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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 339 KB, 602x535, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6519465 No.6519465 [Reply] [Original]

The biggest vtubers on the planet endorse AI art.
Why are you so against it when everyone has already agreed it's the future?

>> No.6519469

Good. At least the normalfags enjoy AI art, and that's 99% of the world's population.

>> No.6519475

How are you not embarrassed to watch this? Did you feel like this was a great "got ya" while shitting your adult diaper and listening to women squeal in fake baby voices?

>> No.6519478
File: 72 KB, 565x420, 1676293368789379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the future
lol it's already over
enjoy your universal digital id

>> No.6519479

Sounds like it's a game, where the ai art has to pass as human. so... the AI users are gonna lose immediately. not a fun game...

>> No.6519480


Don't know
Don't Care

>> No.6519486

Ok, looked it up. It's just prompting images to a theme, only one user doesn't know the theme and has to bluff that they do.

>> No.6519605

If you already watch this shit you would love eating AI shit too

>> No.6519606


You don't know Japanese. You don't know a Japanese person. You will never be Japanese.

>> No.6519607

Beyond pathetic.
fuck off and die.

>> No.6519632

>biggest vtuber

>> No.6519636

it makes the entire skill of drawing a fools erand and it makes the end result of your work irrelevant when your artwork drowns in a sea of computer generated content that caters to anyone specifically

>> No.6519644

You draw for the end result?

>> No.6519645

You draw?

>> No.6519647

wait people draw here?

>> No.6519649

you draw for some hippie shit kumbaya reason?

>> No.6519654

You draw for attention on Twitter?

>> No.6519656

having your skills valued is something every single person wants in some aspect of their lives, it's only natural for social beings

>> No.6519662

Sounds like cope to me but you do you, some people actually enjoy doing things though. Think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who enjoys taking daily walks solely for the end result of getting home again.

>> No.6519663

people who claim they don't care about getting good are lying sacks of shit

>> No.6519664
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, vaxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you so against it when everyone has already agreed it's the future?
I was against the covid jab, while 99% around me embraced it (before they died or get constantly sick lol)
Normie-scum will never learn

>> No.6519666

>its the future
nope, the war goes one

>> No.6519667

Why do mutts think their laws apply globally?

>> No.6519669

Not everyone's starved for attention just cuz you are, y'know

>> No.6519670

>letting my opinions be shaped by some shrieking, over-designed, bobble-headed fuck whose only talent is toeing the line until their inevitable graduation/cancellation

>> No.6519672

Everyone seeks attention in some aspect of their lives, it's strange how holier than thou retards pretend not to understand why someone might seek validation for the effort they put in

>> No.6519674

>universal digital id
It's called cell phone # 2FA. It's already here. 4chan is just a honeypot to monitor malcontents. You are being logged.

>> No.6519675

They are actors playing a fucking anime character you absolute tsar of midwits...

>> No.6519678

Never claimed people don't seek validation, just that seeking validation for your hobby/work whatever that may be where you only care about the end result and how much ass kissing you get from said end result isn't healthy.
Some, I'd say most people who are successful in art do it because they enjoy the act the the pursuit of getting better, not because they want likes on Twitter. And the people who only draw for likes on Twitter but hate the craft and pursuit are certified ngmi

>> No.6519682

It's like spending ages calculating pi by hand for no reason in 2023, in t's foolish

>> No.6519689

No you mouth breather it's not similar in the slightest.
Walking around would be foolish in 2023 we have cars, cooking food is foolish why not buy a microwaveable meal we live in 2023.
Most popular artists got to where they're at as a byproduct of honing a craft they enjoy, not because they are starved for attention

>> No.6519694

Now they won't get anywhere at all.

>> No.6519697

Whatever you say Raj, enjoy what little attention you get with AI while it lasts

>> No.6519701

AI is here to stay so you got it the other way around nguyen

>> No.6519702

tfw i cant tell whos retarded

>> No.6519703

Just like crypto and NFTs? Yeah man they're popping off lately, so excited to see what AI can evolve into!

>> No.6519704

but it gonna bring around a huge change just you wait we are gonna have flying cars and nuclear fusion

>> No.6519706

No, more like how calculators and the internet.

>> No.6519707

Rajheet please go take some English classes you're not gonna get very good prompting results with what you've got..

