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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6560487 No.6560487 [Reply] [Original]

meanwhile in bizzaro /ic/

>> No.6560500

I'm drawing

>> No.6560507

I'm gonna make it, bros!

>> No.6560509

I don't want to talk about myself.

>> No.6560516

anyone seen chairguy recently?

>> No.6560526

probably making out with nostrilgirl

>> No.6560540

I don't understand why those luddites at /g/ want to ban AI art, it's been a blessing here. I even suspect the mods are luddites too because how hard they ban AI art threads on sight.

>> No.6560545

You can do it anon, I believe in you

>> No.6560565

I'm gonna post my work!

>> No.6560568

I fucking LOVE drawing fully mature girls. My favorite general is /wmg/

>> No.6560575

I no longer exist

>> No.6560596

>screams of the saved instead of the damned

>> No.6560717

>tfw no superior european genes

>> No.6560730

I love AI art, I just wish it wasn't such an obscure topic. Threads are hard to come by but they're always a pleasure to browse through.

>> No.6560768

Thanks /ic/ bros for telling me to just draw. I was suffering from self doubt and was using my status as a beginner as an excuse to not even try. However, I love drawing so I finally decided to just give it a go because of anon and i'm having fun and feel myself learning bit by bit over these past few weeks.

>> No.6560769

we're all ngmi

>> No.6560787

What's up Gabe!

>> No.6560857

Please stop posting your work, I'm already tired of seeing high pro stuff

>> No.6560867

>look at my amazing fully rendered piece, it took me 1week teehehe
>It's literal beg-tier garbage vomit
God, I hate Asians it's so unreal

>> No.6560868

I love how everyone on this board posts on topic and doesn't start pointless arguments

>> No.6561013

Last connected maps was fun and I'm glad you're all mature enough not to fill it with shit and dicks.

>> No.6561020

I think the age of consent should be higher

>> No.6561023

Forget all these gay boxes and cylinders, I'm just going to go by intution and if the perspective is close enough, the reader should understand my message

>> No.6561076

Why are women always so bad at art?

>> No.6561080

I don't like AI guys is so souless

>> No.6561083

AI made me hate trannies more than I ever thought possible

>> No.6561134

Why is drawing so easy? I don't feel frustrated at all

>> No.6561143

These posts would really work in a bizzaro thread, I love them!

>> No.6561152

Drawashpere is a scam. I spend years drawing them when I should've been drawing boxes!

>> No.6561189

Woah dude me too!!! I love going to nudist beaches to do studies on em bro

>> No.6561195

When will they ever learn?

>> No.6561197

I know right? I just picked painting a month ago and already have my own gallery

>> No.6561203

Guys what is the art school of these that's best? I (french) sent my portfolio to the Omaha Academy of Arts, Manaus Art School, and Tehran School of Design because those are the best places in the world, surrounded by nature. im tired of this fucking industrial hellscape with this iron tower and really want to have a true art education.

PS how do I tell my family Im going to go to art school? nobody here appreciates art, they'd call me a wannabe-deutsch and i dont wanna be associated with those pompous sausage eaters obsessed with their shallow bauhaus cartoons all over european TV

>> No.6561229


>> No.6561286

i am mentally stable and love myself, i pour this love into my art.

>> No.6561525

Wow, what a wholesome and good thread. Welp, back to drawing!

>> No.6562050

I love you Batmanon, thanks as always for the MEGA dump. See you next month!

>> No.6562086

>work actually posted

>> No.6562087

I will READ Loomis

>> No.6562098

can't believe I wasted my youth drawing instead of playing video games

>> No.6562101
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>mfw spent all my youth drawing instead of getting good at call of duty
is there still hope bros

>> No.6562114
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>> No.6562118

Why? Just use tutorials posted to deviantart, loomis gets you nowhere.

>> No.6562368


>> No.6562372

I got an accurate redline on my art today.

>> No.6562414

God i love tableguy's scat fetish art!

>> No.6562788

Goddamit, another productive day. I can't deal with all this passion and willpower flowing through my veins.

>> No.6562790

So you like scat fetish art, just not from tableguy

Why does everything have to be a fetish. Why can’t it be funny. When did poop stop being funny. It’s fucking hilarious.

>> No.6562794

don't post your work

>> No.6562801

This board has gone to shit, it's all just academic studies and traditional art threads. Seems like nobody want's to draw anime coom anymore.

