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6536466 No.6536466 [Reply] [Original]

Tablets for drawing. Discuss.

>> No.6536567
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Does anyone has wacom one? The one with the screen. Is it fair for price? I tried my friend's ipad for a couple days and to be honest I don't really like it and I hate procreate. Trying to find other options with screen

>> No.6536589

I've never used one, but my sister has one and likes it a lot.
For reference, she's been drawing for ~20 years, and has bought every new generation intuos until finally getting a display tablet last year.
Personally I don't really see why you'd get one over huion's offerings though. For the same price, you can get a (refurbished) 22 plus, or a new pro 16. For just under 3/4 of the price, you can get a 13 pro which is objectively better in every way, it just doesn't say "wacom" on it.
She's a hardcore brand loyalist and won't touch anything not made by wacom since she's been buying tablets since they had a monopoly and never bothered to do research on anything else.

>> No.6536594

isn't huion cheap low quality brand? don't want to buy something that will break in a few months

>> No.6536597
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hasn't been the case in like 3 or 4 years

>> No.6536605

I have a Huion and never had any problems with it
Still don't get all the hate on the brand

>> No.6536617

it stems from a time when chink tablets were genuinely much worse quality than wacom. it takes time to build a reputation, especially when you entered the market with inferior quality products, had worse products for years, and only recently upped your game.

>> No.6536625

Understandable,glad I took the good era of Huion instead of the bad one

>> No.6536840

Oh boy, you didn't let the schizo make the OP.

>> No.6536852

same but with xp pen

>> No.6536907

What are your thoughts on the rumored 16 inch ipad pro? Will you get one or do you think it’s too big?

>> No.6537066

I’ve had my 22 inch Huion for 5 years or so and it’s still working fine after daily use. Considering upgrading to a newer Huion when I move into a bigger space, maybe their 4K screen offering.

The new Cintiq 27 looked pretty good too but they removed the eraser on the back of the pen which was the only additional thing that I really wanted. And the price is absurd.

>> No.6537205

>>6537066 if you do upgrade, tells us if you feel any improvement in between Huions.
As for Wacom, Their last general update was in 2018, they should do a whole brand update by now, I thought they were gonna with the Wacom 27 spearheading.

>> No.6537272

it WAS like that mayyybe back in around 2012-2016, i think they stepped up their game after 2016 and also they became just more known, people hate on the other brands that are now wacom, because they got used to it, most brands are fairly new compared to Wacom, which came out in 1983, while most nowdays known brands are after 2000s or 2010s, so i understand the doubt in quality to price ratio, nevertheless I think some people just think other brands are bad, because they have a chink name lol, but it also doesn't mean all the Huion products are in par with Wacom, it just means there's a cheaper alternative, for a brand new model of a tablet, especially when it comes to screened ones, besides when it comes to actual drawing, you dont need some super branded stuff, its like with traditional stuff, you dont need some 200$ copic markers or farbel castel etc. of course it HELPS with general coloring and styling, but people can draw with just chalk and paper and it will come out greatly, same is with graphic tablets, they can use some small ones like Intuos S or ctl-4100wl, same with Huion H420 or XP-Pen Deco Mini4, true that they are not really meant for drawing, but when you have no better tools to use or you are comfortable with small tablets or just dont want to spend much money on tablets, you can work with these and still do godly art

>> No.6537278

I would buy the kamvas studio 16 over a 16" ipad pro. no question

>> No.6537291

>but it also doesn't mean all the Huion products are in par with Wacom
I mean, that's true, but also the difference is very negligible nowadays, especially when you save >$300.
I own Wacom, but some friends own other brands and I'd say current Huion is between 93 to 95% Wacom and else and that was before the new Inspiroy which I haven't tried.
Xencelabs around 96%
And XP-PEN about 89% on the most current one.

>> No.6537292

You just can't help yourself with these early threads, can you chang? That other OP just costs you too many potential sales.

>> No.6537295

Lol, told you he would be pissed.

>> No.6537350

hey fellas i got a Surface Pro from work recently and i wanna try Clip Studio and other drawing programs on it, is there anything like virtual hotkeys i can set up to replace the physical keyboard?
i see myself drawing on my lap or with the stand on a flat surface and the magnetic cover/keyboard is completely in the way and not ergonomic for drawing use imo

>> No.6537355

I'm also in the same boat. I want to upgrade my current PC tablet to one with a screen, and I don't really like how the iPad art apps are set up. Guess I am not very tech savvy and like to have all the UIs up at once.

>> No.6537426

>That other OP
Do you have dissociative identity disorder?

>> No.6537436

That doesn’t have procreate. Hard pass for me, kouhai.

>> No.6537442

Csp is vastly superior.

>> No.6537487

How would you know that, Android user.

>> No.6537505

I upgraded from intuos pro to kamvas plus and it was the best thing I ever did

>> No.6537515

Where did I say I was an android user?
I've drawn with an iPad for like a decade, even before they came out with the pro. For display tablets, I went ipad 3 > surface pro 3 > cintiq 24 > ipad pro 1st gen, ipad pro 3rd gen > kamvas 22 plus

>> No.6537529

not as early as the previous one, funnily enough

>> No.6537540

>That other OP
Found the schizo

>> No.6537584

you've lost idiot, move on and stop embarassing yourself.

>> No.6537765

Post your art

>> No.6537781
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>> No.6538143

Alright anons,how is your pen pressure settings? Mine is a bit soft, but I want some tips and experiment around
If possible,post a pic of it

>> No.6538147

Why would you need pics? If you press 35% to the right of the graph you use X % of pressure and so on. That’s all you need to know.

>> No.6538150

Curiosity and to actually have a discussion here about tablets
Not another autistic slapfight over brands
Also to bump the thread

>> No.6538252


>> No.6538435

How about you tell us what tablet you own and than post pics of your work

>> No.6539470

>decide to try the 2nd gen iPad as my first tablet for drawing
>amazon for $300, not bad
>seems to charge slowly, but never owned an iPad and guess the older chargers kinda suck, maybe this is normal?
>amazon doesn't list apple pencil as used and it has a dead battery (can't charge or stay connected after unplug)
Sick shit. Gonna pick up a new pencil in store and see how the iPad charge is in a few hours. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.6539478

For $300 a 3rd gen ipp or Cintiq would’ve been a better buy.

>> No.6539481

I needed something I could use without a computer, as I do most of my drawing during work downtime, so ipad seemed the best route

>> No.6539568

what is best value tablet out there? Buy once and be done? I'm a beginner but don't like buying waste.

