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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6516167 No.6516167 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good / easy career I can get into while drawing on the side? I just graduated from art school but I think it's still gonna take years before my skill is good enough for professional work. I can't just leech off my parents the whole time either.

Preferably, I'd like to go to a cheap grad school that'll be easy to get into.

>> No.6516212

Temporary career? Job you mean.
Forestry. No need for thanks, pay it forward.

>> No.6516226

probably a restaurant job, that's the kind of job that when you're off, you're off, nobody should bother you with other bullshit and you can draw.

>> No.6516268

If you're willing to do 3rd shift, there's a lot of jobs where you basically just have to be a warm body. I worked at a group home and the overnight guys did jack shit, one place I did home care at had a security guard out front, warehouses need people to make sure nothing blows up or gets stolen, etc. Most of these jobs seems like it would be pretty easy to bring your sketchbook or tablet and just draw for your whole shift.

>> No.6516481

The traditional job for this kind of thing is to be firefighter, but some security jobs work, too.

>> No.6516519

is it possible to make a living in the US with this kind of job? Don't restaurant workers have like 2-3 jobs to pay the bills?

how to I get this job? I looked through the government sites and there were no openings for "forester", but for more specialized jobs that needed degrees

I read a novel about a character working in a fancy 5-star hotel in a snowy mountain forest in Switzerland and every day was a dream. I wish I knew how to get a job where I could travel the world...

>> No.6516715

>Don't restaurant workers have like 2-3 jobs to pay the bills?
only if you have a couple of kids you can't afford.

>> No.6516718

do americans just let any rando off the street into security? over here you need certificates and shit

>> No.6516776

>> I read a novel about a character working in a fancy 5-star hotel in a snowy mountain forest in Switzerland and every day was a dream. I wish I knew how to get a job where I could travel the world...

Military can work for this kind of thing, so can travel nursing if you're willing to put in the work and get a degree. If you already have a bachelor's, they let most native English speakers teach overseas. But if you're looking for jobs with lots of downtime and minimal requirements, security and firefighting are really high up there. Maybe there's seasonal work you could do to save up and paint in the off season?

>> No.6516777

the oldest profession

>> No.6516839

Fucking retarded Amerimutt kek

>> No.6516844

working at the factory. pays well, work in shifts and you get ample of time to do art on the side.

>> No.6516852

How do they even hire people?

>> No.6516853

>I just graduated from art school but I think it's still gonna take years before my skill is good enough for professional work.

Da fug? How were you allowed to graduate then?

>> No.6516861

send your resume to the nearest factory. I work at a solar battery plant, basically connecting the wires and testing them briefly. 3k monthly after taxes. I didn't go to college because to retarded for that.

>> No.6516865

Whatever you do, keep in mind you need energy to draw.

- The job must either be stress-free, short OR seasonal. For instance, my friend works at an oil extraction platform. He works like crazy for 15 days straight, living at the plant. Then, he takes 15-day breaks, which you could use to draw.

- Leeching off of your parents is one thing, becoming 100% independent is another. If you can afford to just contribute to the house expenses, you don't need THAT fancy of a job, just the bare minimum to not be deadweight at home while you work on your skills. Remember, in you case getting enough time to draw is more important than getting large sums of money, otherwise you wouldn't be an aritst.

- Once you start working, in case it's a daily job, make sure you draw BEFORE work so you don't arrive home with no energy to do anything. Go to bed early, wake up early, drawdrawdraw. If you can draw DURING work, that's a different story, but doing both is still great mileage.

Good luck, nonners.

>> No.6517158

I was a live in nanny for a upper middle class family during the pandemic and it put me in contact with people who buy art as decor and that kickstarted my business as a painter.

Thing is, I hate painting on canvas. I worked for them to get a roof over my head while studying art for comic books. Now I don’t have time to draw comics because I’m too busy pouring acrylics and shit.

Still live off my art, tho, so I’ll take that as a win

>> No.6517182

kek, post some paintings

>> No.6517219
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This one was sold last year. I’m not into abstracts personally, but this one looks cool in the room it was meant to be. It is 1mx1,5m and was sold for 3k.

I found that when you work with large sizes it is waaay easier to sell paintings.

Go to your local high end furniture shop, take a look at the trends and try to paint big things that would look good with the them.

My goal this year is to paint a big collection and find a gallery to deal with the business of selling them for me.

>> No.6517224

>sells a square for 3k
>doesn’t have time to draw comics

>> No.6517236
File: 403 KB, 1313x997, 74AA8FB8-DE28-428A-AA0B-23F3AA6BF674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I know

>> No.6517264

What people don’t realize is due to supply chain collapsing, companies are fully booked with projects lasting YEARS but not enough people to work on them. Meanwhile, techfags are on suicide watch due to layoffs yet these tech companies are investing in expanding their infrastructure. That means construction is booming yet again. Electricity, oil, mechanical, mining are picking again so choose a factory any fucking factory OP.