>> No.6519709

You can't make it anymore now that the task is being automated Tyrone Nguyen Rajeesh Pajeet Vladimir Steinberg

>> No.6519712

Oh spiteful and jealous are we?
Don't be late to your 16hr shift at the flip-flop factory, can't afford to lose out on that juicy paycheck with all the prompting and prompt engineering you're gonna be doing

>> No.6519713

I'm bitter about AI but I'm honest about it

>> No.6519722

who would've though that these wannabe kikeniggers are trying to push AI slop?

>> No.6519775

Can we just declare AI the winner and find jobs in a new field?

>> No.6519778

The only job left after AI takes over everything will be dying in a trench.

>> No.6519779

>Takes the word word of a walking hole with any consideration.

Sorry buddy, but I won't redeem.

>> No.6519783

Same scripts and lines, fucking npcs. Chatgpt was definitely used in these responses.

>> No.6519784

Can we just get a cont/ai/nment board already? Every thread is either an inflammatory AI troll thread or gets derailed by AI discussion in the first few comments. There are no interesting discussions to be had about it at this point. I'm tired of hearing about it, I don't care. I just want to talk about art and drawing.

>> No.6519803

Just don't click on the thread then, retard

>> No.6519810

Good. So are you.

>> No.6519827

Fuck off and die.

>> No.6519830

true look at this >>24530838

>> No.6519878

> they're using it as a toy
Oh no no no

>> No.6519882

faggot do you realize that he is treating AI simply as a game? (like all the Japanese treat AI) it's just the new flavor of the month thing for them, just like how vtumors exploded among us because a lot of people were interested in it and milked it for all it's worth and now no one is streaming among us and it's going to be exactly the same for AI, just a passing fad.

>> No.6519906
File: 467 KB, 828x1448, 675B0400-74FB-43A8-8344-E8DC0739326E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok you retarded fuck

>> No.6520016

And what is this supposed to prove?, that the Japanese feel bad when they get robbed, is this a "gotcha" in your mind? I know you pajeets were desperate to get their approval but after seeing that Japanese artists hate AI shit, you automatically started saying that Japanese people are tards and from what I see you are still desperate for their approval, AI shills are truly pathetic, you will never be a real artist, real artists will never consider you as a colleague, your AI generated images will never be approved on Danbooru, you will never have a following on twitter and no company will hire a prompt engineer when they can hire a real artist to retouch computer generated images in photoshop, my advice? kill yourself and do the world a favor を下さい。

>> No.6520324

Where the hell is this from. Source?

>> No.6520329

I do not care for the opinion of tranny pedos or obese roasties.

>> No.6520353
File: 450 KB, 300x168, 1676166734056809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm a rebel.

>> No.6520369
File: 2.87 MB, 1555x2000, Lore Olympus Vol 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least the normalfags enjoy AI art
Really? I don't see it. I see normies like stuff like pic related. Mainly tech nerds & coomers obsessed with AI.
The problem with AI, besides producing generic art, is the results can't be copyrighted.

>> No.6520370
File: 54 KB, 375x500, -PkBrAmI0YmacehehlmyGDe-WENM7o71F2CEuQ5RUiU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure that won't go ever well with certain people keto diets but sure make shit up that people shouldn't do things while your greeted by some overly obese person on a motor scooter

>> No.6520429
File: 310 KB, 514x445, 233471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6520449
File: 525 KB, 867x766, image_2023-02-14_224001768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6522359
File: 906 KB, 522x640, pokemon-wth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bug-eating city-slicker spotted

>> No.6522363

Why would I care about what some idiots that refuse to grow up and pretend to be cartoon children online have to say? Not just about this topic, but about anything?
Please refrain from making vtuber threads in the future, they're even less worthwhile than the 15 AI threads we have going on every moment.

>> No.6522380 [DELETED] 
File: 627 KB, 1080x1435, Nikke25m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I cope with the fact that a game use mainly AI designs be this successful? Found this in/g/ btw

>> No.6522384

There's no AI in this game though.

>> No.6522393

>game released in November 2022
>development began in 2017-2018
>AI shitflood starting in october 2022
chance is highly unlikely

>> No.6522394

Sorry, I got trolled

>> No.6522435

Drawing itself is a very enjoyable thing

>> No.6522699

Based. It's going to be so ubiquitous by the time the lawsuits even arrive in court that the judge will have to throw the cases out.

