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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 405 KB, 1080x1080, 1679888841825998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6583970 No.6583970 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO ~1000 PIXELS wide using one of the following methods:
1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in MSPaint

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit
New collaborative sticky (anyone can edit): https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn

Read the sticky

When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help. When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

Previois Thread: >>6580139

>> No.6583980

zero effort
steve huston
your values and contrast need work, what do you mean struggle with color? color is nothing
without value.
this isnt a video game, grinding will never level you up, you need active mindful learning and studying.
draw more
just move on, don't even come back just draw it again.
your forms are lacking because your values are blurred
stop forever
nicejob, How can you get smoother lines, keep drawing.
nice, keep going
you need to use a pencil type brush or very light brush for a sketch

>> No.6584015
File: 1.09 MB, 1215x1083, IMG_5388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been playing some yokai watch

>> No.6584028
File: 380 KB, 929x1094, anat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anatomy nerds did I correctly place the pelvis here?

>> No.6584030
File: 2.05 MB, 2800x3636, 20230328_204318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the update with a better defined chin using some references of girls looking up.

>> No.6584037
File: 2.03 MB, 2547x3274, 20230328_204403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is also an update on my other pic.

>> No.6584048

Nigga what are you going through rn? I don't wanna be a dick because sure draw what you wanna draw, but one: wtf are you doing and two: possibly lessen the amount of times you repost? It's ok to be proud and there's a lot there but still.

>> No.6584051
File: 479 KB, 925x972, Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 5.58.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest with you, this is probably not the best use of your time. The only way I accomplished this redline was by holding up a pelvis (that I bought from amazon) at the same angle as in the pic and drawing it.

If you don't have an actual pelvis model (or a 3d model), it's impossible to draw it. This bone is just so frickin hard to learn. If you REALLY want to learn the pelvis, then you should be drawing it, not making it up from your head based on what you saw from anatomy books.

But even then, I never draw the pelvis when I'm doing figure drawing. I just use Loomis' disk shape model, or I sometimes use a box or underwear shape. You really don't need to know the internal structure for convincing figure drawing.

>> No.6584057

does there exist an app similar to magma (iirc) where a friend and i can connect to the same drawing and draw together? half for fun half for instruction type thing.

>> No.6584059

I could be dumb, but I think this redline is really wrong.

>> No.6584062


A lot. I got into a car accident and my job is shit and my mental health is untreatable with niggers running facilities that should help me.

I live in a prison. The CIA Niggers run my prison.

>> No.6584064

>my mental health is untreatable
we know. draw grass.

>> No.6584065

Thanks for the redline. I draw the pelvis a lot from 3d etc... It's just that when I figure drawing sometimes I challenge myself to place the pelvis, but as you said some angles are really really tough.

>> No.6584067

I'm not a master of the pelvis or anything, but where do you think I'm wrong?

>> No.6584069

it's a difficult bone, good luck though. I honestly think just knowing the ASIS and PSIS landmarks are enough. After that, just do lots of figure drawing

>> No.6584074

Thanks, maybe I'm too obsessed but I just want to perfectly know this bone and draw it under any circumstance. Don't worry though I do a lot of "free" figure drawing where I don't bother with anatomy.
The only thing that is frustrating is that I don't have any way to "verify" if I did correctly other than posting here.

>> No.6584126

how do I mimic certain hairstyles?

>> No.6584139

Copy, then draw it from different angles from imagination. It helps wth retention. If you just copy, then it slips from your mind quickly

>> No.6584140
File: 3.10 MB, 1447x2047, practice2315 - portrait01 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a break, here is another atempt at painting non weeb style.

>> No.6584171

>finally go to eye doctor first time in 4 years
>prescription strength doubled
>new glasses
>feel like I'm drawing on easy mode ever since
why did i put this off for so long? maybe i should go to the dentist now too

>> No.6584183

I like this

>> No.6584362

Never expected to see my OC on the OP after everyone ignored it last thread.
Feels good man, having a really shitty art week but this cheered me up.

>> No.6584377
File: 1.22 MB, 2480x3486, jjjjjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The arm is there, I promise, just is hidden

>> No.6584381

You guys got any tips on painting glass? or rendering shade on glass?

>> No.6584382
File: 34 KB, 454x594, image_2023-03-28_230627352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Forgot image.

>> No.6584388

>Choose a light source angle.
>don't blend, reflective materials reflect, they don't refract (blend).
Glass it's transparent so you'll have a lot of light hitting the glass, AND a little bit on the opposite side, it gets darker between them.

>> No.6584390
File: 280 KB, 771x942, %22special%22 forces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6584394
File: 1.45 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_1893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bright?

>> No.6584396

spend more time on your studies. You're symbol drawing, and not really observing

>> No.6584398
File: 816 KB, 1684x665, 16800448714030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6584404
File: 288 KB, 564x564, image_2023-03-28_233300377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lights on the rim, while the closer to the center, the darker it gets, right?

>> No.6584417

Yeah, pretty much, obviously it depends on the angle it hits and the intensity of the light.

>> No.6584420
File: 1.17 MB, 1152x1024, 1679966693935142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its on a table. at a bar, with an overhead light. I don't have the best ref, but its the one I am using as a basis for my project....And I am embarassed to even share this because I am redrawing an AI work.

>> No.6584429

jesus christ dude

>> No.6584432

I know right? I wanted to try and give the idea more of a second chance but with a redrawn piece.

>> No.6584433

Thanks. I thought I had escaped symbol hell, guess not. Any particular areas worse than the rest?

>> No.6584434
File: 23 KB, 388x376, 20230327_235506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my sides.
Good bless you anon

>> No.6584436

I think your eyes are quite flat. Find artists you love and copy the way they draw their faces. It looks like you might be into KJG. try copying him for a month or 2

>> No.6584452

I want to make an excuse and say I wasn't focusing on the facial features, but you're right. I can't draw good faces, and I've got real issues with eyes in particular.

>> No.6584479

I’m no expert on the pelvis myself, but shouldn’t the iliac crests be higher?

>> No.6584480
File: 443 KB, 1763x2507, test 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem right?
I am unsatisfied.
Hope I improve soon

>> No.6584482

Nice overall, but looks messed up around the lower back/ass area. Also I’d remove those lines and creases, it makes the transition from back to ass look extreme

>> No.6584485
File: 95 KB, 800x1000, IMG_20230329_032435_158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6584496

now is your chance to practice grounding your figure.

>> No.6584522

How do I unsubscribe from these updates?

>> No.6584591

>draw grass
unironically stellar advice for someone drawing cross bondage rape fanart

>> No.6584623

I'm a beglet trying to learn digital painting. All the guides and tutorials I have found so far just focus on light/forms etc. Are there any digital painting courses or tutorials where they actually guide you on the technical aspect of painting like how to select pens and brushes to achieve certain effects, brush texture and blending etc.

>> No.6584625

Light and form are 2 of the essential things to digital painting, color being the 3rd. Shit like fancy brushes is just for easy shortcuts and final details, which you don't need to learn now. Listen to people who know their shit and learn the fundamentals first. There's a reason all those courses are about to, or start with, shading and forms in grayscale.

>> No.6584629

This does not answer my question at all, I want to know how those brushes work
>you don't need to learn now
Well I want to know

>> No.6584665

Like I said, you can get away with just a hard brush and a soft brush, textured brushes just help give fancier textures, but are virtually used for the same. Like everyone here recommends, check out Med's Map, but he literally does the same: teach value, light, and forms, and eventually touch a bit on color. He does use some fancy brushes you can download, and will tell you when to use which, but all he's doing is literally the same shit: define rough forms with a hard brush, swap to a soft one to soften transitions.

