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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 486 KB, 1285x1287, 1678512301279225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6555936 No.6555936 [Reply] [Original]

just turned 30 and drawing and animating isn't fun anymore

>> No.6555937

you made his thread on /v/ you big fucking silly goose

>> No.6555938

Skill issue

>> No.6555939

I wish i could draw

>> No.6555940

try bettering yourself before putting time into hobbies, it makes the hobby more fulfilling if you are fulfilled yourself

>> No.6555941

Have you tried selling your shit at furries?

>> No.6555942

ok and?

>> No.6555943

I draw as a hobby and I like my job, how does it feel to be depressed?

>> No.6555944


>> No.6555945

>30 and still on 4chan
The fuck, get out boomer

>> No.6555946
File: 158 KB, 1284x1328, 1678306514820865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 22 too late to learn to art? I want to be able to paint so I can paint my dreams

>> No.6555947

Not really. Anyone can learn art no matter their age. It just takes time and effort to get good. Don’t expect to become a master overnight.

>> No.6555948

Shit. I’m 24 and still can’t draw, my goal is to be able to draw before I’m 30
Do you think turning 30 in general makes it no longer fun, or is it just not fun due to having done it so long? Will I maybe stop enjoying it when I’m 40?

>> No.6555949

Nah, it's easier than ever. All you gotta do is figure out the right way to structure your prompts so the bots understand what you want to draw

>> No.6555950

>Do you think turning 30 in general makes it no longer fun
zoomers really are retarded, huh?

>> No.6555951

nah, i started at 19, 21 now. its not easy, but i am getting there. My only tip is to both make time to draw for fun and to study, and that loomis is great and to stick to it.

>> No.6555952

Well I hope it wasn't your job, because that would suck for you, hating your job like that.

>> No.6555953

its not too late, but if you arent patient about getting better, you'll be very disappointed very early on, and get discouraged

>> No.6555954

Do it drunk m8

>> No.6555955


>> No.6555956

I just turned 31 and still enjoy both, sucks to be you

>> No.6555957

20 is the cuttoff zone. if you were never artistic before 20 you will never be. you can learn to scribble garbage doodles that your mom would put on a fridge if you were 5 years old, or you can learn to mass-produce absolute garbage fetish coomer art, but you will never achieve anything of artistic value. after 20 it's very hard to learn new things so yo uneed way more work to accomplish even little things that would take a kid days to learn, and you really won't have any time/motivation/energy for it. you will try it for a month max, accomplish nothing and give up. learn to use stable diffusion instead and spare yourself and everyone around you the trouble and cringe.

>> No.6555958

>Do you think turning 30 in general makes it no longer fun
mostly. the older you get the less enthusiasm for things you feel. just like you gave up playing with toys/legos yo ueventually give up playing video games/watching cartoons/drawing.

>> No.6555959

what the fuck are you planning to do for the rest of your life?

>> No.6555960

raise kids, mostly. and work. then you're 50-60 and not much else matters to you.

>> No.6555961

sounds fun, gl

>> No.6555962

fuck kids

>> No.6555963
File: 488 KB, 814x572, 1617253821765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arrrr the same thread as in /v/, lassie? Either you become my wench(male) or you leave my board

>> No.6555964
File: 21 KB, 604x420, 1652001993236183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i've already given up playing games and watching movies for a couple years now

>> No.6555965

not your fucking blog

>> No.6555966

i started learning to draw at 32 and sell prints for a living now
so that's cap

>> No.6555967

based lad, how many years did it take for you to make money?

>> No.6555968

about 2 years but only because i was retarded and felt like i was not good enough yet
i was good enough after a year
but that's a full year, not on and off once a week

>> No.6555969

Van gogh started at 28

>> No.6555970
File: 22 KB, 353x400, eba483ed-1db2-42d0-994f-9e6675bec0e7.jpg!Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Famous artist Grandma Moses started at fucking 92

>> No.6555971

Henri Rousseau started seriously with 42

>> No.6555972

and her art looks like toddler shit, your point?

>> No.6555973

Learn to code.

