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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 27 KB, 731x188, JAgrqeW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6615214 No.6615214 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6615216
File: 2.16 MB, 897x1350, gettheaccentright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready

>> No.6615218
File: 98 KB, 1024x1012, 1681632307586588m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter just died
Twitter will be fine. You should be more worried about the artists who use it to promote their work.

>> No.6615231

No where will be save from AI harvesting. I bet even discord is doing it

>> No.6615235

BASED! Fuck digital artists, fuck famefags, fuck moneyfags. Finally the cleansing has arrived.

>> No.6615238

>I bet even discord is doing it
They announced as much last update, they are scraping servers and calls. That's why they've been drowning in gimmick additions like sound effects, to try and cover it.

>> No.6615240

This will probably just lead to a wider use of obnoxious water marks and quicker development on glaze since the demand will be higher. The worst that will happen is the death of free online art, I could even see the development of bots that scan the web for reuploads of your work so that you can get it deleted.

>> No.6615241


no wonder the penguin meme asking artist to post art has been trending lately...

>> No.6615246

I just don't upload anything on the internet anymore.
No pictures of myself, none of my works, nothing.
You just now figured that out?

>> No.6615250

Why the fuck do retards post their art on Twitter anyway?
I want an archive of all my work neatly organized, not just whatever my newest thing is

>> No.6615252


to get exposure... where else can they go? insta is braindead.

>> No.6615254

socializing with art.

>> No.6615279

Post real art with glaze, make a throwaway and post the worst drawings you can manage.

>> No.6615295

So AI will be scraping from bots and AI images now?

>> No.6615298

So if I repost some NoAI artist art, it will be scraped.

>> No.6615302

Stop posting good art on social media to attract normies and paywall your good shit.

>> No.6615322

For people to shill their art. I can't have any respect for artists if they choose to do this, it should be the other way around. People should chase you for art, and it should happen on websites that are user friendly towards gallery watching

>> No.6615324

sounds like a good way to monetize + post partial/censored/unfinished teasers and put the good stuff behind paywall. fuck the ai, let's goooooo

>> No.6615325

Not surprised that no-draw shitters are appearing in this thread.

>> No.6615331

Big sillies. This stuff is news to you? You've been feeding the training set for 20 years and you agreed to it.

>> No.6615333

Lmaoing at the midwits thinking they can outwit big corp.

>> No.6615335

and? I've been browsing art for fucking 15 years, and it gets worse and worse to do so. now that AI slopshit invaded everything, it's suddenly even more painful to do so. but OBJECTIVELY Twitter is fucking shit for art, and the only reason it's currently the main hub for art is because of the reason I've mentioned

>> No.6615337
File: 70 KB, 1333x481, firefox_1ogpypMN5N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but...why? why is this AI shit shilled literally everywhere out of a sudden? it's like it's forcefully being inserted into every little fucking thing, like an actual forced meme. imagine using this shit instead of reading the chat in detail or outright asking people "how are you all doing?", for who in the actual fuck is this shit meant for?

>> No.6615343

>just two more weeks

>> No.6615345

>why is this AI shit shilled literally everywhere out of a sudden
Because the new large language modules have gotten good: out of the research labs and into the wild. Don't tell me chat gpt isn't an order of magnitude better than google search. And, apologies to many here, a well crafted stable diffusion image is as good as most folks around here could make. Define "soul" and perhaps we can measure the difference ... until then, comrades.

>> No.6615353
File: 218 KB, 529x535, just like in my heckin MCU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, it's definitely because of that, and not because it's the next tech hype shit that's being exploited for money making
>Because the new large language modules have gotten good
notice how you haven't given a straight answer. how is "AI bot summarizing your discussion on Discord" practical in any way? you talk exactly like a corpo who would shill this garbage
>Don't tell me chat gpt isn't an order of magnitude better than google search
lmao. I am telling you exactly this
>And, apologies to many here
drop the act pajeeto
>a well crafted stable diffusion image
well crafted...lmao
>Define "soul" and perhaps we can measure the difference ... until then, comrades
soul is the intention behind it, the expression of another human being's thoughts on a canvas. a computer generated image has no intention, it's no one doing it. but I'm not expecting a socially retarded tech bugman to understand this

>> No.6615357
File: 132 KB, 749x1020, FrS8yZhXwAEZwcZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

automation is the opposite of craft, retard. don't use the word "crafted" again

>> No.6615360

Copy pasta from google image search. That's kicking AI's butt!!!! This is why.

