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File: 160 KB, 878x1537, Pause Giant AI Experiments An Open Letter - Future of Life Institute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6586432 No.6586432 [Reply] [Original]

Sign up to pause AI experiments. It's our chance to stop AI progress GO GO GO


>> No.6586449

>thinking the names of some 4chan retards matter
Lmao. Also its only for models bigger than GPT4. AI art is getting better by the day.
>but 3d art
You are fucked as well see https://twitter.com/mattdeitke/status/1638608472525897728
They literally scrapped assets from the internet without asking even those with no "ai tag". And there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.6586451

Getty images and pinterest are on it too. Stopping any kinda of AI will slow down AI development in General or you want chatgpt to be able to create images, videos and what ever else in a decade

>> No.6586458

Wait, is that Emad I see on there?

>> No.6586461

What is his real name?

>> No.6586464

His Diffusion model isnt effected anon. Obviously he signs it.

>> No.6586465

Stop making generic art and ai won’t be a threat

>> No.6586469

>yes teehee let's all stop with the ai shit
>*keeps developing ai shit in secrecy to beat the competition*
this is all these faggots are doing

>> No.6586470

What a delusional retard.

>> No.6586475
File: 1.09 MB, 816x1224, 12753-1658926434-yorha no. 2 type b, 1girl, blindfold, breasts, cleavage, cleavage cutout, clothing cutout, green background, hair between eyes,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man what level of cope are we at now? Is this the bargaining stage?

also any corporation that holds back with AI will be out competed and left in the dust by corps that do. This is the equivalent of telling someone, "You can't use that labor saving device," Why?, "well uh.. BECAUSE YOU CAN'T OKAY!".

>> No.6586478

We outlawed alcohol. What happened? People started willingly blowing themselves up trying to make booze in their bathtubs.

As much as I despise AI and the greedy money focused talentless chinks creating such a soulless machine, you will literally never stop it. All one can do is try to legislate it as theft, which it is, it is literally just taking millions upon millions of existing art and smashing it together to make something """""new""""". Either that or hope humans see the light in that not every little thing in life should be compartmentalized and given a price tag.

>> No.6586482

Stigmatizing it is more effective than legislation.

>> No.6586484

>you get in your car with your girlfriend and go to the store, pick up some good food and have a nice conversation with the cashier. you go home, watch a movie, do a couple hours of drawing and go to sleep.

>you call a google taxi by thinking it with your google microchip, and donate $5.00 to your vtuber girlfriend telling her you're going to the store. you buy some plant based chicken and check yourself out at the self checkout, ignoring the robotic voice commands you've heard a million times. you go back home, donate a few more times to your vtuber girlfriend as you watch her watch movies, spent a couple minutes prompting your AI art program, then take your 4 different antidepressants, anti anxiety and anti psychotic meds and drift off to sleep.

>> No.6586488

You forgot the part at where you dialate after taking your meds

>> No.6586491


>> No.6586492

"Do not innovate more than what I just made"

Just look at the signatories. This hurts tech more than it does art/entertainment, SD/MJ/DALL-E, if you see Musk's on this list then that's when you should start reading more into it and not just take headlines at face value.

>> No.6586493

>you call a google taxi by thinking it with your google microchip, and donate $5.00 to your vtuber girlfriend telling her you're going to the store. you buy some plant based chicken and check yourself out at the self checkout, ignoring the robotic voice commands you've heard a million times. you go back home, donate a few more times to your vtuber girlfriend as you watch her watch movies, spent a couple minutes prompting your AI art program, then take your 4 different antidepressants, anti anxiety and anti psychotic meds and drift off to sleep.
Everything you mentioned there, is of your own will and own self-doing, You chose to put a microchip in your head, donate money to some e-whore (for what reason?) and taking anti depressants.
Literally go touch grass or better yet, go draw or prompt whatever. Recomend you lift and work-out, it would probably do wonders for your shitty mental state and attitude not to mention getting you in shape so you are at least mildly attractive.

