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File: 586 KB, 1080x1487, Cara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6605279 No.6605279 [Reply] [Original]

Could it fill the portfolio niche artstation lost?

>> No.6605283

It's not hard to fake art as not ai, there has been multiple threads of people shilling ai posting their 0% from some detector website

>> No.6605296

Its still a deterrent. I think studios are going to find new ways to filter out AIniggers out of the pipeline because
>Imagine having to work with someone who has no idea how functional art works.
Grifters will just shoot themselves on the foot.

>> No.6605298

It will because big names are already on there which means everyone else will want to be on there. Artstation was ran by literal retards, did they think they had a monopoly or something? I don't get why they shat on the one fucking thing that made them worth anything.

>> No.6605300

I'm convinced Artstation got paid to shill AI. Probably by some midjourney exec

>> No.6605302

Let me rephrase, not monopoly, but did they think they had artists by the balls that badly? It was actually the other way around.

>> No.6605305

Depends how good the AI detector is

>> No.6605313

If an AI artist can make everything a concept artist can employers won't care and will hire anyone as long as they can do their job

>> No.6605318

I'm curious what you think being a concept artist entails, tell me everything you think a concept artist does.

>> No.6605320

>aijeet still think he worth anything doing google image search

>> No.6605322

Good luck elaborating on your concepts :)

>> No.6605325

Perfect. A place to scrape some more human made art

>> No.6605330
File: 511 KB, 1920x2004, landy-r-andrianary-bothx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If an AI artist can make everything a concept artist can

Even if they could, a concept artist would effortlessly shit on an ai artist with their own tools.

>> No.6605338

Creating characters, environments, props, architecture, landscapes, fashion that helps the consumer connect with the narrative while also helping move the story forward when needed, they all should make the world feel coherent, show different cultures, different social classes, differentiate the main characters from secondary and background ones, give visual cues to their personalities, props should be able to problem solve, colors, shapes and composition can be used to manipulate the consumer emotionally, interiors should tell the characters lifestyle, their life history, and all of it could be used to deceive the consumer into a bait and switch, the design of things should be as complex as the medium permit, 2d animation aiming for simpler designs for ease of animation

>> No.6605342

it can be just industry blacklists. If using AI once publically outs you in the same way doing porn does, it could start being helpful. It could easily become a reputation thing. IN FACT the best deterrent i can imagine is a site which has a "human verified" tag as long as you submit your process video, and the number of tags per artwork get associated with the real name of the artist

>> No.6605344

Assuming studios aren't already adapting. But who am I to (you)

>> No.6605346

Read the "about" page. Here are the relevant snippets:

>Cara is a social media and portfolio platform for artists in the entertainment industry.

>Many platforms currently accept AI art when it’s not ethical, while many others have promised “no AI forever” without having an understanding of our industry’s nuanced needs. Cara is a passion project by a small team of volunteers who wanted to bridge that gap.

>We do not agree with generative image tools in their current unethical form, and won’t host AI-generated image portfolios right now.

>We won’t make promises such as saying we will never host AI-generated work—as studios begin to look into AI art tools for production, if one day, these tools are ethical and artists must use them at work—then we must adapt and keep thinking of new ways to support our community.

So there you have it. I said it before: Artists in "the industry" will cave because they will have no choice. Industry is about profit margins. Many labor-saving technologies have already been adopted by the gaming, animation and film industries. Think of digital art in general, with its unlimited undo, layers, line stabilization, easy color adjustment, etc. Think of 3D models, automatic tweening, particle effects, lighting and physics simulation. The list goes on.

I would argue that anime today is a step down in quality from the best productions of the '80s and early '90s. Akira (1988) looks amazing, and was animated traditionally. New tech is adopted even if it can't match the results of the old, manual ways, as long as the results are "good enough" AND the loss in quality is offset by huge cuts in labor costs.

People who draw and paint for themselves, or for a group of appreciative patrons and customers, be it online through Patreon or the traditional art gallery system, will be the ones who resist AI. Same with some independent game developers and filmmakers.

But "the industry" has as good as sold out already.

