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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 137 KB, 828x621, EF6A8C3E-ED60-4BEF-A2D6-351DA6D354EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6514876 No.6514876 [Reply] [Original]

Based coomer artist

>> No.6514880

yes, finally some artists with some talent can be seen as all the disposable anime coom artists become worthless

>> No.6514892
File: 91 KB, 600x697, 1548893606819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big talk from someone who draws the same content, let me guess he draws bust shots of a 3/4 view face and a tiddy monster with a horseshoe shaped pelvis alaSakimichan.

>> No.6514894

which stage of grief is this?

>> No.6514895

Denial, with a little bit of bargaining.

>> No.6514898
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1080, Self-Awareness+Meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6514903

Im going to be a contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, and say that this fag isnt necesarily wrong.
There's plenty of artists with nice artists that AI simply doesnt replicate. AI art is basically one artsyle because no one else bothers to train models with different shit.
Even coomer art can have some form of appeal, if the artist is good enough.
I dont think Ive seen AI shit in the style of say, Akitokage or Goban.

>> No.6514917
File: 27 KB, 288x326, The+lord+gaveth+you+a+third+party+root+beer+this+_487731bc2038e55fc635275c3a729f2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refuses to use AI tag
>refuses to visit AI art sites

>hurr AI is better

>> No.6514958

Kys, tourists.

>> No.6514959

Bump :)

>> No.6514968

Brush monkeys will:)

>> No.6514995
File: 273 KB, 512x512, blob https __waifus.nemusona.com_b1f08e2d-9eea-4bd5-89cd-9f249e36ab08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avatar is a 90s-inspired dinner plate eyes monster
Don't care
Still fapping to her

>> No.6515018

And yet it's already objectively better than 90% of artists. This tech is in its infancy.

>> No.6515034

If AIfags tags their shit as AI generated or whatever, I kinda dont care.
But they dont. And they love to flood up sites. Why? Well because if they tag their shit as AI nobody would click and view them as most people have low opinion on AI anyway. Turns out pajeets only cared about the clout. Even the ones on /sdg/ are just enjoying their own shit, the ones that begs outsider's approval for their goyslop generation is just pathetic

>> No.6515035

Blame people for using the Novel AI leak over and over again.

>> No.6515039

Because it photobash of images that grew on trees

>> No.6515044

Yeah yeah, so is mcdonalds.

>> No.6515064

I guess drawslave is an old meme now, plebbitor?

>> No.6515069

AI art is real art, chud!
You will call me a genius!
You will buy my proonts!
You will validate me and you will be happy!

>> No.6515104

You could remove the word, "AI" from it and it would be truer.

>> No.6515105

his art looks like bootleg optionaltypo

>> No.6515111

What the fuck is going on with her eye, ear, and fingers? What's that thing on her wrist supposed to be? Why are her thighs as short as drumsticks?

>> No.6515145

>go on his Twitter
>Long torso syndrome everyfuckingwhere

>> No.6515146

Post his shit here, I don't want to give him any more views.

>> No.6515147

Nah, guy just like it that way

>> No.6515159
File: 687 KB, 850x601, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, true
he seems to be working hard, good for him
but if "sameface western hentai artists doesn't describe him to a tee,' lol

>> No.6515212

I wish people who pay for porn and people who make porn were all exterminated as brutally as possible.

>> No.6515219

Ai art will wipe them out by making it so cheap to produce, it will be just pajeet vs. pajeet fighting for crumbs safely behind an ai wall you can block off.
And white people will be forced to draw actual art to survive.

>> No.6515225

Were you lost on your way to tumblr?

>> No.6515246

I thought it was optional type, lmao

>> No.6515253

when the christcuck rightoids and the woke leftoids sound the same

>> No.6515257

The gall of this dude to talk shit when he's a clone himself, of optionaltypo

>> No.6515262

>all the permabegs seething in this thread
you love to see it

>> No.6515286

We're so close and yet still so far from the ultimate answer.
Most people are meaningless and should be treated as little more than meat robots, their only contribution to society is consumption. So them consuming AI made art, AI made music, AI made clothes, AI made food. All so that luxury craft can be tailored to a higher taste without care for appealing to the demihuman consumer is the ultimate justice.

The harshest form of societal stratification is happening soon.

>> No.6515289

>This tech is in its infancy
Its 30 years old.
For software that's ancient, and it hasn't improved at all at anything but hardware requirements.

>> No.6515290


>> No.6515296

Posthumanism is fucking garbage.

