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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 442 KB, 600x610, 1652797777557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6529734 No.6529734 [Reply] [Original]

Video Course General v.12

Never give up!

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

/ic/ official torrent

https://avxhome.in (you will find some, plus books)
Uncharted waters, lots of content

Last thread: >>6507070

>> No.6529753

rinotuna course fucking when?

>> No.6529848

How much longer until he's gone forever

>> No.6529853

4y max

>> No.6529856

When this board go AI-free or someone here don't be a selfish idiot
I'm praying for both desu

>> No.6529857

He will live forever in our hearts

>> No.6529879

Anyone have this Oshii course?

>> No.6530061
File: 162 KB, 720x405, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any info on this?
looks like he sat down and structured his shit for once given the images of sections
also I think I've seen it on eng site but I'm a retard and can't find it now

>> No.6530192

I wonder how many coloso artists are using a tablet with a screen. Their strokes are way too accurate. Wish they would say because for the longest time I thought that accuracy was possible on a tablet without a screen.

>> No.6530197
File: 63 KB, 685x1024, 1675156139034305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6530198

Someone should buy, translate, and share this. Even just for documentative reasons. I already know how to draw, but we need to do everything we can to preserve this man's legacy, his way of working, and his philosophy on art. This is no longer a matter of selfish pirating, but should be for the good of humanity.

>> No.6530201

What are you implying?!

>> No.6530480

my brother in christ. It IS possible. The accuracy is in your own eyes.

>> No.6530766
File: 30 KB, 464x464, FchO-XbXwAAa45j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting a torrent for the first dynamic sketching course only.

>> No.6530774

IIRC the ic torrent have it
If yes,just select the files you want

>> No.6530802

Grandpa Anon here. Why are you all watching and drawing these Chinese cartoons? Is this profitable or this is for fun? Serious question. Also, these Machine learning models can do this for a fraction of the price. So, why...?!

>> No.6530803

why not?

>> No.6530815

kys old fart ai shill
you are a burden to society

>> No.6530819

They want to waste their 20s and 30s on kids drawing instead of doing real work

>> No.6530823

You faggots just give your account to the leakers so they can upload it the cgp then let the snowball roll eventually in as little as 2 days, you can pay the occ faggot to download them off their shitty site.

>> No.6530867

I have like 5 or 6 of those animu korean illustrator courses downloaded, is there even single thing in rinotuna course that not mentioned anywhere else??

>> No.6530873

Rinotuner is the ultimate OC character creator there ever was, so unless others talk about original characters, there are still some tips you can learn from him I think.

>> No.6530882

I hate this whole idea of private trackers
Most people there are stuck up cunts
>B-But muh leechers
Use rules and VPN
Being a member of the sekrit club isn't a merit or something to be proud of

>> No.6530896

>Being a member of the sekrit club isn't a merit or something to be proud of
it kind of is, lmao not like you pleb would understand

>> No.6530904

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.6530905

thanks for seething publicly lmao

>> No.6530908

You wish

>> No.6530923

Is the course really that good?

>> No.6530929

You wouldn't say any of that if you were actually in the secret club. Seethe harder cuck

>> No.6530933

I wouldn't say anything because I would be busy leaking all of the sekrit club shit

>> No.6530940

you wouldnt leak anything, seething cucks are too lazy

>> No.6530941

too many courses makes you weak

>> No.6530942

>I wonder why no one lets me in their secret clubs
You stay at the front door and seethe

>> No.6530945

>mah secret club
>have all the courses
>still cant draw

>> No.6530958

It's hard, okay? Coloso stuff isn't beginner tier at all so you have to play udemy roulette for the basics.

>> No.6530963

I don't mind private trackers. If it is on CG Peers it means people at least managed to pirate it. If Rinotuna dropped on CG peers it wouldn't be long until it dropped here.

>> No.6530965

Honestly, at this point, we should just make a Rinotuna thread and independently study his style.

What is keeping you guys from just doing master studies and accuracy exercises?

>> No.6530967

Is there even a single good Udemy course?

>> No.6530987
File: 46 KB, 554x554, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same mentality
Too bad some projecting cunts still don't get it

>> No.6530988
File: 187 KB, 710x782, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6530990

Non-art courses on Udemy are good. Maybe if you want to learn Procreate the Procreate classes are good to learn every inch of the program (not drawing). But no, there are no good art classes there. The anime classes are all bad and the only person who keeps making anime classes there is that Christina girl who blatantly regurgitates pirated resources like Will Weston.

