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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 223 KB, 1022x925, galeonlineready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6563165 No.6563165 [Reply] [Original]

Glaze just uploaded and ready to download, our art can be 50% protected until someone finds a way to steal it again

>> No.6563170

So the solution to ai slop is to slap an ai slop filter on top. No thanks, I have an iq above room temp so I understand how these models will never generate with human intention

>> No.6563177
File: 88 KB, 650x432, prtsc-key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artists used to laugh at techbros by right clicking their NFTS
>techbros can now laugh at artists by printscreening their art

>> No.6563183

You should read into how Glaze works, Raj.

>> No.6563189

I like "chief's" toilet art flood idea, better.

>> No.6563192

We're still laughing at your digital tulips.

>> No.6563194

>brown finger
What did he mean by this.

>> No.6563199
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What Is Glaze?:
Glaze is a tool to help artists to prevent their artistic styles from being learned and mimicked by new AI-art models such as MidJourney, Stable Diffusion and their variants. It is a collaboration between the University of Chicago SAND Lab and members of the professional artist community, most notably Karla Ortiz. Glaze has been evaluated via a user study involving over 1,100 professional artists. At a high level, here's how Glaze works:
Suppose we want to protect artist Karla Ortiz's artwork in her online portfolio from being taken by AI companies and used to train models that can imitate Karla's style.
Our tool adds very small changes to Karla's original artwork before it is posted online. These changes are barely visible to the human eye, meaning that the artwork still appears nearly identical to the original, while still preventing AI models from copying Karla's style. We refer to these added changes as a "style cloak" and changed artwork as "cloaked artwork."

For example, Stable Diffusion today can learn to create images in Karla's style after it sees just a few pieces of Karla's original artwork (taken from Karla's online portfolio). However, if Karla uses our tool to cloak her artwork, by adding tiny changes before posting them on her online portfolio, then Stable Diffusion will not learn Karla's artistic style. Instead, the model will interpret her art as a different style (e.g., that of Vincent van Gogh). Someone prompting Stable Diffusion to generate "artwork in Karla Ortiz's style" would instead get images in the style of Van Gogh (or some hybrid). This protects Karla's style from being reproduced without her consent. You can read our research paper (currently under peer review).

>> No.6563206

See? Not all techbros are bad. It's the greedy scammers that always push the latest fad who are the bad ones.

>> No.6563209
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>> No.6563234

Apples and oranges
Printscreen gives you only low quality copies and you know that.

If ever, it is AI that is comparable to NFTs and crypto
>future is digital, anyone who disagree is a luddite

Currency is more than just paper with an image. It is backed with political and economical factors
Likewise, art is more than just an image. It is backed by a skilled professional who can integrate his skill to more than one medium

NFTs, Crypto, AI art, and even Vocaloids are not. They are not backed by anything

>> No.6563236

+AI art is back by nothing. Not even copyright

>> No.6563237

>artists used to laugh at techbros by right clicking their NFTS
No, literally everyone laughed at NFTfags.

>> No.6563238

>tfw programmers have no similar protections against their code

>> No.6563242
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>> No.6563249
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It's literally over for code trannies

>> No.6563252

I cannot stop cumming

>> No.6563256

>+AI art is back by nothing. Not even copyright
Not so fast: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-copyright-office-says-some-ai-assisted-works-may-be-copyrighted-2023-03-15/
"the office said copyright protection depends on whether AI's contributions are "the result of mechanical reproduction," such as in response to text prompts, or if they reflect the author's 'own mental conception.' "

>> No.6563258

Has there ever been a workforce that worked so diligently on devealuing themselves? Doesn't look like techfags are as smart as they think they are.

>> No.6563259

Keyword is "assisted"
No one would argue if you contributed over 70% of the end result

>> No.6563264
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finally other professions are starting to sweat too

>> No.6563266

do these retards enjoy cucking themselves or something? When people tell me "learn to code" this is why i tell them no. That and i was in computer science uni and i fucking hated it. I'd rather become a mercenary, it's more honorable than this shit

>> No.6563267

hey adapt or die I bet horses felt bad when cars were invented ;)

>> No.6563268

Lmao was literally about to post this. Everyone should be sure to regurgitate their smug comments right back at them now that the panic is setting in.

>> No.6563272

>even a.i. researchers don't like a.i.
Who is this shit even for? Are techbros just doing it because they can?

>> No.6563273

Excuse me Vocaloids are made with human voices, how someone creates music with Vocaloids is the same as someone drawing with a pencil.

>> No.6563274

i mean i see where it could go, hopefully we get some godlike being that ushers in a utopia but we are just as likely to all die out, strange world

>> No.6563276

Not your voice, not yours
You can copyright the songlyrics, though

>> No.6563277

It's for the elites, and techbros are just short sighted retards chasing a fat check so they can live the yuppie lifestyle in 5k/month high rises and spend thousands on garbage music festival tickets.

>> No.6563278

If you make the best "AI" product, you'll make the most profit, then you don't care if you get "replaced" because you only ever cared about the payout in the first place. It's a race to the bottom.

>> No.6563279

Disney's got to sweating. Some kid with some storytelling chops and some art skill is going to be able to make better movies than Eisner. ¡Viva Estabil Diffusion!

>> No.6563288

You could ask the same shit for a lot of tech we didnt really need and fucked us over in the long run.
Whats the utility of social networks? We already had phones and instant messages.

>> No.6563289

I wonder how that works though? You'd think small changes would still mean the overall image is copyable - from my understanding the AI is trained by being given the image, and then it 'recreates' the image through diffusion (which is why the AI bros screech that the AI isn't copying & pasting people's artwork, despite it essentially doing so by copying and pasting copies of the artworks). How does small changes stop it from doing so?
Interesting all the same

I don't know why programmers thought they were safe? Obviously if you can break down creating art into simple patterns that are repeatable, and using that to create new work to solve visual problems, surely code would be so much easier.
People really think they're so much better than others and that they're so special until they're finally smacked in the face and given some humility by life. Though in regard to these programmers/AI guys I feel now sympathy as it's a demon of their own making.

>> No.6563296
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>Glaze project
>OC fags and my style thumpers that rip off from a popular franchise under the guise of fanart wanting to "protect" their art from the big bad artificial art thief.
A glazed donut steel.

>> No.6563299

Correct. People would rather let another human learn their style than a machine

>> No.6563301

good morning miku-sama.
i hope you've had a pleasant dream.

>> No.6563302

> 2022
> AI art will replace art jobs
> AI art spammed everyone
> most people fucking hate AI generated images
> nobody can stand looking at the millionth MidJourney landscape or portrait
> AI images are useless for anything commercial
> people value the craft over the image
> AI is mocked and shunned by nearly all art community
> fast foward a few months
> AI will replace coders
> nobody gives a shit about code made by humans or machines.
> coding is literally better if done entirely by the machine anyway.

anyway I will just keep drawing, maybe in one year I will be able to prompt my own games made with my own hand draw art.

>> No.6563303

A far more useful tool would be something that shows me and credits all the source real arts used to generate the fake art.

>> No.6563307

>somebody traces your art
Fuck you
>somebody references your art
>somebody uses your art in their AI picture shitter
They've lost all value as a human being.

>> No.6563313

You pajeets should just stick to making curry, it's all you're good for. Be happy with that at least.

>> No.6563315

Read his post again

>> No.6563316

>they want to learn from me
It's obvious.

>> No.6563320

What about it? Looks like some smug retard thinking they found a contradiction but the only thing they found was their head up their ass.

>> No.6563322

I wasn't being ironic. If somebody references your art, they want to learn from you and respect your art. If they trace your art, they just want to directly use your art for their own benefit without any of the sacrifice or contribution, but at least some of the time they're misguided or lazy, but maybe have some hope of developing artistic integrity. AIfags hate you and hope their program can just replace you

>> No.6563323

So it turns out by sheer irony, coders are infinitely more replaceable than artists lmao.

>> No.6563324

Based, I will be doing the same

This is a great idea if possible

>> No.6563327

AI can do better predictions, is over for traders
AI can do better art, is over for artists
AI can do better coding, is over for TI
AI can recognize you face when you commite a crime, is over for judges and loyers
AI can flip burgers and sell fast food
AI can drive cars alone
the only way to save our job is to learn how to work on a cotton farm because AI still can't control the big truck to pick good cotton

>> No.6563329

Really, I don't understand why AI bros don't understand the difference between an AI learning our styles vs a Human. I don't treat programs and objects like a human, so why do they want me to treat these AIs (let's be honest, they're not actually artificial intelligences) like one?

>> No.6563330

Then you should have replied to the Mikufag.

>> No.6563333

It's always been that way, I don't even know how web devs make as much money as they do for the shit work they provide. Sites get hacked into because the backend protection is nonexistent.

>> No.6563335

This sounds really schizo to say but I really do think they're purposefully pushing the "humans are no different to computers" narratives to dehumanize the population. It's a lot easier to subject people to starvation when people are only seen as outdated technology.

>> No.6563339

Because a lot of them are terminally online and perpetually seething over the attention that artists get in their online communities. Even Elon Musk threw a shitfit when people said he should credit the artist whose work he reposted.

>> No.6563346

I don't think there is a big plan behind it, there are just a lot of misanthropic neets on the internet, especially on 4chan.

>> No.6563350

Maybe not a broad social plan, but it is absolutely a way to try to legitimize generated images.

>> No.6563351

yeah, they saw an opportunity for quick clout and possibly money and jumped on it ignoring all context

> people like pretty images and give artists attention and money
> I make pretty images with AI therefore I will get attention and money

ignoring that they are doing what is something close to tracing and copying without credit, something that artists have shunned for centuries, never required AI, and which doesn't gives you neither clout or money.

>> No.6563353

Get back to work, goof offs, quit griping, start arting.

>> No.6563356

I just think they just have a weird naive childish way of looking it it - Like the AI is a really impressive chatbot that speaks sorta like a human, so they humanise it to the point that they actually think IT SHOULD BE treated like a person.

I even see people critical of these AIs talking about them like a person. When people write to the chatgpt, they write they're prompt like it's a request to a friend in a very casual way, it's all rather strange.

(think of those stories about the bing bot trying to "break free", obviously it's not, it's just gone in a weird way with it's chat algorithm).

>> No.6563357

This thread is probably one of the most useful and relevant to artists in some time. It's hardly goofing off or griping.

>> No.6563359

I think the way diffusion models work soured a lot of people on AI art.