>> No.6586494

He's mad that he pulled out of OpenAi. Now he fear mongers about muh scary Ai while developing Ai brain chips for lobotomizing people and turning them into permanent slaves.

>> No.6586495

The neuralink thing he's creating is one of the most fucked up things I've seen. The amount of tech that is allowed to develop unimpeded is insane, it feels like not even reality at this point, something more out of a dystopian sci-fi novel except it is actually reality.

>> No.6586496

it's labor-replacing you nigger.
>also any corporation that holds back with AI will be out competed and left in the dust by corps that do.
nothing will stop any bozo to run anything through an AI and sell it back cheaper or even for free to undercut competition. of you can't copyright AI products on the other hand they won't have any incentive to use it.

>> No.6586503

>it's labor-replacing you nigger
Only for you, (I assume you are talking about yourself here. I guess we should also feel bad about the horse and buggy men too.
>you can't copyright AI products on the other hand they won't have any incentive to use it.
This hasn't been a thing and is still not proven in a court, since the law is stating AI in the context of AGI creating work on its own (which isn't a thing yet).
Also it does nothing to stop derivative works from AI or undisclosed use.

>> No.6586507

>horse and buggy analogy
Good morning sir.

>> No.6586509

>Only for you
Yeah I guess if you're a neet you won't be replaced. Also humans have been drawing, playing music and telling stories longer than they've been driving horse buggies and mining coal so that's a retarded comparison.

>> No.6586514

>Also humans have been drawing, playing music and telling stories longer than they've been driving horse buggies and mining coal so that's a retarded comparison
Meaning drawing, music and telling stories will be the first things AI will learn too while riding a horse and mining a coal will take longer. How humanity as a whole did not see this was interesting

>> No.6586515

Don't robots already mine coal

>> No.6586516

>horse and buggy
retarded ainigger uses same retarded argument.
>This hasn't been a thing and is still not proven in a court
im saying if A) you can copyright ai and imply it's transformative then I can transform any of your product by the smallest fraction and distribute it back. if kikery is attempted to prevent that then you imply the source material's provenance latters thus defeating the use of AI in the first place
B) if AI is confirmed as uncopyrighteable because niggers like you abuse it then companies have no reason to use it.
either way, AI loses.
I will fight for the right to let you useit fir your dnd portraitor endless coom train however. by all means, fry your brain

>> No.6586519

Yes, before that a robot could move a pencil around on a paper too

>> No.6586527
File: 1.32 MB, 920x1376, 364196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horse and buggy
retarded ainigger uses same retarded argument.

Only because it makes you uncontrollably seethe. I could also go with Telephone switchboard operators, milk men, celestial navigators, etc if you like. These jobs are not comming back hate to say it.

You don't have to like the cyberpunk future, but there's not alot you can do about it. Alot of people will likely lose their jobs and a few people will get very rich. You should've picked a career that wasn't at risk of getting automated like Art.

>> No.6586528


- AI automates everything
- No jobs for humans
- Universal basic income becomes a thing
- Humans can finally focus on life and living, rather than wasting their lives in jobs working for someone else

Why do artists want to step in the way of technological progress? We are so close to making utopia a reality.

>> No.6586531

What makes you safely think we won't be living in a dystopia

>> No.6586534

Drama threads are against the rules.

>> No.6586535

None of those jobs were "automated" by directly using the output of the people it is designed to "replace" you ignorant shitskin.

>> No.6586537

>let me use more incorrect comparisons
you just further prove your retardation and lack of taste with the trash pictures you clearly just wanted an excuse to spam.

>> No.6586540

Friendly reminder that most AIspam is mod sanctioned and you get banned for calling them out.

>> No.6586541

No job means no paints and no gpu. All the time in the world but you own nothing and cant go anywhere or do anything. You share and rent everything between your pod mates and go mad from boredom and lack of purpose.