>> No.6530991

Agreed with the master studies,you can find Rinotuna drawing in real time on Youtube
But I don't think that we need another thread just for that,this board is already slow and it got worse after the folders takedown

>> No.6530993

And I didn't even mentioned the books,they are very helpful

>> No.6530996

Are you guys meeming or just pretending to be dumb or what? The Rinotuna class is nothing special.

>> No.6530998
File: 45 KB, 421x718, swegaewg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yes, I have the course.

>> No.6530999

Are you being ironic? Reeeno is a god.

>> No.6531001

I personally don't care about the courses,the books are good enough for me
Just pointed out what always happens with private trackers

>> No.6531005

/ic/ will obsess over anything they do not have. I remember when the Yoh Yoshinari's rough sketches artbook was begged for nonstop in every new art book thread for months and then it was scanned and everyone stopped talking about it until the next thing showed up to repeat the same process.

>> No.6531007

And if you have the course,is more easy to make a solid judgment

>> No.6531008

They can't just draw until the sekrit formula is found

>> No.6531009

nice photoshop

>> No.6531011

Medsmap digital painting...

>> No.6531017

Seems to me it is a basic course that covers pretty much the same things every other course has.

Airi Pan's course is not focused on character design, but I bet her color theory chapter is very similar to Rinotuna's. Proko has some comprehensive stuff on joints, Kalvachev has a great course in anatomy/gesture/figure drawing.

There's nothing new under the sun. We all know what the fundies are. We can pay for the course, master study our way through his style, or die. That's it.

>> No.6531020

>mah coloso course
>mah class101
>i need that x course

this is all you need to make it

>> No.6531021

Airi Pan? I'm going to check this
Thanks for the recommendation anon

>> No.6531027

Going to check Kalvachev as well

>> No.6531071

Can looking at how others draw even really be considered drawing yourself?

>> No.6531090

In the spirit of continuing the old tradition: "Does anyone have the Will Weston Figure Drawing course?"

>> No.6531113

It never was to begin with. The learning comes from you and how you process what you see and observe.

>> No.6531123 [DELETED] 

Legit the only thing you need is New Masters Academy specifically for the live classes and discord critique. Anything less for beginners is cope and a waste of time.

>> No.6531174

>kys old fart ai shill
>you are a burden to society

Yea, but I gave good genes. You will need to wait a bit. 40 years, I hope.

>> No.6531181


So is this just for fun? No thinking about the future? I mean, yeah, I get it, someone can be rich (parents). Just asking, because this is quite interesting.

>> No.6531283

i dont speak ching chong

>> No.6531384

The ic torrent is literally all the files in one while I'm specifically aiming for that course alone tho

>> No.6531390

Well,I just said that you might find it there
You don't have to download everything just the specific files
Btw,online-courses have this course

>> No.6531414

You know you can download from the torrent just the files you want right? You check a bunch of boxes with the folders and files you specifically want. No one would use it otherwise if they had to manually download the whole terabyte lol

>> No.6531542

rinotuna my beloved

>> No.6531546

This looks nice, anyone got it yet?


>> No.6531553

You personally have not heard of freeleech before. Stop larping.

>> No.6531556

I'm not even larping kek
My main point is everything will be eventually leaked to other sites

>> No.6531647

who's the most beginner friendly: Huston, Hampton, Vilppu, Watts or Brent Eviston?

>> No.6531648

Best video series on learning how to draw in proportion? Im sick and tired of drawing tiny ass heads on huge bodies.

>> No.6531650

Brent's approach, you can do a single video a day for the whole week, then when the next week starts, you continue doing a single video a day, until next week starts and so on.

>> No.6531688

agree though I do big heads on small shoulders

>> No.6531808

Anyone have erak note's courses?

>> No.6531813

No No No! Do figure studies instead! Compare your drawing to the reference. Does it look right? Do this thousands and thousands of times. You think a video course will replace that? Seriously?

If you don't accept my advice, I have bad news for you. NGMI

>> No.6532291

Is that really cool? Just taking an image,possible something even drawn by another, and just trying to reproduce it? It sounds so familiar.

