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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 191 KB, 485x849, Outta my way imma go cute and wholesome mode AAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6560374 No.6560374 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO ~1000 PIXELS wide using one of the following methods:
1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in MSPaint

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit
New collaborative sticky (anyone can edit): https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn

Read the sticky

When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help. When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

Previous Thread: >>6555845

>> No.6560391
File: 1.06 MB, 383x576, 0rvdg5kC1toe0eco2_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw some shapes and flip the canvas.
>See at what angle you drawing skew a bit.
>Rotate the tablet to compensate for the skew.

Your arm doesn't go straight in front of you naturally so your drawing tablet should be rotated to compensate for that.

>> No.6560394

does this even work? isn't skew a problem with your observation and not your markmaking?

>> No.6560401
File: 225 KB, 657x787, unknown-62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6560402

>isn't skew a problem with your observation and not your markmaking?

>> No.6560405
File: 731 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to do your daily observation skills practices

>> No.6560424

It takes 1 minute to try this.
If it doesn't work for you that's ok, it did for me.

>> No.6560440

>So it doesn't bother much, is even amusing in a way, is kinda like being accused of tracing.
Being accused of tracing is useful feedback, though. It means your figures look stilted and lifeless, as tends to happen when you only copy their contours without looking at the form.
If a lot of people are telling you that your drawings look like they were done by AI, maybe it's a sign that you should stop phoning it in with your linework and be more conservative with the sharpen filter.

>> No.6560450

No. He needs to keep doing it so I and others have more ammo in lobbying against current copyright decisions on AI. If a human and AI produce identical results(as a result of low human standards rather than a higher AI standard) there's no reason for a distinction.

Keep up the good work anon!

>> No.6560524
File: 447 KB, 2500x1336, 230314_charc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons, is this fella too ugly to be the mc of the game i'm developing?

>> No.6560560


>> No.6560561
File: 777 KB, 892x843, 396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to draw iranian joker with the Lion and Sun in the background, for shit and giggles. But I was watching a some redepention of waltz of the flowers, that normally I only watch for the visuals because what I really like is the music and got inspired by it. I will draw the silly joker later.

>> No.6560588
File: 1.83 MB, 1292x1427, 2DE65A54-E456-4A1B-AB4E-F851A9C4D718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Procreate Kit Kat

>> No.6560591
File: 3.80 MB, 4000x4424, 79A39A36-7FD4-4BC1-ADD5-2C1EF1325920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And without gradient maps

>> No.6560624

thoughts on ctrl+paint? can i learn from it if i use CSP?

>> No.6560654
File: 753 KB, 1453x878, E59EC551-08A2-4FAD-A47B-0E25795AF1BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the upside down Igor drill but with this silly goblin. Actually expected much worse.

>> No.6560721

Are there any resources for learning to draw that are geared for the autistic mind?

>> No.6560830

As an autist myself, I found Marshall Vandruff and Steve Huston to be the instructors who resonated most with my thinking pattern. Specifically, Marshall's perspective and Bridgman courses and basically all of Huston's constructive stuff. Started with Keys to Drawing for fundies though.

>> No.6560838

I got filtered by hands

>> No.6560840

draw her tits draw her tits draw her tits draw her tits draw her tits

>> No.6560861

I'm transitioning to a loose pencil grip and it's driving me fucking insane how bad my marks are. I'm able to draw nice lines and ellipses consistently with a carpal tunnel death grip so switching just feels like I've pissed away months of progress. Tell me it's worth the struggle because I really want to go back to the death grip

>> No.6560874

Autist anon again. Eventually, you won't have to focus as much on getting all the contours of a subject right in a single pass, as you'll get used to restating lines. I'd recommend using a pen to draw, 0.3-0.5 tip, going over the lines that you like the look of multiple times to thicken them out at the end. This method might give you a little more control of your final product, without forcing you to stop and make corrections when drawing. Try copying Dodson's sketchy, connected style. It might loosen you up.

>> No.6560886


>> No.6560907
File: 2.33 MB, 2500x2500, 230313_fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my post >>6560524
started in November of last year, was strictly trad until last week so I don't have any completed stuff to show

>> No.6560917

damn, I can feel the autist energy
it's hopeless for me to draw anime girls isn't it?

>> No.6560945

idk, buddy. just don't fight your nature. whatever your gunked up brain tells you to draw, you better put it to page without stopping

>> No.6560969
File: 124 KB, 1200x1000, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips for this? it looks good in my eyes but i'd like a second opinion

>> No.6560985

Seems like a small door for him

>> No.6560986
File: 260 KB, 1000x563, hands02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6560997
File: 356 KB, 1256x1128, hatsune miku lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just me or her face is a tad masculine? How to fix it?

>> No.6561007

how do i draw nude figures without being constantly horny?

>> No.6561016

Draw them till you've seen it all before.

>> No.6561027

Add a ceiling fan

>> No.6561039
File: 268 KB, 1004x737, imlost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone draw the pelvis here? No matter how many times I try I can't figure how it should appear at that angle.

>> No.6561071

Them some good fucking hands

>> No.6561079

as someone who uses display tablet, i wouldnt mind going back to using my tablet.

>> No.6561081
File: 118 KB, 1200x1000, yeoldfredshouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scaled him down.
attempted to.

her face is too wide, that's why.

>> No.6561090

Good job, with ceilings that high it’s a waste not to decorate. But what are you doing with that back wall?

>> No.6561092

Display chads just rotate the canvas instead of the whole tablet like a caveman.

>> No.6561106

not much!

>> No.6561130
File: 1.39 MB, 1546x664, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are not my drawings, i just want to draw like this.
should i try to copy these and her other works, or focus more on anatomy and form/shading while using reference poses?

>> No.6561144
File: 162 KB, 500x570, 1674847245061410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good resources on how to best use your pencil as a measurement aid?

>> No.6561146

It's fine to be inspired by other artists, but there's nothing here worth emulating? This is just the groundwork of somebody finding their voice. It isn't notable or accomplished. Take inspiration from it, but study to find your own voice.

>> No.6561164


>> No.6561172
File: 1.07 MB, 2296x3065, IMG_20230314_164308777_MFNR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do to improve my background drawing skills? I made this one without any reference (it's not finished yet). Got really frustrated trying to draw the window grid on the right.

>> No.6561184

Here's a good video for inspiration.

>> No.6561217
File: 212 KB, 685x909, CF3F6A2A-4DB2-4B65-B5DD-E9EDA20D622F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the colouring look?

>> No.6561226

Is Vilppu generally recommended or just recommended specific cases?

>> No.6561321

Hold arm completely outstretched, and hold the pen at a 90 degree with your arm. Put tip of pen at the start of the feature you are measuring, slide thumb to the end of said feature, now you have its measurement. While keeping your arm locked, now you can move and rotate it, and put the thumb-to-tip "ruler" against other features of the subject to analyze if they are equal, shorter, longer, 2x long, 1.5x long, etc.
If like me you are working digital right in front of a monitor, then you can just lay the pen on the screen itself and measure there.