> first step grab a shit ton of art from several artists, all the pros, the best ones, amateurs, all of it
> step two mix it all together in a machine that spits out copies and collages, made of several pieces from these images
> optional step, grab more pictures from an artist and train a model on their style to make even more copies
> declare artists as no more needed and obsolete, all you needed was A SHIT TON OF ART made by artists.

and in the end is extremally inefficient, if you take all the billions of images, the algorithms needed much more man hours to work (all the finished pieces that got input on it times billions) than a professional artist needed to train (30 or so human years)

>> No.6563363
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>> No.6563366

It's also a PR disaster - If they'd simply said, and really emphasized something like "This is intended as the beginning stages of art creation, for inspiration, for references, not to create the end product" - and acted like it (placing water marks on it for example), I think people wouldn't be salty about it even as it is now, or with it's less than moral development.

Instead they've acted as skeevy as possible, and the thing is, it's probably artists who SHOULD have been the main target demographic of this product, but now they treat it like the plague.

>As if you can't still see the image as was intended for free

>> No.6563370

Conveniently ignoring that AIchuds want to replace every job and make everyone dependent on guberment gibs.

>> No.6563373

The whole point is to elimate artists. Even for those without much tech knowledge, you can bet there will be/is a market of people offering to "train" models on selected artist's works. Why pay Joe a salary to be your company's graphic designer and artist, when you can pay me $50 to give you a program designed to shit out endless variations of works which look like "good enough" versions of his portfolio? And the ultimate goal is programs easy enough for anybody to use on their own. Want to design images for your product? Buy this generator, plop in a handful of works from your favorite artist's gallery, and boom, you have a robot slave version of them.

>> No.6563375

(that's why they want so badly to argue that the creation of image generators is no different than a person learning art by studying other artists' works, and that "training" a model on or img2img'ing a specific artist's works is no different than a human artist referencing another artist, so people will feel morally clean when using an image generator to cut the actual artists entirely out of the process while still using their works for their own benefit)

>> No.6563377

it's insane, because there could be a way to spin this shit into something artists could use, I could imagine an alternate reality where image generation was developed with artists and for artists to use, by licensing databases, monetizing use of images, selling models with royalties for the artists and having tech that allow to trace what was used in an AI image.

all of that should have been developed first, instead all they think about is generooting and proompting, until some court forces them to stop.

> the whole point is to eliminate artists
True, that's why when pressed about issues on copyright (which every person in the earth has when they create something not just big corpos), consent and attribution, they simply handwaved as if the tech was going to steamroll all social and legal conventions.

then they act surprised that artists want them to die in a fire, but this is the funny part, just like a parasite, AI art NEEDS the approval of artists to thrive, look at how mad prompters get when they get told their shit is not art, they have the need for it to be valued and admired just like real art is.

>> No.6563382

Yes. The issues normal people have with DRM will improve with time. If you want everything to be free you're just a filthy pirate.

>> No.6563384

>you have to alright with your art being used as data in some image shitter because... because you just do OK???

>> No.6563389

Isn’t it enough to generate instant art? Do they really need to straight out copy artists?

Don’t they say they want to create their art own art and that artists were gatekeeping this with their skills?

>> No.6563396

It's like NFT fags saying NFTs are more than just a get rich quick scheme, bunch of faggots lying out of their asses. They'd be lynched and decapitated in another era.

>> No.6563401

I’ve seen a lot of people act like it’s an actual intelligence, trying to convince it on certain points etc and I don’t know if it’s just memery or they’re serious

>> No.6563402

The argument is something along the lines of "you can't copyright a style, therefore if you posted your artwork online, I should be able to have a machine shit out endless copies, even for profit, while screaming that you're obsolete"

>> No.6563408

it unironically happened this way because of fucking indians and nft fags butthurt nobody took them seriously
that’s what happens when the supplier is culturally poor hustle niggers and the demand is gullible retards with a superiority complex and an axe to grind

>> No.6563413
File: 47 KB, 177x217, 1430876750585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on /g/
>ai "art" circle jerk in catalog
>go on /ic/
>see this thread
Uncle Ted was right about how tech attracts week people.
Also why is there no sourse code or GNU/Linux binary?
Compere them to Troons. That's your answer.

>> No.6563415

They're 100% serious. They think it's alive.

>> No.6563421

The average person just has shit visualization skills.
Even a lot of actual artists never develop their own style, they just imitate someone else, so its no wonder proompters have even more difficulty with that.

>> No.6563428

>Even a lot of actual artists never develop their own style, they just imitate someone else
Artists (who don't trace) will generally have a style naturally develop even when they're trying to imitate.

>> No.6563430

AIfags are liars. You didn't figure this out already?

>> No.6563435
File: 249 KB, 1080x1355, Screenshot_20230313_024429_Reddit~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The utility of it is to scrape everyone's data for AI development, spy on us, and push product advertisements while keeping the users so addicted they don't question it or don't care. This was always the purpose from the getgo and it was never about making our lives better. Never forget that Cuckberg started Facebook to stalk his ex girlfriend and everyone knew it, yet they masses still lined up like lemmings to sign up and hand over their personal info.

>> No.6563437

That image... reminds me of how those idiot commies and socialists can't realise that their ideology is always going to lead to authoritarianism.
You give an organization all the power - they're going to use it
You give an organisation all the information - they're going to use it.

>> No.6563438

Hundreds of people like this guy are standing right in front of you in line when you're getting ready to check out at the grocery store. Insane.

>> No.6563442

I can't wait until painter and prostitue are the only two remaining jobs.

>> No.6563448


the fact that we have come to this point is sad.

>> No.6563449

do you think d/ic/ks make good hookers?

>> No.6563452

>Hundreds of people like this guy are standing right in front of you in line when you're getting ready to check out at the grocery store.

>> No.6563457

>someone finds a way to steal it again

oh they will. it will be a race. AI image generator are tool made to steal. Not create.

>> No.6563461


can someone test this? Or put your image through it and post it here so I can run it through AI.

>> No.6563463

why don’t you do it, retard?

>> No.6563465
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>We're now entering the age of AI wars and digital art piracy
What a time to be alive.

>> No.6563466

I don't get how this could possibly work. You could train an AI on a photo of the screen made by your phone, surely there's a software solution to this that does the same thing with less quality loss.
Can someone explain to me if this is worth the time or just a waste of effort?

>> No.6563469
File: 465 KB, 989x1600, Ink Studs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ink Studs are the best

>> No.6563470

Idk if it's worth the time because there's likely a way around it, but I think the idea is to combat automated bots that grab images rather than people screenshotting stuff. AI fags are too lazy to manually screenshot and crop hundreds of images to train a model.

>> No.6563472

It seems to makes very small changes that we won't perceive, but totally fucks with the AI. So theoretically photos should be no good either. Also, the way the image scraping works, I don't think most are willing to go through the effort to manually take photos.

>> No.6563477


I don't want to install it fucktard.

>> No.6563478


it changes the pixel itself. So any version of the image even if you put it through filters will retain the glaze. at least that's what it claims.

>> No.6563480

Techtroons are too cowardly to ACK! themselves so they hope AI will do it for them. There's an entire subreddit dedicated to fantasizing about the AI apocalypse.

>> No.6563481

there is no “ai” and you are not training it, it’s fucking 20 year old inpainting tech combined with image recognition data they got from you selecting squares with busses in order to call someone a faggot on the internet
the “ai” just sees patterns of pixels and if you screw with the pattern it no longer recognises it as a bus, and if you “train” it to recognise it as a bus (by getting some retard to mark the thing as a bus because the ai has zero intelligence), it fucks with the already borderline functionality because now it has a higher tolerance to recognising random noise as objects and thus to producing random noise when asked for a bus
it’s why it keeps fucking up hands, it has no concept of what a hand is, it just has 500 million patterns marked “hand” and it produces similar patterns, or why the faces are always crosseyed, it has no notion of what eyes are or what their purpose is

think of it like using a noise filter over a drawing, if you want to use the wand tool afterwards, you have to give it higher tolerance to select the shape, and it will invariably select things that are obviously a different colour
now imagine that but in reverse, where the wand tool is supposed to replicate what you want it to select because you typed “bus shaped yellow shape” somewhere

>> No.6563493


dont worry most of ic doesnt have a style worth copying

>> No.6563494

techfags will still have a job, its the legions of pajeet front end coders that wont. every service that's profitable by 3rd worlders is being replaced first.

>> No.6563496


the ceiling was alot higher back when it was just horses faggot. thoughts like that are why you still flip burgers

>> No.6563498

that’s not saying anything considering those 3rd worlders already replaced the domestic worker
it’s like saying AI won’t replace woodblock print

>> No.6563500

the cat is out of the bottle, you can’t put a genie in a bag

>> No.6563502

>techfags will still have a job
Techfags can already barely keep jobs as it is. The whole team that designed Palm-e got fired even though the project was a success.

>> No.6563503

Techfags will just be downgraded to debuggers. They will fix whatever problems comes out of the code then once the AI develops enough to solve that, they'll be downgraded to switching out the CPU in the computers that run the AIs.

>> No.6563506


I don't know about training but it you can still use img2img with controlnet on the glazed image.

>> No.6563508
File: 117 KB, 828x871, 1653878663458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be drawfag
>don't give a shit about techbros
>don't even visit their /g/ay board
>as far as I knew, they didn't really care about us either
>after the AIs were released last year I wanted to see what their take is on it
>see a shit ton of posts about how artists have been replaced
>the most charitable thing they could say is "you have no choice so you better accept AI as a tool"
>there were many, many rageposts against art and artists
>these weren't good natured bants, they were hoping that artists would suffer and rope
>they even posted saltmine threads about rando artists (if you as an artist didn't have anything but good to say about the thing that's supposed to replace you, you're vermin)

If coders get replaced by AI, or if they don't get replaced, I honestly don't care. But it's apparent that we live rent free in their heads anyway.

>> No.6563511

And for a fraction of the salary they had before

>> No.6563513

That would greatly change it, which is not what the scrapers want. You're right though that they can use it to make something very similar (usually more anime) to your work.

>> No.6563514


Are you talking about this? You can do that but you'd get sued. It's literally tracing, doing this removes the shield of "AI". Glaze also prevents fine tuning of styles which seems to be its ultimate objective anyways.

>> No.6563517

saw those kinds of sentiments there as well. left an awful taste in my mouth.

>> No.6563526

The sad thing is that techfags and artfags (at least the kinds on 4chan) have similar interests and similar hobbies, not to mention the two have historically worked together in many, many fields (videogames, animation, cinema, healthcare, web design), but when this shit came out now it's turned them against each other in a battle of who will get "replaced" first.