>> No.6532333

This is how you become a copy slave

>> No.6532468

looking for a DL for the mogoon course, all the ones from the website section ask for some shitty premium account to download it

I dont even want the fundies / theory portion I just want mogoon process videos so I can copy their rendering

>> No.6532517

I haven't watched all of it only parts, but i think the parts about how to create interesting character designs are pretty good. Maybe its lvl 1 character design since I not deep into learning it but it was helpful for someone like me who dosen't really know where to even begin a character.

>> No.6532578

What's a good course to learn Clip Studio Paint? I've seen people recommending ctrl+Paint and Meds Map so many times here but I wanted something more focused on the pros of useng Manga Studio/CSP?

>> No.6532586

there is no such thing in english, specifically for clipstudio, good luck winging it.

>> No.6532589

oh really? do you said that even to people who don't know nothing about gesture or construction? I really don't think it's a good idea to make people do brute force practise when they don't even know where to start
How do you expect the figure studies will turn out with no knowlede of linw quality, form, perspective, proportions, gesture, anatomy or light/shadow at all?

At the very least tell him to go through Drawing Comics the Marvel way once like David Finch does.... or Fun with a Pencil, I think my favorite beginner book is the Jack Hamm one that Boichi recommended, moving to intermediate I go for Vilppu manual.

>> No.6532596

Good then let me reformulate to Japanese or Korean? 70% sure I can get it with subs on cgpeers or online course club

>> No.6532599

Of course you draw with basic forms you dumb fucks. I thought that was so obvious I didn't need to say it. NGMI

>> No.6532603

You said no Vilppu, no Huston, no Hampton and no Eviston, WHERE THE FUCK YOU LEARNED SIMPLE FORMS THEN!?

Of course it's obvious you draw with simple forms, but the poor dude was just asking who's a good beginner teacher to start learning those and you throwed shit at him for asking that....

>> No.6532607

He asked where to learn proportions, and I told him had to practice. There are infinite types of proportions, proportions of figures, proportions of buildings, trees, landscapes, animals, etc. You only learn it through observation.

If you want to learn basic forms, then any of the commonly recommended books will work. Vilppu, Hampton, Bridgman, Hamm.

if you reply was >>6532589, then sorry for lumping you into the other posts. Your post was very helpful.

>> No.6532616

yeah that was me, I pretty much practise with Jack Hamm and Drawing comics the Marvel Way to get the general idea of drawing in proportion with the most simplified approach possible, then I also watched Brent Eviston to see the process in real time, and right now I'm doing Vilppu manual along his video series. I want to watch Huston someday but right now I want to focus on Vilppu to not overwhelm myself

>> No.6532799
File: 2.60 MB, 2709x2828, Screenless drawing tablet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Koreans use screenless drawing tablet in professional settings. As their company don't provide screen tablet for them and also screenless drawing tablet is better for health.
Pic rel is from Wingfox - Cyberpunk Art and Drawing Course

>> No.6532802

maybe they should learn to not slouch.

>> No.6532806

tablets have something called precision mode, use it

>> No.6533485
File: 432 KB, 1318x420, image_2023-02-24_113032654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello i would like to request coloso course by gregor kary if possible

>> No.6533505

Bridgman is the answer my dude.

>> No.6533519

where is kalvachev's course? i can't find it and the mega link has been taken down

>> No.6533534

do you actually think this looks good?

>> No.6533562

What's a good /beg/ coloso course for anime?

>> No.6533642


>> No.6533662


>> No.6533663

dunno, plenty of mangaka draw on cintiqs all day, and it's not much different than pencil and paper. You can angle the display any way you want, and you don't have to slouch. Anyways, it's a good infographic, to consider both sides

>> No.6533666


>> No.6533673

I got it from the batman mega a long time ago, if I remember right. Give me an hour or two and I'll upload on anon files when I get home from work

>> No.6533746

yeah i gey i've study, bridgeman,loomis, hogarth and others do you have the course with you by any chance?

>> No.6533750

do you have it or not

>> No.6533762

why would he have a crappy course?

>> No.6533850



had to encode to post 'cus the capcha thinks its's spam.

>> No.6533865

You'd have to encode it anyway
It's dangerous to post any link since that faggot took down the folders

>> No.6534001

Req https://coloso.us/illust_webtoon/illustrator-cindylaw-us

>> No.6534007

Anyone has this?https://coloso.us/illust_webtoon/characterdesigner_kevinglint_us

>> No.6534010

you guys are parasites.

>> No.6534019

So are you.

>> No.6534031

not that anon but I'm here just grinding my fundies until rinotuna leaks.

