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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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>> No.6520972

Hiroyuki Okiura is your god, he dominates you, he dominates all the other animators and there will never be anyone like him.

>> No.6520985
File: 779 KB, 854x480, 1675670968672.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6521198

wow! okiura is truly gangster!
sadly, no one will ever be like him! so, don't bother...!

>> No.6521275
File: 953 KB, 1800x1175, roll1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video ref study

>> No.6521276
File: 1.33 MB, 1800x1175, roll2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6521516

straight to the core very well

>> No.6521524

>failed illustrators become animators
how true is this meme

>> No.6521541

Don't know, but if you are trying to measure this with the nip standard, then I'd say is at least 5 times more difficult to produce good animation than to produce good illustration.
For example, the uncanny valley, things that are ''off'' about some pieces. With illustration correcting these mistakes may take a couple of hours, but with animation I feel most of the time you have to rethink the whole shot and flow of the character or subject.

>> No.6521820
File: 133 KB, 513x451, 5yB5DeOF9O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean the other way around?

>> No.6522314

guys is there a way to import a CSP animation into OpenToonz?

>> No.6522318

yes, that shouldn't be too hard
I have little experience with OT though but I can't imagine this to be extremely difficult except if you want to keep all the layers and their structure.

>> No.6522344

Source: was cg animator in Hollywood for 10 years

>> No.6522351

It's somewhat true but misleading. Animation encompasses a wide range of skills and skill levels. An illustrator is either good enough to be hired, or not. There aren't really "entry level lead illustrators", just as there aren't "entry level art directors." But there are entry level inbetweeners.
A better way to look at it is "it's easier to learn timing and spacing than it is to learn drawing." So if someone is already a good illustrator, and has good stamina, they can be taught to animate with more ease than the other way around.

>> No.6522422

I managed to do it. But the program is lagging pretty hard and has limited brush set, bummer.

Any recs for good animation software?

>> No.6522707

If you pirate it, TVPaint

>> No.6522798

Animation is harder than lllustration by a long shot

>> No.6522812

How about CSP?

>> No.6523000

Oof, are the horror stories true?

>> No.6523174
File: 2.79 MB, 960x540, dJm6abm27f8ws08J.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 22 second scene took Aaron Blaise 2 weeks to make. A veteran Disney animator with decades of experience and top tier hardware + software at his disposal. And it's not even finished.

Meanwhile, there's you, Anon - Planning to create an entire movie/show/anime on your own.
And you're convinced that you can do it because "I'm neet and I'm autistic enough to make it".

Unless you manage to hire an entire team to do the job for you, that great idea you vividly fantasize about everyday will remain in your head, forever.
How do you cope with this?

>> No.6523195
File: 75 KB, 1728x842, Fucking Bitch Upstairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My student film back in 89 took me 9 months it finish just the pencil test it was 6 minutes long at 12 hours a day non stop. I got a job directly out of school so that was a good thing. After that the professional field was like break dancing in a mine field with all the proto SJW's and communist sympathizers (Including a Trumbo family member) all unhappy and hated everyone around them especially those that were pro American and full of happiness and ideas.

>> No.6523215

Yea in the 90's a lot of comic wanna bees slid into the NYC Artfield and the producers who don't know about animation hired them on the spot for their Super Hero poses probably taken from How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way.

>> No.6523223

I'm different.

>> No.6523233

more like ascended illustrators become animators.
animation is the last frontier of visual arts, which is evident from the fact that no artist has ever mastered it, unlike oil painting for example.

>> No.6523299
File: 580 KB, 1800x1400, kaiju walk test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test for a character that's meant to be godzilla sized with no arms and beefy legs. Am I bending the knees too much?

>> No.6523652

i intend to make a shitty schizo slideshow. the shittiness is even baked into the concept (there's a framing device about recreating a lost anime that's been stomped out of existence by the copyright holders, it needs to be as shitty as possible so as not to be identified by the copyright computer gangster gods).

>> No.6523670

give the head a slight wobble after every cushion frame and it'll be perfect

>> No.6523680

i've been offered an iternship at a decent studio the catch is they want me as soon as i finish my Bachelor's degree course in animation
my family wants me to get a Master's degree (im indian btw) but the universities offering that course are located too far from the studio for me to juggle the internship
so ask you experienced anons is it worth getting a degree or should i grab the internship while i have the chance?
i visited their office through my college contacts and they're offering a 3 month bootcamp to junior artists before they actually give us work
desu they seem to know more about 2d animation than my profs at college from the looks of it
so which way lads higher education or internship?
is a master's degree worth it?

>> No.6523782

i'll have ai do the grunt work

>> No.6523926
File: 182 KB, 1080x607, 45616146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing with animation again until i get bored next week or someone comes up with an AI for tweening and i waste the rest of my 30s making bad movies. lets go 40s no woman still virgin art is the only thing keeping me from the rope right now send help
i know timing for keyframes is terrible and its off model

>> No.6523982
File: 200 KB, 300x300, 1620886860907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born in 89. I thought I was an oldfag.

>> No.6524692
File: 597 KB, 700x831, CAT - FACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all got to start somewhere. No use in complaining about it.

>> No.6524866
File: 334 KB, 1200x933, extend test 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barrel-o extend-o

>> No.6525318

If born in the USA a degree is not as important, but it may help you out if you work internationally. However an internship may land you some firsthand experience with the industry pipeline where you currently live.

>> No.6525581

Anime industry tier shortcuts, I'm taking about several still frames and panning shots, bobbing characters up and down when their upper bodies are walking, and mouth flaps. Essentially only saving the higher frame count cuts for the most important part of the scene. The rest can be hidden away through clever tricks, mixing frame rates, and special effects. Western Animators are often obsessed with animating on consistent frame counts and using every one of the 12 animation principles which can look beautiful but can maximize the cost and effort to actually put something on screen while the Eastern Industry seems to maximize efficiency and cut corners whenever possible, this can make some infamously bad animation, but make larger projects more realistically feasible outside sponsoring from large companies.

Not trying to turn this into an East vs West thread, does anyone have a comprehensive list of differences between the Eastern and Western philosophy regarding animation that I missed?

>> No.6526515

I believe I'm suffering from some kind of 'animation block'.

>> No.6526810

No such thing if you just start working

>> No.6526824

Internship, you can always go and get a degree after. Master degree without experience is not enticing for hire. may even reduce your chance because a degree means they will require to pay you more. And why would they do that when they can hire another person with more experience and lower pay.