>> No.6515301

>all non-jews should decompose inside coonsoomption pods

>> No.6515320

Well it's not even a conspiracy anymore, the rich cunts club literally declared you will rent a pod and eat robot-made bug burgers so that they can own land and eat beef.
AI art is just the entertainment branch of their human zoo project.

>> No.6515353

>art literally made by a machine is boring and identical
i agree but it's kind of stating the obvious

>> No.6515367
File: 94 KB, 730x1095, makima__chainsaw_man____wet_black_bikini_by_amiralai_dfgvuhx-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense but artists are holding back technological progress the same way religion used to hold back science. Why does it matter that those AI generators were trained on datasets filled with "copyrighted images"? How is this any different from human artists learning how to draw by referencing other "copyrighted" works? Why is it bad when a machine does it? Also, a human still has to give it input.

>> No.6515369

By its infancy it is not meant that researchers or programmers found new ways to code new functions. It means that the AI itself is not even trained enough. Good thing however is that there are 0 people who get hired as professional prompters, or will be next year. People will still slog the transition of this tech and prefer real artists, and by the time people start preferring AI, the AI will be too user friendly to not require prompter skill at all. It already is in this way with some newer training sets for SD and Mindjourney as a whole requiring 0 prompting skills and giving better looking images with just smaller shorter and more vague descriptions rather then writing paragraph of buzzword prompts.

>> No.6515372

when is the diminishing returns gonna start to hit?

>> No.6515375

I must ask you, what technological progress are artists holding? You mean image generation that 90% of the population hates on just the principle? Artists holding back training data has 0 effect on the development of improved versions of ChatGPT, or the improved physics simulation algorithms that help professionals access information better and help them with scientific research. If anything holding back on image and video generating AIs is objectively good because it postpones the future where misinformation becomes insanely easy to spread because everyone will have video evidence of anything, thus nothing but trusted news site stories can be believed. Why were deepfakes invented in the first place? I mean really, there is 0 moral justification for making that tech and 0 practical use for that tech outside of making the world complete shithole, and that tech has been in development for decades. Is holding you back from having infinite dopamine bot give you random pictures you asked for, something non-autists get bored of in a single day holding back technological progress?

>> No.6515377

It's a copypaste troll.

>> No.6515380

whats the point even if you could use as little words as possible its only gonna suggest what is popular meaning its just gonna output pretty much the same slop the masses want to see. Even if you had the most autistic proompter theres a limit to language.

>> No.6515395

You troglodites do not realize that bot making art with boobs is also capable of making art without boobs, right? In fact it is better at making art without boobs then with boobs, since there are no boobs distracting the bot in the process, and because huge servers can run the high parameter AIs, huge servers that do not like boobie.

>> No.6515400

Thats the thing, it will produce what the AI wants, not what the human wants. Artists when being tasked with making something still made something they wanted and basically just took few suggestions from the person commissioning it. AI is the same, and if just pure cuckoldry from its users having little control over it. The more advanced it gets, the better it gets at making pictures with less prompts, not that it starts following existing prompts more closely. Promptmonkeys are already automated, their automation was faster then the one of the artists they were trying to replace.

>> No.6515401


>> No.6515404
File: 432 KB, 600x600, main-qimg-f1ae8be3a8fbcd4348b61548df6267d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder:
Copyright cannot be given to anything made by AI.
Congress entertains only the ones made by human hands. If AI pictures cannot be copyrighted, then no one would ever take them seriously.

Anything you "made" can be uploaded by someone else and you cannot do a single shit

>> No.6515405

We all know ChatGPT and GPT3, we know it can write like a human and respond like a human. It is just cuckoldry to let robot do the creative work for you instead of you doing it, or some other person doing it. Its like having AI CEO.

>> No.6515411
File: 126 KB, 255x271, 1356564656565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all ai coom is boring because it's always the same
I'm really fucking tired

>> No.6515416

>Implying anybody here is defending "artists" who basically trace the same girl facing forward

>> No.6515424

I would be too if I was a semantic plebbit faggot like you.

>> No.6515425

>implying that has never happened
>implying coomers and pornfags never lose their shit when you start calling them out for the hypocrites they are

>> No.6515430
File: 578 KB, 1920x1080, 1671287636683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comp-scientist here. I've seen many normies like you. People who are unable to imagine tech getting better in the future. You look at the very first iteration of a technology and laugh at it, unable to realize it'll get exponentially better. It's like you have such a narrow view you can't even remember that AI art looked like pic-related just a few years ago.