>> No.6615363

>who in the actual fuck is this shit meant for?
The new generation of ipad tiktok kids. They are being raised with 0 attention span, and 0 social skills, so reading more than 2 lines of chat logs is too much for them, and they are too socially incompetent to ask their "friends" what happened.

>> No.6615366

>AI bot summarizing your discussion on Discord"
Sorry , my man, AI summarizing works is probably the star feature of these LLMs. Ask any high school kid writing an essay. The "emergent behavior", i.e. new, unexpected results is another feature.

>> No.6615367

>why is this AI shit shilled literally everywhere out of a sudden?
it's a psyop to demoralize and lure us into giving up our free will and power (and information) to this demonic cybernetic leviathan, transforming its victims into consumerist last men, the only victors being the venture capitalists and technocratic swine

>> No.6615369

Not him but what are you even trying to argue? Being emotional about ai like a tranny doesn't help anyone. It's completely irrelevant if ai has any functional use at the current point. Everyone has to lay the groundwork now or they are getting left being in a couple of years. Just face the reality that we are looking at an ai rich future, if you like it or not, if it's good or not. That's the hard reality unfolding right now. Everything else is not relevant.

>> No.6615370

>Sorry , my man, AI summarizing works is probably the star feature of these LLMs
sorry my man, you haven't described how this feature is useful in any way shape or form. i think you might have been abusing chatGPT too much which gives generic platitudes as answers for everything, have you tried using your own brain for a change?
> Ask any high school kid writing an essay
redundant, google always existed for this. not tied to the discussion, AI is crammed everywhere including retarded shit where it's either a sidegrade/redundant or even worse
>The "emergent behavior", i.e. new, unexpected results is another feature.
lmao no way you seriously believe this shit

>> No.6615372

>Define "soul" and perhaps we can measure the difference

Has the rot inside you spread so far that you can not find value in anything not spoken in numbers?

>> No.6615375

I can get emotional all I want, you nihilistic cuck. it bothers you that there will be a quite significant portion of people out there who will look at you with disdain. no "AI" will stop that, that's for certain

>> No.6615376

>google always existed
google is becoming worthless thanks to seo

>> No.6615378

google has become worse over the years and AI will not improve it

>> No.6615380

It's the latest tech fad, it's like every company jumped on NFTs a few years ago.

>> No.6615381

>anything not spoken in numbers?
Pay me in units that can be counted, you can pay rent with your "soulfulness".

>> No.6615382

I'm neither nihilistic nor am I an advocate for ai. I am just telling you that your schizo ramblings have no significance for anything and that the reality is what it is, the reality. Downplaying the reality and repeating over and over how useless the technology is won't influence reality.

>> No.6615383

>google has become worse over the years and AI will not improve it
AI will replace it.

>> No.6615384

Bing is better now thanks to AI, and will improve. (gpt4)

>> No.6615385

it won't replace it, and it's hilarious how you think that "google going to shit" is supposed to mean that AI is great

>> No.6615389

Elon is such a fucking rat. He was saying AI should be put on halt but he wanted to work on an AI for himself all along. And is using Twitter to train it.

>> No.6615391

>"google going to shit" is supposed to mean that AI is great
nobody said that, schizo.

>> No.6615392

Bing AI is better and less of a virus since it has restrains. But it works for what it's intended, to help you study.