>> No.6527351

where to post cunny anims without getting banned, vanned and put on a list?

>> No.6527582

Here or in /lsg. Use catbox for explicit content.

>> No.6527591

>put on a list
on 4chan this is not possible because of their retarded rule against vpn and proxies

>> No.6528772
File: 24 KB, 612x399, Dude.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw some small thing like this
Im sure you can do better than me

>> No.6528775
File: 19 KB, 437x435, Peppino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I wanted to post, animations not a good hobby for people with little free time

>> No.6528849

>How do you cope with this?
By making my dream show anyway, in spite of everything you just said.

>> No.6528850

Well, have you hit the 10 minute mark yet?

>> No.6528865

Currently working on the first episode of what I plan to be a series. Just a really simple, villain-of-the-week superhero/comedy show. I've been plugging away at it for a year, and I've got about 4 minutes animated, which is half the episode.

For future episodes past the first one, I think I'm gonna have them only be 4-5 minutes long, that way I can reasonably do 1 per year.

>> No.6529067
File: 101 KB, 960x540, faxes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I done this practice

>> No.6529818

Might see one by the end of the year.

>> No.6529822

Holy shit

>> No.6529828
File: 690 KB, 960x540, swing-v2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the advise lads
i had a proper talks with each of my college prof during lunchbreaks over the week and almost universally was told to take the internship
they said that when hiring experience/portfolio always trumps paper degrees
though some of the shadier studios might try to skimp out on my salary for having just a bachelors
will prolly go freelance if nothing else works out
still looking into a way to juggle a master's degree on the side

Btw is there a book/guide for camera movement and general compositing for animation specifically
recently figured out the adobe animate camera and it beens pretty fun

>> No.6529834
File: 530 KB, 960x540, Ball-bounce-v1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a slight camera movement adds so much more life to things

>> No.6529836



>> No.6529868
File: 275 KB, 886x569, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some cool stuff is brewing.

>> No.6529961

this will if executed well actually kill most animation sweatshops
imagine being able to get your linetests colored on the go with this
maybe if they focused on using a benchmark frame and base all frames off that it'd be more than a socialmedia gimmick
like legit this frankensteining multiple art styles/char designs is offputting to look at after the novelty wears off

>> No.6529975

Controlnet hasn't been out for a week yet, so people are just messing around with it, making messy proof of concepts.

>> No.6529989

Basing databases off stolen artwork is still giga illegal and deserves to get regulated
im more interested in the apparatus itself than the gay normie bait frankenshit you're shilling man
post shit when the machine can take a single purpose drawn benchmark thumbnail and apply that coloring onto a good line test
not this basic bitch "owo we put every frame through some gay ai prompt made a shitty incositent mess" the novelty wears off very quickly

idk what you're being paid for this persistent shilling
but the very least you can do is make targetted posts addressing shit actual animators would be interested in
rather than shit shady scammers """artists"""" would use to sucker in faggots who've never held a stylus in their life man
if you do wanna effectively sell AI tool, market it as a tool for professionals and drop the pretense of "we wanna make art more accessable for everyone owo"
there is gate-keepig for a reason flooding the animation scene with normies shitting out ugly amalgms isnt the win you're being told it is

>> No.6529996

You could just use it yourself. There's room for more people doing research. You'd probably get closer to what you're describing than these people.

>> No.6531760


There is something about this MAD, specifically. The music, the shots, the fact that is Okiura. Honest and pure inspiration for all kinds of artists.
It sometimes makes me put a smile, sometimes makes me cry, sometimes makes me search for more details, sometimes it makes me proud.
Art in every single one of its letters.

>> No.6531780
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 1677124037713227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'd consider that if I could make money doing it. But I'm not going to help develop technology that won't benefit me in the end for free. That's why I stopped using chatgpt after fucking around with it for a few days, and I never sent feedback on the responses. It's like these AI companies saw Bethesda's business model of releasing broken products to the public and because they know the community will fix it for free.

>> No.6531890
File: 411 KB, 1280x720, 1660697671635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here use Spine or any other 2D skeleton rigging software?
Is it difficult?
Should I use vectors for the the outline of the body parts?
Any tips on how I should layer or draw my bodyparts before the rigging stage?

>> No.6531939

This is open source, there's no company stopping you from making money.

>> No.6532202

I was specifically talking about helping with research, not trying to sell pictures made with Ai. Selling picture shitter jpegs for 3rd world wages doesn't sound like a very worthy side hustle. Research is appealing to me because I enjoy technology and problem solving, but I'm not going to do it for free so that 3rd worlders can profit from repackaging open source software into apps and selling subscriptions.

>> No.6532223 [DELETED] 

I thought we were talking about animation aides. Either way, there are licenses to stop that. Like the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0.

A summary in plain English:

>The AGPL requires that any software that is >based on or incorporates the licensed software >must also be released under the AGPL, meaning >that it must be made freely available to others to >use, modify, and distribute. This requirement is >designed to ensure that any improvements or >modifications to the original software are shared >with the broader community.

>The AGPL also includes a number of other >provisions designed to protect the rights of users >and developers, such as requiring that the >source code for the software be made available >to anyone who uses or modifies it, and >prohibiting the use of the software in certain >contexts, such as in systems that are used for >mass surveillance or other activities that infringe >on individual rights.

>Overall, the AGPL is a license designed to >promote collaboration and the sharing of >software code, while also protecting the rights of >developers and users.

They won't sell many subscriptions when users can just get it for free.

>> No.6532227

I thought we were talking about animation aides, not selling images. Either way, there are licenses to stop that. Like the GNU (AGPL) v3.0.

A summary in plain English:

>The AGPL requires that any software that is based on or incorporates the licensed software must also be released under the AGPL, meaning that it must be made freely available to others to use, modify, and distribute. This requirement is designed to ensure that any improvements or modifications to the original software are shared with the broader community.

>The AGPL also includes a number of other provisions designed to protect the rights of users and developers, such as requiring that the source code for the software be made available to anyone who uses or modifies it, and prohibiting the use of the software in certain contexts, such as in systems that are used for mass surveillance or other activities that infringe on individual rights.

>Overall, the AGPL is a license designed to promote collaboration and the sharing of software code, while also protecting the rights of developers and users.

They won't be able to sell subscriptions when users can just get it for free.