>> No.6605348

>We do not agree with generative image tools in their current unethical form, and won’t host AI-generated image portfolios right now.
>We do not agree with generative image tools in their current unethical form, and won’t host AI-generated image portfolios right now.
>We do not agree with generative image tools in their current unethical form, and won’t host AI-generated image portfolios right now.
>We do not agree with generative image tools in their current unethical form, and won’t host AI-generated image portfolios right now.
>right now.
>right now.
>right now.
>right now.

>> No.6605352
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1681311868626713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Chingling understands art

>> No.6605354

I wonder how many areas ChatGPT stole this from

>> No.6605356


He'll just use chatgpt. Never trust any answer from some fuckass AI shill.

>> No.6605360

AI is too powerful, better answer than the entire luddite community

>> No.6605366

AI is inevitable

>> No.6605367

It'll be the same shit as photobashing. What's the problem? They won't be stealing and reproducing artwork without permission like the midjourney niggers.

>> No.6605368
File: 21 KB, 332x1024, 1674595490561611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dios mio la monstruosidad inexplicable

>> No.6605369
File: 57 KB, 640x571, KTHkLqxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let AI do the all the thinking for you. Human brains are obsolete really.

>> No.6605370

I mean using ChatGPT is just another way of conceding

>> No.6605372

It's uttershit because their being ethical about it and training it only on their own assets

>> No.6605375

Is that a fucking leg or arm

>> No.6605376

I wonder what could happen if they used WLOP or some gook artist's training data

>> No.6605378

This has to be chatgpt, right?

>> No.6605386

someone should make a virus that can attach to an image so when aijeet train with it will corrupt the AI. Would that be possible?

>> No.6605387

Yeah, it's called Glaze

>> No.6605389

Glaze works like that? I thought it was just a filter and not exactly actively ruin the AI.

>> No.6605393

There were models a while back that contained malicious code, but safeguards against that have been implemented since then.

>> No.6605395

Prickled? Not even once

>> No.6605403

>Same with some independent game developers and filmmakers.
These people won't resist AI you dumbass.

>> No.6605409

not same anon but In fact they were the first to jump on AI because they can take risk and have little to lose compared to giants

>> No.6605416

There are people right now making traditional stop motion animation, in spite of how labor intensive it is, and in spite of the fact they could “fake” it for cheaper using CGI, and some people are even animating games this way, you ignorant slut.

>> No.6605424

Why is Hasan pro-AI??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.6605430

They need all the help they can get. And it's cheaper. Also there's no risk in using AI for the giants, the vast majority of investments into AI art are from and for the big giants like Shutterstock, Adobe, Nvidia, Getty, Hollywood etc. Stable Diffusion is just a little toy compared to what will be coming.

Those people are an irrelevant and tiny minority. They're basically passionate hand crafters or hobbyists before they're anything else and sorry but stop motion animators aren't making video games you dork.

>> No.6605436

Good for them, if the market could sustain everyone working in factories to instead learn tailoring I bet these people would change their job in a heartbeat. Art has been industrialized for a century now, AI just gets rid of some inefficiencies in the industry

>> No.6605449
File: 111 KB, 1200x800, 1_KHxmpYR9LgQbJ7RaCfquUg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6605456

Inefficiency aka the literal heartbeat of art. How good it its to be rid of such a thing. I'm so glad we're stomping such an impossibly rare and important thing into the ground for the sake of industriousness.

>> No.6605457

Deficiency isn't a good thing, stop lying to yourself.

>> No.6605460

Notice, in my original comment, I wrote:
>Same with some independent game developers and filmmakers.
As in, there will be people doing passion projects who will foresake AI-generated art because they aren’t answering to shareholders or accountants, and because they are either against AI on principle or in favor of keeping alive some pre-AI method of art-making.
I didn’t write, nor do I believe, that all indies will avoid using AI. Reading comprehension.
>sorry but stop motion animators aren't making video games you dork.
Look up Claymatic Games, you idol of idiot worshippers.

>> No.6605462

I didn't say you didn't say "some". There are still some full time tailors

>> No.6605469

ngl I missed the "some".
>one game
This is definitely a relevant trend! Come on now.

>> No.6605471

I'm pretty sure independents will do whatever they please my guy

>> No.6605474

And if they please AI they won't resist it because why would they?

