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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.52 MB, 2080x2971, sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6517416 No.6517416 [Reply] [Original]

no but seriously how do you fucking draw
you guys never have any advice for someone can only produce pic related

>> No.6517426

what do you want to draw like

>> No.6517427

You're just a lazy bum who never tries. The sticky links to Loomis, so do Loomis. I don't see any figure drawings from you. Neither have you posted any Bridgman studies. Lazy fuck. Go draw.

>> No.6517431

Pay me and I will tell you.

>> No.6517437

You are dodging the question.

>> No.6517465

This is decent practice, you need to draw a lot of random shit from life and, if you want to, from photos too. We want to understand, optimize and overthink, but at the end of the day it's all mileage. You are panicking because you are realizing how much work it is and how painfully progress can be. Now all you have to do is to persist and resist the frustration and doubts.

>> No.6517473

You watch porn right? Porn is the drug that keeps an artist going, not cocaine, not aderalls, not weed.

>> No.6517480
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>how do you fucking draw
You're doing it, this is good practice. The cup on the first page looks great, aim for that level on all the others. If you're having trouble moving past this step my advice would be to focus on your accuracy and quality. The angles of the edges, the wobbly lines, the actual way the cup handle looks, they're all examples of weak technical skill holding you back. >>6517426 is a good question that would help people here guide your practice, but since we don't know, I can only assume these drawings are what you want to improve.

So -- slow down, check your angles before you draw lines, and draw those lines light and as straight as you can. You should know where the line ends before you draw it. If you're having trouble with angles then take the picture into an image editor and trace over them, tracing is a great tool to check for errors. Do whatever it takes to get a high quality image on the page, consistently. If you mess up just draw the same object again.

>> No.6517494

if it really is mostly practice then i can grind, i was just worried that continuing practicing this sort of construction wouldn't lead to improvements

>> No.6517503

>how do you fucking draw
With your hand
You're still in early stages, so the best thing you can do is draw...a lot
There's no substitute for mileage, you have to put in the time to feel the form.
No shortcuts. no magic advice.
I will say drawing from a reference is very important, you keen something to compare to to see your mistakes.
If you grab your crayola markers and draw like chris chan every day, you're just going to get slightly better drawing like chris chan. You have to have a standard, a right way your supposed to be drawing something. You cant set your own standard, because your standard is currently shit like all beg artists.

So the short of it, just fucking draw

>> No.6517509

>how do you draw
that's not a question, baka.

>> No.6517508

As long as you're doing deliberate practice - that is you have a standard up to which you're measuring yourself - you will improve as long as you keep practicing. I found it helps drawing from life for this reason: you can see and compare, find what you did wrong, and re-try if you have the energy.
The fact that your brain is telling you that you're not doing great right now is a good sign. This constant evaluation of relative successes and failures is what will eventually engrave successful methods and approaches in your long-term memory.

>> No.6517514

Continuing this sort of construction without CARE won't lead to (much) improvement, but it will give you mileage. If you constantly let your errors go without retrying or self-correcting then you won't learn anything. Imagine if a math student thought 2 plus 2 equaled 5 and told the teacher "I don't want to learn the right answer." Pushing through hard objects and holding yourself accountable to mistakes is where the learning and improvement happen.

based, mistakes and corrections are where it's at

>> No.6517525

>You cant set your own standard, because your standard is currently shit like all beg artists.
>So the short of it, just fucking draw
these two statements seem to be in tension

>> No.6517548

it doesn't sound like you're genuinely interested in learning to draw. You posted this thread just to start shit, and gullible helpful anons are falling for it. Pisses me off, but whatever, nothing I can do about it.