>> No.6615393

you're typing a lot, not saying much of anything. what am I supposed to decipher from the garbage you're spewing? imagine inserting yourself into a conversation and start moping about how "things are because of the way they are" and "it is what it is". fuck off with this fatalist "destiny is real" shit

>> No.6615394

He was saying training of any model greater than gpt4 should be put on halt. Never said to get rid of generative ai or anything

>> No.6615396

Elon's stance is "ai is awful, but the people who won't misuse it must reach the finishing line first". conveniently, he thinks that he's the one. he probably doesn't believe this, but it's how he advertises himself as the benevolent guy

>> No.6615398
File: 3.79 MB, 4088x2739, 1681605986067398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real artists are actually embracing AI and are excited about the opportunities that it offers. It's only soulless trannies here and on Twitter who are seething about not being able to make money drawing generic anime girls on a blank background anymore.

>> No.6615401
File: 753 KB, 783x1796, AI creativity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real artists are actually embracing AI and are excited about the opportunities that it offers. It's only soulless trannies here and on Twitter who are seething about not being able to make money drawing generic anime girls on a blank background anymore.

>> No.6615402

>Real artists are actually embracing AI
show me some. I don't think I've seen anyone embrace it, merely try it and move on.

>> No.6615403

Oh, that he does. He probably thinks of himself this high even when he's taking a shit in the toilet.

>> No.6615404

It's literally the opposite. You're saying nothing but boomer schizo shit that has zero relevance to the situation, basically just doomposting. I'm telling you that ai will only keep growing and getting better every single remaining year you're going to be alive on this planet. And everyone is preparing right now for that. So you better arrange yourself with the situation.

This is the only reasonable fundamental position to take. Everything else, how you feel about that, how that influences your decisions. How far it will go. This is a different discussion. But if you don't even have that base level of acceptance then there is no point to ever open your mouth on the topic.

>> No.6615405

wow it's like /sdg/ is in the room with me right now!

>> No.6615406
File: 911 KB, 808x541, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

convenient that you not zoomed these, eh AI tranny? a bit fucked up you ride on the coat tails of the best artists, stealing their work so you get to "feel" better than anyone else who's supposed to be envious of...what? anyone can prompt

>> No.6615407

>And everyone is preparing right now for that. So you better arrange yourself with the situation.
got any pointers? I have no idea how to prepare for an unknown like AGI.

>> No.6615410

Everyone has already forgotten about AI art already the grift as moved to text models.
Except the couple of autists who spam threads on the website obviously.

>> No.6615411

Called it


>> No.6615413

it's ironic that you say this, given how you fail to understand that there WILL be massive pushback against this privacy violation, and there's nothing you can do to stop it as well. your pathetic juvenile philosophy does not impress anyone

>> No.6615414

You better decide now if you will enjoy art even if AI is 10 or 100 times better than now. For me that doesn't influence my love for art and I will keep grinding. There is zero point in coping that ai is at the upper limit of its potential or that it will be perfectly regulated by the government, like that ever has worked. Either you love doing what you do even if reality was much harsher than it is now or you give up and stop wasting your time.

>> No.6615416

Everything will be used to scrape data from and train AI, literally everything.

>> No.6615418

Everyone using AI
Drawing apps will have no choice if they don't want to stay behind
Commercial artists will have no choice if they don't want to be replaced
Everything becomes AI assisted products
When everything is AI, nothing is AI
If nothing is AI we win

>> No.6615421

>There is zero point in coping that ai is at the upper limit of its potential or that it will be perfectly regulated by the government, like that ever has worked
yeah, anyone can just have free access to nuclear bombs, the materials in biolabs. fucking retard, world can go to shit dictatorship mode faster than you can say poof. the internet will become a regulated hellscape that will make China look like a petting zoo

>> No.6615422

Make this thread on /g/ retard.
And take your AGI doomposting too.

>> No.6615424

Our data is already taken and used in a multitude of ways yet now it's suddenly when it's used for AI? I don't think there's anything that can be done

>> No.6615427

AI is inevitable

>> No.6615428

All you're saying is that you're terrified of the worst case. Nothing less. Nothing more. If you wouldn't continue grinding in the worst case then you got filtered, simple as.

>> No.6615430

>nothing ever changes
it was bad before AI, and AI will make the problem far worse. you need to make up your mind, is this shit "revolutionary" or not? because if it is, well the odds of "something being done" have increased exponentially. it doesn't help that people have been using it to scam the government easily as well

>> No.6615431

I just don't care anymore.
Take the AI and shove it up your worm infested asses.
I'm going to go draw anime titties and ss

>> No.6615433
File: 510 KB, 2048x1097, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based china.
total ai death.

