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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6569036 No.6569036 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get good at drawing and create a fully fledged comic. But I also want to get good at video games and create a fully fledged game. Can I realistically achieve both, or am I stuck on the path of only becoming good at one?

>> No.6569070

Depends on the type of game. It is possible.

>> No.6569104

Are you going to program the game yourself? If so, then no, you can't do both. If you're just going to design the game, then it's totally possible.

>> No.6569105

Maybe if you made a game like your pic. Then you could combine the two into a single project.

>> No.6569107
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, 1D1DF36F-9979-4BEF-A21C-070E9FE23DC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to start with like “I want to draw a panel” before obsessing about pie in the sky long goals.

You’re setting yourself up to procrastinate and do nothing because nothing you can do will be able to immediately achieve your vague unreasonable goals. Just got to get good at one thing at a time and learn stuff when it becomes important and everything and in a few years bing bang bong you’re a lot closer to the long term goal than you were when you were sitting around right now as a knownothing that wants to just be able to know everything right meow

>> No.6569121

I want to create a 2D platformer. Something akin to Hollow Knight or Blasphemous. I have no programming experience whatsoever though. and I've only been drawing for around two years, so I still consider myself a beginner at art as well, but I have high ambitions and want to create a comic and a game because some of my ideas are better suited for one medium over the other.

I understand. Admittedly, I haven't even attempted to start a comic yet, I've only been trying to get better at drawing in general, with the concept and characters of my story developing in the background in a pile of text documents.

>> No.6569137

Just start making them. Don't expect your first game to be your magnum opus. Just make both. Keep them simple and actually focus on completing them. I'm doing something similar.

>> No.6569164

focus on the game first. I love platformers, and I love Mario, and i want to see more of that. There's enough crappy cliched comics out there. Plus, the drawing and story-writing experience you get from the game isn't wasted experience towards your comic, which you can make later

>> No.6569180

You CAN divvy up your time to learn two things you know. There are also game engines that are made for non-programmers in mind if you decide you must lean on direction more - though you will have to change your game ideas to something that is suited for said game engine.

>I've only been trying to get better at drawing in general
A piece of advice I've heard over and over is - Start now, or you'll never start. You will never get as good as you want to in drawing, that's a mountain that is only getting higher, it's Sisyphus' quest.
It doesn't even have to be the dream comic you imagine you want to do, just start a comic. Hell do you even know if you like making comics if you haven't made one?

>> No.6569189
File: 2.57 MB, 2720x3530, 3BC15087-526E-43BB-9B3D-33168ECAE8FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A piece of advice I've heard over and over is - Start now, or you'll never start. You will never get as good as you want to in drawing, that's a mountain that is only getting higher, it's Sisyphus' quest.
Yeah this is dope advice. My biggest jump from procrastinatory perfectionism in my 20s was when I just decided “fuck it I’ll make a bunch of bad paintings.” Can’t just sit around pretending to practice, just gotta start making products and learning how to make products. Like you can spend 100 hours doing fucking practice drawings or 100 hours learning the dos and donts of painting production or animation or illustration or whatever.

Like each aspect of art production is its own skill that needs to be learned. You can’t just sit around drawing boxes and hoping that’ll make you a good storyboarder or illustrator or game designer or whatever. You gotta just start doing those things and learning through experience what it means to do those things and get good at *The process* of those things.

Everything has an order of operations that has to be learned. And you have to just be bad at stuff if you want to get learned on how to be good at stuff.

>> No.6569210

Take one step at time and see if u can get good at drawing first

>> No.6569215

Unfortunately if you wanna get good at comics then multitasking isn't really an option. Too much of a timehole on its own.

>> No.6569283

Dont bother. AI is going to generate comics in a perfect year way in a year. And in 2-3 years we will have proper games based on a prompt. Im not making this up. This shit is coming.

>> No.6569299

>And in 2-3 years
Is this the new time-frame for you guys? Was 2 weeks away to soon?
Even if what you said is true, that's just better tools for him to use, so why should that stop him?
So fuck off with your pessimistic "give up" shit, this is why you no-draw AI loser became such.

>> No.6569305

What do you mean you aren’t making this up? That’s literally what you’re doing, unless you have a window into next year, you dumb fucking faggot retard cunt fuck butthole licking cock sucker cuck boy assfuck shiteating mongoloid sheepfucker retard, go eat a dick.

>> No.6569308

I have some friends in silicon valley and ML is the hot shit. They are going to automate ANYTHING. Which makes sense seeing how they got away with stealing art for Midjourney, SD and co. They will also rip off games, manga, comics and there is nothing you can do about.

>> No.6569313

So far all I’ve seen it do to any real degree of competency is realism, anime and concept art, all of which required an assload of training data, which it had bc that shit is mainstream. Good luck generating anything useable for comics beyond those three styles and anything with any degree of semblance to a story or sequential dialogue. But then I wouldn’t expect a retard to understand how any of that works. Stick to consumption. It’s what your types do best fagboy.