>> No.6561323

Vilppu is good to get into figure, but I wouldn't recommend it to a total beginner. I'd say to first work through a more foundational book like Keys to Drawing, then you can hop to Vilppu.

>> No.6561326

Yeah, I'm going through keys to drawing (I'm at the portrait section). My faces are 5th grader abhorrent, and my figures are also not very good. Should I just keep going, even if by the end of the book I can only still draw like a child?

>> No.6561334

Might apply for art history in uni in a little bit...

>> No.6561338

Don't move a single page until you can complete the exercise. What the fuck are you doing? Do hands until you can do them right.

>> No.6561341
File: 107 KB, 982x1000, 1672950668118134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is ironic right

>> No.6561344

No. Why, because it's demoralizing for you and you'd give up? Then fuck off.

>> No.6561347

Everyone is different, so don't take this as gospel, but I learned the most when I just drew for myself, using references. That's when I started making most strides.
Just looking and *seeing*, drawing what you see. Things started to fall into place and I started to *see*. It worked better than any book attempts I made beforehand. Not to say I'm not still a /beg/ but I moved forward unlike before

>> No.6561352

Calm down anon. And what is "right" anyway.
so you did any excercise once/just read your guidebook and went straight into free drawing? That's what I wanna do too.

>> No.6561360

I think the second chapter of that book is the most important one, the one about really observing the subject, finding midpoints, plumb lines, measurements, etc.
That teaches you to copy more accurately, which is like the main skill you need to move on and draw anything else. Like even when you move on to Vilppu, you'll be mostly copying his own drawings from the book, and then copying from photo refs, so just hammer nails into your dick until you are a copy god.
Take your time, there's a reason why exercises in Keys are like "take 2 hours to do it" even if you think it's 20 mins tops. And if working digital, once you are done, load up the reference into your software and overlay it on top of your drawing at low opacity, then compare the 2. Which parts did you do wrong? Too low, too high, too fat, etc? Then either do the exercise again from scratch, being mindful of that, or disable the reference layer and try adjusting your drawing.

Copy > fuck up > compare to find where you fucked up > fix it/do it again being mindful to avoid that fuck up > compare again > repeat until 80% or more accurate.

>> No.6561366

graphically, how accurate is 80% accurate?

>> No.6561369

>And what is "right" anyway.
Drawing properly, not
>My faces are 5th grader abhorrent, and my figures are also not very good
Like holy shit, you're not trying, you're doodling.

>> No.6561371

I found that my progress was slow and painful with the books. Like, they didn't give me enough information or the right information for my particular brain to understand what it wants me to do to actually draw properly, so I didn't read the books and just sort of, with a basic understanding of the fundies, jumped into doing line-of-action drawings. Doing that really improved my drawings a lot in a few months.

>> No.6561377

That point of "alright that's good enough", while being harsh with yourself and not slacking and calling something you know is garbage good.
Like it's no rocket science, you should be able to tell if what you drew is accurate, or if it's some 2005 Deviantart OC abomination. If it's the latter, you probably didn't take it seriously or you rushed. Take your fucking time, measure every line, consider its angle, its length, and THEN place it on paper, don't just mindlessly doodle what you see.

>> No.6561378

>Just looking and *seeing*, drawing what you see
You mean still lifes?

>> No.6561381

>graphically, how accurate is 80% accurate?
spam SD until you see an image that looks okay
that's your baseline for what "80% accurate" means

>> No.6561382
File: 129 KB, 1918x455, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6561387
File: 301 KB, 1000x1214, IMG_20230314_191747__01_1000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norling's book kind of made me realize how much I don't go outside, no clue how to represent "prairie" beyond rendering out some grass and rocks maybe

>> No.6561392

how long does it take to get this good? I can barely make a single character over the course of three days, let alone a roster of nice faces and poses.

>> No.6561394
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try using a search engine of your choice

>> No.6561415

Faces and human bodies are very hard to draw. If you notice no one here ever posts realistic heads or figure drawings (almost always stylized and simplified in some way if they are posted).
Just keep on drawing, learning, and studying

>> No.6561419

I'm ngl I've obviously looked at photo reference but I'm vaguely aware of the "suggestive" or "less is more" principle in rendering out large things like that, I don't think there's a lot of value in drawing 678900 blades of grass. I guess in practice it would look like some placed tufts or suggestive bushes etc so I could do that, sure

>> No.6561422
File: 1.20 MB, 912x904, 1651988439104475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for being such an incessant pain in the ass, but you guys are the closest thing I have to a teacher. Is picrel 80% good or not?

>> No.6561424

Also I would post slightly more recent drawings, but I've lost the references.

>> No.6561427

Well i've been drawing for almost 5 years at this point and have drawn more than a thousand hours for the past year and over 40 hours this march alone
I know it's not a lot but i found out only recently that some anons here don't draw everyday which in my opinion is essential for becoming good artist
And i never really focused on finished artwork so i sketched a lot esp first couple years it was pure pen/pencil paper thing and i literally did the whole proko course on paper and some others and in my opinion that is the reason i can do a lot of sketches fast
I do some finished pieces but it's a rare thing
And yeah i apologize for my uncomprehensible thought vomit since i'm just a stupid russian and i hope it was useful in some way or another

>> No.6561428

of fucking course not retard, what do you think? like I said, unironically, go spam SD and let it "teach" you a sense of what looks good, because AI won't bitch at you for nagging it repeatedly whereas I will shit on you for thinking posting that garbage symbolshit of the fatty with a smartphone was good at all, let alone 80% good

>> No.6561431

I only have one question to ask you:

>> No.6561433


>> No.6561434

kys hohol sympathizer

>> No.6561435
File: 626 KB, 1500x1000, aishills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.6561438

Five years is a lot, I goofed off and lost ten. I should really be drawing more, I try to do a bit each day but my anxiety kills me.

>> No.6561439

I'm not telling you to post AI generated images, retard-kun. You still can't draw for shit.

>> No.6561441

fair enough
he's not spamming AI, he's suggesting to use it as a learning aid

>> No.6561442
File: 3.37 MB, 2000x2462, 1677048073075349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slit your wrists

>> No.6561443

>I goofed off and lost ten
this but 15
it's over for us, friend

>> No.6561445

actual bot

>> No.6561450

I refuse to quit here. I might be kinda old (29) but I am going hard at it now. I still have enough time to at least get good enough to use art as medium to tell the story I want. Even if no one reads my future webcomic I at least did it.

>> No.6561454

Did you make this image yourself?

>> No.6561455

>shills recommending people to use ai to learn how to draw
>tried to hide it by abbreviating everything so lurking janny doesnt notice

>> No.6561457

>I might be kinda old (29)

>> No.6561459

You didn't answer my question. Did you make this image >>6561442 yourself?