>> No.6539578

The first gens had a little annoyances but I think they fixed it with the 2nd gen

>> No.6539591

Had a dream I dropped the xppen pen I just ordered cus i dropped the last one. Luckily it was just a dream

>> No.6539910

>$300 for a 2nd gen ipad
Lmao even
3rd gen is vastly superior and about that price on the 2nd hand market.

>> No.6539918

Kamvas 22 plus is undeniably the most tablet for the least money, unless you want to buy a used 24.

>> No.6540130

Best gen 3 with the 12 inch screen I could find is closer to $600, not sure what back alley crack deals you make

>> No.6540207

Offerup, Craigslist, marketplace, ebay
I got my 3rd gen for $400 allover a year ago, so I imagine the price has gone down by now.

>> No.6540212

i have a cheap huion h1060p 2 years now
it's a crap(some buttons malfunction since it was new) but it didn't break at all, also i'm still using my first nib(drawing at least 4h/day, everyday).
idk if i'd buy a huion with display tho, feels way to risky

>> No.6540453

What should I spend on a VESA mount arm?

>> No.6540485

You have the dreams of a simpleton

>> No.6540487

I got one and it's pretty neat, I guess their pen tablet's aren't on the same level as their cheap shit

>> No.6540729

The Amazon basics is around $100-150 iirc
So about that unless you can find one for less. I lucked out and got one at a thrift store for $15

>> No.6540948

Inferior and more expensive than current Huion models.

>> No.6541020

is it worth getting a Intuos Pro Large? I have the medium size but im not sure if I will benefit from the bigger active area.

>> No.6541022

Only if you have big hands

>> No.6541030

I want to buy this guys class when he releases it but this dude is going to have his hands in the frame the entire time instead of full screen capture then I’m not going to bother.

>> No.6541080

Opinion on xiomi or genious? Which is better brand?
Screen less ofcourse

>> No.6541103

Nvm, I will buy a used wacom

>> No.6541126

the bigger the active area, the bigger gestures you can draw. if you don't travel with it there's no point in a medium because you can change the active area in config and now you can have a S, M and L all using the same device.

this is the way to go

if you can get it at 250$ or lower its a good table, problems are:
1. stylus only have 1 button, no eraser
2. you can't use other pens
2. no expression keys

I use it mainly for sketching and everything else screenless.

>> No.6541229
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/ic/, ive been researching this, watching hour long videos trying to decide, Help me. i have narrowed it down, i want to start getting into drawing/animation. I havent done in in a decade, and i have narrowed it down to these two choices. I cannot decide if i should spend the money to get a screen or save money and get one without one and deal with the learning curve of developing the hand-eye coordination for the no screen option.

Or to REALLY save money, should i just get a $60 wacom graphics tablet to start practicing on? i just dont want to make a mistake and find i i could have just spent the $200 initially and saved myself the trouble.

>> No.6541975

Personally I absolutely fucking hated using pen tablets. Switching to a display tablet after using a pen tablet for 3 or 4 years instantly improved my enjoyment and digital drawing ability to match what I could do with traditional.
Display tablet + ergo arms

>> No.6542020

surface pro 9 working great for drawing fellas, not really sure what happened over the years but they don't suck dick anymore
i can finally be productive when i'm not sitting at home with my Cintiq without using a mother fucking iPad/Apple product

>> No.6542521

got my refurb gen3 for $350 on ebay just 2 months ago. even returned a gen2 i bought at the same price to do so

>> No.6542523

fuck no I have the large and every day wish I got the medium. takes up a fuck ton of space for no reason and anyone saying you'll have more room for gestures is a faggot medium is plenty of space to make your long cock strokes

>> No.6543556

>I havent done in in a decade, and i have narrowed it down to these two choices
I'd say ipad because like you said, you haven't done it in a decade, so if you get too busy for art in the future you can use the ipad for other things as well. If you get a pen tablet it doesnt serve any other purpose for the average person.

>Personally I absolutely fucking hated using pen tablets

>> No.6543638

Don’t have a drawing tablet yet, have never used one, but when I do get one I plan to buy the cheapest one available. How hard is it to use low-quality tablets?

>> No.6543724
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>> No.6543927

Not sure if there's a different driver for windows, but the linux driver doesn't have this issue. It might not be worth switching your entire OS over, especially if you use software that isn't on linux, but it's less expensive than buying a new tablet if that's your main concern.

>> No.6544038

Today I finally tried out an ipad pro for drawing, and honestly I'm REALLY glad I didn't buy one. I know its portable and whatnot but it clearly feels like this thing is not meant with drawing primarly.
The guy had a paperlike screen protector on it, but still, it just felt "off".
I watched a lot of youtube vids on it before even trying, and people said this shit is on par with a wacom. You CAN draw on it but it definitely feels like an after-tought, and even the pencil is super overhyped. Its precise, but not ergonomic at all, and for that price not laminated.
I dunno maybe its just me, but it hoenstly doesn't felt that good as I expected, as it was a very mediocre experience.

>> No.6544040

you are everywere chill down dude

>> No.6544076

Got gifted an iPad Air 5th gen. Opinions on this and whether or not I should get a pencil to go with it? I already have a big ass Huion Kamvas but the convenience of the iPad seems kinda nice, it's not nearly as big though.

>> No.6544475

>people said this shit is on par with a wacom.
it's not. It's not even on par with a budget xp-pen, even if you use an elecom or paperlike screen protector.
The only benefits to ipads are:

CSP is better than procreate, and I'm not some faggot new yorker that rides the subway to work (even if I did, I'd probably get mugged for having an ipad out in plain view) so the portability is just taking it to my couch.

>> No.6544493

newb doesn't know about adobe fresco, and also thinks apple is bad lol.

>> No.6544500

>I dunno maybe its just me, but it honestly doesn't felt that good as I expected,
it is on par with wacom and its amazing, you just don't like the slippery screen. its true, that's an issues but you get used to it and you adapt and eventually you are here telling people to get one because its actually awesome

>> No.6544541

>How hard is it to use
Not at all. They just don't feel quite as nice and aren't quite as responsive to things like pressure or tilt. I wouldn't get a super small tablet though, they're kind of ass to draw on unless you're the sort of person who likes drawing real zoomed out.

>> No.6544649

Thanks! I’ll make sure to not get a tiny tablet.

>> No.6544709

Yes to both statements. I don't know about some random faggot app, and ipads are severely overrated. I drew on an iPad for 4 years before getting a kamvas, and wish I had just never gotten the iPad after experiencing how much better an actual purpose built drawing tablet is.

