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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 225 KB, 1283x1728, Arrrrr I'm a pirate here for your booty(drawings).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6525320 No.6525320 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO ~1000 PIXELS wide using one of the following methods:
1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in MSPaint

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit
New collaborative sticky (anyone can edit): https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn

Read the sticky

When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help. When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

Previous Thread: >>6522382

>> No.6525332
File: 44 KB, 850x400, 9AABDE1E-88EA-4173-8109-BEE5B5A29246_5pi06sbd4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6525342
File: 40 KB, 850x400, quote-heavier-than-air-flying-machines-are-impossible-lord-kelvin-53-3-0372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6525345

>If you don't understand after 1 hour don't even bother.

So bragging and crabbing have been around for hundreds of years.

>> No.6525351

thanks for including my work as the thread pic!

>> No.6525354

I feel like if you're putting someone down for choosing a medium that gives them joy, even if it is easier, then you're just a sad sack being jealous at someone else's joy.

>> No.6525358
File: 698 KB, 1358x2000, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddam wish i could rendermaxx, any pointers at how to paint this? i layed the colors down but i have no idea how to actually render it

>> No.6525360
File: 259 KB, 1703x2000, Kon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any critique? Looks fugly but it's something close to finished for me so I'm proud. Also how do you guys make little details in drawings? I have no fucking clue where to start on that.

>> No.6525362

Not a clue! But I like the gloves!

>> No.6525363

>Also how do you guys make little details in drawings?

>> No.6525366

Watch some sinex.

>> No.6525371

thanks, took me 2 hours only to find the right colors and lay it down, i am fearing actually rendering them lol
can you link me any vid dunno where to start

>> No.6525376

Find a reference for the material the clothing materials are made out of. Also use a human reference for skin shading. Biggest crab trick around these parts is to trick you into thinking pros don't use references. When in reality pros will fucking hire models, use their body as a model, or use their family members to model.

>> No.6525379

people not understanding what he meant lol

>> No.6525383

Looks cute. Proportions seem good. Hands, clothing, pose and lack of any sort of rendering stick out as weaker spots. If you're gonna paint it then disregard the last one.

>Also how do you guys make little details in drawings?

>> No.6525392

did birds not exist back then?

>> No.6525400

the face and other individual elements look pretty good, but the proportions seem off to me and the pose looks a but awkward as a whole. perhaps make the legs a bit bigger?

>> No.6525402
File: 201 KB, 1272x942, zxxcc0000000000000002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt mentally exhausted after one and a half hour of figure drawing so I'm just doodling right now
Maybe ill practice some inking

>> No.6525401

Birds are a recent phenomena. Before WW1, air combat used pterodactyls until they were mercilessly hunted down to prevent the enemy from gaining an aerial advantage.

>> No.6525403
File: 51 KB, 388x288, 1656990586477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't I enjoy drawing irl/reference photos but more from imagination? Is this normal? I got to the point of where most the time I'm not even thinking of what I draw until I see it inside my lines.
I do force myself to draw stuff I don't like btw.. Just don't get why I don't enjoy it as much.

>> No.6525409

No point in feeling bad about it. I reached a moment where I semi-hated figure drawing and switched to drawing what I feel like and then studying up on what I got wrong. As long as you have a process where you get results you want and can see how you could improve your own work, everything is permitted.

>> No.6525412

i dont know what your reasoning for that is, but i think its normal. it might feel more fulfilling to get creative inctead of replicating something which already exists.

>> No.6525413

Take a breather and switch it up. You're doing good work.

>> No.6525421
File: 235 KB, 1018x1080, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6525422
File: 149 KB, 1024x683, 68-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda like this. How would you know where to put tiny marks down on his face or clothes? Or where to put certain folds or creases in clothing?

>> No.6525423

NGMI ~ /ic/ Anons

>> No.6525428

drawing people - where to start?

>> No.6525430

follow the form

>> No.6525431

Hm, maybe I will.
>You're doing good work

>> No.6525432
File: 254 KB, 679x1007, girl62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have time to explain but here is an overpaint.

>> No.6525436
File: 2.65 MB, 3024x4032, 587A0BD3-D032-4FDB-BAC9-D38CA6211D95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips brehs?

>> No.6525440

In that case how do you choose reference for clothes? Do you look for clothes in a pose that's closest to the one you want or do some other things come into thought?

>> No.6525444
File: 245 KB, 422x422, 1659284252620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I have done this for years and hardly did see any improvement until I started forcing myself into more of a "lesson take". Half my day goes to learning and the other I do what I normally do but fuck do I ever hate the first part of the day. I feel it should be somewhat enjoyable as I do truly love art and want to learn as much as I can.

I've wondered that myself but two problems with that, as I said up there^ I don't get anywhere with it, and a lot of the time it's just repetitive drawings I've done thousands of times with small changes yet I still enjoy it over using irl/references

>> No.6525452

learn the different types of folds and identify them when drawing from reference. you'll be able to just wing it after a few

>> No.6525459

Lots of experimentation. The lines should suggest the volume of an object. Like look at saitamas neck they're suggesting his neck has thickness but they're also suggesting a shadow.

You can pick whatever reference outfit you want and use your imagination to fit it on to your figures. And learn some drapery basics.

>> No.6525465

Okiedoke thanks for the advice! Better than 99% of fags on these /beg/ threads.

>> No.6525517


>> No.6525525
File: 2.28 MB, 1697x2445, 18-02-2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a honest critique pls :DDD

>> No.6525535


what style are you going for? The biggest thing that would help is better proportion

>> No.6525541

I wanted to try inking and add watercolor
i don't really know what I'm doing style-wise

>> No.6525561

so you are not doing some sort of comic style. work on your eyes, proportion(small head, long arms), and clothes(they don't vacuum to the breast like that)

>> No.6525563

Is that acne?

>> No.6525566
File: 1.42 MB, 3900x3508, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my two cents, take with a grain of salt though. I'm bad at explaining, but hopefully this helps

>> No.6525573

if I don't want to draw using a reference should I be drawing in a comic style ? I realized it's hard to just imagine a face and redraw it the same way in a different angle
yes it is acne

>> No.6525593

it's the way you drew the eye, very cartoon like. Try adding eyelids

>> No.6525605

Why does every art tutorial seem like it was made for people who can already draw

>> No.6525613


>> No.6525621


>> No.6525627

because expert blindspot is a serious problem in drawing
as a fellow drawing incompetent i haven't found a single book or course that doesn't suffer from it severely

>> No.6525630

fun with a pencil starts with a circle, are you so retarded you cant even draw a circle?

>> No.6525639

u KNOW they’re chicken scratching a circle brother

>> No.6525643

Bro, just reduce every complex image to a series of boxes and acquire a live voluptuous nude model to draw in-person for hours a day

>> No.6525650
File: 472 KB, 2154x2411, 973EB608-8CFC-4EBC-BED1-7BE3A84BADFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna try redlining.
The back of the head is too big. And the shoulders are too wide compared to the waist. I don’t like how the breasts look in the other guy’s redline.

>> No.6525652

Forgot to link

>> No.6525655

the fuck? croquis cafe isn’t free anymore?

