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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 139 KB, 720x722, 1653888943344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6513444 No.6513444 [Reply] [Original]

>commissioner is always online and playing runescape
>has already spent 2000 dollars on your art
>he only says "Thanks, this is good" and "Do this with X character" with a vague old porn picture as reference
Who is your most interesting commissioner

>> No.6513447

I ghost him when I burn out but he always comes back years later for more

>> No.6513452

does he commission you to do rune pron? will you post it?

>> No.6513462

>t. J-Mod
Fuck off

>> No.6513463

It's Mod Ash

>> No.6513476

No, and no. He has a very especific fetish.

>> No.6513481

treasure your dedicated autists

>> No.6513492

>he only says "Thanks, this is good" and "Do this with X character" with a vague old porn picture as reference
Based low-energy superfan.

>> No.6514136

>artist still complains
He doesn't know how good he has.
Unless said fetish is awful or something.

>> No.6514144

Not complaining, I actually love that guy, it's so easy to work with him and the fact that he keeps commission me means he actually likes my work

>> No.6514148

My only commissioner ever always added nya~ at the end of each phrase. I didn't mind, I'd go back to taking cheap commissions but laziness is a bitch.

>> No.6514154

is it bad to always be online playing the same game

>> No.6514163

is that a question?

>> No.6514211

Maybe he's just socially ackward and doesn't know how to socially interact with other people besides shorts phrases, I'm a little like that too and when I talk to much and the others and they didn't respond I had this impression that maybe I said something weird or cringe unintentionally. So I tend to avoid long sentences like this that right now you're reading anon.

>> No.6514218

My phone is always connected to my house wifi and I've been playing Yu-Gi-Oh! for more than a decade now so...

>> No.6514233

the ones that just get their product and leave are the best clients

>> No.6514243
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>I'm a little like that too and when I talk to much and the others and they didn't respond I had this impression that maybe I said something weird or cringe unintentionally.
I feel you. Everytime I try to talk I feel like I talk too much and make everyone uncomfortable.
I never recovered from a time a friend called me "parrot" and everyone laughed. Now I'm more quiet and they think got depressed. I'll never understand normies.

>> No.6514426

>regular client
>all his commissions are romantic porn comics
>talks a lot about himself and his personal hobbies/opinions
Nice guy, but since I'm terrible at socializing, I find it a bit annoying.

>> No.6514495
File: 9 KB, 300x194, 13153418_1374566105893540_2090086977_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates when commissioners try to be your friend
>meet commissioner that is actually a pretty nice person
>you don't want him to become your friend because that would mean losing a customer but you feel guilty for not trying to be pals with him

>> No.6514524

He can't just be both your customer and friend? If he's cool, he would still be willing to pay if he wanted you to draw something for him

>> No.6514544

silly anon, friends get free drawings
My irl friends actually have tried to commission me but I always decline because it feels weird to charge them money

>> No.6514560

Don't know about you guys, but at least in Mexico and the US, people can differentiate between friendship and business.

>> No.6514562

Damn, I see. I've had a friend irl insist on commissioning me too and I took the money in exchange for my shitty drawing. I don't think it affected our friendship and he seemed to really like the picture, which was nice.

>> No.6514580

friends and money are not a good combination period

>> No.6514582

I just borrowed a friend 250 bucks and honestly, I feel the anger and rage building up every day they don't pay me

>> No.6514591

You lent a friend 250 bucks, actually.

>> No.6514595
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Funny stuff... My parents stole $5000 from me between home repairs and paying for sibling expenses.

They only got away with this because my bank account is still connected to theirs. That, and they refuse to sign off my bank account so I can have it independent from theirs.

At least they pay me back the barest minimum every two weeks :)

>> No.6514659

>guy sends me animal crossing screen shot
>“draw this in your style”
>minimal personal talk
>been going like this for 1 1/2 years

>> No.6514663
File: 754 KB, 885x885, 1599740044900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lending money to your parents is always a big no because they fucking despise paying you since they all believe that you already own them your life.
I have not meet any single person that has lend their parents money without the story ending in pure rage.
>mother asks me for 3k
>she asks me for another 2k
>she asks me for another 3k
>3 years passes
>ask her for the money back because I really fucking need it
>ok she says
>only gives back 3k
>"but mom, I lent you 8k"
worst thing is that I truly believe she's not pretending to be dumb, is just her parent behaviour of not remembering when you, as their child, do something for them

>> No.6514715

your moms evil, cut her off

>> No.6514723
File: 363 KB, 600x600, d01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man, I'm sorry you had to go through that (and are still, presumably, going through that).