>> No.6544859

>AIdiot can't even prompt properly

>> No.6544870

There's no point in building the hand-eye coordination needed to use a on-screen tablet for animation, specifically.

It will take time and you want to make sure there is as little friction as possible if you're trying to get into animation because it is already tedious enough as is.

With that said, $200 is understandably a lot of money for people who don't have stable employment so you have to make the call yourself. Also, have you considered getting a used iPad or Android tablet? They are more portable than a PC setup and you can now plug them into your PC to use as drawing tablets there as well.

If you do get the display tablet, go for Huion as they have the better bang for the buck in that category.

>> No.6544974

Just to round out advice. Having spent many years with the pen tablet, I find display tablets really uncomfortable, because now I'm used to seeing the entire picture at all times rather than having my hand constantly in the way so it just feels crowded. I do think line control is easier on a display though.

>> No.6545065

Maybe its my bad too as I expected way too much after watching so many youtube videos on it.
The lack of full lamination is noticeable but that didn't bother me. The portability is definitely nice as the device itself is super flat, so I can see why its so pricey. The guy had paperlike on it, and honestly if it didn't I would guess it would have been a lot worse. I wanted the basic ipad 10 at first but after even trying out this pro I'm not sure anymore. I'll try out a 12,9 one if I find one, or a samsung to see if they are better.

For accuracy it was definitely good there is no denying in that, it was precise as hell. The resistance however and the ergonomics is just bad, the pencil is nowhere near as good as a pro pen 2. I can see this stuff being sketch on the go for some rich zoomer, but I honestly cannot image spenind hours on it. Maybe with a 12,9 it'll be better but I'll see.

>> No.6545074

>The lack of full lamination is noticeable
... Errr, isn’t the iPad Pro fully laminated? What that might feel like parallax to you is probably the lack of a visible cursor. From someone who used the iPad Pro before Cintiq I felt weirded out by the cursor on desktop instead, enough to disrupt my workflow. Really think it’s just a matter of getting used to.

>> No.6545077

Oh god no, it's the resident wacom schizo isn't it?

>> No.6545147

>I can see this stuff being sketch on the go
That's basically all it's good fir if you have a real tablet at home. It's great for that. But personally, if I ever find a deal on a kamvas mobile studio, I'm selling my iPad and getting one of those instead (assuming it's actually good)

>> No.6545260

the Veikk voila L is incredible (for it's price)
cheapo tablet revolution incoming

>> No.6545339

Your retarded. That tablet is shit
This seems like a disability but me too

>> No.6545340

>That tablet is shit
explain please? it's fourty bucks and looks great

>> No.6545788

no, I just read the thread op post and it says don't buy huion

>> No.6546200

>and it says don't buy huion
No it doesn't.

>> No.6546654

it isn't but that doesn't bother me. However te ergonomics too, which I guess can be solved by that 10-ish dollar plasic ring around it for a better grip, but the biggest problem is that thing slides like a motherfucker, even with paperlike on it.Its not bad, but its ridiculously overpriced even used for what it can do.

I give it one more chance, cuz I need a portable device badly. I'll try out the 12,9 one or a samsung after this, then I guess I'll try out a samsung tab.

>> No.6547962

Veikk is unironically trash, mostly because the drivers suck ass and the materials aren't all that good.
From best to worst (non-screen) the tier goes
Below here is shit
If you're really tied on money right now, pay $15 more and get an Ugee and you'll jump a decent amount of quality tiers.
The M708 is at $60 and it's large, and the 10' wireless Ugee is $69, $45 right now
>https://shop.ugee.. com/products/ugee-drawing-tablet-s-series?variant=43897596084453

>> No.6547983
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xp pen artist 15.6 first display tab hell yeah ehe

>> No.6548011

Wtf stop you aren't allowed to post drawings here, this is the circle jerk console wars thread where no one actually draws.

>> No.6548107

Nice, lines look good what do you think of the drawing experience is it buggy or something? And how bad is the paralex

>> No.6548166

No bugs I'm seeing so far. Parallax there's a bit could be because I'm left handed but not enough to interfere with the experience maybe in the beginning though

>> No.6548293
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Uh! I wanna be cool too.
>Wacom Intous Small
The control is perfect, but my wrist ends up hurting.

>> No.6548316
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I was uncertain if I should go with huion because we had a bunch of retards in these threads who kept telling everyone that it's shitty chinese garbage.
I'm glad I didn't listen because it's fine as fuck

>> No.6548607

i actually switched from intuos small to xp pen 15.6. i no longer have to constantly zoom in lol and i can finally draw with my arm

>> No.6548629

>a bunch of retards
it's literally 1 extremely autistic guy. Genuinely the most mentally ill person I've seen on 4chan since I first came here 14 years ago.

>> No.6548712

How do i stop chicken scratching on a screenless tablet

>> No.6548771

Zoom in like crazy and rotate the canvas so your hand is in the optimal position to make straight lines

>> No.6548779

Probably a rabid shill who will never accept the fact that Wacom quality declined over the years and that they have competition now.

>> No.6548797

You don't, you double down on that chicken scratching until it looks like an artistic decision.
Make it intentional.

>> No.6549403
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hey niggas, do you think its worth? im a bit afraid of second hand tablets but its too cheap that im thinking about it


>> No.6549645

>$250 for an 11 year old tablet
No, not at all.

>> No.6550436

Get something new
The old shit sucks

>> No.6550450

Better than your chinese crap, Zhang.

>> No.6550498

Cute birb

>> No.6550519

He's Aaron Rutten.

>> No.6550653

My name is Chang, moron.

>> No.6550669

Chinese retards mad:

>> No.6550685
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Xencelabs pen display?
This might actually hurt Wacom more than people would want to admit.
Even that Wacom Shill Aaron Rutten revealed he kept the Xencelabs by accident in his newest Rebelle tutorials, and other channels that aren't afraid of criticizing the other Havon-Ugee group brands admit the Xencelabs is just as good as an intous pro for a franction of the price, including the controller they sell, to compensate for the Intuos pro express keys.
Considering how inaccessible the 27" Cintiq is, every other Cintiq could possibly be fucked.

Considering Xencelabs was formed by frustated Wacom ex-employees, I hope it is a Pen Display

>> No.6550697

My 22hd still holds up, works fine. The colors kinda suck by modern standards. Still see pros using it in behind the scene videos. That's a good price. The backlight can randomly die after some use, so be careful if it is heavily used.

>> No.6550756

very interesting, my wacom cintiq16 (non pro) is starting to show its age and they still have not updated that price cintiq's price range in at least 4 years...