>> No.6525660

Drawing is an intuitive process. Doing something specific, like making porn, or painting landscapes, can be broken down into a science of what works and doesn't work, what is the most appealing etc., but the actual minute to minute processes the comprise making art are intuitive to the artist. No one can teach you the most important part of learning art: You need to just make shit work. And that isn't an attractive thing to put in a book, so it doesn't make it into a lot of books, but if you listen to real art professionals talk about their experiences starting out, you hear it a lot. People trying to teach you art won't say it, because it's pointless or even worse, undermines their position as an educator. That isn't to say art teachers are pointless, far from it, it's just there's a basic understanding of the learning process you need to have before they can do anything for you. You need to just make shit work. Can't draw a line? Find a way. Can't make this circle? Find a way. Use tools, use methods, cannibalize whatever you need to to make it happen. These tutorials feel like they're for people who can already draw because they're skipping the parts YOU need right now, but those are things you need to process out for yourself. It's time consuming, it's annoying, and if you're configuring a program/brush engine it's a lot of not doing art which can be super frustrating. Just keep going. Apply yourself, study art in every sense of the word, do your proper studies trying to recreate images you like, and also study as in get out there, google your questions, and read some fucking shit online. Most of it will be completely useless, but every now and then you'll come across a morsel of information about general drawing, or the program you use, or mixing paint whatever, that will stay in your arsenal forever.

>> No.6525725

I'm beginning to think at this point that either it's impossible to teach someone how to draw, or that if it is possible no one has figured it out. And I mean actually teach someone to draw, not teach someone who's passable at drawing how to get better - because look at the drawings posted by people in any so-called "beginner" community. They're not fucking beginners. They know how to draw.

And no "teacher" gets it! They just say "this is how I do it" and offer jack fucking shit in terms of *how* to do it! "Break it down into simple shapes". Okay, and what do I do when those simple shapes turn out wrong, or I can't arrange them into the object? You'll get nothing in response except banal-to-the-point-of-braindead advice like "look at your drawing and work out what you did wrong" - how about you tell me what I did wrong you fucking dipshit, because I don't have the fucking skills to know where to put the fucking lines.

And nothing ever changes! People still think Keys to Drawing - Keys to FUCKING Drawing, a book that in its second chapter tells the reader to copy the works of masters like Van Gogh - is suitable for beginners. Because they don't fucking get it. They have passed the stage of being an actual beginner so long ago that they no longer remember what it is like.

And an actual beginner can't even be among their own kind! The "beginners" mentioned earlier dominate every single "beginner" community, because what's going to get more attention? An actual drawing of something or some scribbles trying to form themselves into basic shapes?

I hate drawing, but I hate artists even more.

>> No.6525769

Senjougahara my beloved

>> No.6525771

What you did wrong was you didn't put the lines where they need to go you fucking moron. Look at the box, draw the exact same thing. If you're even slightly off, you did it wrong, now try again. Can't do it? You're fucking retarded, you can do it.

It is perfectly acceptable to ask a beginner to copy Van Gogh, they won't get it exactly right, but they will learn from their mistakes. You, and the people you describe, are not beginners, but fucking morons who expect everything to be handed to them.
>what do I do when those simple shapes turn out wrong
You draw the fucking box again, and this time do it right. It's that simple, and your own overthinking is what defeats you every single time.

>> No.6525776

Did you ever post your work?

>> No.6525784

kek, kinda looks like her yeah

>> No.6525785

And ladies and gentlemen, there he fucking is! The absolute braindead drooliing mongoloid who thinks that because it's intituive to HIM, it will therefore be intiituive to everybody else if they somehow stop "overthinking" it.

>> No.6525792

if you can’t have fun making goofy and shitty little drawings of your favorite things maybe art isn’t for you. yeah it sucks when something doesn’t turn out the way i pictured or looks bad but i’m just happy to have drawn something i loved. people forget that.

>> No.6525801

This looks stiff in the arms but otherwise nice!
Looks good.

>> No.6525813

You don't understand what intuitive means. The process is intuitive, it doesn't matter whether you or I am involved. You cannot describe the exact motion of putting brush strokes to the page, you can give general tips, the kind of vague instructions that work for applied students and sent shitbrains like you into a frothing rage when they don't exactly produce the results you desire. So much of art, so much of using ANY tool, falls into that gray area where a student must learn by example or by repeated trial, and every single one of those fields has jackasses like you that could be anything, and instead choose to never realize any of their potential because they're scared of a little work.

>> No.6525816


>> No.6525838

literal children can draw pictures of their family, favorite characters, foods, friends, etc.
sorry your shit didn’t turn out looking like van gogh on your first try

>> No.6525849


>> No.6525855

Where are you going with this.

>> No.6525882
File: 537 KB, 746x1054, 1663564593435243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post artwork and i'll give you tips

>> No.6525886
File: 2.52 MB, 2080x2971, sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you won't give me fucking tips
i know you won't

>> No.6525890

Prove this is yours.

>> No.6525904


>> No.6525907

literally this is a good start man
you just need to get some patience

>> No.6525923
File: 121 KB, 480x800, DIU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, Stop crying like a fucking baby. Literally everyone feels like this is impossible in the beginning.

Draw something that isn't geometry in the beginning. Draw things like trees, mountains and animals that has a lot of error margin. If you draw something that people are familiar with it'll look fucked up immediately if you do a mistake. Therefore get some hours in to get to know your hand.

When you feel comfortable with this, try to find a reference of something you like. Something that doesn't bore you to fucking shit like those things you drew right there. Draw it a few times to try and better your hand to eye coordination.

I don't know what your end goal is, but for me, my end goal is to make a manga. So every day i'm learning boring things like perspective and how to build up a body. When i feel bored of doing that, i find a picture of a manga character i like, and i try to apply what i learned while drawing it. This makes what i learned worth it and it's fun when you see progress.

Lastly, don't stress about your mistakes. You don't have to show your drawings to anyone, think about that when you can actually make something worth showing. Take your time and make shit that looks ugly, it's okay. Everything helps as long as you're always looking to better yourself.

Now start drawing fag

>> No.6525927

At least fucking take the pictures straight on.

>> No.6525959
File: 545 KB, 1994x1396, EE64E8FB-DC67-4778-A0C2-725C39AD2578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use references and study other artists. This is how kids learn. Try to redraw someone else’s piece. Watch your edges. Cups aren’t that thick. Remember things have a 3d form that can be wrapped around to give your art depth.
I started really drawing by drawing a cartoon doodle of a poodle on a kid’s reading book in 3rd grade.

>> No.6525964
File: 606 KB, 2048x1564, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am once again asking for references on how to draw kids
books… courses… detailed guides ?

>> No.6525972

Got to the pedophile general.

>> No.6525974
File: 120 KB, 592x937, image-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly concerned about anatomy, especially the near arm and shoulders/neck area. I haven't gone through touching anything up like lines or shading but some ideas for those are welcome.

>> No.6525976
File: 51 KB, 600x608, FUlsukiXwAIEks8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6525977

i do not want to draw coomershit also all their links are dead

>> No.6525978

>Cups aren’t that thick.

>> No.6525982
File: 2.78 MB, 640x360, 1646213147018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not for porn I SWEAR

>> No.6525989

Literally any figure drawing book.

>> No.6525998
File: 40 KB, 413x501, 1663173993214402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just trying to help you out and still you're screaming like some low IQ dildo. So what is it? Lead poisoning? Fetal alcohol syndrome?