>> No.6555974

and it shows, his art sucks

>> No.6555975

There is a woman who begun sculpting at age 70 and became mage trendy and sold her shit for a fortune
And sculpting is way harder than drawing and animating
However learning animation is retarded, don't do it

>> No.6555976

but he's famous

>> No.6555977

I really like his stuff though. I even have a fridge magnet of the tiger in a tropical storm (surprised)

>> No.6555978

Sounds like a skill issue
But more seriously, it could be that you've lost purpose or aim in your life. Try to remember why you started to draw in the first place.

>> No.6555979

and he died poor as shit because all his art sucks ass and no one bought it. oh, you thought his art is actually good? nope, just a scheme by some rich academia retard to make himself even richer.

>> No.6555980

>its not anime therefore its shit

>> No.6555981

that's the thing with all those "exceptions" that were posted. they are famous, but not for their art. their art is shit. they got lucky somehow to have their stuff exposed to the public. novelty at best. you won't. exceptions merely prove the rule.

>> No.6555982

It might be, but not for the reasons you might think. It's always better to start when you're young because you have a lot of free time and not a lot of responsibilities to worry about, but past a certain point you need to get a job, and sometimes the last thing you want to do after a long grueling shift is toil away at art. Obviously, this is all irrelevant if you live with your parents, are a trust fund baby, or are on some form of disability.

>> No.6555983

>they are famous, but not for their art. their art is shit
he's famous for his art because it's a special kind of shit

>> No.6555984

I'm 32 an still kickin on art!

>> No.6555985

it's not special in any way. look at it. it's trash. nothing exceptional in the slightest. one way or another, maybe with someone's help, the artists got lucky to have their work promoted and falsely applauded. thousands upon thousands of artists much better and unique, yet it's their names you hear. why? it's all fake. exposure is everything. appraisal by the art academia is everything. it's all self-pretense. maybe yo ulike a piece or two they did. big deal. can't you say the same about almost every artist to ever exist that you heard of? you know why it's so? becaus eyou heard of them, because they were shown to you. millions deserve that attention more, and yet they weren't lucky to be seen. that is the sole deciding factor. their art is garbage, that is objective. the sole novelty of their work you so defend is because yo uwere told to admire and defend their work.

>> No.6555986

I set out to learn to draw last year, at 25. It takes time but seeing a professionnal artist and showing him my stuff keeps me motivated. I I try my best, all while knowing getting better will take time, probably years, but, most importantly, I have fun.

>> No.6555987


>> No.6555988

>millions deserve that attention more
how are you to decide that

>> No.6555989
File: 157 KB, 498x364, zoomer-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no place on 4chan for you old man

>> No.6555990

because their art is better quality/skill wise. do you know how many artists there are/were? yet you know just a few names that were given to you by pseudo-intellectuals. and they were given to you not because their art was good, but as to profit from it.

>> No.6555991

>The fuck, get out boomer

where should he go? reddit is a shithole

>> No.6555992

Anon says he's 30, not 70

>> No.6555993
File: 54 KB, 620x351, EzraPound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use to want to be a painter when i was a kid, then i slowly got bored of it. Nowadays i study poetry. Its fun, and you dont need money, you just need a pen and paper, or a notepad and keyboard.

If you get bored of visual art, there are other arts out there

>> No.6555994

very low test post, my granpa became a painter at age 50, he made good money off of it even.

everything in life depends on 2 things: how high your IQ is and how motivated/hard working you are.

>> No.6555995

>because their art is better quality/skill wise
Who? I want names.

>> No.6555996

shit bait, you need to work on it

>> No.6555997

30 is ancient

>> No.6555998

No, an age like 90 is.

>> No.6555999

I think I started art relatively late in ky life at age 27. My dad never really supported hobbies, so for most my life I just worked.

During the pandemic and maybe a little before was the height of my art. Post something, get a like repeat that high. Do the occasional commission.

I'm 33, pretty much let my social go dead. It's a little frustrating, out of everything I did for art none of it was original. I feel like just letting it fade away.

>> No.6556000
File: 718 KB, 1581x1054, Screen-Shot-2023-02-12-at-3.14.20-PM-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I found who the old person is.

>> No.6556001

>and he died poor as shit because all his art sucks ass and no one bought it.