>> No.6517333

feels like back breaking labor though. Can't I just become a librarian somewhere? Apparently you need a bachelors in library sciences to be a librarian.

>> No.6517343

no welcome to the modern world

>> No.6517532

I worked at factories (construction industry, even) in the anglosphere for years and it’s backbreaking work.
Constant production over capacity, everyone on edge because it is literally impossible to meet quotas, equipment failing all around you because there is no time to do maintenance, pressure from the management to not just bend, but outright ignore and/or forge SOPs and quality/safety tests while simultaneously telling you how you definitely need to do them wink wink, asking you to do overtime every fucking week, the pay is shit for new hires because the conditions are so bad average turnaround of fresh meat is ~1 month, etc etc
I don’t think I drew 300 hours total outside of vacation time in those 3 years, I was doing 42 hours a week minimum, very commonly 50+, shit was breaking down everywhere (one guy lost a leg because a crane failed, he got blamed for not ensuring the crane was in working condition, the SOP was amended so you have to sign that you checked the equipment before using it, of course nobody actually does it be they’re not fucking engineers and have no time to do it anyway, meanwhile the engineers sit around doing fuckall all day), you’re standing on concrete in full gear and the worst boots mankind ever invented, you lift literal tons of shit all day even as a machine operator, the commute is long because factories aren’t usually near residential areas, some factories are basically two walls with a roof so it’s cold as fuck in winter and hot as fuck in summer, I even managed to get fucking fleas working there

I can only imagine what kind of hell working in a factory in Mexico or Romania would be

>> No.6517541

Oh, and I actually started avoiding walking under tall buildings, that’s how bad the standards are. We had actual literal third worlders come in to work and be appalled at what we’re producing. Muh western quality is such a fucking meme.

Those were all big, big factories and companies, thousand+ workers on the plant floor, factories all over the country.
I’ve been told the small companies both pay better and have lower throughput, but I was so sick of living I just saved money and quit to neet it up.

>> No.6517551

thanks for sharing your experiences. Hope you found a better job after

>> No.6517552


>> No.6517564

nah, still neeting it up, didn’t see a point in looking for a job when the quarantine shit happened and now I’m unironically contemplating suicide as an alternative to making it

>> No.6517576
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I believe you can make it. If you haven't, try this thing. David Finch said everybody who drew Bridgman twice made it as a professional artist!


>> No.6517586

become a dev, im on that track

>> No.6517601

I already copied the 1000 drawing book twice years ago, I don’t understand why people act like it’s an achievement

>> No.6517602

Math makes me want to kill myself. I am interested in Marine Biology, though. Could be fun to spend time around the ocean, but I'm afraid it's just a desk job and I'll only touch the ocean 3 days out of the year

>> No.6517606

the memory drawing is the difficult part

>> No.6517634

eh, I’d agree if you were using the human machine, but the complete guide is so repetitive you basically drew everything 3 times by the time you finish the first pass
bridgman just has some mystical status in the art community, same with the frazetta meme

>> No.6520575

what country are you talking about because the anglosphere is not all the same. some countries have actual laws and unions that give workers power to say no to all that while keeping their job.

>> No.6520588

If you're a burnout, then nah, you can do pretty much whichever low level job you want. Don't even have to speak English, in fact they prefer it. If you're mid-tier, though, like first job out of college or first job after a period of NEETdom (but are otherwise fairly competent), then yeah, they won't hire you. Jobs in the US are strange, you're better off finding quick, low level work as a literal nobody because the boss feels like they have complete control over you.

>> No.6520871

Desk or office job. I usually come into work 2 hours early, draw smut til coworkers come and then draw sfw pieces throughout the day. Then dip early. Not every desk job is flexible as that, but those jobs are chockful of wasted time and drawing on the side while on the clock is great.

>> No.6521138

you know, i was hoping to get a studio job at a small studio somewhere as a day job, while working on my freelance career on the side, but of course, I'm not sure if i have the skill to pull that off. I envy you, though

>> No.6521646

On that note, how does one find a small studio to work with? Besides starting one yourself.

>> No.6521651

ask your mom to start one

>> No.6521660

It depends entirely on where you live

>> No.6521685

lmao, when I entered engineering I seriously thought I'd have time to draw if I just focused. Needless to say having 8-12 hours of class a day and having to maintain an apartment while not eating outside doesn't leave you much time for hobbies.

>> No.6521848

Whatever you do don't work fast food though..
It's hell

>> No.6521869

Engineer or architect, they usually teach you how to draw too.
Tour guide: you can travel and take a lot of picture for references, the problem is you have to study a lot of history.
Wage jobs also decent if you live minimum.
Never be a driver, especially truck driver. They pay well but abuse your time a lot. Some of them do drug to stay awake.

>> No.6521877

I'm studying engineering and have like 8 free hours everyday, I just wake up at 5 and study 2 hours before classes and do just fine, git gud bro

>> No.6521946

what kind of ape would pay 3k for that?