>> No.6526001

Ok, are you drawing weeb kids or cartoon? Weeb kids are typically pedobait shit. So you best chance is looking through the ped general. A good child weeb artist is an obvious pedo but sometimes it’s wholesome.

>> No.6526005

While we're close to that topic, where does even one starts doing work for children illustration books? I'm interested because that chugs out a huge amount of work apparently, but I have no fucking point of reference on what and how to draw that kind of shit.
Pretty weird there isn't a general about that on the board. Or the pedo thread has material on it? For baiting purposes I suppose?

>> No.6526013
File: 1.16 MB, 1600x1248, C353EE4F-1B62-441E-9D5F-53EA33F6CEB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image. This guy is good.
Obviously proportions can be learned from any book.
Big heads large foreheads small bodies.

>> No.6526012

>low IQ dildo
If dildos had IQs I would be a wife.

>> No.6526024
File: 25 KB, 233x300, lewis_carroll_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but sometimes it’s wholesome
The enamourement with the childlike innocence and joyful wonder ...

>> No.6526034


>children illustration books
exactly why i asked kek. or for the animation industry which of course has character designs of kids in it (though i know it’s difficult to break through in that industry). nobody responded when i said that though but tbf i think it was like 3 am.

>> No.6526045
File: 56 KB, 600x557, 2C3E3740-9BEF-4066-A9C1-4059E8B85B63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, then you should look up some loomis and also keep the age in mind in design factor. You can really just look up drawings of children or storybooks since you’re trying to be an illustrator.

>> No.6526089
File: 435 KB, 1118x785, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6526094
File: 415 KB, 1252x782, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6526096

Not him, and also I'll be a retard because I'm really fucking sleepy,
Do something like children illustration books BUT not for children exist? Something like a mock children book with, say, intentionally horror or creepy stuff inside? There's a market like that? I would fucking love to do something like that
Why I'm asking you? Because my brain is shutting down

>> No.6526098

thanks man :]

>> No.6526103

>The phemto of disapproval looks in your direction

>> No.6526105

yes, you can do the last thing with croquis or line of action

>> No.6526127

I was thinking about getting into painting, but I have some concerns.
First, I have no experience with sketching other than the occasional doodle. I do not really want to practice sketching, I want to paint. I might practice sketching later, but that isn't what motivates me. I am only really interested in drawing landscapes right now.
Second, I would like to paint digitally if possible. Getting materials as well as storing them and artwork will be a hassle. However, I have never used a tablet before and only have a crappy laptop. I took a look at the recommended Wacom tablets, and I am concerned about the price for an investment in a hobby I may lose interest in if I don't like. I'm not really sure how to go about this in a cost-efficient manner.

What should I do?

>> No.6526141

Do you go back in with a different tool to add those fainter lines or do you do all that sketching on one brush? Your work looks really nice, especially the sense of volume.

>> No.6526151

Thank you
No its just one brush with size abd opacity jitter
Other than that i use gray color which just stacks upon itself when i go over the same place

>> No.6526171

Buy a crappy tablet to give it a try. If your skill level is low, having a cool tablet doesn't really makes a difference.
You can upgrade later if you see you like it.

>> No.6526172

not him, i actually went to croquis cafe after he made that post, and ??? >>6525655

>> No.6526223
File: 531 KB, 1400x990, FWP1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6526270
File: 777 KB, 2560x1440, 228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets goooooo BEG!

wacom is the apple of drawing tablets. Omega overpriced and its debatable if they are even the best. Look at xp-pen or huion. whatever you do, dont tell that one autist from tablet general i said anything bad about his fav brand, he will come and nuke the thread
cute lolies
eeey its the eviston anon! Good to know you are still around. But anon why are you posting X days old drawings? Where is your fresh new batch? You gotta put in the grind. And try to apply the thin invisible sketch line and then finalize the contour with bold single stroke! You can do it! Now do it. Dont give up in middle, draw more basic forms and then draw more stuff! Recall what the book said: have realistic expectations about the skill curve. Your first drawings will look bad. And thats okay.
this book kinda proves you wrong
it says if you have enough IQ to learn writing you can also learn drawing
loomis, eviston, bridgman, morpho, vilpu lmao almost all books in sticky are about figure drawing, pick one
i am not tradchad, but in oil you are supposed to layer the paint, you should never be able to see the canvas layer. you just paint over and over, starting with big shapes and then going smaller and smaller until you refine outline and then call it done. this solves your awkward white spots where you are scared the paint will spill to the surrounding areas. If the colors are too drippy then you simply used too much water / oil, try drawing with more dry paint to prevent unintended mixing
simple and effective. Thumbs up but you wont crash galleries nor twitter with it.
because drawing what you dont see is more hardcore and therefore more rewarding? because you arent constrained by reality or reference? isnt this universal?

>> No.6526277

Best thing you've drawn.

>> No.6526392

Where do you guys stand on the 'don't erase while you're new' debate?
Some niggas literally telling me to draw with pens and I see the merit of their idea (instead of trying to make the perfect line, you should see where you err so you can correct the mistake later), but I wanted some opinions from people who can talk back.

>> No.6526393

There’s adult shows with children in them, but unless it’s the modern curse “Big Mouth” shit you might not have a big audience. Unless you’re aiming for teens.

>> No.6526397

It’s probably so you don’t keep overworking one spot. I erase etc. But it’s probably just to keep you going with good habits.

>> No.6526415

hmm. not him, but that reminds me, pibby has a pretty good audience, but that went nowhere… happy tree friends was a thing, like, a decade ago.

>> No.6526424

Pibby premiered?

>> No.6526440

>where does even one starts doing work for children illustration books
if you're planning to make them, just draw cutesy things, objects and animals. everyday items a kid would see like a blanket, a bottle, a pet, a block toy. kids books are bottom of the barrel when it comes to art.
if you mean where to study kid proportions, any general proportion guide should work. gyo fujikawa is a children's book illustrator who did some great stuff, you could look her up and study her work.

>> No.6526502

How do you connect a head to the torso?

>> No.6526504

The neck.

>> No.6526540
File: 78 KB, 720x721, image-6_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more on the field of /gd/, but I figured I could get some feedback here. Im making a new commission sheet and Im using this layout, but I still have my doubts, how does it look so far? Any suggestion of what I could change?
Colors and the aesthetics (or the lack thereof) are placeholders, so is the large rectangle of the right (it's reserved to have a standalone full body regular draw and a chibi draw)

>> No.6526544
File: 57 KB, 340x328, image-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the first sketch I made this morning, it shows the regular and chibi draws too.
Totally forgot to mention, Im making this in Illustrator and it's really getting the absolute worst of me with the way it works plus my perfectionist demons...

>> No.6526547

How do I avoid making visible black spots when I start and finish a line?

>> No.6526550

Cool snake

>> No.6526553

I think it looks good but the big black blobs look pretty bad, maybe remove those?

>> No.6526576


>> No.6526584
File: 624 KB, 1110x1566, powerlines2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been trying to just get better at simple compositions that are visually appealing, obviously missing something but aiming for an evan hecox / masaaki yuasa minimal strokes and color maxing, any suggestions on what to add

>> No.6526630

Left side, add 2 more objects. One is in the empty space above the telephone pole, another is in the empty space below the wires. Both seem too big and boring to leave that empty.

>> No.6526654

Sketching is painting.

>> No.6526691

how do construction and observational drawing connect
i can't figure it out
are they just two completely different styles?

