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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 33 KB, 598x377, 12323451233123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6536199 No.6536199 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6536200

the fuck? opt out should be default. Emad better watch his hairy back.

>> No.6536206

This is the future tech bros want. Where opting out of others stealing your personal things has a deadline.

>> No.6536209
File: 83 KB, 750x920, screeeeeeeeeeam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AItards keep telling me SD doesn't even need more images, that it can train itself at this point.
If so, then why does the dataset keep needing more images? Why do we need to opt out? Why AItards? WHY?!?!??

>> No.6536223

You won’t own personal things in the future don’t you worry.

>> No.6536224

Whats wrong with offering artist chance to opt-out?
Sounds very generous to me. Huge respect.

>> No.6536234

>you will own nothing and you will be happy

>> No.6536242

now show me art you've made without any references, copying, or tracing.

>> No.6536252

*pulls out huge veiny smegma covered cock*
hmm, nice work of art is it not?
now work on it slut.

>> No.6536253

>this false equivalence again
Back to your fucking pod.

>> No.6536254

kill yourself pajeet nigger you have no skills no talents and not even a toilet
eat shit and go get indulge in your countries favourite past time aka getting hit by trains

>> No.6536257

More like it's just an internal list of artists online and they will determine if the artist can afford legal battles. Lmao. Retards.

>> No.6536258

I kneel AI chad

>> No.6536272

nice try freak. people don't need billions of image to learn, because they are in fact learning and not making art through mechanic artificial patterns. people don't want technology to replace everything about us and our identity. but since you have no identity, that's understandable.

>> No.6536277

So you can steal it for AI!? no.

>> No.6536283

bro really seething on the chinese dog cuisine forum

>> No.6536286
File: 85 KB, 1270x450, lololol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6536290

AI also doesn't need billions of images? You could easily train a model on few hundred, however it wouldn't be very flexible, just like a human that never left his room in entire life, and didn't have access to internet

>> No.6536291

all true

>> No.6536294

I yet have to see an AI meme

>> No.6536300

Surely if these datasets are found to be in breach of copyright violation, wouldn't this be seen as a particularly egregious act?

>now show me art you've made without any references, copying, or tracing.
>I kneel AI chad
You have to be the same person, I refuse to believe that there's people this stupid as to agree with the first guy, regardless of your opinion on AI images.
What point is he even making? We're talking about this slimy automatic opt in system and about protecting OUR copyright, and you're bringing out this tired hackneyed point that is in regards to how it trains - two different discussions fuckwits.

Thank god AI is coming to make retards like this at least somewhat useful to society, because even these mouth-breathers can write a prompt.

>> No.6536301

If you want to see an example of how a humorless husk would attempt to imitate human behaviour, look no further than “left wing” memes

>> No.6536306

Literally current tech has had the opposite affect by making zoomers mouthbreathing retards how will AI be any better

>> No.6536307

>Thank god AI is coming to make retards like this at least somewhat useful to society, because even these mouth-breathers can write a prompt.
Prompting is the first to be replaced, AI can self-prompt
And them flooding the world with AI slop is a net negative to society anyway.

>> No.6536309
File: 873 KB, 762x772, Screenshot 2023-02-27 030930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would an AI meme be? would it need to see a picture and caption it with appropriate meme text?

>> No.6536315

I'm not totally anti-ai, some of these things I totally agree with. However, smarter students? There's suggestion that AI is going to cause MASSIVE issues with student education, and I''m sure an memes or stories are going to be as good as the AI's art (only superficially good).

These people seem to think simply making a great AI will solve all our problems, and somehow not cause any, which is why I think they're okay with some very morally dubious actions to make the AI, or worse, AI that seems to have no functions other than to take people's jobs in areas that's really not needed.
I've heard of trials being done for machines to make traditional art with AI... Why? Who does that benefit? The amount it takes away from human creativity and humanity is infinitely more than the amount it could possibly give humans in return.

If we live in a post scarcity world, where no one needs to work anymore thanks to AI... What do we do? Follow our creative ambitions? AI makes our art, it writes our stories, it makes our games, there are no lofty goals or ambitions for man to aim for because they've made AI do all these things. We'll all be turned into nothing but coomsoomers.
I think the utopian goal they're aiming for is the death of humanity honestly.

>> No.6536322


show me art you've made without AI generator first

>> No.6536330

that's the joke, it will actually be worse. these techfags will probably use AI bots to make arguments for them on the internet since they won't be bothered to think themselves anymore

>> No.6536333


>less time doing email

you're not doing less you're relying on AI to write for you. no that it's bad thing especially when you have tons of email to write. But "less"? nah.

>AI medical advisor

Until it gives the wrong advice. But hey it's your fault for not reading the small ass almost invisible text that says it takes zero responsibility on any wrong advice it gave. Unlike a real medical institute. You're suppose to change the way healthcare works not replace it with some copy paste AI.