>> No.6561463

Just figures! Not still life necessarily. I mean just drawing whats in front of you without worrying too much about theory. It worked for me.

>> No.6561464

>Not still life necessarily
What's the difference between still lifes and what you do?

>> No.6561473

I'm pretty sure still life just means inanimate objects, while I primarily draw figures

>> No.6561474

Once I am 30 I'll consider kms but for now leave me be.

>> No.6561476

wow, no sympathy for your elders huh?

>> No.6561481

whats your goal? you going pro or is it a hobby? i like the different styles you drew in that image.

>> No.6561484

NTA, but my initial goal was to create appealing-looking anime characters, mecha, and environments. Not necessarily the best at it, I'd probably hire an artist if I had to, but something that people would like.

I have failed at all of them. Can't even do the basics.

>> No.6561487

I never had a goal in mind
I'm basically an autist who just like making lines
I don't want to make manga, i don't want to do coom art for cooms or concepts for games or movies
So i never really considered making it and atleast for now it's just a hobby

>> No.6561490

That's what I don't understand, what is it about my post that says "making it"?

>> No.6561493

Replied to the wrong post sorry

>> No.6561499
File: 1.10 MB, 1465x1720, Mori wallpressing reg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone help me out with the arm? I'm having a hard time with it. Also any other critique is appreciated.

>> No.6561511

sounds like a good mindset really, hopefully I'll be around the thread when you post again.
don't let the /pol/tards get under your skin bro

>> No.6561524

If you draw for like 3 hrs a day, after how much time you'd be able to se progress?

>> No.6561547

>beg at studies
>prebeg at drawing from imagination
It's over.

>> No.6561549
File: 932 KB, 2480x3508, F875B052-1CB7-4784-95DA-FC7A4B8AABB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look so far? I’m turning the frame into a two sided trinket.

>> No.6561551

Drawing from imagination is at the very least an int skill. You simply don't understand how the human body looks yet. Chill, keep practicing. It's not yet your time.

>> No.6561554

NTA but I don't get it. I can write from imagination, why can't I draw from it?

How much of my writing gains am I supposed to sacrifice in order to learn how to draw?

>> No.6561559

Of course my drawings from imagination will look like shit, but my point is that I'm much worse at drawing from imagination that people who are about as good as me at drawing from life.

>> No.6561569

you've probably had 15+ years of continuous practice reading and writing, and at least a few years of very intentional practice in school
have you practiced that much drawing?

>> No.6561576

>have you practiced that much drawing?
So what you're saying is, it's hopeless?

>> No.6561578
File: 3.65 MB, 1527x2503, 24incomplete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm abandoning this. I'm just too bored. I don't know if I'll come back to it, but I just can't do any more. I don't even think I got in 15 minutes today. Full size w/ reference image can be found at https://files.catbox.moe/q4uqps.png

Please critique as if it were final.

>> No.6561580

The thumbnail looks nice.
What did you learn from doing this?

>> No.6561606

Cute reg.

>> No.6561618
File: 287 KB, 1000x1000, GRAVEYARD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what could I have improved/changed here? i want to work in a style similiar to moebius

>> No.6561624

My greatest strength is having a strong sense of proportionality and volumes, but I could still benefit from sketching beforehand to improve my accuracy to near 1:1. The breasts, for example, were initially too large, and her feet, when I had them, were too small. I also have a strong sense of colors, but my lack of knowledge in blending technique lengthened the process far more than it should have.

I believe I could improve it substantially with a few more hours of work, but I don't have the patience for it. I The feet and shoes were quite hard for me because I had to rely on other reference photos all at different orientations, and while I ended up with decent shoes at the right orientation, I couldn't get the proportionality right after multiple attempts. I am far better at copying than I am visualizing. I have a strong desire for completeness and will move onto the next thing before the other thing is finished so I can see the progress in the big picture. I don't know if this is necessarily bad, but it's an observation.

My favorite things are the buttons, that one leather loop, and surprisingly her skirt as I was not expecting it to turn out as well as it did. It's not accurate in pattern or in the folds, but I think I could improve it very quickly. My least favorite thing was her coat because I was distracted by the fuzz detail. I can't speak for any technique that was used properly/improperly for I don't know any of them.

I need to read the fucking sticky and I need to heal.

>> No.6561625
File: 990 KB, 1700x1600, WeirdKnightandElfQueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm Marc.

Can we please stop making beg/int boards? Just switch it int/pro.

>> No.6561626
File: 676 KB, 1700x1600, WeirdKnightandElfQueenV2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561631


>> No.6561636
File: 456 KB, 1700x1600, BlindOldManAndAnnoyingGirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6561639
File: 425 KB, 337x914, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It think it's still salvageable.
I tried correcting the things that you guys told me the previous thread, this time without pulling out my hair over everything. The values are not contrasting enough still, but after a while I enjoyed the process more.
I think I'll try to do the background tomorrow.
It's nice, I reckon the background + the pattern on the skirt and the hair is a pain in the ass and that's why your dropped it? Thank for your words the previous thread btw. You said something about a deadline so I was going to ask you if that painting was commissioned, but I guess it was just you setting a time on yourself?

>> No.6561640

Proko, Loomis, Keys to Drawing, Right Side of the Brain, Brent Eviston. There's so much for me to go through, where do I start?
I'm like, barely even /beg/ at this point but I'm feeling more motivated to start than I have in a while, but the sheer amount of resources never fails to brickwall me.

>> No.6561641

go outside and draw some landscapes, or at least do some photostudies
stop doing so many details, look at the video other anon posted and try doing some small thumbnails in only a small amount of values w.o using too much line/texture

add more texture/detail to foreground and imply it out as it recedes towards background. also, go outside and do some sketching from life unironically

it needs more work. maybe do some bottles or shoes for now?

a lot of these colors are wrong, the overall color cast is a much softer, unified, reddish/peach
your head is too small compared to ref and doesnt seem to as tilted forwards in perspective
what are you accomplishing in learning from these details? e.x the weird wood grain you drew in, what does that provide for you in learning,
or the half attempt at adding some of the plaid of the skirt, or the extremely weird way you did the foliage? if the bg isnt the focus then just don't include it or just blur it out or something
you are doing these details and textures that arent even accurate when much more major shapes / values / temperatures are wrong.
ask yourself what you want to learn from a study before you do it:
- drawing? focus on making sure shapes are accurate
- values? convert to B/W and study there
- colors / temperature? check your colors more closely, focus on the overall working big -> small shapes, don't get bogged down in details like the skirt

>> No.6561649

That's a big ass file.
How do you draw fur? Do you have a technique or some method?

>> No.6561663

Definitely not Loomis. Loomis is a trap

>> No.6561668

And by Loomis is a trap I specifically mean fun with a pencil as a beginner book

>> No.6561670

nta but why so?

>> No.6561677

Super steep difficulty curve. Loomis encourages drawing from imagination when begs are still clueless about the human body.