>> No.6526693
File: 2.04 MB, 1090x905, fuck!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing big is hard but it was fun to test myself. Flubbed pretty bad and didn't measure before starting correctly.

>> No.6526697

not styles. and most of it do not connect. And who knows what what you even mean by that. but start with pure observation

>> No.6526702

Now if you wanted to go further than this, take a gray pencil or some charcoal and start putting down some values, similar to the right calf. Doesn't matter if the construction came out wonky in spots. Use just 2 levels of "shadow". The picture has a solid divide of light to dark areas and if you squint you can see which areas can be considered "very dark" and which "kinda dark". Keep the light areas light and untouched. The end result is an abstracted 3d form and you'd be free to grind out whatever you feel like.

>> No.6526707

>not styles
you know what i mean. ways of producing a drawing.

>> No.6526718

You can use hybrid methods, like negative space to position your construction. but conceptualy it focus on invention and reproduction. You can reproduce without construction just on shape level. but cant do something like 90 degree study on plum lines alone

>> No.6526722

Keep the empty space but break up the implied line formed by the top 3 birds

>> No.6526724

How's the archive for /ic/ called? I want to see deleted posts

>> No.6526727

i use warosu, why?

>> No.6526761
File: 349 KB, 700x1465, sams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6526774

Poor Sammy, she should get that red stuff under her eyes checked out it looks like it's infected

>> No.6526793

Learning to draw is so fucking easy. You literally just look at shit and draw it until you can draw it without looking at it.
So why is it so hard :((((((

>> No.6526802

Memorizing is boring and inefficient.

>> No.6526850
File: 420 KB, 1233x1465, sammus with a discolated hip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her right hip seems to be going too far out. Altered your original reducing the hip protrusion and bringing the leg back a bit so that it doesn't lose as much size.

>> No.6526869
File: 36 KB, 399x633, za hando practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just your future coomer artist practicing hands.

>> No.6526901
File: 306 KB, 1000x700, 230219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6526925
File: 142 KB, 1640x540, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some warm-ups after a six-month break. Can you say something about them?

>> No.6526927

They look very nice. Shouldn't have stopped.

>> No.6526931
File: 225 KB, 640x931, 1676675046718613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch tutorial on something
>2 minute intro where the guy tries to be funny with the most dry ass jokes i've ever heard
For fucks sake just get to the point

>> No.6526939
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, 20230219_115039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a bit of Loomis and a bit of Keys to Drawing. Otherwise only drawn things on and off. Is there any reason/benefit to copy things I like or do I pretty much solely stick to book learning for now?

>> No.6526940
File: 138 KB, 672x721, Marie_01_eyeshalfopen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mobilefag btw. This is the image I used.

>> No.6526943

>I hate drawing,
your post proves you have some critical thinking ability. why cant you turn that energy around into working any of this out?
everyone that ive seen has some kind of doodle that they do by muscle memory, like the old foo graffiti or that S.
the people that go beyond that are drawing what they see, that they like. their pet. their drinking mug. thats when you see really scratchy lines and very heavy symbol drawing. but its all mileage, and confidence with pencil is the goal, but the important thing is they fucking enjoy it enough to keep fucking doing it.

very few people are going to show off their mistakes and only show the pieces they are proud of in some way. measuring yourself against others is a trap.

>> No.6526947

your complain earlier was your lines are wrong and you dont know where to put them correctly. look up some one point/two point perspective tutorials. preferably ones where you dont need a ruler, still practice getting straight lines freehand for now.
draw bigger too, good to break the habit of mini scribbles early.

>> No.6526948

you copy to get a sense of their style. You can do both but focus on learning

>> No.6526952

Would something like switching between proper learning and copying every once in a while be fine? I understand you've gotta get the basics first but unfortunately a lot of that stuff is very dry and or boring.

>> No.6526956

like I said you can do both, when you are copying just remember what you learned and try to understand why they are drawing like that.

>> No.6526966

You're conveying the volume of the torso and the arms pretty well but the face looks stapled on. To be fair, your reference uses the rendering to really sell the depth of the far eye, but there's still a sense of rotation in the shapes that they've drawn. Keep doing what you're doing, but start focusing on accuracy. You can clearly identify the spheres and cylinders that they're building Marie out of, now just work on getting the rotation correct. Stylization is a difficult thing to jump into early on because with reality, you just need to copy, but with this Marie you need to understand the why and the how the art works, the tricks they're using to convey depth, occlusion, and rotation while still simplifying the overall human shape down to this character. That's the real difficulty with simple characters, making them pop and feel lifelike despite the lower amount of line information on the page.

>> No.6526972

Cute. Makes me wonder what you what more than a sketch looks like.

Never stop again, would be a damn waste of skill.

You copy to learn to recreate and understand what another artist did. Learning > copying, but both very much necessary. Switch it up as time and interest allows.

>> No.6526990

Anon, in a few years you'll be a renaissance portrait maker

>> No.6527014
File: 383 KB, 1000x1000, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga can't into drawing

>> No.6527072 [DELETED] 

I agree then competent people not necessary good teacher because what the do become 80% intuition. So it can hard to explain.
Your problem as I see it is some Asperger perfectionism . when the say draw vangogh you not need to pass some perfect score, you need to just draw something , put some lines resulting picture doesnt matter

>> No.6527088

Hey guys,

I do figure drawings every day. I'm starting to make good progress in my drawings from imagination.
I'd like to add landcapes, backgrounds, etc... to my training because I don't want to draw character on a blank background.
Do you know a site where I can draw a lot of different landscapes? Not photoshopped or anything, just raw scenery. Of course I'll draw outside whenever I can but I want something I can do everyday any time.

>> No.6527129
File: 93 KB, 768x1024, fucked up eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6527130
File: 102 KB, 768x1024, this is supposed to be a man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6527185

Quickposes has an option for both natural and urban landscapes


>> No.6527196
File: 530 KB, 4000x3000, 20230219_215208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been practicing drawing poses in these simple block figures all weekend. Does anyone have any tips for placing the ass or if i should use another shape for it? It's always scuffed lol

>> No.6527208
File: 1.83 MB, 1440x1920, squiglydrawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fellas, Marie anon here. Was going through the Right Side of the Brain book since I picked that up a while ago and never tried. Think it turned out okay all things considered

>> No.6527211
File: 310 KB, 1500x909, IMG_E3296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More torso study and some portrait practice.

I really like those. Good job anon!

Try to divide light and shadow into simple shape. Obviously I'm not there myself yet, but this advice helped me.

>> No.6527214

you will do better doing gesture right now, your mannequinization doesnt make much sense and will hinder your progress

>> No.6527218

Reminder that you are slowly regressing every second you don't draw.

>> No.6527224

reminder that you are gay

>> No.6527234

I see, I'll focus on gesture drawing this coming week then

>> No.6527239
File: 271 KB, 1200x1439, Screenshot_20230219-233251_Software update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew a jojo
what anon said + probably reference nudes first bc a lot of your boxes just make absolutely no sense and i think it'd be a lot easier for you if the clothes and araki's style weren't misleading you
this is nice, push the values more imho

>> No.6527245
File: 719 KB, 1800x2736, aaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can I improve here? my plan is making one bunny girl suit

>> No.6527247
File: 65 KB, 680x883, background sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips on the sun for scenes like this? I used a couple different references. I tried to make the sun a bright white ball with the light diffusing through the clouds, but here it just seems like a bright cloud to me. Also, I posted an early version of this a while ago without the grass and palm tree in the foreground, and I was told the composition could be more interesting. Do additions like these help improve that?