>> No.6532243

>You'd probably get closer to what you're describing than these people
hey you're the saturation marketting shill here not me dum dum
you want me to use and discuss your product the least you can do is make it sound relevant to what i and those in my consumer bracket actually desire out of such a product if at all
you keep bombarding this normie frenkenshit at us and expect that people will grow a grassroots movement around this shit which wont happen cause most artists are thoroughly soured with the prospect of AI already
if you had even slightly above room temperature iq you'd realize that the word AI are a death sentence and immediate pitch killer especially when trying to sucker in artists to your gay little honeypot
gosh you're dumb i hope your shilling handler deducts payment for this shitty detrimrntal marketting you're peddling you literal retard

yeah yeah its open source, keto diet, organic free grown and totally no a fed run honeypot in the same vein as facebook back in the days
look we all know the feds usually have their hands up to the shoulder in the ass such kind of tech industry shit any artist in the know and worth his salt wont touch this AI shit with a 6 million foot pole
drop the shit and mark the animation general as non-nogetiable marketting ground so we dont have to be accosted by your handlers and your fellow colleagues in the saturation marketting bussiness you ragged dog
stick to the pol shill brigade next time kike

>> No.6532261
File: 82 KB, 589x457, 1644621737813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You replied to me, all I did was respond to your concerns. Don't let me keep you from running laps in that same cycle.

>> No.6532310

Lensa was based off of stable diffusion and those guys made millions. Perhaps they got around the law because they are operating out of india?

>> No.6532332

Stable Diffusion uses a different license.

>> No.6532400

you're shilling your shit thats at best tangentially related to animation completely unprompted you inbred wage cuck
gosh you're low iq for a shill
sincerely hope your handler docks your pay for being revealed and called out so easily
dont bother replying anymore unlees you've got an actual animation to post

>> No.6532404
File: 199 KB, 960x540, Wave-principle-Flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continued series of animation excercises

>> No.6532430

Take your meds.

>> No.6532443
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, attsck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in you anon, don't let them underestimate you. just learn some good shortcuts and save yourself time, I know a lot of yt series made by literal 17 YO that make one or two episodes a year and they're pretty successful and even managed to fund merch for their gay little cat series, you can look into forming a small team even.
>picrel is just a study i did

>> No.6532459

Is this from some course or

>> No.6532462

I don't need my own show, I need a dream of my own show, this is enough to keep me going

>> No.6532559
File: 267 KB, 680x1017, 13EF2A13-596A-49BE-BCC0-72748EC94A07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to drew well enough to communicate an idea and create clear storyboards. I’m just going to hire people to do the rest. Picrel was asked for 25,000 on kick starter, it was able to raise over 30,000. It was a 21 minute pilot. I’ve been able to raise close to that much, with a team, for small independent films before. I could probably produce small shorts or music videos for less.

>> No.6532941

finish your fucking sentences, zoomer

>> No.6533093
File: 115 KB, 628x510, holy shit this is tedious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animation takes the patience of a saint

>> No.6533097
File: 1.63 MB, 746x664, D E A T H.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

messing around with paint.net

>> No.6533128

Hello. I am beyond BEG. I draw ill-proportioned stick figures. I would like to make gifs and shite youtube videos like the ones youtube storytime animators do. Give me some keywords and programs to research, please.

>> No.6533132

I didn't know you can make gifs with paint.net

>> No.6533136
File: 3.85 MB, 407x229, Geddan Agent Fitz (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animated a comic creator's character off of /co/ doing the geddan meme. I haven't animated for a minute, so this was a nice change of pace. Excited to learn and get back into the practice this year.

>> No.6533137
File: 140 KB, 1067x1600, 49155529241_ddb5b334b7_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the OP, you genuine homosexual

>> No.6533157

Ngl I masturbate to Dross's femboys.

>> No.6533619

What is your preferred method of simplifying the body? I'm having trouble placing the shoulders

>> No.6533726

do you want to animate on pc or phone?

>> No.6533869

I started checking some animations frame by frame and I realized I've been beating myself to have the lines completely and always consistent when in reality you can easily get away with a bit of inconsistency specially in frames with lots of spacing inbetween

>> No.6533889

don't need to redraw anything but the mouth and maybe jaw, saves a lot of pencil mileage

>> No.6534075

I've been looking some sakuga and the frames seems to be animated mostly on 2s and even 1s, am I looking at them wrong?

>> No.6534432

Please show the specific clip.

>> No.6534997

PC please.

>> No.6535997

What do you mean?
What's wrong with this?
You have to pull up the specific clip but the likely answer you'll get is "yes, that's the case in the clip, no you're not looking at it wrong."

>> No.6536082
File: 253 KB, 640x360, Crosswalk-A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I need to fix here, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Either the hair flip or the timing of the pop?

>> No.6536099

agree about the timing of the pop
maybe the antic pull back should be shorter or twice as long as it is now

>> No.6536103

she 'pops' as well way too much I think
I think that's the problem.

>> No.6536105

animation is a dreadful hobby
lel so tedious

>> No.6536121
File: 253 KB, 640x360, Crosswalk-A-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep! That was it. Just a few easy frame shifts. About a half sec hold on the pull back, and a quicker follow-though on the recoil. Thanks!

The real trick is keeping the dialog timing in sync with the timing of the audio track.

>> No.6536131

you're a gangster
your victory! <3
we support you to the fullest brother!!!!

>> No.6536133

now you gotta tie that squirrel bitch tf down!!

>> No.6536577
File: 257 KB, 960x540, Wave-principle-Flag-staging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorta its a buncha excercises my prof told us to do and include in our portfolions
he was mentored by some russians who'd been hired by the company he worked at at the time n this was their assignments for training as an animator
they're (in order) as follows:

>Pendulum (timing/inbetween spacing)
>Ball Bounce (Squash n Stretch)
>Flag (Advanced Inbetweening) <----------[I am here]
>Boat on Waves (Staging i think not sure actually)
>Cannon (Exaggeration and Follow through)
>Character Design (Optimized for 2d animation specifically)
>Walk Cycle (with said character design)
>Four Legged Walk cycle (Horse, Feline, Canine)
>Bird Cycle (Take-Off, Flight cycle & Landing)
>Character Acting (from Getting up, to Walking, to Running, and to finally Leaping)
>Lip sync (With head movement)

Felt lke putting up my works out here would be a good motivater to see this through
feel free to follow along if you wish : DDD

>> No.6536586

The dream


>> No.6536832
File: 2.13 MB, 480x360, IMG-4970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head turn practice

>> No.6537445

It's still legally and ethically dubious to put other artist's work in an AI dataset without their consent, use your own images for that if you plan on using it for commercial gain.