>> No.6521962

>is it possible to make a living in the US with this kind of job?
my brother in christ even when you get good enough and finally get a job doing art(unlikely) you will still be making as much or less money then these jobs
youve chosen the wrong major if you want to make a living

>> No.6522335
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I'll ask you this. When you wake up, what do you have for breakfast? How much time do you spend walking to the faculty? Do you cook your own food? Do you have to enroll in side meaningless activities? How disjointed is your class schedule? are you studying locally or abroad?
These are little factors than don't seem like much by themselves, but they not only consume a lot of time away but also wear you out throughout the day or the week.

>> No.6522964
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>what do you have for breakfast?
always oats with raisins and a strawberry tea
>How much time do you spend walking to the faculty?
30 minutes in bus
>Do you cook your own food?
yes, I'm fucked in this aspect, I eat noodles or rice with tuna / meat everyday, I cook like 2 /3 days a week and make a lot of food for the week
>Do you have to enroll in side meaningless activities?
I don't know what do you mean by that, maybe hanging out with my friend or something makes me 'waste' time, I don't use the whole free time doing art or something, I draw like 2 hours a day, the rest of the time I do random shit (I'm past the 'beg grinding phase', and now I'm just chilling and doodling around)
>How disjointed is your class schedule? are you studying locally or abroad?
locally, and luckily I have a lot of control on my class schedule, I always try as hard as possible to put them on the morning and not past 2 pm, so I can have those afternoons for myself

>> No.6522978

oats and raisins with yogurt*
also I get what you meant by meaningless activities, so I did struggle a lot mantaining my apartment all by myself, but what I did at the end is: when I wake up I always went to the kitchen to just make some breakfast and then study, the thing is I always boiled a lot of water, so I started using that as a timer and in that dead time I wash the dishes, I feed my catties, I clean and shit; some days I have to do more than that (wed and sat), so I take more time to clean the wc or other stuff; at the end I take 1 hour before doing anything to just take care of everything and make breakfast (and doing my anki, but that's another topic), and in that way I don't need to think about it all day long, and I can just masturbate in peace at 4 pm

>> No.6522980

Sounds like u go to a shitty engineering school

>> No.6523013

I'm not sure about that anon

>> No.6523017

>Math makes me want to kill myself.
same but you don't really need it for webdev, just basic shit and move on. I would never do CS.

>> No.6523019

you are squarely in the /beg/ grinding phase, you are just procrastinating

>> No.6523025
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if you think so anon

>> No.6523032

that pic just reaffirms it

>> No.6523036
File: 294 KB, 1000x610, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your attitude, can you pyw? I want to at least know what kind of contrarian faggot I'm talking to

>> No.6523041

I’m not getting into a pissing match with a /beg/, feel free to continue deluding yourself
last reply

>> No.6523043
File: 36 KB, 539x453, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only a pre beg faggot, but a coward too

>> No.6523117
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Well shit guess he was wrong about you then.

>> No.6523124

is engineering fun?

>> No.6523226


>> No.6523354

Art is your temporary career

>> No.6523401

Temporary, meaning, until I die, right?

>> No.6524020
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Welp, my class schedule is also flexible, you can choose your professors and such if you have a good GPA, but the thing is, if you want good or decent classes, you are bound to have a disjointed schedule (it also doesn't help that the government cut the budget and expanded the quota for students to join). For example, this semester I'm taking 8 classes, plus the side activity I'm enrolled with for credits. I enter at 8:30 and finish at 19:00, my 'dead' hours go for studying and doing assignments and practices.
If I want to go to bed at 22-23:00, I have around 2.5 to 3.5 hours to make dinner, clean up my mess and do more work. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those who are fresh with 4-6 hours of sleep, so it'd be quite the feat for me to wake up at 5:00. My body naturally wakes up around 6:00, and even if I wake up earlier for some reason 10% of the time, I'm still very sleepy, so it's a straight knock-out again. After that, it's all about making breakfast and lunch, which, depending on the thing I'm doing, it can take from 40 minutes to an hour and 20.
It also takes me about half an hour walking to get to the faculty, buses (or any public transport for that matter) don't have a route fit for time optimization. After 2 years, I've minimized my route time the most I physically can.
Don't know about you, but this uni is quite time demanding.
Some days you get motivated to do engineering stuff, create things, innovate, to feel like the tools are there for you to change the world; other days it feels quite miserable, nothing is going right, you are running out of time, you can't figure out how to solve a problem in your projects. Not even smart asses get a free pass here, everyone gets screwed multiple times.
And some days...You feel like you are doing a disservice to society while pursuing a career involved with creating a new industrial revolution, sinking society more and more as time goes by.
The pay is good though.

>> No.6524047
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i sincerely hope you use your engineering skills to create a better society for our children. I need people alive to buy manga so they feed my great-grandchildren's mouths. Also, happiness and liberty and stuff.

>> No.6524255

shit son, hope you the best anyways

>> No.6524300

If you went to a better school you would be able to take more challenging classes that were more intellectually rewarding. Sounds like you are wasting your education by sitting around drawing and not taking advantage of what your school has to offer.