>> No.6550795

>Cintiq 16 starting show its age
I just bought it lol... but I agree that the color reproduction is actually bad.

>> No.6550867

>I just bought it lol.
Are you still eligible to return it?
If you are NGL, go for the Kanvas 22 Plus.
It's better than any non pro cintiq, and yes, it's ridiculous they haven't updated their prices.

>> No.6550904

really hyped about this one.

>> No.6550939

Post your work and show us the power of Wacom

>> No.6550941

Since it's their first display tablet I would wait a couple of years till you get one because they always have lots of issues when they first come out, same happened with huion and xp pen who had a rough start but are now excellent products

>> No.6550975

Xencelab already has several years experience, plus is compromised of former wacom employees.

>> No.6551209

Professional studios still use these. Total workhorses. Please explain why pros can use this but it's shit here.

>> No.6551309

>Professional studios still use these
no they don't.

>> No.6551328

is it normal for the nib in my ctl-480 pen to wobble back and forth slightly? i'm too new to really tell if it's fucking up my lines, but i feel like it is

>> No.6551369


>> No.6551388

>Professional studios still use these.
Because contracts take years to finish.
And companies tend to donate their garbage and broken products to avoid paying getting rid of it slowly, the legal way.
If they don't come with anything more affordable than the Cintiq Pro 27 by the time these contracts begin to reach their end, which isn't really necessary, as you noted, they still use 2018 non Pro Cintiq tablets that are inferior to the current Huion Kamvases, there's gonna be a line at Huion to replace them.
Specially since whatever they don't donate (old shit) is sold at 200% the price in bulk.
So either pay $7000 bucks per Cintiq Pro 27, for the 30+ people in the project that need a drawing display.
Or $1100 per Kamvas 22 plus, either way is an improvement.

>> No.6551395

>Specially since whatever they don't donate (old shit) is sold at 200% the price in bulk.
as someone who's never worked in the industry, why the fuck are they paying double retail?

>> No.6551397

That's very similar on why established studios keep using Adobe bullshit instead of any other, cheaper, just as good alternative.
They simply can't for the time being.

>> No.6551403

Adobe is the complete package, every single one of their programs are world class in what they do. no is will be switching from them anytime soon open source tranny bullshit will become vaporware

>> No.6551411

>every single one of their programs are world class in what they do
CSP is genuinely much better for drawing than photoshop is.
Photoshop is now, always has been, and always will be, primarily used for photo manipulation.

>> No.6551412

>as someone who's never worked in the industry, why the fuck are they paying double retail?
Because you need to justify every expense you make to prove the government for taxation purposes.
Every country has a list of every type of product that exists for this precisely.
Generally private companies have it easier than state companies, but still is a whole mess, so you actually rarely buy from retail when buying in bulk, as it's harder to list everything.
So you either make a contract with a provider, so it becomes YOUR provider for years, that makes the whole job for you and arranges the buying of goods, but they can ask for commission up to 100% the price of the sale, or you can make a contract with the company itself, and you'll get donated shit, or you can't buy the competition for as long as the contract lasts, regardless if they haven't dropped prices in 4 years or made great improvements recently.

>> No.6551423
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yeah i know it's shit, i bought it for osu many years ago and it's all i have right now. i'm only a couple days into drawing exercises; i don't want to spend money on something nice and then find out i'm bored of the hobby.

now tell me if radial wobbling is normal or not

>> No.6551431

>that makes the whole job for you and arranges the buying of goods
And you want to get a provider, they have the best accountants.
You could buy in bulk in retail and trust your accountants to do the job, but a mistake on that and you're getting v& for tax evasion.

>> No.6551633

Eligible yes but besides the screen color accuracy I actually have no qualms with the pen or reliability. I will only upgrade if competitors are using 4K screens.

>> No.6551783

Yeah but a display tablet is a completely different beast than a pen tablet.

>> No.6551795

It's simple, just get new shit. your fucking brain should tell you that a tablet from 11 years ago is inferior to a newer model that you could get for the same price

>> No.6551805

Looks normal to me

>> No.6551876

>I will only upgrade if competitors are using 4K screens.
there's a 4k kamvas 24

>> No.6551919

>there's a 4k kamvas 24
Yeah, but that's >$1000usd
The 16' 4K is >$800
Still, both better than a brand new 2018 Cintiq, which is still >$640, not to mention a 16 Cintiq pro.

>> No.6552109
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just bought the 4k kamvas 24 this morning because of a timed sale >>6537505 was enough to push me since im in the same position. though still 7 days before it arrives and am already feeling buyers remorse straight away
for not buying the new wacom 27 instead.
before this i was using the intuos pro. i will need to figure out how to get the huion and wacom drivers to work at the same time.
if they come out with a better deal/product than the huion im gonna be furious, only just saw this now.

>> No.6552361

>for not buying the new wacom 27 instead.
If you were able to afford the Wacom 27 then yeah, you were kind of a retard, I hope you can return the Kamvas.
But no reason to be too worried, Kamvas on a sale is a really good deal on something that's already a good deal.

>> No.6552367

Also,you don't draw and never will
You spent precious time shilling for a slowly failing jap company
I'm open to be proven otherwise because I know you won't

>> No.6552372

Xencelabs is going to be the last straw to Wacom
Either they will have to step up their game or just admit defeat

>> No.6552647

Is an ipad and csp enough for beg to semi pro?

>> No.6552655

If in the next 5 years they dont go out of business, sure. Xencelabs really doesnt have a good counter offer to Wacom. If the two tablets cost the same and do the same, Ill go with Wacom simply because I can rely on them still being around incase I need to return or get repairs for my purchase.

>> No.6552660

5 years is a great time for improvements,let's see how that will work

>> No.6552661

Oh, and ofc continued driver support. Your shiny 400 dollar xencelabs tablet will be a paperweight if not enough other people buy them to keep the company afloat.

>> No.6552688

Oh great,real schizo hours

>> No.6552701

I'm not the wacum schizo, I can make a sentence without "idiot" "chang" or "zhang" without an existential crisis.

Im just making the point that xencelabs business strategy is a bit of a risk, since they chose premium pricing. They should have positioned themselves between the chinks and wacom, since now there's no reason to go with them instead of wacom (unless they dont have wacoms nib burning issue)

>> No.6552710

Pardon me then, you actually were capable of making a good argument without calling me a shill
I just want to see Xencelabs improve because they have a great potential

>> No.6552902

>for not buying the new wacom 27 instead.
for not spending literally 3x as much for a product that will perform 99% the same?