>> No.6537575


>> No.6537754

what program(s) they use to make animations like https://litter.catbox.moe/3wv4cf.gif or https://litter.catbox.moe/ms6wby.webm

>> No.6537803

Papercut animation programs like Live2D, Spline, DragonBones, etc. doesn't matter pretty much, all of them are the same.

>> No.6537859

ok thanks, I thought it was something more expensive or complex like adobe animate because it shows a bit of dynamic light

>> No.6537886

I don't see any dynamic light in those examples.
Also Adobe Animate is actually less complex and on the primitive side(since it is essentially dumbed down flash editor).

>> No.6538727

whats with the stiff rubber boobies man
give em the fleshy jiggle tleast

>> No.6538781


Can someone explain how its working? Is there individual rig where you have moved each position of the character frame by frame like a 3D model or do you just do the keys and they tween into place?

>> No.6539024

There is no automatic tweening currently, you have to process every frame. There's a few different ways to capture poses right now.


This guy has a few tutorials on his channel.

>> No.6539181
File: 212 KB, 560x315, gobo chop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6539600

I ran out of ideas :-(

>> No.6539606

Git chopped!

>> No.6539929
File: 88 KB, 512x512, 31CQ5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice excercise

>> No.6540005

draw a jiggling butt

>> No.6540017
File: 80 KB, 701x665, Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 19.31.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's over bros?

>> No.6540019

My dream of being a rotoscoper is kill.
What do I do now? Animate? Pfft I don't want to have fun, I want to trace live action and make it uglier!

>> No.6540045

sounds like cope

>> No.6540047

Trolling outside /b/ is not allowed, stray /g/tard

>> No.6540098

scrolling through the comments is more depressing because of how dumb people are for thinking a glorified rotoscope / filter machine is any kind of replacement of actual animators

>> No.6540308

Some are idiots, most are leeches in some form or another.
A small time youtuber hoping to gain favor or get featured, an nft shill hoping to bolster his scam. That's before mentioning how prolific bot accounts are on every form of social media.

>> No.6540320

future looks fun, maybe in 3-5 years we will see a proper production ready tool/workflow

>> No.6540441 [DELETED] 


here's the whole thing. and judging by the comments of 100's of people saying they'd pay to watch more of the series, how is this not the future of animation?

>> No.6540442



here's the whole thing. and judging by the comments of 100's of people saying they'd pay to watch more of the series, how is this not the future of animation?

>> No.6540444

AI art is a fascinating field that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to create animations automatically1. Some examples of AI art generators are DALL-E 2, Synthetik’s Studio Artist, and An AI Animation Generator234. These tools can produce a variety of illustrations, effects, and movements using simple text prompts or static images.

However, AI art is not necessarily the future of animation. Some experts argue that AI art will decimate the industry within 5 years by outperforming human artists on every metric56. Others suggest that AI art will enhance the creativity and productivity of animators by automating mundane and time-consuming tasks78.

Ultimately, the future of animation depends on how animators and audiences embrace or resist AI art. What do you think?

>> No.6540450

lowest effort bait

>> No.6540535

ai generated bait

>> No.6540539
File: 33 KB, 739x742, 1l2kw8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit genius

>> No.6540556
File: 1.58 MB, 380x480, 1670554294843926.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cgpeers finally has a verison out so ill probably check it out this week.

>> No.6540592

fuck I'm dumb as rocks

>> No.6540908

honestly the best application of this software is for mesmerizing anime grills with bulging eyes and nothing else

>> No.6540910

>anime grills with bulging eyes
You are so close.
So fucking close.

>> No.6541118

Just finished a 4 frame animation and it looks amazing for my skill level in motion even though 3 of these frames are pretty botched. The perks of high speed action are so good compared to slow scenes. But it took this whole week to do these frames + character and prop studies so I guess hard work pays off. Seeing your drawing moving gives such a dopamine rush I can't stop grinning

>> No.6541483

what about richard williams?

>> No.6541498

by not giving a fuck. When it comes to doing art for yourself, no monetary gain, the machine cannot take that away from you, in fact, it may actually help. No. it WILL help.

>> No.6542125

After Effects or Adobe Animate for animating still images?

>> No.6542141

Well, my dear fellow, it is with utmost pleasure that I must concur with the statement that AI is indeed inherently good for animators. The utilization of such advanced technology allows for the creation of magnificent works of art that are truly a sight to behold. It is a most splendid development in the field of animation and one that shall undoubtedly bring forth a new era of artistic expression.

Allow me to elucidate on the matter at hand. AI technology, my dear fellow, has the capability to revolutionize the animation industry in ways that are truly magnificent. With its advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities, AI can assist animators in creating more realistic and lifelike animations that are a sight to behold.

Furthermore, AI can also be used to create personalized animations for individual viewers. By analyzing data on a viewer’s preferences and behavior, AI can generate animations that are tailored specifically to that viewer’s interests. This has the potential to greatly enhance the viewing experience and create a more immersive and engaging form of entertainment.

In conclusion, AI is indeed a powerful tool for animators and has the potential to greatly benefit the animation industry. Its advanced capabilities and versatility make it an invaluable asset for artists looking to push the boundaries of their craft. It is truly a most splendid development in the field of animation.

>> No.6542149

stay mad, continue to create nothing. very healthy

>> No.6542150

this is already a thing, remember those motion hentais animated in flash? (i forgot the names)

>> No.6542171

I just want to know which one of those two is better for it. I've seen great results from Ae but I don't know how capable An is or if the workflow is easier.

>> No.6542322

Animate is not supposed to be used for raster image animation. For animating vector images that you draw in the program itself - yes, it is pretty good. For importing a drawing and trying to animate it - it is really a worst possible choice.