>using chatGPT to learn

ha...haha...hahaHAHAHAHA! right. Totally not going to use it to cheat. You should limit the power you give to everyday people. Because there's a lot of dumbass that will way more damage with such power.

>> No.6536334

your point makes no sense. a human doesn't need billions of images to be flexible. And most importantly, do you think all the art books tell you to just copy art? lol

>> No.6536335

Because most of those techfags believe technology will bring usher in some utopia regardless of how many have to suffer. Its not much different from the religous fundamentalists and the communists. Most of them unironically believe they are doing the right thing and humanity will somehow improve. I remeber reading how scientists were trying to reanimate corpses of insects with electrodes, they never ask if they should be doing something especially when money gets involved.

>> No.6536337



It's just machine learning. You're making it more than what it seem because you want to keep playing with your little toy living in your delusion.

>> No.6536338

at what point is it AI?

>> No.6536340

That’s the point, dude. The monied interests who are pushing for AI automation actively crave the destruction of skilled jobs. They’re trying to consolidate and secure power. Who’s going to fight against them when every pleb needs two minimum wage burger-flipper jobs just to survive because AI took away all white-collar labor opportunities?

>> No.6536343

To continue on top of that most of them still believe in the metanarrative of "progress" since most of them are irreligious after the decline religion. its the same type of people beliving we will somehow inhabit the stars when in reality its just going to be robots doing it because its too risky for humans

>> No.6536359

>who’s going to fight against them when every pleb needs two minimum wage burger-flipper jobs
I mean they can automate that too

>> No.6536370

I guaran-fucking-tee you everything you want to do as a career will be automated before they automate physical jobs like burger flipper, plumber, janitor, trashman, and so on. AI physically operating in the real world is the final boss of machine learning, and they are not going to figure it out for a long, long time.

>> No.6536373

Please keep communism out of this. Communism is the very opposite of what tech bros are doing. Communists would work towards automating jobs that nobody wants to do, and end it there. Do you think that's bad?

>> No.6536379

Yeah, doing anything in the real world seems a lot harder for these ai models. Makes sense though. In the real world you can't learn through playing against yourself a billion times and similar ideas

>> No.6536380

If we live in a post scarcity world, thanks to ai, communism could actually work

>> No.6536384

you can, boston dynamics do it. not a billion, but they simulate the environment and work out pathing.

>> No.6536386

But the real world is significantly harder than those simulations. It's why self driving is still unsolved after so many years. If there are edge cases it fails and crashes, like Teslas

>> No.6536395

Stop it, Nosebro. You're a dead meme.

>> No.6536399

The last line really nails the "hey there fellow kids" stench of AI cultists.

>> No.6536407

It's just a middle age boomer line. Get over yourself

>> No.6536419

Yeah, I've worked a bunch of shitty jobs like retail, janitorial work, overnight security. There are so many subtle things involving social skills, physical dexterity, and adjusting to different situations.
But for the same reason I believe AI will struggle at ever attaining master KJG levels of traditional art technique. There's strong hand-eye coordination and perception involved in actually drawing. AI is too stuck in the digital knowledge work sector of production.

>> No.6536438


>> No.6536445

there is no redo if you get it (really)wrong irl.

>> No.6536448

Yeah exactly. In art and inconsequential tasks like these it doesn't matter if they fuck up. It's why it's a good first application desu

>> No.6536472

I wonder if those edge cases are high enough to continue stop it from being used in transport trucks. That seemed like the major benefit of have self-driving cars, outside of the removal of traffic jams (which seems like it will never happen because I doubt everyone will willingly us self-driving cars).

>> No.6536563

Driving in a straight line on a highway seems easy and possible for it to do. But it still seems quite impossible to autonomously drive in busy cities without intervention with Teslas, for example

>> No.6536588


self awareness? the ability to think, learn and improve itself on it's own. Which is NOT what machine learning is. It's not that advance. A true AI will make everyone freak the fuck out.

At that point it's not about making generative images or chatbot. It's literally making another being capable of destroying humanity itself if it goes out of control.

>> No.6536607
File: 106 KB, 1480x543, bad-artists1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6536620

So it's not AI until it can improve itself? that sounds wrong. If a multi-modal AI can do everything but improve itself... it's still not AI? narrow or weak AI is still AI, it's just not AGI or ASI...

>> No.6536661

in the future, people will assassinate AI engineers and CEOs, sarah connor style

>> No.6536662

Where is stable located?

>> No.6536673

88 Notting Hill Gate, London

>> No.6536679

I think it is an advancement. Even if it's just mimicry and copying, it can go a long way of automating thing. To me it doesn't really matter if these systems have consciousnes. And I also think ai such a bad name and people are being overly pedantic

>> No.6536682



>> No.6536686
File: 305 KB, 772x2048, EHQ5u_HWkAAJ0sN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most likely endgame of humanity is basically self-sustain the body alongside pleasuring the mind endlessly through possibly drugs or endless wave of dopamine content. Why even go explore the vast universe, conquer the stars and possibly figure out ways to fuck ayylmaos (if they exist) when its just more efficient to let everyone be in "heaven"?