>> No.6561679

also i forgot to mention it but be careful drawing these asian waifu style drawings.
not all, but a lot of them are photoshopped / edited, literally liquified features, lighting thats softer and often trickier, airbrushing to remove blemish (that obscures edges / planes and makes you reach for soft brushes / blend too soon), filters
conversely a greek sculpture is boring but youll learn 10x faster drawing, value range, how light creates cast + form shadows + AO, everything is the same local value, no color temperature or background to worry about

>> No.6561700

In my opinion
STAGE 1 (absolute /beg/, learning to see / replicate):
you literally cannot draw a single line right at this stage. you literally could not draw a cube placed in front of you correctly.
Bert Dodson, Keys to Drawing : learn to sketch loosely various things from sight
Peter Han Dynamic Bible + Dynamic Sketching (video) : learn basic line control, learn basic shapes, start freehand sketching various basic things (plants, bugs, animals, cars, etc) start learning basic value control with black fineliners + % grey markers + white highlights on a tanned paper background
FZD cinema ep 101, how to sketch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22XYoenU-0c

STAGE 2 (mid /beg/, can begin to see accurately, now you need 3D forms and construction):
you can draw basic things somewhat accurately. you're read to move onto basic figure drawing
Hampton figure drawing design and invention : to learn how to construct figures with 3D shapes
Bridgman figure drawing for all its worth : add weight, power, balance, character to your figures
read through these, copy drawings page by page as you go through.
then do actual figure studies from life, or at least from photo as accurately as you can applying principles

STAGE 3 (learn how to handle really handle light and value and render in B+W)
better not tell you now, most /ic/ don't get this far. besides hopefully by here youve learned enough to figure out resources, start to intuit things, stick to practice schedules and come up with your own study plan.

>> No.6561702
File: 194 KB, 819x192, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question maybe

>> No.6561703

Thank you, I'll give this a look. I find that looking for the starting point is always the hardest part an where most of my motivation drains into.

>> No.6561713
File: 2.02 MB, 1536x2048, 7D9D7B56-4E04-4FDB-961E-B08AF226BD38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoops forgot to resize before posting. I don’t have any particular method. I tried to put down the values in relation to one another, and otherwise pay attention to the direction the fur was going and stick to it with short strokes. This was a bit of an experiment. I’d probably do it different next time

>> No.6561720

the most important thing is to start. just read a bit, draw, repeat. you need to put volume in as well as read to build understanding.

>> No.6561758
File: 2.91 MB, 2400x2400, tummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some progress on my healing process. Approximately an hour and a half's worth of work.

Good to see you're still working on this. Tones are much better and the face works. No way am I doing commissions. This was a test drawing.

>a lot of these colors are wrong, the overall color cast is a much softer, unified, reddish/peach
I was working on that. If you'll compare it to previous uploads, you'll notice that the lower half is more blue. I didn't want to fuck with the palette, so this was a second layer.
>your head is too small compared to ref and doesnt seem to as tilted forwards in perspective
I didn't notice the head size. Her looking up was kind of a mistake that I went with because I thought the eyes were too much. I wanted something accurate, but I concluded pretty early on that it wasn't going to be an exact copy because my skill level isn't there. Whenever I noticed I diverged, I would just focus on trying to make it look like it was natural more than anything.
>what are you accomplishing in learning from these details? e.x the weird wood grain you drew in, what does that provide for you in learning,
>or the half attempt at adding some of the plaid of the skirt, or the extremely weird way you did the foliage? if the bg isnt the focus then just don't include it or just blur it out or something
I started focusing on the environment when I got bored of drawing her. It was really more of an effort to keep me going by filling out as much as possible when times were tough. Regarding the skirt, I just wanted to get the folding right, which I think I mostly did (very messily)

Will try to do those things that you suggested.

>> No.6561821

>her face is too wide, that's why.
Alright, I think that helped, thanks!

>> No.6561838
File: 661 KB, 2560x1440, 249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg. Today was officially released GPT4. If you want to take revenge on the ai spammers, visit /g and enjoy the coders tears. It looks like everybody who isnt welder will be replaced. Btw keep in mind in the past practically everybody was a farmer. Now the combines practically drive themselves. Keep up good faith in the future no matter what and draw!

too fuzzy imho. otherwise respectable abs
right one is better, but keep the composition cropped like in left
keys to drawing, right brain, brent eviston art and science of drawing are all solid beg books. Take note that keys to drawing has the largest scope of them (and also somewhat steep skill curve)
you can start by adding something interesting into the pic. Like this its "empty". Or you will have to render like crazy before it starts being visually interesting
its spooky but nothing amazing yet
anon you have two eyes. Just look at month old stuff and compare it to what you did today. If you are still unsure just PYW before/after for other anons to spell it for you
time to touch some grass lmao
Without pyw nobody can tell if you are on right path.
i have NEVER seen anyone dissing vilpu. In fact i have seen some praising vilpu as art teacher god. That said he is for higher begs.
inoffensive. a bit better than the bare minimum aka flat colors.
the fastest way how to "steal" someones style is to do a lot of master studies aka copying their stuff. So yeah. Do that
being horny only makes the drawings better anon! channel your emotions into the canvas, thats how masterpieces are made
art and science of drawing by eviston + Scott Robertson
if you draw all character in the schizo style, then the one who has least amount of scribbles in his face will look the most pretty. TLDR we cannot tell unless we will see design for average NPC for comparsion.

>> No.6561839

>Bert Dodson, Keys to Drawing : learn to sketch loosely various things from sight
Do not listen to this anon. This is how you get stuck on hands and demoralize yourself.

>> No.6561852


>> No.6561878
File: 146 KB, 1030x957, sphere_shading_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my next sphere attempt was much better than the last
idk if using blending brushes is cheating or not but it feels like it
either way I was using brushes that were more intended for shading to it turned out better I guess

>> No.6561883
File: 869 KB, 1741x734, bowling ball heads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew these.

>> No.6561946

use hard round brush for base, then soft burhs/airbrush to add the form: lights, midtone, etc.

>> No.6561953

>Posting in /beg/ for five years
>Make excuses to not practice more
>Ai comes along, makes it worse
>Horrible feeling every day, just wish I drew more back before AI came around

You have such limited time in life, don't make the mistake I made by being aloof.

>> No.6561968

Have you been through Ctrl+Paint?

>> No.6561971

Good advice. Step 3 is to just do a combination of:
1. Imagination drawing (comics, animation, whatever)
2. Figure drawing
3. Master copies

>> No.6561983

please rotate the ribcage more to the left with lasso tool

>> No.6562023

>maybe do some bottles and shoes for now?
Is it normal that I fuck up bottles and especially vases even more? I can't get the proportion or the angle right for the life of me. It always looks flat.

>> No.6562034

is using your pencil as measurment still useful when drawing on a flat table? Yes, I can always flip the sheet and make it face me, but isn't the inconsistency of having it always in slightly different angle/position enough to have an actual effect on proportions?