>> No.6542326

>rational thinking
You'll get nowhere with this, you're talking to people who will draw OCs as a way to have friends

>> No.6542329

After effects it is then, thanks senpai

>> No.6543023

>you will create nothing and you will be happy

>> No.6543104

making the computer my bitch makes me plenty happy

>> No.6543181

This. Imagine AI in the hands of an experienced artists or animators instead of laymen TechBros who have no eye for art. Imagine just pluging in the key frames of an animation and getting the rest of the animation, all you'd have to do is just remove frames to get the timing correct or edit the frames little. Imagine just typing in a prompt for a background instead of painstakingly drawing it yourself or merely using it for inspiration. AI will be a savior for indie animators and animation studios trying to cut cost as much as possible. Manga Artists already photobash backgrounds,trace, and use 3D. Animators rotoscope, use 3D as shortcut for complex shots and machinery, and to save time drawing background characters. AI will ultimately become a tool for the experienced and a gateway for the novice.

Sure in the near future, a lot of trash will be made just as it is today, but those with adaptability, ambition, and vision will surely come out on top just as they always have.

>> No.6543248

Rotoscoping nigger

>> No.6543285

I don't get why guys like you hate "laymen techbros" so much when in the same breath you overrate indie devs who obviously have worse taste and rarely have any valuable skill. Stable Diffusion proved that normal people with no artistic eye or ability can still make cool stuff. A lot of indie devs are just as mad about AI art as any grifting artist, because their jobs are at risk due to AI as well. And better tools just evens the field.

>> No.6543298

>Ai works can't be copyrighted
>Ai works also can't be used for commercial use or profit under most terms of services (Ai services would lose their non-profit status)
>Ai works generally look like shit or require a lot of manpower to fix

>> No.6543340

Post your work.

>> No.6543371

Of course something in this style takes ages to make. If you work in a different art and animation style that is more simple you can complete it faster.
Making your own animated content is completely doable. If you simplify the art and animation style and do only the bare minimum and get rid of the bells and whistles you can make your own animated series. Your animation can be good even if its not something disney tier.
Anon is trying to put others down because he cannot find the drive to continue improving and eventually make his own animated series. Anon get back to studying and stop trying to drag people down with you.

>> No.6543678 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 768x1152, 1676903331555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6543686
File: 22 KB, 750x179, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to build a picture of the nature of character, thank you.

>> No.6543953


Its true. You can get away with alot of fuckups by animating. Its easy to color and you just redraw the same shit using smears. Its a skill in itself but nowhere near as hard as painting.

>> No.6543957


No it isnt unless youre trying to animate the entire dbz series by yourself like a retard. Its all about motion, dont even have to be that correct with any fundies

>> No.6544025

do any of yall have a cgpeers invite?

>> No.6544131

where do i learn 2d fx, i'm gonna need it for a 2d project

>> No.6544386
File: 533 KB, 674x608, 1662716137806512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What program do you guys prefer to use to animate?

>> No.6544400

Anything is fine

>> No.6544415


>> No.6544537


>> No.6544599 [DELETED] 


>> No.6544864

Clip studio paint because it's really comfortable to draw in, but it lags like dogshit on my computer for some reason. Currently messing around with toon boom and blender, but I fucking hate drawing in vector

>> No.6544930

found a pretty underrated guy that's been working in animation since the 90's, makes videos analyzing episodes of shows he's worked on, and even shows behind the scenes stuff

>> No.6545251


>> No.6545256

This looks like a nice guy, cool stuff!
Thanks man

>> No.6545331
File: 83 KB, 750x412, 923A06DD-CCE7-45D7-85D2-2A2058FD3862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have to know how to draw in order to animate?

>> No.6545408

no but you need to know how to animate in order to draw

>> No.6545440
File: 750 KB, 3000x1500, 8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my flour sack became semi-sentient and instead of waving hit the nae nae
next time ill make sure to play the loop instead of winging it all the way trough

>> No.6545516
File: 1.31 MB, 768x512, Loopback_Wavetest_Superimposition.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after effects works fine.

>> No.6545591

>2 weeks of work
>accidentally made the bear transparent

>> No.6545638

Why would you post this? Like why?

>> No.6546076
File: 310 KB, 1080x764, 516893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6546214

No, but obviously both skills compliment each other perfectly. You'll have a very hard time animating stuff from different angles and perspectives if you suck at drawing, for instance.

>> No.6546663

neato filter

sloppy bait

>> No.6546669

You'll never be an artist

>> No.6547174

This is really good illustration and animation. Keep it up

>> No.6547901
File: 1013 KB, 1920x1080, salsa rough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried doing like a salsa dance from a video and I'm not happy with how it turned out. It feels like a shitty rotoscope. Any tips on getting stronger poses?

Ref vid: https://youtu.be/xxoZgoMoT1A?t=26

starts at 0:26

>> No.6548025

I'd say it's charmingly awkward

>> No.6548399
File: 109 KB, 560x315, breathing_v1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6548523

anyone know any examples of a pointy object having a glint/shine in cartoons
i know i've seen it done before just cant think of an exact example
any help is appreciated

>> No.6549331 [DELETED] 
File: 2.46 MB, 2360x1640, IMG-0356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so im looking to start a new animation project that is kinda a parody of yt vlogs/reality tv, and im at a crossroads as to how to approach the production when all i have is myself working on it. i could either make a yt clone website, and embed the boards ( https://experience-machine.neocities.org ) (site is massive wip) or, at risk of large time consumption and jankiness I could emulate this old style of mine and literally upload it onto the real youtube. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2kThIrkCUM&lc=UgwIe1mrta6gvBAwq8B4AaABAg ) which do you all think is the more charming & worthwhile option for something that is quite long? i like both a lot

>> No.6549356
File: 2.46 MB, 2360x1640, IMG-0356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so im looking to start a new animation project that is stylistically a parody of yt vlogs/reality tv, and im at a crossroads as to how to approach the production when all i have is myself working on it. i could either make a yt clone website, and embed the boards ( https://experience-machine.neocities.org ) (site is massive wip) or, at risk of large time consumption and jankiness I could emulate this old style of mine and literally upload it onto the real youtube. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2kThIrkCUM&lc=UgwIe1mrta6gvBAwq8B4AaABAg [Embed] ) with this option i fear itll be too confusing. which do you all think is the more charming & worthwhile option for something that is quite long?

>> No.6549422

by what I noticed the east cheapens out by making beautiful stills but less movement, instead the west by making simpler shapes but more movement

>> No.6549528

obv a site dedicated to it with its ownstyle would be a better way to experience it, but unless you're already big somewhere, you will not be getting any clicks, compared to youtube that could blow you up at any time

>> No.6549550

this is a good point, thank you. I think I'm mostly concerned about the experience of reading boards compared to watching something edited. would the average person really prefer that?