>> No.6515433

>Starts out sentence like a redd*tor
You need to go back

>> No.6515443
File: 110 KB, 688x823, 1670907419423288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you fellow bots

>> No.6515462

based puritan ai chad

>> No.6515467

Holy shit that's a lot of coping
>pretending he makes the best art for best people
Someone put that guy out of his misery

>> No.6515473

keep eating slop bugmen

>> No.6515477

where have i seen this same shit everywhere in multiple social media

>> No.6515584
File: 542 KB, 1182x1528, OMG WOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6515588
File: 342 KB, 586x634, KE7agPi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hand drawn comic

>> No.6515603
File: 1022 KB, 1061x703, 1643019252381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but
>implying that has never happened
Nobody has said that
>implying coomers and pornfags never lose their shit when-
Nobody has said otherwise
You're making shit up at this point for the sake of proving wrong an argument nobody has stated, not even going to give you the (You), retard.

>> No.6515612
File: 1.91 MB, 1547x1772, NO HANDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6515616

Cherrypick harder

>> No.6515621

Motherfucker, there are more csr and sakimi clones than any human being can possibly count

>> No.6515730
File: 37 KB, 924x499, 1667770253149961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your pessimism and misanthropy is vindicated again and again with every passing year

>> No.6515742

unironically based.

great to see AI shitters aren't respected even on fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.6515759
File: 1.04 MB, 1168x1024, 1658542383927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait until he discovers LORAs that you can use to customize the style of the output, it is shocking how much this shit has improved in such a short time

it has gotten to the point where you no more get wonky blobs out of it and can create entire scenes and various poses in convincing perspective

to people in denial. THE ONLY FUCKING THING THAT NEEDS IMPROVING IS IMAGE AND IMAGE TAGS FOR THE TRAINING DATASET, there's nothing stopping this from getting better, it learns thorugh example so if you feed in the right data, out comes great results, it's just the harsh reality, coomer artists are absolutely done

I'm bitter about it but I'm not going to pretend that has any impact on reality

>> No.6515762

Lmao what happening in this thread? Literally most posts from same IP. Some ai faggot got too mad or something?

>> No.6515764

learning how to produce artwork through traditional means is a long journey that people take pride in, I understand perfectly welll how horrific it is that the thing you pride yourself at being good at is beind made worthless

I'm tired of all the coping around this subject, why can't people focus on the actual reality of the matter and be open about it

>> No.6515769

making art with ai is really boring. it doesn't really innovate or improve 2d art in any way artistically.

>> No.6515770

Just ai shitters that are sperging out, because they got called out like the bugman they are and from a coomer artist too.

>> No.6515776

> made by AI

lmao, it could suck my dick for all I care.

>> No.6515779
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x1152, 1670365003955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also a lot of people haven't realized that once you get a pleasing result at 512x512 resolution, you should regenerate the image at a higher resolution and suddenly it becomes a lot more refined and detailed

the same face shit comes down to bad prompting, you can write a thousand word long prompt and negative prompt and specify which parts to amplify and if you get a semi okay result you send it to img2img and regenerate it with slightly altered parameters unitl it starts working, even after that you can use inpainting to replace parts you don't like

>> No.6515781

it's not a technical issue.

its the process, nobody gives a shit about AI generated art, this is settled.

>> No.6515785

The many 300+ posts on ai threads makes ai generated art look good

>> No.6515788

To who

>> No.6515791

the issue is that noe one gives a fuck about your twitter fotm drawings when everyone can do it with the press of a button

looking at this clip, encapsulates what's going to happen when it comes to coomer shirt

>> No.6515795

some people have severe autism. maybe this shit appeals to them.

> download model
> run google collab
> generate 1000s images on googles GPUs for free
> all look the same and have the same face and same style and same poses in the hundreds
> no desire to post this shit anywhere
> go back to watching artists on youtube

This AI shit is not novel or interesting, been there done that.

>> No.6515799

Ai shit only appeals to braindead coomers. Even coomer artist are saying the same thing, but in a way to not piss off their audience.

>> No.6515800

> the issue is that noe one gives a fuck about your twitter fotm drawings when everyone can do it with the press of a button
And as we could see, this only applies to AI generated images.

why the fuck would I spend my precious time looking at AI images when they all look the same and can be shat out in the thousands?

>> No.6515804

ai troons on suicide watch

>> No.6515806

Skill issue https://petapixel.com/2023/02/10/ai-image-fools-judges-and-wins-photography-contest/

>> No.6515807

So it needs more help from "draw fags" and "paint pigs" to get better?