>> No.6552906

wacom doesn't give a fuck about you. as long as they have industry support from companies like disney, blizzard, riot, sony, literally every big name company that doesn't blink an eye at dropping $500,000 on new tablets for all the employees that use them, they'll be fine.

>> No.6552911

>he doesn't know

>> No.6552914

have some companies jumped ship and gone to Huion instead? I doubt they would since wacom is objectively (slightly) better than them, and the price tag is largely irrelevant for whale accounts.

>> No.6552937

>Im just making the point that xencelabs business strategy is a bit of a risk, since they chose premium pricing.
The Xencelabs medium is about the size of a Wacom Pro Large, and 2/3 of the price.

>have some companies jumped ship and gone to Huion instead?

>> No.6552938

>that will perform 99% the same
poorfag cope is so fucking sad

>> No.6552942

anybody use the kamvas 16 (2021), would you recommend it? see a sale going on right now, price looks pretty good.

>> No.6552951

>have some companies jumped ship and gone to Huion instead?
That's a good point, on social media there's a lot of companies making deals with wacom to cross promote each other, like with Clip Studio Paint, very rarely I've seen Huion (with Medibang and Shonen Jump) do it, much less Xp-Pen (idk).
But if it's of any worth, Xencelabs is very recent in comparison AND actually recently did a promotion with Escape Motions, from Rebelle of all things, and considering Rebelle aims at the trad purist in digital, and it's not a no namer, that's actually is cool.

>anybody use the kamvas 16 (2021), would you recommend it? see a sale going on right now, price looks pretty good.
For a 30% discount yes, otherwise I'll wait for the pro version.

>> No.6552955

shit meant >>6552914

>> No.6552984

>For a 30% discount yes
20% right now, down to 270€.
pro is out of my price range sadly.
similar sized xp-pen tablets are around 360€, whats the consensus on those versus huion?

>> No.6553073

>down to 270€.
Very good, buy it.
>Whats the consensus on those versus huion?

>> No.6553118
File: 37 KB, 758x644, 1614124998261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in his sanity would buy a graphic tablets in the era of artificial image generation you must be either too rich to throw money at surplus gadgets or too stupid to realize that you only need a good pc.

>> No.6553129

thanks for the recs, pulled the trigger on the kamvas 16

>> No.6553143

>Who in his sanity would buy a graphic tablets in the era of artificial image generation you must be either too rich to throw money at surplus gadgets or too stupid to realize that you only need a good pc.
Somehow, in one comment you became more annoying than the Wacom Schizo.

>> No.6553145

>whats the consensus on those versus huion?

>> No.6553330

poorfag cope > fanboy retardation.

>> No.6553690

would you guys recommend microsoft surface over ipad or even samsung tablets?

>> No.6553713

Now, this is an actual thing that should be in all OPs

>> No.6553736

Intuos pro L active area: 12.24 x 8.5"

Xencelabs medium active area: 10.33 x 5.8"

Idk anon the difference is pretty big i gotta say. Also Xencelabs is 16:9 and Pro Large is 16:10 aspect ratio

>> No.6554425
File: 103 KB, 1010x544, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a Wacom PTZ-930
SAI ver 2 on Windows 10 (barely got the drivers to work for some reason)
the beginning of my line is bent without the stabilizer and dented with it
I disabled windows ink but the problem persists. Any clues?

>> No.6554597
File: 26 KB, 500x500, s-l500 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here still has or used one of the first gen Cintiq's? There's one locally for 100 euro bucks, kind of tempted so I have something to draw with a screen, I know the color accuracy is terrible on them but I don't know of other issues or cons they have.
I already have a Intuos 4 tablet and also have 2 Intuos 3 tablets.

>> No.6554606

buy it then open a thread saying how you wasted money on it 2 years later

>> No.6554643

I used one back in the day when they were newish. color is funky, but it works. I wouldn't recommend one if you can afford anything newer, but if that's all your budget allows for, go for it.

>> No.6554650

Please buy it and make a in depth review, you can sell it for 150 euros if its not good enough for you

>> No.6554670

the older cintiqs color is really, really bad. They are just yellow and no adjustments fix them.

They aren't worth it.

>> No.6554689
File: 310 KB, 1600x1245, s-l1600 (65).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The color is that bad? Damn, I wonder if it also has that strong anti-glare coating that monitors back then had where you would see crystal like glittering effect. Maybe it really is not worth it, would be fun to test run and see if I would like to have a pen display since I've never used them before.

>> No.6554818

Does tempered glass affect the pressure while drawing or the S Pen's nib?

>> No.6555072

the inner "artist" artist in me wants to get one of these and work the color issues into a style, but that's a kinda bullshit idea and I have to agree with the other anons that you'd be better off with anything newer

>> No.6555075
File: 241 KB, 1000x1341, cirno-booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfiest tablet to draw lying in bed?
my budget is 500 euros but I can increase it if I wait a few weeks

>> No.6555255

ipad pro 12.9" 6th gen 1TB, no less than that

>> No.6555265

You are such an idiot it's funny.

>> No.6555299 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 995x796, e327708782.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For drawing and sketching it could be alright but I'm not a big fan of the Intuos 3 pen either, ideally it would be the 21UX DTK that uses Intuos 4 tech but I've never seen those for sale in Europe let alone locally.

>> No.6555301
File: 518 KB, 1280x853, cintiq13hd-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the 13HD is the best option then without breaking the bank and uses Intuos 4/5 tech which I very much prefer, don't like the Intuos 3 pen.

>> No.6555306

>Xencelabs is just as good as an intous pro for a franction of the price

are there xencelabs shills here or something? i went to their store and everythings retarded expensive, pretty much exactly like wacom
even if it's a display tablet its gonna be just as unaffordable as wacom or at best 100 dollars cheaper than its counterpart

>> No.6555390

It's just the same old chinese morons.

>> No.6555396

Now is the real schizo hours

>> No.6555551
File: 217 KB, 628x404, image (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huion kamvas pro 13 broke again. i've had it for a few years but every few months or so a new problem will come up. so im looking for a new one.
I'll probably get another Huion but i don't trust this fucking version anymore. What kind of tablets do you guys have that have proven to be hardy? I just want something that doesn't break every ten seconds

>> No.6555560

wacom 3

>> No.6555569
File: 55 KB, 196x207, 57875687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6555570


>> No.6555799

I dislike Apple as much as the regular Anon but I trieid the M2 model some days ago (the one with hover) and the pointer precision is fucking nuts for such a small and portable device, and I tried everything: top to screen, extreme tilt to the left, backwards tilt to the right, etc etc and it always registered my input without issues
It's makiing me highly reconsider my $$$ saving funds I'm holding for a Surface Pro and use them on a cheaper iPad Pro instead, then get a cheaper laptop on the side.

