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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6507989 No.6507989 [Reply] [Original]

>drawings from diary of captured azov soldier
What advice would you give him to get better at drawing and retain sovl?

>> No.6507992
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x891, 1651167907576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507995

>Good line weight
>Great cartoonish style
>Energetic style
>Good composition
Make a YouTube channel

>> No.6507996

It's got plenty of soul. This is the kind of shit I scribbles on desk in highschool

>> No.6507997

>better at drawing
He's better than most people here

>> No.6507998

>those boxes
dumb nazi pos

>> No.6508007
File: 105 KB, 700x465, world-war-2-soldier-sketchbook-80-582b0c3741d02__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesture. pic rel is by a 21 year old from WWII

>> No.6508009

Where are the Loomis heads?
Where are the manga panel copies?
Where are the floating boxes?

>> No.6508011
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>> No.6508013
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>> No.6508075


>> No.6508080

Heil hitler

>> No.6508085

>that line weight
>that shading
And I presume that he made this in a booklet with a large pen? God, the precision of this guy's fingers

Goddamn, this nigga is 3 years ahead of me

>> No.6508090

Looks like a cheap office pen. Also assuming this dude was in azovstal he literally would have nothing to do but sketch for months on end.

>> No.6508107

Guy's an architect and apparently still alive.

>> No.6508127

Eh, 95% of soldier life is doing nothing
5% is wishing you could go back to doing nothing

>> No.6508301

Why are soldiers always bitching online about how civvie life is boring then

>> No.6508311

KINO, got anymore sketches done by soldiers?

>> No.6508334

so that’s where shadman went

>> No.6508346

not in ukraine

>> No.6508347

A captured nazi azov soldier was doing calculus in his diary?

>> No.6508353

There’s nothing particularly off about his drawings but also nothing except Nazi iconography and runes, which is a repetitive geometric shape that he probably draw for comfort while there’s nothing to do. A few figures and environments but nothing that ambitious. Which I don’t fault him for per se, he is fighting for his life in between long bouts of anxious nothing.
Doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy to ask for art critique, but if he was I would probably say figure drawing, studying perspective for the sake of drawing classical architecture, or if he could afford to do so, learning to sculpt would take him in a good direction. As for maintaining sovl, I think for anyone that means drawing your own creations to completion and not just studying.
With ultra-begs I’ve found that giving them one thing to work on for awhile is good enough for the short term, so I’d probably tell him to work on perspective or figures, his choice.
Was never in the military, but I’d consider observing my environment, the people in it, the equipment I use, etc for inspirations and subjects to practice on. Because this nigga ain’t going to a life drawing session every Wednesday or going to the plain air meetup.

>> No.6508354
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see pic
looks like firing solutions

>> No.6508361

He's such a nazi his gay little group is sponsored and led by a bunch of jews

>> No.6508363

We used to be made of different stuff, damn. 4 year uni students don’t have the flow that this guy does.

>> No.6508373

Jesus. I mean, have you seen how the RF left marynka? I'm not surprised.

>> No.6508379

reminder that in the grim future of 40k, the average guardsman life expectancy after being dropped off to fight orcs is 15 hours

>> No.6508380
File: 49 KB, 350x496, fifteen_hours_by_klausscherwinski_d2oxguw_pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6508395

why does it matter, this nazi scum will be dead soon so he will never GMI lmao

>> No.6508405
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>> No.6508409

Seethe, another batch of prisoners literally just got released from azovstal my nigga is going free soon

>> No.6508413

the amount of twitter niggers on this board is astonishing

>> No.6508423

twitter is shilling for these fags, nice try shlomo

>> No.6508429

>his gay little group is sponsored and led by a bunch of jews
...just like the og nazis

>> No.6508444

…and the british, and americans, and russians, and french…

>> No.6508464

And then the dog fucked the cat, and boy fucked the dog

>> No.6508487

read this post >>6508395
and then tell me who's the kike here you braindead jogger

>> No.6508502
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your twitter is showing, we say nigger here, aaron

>> No.6508601

Douse himself and his diary in gasoline, then drop a lit match on it.

>> No.6508920

"Life expectancy" of a soldier is a big meme, for example, here, in Russia, BДB soldiers used to like to brag (before the war, obviously) that their average life expectancy is like 5 minutes. And the tankists used to say the tank only lives for 17 minutes.

>> No.6509265


>> No.6509270


Holy Moshe

>> No.6509272

holy cope

>> No.6509328
File: 436 KB, 1898x1194, twitter whiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread instantly derailed by faggoty whiners
kill urself my man

>> No.6509331

that was the topic, newfag

>> No.6509332

But I was told right wingers can't draw..??

>> No.6509340

>Hecking my supervisors are not happy

>> No.6509342

By who? Can they draw?

>> No.6509350

>words words words

>> No.6509377
File: 12 KB, 241x350, 066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get captured

>> No.6509663

>factual information
You seem to be the one coping here.

>> No.6510304

I think it looks dope , it has bad anatomy ,and I don't know that the fuck that thing to the right of the storm trooper is. have any Wagner/Russian guys drawn any shit ?

>> No.6510484

There was a hussar officer, I can't remember his name, who said that any hussar who lived beyond thirty was a coward or a blackguard.

>> No.6510487


I'd tell him don't quit his day job.

>> No.6510759
File: 146 KB, 960x741, IMG_20230208_102036_029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there were some drawings captured when the Ukies had some successes (like the "embracing you like a sausage" concept pic), but it's usually the guys who sit in the rear or soldiers' kids that have the time to draw.

>> No.6510789
File: 60 KB, 658x429, nazi plan for slavs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simping for a group that wanted to genocide and enslave you
hohols confirmed subhuman simps.

>> No.6510791

Ukrainians had a whole SS division for them and most of have no idea about what happened then other than vague soviet union knowledge.

>> No.6510793

Jews are truly god's chosen people! destined to rule over the vile goyim!

>> No.6510806

It's because 90% of Twitter threads are some combination of bait, off-topic, political whining, or the opinion of a literal nobody.

>> No.6511473
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Neat, a niche thread that I can contribute to. Sorry for phoneposting. I like watercolors.

>Infantry, deployed to eastern Europe

>> No.6511488
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I'll post one more after this as to not overtake the thread.

>> No.6511491
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Last one.

>> No.6511813

>newfag zoomer calling others newfag because they understand what imageboards are for

>> No.6511899

War is a sad thing. This kid could've went on to make some kino euro comics ahead of his time but instead probably died of starvation before drinking age in some shitty communist encampment.

>> No.6511911

>drinking age
real mutt hours
ukraine doesn’t even have an age of consent

>> No.6511916

It wasn't meant to be

>> No.6511957
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 1647225765901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ukraine doesn’t even have an age of consent

>> No.6511994

outdated info, they added one in 2018

>> No.6512547
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x3024, 1638231804443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might find this interesting - someone on /pol/ found some diaries that belonged to his grandfather. There are some neat paintings inside.

>> No.6512555

looks like shit
I remember someone posting his father’s (?) archeological diary, now that was rad, had very nice drawings of archeological finds

>> No.6513999

you do realize that jokes aside he draws like any 15 y/o with too much time on his hands and a passing interest in comics, right
also you can drink as a kid here lol. getting real tired of burgers going OMG LE KINO EASTERN EUROPE over the smallest things and then they don't even know basic shit like that

>> No.6515544

so this is the power of a master race, kek