>> No.6615438

You think their government will follow their own law?

>> No.6615440


>> No.6615441

Chinese will just hack and steal from american databases anyway

>> No.6615443

why not? they jailed a guy who used crisper to cure ailments in 2 babies (anti human-cloning law)

>> No.6615444

here come the goal posts.
day of redeem soon mashallah.

>> No.6615447

I like how the AIfag ignored this.

>> No.6615451

The government is already using it to spy even better on their citizens.

>> No.6615452

Okay that might be an actual reason to jump ship

>> No.6615453

>twitter artists just died
There fixed

>> No.6615454

AIfag dont' even want to talk about AI.
These threads are just raids from /r/Singularity types.
case in point this isn't a new IP.

>> No.6615456

>anti ai blurring tools like Glaze

>> No.6615457

not only artist
cosplayers, models, gravures, etc...

>> No.6615459

Digicucks cucked again. This can't keep happening

>> No.6615461

Drones(human or otherwise) coming to your galleries to rip all the trad works too.

>> No.6615462

Artist out here literally celebrating china's ai laws that will be used to control the population and make sure no citizen generates anything bad about the party line

>> No.6615463

You're a retard. If ai becomes truly ubiquitous It will be as easy as writing an email. There's nothing to prepare for, either it's inefficient and trained artists win or it's efficient and trained artists still win.
Proompter will never be a job.

>> No.6615464

To make them more valuable? Please come

>> No.6615465

This was planned from the very beginning, internet was DARPA project created to get people unknowingly build a database to train AI, we are getting to the endgame

>> No.6615467
File: 1.01 MB, 679x1075, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo official account posted picrel
so twitter now "owns" mario movie poster and can use to train AI or what?
I see a lot of legal problems there.
Elon is literally killing twitter

>> No.6615471

Yes he can the same way monkey train their brain to copy mario fanart to make mario coom art for easy bucks

>> No.6615472

kill proompters.
roundhouse kick proompters into the pavement.
send proompters into the sun.

>> No.6615473

Based Elon, destroyer of trannies

>> No.6615477
File: 8 KB, 300x168, aaassss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's like that wouldn't he.
Think they did it in costume? I think they did.

>> No.6615478

If you wouldn't draw if tomorrow all art jobs were taken over by ai then just stop. Simple as.

>> No.6615479

Make sure to pay that $11 a month for blue as well

>> No.6615480

Not Based Elon, father of tranny, and cucked by a trannie.

>> No.6615482

Good thread, made my morning

>> No.6615487
File: 1.78 MB, 1440x2960, 1596135211491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well

>> No.6615489


>> No.6615495
File: 215 KB, 540x452, hylics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if there's a good thing about AI art is that it's gonna kill the safe, kitsch market of inoffensive illustrations and coomer anime art, pushing for another new wave

>> No.6615496
File: 352 KB, 800x800, Sociopath_021_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will use Glaze but people still copy and steal your shit anyways so whatever

>> No.6615501


>> No.6615505

and AIfags only have themselves to blame for it. maybe if you didn't chimp out, this wouldn't happen

>> No.6615506

from now on I will only post my art traditionally, in a vault and people who want to see it, have to be strip searched by me beforehand.

>> No.6615508
File: 49 KB, 300x100, 1664016503213071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AD for this thread, relevant?

>> No.6615510

>Constantly antagonize artists by saying your going to replace them
>Be surprised when they celebrate your downfall
Odd that

>> No.6615511

Twitter finally doing some good for society

>> No.6615515

looks AI generated, like the kind we had 2 years ago.(I know it's clay, I seen the twitters)

>> No.6615520

X Corp, are we living in a Megaman game?

>> No.6615521

Stinky neets lost to AI before their 'career' in art even begin.

>> No.6615525

Beep Bop I'm taking your job

>> No.6615541
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, 1659448075205274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything will be fine artists!