>since they all believe that you already own them your life.
I feel this too much.

Parents are emotionally-manipulative and love exploiting the fact that their genes are in you. Hate living in the same house as my folks, and I can't emphasize this fact enough.

Whole thing gets worse if you're born the black sheep, but I hope you're doing better than me and have at least moved out of your family home.

>> No.6514751

I wouldn't say she's evil, she's just very veeery stupid. And I did. My whole family disowned me and took her side. I don't care to be honest. I'm free

>> No.6514779

the classic W.A.S.P. experience there

>> No.6514786

what's that

>> No.6514793

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

>> No.6514799

I'm not white or rich ;__;

>> No.6514804
File: 60 KB, 736x628, FgbnoBdX0AMVKQ3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not rich either... and yet, here we are commiserating over boomer-tier gigafuckery...

Such is life, my good anon... such is life...

>> No.6514815
File: 25 KB, 640x477, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we were born...just to make boomers life easier, while they call us incompetent for it

>> No.6514824

It's probably this NZ guy that's making his own game
He first commissioned me to design a character based on a few references he gave me. He also asked me if I would be fine with this character being used for commercial purposes (in retrospect, I should've asked what he meant by that but I was just ecstatic about the prospect of doing commission work so I just accepted blindly)
I got it done then he loved it so much he asked me if I could do another character, then asked if I could design enemies, then asked if I could design npcs and make up small stories so they could interact with each other, then asked if I could design bosses then before I knew it I was the main artist for this guy's game
And all of that just off my very first client
I'd show you guys some of my work but I'm under a NDA until the game releases

>> No.6514847
File: 66 KB, 750x436, 8a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only we could've been born on an economic bubble of prosperity as well...

>> No.6514851

At least third worlders like me can live off their art

>> No.6514857

My most interesting commissioner is this guy who has the most weird fetish I have ever seen. Something that not even rule34 has a tag for.
I can't even fucking describe it, is so overly especific.
I'm not saying what it is because the guy is actually really nice.

>> No.6514896

holy shit, my mom does this, too.
i inherited 50,000 dollars from my grandfather who wanted to pay my way through art school with all the accompanying tech and living expenses i could need, stress-free.
my mom arranged that it go to her so she could ‘take care of it’ and release it to me when i was old enough to know better. she spent it all years ago to fund her distant vacation home, and i know i’d get screamed at if i ever even tried to memtion that it ever existed.
she regularly gives me massive housing and yard projects that i work at all season, that i do for her because hey, she’s family, putting in absurd numbers of hours, but if i ever ask to be paid, she’ll hand me a five dollar bill or something. and i’ll take her around and show her the whole project and like i’m in a nightmare she’ll say ‘oh i could’ve done that in five seconds and gotten a good workout, don’t you say one word more or i’ll take back my five dollars. that’s when i’m lucky. usually she says she can’t pay me right then, and to wait until she can. a month out, after asking again every few weeks, if i mention it at all she’ll consistently scream that i’m lying, and that exact lying behavior was why she divorced my shitty lying father, and she hates me and will kick me out of the house if i say one more word, then she jumps into her car and drives away. this has happened so many times, but she always seems so lucid, i never believe deep down that she or anyone could ever do this. it’s so surreal.
/sorry, just a vent

>> No.6514899

-shouts that i’m lying that she hadn’t already paid me a great amount right after i’d finished her project, that is