>> No.6517640
File: 218 KB, 996x748, athispointishoudjsutkms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see myself in op's pic and i dont like it.

you chicken scratch a lot. measure 10 time and draw once. ghosting lines from drawabox taught me that. also connect dots. that also helps.
learn to hold pen properly and draw with whole arm. wrist, elbow and sholder. mostly elbow and wrist. hand should not rest on paper but can touch it for more resistance and control. drawabox and some others taught me that.
no perspective. cant draw stuff in 3d if dont know perspective. norling and scott robertson taught me that read them i guess. norling is easy. robertson is technical and hard.

idk if this helps. good luck.

>> No.6517679

Maybe a little, but that's why I posted a more nuanced take instead of just the meme advice.
But yeah what you draw does matter, but as long as you're using reference and not pulling from your ass you're training your base drawing skill.Your ass doesn't know how to draw, don't listen to it.
Honeestly I think a lot of eternal beg tier artists who never leave that stage are crippling themselves. They are dunning kruger suffers, they don't think there's anything wrong with the way they draw, so they never improve. Chirs Chan basically believes his comics are high art and he's a goddess of another dimension. The first step to actually improving is admitting your work has flaws to begin with, and it's not "just your style".

>> No.6517705

>how do you fucking draw
try attaching a pen to your dick

>> No.6517874
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>> No.6517931


>> No.6518236

Are you one of those oldfags that never made it in the golden era of /ic/? 10 years gone just like that LMaO kEk.

>> No.6518491
File: 1.24 MB, 2560x1440, 208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, are you the anon from beg who decided to try out evistons book: art and science of drawing? if yes then forgive me, despite me being know for mass replier i didnt manage to (you) your post due to fatigue.

Anyway if you are fresh beg then all your lines will be wobbly by default simply because you dont have enough kilometers in your hand. You probably want to redo the basic exercises like in my pic related.

Anyway the book said first to envision the line, then "draw it" holding the pencil few millimeters above the surface of paper and then while doing the motion to gently lower the pencil and make very thin barely visible line. And after you are happy with the shape you then take your sharp B pencil and make thick bold line finalizing the contours.

From what i can see you arent doing this. Redo the previous chapters. Other than this there isnt any magical advice, you just need to keep drawing and pywing in /beg until anons start popping up and telling you that you are on right track or that you have improved.

Let me cite the very book you are at now
>have realistical expectations about the learning curve
Personally i found drawing basic bitch items like books or cups incredibly hard and frustrating, try something more fun like fruit or tanks (which you are recommended to draw in next chapter anyway).

good luck and patience anon, you gonna need it.

>> No.6518497
File: 134 KB, 870x272, opisafaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6518556

The tasteful schizo nature of handwritten chunks of self-directed prompts and reminders

>> No.6518774

>it doesn't sound like you're genuinely interested in learning to draw
how the fuck do you get that out of me saying there's an apparent contradiction in what someone said, which the person who said it agreed with me on
>Anyway the book said first to envision the line, then "draw it" holding the pencil few millimeters above the surface of paper and then while doing the motion to gently lower the pencil and make very thin barely visible line. And after you are happy with the shape you then take your sharp B pencil and make thick bold line finalizing the contours.
eviston also says to go over the line multiple times though, which is what i've been doing

>> No.6518873
File: 931 KB, 2560x1440, 215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go over the line multiple times
sure, but in barely visible thin light lines so that you dont compromise the final art output. And after the proportions, symmetry and shape meets desired outcome you are supposed to make solid confident dark line to finalize the contour. Are you using correct pencil? You should have at least two: one hard (H) and one very soft (B with high number). Experiment which one you like better for sketching. For final outline you want to use the B because it can produce dark tone easily.

In your pic i can see the sea of lines and none of them is final. this is easily making your output way worse for no reason.

And feel free to pick more interesting things to draw and practice on. Shoes, tanks, cars, houses, castles, guns... its as the book said, almost all man made objects are basically just spheres and cubes.

kek. making hand made notes is one of the most efficient ways how to learn things, thats why.

