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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 209 KB, 1954x1070, FrwX418aUAA2L_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6571141 No.6571141 [Reply] [Original]

Nvidia has partnered with Getty Images, Shutterstock, and Adobe to release AI art programs that address copyright concerns. This development will revolutionize the world of digital art!

>> No.6571143

Every image you saved to adobe cloud was used as training data. Read the EULA.

>> No.6571147

Lol get fucked

>> No.6571163

>Getty images & Shuterstock
Seems they're leaning more towards the future of stock images. Anyway, I'm neutral to this.

I seem to recall this was known and people could opt out. Assuming this is true, this seems to be ethically made then.

>> No.6571164

Oh no, all 0 images!

>> No.6571175

Idk I never got an email from adobe telling me to opt-out.

>> No.6571176

I always had a suspicious feeling about Shutterstock. Same with Quora.

>> No.6571180

This is how it should have been done from the start. As long as dataset is accepted with the user's consent then I don't see a problem.

Can't you put Photoshop behind a firewall?

>> No.6571183

not only that but check out runway, it's a huge service for generative content and you can train your own shit on it so it's even more powerful

>> No.6571198

Why wont they just let us see what arts were used to generate each artifical image? Why not just give credit to the artists they are ripping off? I dont give a fuck about copyright, let me see the sources.

>> No.6571205
File: 472 KB, 2560x1440, FqtANYQWIAEy8p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI programs popping up everywhere
>Blender-ControlNet released this month
Huh, /ic/ told me that AI stuff was just a false hype?

>> No.6571212

>AI stuff was just a false hype?
It's AI spring.

>> No.6571220

I warned artists "AI art is thief" won't work as a protest slogan and they didn't listen to me thinking I am a pro-ai art shitposter, and keep spamming the stupid useless cake stealing comic, this is what they get

>> No.6571223

nothing will work, this shit is going to improve, get more streamlined and easy to use

what people should instead do is come to terms with it and plan their course of action in life in a world with generative AI

>> No.6571229

this is infinitely depressing, again, humans boiled down to knowing how to use something instead of knowing how to do something.
This isn't bearable, existencei s becoming a little circus.

>> No.6571232

Ah yes, a cloud-based blackbox app with no user control or freedom, and all the telemetry you could ask for. AI is finally ethical!

>> No.6571233

Because they literally don't know and the AI won't say

>> No.6571234
File: 336 KB, 1022x1500, 70de9207e5d4e3b4099f51845f83272e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6571237

not a day comes by I'm not reminded of this clip

>> No.6571246

>This is how it should have been done from the start. As long as dataset is accepted with the user's consent then I don't see a problem.
>There's no problem with replacing artists as long as it's done LEGALLY!
Take that, AI chuds.

>> No.6571249

No one will be super except actual artists. An AI world will actually set artists apart even more desu.

>> No.6571252
File: 8 KB, 154x327, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rose is off the bloom guys nobody will use it

>> No.6571253

well everyone has the power to create high quality artwork or take styles/characters from other artwork through simple means

>> No.6571255

Aifags now put in extra effort just for everything to still look like retarded AI slop. YWNBAA

>> No.6571270

AI slop > Twitter slop > /ic/ slop

>> No.6571273

Those forearms are freakishly long. Too bad AIcucks simply can't figure out even the most glaring errors in proportions.

Also, hands.

>> No.6571276

Trash compactor > Your head

>> No.6571348
File: 233 KB, 1024x1024, rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6571355

>3 different types of diarrhea

>> No.6571362

when naab uses AI, das a big problem

>> No.6571378

Do they? Link?

>> No.6571382


>> No.6571388

it's truly over for weebs lmao

>> No.6571392

wtf is it possible for me to put my OC in that and pose it like that?

>> No.6571397

Yes anon. Yes indeed

>> No.6571398

how do I do that???

>> No.6571400

It's over. Humanity has lost.

>> No.6571408

The biggest problem was lifting people's styles and trying to BE those artists like some kind of body snatching doppelganger. This is at least a more feasible course of action assuming Getty and Shutterstock are using their own property in this thing because you can't totally remove the technology but your own individualism as an artist can at least and should always be protected.