>> No.6555928

can anybody help me here?my wacom power adaptor for cintiq 16 died today, and i need to replace it with something quick. is there any other option or is it only getting a new one

>> No.6556252

What cheap tablets have pen rotation (not just tilt)?
Is it just wacom intous?

>> No.6556272

only stylus that does it is Wacom Art Pen, cheapest tablet that supports it is the Intuos.

>> No.6556280

Why is that I instantly recognize so many porn artists names and styles?
Why am I burdened with this incredible talent?

>> No.6556282

>You just can't help yourself with these early threads, can you chang? That other OP just costs you too many potential sales.
i don't think these companies have shills making threads on a board for miniscule amount of users that are here.
Theyd target twitter youtube or reddit instead

>> No.6556307

Nah, they target 4chan. Someone on /csg/ over on /g/ posted an email from Gearbest asking customers to post positive feedback on /g/.

The sheer anger and hostility from chinese idiots in this general alone is proof. Chinese retards do shill here and it looks suspiciously similar to the comments on Aaron Rutten videos, where he rightly criticizes their tablets.

>> No.6556370


>> No.6556429

Kamvas Studio 16 came in
It's not bad desu

>> No.6556430


fuck off.

it costs them next to nothing to shill on this, or any other site. you're delusional if you think they are not shilling here, or that 4chan is not big enough to be a target.

>> No.6556464

1tb version has 16gb ram making it even more futureproof then they already are. iPads will last 5+ years easily. I’ve had mine since 2018 and I don’t see how I would need to replace it for another 5 years.

>> No.6556468

Every forum and yt comment section is astroturfed to hell with positive Huion and Samsung comments. It’s absolutely disheartening to sift thru the noise to find real solid advice and feedback.

>> No.6556496
File: 1.08 MB, 717x905, chrome_2023-03-12_15-45-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what sort of stand/arm am i suppose to get for this thing? my desk is attached to the wall and long, so if it was an arm i'd have to clamp it to the front of my desk and rearrange my desk and maybe get rid of an extra monitor/put the pc on the ground

>> No.6556507

i half agree with this because i back you up 100% with the chinese shit but Samsung has stepped their game up for a while now
i tried a S8 Tab Ultra months ago (before returning it within the Amazon window) and it's basically a much better iPad Pro hardware wise: the screen, the size, the s-pen functions, the multi-tasking, bla bla bla
too bad Android is second thought for developers and the app store is barebones compared to iPads, also there are some dead spots for drawing close to the bezzels and the screen heats a bit more than an iPad which makes drawing more uncomfortable

>> No.6556664

Just post your art show us the power of Wacom

>> No.6556749

>Every forum and yt comment section is astroturfed to hell with positive Huion and Samsung comments.
Couldn't possibly be that they just make good products. Absolutely impossible!

>> No.6556770

>Aaron Rutten

His reviews get very little reception nowadays. He doubled down on his bias (probably to secure free wacom gear) and now you don't even have to watch his videos to know what he will think on any given product. It's literally Wacom = Good, absolutely anything else = bad, so he comes off as inauthentic and people are picking up on that. Also the turning off comments gives off a bad vibe, like its a "Im the final word, im the authority, no discussion" despite that he is the only reviewer out of hundreds with these autistic views.

>> No.6556774

It's real schizo hours guys

>> No.6556793

he might actually be the schizo wacom shill that opens new thread every time

>> No.6556796

He also is a NFT shill,doesn't that say something about him?

>> No.6556797

The odds are high

>> No.6556845

Nobody cares you worthless chinese dumbfuck, lmao.

>> No.6556878

And yet you replied :^)

Want to post some of your art?

>> No.6556946

He can't draw,the hot and passionate gay sex session with Wacom CEO it hasn't started yet

>> No.6557121

Lol ive been saying this for years and i literally only own Wacom shit, but hes insufferable

>> No.6557292
File: 144 KB, 619x1245, ficjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man even cintiq sucks
i didnt lift my pen when i drew these 2 lines

>> No.6557341

>He doubled down on his bias (probably to secure free wacom gear) and now you don't even have to watch his videos to know what he will think on any given product
That's the thing, he made that video where he says that chinese companies are sending him emails to shill for them, or they won't send him more products.
So he used that as an excuse to go full Wacom.
But other youtubers like Brad Colbow have said that they do in fact agree with Aaron about the chinese companies doing PR behind the scenes.
So what did he do? He bought the chinese tablets from his own pocket, because the Chinese being turbojews doesn't mean they can't improve with their products.

Same with GarciaArtz for the spics, he has no problem shitting on Gaomon or saying there's still a lot of improvement for XP-Pen to do, he even agreed that the newest Wacom 27 QHD was the best drawing experience he's ever had, but he still mains a Kamvas and constantly says how Wacom is getting fucked for not improving their entry and mid consumer products.

>> No.6557469

Something is wrong with your pen or your pressure setting, if it was your pen then you had to buy a new one.....

>> No.6557474

Just by recognizing it makes you better than him
At best he doesn't even draw,at worse he doesn't even have a tablet and just seethes at the others making progress

>> No.6557492

you people are a fool if you buy anything other than ipad

>> No.6557494

Fuck off,we already have a brand schizo
Two is a crowd

>> No.6557530

I got both chinese stuff and ipad cry me a river

>> No.6557531

How are Surface Pros nowadays (8 onwards)? I need a laptop for school and something that doubles as drawing tablet too (already have an old Cintiq at home)
Its either this or an iPad+Macbook combo for around the same price...whats the general consensus here for the drawing aspect?

>> No.6557551

>2000€ for the iPad Pro 12 with Pencil plus 256GB SSD
Yeah great deal.

>> No.6557556

If you're on Windows disable Ink and Flicks, delete and disable Tablet service, try different drivers.

>> No.6557561

Your AI generated gigachads, post 'em

Intentionality is still a part of the creative process. Let's see if you can prompt a good gigachad holding up two perfectly formed hands

>> No.6557564

Samsung literally uses Wacom tech in their tablets

>> No.6557717

>Samsung literally uses Wacom tech in their tablets
It doesn't matter to them, that's why the Schizo OP also shits on the Wacom One, because it's affordable, it was never about Wacom, it's about the pricetag, they like to belong to the secret club that pays $1500+

>> No.6557737

I will buy any of the schizo bullshit if he posts work

>> No.6558024

I am looking for a super cheap drawing tablet with a screen for recreational drawing, my budget is around £250. I could spend more, but I am cheap and not doing art for anything other than fun.
The cheap brands I see recommended are XP-PEN and Huion, which seem to perform decently.