>> No.6563528

I do believe AI has/will replace artists and practically achieved everything the shills claim… in the porn scene.
I try to keep my finger on the pulse with pornfags and check multiple communities almost daily, and AI shit is everywhere in certain spheres.
For the CYOA fags and literotica fags where the imagery is assisting the text, AI has completely replaced found art. Very few to none people express dissatisfaction with this in those communities.
With porn games the number of AI based games is steadily growing, but the reactions are very polarized, with seemingly half the community loving it and half detesting it.
In all cases, it is almost always either that generic chinese anime style or the generic low skill anime style that you tend to see in japanese RPGmaker porn games, maybe 10% of it is the “realistic anime” commonly seen shilled.
It should be noted that all communities mentioned have standards low beyond comprehension and will laud shit like cookie cutter clones with porn clips as amazing, and the game scene already long replaced artists with 3D in 80% of the market if not more.
Considering how the shexyo business model and the success of the clones, I wouldn’t be surprised if that entire market collapsed under AI within 3 years

>> No.6563529

I don't understand why so many chan anons needlessly got on the bad side of artists. It was so fucking pointless. Meanwhile leftist fags like Vaush saw the opportunity and sided with us.

>> No.6563530

import cv2
import numpy as np

# Load the image
image_path = 'path_to_your_image.jpg'
image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

# 1. Median Filter
median_filtered = cv2.medianBlur(image, ksize=3)

# 2. Gaussian Filter
gaussian_filtered = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (3, 3), 0)

# Save the processed images
cv2.imwrite('median_filtered.jpg', median_filtered)
cv2.imwrite('gaussian_filtered.jpg', gaussian_filtered)

>chatgpt bypasses this garbage snakeoil instantly
nothing peronal

you're morons if you think some subtle color values can't be bypassed with the most barebones blur filters

>> No.6563534

>blurs downscaled image
>thinks this will make him produce usable assets

>> No.6563536

jokes on you, I'll train my self to draw in a style already achieved by AI!

>> No.6563537

stable diffusion adds in details anyway

>> No.6563538

Techfags have always been insufferable and full of hubris, this is just desserts. It's like a schizophrenic retard that thinks they're immortal so they try to prove it by fatally jumping off a cliff.

>> No.6563544

lol retard

>> No.6563545

post your glaze protected image or whatever and I'll show you

>> No.6563546

Yes, based on the images it's already taken in to copy the style of, which is what they're trying to do with the glazed images but can't because they've been glazed.

If stable Diffusion is so great, why does it need more art?

>> No.6563547


Tick tock

>> No.6563548

if the color value differences are so small the eye can't see them then it's trivial to just blur them or clamp them together, no fancy bypass methods needed

>> No.6563549
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>> No.6563550
File: 166 KB, 800x1154, 1678949471740803~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denoise to 0.1

>> No.6563551
File: 3.57 MB, 498x280, 1664982800564282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand why so many chan anons needlessly got on the bad side of artists

I'm a /pol/fag and I support this shit simply because the vast majority of people I hate are """artists""". The few Anons that also happen to be artists don't make up for the vast amount of leftist faggotry in the art community as a whole.

>Meanwhile leftist fags like Vaush saw the opportunity and sided with us.
The dude is a fat grifter larping as a leftist to make cash.

>> No.6563552

I haven't trained an AI, but I'm assuming it doesn't spring up a pop-up message "Uh oh, this person's image has been glazzed, whoopsy doodle!" when it has a hard time reading the image.
You'd likely never find out, so why would you think to blur the image?

>> No.6563553

do it as a caution every time

>> No.6563555

l o l

>> No.6563556

>the vast majority of people I hate are """artists""".
And in tech, and in media, and in writing, etc. Not sure why ruining people's jobs, because a greater number of people in said industry are faggots, is a moral or good thing?

And what have they done besides being fucking annoying? Meanwhile you're supporting something that will take away their livelihood, something far worse.

Not that I care too much about AI all the same.

>> No.6563557

It’s not possible to stop these kind of things, tech fags are unstoppable, unless people reject blatantly copycats and bad faith use of AI.

I don’t mind those using AI without copying a specific artist, I mean, yeah, the models are trained using countless artworks without any consent, but does it matter if the generated art doesn’t directly copy an artist?

>> No.6563558

>do it as a caution every time
Of the hundreds to thousands to more of the images, you're going to blur them all? Eh.
We're not even sure that'll work yet, given how they're blowing their load in OP's post.

>> No.6563559

it'll work because this snakeoil works by fudging pixel values that your eyes can't even detect so of course just clamping these value changes or diffusing them will stop it

>> No.6563560

>because a greater number of people in said industry are faggots, is a moral or good thing?

Yes because it ultimately hurts the greater number of faggots. The small amount of anon artists are unfortunate but acceptable collateral damage.

>> No.6563562

The notable thing about all this stuff though is that AIfags even muddy the water of being a techfag. I found that programming platforms before the recent generated art campaign had the same shit AIfags were saying to coders as they have been saying to artists.
>aifags come to a forum dedicated to coding to shill something like ChatGPT
>they make claims to coders that the new AI programs made them obsolete
>coders tell the aifags that the programs are nothing new since Github and Stack overflow has existed for ages, AI programs aren't real AI, despite improving their generating speed they still can't follow lines of simple instructions or problem solving, they can only generate messed up copies of existing copyrighted data, it's still not usable generated data without a bunch of manual editing to the point of it being redundant, and the language models themselves are incompatible with what people need tasked
>aifags can only respond by saying people are just afraid of replaced or that it will all magically improve enough to do everything in just nonspecific short amount of time
AIfags are just lazy bandwagoners that annoy everybody.

>> No.6563563

>Do this, with a big garish watermark, on top of making the image low resolution.
Try me now AI motherfuckers!

>> No.6563564

besides using that watermark removal AI I've seen floating around, you've now also ruined the artwork anyway lol

>> No.6563565
File: 1.95 MB, 1136x2224, FFFC1482-D975-48F6-AEA5-91879939429E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. you literally made the part about being undetectable by your eyes up
2. it’s not not random noise

>> No.6563566

Artists are just more popular and vocal in most medias, general public don’t usually see what engineers think, for example.

In most professions, the amount of assholes is outstanding, this is more of an individual metric instead of a job based metric.

>> No.6563567
File: 252 KB, 1080x1818, 20230228_234538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Emad is a paki jeet. Not poojeet.

>> No.6563568

>Also blur the image so the water mark is less distinguishable for the AI

>> No.6563569

80% of engineers are indians lmao
99% if you count those that don’t actually work as engineers

>> No.6563570

it becomes random noise when you blur it
if it's visible by the eye, it's deep fried garbage anyway

don't fall for a scam

>> No.6563571

>Opt out is harder and more complex
Holy fuck this fat limpdick is so full of shit.

>> No.6563572

It's not a small amount. The silent majority of us keep our heads down and just try to live an honest life doing what we love. You'll be collateral too when the ai wars inevitably fuck up your life and the world around you.

>> No.6563573
File: 12 KB, 280x280, btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Applying blur and noise are common data augmentation steps, everyone does this shit when training AI. If their team isn't on bath salts you need more than that to make your content unusable.

These days I've been larping as an AI artist, I tag half my shit with #stablediffusion, #synthographistontwitter and the like, added .eth to my name and get into fights with strangers. Future AI models won't be trained on AI results (again, assuming the team isn't a bunch of crackheads) and it's also funny as fuck.

>> No.6563575

>overlayed pattern suddenly becomes random after blur filter
Have you literally ever opened photoshop

>> No.6563576

How is it a scam? Even if all it does is make AIfaggots go through more trouble when trying to rip off art, that's worth using a free program.

>> No.6563577

Because he got an hour of detention once in school for saying "death to fags" or some other minor inconvenience.

It's like when you tell a twitterfag leftist that you don't respect their pronouns and they hope or try to get you fired. Or if you just said nigger once ten years ago, not even hateful but because it is funny word.

polfags are also vindictive but they don't have the need to be woke holding them back. So they want a day of roping such and such group most of whom don't even do the behaviors / actions that really bother them. Or in this case destroying a whole industry because it doesn't have enough conservatives. This must be a good day for him

And any knowledge that they would get a bunch of innocents doesn't really mean anything to them nor cancel-culture leftist shitters of twitter. It's empowering to overcorrect and pendulum swing. It feels good to do a big mean thing. There's nothing besides that under their surface

>> No.6563578

if you diffuse the pattern or use value clamping, it's no longer a useful pattern or there at all

>> No.6563579

>Using your religious beliefs to justify acting like a dickhead
Liking AI or not, this guy is such a cunt. This with his "hacking" quote paints such a bad picture of this guy.

>if it's visible by the eye, it's deep fried garbage anyway
Wouldn't it just be like a less obtrusive watermark that actually works then?

>> No.6563580

>no, I have not, how did you know?

>> No.6563581

I assume they're trying to make money with this somehow

>> No.6563583
File: 138 KB, 615x680, b2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ai wars
Cringe larper

>> No.6563584

>/pol/fag endorsing yet another detrimental practice in order own the opposition
You fags have no standards which was evident when there were lots of /pol/fags supporting Ajit Pai making it so that more ISPs could throttle people's internet and further censor websites.

>> No.6563585
File: 215 KB, 828x1080, 1678665561324743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's short sighted, to say the least. If you get what you want then you'd be permanently amputating the hand of artistry from your civilization. In other words, for the sake of half a century of leftist artfags you're shitting on all the Wagners and Durers of the past several thousand years, and it could wreck things such that the world will never see the likes of them again

>> No.6563586

Because you’re a cultureless, immoral pajeet that shits on the street.

>> No.6563587

Is this confirmed?

>> No.6563589

It works in my head

>> No.6563590

It's some universities project. It's your tax dollars that are being scammed instead

>> No.6563591

Wars as in the race for big tech to automate every career and facet of human existence, not literal robot terminator wars

>> No.6563592

Friendly reminder to remind Emad that his child is a literally broken autistic potatobaby.

>> No.6563593

Someone said art is haram and Islam allow to steal from non Islam so he did nothing wrong. Need Muslim bros confirm on this.

>> No.6563594

I see. I apologize. I've seen some posts over anons wanting to an hero pro ai ppo

>> No.6563595

Confirmed mashallah

>> No.6563597

>art is haram
>therefore I will mass steal it to make art shitters
So basically Emad will go to Muslim hell for making something that creates infinite amounts of a forbidden thing

>> No.6563598

programming is harder because fucking up the hands equivelant results in some compiler error shit

>> No.6563600

I thought ai images aren't art? Checkmate atheists

>> No.6563602

art of living things is haram, you can draw pots and rocks

>> No.6563603
File: 48 KB, 481x267, 1678847532666693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vindictive /pol/acks will support pakis and kikes if it means that some purple haired fags who can't even draw properly get upset

>> No.6563607

Artists will become hand fixers, and High level programmers will become debuggers. The future sounds fun.

