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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 351 KB, 596x664, inkblot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6583468 No.6583468 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Twitter is dying, what platform are you going to migrate to?
I'm thinking of inkblot

>> No.6583470

I didn't like it. And the only people you're going to find on there are other artists.

>> No.6583472


>> No.6583473
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>Faggot made and catered art community
Yep, perfect for /ic/.

>> No.6583542

I'll gladly pay for twitter blue and not use a platform catered for faggots

>> No.6583545

how many times are we going to have this thread? you haven't even let the other ones die

>> No.6583567

this website is really ugly, it's just more cluttered and less optimized deviantart

>> No.6583620
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Stillbirth project

>> No.6583640
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for me its misskey dot art

>> No.6583642

Wtf i’m buying Twitter Blue now.

>> No.6583644
File: 2.32 MB, 1080x1079, 34EB81E8-4F10-4C27-BBF2-5E9F49B31C3B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the appeal of twitter is all the swarms of normies who will look and pay for your shit. you can go to artist only sites to build a public portfolio but don’t expect to get patroon paypigs from there.

much less so from a site filled with millenilol trannies.

>> No.6583649

>swarms of normies who will look and pay for your shit

>> No.6583652

ai bros won...

>> No.6583655

Normalfag fans are the kind who don't pay you for shit and instead repost your work to reddit without credit so they can get upvotes and status or save a screenshot of the thumbnail as a jpg before throwing some text on it and calling the result their OC epic maymay.

>> No.6583666

you seem bitter. go get some sun on your skin

>> No.6583847

I've been thinking in creating my own website on that neocities hosting service. Make ultra stylized, full of useless shit, easter eggs and garbage and combine with my gallery and parallel projects. See if I can convince some other fags around the globe to do the same and we create this small network of people that link their shit together and maybe repost it time to time for the sake of being neighborly, kinda like how blogs did in the past I guess. Maybe I will also post on newgrounds? Just for the sake of advertising the website and see if I can drag more people in to the idea since a lot of people there also make musics, games and shit like that. I just didn't do this yet because right now I'm working on a few other projects, but one day maybe.

Social media kinda sucks, it always did in a way but after the pixiv stuff, the only place I thought it really cared about art and artists for realz basically turned its back on the people who built it I kinda realized the idea that in the end is just a business and they will make the executive decisions they have been making the past few years that transformed the internet in the hellscape that is today, so I'm kinda just leaving and trying to make my own shit completely disconnect from all this faggotry, I'm a incredible tolerant motherfucker all things considered, despite all my extreme tendencies my overall alienation from humanity as a whole makes me a pretty lenient and fair judge, so I'm perfect to try to build an small network of fags with wildly different interests.

Probably not as effective as normal social media but I prefer that way, I prefer things to be discovered and earned and not simply given a away and basically spammed like social media does today. Finding cool sites and blog used to mean something, I almost forgot that. I think that being that hidden cool place someone find out one day full of cool shit and lots of personality is much cooler than being just another loser in your follow list account.

>> No.6583857

>post art
>hold breath
>doesn't get showered in likes and retweets or reblogs within the first 5 minutes
>welp guess that one was a dud
>or post something, nobody cares, find out years later it gets regularly reposted with tens/hudred+ thousand likes that you get nothing from
I hate posting art on social media.

>> No.6583865

Im you, but within a day my post gets 500 likes out of nowhere a day later.

>> No.6583867
File: 46 KB, 1788x436, Screenshot 2023-03-28 190228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>InkBlot wishes to be a suitable platform for all artists

>NCA or Non-Canon Age content: We allow art containing "alternate universes" in which characters are depicted as the appropriate age for the content depicted
>Teratophilia: Art that depicts attraction or sexual acts involving monsters. Monsters are considered to be creatures that are fantasy, essentially "not of this world". Teratophillia is NOT beastiality. Examples of creatures that are allowed under this are centaurs, minotaurs, werewolves, etc, whether bipedal or quadrupeds. The key is that the creature does not resemble a real life animal or pet, clearly a creature of fantasy.

>> No.6583870


I think there’s a lot of Anons out there who could make some cash if they weren’t so reliant on Social Media too.

the iPad Tiktok Generation Z shit has fucked these kids up so much they’re too scared to go ask local cafes if they can put their art on show and shit - they’re convinced the only way to make it is to post online and pray it goes viral and you make stacks, but because they’re not grifting SEO they get nowhere and give up. Many such cases.

>> No.6583873


>site is already infested with furfags

>> No.6583875

I’m out of the loop here, what happened to Instagram? Y’all really only post porn and coomer Art only?