>> No.6534055

I stopped stealing courses long ago, /beg/kun. I only need Loomis now.

>> No.6534062

Based and GMI
One day bro...It will happen

>> No.6534065

And you paid for the books?

>> No.6534090

Of course

>> No.6534091

No,you didn't anon

>> No.6534095

How poor are you?

>> No.6534103

I can afford,I just won't pay for a half century old book anon.

>> No.6534112

like I said... parasite.

>> No.6534115

And why are you even here?

>> No.6534142
File: 32 KB, 638x336, 56dxpvnry9901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh... I just like it here!

>> No.6534153

Oh,it's you.
You will never gmi,mikufag.

>> No.6534155

So anons are the 21 Draw courses like, good? Worth the money? Worth the pirating?

>> No.6534178

Many thanks, anon.

>> No.6534272

thanks for uploading the compressed version!

>> No.6534289

finally someone answered me
you are an angel, anon

>> No.6534535
File: 461 KB, 2048x1374, FnGRhPmXgAIwhBe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone planning on watching/recording this Spencer Wan workshop? I'm unfortunately going to be out while it's happening.

>> No.6534769
File: 345 KB, 1600x1420, _8_skin_tone__environment_color_by_wlop_dd1fctr-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to download WLOP's tutorials? They look quite neat

>> No.6534788

online-courses have it

>> No.6534800

Also check OP links,probably you will find it

>> No.6534801

Anyone got any of Trent's stuff? Specifically stuff regarding concept processes, not so much the basic drawing stuff.

>> No.6534803

This >>6534800
And online-courses

>> No.6535001

i need the mogoon course :( please

>> No.6535036

He isn't that good, spends like 5 different episodes talking about theories a lot. Stuff you already know, such as you draw using your hands and eyes.

>> No.6535037

Thank you for your replies. I checked the links and found #1-5, #7 and #9. Do you know if there's a way to get the others? I was looking for #8.
I also checked Kemono Party but unfortunately the posts have no attachments.

>> No.6535044

Welp,that sucks. I still didn't checked bilibili, so you might want to check there as well
You will find a fuckton of courses and probably WLOP
Don't know if the IC torrent have it,you can check here too

>> No.6535048

I would still like to have it but if you have a better course I want it bro :(

>> No.6535184

hello i would like to request coloso course by Wandah Kurniawan https://coloso.us/mediadesign/3dcharacterartist-wandah-us

>> No.6535187

probably better off asking /3/

>> No.6535191

Can't blame him for posting here tho
/3/ is even more slower than /ic/

>> No.6535522


>> No.6535525


Does Viktor Kalvachev teach anything interesting that Huston Hampton Vilppu didn't cover in more detail?

Just asking because I have it lying around but never really got into it because I akways go with just doing Vilppu and Hampton...

>> No.6535527


>> No.6535646

Uploader here. I haven't watched Hampton's or Vilppu's classes so I can't say exactly, but I'm pretty sure they should be more thorough than Kalvachev's because his course doesn't go into specific details.

Kalvachev's course is for people who never ever touched an anatomy course and need some light without being overwhelmed and at the same time he puts a lot of emphasis on observation. If you like his style and how he "feels the form" with hatching it is worth just for that.

I had a year of experience in figure drawing when I put my hands on his course and still found some useful tips. I'd say it's a good intro for people who feel overwhelmed with long anatomy courses and a good workout/extra for people who have some experience under their belts.

I'd say anime fags will get more from this course than realism fans tho, so keep that in mind.

>> No.6535678

Good to know, thanks, so I guess it's in a more beginner level of Figure Drawing kinda like The Art & Science of Figure Drawing by Brent Eviston, or what Figure Drawing course did you had as a beginner?

I'd say Vilppu classes match what you're describing since he focus more on expressing the flow and gesture of the figure rather than the anatomy and he even draws cartoony disney like characters along the figure to show the principles are always the same, though it's a bit dense/long and a bit intimidating for beginners since he can draw figures like nothing in very few lines.

Hampton should call his classes anatamy for beginners rather than Figure Drawing, despite being simplified he focus too much on muscles and insertion points on bones and I personally think figure drawing should be more focused on the spherical and box shapes Vilppu does, or some simplified abstraction/mannequization like the Reilly Rhythms of Watts or manneqiuns lesson of Proko

>> No.6535957

Does anyone know if Liz Steel courses are good? And if anyone happen to have them please share.