His brother was an actual art dealer, offered to sell his shit, Van Gogh's problem was deep autism, not lack of talent or merchantability

>> No.6556002


>> No.6556003

>she gifted her painting but people like them so mcuh that went and ask her comissions
You lack what she had anon, that's why you ain't an artist

>> No.6556004

that's literally what happened, anon. his art is school-children grade. the rich guy who bought up all his work after his death paid art experts to appraise his work, then sold them all for profit. duped buyers did the same, and so they have been trading his works like those monkey NFT's - sell to a bigger loser, or else you are the loser.

>> No.6556005

he had no talent. you just proved it with your post. no one bought it, even with his great connections. only when he died and it became profitable did he became this artist you study in the history books.

>> No.6556006

literally everyone, anon. look around. any twitter artist.

>> No.6556007

>any twitter artist.
Dude a lot of those are around the same skill level.

>> No.6556008

my point exactly. mediocrity. absolute amateurs. that's what all those names mentioned in this thread amount to. nothing of substance or value. just your delusions.

>> No.6556009
File: 166 KB, 1536x864, 1671724575343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6556010

I agree.

>> No.6556011

thats kinda hot

>> No.6556012


>> No.6556013

I started in my early 20s as well and now I'm pretty good. But back then I didn't question whether it's worth it or if I should or what's the best way to learn. Just did it and had fun and only later learned how to draw. Now I'm pretty good, I'd say. Like yeah! Just start, it's a nice hobby

>> No.6556014

You should read Deadendia anon.

>> No.6556015

Why was this moved to /ic/ lmao

Now the fucking /ic/ faggots are going to start ruining this thread

>> No.6556024

Where was it before? Curious.

>> No.6556036

why does /v/ have better threads about drawing than /ic/

>> No.6556039

It was from /co/

>> No.6556045

Because /ic/ is a shithole where perma/beg/ resides and die. The raito of good to bad art is terrible. Only 10% are decent or above and actually draw, unlike the other 90%.

>> No.6556048

are you the 10%?

>> No.6556053

Yes, i’m an ai artist

>> No.6556058

Boomers cope

>> No.6556110

No u

>> No.6556117


>> No.6556203

>immediate post bitching about something
now i see why they have better threads

>> No.6556467

How long have you been working in animation? I am 30 and just entering my art career.

>> No.6556643

Time to grow up, pass out drunk watching t.v. and ignoring a child you never wanted like your father.

>> No.6556675

I also started learning 2 years ago but all I can draw is shitty proportioned coom copied from reference.

>> No.6556680

If you think art is good only when it sells then you have no soul.
Van Gogh is excellent. End of story.

>> No.6556681

Her art looks great. Maybe you don't like that she isn't drawing heavily rendered anime whores with fat tits aka the only good art for sub 80 IQ third world rats.

>> No.6556748
File: 228 KB, 1200x952, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Van Gogh is excellent
literally every piece of his work suggest otherwise. guy has no grasp of perspective and proportions, everything's flat and poorly drawn. no effort. kindergardener-tier.

>> No.6556771
File: 233 KB, 800x1060, 800px-Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Head_of_a_skeleton_with_a_burning_cigarette_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally every piece of his work suggest otherwise
bait? pyw

>> No.6557350

>he thinks this is good
you realize this is just a below mediocre 10 minute speedpaint study with no artistic or intrinsic value? is this really the best yo ucan find, lmao?

>he forgot shadows

>> No.6558026

I personally don't like van gogh's work either (other than starry night, that's pretty alright, but even his colour choices annoy me), but your arguments are essentially "if it ain't realistic and using all the fundamentals perfectly, it's bad". Do you guy's dislike stylisation?

>> No.6558030

whats your blog, ill give advice based on your art lmao

>> No.6558035

>drawing and animating isn't fun anymore
Then stop. You've grown old in spirit and don't have a zest for life anymore - enjoy your 9-5, watching the news, and complaining about the youth's music.

>> No.6558038

You have depression, next..

>> No.6558039
File: 55 KB, 680x507, 1648530902123297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl dude that sounds depressing as fucking hell

>> No.6558042

I'm 30 and I remember looking at old people as a kid and wondering why they're content to just sit there and stare off into space when there are awesome video games within reach, but now I understand. If I'm not drawing, I'm just spacing out enjoying the peace and quiet.