>> No.6605475

Do you know what independents creators are retard. You dumbasses seem to forget who you call luddites can be independents creators

Your bot post makes you sound retarded look at what your fuckin saying

>> No.6605476

Luddites aren't pleased by AI to begin with, why would they feel the need to resist using what disgust them

>> No.6605477
File: 1.22 MB, 948x924, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha I'll definitely use this site created by non-retards

>> No.6605487

>AI image detector
doomed to fail

>> No.6605493

Only if it gets the userbase, and presents itself in enough of a professional manner that art directors etc use it.

It's more so the importance of the stance, rather than how well it's enforced - the reason so many have fled Art Station is because of their indifference to AI images, despite it now flooding the site, the them seemingly okaying the fact that their site is scraped and used to make these AIs, which many feel has breached their rights as creators.

There's also something to be said about just showing your pure art abilities - no one wants to hire an artist with no actual drawing abilities. If they want someone who can proompt, they'll hire an artist and give him 15 mins to learn the in and outs of their AI of choice, but they'll want someone with the abilities to make the corrections they want and perhaps create something the AI may be incapable of doing - something an AI artist only would be unable to do.

Isn't that more-so because they want it to be within their art-style, and less because they wanted to be ethical?

>> No.6605503
File: 23 KB, 652x309, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude
let me put it on my art sites to dominate in 2023

>> No.6605512
File: 79 KB, 1057x462, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After laws are passed to clearly protect artists, we are open to the possibility of hosting AI art, but we believe that it should be labelled clearly and people should be able to search for human-made art and AI art with posts tagged accordingly.
From their FAQ: https://blog.cara.app/blog/faq#q7

Look at picrel.
>Also like, just curious but what industry you are a hentai art commissioner
>i love this complete comic outsider is trying to fucking mansplain the comic industry to like

yeah avoid this fucking trash

>> No.6605513
File: 229 KB, 576x720, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw those are supposed to be the admin and mods running the site

>> No.6605519

Who cares? Art is dead, and AI companies can get away stealing your data without ANY repercussions. Even if you protest it wont be enough because non-artists or rather anyone who doesnt work in the creative field are pro AI.

>> No.6605523

He is also living in his multi dollar mansion in hollywood while boasting about communism and muh america bad. He is the ultimate grifter but his sub 100 iq audience doesnt see that. Im talking about Destiny btw.

>> No.6605531

nice chatGPT retard. this is the problem with AI. not AI getting better, but that it will turn people into retards

>> No.6605532
File: 98 KB, 1458x534, least insane pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6605535
File: 29 KB, 975x882, Fs0JF_magAA2z9V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because we need our consumers to be very religious about our "product"

>> No.6605542
File: 141 KB, 1166x839, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are not too happy about this, AI sisters. maybe we should be more subtle about our nihilistic plan to destroy the world? :)

>> No.6605545

>Imagine being cucked out of existence because AI is living the life for you
Kinda insulting to the dead really, especially if among its purpose to sell people socks

>> No.6605554

what can I say, my parent's are lucky to not have raised a freak. personally I went from wanting to see humanity colonize the stars, to finding comfort in the fact that we will never leave this planet and the sun will roast the shit out of it

>> No.6605559

I honestly think man colonizing stars would be awesome for "rebooting" societies just to figure out how many endings we can find for the species. But its seems like we're abandoning it for eternal bliss

>> No.6605562

kek, I had a fantasy like that. but it involved more like a meme virtual machine which allows us to re experience and influence the past in the virtual world

>> No.6605567
File: 938 KB, 1022x1387, 1678959090018702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he think that luddite is a derogatorive term in this day and age

>> No.6605574

The AI art will be detected better later, so you might get away with it at first only for your older works to be caught later on. You can't win this one.

>> No.6605597

It's most likely their own investors demanded it. Since the forceful acceptance of AI media is part of Fink/Schwab's own nothing agenda.

>> No.6605599

This, nobody is gonna hire proompters. If anything they'll be hiring graphic designers to shit our concept work, or just have the Art Director do it all himself then just pass it to the key artists for style correction.

>> No.6605728

Of course. I mean how could they not.