>> No.6536688

Mate I'm trying to figure out what shithole ass backwards country where automatic opt ins would be legal

>> No.6536695

it's not secret knowledge, it was the first google hit.

>> No.6536732


if it can't think for itself it is not AI. That's just a name these companies gave it to make it more than it seem. You want it to be AI so you can justify the claims that AI "art" are "original" art shit out by the machine learning program.

>> No.6536746

cause pleasure is not the only regulatory stimuli governing human actions, buddy

>> No.6536761

How will we know when it is thinking for itself? How do I know you are thinking for your self?

>> No.6536766

Don't shit on his dream of one day owning a cat girl robo maid waifu who's programmed to actually love him.

>> No.6536826

So how does this affect artists who get big after March 3rd? Shit out of luck?

>> No.6536838

>Early life
>He was born to a Jewish family
I'm considering to write a book about my struggle in life.

>> No.6536851

>I've heard of trials being done for machines to make traditional art with AI... Why?
Just like everything else with AI, so the people who run the program can use it to make money.
>inb4 muh open source nfp

>> No.6536859

Utopia is not possible for us to achieve. There are many books written about the subject. The problem is the retarded 1% who think it is and will make everything worse in attempting to achieve it. These are the same people who tried pushing meta digital real estate.

>> No.6536860

Tech makes some people smarter and most people dumber.

>automate some jobs BUT NOT MY JOB

Every job can be reduced to math. To the machine it doesn't know it's doing or art or screening cancer it's just adding and subtracting. All jobs are just math on a fundamental level.

>> No.6536864

Something about humans puts us a little above math. Why do you think an automated casher at walmart can scan everything correctly but as soon as you scan a coupon for a bag of avocados it shits itself and needs an employee to override it?

>> No.6536867

I don't really care, I'm not famous enough for people to prompt my name or train specific models with my art, like Sam Does Art.

>> No.6536872

>Something about humans puts us a little above math.
This is wrong. There is nothing special about humans. On a fundamental level, your neurons are sending signals to each other which is also basically just doing math.
The idea that humanity is "divine" is just hubris.

>> No.6536874

/ic/ died

>> No.6536885
File: 8 KB, 197x255, 1675579834420230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is wrong. There is nothing special about humans. On a fundamental level, your neurons are sending signals to each other which is also basically just doing math.
>The idea that humanity is "divine" is just hubris.

>> No.6536887

Not him, but we are specials because we should value ourselves above everything else, not because of some mystical, divine power.

We should always use technology, but never devalue us to promote technology. In the end, even AI art is going this way by bringing back the human factor with ControlNet.

>> No.6536891

Ever hear a person try to justify a stupid investment?

They believe it because they need it to be true. There's a reason why there's such a big overlap of AI bros and NFT bros. They want to and need to believe that X thing is going to change their lives, make them obscenely wealthy, make it so they never have to work again.
Pity them as best case they're stupid, worst case they are lazy.j-hakj

>> No.6536894

Can't wait for control net to be automated. I just want to tell the ai, make a cool pose like a ninja, and it does it, fingers and all.

>> No.6536897

>but we are special
I don't really think so. Most humans are just a bunch of retarded hypocritical niggers.
The way I see it, the medical people with their debt are going to protest AI cancer screening and AI therapeutics, artists will protest art, teachers will protest AI supplementing teaching, etc. It's because people are selfish.

When you resort to posting wojaks you basically admit that you lost the argument.

NFTs have no use. Machine learning has many uses. You are salty.

>> No.6536899

Avatarfagging is banned, you know that right?
Also that's a shitty avatar you use for yourself

>> No.6536900

>NOOOO they're going to TRACK US
>carries smartphone in his pocket

>> No.6536910

You can't automate your thoughts, that would be the exact same as prompting, where you let the AI make the decisions.

It's not about the manual labor of guiding the AI, It's all about following the exact concept and intention of the user. AI needs to do exactly what we humans want, not some arbitrary decision.

That's why I dislike how most AIs are being used recently, they are using to let it think and decide things for us. Let's automate the tasks, but perfectly control the output.

>> No.6536915

I accept your concession Pajeet & Rajeesh.

>> No.6536917

>You can't automate your thoughts
Offtopic but it's interesting you mention that, since your thoughts are already seemingly automated, you don't choose to think them and you can't predict the next thing you'll think.

>> No.6536921
File: 21 KB, 500x500, colonel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's why I dislike how most AIs are being used recently, they are using to let it think and decide things for us.
Gee maybe we're getting closer to what this type of tech is really being used for.

>> No.6536926

Weird I didn't know Indians were godless serfs I thought they worshipped cows

>> No.6536929

If the output differs from your attention what's the point of this tech?