>> No.6562042

AI hasn't changed anything about your own skills. It's just another excuse for why you're not trying.

>> No.6562056

what the fuck the huston figure drawing video course is huge
have any of you guys worked through course?? if so, how??

>> No.6562065

I think you want to draw from the same angle it'll be viewed at

>> No.6562078

yes that's ideal but I would need the appropriate tools which I don't have

>> No.6562081
File: 14 KB, 470x1000, standing dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look?

>> No.6562085

like another poor attempt to be funny in the beg thread

>> No.6562121
File: 239 KB, 850x708, Untitled30_20230314053528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6562141

One lesson at a time.

>> No.6562157

Look at the distance between phone guy's face and the end of the shoulder in both the photo and your drawing. Yours sticks out way fucking far. You can also look at the negative shape formed by his shoulder with the phone, creating that white V shape, yours is nonexistant. Your guy also came out too short and wide, and one of his legs isn't even flat on the ground. You did good in other areas, so definitely making some progress, but you need to lay down some measurements before committing to details like pant folds and shit. Like, the 2nd guy you couldn't even fit his head in the picture because you ran out of space, if you had set a top and bottom + found the midpoint, this wouldn't have happened. 2nd guy has a bunch of easy to spot errors with basic measuring too, in the photo, his elbow is about halfway down the torso, between neck and waist, but your elbow is like 3/4 down the torso. Take time to notice these relationships before putting the pen to the paper, maybe even add a dot or small line where things should begin/end, and only then draw them.

>> No.6562159

Didn't know there was a video one, but I'm currently working through the book, you just need some discipline.

>> No.6562192

Trying to get to the point I can draw them from imagination easily.

>> No.6562202


>> No.6562205

>Hello beg. Today was officially released GPT4. If you want to take revenge on the ai spammers, visit /g and enjoy the coders tears. It looks like everybody who isnt welder will be replaced. Btw keep in mind in the past practically everybody was a farmer. Now the combines practically drive themselves. Keep up good faith in the future no matter what and draw!
Mmmm fully automated serfdom.
We'll see where this goes I guess I'm not gonna gloat about people losing their livelyhood.
I guess the old school guys who actually code can switch to the 'ethical hacker' stuff there's even classes and university studies for it now.

I like the added colors!
Nice improvements your linework and proportions keep getting better.
Do you plan on doing construction from imagination? Because this looks good man.

>> No.6562207

No fuck off Marc.
Also stop using the sketch brush for your finished work it looks like you've traced something.

>> No.6562213


>> No.6562235

How the fuck do you draw from the shoulder??????

I feel like I'm using my elbow more often.

>> No.6562305

The less you draw with your fingers the better. If you really want to draw with your shoulder, you should draw bigger.

>> No.6562334
File: 164 KB, 1000x1000, SKETCH3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't drawn anything serious in like 2 years now... this is a first.
I redrew it like 6 or 7 times. didn't have heart to scrap the last time so I polished it till it looks semi passable... I really should have drawn some skulls first -__-

tumblr style ugliness wasn't intentional, so if you have any idea how to fix it please do
will try color it later

>> No.6562345


>> No.6562418

I don't see the point of pettiness. We don't even really know if the people spamming shit here back when was really /g/ and not just a small group of schizos.

Anyway being replaced by this sort of tool is an ally, nothing else. We should support them the same way we wish to be supported, thinking otherwise will lead for the failure and downfall of both sides.

>> No.6562486

honestly, good thinking. I do admit I've become a bit racist against techfaggots over the years and even more after the AI shitfest, but most of them aren't probably as bad as my generalization.

>> No.6562505
File: 945 KB, 2701x1633, 9584968C-BB39-4040-97E5-8ED1F6F0D385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stain doodles

>> No.6562509

Nice, I'd flip the front and back side and make a spider cat though.

>> No.6562514

I wonder do you feel its okay to call yourself an artisan if you are still practicing the craft of drawing?

>> No.6562518

I'm lurking on the board right now, and when this whole thing started I also lurked a bit. They seem to be much more against the tech than ever and share the idea that 4chan is being flooded by marketers trying to force it into a thing. You can tell the average lurker that just wants to talk about OS and search engines because they have never seen a pussy in their lives and are really annoyed by it.

There are like 30 threads about AI on the board at the moment and it is just them losing their minds over the possibility they will lose their jobs. So it is easy to say that they really are not our enemies and never where, if this is a war our real enemies were always the millionaires shilling the tech everywhere.

Right now there is no point in trying to talk to them since all you say will be buried under all the shit and chaos and they are still in the phase of screaming that it is the end of "the world and everyone is going to die". Wait a few months, maybe we can introduce them to the idea that they can still fight back and not lose their shitty codemonkey job using the right legislations. I think more important would be sharing the idea that we should be prepared to take them into the cause also and not simply point the finger and laugh at their misery just because we think they are guilty of something and we want someone to blame. Because I know how tempting it is, but it is really counterproductive.

>> No.6562522

I see it and it horrifies me

>> No.6562538
File: 90 KB, 392x735, Screenshot_20230316_024956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6562541
File: 119 KB, 500x500, ic beg thred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks fine. The problem with it is the perspective on the tv and bed. The face also has so much more detail/rendering than everything else so that also creates some "ugliness." Either dial back on all those lines on the face, or shade the rest of the drawing.

>> No.6562551
File: 3.82 MB, 1920x1920, tummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midday progress. I'm trying to figure out how to texture it with mixed success. I really should get into brush configuration more.

>> No.6562557
File: 386 KB, 716x1284, Untitled38_20230315205357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww thank you!! I just finished making the entire thing.

>> No.6562567
File: 1.04 MB, 1265x1080, 1615135223374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i downloaded a cool backgrounding course but i need to practice figure drawing but i need to do a million other things AAAAA

>> No.6562575
File: 392 KB, 685x909, C04C3809-0F7F-44CE-AABD-ED5C95A30D3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this

>> No.6562670
File: 203 KB, 1000x661, hands03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a cool backgrounding course
What course?
Ah the nice feeling of having completed something.
Good job!

>> No.6562699
File: 68 KB, 791x907, princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6562723

>What course?
i found it on that online courses club website. “designing detailed backgrounds in procreate” by deborah lee. haven’t gone through it all yet but her art looks really cool.

>> No.6562729

Alright thanks man, maybe I'll check it out.

>> No.6562736
File: 1.56 MB, 2296x4080, IMG_20230202_204928667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6562761
File: 172 KB, 829x742, Dude weed lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please resize your images.
Nice doggos!
Good perspective and all.

>> No.6562764

Me in the top left.

>> No.6562776
File: 545 KB, 913x1003, rubp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the image of Ruby from SU as princess

>> No.6562778
File: 3.24 MB, 3024x4032, #72 - Skatamaki and Mudman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamaki from SMT if... with my current equipment - roller skates and a yo-yo(and my stand Mudman).