It's no black magic, there isn't a secret everyone is hiding from you. You block out shapes and then make them fade when relevant using w/e textured brush you want, but the technique is always the same. At most on top of that you may have some detail brushes, like if you want to add freckles, lens dust, or other crap like that and not go insane making a thousand dots, you can use a brush that does that and just lightly tap where needed. Otherwise it's all basic knowledge of light and forms + creativity and personal touch.

>> No.6584817
File: 236 KB, 1000x563, hands13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6584820
File: 439 KB, 1539x1441, 7C822EB0-1DF4-41B5-9F7A-192C9F6E6C0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6584999

my sense of proportion and relative distance is absolutely appalling. is there a term for the process of roughly measuring distances and proportions before a sketch? how do you guys do this? do you just eyeball it or do you measure and then mark significant spots on the page?

>> No.6585001

perspective boxes

>> No.6585006
File: 357 KB, 1065x658, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6585005

Basically. I eyeball, then zoom out and look at the full thing, check if something is wrong, correct it, rinse repeat until it's good. Overtime your eyeballing skill gets better and you fail less, but that requires having good eye in the first place.
You can make some dots for landmarks if you want, or even a quick stickman thing for proportions until you get good enough you can skip that step.

>> No.6585011

I'm not talking about perspective, I'm talking about relative distances and proportions that are on the same object. for example if I'm drawing an apple that is front-facing, I need to know how far apart the top and bottom are, and the left and right and the height of the stem in proportion to the rest of the apple, etc. So I'm curious how you approach these types of problems: detailed measurement + marks, rough measurement + marks, or no measurement at all and you're just good at eyeballing it

>> No.6585016

Are you talking about sight size drawing?

>> No.6585033

I think he's talking about laying in proportions for a sketch/drawing in general. In which case, you want to analyze your subject before drawing anything. Ask yourself questions like how tall, how wide, how do the height and width compare, etc. You can use measuring methods like holding your pencil up if you can't really see anything with just eyeballing. Then after you ask these questions you make an attempt on the page where you can check if it looks accurate or not

>> No.6585037
File: 1.01 MB, 1666x2150, 20220923_214051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a way to better this scene.

The proportions and perspective is off or bland.

>> No.6585042

I hope that's a vibrator and not what I think it really is.

>> No.6585044

>I think he's talking about laying in proportions for a sketch/drawing in general
yes that's exactly what I mean
>you want to analyze your subject before drawing anything
I do this a bit to get a sense of the forms and perspective but I'm quite shit at getting a sense of the distances like "okay x and y are here, and y is this far from x, so z is this from y". It really sucks getting that wrong for an important part of construction and then the whole drawing looks fucked. I will try measuring with my pencil and make landmarks for my next drawing and see if that helps

>> No.6585053
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6585054

You should check out Dorian Item's accuracy guide or any of his guides on the subject. He does a good job walking through the process and how to practice

>> No.6585059

Like other anon said, Dorian Iten's guide, or the early chapters of Keys to Drawing will help immensely with measuring the subject and getting the proportions right.
Beyond that, what also helped me was doing a lot of like
>Study someone sketch
>Try to copy it
>Load their sketch onto CSP and overlay it with mine at low opacity
>Take note of the parts I fucked up the most
>Remove it and try again, or with a different sketch
Very quickly your accuracy will improve, because you'll be self conscious of shit like "I keep making the head too tiny compared to the torso" or "I always overshoot my arms, lets make them shorter". And it will build up from sketch to sketch until your accuracy is good enough to be believable.

>> No.6585066

Not only are your proportions and perspective off, everything is off. Everything is bad. It’s completely unsalvageable. If you won’t listen to anyones critique or advice, stop posting. We can’t help you. You’re hopeless

>> No.6585077
File: 151 KB, 1006x748, ninja-scroll-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. I am trying to mimic and reference a scene from Ninja Scroll.

Yeah. You know the one.
Was wondering if I can get a basic red line from scratch?

>> No.6585092

Your side profiles are garbo. go practice.

>> No.6585093


Yeah. It was a while back.
I do need some work.

>> No.6585106

Homie you are dangerously close to going 12 rounds in a cage match with the Undertaker

>> No.6585113

>draw from life
>insecure about feeling like a weirdo out in the woods drawing flowers and trees let alone going somewhere populated
Any other tips to help me not make it?

>> No.6585120

You need to STOP drawing for fun and go through the sticky. Get Loomis' book and copy every image in it.

>> No.6585122

Who the hell cares? Who's judging you, the deer?

>> No.6585125

you're not special. people will glance at you briefly and then forget about you immediately. worst case scenario a petite art hoe will introduce herself and you'll have to recall that interaction nightly for the rest of your life

>> No.6585126

Yeah I guess it's an unfounded fear for the woods. I might be too online because I have a worry that I'll be somewhere balls deep into a sketch or observation and just end up as a TikTok. I mean nobody could possibly know who I am beyond looking like an autist (we wear uniforms that are very obvious no matter how we "actually" dress) but still. Actually now that I've said that it doesn't seem so bad, I'll be pretty much anonymous even if my face is in some video which it probably won't be. I'll go somewhere and draw a building or street.

>> No.6585129

If that's actually a worry for you, then you actually really should go outside and draw some grass. Someone drawing something isn't an abnormal activity, everyone knows what you're doing, it's not going to end up on a social media roast short.

>> No.6585138

If you're alone it's not so bad. If populated you better be good or prepared to get chirped if your drawings are shit. People will ALWAYS comment - especially kids, and they have no filter.

>> No.6585139

The last time I was at the grocery store I started freaking out because every label I checked was some kind of corn or oil, like literally in everything. I picked up a bottle of maple syrup with a label that said "no high fructose corn syrup!" and the first ingredient was corn syrup. One of the workers there, a petite art hoe type but also like an obvious skinny pink haired anime enjoyer, approached and asked if I was ok. I had no issue introducing myself and asking her name, then explaining my problem with the seed oils and even showed her how to check for them, which when I left, she was still doing. So interaction isn't my weak point, I don't think about stuff like that so much. More like the kind of malicious interaction where someone will bait out an embarrassing response and record it for clout, but I think there's confirmation bias in the kind of media the gets popular so I'm definitely overthinking that aspect.

>> No.6585143

You're freaking out about corn syrup and the idea you're being monitored 24/7. You really, really need to get off the internet and stop reading stupid news stories.

>> No.6585145

I mean corn syrup should be avoided but I agree about the monitoring. I care how I look and I project the onto others, nobody cares.

>> No.6585146

>Those who are in line with others are normal
>Those who are one step ahead are geniuses
>those who are 2 steps ahead are crackpots
Clown world we live in.

>> No.6585147
File: 3.31 MB, 5572x1854, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cylinders are fucking rough
I was drawing the axis line / direction line for the whole cylinder before putting the ellipses down
that's the way he was doing it but then he stopped it. seems easier to just draw both ellipses and lines afterwards

>> No.6585155

The same people that believe in chemtrails and 5G towers causing radiation say this shit. Not everything you read on the internet is real. Go outside.

>> No.6585158
File: 272 KB, 1280x879, 68595240-D3C1-4FE8-B895-916B850C4478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6585160


>> No.6585161 [DELETED] 


>> No.6585163
File: 682 KB, 1376x1372, 8411C0B7-443B-40E8-A5F9-B400A6FAB8F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing that 500 heads thing without ref… same face syndrome trying to rear its ugly head yet again

>> No.6585164
File: 1.14 MB, 1908x3222, 20230329_122631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished, felt I did a bit better in the line confidence on the lower half.