>> No.6536289

I had figure drawing classes in person a little before COVID hit up and then paid for private classes online, I had guidance from a teacher and critique most of the time. I still feel like I missed something by lacking in person work. Drawing with a live model and having to translate what you see in real life to lines on paper really makes the gears in your head turn like nothing else.

My teacher was a big fan of Villpu's work, maybe his course will feel familiar to me in some way, I should take a look

>> No.6536326

Does anyone have Miacat's course? https://coloso.us/illust_webtoon/illustrator_miacat_us

>> No.6536329

>western shit

>> No.6536754

Never heard of her, but her work looks lovely. If you’re interested in watercolor and can’t find her courses Carcamo’s schoolism course on watercolor is floating somewhere on the web.

>> No.6536935

I was more interested in the architectural drawing aspect but I'll check it out. She has a book so I'll get that in the meantime.

>> No.6537020

Any chance this merch course has been uploaded anywhere? I'm interested in the business side of things

>> No.6537035

Wow this course is niche as fuck, food with chibi merch? Don't hold your breath.

>> No.6537037

Not really interested in the art aspect, but the later videos go into technical details of making/marketing merch. but yeah it's very niche

>> No.6537130

Ugly style

>> No.6537156

What is a good rinotuna alternative?

>> No.6537159

watching his vods on youtube

>> No.6537224

Hmmm this got me thinking, they all use Photoshop for some reason. Mogo, Oku and Rino. Why not Clip Studio Paint?

>> No.6537246

CSP is great for lineart and black and white art. Photoshop has a lot more tools for image editing like warping, resizing, filters, etc. If you're working with vis dev or anything with complex colors photoshop is the best.

>> No.6537344

The first half of Rinotuna course are basically cover the content of his books. Actually the books cover more in depth than his course. And the design theory part are similar to any design courses out there, nothing exceptional.

>> No.6537385


>> No.6537424

what's the best version of pirated photoshop?

>> No.6537428

The one without malware

>> No.6537451

But we all agree that CS6 is the best one

>> No.6537456

sure would be nice if i could just buy a copy of CS6 to keep, fuck subscriptions

>> No.6537472

At this point,it's easy to find a cracked CS6 copy online.Hell,I have one even though I don't use that much
But if you want to buy,check out eBay or similar sites

>> No.6537474


>> No.6537479

you're in luck, this just got uploaded to cgpeers

>> No.6537620

this poor is not in cgpeers and needs links

>> No.6537889

Anyone got mogoon's 100 days challenge psd?

>> No.6537893

What's the best material on drawing clothing and costume design?

>> No.6537925

I personally use 2020 (21.2.11) just for the tilde = brush clear mode or else i'll just stick with 2019 for canvas flip. Newer version has search mode for brushes etc but I don't need it.
CSP has better ink, PS has better paint, SAI is just fast af.

>> No.6537939

from previous thread

Day 1-50: https://anonymfile.com/49Vka/1-50-psd.7z
Day 51-100: https://anonymfile.com/qZjgL/51-100-psd.7z
Other: https://anonymfile.com/2pAoX/other-psd.7z

(use 7zip) Password:www.moehui.com

>> No.6538129

is that the one who always has node js turned on?

>> No.6538133


>> No.6538201

Isn't that the kind of chinese site that has paywall on pirated content?

>> No.6538380

I don't know, no chance of me paying to find out.

>> No.6538386

Neither me,I hate this type of site.
>pirate stuff
>put a paywall
Fucking bullshit

>> No.6538505

its just a one time payment to have perma access to all of their resources to help with server costs lol

>> No.6538513

If this is the case,why not just put a donate option? The content doesn't have to be paywalled
Also,did you paid for the content sometime?And how?

>> No.6538642

Anybody have the Steve Huston Constructive Figure Drawing Course?

>> No.6539156

that one already everywhere, pretty sure you can get it on ic torrent, online course club, cgpeers, or heck google the name + rutracker and it'll probably be there too.

>> No.6539197

The one time payment is the donation because 99% of pirates are leeches so it has to be forced. You can buy access from Taobao but you’ll need a baidu account to download their resources so there’s really no point anyway if you don’t have a baidu account

>> No.6539199

Interesting,did you paid in dollars or yuan?

>> No.6539423

Anyone got english translated ver of rinotuna's books? If the course takes ages might as well read

>> No.6539452
File: 1.19 MB, 944x883, yeeuk67sfm141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since Kim Jung Gi made a new course. He must be working on something really big for us, bless him.