>> No.6527253

Gotcha, probably wasn't the smartest thing as a beginner to try and copy the manga with the weirdest poses haha, nice drawing of Jodio btw!

>> No.6527267
File: 328 KB, 1000x750, work doodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bored at work, do some doodling
>Mostly terrible, but get some good results, better than I usually do
Am I getting lucky or is it some signs of improvement? Like the soldier and skeleton in the top hat are the only "good" ones but I can at least say "hey I kinda like that". It seems I only feel that way when doing aimless sketches, not things that have final products.

>> No.6527270
File: 366 KB, 1000x750, More work doodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one as well, mostly terrible aimless shit but I like the big dude on the top.

>> No.6527271


>> No.6527279
File: 42 KB, 185x443, 12412124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that couple on the left Stephen and Lucy?

>> No.6527282

No, just random jackoffs.

>> No.6527296

Try smoothing out the gradient around the sun

>> No.6527297
File: 110 KB, 1213x611, 974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6527300
File: 79 KB, 803x502, shit thumbnails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn the basics of gesture and keep doing jojo, the poses are already extreme this is actually good for practice.

>I was told the composition could be more interesting.
this is correct
>Do additions like these help improve that?
No, thumbnail your idea multiple times explore the idea of sunset, check sunsets either drawn or photographed. I like your colors

>> No.6527327
File: 6 KB, 323x223, sun tsmooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the suggestion. I think it has improved the look. I'll have to keep this in mind moving forward.
I see now. This is making me rethink all of my other drawings where I felt something was missing in the overall impression. Thank you.

>> No.6527333

Been playing mtg and I'm on a body horror kick, what artists should I check out? I suggest you go look at Igor Kieryluk if you aren't already familiar with his work.

>> No.6527338

thanks for the advice! Where do you get your anatomical studies from? Good work on both the anatomy and the portraits!!

>> No.6527346

Thanks, anon. Mostly from this book at the moment.

>> No.6527352

Maybe draw the bunny suit and the girl?

>> No.6527355

I might be an idiot, but is there a way to download this all in one go? Or a better quality version of it? Thanks again, mate

>> No.6527361
File: 20 KB, 563x519, a2d57447d4b8799d44c5568d7003ff4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This might help to make your pose more dynamic.

>> No.6527362

I just use the torrent download option. If you've never torrented before, I would recommend a VPN and a program like qBitTorrent

>> No.6527371
File: 1.18 MB, 2000x2000, Demetori if they made good songs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turd status: Finished

>> No.6527428
File: 859 KB, 1358x2000, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished, could keep trying to polish the turd but i feel like i reached my ceiling here. Back to my daily grind.

>> No.6527485
File: 292 KB, 748x582, 7C6438DA-CA55-48E5-B2FD-A942546D2A85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any crit? Oil piece I have to make for my painting class. Still new to oils so idk but I think the eyes are off but & the tone & depth need work

>> No.6527487
File: 1.38 MB, 917x838, IMG_5163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6527492

i know nothing about painting or oils but this looks incredible good job

>> No.6527501

I don't know but some horns would look sick (in my cringy opinion) but composition looks weak the triangle is fighting the face for my attention.

>> No.6527502

first time failing a drawing after putting in multiple hours, and damn, this shit sucks

>> No.6527512

It do be like that sometimes
Rarely does anybody get things right the first time as a beginner. The one thing artists rarely talk about is how the works that you admire often went through multiple drafts. It destroys the illusion that artists are able to just put what they see down on canvas or paper. Move on to something else, and come back to the failed piece later.

>> No.6527519

Bob Ross already taught us this?

>> No.6527535

>The one thing artists rarely talk about is how the works that you admire often went through multiple drafts
hearing that actually takes a lot of disappointment out of it, actually. can easily just repeat the things that went well, and change what didn't. thanks anon

>> No.6527569
File: 533 KB, 2338x1750, Comic7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sum figures. the one on the right was without reference.

also gotta say I got bored quickly with the references. Tomorrow ill do more complex and fun reference drawings.

>> No.6527628
File: 1.27 MB, 2715x1742, image (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i have opinions on this drawing.. it was a request by my friend

>> No.6527632

it’s h*mestuck so it’s automatically trash

>> No.6527635

it was a gift for my friend, i know nothing about homestuck and ill never get into it

>> No.6527639
File: 652 KB, 2560x1440, 229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg! Horse! Also can you notice how i fucked up ear of the head on the right? Its too narrow.

>he didnt PYW it
was the goal of the class to stylize?
pretty gud
anon you didnt felt the form, your anime thot is super flat
reflections in the water should be SHARP. Why? Because still water created perfectly smooth reflective surface, almost like a mirror. If there are waves then they introduce deformations and shatter the reflection, but the pieces still should be somewhat sharp.You drew it like its field of grass.
doing master studies is ESSENTIAL for leveling up multiple of your skills like observation, technique and sometimes even your taste
when you are drawing just contour like this you should consider drawing the form through. Aka to draw ellipse implying that each finger is cylinder and such. it doesnt take much more effort than the contour itself and it gives you more knowledge than just the contour
yeah haha so easy haha
no book i have read so far mentioned this topic at all. But i figure you need observation first so you can correctly observe the reference before attempting to reconstruct it / memorize it so you can later level up into INTO who draw stuff from imagination only
you need to PYW so we know what you are talking about
i like the "gradient" on their horns. Lolololo. Pic is okay, low effort but even that is too much effort considering you worked for free on a commission. It has soul.

>> No.6527642

woulda blended the shading and the horns but i feel like that would of made it too detailed just for alittle request from a old friend i got back in contact with

>> No.6527643
File: 253 KB, 658x607, 1430603648085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know of a 3D posable model program or something? i dont wanna have to buy a real one or dig for references

>> No.6527646

Csp has one built in (it's bad)
Design doll also

>> No.6527647

the flatness I a thing i need to work on, well i need to work on everything

>> No.6527648

Nice studies Pawell
Like reading your posts

>> No.6527658

i enjoy your responses very much but i am baffled by all your watermarks tbqhdesu

>> No.6527659

not him, i have designdoll and it’s great but the copy i have is fuckin weird. it’s one i downloaded from here (lol) because the real thing costs money to even save poses and scenes, but for some reason it won’t let me import new models from the atelier site and something else i can’t remember but it caused my copy to keep crashing.

need a new one i guess

>> No.6527667 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 1700x2338, 202319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also anyone got any tips on drawing a bent legs? ive been working on anatomy and proportion (i have a long way to go) but cant seem to into bent limbs at all

>> No.6527670
File: 436 KB, 1700x2338, 202319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also anyone got any tips on drawing a bent legs? ive been working on anatomy and proportion (i have a long way to go) but cant seem to into bent limbs at all

>> No.6527674
File: 570 KB, 2338x1700, 022319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry pic turned sideways

>> No.6527696

Do any of you guys draw with one eye closed? I have a habit of closing one eye when I draw, specifically when I'm trying to focus on getting a line right or a gesture.