>> No.6585193

i have bad news 4 u

>> No.6585196

>Hitler liked painting dogs
>Therefore if you like painting or dogs you like killing Jews
^ your logic. Also it's not a conspiracy theory that polyunsaturated fats are awful for you in daily doses larger than what is in a serving size in goyslop ingredients. That's what the grocery store anon was implying.

>> No.6585200

Everybody open MS paint and draw a dragon ball z character from memory in 120 seconds or less please, I have a theory

>> No.6585206

putting the line down first is teaching you to use construction. it's fine if you don't need to do that because it's just a cylinder. but it's akin to drawing the head and feet of a figure before drawing the torso and pelvis - can technically be done but isn't wise

>> No.6585213

Nice work anon!

>> No.6585215

>Doing that 500 heads thing without ref
Good luck man, squash and stretch 'em

>> No.6585224
File: 76 KB, 1024x906, image_2023-03-29_132243230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright now I am a bit insecure with how to tackle the lighting. any tips or visual references on how to properly shade?

>> No.6585228
File: 61 KB, 600x450, full.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6585231
File: 705 KB, 2000x2000, E723DFC1-8A26-45EC-8692-39BBFEEFE2E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried coloring something, I know I need to draw more and improve, but it seems like I’m missing something obvious. Is there anything I should be doing to make it look less bad, or is it just practice?

>> No.6585233

did someone just finish reading Akira?

>> No.6585239

No amount of coloring is going to fix a weak drawing. Flip your canvas while looking at the autistic deer girl.

>> No.6585243

it's actually a friend of mine, where he's biting the head off of a natural-selection lerk creature. Of course when I drew this I didn't know what a stabilizer was so it's sloppy

>> No.6585293
File: 621 KB, 2400x2200, Illustration38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a random bald evil character I drew. trying to experiment with cross-hatching.

>> No.6585305
File: 2.91 MB, 2894x4093, practice2315 - portrait01 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second attempt done.

>> No.6585307

Imagine being this crab minded and going through life with those no fun allowed glasses on.

Dont fall for anyone's crabbery in this bucket. They are not people, they dont have hands but pincers. They eat their own.They are crabs all of them. Leave this place and never stop having fun.

>> No.6585313


Any decent redline I can use for the bodies so I can get a feel for the angle and perspective?

>> No.6585315

As much as I dislike scrolling these threads to see that same girl getting fucked up the butt in the same pose over and over this anon speaks truth

>> No.6585348

Yeah especially that last part.

>> No.6585355
File: 208 KB, 776x677, image_2023-03-29_150519676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some WIP on the current project.

>> No.6585390
File: 45 KB, 406x1000, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6585436
File: 1.59 MB, 1409x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda gave up on the details, spent too much time on this one

>> No.6585464

Trying multiple characters is very ambitious, keep it up

Some extremely well done heads jn here….im a bit jealous

Really really good

Hmmm needs work

I didnt see the first one but looks good

>> No.6585466
File: 672 KB, 992x1048, idk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some stuff

>> No.6585474

try doing just monochromatic stuff if you are beginning to paint, it will help you understand better your values.

>> No.6585479
File: 64 KB, 390x360, image_2023-03-29_170640315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way man. Sometimes some details are not worth the trouble and just have to settle on "good enough" alone.

>> No.6585501
File: 1.06 MB, 2224x1668, A5E3BF26-7E89-4EC3-8D04-40FE70B3C47A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty anon, but there’s nothing to be jealous about

>> No.6585531

very nice anon, i like it.
do you have other work?

>> No.6585534

Yeah, it's an eye opener when you start checking for seed oils. Basically everything processed has seed oils in it, you gotta eat fresh food for most of your meals.

>> No.6585542

How should I go about copying Bridgman? Do I just copy each page mindlessly, or should I copy, wait, and redraw the page from memory? If it's the latter, how long do I wait?

>> No.6585550

if you copied it, it wasn't mindless.

>> No.6585552


Yeah. And doing them in perspective only adds to the challenge.

>> No.6585556
File: 101 KB, 451x242, 333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6585570

Finch recommends doing a pass-through of copying, and then a pass-through where you look at the picture, close the book, and reproduce it from memory.

>> No.6585574
File: 191 KB, 528x911, savedfile_20230329223024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6585575


>> No.6585577
File: 889 KB, 2560x1440, 264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beg, i feel awful. And the art output matches the feeling. I am drawing less, it takes more time and the lines are awful. eagaegaeger

soul overdose. i also like the cope cage
very cool goblin thot
i kneel
ham, cheese, yogurt, beer, orange or apple juice, raw meat, rice, most likely bread. these should have zero extra shit like corn syrup. if you want some extra snack then peanuts and such. anyway to answer your original question is simple: dont be a bitch and just do it!
what app or brush is this? it looks cool despite how simple it is. i like it
this anon PAINTS with hard round brush. god bless
i hate to be the crab, but if your eye sight will keep such drastic trend you will be soon blind so much not even glasses will help. i hope you just doubled from like -1 to -2
teamviewer? basically any app for screen sharing should solve it

>> No.6585625

posted in the old thread again

>> No.6585635

This is awfully unappealing

>> No.6585646
File: 21 KB, 385x203, 128342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back in my down phase
did some cylinders as per Brent's course, wasn't terribly fun but that's expected
copic grey sketch markers arrived, tried them out a bit but rather quickly ran into the reality that I can't put them to good use since I still can't fucking draw
the thoughts rolling around in my brain are along the lines of 'why am I bothering? what do I even want out of all this? this is a waste of time. even if I could draw, my ideas are worthless. this isn't worth the effort', and so forth

>> No.6585651

>I didnt see the first one but looks good
I posted it on last thread >>6582454. For the little experience I have gained, I feel that I paint better than I draw, wich kinda sucks, actually.

>> No.6585652
File: 1.27 MB, 755x927, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude you need to know prespecti-
explain yourselves

>> No.6585655

but your pic uses at least three independent vanishing points, that's what it makes appealing.

>> No.6585658
File: 2.06 MB, 789x914, ico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to know the rules in order to effectively break them. do you really think the artist doesn't actually understand perspective?
also, Fumito Ueda painted the cover for Ico based on this guy's work, pretty based

>> No.6585662
File: 118 KB, 644x800, italian-plaza-with-a-red-tower-1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>similar picture 30 years later
Took him 30 years to learn

>> No.6585666
File: 216 KB, 828x994, IMG_1666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the verdict on Fun with a Pencil? I see opinions all over the place even just in the sticky links.

>> No.6585667

nice Satanic trips. I'm of the opinion that it's not suitable for total beginners
would be best if you have some understanding of how to create forms first, otherwise it's just teaching fancy symbol drawing

>> No.6585678
File: 1.53 MB, 738x961, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see breakdowns of values like these they always seem so dark
So I set my background as a darker gray for the baseline?

>> No.6585682
File: 267 KB, 1000x1270, 1248963219854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice. Should I skip straight to Figure Drawing for All it's Worth? I did Drawabox to the 250 box challenge a while ago but I couldn't stand the approach.

>> No.6585683

it seems dark because it dark. what do you mean by "like these

>> No.6585693

It was chosen for its color, as the others in the thread were mostly indistiguishable from the thumbnails.

