserable for the rest of their life. Others just quit.

>> No.6625960

I tend not to take jobs if they are especially boring to me, but even mundane subjects can have interesting challenges.

>> No.6626083

For some of us, it's all we think about. I never aspired to be an artist, and I've always been terrified of financial insecurity, but I just really love to draw/paint. We're not a rational group of people and to a large degree I feel possessed.

>> No.6626353

>Post your best art career advice in this thread
if you aren't making a living at an art career you shouldn't be giving art career advice.

>> No.6626421

I'm a diagnosed aspie and can draw for 12 hours a day but find it difficult to hold a conversation for 5 minutes. It's virtually impossible for me to work a real job. I tried a few times and failed miserably.

>> No.6626573

>12h a day
How skilled are you?

>> No.6626755

>while others get stuck at studios and slave away at the desk, miserable for the rest of their life. Others just quit.
What about those that slave away at their desks and still enjoy it? Like long-running mangaka for example.

>> No.6626762

>what drives someone to actually pursue art as a career?
Hmm... For me, it's one of the only things in my existence that has always brought me joy. A deep satisfaction. Like I'm at the right place, at the right time. It helps me forget about the bad things in life. A form of self-expression. Escapism perhaps even.
Plus, I don't mind drawing for others, as long as I can add my own twist into the idea. And as long as I get paid well.
But yeah, I'm considering pursuing a STEM degree at the same time, just because I'm a materialistic whore and need to live in luxury (unless my art career will pay me 100k per month forever, lol)

>> No.6626763

*100k+ per year

>> No.6626978

you already make money off art? pyw?

>> No.6626988

AI Art cannot replicate the plethora of designs I have in my head. Also I want to shit all over this artist that insulted me and using AI to do that instead of hand drawn art feels like a cheap cop-out.

>> No.6627060

That's what I said about the people who could 'elevate' their careers to make personal art. I know the editor has a large influence on the mangaka's stories, but its miles better than doing storyboards for "Blues Clues"

>> No.6627076

how do people figure out a balance between personal appeal and market appeal anyways?

is it better to try and forcibly change your interests to something with mass appeal (like drawing anime gorl) or is it better to just pursue your own interests despite the fact that it doesn't do you any favors for getting a following (and by extension an income)

>> No.6627079

nobody really understands themselves. You may think that you have one interest, and that's all you want to do, but really, you're capable being interested in many things. It's your job to find the thing you're interested in, that the market is interested in too. (at least if you want a career)

Expand your interests. really. read books, find new artists, I'm sure there's something to your tastes that aligns with everybody else's

>> No.6627557

thanks honestly, I'm kind of exaggerating my mental disorders here in hopes of critique and this is the kind of reassurance i was hoping for

>> No.6627676

>you already make money off art?
No, but I'm working towards it. I only made 1$ with art until now >:( Just gotta keep goingm

>> No.6627818
File: 113 KB, 1024x788, 1679461533277387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An actual good thread
>It turns into an AI nigger thread
Can you pajeet faggots and white chuds just die already

>> No.6627933

Show in the rules where it says AI art isn't artwork.

>> No.6627945

> 2. User-created artwork is submitted for critique, and visual art is discussed. Do not claim authorship of works you did not create.

>> No.6627956

If anyone bites the AI bait again they are not welcome here.

>> No.6628887

The US Copyright office certainly doesn't think it's artwork :)

Have fun getting assblasted in court, Emad

>> No.6629026

How do I get into painting covers for comics and novels?

>> No.6630889

Unironically, this is what I've been doing and it's working.

>> No.6630903


>> No.6630914

And yet it manages to replace you. As of right now we just had AIs that are retarded boxes you prompt with tags and weighs. StabilityAI is now releasing brand new model that has nothing to do with SD or even CLIP technology. It basically has chatbot build into it and will generate images from plain language. It also has knowledge of perspective, spatial awareness and can write text easily. You literally just write "picture of mountains with tree on the left, bush on the right corner, in middle put river and make the top of the mountains not snowy" and it will do it, no longer any need for prompt autism where you write "mountains, oil painting, ((masterpiece)), closeup, greg rukovski" type of garbage

>> No.6631010

AIncels will never understand or experience the joy of creating art and that gives me pleasure.