>> No.6571416
File: 124 KB, 1392x230, Screenshot_20230321_225218_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with you paintpigs? First you complain that AI image generation is unethical. Now that an ethical alternative appears, you keep complaining.

>> No.6571426

Blender si out of my comfort zone, I don't like 3D shit.
That image seems to be a plug-in from a stable Diffussion tool (like Controlnet in this case) for Blender.
This is already possible with Stable Diffussion witch is a technology not a software. There's a lot of softwares to try Stable Diffussion. When you install the program (whatever one you choosed) you add plug-ins and diverse tools into it. Just like any other software. Some of this plug-ins can do this, like 'controlnet' it can pose your character like you see in the image. Then you have img2img wich grabs your original OC and turns it into the closest posible version of another picture you choose to make a new version of your original OC image. And stuff like that. As i said everyday they drop something new.

All of this is just developing right now, don't go crazy, be patient. The 'Controlnet' plug-in came up like a couple of weeks? I don't even know, it's a day by day drop of new tools.
If you want to test this you need a good enough GPU , or you can choose to "collab" which means that you will be sharing other userd PCs to render your images. I don't think much people like the second idea but that's an option.
You won't find much or any help at all on /ic, go to /g here >>92241685 to the stable diffussion general to get all the info and links. They will help you.

>> No.6571431

Yawn. It's truly over

>> No.6571434

Sorry heres the Stable Diffussion General >>>92241685

>> No.6571438

Now I hope, sorry dude. Never linked cross boards before

>> No.6571440
File: 697 KB, 947x579, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.6571449

It was obviously never about copyright

>> No.6571464

Ze bugs is looking mighty das ist godt jaa..
Ze pod yearns for ze me jaa..
Live in ze pod and eatzing ze bugs..

>> No.6571465

AI really is going to kill the internet. Just a complete oversaturation of meaningless content from bogus articles to bland videos all trying to sell you something. Not like the internet has been worthwhile for years now but mega corps being given carte blanche to do whatever they want will kill it for good. It was fun while it lasted, especially in the beginning.

>> No.6571467

>Not like the internet has been worthwhile for years now
Yeah was about to say. Time for humanity to touch gras

>> No.6571473

Its time to normie

>> No.6571482

>files lawsuit against open source AI
>makes their own AI immediately afterwards

>> No.6571501

Of course. They just wanted to get a piece of the pie. All the artists that sucked their sick for supposedly siding with artists are retarded

>> No.6571504

To be fair it makes their case look better. It tells the judge they were really trying to do their own ai thing in the first place until those big mean indians stole their copyright.

>> No.6571520

the rose is off the bloom just means the novelty is over. AI art is oversaturated, looks like generic shit, and real art will stand apart due to this.
of course people will still use AI and greedy corps will integrate it.
the key for aspiring artists is differentiation.

>> No.6571546

>the key for aspiring artists is differentiation
the key for artists of the future is heavily watermarking their art and only uploading 1000x1000 pixel jpg pics at maximum

start now, artfriends

>> No.6571555

>heavily watermarking
forget that, you want a logo. A legal trademarked one at that.
>1000x1000 pixel jpg pics at maximum
I already do that and there's no reason why everyone else shouldn't either. Especially if you deal in coom.

>> No.6571560

Way ahead of you, also doing trad more than digital lately, 3d and working on sequentials

>> No.6571573

This is a victory for anti-ai folks. Congrats, you win. Adobe's bread and butter is professional artists. They'll give them the corporate, watered down, safe AI that will let them keep their jobs. The once wild frontier is now safe for Amazon, Disney and Apple to colonize.

>> No.6571610

good, i dont have a problem if they are making their own AI out of their own fucking copyright. It's going to suck because of how limited it is anyways, those examples look like shit and people dont want ugly multicolored cats, they want big titty anime girls.

>> No.6571613

This has got to be one of the biggest copes I've heard all week

>> No.6571628

AI just went woke. It's now safe to put on your corporate webpage.

>> No.6571651

And this is good for artists why exactly?

>> No.6571655

>And this is good for artists why exactly?
"I'm just using adobe to do a little touch up. Everybody does it".