Imagine a car assembly line where every car turns out different?

AI needs humans not because we are superior or anything, but because we built them to serve us, not to control us.

>> No.6536930

No wonder you worship your mother then Rajeesh!

>> No.6536936

*differs from your intention

>> No.6536937

>no UR Indian! >:(
Yawn. Get better material. Or maybe go back to posting the same low quality Emma Watson pinups.

>> No.6536946

If you are going to be sobbing, please do it quietly in your corner

>> No.6536957

AI has managed to piss off literary magazines and cause concern for academic dishonesty. Think of all the potential writers we're missing out on because bugmen can't help themselves.

>> No.6536959

> t. fellow kid

>> No.6536965

Finish the line.
>bad artists desecrate

>> No.6536973

>we aren't censoring anything, we're creating context
Fuck. You just know they'll be using AI for "problematic" speech.

>> No.6536980

So basically
It's been extensively demonstrated that the vast majority of people don't care if an image has skill put behind it or it's made by stealing pieces of pre existing artwork.

So what was the point of becoming good? This is literal pearls to swines.
Why should I torture myself with trying to entice a public when they're naturally inclined to go towards the smelliest manure?
Was all based around a misconception?
Is the same with music?
Does people watch pictures and listen to sounds just because they're there, like it's some k ration they've been trained to chow down?
I can't fucking believe that the anticapitalism fucktards were right all along. I can't believe there's this gap between people
This is what upset me the most. I'm fucking scared that the misanthropy I've reached is going to push me beyond and I start shooting from the roof.
I can't fucking believe everything is just a fucking product, I can't fucking accept it, because if it's true then nobody deserves to be alive

>> No.6536986

Nooo think of the poor poor radiologists noo.

If I was ordering a pizza it would not taste better if I knew the guy had to torture himself for years and years to make the pizza. I just want a pizza.

>> No.6536997

Yes most people are completely subhuman. The Npc meme was more than just a meme. But there are a few good people in this world, it's not that everybody is awful just the majority. The Bible talks about this.

>> No.6537000


These retards and their false equivalence... I can feel the downfall of ai. And your pajeet pedo lord emad is going to jail.

>> No.6537002

What does it even mean
I'm talking about something else, stop throwing every example of machine/man on the table

I'm fucking asking what is the fucking point of doing art if people that looks at it don't fucking care about what's looking, but they only care that they're looking at something
I don't even who the fuck am I asking, to me? To you? To fucking god?
Maybe it would be better to burn to ashes all the great art of the world, so humanity can't lay its disgusting, unworthy eyes on it anymore

>> No.6537005

ffs jannies delete this shit

>> No.6537015

>I'm fucking asking what is the fucking point of doing art if people that looks at it don't fucking care about what's looking, but they only care that they're looking at something
I can't understand what you mean. Maybe if you calmed down first.

>I can feel the downfall of ai.
I dunno it just feels like we're getting started. Companies are all just pouring money into this and there's going to be some kind of AI development arms race between China and US.
My NVDA stock went up by 80% in just 3 months.

>> No.6537018

I fail to see how this is connected to capitalism. If we had communism why would people suddenly care about shitty pictures or the 'story behind them' more?

>> No.6537036

If AI developers can create a sufficient number of practical products that people depend on, it could definitely sway courts and governments in favor of AI and fair use. It seems that they are making progress towards this goal. And the competition varying global regulations could also work to their advantage. Countries want don't want to hinder innovation and if they do they get outcompeted.

>> No.6537038
File: 66 KB, 640x600, consoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one gives a shit what you want, consoomer

>> No.6537041

a pig in a cage on antibiotics, you say?

>> No.6537048

Basically the "If we ban it here China will fuck us" argument is going to win every major case. I think you can sort of slow it down in the courts but diffusion is just one way to generate art with machine learning and I think in 10 years time we'll all think that diffusion was actually kind of bad and primitive.

For practical advice, I would say that all artists have to familiarize themselves with tech. It already happened to finance and it will happen to basically every other field including medicine, law, farming etc. It doesn't matter now. You can still do your art but the tools will get better.

>Art is not a product
>you must pay me for my work

>> No.6537049

AI cucks take out of context

>> No.6537054

Nothing is stopping you from drawing your OCs

>> No.6537079

it is a product but not always. regardless, you are not an artist but a consoomer. there will be frozen pizzas (AI) for you, if you want. enjoy yourself, because you'll find out that with how machine learning works, stuff won't get "better and better" but more and more homogenized.

>> No.6537092

ehh even in context picasso is a fucking hack grifter.
i wish i could back in time and stomp his skull into the ground before he became famous.

>> No.6537101

>you don't choose to think them and you can't predict the next thing you'll think
this is quite revealing

>> No.6537114

>stuff won't get "better and better"
Isn't it getting better already? You can fix hands now.
AI is just going to be another set of tools in the toolbox. You should stop seething and learn to adapt or die. There is no use complaining.