>> No.6562783

How do i make my characters look seductive? Lip biting, blushing, etc.

I mainly draw female characters and i really love the seductive faces that i see other artists draw but some how I can’t seem to master it, any advice?

>> No.6562798

Furry in the making

>> No.6562802
File: 86 KB, 747x932, 58e82959b55c9cf034d17e171482d0fa-4252579298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would i even attempt to draw this?

>> No.6562805
File: 502 KB, 1200x1600, 31FE946A-0BDB-4FC9-94F8-6AAB5B6FDE94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m really stuck trying to get the pose for the lower body right, any advice?

>> No.6562808
File: 1.01 MB, 1076x716, vilppu_check_list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If ngmi = construct it
If gmi = go by eye

>> No.6562811


>> No.6562812
File: 557 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6562816
File: 325 KB, 718x1041, 1491905327097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6562817

use references

>> No.6562827

I doubt it will take jobs yet. The technology isn't mature enough yet, it seems more like it will be a tool to increase productivity / throroughput rather than outright replacing people.
In any case labor markets are ridiculously tight rn and i'd sooner worry about the impending global recession from rampant persistent core inflation everywhere
Nice figures though.

hard for me to imagine how you would be defeated by a hand alone.
maybe youre simply expecting too much from your own level?
or perhaps you think such "mundane" subject matter is simply beneath you?

impossible for me to tell without images
maybe you need more practice with inorganic lines/curves
maybe you can tell how "wrong" you are because of the simplicity of the object

>> No.6562830
File: 791 KB, 913x1003, Untitled39_20230316025323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not good at verbal advice so here.

>> No.6562856
File: 1.59 MB, 2296x4080, IMG_20230202_204722058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons, to be honest with you, i didn't know doing less details was an option. I'll look more into it, here's another drawing where i also got frustrated with the details.

>> No.6562860

Less is more.

>> No.6562888
File: 592 KB, 1000x994, 230315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6562894
File: 187 KB, 750x965, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard for me to imagine how you would be defeated by a hand alone.
Today I will remind them.

>> No.6562898
File: 666 KB, 876x590, 8760868067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the last thing i made

>> No.6562905
File: 3.72 MB, 3264x2692, 0002384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh... and other stuff

>> No.6562907
File: 810 KB, 1256x1128, Miku has the hottest pits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finished the damn thing. I'm not even asking for crit because everything needs improving, of course.

Anyway, are begs allowed to post anywhere outside /beg/? on this board?

>> No.6562917

>>So I finished the damn thing.
Honest question: How? If I make something that badly proportioned I would never in my right mind bother finishing it. Hell, it's doubtful I would reach the point it looks like >>6560997.
I would scrap it and do something else.

>> No.6562920

kill yourself crab

>> No.6562921

Very soulful nice drawing. Yes you can post in other threads as a /beg/

>> No.6562927

Trying to grind/read tutorials left me with no work and learning done, so I decided to just YOLO it and learn along the way.

>> No.6562931

I'm sorry, not trying to crab, I'm trying to understand because this may actually be a huge issue of mine which is partly responsible for my lack of progress all these years. My own rampant perfectionism means I never let myself stumble because I don't even take a step forward.
>Trying to grind/read tutorials left me with no work and learning done,
You too? Good job getting somewhere instead of staring at blank page.

>> No.6562935
File: 57 KB, 720x720, 1651746765704100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go from sketch to lineart
>drawing loses all its soul

>> No.6562946


>> No.6562948

I seem to have issue. Seriously considering just aiming for lineart from the beginning.
Other solution I heard of is to exaggerate the gesture/sketch because lineart stiffens up the art.

>> No.6562950

draw another sketch on top but more define
and if you really need do one more on top
problem solved

>> No.6562955

i would think that peoples lineart is worse than the sketch because they dont practice it as much
so i think that if you do the lineart of one drawing many times it should get better

>> No.6562960
File: 58 KB, 617x617, FgLC5oJXwAEZp7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lines traditionally
>lines digitally

>> No.6562961

Lineart requires much more precision as even smallest mistake ends up with jagged and chaotic line.

>> No.6562965

to right and bottom left are amazing

>> No.6562969

I feel like my small visual library is severely limiting how much fun I can have with a pencil...

>> No.6562970

yeah thats why i think if you have problems with lineart you need to just practice more because there isnt some piece of information that can make up for lack of training
lines will become smoother and more confident the more you draw and then theyll be on the same level as your sketching skill

>> No.6562973
File: 3.36 MB, 3024x4032, #73 - Kimochi ii koto w Pixie~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kimochi ii koto
yappa korosu

>> No.6562976

I live for that chiaroscuro! Where do you find refs for these?

>> No.6562992

based swastika measuring technique, source?

>> No.6563003
File: 895 KB, 2279x1731, 395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are probably killing the drawing because you don't know how to apply lineweight properly and your brain reading the image really different from the fuzeness that is the sketch from the clear hash lines that come with proper linework. I refuse to use lineweight in a lot of my drawings for that exact same reason.

If you don't EXACTLY what you are doing with each stroke I recommend not even trying it until you mastered. Doxy kind made a video about this years ago where he talks about lineweight flow and how simply changing the direction the line is going makes all the difference.

>> No.6563010

seconding, what book is this?

>> No.6563030

robot jones poster you almost bring a tear to my eye. never quit

>> No.6563033

You're welcome!
Yes, they are
I know that feel

>> No.6563041

this is the correct answer >>6562812

ignore this retard and this retarded permabeg book

>> No.6563046
File: 947 KB, 2480x3508, 6DFE5C16-C395-4BAF-A51C-2C2D1970C92C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563049

what do ya'll use as a 3D program to study how shapes/figures look at different angles?
>inb4 sticky
those kinda sucked

>> No.6563066
File: 384 KB, 800x640, begnimated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love huge balls

>> No.6563073
File: 134 KB, 782x985, Screenshot 2023-03-15 17.47.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to draw regency era clothing but I can't figure out how to make the shading on the dress not over-complicated because I want the face to be simple but I feel like I'm just not rendering it correctly

>> No.6563080
File: 469 KB, 1200x1600, EE56D416-7C9D-4D76-8D7B-9F08A96806DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look?

>> No.6563086

Once I’m finished with my abs I’ll give this a go.

>> No.6563091

People keep saying do things like figure drawings and heads and "time yourself" but it takes me hours to do an outline of a cubic figure, not even a full person. It's still really frustrating. I don't know what to do, of course, I also already know the answer everyone is going to post "just draw" or the fucking comic again.

>> No.6563100

Proportions are a bit fucked up but the left arm and the ear really stand out.

Cool hair tho

>> No.6563107

left arm is too short
ear is too high
the chair looks really uncomfortable

>> No.6563108

The anatomy on this is cattywompus. Use a reference.

>> No.6563122
File: 37 KB, 884x562, supes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i draw suberman?