>> No.6514909

All I'm getting is that artist have shitty parents

>> No.6514924

>my parents agreed to let my brother and I live at home without charging us rent as long as we pay our bills
>I saved up a ton of money in the span of about 3 years
>cash out 401k and get a huge chunk of it upfront, will be getting the rest in a few weeks with my taxes
>quit my job so that I can use float money to commit to learning art and try my damn hardest to make it
>eat out 1 or 2 meals a week just because it's a drop in the bucket and doesn't really hurt me financially at all
>mom gets irrationally angry when I buy my own food
>constantly bitching at me about money like I'm broke despite my pretty good amount of savings that I've amassed, which she can see because of my (foolish) joint bank account with her
>have good connections with almost all my old bosses so if shit hit the fan I could easily go back to work and refill my account with just a few conversations
>not good enough, she's absolutely obsessed with my bank account for some reason
>most I've spent all at once was $400 for art supplies, a new tablet, and some sketchbooks and such and another $200 on an ergonomic chair because my old one was a shitty worn out metal frame + wood + fabric chair from 2005
>still not good enough reason to her, convinced that I'm "being lazy" despite me constantly proving the complete opposite
>she is literally angry at me because I don't want to be a cog in the machine and hate my life
>at least if I'm a cog in the machine in the art world I'm doing something that I care about with my life and time but it's never a good enough excuse, she always tries to make me feel/think that I'm wasting my time, I'm a bad son, etc
>she's mad because I'm making an attempt to do something about my shitty life which I want to improve
>but of course never bitches at my deadbeat brother who can't save any money because he spends it all on fast food and weed
>"at least he has a job!" she says
/blog since everyone else was. I gotta make it, bros.

>> No.6514927

you WILL make it, anon.
I sure hope you do.

>> No.6514930

>>my parents agreed to let my brother and I live at home without charging us rent as long as we pay our bills
HAHAHAHAHAHHAA. My mother wanted me to back to live with her because she was lonely and needed help, etc. Shesaid the same thing, wouldn't charge me a cent. 2 fucking weeks in, she starts talking about rent.

>> No.6514935
File: 58 KB, 960x810, 94624013_603221767250816_5099500535526981632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a thirdie, I'm actually making more money with commissions than in my old job. My mother still believes I should go back to my old dead-end job because what I'm currently doing is not a job.
I'm making more money than in my old job, I DO pay my taxes, I save for my own retirement. But they will NOT be happy if you aren't wearing a fucking tie and a suit

>> No.6514939

Pyrocinical. dude is genuinely a good client and really liked the suggestions i made to his piece. :)

>> No.6514949


How good do you have to be for comms? I'm not planning on making a living off of them, but I wanna dabble for fun.

>t. mid/beg/

>> No.6514950

thank you anon. Even if I don't make it, I don't want to lay on my deathbed one day and regret not trying. I have to give it my all and this is gonna be my fucking year to do it.
that sucks dude. My best friend went through that shit one time as well. He had to move back in with his mom and bring his wife and newborn son with him because they fell on hard times and his mom made his life hell for it despite her being the one begging and pleading for him to come. I've resolved that unless I'm gonna die of hypothermia on the street or something, once I move out, I will never take residence under this roof again. Way too many horror stories of everyone saying the same thing. I hope your situation has gotten better since then at the very least.
I'm proud of you for making so much out of your works. You're right, the parents will never be satisfied until you fucking work for Pixar, making 6 figures while producing Toy Story 5. They just don't seem to understand art as a career beyond face value. But you've done well to outdo your old job through your arts and that's worth bragging about. Great job anon. You're in a spot that a lot of people envy, "thirdie" or not.

>> No.6514961
File: 763 KB, 850x1055, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen people with pic related skills selling commissions.
I was just a little bit better than this when I started to be honest and I got a bunch of messeages.

>> No.6514962

Nope! Once you get out, never come back. They see it was ultimate failure, like a dog coming back to their owner with their tail between their legs, begging for mercy.

>> No.6514969
File: 128 KB, 531x569, warmup_head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool-- that makes me feel a little better :)

This is where I'm at rn... started a year-and-a-half ago anyhow and went from shitty scribbles to picrel so I intend to keep improving. Even though it's not perfect, I'm always happy to be better than I was yesterday.

I'll definitely take your word for it, anon, and shoot my shot in the future

>> No.6514976

hmmm, it's not bad but, how well do you draw bodies? Because you reaaaally need to know how ot draw bodies well if you want to open commissions

>> No.6514984
File: 283 KB, 759x1251, zeusdoodles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw bodies.

Just wasn't happy with my latest work since there was so much technical stuff wrong with it. I'm pretty busy in my day-life so the only thing I can do is gesture draw in snippets of free time.

>> No.6514987

you are beg tier but your biggest problem is that you don't have anything resembling to a style

>> No.6514993

I thought style is built with improvement.
Or is it something that's built naturally or by taking outside influences?

Hate to sound dense, but that's something that's slightly confused me.

>> No.6514999

>I thought style is built with improvement
>Or is it something that's built naturally or by taking outside influences?
Both really

>> No.6515020
File: 314 KB, 886x863, atlas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trips, fren.