>> No.6527709
File: 967 KB, 3023x3012, We won MesoAmerimexibros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found time to have fun with some pencils, no time to get a good picture though; didn't push colours to get the proper ones but, eh.

Will hopefully do another thing related in the future; new S-portrait at the end of the month, probably not.

>> No.6527743
File: 1.58 MB, 2500x795, danagibson_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok recoverying from hangover, v2 finally used a pressure pen the difference is huge, but learnt a lot by forcing myself not to use it on v1. What I love of dana gibson is that it shouldn't work but it totally does, some would say overworked in some places the lips for example.

Whats the worst about v2? I'm between the proportions or hair.

I really like it, except for the teeth for me it flattens everything.

monkey brain, its normal, it kinda turns off binocular vision.

>> No.6527747
File: 200 KB, 778x1329, 3219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot of problems but I think I'm getting ok with form and perspective, this is just a sketch but if anyone can give it some criticism I'd appreciate it

>> No.6527755
File: 1.51 MB, 6900x4200, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6527758

missing a lot of opportunities to tell the form, its hard to read what is happening in some places. You would benefit from watching (rapidly) marshall vandruff lecture 1,2 and 3 on bridgman (watch it all if you can)

>> No.6527767
File: 1.83 MB, 1000x1333, robits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips on drawing robots/mechas? It feels like there are so many details I need to add.

>> No.6527771
File: 1.21 MB, 1472x1080, paimonOC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished my first original artwork (not copied) and it's also my first digital art piece. I'm pretty happy how it turned out even though it's definitely far from perfect. Any feedback is welcomed.

>> No.6527773

Looks good, I'll see if I can get through all three, thanks
I guess it's time to start doing Bridgman, I've been looking at his book of 100 hands for fun but haven't touched anything else of his besides that

>> No.6527776

the face is good, but the proportions of hands and feet are out of whack, one foot is like 3 times the size of the other. the background looks weird, and the 3d thing above the head looks weird. the shading is ok but that blue light doesnt make sense

>> No.6527778

Thanks for the feedback. I agree with your points about the background and the floating crown; I didn't feel like drawing those so I basically rushed through that. However I'm curious about how you claim my proportions are bad. I used a real life reference and the sizes and shapes of the feet and hands are mostly exactly the same apart from the detail (hands of course I didn't draw as detailed as the feet). I specifically picked that ref because of the foreshortening effect. Also, I think the face is the worst part. The blue light is kinda shit, I just wanted a secondary light source to make it more 3D. Any ideas on how to improve on that?

>> No.6527780


>> No.6527804

Keys to drawing fast

>> No.6527805


>> No.6527808
File: 300 KB, 1426x947, tempimg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6527816

Holy fuck you are the defenition of westoid tumblr cartroony crap

>> No.6527819
File: 894 KB, 548x1117, IMG_5168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday was a good day

>> No.6527838
File: 112 KB, 788x848, scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this style have any potential?
Any advice for the composition of this scene?

>> No.6527840


>> No.6527846

well, i like it :]

>> No.6527852

Why is one foot twice the size of the other one?

>> No.6527866

I really like the composition
Color it in

>> No.6527874

check >>6525432 in case you haven't yet

>> No.6527881
File: 3.43 MB, 2480x3508, athenew1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know how to really progress.
Just been looking around for new styles to try to imitate and new poses to do.

Also my lineart is still wobbly but do not really have the pulse to make it better

>> No.6527882
File: 2.87 MB, 2480x3508, sakir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6527911

You forgot to make the noses bright red ya tumblr fuck

>> No.6527919

That horse is terrifying. Also, I'm considering doing the same as you and copying Bargue.

>> No.6527982

I'm a super duper beginner, but, sometimes, I have this lingering feeling, just like an annoying itch, the feeling that is something seems "off" about some artworks that I see around.
I need worry about my observational skills, perspective, proportions and value like I'm worrying? I feel like I study drawing just by observing things around me, just by analyzing how the forms are, the values, light, shadow, colors, proportions...
Sorry if I'm saying something strange. I don't have friends out of the internet that are into drawing.

>> No.6528023
File: 2.91 MB, 3183x3183, 0EAAA23F-0145-4D99-B4DF-9C7DCC0A295D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this exercise worthwhile or should I just draw loosely and fill up the page in a less boxy way?

>> No.6528031

I mean you need to have a purpose for an exercise, what are you even trying to accomplish with this? You're already drawing very loosely. Don't think of "what" think of "why"

>> No.6528038
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x2138, 9BF37947-D32B-43A4-B36D-1AD25BAC5CBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make faces in interesting compositions, loosely, as a goal I suppose

>> No.6528043

I think it's good practice. But don't expect your hand to be able to keep up without exercising it a little too.

>> No.6528064

Thank you.
I'm already exercising everyday, I don't know for how many hours, maybe at least three hours a day. Study drawing soothes my nerves, so, I draw a lot when I have more than three hours free around my time.

>> No.6528084

Are you, perhaps, autistic?

Looks nice. Not much to say.

Cute, but a bit too dark so it's hard to read. Making the skin lighter would have been good.

Style is ok, judging from pure lineart. Although practically any style is ok in a general sense, what matters is how you use it. Interesting coloring and compositions will matter a lot more so that may make or break your pieces.

Depends on how you want to progress. Anatomy can always be improved, poses seem ok. Perhaps they seem a tad "boring"? Doing more refined coloring, adding some more action to the scene, backgrounds could all be ways to make it more interesting than just a person standing.

For comic reaction faces, yes. If you don't have a concrete thing you're trying to improve, it's just experimentation looking for things to use or improve. Can just do it for fun as well.

>> No.6528090

no i think you made that up just now to give purpose to what you drew. try to be deliberate when you sit down to practice.

>> No.6528104

I'm super /beg/, haven't drawn in years. Got my hand on a book and some pencils yesterday and finally worked up the energy to actually doodle something.
Feels good, but I've done this before and dropped it. Any advice on how to like... learn?

>> No.6528112

having a goal would help. Also this video is useful if you want to draw people >>6525535

>> No.6528115

Thanks, I'll give it a watch.
As for a goal, it's hard to really say anything in particular besides "wanna draw good". But I suppose if I had to pinpoint something it'd be drawing stuff for my DnD games. That'd be neat.

>> No.6528121

just remember to balance out learning and drawing for fun. If you just grind out the learning part you'll burnout so take some time off to draw something for fun.

>> No.6528124

I think that's what got me last time I tried, trying to grind fundies and never actually just drawing stuff I wanted to killed it for me and I never really had the heart to pick it back up.
Forced myself to recently and doodled a few things from images, and it's been pretty fun. No idea how to draw anything from scratch yet but I suppose that comes from practice.

>> No.6528126

Find what you want to draw and then draw it.
Look at it, hmmm what can I improve here?
And learn to do it better, find courses look at how artists you like do it or here or whatever.
Important thing is drawing the things you want to draw and then looking at it and going I could improve this.
It's a neverending cycle it doesn't matter if it sucks.

>> No.6528141

Hello begs and crabs, how's your day going?

What is a good material for learning the blend modes when painting (screen, multiply, etc.)?

>> No.6528198
File: 504 KB, 1648x948, doodle14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528212

eh, I'm not going to PYW something that I already know is bad, plus it's trad and not as easy to post as if it was digital

>> No.6528319
File: 197 KB, 954x866, Screenshot 2023-02-20 124513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions? its a wip but

>> No.6528349

Are the eyes supposed to be different with the human?
Looks kinda like a lazy eye.