>> No.6586544

- AI automates everything
- People lose their jobs and have no money to spend
- Ultra rich don't need the common people anymore
- They let us starve and collapse while they enjoy some champagne served by their personnal robot

Good job.

>> No.6586545

Im actually going to kill myself. Everything i loved doing get automized. It makes the work pointless. Well it was privilege while it lasted, cya fuckers.

>> No.6586546

Anon we still don't know what will happen, nothing can be predicted at this point. And if everything goes to shit we'll need people like you to fight it.

>> No.6586549

Elon is an hypocrite, he literally founded openai. This guy is a con artist.
I'm gonna sign anyways.

>> No.6586551
File: 762 KB, 777x880, Moses_Pleading_with_Israel_(crop).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby we need you.

>> No.6586552

>- Universal basic income becomes a thing
I hate that this lie actually works on most of the population. Maybe actually implement it first before saying like it's sets in stone.
Reality: You'll be eating bugs and trading rocks for more bugs, maybe you'll be able to trade for some canned food residue if you're lucky.

>> No.6586553

This would work if ai labor replacement happened slowly over like 20-50 years or something.
If over the next 10 years 70% of jobs or something just ceased to exist you wouldn't be left with basic income for all, you'd left with 70% global unemployment. This shit has to be strictly and slowly implemented for it to actually work.

>> No.6586554

*if at all, I might add

>> No.6586556

I'm already unemployed so that would be sick.

>> No.6586557

nah i dont care anymore.
everything can go to shit, fuck the codemonkeys, fuck the journos, fuck the accountants, replace all of them, they must suffer.

>> No.6586559

Fuck, canned food is aluxury for me. I already eat ants. I think I'm already in the future.

>> No.6586565

Lol is that what this petition is about? They shit on artists for a year and then when they realize they're next it's "nooo, not like that!"

>> No.6586569

zoom zoom too busy to read

>> No.6586571

Google has been scraping the internet for images and profiting off it for decades. If you have a problem with image scraping you would have a problem with how you probably get references for you own art.

>> No.6586574

Scraping may be legal but training is not. The lawsuits are coming. Tick tock.

>> No.6586577

Using visual references is not the same as using the digital data from images to create a computer program.

>> No.6586580

Good luck with that. As i said in first post, they even scrapped models with the "no AI" tag and got away with it.

>> No.6586582

Yeah, until suddenly they're not getting away with it. They're gonna reap what they sow.

>> No.6586587

Why are some people so opposed to progress? Because your precious """art""" is being "ripped off"? Lol. Lmao even. You weren't complaining when you were making easy big bucks off selling art of copyrighted characters.
Yeah I'm mad. Stupid fucking artists going to fuck things up again. Hopefully this shit won't go anywhere and all the artists living on easy street by way of their twitter commissions will have to go back to flipping burgers.

Is there like a counter petition that's opposed to this petition? Fuck.

>> No.6586592

dont worry bro its petition to preserve your job instead, so you can continue to mock us instead of flipping burgers.
us artoids will have to cope...

>> No.6586595

Low effort false flag.

>> No.6586597

>retarded artfag can't even tell when somebody disagrees with him

>> No.6586604

Are you an AI?
Can't fucking tell at this point, uncanny as fuck

>> No.6586612

I'm pretty sure most of the AI spam on here is written by ChatGPT

>> No.6586613

Progress is always good :) Nuclear bombs are also progress :)

>> No.6586616

You can sometimes literally see the same AI niggerspeak a minute apart in different threads, they're not even subtle about it.

>> No.6586619

People who tout the mantra of capital P Progress are missing the fact that most modern technologies were first developed for military/government use or for use by the elites. Technological progress isnt some grand, objective, one-dimensional process that exists purely because of human creativity and ingenuity, unaffected by politics (or at least, it isnt anymore).
Yes, medical advancements and such similar feats are obviously good, but they couldve easily happened without making nuclear bombs, microplastics and impersonating AIs. First and foremost, its about money and power, not improving the human condition.
The techno-ubi-utopia is this heaven that exists in some undefined future, and its the myth that makes all the shit that is happening now justifiable. We have made Sillicon Valley/Big tech into our new god while screaming that we are atheists/secularists and """"rational"""" people.