>> No.6558045

if I showed you something I drew you would call it shit and redline the fuck out of it, and when I reveal to you that it was actually a van gogh painting you'd delete your post.

>> No.6558057

>Raising kids
I do worry society fucked up royally somewhere, because people seem REALLY apathetic, if not downright hostile towards children and the idea of raising them. There should be no greater goal and joy for all of us (unless you truly dislike kids), and no greater achievement than one's own family.

I'm sure this mindset will change when we all get ass blasted by the global population shrinking, but that will only make the situation worse (apparently once this shit starts, it's quite hard to slow or stop for whatever reason).

>> No.6558058

>if I showed you something I drew you would call it shit and redline the fuck out of it
I'm not that kind of Anon, so no. I'm sure others would, all while sucking van gogh's cock, but most people on this site are retarded (myself included), so you shouldn't expect too much consistency.

>> No.6558059

Nigga, im not hostile towards kids, i just don't have any interest in being a parent whose entire existence composes working and dealing with family shit

>> No.6558063

There is no reason to want to have kids besides "its expected". Appeal to nature is a fallacy. I would like nothing more than the total eradication of humans, simply because it would be funny. I don't need any other reason. You can want kids, but to say its any more correct than another choice is wrong.

>> No.6558072

And I'm saying that raising kids in of itself should be seen as a good goal, no matter how common. The fact that you can see it as dull or Hell is what I see as the problem. The man who was willing to forgo his dreams to live the family life should be lauded as much as any other achievement really.

>but to say its any more correct than another choice is wrong.
So, as a human being, thinking about kids and ensuring the survival of our race is wrong? I think it's almost objectively more correct then childishly hoping for the total extinction of humans, but what do I know?

>> No.6558075

I didn't say anything was wrong, that's your monkey brain trying to twist my words to help you cope with the truth.

>> No.6558078

>And I'm saying that raising kids in of itself should be seen as a good goal

>> No.6558094

Assuming these are both this anon >>6558039
It's not that you think raising kids as bad, but that you don't see it as a good enough thing, where you'd think it's akin to doing nothing. You seem to think that raising kids, and nothing else, is wasting your time. Why is OP giving up and just raising kids bad, say compared to an artist who forgoes marriage and everything else to concentrate on his art?

That's a very nebulas thing; why is it good to make art for others to appreciate? Why is it important was time to make good food, when shitty food will still fill a stomach?

But my own quick thoughts on it are; that you're bringing someone else into this world to experience all the great things we've gotten to experience - where even the bad is better than the nothing; You're benefiting the world by ensuring there's another person contributing, but also to continue propagating your beliefs and your morals that you imparted onto them; you have someone to help take care of you so that you may be helped in your old age, as well as not to further burden those unrelated to you; etc.
Above all, I suppose, is that if you didn't leave any sort of lasting legacy, your continuing blood-line will continue to leave their marks upon the world - so in a way, you did.

Anyway, I haven't given thought to this before, and was just stating my opinion that it seems people these days demonize/hate the idea of having a family/children - the ideas of WHY it's good to have children are a bit more ill thought out on my end, I'd need to ponder it over (note that I didn't bring up the massive economic effects we'll feel in the coming decades from population decline, because that's a cheap and easy answer for your more moral question).

>> No.6558116
File: 35 KB, 480x360, 1584076698801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to turn 30, and I'm still trying to learn how to draw

>> No.6558131

>even the bad is better than nothing
people do not exist before conception, they are not experiencing nothingness

>> No.6558134

If you could pull a switch and have made it so you were never born, to have never experienced anything, would you?
Maybe I'm being overly existential there (if that's the right word)?

>> No.6558151
File: 643 KB, 653x666, lucky weed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goona turn 50 soon and I just stared.

>> No.6558160

50 huh? It's cool that you're starting, I just don't imagine 4chan as the kind of culture that a 50 year old would appreciate...
Though I'm getting on in years, so fuck, maybe I'll be here at 50?

>> No.6558167
File: 553 KB, 478x659, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was ye olde otaku during the 90's, Suncoast Video, SASE VHS fansubs, Anime Turpike.
Came back around to this during the covids.

>> No.6558172

Remember kiddos it’s owari da the moment you get a gf.