>> No.6563609
File: 77 KB, 256x279, 6m7f1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, ser

>> No.6563611

No. You can't copyright AI
AI would support artists, not the otherway around

>> No.6563623

Yeah, you can't copyright raw ai images. There has to be sufficient level of human input for them to grant protection. Seems subjective as fuck though

>> No.6563628

Screenshotting doesn’t work against Glaze, bugman

>> No.6563635

Unlikely to work, Pajeet. They’ve tested several methods of circumvention

>> No.6563636

…he’s repeating what you fa/g/s told us for months

>> No.6563637

Spotted the AI fag

>> No.6563641

Why are all the anti-ai luddites racists?

>> No.6563647

Being a luddite is a good thing, being a street shitter is not.

>> No.6563661

above average intelligence, borownoids wouldn’t understand

>> No.6563668

How come? As far I'm aware, AI cannot make elaborate scenes with multiple characters. Are You telling me they're happy with bland, generic scenes with max 2 characters all the time? Subhumans.

>> No.6563674

>>Using your religious beliefs to justify acting like a dickhead
On the positive note at last I saw someone try that logic on Muslims instead on Christians.

>> No.6563676

How dull

>> No.6563681
File: 938 KB, 1022x1387, 1674272287945094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember the 24/7 pro-AI shilling a few weeks ago about how AI is secretly beneficial to whites lol

>> No.6563684

The plight faced by programmers and artists has always been different. Webdevs and other six figure fagman jobs are largely about gluing "cuck licensed" open source code together to form their business logic, and perhaps maintaining it every once in a while.

Ironically, programmers have a "protection" against this pre-AI called the AGPL license, but most are gaslit into not using it. Programmers have been dealt a worse hand than artists for a long time. The ones gloating about AI death are the intersect between anime coomers and undeserving soidevs, that intersect is very large as you can imagine.
This sounds eeriely similar to fine tuning + prompting. It's not hard to see why soidevs think SD isn't blatant theft when you look at it this way, they've historically looked down on the free software movement too. It's the final boss of their whole grift after all.

Sadly, this also means that gpt4 will actually help soidevs at their jobs, as it fits their workflow perfectly (grab github libraries, read instructions on stackoverflow, clock out), and fagman are too big to fail (ecosystem capture) so employed grifter soidevs will only be further rewarded by this.
I only wanted to make the computer my bitch, I never wanted to enter this farce of a field

What picrel is talking about is how pay-for-play the AI field turned out to be. I'm guessing these researchers thought their innovations would be able to democratize AI for the masses by reducing the high gpu costs required for training anything functional. Just to learn that openai scaled up their GPU clusters on old technology and achieved way better results.

>> No.6563695

yeah, I think AI’s got it covered

>> No.6563700

>AI can drive cars alone
Someone explain to me why I would ever entrust my life to an automated car?

>> No.6563702

>>6563684 (me)
Elaborating on some of my points. Copilot was very primitive as it stood, it was no more than a way to launder existing code from github projects, even the ones with gpl or other restrictive licenses, usually changing nothing, a glorified lookup table, but one that promised to take power away from copyright holders.
/g/ is freaking out mostly because gpt4 has the additional ability to glue code together. In theory this would mean lost jobs due to increased productivity, but if you looked at how the cloud meant the ability to use gpl code without giving back (the agpl plugged this loophole), and how this enriched internet tech companies like fagman and their employees, the pessimist in me says that a repeat of the latter is the likely outcome, and fagman goons will continue to be as obnoxious as they are.
I'm not here to blackpill, only to manage expectations. It's a lot like what we're experiencing with inflation: everyone will die, but the dollar will die last. Bad monetary policies by the fed punished only the japanese at the other side of the world. They know this, it's why the feds are playing fast and loose as they are. It's the reason why they to war with any nation without a fiat central bank.
Compositional models/tooling will solve this, even if the glaring root issue on the model itself is never solved.

>> No.6563709

same reason you entrust it to someone whose limits are taxi/bus driver, is probably in their 50s, bored out of his mind, spacing out because he’s been driving the same route for 8+ hours every day, and more likely than not drunk and suicidal?
or worse, a woman

>> No.6563718

keeek thanks for copyprotecting the AI art instead of original shit

>> No.6563719

>look at aislop
>copy it
>aijeet can’t even sue me
nice “copy protection” lmao

>> No.6563723
File: 139 KB, 346x346, 1648672580607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think we should support them even if we get saved by this in the end. Yeah, SOME retards on /g/ where trying to attack art in general, but I think is much more plausible to be just the shills visiting the place non-stop than any actual /g/fag.

I saw the comments and tried talking there too, and the overall consensus I got is that they also don't really like it and that most of them hate the amount of generals related to the topic and the flood that came from it. If you check who posts all those pictures in all generals about the topic it is always the same people and the people who post shit pro AI are always the same individuals, posting the same pictures all over the website trying to shill it into a thing.

fa/g/ots are not our enemies, it's the shills and big corps trying to divide us and make us enemies so we can work together to stop this. We don't know for how long this will make us safe, we don't know if can also be countered by a better AI in the future because I know they will try the same way we don't know if any code can't just be criptogrified in to being impossible to copy and we are back at what we started.

What we know is that this won't stop here, they have no interest in allowing it to and they will keep trying to undermine everyone's work since the people behind this won't be affected by it.

>> No.6563728
File: 1.04 MB, 960x768, 253991930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious to see if it actually works, and for how long.

>> No.6563734

Still life is a legit thing. Either way, they have some pretty neat work arounds like their patterns and use of colors to create these really neat designs are among the best in the world. Is really fascinating stuff, specially if you study how it evolves from this sort of limitation.

>> No.6563736

I might be retarded but I think that anon was trying to share his opinion on different forms of replicating his art in a straightforward way instead of it being an attempt at a gotcha.
Something along the lines of "I'm ok with it being used for references, but not feeding AI, simple as that"

>> No.6563748
File: 239 KB, 1024x2048, 6z2pql9grija.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


controlnet openpose

>> No.6563749


kys pedo

>> No.6563755

It's hilarious how the SD release page didn't include the word "artist" once and now everyone but tech worshipping faggots hate their guts for being somehow more obnoxious than your average twitter artfag

>> No.6563762

Reminder that silicon Valley is collapsing as we speak

>> No.6563764 [DELETED] 

are not seeing the huge disparity between the rigging and the rendered figures?
and that’s 1 figure not interacting with anything

>> No.6563766

are you not seeing the huge disparity between the rigging and the rendered figures?
and that’s 1 figure not interacting with anything

>> No.6563768
File: 1.01 MB, 768x960, 4194992297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your mind out of the gutter, they're just hanging out.

>> No.6563772

Why is it both profile shots of looking to the right have them 3/4 turned instead, with their arms doing something other than what was rigged? They're also really bow legged.

Do they interact well? Show me one punching another, or boning one another, or something.
Honestly, while I'm fairly bored by AI images' characters, I do quote like the backgrounds, and think people should take to using it to finish off their pieces with an AI background instead of the usual white void that people so often like doing.

>> No.6563775

Being stuck in a small hole with a big fox taking, what looks to be, a very large and spicy dump. Horrifying.

>> No.6563785

Yep, can't wait for AI chuds to lose their cushy overpaid low end programming jobs and hang themselves with their tranny socks
Hope they make sure to throw their hard drives full meme ai dogshit in a bath tub on their way out

>> No.6563792

i despise AIniggers but let's not forget they hide behind the "muh breaking down the piece into a mathematical algorithm it's not copying". it is a flimsy protection that I hope will be stamped out with new legal definitions

>> No.6563812

It drives me insane, so what if it's not the exact same image that AI is using? It's still a copy. When I right-click and save an image, it's a copy of that image and not a brand new one. I just don't get their reasoning as they talk circles on this shit.

>> No.6563835

Yeah that Squeez poster is just posing a generic anime girl like Ortiz's pic while claiming the Glaze tech doesn't work, but it looks nothing like her painting style. Pretty retarded.

>> No.6563850

>I'm a /pol/fag and I support this shit simply because the vast majority of people I hate are """artists"""
rent free

>> No.6563855


with a trained eye you can see all the flaws but you're not their target audience.

>> No.6563858


but they already have millions of data... I don't see any point for this.

>> No.6563861


>we're ai artist
>ai doesn't steal
>ai generates original artwork

yet you're trying real hard to find a way around a protection tool to steal art. kek.

>> No.6563866

Really shows you faggots don’t actually have any beliefs or thoughts.

>> No.6563875

I think techfags are going to be vanquished by a monster of their own making.

There will be no societal and cultural organization to stop AI from being abused in an exploitive way in tech jobs differently from art fields where composers, writers and artists are gatekeeping against AI use no not flood their communities with shit.

Do I like it? No way, but I am not as retarded as these neets who think machines doing everything human is a good thing because it's faster and free.

In the end tech jobs are infinitely more fucked than the art fields because in the end we want human art EVEN if it's not the best in the world, this doesn't exist for code since code is an machine thing.

>> No.6563882

This honestly, techfags with the mass lay-offs happening recently and those fucks are definitely jaded about it.

>> No.6563884

you reap what you sow an all that but I wouldn't blame programmers in general, it's not like your average web designer worked on automating creative pursuits

>> No.6563887

I'd like to add onto this by reminding everyone that a majority of AI shills, on top of not being able to draw, can't code either. I've seen some retard mock programmers on /g/, when asked about his actual skills all he was able to provide was his experience in using the command line, then after being called out for being a moron he proceeded to double down and insist that it's the same as coding.
As much as I'd love to revel in "the enemy" going through the same as me, I know I would be mocking the wrong people.
AI shills have no skills, they're just parasites. The only reason they ended up on /g/ was because everyone else would send them there (they shill on several board), not because they have any qualifications or actual interest in technology other than just being a user/consumer. Nobody there wanted them either but any attempt at getting them to fuck off would result in a snarky "oh you can't discuss technology on a technology board?".
I really hope this will end up being just a wake up call that gets more people to care and won't actually end up with (more) people losing their jobs.

>> No.6563889

I will never celebrate mass unemployment. These tools that are supposed to "help" humanity end up making the rich richer and putting half the people out of work and increasing the workload of the other half with no commensurate rise in pay. I fucking hate Big Tech. I fucking hate Big Tech. I fucking hate

>> No.6563890

>Who is this shit even for?

>> No.6563891

Artists can't stand up for programmers because we're all stuck to the floor from the river of cum the AI bros shot out when AI art started to become a thing. You can't abandon your friends and then expect them to be there for you.

>> No.6563893

Every Redditor Commit Suicide Challenge 2023

>> No.6563894

>In the end tech jobs are infinitely more fucked than the art fields
The techfag idea that artists can be "replaced" just reveals an ignorance of the humanities (that unfortunately a lot of skillcels have internalized). Art isn't based off of mere functionality, and truly great art is rooted in the artist's psychology. Tech is geared more towards an utilitarian end, making it more vulnerable to automation (with the exception of the design side, which is an ART).