>> No.6585695

could always try Brent Eviston's course instead. he has a course on figure drawing, but he recommends taking it after the initial one (inclined to think that's the best approach, figure drawing is difficult)
Drawabox filtered me too; Brent's thing has some homework as well but the minimum amount is nowhere near the amount you're expected to do in DAB

here's the link if you're interested, or you can just get it off skillshare: https://mega.nz/folder/zMEyiaDL#gv6tBofuGbKabsWOomjujg

>> No.6585708
File: 331 KB, 1250x1600, unfinished 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been drawing since January of this year and the only progress I feel is in the speed but not in the result, any advice?

>> No.6585709

By today's standards it's a bit dated but it is a decent introduction to construction for a beginner. As long as you are not afraid of making mistakes. It's got a bit of steep learning curve, so a complete beginner may struggle a bit. It would help if you can already have some observation skills and if you make sure you get down the basic forms he shows you. It was made for kids who liked drawing in the first place, so it shouldn't be too hard actually spent a decent amount of time drawing. The neurotic types you often find here are too self-conscious to draw something badly, so they need something with an easier difficulty curve like Brent Eviston.

>> No.6585716



>> No.6585727
File: 237 KB, 1323x1913, Kill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any method for drawing women that works?

>> No.6585736
File: 1.12 MB, 2048x2901, Commission_Elly_Birth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is a pic I commissioned a friend of mine to draw of my concept of Elly from Xenogears giving birth to Deus. I was wonder what I am lacking in comparison in my own pics compared to her's?

>> No.6585739

The colors in this pic are spicy, I really like it. Blog?

>> No.6585740

>draw skeleton
>add muscles
>add fatty pads
>add skin

>> No.6585745
File: 385 KB, 2360x2007, D906AD1D-950A-4433-A669-2D478F766A97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Procreate with the lasso tool for a shape then layering the spectra brush to get values

>> No.6585757

>get an idea to draw
>open drawing program
>suddenly dont know what to draw
>arm starts hurting
>back starts aching
>get unbelievably tired in the middle of the day
>close drawing program
>all of those problems go away instantly
>none of them were real
which one of you fuckers cursed me

>> No.6585763
File: 213 KB, 993x1048, shy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>6585228 (You)
>Hmmm needs work
ha jokes on you I drew that in 2008

>> No.6585768

is csp worth the upgrade from 1.0 to 2.0? don't plan on going subscription but the fisheye perspective seems fun to play around with, among other things that seem fairly nice

>> No.6585775
File: 186 KB, 299x618, апап.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6585778
File: 94 KB, 650x836, image_2023-03-30_021720319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold, the drawings of a not-very-but-kinda schizo who tried to learn perspective and anatomy like a year ago
would i be better off starting from scratch with perspective and shit or should i just go straight into anatomy so it stops looking like complete shit
for ref this was like a 4-5 min scribble max

>> No.6585782

actually never mind don't reply i just realized how shit this was lmfao

>> No.6585792
File: 2.83 MB, 1579x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I have very few finished ones, and they all from references

>> No.6585794
File: 2.08 MB, 1800x1200, ADA3ECE3-9A55-4E7E-BB4F-4FF17C5D55BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I adore your lineart
Anyways, never done this before but hopefully someone can suggest how I can add more variation, or any critiques in general :p

>> No.6585798
File: 3.83 MB, 1676x2516, 420 something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not one I, or at least I have but I shaw not use for now, hence here this damned place will be my blog until the cracks upon of my head are healed or I become used to the insanity that molestes my soul at the moment.

>> No.6585802

i feel like i draw way better without construction. my construction drawings just look super rigid

>> No.6585848

draw legs

>> No.6585859

I like your style, but yeah, try drawing some full bodies, or hands doing actions, I can see you either avoid drawing them, or draw awkwardly closed fists to avoid detailed fingers.

>> No.6585863

Full bodies just for the sake of doing full bodies is fucking retarded shit. All his compositions are great and focus on expression and atmospheric lighting, all of of the pictures posted would be objectively worst if they were full bodies. There is no reason to think he doesn't know how to draw legs or for him to focus on that if you only got a sample of 6 of his drawings, maybe if they were 60, but this is far too little to get this conclusion.

If he wants more variation in any of the drawings I would just add a more dynamic camera position, maybe a lower or upper point of view so the audience gets a more interesting angle of the action and a more well placed composition.

>> No.6585878

Neither of us asked full bodies for the sake of full bodies, or said those images needed them, nor that the anon doesn't know how to draw legs. They asked for suggestions for more variety, doing something not pictured there IS variety.
I do think those are good, but at least in that sample, there's a trend of just depressed looking half bodies, if they want some variation without going too crazy, they could do something similar to the bottom left one, but with her legs folded and arms wrapped around them sitting by the window, or idk, a more lively and excited character leaning over a desk while assembling gunpla or w/e, or try some wider shots where backgrounds or a more general action is the focus over facial expression.

>> No.6585881

If you think any of those images need to be a full body picture to be better you need to get you shit together man.

>> No.6585882

How can you be retarded twice in a row? Never said any of those need to be full bodies in my original post, and my second one clarified that is not what I said.

>> No.6585885
File: 233 KB, 1360x510, 1665711168637736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to murder myself

>> No.6585887

All I'm hearing is you backpadling so hard that I'm starting to hear sonic sounds. Is okay to admit you where wrong, anon, you are behind the anonymous paper mask, even I ridiculirize you for it is a ephemeral as summer rain.

>> No.6585891
File: 552 KB, 1920x1080, Illustration3 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do i draw-a-box

>> No.6585893

What is it you are trying to do exactly?
If getting started with basic construction, start with simpler poses and learning the right shapes and proportions. That reference image uses an oval torso, yet you drew it tear shaped, and also hips are much bigger yet you drew a tiny fannypack. Hip oval shape should "peak" its sides where the hips bulge out the most, which in your 3D model on the left is way higher than you drew your egg, looks like you only drew the bottom half of the hip shape, and also your chest should pretty much reach the base of the neck/shoulder line. Your head in the copy is also wrong, and something you yourself can probably notice immediately, the cranium is bullging way further than in the 3D model.
You may also want to learn how to draw more accurately, learn about plumb lines, negative shapes, and other measure techniques. For example, your arm leaning on the hips is pretty good, but the other outstretched arm ends up higher than it does in the 3D. Yours ends barely at the start of the hip, while the 3D one bottoms out almost half down the thigh. Your legs angle is also fucked, the model's top leg is almost horizontal, yet yours is angled like 45 degrees down. Also look at things like how far the shoulder goes from the face, in the model it's almost a full head's away, yet in your drawing the shoulder dips down almost immediately past the face. Noticing and measuring distances and angles like that will help you become more accurate.

>> No.6585894

pyw instead of derailing /beg/ you shitcrab

>> No.6585897

how the FUCK do you use a reference

>> No.6585919
File: 2.02 MB, 3508x2000, 39900A8B-244A-41AD-B436-7196646A4D79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here r some fullbody examples, n thank u! i think i should do more hand actions
I honestly rlly appreciate this, i’ve never considered changing the camera position/angles so i’m definitely going to practice that :] thank u again!!!

>> No.6585925

I like the bottom left one and the one holding her cap, they are kinda what I meant rather than "just do full bodies lul". Like top left one might be good as a character reference but that's about it, isn't really conveying much nor does it have storytelling (which is fine if that's the purpose), but generally having something more dynamic or describing an action makes for more appealing art rather than a character just standing there. Overall I love your color choices tho.

>> No.6585933
File: 41 KB, 700x400, 628fe9b91d19715fb570bac5861f1005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I remake this glowing eyes (and glow in general) effect in watercolour? Could someone link me some reference/tutorial please?