>> No.6528354
File: 145 KB, 694x547, Screenshot 2023-02-20 131429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuh .. well gustavo fring's eyes are kinda weird but ill try to fix it

>> No.6528357

Flipping the canvas might help

>> No.6528363
File: 581 KB, 2048x2048, Fd62pJ4XgAEdGTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wait ill draw him like this artist i like

>> No.6528429

At what point do you, after doing some book learning and some copying, attempt your own piece or artwork?

Am I just lacking confidence and need to bite the bullet, or was there some point you reached where you went "Yeah, I can do this now"

>> No.6528437

you get bored with studies and do a piece of personal work.
you encounter difficulties with that piece
you go back to studying

Repeat until A: you become a comfort zone artist and stop encountering difficulties or B: you achieve your goals, and set a new goal to have difficulties with. If you're having fun learning and copying, and feel like you're actually improving, keep at it, but remember: The point of learning is to eventually apply what you've learned, take a break to test yourself and use everything that you've learned, or try something you have absolutely no clue how to do yet.

>> No.6528441

>At what point do you, after doing some book learning and some copying, attempt your own piece or artwork?
Pretty sure it's better to be attempting your own ideas, even if the execution sucks, throughout the process. A lot of /ic/ is overly autistic about studies and says to "just draw" but then gives no direction as to what that means other than "just copy others lol" and acting like the lead metric for success as an artist is "how many studies you can do, and how fast your can do them" which kind of defeats the purpose of getting into drawing in the first place for the vast majority of people.

>> No.6528456
File: 2.16 MB, 3174x4886, 565E636E-E1F9-45F0-BD8F-FC41BA5C1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are the colors and posing? I’m working on card art.

>> No.6528469

I'd make the neck longer and the body lower in the frame.

>> No.6528470

The posing and composition are perfectly fine but your colors are far too homogenous and make the card almost unreadable from the thumbnail. The small figures in the bottom left corner are completely invisible unless you're looking at the card blown up, which is probably not a detail you want to waste? All of the places that you've added color detail and contrast: the orange light behind the wings (and to a lesser extent all throughout the clouds), the slight hue shift on the two characters at the bottom. Try going through and blowing up those details, add more color, experiment with shifting adjacent hues to add contrast, throw some splashes of high value in there, think of "god-ray" type effects where the light pierces through certain shapes to highlight silhouette. You're on the right track, I feel like it, but the red that you're using to highlight edges just isn't enough to make the outlines pop. A card should be identifiable even at a very small size, and this particular example might be distinct from others in its set just by how dark it is, but it's not readable.

>> No.6528536
File: 3 KB, 252x161, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the hell do i paint/draw clothes

>> No.6528564
File: 2.39 MB, 3174x4886, 4E902B2E-36D7-4414-89D3-B1C94790C48D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I’m going to draw it out now. Well as long as the client likes the base idea.
I think the issue are my clouds. I plan on doing full card art. Are they still unreadable?

>> No.6528571

Practice folds. Look up folds. Mimic them. They follow the form of the arm. There’s a slew of folds studies you can look up.

>> No.6528586
File: 89 KB, 1000x1000, lsos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528631
File: 1.03 MB, 6104x1440, 20.02.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todays timed figures
wish I had more time each day to practice, time flies so fast

>> No.6528653
File: 1.94 MB, 1722x2436, MILF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone post your best MILF.

>> No.6528706
File: 148 KB, 600x599, stump_pumpkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest /ic/ does this have SOVL?

>> No.6528742
File: 961 KB, 1890x1668, F77E3E87-ECDD-4A48-845E-DCB750CD0E8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some painting practice, as humbling as always

>> No.6528762
File: 312 KB, 1440x1920, squiglystandlpDrawingCollab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking of maybe trying to draw the entire skullgirls movelist for either fun or practice. Here's the first thing I did

>> No.6528793
File: 109 KB, 605x757, imagem_2023-02-20_193649967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck. I dont want to do loomis heads and hands again.

>> No.6528830
File: 690 KB, 1470x1459, 76A6BDA5-453E-4711-9508-2CF7930EBD71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I messed up the proportions, then I messed up the colours while correcting the proportions fuck me

>> No.6528831
File: 405 KB, 879x631, Haribel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I havent learned anything in a while other than how to mess with lines to make them thicker/thinner as a kind of sort of way of adding form, and also I feel like im learning anatomy wrong

What do I do

>> No.6528832
File: 1.98 MB, 2000x2600, morphoclothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it this getting worse?

>> No.6528833

draw forms, not lines

>> No.6528868

i feel like you’re always supposed to be working on your own pieces.. at least 50/50 studies and personal work.. what is the use of studies then? if you are not applying them to anything?

>> No.6528871

the fuck does that mean

>> No.6528877

do what he is doing >>6528821 he unironically made it in 2 years

>> No.6528892

Fair. I guess I'm just worried my own personal work will turn out way too shit. I guess that's just a fear to overcome.

>> No.6528897

>people still fall for the Loomis Meme?
What does he mean by this?

>> No.6528918

wrong post?

>> No.6528923
File: 384 KB, 1500x1125, IMG_3298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portrait practice and Sargent study.

>> No.6528924

lurk more newfag this drawing used to be spammed by someone until he created a thread posting his progress from that drawing to some pretty good drawing for a 2 year shitposter i might have the thread saved, but probably not

>> No.6528930

>I feel like im learning anatomy wrong
>What do I do
Copying the linework from anime art is not the way to do it. Most anime art is so stylized and exaggerated, it doesnt offer an optimal way to study the muscle groups let alone the human form. Get an art anatomy book. Constructive Anatomy by George Bridgman is a popular choice.

>> No.6528932 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 1920x1080, faxes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working in this practice animation

>> No.6528933

do you have the thread saved

>> No.6528936
File: 102 KB, 960x540, faxes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528943 [DELETED] 

this is how it worrks. you need to rotate jaw not just stetch mouth. unless this is anime gorl

>> No.6528995
File: 1.06 MB, 2148x1986, NiceMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make the two characters feel more solid? I think the problem might be the line weight so I'm going to try that. Any other ideas?

>> No.6529011


>> No.6529013
File: 101 KB, 960x540, faxes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the guy whos reply me was right I need to turn the jaw, thanks, one of the consequences for not taken references.

>> No.6529019

Why do you guys insist anyone can become an artist when you know that's not true?

>> No.6529025

Have you watched the movie Ratatouille?

>> No.6529030

haha artist? I just wanna create

>> No.6529031

>non sequitur
I accept your concession.

>> No.6529048

It's no fun drawing for fun when you have no clue what to do. You're suggesting something dangerous that will build bad habits and turn him into someone from deviantart.
Quit while you're ahead.

>> No.6529049

some ideas:
perspective in the picture feels off
try sketching the whole figure of the man including where feet plant on the ground and use a reference of a fat guy's side profile, i think there's too much mass in the back. arm feels a little misplaced and the pose a little unbalanced. it would be more solid if his figure feels fully supported.

>> No.6529066

I'm so thankful that I'm not as pessimistic as you. I really hope you get better and find joy in life!!

>> No.6529076

It's not pessimistic to suggest that sticking a fork in a power outlet will hurt you! I hope that you learn from me, as I learned from someone like me!