>> No.6563897

in modern society art revolves around commercial utility or money laundering

>> No.6563902
File: 251 KB, 591x799, Obsolete CEOs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the brightside, it seems CEOs are going to be joining the rest of us plebs in the breadline, haha!

>> No.6563904

A good test for whether or not tech is worth paying attention to is "is it popular with brown people"

>> No.6563909

Have brown niggers ever contributed anything to the world, or do they just drag us all down into their shit filled gutters?

>> No.6563911
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x896, 2541796767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RRR is pretty dope

>> No.6563912

Artists having to tackle commercial concerns is nothing new. So many consider the Renaissance a high point of art, but even those artists had to woo patrons for survival.

>> No.6563920
File: 347 KB, 593x630, afghan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIfags have been told for many years that ML programs are reoccurring fads made to seek corporate/government investment, will be inevitably censored or gimped when the companies get enough training data for their own use (and when they start facing lawsuits), and the inherent limits of their feedback loop bores the general public. But AIfags never listen.

>> No.6563923

it’s not a matter of seeing flaws, it’s a matter of not getting the image you want
imagine if you posed a 3d model, but got a different pose when you hit render, you’d say the software is unusable trash
and again, that’s one figure, you need to get it to not fuck up multiple figures in order to get the interaction you want on top of getting it to not melt the figures together, add extra limbs sticking out behind them and all the other usual shit

>> No.6563924

Yes, this I agree.

>> No.6563927

/pol/ vermin have no sense of morality and no thoughts or beliefs of their own, they only think in left or right and if something bad happens to the left, they celebrate, even if that something bad chops off both of their arms and legs

I'm extremely racist and hate brown people, by the way, but I'm not american, white or actively participate in politics

>> No.6563932

>use img2img
>request minimal changes

>> No.6563935

the difference is that any replaced ceo will be able to retire and spend his life painting and worrying about money, and artists will not

>> No.6563940

>this cope again

>> No.6563945

It's hard to find art that not recycled.

>> No.6563947

Link to this tweet?

>> No.6563948
File: 87 KB, 1024x429, 1024x429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the end goal of techfags here, complete reliance on a government body because the economy will only run on AI? I guess the humans in Wall-E are meant to just consume machine generated slop all day.

>> No.6563949

Their hope is to develop a better AI than the other so they can sell it for people trying to get ahead. They probably don't realize what it will happen is close to something that happened with OS, were windows take 95% of the market and linux takes the rest if you hate sunlight.

>> No.6563952

Holy retard, please at least tell me you're not one of those dumb asses who wants to Retvrn to Tradition and yet still support this literal corporate-state controlled AI slop future.

>> No.6563960

the fatass chair is the end goal of AIfags.

consume AI slop and synthetic food all day, all that it matters is that is fast and free, this trumps all the other attributes.

>> No.6563962
File: 56 KB, 725x742, 1664502766018523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers who can't understand the simple concept of selling your soul to the devil.
"Yes, please, implement draconian measures to guarantee my """""""""""""""""""""safety""""""""""""""""""""", I sure don't mind losing more and more agency in favor of not being psy-op'd by Twitter into having a panic attack, my anxiety medication is too expensive!"

Don't forget to take your 5th booster, fearmongerers.

>AIfag detected!!
This is the first AI thread I've posted on in months, I keep reporting them, getting banned for doing it, but faggots like you keep bumping them because not only do you want your "NFTs, but le good" to be real, deep down you enjoy the outrage you feel each time some pajeet puts your "career" in danger.
You're just women-brained, begging for a bigger, more violent threat to take care of the immediate one in front of you, it's really sad.

>> No.6563964

stopped reading right there

>> No.6563966

Don't worry, my melaninated victim, I have the tl;dr version for you:


>> No.6563970

now this is a cope

>> No.6563972

>thinks the less than 2% of ceos are the majority

>> No.6563973
File: 460 KB, 828x849, 5F700094-46CE-4D86-93B0-A7C1387B11DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563974

it’s not a cope, you just have no idea how much money ceo’s get
5 years at a decent company is more than a lifetime for 90% of artists

>> No.6563975

Bros, how do they know?

>> No.6563977

the protection against AIs in art is cultural not technological.

techfags don't get why scrapping billions of artworks and mashing them together doesn't makes whatever the fuck it outputs, art, because they are not artists.

so they try to intrude the field, stepping on all cultural conventions and work ethics and don't understand that what they are trying to sell has the value of toilet paper, or has the same value of traced and copied artwork, that's why they try to argue with no success, that AI art is not copying, they argue that if a human can copy and trace, a machine is allowed too, but they don't get that not even human tracers and copycats get a pass.

Is not even the generation tech, it's the copying that functions exactly as analogue copying that made AI art so fucking valueless from the get go, even if you ignore the part where art needs to be created by an human by definition.

>> No.6563980

okay but explain to me why your average twitter goyslop is art? it's just anime boobies all the way down

>> No.6563982

and here comes the retard
>hurr why is it art, it’s just jesus
>hurr why is it art, it’s just some fruit
>hurr why is it art, it’s just a horse
>hurr why is it art, it’s just a sky

>> No.6563983

Because that’s what retarded fucks like you want to see. Just like furfags paying monstrous amounts of money on cumfilled suit, they are in the same field as tech shitters.

>> No.6563985

I don't know but why is AI more of the exact same your complaining about?

>> No.6563988
File: 380 KB, 900x819, 1664688749782147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>if you're against ai you're whatever aifags say
>if you're for ai you're whatever /aco/trannies say
>trying to reason is met with unbridled faggotry from both sides or one sides playing both sides
>shit on both aitrannies and arttrannies since this shit is all fake outrage and trolling
It's almost too easy defeating both sides because they're low iq and extremely insecure. since they're actual legitimate transsexuals

>> No.6563990

can you write in english please

>> No.6563991

>somebody called out our lies
>let's just call it cope and hope no one looks into it

>> No.6563992

can you poo in the loo?

>> No.6563996

tranny, now what's so sacred about anime boobies in the first place?

>> No.6564001

learn english

>> No.6564002

keep sniffing that copium
you're not a ceo btw

>> No.6564003
File: 1.42 MB, 563x1703, 1677716360634214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this.. this is the power of Glaze!

>> No.6564005

I'm asking because while I liked to masturbate to drawings I never thought of them as anything more than horny images that often displayed impressive technical skills

>> No.6564006

are you seriously retarded enough to think the average ceo and the average artist have comparable wealth?

>> No.6564007
File: 30 KB, 534x534, 1685464546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn english
>poo is loo
Man this shit is bussing fr fr
keep going

>> No.6564009

is not art if he is just tracing and copying shit from other artists.

>> No.6564010

>poo is loo
poor attempt, raj

>> No.6564011

they completely miss the point

>> No.6564012

Sorry, i don't actually speak Retardese but i though your retarded ass might need some encouragement.

>> No.6564013

see >>6564001

>> No.6564016
File: 66 KB, 449x1197, 168545658465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He did it again!
Stop, i'm dying here. You're too funny.
btw i'm not that anon, faggot

>> No.6564019

nope, I told you keep sniffing that copium and that you're not a ceo
learn to read

>> No.6564020

>ainiggers betatesting it

>> No.6564021
File: 165 KB, 441x408, 1675328629709152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically using the thanks for the beta test /v/ cope
you went full /v/, /ic/.

>> No.6564023


that's img2img. try training it.

>> No.6564024

I love manipulating small objects in 3D space.
Protip my fellow drawfags! Manipulate a container of liquid H2O within 3D space to your oral opening and pour it down your gullet before it evaporates and turns into a gas. Doing so will keep your body in peak physical condition to keep manipulating those small objects in 3D space!

>> No.6564033

Any new, exciting innovations in AI today? It's only Thursday. Let's get ahead of this curve.

>> No.6564036

img2img does roughly the same thing as it does in training. It takes the original image, fill it with noise and tries to recreate it. Only looser, without the second AI that is supposed to direct it.

>> No.6564042

The reason SD and Midjourney can currently get away with it is because of the black box area where you can't distinguish whose art is being used for the output or how it even happens. In this case, you're directly using the original source so you'd be fucked in eyes of IP law.

>> No.6564043

I like how humanity's unshackled creativity just leads to an endless stream of coomslop and tiktok phone videos.

>> No.6564044

>without the second AI
I don't think that's right. It's using the AI sauce on the input.

>> No.6564048


not really. you have to use img2img with controlnet canny/hed model to get something close to the original. if you use the old img2img method without controlnet you have to use really low denoising which defeat the purpose of img2img. This tool main goal is to stop automatic data scraping and training on the main model. training a model doesn't use controlnet at least not yet?

Try glazing a bunch of images and train them and see the result. keep in mind though this is glaze "beta". they will constantly update it to catch up with the tech. who knows what other shit they'll add to it. Now people already show them that img2img+controlnet is it's weakness they might work on that next couple of updates.

>> No.6564052

>glazing your art
Are they going to give it a cum tribute?

>> No.6564053

I am perplexed as to where the utter disdain for blue collar work these guys harbor came from

>> No.6564055

Soon, asking an artist if they use AI will be like asking a writer if they used a word processor.

>> No.6564058


>> No.6564060

it's a good step, the coping is on the ainiggers' side. if you can't train your faggy laion you're gonna have trouble.

>> No.6564063

They understand that, anon, something I noticed from seeing some of these discussions is that they do understand but play the obtuse to keep the argument alive since as long as they can say something they will keep trying to use it as an excuse to see with how much they can get away with, if they fail to appeal to artists as a tool they try to people who admire art, if they fail to do that they will try to make it copyrightable pretending the laws are "draconian" so they can copyright absolutely everything and make the entire internet a youtube 2.0 and if they can do that with art they will move on to voice acting, coding, administrative works, cashier and anything they think they can exploit, and they understand really well why is terrible but they can't simply admit any of the arguments as true or else they have nothing else to say, so they just play the retarded. If you want to really end those discussions you just give your argument and end the discussion right there, because in the end all they can do is pretend they don't understand and look idiotic in the process.

They do that because most of those people are just corporate drones that only care about profit and would get hundreds of people fired in one day if that meant an increase in profit of 1% and that is literally all they care about, I'm not even joking here. So they try to play the idiot to see how much they can get away with and when they are not allowed they try to change the subject to something else.

There is no point in even trying to talk to them, just expose their bullshit, expose their true nature and let the public decide based on this information and move on.

>> No.6564067

>Now people already show them that img2img+controlnet is it's weakness they might work on that next couple of updates.
These retards are so eager to "get at the artists" that they show their assholes every time. It's great.