>> No.6539459

I bet you giggled to yourself like a retard thinking about how many replies your post was going to get whilst you typed it out
you little disrespectful faggot

>> No.6539466
File: 154 KB, 736x736, fb4eef656619fdec7f8957ee16a2054c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6539467

would be really thankfull if you have a link to that

>> No.6539697
File: 1.63 MB, 1080x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6539700

Also, I wonder if knowledge from this would carry over into something like Koikatsu.

>> No.6539702


>> No.6539815

Anyone got prokos anatomy just the lower body section the whole course is lily 80gigs I don’t understand why did he bloat it to stop it from being pirated

>> No.6539819


>> No.6539917

I'm not really sure what you mean here. To get good at making characters in Koikatsu you just need to practice and develop your taste.
The best makers out there (who make very resembling models of anime/game girls etc) are not 2D artists. At most some are 3D artists but that's it.
In a sense practicing a certain form of art is bound to develop your art senses for other mediums sure but...

>> No.6540136

i need the okku course for real

>> No.6540143


up for 25 min

>> No.6540172
File: 64 KB, 1251x538, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get rid of this ppl

>> No.6540420
File: 398 KB, 1280x720, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i never got him to draw a silly little drawing on my book

>> No.6540609

not sure about this node stuff, it's photoshop 2020, plus i got it from m0nk, no issues so far

>> No.6540610

kind sir can you reup or slap them on anonfiles?

>> No.6540644

Are the KJG courses labeled something else in the big torrent?

>> No.6540688
File: 590 KB, 2048x1235, 캡처.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post it when I got cgpeers invitation

>> No.6540694

when you get into cgpeers is it possible that you post the wandah kurniawan 3d modelling course too ?

>> No.6540697

is it subbed?

>> No.6540711

Yes I can

No, But I can extract it from website

>> No.6540724

Nta,but can you look if the tracker has any Arrimus material?He went DFE mode on his youtube channel

>> No.6540730
File: 188 KB, 693x1540, 1659080654122992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6540733


Based anon , if you can get the subs it would be fantastic.

>> No.6540787

go get that bounty based anon

>> No.6540974

thank you so much anon

>> No.6541181

which courses do you have access to?

>> No.6541227

So I checked out the Chyan course from online-courses and noticed that the Bonus 1 Human Body Drawing Torso Drawing And Human Body Description video has its subs broken or smth making the audio and subs mismatched. Does anyone have a solution?

>> No.6541669

Does anybody know how to download coloso videos so i dont have to use this awful video player?

>> No.6541674

>when I got cgpeers invitation
sended, check your inbox

gmail/discord/contact info, retard
im not god to guess who you are

>> No.6541681

>korean version
no thanks
fuck off attentionwhoretard

>> No.6541944

Everything you want

My tg ID : @a489152358

>> No.6541970

Not that anon, but do you have this?

The more coloso drawing courses the better, I have the Mogoon one,Chyan, Stonehouse, Nessi, Seok, Okku and that one of realistic characters by Nam something (the ones available at cgpeers and online course club)
Did I miss any courses about drawing on Coloso that you might have?

>> No.6541977

I'd be interested in the andreaco francesco class, but most want Rinotuna

>> No.6542043

i see
i'm currently using the 2022 version and for some reason node.js is always on in my task manager
guess i'll try the 2020 one

>> No.6542070

anyone got good rendering course that is not craig mullins?

>> No.6542075

remember to use at least 21.2.11 for the tilde clear mode, i heard the 2021 lags a lot so that's why i sticked to 2020

>> No.6542076


I just checked my task manager and there's node.js there so it's up to you if you want to swap

>> No.6542163

spent whole day downloading okku's coloso on online-course lmao
here's the link to dl in one go

>> No.6542179
File: 54 KB, 491x612, 612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6542488

how do i use this link?

>> No.6542497


how we download it bro ?

>> No.6542527
File: 828 KB, 810x1080, 1545370585218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlets filtered

>> No.6542547

Pretty sure is a onion link bros
Just need to decode it

>> No.6542585

tf is this lmaooo

>> No.6542601

At least we know how to hide Rinotuna so only the worthy get it.
is the korean version worse for some reason? I've not seen any coloso course that was dubbed into english anyway.

>> No.6542881

the "worthy" paid for the course. You're just scum.