>> No.6549643

can't know for sure until you try, but I'd say from a purely statistical standpoint, essentially any internet content is easier to consume in video format, even if it's a slideshow - that doesn't mean you might not create something revolutionary and reap quadruple the rewards, though, but in your shoes I just wouldn't personally do that

not to mention, people might binge your site once, enjoy it, then forget about it, on YTB it will get recommended, re-recommended, sub notifications and such, or hog peoples YTB homepage

>> No.6550102

This is great feedback, I agree that youtube is a great platform for spreading it. Its definitely smth to consider. Although right now I am currently leaning towards the website (just because inspires me slightly more)

>> No.6550142
File: 199 KB, 1022x552, 24 (962).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good animation channel reccs? also you guys study any shows? would any show do? sorry if stupid questions

>> No.6550317
File: 38 KB, 560x420, Animation2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the thing

>> No.6550421
File: 3.69 MB, 426x240, kitsurabami_flash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly a pointy object, but maybe something like this?

>> No.6550654
File: 1.32 MB, 720x405, Animation4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a study of the Attack on Titan opening 3 animations. I've also studied Monty Oum's rhythms for fights, if only taking notes. I studied Houseki No Kuni's 3D to figure out what makes 3D anime work.
But most of all, I try to study Hiroyuki Okiura's works, how he manages gravity and gives the movement flow.
The only animation channel I've actually taken note of is AKmotions; he gives lots of advice in how to progress as an artist and keeps things realistic for you without putting you down. Actually, the opposite is true, he inspires you while teaching.
Do it on youtube if you want to be seen. Do it on a personal website if you wanna get very artsy and moody.
Nice design by the way, very nice.
Perspective more than anything else, drawing doesn't give you a sense of rhythm between frames, for example.
CSP all the way, I wanna larp as a nip animator.
Tell me the theory behind this. How do you make it look like it's breathing?

>> No.6550840
File: 3 KB, 247x48, frames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, I made two key frames, one with her chest being the most expanded. then I inbetweened them and eased in on the expanded chest keyframe for some better timing. pic related, frame 3 is the apex, it goes back in reverse after that, but I dropped 2a and 2, so it wouldn't look too robotic. it's currently on 2s at 12fps, so I will inbetween the rest, once it's cleaned up. I am planning to animate the head a bit, when she breathes in and out too, a slight tilt forward, when she breaths in.
I hope that helps.

>> No.6550847


studio ghibli is exceptionally good in simplifying these sort of effects. you can see a glare, when one of the girls is drawing her sword.

>> No.6551664
File: 420 KB, 560x315, breathing_v3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6551871

I 'believe' that was achieved by shining a light behind the cels.

>> No.6552189

could be, but I think Princess Mononoke was their first fully digitally colored film, so they didn't use the classic cels.

>> No.6552213
File: 36 KB, 500x500, artworks-6ZfbKT6nxHtUfTDq-f4pVtA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6552292

Awesome combination of technical skill and soul

>> No.6552435

Any program recommendations that aren't autistic or janky? I have money.

>> No.6552505

CSP is the best in terms of comfort of use. Also industry standard for the almost half of japanese animators.
TVPaint is also good but it's UI was made by aliens with disregarding of the human logic and common sense.

>> No.6552520

Thanks anon I appreciate it.
CSP it is.
>made by aliens
not sure what it is with programmers who do this, but I've experienced something similar with ArchiCAD and their stair tool

>> No.6552538

if you already have CSP, that's a good idea. but i would recommend to try out all the programs, there is no best one. as one anon pointed out, TVPaint is weirdly designed, but animating with it felt the most natural to me. Pretty much every software lacks some things.
Also think about what you want to produce. If it's tweening you're interested in, try ToonBoom Harmony or Opentoonz. There's also another free alternative to Adobe Animate called Synfig Studio.

>> No.6553396

Seeing some promising results already.

>> No.6553451

updated my site a bit is this style followable lmao

>> No.6553457
File: 49 KB, 560x420, facetest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First animation attempt.
I did watch some video tutorials about timing tho.

>> No.6554708

Should storyboard artists and directors learn to animate?

volumes aren't consistent enough

>> No.6554755


>> No.6554766

he is not going to get the hair right, bet?

>> No.6555285

I was using Clip studio paint and was loving it, but then I found out I can't do lip syncs in it since there's no audio scrubbing and now I don't know what to do.

>> No.6555574

like people used to do on paper duh

>> No.6555586

does anyone else just wanna make animated coomer loops and make patron bucks?

>> No.6555611
File: 2.30 MB, 4281x3114, hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but the idea of Patreon stresses me out, because I had to deliver coom art regularly and engage with the patreons.

we'll see about that. maybe you wanna help me pick a hairstyle?

>> No.6555613
File: 2.09 MB, 460x257, eren head turn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good for a first attempt. here's something to study. try figure out the timing and study it. it has same vibes as your test

>> No.6555632

yeah, that part would stress me out as well, i guess you would have to be planning everyday. desu i would just post the shit and move on to the next but give them some WIP's here and there and try finish stuff instead of grinding boxes and gestures for 5 hours. try find a system that works for you first to finish stuff. i see some NSFW artist making LOOPs every other week and im just wondering how the fuck they not getting burnt out. and some new nsfw loop artist that started last year and already making 2k a month

>> No.6555914

That last one is best one
we need more exposed fore-heads

>> No.6556686

Hello, I almost never brows this board, but when I do, I like to look at tge animations.
What I've noticed is that almost one practices the use of color while animating.
What do you think about my animation https://youtu.be/MvJuU5uIPGI
I know, that the depression at the side of the hand doesn't follow the movement quite right, but it's the first animating like this for me.

>> No.6556687

very gangster!

>> No.6556690

Almost no one practices*

Thank you!

>> No.6556696

ye, you good : )
keep going friend

>> No.6557331

I think most here just post their roughs and don't post the full version for some reason?
Idk for me I'm just starting out so I'm focussing on the animation part before coloring.
Your stuff looks cool!
Yeah the brown spot doesn't follow correctly no.
How did you color it?

>> No.6557656
File: 1.13 MB, 159x166, 1669446149909181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody seen any good tutorials or timelapses on animating an illustration with live2d/spine/after effects?
i'm curious as to the kind of workflow these porn animators like najar and クロカジ are using. there's a million tutorials on youtube for these software, but 99% of them are about rigging vtubers or videogame characters, so the character assets are all standing in the same neutral A-pose on a blank background and they never talk about starting with a posed shot, foreshortening, etc.