>> No.6571662
File: 776 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait until rajesh will crash and oversaturate the market within a few months to earn his 0.005$ commission while spamming and flooding the internet with such an amount of ai trash you will beg for him to return to frontend. oh look. the bubble is already starting to grow

>> No.6571678

u know a country is doing good when it gets to make the entire first world hate them

>> No.6571684

Neat, really puts all those whiny companies that pretended that it couldn't be done ethically to shame.

>> No.6571688

Microsoft just integrated into edge browser : https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2023/03/21/create-images-with-your-words-bing-image-creator-comes-to-the-new-bing/
"We’re excited to announce we are bringing Bing Image Creator, new AI-powered visual Stories and updated Knowledge Cards to the new Bing and Edge preview. Powered by an advanced version of the DALL∙E model from our partners at OpenAI, Bing Image Creator allows you to create an image simply by using your own words to describe the picture you want to see. Now you can generate both written and visual content in one place, from within chat."

From gamers to lamers in 6 months.

>> No.6571709

All I use edge for is porn anyways

>> No.6571852

>AI shitskin thinks that there was only 1 (ONE!!!!) problem with AI
lmao. i have a full list, which includes allowing degenerate corporations to further dictate our culture. eat shit and die already, you technocratic bugman

>> No.6571856

We've entered the dystopia a while ago, it won't get better until we make some improvements to our current economic system. You'd think the robots would go for the most boring and degrading jobs first, huh? They'll be dancing and singing while we work the earth under the sun.

>> No.6571901

Because "AI art is stealing my job" sounds pathetic so they just pick some other reasons. I believe they are now coping "AI art can't never be good with only stock images" but yeah, this can't be the reason to unsubscribe Adobe. lmao ever

>> No.6571903

There are people on /ic/ unironically paying for Adobe and Clip Studio Paint. Jesus Christ

>> No.6571908
File: 19 KB, 675x170, gpt-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to this wise man's words

>> No.6571915

Clip makes sense, since it’s cheap and “1 time thing”, but photoshop though….

>> No.6571939

You edge with edge?

>> No.6571944

>Huh, /ic/ told me that AI stuff was just a false hype?
As much as /ic/ whined about AI, we never said it was false hype or a flash in the pan, everyone's always said it was going to change the industry in some way.

But your script probably doesn't account for this, curry eater.

>> No.6571953

This is not a problem when you actually make money with and can write it off on you taxes
>/ic/ paying taxes
>/ic/ making any income

>> No.6572048

>long orangutan arms that don't match the drawn figure at all
>still deformed hands and face
>same blurry artifacts and resolution
You AIfags keep showing garbage deformed images every time you claim there's a new "breakthrough."

>> No.6572118

god I fucking hate you incoherent, worthless, skilless Indians with a passion

>> No.6572123
File: 130 KB, 1200x834, the-five-stages-of-grief-in-lament-for-a-son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6572127

AIfags are permanently at the denial and anger stage.

>> No.6572132

obligatory mention that this shit is as valid as the myers-briggs indicator, and you probably never went through any hardship to realize how bullshit this social science shit is. why are AIfags attracted to all scams in the world?

>> No.6572157
File: 57 KB, 600x946, jak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who knows, maybe one day we'll have AI-human collabs creating stuff that blows our frickin' minds!

>> No.6572158
File: 78 KB, 950x1024, 1679469394302038m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6572192
File: 25 KB, 538x573, frucking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just crumbled a cookie with my frickin mind!

>> No.6572391

Yes you did, deranged subhuman

>> No.6572395

>fellate Getty Images for suing AI
>now they're developing their own AI
What happened??? Are we retarded /ic/???

>> No.6572399

/ic/ is not /g/ you retarded curry shitter.

>> No.6572406

The vocal anti-ai minority has won. AI has been neutered and turned into a Photoshop plugin. It's now like using stock photos to make bland corporate art. True "sovlfull" artists will only use it sparingly, like using a gradient tool. AI is now a safe toy in the drones' toolbox for making dull pictures for the boss. The yeeks yelling "It looks like shit" will be proven right.