Yeah, I admit. I spend more time doing studies than stylizing because my forms are lacking and I don't feel confident enough to add style when the fundies aren't there. Had to do a one-over of my folders anyhow just to see how much stylistic progression there has been over the short time I've been drawing and the closest thing I found was a portrait-shot I did whilst studying one of my favorite mangakas.

Definitely gonna add master studies to the stuff I wanna do to improve my style.
Thanks for pointing me in a good direction btw-- always looking for ways to improve >:{}

>> No.6515038

Reading all these parents horror stories makes me wonder about mine...
My parents initially adviced me to not get into commissions because it was too alien and seemed too risky to them, so it took me being reckless and not listen to them for me to start with commissions a few years later.
They are just happy for me making money with my stuff, but regarding the money itself, they are very hesitant, like they dont want to have anything to do with my finnances (outside advicing me how to spend my money wisely); at the same time they seem to expect me to willingly hand them some money to cover family spending, I do it when it is most needed because we're just the three of us and all money we get is used to sustain each other as family, it would be scummy of me to not help.

They are kind of proud of me, I guess, and Im the only child of the three in our household that doesnt get bitched at for job/money related issues... cousin A gets bitched at for not sending my aunt money on a basis despite living in another, wealthier country, cousin B gets bitched at for not doing well at his jobs and also barely being of help.
All that makes me wonder... did I get lucky or it's just a matter of time for me to get bitched at in one way or another? I think the whole issue is calm because...
1. My money is insignificant enough to be of any real weight (except in dire days)
2. Im actually being employed by my father in the family business, so it's not like Im not doing anything but drawing/college

Will things get inevitably worse when I get more money and/or live on my own?

>> No.6515042

>only child

There. Your issue was solved for you.

>> No.6515045

You lack talent, like me. And the only answer for people who don't have talent is to work hard, harder than those who have talent.
Never stop drawing. Not even for a month, or a day. Drawing has to be the most important thing in your life

>> No.6515052
File: 42 KB, 820x566, 164186809034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please elaborate
>inb4 it's an argument of why being an only child is good
Being an only child is a double edged sword, period.

>> No.6515067
File: 2 KB, 222x250, 1619033249048s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fren, I am a student (not an art student, if it wasn't plainly obvious).

I hope I will have this kind of free time once I graduate.
But fuckit if I'm not gonna screencap you for my motivation folder and get supergood.

I will, likewise, be rooting for your gains.

>> No.6515087
File: 2.62 MB, 400x225, angst_eren.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you have a point there.
On one hand, you could be a single child, lonely af unless you have extended family and whatnot, but will always be (unconditionally?) loved by your parents; or, you could be the asshole with the large amount of siblings and have a whole suite of problems.

It really depends on the dice you roll, but anyone in this thread is more-than-likely a family black sheep... so get fucked I guess.

Funnily enough, I wished for a twin when I was younger because I just wanted a family member who didn't think I was an asshole but soon realized that having a twin would allow for more unnecessary comparisons between me and this nonexistent sibling. One of the main reasons I never tried to seriously draw up until I was well-into my college education was pretty much due to my fear of being mocked by my family.

Perhaps it was because I was basically pitted as a pariah due to some OCD I had back in high school, which caused my parents and siblings to have treated me like the family disease until it waned, but the one thing driving me in my teenage years was to get some affirmation that my parents actually loved me and gave a shit about me.

But they just wanted me to become what they wanted me to.

My folks still have me by the balls since I live under their roof, but I have rejected that mentality and achieving more than I ever thought I could.

Just never give up hope, anons. You will ALL end up making it.

>> No.6515093

It's good to apply yourself, but don't forget to let drawing be what it wants to be. Rest and play is important too.

>> No.6515217

Internet friendships are fragile and not really worth pursuing unless the you have many common interests and converse regularly, but even that is a brittle scenario.

>> No.6515300

Fucking hate those, they don't say a thing after the piece is done, not even a fucking like but 10 times they've come back for more... wtf?

Not knowing if the bitch liked it or not fucks me up hard.

>> No.6515348

>he says "thanks this is good"
Aside from that, why wouldn't you assume they like it if they come back for more ?

>> No.6515478

So I suppose the post about ghosting him wasn't you.
I stand corrected.

>> No.6517277

Remember, if you're going to lend someone money.
ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS write it down and have them sign it with a personal message they themselves wrote. People will not give you your shit back unless you do it.