>> No.6583876

>Now that Twitter is dying
What the fuck, I just made an account

>> No.6583880
File: 2 KB, 139x93, her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why no officer, this woman is simply being destroyed by a quadrupedal werewolf, as is acceptable according to your TOS

>> No.6583897

Social media art posting feels like a gacha roll until your account reaches a certain level of traction (and even when it does it still can feel like that). You can increase your odds of a successful roll with better art quality, but beyond that you just hope you post it at just the right time and that 5 or more popular retweeters see it within a few minutes of it being posted. Otherwise there's a good chance your art will just get shuffled to the back of everybody's feed and never be seen. It can really fuck with your perception of your works, where images that you just throw out there on a lark do the same or better than your higher quality works, simply because you posted at the right time for the right people to decide to interact with it in a way that snowballs into more traction. It's even more of a mindfuck when (You) post an artwork and it's a dud, but later see somebody else repost it and it's a huge fucking hit.

>> No.6583904

you mean tiktok 2?

>> No.6583906

>Two more weeks then Twitter will be gone...
There is no alternative to Twitter my neger

>> No.6583912

Mastodon is an alternative. Elon fears the purple elephant.

>> No.6583914
File: 29 KB, 582x361, its afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6583936

Mastodon is not normie friendly, if people in here had at least two functioning brain cells they would get that shitty checkmark so you basically get a following through easy mod

>> No.6583937

All you will attract is crypto shitter, bots, and other blue retards

>> No.6583941

If artists on the internet survived and thrived without norm infestation before 2010 then mastodon doesn't need norms to survive and thrive. Matter of fact, I'd say it's an improvement..so let go of Musks cock and see the light.

>> No.6584272

i've wanted to join mastodon for a while but i have no idea how yhe fuck this fediverse shit works

>> No.6584273
File: 239 KB, 1000x2000, Unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan /ic/, duh.

>> No.6584292
File: 3.64 MB, 498x280, btfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter's died 3 times at this point none of you are leaving lets be real there's not going to be a better alternative

>> No.6584331

I've stopped using twitter for months now. Honestly the only thing I miss is finding new and interesting JP/KR/CN artists. Been thinking about making an art log on tumblr to post and use as a portfolio. But i'm honestly done interacting with "people" on social media at this point.

>> No.6584364

I wish that site was still usable, checked back last year and they completely fucked up the interface and navigation.

>> No.6584460

No way fag

>> No.6584519

Probably back to instagram

Enjoy your website crashing every other day retard

>> No.6584983

Why is proko buckbreaking skelly?

>> No.6585000

> Click about section (that isn't labeled, just an unhelpful icon)
> Scroll down to meet the Inkblot staff
> They all have pronouns
No thanks, hard pass.
What about Itaku?

>> No.6585002

twitter isn't dead until all the japanese animators actually move out. inkblot art seem to be filled with trannies

>> No.6585019

>Now that Twitter is dying thread #4353
yeah i'm sure its totally over this time!!!!

>> No.6585057

> Platform not cattered for faggots
> Using Twitter

I mean, I don't care either way but let's be realistic here

>> No.6585060

That's fine. The more people adopt Mastodon the more guides will come out to help people use the platform. Mastodon is ahead of its time and in the right direction.

>> No.6585069
File: 24 KB, 580x164, Screenshot 2023-03-29 141434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6585086

we won

>> No.6585095

This, libtards are so desperate to annoy everyone why would they do us all a favour and isolate themselves

>> No.6585499

Yeah i'm only in it for the fact that you can freely edit the look of the page and it's tagging system makes for great archiving. Only planning on following other artist friends and not caring to browse the rest of it at all. My only gripe is twitter being such a ubiqitous site for art lately that every asian artist just won't let go of it until it genuinely dies.

>> No.6585630

Sounds like a shitty Artstation
It's a place catered to artist so artists showcase their stuff to artists
It's a cool way to make a portfolio, but that site won't take Artstation's place on sfw
It could be a good portfolio for nsfw
BUT, looks like it has no normies.
Like Artstation.
So good luck getting commissions from there, you'll still have to network on other social media for money, and at that point what's the point.
At least I can send my Artstation portfolio to some game companies.
Nsfw runs 99% on individual commissions.

>> No.6585636

The appeal of Twitter is hentai, especially loli/shota.

>> No.6585641

Don't you have to pick an instance when you create an account, and you can only browse within that? Or am I wrong.

>> No.6585653

Based Elon?

>> No.6585839

you sign up with an instance like you sign up with an email service provider. and you can browse anything on the fediverse that your instance has already "interacted" with in some way (ie a like/follow/boost was exchanged already)

>> No.6585868

Which is now being actively censored, removed, and banned

>> No.6585875

2 more weeks

>> No.6585974

The reason none of these ever do well is because we don't need another art platform to shill our shit on to other artists. Artstation fills the gap for professional artists, and that's about all that's needed.