>> No.6537133

This is the outcome i fear most, when people have lost all meaning to their lives. But I don't think many people are going to be happy when their robbed of their purpose in life assuming their not just consoomers.
I agree with the idea humans arnt special in reality that we are must a bunch of meat machines, however I believe its a lie that is more helpful to a society than it is harmful.

>> No.6537137

>adapt or die
why do tech chuds think this applies to art?
most recent criticially acclaimed stuff still either uses tradtional or imitates it.
e.g. guilty gear, puss in boots, even most strict deadline cut all the possible corners shit like anime and comics.
unironically the more powerful the tool the less charming the result will be.

>> No.6537140

Calling it a mere set of tools is a bit silly when it can produce the whole illustration for you. How much actual artist input would be needed to make it as fully fledged as any great non-ai art piece, 5-10%? Most cases you don't even need to touch anything up because people will be fine with it as is

>> No.6537144

Lets assume your right and you get your wish of AI being able to completely replace artists then what? Replace writers actors game devs and so on? Then what you finally get your little coompod utopia?

>> No.6537163

My dude You Do Not Understand.

The point is in doing it. You people are skipping the fucking point of it all. You're skipping our humanity. Doesn't that feel wrong? It certainly will someday and if you're still around then I hope you'll think of us telling you how wrong replacing one of humanity's most redeeming features is.

>> No.6537167
File: 423 KB, 1638x2048, 1677449675458131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't refute this lol

>> No.6537170
File: 454 KB, 1290x943, autistic eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have to opt out of something I wouldn't even know was happening if it wasn't for a random thread
Is this shit even legal?

>> No.6537173

It's a curious paradox, you'd have to think your thoughts before you think them in order to choose to think them.

>> No.6537174

I don't think you know how pizzas are made, retard-kun.

>> No.6537177

Criticism of capitalism is not an endorsement of communism.

>> No.6537186

Ok. Die then

>> No.6537195

You can't really refute a false equivalency beyond stating the obvious fact that a machine spitting out images based on raw data collected from images fed to it is not the same as a human looking at a variety of sources and then drawing something. But you're the type who'd probably try to argue that tracing is the same thing as referencing.

>> No.6537198

>melting bg
>is that supposed to be a coat?
>wtf happened with her eyebrows

>> No.6537199

>But you're the type who'd probably try to argue that tracing is the same thing as referencing.
That's a very good point for these kind of people. It blew my mind when I started seeing people on the internet being so retarded as to conflate the two things together

>> No.6537200

I'm learning Greg's artstyle to sell it to some idiot for 1k a piece as NFT so he can train their stupid AI

>> No.6537214

Communism is only possible with post-scarcity. I'm talking about the marxist version of communism not whatever lenin.

According to artcucks it's okay if hospitals employ less radiologists or if tutoring companies employ less tutors or sales departments employ less salespeople but when it comes to them it's muh art muh humanity you don't understand artists and the work they do are SACRED.

It's because they have small brains and can't grasp the greater scope of how transformative this kind of tech will be for society. But after all it doesn't matter idiots think.

>> No.6537218

>your work MUST be directly used for somebody else's profit, against your wishes and without compensation, in order to progress society!

>> No.6537219

That's the goal.
They literally told you what they want to do and are doing it right now and you still refuse to accept it.

>> No.6537221

I always argued that the imagined stigma against referencing was started by dome dipshit who was caught tracing someone else's work.

>> No.6537223

>Let's automate the tasks, but perfectly control the output.
No, that is reserved for the elite. The masses get to be pacified by retarded toys that steal their peers' output to completely negate the user's input.

>> No.6537225

>According to artcucks it's okay if hospitals employ less radiologists
pajeet discovered strawman

>> No.6537226

No, but you aren't gonna sue them anyway.

>> No.6537227

Anon, learn that there are jobs you do for money and jobs you do out of pure passion and fulfillment. Art is pure passion and creativity, like writing, dancing etc...
Why would you automate something so fulfilling? This is dystopic.

>> No.6537229

Should I take the fun pill and learn AI?

>> No.6537232

No. But they're doing it anyway because government doesn't care enough to stop them. They're also going all out after being hit with a 1.8 trillion lawsuit among others.

>> No.6537234

Cooking, art and convalescent care are the three developments that turned homo habilis into homo sapiens.
If you replace any of them we stop being human and devolve into apes.

That is the goal of the elites. And you're desperate to hasten it's inevitable negative outcome when there's not enough competent people left to keep the matrix running.

>> No.6537235

>Artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising tool for breast cancer detection in screening mammography programs, according to a major new study in Radiology. Mammograms acquired through population-based breast cancer screening programs produce a significant workload for radiologists. AI has been proposed as an automated second reader for mammograms that could help reduce this workload.
>AI has been proposed as an automated second reader for mammograms that could help reduce this workload.
strawman how?