>> No.6572434
File: 630 KB, 800x800, 75827449_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did say that it was a false hype, because it is.
All the shit getting pushed is inorganic as fuck and always was until it got to the normies which then got to talk about it and started using AIgen in their youtube essays and vids talking about AI.
Still, most of the traffic is obviously inorganic, since street shitters don't really care about anything except that they themselves alone will become rich and famous by cheating and employing bots to generate traffic.
Doesn't matter if they lose more than they gain, the street shitters believes that eventually they'll hit the jackpot and then all blonde and blue haired women will show bob and vegana.

I also was right about the monetization thing, where AI was going to get paywalled as soon as it gets traction with normies, which then they did.

Also, the gofund against AI, getting shilled by an nftthot is a literal scam and they are at 250k, their goal being 270k with 4,6 thousand donations.
For such a big project, sure no one is actually talking or following it but everyone is just talking and spamming about AI and jerking off about it.
It stinks big time.

You should all realize that sooner or later, companies would have automatized art to produce it cheaper, but most importantly faster and hire less people to do multiple jobs.
Now one office guy doesn't need to hire artists to create decent concept images for his powerpoint presentations about some shitty movie with some talking animals, until that guy is also replaced by an Idea-AI that also does power point presentations.
AI will replace every job until only the CEO and Investors exists.
The endgame is that even consumers will be replaced by AI and companies, also owned by AI, will produce and market generated products to try to make money of consumer AIs, until money keeps being generated endlessly and at speeds that no one can keep up.
As much as you want to see your own social media numbers go up, biz people jizz their pants by seeing money go up.

>> No.6572447

Proof that were getting raided by /g/ subhuman lamo

>> No.6572449

>opt out
They don't let you

>> No.6572453

Nah /g/ it's in a worse state than this board right now, the spammers are shitposting endlessly against code monkeys.

>> No.6572461
File: 251 KB, 591x799, CEO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6572497

They spam their shit in every fucking board boasting AI will replace every jobs. They poke the nests of autism that is /b/, /pol/, /a/, /jp/,... the revenge spams are expected

>> No.6572501

you write like some retarded twittertard who thinks this shit is some internet beef lmao

>> No.6572503

Go back you retarded discord fag

>> No.6572529

More like the opposite. I'm an /ic/ subhuman lurking on /g/, who came back with some shiny pieces of alien technology to share with the caveman tribe.

/ic/ is awseome though, you can come back any time and the threads will still be here just chilling. Out there is all chaos and madness. Not for me.

>> No.6572646

>Yeah artists need to just give up and start using AI! That way I can finally be a great artist by lowering them all down to my level!

>> No.6572654

Why'd you use techbro gadgets? Throw away your drawing tablet and PC, be a real artist and use a canvas and oil paints

>> No.6572660

Digital drawing fun
AI too boring

>> No.6572664

digital drawing still requires me to use my hand eye coordination to put whats in my mind onto the canvas
AI "art" is just like "computer, generate slop based on a sentence i wrote

>> No.6572678

Don't bother arguing with these troons. They don't care if the world burns around them because they see every advancement in tech as a step towards becoming a real woman.

>> No.6572688

good morning sir

>> No.6572691

but can it do porn???????????
currently that's what keeps me using stable diffusion WebUI models

>> No.6572699

if theyre all shit nothing is, if theyre differing levels of shit they can be quantified into an order of value.

>> No.6572703


>> No.6572705

Just make real porn, its a lot cheaper to hire prostitutes and shoot porn than buying a gtx 4090

>> No.6572707

I want furry porn

>> No.6572708

Hey hey people

>> No.6572710

People use adobe cloud?
Nobody in our studio has ever touched it.

>> No.6572712

Because there is nobody in your studio xD

>> No.6572717

No but for real, does anyone? It was always overpriced and shit compared to everything else and a lot of companies only allow the storage of data in our country.

>> No.6572720

I don't know, I thought it came for free if you were paying for any of their products

>> No.6572724

You get a small amount of storage for free but you have to pay for more.
Due to the size of photoshop files for like, actual projects you were lucky if you could store even 1.

>> No.6572725

nvm it's up to 1tb now.
not that any of us used it because again all content had to be saved in our country

>> No.6572738

All that shit to make
> Worthless, saturated, sameface AI art

Laughing at pajeets, are the commissions open? I will pay three PNGs of monkeys for a anime girl with the head of Hitler on it for laughts.