That said, this petition is probably here just because they fear some loss of power, not because they ever cared about muh humanity. You cant automate those poor CEOs and academy "experts", after all.

>> No.6586626
File: 372 KB, 800x1000, radiation_saves_by_jeremeyprickles_d6qkea0-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think AI is wonderful, like a program that conjures Star Trek holodeck screenshots at your whim. And the pool of images that the AI draws upon for creating their final results is no different than anyone else seeing the pictures and being influenced by the subject matter and/or its execution. Except that this viewer has a photographic memory and total recall. It's tapping into the Zeitgeist,but better at it. Only humans can provide new data for their processing.

>> No.6586628

Cope, any non-artist is in favor of AI because it only effects them positively. Which is not surprising since most human are very selfish.

>> No.6586632

>Only humans can provide new data for their processing
What if AI removed the incentive for making new stuff? How will it evolve?

>> No.6586633

Good thing I didn't say that then. I said if you search for references on google images you are utilizing their data scraping tools. You can't say you hate data scraping when you probably use it all the time.

Why wouldn't training be legal. It's basically the definition of transformative work which falls under fair use.

>> No.6586640

Are you saying we need to make a robot with a camera to train the ai now?

>> No.6586643
File: 1.19 MB, 991x4525, 1678235476456491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people are actually pathetic

>> No.6586644

If I wore the same clothes as you, didn't shower for a few weeks, would I be able to claim your mothers as mine? Surely that would fall under fair use also since I trained really hard to be like you, no?

>> No.6586650

Of course, they only start to complain when it comes for their thing. Instead of banding together to push back the boulder, they stop to loot the corpse of the person in front of them while laughing at said victim's stupidity and short-sightedness, not even bothering to look up until they too are being crushed. I'm sure all those indie game dev hopefuls creaming themselves over free generated assets and voice acting will be spamming "we have to stop this!" threads as soon as whatever rudimentary game making AI inevitably comes out in a few months.

>> No.6586652
File: 1.78 MB, 480x480, vax scandal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the part where you assume putting chip into your brain will be completely optional. My guess is it will be as voluntary as the vax was: you are free to not take it, but you wont be allowed to go outside, to work, to school or to use any payment systems without it.

you know, completely voluntary.

>> No.6586656

>more false equivalencies
Get new material.

>> No.6586660


>> No.6586671

>i like the part where you assume putting chip into your brain will be completely optional. My guess is it will be as voluntary as the vax was: you are free to not take it, but you wont be allowed to go outside, to work, to school or to use any payment systems without it.
Literally not fucking true, and boomer brainlet tier/right wing dog whistle. I know this because all the vaccine mandate fear was bullshit when even the military literally could not force you to take the vaccine if you were currently serving. I was in the Navy when this happened. tldr nothing burger and common demagoguery.
No one is forcing you to do shit, just like social media addicted zoomers watching tiktok.

>> No.6586675

>No one is forcing you to do shit
But you sure get some really good rewards for doing shit. Looks like an AI, smells like an AI, but it's not AI, what is it?

>> No.6586681

>but you wont be allowed to go outside, to work, to school or to use any payment systems without it.
Could've tackled it on a more "positive" light. Its going to be very very convenient like smartphones. They'll FOMO the shit out of it that its going to live life without it

>> No.6586748
File: 105 KB, 391x496, catt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'nother thred
'nother cat

>> No.6586754

Sign it pussy

>> No.6586760



>> No.6586765

This thread is 72% bots.

>> No.6586767

Ironically, a good amount of them are probably chat gpt responses.

>> No.6586779

Freedom of Speech. Simple. Ban AI and next step is Totalitarian State.