>> No.6558382

I'm not reading all that shit

>> No.6558388

>just turned 30 and drawing and animating isn't fun anymore
Could this be because you finally grew up and realized that you were doing it to impress others, not because you cared about it yourself? Better kill a thread to inform us.

>> No.6558389

Raising kids has never been as difficult or expensive
>Nuclear family era
Mom stays at home and is with the kids 24/7
>peasant era
Kids are just around and get taught to do the family business/farm
Both parents work 10+ hours every day and are too tired to not let the child onto the internet where it is groomed by the mentally ill

>> No.6558401

How did you find your buyers?

>> No.6558407

Then don't? You think I care?

Raising kids has been difficult throughout most of history. I think people expect a certain level of wealth before having kids (reasonably so mind you) that is now unobtainable for many, but isn't really needed to raise kids. If poor people in trailers can raise children, you can too.
I think many people will regret not having children, despite being richer for it.

All that said, it's not really the argument I was making, which was simply - have kids/family these days seems somewhat demonised, if not outright looked down upon.

>> No.6558435

> he had no talent. you just proved it with your post. no one bought it, even with his great connections.
you should actually read his biography. he was extremely perfectionist and refused to sell his work for years on end. he did not want to sell even when people offered money for it. he had a joint exhibit right before he died where everyone agreed his work was the star of the show

>> No.6558437

this painting is more well known than anything you ever make will be. go get your booster

>> No.6558460

Yeah, anyone who types up so much nonsense would

>> No.6558472

>asks for response
>gives thorough response
>I'm not reading that
>No! No! You're seething! YOU'RE SEETHING!

Anon, why are you trying so hard to get my attention? I'm not going to fuck you.

>> No.6558489

what are you even going on about you fucking weirdo

>> No.6558505

Are you not even one of the people I was responding to? Even more of a reason for me to not give a fuck about you reading what I wrote, you dipshit. You're not important, no one cares, and I'm still not going to fuck you anon.

You can however, go fuck yourself.

>> No.6558519


>> No.6558525
File: 1.08 MB, 750x741, 15997463166132789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with raising a child are
>find an actual woman who isn't fucked in the head
Making kids is easy, but with the majority of the current women, it's a death sentence for you and eventually your kid.

Even then, just bringing someone into this world to help you take care of you when you're old, it's kinda of a shit excuse. That's exactly like making art only to get money and attention.
>Actually raise your kid beyond just feeding and clothing it
That's self-explanatory.
>Make sure that your kid can survive in this hellhole of a hellscape of a mentally ill degenerate psychotic tranny society
Most people are barely holding it together, let alone if they'll have the mental fortitude to raise a child without fucking them up.

I mean, you're not wrong per se, raising a kid is fulfilling but it's not that easy either because that's a life-long 24/7 commitment.

You should let people demonize having children, because those fags will then not reproduce.
It's like the retards who just doom post constantly about shitty ai bait and how people should not pursue art or whatever the fuck; Let em, it's trash throwing itself out of your house.
Just make sure you don't submit your self to the smell of trash.

>> No.6558527
File: 100 KB, 600x600, 1568411408341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6558547

>with the majority of the current women, it's a death sentence for you and eventually your kid.
Can sorta agree, it really isn't the majority of women, we've just had our brain rotted by the internet to think it is, but it doesn't change the fact that there's enough of them like that., but that's a different topic.
> just bringing someone into this world to help you take care of you when you're old, it's kinda of a shit excuse.
Not as the only reason, I was just rattling off some "objective" reasons having a child would be good as well. No one should have a kid solely to be taken care of later in life.
>Most people are barely holding it together, let alone if they'll have the mental fortitude to raise a child without fucking them up.
Don't totally agree, while for some this is definitely true, I think most of us are more adaptable than we realise, and would step up to the plate to handle being a responsible parent when need be.

>You should let people demonize having children, because those fags will then not reproduce...
I agree with you, but I worry (or feel sorry for) those who are influenced by those people and only realise when it's too late what it is they really wanted. You can see this particularly with women who are now in their 30's and realise their eggs have all dried up - they've been fed this "girl boss" anti-child spiel, and now that it's too late they realise they actually wanted children.
And while we can sit here a laugh at them for being stupid, women aren't as lucky as men when it comes to fertility, they need to make their decisions much earlier on, and these assholes are ruining it for women (and of course I'm sure there are examples for men too).