I wrote a super long comparison between screen sizes, extra features and accessories but it was too long for me to post this.

So, with my main choices + accesories, I am trying to choose between:
XP-PEN Artist 12 (£170) + Protector (£24) + Stand (£27) = £221
Huion Kamvas 13 (£206) + Protector(£10) + Stand (£24) + Felt Nibs (£6) = £246
Kamvas 16 (2021) (£279) (comes with stand) + Protector(£10) + Felt Nibs (£6) = £295
XP-PEN Artist 15.6 (£240) + Protector (£27) + Stand (£37) = £304

If you can convince me to go smaller/bigger, sure I'd love to hear it, but I do need to draw a line somewhere and for me that's when that price increase to get a better product begins to blur. Once again, I want to draw for fun, nothing profession, and my art will be shit. I am upgrading from my cheap eight year old drawing tablet the CTH-470 which performed well but I wanted to try something new. It worked well but was small and had no screen, so my standards are low.

That's about all I can tell with my research. I am curious as to others thoughts and experiences.

>> No.6558034

Why would you need a screen protector? Xp-pens have a matte screen protectors pre-installed, and huion uses etched glass that you wouldn't want to cover.
Personally I'd recommend the kamvas 16 at the smallest if it's in your budget.

>> No.6558046

>I want to draw for fun, nothing profession
Huion by far, if you wanna pay real cheap then get an Ugee 16".
I only hear good things about Ugee personally, not that it's good, but that it's always better than what you would assume you'll get for what you pay for.
For something around Gaomon's price tier, you get something closer to XP-Pens.

>> No.6558054

Anyone who has tried both, how does the old 24 Pro Cintiq compare to the newer one?

>> No.6558069

Old sucks dick compared to every tablet made today
New is pretty good

>> No.6558070

I don't want to scratch the screens. I had heard that XP-PEN's screen protectors were ass, and I couldn't tell with Huion whether theirs were good or not. Huion's comes with a "anti-glare protective film" so I think that would be some sort of screen protection.

I guess as long as they have something on them pre-installed, than I can buy a replacement screen protector if I do end up scratching the screen.

I am retarded, so perhaps I won't scratch the screens anyway, but pen + display + cheap = scratch in my inexperienced head.

The Kamvas 16 is in my budget, but not any of the Kamvas Pro 16s.

The ugee U1600 does seem to be similar but slightly cheaper than the Huion and XP-PEN. I did not see ugee pop-up in my research, so I will look into them. Since they do seem to be less popular, that does make me lean away from them, but I will consider them.
They also would need to ship from USA/CN to the UK which would probably have a higher cost and higher delivery time. I believe Huion and XP-PEN can ship UK to UK. Not a deal breaker regardless.

As for Gaomon, I ain't drawing on a Digimon (haha funny original joke I am sure hasn't been done before). I am fucking shit at researching, I haven't heard of them either.

I am getting choice paralysis, I guess since both of you recommended the Huion I will probably get their Kamvas 16, but I'll do another day or two of research first :P

>> No.6558153

>Huion whether theirs were good or not
Huion's etched glass cannot be scratched by the pen.
It's literally a physical impossibility for the etched glass to ever be scratched by the pen tip, you should use the glove though, the glass does accumulate a lot of grease.

>> No.6558157

>It's literally a physical impossibility for the etched glass to ever be scratched by the pen tip
Even if you fucking stab the glass, it would first break the tip than be scratched.
IT COULD get scratched by the other materials of the pen if you let your tip get too short.

>> No.6558226

huion is geolocating me, seriously what a piece of commie garbage
it can't be turned off, so ill throw it out

question to wacom users: do you have the same problem?

>> No.6558244

Instead of being an absolutist about every tiny thing, perhaps you could look beyond a spec sheet and realize old gear is perfectly functional. People are using older gear for professional work and aren’t hampered in the slightest by things such as 1080 screens, 2048 pens, or 72% argb. The majority of people on /ic/ could work on Wacom ones and no one would notice a difference.

>> No.6558281

Any equipment is useable if you are skilled and used to the equipment, that still doesn't justify overpaying for out of date shit.

>> No.6558424

How the fuck is it geolocating you? That's like as if your PC monitor would be able to locate u

>> No.6558433

People can use an intuos 3 and it still works but the drawing experience is just miserable, which is the case for all the old drawing tech, it's retarded to go for something that's a worse experience than the shit you get these days

>> No.6558464

fuck off zhang.

>> No.6558466

real schizo hours oh yeah

>> No.6558487

The biggest faggot on this board seconding mikufag

>> No.6558490

>aren’t hampered in the slightest
Wrong. Just because you can work around hardware's shortcomings, doesn't change that they are exactly that.

>> No.6558611

This. A bad artist blames his tools. A retarded artist keep using a shitty tool when even the current cheap alternatives are better.
The only reason to never update your gear is if you're too tied by the calendar to the point updating the way you do stuff would be counterproductive, like mangakas.

>> No.6558721

pc monitor doesn't use chinese drivers and software
windows is alerting me about CTF Loader trying to localize my pc each time when i turn HuionTablet app on, only then
there's no option to turn it off

>> No.6558749

What the fuck are you talking about? Literal schizo

>> No.6558781


ok chang, so you're telling me that huion doesn't because there's no "opt out" button?

>> No.6558843


>> No.6558851

Download wireshark and tell us more:

>> No.6558855

i wonder if XPpen does the same

>> No.6558861

>a bunch of links to articles about wacom spying on you
>somehow supposed to be an indicator of huion spying on you

>> No.6558864

Waconfag eternally btfo

>> No.6558868

Instead of asking what the best tablet to get would be, what's the worst for a beginner?

>> No.6558869

>ok chang, so you're telling me that huion doesn't because there's no "opt out" button?
>Complains about Chinese tablets spying on you.
>Gives news articles about Wacom doing that.
>Not a single evidence of the chinese tablets doing it but anecdotal.
You really are running out of arguments.

>> No.6558871

you're welcome.

>> No.6558874

Size wise,that tiny ass Huion(H420 something) ,the One by Wacom(small size)

>> No.6558875

a 10-20+ year old tablet with dogshit color.
an ipad with no apple pencil support
older model surface pros
small pen tablets (the little shitters that are like 4x6 drawing area)
tablets that don't match the aspect ratio of your monitor
display tablets less than 16"

We're at a point in time where basically all new tablets are sufficient and do what they're supposed to do.