Lmao, are you at least getting a cut out of the game once it releases?

>> No.6517316

>commissioner is always online and playing runescape
afk farming bro

>> No.6517340

farm runs are shit

>> No.6517351
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I daydream about getting commissioned by someone or even just being discovered through my art by someone with a similar set of interests and maybe they'd live close and having it lead to a relationship

>> No.6517646
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>> No.6517654

Y'all have shitty parents. Don't get used because blood ties mean nothing if they're bad people.

>> No.6517667

It's weird, I'm the pride of my family. I'm just shit at art and came to learn because I like to learn new things and want to paint while I'm in the middle of nowhere for 2 years.

>> No.6517704

Slav here, the way it works is he insists on paying you, you refuse to take the money, then he either buys you goods or leaves the money on the table, gives it to your wife, etc
I’ve worked as a mechanic, and half the job was like that too, someone would come in with something trivial, I’d fix it and not charge, then the guy would insist on giving me money, commonly more than the standard rate, sometimes they’d go and come back with food or something. Usually the only people who just go with the free service are kids with bikes or regulars who just give you a tip the next time. Most of the money I’d bring home was the books.

>> No.6517726

my father moved out of the country, begged me to come stay with him, made me cancel my return ticket (which I got something like $12 back for) to stay longer, then started charging me rent, and now he’s flabbergasted that I’m not visiting

>> No.6517837

>Slav here, the way it works is he insists on paying you, you refuse to take the money, then he either buys you goods or leaves the money on the table, gives it to your wife, etc
Taco here. My mother taught me to be like that: Never ask friends for money, but always lend money to your friends. Never ask for help, but help those who need it.
She's weird, she's a big fucking cunt but at the same time, a saint

>> No.6518001
File: 994 KB, 500x281, 1660408669623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a commissioner I really, really liked until they fucked it all up.
>get contacted by commissioner who likes some of the original characters i draw
>they pay me to draw them in a bunch of mostly vanilla type work privately with their characters, nothing horribly fetish filled
>odd but okay with getting paid to draw my own characters
>easily $2000 of work
>one day, they ask if they can buy my character off me
>tell them no
>out of nowhere the most possessive rage induced rant about how they deserve to own my character
>blocks me
Most commissioners are alright, but I have to keep reminding myself that many people that pay for art are terminally online or incredibly weird.

>> No.6518015

>$2000 of work

>> No.6518017


>> No.6518019

Is not that much if you don't charge pennies for your work, and I'm considered to have low prices

>> No.6518023
File: 17 KB, 255x255, 1455670812455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when /beg/ retards don't believe the amount of money you can easily make by not being /beg/.
There's a facebook group that literally couldn't believe that I made 500 dollars in one night, once I posted they paypal screencap they flooded me with messeages asking me how I did it

>> No.6518027
File: 506 KB, 595x639, 1456863471780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but of course how naive of me to have some doubt. However, it would be a real darn shame if someone asked you to post the work which made you the thousands that which you boldly claim to have made.

>> No.6518028

I sense a thread-derailment about to happen...

>> No.6518030

It's not about the quality of your work spiderman

>> No.6518032

It's very simple, all they have to do is post their work and if it blows me the fuck out I'll have nothing else to say.
Excuse number one, and counting.

>> No.6518037

now you jinxed it

>> No.6518042

>person makes b8 comment and refuse to follow it up
>person 2 spergs because they know person 1 won't prove if they're worth their salt
>goes back-and-forth until either the jannies intervene or thread goes off bump limit

>> No.6518060

I am not American so any work in USD gets at minimum depending on the exchange rate around a 1.5x multiplier. I suppose it's around $1350-$1400 USD or so.
You can go on Twitter right now and find anybody charging $45 for one character flat colored, and this is considered low pricing.

>> No.6518065

That's good an all, but just post your work.

>> No.6518067

No, I don't think I will. I do not need you to believe me.

>> No.6518070
File: 1.72 MB, 1200x790, Masterpiece of the Mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me. what is it?

>> No.6518075


>> No.6518083

Honestly, I think selling your art is 50% your art skills and 50% salesman skills
I have know people 1000 times better than me selling their art for pennies and getting nothing

>> No.6518085

>people 1000 times better than me selling their art for pennies and getting nothing
Because that's being realistic instead of pulling numbers out your ass and claim you've made thousands from a commissioner unless your commissioner so happens to be a suspiciously wealthy Rockefeller Furry

>> No.6518088

what's your problem, you sound frustrated

>> No.6518089

Can you tell?