If you do something for passion it shouldn't be a job bro. There is nothing stopping you from drawing and taking pleasure from it.

>> No.6537237

They're already being sued by Getty. Being sued and getting in trouble with the law are 2 different things.

>> No.6537238

You know what? I take a look a bit dive into the AI community and it's either the one who actually does some work like model training or incorporating additional workflow like blender/retouching/more processing etc. And then there's the pajeets who's basically just using someone else's model / proompt / taking someone else's generated images while being as obnoxious as possible. The latter is more prevalent on any mainstream social media

>> No.6537240

Sure, but there should be something stopping a company from taking your "passion" output and using it for their own profit.
>you should draw for free, but Pajeet should be able to use your work as a basis to feed his family!

>> No.6537247

True, but lawsuits set precedent that effect the way a law is implemented. If this lawsuit agrees the AIs breach copyright, it essentially means now everyone who is part of that lawsuit can now claim similarly - it'd be suicide for a company to continue using said data sample

>> No.6537249

>Oh no it's another one of those people who's jelly that someone else is making money from their hobbies and they're not.

>> No.6537250

Maybe instead of fighting against this shit existing for ethical reasons, we should lobby for any profits made with AI technology being distributed to real artists world wide.

It'd get shut down immediately.

>> No.6537254
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>All these replies
>Not a single piece of work posted
Fucking kek

>> No.6537256

That already happened with the music industry vs music auto-encoders.
This shit is being pushed by WEF goons, and whether the courts act to precedent and make them pay Getty et al or come up with some bullshit to let AI art go unpunished will tell us how inevitable the rot-in-the-pod future is.

>> No.6537257

>give me more art to steal reeeeeeeeeeeee
I shat in your samosa

>> No.6537258

I accepted a while ago that I only create to be judged by other creatives. I don't give a fuck about normies, their opinions are worthless to me and don't contribute to my improvement at all.

>> No.6537261

>AI destroying the last chance for me to touch tiddies

>> No.6537262

>make a false equivalency non-point
>expect people to do as you say as a result
Come back with a real argument and maybe you'll get meaningful replies and not just people combating shitflinging with shitflinging.

>> No.6537263

>I cannot draw without resorting to copying off something
The post.

>> No.6537265


>> No.6537267
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kinda true though

>> No.6537268

The troon being denied copyright for that shitty Zendaya comic proves the burgers at least know what it is and that it's indeed copyright infringement. I don't know how it could be twisted any other way with the Getty lawsuit.

>> No.6537282

>her fingers are amputated
Poor girl.

>> No.6537290

Didn't realise we need to treat these AIs like humans anon, should we start saving to send it to university now? I wonder what it'll grow up to be, hopefully it won't be so retarded that it'd think how humans learn and how AIs learn are the same and should be treated the same, like you.

>> No.6537299
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They just fold, very usefull feature

>> No.6537302
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>Is called melina
>Isnt melinated

>> No.6537303

You can at any time.
There's nothing to learn, so no pressure.

>> No.6537322
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>> No.6537324

Looks like shit.

>> No.6537331

Self driving cars is one of the most absolutely retarded things concieved
>Lets let our fragile jenga tower of infactructure become more fragile
>Lets make them electric too
>If the power goes out most of the shit will just stop working
As retarded as a smart fridge

>> No.6537336


>> No.6537339

Yes I agree. Trains can transport shit way more efficiently and it seems a lot easier to automate

>> No.6537342

But in theory, if they where 100% reliable I don't see how it would make infrastructure worse

>> No.6537352

But it isnt in reality. It has more "moving parts" meaning it will just have another system that if it goes to shit the car stops working. Normal cars are already an issue with just the mechanical aspects of it adding more software shit to it doesnt help.

>> No.6537356
File: 87 KB, 1284x712, Fpw8wXMaUAEo73m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emad is a retard

>> No.6537369

Always said anime girls aren't meant to be white cows, they're meant to be slavic lolis.

>> No.6537374

But trains require a lot more specific infrastructure and are costly to maintain, it's why we're using trucks in the first place; so I can definitely see the appeal for self driving trucks.

>> No.6537421

Just wait till someone trains a module specifically on Disney content

>> No.6537454

Kek. "Go behind firewalls" really rattled some artists jimmies. I'm starting to like this pajeeto

>> No.6537457

Disney can save so much money by using ai art. And they can just sue the people creating/ selling ai content.

>> No.6537462

Some accelerationist out there should train an AI on Mickey Mouse and Gay porn, and flood the internet the day Mickey's copyright lapses.

>> No.6537464
File: 113 KB, 1400x788, Screenshot_2023_02_23_at_12.27.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can now run stable diffusion locally on your phone. they optimized the shit out of it already. now only requires 4 GB of vRAM. seems plausible that any poojeet with a graphics card will be able to train a model with his graphicscard in a couple of years. or at least in a crowd sourced type of way. the genie is truly out of the bottle

>> No.6537466

what even is the purpose or role of copyright in a world of extreme and low cost creativity-abundance?