>> No.6572739
File: 1.44 MB, 1053x1695, Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 17-34-47 The mice with two dads scientists create eggs from male cells.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your tranny shitposts on 4chin will become reality some day

>> No.6573281

can we just kill all scientists already pls

>> No.6573395

It's weird but I think AI won't be THAT threatening for "traditionnal artist". The only thing they'll replace will be ultra realistic or ultra detailed illustration.
When you watch what artists do it's often very simple drawings with good colors and good expressions (something where AI won't be proficient for a long moment).
In the end it'll be even quicker to just draw your shit than to figure out what to write to shit out the drawing you want.

>> No.6573403

bro really wants to go back to drawing on cave walls

>> No.6573425

There’s a middle ground between painting on cave walls and playing god

>> No.6573433

What's wrong with playing god? Depending on your beliefs, preventing/reducing natural disasters would be already playing god/acting against god's will

>> No.6573439

>playing god
I'm sure God would be able to make fingers.

>> No.6573446
File: 2.41 MB, 225x255, 1658444097025698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already did this with females, so I guess faggots can have biological children to molest in teh future.

>> No.6573448

After many many many many many many years

>> No.6573451


this is politics blindtard

>> No.6573453


>> No.6573454
File: 602 KB, 220x252, arama-genshin-impact.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face it, w/o modern medicine, you'd have never survived infancy with your retard genes.
All the more reason to hate science for giving you this dumb life.

>> No.6573455

If god created everything, he surely slept a few years before being able to create the first fingered species

>> No.6573457

this is a way to create a biased AI. Only state approved art styles allowed! No Left wing art allowed!

>> No.6573458
File: 31 KB, 317x250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th day, so sayeth the good book

>> No.6573464

this only considers the days he was working

>> No.6573465

Anime with huge tiddies is left wing?
And yes, this is the "ethical ai" you nigs wanted.

>> No.6573473

its corporate AI which is inherently right wing

>> No.6573476

Was he gathering mana before that?

>> No.6573478
File: 3.71 MB, 1920x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course ;)

>> No.6573480

beer break

>> No.6573483

i know you are joking, but chuds will actually fall for that.

>> No.6573488
File: 41 KB, 1083x547, Noshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6573494
File: 750 KB, 1163x746, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no vore, no buy

>> No.6573592

The idea of God is founded on the idea of "goodness". The problem with "playing God" is that you're a bad imitation that is not basing their actions on any kind of morality. Humans are only a little dot in the universe and they should realize that there is a balance which they will never understand. Human actions can have unintended terrible consequences. This is why they have to think of and discuss the morality of their actions before introducing large-scale new technology into society or the world.

I'm new. How do you know they're joking?

>> No.6573599

>I'm new. How do you know they're joking?
i dont, it's a backhanded way to call him a retard

>> No.6573606

I wasn't joking.
Corpos are pozzed so they can rip you off and lefty-tards+kike media will defend them with their lives now.
this fag is some tankie troon

>> No.6573622

I see. Thanks.

>> No.6573629

corporations would celebrate Hitler day if a majority of americans were nazis. corpos are inherently right wing no matter what values they pretend to care about.

>> No.6573638
File: 563 KB, 220x220, battlefield2042-battlefield.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, I love hitler now

>> No.6573640

If my grandma had wheels she'd be a bicycle

>> No.6573851
File: 828 KB, 1079x3175, thief tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generating is hard, I should start signing my AI shit!
I love the progression with these insufferable faggots. Art should be open to the masses with no gatekeeping artists should stop being so protective and gatekeepy, to I should be able to take credit for my generated images, to I should be paid for generating images.
Also all muh editing and he still didn't get rid of her extra finger kek.

>> No.6573874

do you really believe they are putting work? are you one of those retards who believe any hard work sob story you read on social media, he is just creating a narrative to excuse watermarking

>> No.6573883

I was mocking him, silly.

>> No.6573886


>> No.6573894
File: 295 KB, 1024x1280, 3799886011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is worth only as much as someone is willing to pay for it, if people wanna pay them for generated images they will, simple as

>> No.6573900

typical ai nigger

>> No.6573988

Can you "people" come up with some new talking points already...

>> No.6576397

Rules for thee but not for me sirs