>> No.6615544

Yeah being sandwiched between AI fags and tranime retards. What more could you wish for?

>> No.6615547

If everyone has gold everyone will be rich.

>> No.6615552

Twitter artists will make sure everyone else got gold but them

>> No.6615557

Considering the average Twitter user despises AI, this was a terrible fucking move. Waiting for the japanese users exodus

>> No.6615559
File: 284 KB, 1214x793, sanest AItranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's only soulless trannies here and on Twitter who are seething
I guess they are...

>> No.6615560

>what do you mean you want to keep your hard earned gold for yourself?

>> No.6615562

So many trannies in that post

>> No.6615565

You can run but you can't hide from AI

>> No.6615569

>most firstworld artists use commission art as a side business or vanity endeavor
>99% of those who make a living off of it are thirdworlders
>their fellow thirdworlders are the ones pushing AI picture shitters as a replacement and rejoicing at the thought of e-artists losing commission money
Why are they such crabs, bros?

>> No.6615575
File: 190 KB, 680x680, 1530822224233.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna Glaze and watermark anything I post on socials. And looks like I'll have to make my own fucking website to host a gallery too since it looks like everyone and their mothers want to steal my shit. Found my art on their tranny dataset- won't let these niggers steal my shit a second time so easily.
Hopefully people realize their data is actually valuable and the Internet can stop being concentrated on the 4 same garbage websites. It's insane just how unbelievably jewish all these tech faggots are.

>> No.6615576


>> No.6615579

So off topic shitpost threads with an healthy dose of falseflagging are now allowed?

>> No.6615584

so now i gotta wait for a glaze Android or ipados port, how annoying desu, i hate lefties

>> No.6615587

AI made art free as in freedom. Long live AI

>> No.6615593

That's a pretty persistent misrepresentation of the contents of the letter he signed. Did you actually read it? It’s not advocating for a pause on AI research and it would have no impact on stable diffusion etc. It specifically and exclusively argues against the continued and unconstrained race to develop and deploy larger and more powerful models than those already in production (using GPT-4 as a high water mark). It also advocates for extensive investment in AI research not only aimed at producing more commercial products but rather aimed at producing better understanding of the technology we already have

>> No.6615595

The Internet made knowledge free for everyone, yet there's still libtards/lefties

>> No.6615597

There are still luddites, we can't free people from their own bubble

>> No.6615600

I heard samdoesart started using AI on his workflow, is it true or just rumors by AI shills?

>> No.6615599

aren't these usually from the same franchise?

>> No.6615601

>using tech
there's no hope for them

>> No.6615604


>> No.6615611

If you use google to copypasta, you're using an AI already. An older AI, granted. The LLM based chat tools are replacing the SEO optimized rubbish from google. I say "good". If AI replaces generic anime and concept art, I say "good".

>> No.6615621

I checked it out and no, he is not using AI, and is still uploading full process vids.

>> No.6615623

Thanks senpai

>> No.6615628

>he is not using AI
>uploading full process vids.
watch his procees vids from 8-9 months and the new ones, you will notice something

>> No.6615631

nta i checked and saw a bunch of my fans drew in my style and i feel like some of his fans are using AI fucking KEK

>> No.6615643

I giggled

>> No.6615652

Y'all niggas listening to all the voice cloning ai music stuff. Shit is bussin fr

>> No.6615653

Notice what? Say what you mean, don't make me waste my time watching his videos.

>> No.6615654

Good, the more AI there are the better the tech gets

>> No.6615656


>> No.6615669

kek. soulless rap will be so easy to automate. this is fantastic. the music (((industry))) is such a scam

>> No.6615672

>not a new IP since forever
I can't understand the level of desperation the spammer is on

>> No.6615674

lol Glaze doesn't even work

>> No.6615676

They are already imitating Michael Jackson pretty well. Artists of any kind will be gone in 10 years.

>> No.6615677

let us shitpost with art frens in peace.

>> No.6615679

>already imitating Michael Jackson pretty well
Not when applied to rap. Though I guess you could find a lot of recordings of him talking, but that would sound like shit because of his gay ass talking voice.