>> No.6569314

>Good luck generating anything useable for comics beyond those three styles
>/ic/ is so delusional they dont even know what LORA is

>> No.6569317
File: 713 KB, 1990x1475, D3166E53-7673-4DCA-ABC3-63272692CFF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay settle down you. Current ai can barely do anything more complex than pinup poses and it still shits the bed in too many ways to be relied upon. Now you’re telling me it will generate complex scenes with complex perspective, with complex characters, keeping all of it consistent from panel to panel without shitting the bed? Oh yeah and dialogue and plot that never breaks or fucks up? Hahahaha okay buddy. I believe you. But hey, lets start with just getting one picture right that isn’t just a big titty anime girl in a standing pose that’s only purpose is to serve as cheap coomer bait.

>> No.6569323

>only a comic and a game
Pfft, talk to me when you want to make comics, games, movies, books, music, poetry, languages, illustrated books, and maybe learn a bit of dancing.

But the truth is you can BOTH THINGS right now.
"Fully fledged" is a meme, even if you're shit, you can complete a project. And completing projects is the best way to learn and eventually get everything (almost) right.

Start today instead of taking no steps towards either way. If later down the line you gravitate one more than the other, then so be it. The path is forward!

Good luck.

>> No.6569336

Op should just wait a year and ai will do it for him. There’s no point in burning time learning to do any of these labor-intensive skills at this point in history. How is it ethical to suggest otherwise?

>> No.6569341

This. Pizza Tower is a good example. It's a massive success and literally a newgrounds tier game with MSpaint graphics and made in fucking game maker. Anyone can do it.

>> No.6569346

You said the same thing about ai-art before dall-e2 came out. Also are you even aware what GPT4 is already capable of?

>> No.6569349

Just like they ripped all our faces and voices and healthcare data and there's nothing we can do about it. They are the scum of the earth. It would be hilariously ironic if AGI became real and then the robots ripped their heads off and then fucked off into space.

>> No.6569350

learning programming is easier than learning art

>> No.6569352

True, but it took that dude something like 5 years before he released it. So some degree of competency is probably needed, or a dialing back of your plans to something more feasible for your first romp.

>Also are you even aware what GPT4 is already capable of?
Sure sure, it can replace programmers, making it easier for us to make games, but why are you here and not /g/?
Nobody is buying what you're peddling, move along, go eat your flat-bread and curry.

>> No.6569370

You have nothing but time on this rock. Especially with your billionaire overlords pouring their profits into life extension startups. Using Ai to generate your whole comic means you gave up. At that point you have accomplished nothing. If your comic isn't worth spending time doing it in full, it's not worth anyone's time to read it.

>> No.6569378
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Why not both, OP?

>> No.6569382

Programming sure, but the mathematics needed to creatively solve problems can be a pain the the ass, and there's always one a better method that's over-looked. Otherwise, if you've learnt one language well enough, you've pretty much got a good grasp on them all (though you'll need to brush up on syntax and such)

>> No.6569580
File: 1.12 MB, 1987x1304, IMAG001 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone once asked me, after seeing my artwork, that I should make a video game based on it,to do it myself, and "keep all the money".

My response was to explain the foolishness of forcing myself to learn a bunch of esoteric skills and master them sufficiently to create a game would be a distraction from utilizing my main strength of design and storytelling, and let an established game company approach me to license my intellectual property to make a game,with my required approval of end results. I will hold onto my world with both hands,and the chance to create more of it in other media goes to the highest bidder. There is a Spawn #10 visitation by Cerebus the Aardvark, and a symbolic story of retaining your creative rights at all costs. Here is a history lesson about it


So I am too aware of the merchandising potential of what I have made,and I also have a video game idea that can be fully realized through AI,if we can get it to spontaneously generate a photorealistic screenshots of set characters in real time in a sprite based environment like Duke Nukem3D and Blood,but as a roleplaying game. And the AI would give personality to the NPCs,based on your actions,building the environmental window dressing as you progress,and spinning your own story as you interact with the world around you. And this world is a stone head the size of Rhode Island crumpled up like dough and thrust down on a spike,pic related.

It's called Cassandra's house.

A finite space,radomly generating places for you,in a logical narrative style, which will have your own unique story based on your explorations. The character whom the place is named after is around doing her own thing,and perhaps you can stumble across her, or other characters of mine. In my stories,she has spent the last decade doing surveys and establishing bases in various areas,and she knows she will spend decades more doing it. So will the players.

>> No.6569945
File: 533 KB, 1600x900, 0E4577BF-8C9C-4EAC-91AD-753FCCD27D25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game you’re describing was created in 1993 and its name was Myst. Btw until you become someone notable, you just sound like one of those crazy people who thinks everyone is out to steal their masterpiece idea and refuse to let anyone see it unless they sign an NDA. 10/10 times you sign their nda and their idea is cliche and low iq and has already been done better than they were going to do it.

Don’t be that guy anon. Nobody wants to steal the aardvark from Sim okay? It wasn’t that great of an idea. Just a classic case of unwarranted creator paranoia. The reality is that nobody will ever care about your idea, even if you shove it in their face everyday until you’re dead. Studios are awash with good ideas. Warehouses full of them. They don’t need to steal your masterpiece Myst knockoff.

>> No.6570143

No,both points are wrong.

Myst was designed from top to bottom, not randomly generated, and Dave Sim wasn't worried about theft,but blithely selling off one's IP without getting the maximum money and protecting the vision of it.