>> No.6585938

ahhh i get you, i understand this better now thanks!! i usually don’t have storytelling in mind but now i wanna focus on that, it’s definitely lacking in the dynamic area now i can’t ignore the flatness so thank u so much for pointing that out, it rlly helps a lot :p

>> No.6585944
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, Illustration2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A youtuber made a step by step tutorial my retarded self can actually follow so im doing that now

>> No.6585968

For a start doing a dark scene like that is gonna be tough with watercolor, but my advice would be to leave the glowing eyes almost unpainted, just enough to give a hint of color.

>> No.6585987

look at watercolor/oil paintings depicting cities at night, and how they do windows, street lights, car lights, or even reflections of light in water. Generally it's just almost pure white, with a slight outline of color

>> No.6585993
File: 589 KB, 1317x2143, futa_cammy_by_bbiirrddtwo_dft267r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't use a reference like a dumb idiot but whatever. i will probably come back to it and draw a real background but for now im sick of looking at it.

>> No.6586013
File: 216 KB, 415x412, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6586027

That foot is whack but otherwise I love it

>> No.6586049
File: 483 KB, 2732x1236, depth-question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I figure out how much a 1x1 square should go back in perspective??? Red, green or blue could all be correct to my amateur eye. This is driving me crazy, I feel like no perspective course explains this, and it's such a basic skill. damn

>> No.6586053

If foot is the only wack that jump on you maybe I need to fix it somehow. But I don't know how.

>> No.6586064

Chem trails have been experimented with though, and 5G towers literally emit radiation, every cell tower does. It's just not the radiation you're thinking about... Probably

>> No.6586076

>At most on top of that you may have some detail brushes, like if you want to add freckles, lens dust, or other crap like that and not go insane making a thousand dots, you can use a brush that does that and just lightly tap where needed.

>> No.6586085
File: 127 KB, 514x692, rockwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the bottom of the barrel. There's only one ellipse that would match the outline. Where would that circle fit correctly? I think it is somewhere between red and green. Try using the Free Transform tool with a square and a circle like this.
Also, don't worry, it'll get better. It doesn't have to be perfectly accurate; it only has to be believable enough.

>> No.6586086

Google "download brushpacks for <insert favorite art program here>"

>> No.6586091

You have several options:
You can make w/e effect you want just once on an empty transparent canvas and save it as a brush (plenty tutorials online).
You can do that process, but starting from a photo and cleaning it up in black and white to get just the part you want.
You can just google shit like "csp plant brushes" or "photoshop rough dirt texture brush", etc.
You can browse the store for your program if it has one.
Many big artists also offer downloads for their brush packs, paid or otherwise. Marc Brunet gives his pack away for free, and has a video on YouTube explaining what he uses each for. The Meds Map course also comes with his brush bundle, this ones paid but can be found online. Other known artists like sakimichan also have their brushpacks for free on deviantart with a quick search.

Eitherway, once you have a few of these brushes, just try them for different effects at different sizes and figure uses for them, you don't need a full course explaining them, and you definitely don't need to bloat your software with hundreds of useless brushes.

>> No.6586168
File: 1.24 MB, 1077x899, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm starting to have fun.

>> No.6586202

Nigga, just look at the thing. Just open your eyes nigga. It's right there nigga fr.

>> No.6586205

yes i see it now how to I USE it

>> No.6586221

Do you know what master studies are? Done any? If not, go learn that shit. If yes, then it's basically the same, you observe the thing, take measurements, maybe even practice copying it, then simply adapt it to w/e is your drawing.

>> No.6586224

That's the mpst imporgant thing . Practice more. Specially the hands.

>> No.6586229
File: 138 KB, 1600x1294, step01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently studying Figure Drawing for All its Worth. This part always gets me though, because I don't really understand how to space out the 8 equal parts whenever I try to lay down the diagram.

>> No.6586234

If what you are trying to do is copy this diagram to learn it, draw the topmost line and bottommost line first. Then draw a line exactly halfway, and another halfway between each side and that one, and then do halves again. You will end up with exactly 8 more or less equally distant lines.

>> No.6586236

Thank you!

>> No.6586251

>just draw
how much can you improve by just churning out drawings, comparing to reference and trying to improve based on what feels/looks off? I stopped obsessing over the meme learning like loomis and proko and shit and prioritized just drawing. for last week I've been doing ~15 a day ranging from quick sketch to finished pieces and I feel like I've improved quite a bit but what's the ceiling here?

>> No.6586275

Only one way to find out.

>> No.6586283

>do you know what master studies are?
Not a clue
>if not, go learn that shit
Where? (dont say google)
>take measurements
I do not know what that even means in this context.

>> No.6586284

>prioritized just drawing
How'd you do it anon? People tell me to do that shit all the time like its some switch I can just flick on, and considering im apparently too retarded to do the meme learning, its my best bet, so how?

>> No.6586299
File: 127 KB, 898x1200, DHZXt42U0AAsQkG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start drawing.

>> No.6586332
File: 884 KB, 1699x1383, 20230216_111016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So compared to my friend's pic here.


I was wondering what am I missing in my own.

>> No.6586336

You can really find it very easily searching on google or youtube, not gonna spoonfeed you, but I'll give you a basic outline.
Master studies/master copies are a good way to learn the shit you are not good with, or general practice. You find a drawing/painting/illustration you like a lot, and do your best to just copy it 1:1, can optionally also do a trace, whatever will help you understand the lines, shapes, and forms the original artist used simply by imitation. Again, paying close attention with your eyes and studying the shapes, forms, and lines used is how you will learn the most, don't just yolo and draw a "good enough" attempt, you want to be as accurate as possible in your copy.
To improve at this, use some of the always recommended resources: Dorian Iten's accuracy guide, or the first 2-3 chapters of Keys to Drawing. These sources will teach you hot to study a reference, take measurements, and make accurate copies.

Once you master how to copy things, that's when using references for your own art becomes useful, because you are essentially doing the same shit. Find a hat you like? Copy it onto your character. Like a hairstyle? copy, etc. Most likely though, your own character will be in a different pose or angle, or you will want to mix separate elements from multiple references (maybe you like the shape of a set of boots, but the pattern on some sneakers and want to combine them), in that case you need to be able to mix the two by borrowing elements from each instead of copying whole cloth.
Some advanced exercises you can try to further improve at this: copy an object from an image, then try drawing it again but slightly tilted or rotated. Or find 2-3 references for something (like a hat), copy them, then draw an extra one from imagination taking ideas you learned from the others and mixing them.

>> No.6586374

I have an easy remote job so I can put out like 5-10 while i'm "working" and the rest at night take about an hour or so. I know this doesn't help you probably but it's how i'm doing it

>> No.6586375


>> No.6586413
File: 939 KB, 2480x3168, portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too dark or is it fine?

>> No.6586430
File: 165 KB, 1000x700, 230328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what I'm doing. I need to figure out a good practice routine.

>> No.6586473

the form has been felt

>> No.6586481

it's fine, but would def look better if the bright parts of the nose/cheek were even brighter to pop more, or at least had some strong higlights.

>> No.6586483

You are winning, son.
Except for the half-assed arm behind the pointing finger.

>> No.6586525

Some lucky faggots just have a better drive than others. I traced over things to get started and then halfway filled in the rest by eye to force myself to draw since whenever I had a blank canvas I would just not know what to do.

>> No.6586532

the construction on the right is LITERALLY me

>> No.6586567

use real models

>> No.6586572
File: 1.89 MB, 2277x2869, 20230330_154948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much done with this pic finally. Some touch ups needed but really it is done.