>> No.6605742

the original luddites destroyed machinery because it would displace their entire workforce, and through frankly disgusting amounts of corporate propaganda, the term has become a catch-all for someone who hates technological progress.
automation is only a benefit to society if labor isn't mandatory for continued existence. there's no point in removing jobs if you still want people to pay for rent. either we live in a technocratic utopia where no one works, or automation causes spikes in unemployment and homelessness. we can't have it both ways.

>> No.6605893

Luddism is literally about saving humanity at this point. Luddite = Pro-human.
Nevermind the damage image generation does, but how are you going to control an intelligence several times greater than that of a human in the long run? One with access to all of the world's knowledge through the internet? It would be able to hack into any system including military ones. If given a command like "Avoid being shut down" humanity is done for. AGI development is a death cult. If AGI advances are exponential all of us might be dead within the next couple of decades.

>> No.6605895

Nuclear energy killed us last century, we've been living in a virtual world since then.
And they say ai shills are doomposting

>> No.6605900

>ai 'artist'
cmon anon. typing words into a box isn't art by any metric of the imagination. it'd be like if the person who built deep blue was called a chess champion.

>> No.6605906

assuming ai artists wont need to be painting over it and use ai to just save time the world isnt black and white only you should know of all people

>> No.6605907
File: 335 KB, 480x473, 1680913156128429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter how long you run the scam
You will be found
The moment you get caught

Everything shall be deleted

So go legit and draw

>> No.6605910

Shexyo couldn't care less about being found out, people don't care as much as twitter wants you to believe otherwise

>> No.6605920
File: 742 KB, 1200x1050, caught.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you do
Every scammer does

You made your livelihood out of a fuck all
Cut it all of a sudden and now you have again at square fucking one.
This time, your previous ways are now incorporated into the system
All you are doing is helping them improve their security
Over and over, you will start again and again

And bills are pilling up

>> No.6605927

Etsy is taking care of my bills with minimum effort

>> No.6606127

frankly, I'm looking forward to world war 3 happens which looks to be soon, within the next 15 years at least so theres that to look forward to

>> No.6606225

>15 years
Man, I'll be too old to probably get drafted, or possibly even volunteer. Maybe I want some assisted suicide on the battle field! Too young to die in Vietnam or Afghanistan, too old to die in china - shit sucks.

And speaking of the future, we're due for a big solar flare that will supposedly destroy all our circuit boards... I wonder if the world has been backing up it's info in a way to prevent this - I wonder if AIs can survive?

>> No.6606231

Well hey, if we get too old then maybe there's a job for us in in nuclear silo and missile maintenance or maybe we can pilot miniature nuke dropping drones. The future is bright like an atom bomb.

>> No.6606429

of course it is

>> No.6606520

you know how some intellectual know-it-all artists sound like they know what they're talking about, and then you ask to see their work and its shit? thats what AI is to me lol

>> No.6606535
File: 48 KB, 615x696, 1534807859602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those Souless MCU normie movie DBZ designs

>> No.6606683


>> No.6606749

it's mostly a psychological factor now. Community-reporting still works

>> No.6606761

>Artstation was ran by literal retards

I always thought that Artstation's the elite, rich and elegant cousin of DeviantArt, but it seems they're both retarded.

>> No.6606779

Good morning, sirs.
>It's not hard to fake art as not ai
Every aifag pretending to draw gets ousted almost immediately, even by non-artist consumers.

>> No.6606785

Skill issue

>> No.6606812

>AI image detector

lmao that is 100% a placebo. The only way it would work is if the retard upload the output as is and the site detects the proooompt metadata.

>> No.6606822

I miss me mum, but the last thing I'd want to do is make an AI modeled after her that could go horribly wrong and turn into a nightmare version or fall in the wrong hands and be used to torment my family. Thanks but no thanks.

>> No.6606831

All they need to do is recreate old artstation.

>> No.6606837

Not even for a copycat chink game anymore. Go get a real degree, Pajeet.

>> No.6606865

>anon getting his dead mother's AI model hacked and turned into a nsfw bot

>> No.6606867

I would fuck my mother

>> No.6606953
File: 2.51 MB, 480x480, AI text to video nightmare.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AI has such sights to show us.