>> No.6515808

>Look mom i gotta post the latest AI news
Do something useful with yourself and turn yourself into worm food

>> No.6515810

You can eat me daddy

>> No.6515817

We could feed an AI all your text messages and emails from the past 30+ years, all your web browsing history, your purchasing history, your phone calls, geolocational data, etc. and the AI would know you better than you know yourself. Minus the meat and bones (still working on that), it could behave in such a way that no one would be the wiser. The future is looking bright!

>> No.6515818

there's no demand for coomer artists when the task is done by the computer

also these AI images DO NOT HAVE TO LOOK THE SAME, most do because people use generic models without any LORAs on top and don't put shit in the prompts that spice things up, like yes if you ask it to shit out "anime girl" then it will be generic, you need to be descrptive and use abstract words like "dynamic posing, interesting camera angle, foreshortening, ambient lighting, atmospheric, mysterious" and so on, just shit out a thousand descriptive words for what you want and don't want and low and behold it works

there's so much of artwork and subject matter that just needs to be gone through and tagged properly, ideally you would automate this process but then you risk feedin the training low quality samples and as the saying goes, "bad data in, bad data out", but generating some generic airbrushed uncanney image first and then regenerating it with some custom artstyle lore applied works wonders

>> No.6515822
File: 115 KB, 824x965, Les-Oreades-by-William-Adolphe-Bouguereau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can AI do this?

>> No.6515823

Why people keep pushing for AI shit and no im not talking about just art. When it doesnt take much to figure out the implications on pretty much every aspect of society is negative outside maybe medical and true scientific research like astronomy and biochemistry. Economic implications aside

>> No.6515827

Yes, use img2img and lower the denoising paramater to match the original image closely

>> No.6515834

I'm not asking if it can clone that image. We can already copy+paste. I mean can AI arrange dozens of figures, all drawn with the skill, precision and aesthetic sense of an experienced artist, posed intricately as if dancing with one another while flying, with none of the figures melting or deformed?
Two more weeks, perhaps?

>> No.6515840

Yeah, in two more weeks. Tic-toc you better get better

>> No.6515843

Based Bouguereau mogs supercomputer AI trained on 6 billion images.

>> No.6515847

He should, he is not a piece of copper

>> No.6515849

> there's no demand for coomer artists when the task is done by the computer

I would argue the opposite, that there is zero demand for AI generated art when anyone can make it by loading an artists portfolio as input.

infinite supply = zero value.

meanwhile the artists are absolutely needed, otherwise you have NOTHING to train the models on.

its basically like scanning real money and printing infinite counterfeit money thinking that it makes you a billionaire.

>> No.6515853

Finally third world artists will die while the good artists thrive. Good riddance to twitter artists

>> No.6515857
File: 226 KB, 702x982, Portrait_of_William-Adolphe_Bouguereau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“One shouldn’t believe in all those so-called innovations... Nowadays, they want to succeed too fast, this is how they go about inventing new aesthetics, pointillism, pipisme! All this is just to make noise.” — William-Adolphe Bouguereau

>> No.6515858

I'm talking about coomer art where it's about getting visually pleasing shit to fap to
>meanwhile the artists are absolutely needed, otherwise you have NOTHING to train the models on.
the images to train these models already exist, they just have to be collected and annotated carefully, also mixing in tons of images of photographs helps the AI get a general sense of how objects look and how they fit in three dimensional space, the the actual artwork allows getting style into it

>> No.6515859
File: 237 KB, 428x850, 1564391585646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've been getting hornier with AI art, I'm starting to see the appeal.

>> No.6515862

>anime shit
Had to be a weeb, brainwashed retards, go consoom whatever they feed you while tradchads continue to change the world for the better for those into tradition

>> No.6515868

there is virtually infinite porn on the internet.

image generation is an unneeded solution to an inexistent problem.

>> No.6515877

And there is also infinite porn demand.
AI offers cheap, almost free, quick porn and imagination is the only without having to learn to draw a line.
How much longer are nsfw artists going to cope and screech incoherently? They should just start admitting that they're shitting their pants and having an existential crisis at the prospect that they'll become irrelevant and can't generate any more clout anymore, but will be left to cannibalize each other even more so than they already do.

Since there is infinite porn and it was never a problem, why is it a problem now with AI? It should not be, yet here we are.

>> No.6515885
File: 86 KB, 750x450, Islams-Golden-age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>technological progress the same way religion used to hold back science.