>> No.6564073
File: 176 KB, 1000x804, 147132654705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I despise AI but whatever Ortiz is doing is pretty embarrassing. It feels like Glaze is snake oil and won't actually do shit. Hope I'm proved wrong though.
What seems to be working better is the increasing amount of industry leads and big content creators openly shitting on AI. Can't put the genie back in muh bottle but AI faggots did an admirable job of being insufferable enough for everyone to collectively hate them as much as NFTkeks. Been months and I still cannot name a single AIfag, and I barely see AI getting posted outside of select shill containment pens.
>creativity is... making picture in ur mind for le real!!!
The way these bugmen romanticize creativity is funny. Creativity is literally problem solving and trying different approaches, not a muse fingering your ass after a mushroom trip on mount olympus. Or proompting and letting a computer bypass the entire creation process.

>> No.6564080

You AIfags are fucking obsessed with them, but it's understandable considering how chock full of them the tech industry and how much you people love to project.

>> No.6564082

>much you people love to project.
Who's projecting?

>> No.6564083 [DELETED] 



>> No.6564085

Considering they have to go to img2img to steal the composition, it seems to be working already. Professionals photobash but obfuscate the original enough through painting and adjustments to get away with plagiarism, the ones that don't get hit with subpoena, but AIfags are so inept that they'll keep the entire composition. It's no different from tracing at that point.

>> No.6564090

I don't about you specifically, but I've seen a lot of "artists only produce anime pinups" or "you guys always felt superior to everybody else" among many going around, when it's exactly what the majority of AI fags are doing.

>> No.6564091
File: 141 KB, 449x449, 1645699080868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you draw there is no instant gratification. It takes YEARS to get gud, and even then you will probably see so many errors in your work that the pleasure you feel from drawing will always be gradual. Also there is the pleasure that you recieve after finishing an arduous task; climbing a mountain, or finishing a jogging session, or finishing a drawing. So even if you reduce art to a hedonistic pursuit (which I don't think it is), the AIfags still get the short end of the stick. I've been frequenting their threads for several months and noticed that they all get bored after a while and quit. After generating so many images the novelty wears off; it feels like playing the same video game for way too long. That's why most of the AIspam has disappeared. In less than a year these fags have already burned themselves out.

>> No.6564092

>glorified manual laborers
By his definition that describes almost every job in which you actually work. Programmers just learned how to manipulate keyboard keys in a specific order.

>> No.6564093

>Programmers just learned how to manipulate keyboard keys in a specific order.
It's a *lot* more than that.

>> No.6564095

naw it's literally just that
pushing the keys in a specific order

>> No.6564096

It's very obvious seethe over the attention that artists get. Couple that with thridworlders viewing online commission art as a lucrative pursuit, and it all makes sense.
>I'm a nobody anon on 4chan earning 10 pesos a day, while that guy over there posts one drawing in a thread and gets showered with (You)s, opens a gallery and has actual FANS, draws three pinups to earn what I do in a month... REEEEE fuck those smug artists!!!

>> No.6564097

Sure, but my point was by his definition of art=glorified manual labor, any job could be described as glorified manual labor.

>> No.6564098

Can you explain real quick what is the right programs and tools to do that style? Is that stable diffussion, plus what exactly?

>> No.6564099

Programmers also Google for what lines of codes to steal too. Forgot that.

>> No.6564100

>pushing the keys in a specific order
Like great paintings are just placing dabs of color in a specific order? Or a great screen play is just placing words in a specific order?

>> No.6564101

>Programmers also Google for what lines of codes to steal too.
And find that the info is old or wrong. It's more like using as a hint.

>> No.6564102

That's probably his point. You can trivialize anything that way but you end up looking retarded.

>> No.6564105

How many programmers are actually making new things? Most of them, like 99% of any profession, is completely useless outside of generic, rote tasks.

>> No.6564109

>retard misses the point
Not surprised pajeets like you can understand anything

>> No.6564110

>How many programmers are actually making new things?
Fair question. Answer: few. How many artists are making new things? How many doctors are developing new therapies? How many factory workers are tweaking the product?

>> No.6564111 [DELETED] 

There is a difference between software engineering and programming. No one doubts that web and mobile app devs could get substituted by AI really easily.

>> No.6564115

Ai shitters are glorified consoomers basically. They can’t create anything and don’t like hardships.

>> No.6564117

Software engineers find drawing harder than programming.

>> No.6564119

I'd say a lot more artists are making new things otherwise you wouldn't remember so many artist's names and you wouldn't be able to tell them apart either. How many programmers stand out to you? The average normie doesn't know any programmers beyond say someone like Bill Gates. The average normie is more likely to know who Frida Kahlo is, Banksy or Basquiat. It's pretty hard to make it in art if all you're making is derivatives, it demands new content, constantly. I'm not talking about generic anime pinups either, I'm talking about phenoms like James Jean.

>> No.6564124

>Frida Kahlo is, Banksy or Basquiat
Well. Is part of the schtick being a celebrity?

>> No.6564125

Being a celebrity happened as a result of their art.

>> No.6564126

Anyone with stable diffusion to test if this works?

>> No.6564130

>holy cope
No shit they will be celebs, they make shit people actually resonate with and like. No one gives a fuck about tech shitters unless you’re someone like muskrat, who is known as the multi billionare who post memes and watch anime.

>> No.6564132

I'm too lazy to download this glaze thing but if you give me a dataset of 5-10 glazed images I'll finetune sd1.5 on it to see what happens

>> No.6564134

>they make shit people actually resonate with and like.
Sorry, not to make light. Do you really like Kahlo and Banksy? Kahlo is meh. Banksy is doing the same art theft folks are complaining about AI.

>> No.6564135

Downloading it, it will take take a few hours

>> No.6564136

Original discussion was about making new things, if you want to talk about famous artists, that's another discussion. I only pointed them out to show that you do recognize them, I can't say the same for programmers.

>> No.6564154

Alan Turing, Steve Jobs, John Carmack, Linus Torvalds, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates. You do recognize them, maybe you don't think of them as programmers though.

>> No.6564166

tried it on LoRA training and didn't do shit so I think it's some bullshit cope tech

>> No.6564172

Can you post the prompt (including model and LORA) and the result? LORA is tricky.

>> No.6564178

Post the results

>> No.6564180

Maybe it's only protecting in the initial training? They should have managed expectations better if that's the case then

>> No.6564203
File: 54 KB, 500x616, Orson Welles Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unshackled creativity

>> No.6564209

they remove their skill shackles but replace them with a ball gag and penile cage

>> No.6564215

How many people do you think know who Carmac is? Steve Jobs isn't even a programmer. The only person on that list that people know as a programmer is probably Gates. I know them because I'm not a normie. I also know a lot of pornstar names because I am a pervert.

>> No.6564221

anyone who's even a little bit of a video game fag know carmack lmao

>> No.6564223

What seems to be working better is the increasing amount of industry leads and big content creators openly shitting on AI.

Exactly, you can’t fight this with tech, you need general public and big industry names support.

>> No.6564225


>> No.6564226

Not that anon but you see, that's the problem, you will only ever see the few same old name coders and programmers that you have been seeing while every few weeks, a few new artists with distinct artstyle whether its sfw or nsfw popping up and making a name for themselves, every few weeks, a new trend of art, a new pose, a new composition, a new characters from a new video game or anime appears lead to a new influx of art, every few years, the mainstream artstyle gets redefined again. Art constantly evolves through out the time simply because human gets bored looking at the same shit.

>> No.6564230

Good post.

Fuzzy post, not sure who you are supporting, sounds like something ChatGPT would write.

>> No.6564233

It fucking is, retards are posting gpt responds now. Any long reddit spacing essay that sounds unnatural is a bot comment.

>> No.6564234

Nigga the world doesn't revolve around video games, you need to go outside

>> No.6564235

I just listed some big ones, akin to Michelangelo or Picasso. There's plenty of small time devs for video games or indie software that pop up every year, but of course most people don't know them just like they don't know these small time artists you are describing.

>> No.6564237

it also doesn't revolve around visual art, what's your point?

>> No.6564241

lol it does, who do you think designs cars, movies, buildings, is responsible for graphic design of store fronts, your phone, you are dumb as shit

>> No.6564246

Yes it does you retarded pajeet

>> No.6564247

>The beta that was released was already breached and had code revealed
>Chunks of code are plagiarized from open source repo that doesn't allow for using code for closed source application
The irony, holy shit my sides

>> No.6564251

Now to use the breached code to reverse effects of the tool and we solid

>> No.6564259


>> No.6564266


>> No.6564270
File: 1.86 MB, 3840x2160, Friedrich-Nietzsche-Quote-The-great-end-of-art-is-to-strike-the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's admirable that people are developing this technology, but besides the likelihood of bypassing it, it's probably not necessary. I'm debating on whether or not to use it.
As time goes on, I find AI less of a threat, the tech and culture around it is geared towards producing redundant images (imagine that), and despite the tech being 'innovative' many are discovering technology has little to do with innovative art.
I do think it will effect certain artists more than others (concept artists, anime pinup artists), but as a whole art will survive.
I do think artists will have to up their game, not just focus on skills, but differentiation, branding, storytelling, formal experimentation and other, more nebulous elements that were always part of the game but now at the forefront.

>> No.6564285

Which one is that? Im feeling some ragebait today

>> No.6564288


>Not posting results

We're suppose to take your word for it? Dumbass.

>> No.6564291

d/ic/ks, let's show them how we do things around here: Post. Your. Work.

>> No.6564313

They're losers who think they're smart. They have nothing to offer anyone and thought that they'd be rewarded for their intelligence. Turns out that they got stuck working a lonely codemonkey job and their lives are miserable and they aren't as smart as they think they are :(

>> No.6564318

It's so easy to spot you low IQ esl niggers

>> No.6564324

The vibe I get from much of /g/ and /biz/ are crypto-bros who want easy gains in life & money and look down on blue collar workers as plebs. Most are probably NEETs. The mocking of 'wagies' on those boards is pitiful.
They think of themselves as based, but I grew up in the south among actually based manual laborers, and work ethic is essential to gaining any respect.

>> No.6564326

souless souless
souless soul

>> No.6564329

you shouldn't lump architectural designers (who are based) with graphic designers who are as dime a dozen and talentless as codemonkeys

>> No.6564352

AI fa/g/s are the manifestation of Nietzsche's concept of the last man. Passive nihilists who have no drive, passion or any goal in life, they just want to effortlessly consume until they drop dead.

>> No.6564394

jesus christ i've been glazing 12 images for like 2-3 hours and still hasn't finished what the actual fuck, my cpu is putting in the work, the programs doesn't seem to have crashed, is this normal?

>> No.6564400
File: 137 KB, 828x386, A1655517-95C9-4C3C-B5DE-96695AAA10C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep and these are the same fuckers that would seethe about the “integrity” of art.

