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File: 580 KB, 828x1282, 16326AEB-6FB6-48C9-A36E-772775C52501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6538383 No.6538383 [Reply] [Original]

>f-fan art doesn’t mean you make it
>n-no company hire you for drawing fotm

>> No.6538394

And anons here still get butthurt when someone posts a fotm fanart in general threads
Cope harder

>> No.6538401

Drawing fan art falls under the "Just Draw" mantra. Anyone who says they cant draw fan art is against that.

>> No.6538405

But I don't want to be hired to draw other people's characters I want people to like my own characters.

>> No.6538407

This. You shouldn't care about as long as you are having fun with it. Making fanart it's a good way to get back to drawing too

>> No.6538409

It is true that fanarts and fotms get you followers but I won't call it below making originals. Both are art.

A better goal would be to just ignore the internet points and just focus on yourself - be it fanart or original. Just have improvement as your main goal and everything else as secondary

>> No.6538414

Draw them too dammit,you don't have the obligation to draw fanart if you don't want to. The main problem is the people shitting on fanarts

>> No.6538416


>> No.6538418

I don’t draw fanart because I don’t get invested in anything enough to make art of it. Also feels like a waste of time to draw art for a company when I could be making art for myself.

>> No.6538421

Then just draw. You dont have to do fan art. It will be harder to build an audience, but it will happen if you engage with who ever drops by. Someone always drops by.

Yeah, when you are fresh out of ideas and waiting for something to hit, fan art can keep you moving.

>> No.6538423

>fan art is theft

>> No.6538429

Drawing too much fan art will devalue your image. Picolo succeeded financially sure but he’s known as “the teen titans guy”. Nobody cares about his personal projects, if he even has any.

>> No.6538440

Despite this,people likes his original content
IIRC that one inspired by the Icarus myth is the most popular

>> No.6538444

man on the bussin twitter just be sayin shit lmao no cap

>> No.6538458

no one actually thinks this can someone send the twitter screencap thread garbage bins dancing

>> No.6538468

> no one actually thinks
Fuck off tourist

>> No.6538532

Fan art can get you scouted, no one disagrees on that it’s more so when you’re actually employed by a company sometimes it can restrict you from drawing fan art of other IPs.

>> No.6538533

what? did you up your prescription recently?

>> No.6538620

The one who post the picture is an AI faggot

>> No.6538989

She also traces

>> No.6538998
File: 204 KB, 1139x1080, tumblr_cb3c81b2e833eb77810e9ddbf706240f_9093b0af_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God copyright is such a idiotic mess. Imagine if other industries worked like this.

>Bakes a loaf of bread
>That's THEFT from the bakers they had the idea to bake bread first

>> No.6539083

if you sell fan art then it is theft, if its posted publicly it doesn't matter.

>> No.6539105

I do make my own original art almost daily but I like drawing fan art as a way to say I enjoyed something, even if it's hyper obscure and I am the only person who might ever enjoy it's context.

>> No.6539151

I did fan art of my fav shows from my childhood and now I am a major contributor to Disney goyslop

>> No.6539158

>Struggling artists makes a fun meme character that starts to make waves
>Disney takes the character and makes it into a franchise, but makes the character trans
>Struggling artist didn't get payed a cent, and loses his following for not putting his pronouns in his profile.
>Now he can only make ends meet pandering to the right
>Someone doxxes him and swats him
>Gets shot in the confusion
>Doesn't die but is blinded
>Buys a rope

>> No.6540044

You cannot copyright common things but copyright DOES exist in other industries
You can patent a medicine, genetically modified seed, technological device, etc

In fact, patent existed before opyright

>> No.6540051

>Imagine if other industries worked like this.
They do, it's why medication with very low production costs still gets to be retardedly expensive (insulin being the most well known case), why vidya doesn't have loading screen minigames anymore and also why there's a lot of software related monopoly
If anything unless you're japanese there's a lot of freedom to fuck around when it comes to art other people made

>> No.6540070

I'm appalled that retards like you, perhaps even an artist yourself, don't understand that copyright is not just needed, but benefits any creative industry and fosters creativity. Yes it can be abused by some rich cunts like literally anything else on Earth but it doesn't change the fact that all the faggots complaining about it existing are either 3rd worlders or thieving niggers looking to make a quick buck. Fuck off.

>> No.6540083

The only reason I have 100 followers after 9 years is because I drew fanart.

>> No.6540115

of course since the art world is creatively bankrupt there's no surprise that they're hiring fanartists and pornshitters, they are in fact the ultimate prostitutes

>> No.6540126

>the ultimate cope

>> No.6540127



>> No.6540151

your argument all boils down to "How will I feed my kids!?", they've gone through it and through it in the free software communities. My stance on copyright is that people who copyright their stuff and enforce it are cucks, People are going to steal it no matter what. the true gigachad artists are ones who not only don't fall into the OC DONUT STEEL autism but actually say "please steal my work"

>> No.6540157

it's not cope, it's just the market. factually there's no bigger yes-man than a fanwhore pornshitter and that's what companies want. it only makes sense because nobody wants artistic vision or anything like that, they want people who just want to get paid and have zero attrition to demands

>> No.6540159

I don't even think you're wrong man, but it's important to have a recourse in case some faggot directly hurts your business by stealing from you and undercutting your ass

>> No.6540160

what a fucking idiot. the only artists who aren't bottom cucks in this idiot world are people who don't ever post a thing online
at the very best you can get paid to be someone's little hooker
faggot, you can't even argue in good faith

>> No.6540162

cope, seethe, mald
people are going to draw your deviantart sonic oc's and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.6540165

do you even read the posts you reply to or are you a bot?