>> No.6615697

I mean they still need someone to sign the song. They just lay the ai voce cloning thing over. The beat is also human made afaik. So we still have a way to go. I think

>> No.6615714


>> No.6615717
File: 1.99 MB, 1151x1415, 1662480330175692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6615719

I read the actual TOS that applies starting May 18, and it says nothing about using content for AI training. I suppose some other passage could be construed to allow for it, but AI is not mentioned anywhere. So where is this coming from?

>> No.6615725


>a well crafted stable diffusion image is as good as most folks around here could make.

give me one example of said image. you know the thing about art is. what I consider trash might be something of value to another person. even a newbie artist can make art that can evoke something out of someone because it was done with human intention. The essence of the artist so to speak, reside within the art itself. I'm not talking about soul or anything. Art is a story. You just don't write it with words. That's what your machine learning is not capable of. It imitates the surface. It's pretty good at it I mean considering the quality of data that is fed into it. But it doesn't think, have no intention and it shows in the final result.

>> No.6615726



>> No.6615731
File: 606 KB, 1668x2388, FuEJV-qaYAIvkgP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6615744
File: 159 KB, 849x1200, orangeir8-1648657708537741312-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do know that art is meaningless for Elmo, right? He doesn't care about your low quality doodles nor does he plan to compete in the AI art field. He wants your conversations. All of that human data is several times more valuable than every art piece that has been uploaded to the platform. He wants to build an "unwoke" alternative to GPT-4 that can say the n-word freely because he got upset that his venture with OpenAI didn't go the way he planned.

>> No.6615745

A social media post isn’t a primary source. Sometimes people post bullshit on social media. Shocking, I know.

>> No.6615750

>Artists of any kind will be gone in 10 years.
how does stealing someone's voice translate into this? you think digital necromancy is the future of music? music's fucking dead anyway, exactly because of this kind of garbage tech. it killed it over a decade ago

>> No.6615754

>The Internet made knowledge free for everyone
the internet is the biggest misinformation tool in history, and it amplified the foul nature of humanity.

>> No.6615766
File: 323 KB, 1292x951, r crumb_music_grandparents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>music's fucking dead anyway
fucking this. I work in a fine establishment that plays pop music, some of it already several years old. It's the most over-processed, auto-tuned, soulless shit imaginable, it just as well be AI. When I get home I listen to blues & jazz that's literally 100 years old to detox, pure soul.
Of course there's still good music to be found, but it's all on the fringes. As AI saturates, there will be counter-currents. People can only take so much of this shit.

>> No.6615768


it gave platform for morons to give their moronic opinions and allowed morons to form their moronic groups.

>> No.6615769

>so twitter now "owns" mario movie poster
Are you retarded? They don't take ownership of anything. They can use it in their learning algorithms.

Fuck, this board is full of cavemen afraid of technology.

>> No.6615773

I'm both. I grew up browsing Deviantart and marveling at the daily deviations in the early 2000s. You can't have that nowadays.

>> No.6615779

>branding your cattle doesn't work please stop, for my sake...

>> No.6615800

lmao u don't notice it because your are a luddite

>> No.6615804

It's been like half a year and AI trannies still haven't bothered opening a history book to see what a luddite is, it's like they want to come off as a bunch of braindead retards

>> No.6615818

I thought words changed meaning overtime and luddites now are just people opposed to new tech. But what do I know compared to a luddite

>> No.6615829

What X is trying to do is develop general AI. This had been my contention ever since the sale. The value in Twitter was the amount of behavioral data he could feed to AI, not its advertising rates.
This is about true comprehension. Making AI generated images to steal yer jobs is fucking trivial and not even on X's radar.

>> No.6615834

Eventually it will mean "people who don't want to be entirely displaced and replaced by a new robot race"

>> No.6615857

Theres good modern jazz. Pat metheny, Snarky puppy, etc.
It might not be your cup of tea, but its not overproduced pop music.

>> No.6615863

It already means "I don't want my own artistic output to be used as a weapon of targeted harassment against me"

>> No.6615867

This word in particular is loaded with historical meaning and the overwhelming majority of the time, whoever uses it as a pejorative can be identified as a clueless retard who loves to suck corpo cock.