Religious institutions were the largest funders and backers of scientists in ancient and medieval times. Science was seen as a way to appreciate God(s) creations. The bulk of surviving text before the printing press was recorded and preserved by religious institutions. Also isn't it funny despite living on the most secular era in human history there is a slowdown in major scientific discoveries and there's even a replication crises.

>> No.6515886

The Vatican and the Caliphate funded pretty much every single scientific advancement between the 600s and 1700s when bankikkes took over the reins of society.

And just like then a cradle of shady cunts who think you're subhuman and need to stop "holding back humanity" by obeying their every command and following their every lead, are the ones pushing AI goyslop.

>> No.6515893

to put it simply, posting AI art online and wanting to get praise for it is like trying to buy groceries with counterfeit money you printed at home with office letter paper, don't be surprised if people get mad, it's like scamming them for undeserving attention.

Handcrafted art (and other goods) has value by itself, that comes from stuff like the artists skill and brand, the subject novelty, the message behind it and what it's trying to communicate, the characters and world portrayed. and its rarity, as much as printed money may have the look of real money, it will not have the same value no matter how much of it you print it, more of it doesn't gives it more value.

that's AI art, counterfeit and devoid of value, you can print a shit ton of it, all of it is still worthless.

>> No.6515895

Very well put
I remember Glenn Vilppu said that there is no point to ai "art" because art is about the intention of the artist and without artist there is no intention

>> No.6515897
File: 154 KB, 1296x937, Linkin Park.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only good comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NK_JOkuSVY

>> No.6515900
File: 67 KB, 404x316, 5c577e147269113.Y3JvcCw4NTgsNjcxLDAsMzAx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photomergers were better when they were making the same few "dreamscape" bashes from a limited set of licensed photos all the way back in 98.
The more this "tech" develops the worse it gets. It really is useless, even just to shit out reference you're better off just using google images because the first results passed through a noisy "masterpiece" filter is what you're gonna get anyway.

>> No.6515901

>anime shit
do you know where you are

>> No.6515903

>Youre not suppose to look at that, look at her ass. Stop being mean to ai
They dont care about quality all aitards are braindead coomers

>> No.6515906
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x1103, wow they dont even know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you'd have a point if art isn't just considered porn and the pretty pictures.
Who do you think gives an actual shit about art? Regular people who work 24/7 to pay their bills, artists who use art to make money, your regular old mentally ill living failure shitting paint on a canvas and believing it has any actual deeper meaning or porn addicts?

Comments on social media are fucking meaningless. They all just want likes and attention and will parrot whatever opinion makes them seem virtuos.

Pretty pictures aren't the same as money, what kind of retarded, desperate, low iq comparison is that?
Normies see the pretty pictures and they like.
Companies see normies liking the pretty pictures and they try to use it to make money.
Normies consume because they have no fucking morals and just need to consume.

Every piece of visual imagery done in the last 100 years is fucking worthless

>> No.6515907

>muh point
The point of art is to entertain

>> No.6515912

I hope you lose your job

>> No.6515914

AI art are the true artists, they don't even care about copyrights or making money from it, they just want their vision to be made real no matter what. No rules, just tools

>> No.6515915

>you no more get wonky blobs
Even with the most anally curated datasets you still get disconnected hair patches and random six finger hands. And it absolutely can't draw characters interacting.

>> No.6515917

ok? lmao who cares

>> No.6515919

Nice argument, now fuck off back to your porn discord full of underage children, tranny.
That's gonna piss off a lot of "real artists".

>> No.6515923

If you're a woman and/or obsessed with vanity, sure
For artists art is more than just a picture, it's something that goes well beyond just an image they want to see. You'd understand if you drew (which you very clearly don't)

>> No.6515922

>6 billion images, 30 years of development, infinite pajeets thrown at the code for minimal improvement and often actual regression
>vs huffing paint
Yeah, transhumanism isn't happening within this century.

>> No.6515925

what artists can do that ai can't? Like stuff that's visible on image that normies can see?

>> No.6515926

Damn, this big mac bussing im such a good cook. Kys you braindead consoomer

>> No.6515929


>> No.6515930

For the artist that made it? yeah, for anyone else? it doesn't matter.

Art is entertainment, it always was, the fact that it took years and a piece of your soul to make it's just irrelevant for others in the end. It is what it is.

>> No.6515931

Yes, the point of AI art is to keep absolute imbecile coonsoomers like you entertained so that real artists can communicate with real humans. It's already been stated previously.

At least you recognize what side of the strata you will belong to.