>> No.6518118

nigger, people are literally paid thousands for one single commission, not everyone is panhandling on the /aco/ discord

>> No.6518131

vinluv FUCK OFF
get a personality that ISN'T SOTM

>> No.6518153

>commissioner approach me on 15th day monthly without miss for a single commission worth around $300 - $2000
>usually OCs and sometimes homage art and lewd art
>his specific instruction is always on not posting the art anywhere else, even as portfolios
>never really know him because he's a guy that don't talk that much aside from "Yes.", "Like this", "Cool", "Good job, I like it".
>even being granted with unlimited amendments but he never tells on corrections or what he dislikes
>always pays on time and sometimes earlier (agreed full price + tips that I didn't asked for as I'm not american that are shamelessly takes extra cuts so I returned it as usual)
am I his slut or what? but he knows that I'm a guy too.

>> No.6518154

I can see a traditional painting be worth that much of a portrait from some richfag's family member be worth that much but not your quintessential coom tier pin up drawing unless of course you manage to attract a wealthy commissioner with a niche fetish of some sort.

>> No.6518156

>be worth that much
Sorry, multi tasking

>> No.6518158

nigger, shitty pencil portraits run $500+, portraits are gonna cost you way more than a couple of grand
fucking hell, literallywho gallery paintings cost more than that

>> No.6518161

Awesome, post the last piece you sold for way more than a couple grand.

>> No.6518167
File: 526 KB, 800x1154, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6518489

I disagree. i recognised this anon art style from thumbnail

>> No.6518545 [DELETED] 
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how did the backstageau characters reacted when they found out about the show cancellation

>> No.6518649
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Im making a comic inflation pregnancy overdue labour birth possession with the tekken girls, even learned some of tekken lore just in case. The man doesn't put pressure on me or anything and is nice to have a stable payment each month that it takes me to do the page

Also my first commission was a literal pineapple with a horse cock on a speedo. 45$, fucking legend

I wish I got a client into straight shota bc I'm into that lately
Holy shit that sucks. I have various reasons to stay resentful towards my mom too, but holy shit

>> No.6518704

>commissioner comes and show the stuff they buy once in a while

>> No.6518978

me again
>mom snoring on the couch like a freight train
>I leave and spent 2 hours at the library trying to get some studying done in peace and quiet
>get home, eat lunch, spent no money today
>mom still asleep
>come in my room, start doing some personal work to round off my day
>have decided to make all my personal work images in 11x17 format so that if they turn out really well then I can monetize it at conventions and such too, 2 birds 1 stone, feels like a solid idea
>leave room to get water
>mom wakes up from her nap
>"so when are you getting a job?"
They just don't understand that these things take time. If I could have it done in an afternoon like fucking Superman, I would have done that ages ago. Also fucking embarrassing how I'm putting in all this work to better my future with my own two hands while she lays around doing nothing except cooking 1 meal a day yet somehow has shaped it in her head that I'm some kind of bum. Mental gymnastics are nothing new, but holy shit boomers are on a completely different level.

>> No.6518997

one day i got a commissioner that wanted my oc that i use as a sona in a sexual intercourse, mmm

>> No.6519000

talk is cheap, pyw

>> No.6519009

>11x17 format
why is that, is easier to print or something?

>> No.6519013

Nami gaga, a popular latin artist recently posted a commissions where they paid her to draw herself being fucked by her oc's

>> No.6519015

Literally disregard mom and acquire art gains. How old are you? If you're a teen, fuck jobbing. If you're 20's then MAYBE get a bullshit job that requires zero brainpower, ideally something that will keep you physically active. Go deliver mail, it's a sweet gig, you pick up your mail and when your route is complete you go home, in the mean time you are walking outdoors like a human being.

>> No.6519954

>dad asks for 5k
>give it to him without hesitation
>he pays me back a couple weeks later
I luv my dad

>> No.6520018

There are like 7 billion people on this shithole of a planet. It's bound to be some weird people.
Also, you get well paid and he is being professional and generous. It's a pretty good deal as far I understand from our post.

>> No.6520095

I made half a million working eight months as a fisherman and everytime I went back home I was harassed about "getting a job".
My father was literally gifted a cattle farm and my mom had a stationery shop, neither ever worked an office job but they would rather see me hang from my tie at a corporate jig than thrive on my own.
I just stopped "going home".