>> No.6557660

Pastel on paper

>> No.6557670

Separate the center body in 3 parts, in these parts you draw and paint them them overshooting a bit to the other part, try to always works in a way they foreshortens so you can overlap them better. Limbs, breasts, face, hair are pretty straightfoward if you have any experience with puppeteering

>> No.6558246

>I think most here just post their roughs and don't post the full version for some reason?
No, I think most of us don't finish much of anything.
I could start forcing myself to post all my roughs, but I don't think it would change much of anything.
Usually I lose interest because I realise that it doesn't look as good as I intended it to look.
So, I lose interest and try a new animation.
Vicious cycle.

>porn animators
this is heresy please stop and make sakubuta animations pls pls pls I beg u <:-(

>> No.6558247

I also have trouble finding the right references

>> No.6558688

It's not replacing shit just like toonboom didn't kill off trad animation.

>> No.6558841

i hate those gleeful ai techboys, but the difference is, that even with toonboom, you need to have animation skills.
every idiot under the sun will be able to use ai, to have their fantasies illustrated. they will probably be contempt with the results, bc normies are easily wowed.

>> No.6558986

toonboom kind of killed off Western traditional animation though, don't you agree?

>> No.6559217
File: 2.61 MB, 800x450, 1662211518146553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, flash already had

>> No.6559473

Is there any tool for tweening, this is driving me insane

>> No.6559522

what is a sakubuta? is that like sakuga? fancy amazing animations?
and why not have different accounts that make cool animations "rough drawings) and have a NSFW porn account doing sperate things? im trying to have a youtube with short 3 -10 second longs clips while doing nsfw shit on the side but im just starting out, well thinking a bit to ambitious atm

>> No.6559534

toonboom and adobe animate have puppet/tween tools

>> No.6560015

No, economy and corporate execs did, this boogeymen you speak of.

>> No.6560409

Hundreds of tools. Just use google.

>> No.6560657
File: 1.10 MB, 1120x630, breathing_v9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6560705

Very erotic
Got a blog?

>> No.6560720
File: 272 KB, 400x225, scene 1_001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something ive been working on the last week...
pretty good so far. you captured the emotion spot on. i would like to see the final piece when finished

>> No.6560811

thank you. I have a twitter; @artistcancans
but I haven't been very active.

thanks. I like your test. is someone filming with their phone?

>> No.6560881

yeah its a slefie shot i just copied a scene for a meme clip. got a few other projects to work on aswell.

>> No.6561158

holy shit first draft looked autismo but this is masterful IM GONNA NUT

>> No.6561312
File: 244 KB, 560x436, shot 4 redux.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple layout for a simple shot, too much hair move?

>> No.6561386

hair doesnt match the headband silly

>> No.6561432

i recognize that barbara gif from a million years ago

>> No.6561451

oh no its not a bandana its just a longer ponytail of hair, I can definitely see what you mean though ill have to define it better

>> No.6561562

i also meant headband not bandana, rip

>> No.6561604
File: 45 KB, 560x318, Ultra Maiden-test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6562747

it stutters and pops at end, i think i kind of get what you were going for but you should remove a frame before the overshoot because it awkwards stop before then, and I'd hold the extreme of the overshoot for a few more frames it goes too fast

>> No.6562750

Has anyone upgraded to CSP 2.0? Have the improved/changed anything in regard to animation? All the promo stuff is talking about painting/illustration focused things I don't care about.

>> No.6562846
File: 611 KB, 2000x2000, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres some feedback and notes that might help you

>> No.6562857
File: 47 KB, 560x318, Ultra Maiden-test2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just finished my reshifting of frames and then
was posted and now I'm gonna have to spend some time really following this. Thanks

>> No.6562864

nice to see some good helpful criticism for once.

>> No.6562896
File: 633 KB, 2000x2000, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope this helps! i can see you trying this and starting to make sense of it, but thinking of each wave in the ponytail as a separate shape might help you make more sense of the way the waves move. i forgot to mention this is also good for animating water and smoke trails

thanks! i used to be around here trying to give actual feedback but i fell off badly, i missed it

>> No.6562916

Thank you so much for the crit anon!

>> No.6563675
File: 71 KB, 560x315, Animation practice (Head turn).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally at head turn with the animation exercises.
Not from what I seen.
My goodness amazing work anon. So fluid.

>> No.6565404


this is pretty good overall. i spent some time thinking over what specific thing was bugging me and i think i figured it out. your timing and spacing are solid, but theres some jitter in the eyebrow and the character goes off model a little (his forehead grows if you look closely) which is what i think is contributing to the slightly jittery look. its a fast movement, which is fine, but you could stand to anticipate it for a little longer so it doesnt feel as jarring. as for actual spacing etc youve done a nice job, these tips will help you go from pretty solid -> very nice and smooth, you already have a good starting point here

>> No.6565671
File: 162 KB, 512x512, FG3WI.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565673
File: 150 KB, 512x512, KBQTF.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565738
File: 727 KB, 1186x2218, 2A128A75-7397-4CE2-8429-211EB0D8EC90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been working on a patreon. But I’m not doing short loops. Working on a full piece. Now I just need to know how to promote it so I can finish it.
File is too big.

>> No.6565817
File: 98 KB, 512x512, CMFZ5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6566539

Really cool

>> No.6566548

super swaggy

>> No.6566980

If true, what the fuck are you doing here?

>> No.6567097
File: 43 KB, 560x348, Ultra Maiden-test3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd attempt

>> No.6567098
File: 40 KB, 560x348, Ultra Maiden-test4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4th attempt with more overshoot

>> No.6567100
File: 41 KB, 560x348, Ultra Maiden-test5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5th attempt with a more vertical overshoot

>> No.6567264

Thank you so much for the critque anon, much appreciated!

>> No.6567924

Is 12 fps too low for a film? Objects and characters look fine at that rate but camera motions are nauseating. It would save me a lot of work and hundreds of hours of render time to make the camera 12 as well but I don't want my film to give people headaches...

>> No.6567963

That ending abrupt snap looks weird.

>> No.6567976

can you post that animation with alpha? I could give you some tips then. Also, is the person turning to his left, or is the camera moving?