>> No.6515933

Nono, it matters to everyone else as well otherwise the concept of an artist being inspired by another artist wouldn't exist
Once again, you'd know this if you drew (which you don't)

>> No.6515936

Every new western fantasy IP, and a lot of eastern ones too, since 2002 have been influenced by Joe Madureira.
He didn't even finish the comic that started it all.

Artists create.

>> No.6515939

You pretentious fucks spew this garbage about meaning and communication, but you either do pet portraits and studies, cape shit, porn or don't fucking draw at all.

You wouldn't know meaning if it raped your gaping mouths with its dick.

>> No.6515940

You're not even human lol.

>> No.6515941
File: 397 KB, 680x909, D050B983-66FB-491A-888A-735CBD74BE27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your turn to post your work, shitter.

>> No.6515942

mindbroken lol
artists win

>> No.6515943

You're a consumer. You don't think, you don't feel, you just distract yourself.

You can't understand the psychosocial connection between artists and their public because you're not a real human.

>> No.6515944
File: 199 KB, 1149x1032, i like ai art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6515951

lol at the aitards getting pissed at realizing ai entertainment is literally designed to keep them stupefied to extract a couple more years of consumption out of them before they inevitably kill themselves anyway.

Humans don't want any of this shit. It's for you who has no social connections, no goals, no dreams, no internal monologue or aspirations beyond fapping at shit you're not even processing.

>> No.6515954


>> No.6515961
File: 987 KB, 1400x1400, 21afd3d8fec775fa4d01066df9a22294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all you can do, all you can post
"pyw! pyw!!" with warm tears streaming down your face in hopes that someone will actually follow through and you can badmouth their work even if it's really good
kill yourself, my guy! nobody would miss you anyway

>> No.6515962
File: 56 KB, 366x310, be gone mud person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those unthinking cattle consumers are the ones who decide whether "real artists" get to eat and get likes on social media.

Is this what you do, fucking spam the same shit infinitely in hopes to provoke a (you) just for the sake of getting a (you)? What a fucking waste of oxygen.
That ain't gonna work like you think you do, cunt.

>> No.6515964

Will you post yours if I post mine first? And if you don't post yours after I post mine will you take the L?

>> No.6515965


>> No.6515969

>irrelevant for others
it's irrelevant to consoomer retards like yourself who think that mutant hands are just enough. Their efforts of getting everything done right were already wasted on you. you are not their target audience

>> No.6515971
File: 703 KB, 828x1410, EA88D421-8A36-440D-A2B2-5C62D4D9EC97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6515973
File: 90 KB, 682x384, 215615208949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6515974

> how to make money with AI art

> Make videos on youtube scamming idiots on how to make money with AI art

that's how you make money with AI art.

>> No.6515977

They aren't generating art, they are making youtube videos

>> No.6515984
File: 582 KB, 550x521, 1580180239861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low res image, disproportionate hand, no results on saucenao
You didn't make this, did you? I'd call you many names but the fact that you stoop this low to try and prove a point to a stranger on the internet is already torture enough
I don't feel anger or hatred towards you, I feel pity and I hope you can grow from this low point in your life

>> No.6515987

You're a subhuman who thinks that things being "good enough" is better than aiming for perfection. You soiface yourself over the now same obviously software generated garbage trying to hype it on /ic/ about how "wowza it's accelerating at such a great rate bros, it's totally insane, i cannot believe it" while still looking like pure trash. You think that art communication is apparently"pretentious " despite being an obvious means of communication. What you choose to communicate through it is not the point of this discussion, but once again, your pathetic little mind cannot grasp what communicating through art even means so discussing this is pointless. It's like you're an actual lobotomized drone. You're like a dogfucker who cannot relate with humans so they resort to fucking dogs, except with you it's all about robots

>> No.6515989

I remember a while back watching a bunch of videos about “how to make 6 figures on Etsy selling printable art.” Then I looked at Etsy and saw how many sellers were just copying other sellers’ words, images, ideas. Some are even selling PDFs of books they don’t own, and Etsy does nothing about it. Wherever you go online, there are amoral parasites making money off other people’s work. The really smart ones like Emad have groupies defending them.

>> No.6515993

you can possibly make money with street shitting using this same technique

How to make money by shitting in the streets
> Step 1, make a video on how to make money by shitting on the streets on Youtube
> Step 2, profit.

>> No.6515997
File: 135 KB, 752x685, 164565465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh cummincantation
>muh art
>still no work
>doesn't attempt to communicate through art
>"huur duur ur a poopyhead gottem checkmate thanks for the likes and subscribers kind stranger wow im like super 4chings now"
And i'm heavily implying you have the ability to contextaully and idiomatically understand the written language like the "real human bean" you are.
Now post work, tranny.