>> No.6563134

You should post this in the animation general too

>> No.6563138
File: 464 KB, 1200x1600, AA20BA81-E069-4D58-88D3-C7EB77192F24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried fixing some of the obvious problems, how does it look now? And anything else standing out?

>> No.6563162

Does Loomis use a tool to draw perfect circles?

>> No.6563202


>> No.6563205
File: 458 KB, 1200x1600, tryingtohelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still super novice at anatomy, and I apologize this isn't a perfect reference and I hope if I am wrong other anons will correct me rather then let me lead you astray. I'm more sure about the red line, that arm is closer and should be longer even without perspective being a factor. Keep in mind the entire ball of the elbow is obscured by the arm, but should still be taken into account.

Unsure about the blue line, so feel free to ignore it, but I feel like something is wrong with her shoulders. At the very least, double check with references and such. Best of luck!

>> No.6563261
File: 3.16 MB, 1121x1402, 20230316_022915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563263


>> No.6563269

I fucking LOVE how things are just clicking right now, one after another.

>> No.6563270

Very very cool

>> No.6563271
File: 345 KB, 1700x1600, russianbaddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took a lil minute but got it done.

>> No.6563287

super cute potato

>> No.6563300

This is still fucked anon. Mind if I try my hand at redlining?

>> No.6563306
File: 406 KB, 1763x1271, 185A91FF-9F4C-496D-B953-6135272EAC27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m an AI apparently.
These are sexy anon. Go to CSB. Or whatever the name is. Top tier stuff.

>> No.6563308

i think i'm good at ''copying'' art now but when it come to draw from my imagination especially when i tried to make a hentai manga (that need to draw various angle) i'm fucked and i'm always looking for ref.

how do manga artists actually skipping ref? i think i fear that i might developed bad habits that i always look into other artists art and kind of copying instead of creating from imagination. illustration is quite easy to just add details

what should i do here to train how to visualize and make own compose instead of looking other artists art. i know reference help a lot in illustration but in manga it seems this is extremely hard and super time consuming.

>> No.6563310
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add line weight. I unironically used it as a crutch for that same problem before finding out its an actual thing that artists do. Plus it's SUPER relaxing to do and will sharpen your aim and help you understand shadows better if you focus.

>> No.6563311

Get a doll and pose it.

>> No.6563318
File: 226 KB, 1109x1479, 2F71F413-F5D7-4DC2-BA21-18183995F51F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photos from the 70s, old movies, pictures I take or find around that I like

>> No.6563336

My lowest score 19% and highest 97 :]

>> No.6563341

This website is shit.

>> No.6563347

Well, for one, the bottom of thr dress wouldn't cling to the figure like that. At most, you would see an outline of the inside of her right leg.

>> No.6563362

different permabeg here. going to give this a shot. thanks for the tip

>> No.6563369
File: 3.42 MB, 2400x2880, SKULL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave myself a hard limit of one hour and was mostly focused on the right eye socket for the first half hour before trying to rush and do everything else. I'll give it another hour or two to finish it up. I would start with the facial bone first and focus on getting the eye socket distance and nostrils right before anything and then work on the jaw with teeth to get the hard part and then the cranium. Also >>6562811

>> No.6563371

What the fuck did you post to get a 97?
It really is.

>> No.6563374
File: 3.67 MB, 1848x1848, tummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And while I'm still awake, of the 3:30 of time I put into this so far, 2 of them have been trying to get the right shine. About the only thing I like are the areas around the navel. I've been brushing and then erasing with a textured brush I think. Surely there is an easier way with more consistent results?

>> No.6563376
File: 3.96 MB, 2160x1620, 23EE6EFB-F483-4F01-8E6C-BDF32D86D0B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I’m a beg. Pls talk about my first painting

>> No.6563378

inverted egg

>> No.6563410
File: 276 KB, 1654x1150, exercise1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keys to drawing exercise 1f. This "no erasing" thing doesn't feel good.
It's expected that things will look this shitty if you're picking up a pen for the first time, right? Should I just try to learn what I can from these and move on to the next chapter or do I need to try the first chapter exercises again?

>> No.6563411

wrong perspective

>> No.6563419

I noticed that, but it was after I'd gotten ~60% done and I was worried I'd just end up with an unidentifiable mess of lines if I tried to redraw that much without erasing

>> No.6563441

let me teach a way to improve your accuracy/observation skills really fast
do 30min every day of this, overlap only if you can see the mistake.
the last one is what you get when if you do for 2 weeks
warm up for 10-20 min drawing straight lines, so eventually you will need to use the straight line tool to draw the lines

>> No.6563443

>*cant see the mistake.

>> No.6563454

>been drawing/painting for almost ten years
>still feels weird to call myself an artist
is anyone else like this? how to fix?

>> No.6563458

I tell everyone I'm a graphic designer. "Artist" sounds faggy desu

>> No.6563464

you should have limited yourself more for one hour, do only the drawing or at least just B+W value
by trying to get accurate shapes, values, colors all at once you compound the errors, and opacity + texture doesn't help
good on you for doing it though

its arse, i can't tell what it is. a black chess knight and a inexplicably glowing egg on a table?
learn drawing accurately first, learn B+W value, ditch whatever awful texture you used here
good on you for doing it though, practice more basics and try again

good job. its normal for it to be fucked up for first time.
many parts are inaccurate but i can tell you are starting to understand drawing the actual image rather than what you think it looks like.
now you just have to become more and more accurate at doing that.
don't be afraid to revisit lessons, but feel free to plunge ahead and try going further too. take your time and focus carefully on doing things correct, slowly.

>> No.6563605
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, by tkmiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I avoid perfectionism? It feels so long since I've made a drawing that I didn't spend a considerable amount of time on adjusting minor details. I too often end up investing way too much time into simple drawings that are good enough on their own.

Are there any exercises I can do to break this habit? I've heard of stuff like automatic drawing, but to be honest I don't really get it. Then again, there's probably nothing to get and I'm just stupid.

>> No.6563610
File: 236 KB, 675x702, zxcxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6563630
File: 1.76 MB, 2155x2449, 455F416E-1E2F-40E0-AB47-16E3DEEC1CB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a prebeg. Hi everyone

>> No.6563633


>> No.6563640

looks cute. blog?

>> No.6563653
File: 238 KB, 1297x1025, rlfanart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this sketch? Anyone want to redline it if there's something wrong with the poses? Or does it look ok?

>> No.6563656
File: 205 KB, 655x632, Kozeki Ui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything I can do to make this better?

>> No.6563658

Make a cruelty squad type game. This art style is good for crazy schizo shit. I like it and it's interesting

>> No.6563660
File: 499 KB, 901x1290, Screenshot_20230316-015154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my coomer bullshit I've been at this for like a year now

>> No.6563662

draw with pen and paper

>> No.6563665

The boobs have that bad boob job look.

>> No.6563666
File: 157 KB, 655x632, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hair looks too big.