>> No.6524287

>you will never be a real artist, real artists will never consider you as a colleague, your AI generated images will never be approved on Danbooru, you will never have a following on twitter and no company will hire a prompt engineer when they can hire a real artist to retouch computer generated images in photoshop
lmao you didn't have to violate that pajeet like that, The poor sir must have killed himself after reading that, he didn't post in the rest of the thread kek

>> No.6524307
File: 1.54 MB, 896x1280, 2963296734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6525818


>> No.6527197
File: 23 KB, 344x314, 1676442564036109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bug person
Already just straddling the line of fitting the criteria for human

>> No.6527207
File: 38 KB, 300x300, 1575485345950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even tech nerds are aware it's mostly a bubble right now - in fact, quite a few of them are libertarian cucks and are really butthurt at ChatGPT being censored when it comes to being asked political questions. The real threat is AGI, but at that point half the global workforce will be automated anyways

>> No.6527220

If only people knew that the hide and sage options exists...

>> No.6527223

>being this devestated over AI taking over creative work
is this the tumblr board of 4chan?

>> No.6527311

No but you should go back to your bug hive.

>> No.6527328

>Being that butthurt because people there don't want the board flooded with low quality melting shit

>> No.6527349
File: 3.80 MB, 3584x5632, 311607509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6527677

>At least the normalfags enjoy AI art
>Famous V-tuber
>A Normal Average Person
Go outside.

>> No.6527681

Plz let it die
Sage and hide

>> No.6527686

I wish we could get an AI board. I'm sick of seeing these threads on every board. AI is annoying but it's prompters are the worst. They're not even funny trolls, they're just midwits that think they're way more intelligent than they really are. How can anons ask or request a containment board? I saw others ask about it here and I know I'm not the only one.

>> No.6527688

>midwits that think they're way more intelligent than they really are.
So plebbitors? Funny part about this, that most of the shills aren’t even in tech.

>> No.6527906

>Game about finding AI art and saying how fake and bad it is, calling it imposter art
>Endorsing it
Terrible bait, drooling retard if not bait

>> No.6527925

Yes, half for the first few weeks, then the AGI designs perfect robots able to do all manual labour and we will reach 100%. Besides you won’t get fired the millisecond AI can perform your job better, it will take longer then those few weeks to get you fired and implement the AI into the business, so pretty much everyone will lose their jobs at the same time.

>> No.6527930

The difference is that microwave food is objectively inferior, while AI is superior in quality to any fag on this board. Walking makes you healthier, while doing artwork makes you schizophrenic and unable to focus on other aspects of life.

>> No.6527938

You need to buy 4chan pass and then post on /vip/ about it. Yes, you need to pay to post there since mods and owners know that if the request is not worth being paid for, it is not worth taking seriously by the admins.

>> No.6527957

Honestly reasonable; why should they care about what us parasites want? I doubt they earn all that much through advertising bucks.

>> No.6527958


>> No.6527967
File: 1.77 MB, 1024x1280, 2558627343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit of harmless fun innit

>> No.6527968

Cease this masturbatory cycle of consumption fueled by capitalists, anon! Everything is now designed to be products of instant gratification for everyone! Or must you wait until your asshole and vagina are so loose, you can't feel real art molesting your senses anymore?

>> No.6527989

Take your meds

>> No.6527992

Cease this faggy cycle of bumping AI threads
Hide and don't feed these shitters

>> No.6528216
File: 585 KB, 948x627, 1676488427297484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good even ai chads

>> No.6528235

Crypto is still big if you sell legal allergy drugs in minecraft

>> No.6528246

So how long until /ic/ comes to terms that drawing has been reduced to purely a hobby now? If you bother yourself enough to look at what sort of shit gets generated right now in the generals you'll realize how you can get pretty much anything you want out of stable diffusion and the toolset is only going to get more streamlined and straight forward to use

>> No.6528256

AI faggots still bumping this shit to cope
Eternally btfo

>> No.6528341

Mass adoption in industry will take a while. Unfortunately...

>> No.6528345

a decade tops, now's not the time to build a career out of drawing

I know the losers over here will screetch over the blatant truth but it's brutal honesty

>> No.6528514
File: 49 KB, 850x400, d83a72f16cc721524c5b82a4b0542f69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6528526


That's because you don't go out anon.

>> No.6528846

Aww poor little artists mad that they have to get a real job now, so sad.

>> No.6528929

Forgot to hide this one

>> No.6528964

Holly shit, why is everyone so fucking ass hurt and still playing victim to AI? None of this is going to change anything in the fine art community other than a possible new medium.

Did photography kill art
Did digital kill Art
Did cookie cutter application specific/ graphic design art kill art?
like everything else there's no "ITS HABBENING" event that will kill art outside of a mass lobotomy of people from a two year old's macaroni and glue collage to a classically trained traditional painter.
People are going to talk about it because it literally one of the most significant advancements in tech we've had. What do you think would've happen? AC power suddenly became turn of the century, "god I wish those Tesla bros would stop talking electricity" pls.