>> No.6562807


>> No.6562900


>> No.6562953

Valuable contribution, anon

>> No.6563006

Thank you mate. I'm here if you need attention!

>> No.6563050

Yes this, there's too much work posted here and I'm far too inspired guys, please!
I need a break, just let me put the pen down for five minutes.

>> No.6563112

How do I stop drawing every day?

>> No.6563135

I just turned 30 am I too young to start drawing?

>> No.6563143

I'm feeling pretty down. Can I get a (You)?

>> No.6563146

>suffering with a pencil: why nobody can ever learn to draw

>> No.6563148

Do you need a penis to draw?

>> No.6563179

Of course bro.

>> No.6563198

You didn’t have to ask. We’re always here to help fellow anons out with constructive criticism

>> No.6563297

Have a (You)

>> No.6564806

of course, you need to wait to be 50 at least

>> No.6564840

Elephant Salmon video course when?

>> No.6564849

dont check out this drawing I made. no tips

>> No.6564866

You know what guys, I don't feel intimidated by this AI stuff, I'm confident in myself as an artist and I'm not worried about being replaced anytime soon.

>> No.6564923

Oh? Someone has brought up AI in this board? How rare! Now let us have a very civil, and well reasoned, discussion about it.

>> No.6564970

Soft square brush.

>> No.6564977

I'm so happy Kim Jung Gi and John Paul Leon are alive bros.

>> No.6565007

Yeah but they suck at drawing

>> No.6565992

go back to /pro/ friend

>> No.6566947
File: 57 KB, 976x850, dead inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I just donʼt know who this is meant for, maybe itʼs for all of /ic/, maybe just one person or maybe itʼs the exact words I wish someone anonymous told me at some point on the last ten years on this godforsaken board on an a cruel parody of a japanese image forum:

You fuckinʼ care about art more than anything else right?

Stop all those other voices that youʼve heard throughout your life. Thatʼs not (you) or me (a different but still equally relevant (you)) or anything meaningful. Thatʼs all other people, who wish they cared about ANYTHING equally as much as you do about art.

Never stop.
Never stop feeling the joy of creating. Even if your greatest joy was the ability to bring joy to others, even if thatʼs what you tell people in jest when they get amazed at your artwork, or criticize it and say “pyw” or “kys”

Never level yourself to that of the self hating artist, who balks and mocks you. Never do something you are uncomfortable with, especially online. That is the first and only rule.
All speech is meaningless in the moment that one calls “flow”. To even give it a name, to even price it dollar for dollar, ounce for ounce is not worthy of what it is mentally to the artist.

>> No.6566950
File: 279 KB, 976x850, still dead inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iʼll tell you what people who see my artwork say: Soul. Every time someone different online, in a scientific setting says at least this same thing. Itʼs because I never give up, and it comes through in my art. I can always see when a person really stops caring in the art, maybe its the money, or the clinical depression, or the misdirected anger, maybe all at once. But I donʼt see it in the behavior, I see it in their art, and in the envious posting of other artists work?: Sour Grapes.

Nobody is anonymous. You can jest and run around on this image board all you like, pretending to be other people, but when you do eventually post your art, I see it. Youʼve given up, and think bringing down others is the answer, and Iʼm here to
tell you its not:
you all act like crabs in the bucket and try to bring one another down, but you ought to be behaving more like people on an artwork critique image board. Especially ones with nothing to lose.

Always bring one another up. Even if there seems like there isnʼt a response, or someone attacks you, just. try.

this is the secret to all great artwork, because the artists of those days are remembered as “assholes” because they did what was hard and elevated other artists works. anyone else, who doesnʼt feel any creativity, is truly, undeserving.
Itʼll benefit both you and your art in the long run. I promise.

>and when it doesnʼt thereʼs always Tatsuro Yamashita: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkLYrt2ODXQ

>> No.6566966


>> No.6567101

Pyramid is the opposite of sphere.

>> No.6567421
File: 29 KB, 700x700, 1677992843113658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my art sucks a dick!

>> No.6567549

not all me

>> No.6567571
File: 237 KB, 619x1080, 1676778490116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6570223

Hope you're feel pretty up by now

>> No.6571734

Anon... thank you.

>> No.6571769

Hey guys, anyone need tips for making art better? Sorry if my stuff is kind of /pro/

>> No.6572885

blessed frogposter, always giving us the highest quality posts