>> No.6615872

To steal content (Whoops, I mean "disposing of your information"), of course, new and current "talents" at every business are a bunch of incompetent fucks who only got hired based on political quotas who can't throw a line or code nor can draw a stick figure to save their lives, so corpos are cutting them out with AI.

>> No.6615887

>rich ai future
It's fun how people seriously think that the crap AI generators make can be monetized.

>> No.6615892

He said ai rich future
There is no need for copyright when everyone can generate everything they want. As a socialist I absolutely look forward to the abolishment of copyright

>> No.6615902

if that's the best ai can come up with, then all those coomers drawing coombait in a blank background will have work for decades to come.

>> No.6615903

>I look forward to eating the bugs
>I look forward to living in the pod
>I look forward to MAID when I am not useful for human testing any longer

>> No.6615914

>real artists are embracing their obsolescence and the fact that they will be unemployed soon.
If everyone is an artist no one is

>> No.6615915

another 18-dollar-starbucks-drinking gringo who thinks socialism will give him shit for free

>> No.6615920

It's fun how any random idiot on twitter that charges 10 bucks for a picture can do better than all that ai garbage put together

>> No.6615930
File: 647 KB, 2576x1920, 1uz394x8ps401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we take a massive shit in the machine, would that clog up it's insides? What if we start posting tons of random images that have been glazed on max settings with a bunch of random tags and follow/like/retweet each others random images. We could even use bots to do it. Would that totally shit up the data set? It could be done with text too, get an ai to write a bunch of nonsense and spam it all over twitter.

>> No.6615938

the third one is handmade clay animation, not AI

>> No.6615945
File: 498 KB, 752x591, Screenshot 2023-04-20 063050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GPT4 can recognize images and describe the image, quite spooky, and I think glaze wouldn't affect it. So if there was a lot of trash, AI can sift it.

>> No.6615946

>We could even use bots to do it
Yes, fight Ai with Ai. Flood out the whole internet with tainted dataset.

>> No.6615947

Add hidden layers that co fuse gpt4 and can't be seen to the human eye.

>> No.6615959
File: 2.94 MB, 480x480, 1616287121660.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid, lazy, self-entitled morons shouldn't be allowed to be happy.

>> No.6615999
File: 25 KB, 785x358, h501R6X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


first facebook rename to meta
now twitter to X corp

>> No.6616002

In the shadows, overlay racist stuff at 2 percent opacity.

>> No.6616021

Who cares?

>> No.6616035

>thinking this is exclusive to Twitter

maybe the Church tried slowing down technology for a reason..

>> No.6616049

yeah, one point in time, getting a DD was the equivalent of having your work being submitted as a portfolio piece to get you foot into the industry.
dA just had 'that' kind of respect all the ways back then and nobody wants to remember it. don't know why, honestly.

>> No.6616100

It's like atomic energy and cigarettes being shilled in the 50s. Welcome to the future again.

>> No.6616200


>> No.6616201


>> No.6616204
File: 872 KB, 500x500, wonder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah anon I wonder why?

>> No.6616206

Based Elon

>> No.6616216

>pls don't watermark your work
this has to be bait right

>> No.6616229

Apparently not. Watermarks can serve as a deterrent in the context of image recognition and machine learning algorithms making it harder for the ai to accurately analyze the image.

>> No.6616231

Did he die?

>> No.6616232

Do you not understand sarcasm?

>> No.6616236

What does that even mean? "Hidden layers"? If it can't be seen by the human eye then it's not going to be picked up by AI either. Images don't have layers built in except GIFs, sort of.

>> No.6616269

>t. Thought Elon was bringing FREESPEECH to twitter

>> No.6616277

You all laughed at me but newgrounds is still safe.

>> No.6616281

ng devs are too dumb to program ai scraping on their website, same for hiro otherwise he would be scraping the entire 4chan already

>> No.6616290

An easier solution would be to change the internet language. Tag literal shitposts as "masterpiece, massive breasts, trending on art station" etc. Also other tricks like l33t sp34k and speaking in metaphors.