>> No.6520102

An accidental style Is unsustainable, a purposeful style requires you to design your own construction method.

>> No.6520110

that's pretty cool, I don't need the money but I would love to spent some months at the sea. How's the job?

>> No.6520115

$2k Is just eight mid tier amateur comms or two low tier pro illustrations.

>> No.6520128

If you like physical pain and near death thrills, it's incomparable.
And you get four months off season swarmed by babes as a fit, young guy with mad cash

>> No.6520164

is it murrlogic and his wonder bread fetish?

>> No.6520183

Thanks a bunch, anon! That means a lot ;-;
Imma keep working on improving my style ofc! Never hurts to keep improving!

I've been playing around with painting on-top of my work and it seems to give good results-- I want to get better at painting the way one of my favorite artists does, but I'm trying to find other artists who I can study off of so it doesn't seem like I'm trying to autistically copy off of one style.

How do you guys find art styles you like? Is fishing through twitter my best bet?

What the hell are you fishing for? Bars of gold?!
Gotta say that must rock though!

>> No.6520208

>What the hell are you fishing for?
Tuna and king crab.

>> No.6521165

I have been trying to get my work posted around a little bit more, mostly to Reddit which I hate using because it's awful, but a surprising number of commission requests come from there.

What bothers me recently, is that so many people I get coming to me seem to want the world, but then as soon as it comes to price, it's out of their budget. Motherfucker, you literally sent me a message saying you wanted me to paint 7 fucking D&D characters in a big composition with a background and everything, for you to print out as a gift. And somehow you didn't consider that maybe this might cost a little bit?

All I do is quote my normal rate per-character, plus a little extra for the composition, so 7 characters and a background, you're probably looking at $900 if I'm being generous. If that's way out of your budget, then what the fuck were you expecting to spend in the first place?

I swear, these people fucking kill me.

>> No.6521235
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Oh god, I hate this shit.
>Receive messeage
>ask me how much I'll charge for a comic
>I give them a reasonable price for a page
>they will say that is to expensive.
>"okay, so what's your budget"
>"I expected to pay 50 dollars for the whole thing"

>> No.6521256

As a rule, I don't ask people what their budget is because I have no interest in negotiating on the cost of a project. But the fact that almost everyone wants something huge done, but expects to pay fuck-all for it is baffling to me. Like, I'm glad you like my work, but the fact that you're going in expecting not to pay basic rates means you either look at it and think I'm supposed to be the "cheap" option, or you just don't value the work I do at all.

Which is fine, you don't have to like me or think I'm worth the rates I charge. But please, don't come at me trying to ask for a fucking printable poster illustration, and expecting it to cost you peanuts.

>> No.6521491

this reminds me of how I frequently make jokes at the expense of others and I have no way of knowing if it hurt their feelings until they attempt to hurt me back

>> No.6521493

I get what you mean. Some people just aren't very effusive, even if they do like your work, which can be hard for people who thrive on approval. I know I'll go ages without posting anything then get people who I don't believe have ever interacted with me and whose IDs I don't even recognize will suddenly start asking what happened. Open commissions and people who, again, have seemingly never meaningfully interacted with my postings will be right there with commissions ideas.

>> No.6521534

Maybe I'm a fucking retard, but I don't know what you people are doing, or what skill level you are at, where you're all drowning in commission work.

Bruh, I can't make illustration a meaningful part of paying my bills because no one seems to even like my shit, much less be trying to pay for it.

>> No.6524092


>> No.6524123

>Charge them $45
>"No no I always tip!"
>Tips me extra $45
I kneel to you my savior

>> No.6524127

People who have never done comics will never understand this lol. Comics take up a lot of people's time. I'd rather do 16-20 different commissions I can charge separately in a month than get stuck in a 16-20 pages project a month.

>> No.6524190

hope you make it through this bro. rootin for you

>> No.6524490

This kinda makes me glad that my parents are well off and financially secure for their own retirement

>> No.6524518

Comics/doujins pays that much
I know someone who got that kind of payout around $2000-$2500, and someone he's close to (a different commissioner basically) commented that the guy got lowballed

>> No.6524659

>client who always asks for lewd art of himself
>I can't post any of his commission online, obviously
>extremely detailed when describing his commissions
>at some point, he sends me pictures of him in lingerie just ot show me his new clothes
>"N-nice outfit, dude..."
By the way, I also hate working on comics, too. The worst part is, there are a lot of people who want to commission that kind of stuff. On the other hand, I'm kind of slow at drawing, so maybe that's why I hate that type of jobs.