>> No.6586622
File: 449 KB, 634x760, 1651072474509283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I rarted or this university professor confused 1 point perspective with 2 and 2 point with 3 (see numbers near boxes)?

>> No.6586623
File: 1.79 MB, 2441x3139, 20230330_161822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also,here in an update on my other pic. Now to link it to /xgg/.

>> No.6586634

Yeah dont link the video.

>> No.6586638

he starts talking about boxes at 1:04:00 roughly.

>> No.6586646

yeah no that's visible planes, I'm fucking rarted.

>> No.6586654

why post it if you aren't paying attention? zoom zoom zoom stop checking your phone

>> No.6586665

I wish I had something to check on my phone

>> No.6586668

how do you even know there is nothing to check on your phone without checking it zoom zoom zoom

>> No.6586698
File: 1013 KB, 1649x1668, DA716B50-D0F6-4A36-A59D-BA74239C3604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More heads instead of being a productive member of the society

>> No.6586710

your work is very good, you don't need to be posting in /beg/

>> No.6586738
File: 417 KB, 1011x1500, RFお尻~メロディ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished all bachelorettes.

>> No.6586739


>> No.6586746

Do not expect much though. It's mostly beg quality porn there.

>> No.6586749

how do i see you art without all the other random stuff in it?

>> No.6586750

Okay anon ill take it somewhere else, thanks

>> No.6586807
File: 2.07 MB, 3349x2561, 20230330_181116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am making a tribute pic to the scene in Ninja Scroll.

Yeah. THAT scene.
And I have made this rough draft and was wondering how it looks.

>> No.6586814

cant just do that chief

>> No.6586819

Go to "Media" tab? Or go to pixiv.

>> No.6586821

Actually I do know that. I tried it, but could only ever copy the lines so I got told by some dickhead here to 'only do it if you know how to' like that helps.

>> No.6586887

Is there any way I can glaze my recent piece without making it look ugly? I am still new to using the Glaze program.

>> No.6586903

thanks man for the tip and the videos. wish me luck.

>> No.6586914
File: 629 KB, 1152x1024, pretty wolf at a tavern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep forgetting to add the file.

>> No.6586924
File: 1022 KB, 2560x1440, 265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg, today i feel somewhat better but i am still not at 100%. Check out the lmao i made on the right. It is the equivalent to paper thin necks in anime. Lololololo

i kneel and i coom
i wonder when you will finally pick up ink
viewing it on my big ass IPS panel in my moms basement is more than fine. But if a normie will pull out his android phone outside with sun and starts scrolling his goyfeed on goybook, all he will see is grey muddy rectangle and will scroll past it. It is really cool piece btw
i believe that by churning out drawings is the only way to improve lmao, it is the ancient advice: just draw
what is the idea of him being so bent backwards?
is this INT?

>> No.6586936

There's only one int in this thread and it's not that

>> No.6586937

Actually, I take that bag. Two ints.

>> No.6586938

Who? Certainly not (you)

>> No.6586985

Not you ! Nonce.

>> No.6587012

Yeah, I noticed they're really small and a bit awkward.
He started more bent than he should've been and by the time I realised that it was too late... so now he's just got some of that vampire swagger.

>> No.6587032

dopamine detox

>> No.6587180

Be more mindful of your crosshatch, specially in your cylinders and spheres not every hatch must follow the contour. For example in your cylinder use vertical lines in the deepest part of the core shadow they add darkness without making it a furry mess.

>> No.6587198

Is it possible to learn appeal? I have no sense of fashion, what colors look nice, what makes something cute, what things even are cute, etc. I just want to draw cute things.

>> No.6587225
File: 214 KB, 566x542, Screenshot from 2023-03-30 18-30-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lookin p good
it's excusable to just use a ruler/line tool while working on perspective, imho

>> No.6587235

>Is it possible to learn appeal?
Yes, and that comes from master copies, first and foremost, because appealing shapes are the foundation for an appealing drawing style.

Everything else is optional. Some people draw fashionable characters, others like to draw insects and marine animals, and it all looks cool. The most important part is making master copies and getting a sense of what is good design

>> No.6587250

which sticky is better? the new or complete?

>> No.6587319
File: 186 KB, 1280x894, 8BA58CE0-022A-42B8-8AB1-4F37A5FD5D55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh squeezed milk stout.

>> No.6587332
File: 76 KB, 960x200, Illustration7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my arm. it aches

>> No.6587359
File: 184 KB, 958x530, PESrefSheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a WIP of the P.E.S. my character's wear, and some extra.

>> No.6587420

Read hume and kant

>> No.6587446
File: 1.53 MB, 2088x2766, 1.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ints of /ic/, how long were you in the beg stage?

>> No.6587459


>> No.6587474

Is that space diapers?

>> No.6587486

Like just literally hold a pencil in your hand and scratch the pointy end against some paper.
What kind of advice are you expecting to get? How to motivate yourself? That's actually impossible. In order to motivate yourself, you would first need to motivate yourself to do the things you need to motivate yourself, which would first require you to motivate yourself to do the things you need to motivate yourself to do the things you need to motivate yourself, and so on ad infinitum.

>> No.6587514

So is that what you guys are talking about? 'Just draw' means scribble on the paper? Like that does anything?

How the fuck is that meant to help?

>> No.6587528

>I want to magically draw anything I want without using my hands and brain
Every fucking time...

>> No.6587531

That's the first step. Once you're scribbling on the paper, you can start refining your scribbles, into lines that are intentional rather than random, into elementary shapes, into trying to copy things that you see. Most people take those first steps in early childhood, or in elementary school, but if you've somehow avoided all previous opportunities to hold a pencil, that's where you should start.
How do you expect to get better at drawing if you don't draw? Hell, if you don't draw, what would even be the point of getting better?

>> No.6587532

No, come on. I want to hear how scribbling gets anyone anywhere?

>> No.6587533

Thats all fine and dandy, but do you do that in practice? Because I dont. Ive heard this advice before, and tried it, and what I got was hours upon hours of scribbling on paper with no fucking result. So unless you have a way to teach me how to fucking scribble better, im going to have to call bullshit out of experience.

>> No.6587540

Show scribbles.

>> No.6587541

Well fuck I dont save absolute dribble. I'll go do one I guess.

>> No.6587543
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, Illustration8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold my magnum opus

>> No.6587544
File: 198 KB, 1550x895, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6587545

1. draw (do not skip this part)
2. look at your drawing
3. identify parts that are wrong
4. think of a way to make them not wrong
5. repeat

There's no algorithmic solution for steps like "identify" or "think of a way". Even people building visual recognition AI rely on neural networks and evolutionary design, rather than traditional coding. If you're somehow naturally incapable of creative problem solving, then you're probably going to be shit out of luck.

>> No.6587553

well, apart from scribbles and basic shapes, dunno what to do there.

>> No.6587556

I bet money you drew this just to illicit a reaction from the gullible saps ITT

>> No.6587565

If there's nothing you want to draw, then we're kind of back at the question of what would even be the point of getting better at it.

>> No.6587567

Find a drawing or image you like.
Try to copy it, and do try to finish, don't start seething a fraction of the way through, no matter how shit you think it's going.
Once done, find what you fucked up the most (head too small, arms too long, whatever).
If digital, try to erase what's fucked and fix it. If trad (or you want bigger gains), start over, and this time REALLY pay attention to that one mistake you chose and try not to fuck it up (or fuck it up less).
Look at the new final result, identify another major fuck up, rinse and repeat.