>> No.6542889


>> No.6543040

Anon, decoding base64 isn't worthy, it's the absolute fucking minimum you should be able to do if you have spent more than a year here, anons on 4chan get more retarded every passing year.

>> No.6543091

More like every week.
Some newfag ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL, comes in asking: HOW DO I OPEN THIS? When it's spoonfed, EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. Sometimes even when the answer is in the FUCKING THREAD.

>> No.6543119

I never said the bar was high.

>> No.6543235
File: 876 KB, 1536x864, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rinotuna course
discount code: 闭-眼-入

EN and CN subs available
and unlike this anon >>6540688 pds and brushes included

>> No.6543243

You should upload it to a mega or something.

>> No.6543247

>$72 for a pirated course
yeah no

>> No.6543252

yep, better buy the oficial version 210 bucks

>> No.6543272

just wait for the $100 sales they have

>> No.6543281
File: 87 KB, 64x48, F68948BC-D983-408C-AF1A-16FFBB4C6602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking retarded? you missed the whole point of this thread

>> No.6543312
File: 169 KB, 128x128, mfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.6543313

Idiot, if I was going to buy it, I would have bought it on the official website.

>> No.6543315

Stupid gook bastard

>> No.6543321

lmao that encoding

>> No.6543339
File: 104 KB, 1234x599, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be nice to have these too, kindly requesting them if you've got them

>> No.6543349

The course is encrypted like coloso you need to download their chink program to play it

>> No.6543362

>selling someone else's course for money
this is worse than giving it out for free fuck off

>> No.6543419


>> No.6543511

You’re not paying for the course you’re paying for the Chinese subs translated by hand instead of machine. English speaking people like you and me here aren’t their target customers

>> No.6544128

Fuck off. If I had to pay I would pay Rinotuna

>> No.6544489

you might have to

>> No.6544850

You will never be japanese

>> No.6544878

Then why post it here retard?

>> No.6544993
File: 444 KB, 822x1168, inspiration 503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 2 tb of video courses that I downloaded 2 years ago just got corrupted over night... I don't know what to do it seems like such a pain in the ass to download it all again, organize them in sections again, and create a vlc playlist for them, specially the ones that aren't in the torrent.

And there's also the ones that were posted in random threads 2 years ago that I'll never be able to recover, which were actually the best ones.

>> No.6545058

Thank God

>> No.6545062
File: 13 KB, 300x227, 8ca7ca9de953d702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you can actually start drawing

>> No.6545071
File: 103 KB, 828x1140, FqChdJzWIAE0Z4n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually did do the meme of downloading a bunch of shit and didn't use it for 2 years, instead I continued to procrastinate, however ever since december I have actually been drawing and painting daily so that's why it's more annoying.

It's like God punishes me when I actually try to improve

>> No.6545090

(I also hoard a lot of courses). Ask yourself if you actually needed 2tb of video courses. Unless they were ridiculously uncompressed, you'll probably never have the time to watch all those videos.
Maybe get a one week subscription from any course website and download the essentials. Filter all courses available by studios rather than by topic (for example: class101 is generally better than skillshare, etc).
And if it was posted here it surely is uploaded somewhere else. Cheer up :)

>> No.6545170

I noticed once I started drawing all those courses stopped having meaningful info for the most part. Turns out actual practice trumps theory.

>> No.6545519

Let this be a lesson why having at least two backups of the shit you like is important, HDDs/SDDs can just die without warning.

>> No.6546210

You could watch 100 Terabytes of courses but none of it would measure up to copying through Bridgman even once. If you just copy Bridgman, or any other artist you like, all the information flows into your brain. It's like Bridgman's spirit sits on your shoulder and tells you exactly what to do. You could have the same experience with Michelangelo, Kim Jung Gi, or Tezuka or whatever. You don't need Rinotuna, you just need to copy Rinotuna's art. DRAW

>> No.6546543

Anyone got Mogoon Fundamentals of Stylized Character Art course?

>> No.6546550

check archives

>> No.6546582

All links are down

>> No.6546586

doo you have an onion link for Bridgman's book?

>> No.6546606

I would still like rinotuna just to cap it all off.

>> No.6546665

onions for mogoon

the psds you can get from online-courses

>> No.6546668

chyan's too if someone is interested, once again, psd on online-courses

>> No.6546670

How to use the code?

>> No.6546674


>> No.6546709

onions have layers

>> No.6546798

Thanks. Making us peel the layers are kinda smart.