Twitter works because the audience you get there is extremely general. You're gathering a following from the general population instead of just artistic faggots like the rest of us, which means that there's more chance of growth through means other than quality and there's more chance of getting commissions if you're less than Craig Mullins.

Twitter works because you can gain 100k followers off three viral memes. Any platforms that try to market specifically to artists won't work because they're not going to attract the audience most artists have.

It's more likely that we'll all just return to Facebook than go to anything new.

>> No.6585984 [DELETED] 

not to tranny sites that's for sure OH NO NO NO NO

>> No.6586025

you're playing with a timed bomb posting those on a site full of easily triggered trannies

>> No.6586096

>now that Twitter is dying

How many times have we done this song and dance? The site is apparently always "dying" but it never does

>> No.6586098

>now that Twitter is dying
most people of you never broke past ART (emphasis on art) 50 followers
Why do you care

>> No.6586100

Because it will be even harder to get a following. Large follower accounts won’t care or won’t be as affected, fag

>> No.6586143

Should’ve been better earlier

>> No.6586144

For nowadays ic. Absoluteley.

>> No.6586150

T.1k follower shitter

>> No.6586222

Twitter isn't going to die because of the one thing these Art Site replacements fail to take into account.

The general audience.

The people who just use twitter to shoot the shit, look at funny memes, celebs, and other things outside of art aren't losing their shit over this so they have no reason to leave the site. Especially for a site specifically catering to artists.

What will probably happen is a handful of artists will join the site in a panic, barely set up anything past the bare minimum, promote it for a week or two, maybe a month even, and then forget all about the site.

>> No.6587207

>a site specifically catering to artists
>a site specifically nuking random mildly suggestive anime art pages

>> No.6587213
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>> No.6587245

The appeal of Twitter is it's huge user base and it's function as news app, pedo -kun

>> No.6587249

>Implying trannies aren't anime fags who are obsessed with loli and shota
Good one

>> No.6587252

Nothing ever happens

>> No.6587267

Lots of things have happened. A pandemic crashed the economy, Russia invaded Ukraine, president Trump got indicted

>> No.6587277

>2 more weeks

>> No.6587279

might as well add paint and notepad

>> No.6587320

>twitter is dying!!
>realy it's gonna die!
>guys I know it didn't die before but it is for real this time!
>uhh no okay maybe that time it didn't, but now? Now it DEFINITELY is!
He paid 42 billion for it. It's not going anywhere at all.

>> No.6587496

>site full of pearl clutching puritan normies and corporations that censor everything to appeal to said normies
>the appeal is loli/sho
Are you retarded?

>> No.6587499

>Twitter works because you can gain 100k followers off three viral memes. Any platforms that try to market specifically to artists won't work because they're not going to attract the audience most artists have.
Honestly this.Normies dont care about art it self, they just want to mindlessly consume media and jack off to their favorite female anime character with a dick slapped on her.

The best advice I can give is just stick to you tribe.
If you're a weeb stick to pixiv
If you're a furry stick to furaffinty
If you're a concept artist stick to art station
Et cetera, Et cetera you get the point

>> No.6587503

Pixiv is unironically DeviantArt tier now, the AI tranny infestation dealt the final blow to this site

>> No.6587960

no one realizes that the guy from proko is a sadomasochistic fagot ???

>> No.6588069

>twitter is dying

And the end is nigh, yet nothing happened? No crushing meteors, no world ending outbreaks, nothing. Twitter isn't going down unless musk decides to jump ship and let it sink to bottom of the ocean for the good of humanity.

>> No.6588107

fuck globohomo social media, your project sounds interesting

>> No.6588111


>> No.6588167

I wish you success anon. This sounds based.

>> No.6588171

> homos willingly segregate themselves away from sane people
Wish you the best of luck

>> No.6588172

Twatter sjwtter op is retard thread died for this ic eat shit fucking ngmi skunks

>> No.6588192

Fuck social media

>> No.6588242

those are called webrings anon, tons of people on neocities already do that, though the good ones with content actually worth browsing are usually with peoples own websites

>> No.6589229

>showing your furry loli pedo shit in public

>> No.6589233

I would say pixiv, but is currently being spammed with AI shit.

>> No.6589238

I have thought about this. But I'm too autistic to print some of my works and go to illustrator fairs in my country. Besides I feel too old to hang out with kids.

>> No.6589268
File: 3 KB, 551x79, Screenshot 2023-04-01 180628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just post my stuff to hive

>> No.6589529

why do these retards fetishize the japanese language? The japs hate faggots

>> No.6589578

>Now that Twitter is dying, what platform are you going to migrate to?
Two weeks right?

>> No.6589759



Anyone on these yet?