>> No.6518883
File: 25 KB, 500x407, d6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just draw the owl bro

>> No.6520696

Just draw bro, and I don't mean to prepare yourself mentally before drawing as if you are about to create your finest work, just lay on your bed, pick up a pen and draw some anime while watching Gordon Ramsay

>> No.6521508

Perspective made eazy then how to draw - Scott robertson (This is a more difficult book than the first, so I would recommend reading perspective made eazy)
Hampton's Design and detail should be a good introduction to anatomy idk.

Also, place down your vanishing points and horizon line instead of guesstimating their location each time, this will help a lot with accuracy. The milk bottle and the cup look pretty good considering the rest of the drawings.

>> No.6521514

take one of peter han's courses and read how to draw

>> No.6522212

peter han is explicitly not for beginning artists

>> No.6522577

use a kneaded eraser and then draw on top of it.

>> No.6522653

>How do I draw?
>Shows drawings
I don't think "How do I draw?" is the question you want answered, what about "how do I get better". I mean come on you already understand the concept of streaking graphite and ink on a sheet of paper to make lines and shapes so the least you can do is draw the lines more confidently, the shapes a little more... Solid? I know irregular shapes exist but damn that pen is fucking soft and writhing like a worm. Literally just practice for fucks sake, you're doing fine just drawing anyways. Put a goal in your mind, you're starting a journey without knowing where you're headed

>> No.6524713

Based Eviston anon. OP, do this, either the book or the video series.

>> No.6525041

>draw basic 3D shapes
>draw more complicated 3D shapes
>understand that every object, human or animal can be simplified into a bunch of cubes and spheres stuck together

>> No.6525055

I'll also add that "drawing 500 cubes" is a shit practice. You need to draw them once or at least until you understand how cube looks from every angle. When you are confident with it draw a full picture of something you want. You need to draw a complete piece of art and you need to finish it. You are learning while correcting your own drawing until you satisfied with how it looks, this is how you get good. Not by drawing 1000000 ovals.

>> No.6525151

yeah thats how things look when you start
you need to keep copying drawings, when you are done you compare your drawing with what you were copying and notice the things you did wrong and try to do them better on the next drawing
why arent the lines on the pen straight?
why are the sides of the glass drawn with different angles?
check out some begginer drawing books and video courses and try to follow along what they teach (they all teach the same concepts with different words dont download a hundred of them 2-4 are enough)
then go for books that make you think "id like to draw like that!"
all this while you keep drawing, learning material is a waste of time if you arent trying to apply it
and draw every day, if you dont make it an habit youll drop it and in 2 years youll think sigh i could draw so much better now if i hadnt stopped after a week/month or if i had spent an hour a day instead of only 10 minutes

>> No.6525568

>when you are done you compare your drawing with what you were copying and notice the things you did wrong and try to do them better on the next drawing
do you think this is some big fucking revelation? do you think i don't know that my drawings are bad?

>> No.6526500

You need to examine why your drawings are bad brainlet

>> No.6526596
File: 237 KB, 600x417, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know anon. Some people can just draw a line and its smoother my line. I don't get it. Its like my strokes are crunchier and more jagged than theirs. Like I strum a guitar and it makes a farting noise instead of a guitar noise. I learn anatomy, I learn construction, I copy pictures, but everything i draw looks like its drawn by an alien that was described the object but never seen it in person.

>> No.6526610

You've been here for how many fucking years and you never read the sticky even once? Me neither but I sure as hell can just draw at will.

>> No.6526688

You have decent sense of form but lack of practicing lineart.
To help with it, buy a better pencil. Staedtler 134 2B is a good pencil for budget drawing. Or just get a cheap mechanical pencil.
Then just keep drawing a lot, either from real life or from guides by pros.

>> No.6526739

I tried giving you tips in /beg/ and you just ignored it and kept crying in self pity. Don't help this nigger guys

>> No.6526918

With well structured study you can get from this to intermediate within 6 months if you really want.