>> No.6546920

I'm checking O-C and can't find the psd files

>> No.6546931


>> No.6546992

Rinotuna master study when?

>> No.6547084


>> No.6547176
File: 153 KB, 712x682, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here friend!

>> No.6547198

My heart has been toyed with enough.

>> No.6547211

I won't believe until someone actually gets to download it, we already got a fake mega link

>> No.6547219

There's a hidden link somewhere in the image, you just need some photoshop skills to find it~

>> No.6547299

I found it, thanks anon!

>> No.6547321
File: 170 KB, 335x506, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway here
pixeldrain com

>> No.6547355

I must be the most retarded anon in the galaxy cuz I cant find anything at all.

>> No.6547370

Was about to say the same thing, Tried to do the curves thing said in the video on this post >>6547321 but I couldn't find anything, but I did use CSP instead of Photoshop so I'm not too sure how much of a difference that might have made
Also, doesn't 4chan clean metadata off all images that get posted? If so, wouldn't that make the first method impossible to do?
I feel like a Neanderthal no being able to catch on to how this is done

>> No.6547374

there's nothing there, anons
that person just wanted to waste your time

>> No.6547377
File: 835 KB, 498x364, sad-pikachu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but my Rinotuna course...

>> No.6547383

Well, now I feel like quite the dummy

>> No.6547420

>Also, doesn't 4chan clean metadata off all images that get posted?

>> No.6547424
File: 47 KB, 369x368, 1649337215227090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6547441

Does the ic torrent have any of the Watt's courses? I signed up for a month and would be fine uploading the gestural sketch and fig draw fundies courses. Senor Watts doesn't watermark the stream right anons?

> Matrix isnt working

>> No.6547492

Silly anon didn't know that when he was giving the tuna

>> No.6547526
File: 35 KB, 146x136, Amen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I offer these hopium souls to Rinotuna.

>> No.6547548

I can't believe how many people are taking this joke as serious.

>> No.6547728


>> No.6547732
File: 1.28 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220826_225517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolll used OP as a template for social commentary months ago and now it's back to haunt me

>> No.6547736
File: 53 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20230305-183018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I did... nothing pooped out, teach me give this ignorant a slice of intelligence!

>> No.6547907
File: 71 KB, 700x700, black-rain-frogs-2-5edf2a036a852__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like me, except I haven't been drawing and painting daily.

>> No.6548051

I'm watching Okku and she does NOT zoom in at all when outlining, what is this black magic?

>> No.6548168
File: 1.44 MB, 400x320, 561515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6548195
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 1f914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are all of the proko videos in the ic torrent ?

>> No.6548360
File: 36 KB, 560x560, EFsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get Nikolai Lockertsen's courses for Schoolism? I'm looking for "Introduction to Procreate"; it was uploaded a while ago but links are dead and I can't find it anymore

>> No.6548361

Probably not all,but you still can find some of his videos

>> No.6548608

T___O why won't you just upload this to cgp stop being a faggot tunaman already made off it.

>> No.6548747

Eventually someone will leak,which will make some anons bitch and moan because it's not a sekrit anymore

>> No.6549473

is there any other Coloso course leaked besides Okku, Mogoon and Chyan ?

>> No.6549516
File: 161 KB, 960x1200, Mordred By At tsuaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in:
6 lost tribes of israel
4 gorillion gallons lime soda.
mom's spaghetti. you can find free websites on the internet that decode or encode this secret language of the egyptian pharaohs. also you need to run some of these mfkers through like 5 times because anons are taking the piss. Just run it through like a bajillion times and you will see that the result gets shorter and shorter until its a certain useful string of real language.
I'm downloading mogoons Coloso right now so we shall see if its good. Thanks to >>6546665 for the linky.

Sorry if I ruined the brainlet shaming.

>> No.6549606

is fun and can be easy profitable :D

>> No.6549700

where can i find prokos leg stuff? the torrent is somehow incomplete in some parts and some videos were missing iirc.

>> No.6550091

>if I ruined the brainlet shaming.
kek, that remains to be seen. whether anyone figures it out.

>> No.6550332

A secret link to rinotuna you say?

>> No.6550350

Enough with the weaboo shit, anyone have this? https://coloso.us/illust_webtoon/characterdesigner_kevinglint_us
Looking at the chapters it looks fundamental heavy.

>> No.6551425

Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN Rinotuna WHEN