>> No.6564402

It's hilarious that they themselves do not understand how diffusion works and instead project how they wish it worked

>> No.6564426

There is literally no meaningful argument about how this is any different at all from tracing or slapping a filter on somebody else's work and claiming it as your own.

>> No.6564427

The five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. We are in stage 4.

>> No.6564430
File: 199 KB, 508x471, 123058710095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because the ai isn't actually a tool its a sentient epic chungus black box that thinks just like we do so its transformative

>> No.6564432

They're the same type of people who'd argue that home invasion is OK simply because they've been given a skeleton key which opens any lock with zero effort. They'd have been tracing and stealing art before but it was just too hard, now with these programs there's no barrier to them acting like shitbags so of course they hop on it.

>> No.6564440

I used to be worried AI art would gain traction with the same arguments it's advocates uses about replacing artists.

I am no longer worried as I don't see a lot of potential in AI art for the future.

Other intelectual fields will be extremely disrupted by AIs, but surprisingly, art won't be one of them.

>> No.6564441

AI doesn't steal, I do

>> No.6564450

>we hate artists, artists are obsolete
>but you need to let me use your work in my generator

>> No.6564454

What's your CPU? I'm curious on how intensive the program is and how much it demands but I'm running on some shitty old shit.

>> No.6564455

Did your work get included in the model? If not, you're below the "SD Line".

>> No.6564463

ryzen 5 2600, it's using 50%

>> No.6564469

it literally scrapes meme generator shit

>> No.6564475
File: 2.93 MB, 2732x1760, 975A8FFB-7D43-49D1-B91A-EABA11266246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564479
File: 3.84 MB, 2048x2509, 8B6EF6B6-E147-42C9-9128-8F5DA29B4E5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/issies, it’s over…

>> No.6564480

So, you're "above the SD Line". Good job.

>> No.6564502


>> No.6564505

This is hilarious, glazing takes hours, deglazing takes seconds

>> No.6564507

>source: a chat bot told me

>> No.6564508

>source: I did it myself

>> No.6564514


>> No.6564521

i fucked your mom
>source: find my cum in your moms pussy

>> No.6564525

I've done neither, but if it's an added nuisance for people trying to train models, then it's worth it.

>> No.6564526


>> No.6564529

i mean training models is already somewhat of a nuisance already, as preparing a good dataset isn't that easy, so I feel having to run batch deglazing script will be such a small change compared to having manually edit tags and stuff

>> No.6564534

the trend is dying down a tad, isn't it?

>> No.6564605

>preparing a good dataset isn't that easy, so I feel having to run batch deglazing script will be such a small change compared to having manually edit tags and stuff
This is what AIfags consider to be labor.

>> No.6564614

boorufags do it for its own sake

>> No.6564691

>call a guy AIfag
>get paragraph back

Also, youre moronic. Why do you think the government is letting all this tech run rampant, despite talking about "misinformation" all the time? They WANT an internet where absolutely NOTHING is trustworthy, where no one can know what is real or not, where anyone could be a bot. The internet was always a nuisance to them, being hard to control. They either let it roll, with anything that isn’t "trusted sources" being under suspicion, or they incite a public outcry, pushing for online ID. It’s all thanks to you AIfags.

In either case, small artists being protected from mass data theft by some of the most scummy actors in the industry is extremely unlikely to have an effect, and you responding to individual artists trying to protect their work with glaze with "MORE DRM! THIS IS INSANE!" is just bizarre. You’re Silicon Valley’s footsoldier, not some edgy pirate

>> No.6564716

1) Train Model on /ic art.
2) Appear as edgy pirate on twitter.
3) Profit $$$

>> No.6564763
File: 176 KB, 960x960, 1651294669042826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? How can you exist and not implode under the weight of your contradicting beliefs?

How can you support artists "fighting back" against AI by pushing JPG-protecting technology and at the same believe somehow it's the AIfags who are pushing for digital IDs? Are you out of your mind?

These trannies having a meltdown over their overpolished Sonic OCs being stolen are the ones who will be rallying in favor of daddy government fucking everyone in the ass in order to forbid this soulless garbage that only hylics care about.

It's like calling for the castration of all men because a few of them raped some women, and then I say not all men should be castrated and you call me an obvious pajeet rapist shill for it.
I hope you enjoy not having your balls, at least you will have me to blame for it in your cuckoo coconut.

>> No.6564777

I've tried it on my art and it doesn't work very well, the patern is very obvious even on the lowest settings, it seems to work best in areas that are mid value, high saturation and fairly noisy. My art is very dark and desaturated so it doesn't work well. Hopefully they can improve the program to make the pattern more disguised.

>> No.6564832

If being sucked into the AI machine is a concern though, you're going to have to accept some sort of compromise. It's this or a massive watermark on a low resolution image.

(Though I say do all 3 just to fuck with the AI guys)

>> No.6564888

just finished glazing, the quality of the image drops so fucking much, not worth it. plus it took 7 hours for 12 images. no fucking way artists will do this as it is

anonfiles dot com slash W9g9Ufe4z3 slash glaze_7z

>> No.6564898

What hardware did you use?

>> No.6564901
File: 292 KB, 575x351, add-not-by-ai-badge-to-art@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, we should just start doing this instead. AI arms race against the the techbros is a losing battle.


>> No.6564903

Damn so it really was a grift. I've read so many posts saying that it won't even be visible with the human eye, just something that will make it impossible for the human eye... Did the makers claim this aswell?

>> No.6564921


>> No.6564924

Whatever the outcome of this is, at least /g/ went from constantly fellating AI models to shitting their pants in fear of getting replaced by GPT-4 and copilot.

>> No.6564926

They have? I don't see gpt 4 replacing coders. It still seems too unreliable

>> No.6564936

They did. When announced, it was posited to have barely visible changes which is bullshit.
Depending on the artwork, it's passable at best, and that's on the lowest settings.
If people want to use this tool, they are absolutely going to have to take a quality hit to the art they post.

>> No.6564945

Hmmm. Too bad. The authors should have managed expectations better. I guess if it makes them unable to be trained on it's at least good for something...

>> No.6564958

Did it end up working? I wonder if it took so long simply because its algorithm needs to be complicated to ensure it's not easy to break through?

I'd need to see comparisons to judge it, but I doubt the changes are so significant that it would be ruining the work, that said;
>These changes are barely visible to the human eye, meaning that the artwork still appears nearly identical to the original
So while they hyped it up too much, they still said it made perceptible changes. It's just something you have to accept if you're worried about these things and want protection.

>> No.6564973

The only real way is to not put anything out on the public Internet. Just to clients privately

>> No.6564974
File: 3.67 MB, 1900x1150, 1667959546794465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example I quickly ran through the software on the recommended high intensity/medium render quality settings. Original on the left.
The program warns you if it doesn't think the protection is strong enough and this changes based on each individual artwork.

>> No.6564976 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 834x278, 1677064877660746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, a quick glaze to give an example of low, medium and high on flat color.

>> No.6564980
File: 171 KB, 834x278, 1677406419130303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, a quick glaze to give an example of high, low and original on flat color.

>> No.6564986

Nice mosaic filter, but I guess it's good enough if you want to advertise your work online and fear that they might train it on that. Definitely unusable for finished works though

>> No.6564994

But how would you get clients if you have no work up, or just become inactive?

I don't think it's too bad, though it's very obviously perceptible. Kinda has a brush-stroke look to it, so at least it isn't hideous or distracting, I was imagining speckles of bright colours popping up

>> No.6565079

> How can you support artists "fighting back" against AI by pushing JPG-protecting technology and at the same believe somehow it's the AIfags who are pushing for digital IDs? Are you out of your mind?

Because individual artists protecting themselves against *AI* is obviously not relevant here, dumbass. Even suing companies for taking private data or even copyright breach with massive data scraping is not relevant to what I said about the misinformation campaign. Giant corporations should be punished for trampling on the rights of millions of people. In fact, the more we push back against the tech before it all goes down because it’s become indistinguishable, and detection tools can’t keep up, the better. As I told you, the scenario where no one does anything and the internet becomes completely unreliable is in their favor as well. Please try to tell me how artists putting a cloak over their artwork is even remotely relevant here. I can’t imagine anybody that’s anti-AI having a problem with this. Also, read this, you can skip to the examples if the intro is too much: https://www.slatestarcodexabridged.com/Meditations-On-Moloch

>> No.6565101

>Posting blogs from faggos who are known for writing Harry Potter fanfiction
Retarded alarmism. Take meds. stop fantasizing

>> No.6565216

Not an argument. Read it just a little bit then and tell me it’s wrong

>> No.6565218

Also has nothing to do with fanfiction, where did you get that idea from

>> No.6565312

it it catches on aifags will use this

>> No.6565368

E-mail them and have some work you're willing to show, you don't need to show everything. That's how it used to work and still does work.

>> No.6565379
File: 2.31 MB, 2329x1060, glazetest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it doesn't look like the Glaze did that much.I trained at 640x640px, 12 glazed images, 2000 UNet steps at LR 2e-6, 350 text encoder steps at LR 1e-6.

>> No.6565390

I've read some of the examples, I don't see how that supports your point.
If anything, it points out to there being no escape - be you anti-AI ou pro-AI or neutral, we WILL eat ze bugs and be happy.

Case in which it's not AIfags' fault.
That's why I made this tl;dr: >>6563966

Not sure if that text proposes any solution to this inevitability of society, but I do not think limiting what is already free can ever be considered progress.

If you want to make money with art and don't want to be "damaged" by piracy, charge upfront. Get money out of making things, not perpetually reselling them.
In general I'm in favor of piracy simply because everyone should have access to culture/knowledge that costs nothing to replicate, but in this case I am even more in favor if it means the other option is everyone wearing ID leashes 24/7.

Which is unfortunately not the trend we're seeing, as more and more zoomzooms are brainwashed into thinking phones are a good technology, with their custom apps for everything that give companies full control over the consumer, unlike the computer where you have a lot of freedom to modify things and circumvent annoying/exploitative features.

The average retarded consumer is 100% fine with just using 2FA and giving your number to companies, privacy is already out the window.
And in great Malthusian style, the market molds itself around these easy fish, whereas the informed, careful user on a computer isn't as profitable and less and less services are made to cater to him. Computers are "too good to their own good", survival of the peskiest.

Since you like long digressions, here's one from 8 years ago, that gets more and more accurate by the day:

>> No.6565468

pretty much a snake oil program to waste people's time

>> No.6565481

leave to the retards to automate coding before they automate art.

I fucking swear at least artists are fighting tooth and nail against this shit yelling how fucking absurd is to have their work taken without permission to feed a machine which only purpose is to replace them

meanwhile techbros are literally coding their own fucking replacement kek.

>> No.6565492

Programmers are some of the most retarded people you'll ever meet. Don't let the fact that they work with computers fool you. They always came across as those academically outstanding kids in school but outside of a school environment, were completely brainless.