>> No.6589768

twitter died two months ago lmao it's hilarious seeing you retards cope and pretend like it's functional in any capacity
>need an account to view media
>need an account to view threads
>anime pages getting removed even if sfw
>now pay $7 to reach the audience you already have lol

>> No.6590446

I wanted to open a Mastodon account once and literally the first person I've seen when I clicked on that little tab that gives you a list of users in a major server had an animated looping banner of a dude deepthroating a cock
the average person there has views like "straight people should be incarcerated" they literally make twitter troons look normal

>> No.6590479
File: 196 KB, 1325x973, 1670040414628483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to avoid people like that then its literally as easy as just looking at the servers they block, usually at the bottom of the about page. yes. this is literally how it works, if your instance is too based, it will more often than not get FREE PROMOTION by appearing on blocklists

>> No.6590515

yea buddy except the BASED instances are like loli porn and flat earthers. every single person on that platform is like the cream of the crop of the shittiest people on twitter
when I wanted to join it was because I hated the social media algorithm shit and I wanted a more tight-knit and human community but literally all this fediverse/privacy/"decentralized"/"freedom" shit is simply about stuff that gets you banned on the more mainstream sites, so the average person is a fucking dumpster fire

>> No.6590580

there's plenty of tight knit communities on the fediverse, you won't just find them from casually browsing lists. the ones I've seen tend to be spun up from existing communities from discord or forums or other websites. even if you could find some instances like that from casual browsing, you're just another stranger to them, they'll probably have disabled new user registration.

the logical conclusion here is to start your own instance, there's ways to do this with no technical knowledge, but you need money and a suitable managed hosting provider to run the day-to-day maintenance for you.

>> No.6590589

>there are other communities, they're just inaccessible
I am sure there are many wonderful entirely private instances like there are many private discords that don't suck. But I don't want to spend my time managing a server, I just want to draw and post drawings and have human beings who aren't malicious psychopaths or bots look at them and share their own for me to look at, Jesus Christ the internet should've become more simple, not more complicated.

>> No.6590654

clearly we should make our own /ic/ instance

>> No.6590669

>yeah I'm gonna stop doing coom illustrations and work on big projects

Holy. Fucking. Based.

>> No.6590674

You're literally delusional lmao

>> No.6591962

I share a similar feeling. Nearly everything is invite only, and not everyone is from here. In fact, most fediverse communities either seem to be from a weird mix of edgy twitter and discord or they're just straight up twitter users. It's very odd.
you could, but it wouldn't work out. I remember when anime.website started out as a 4chan instance but it became less of that overtime. I really wish federated imageboards would become a thing. I'm just as tired of copypaste twitter clones as you are.

>> No.6591991

Checked out pixiv's mastodon instance.
Literal cheese pizza in full HD on the timeline and trannies bragging about wanting to rape babies with their "girl dick". Yeah that seems like the perfect place to post your art to!

>> No.6592067

they went under new management, so a lot of the artists there decided the next perfect place to post your art is misskey dot art!

>> No.6592115

I hate fediverse so much holy shit

>> No.6592206

>move account to different site with different management
>still get to have access to all your follows
>WTF I hate this!

>> No.6592854

Remember kids, lolicon and shotacon normalize IRL pedophilia, child grooming, and shit like drag shows for kids. Past a certain point, the only cure is death.

>> No.6593038

See >>6591962
I'm tired of retards like yourself who can't fucking read.

>> No.6594721
File: 76 KB, 399x357, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, fag.

>> No.6594729

Right, try posting suggestive art of the peanut whore on there

>> No.6594734

Pawoo was always garbage

>> No.6594963

>I really wish federated imageboards would become a thing
You mean that shitty webring nobody uses?

>> No.6595030

I'm glad AI will make faggots obsolete

>> No.6595037
File: 147 KB, 600x825, Screenshot_20230405_150840_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this cursed shit?

>> No.6595104

I'm not going anywhere. Been using Twitter for several years and I prefer it over all social media (including Instagram which doesn't know what it wants to be). Twitter has a good balance of networking with other artists plus getting your shit seen by non-artists.
Some artists have mentioned going back to Tumblr and I'm all for. Twitter was better when Tumblr stayed on Tumblr, piss filled ball pits and all.
I have started using TikTok and it's ok. If you follow the trending content and videos, you can get an easy boost.
There's a ton of other sites out there like Inkblot, Artfol, etc but they only cater to other artists. Other artists aren't buying my fanart merch plus they crab too hard (that's what /ic/ is for).

>> No.6596600


>> No.6596604

Ah yes, I would love to join a hypersensitive platform that will change its policies to cater towards whatever outrage culture tells them to. Sounds great.

>> No.6596825

Only good use for ai

>> No.6598438

>faggot made
>first profile preview is some furshit with devil horns
checks out

>> No.6598530

based. i wish you well.