>> No.6558877

Do not buy small tablets, they claim they're the best for beginners because they're cheaper and are a smaller compromise, but they'll just make everything harder, if you want to pay less get a medium XP-Pen, I've been told the current Decos are comfy.
Avoid Gaomon, Veikk and Artisul, they're literally shit, mostly because of shitty drivers.

>> No.6558878

Godamn schizo,you are pathetic

>> No.6558881

>seems to charge slowly
ipads can take 2 hours to charge they are damn slow

>> No.6558882

depends on the time of day actually
phones do it too but less aggressively. it's to preserve the life of the battery.

>> No.6558893

>lying in bed
nothing its an uncomfortable position to draw, try doing it with pen and paper

>> No.6558894

>you're welcome.

>> No.6558900

the time of day has nothing to do with charging a battery

>> No.6558909

Do you ever read what you write before posting or do you just blast your textual diarrhea
All mobile/tablet OSes have done this for 3-4 years now.

>> No.6559053

This thread is full of chinese shills

>> No.6559060

Refer to >>6558487

>> No.6559068

This >>6558487

>> No.6559124

i bought an xp pen tablet a month ago and today i scratched the screen with the pen somehow, i also noticed a ton of small scratches on the screen when i was cleaning it. is this normal?

>> No.6559139

worth it to get a used wacom cintiq 27 QHD for 650 dollars? i have a really old intuos 4 that i've been using for about a decade now

>> No.6559185

>worth it to get a used wacom cintiq 27 QHD for 650 dollars?
If it's not a scam, yes, totally.
It does sound like a scam.

>> No.6559193

yeah it's on craigslist and the guy refuses to send pictures of the tablet on. normally i'd go with a friend to check it out but it's 50 miles away. as much as i'd love a cintiq i'm starting to feel like if you don't show pics it's a scam

>> No.6559429

I assume it'a a scam. But I also assumed a kamvas 24 4k for $500 was a acam, and it ended up being legit and I missed out.

>> No.6559433

Xp pen uses a matte screen protector, so it's naturally going to be soft and develop scratches over time. Especially if you ever draw with any kind of dirt on your hand. They're replaceable though, so I wouldn't worry about it that much.
Just try to draw with lighter pressure to avoid it if it bothers you, which is good practice in general anyway.

>> No.6559454

It's probably deep scratched, hence no pics.

>> No.6559461

Now a serious question, I'm planning to update my setup in a while
My actual tablet is a Huion HS64, I'm considering picking up another screenless tablet by now, preferably Huion but I'm open to recommendations
Also fuck off wacom shill

>> No.6559464

Buy wacom 3

>> No.6559478

>Old tablet
wtf bro

>> No.6559483

how big is the hs64?
a medium or large would be good if you want to go screenless.

>> No.6559487

7.87x 6.53 x 0.3 in with a working area of 6.3x4

>> No.6559488

it's the best if you can find someone selling near you, it's a big if but well worth the search

>> No.6559490

>with a working area of 6.3x4
why do you do this to yourself?

>> No.6559494

>he doesn't own a gun
post the ad or your conversation. I won't go and buy it out from under you, I just want to try to see if my scamometer goes off or if he seems lefit.

>> No.6559495

That's what I managed to buy at that time,it was a great tablet to start with digital art tho

>> No.6559497

well anon, I support your goal of buying something better.
any medium/large pen tablet will be a big upgrade and allow for drawing from the shoulder more.

>> No.6559498

Also my workstation is small

>> No.6559499

Thanks, going to update my workstation to something bigger and more comfy too
Until then, I'm back drawing and lurking this thread

>> No.6559501

Intuos 3 overlay gets damaged with huge holes in no time. The pen is also garbage.

>> No.6559509

care to share a photo of these holes?

>> No.6559537

for when
this one
bump limit

>> No.6559562

I actually have as I was trying to give away the Intuos 3 tablet and couldn't, no one wanted the tablet and it was the A4 size too, I used that tablet for years back in the day but zoomers don't want anything less than an iPad.

>> No.6559567

I hosted a giveaway on an art discord I was in giving away 3 of my old drawing tablets (an intuos 3, ipad 3, and bamboo fun) and someone was mad that I wasn't giving away "better quality" tablets and told me I should buy better prizes to give out.
People are dumb as fuck.

>> No.6559644

It seems that the schizo got tf
Now we can have a somewhat decent discussion about tablets

>> No.6559777

Was it the old-type Fun or the new one? I quite enjoyed my old bamboo though I recently swapped to a Deco Pro M.

>> No.6559781

ngl the old wacom aesthetics were lit

>> No.6559839
File: 25 KB, 500x335, 8545032_sa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was one of these

>> No.6559960

Pretty sure he is trying to kill you and steal your money

>> No.6559967

As someone who fell for the intuos 3 meme, don't do it. Just get an second hand intuos pro and you're golden

>> No.6559972

I don't get why anyone would genuinely believe a 20 year old piece of tech would very relevant today.

>> No.6559974

Yeah it's strange af

>> No.6559975
File: 175 KB, 2500x1661, CTH661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip in peace, those things always looked like garbo to me. I was talking about the original fun (CTH661).

>> No.6560028


I'm thinking of buying this XPpen tablet as a noob to drawing:
>XPPen Deco 01 V2 Drawing Tablet 10x6.25

Is this a good choice for a cheap screenless tablet as a noob, or are there better ones?
I want something that has tilt.

>> No.6560534

oh shoot , that was my first digital drawing tablet back in 2016 lmao
it was still the v1 so no bluetooth and tilt , im using a second hand intuos pro from 2015 and tilt is overrated
but i do have experince with xp pen tilt cause before i purchased my intuos pro , i bought an artist 12 2nd gen and xp pen's tilt is not the same as wacom's
it works dont get me wrong but its inconsistent , or atleast felt harder compared to my intuos pro (if that makes sense) ,i dont know about painting but its still good for drawing .
idk about xp pen's current quality control but my v1 lasted me 5 years , shit's got beat up , the surface was shiny , gunk buildup on some cracks of the plastic , but still working up till now , collecting dust in my room
great beginner drawing tablet - it will get the job done , just keep practicing.

>> No.6561666

bruh , i was originally gonna buy an intuos 3 but some schmuck in facebook marketplace here in my area listed an intuos pro (2015) pth 851 for half the price of the intuos 3 i was gonna purchase lol - and yes , this tablet is great - wacom software sucks ass though , shit looses pressure from time to time.

>> No.6561672

they look clean and sleek as heck

>> No.6563083

pro 7 was kinda small to draw on but i guess that was cope