>> No.6631406

Ok AIChud

>> No.6631473 [DELETED] 

I draw though

>> No.6631497


>> No.6631499 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 1245x1080, 1682210088871454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6631539

Do you only draw coom? If so, then yes, AI will most likely replace your kind. Good luck though.

>> No.6631567

Yeah, because non-coom AIs arent twice as capable as coom AIs because they are being worked on by professionals instead of sweaty basement dwellers. AI still cant do 90% of fetishes because those fetishes are classified as artefacts, meanwhile Midjourney can spit out literally anything you ask it for as long as it is not nono content.

>> No.6631572

Honestly, I dont know what to do, I want to create my own art. But what to do? My art isnt getting a lot of likes.

>> No.6631586

Hmm, yes, fetish art.
I was thinking of normie NSFW.
Well in that case, you may be partly right.

>> No.6631587

>My art isnt getting a lot of likes.
That's to be expected. Just keep posting. And do it for the fun. If your motivation are external stimuli, then you're doing it wrong and for the wrong reasons.

>> No.6631601

Even AI cunnies are still uncanny lot of the time. All while landscapes, serious character designs and so on are perfect and were perfect for multiple months. Emad is now releasing new image generator which had hardcore protection against NSFW, similar to base model of SD 2.0. It is not just single line of code like in the old SD model that took less then a day for /g/ to remove.

>> No.6631628

>AI... landscapes, serious character designs... were perfect for multiple months

>> No.6631635

What did Anon mean by this?

>> No.6631738


>> No.6631841

Cope about what?

>> No.6631985

All professional artists are self taught. Many go to school, some have mentors and peers, but all spend the vast majority of their time working alone and judging themselves. Everything else is just extra.

>> No.6631987

Feng Zhu closed his school in light of recent ai developments tho

>> No.6632060

the blackpill that /ic/ refuses to acknowledge

>> No.6632064
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No fucking way. Sauce?

>> No.6632081

Bro, wtf, google the website. You are literally on a device that has access to all currently updated information. Fzd is not closed, the site is still operational.

>> No.6632094

You lying pieces of shit
There is literally nothing on their website about AI. Even if you search "feng zhu school closing", "feng zhu school AI", "feng zhu school closing 2023". And even if they did that, that still does not mean complete over to all art, just few conceptart guys that predict it will be over 1+ year from now or at least less in demand. After all, they are not artist groups, they are schools that teach you something you will do 1 year into the future, not something you do right now, and all other schools are not closing, so whatever. Even fuckers on YouTube that post doomer videos about AI will still sell you a fucking drawing course at the end of the video about how artists will go extinct in two weeks

>> No.6632102

aitrannies are lying scamming scumbags. Breaking News at 11!

>> No.6632109
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You dumb nigger, reread my post. I literally googled it and said it wasn’t closed. Don’t you fucking reply to me nigger, you fucking nigger, you.

>> No.6632110
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>> No.6632183

>serious character designs and so on are perfect and were perfect for multiple months
They are absolutely not perfect. I do 3D modelling and I've been generating character designs, and while a lot of them are pretty to look at, they quickly fall apart the moment you take a deeper look.
I really don't think AI is going to be that disruptive in its current state because its current state is too incoherent in the design decisions it makes. Yes, this does actually matter when it means translating the 2D concept into a 3D model. Worse, AI cannot yet create decent reference sheets. And before you mention it, I have tried the Stable Diffusion models and loras that are supposed to help with this. They aren't good enough. If some retard actually decides to make his employees use these generators to create model sheets, he's going to fuck himself over when his 3D artists make completely incomprehensible models.