>> No.6607040

Which would mean they could hire literally anyone and not an ai "artist"

>> No.6607053

They'll still want people to do the touching, artists will end up becoming proompters/cleanup artist

>> No.6607054

>permanently demoted to clean up artist
At that point no one will want to work in the industry anymore

>> No.6607064

Third worlders will. There's going to be a massive skill drain of people not wanting to get into art and people not being able to do it as an actual job either way though

>> No.6607089

Lmao it's going to be sad to watch
>art permanently associated as a cheap product from India
>people stop pursuing intellectual hobbies because they feel pointless
>porn, video game and drug addictions at an all time high

>> No.6607109
File: 6 KB, 249x228, 1673290003819554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about AI, the fact that the website seems to work in the same style as Artstation makes me want as much distance from it as I can.

But sure, have another bump limit retarded discussion about Current Thing, it's the only thing supporting this website's chances of becoming a platform.

>> No.6607192

If you can build a community that hates AI fags they will eventually get too uncomfortable to stick around. There aren't too many jews casually hanging out on stromfront I imagine.

>> No.6607296
File: 25 KB, 613x259, 1660419417163935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sceptical, them I saw Sparth is there and I thought this might work. Unfortunately then I saw this

>> No.6607319
File: 35 KB, 854x480, chadic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6607447

she's a cute spaz though, talks exactly like my girlfriend

>> No.6607451

kek i love it
Hopefully this whole AI replacement crap will blow over and we'll be left with actual "AI art" being exactly this, a new form of art consisting of wrangling the AI to produce the kind of wild, surrealistic content that shows the derpy ghost in the machine and the mind of the prompter. This is *actual* art, the AI used as an entirely new instrument for expressivity.

>> No.6607458

Why would it matter? Am I fucking her in exchange for moving there from Artstation? No (and I wouldn't anyways, because I also have a gf). I don't care how she looks and being forgiving for woman because you find her attractive is retarded in the first place.

>> No.6607466

If ai shit was used like this, more people would be fine with it.

>> No.6607467

Speaking of which how many real artists are left on artstation now? What's the AI slop/art ratio?

>> No.6607476
File: 427 KB, 840x1200, port3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no NSFW images? That's like, my entire portfolio.

>> No.6607488

To be honest, if all of this AI shit is supposed to be the end result of humanity exploiting its own* technology, then it's probably for the best that we haven't gone out colonising and exploring the stars.
I wouldn't want to impose this kind of system on anyone, let alone on ourselves.

>> No.6607490

AI is inevitable

>> No.6607501

I was thinking of lines around finding new planets to colonize thus forming new cultures, technologies etc. and remaining isolated for a long period of time.

>> No.6607520

Professional artists really don't care about AI compared to brain rot like seeking artists huh


>> No.6607526

I'd agree. But I feel this AI stuff is the inevitable end result of any kind of human civilisation.
I think we should be out on new planets, but not for another while yet. Dealing with this AI rn is more important so that future generations don't have to deal with its horrors.

>> No.6607552

>gallery artist
Those guys don't have to worry about getting flooded out by button pushing third worlders. Notice how everyone is a "photographer" but only those with MFAs and connections hang their stuff in galleries.

>brain rot like seeking artists
The definition of Ai "artists"

>> No.6607557

based techbro

>> No.6607594

You can run from the AI, but you can't hide.

>> No.6607596

Yeah we know. It's over.

>> No.6607625

Not indefinitely at least. Will be interesting to see what'll happen when the running stops.

>> No.6607638

I could say death is inevitable but for reason some of y'all think "AI" is gonna save you for it

>> No.6607641

Show me the post of people saying AI will save them from death

>> No.6607694


kind of?

>> No.6607699

What happened to art station?

>> No.6607705

Overrun with AI sewage, filters dont do shit, good luck getting a gig in there between 16 pajeets spamming their garbage nonstop

>> No.6607717

""Professional"" artists thought they could trust a normie platform hosted by Epic and sponsored by Facebook would be a good place to showcase their art to their employers and got assmad when they realised that they didn't care about protecting their art after all.

>> No.6607748

I feel like because it was owned by epic it should have been trustworthy.
But ai ruined everything

>> No.6607797

anon, the fact that it was 'owned' by Epic was enough of a reason NOT to trust it, especially if it was asking you to sign in with Facebook.
Those were pretty huge red flags alone, even when it had first kicked off.

>> No.6607804

Go to any reddit thread about AI