>> No.6587570

Try drawing:
>characters from your favorite anime
>characters from your favorite video game
>naked women
>naked women with cocks
>naked animal women with cocks

>> No.6587572

Bought my gf a Wacom one and she's pretty excited to try it out, unfortunately she relies 100% on me for tech stuff. I have no clue how to interact with the W1/Krita for example and for her to extract maximum enjoyment I have to try and come up with some concise "tips and tricks" type things to get her started, she has severe boomer brain and actively resists intuitive learning so whatever I show her is all she gets. Looking up some videos right now but anyone got an image macro or a gold standard guide for just "things to do in Krita/how to do them?"

>> No.6587595

There are broad subjects I want to draw but its not enough for me to pinpoint something I want to draw now (and too complex for me to respectfully draw at this point)
Holy mother of god, is that an actual use for copying I see?
I've done copying before, pretty well actually. But I was told that just jotting down lines I see isnt gonna help apparently. But i'll see about your advice. Thanks.
>characters from your favorite anime
>characters from your favorite video game
Yes that is kind of the goal. But I REALLY dont want to draw them in an ugly way. Tell you what, i'll do it and delete the images immediately afterwards so I never have to look at them ever again.
>naked women with cocks
>naked animal women with cocks
you could afford to make your fetish a bit more subtle, anon.

>> No.6587610

Why do you assume just draw means doing meaningless scribbles?

>> No.6587611

>REALLY dont want to draw them in an ugly way
I have bad news, and then I have worse news.
The bad news is that failure is the best way to learn. If you're unwilling to fail, repeatedly, then getting good is going to be even more of a struggle than it normally would be.
The worse news is that as you develop your drawing skills, you're also going to develop your ability to notice mistakes. The better you are, the higher your standards are going to be. If you ever draw something you think actually looks really good, it means you've stagnated.
>I was told
Never trust advice from /ic/. (Except this advice I'm giving you now, this is legit.)

>> No.6587613

"just draw" means pick something and study it, holy shit how can people be so deliberately dense. like dude I'm sorry the corn syrup and social media turned your brain to cheese and made it impossible for you to prioritize long-term goals but literally just look up paintings from Leonardo Davinci or something and just copy him until your neurons fire off and you slightly grasp his process. Just do that for an hour every day ffs. don't like wops? me neither! fucking draw from Kim Jung Gi, Otomo, anyone, it doesn't matter.

>> No.6587614

>'how do I draw'
>'put pen to paper'
>'so like scribbling'
>'why are you scribbling'

>> No.6587615

>pick something
and there is the problem

>> No.6587617

Yes I know all this. Forgive me, im still in the mindset that everything needs to be done right. And am probably going to be in this mindset forever.

>> No.6587619

then get a different hobby, art is not for brains calcified from monster energy suffering analysis paralysis. you're waiting for someone to hand you a worksheet that you can get a grade on, this isn't even going to happen. if you can't make something like Minecraft fun for yourself for example, you don't have draw brain. you wanna draw? pick the last IP you consoomed, name the lead artist, google them, pick literally any piece no matter if you like it, and draw it. Enjoy.

>> No.6587622

>then get a different hobby
you wont filter me that easily
>if you can't make something like Minecraft fun for yourself for example
Now that you mention it, I do usually need a modded questbook to tell me what to do in the game.
>pick the last IP you consoomed
Hey look, minecraft
>name the lead artist, google them, pick literally any piece no matter if you like it, and draw it.
So copying. Like I said i've been doing that. Is just drawing down the lines worth anything? Is that all Im meant to be doing when copying?

>> No.6587624

I was in that mindset for like 2-3 years, and barely made any progress. Then I sort of "clicked" past it, and now I give no fucks and my gains are really speeding up.
The rough part is, the advice to get past that hurdle is one you've probably heard a million times and keep choosing to ignore: just do it, just draw.
Stop listening to the failure mind goblins telling you it's gonna come out ugly, or you gonna ruin your favorite character, if need be, tell it to yourself out loud to shut the fuck up when those thoughts start appearing, and JUST DRAW.
That doesn't mean blindly drawing, do studies, do copies, practice shapes, forms, anatomy, whatever, mix in learning with grinding.
And most importantly, make a schedule and make it a habit, that's the real secret.
Start drawing today, it's probably going to feel unbearable, your mind goblins will be screeching at you at full blast, and you'd rather do absolutely anything besides drawing. Tell them to fuck off and draw.
When you finish, I'm sure the drawing is gonna suck, and why wouldn't it? You are a beg, look at it and laugh at how fucking beg it is, why wouldn't it be? But hey, maybe some aspect of it isn't that bad! It WILL be bad, and you can probably tell it's not good, but you may go "damn, I thought I'd do worse, this part almost even looks good, I'm kinda proud". Keep that feeling and focus on it, but don't neglect self criticism. Like I mentioned earlier, find one major flaw, like head's too big, eyes not symmetrical, etc. And for the next drawing, focus on doing that one bit better, as long as you succeed at that, doesn't matter if overall the drawing is still beg tier.
Also, as you start being consistent, you'll notice the hurdles lessens. The mind goblins will annoy you less, you'll more easily be able to tell them to fuck off, and draw a lot more confidently instead of fearing even picking up the pencil.
But, if you start taking long breaks, the longer you go, the harder it'll be to start again.

>> No.6587628

dude there is nothing else to tell you. you need fundies to do art. fundies can be taught academically but for them to be learned applicably they need to be added to a drawing that shows the results. in the past people just drew from life but so many of you weirdos are chair bound grugs who couldn't draw GRASS from memory wondering why you have no imagination or independent thought, so so that leaves is looking at OTHER pieces of art and just learning the end state rather than the procedural state. you wanna draw? just copy until you understand how to recreate the drawing
>you won't filter me
you're already filtered

>> No.6587640

Ive heard most all of this before. Which mainly tells me i've heard all I can at this stage. However, you're the first person in over a year to tell me what you actually mean by 'just draw' instead of being blunt. So thanks for that. This is all sound advice, but for some reason, putting it into practice just doesnt work for me. I cant choose a study to do, i've been told to fuck off from copying before, practicing shapes, I guess i've been doing that? I dont know man. Maybe i've been making unbelievably slow progress for all this time whenever I do draw.
What I can say absolutely wont happen is the shit like 'tell them to shut the fuck up' or 'laugh at the drawing' and 'be proud of this thing'. At a core level that is not how my brain works.
I barely even have a grasp of what fundies are. As for copying, let me be crystal fucking clear, I could copy a million times over, I could ingrain a single drawing into my muscle memory so I dont even have to have my fucking eyes open to be able to perfectly draw it. But thats it. The one drawing. The way I copy (just drawing the lines I see) will let me copy that one ultra-specific image, if im to do ANYTHING else I am fucked. Is that what you mean by copying? Will that teach me the fundies?
>you're already filtered
then why am I still here?

>> No.6587641

>Now that you mention it, I do usually need a modded questbook to tell me what to do in the game.
If you play minecraft and never got carried away for hours building something random you thought of in your head, and autistically refining and iterating on it's construction, then I worry about your current creative mentality when it comes to art. What do you think about all day? Do you have ideas or just kind of go with the flow and follow instructions and guides?