>> No.6516017
File: 301 KB, 1678x977, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't post art online, I make a living painting room walls. Here is the art in its original size


>> No.6516047

You know deleting the file doesn’t do anything, when you can pull up archives. Right?

>> No.6516055

pretty cool actually.

>> No.6516059

>Is this what you do, fucking spam the same shit infinitely in hopes to provoke a (you) just for the sake of getting a (you)? What a fucking waste of oxygen.
Ask yourself the same question, faggot.

>> No.6516060

That's really cool anon

>> No.6516062

Post the patreon you stole this from now

>> No.6516064

Waiting excitedly for your drawing

>> No.6516083

Nah, producers pick who gets the good jobs. You just eat It all up like a good cuck.
AI Is meant to free both artist and producer from troglodytes so that they can focus on worthwhile pursuits.

>> No.6516084

>it matters to everyone else as well
it doesn't, the surge of AI art shows this clearly

No one cares about the struggle, hardship and thoughts the process that went into a drawing, people only care about the finished piece, SPECIALLY about online digital art. You're not in a museum or making sculptures with fancy materials, it is what it is.

>> No.6516088

What a day, what a fucking day

>> No.6516099

>"No u"
Truly the ass fucking epitome of intelligence right fucking there.
In what kind of drugged up, mentally ill state of mind must one be to fucking waste their time writing and posting inane, meaningless, putrid hollow garbage like you did?
Was it really worth the 2% Battery of your phone?
Halting every other process to write nothing but only showing how much of an underage cunt you are?
Take your smartphone and beat yourself to death with it, maybe you'll get some IQ.
You are just an incoherent fucking chatbot, aren't you?

>> No.6516101

There Is no surge, normies already moved on, it's only the subhumans like you who are meant to be kept pacified by It who care.
Automation is meant to keep you spending money but irrelevant in choice.

>> No.6516106
File: 4 KB, 261x63, YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies don't differentiate AI shit from human made shit

>> No.6516107

You're slipping hard now that you realize the truth of who and what this thech is for.

>> No.6516110

the result is a videoclip anon, the videoclip was human made not AI made, it literally credits tens of artists working on animation and 3D.

Just because it uses some AI generated sequences and filters doesn't mean the whole shit is AI art.

>> No.6516111

You really are this fucked up? There seconds in faceberg shows they do and they hate It.
How fucking disconnected from reality are you? Truly a pod dweller.

>> No.6516114

Not really anon, the models are getting better and better.

Prove to me that the average online "art" consumer cares about the process and not the finished work.

>> No.6516119

These retards don't even realize there's more acrual AI being used every day by digital artists in the form of auto actions and procedural brushes than in their shitty brainless toy proomptpoop

>> No.6516120
File: 9 KB, 640x480, 167931465564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the tranny arguing with the voices in his head.
You can't fucking argue for shit.
What a waste.

>> No.6516121
File: 3 KB, 223x100, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so AI is an ok tool to use. 5 months ago it wasn't even considered a tool but a demon to kill art as we know it

>> No.6516123

>Fighting against technology
when will they learn

>> No.6516132

The average art consumer doesn't care about the art, they care about Jazza, Loish, Cyarin, etc.
AI Is for the meat robots who's only societal benefit Is consuming crap so that purposeful projects for real humans can get bigger budgets.

>> No.6516134

What are these projects?

>> No.6516135

Proompoop Is not AI

>> No.6516136

use AI to do shit humans can't, like the morphing transitions, not to try and replicate badly the shit humans can.

the product is a videoclip, it took artists, animators, editors, music editors, 3D artists and such to be made, nobody prompted it from a database of videoclips.

>> No.6516137

The ones you're too retarded to notice.

>> No.6516138

I don't really care what it is called, it will keep doing its thing
Ah, so AI is an ok tool to use. 5 months ago it wasn't even considered a tool but a demon to kill art as we know it

>> No.6516143

Like the people improving our lives with inventions, medicine, discoveries, etc? I agree

>> No.6516149

again, use AI for the things where human expression is not needed, not to try and bypass it.

need to do upscaling? AI.

need to do a morphing transition? AI.

need frame interpolation? AI.

a story that needs to move the reader, let a writer do it.

a song, hire a composer, voice acting? hire voice actors.

need a character drawn, an animal, something that needs to be expressive and have some sort of emotional connection to the viewer? let a person draw it.