>> No.6537467

You still don't realize how limited this thing is, aside of it looking like shit. you'll have to wait for drawchads to draw fan art of things before you can shove it in the ai slop machine. lol. "adapt or die" said the pedo shitskin who won't do anything other than riding the coat tails of artists and deluding himself that he's more than just a wretched consoomer

>> No.6537485
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I just got caught with my fucking pants down today because I didn't realize this shit was a mix of AI + actual artist fixing the mistakes

>> No.6537489

did you think it was all ai or all hand drawn?

>> No.6537501

Why every AI image ive seen have the resolution of a toaster

>> No.6537527

So that someone may profit a reasonable amount from their work before the inevitable copycats swarm in. Prior to copyright, other publishers would just publish the book like it was their own, and there were an abundance of near identical stories, just with names and such vaguely changed around. (I also seem to recall that America may have been the worst offender of this, acting like the china of today)

Copyright has its place, it's just been distorted by the hypocritical fuckwits at disney, who needed to protect their version of sleeping beauty or whatever else.

>> No.6537532

I wish they'd made the splatter on the hammer look more like a skull, it's annoying me that it's not quite there.
Otherwise, I honestly don't mind an artist/AI mix, my issue is not creating anything new; a stagnation of humanity culturally.

If people use AI in their work flow, I'm perfectly ok with that.

>> No.6537541

What are your thoughts on the "cartoon" corridor made with ai help. Still looks a bit jittery, but honestly impressive what they put together with just a few people. https://youtu.be/GVT3WUa-48Y

>> No.6537545
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The Legendary "bee keeper prank"

>> No.6537547
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>You can go behind the firewalls if you're smart and get private data.
I had to read that on his actuarial Twitter to believe it. I took a screenshot with more context. This looks a lot like admitting to, or having intent to commit a crime.
I'm form /g/ so I'm duel seething right now. Every time I think I could not hate them anymore, they find a new way to disgust me. I hope the corts make an example of him and (((Open)))ai.
This alludes ai pedos, probably bc they don't want to think about anyone but themselves.

>> No.6537549

Imo, there's a massive wave of ai images and content on the horizon. Currently, the quantity of images being created by individual users for recreational purposes is already overwhelming. I created close to 15 k images in the past few months, just for fun. Once these become indistinguishable from human-generated content, it seems like a totally lost pursuit. Also worth nothing that it's all open source, runnable locally and training cost is coming down. But, I understand that not everyone shares my view on the potential for AI image generation to become indistinguishable from human-generated content, especially on here

>> No.6537552

kek this is obvious bait, retard

>> No.6537605

>order pizza from a pizza place
>it's frozen pizza they pretend to make from scratch
>they charge you $30 for a frozen pizza
>you're okay with this because you just want a pizza

>> No.6537610

It was a bad analogy. I wouldn't care if it was frozen or otherwise. If it tastes just as good or better I'm fine with it.

>> No.6537627

That's the kind of stuff I'm most excited about - Allowing artists to more easily and quickly create something that would have previously been near impossible. I'm particularly hopeful about an AI being made for the animation industry that can do in-betweens and cleanup/colouring, I imagine we'd have an animation boom then (and hopefully and web animation renaissance).

As for the cartoon corridor stuff (without watching more than what you showed me), it looks neat, it's like a more advanced version of 'A Scanner Darkly'.
I don't really think of it as animation, so much as a very interesting film effect for live action though.

>> No.6537638

Anyone could have picked up a pencil and drawn, or written a story - but they didn't. I honestly don't think this AI will turn people who were never bothered to be creators before, into creators now.

You may have created 15k images, but who is looking at those other than yourself? They might as well be 15k pictures of stickmen for all the good it does.

>> No.6537652

I'm just saying. IMO the public web is dead after LLMs and other ai shit. It's already hard to tell how much of the internet is bot generated. What happens when the ratio will become 1:1 or 100:1. This might be a good thing though. Imo the death of influencer careers will be the greatest gift these models will have on humanity. Then maybe people will start living irl more.

>> No.6537660
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because you constantly exchange misinformation with other inkcels in your little echochambers

>> No.6537676
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Indeed. I'm loving the LoRA model

>> No.6537718

It doesn't. It never does.
Bug patties are not hamburgers.
Pods are not houses.
AI is not art.

>> No.6537723

You guys really are mentally ill. Would likely be terrorists if you weren't too weak to pick up a pencil, let alone a gun.

>> No.6537731

indeed, copyright is meaningless if anyone can grab anything they like an iterate on it making it copyright free

>> No.6537735

there's already more shit coming out in a single hour than you could consume in a lifetime, what is even the point of flooding the world with more meaningless noise

>> No.6537739

With what point do you disagree with me?