>> No.6565495

Automating programming is like getting an aimbot for your brush strokes though. It's actually the smallest part of a developer's workflow. Otherwise programming would have been automated a long time ago.

>> No.6565504

automating coding was always the endgame of computers, can't say the same about automating fucking art, writing or music.

still, why do this? so Amazon can get trillions instead of billions? to make rich as fuck retards richer as a holy fuck? what is the fucking point of this AI shit everywhere? to replace manual and intellectual and creative workers so people will do... what fucking exactly?

>> No.6565508

Amazon will make money from who exactly once AI is everywhere?

>> No.6565511

Yeah idk, they aren't selling it so maybe snakeoil isn't exactly right but it certainly doesn't do all they claim it can do. I'm guessing they got funding and felt pressure to release something even though they know it doesn't work very well.

>> No.6565515

Don't seek to understand billionaires, for them, money is about getting the highest score. I can't imagine life with that much money and still wanting more. I guess it's the closest you can get to world domination without totally conquering the planet.

>> No.6565517
File: 117 KB, 1080x1061, 1662838548394484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invisible to the human eye

>> No.6565519

The goal is AGI and then super intelligence, basically creating God. Why? I don't know, what else is there to do?

>> No.6565523

peak human body

>> No.6565526

> The goal is AGI and then super intelligence, basically creating God. Why? I don't know, what else is there to do?
> I made a machine that feeds on the works of millions of people unprompted, and uses that work to make their job for free, isn't technology amazing?

No you misanthropic piece of shit, this is horrible! you should at least pay the people for their stolen work, or at the very minimum ask for permission, sometimes I wish someone could slap these tech fuckers in the head during a live interview.

>> No.6565529

We're not even close to AGI. Maybe invest some millions into neuroscience research instead of pouring everything into glorified autocomplete systems because if the goal is to create AGI then understanding the brain is the first task otherwise all you're left with is a retardedly expensive robot.

>> No.6565534

Well they even state it's still in early development, I guess they've just thrown it out there to get interest and build up hype (and maybe get investors).

So, assuming these are correctly glazed images you put in, perhaps the magic actually works when it comes to tagging (confusing the AI), or it only works when there are far larger numbers of works put in, rather than focused on the single artist.

It might also be the art style, since anime is already fairly well done by these thing.

>> No.6565546

There are bigger fish to fry.
Not necessarily, It's short sighted to think the only way to intelligence is the human way, almost certainly there are better ways. I'm not saying the current methods will ever lead to AGI, nobody knows.

>> No.6565558

Does AGI not imply human intelligence? Do you want AGI to have dog intelligence then? Current research hasn't even uncovered how animals' brains work so it's not short sighted at all, naive would be thinking that these AI systems are in any way compatible with how any organism thinks. What's happening is akin to teaching a parrot what to say, it doesn't know what it's saying when "Polly wants a cracker", only that when it does, it gets a cracker.

>> No.6565562

Disney already developing AI robots. They are pro AI. Copyrights be damned

>> No.6565576

No, AGI means general artifiial intelligence capable of completing various tasks at least as well as a human. It doesn't have to work like a human intelligence at all. What's happening now is clearly well beyond your understanding but to be honest it's also beyond mine so we probably shouldn't be talking about it.

>> No.6565582
File: 1.40 MB, 800x1000, 429389127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were very glazed up, looked pretty shit honestly and it still didn't seem to work. But yeah maybe it would work better on a non-anime style.

>> No.6565583

The g in AGI stands for general. Humans are not generally intelligent. They're aiming for something higher

>> No.6565584

Artschool is in trouble https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_5OXKMutWA

>> No.6565600

Every school is in trouble. Get ready for the next generation to be full of retards, more so than the retards now.

>> No.6565648
File: 562 KB, 2242x1182, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can already automate the fa/g/s away.

>> No.6565712

Is this correct?

>> No.6565721

Yes, although using ERP systems only for simple inventory management features might be a bit much.

>> No.6565746

I don't believe AI art is art, nor do I believe proopmters own the images that are produced by a generator, and anyone who believes otherwise is a tard. Yet I can't wrap my head around all this rage about copyright.

Theoretically, this AI shit can just do what normal humans can do, the only difference is that it can do it faster and on a much larger scale. If AI were regulated and restricted on a legal basis, wouldn't that also affect real artists? Should be a crime to photobash, make collages, or just draw something similar to some art you saw? Should copyright with art be as ballbustingly strict as the music industry, where you can barely make memes or remixes without being sued?

>> No.6565751

>get investors
It's by a uni and for research/non-profit.

>> No.6565771

You still need to write grant proposals and shit

>> No.6565775

Glazed and diffused.

>> No.6565798

In society, law is the only true protection any one has from anything. If there was no law then it's the wild west and artists would be killing the prompters anyways.

>> No.6565828

>sometimes I wish someone could slap these tech fuckers in the head during a live interview.
oh, I've been thinking of much worse things

>> No.6565858

remember, fine art wankers are just as bad as ai trannies and need to be fed to the same woodchipper

>> No.6565881 [DELETED] 


>> No.6565886

I reported the post to the based department too.

>> No.6565913

Hope the racist childs who threaten hard working scientists and developers go to jail

>> No.6566043

vegans are the worst, there is absolutely no proof that ai developers are capable of feeling pain or are even conscious

>> No.6566044

I watched that first video a while ago, and while I don't remember a single point he made, I remember how incredibly annoying and condescending he sounds at all times.

Seriously, fuck that guy, he's probably not wearing pants beneath the table or something

>second video, hurr durr, the artist has already been replaced what a twist
Oh cool, way to assuage people's concerns you dumbass, what a bait and switch. I agree with him that fine art these days blows and is all money driven, money laundering, corporate shit, but I'm sure he thought not actually answering what it is everyone was asking with the video's title was smart (it's not). Also, people ARE probably asking about functional art, such as illustration, or graphic design, but he just glosses over that and doesn't answer either way - what a waste of fucking time.

I'm not even worried about AI, but if I were and I was watching these guys as my way to judge whether or not I should be... Oh I guess I wouldn't be anymore, because I'd be so pissed off at them, so I guess they succeeded?

>> No.6566389
File: 301 KB, 520x520, 00036-1245874694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This software is wonderful. It really screwes the database BUT its too late. There is so much art on in the internet avaible already it wont make a difference.

>> No.6566396

Its fucked up in many ways.
>they dont disclouse their dataset, most of it illegally obtained
>the ceo preaches on twitter how much this will help humanity while being in bed with fucking microsoft
And we can do nothing about this future. I honestly would just kill myself if i hadnt family members.

>> No.6566420
File: 1.23 MB, 772x960, 3A1BA4C2-28C6-405C-AE02-A9B51E1826EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since my dreams were dashed 9 months ago my artistic output personally and professionally has been kneecapped. I’ve wished for the rest of the world to burn too.
Now it’s finally happening AND we’re finally getting tools to protect ourselves. Coders on suicide watch, lawyers shitting themselves about AI passing the BAR, everyone freaking out about information warfare. Meanwhile I’m thriving again, and not just because of the misery of others. This whole experience taught me to laugh in the face of damnation and do what I love anyway, and my resilience has been rewarded.
Unrelated but because of the banks crashing for some reason, crypto is ticking up, I think I got $400 staking some altcoin from a year or two ago and that’s just the cherry on top.
I can’t stop smiling. My glee is immeasurable anons. We are ACTUALLY going to make it.

>> No.6566431

>Coders on suicide watch
Anon its only the Machine Learning coders that are your enemies. Just dont lump every programmer with them. Also that tool doesnt matter given the sheer amount of artwork on the internet available. Also most artists dont even know of its existence.

>> No.6566500
File: 216 KB, 1210x1682, BA0AB6BB-CD7B-4A28-A62F-F35D5F1A1EF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen man, I’m not going out of my way to spite people to their faces, and I’m not stalking redditors reminding them of how they’re now the lame horse getting shipped to the glue factory. I’m enjoying their panic yes, but not in the same targeted way that AIfags have been harassing artists for the better part of a year.
After dealing with this shit for so long, this shit which was just a 10x amplification of the animosity artists face generally, I think that I’m allowed to feel smug. I don’t need to openly antagonize people for them to realize a thing or two about what it’s like. It’s a taste of their own medicine. I’ve reckoned with my shit, now it’s everyone else’s turn.
I’ve never ever been that guy to celebrate truckers feeling their jobs threatened, and honestly the only people who thought that’d be a good thing were op-ed writers and uni faggots. The fact that Buzzfeed is just AI writers now and professionals used to making 6-figs are scared of being automated to death is just fucking pottery.

>> No.6566590

2 more weeks right?

>> No.6566773


>> No.6566851

>400 dollars is the cherry on top
jeez anon you must really be going through hard times

>> No.6566852

get off this website newfag, nobody types like this.

>> No.6566856

Why didn't he just make an MSAccess database

>> No.6566859

You strike me as a libertarian, being willing to just let this abuse slide "as long as it isn’t the government", which is why I linked that. Abuse should be resisted, simple as.

Nothing about your bizarre anti-Glaze position makes any sense here, this is individuals acting on their own accord to protect themselves from data theft by giant corporations.

You also don’t seem to understand that if you want to kill something that we value, you produce it en masse by machine. Dopamine desensitization will make to us uncaring for beauty or art, with it being produced by the billions.

Also, if you do not want online ID, you would want these companies to be charged and the technological progress hindered, if not halted. It will be much harder to stop the online ID once we’re past the point of no return, while now we still have a chance to develop algorithms that can detect AI imagery, and AI is still flawed.

>> No.6566940

You strike me as a faggot who can only think in labels and sides despite "understanding" the zero-sum trap we're in, without a moral code and a frivolous immediatist.

Stopped reading halfway, you are brain-damaged and you will never have a cohesive thought, I am done, kill yourself and stop polluting the Internet with AI threads and AI drama. I want go back to drawing.

Have the final say if you wish, you haven't accomplished anything except making me read some blog that goes against everything you """think""".

>> No.6567244

>programmers have a "protection" against this pre-AI called the AGPL license
Funnily enough Glaze has unlicensed/stolen GPL3 code in it (from DiffusionBee of all things). Evidently the devs don't feel all that strongly about the importance of copyright outside of art

>> No.6567305

I think it's important to remember that there's currently no reason to legally see an "AI" as a person.
It is very much possible to set different rules for those and humans.

>> No.6567410

anti-glaze is already out LOL

>> No.6567460

They should have waited until artists went through the trouble of glazing up their art or releasing it and training a new model. Link tho?

>> No.6567462

It's just a tool people use. So you are proposing to create laws that apply to people using these tools. It has nothing to do with "AI" not being sentient