>> No.6568030

this was animated in 3 months by one animator. Of course what Aaron is doing takes a long fucking time, he's focusing on making high framerate animation of slow actions, and intends to have high accuracy with his forms. None of that is even remotely necessary for your work depending on how you stylize it and cut corners. Even just halving the framerate would halve the work while making practically no difference to the actual quality of the shot

>> No.6568032

forgot link

>> No.6568269

nice, slowly comes to life

>> No.6568470
File: 3.50 MB, 1440x810, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can speak from experience a bit. I work on a TV show that animates at 24 fps on twos- basically, 12 fps. when theres a camera move, you switch to animating on ones/ at 24 fps. as soon as the camera move is over, go back to 12 fps. feels way less vomit inducing. some anime studios are good at animating different things in the same scene at different frame counts (something in the background on sixes while something in the foreground is on threes) when doing a simple following shot, but i dunno about more complex camera moves and can only speak about western animation

more feedback anon, hopefully a moving gif might help make more sense of it. also, are you animating on ones? animating on twos or threes might be better for this. this one is a step up in quality from the last one but theres still a couple issues i can see

>> No.6568722
File: 150 KB, 512x512, GN9YQ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks : DDD

>> No.6568723
File: 842 KB, 512x512, G6ED9.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like im in my gun phase as an animator

>> No.6568731

Dang this is good
I guess I gotta kill my darlings and redraw the final frame and some other stuff. But this advice is very stellar.
I assume this is all coincidental, so I'll be working on the animation throughout this week. I don't expect you to come back, but I'll post to get some response between now and friday

>> No.6568875
File: 108 KB, 560x560, watch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did another thing

>> No.6569513

Do you guys think studyng animation improves your drawings?

>> No.6569790

yes, but it's not very efficient. there are a lot better ways to get better at drawing. animating frame by frame kinda requires you to be good at drawing.

>> No.6570009

My cue to find a new community, any alternative website for animation?

>> No.6571002

insecurity about ones own skills, wants to try to bring others down

>> No.6571068

japs invented a ton of shortcut techniques to save time solely for this reason.

>> No.6571069

>you can't paint something in an hour because a famous artist took 20 hours to paint something

>> No.6571070

it's good but could use a little bit of pop right at the start of the extension. Perhaps a second "burst" cloud?

>> No.6571125
File: 210 KB, 560x436, 15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6571127

oooh true, that would be cool, I'll try that out when I'm on that shot later

>> No.6571661

That's a fair point anon thought it comes down the kind of illustrator's specialty. If they carry under their belt a good degree of fine art skills, they can definitely learn some timings and space to animate their sketch. If not, their animation is gonna be looking dysfunctional and hard to comprehend what's happening.

>> No.6574790
File: 714 KB, 560x436, 15 a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with WIP

>> No.6575072

He was probably lazy as fuck about it

>> No.6576547


fuckin sweet

>> No.6576833
File: 2.09 MB, 854x480, masterpiece.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine animating bouncing boobs so well that people think they were drawn over 3D jiggle physics, how did they do it?

>> No.6577182

It's mostly the shading I think

>> No.6577227

And the quality suffers in proportion to the time saved. Which is fine if you're ok with making garbage animation.

>> No.6577239

This looks like an enourmous amount of time to waste for a big studio like that

>> No.6577240

>muh rick & morty

>> No.6577264

jelly videos

>> No.6577779
File: 412 KB, 1920x1080, RUN BOY RUN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make my animation feel less stiff?

I don't know if I make all the frames the same time (all on 2's), or its because my character tends to stay in one spot, or because theres not alot of movement in the torso.

How can I get more fluid, and less stiff animation? I could just add more frames, this is just 8 on 2's, but even if I did 16 on 1's, I'd still have this same stiff feeling, just more smooth.

The character running in this clip
he doesn't seem stiff, now they do use more frames, but I know if I tried animating this, mine would be a lot stiffer.

Any tips anons?

>> No.6578029

More probably a very consistent volume.
Random changes in volume over single frame is the most prominent sign of the hand drawn animation. And when a true master make volume consistent many viewers think it was due to 3D help.

>> No.6578050

I used this one to learn how to animate a run cycle

>> No.6578059

it's awkward because his torso stays so straight and upright but limbs extend so far out
make the step shorter, or have him lean way forward (or both)

>> No.6578178

it's the hero we don't deserve. AI is really good.
recently I've been observing huge decline in good animation this includes new anime and even western media/anime almost lack animation these days. AI will be a good tool to assist animators for sure.

>> No.6579516
File: 41 KB, 560x348, Ultra Maiden-test6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally, bias wise, I like the old one but I really worked on embracing the new version fully

>> No.6580267
File: 91 KB, 560x504, headturn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fucking go

>> No.6580333


>> No.6580480

Do you guys study from videos of people or copy others animations? im just curious how you guys study this?

>> No.6580561
File: 641 KB, 900x250, 1038018_video.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are more knowledgeable than other places and can give actual answers.
What is the type of animations these kind of porn ads use called ? is it difficult to learn ? and what program used to make them ?

>> No.6580587
File: 2.72 MB, 386x232, tinklebell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what the general name is, but it uses 2D polygon meshes to deform a layered illustration drawn in another software.
used to be only done in after effects but now there's live2d, spine, dragonbones, moho.

>> No.6580613
File: 3.80 MB, 674x264, 1z1z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first answer i get is a simple answer that points me in the direction of the exact thing i want, instead of useless shit or, "idk" and in under 1 hour
thanks a lot anon

>> No.6580772
File: 989 KB, 1280x720, buttstrut1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6580864
File: 323 KB, 1920x1080, Rugby run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little rugby dude, I'm a hooker for my college team.
Is there enough sway in his torso do you all think?

>> No.6580866
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, rugby run rough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rough version
also, is it too fast? Like is it clear enough? Tips on that?

>> No.6582120

go over good shots/cuts frame-by-frame. sakugabooru has become a good resource for this.
also there's blogs out there with collections of key frames (off the top of my head andreas deja has alot of milt kahl sequences), and a lot of books and doujinshi that collect key frames (search sadpanda for the tag "genga").

>> No.6582196

That op's just another random anon out there. I remember one on /v/ talking about inheriting millions of dollars from his family and having no idea what to do with the cash, and another from Pakistan(?) that was once subject to violent house raids by some partisan splinter in his neighbourhood. Some people in your government right now have used 4chan before, guaranteed