>> No.6563671

>AI comes along
>feel like I have to strive to keep the humanity of art alive

>> No.6563687

Are the ballon boobs intentional?

>> No.6563690
File: 506 KB, 1079x1292, Screenshot_20230316-024606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha no. Just realizing that. Never really drew boobs before.

>> No.6563694
File: 253 KB, 1028x984, sketchyday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some doodles

>> No.6563720

Thank you! No wonder she looks a bit off

>> No.6563725

Bottom right has that uncanny look.
Maybe because anime with realistic proportions?

>> No.6563809
File: 383 KB, 832x676, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like most times I try to draw a female head it ends up looking either masculine or androgynous but I don't know why. Any tips on what makes us perceive some faces as masculine or feminine?

>> No.6563822
File: 138 KB, 647x626, kozeki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think distancing the eyes helps too

>> No.6563840
File: 931 KB, 1675x2662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out a black and white style

>> No.6563838

Make the nose rounder and smaller and shave off the jaw. Despite what tranny may tell you, men and women have different bone structures. You are drawing everyone using a man's measures.

>> No.6563876
File: 143 KB, 843x559, heads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6563878

Yo is that "The King of Combat" Okubo?

>> No.6563879

just start over

>> No.6563896
File: 665 KB, 1120x840, 1678971650899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a beg, but my observation is slightly improved hopefully. I struggled to draw complicated objects so I decided to sketch what I could manage to draw.

>> No.6563925
File: 797 KB, 915x753, 397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret making this stupid fucking drawing so much. The joke ins't funny and barely works on context, joker is so hard to draw and this outfit so hard to understand. And the fucking lion took me ages to look like a lion without denouncing completely my furry background. The lion in particular killed the flow of the drawing and took be a while to summon the courage to finalize it. Something really wrong with me for even trying it.

>> No.6563956

Very nice, anon.

>> No.6564000


>> No.6564004
File: 70 KB, 800x800, 1648900940935726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564050
File: 299 KB, 972x1080, IMG_20230316_182057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that Hampton draws the box on his figure tilted backwards when to me it looks like the box on the drawing he's copying from would more follow the perspective I see?

>> No.6564065
File: 220 KB, 618x412, msedge_riOUYW5Y6V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to handle pain as a beginner?
I started drawing a week ago, and went full schizo mode, 12 hours a day pen in hand. Now i can't draw at all cause the pain is too much to hold the pen straight. I know it's normal cause I'm learning to draw from my shoulder and I'm developing the muscles, but is there anything i can do to make the pain go away faster? (other than self control i guess)

>> No.6564069
File: 188 KB, 912x476, jooj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6564104

nigga you made a rhomboid.

>> No.6564106


>> No.6564107
File: 504 KB, 669x484, dont fuck up your hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most important thing is to NOT just power through the pain. You can cause yourself permanent damage that way.

>> No.6564112

Giorno with the handsome-man face.

>> No.6564138

Sure go ahead :)

>> No.6564147

Any updates from the Minotaur Guy?

>> No.6564149


>> No.6564150

How do I use the morpho simplified anatomy book? Am I supposed to go through it before moving onto his anatomy for artists book? I am really confused, the advanced book is 600 pages so I'd really rather just get started on that rather than spend an entire year studying both of them. Or am I able to just study the simplified book on its own?

>> No.6564171

look at a skeleton from the side, the ribcage is tilted like 30 degrees backwards on any given human, while the pelvis is tilted forwards to compensate.
You are probably getting tricked by the trapezius connecting shoulder and neck.

>> No.6564186
File: 366 KB, 1200x1176, Et32XL3XYAQm791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking the same thing while drawing, but I think is really close to the original with my own spin, he is just less of moon man in my case because the proportions I used.

I think the problem in my work is how static it is, in the original version I'm referring to Joker body language is really fucking smug and you can tell he is doing on purpose to look more dramatic in what he says, mine is just sitting there, looking at the camera. Interesting experiment either way, I have very few opportunities to draw a more symbolic lion holding a saber and I learned some about iranian culture.

>> No.6564195

Loomis's Drawing the heads book is so hard bros I don't remember fun with a pencil being this hard

>> No.6564219
File: 58 KB, 396x573, image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6564238
File: 512 KB, 880x756, 398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing this again, I don't care.

>> No.6564305


>> No.6564409


>> No.6564435
File: 598 KB, 2560x1440, 250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello beg. bargue book finished. its bad book.

if you are feeling pain it means you are improving!
i am simple beg. i copy the drawings and do whatever the art book tells me. is the book telling you anything?
if you are feeling pain you need to stop. doesnt matter whst job or activity, we have pain receptors in order to prevent permanent damage to our bodies. whatever you are doing, be less retarded about it. change ergonomics, alter stylus pressure curve, buy pen griper, use different grip like overhand, draw less hours or your wrist or spine will explode
i dont know the joke but its very good piece. style, soul, message to the society, symbolism... i kneel
>i struggled to draw still life so instead i drew deformed anime face
anon idk what your current course is, but you need keys to drawing imho
cute anime thot
i think the biggest offender is massive chin. but honestly if you put on lipstick, makeup and eye lashes even these will look girlish
bottom right has wrong eye placement, it is 3/4 view but you kept the eyes distanced like its front view
very beg like. please use reference next time
cute. its too stylized for anyone to redline it
welcome to beg. pick up keys to drawing
gesture grind + unbind eraser tool and undo
i would suggest redoing this project with something more simple like camera or shoe. but yeah you are on right path
grand failure, nothing to talk about. please paint from the easier reference next time
loomis, vilpu, bridgman, practically all books in the sticky are about drawing stuff from memory. pick up INT book. good luck!
gesture grind, 1 minute max per pose
thumbs up
have you considered doing master copies from the artists who make seductive pieces?

>> No.6564459

thanks for the advice, anons. playing cruelty squad last year was actually a pretty big watershed moment for me as a programmer. seeing what the dev was able to pump out on guts and aesthetics alone, I decided to work on my drawing skills so I could make a game without a team of retards wasting my time

>> No.6564646
File: 105 KB, 414x715, imagem_2023-03-16_205314956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6564659
File: 163 KB, 619x775, imagem_2023-03-16_210230034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564725

What is even your goal? Why are you still here?
I have no idea what style or type of work you want to do with your art. This amount of grinding gives me the impression you want to be a professional and yet you draw aimlessly doing drawing after drawing. The gesture and figures are good mileage though.

>> No.6564881
File: 941 KB, 1700x1600, jojopose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564890
File: 453 KB, 1700x1600, jojoposeMo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564942
File: 259 KB, 643x808, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head wrong
how fix

>> No.6565698
File: 1.48 MB, 1840x1470, horrible_dogshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pre-/beg/ here, is it normal to be completely fucking up the same drawing the same relatively simple face over and over again?
should I just keep trying it until it doesn't look as atrocious, or would my time be better spent drawing different faces? it feels like I just can't comprehend how not to symbol draw the eyes and mouth