>> No.6516153

Ah, so AI is an ok tool to use. 5 months ago it wasn't even considered a tool but a demon to kill art as we know it

>> No.6516184

AI really doesn't have any use outside of this, I don't really understand why they keep pushing "artistic" image generation, it doesn't have any pirpose outside of making some pretty pictures.

>> No.6516186

>it doesn't have any purpose outside of making some pretty pictures
So let them have their fun

>> No.6516189

I'd rather have them pick up a pencil and struggle
For anyone who struggles is a friend

>> No.6516190


>> No.6516191

Work makes you free

>> No.6516192

Money works for me already

>> No.6516294

>it doesn't have any pirpose outside of making some pretty pictures
Again, that is the purpose, to distract the unthinking so that the discerning can experience real art without the brainless zombie buzzing around in spaces that don't concern them.

>> No.6516301
File: 115 KB, 720x710, 6d16d676077e137977185d4b7be51721-3961060092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is for the wicked, move on twitter artists

>> No.6516322
File: 1.13 MB, 2327x3000, 543432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based elder cunny master

>> No.6516560

>same spade-faced bean-mouthed noseless shit for literally decades
>AI imitates the chink symbol drawings almost perfectly
>'eh it all looks the same, y'know?'
fucking lmao
the absolute state of weebshits

>> No.6516588

Still waiting for you to post your work. He posted his work 25 minutes after your holier-than-thou psychoanalysis and you still seem to be hiding. Lame as fuck.

>> No.6516816

The real problem with AI is that mass comsumer so used to eating shit that they will easily swallow AIshit without a hinch and will be satisfied

>> No.6516859
File: 840 KB, 1129x610, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artbros... it's OGRE!!!

>> No.6516887
File: 674 KB, 2054x1938, 1676060243256668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to let you know:
Replicas sell less than authentic paintings
And photograph copies are considered worthless

Make of that what you will

>> No.6516890

and Op is a cheap replica of typo, every famous anime artist has a dozen of copycat coomers imitating them pretending they are artists too hustling patroen, lmao

>> No.6516989

>selling shovels to gold miners
That has always been the way to make money off of anything

>> No.6518038

Emad is not stealing stuff and reselling it. He owns company where people make bots that are trained on stealing (training process involves making the bot get as close to the training image with designated prompts). He makes a real product and releases it for free. You can only blame his program users. He didn’t even make the LAION dataset, he just picked it because it was probably the easiest way to get lot of pictures.

>> No.6518048

Yes, when you have no job, you get to have no responsibilities, but also no money and no food. Don’t act like every artist, coder, blogger, filmmaker or basically anybody who posts content on the internet does not care about getting money or recognition for their labour, even if it is free, just hoping they could make something from their hobbies.

>> No.6518063

It’s purpose is to make people mad. AI combined with human workers does not work well unlike what shills will try to say. AI is best when unrestrained by the human prompter. AI images made with prompts by chatbot or just random words can produce more creative and interesting stuff then prompters. AI cannot help you with code, but it can write it to you and fix the bugs if it does not work on the first try. It can write story, but when guided, the story will suck. AI is still very limited, but the true potential we will see when it starts making movies and games on it’s own. This is how AI replaces, it does not just outsource the work from somebody talented to some bozo prompter, it instead allows non-artists to make art without even bothering to visit art sites. Images are all free on the internet, so people don’t really care, but once it starts making games, movies, songs and other consumer media that costs money, it will start looking like shrinking consumer markets, not executives not hiring artists.

>> No.6518071
File: 3.29 MB, 2244x3134, 1664588503176879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope he funded laion as well

>> No.6518078

It is still a demon, we just overestimated it’s might. Same with all other machine learning software. Only except protein folding predictor AI and some other medical AIs, most machine learning “fruits” made the world a worse place. Self-driving cars do not work in most situations and could be replaced with trains that you also don’t need to control directly. Internet recommendation algorithms suggest you shit. ChatGPT is glorified search engine in terms of usefulness and is only useful to few grifters or to copywrite. Deepfakes have 0 reason to be made, everyone thinks they are bad and will result in warped sense of reality on the internet, and everyone thought that years before they were invented. High-frequency trading ruined the stock market and made dumbass articles that everyone knows mean nothing suddenly mean everything, since all human investors now try to game the system and unknowingly predict the market based on what the bots will do next. It’s all a shitshow.

>> No.6519238

>How is this any different from human artists learning how to draw by referencing other "copyrighted" works?
sentience for one, a human knows a hand is a hand and what it implies beyond a visual information