>> No.6616295

Let's see here what I get

>> No.6616315

I think techfags can find their way around a substitution cypher

>> No.6616321

I don't think even automated coding can keep up with internet trends. Slang changes so quickly and you notice it more the older you get.

also there's no official l33t language, you could quite literally use any number or symbol in substitution for any letter at any time. I think that's too many parameters to consider.

>> No.6616342

i dont really use slang, and im a zoomer.
but im also a fucking loser,

>> No.6616356

nigger, look at chat gpt, do you think it can't handle a large number of parameters? having trouble with language? this is what they do, this is what all this shit is, large language models, language is exactly what they are good at.

>> No.6616360

cgt can owo talk like an anime cat girl meow

>> No.6616400

AI is literally free money. I don't know why you guys keep on refusing to use AI

>> No.6616406

>AI is literally free money

>> No.6616407

Cry more

>> No.6616413

there's already 50k AI patreon/fanbox and only the 2% is making some monkey(40-220bucks)
i can prompt my Aiart in 1sec, i dont need to pay some AIartist

>> No.6616415

Speak for yourself then

>> No.6616417
File: 246 KB, 556x1076, CAFBEA10-69E0-4B6D-BC8D-CEFF3871D85F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s not wrong

>> No.6616418

It's always 2% making some money and the top 1% of the 1% making a lot of money, just do commissions instead for some nice extra money

>> No.6616431

>i can prompt my Aiart in 1sec
t. never prompted a commission

>> No.6616438

seething ai pajeet

>> No.6616441

>ai bad
Must be sad being a luddite

>> No.6616443

I didn't say that though
I said, and quote:
>seething ai pajeet
which evaluates to 1 currently

>> No.6616448

Sure, luddite. Keep on crying about ai. I'm sure you are doing great making one drawing every 10h

>> No.6616522
File: 98 KB, 1458x534, least insane pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong with technology, Glaze will get better over time. we're only in the pre alpha stages. as more and more people will get pissed off by data theft and scammers, various forms of data protection measures will also be developed. if machine learning/AI can also be used to counter this, I don't see why it wouldn't be a fantastic tool

>> No.6616536

I don't understand why the shills are using "ludite" as an insult when people are simply questioning whether new technologies are useful or not. Do they know inventions aren't automatically good and can even be bad if they solve 1 problem but create several others?

>> No.6616557
File: 86 KB, 1170x645, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting nuance from bugmen who are overly dependent on tech and would die in 5 days without electricity
>expecting nuance from someone who probably uses a bot to summarize a wikipedia article because his attention span is that of a neurotic husky
the only thing they seek is to make a quick buck on the side of their other scams by doing virtually no effort, and driving down the prices. they have no arguments for their degeneracy, so they can only scream a meaningless word, without knowing what it means. they're like third world immigrants shitting up your country and oversaturating the job market, driving down the prices while lazing about...but on the internet!

>> No.6616777

Wow, the internet is basically an inner city dmv now.

>> No.6617530

>x corp
>space x

what the fuck is this autists obsession with the letter x

>> No.6618096

So where are artists going now

>> No.6618106

ill do this one tomorrow

>> No.6618206

Twitter disable the ability to search without an account? I can't do it anymore without being redirected to https://twitter.com/i/flow/login

>> No.6618283
File: 129 KB, 932x700, 1677618856724389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AiJeets lost again
Feels good.

>> No.6618288
File: 428 KB, 1200x1200, browner the skin, higher the numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for who in the actual fuck is this shit meant for?

>> No.6618299

the only people embracing ai are soulless trannies you retard

>> No.6618394

>anti-anything except human viewers

>> No.6618395

Don't forget to keep uploading that anti-AI image to artstation, we almost got them sisters

>> No.6618920

Its only better than google because google has been consistently getting worse over time. Half of it is their own meddling to make sure nobody can find the Wrong information, the other half from seo "optimization" which makes search impossible.

>> No.6619306

Search engines overall have gotten dogshit. DuckDuckGo was definitely gutted about 2-3 years ago because it was actually doing its job well.