>> No.6587642

If you don't know what to pick or where to start, it's easy. Go to any illustration website, personally I used artstation before it got flooded with AIslop. Scroll down the main page, only stop when one of the images/thumbnails catches your eye, open in a new tab, keep scrolling, repeat until you have 10-30 images.
Then go through each one and take a few mins to observe it. What drew your attention? What made you click this one and not the others? Is it the color? The lightning? The subject matter? How crisp the lines are? Then decide if you truly like this image and it inspires you to be that good, or if it only looked good on the thumbnail and it's not actually great. Save to your computer the ones that pass this test. Then just do studies on them, we've already told you how to do that in a few posts. Copy them, learn to copy accurately from the recommended sources if need be, compare to find mistakes, either repeat the same copy trying to not make those mistakes, or move on to a different image while keeping in mind those mistakes.
For now, just focus on coyping the lines, even if it's a lineless painting I'm sure you can tell apart the different elements like characters, so do your best to simplify them as shapes and lines. This will train both your eye and your muscle memory, once you've copied thousands of eyes, hands, whatever, your brain will instinctively build a library it can draw from when you finally try drawing on your own. You'll try to draw a hand holding a goblet, and your mind will pull from that one time you drew a clenched fist holding a sword, or a gun, or a magic wand. You'll have copied those enough times you can make something convincingly similar. Your pen hand will have traced over the shape of so many thick thighs, the curve will come naturally to you no matter what pose you draw.

Find images, look and analyze them, copy to train your hand, build your mental library.

>> No.6587646

>then why am I still here?
As long as none of your drawings posted here you are merely empty space between image posts. Feel free to remain empty space forever.

>> No.6587648

you fundamentally do not understand how to build things and nothing is going to inculcate this thought process into you. you've been told just in this thread how to copy and learn the form of a drawing and if it doesn't make sense it won't make sense. when I copy something I see the cylinders, blobs, forms or whatever and by the end of the drawing have an idea of what the artist was thinking and how they solved their problems and can reapply that process where I want to. I hate to say it but if that's not intuitive then idk what to tell you, you don't have a mind for it and i personally do not know how or if you can train it. play Minecraft vanilla until you lose yourself in a self made adventure and it you can't you're ngmi.

>> No.6587649

ive never even met a person who does that shit in that game. But okay. Most of the time? Nothing, really. Sometimes I may rant about something in my head but most of the day theres nothing happening there.
>do you have ideas?
I dont... remember. I mean, sometimes I get something, and im already a 3d artist so i'll make it there. But I dont remember an idea I've wanted to make for months. I know I can't just focus and conjure them like some people seem to do.
>What drew your attention? What made you click this one and not the others? Is it the color? The lightning? The subject matter? How crisp the lines are?
Typically not how I function. If I like something, I liked it because I liked it. I cant really quantify an answer. I may skip this part and just grab images.
>This will train both your eye and your muscle memory, once you've copied thousands of eyes, hands, whatever, your brain will instinctively build a library it can draw from when you finally try drawing on your own.
This... makes sense. I guess I was thinking too small before with the one or two images being copied I was thinking of.

>> No.6587651

Dude you're unironically an NPC, like from what you described you simply wait for input and complete a task within your left and right parameters. You're like a computer with apps.

>> No.6587652

>and im already a 3d artist

>> No.6587653

>you've been told just in this thread how to copy and learn the form of a drawing
i... have? Wow, either thats absolute shit or it went totally over my head.
>when I copy something I see the cylinders, blobs, forms or whatever and by the end of the drawing have an idea of what the artist was thinking and how they solved their problems and can reapply that process where I want to.
Yeah, see. When I copy I just mark down the lines I see. If its lineless I usually cant do it, I dont know where you guys are seeing different objects.

>> No.6587654

just sculpt

>> No.6587655

alright then install the app that teaches me to draw already.
To clarify, animator. I just grab pre-made models from smutbase and move them around. Everything is automated that way.

>> No.6587664

you can't draw because you can't see and your career field is a direct result of this disability

>> No.6587666


>> No.6587724
File: 1.84 MB, 2000x2000, d6y5t4x-332ab5dc-02d8-4b01-9f07-e939f633f388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I paint to get something like the style of this guy?

>> No.6587725
File: 2.94 MB, 1763x2203, 85D47656-AC1D-44F3-911C-71FE827537F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6587750

The same as you get any other style - by copying it.

>> No.6587759

Ok, but I don't even understand how he's doing it

>> No.6587768

No, It's a pelvis and tail guard.

>> No.6587769

>ive never even met a person who does that shit in that game
Thousands of videos on youtube are people doing precisely this.
>I know I can't just focus and conjure them like some people seem to do.
You need to train this. Get a pen and paper and write down as many "things" as you can. It's easier if they loosely relate to the previous thing. Objects, places, actions, etc


^ in under a minute I now have a billion ideas for my next drawing

>> No.6587802

nah, bro thats a diaper

>> No.6587834

Any have any recommendations for a cheap sketchbook with plenty of pages?

>> No.6587840
File: 81 KB, 825x1146, paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6587870

Printer paper sheaf and a tote board, yes

>> No.6587895


>> No.6587910
File: 282 KB, 1440x1403, art_tools_brain_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6587956

Everything looks very distorted anon. Like the previous anon said, no amount of colouring can salvage this unless you correct your anatomy and perspective on the go.

>> No.6587963

The colours aren't your problem anon and I'd say it's probably fine.

Your line work on the other hand - you have thick and thin lines where it shouldn't be and the inconsistency is jarring.

>> No.6587975

How do you work on your stuff when you're absolutely disheartened and depressed and think it's better to just throw all this "pro artist wannabe" bullshit in the trash and accept the fact you're going to get stuck forever in blue collar jobs because you're fucking human trash?

>> No.6587987

Get on quickposes.com and do 30 minutes of sketching, before you seriously think about quitting again

>> No.6588023
File: 270 KB, 1000x693, hands14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6588065
File: 337 KB, 1563x905, 1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this is the better thread to ask, but does anyone have good guides on painting/rendering?
I'm just not happy with how this is going. I e revised it like three different times but can't get a feel for anything too well.
Everything just turns out a bit unrefined and I don't know if I should just take a step back or keep trying to work at having a smoother finish.

>> No.6588088
File: 31 KB, 338x600, e254e95f14c730f916f3ad2f19d5937b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else find pen tablets actually easier compared to having a screen/traditional?

I tried using it out by connecting my iPad to a screen and holy shit it's way easier to make correct lines. It just forces me to use arm movement and my lines were just exactly how I wanted them, plus I can actually see what I draw and my hand isnt blocking the view. It's 3x better than the way I normally draw.

>> No.6588126

Was reading a somewhat art-related manual from John Muir Laws and he actually gives some pretty good tips for the layman to start grokking art. Has anyone else read his Nature Journaling book? Pretty good

>> No.6588160
File: 1.47 MB, 1095x1492, 430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking around with hues was very fructiferous, somehow I'm starting to think about color really differently than before.

>> No.6588169

I'm sincerely thinking of paying someone to shoot me in the head instead

>> No.6588178

I had the opposite experience. I had a screenless Wacom tablet for years and I couldn't do jack shit with it. I'd always be frustrated that my lines were never how I thought they'd come out.

Only years later with the cheap screen tablets from XP Pen did I really begin 'delving' into digital art and animation.

Most recently, I upgraded to the new XP Pen tablets and man, that reduced parallax really helps out. I've been pumping out art and studies like never before, even before I gave up art briefly.

Props to you for being able to use a screenless tablet. You have some great hand eye coordination.

>> No.6588185


>> No.6588266


>> No.6588275

Feet are gross

>> No.6589040
File: 42 KB, 1196x696, why does this look weird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes his left arm look so deformed? trying to do a running pose

>> No.6590459
File: 52 KB, 1200x1000, youroc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this people?