>> No.6537744

Eliminating wonder and aspiration so that the masses will accept their fate as pod trash that only exists to support the machine so that the elite can actually live a human life.

>> No.6537751
File: 38 KB, 537x568, Screenshot 2023-02-27 041817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artroons seething eternally

>> No.6537752

i don't get this conspiracy theory. how are the humans in the pod supporting the machine? can't the elite live a human life already?
there are also many good outcomes from an ai future. if there are no more scarce resources thanks to robots doing all the work for us, we can just chill at the beach and do whatever we want to do. we can even do art, but not as a commodity, but as something we actually want to do without a profit motive.

>> No.6537753

that will never happen, if the plebs are no longer required to keep society functioning then we're just gonna be left to die lmao, post scarcity is a meme

>> No.6537845


I just watched it and it looks like shit. The reason it gets to that quality is because they know how to use other software and have the knowledge. Unlike your everyday AI tards who can barely draw and have no creativity or taste. These are made by professional team but the end result still looks crappy.

>> No.6537848


trash tier

>> No.6537850

Communism IS criticism of capitalism. Communists would replace humans doing soul-sucking work with machines, and give the humans who lost their income in this capitalist system everything they need to live a fulfilled life.
Which makes it especially sad that the hypercapitalists currently promoting AI and cryptocurrency are deliberately misleading people by using words like "democratizing art" or "decentralization". They are not democratic or communistic or whatever they like to present themselves as. They are just deceptive hypercapitalists doing everything they can for the most profit.
I also don't subscribe to conspiracy theories, but you're missing something important. You are expecting too much goodness from the people promoting AI and such. Many have delusions of grandeur and dream of colonizing Mars and leaving Earth to rot. Or they dream of immortality through cryogenics or by becoming androids. They only care about themselves, and they will fire you and let you die on the street if they can replace you with a machine.

The profit-driven system needs to change before extreme automation can be helpful to humanity.

>> No.6537855

>The profit-driven system needs to change before extreme automation can be helpful to humanity.
this ride aint going to stop until the ultra elite milk it for everything its worth, and its only going to end when we unironically minutes away from wiping ourselves off the map again

>> No.6537856


You copy paste prompts and use other people models. Compare to them... oh man... I just felt so sad for you AI tards. You guys have no skill, no talent, lazy, no creativity and probably no passion. You come here everyday trying to rile people up. What a sad existence. The only use you know for such an advance tech is generating pretty pictures. That's your limit.

At the end of the day. This tool IS made for creative people but most of us don't need it. I actually shed a tear. Its just sad.

>> No.6537862

oh boy i cant wait for even more goyslop from movie producers, cant wait to pog for star wars 10 the soulless edition

>> No.6537940

Economies of scale can only work with mass consumption but mass consumption can't happen when nobody has a job because robots do everything.
So you will live in a pod eating bugs and watching AI goyslop so that rich people can have private chefs and live entertainers.
They also hope to reduce the population by 94%.

>> No.6537943

>Communists would replace humans doing soul-sucking work for companies with humans doing soul-sucking work for the party
They were making more hammers instead of growing food, and yes, it was real and true communism.

>> No.6538368

I wonder why they couldn't fix the faces on the more distracting parts, it shouldn't be that hard

>> No.6538393

Yeah, I got a bridge to sell you

>> No.6538718

Gay pieces of shit, they shouldn't have kneeled to dumb artists.

>> No.6538866

>I will be ripped off and I will like it

These are actually photos ran through img2img aren't they?

>> No.6538878

>there are also many good outcomes from an ai future. if there are no more scarce resources thanks to robots doing all the work for us, we can just chill at the beach and do whatever we want to do. we can even do art, but not as a commodity, but as something we actually want to do without a profit motive.
How do you come to the conclusion that AI will lead to no scarcity?

>> No.6539224

When it is

>> No.6539260

>These are actually photos ran through img2img aren't they?

you expect them to be honest about anything?

>> No.6540971

feels bad

>> No.6540981

imagine someone from the future being transported back to our current time. They probably wouldn't even be able to walk without AI assistance.

>> No.6541550

you mean like comedy? do you think the first 8 seasons of the simpsons was right wing?

>> No.6541565

i didnt read the other replies because im surre their retarded so heres my definitely better one.
>If we live in a post scarcity world
this is the part i wanted to zero in on, because i mostly agree with you except for this. we dont live in a post scarcity world yet, and we never will because the powers that be do not want that. whether thats good or bad is debatable but this technology is only beneficial for such a world, where the social safety net is adequate. We were already concerned about this when it was coal miners and auto industry workers losing their jobs to automation but it seems for now mechanical automation has hit a brick wall. So its a lot easier for them to pour money and research into this tech, which is now the hot new thing. They are only doing it for clout basically, its similar to NFTs in that they're chasing the new meme tech and will implement it into as many things as they can, a new gold rush like the dot com bubble. These people dont really care about the jobs they're displacing they care about make line go up.