>> No.6528979


>> No.6529093

crypto has a 1.13 trillion dollars market cap atm, it's not what it used to be but cmon, it's still relevant.

>> No.6529181
File: 767 KB, 1826x634, MS visual studio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, at least now it's confirmed that AIfags are 3rd worlder

>> No.6529231

You still need to take the photo and find interesting subject, photo is also only limited to hyper realism

You Still do the same stuff on digital as you do outside, you just have there bucket tool, undo button, layers and other conveniences, but you still have to do everything

You are the like a guy saying that this deadly jump will not kill him because he never died. Art dies once and this thing has the highest chance of killing it. You no longer even need it to be prompted with some programs, or just prompt it very simply like you would in search bar to find it on some site. And it can do basically any picture that does not require anslitical precision.

>> No.6529238

Two more weeks!

>> No.6529243

People already getting fired honey

>> No.6529247

Not fast enough! I want all artists working at starbucks next week MAX!

>> No.6529248

Then try making AI better and easier to use

>> No.6529251

I'll get to scraping more artwork from artists and feeding it into stable distribution right away, sir.

>> No.6529252

Any help is welcomed

>> No.6529254


vtubers are fat insecure cucks that use weeb shit to mask how fuckin retarded they look. Why would anyone care about their opinions

>> No.6529282

artists are fat insecure cucks that use weeb shit to mask how fuckin retarded they look. Why would anyone care about their opinions

>> No.6529329

Because I don't believe in the "future". Innovation is a pathetic excuse for the unfullfillment of modern life. Because civilization has been built in such a depressing and hopeless way the only joy that can be found is in "innovation." Things can exist without it needing to be constantly discarded because something new came in the way

>> No.6529339

>no u
and it doesn't even make any sense, vcancer

>> No.6529347
File: 2.80 MB, 1280x1815, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped caring about ai around Xmas.
It's fine, there's no point in arguing about everyday.
It's just gonna be a thing some people do and some people freak about.
Just draw or do what you do.

I saw this posted on /vg/, at least someone is using ai to make art of characters too unpopular for regular artfags, whatever.

>> No.6529354
File: 84 KB, 1024x512, 20230221_074406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The owl meme became fucking reality.

>> No.6529481

For all the talk about democratizing art you need expensive graphics card to get anywhere with spable diffusion. Previously any poor kid could do art even digital one as drawing tablets are reasonably cheap. Now it’s purely in the hands of firstie middle class and better.

>> No.6529501

not an ai shill, but I've tried it
you can use yer shit card, just takes longer, and you can use colab servers or even web versions if you just want to try it out
used rtx cards can be had for ~300$, most ai fags already had gpus collecting dust from lack of good games

anyway, pen and paper is essentially free if you go to school or work at an office, and cost a few bucks if you have to pay

>> No.6529616

You can run a Collab for pretty cheap if you don't have a nice GPU. And you can run SD from something as low as a 1080 which is only a couple hundred bucks.

>> No.6530317

Your argument is dumb and so it the AI POV. The bar for entry is as high as you make it, you can easily say traditional media is a wall too high for many in cost.
Also professional tablets aren't cheap either.

>> No.6530358

Why is her armpit squirting

>> No.6530831

Because the artist has taste

>> No.6530878

Shit taste*
Armpitfags are as subhuman as futaloving cuckolds

>> No.6531012
File: 4 KB, 512x768, FpBOs9OaUAIy8hE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not enjoying the refined taste of futa mind break NTR
Christ Anon. Just tell us you're insecure about your small cock being mocked as your love interest is railed by a monster futa with pit pussy

>> No.6531019

And people still have the balls to say that AI cunts aren't degenerates

>> No.6531065

>He's not a degenerate

>> No.6531114

Is the text on the cup real?

>> No.6531154
File: 2.09 MB, 500x500, DyOG4Yz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ogre

>> No.6531352

Art was already democratized. Trannies just want to reap attention and money for their hrt while putting in zero effort.

>> No.6531509

Lol AI generated dojin cuz shes too ugly for anyone to actually make one.

>> No.6531578


>> No.6531582
File: 122 KB, 900x665, 005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biggest vtubers on the planet
he says, with a total serious tone

>> No.6531609

>AI """""art"""""
>half the posters are Pajeets who literally don't even draw
This is the most blatant shilling I've ever seen. Nothing about this is /ic/ related, where the fuck are all these newfaggots coming from?