So I don't care about the people preaching it, but I do care about the narrative they're preaching and those it might effect.

>> No.6558582

Start a career and find a job, if you can't start a compagny and hire younger artists, or just support the others.

>> No.6558589

these girls exist. somewhere

>> No.6558604
File: 25 KB, 720x710, 1589894663211561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was just rattling off some "objective" reasons having a child would be good as well.
That really should not even cross your mind, it might poison your love for your child; are you really loving and caring for your child genuinely or do you hope that if you "love" your child enough it will be there when YOU need help?
Ultimately, your child is their own person with their own life, expecting or hoping that they will help you when you need it, is not a good mindset any parent should have. And that is as dangerous as preaching the whole anti-child stance.
I'm not meaning to disparage you or something. That's just what i was implying.
>and would step up to the plate to handle being a responsible parent when need be.
I don't disagree with this but a little doubt is healthy, it helps one make the right choices when it counts.
>I do care about the narrative they're preaching and those it might effect.
By trying to save people, you're only met with hostility even if you're right, especially on the internet where they come to consume to feel validated and will do and say anything to make their thoughts go unchallenged, much like the one-liners and passive aggressive shit one constantly gets whenever they speak about a subject some tranny doesn't want to expose himself to because it might shatter their grooming and brainwashing.
It's the same with women; you can expose them to the unquestionable knowledge of the whole universe, but they won't accept it because they're bothered by flimsy ideals such as going out and finding themselves through consumerism, and they will never look inwards for anything.
It's a shame, but it is what it is.

Best you can do in these cases is live by example, and optionally find smart people who also offer you doubt, advice and challenge your ideals without trying to convert you to their religion, so that you can lead an honest, genuine and even better life for yourself and the people you love.

>> No.6558844

>Excellent art is defined as perfect perspective and proportion
Most souless, permabeg, ngmi take I've ever read. Keep grinding those fundies buddy, one day you'll make it!

>> No.6559480

Time too get into gunpla

>> No.6559844
File: 1.21 MB, 320x180, rita.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

36 and I just got started; we gunna rule the world desu senpai.

>> No.6559867

honestly, yeah i would. there are zero consequences in this scenario and my life isn't all that great.

>> No.6559887

Boomer Uprising!

>> No.6560122

Hey gramps if ur going out dont forget to wear a sweater. Its awfully chilly outside. Oh and dont wander to far we cant have u sprain ur backs again like last time. Anyways have a safe trip :)

>> No.6560221

I'm just tired now. Every time I draw I'm calculating how much money or likes the piece will get me. Sometimes I draw something that I really want to draw, but I feel like a child for daring to have fun drawing. 30 year olds are supposed to be drinking beer and working all day and watching sportsball, not drawing anime titties.

>> No.6560224
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my parents sit like zombies and watch garbage TV 4+ hours a day after work
you don't want that life

>> No.6560258

yes and they have a triple digit body count

>> No.6560260
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>tranny with a messy room next to an ar15

>> No.6560262

I have done bad things. I feel that i would have to disclose them to potential brides, who would feel compelled to reveal my secrets to the public, ruining my reputation. As it would be bad to have children out of wedlock, i doubt that i will procreate. I am the kind of person who shouldn’t have childre

>> No.6560271

>That really should not even cross your mind, it might poison your love for your child
Of course, which is why I said it's not a sole reason someone should have a child. Someone asked me why it's "good" to have a child, and it's hard to make an argument without some objectivity in there, otherwise there is nothing but personal beliefs and morals.

>but a little doubt is healthy, it helps one make the right choices when it counts.
I'd actually argue it is healthy (though not if it's too much) - we all grow from the challenges life throws at us. A life of nothing but bliss creates weak soft people. It is when we're challenged that we show the best of ourselves. Perhaps I'm being naive here?

>especially on the internet where they come to consume to feel validated and will do and say anything to make their thoughts go unchallenged
Then bringing in my opinion to make them reconsider things should be good - at the very least it's something they'll just breeze over. I'd prefer that the knowledge or thought was there for them, then to have never had the option to question anything at all, just like you recommend for me. It's their choice, what to do, but so long as the information for them being well informed was at least presented, that's fine.
As for the hostility? Who cares, it's just internet drama.

