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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6510720 No.6510720 [Reply] [Original]

>oh yeah, that happened

>> No.6510722
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>> No.6510727

mom looking at me when im back for celebrations

>> No.6510738
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>> No.6510767
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>> No.6510768


>> No.6510769


>> No.6510770

You can fork her while berrying your fez in her tots.

>> No.6510776


>> No.6510777

>best of both worlds
damn, you're kinda cool AI

>> No.6510784

>Oh yeah that happened
What is this alluding to? What did people expect from this online petition?

>> No.6510785
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it's over

>> No.6510786

>What is this alluding to?
people posting ai generated art on Artstation
>What did people expect from this online petition?
banning ai generated art from the site (they failed)

>> No.6510787

To ban that shit from Artstation / raise awareness

>> No.6510788

>raise awareness
it sure did, lmao

>> No.6510792

Doesn't seem like there's much ai art in the top posts. Just a bunch of Koreans

>> No.6510794

chinks are not human, might as well be ai

>> No.6510796

Yeah, there's not much AI art now. The community polices itself

>> No.6510797

You wouldn't say that to my face nigger

>> No.6510798

Kill yourself

AIbros wanted to get a quick buck, got called out and most left. The only problem is that it is so easy to generate and spam that shit, even a tiny minority can spoil the site

>> No.6510800

Human or not, I'm glad I grew up attending public school classes which were populated primarily by whites and Asians, back in the 90s and 00s, before the Great Browning of my city.

>> No.6510802

Asians are based. Our Aryan brothers

>> No.6510803
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>china vs india thread

>> No.6510804

Is there more or less than before though?

>> No.6510805

So many changs in /ic/. I guess asian jeans are finally debunked.

>> No.6510807

I don't browser there a lot, seems like the anime babes, speedpaints, and game textures?

>> No.6510809

Right now? Barely compared to the shitshow it was months ago

>> No.6510811

>ai fad barely lasted 2 months
kek, this what still drives you up the wall?

>> No.6510813

A serious question.
Why does AI always fuck hands up? And why does every AI piece look so fucking overrendered?

>> No.6510814

AI became too jewish and autistic. Either pay up for a premium service or try to keep up with all the new models, Loras, block merging, self-training and whatever other bullshit. It's might be simple for us channers but its totally inaccessible to normalfags.

>> No.6510815

AI can't do hands now because low resolution of the data it was trained with. And normies still think over rendered = good, and AI bros are trying to impress/scam normies

>> No.6510818
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>Why does AI always fuck hands up?
they are complicated, many possible variations of poses and angles also they are relatively very low res
>And why does every AI piece look so fucking overrendered?
They don't have to be, but those are probably just the ones that get the most attention

>> No.6510819

Have AIbros given up/ got bored? I remember things were way worse a month ago

>> No.6510820

these, but most of all, it's incomplete, released in beta
big talk to drum up suckers and VC money, but in the end, nothing back-end to keep them entertained, even Mid-journey can't do hands, they rushed and oversold it

>> No.6510821

Who cares if a bunch of idiots spam ai art on forums? It's when companies start opting for ai instead of hiring is when artists will have problems. I personally don't think it will have that great of an impact, as an artist still has to have a creative vision etc

>> No.6510822

chatGPT and ai voice is the hot new toy now

>> No.6510823

stfu Poo

>> No.6510824

Yes. They're more like tech demos rn. But if you can't see the potential idk what to tell you.

>> No.6510825

Good morning sir

>> No.6510835

People said they were going to leave the site if the AI spam wasn't stopped. The AI spam wasn't stopped, thus people left the site.
You can look up any website-visit checkers online to see that that Artstation lost a lot of organic traffic which shows that the artists stuck to their guns.

>> No.6510841

That’s what happened to me. Once I had exhausted all my ideas I felt like I had just finished a 120 hour video game and gave up altogether. Since then I’ve started learning to draw in earnest and have been enjoying it much more even though my artwork still looks like shit

>> No.6510849

so.... where's the new alternative industry standard art job site?

>> No.6510852
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>art jobs

>> No.6510854

Yes? They lost a ton of trafic and their name is forever smeared by the AI shitstains. Big profile artists fucked off, people are already jumping to shitty alternatives just because they aren't Artstation, artists are more aware that their content can get scrapped by niggers without their permission. It was a disaster for Artstation.

>> No.6510877

>declare victory anyway

>> No.6510880
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Because AI works by is taking pictures and applying noise to them step-by-step until only noise is left. Then The air attempts to reconstruct the picture using the steps that were taken with partial noise. Then repeat this process countless pictures and patterns will be found.

You can use this method with photographs you cannot get better rendering than a photograph right? The AI doesn't know the difference between a photograph or a render. However when it tries to reconstruct photographs it will inevitably make small incremental changes do to the randomness of the noise because it will just ill in by using the pixels around the pixel that it is not sure about.

However the AI does not understand what a hand is or how many fingers a hand has. It will just take the patterns in learned about a hand and apply it based on he patterns it has seen. But because the hand is complex shape in 3D the AI messes the hand up most often. Without knowledge of 3D shapes it can only rely on what it had seen. For example in the vast majority of photos and renders the face almost always looks towards the camera in some angle so there is less variation of faces than the ways hands are shown in photographs. So the AI is much better at reconstructing faces because it has a far greater sample size for them and way more patterns it has learned about faces during its training.

>> No.6510881

That is how the politicians do it too.

>> No.6510895

These useless protests under capitalism are just it: useless. If we dont unionize we will never have laverage to demand anything from capitalists. But artists think they are an one person company instead of a precarious worker with no rights

>> No.6510901

Most people still don't care for ai art. It's just pajeets with unwarranted self importance, coomers who think their generated art needs to be reposted over and over when they can just keep it to themselves, and general shitposters who simply can't help themselves.

>> No.6510905

Coomers claiming they replaced hentai with AI stuff is especially weird seeing how dynamic hentai can get.

>> No.6510915

>AI art made you want to learn how to draw instead
based, same

>> No.6510923

>they failed

more like artstation tried to appeal to the artist but they already show what a retard they are so they go through with it anyway. At least they can get pajeet money.

>> No.6510961

>lmao LMAO dude bro lmao cope lmao bruh LMAO!

>> No.6510970

Artists try to stand up and change anything challenge (impossible level) (they are too stupid and small dicked for that)