>> No.6540168
File: 115 KB, 828x1011, media_Fpv_n_dXwAAvfMo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the woman who made that image is a shitty artist who did fanart commissions with obvious tracing
It's always the unskilled crabs doing the antagonizing.

>> No.6540182
File: 370 KB, 710x805, 217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artists once again gang up on some no name rando with a retarded take

Is that a secret marketing trick I'm not aware of or something, why do people collectively decide to bitch about some guy shitposting on twitter every other month. Do you get good boy points when agreeing with bigger artists or "proving" the other guy is a retard by dumping your entire portfolio in a fit of autistic rage.

And why is there always some absurdly big names in there, how the fuck do you get half a million followers and not learn not to interact with every retard on this hellhole

>> No.6540210

Because it's fucking Twitter. It's that simple. Terminally online faggots are always searching for new witch to burn

>> No.6540213

>Vidya with no mini games in loading screen
Fuck Konami
Or was it Fuck Koei Tecmo

>> No.6540302

Quit bullshitting, dude. If you're going to post something retarded on the internet, of course you're going to get mocked.
>And why is there always some absurdly big names in there
Are popular people not allowed to make fun of unpopular people?

>> No.6540311
File: 17 KB, 320x276, 1663981650290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X is an easy way to hack yourself into getting famous
Is this guy retarded?
Rhetorical question.

>> No.6540328

Original characters are cringe. What's the point if you're not putting them in a narrative? Besides themes makes a good story not original characters.

>> No.6541742

If Disney "stole" a character of yours you couldn't afford to defend against Disney anyway. Technically legally we are allowed to make transformative works from other people's work but nobody has the money to go to the supreme court to fight for that right so we stay cucked by corpos.

No copyright absolutely is not needed. The music industry is a perfect example of it literally killing creativity. Another example is YouTube. Every since both of those decided fair use isn't applicable they both got much shittier. I understand that it is necessary NOW that we have made this mess but that's part of the problem.

Yeah patents are kinda stupid too. It creates monopolies on who can produce certain things which eliminates competition. Arguably the most important part of capitalism.

If people could make better versions of your shit for cheaper capitalism would actually work for the people since direct competition would keep products cheaper and better.

Yeah this shows exactly the problem. It eliminates competition which gives rise to monopolies that can screw the consumer. It's NOT a good thing.

>> No.6541754

Yeah and make garbage like winnie the pooh horror movie and profit of others work.

>> No.6541759

Capitalism is about profiting off the work of others. The owner of a business always profits off the work of others. The point is to compete to make the best product. That's only able to happen if people are allowed to compete.

Disney didn't make Winnie the Pooh either but their works on the subject matter were great.

>> No.6541770

she sounds like she's the type of artist that gets mad that nobody cares about her OCs, when in reality her OCs are just unappealing.

>> No.6542142
File: 73 KB, 326x195, When+they+play+the+uno+reverse+card+_cea82fd5674d6fbed0034bd6be61129c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retarded piece of shit
Patent and copyright does NOT eliminate competition. It prevents others from using something that YOU created without *your* permission.

If there's no copyright, you can just pick up any book, copy it, and sell it with you as the damn author.

Please shut your mouth.
Every single artist and innovator understands the value of copyright

>> No.6542153

Disney bought Winnie, you son of a fucking bitch

>> No.6542205

Every person I've talked to who thought copyright was evil turned out to be a pro AI schizo.

>> No.6542221

My main issue with FOTM fanart is that it's harder to find fanartists made by general lovers of the series. FOTM spammers are literally doing the YCH equivalent of fanart. I can't blame them, but it gets stale and harder to find other artists of my favorites to want to follow.

>> No.6542230

Others have already said it, but you can literally do both. I will add that you can even use fanart as a study space to apply to your IPs. Fanworks give you a space for experimentation w/o worrying too much about your original characters.
Hell, League of Legends was born out of a Warcraft mod that was basically fanfic.
People should stop riding on the basis of follower counts and worry about getting those gains to maintain both your talent and your future audience.

>> No.6542231

> Sega and Tyson Geese

Nigga literally redesigned sonic for comics, movie, animations and merch

>> No.6542246

Then do your own thing. You shouldn't draw fanart just for fame,draw whatever you like.

>> No.6542389

I'm not anti-copyright but you're hopelessly nieve if you think patents are never abused to stifle creativity and remove competition.

>> No.6542442

the only reason i started drawing is so i could draw fanart of my favorite character

i dont aspire for à career in art, i’m just a hobbyist

>> No.6542502

No shit. That’s why copyright is stupid. Whoever has the most money gets to hoard a massive amount of intellectual property that they mostly don’t use. Public domain means everyone can compete.

If a creator wants to work on something they made while at a studio they physically cannot because the company owns that property. Copyright screws over the small guy while keeping the big media corporations as monopolies.

>> No.6542680

Oh shut up

The Creator of Winnie the poo was paid a whooping $350M. If there was no copyright, they wouldn't be paid at all.

Your complaints are absolute bullshit. Zip it and go back to your uncopyrightable AI prompts

>> No.6545150

my thoughts exactly
it really feels like they just make braindead posts like this on purpose to generate artificial buzz