>> No.6529085
File: 2.27 MB, 4000x1800, 20230221_075246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6529088
File: 2.73 MB, 4000x1800, 20230221_075300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6529125
File: 882 KB, 1912x2388, Illustration7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hallo.. does this look OK?

>> No.6529128

like u do not know drapery but drew it anyway without any reference

>> No.6529135


>> No.6529137

ok coomer, the drawing wasnt a naked niger

>> No.6529138

hes not even black lmfao

>> No.6529139

sure he isnt

>> No.6529142

hes hispanic but whatever keeps you up at night cracker lmfao

>> No.6529146

that's a fancy word for niger

>> No.6529198

el chicANO

>> No.6529229
File: 867 KB, 2560x1440, 230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beg. Hi. It is getting stale, i will spice up stuff by forcing myself to learn new tools of digi drawing: i will start with blending tool and then research air brush

that face is very weird without nose, like wow weird. And you used pillow shading for the clothes which is kinda bad. Try to think about from where light comes and put shade only on 1 side of forms. Nice color palette
cute and funny
nobody ever said anything about art. we only said anyone can learn how to draw. BIG difference
very cool, i like the old man on bottom the most. i am sucker for thick outlines
its hard to determine trend from single pic but i see solid study done!
thumbs up
anon, PYW is the only thing which keeps crabs and AI shitposters in check. And think of the shy low begs. If only higher begs PYW then the newbies be like: okay where is the /zero general since clearly i am not even good enough to call myself beg.
its very beg day sir

>> No.6529256
File: 50 KB, 414x257, Screenshot_20230220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6529257

>BIG difference

>> No.6529289

consider also that shitty disappointing drawings/paintings are the price of getting good. just take for granted that there may be 1000 shitty paintings in between you and being amazing. if you pay attention to fundies and work smart, it could be much less, but otherwise that's literally it. you just have to get all the trash out of your system. work your ass off, challenge yourself, learn your weaknesses, and systematically eliminate them.

>> No.6529382
File: 2.76 MB, 3000x3000, Illustration13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions ?

>> No.6529392

the shading on the head makes no sense unless she's an anthropomorphic rat, and if you're trying to replicate the thing on the left, the eyes are too small and the head not squished enough

>> No.6529395

Please don't draw crack smoking rat faces. There's something about the stylization that reminds me of early deviant art. How spaced out the eyes are, the minimal bump for a nose with large snout shaded light. Low set mouths as if they have protruding cone shaped face. It might just be me, but I think it makes your work look worse.

>> No.6529398


>> No.6529421
File: 193 KB, 941x836, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ignore the back shit I failed to make any sense of. I was trying to make a box shape for the bottom shape but usually when I try for those kinds they end up looking slanted.

>> No.6529443

i don’t think you’re distancing your vanishing points enough
are you working through perspective made easy? he explains that in later chapters

>> No.6529449
File: 265 KB, 827x669, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you working through perspective made easy?
Yea, I'm just working through the book. I'm just trying to do two 'cityscapes' a day and look at a chapter to try the problems until I got it. I noticed I was drawing my boxes weirdly and I'd end up fucking up the other lines from it. I guess the only thing to help it is getting my vanishing points a lot further away and working on my sense of where it is.

>> No.6529453

yes he explains distancing the VPs and avoiding warped perspective in step six. you’re doing great so far i think. perspective made easy is my favorite of the fundies books :]

>> No.6529457

Here's an exercise for you: try 2 or 3 point perspective, but start from a singular box in the center. Add more boxes next to it in various sizes in any direction. Buildings being of different heights seems to be messing with your perception of the vanishing points.

>> No.6529500
File: 487 KB, 1000x707, artorias2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get a critique please?
I avoided finishing this for 2 months and don't know what to put behind the tree and the bee. How would you go about figuring that out? Would studying/sketching cool landscape examples help?

>> No.6529505
File: 149 KB, 578x302, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6529523
File: 133 KB, 500x500, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6529567


>> No.6529569

this looks worse

>> No.6529570
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, 20230221_070331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /beg/, how the hell do I draw anime hair? Digital artists probably do some kinda trick with shading rather an manually drawing in strands, but its eluding me greatly regardless.

>> No.6529575

I had a try of that, I have a bit of trouble working forward from my boxes but fine going back and sideways, I'll keep at it.

>> No.6529596
File: 194 KB, 1024x1398, 098_Human_Body_Structure_Principles_Weichun_Xiao_98.translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be too much to put in a post, essentially, hair has 3 components, the bangs, middle hair, and back hair, you should learn to sorta separate it like that, and you should like, a "clump" at a time, think about how hair has weight and forms around the head, behaves according to gravity etc. it would be pointless to try and explain over text, look up some guides

>> No.6529670

For digitalfags, what shade of off-white should you use as a canvas? I'm using E0E0E0 right now but it feels a bit too grey sometimes

>> No.6529673
File: 585 KB, 1171x701, Screenshot 2023-02-21 095552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you alot for the advice! does this look better?

>> No.6529684

It does by miles. There's still some stuff you could potentially change up, but this is far, far better.

>> No.6529686
File: 644 KB, 747x695, Screenshot 2023-02-21 100713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kinda wanted to do face shading like this but i guess it didnt work out

>> No.6529690

No harm in experimenting, anon. Sometimes it just doesn't work out, live and learn.

>> No.6529692

thank u sm ill draw faces like this now ^^ the orange drawing i made (if you scroll a little further up) was a request by a friend and they told me they didnt like it cuz of the face so im glad i know this now

>> No.6529731
File: 28 KB, 484x310, Screenshot 2023-02-21 110354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one is better

>> No.6529764

they're the same picture

>> No.6529769

maybe look at the eye whites

>> No.6529809

bro those aren't even eyes, at the level of detail here, at the level of analysis that sort of cartoony eye is going to face or the level of zoom it will be viewed at, you're beating yourself up over a difference no one will see.

>> No.6529898

Any particular youtubers /beg/ likes for learning? A lot of ones I find seem to focus on people at the intermediate stage, or those trying to refine something professionally.

>> No.6529906

I only learn from dead people or from vilppu. YouTubers are for perma /begs/

>> No.6529914

>youtubers are for perma /begs/
why is this

>> No.6529918
File: 715 KB, 512x768, 00433-lp-ai_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting out I finally did something okayish

>> No.6529940

The masters aren't making YouTube videos. They are all dead.

>> No.6530001


>> No.6530093
File: 51 KB, 311x379, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete /beg/ here, please explain why it looks shit.

Gone through the first loomis book the sticky recommends but thats about it.
Didnt bother trying to shade it, figured i should figure out line art before i care about rendering so i just did simple block colors. any advice is appreciated

>> No.6530114

If you don't know why it looks bad you need to study more and train your observationational skills. Keys to drawing is recommended

>> No.6530538

Isn't there a separate AI art thread?

>> No.6531460

must suck to have the exact artstyle that the ai's are perfecting.

>> No.6531573

it's the rendering
draw or fuck off

>> No.6531828
File: 3.17 MB, 1260x2000, 1664770312298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rendering is a part of an artstyle retard

>> No.6531844

>part of
draw or fuck off

>> No.6532098

An artstyle is more than just the way it's rendered. It's also the perspective, the anatomy, and the shapes used.