Anyway, good chat anon, I doubt there is much for much more for us to discuss on this topic. You have a good one.

Oh, well I hope things get better for you anon. I just see good in the very fact that we existed.

Well, children aside, I hope find your equally messed-up soul mate anon, good luck out there.

>> No.6560285

>You're benefiting the world by ensuring there's another person contributing
not really beneficial compared to the waste needed for that person to live food, heating, transport, etc. What would that one new person contribute to humanity? What did you do that is more beneficial than the waste you left behind?
>regret not having children
what about people who have children and regret it? would you regret if you had a retarded child?
>that it's too late they realise they actually wanted children.
what about adobtion and the many kids that end up there? if women really wanted children why do they throw them away?

>> No.6560289

>What would that one new person contribute to humanity? What did you do that is more beneficial than the waste you left behind?
Just by being a regular contributing member of society (job, paying taxes), you are greatly contributing. Who do you think creates all the things I turn to waste? How do they get paid? I am one part of a whole.

>what about people who have children and regret it?
If only there were options to not have a child, or even for giving the child up, dang.

>what about adobtion and the many kids that end up there? if women really wanted children why do they throw them away?
Oh, you then mention abortion... Anyway, that was my initial argument? That having children and a regular family was looked down upon/demonised. If we're just talking about promiscuity, that's a different discussion.

>> No.6560296

less people less waste less poverty
more people more waste more poverty
you are not helping anyone you are widing the gap of poverty

>> No.6560305

I'm not discussing population numbers. I was only ever discussing having a family and the demonisation of it.

But that's an overly simplistic way of looking at it all the same.

>> No.6560325

you didnt answer tho would you regret having a retarded child? retards cant pay taxes do that mean your kid is a waste?

>> No.6560345
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31 here. Started drawing not even a year ago. i hate my job but it pays well. I'm a virgin loser and not even videogames or fap can fill the void now. Making drawings is the only thing that keeps me sane and gives me the dopamine I crave when I finnaly finish something I worked hard on. I think I have gotten better over these lasts months and I dont want to stop by the fear of falling on deep shit. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.6560355

>you didnt answer tho
>If only there were options to not have a child, or even for giving the child up, dang.
I wouldn't have a handicapped child.

>> No.6560359

thats not a choice you can make

>> No.6560361

Keep it up anon!

>> No.6560373
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I'm 30 and I'm starting

>> No.6560376

You do know we can do tests to see if the child could have most defects or deformities before birth - so that is a choice I can make.
But let's say all else failed and I have a retarded kid, it's still my kid. I don't know why you're bringing up it's socitial worth like that matters to me on an individual level. I'll just let him loose on this site to talk with the rest of the retards.
And I don't know why you're talking to what my individual circumstances could be, in regards to a general overall topic.

Could I get food poisoning with the next meal I eat? Yeah.
Should everyone on earth stop eating food then? No.

I think overall having kids and a family is a good thing, and just because there can possibly be negative things that can come from that doesn't mean it should be discarded. The fact that you bring this up goes back to my point of the demonisation of having children and a family.

>> No.6560379

>G M I

>> No.6560380

Aim for the top anon

Good luck to you too.

>> No.6560406

>can do tests to see if the child could have most defects or deformities before birth
most gamble even if they know the result
>I have a retarded kid
if you ok with that then it makes "benefits society" a null reason to support having kids because retards offer zero benefit and larg negative to sustain their living
basically you dont are about society to begin with
>bringing up it's socitial worth like that matters to me on an individual level
you said kids bring benefits to society
>think overall having kids and a family is a good thing
in perfect case sinario you mean because alot of kids are suffering greatly from people having families
basically you shouldn't encourage families because people do not have good intentions even if you have good intentions

>> No.6560416

>basically you shouldn't encourage families because people do not have good intentions even if you have good intentions

>if you ok with that then it makes "benefits society" a null reason to support having kids because retards offer zero benefit and larg negative to sustain their living
basically you dont are about society to begin with
There are such things as "nuance" in discussions anon.

>you said kids bring benefits to society
Yes, on average, in general, far more usually than not, they will benefit society.