>> No.6524738

>at some point, he sends me pictures of him in lingerie just ot show me his new clothes

Not worth any amount of money.

>> No.6524812

is he cute though :3c

>> No.6524874

>commissioner only asks me to draw him complicated dragons
>only says "nice" when i show him the finished piece
>sets my art as his profile pictures on his social media
>whenever i finish a piece he immediately asks when i'm ready for the next one

Man of few words but I respect it

>> No.6524899

How much is he paying u? Im curious

>> No.6524901

literally just open a new checking account through a different bank and use it. are you retarded?

>> No.6525025

He pays me what I ask, but lately I feel that I charge too little.
No, but in his defense, I'm not gay. I must admit he has an athletic body, though.

>> No.6525056

wew, what a chad

>> No.6525477

Don't let some anon convince you to focus on style. Study anatomy and composition. Style is pointless without fundamental skills.

>> No.6525960
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already went to shit once anons started talking about there asshole moms

>> No.6525966


>> No.6525981

We can't all grow up happy and well-adjusted, anon. Can't really be helped.

9/10 the person saying this is a derailer or has derailing potential.

>> No.6525993

>We can't all grow up happy and well-adjusted
Not to be a ass but this is why theirs a thing called therapy.

>> No.6526037

I had a "whale" type customer show up at a convention who bought more than $800 worth of originals/merch and was able to recognize the difference between some originals and the digitally processed version of the image. He seemed cool so I asked him for his twitter (I'm only on twitter) and he said he doesn't have one and just checks my account every once in a while. Weird stuff.

>> No.6526450
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I make the sad head voices go away with W E I G H T S

It helps somewhat.

>> No.6526460

More power to ya anon, Not everyone realizes what most think is a "weakness" is actually a strength.

>> No.6526465

i have to tell you , he is your sugar daddy now

>> No.6526510

I'm ROFLing and LOLing so hard ITT. It made my day! Or even a week!

>> No.6526539
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I must be lucky because I lend my mom money all the time and she writes down the amount she owes me and returns it. Sometimes it takes months but she always gives it back.

If she pulled that shit on me I think I'd legit beat the fuck out of her on a bad day. I love her but there are times where she pisses me off badly.

>> No.6526542

>I wish I got a client into straight shota bc I'm into that lately

>> No.6526568

I see what you did there!

>> No.6527784

Im absolutely sure im not (((flaumgaki))) no siree

>> No.6527796

Based no-twitter bro.

>> No.6529236

runebros making great posts going by unappreciated

>> No.6530696

Kek what the fuck are the replies to this. Do all artists have shitty ass parents? Mjne have literally never asked to borrow anything from me, and when I used to borrow from them they’d usually say I didn’t need to pay it back

>> No.6530755

> Meet artist far superior talentwise than you some fucking how
> Grow a relationship (no homo) with that artist and network with their associates
> Do an Aggie together in VC and autistically mention characters you adore
> They actually start to draw the characters
> Realize they do commisions after all this
> Free art
> You now have a good mate to rely on
Happened multiple times to me. Problem commisicunts?

>> No.6532130

I multitask while I leave a game open in a different monitor or split screen, fuck off

>> No.6532739

Where do you guys get commissions?

>> No.6532744

>has 30k twitter followers
>engagement is shit
>have to constantly do commissions to stay afloat
>open commissions today
> zero commissions

Am i fucked?…

>> No.6532747

Give us a link, I'll follow and check your stuff out bud!

>> No.6532752

stupid idiot lol lurk more

>> No.6532761

Im only at 600 followers and it hurts when others get way more engagement for half the quality.

>> No.6532787

getting followers is a matter of luck, patiense and posting a lot

>> No.6532789

I don't think others get in the way, its more I have to constantly do commissions for bills and junk and because of that I can't work on my socials, so my engagement is shit

haha sure

>> No.6532938

Iktf. My Dad owes me like 12k, it keeps adding up each year. He always says shit like "I'll try and pay you back soon" but never does anything.

>> No.6533411

>30k and no commission

>> No.6533413

My guess is that is because he has a very generic art style