>> No.6531622

take your meds schizo. people just like seeing others suffer. it's as simple as that

>> No.6531645

we've had ai threads for 6 months now retard
where have YOU been?

>> No.6531649

Fuck off back to twitter newfaggot.
ai threads don't belong on /ic/ you drooling fucktard, especially eceleb cancer. The Pajeets, yourself included, don't even draw.

>> No.6531661

i used to draw swastikas during classes back in high school

>> No.6531669

I don't give a fuck if the majority has the wrong opinion but also I know AI shills aren't the majority either so I don't worry about it

>> No.6531677
File: 2.41 MB, 225x255, and you vill be happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet they persist
for 6 months
clearly the fagmods feel differently

>> No.6531750

That smile, that damned smile...

>> No.6531881

What I don't understand is how this board keeps saying anyone can learn to draw, and yet when a machine does its best to learn suddenly everyone here turns into the mob from the animatrix.

>> No.6531897

hello sirs, is this the designated coping thread?

>> No.6531921
File: 83 KB, 622x970, kris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawsisters??? We got too cocky...

>> No.6531922

The ammount of cope here is unreal the images were deamed uncopyrightable but her writing is aifags do not possess basic reading comprehension to bad for you


>> No.6531923

zendaya should sue. somebody call her.

>> No.6531926

Cope. Keep in mind this was created with midjourney shit. Once stuff like controlnet advances you can copyright everything.

>> No.6531937

>Once stuff like controlnet advances you can copyright everything
Lmao you keep telling yourself that rajeesh the upcoming and seemingly mounting litigation and investigations of stability and the like will decide not your 3rd worlder prayers

>> No.6531938

>just one more update

>> No.6531941
File: 91 KB, 1200x675, huff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A-AI tech will collapse and be made illegal any day now!

Yes. I'll be laughing even harder this time next year at you fags.

>> No.6531946

>anyone can literally just take the images and use them commercially
>t-this reaffirms muh copyright
more like cope right

>> No.6531951

There no need for tears we won't know the outcomes of anything for sometime its hilarious that aifags are in so much denial that they seethe over the mention of the upcoming lawsuits
>n.nn..next year

>> No.6532166

Only pitiful half-men who get no bitches and stack no paper pay attention to these virtual simp farms, why should I give a shit about their opinions?

>> No.6532169

What exactly will the lawsuits accomplish

>> No.6532181

the only way to "protect" your drawings from the "ai" is not to publish them anywhere.

>> No.6532231
File: 418 KB, 828x1247, 1655294304631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The writing is copyrighted, not the images you shit bathing Indian.
>ai retards posting and defending twitter screencaps from literal trannies
>the troon literally says the generated images can't be copyrighted
Holy fucking kek. The average ai cuck everyone.

>> No.6532244

>M-more two weeks and AI will be perfe-ACK!
This thread is a copium mine,just the finest of the AI copes

>> No.6532363
File: 3.20 MB, 4960x7015, The Thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art women:

>> No.6532365

and because I am not as lazy as a faggot normie who can't draw a single line

>> No.6532417
File: 24 KB, 350x355, sanbubu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only pitiful half-men who get no bitches and stack no paper pay
read that in seths voice, chuckled
100% agree

>> No.6532435

>next year
Is that what you're hoping the next update is if there even is one...? Anyone can grind and get better at their own will but the best you can do to improve is wait around for dlc. That's pretty cucked tbdesu

>> No.6532437

The lawsuits that are going to be lost? I am impatiently waiting for the current one to settle and see Karla Ortiz and the other subhumans devastated and bankrupt, begging for more money.
I do hope there'll be recordings of that, I'll jack off to their tears

>> No.6532444

Based seth enjoyer

>> No.6532547
File: 92 KB, 1071x611, Fo6smRTX0AY_2ML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Getty suit filed from Delaware looks pretty damning. Good luck getting a judge who agrees with reddit troon talking points.

>> No.6532674
File: 39 KB, 640x640, E-Co2Y_UcAMBK-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have everyone's attention please
*Ting Ting Ting*
Seeing as it has been officially ruled by USCO that you do not own the ai "art" and as a result can not copyright it, I here by demand all AI posters/spammers be BANNED under /ic/'s rule #2:
>User-created artwork is submitted for critique, and visual art is discussed. Do not claim authorship of works you did not create.
There is no need to be on the fence about this anymore. The precedence has been SET

>> No.6532675
File: 50 KB, 600x608, ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks they're going to settle

>> No.6532679

Agreed. We can start right now by reporting these retards