>> No.6632184
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>> No.6632185

This isn't a problem you can fix with inpainting, either, since model sheets require front, side and back views (and often also more specifically, separate drawings for limbs). Model sheets need to be precise, and AI is very very bad at precision.
I don't see how generative AI is going to resolve this issue. I've been following this AI stuff for a while now and things like MidJourney seem impressive in how much they've improved, but ultimately the improvement is all surface-level. The generations are incredibly pretty and interesting, but they're not coherent. They're like hallucinations or optical illusions that know exactly how to trick your mind until you realize that lock of hair is blending into the skin, or that shirt is actually becoming an arm is actually becoming hair is actually the background.

>> No.6632189

the blackpill that /ic/ refuses to acknowledge

>> No.6632190
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dave rapoza just launched the new AI daggers forum

>> No.6632195

The black cock that (You) refuse to swallow

>> No.6632196

Krenz just released his new fast and easy AI course on cube prompting

>> No.6632204

So in reality is there really a path forward for promoters with no art skill at all to take it with this tech?

>> No.6633755

i miss this gook nigga

>> No.6633762

I'm actively getting worse which makes me want to blow my brains out. People who like my /beg/ drawings dont like my "improvements". I look at better artists for guidance and they don't fucking experiment, or try different styles, or even use construction. They just draw the same FOTM and the same poses over and over again and people eat that shit up. They're not doing *more* than me, in fact their drawings are mechanically simpler than mine. My art sucks because its full of shitty things, so I think I need to remove those things and leave a simpler skeleton.

>> No.6633764

real googga

>> No.6636493


>> No.6636902

for me it's a battle between what sucks worse, being a delivery driver/manual labor, no direction in life, or being an art monkey making shit I don't like and not enjoying it for 80 hours a week.

>> No.6636967

This isn't always true.
I've worked on art for video games and other neat projects who were headed by some really talented and interesting people. I really liked helping their ideas come to life because I respected the vision.
Also, if whoever is commissioning you for work truly trusts your vision, you can get given a lot of creative liberty and be able to contribute to the greater whole of something special. You can kind of develop your own ideas through this collaborative process, and help to be part of something in magnitude and scope that you could never as an individual.

>> No.6637008


Congrats your eye and taste is developing but the rest of you has to catch up. Phases like this come before a breakthrough so keep going.

>> No.6637164

>being an art monkey making shit I don't like and not enjoying it for 80 hours a week.
Why do you draw things you don't like?

>> No.6637174

If someone is gracious enough to pay me for ANY job I will go above and beyond to repay their kindness, because they believe I could do the job and I will not disappoint. That goes for the few retail jobs I had where I started of seasonal/ part time and further progressed. I want to make a living doing something I like furthering my skills and ultimately satisfying that child in me. If that means I can help some other people's dreams come true I'm more than happy to suffer the boringness of drawing something I don't like- as long if it agrees with what I want to draw ultimately.

>> No.6637547

>art "career"

>> No.6637692

if you want to get paid you have to draw other people's ideas and stuff you don't want to, front views, turn arounds, pullouts, multiple outfits, props, all for something you don't even care about or enjoy.

>> No.6637744

You just gotta find something you love about what you're drawing, it's kind of the best way to avoid burnout IMO. Even when I'm drawing stuff I want to, I can find something I want to do really well about.

>> No.6637750

*stuff I don't want to

>> No.6638011
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>> No.6638247

People probably have an idealized version of what it means to be an artist but ideally making an original product you can live off of that doesn't require using your skills for others is likely the best outcome. Of course it's the most difficult and you'd probably end up hating what you do or suffer extreme stress like most Mangaka.

>> No.6638321

? Yes, it's a career. What's your point, chud?

>> No.6641156


>> No.6641158

based bumper, keeper of blessed threads

>> No.6641195

While you are out their pursuing your art career, someone else makes more money than you not pursuing an art career and has complete freedom when and what to draw.

>> No.6641199

>has complete freedom when and what to draw.