Anyway, if you're going to sit there and focus on the people who have been fucked over in life, or be so doomer pilled, far be it for me, or anyone, to recommend anything to you:
>Don't save your money or put it in the bank - Don't you know bank's have taken your money during bad economic times
>Don't exercise or get healthy - You might have some random medical emergency which would have wasted all your efforts
>Don't even draw - You may start losing your sight at some point
>Don't go to university - It doesn't 100% guarantee a job and you may be crushed by debt

Just sit in your room, hiding under blankets, in the dark anon; the world is a scary and imperfect place, so why do anything?
Feel free to not have children anon, just don't tell others to not have children as well, especially with these oddly pessimistic and narrow viewed arguments.

>> No.6560423

>average, in general,
did you make that stat up? because it isnt on average in general good contribution
>focus on the people who have been fucked
you focused on good sinario which as you stated never happens
>Feel free to not have children anon, just don't tell others to not have children
im not im just bringing a point of view you didnt talk about and you acting overly defensively
>pessimistic and narrow viewed arguments.
you have to think of that side aswell as optimistic view, why pick one side?

>> No.6560474

>did you make that stat up? because it isnt on average in general good contribution
Just blatantly wrong. Do you think the average nurse, electrician, plumber, builder, fuck even just a fast food worker, isn't providing something that makes our society better to live in? The taxes they pay pave our roads (again a job someone, who was born and is currently living has to do), keep our electrical grids running, keep our medical system going, our public transport etc.

Let's say they're a low income person and pay no taxes, and you think they're job is of no benefit to society - alright, they're still buying food, which is money in the pockets of farmers and shops, contributing to ensuring those businesses continue to run enabling all our lives to be easier. A community effort.

Why do you think it's such a worry for Japan, or Korea, or China that their population is shrinking? They'll have less of everything I was talking about here, and their economy will take a massive hit from it. If you have less people, have less of the workers to make all the services available.

I didn't even need to look up any studies, this is the most basic bitch simple observations about these things; so for you to say
>did you make that stat up? because it isnt on average in general good contribution
Is so ignorant, and makes me wonder why I should even bother with this conversation. Of course you're not going to care if everyone stops having kids if you stupidly think the average person contributes nothing to society.

>you focused on good sinario which as you stated never happens
What? Which scenario have I said never happens?

>> No.6560477

>im not im just bringing a point of view you didnt talk about and you acting overly defensively
Of course I'm not talking about that point of view, because that point of view is antithetical to my point. Why would I talk about the low possibility of having retarded children, when I'm talking about the virtues of having a family?

>you have to think of that side aswell as optimistic view, why pick one side?
Because an overly pessimistic view is just defeatist, as I already said quite clearly in 2 responses to you now.
"Why should we do anything, if something can go wrong?" - It's a terrible way of thinking of things and does nothing but throw a wrench in the discussion.

Anyway, We're going in circles now buddy, so I think that's where I'll leave it off.

>> No.6560519

you ruined art for actual people who loved art
I hope you suffer a lot

>> No.6561590
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Anon that's stupid - do what you want. Yeah it does make it easier to socialize with people if you watch sports, but it's not a deal breaker if you don't.

>> No.6561595

>30 year olds are supposed to be drinking beer
I respect any coomer artist infinitely more than a 30yo whose personality is drinking beer and watching sports. that's a pathetic existence

>> No.6561602

So doing what you enjoy after work is a pathetic existence? You guys are so judgy against those who just want to relax.

>> No.6561632

What a shitty thread. Genuinely one of the worst threads on this board. Go draw, and don't worry so much

>> No.6561764

They're not "relaxed" so much as anesthetized.

>> No.6561808

>Anon is so retarded he cannot fathom anyone putting in effort into anything after age 20

Stop projecting so hard, you fucking troglodyte.

Tell me anon, Do you seriously think people's brains just shut off after age 20? Do doctors, whose field is constantly changing and advancing, never learn said advancements?

God, the myth that the brain stops developing at some random age has been disastrous for our entire culture. Imagine how many unique artworks and ideas we missed because of faggots like you perpetuating this myth.

>> No.6561906

being 30, I have more time than ever to draw now, but actually starting a session is the hardest thing in the world. Every action has to go through a rigorous cost-benefit analyses since it feels like I'm rationing the years I have left.