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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 180 KB, 828x683, 6B1E1317-A27B-401B-A6DB-2F857280027A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6508309 No.6508309 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6508310

people really fucking hate artists

>> No.6508440
File: 1.10 MB, 750x1191, 0B1A4EF6-2369-4B82-8DAD-E17B08723B87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people really forget that art is a luxury. It would be nice if young hobbyist commissioners not trying to make a living got used to pricing their stuff to over $100 so that the artists surrounding them didn’t have to compete with wage dollars. It would help everyone, especially the person actually selling commissions. Potential clients would pay for the niches theyre looking for regardless, especially clients that actually have the money they were planning to spend in the first place. Thats how furry coom artists get hella cash.

>> No.6508443

nah the reason is they’re poorfags and I’m not dealing with their poorfaggotry

>> No.6508448

How much does the op pic user charge then?
I reopened during Pixiv Request no fee campaign with my last year's price and got 24 of them within a few days. Now it's finding time to fucking complete them while also not to get fucked in the wagie cage

>> No.6508455

AI will take care of poorfags

>> No.6508458

>unironically telling artists to work for below McDonald's wage while still asking for high quality
Do furfags really

>> No.6508459

I usually charge 45 USD per drawing (full-color, between 1-4 characters, background included).
I suck at pricing my services. I have to see what I can do about it. I work my ass off and barely have enough money to more or less support my family.

>> No.6508463

you are either garbage or actually unironically retarded 2bh
chances are it’s the former and you’re the art equivalent of a guy strumming a guitar in a dive joint

>> No.6508468

>45 USD
>full-color, between 1-4 characters, background included

>> No.6508476
File: 78 KB, 664x756, qrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pretty much rephrased "don't fucking ghost your clients" in picrel. Well no shit. It applies to everyone no matter how much they charge. You don't get scammed because you agreed to a higher price, you get scammed because the artist is an asshole. At that point, you can just file a chargeback as the commissioner and the artist either delivers or you get a refund if they don't respond cuz most of them use paypal

>> No.6508478

I will never understand most commissions, 100$ for a shitty fan art drawing.

>> No.6508479

furries should be overjoyed they are seen as something above an arthropod

>> No.6508480
File: 24 KB, 473x822, imagem_2023-02-06_141827656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git gud
>btw I'm not even there yet

>> No.6508482

>+0,28 USD
post work

>> No.6508483

Fuck them jews ai is here your tears are delicious

>> No.6508485

have fun with your art making golem, moshe

>> No.6508491

Kek true

>> No.6508494

literlly who

>> No.6508505

well, I asked the AI on how many commission piece and how much I should charge on each piece within a month and it says:
To get 2k average monthly, I need to make 10 commission priced at $200.

>> No.6508507

A little bit of both, I'm afraid.
Also, I guess I'm working on a not a very popular niche.

>> No.6508511

45 USD for 1 character is okay for a mediocre or have only been doing for 1-2 years
for 2 character is too much unless you're new at this, less than 1-2 years
Any more is basically just asking for free work.

>> No.6508513

Man if I could charge $250 I'd do those first over the cheaper ones.
Unless the higher paying ones are pricks. Tho it's rare for higher paying clients to be pricks, it's usually the lower paying ones.

>> No.6508519

If it's not very popular, you could probably get away with pricing it higher even at beg, let alone the fact that one drawing allows for 4 fucking full colored characters. Assuming it's a nsfw niche anyway because coomers will pay

>> No.6508527

Yeah the clients that expect you to lower your prices typically are going to be pricks. They may as well settle with ai shit.

>> No.6508529

Imagine aspiring and settling to work as a commission artist for retarded man children on the internet for literal hobo outside McDonald's rates instead of getting into the entertainment industry as an artist with a day rate for juniors averaging 320$ and capping out at 2000$ a day for the seniors
Honestly unbelievable some of you even consider doing Twitter commissions.

>> No.6508532

I don’t want to live in the kind of places studios are located in and those $320 are worth a lot less there than where I am

>> No.6508538

it's from Hentai foundry subless

>> No.6508540

Day rates as in freelance day rates you absolute cock mongrel

>> No.6508543

>junior and senior freelancer

>> No.6508547

freelance doesn’t mean remote, retard

>> No.6508550

You lot are fucking beyond saving lmao

>> No.6508554

post those senior freelance positions

>> No.6508561

Depends on circumstances. Third worlder getting paid by the dollarino and they can do it from the comfort of their bedroom, that's pretty appealing as a side gig. Especially so if they already have a day job that handles that already pays all the bills, commission money are just extra fun money and vacation money.

>> No.6508564

>freelance positions

>> No.6508566

What is the "entertainment industry" exactly? Are you painting album covers? Movie posters? Club fliers?

>> No.6508567

you can be a senior, so it’s a position
you do know what senior means, don’t you?

>> No.6508575

Alright maybe putting it in gamer terms would get my point across to you, level 10 noob = 320 purple gems per day
Level 50 pro = 2000 purple gems per day

>> No.6508576

so you don’t know what senior means
do you even work?

>> No.6508580

The fact you seem to think there's such a thing as freelance positions tells me you've never worked yourself

>> No.6508585

you’re the one who said it, kid
keep larping, neet

>> No.6508588

Keep drawing vtubers with green overflowing diapers for 10$ a month, not my cup of tea but you do you king

>> No.6508593

and it’s a zoomer
of course

>> No.6508598

Great response, expected nothing less

>> No.6508616

yeah dude sorry I'm not in California gay lefty circles handing out blowjobs and complaining about Drumbft on social media to get those gigs.

>> No.6508622

>Imagine aspiring and settling to work as a commission artist for retarded man children on the internet for literal hobo outside McDonald's rates instead of getting into the entertainment industry as an artist with a day rate for juniors averaging 320$ and capping out at 2000$ a day for the seniors
>Honestly unbelievable some of you even consider doing Twitter commissions.

>> No.6508625

>all artists are gay liberals!!
>I want to be an artist

>> No.6508627

Stuff like these costs 40$, but a lot of people tend to tell me I should increase prices a little bit, should I? If so, how much would be enough to not overdo it?

My spic roots make me unable to considerably increase prices, but at the same time I get frustrated to see people charging 60$ or so for shit it's done with obviously much less effort than my stuff, it makes me feel like I should cut myself some slack for once.

>> No.6508628


>> No.6508630
File: 302 KB, 920x1041, Commission - Nun Luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic, dammit.

>> No.6508645

AI is unironically a better choice than commisions, unless you need something extremly unusual/complex

>> No.6508655

45 for one character with simple coloring/inking isn't too bad, I guess. Any more content than that, then you're undercharging. I actually find it funny that people cut prices per character for adding characters to one image, because drawing multiple characters in the same composition makes things progressively more difficult.

>> No.6508668

this furry actually thinks artists draw everything in order

>> No.6508682

Just learn A.I. and print it to a canvas. Easy peasy.

>> No.6508692

It’s really clean and good use of colors. Idk how far you would like to increase but I can see it going for another ten dollars or even 60.

>> No.6508703

He's right. If no one is paying you to do commission at your listed price, your price is set tok high for your level of work. The market sets the price, not the artist.

>> No.6508704

But most people commission artists because they like the peculiarities of their specific workstyle.

>> No.6508705

That's why LoRA exists, so you can duplicate the workstyle

>> No.6508706

>response is to just be a piece of shit
I baited for a response like this, and you didn't disappoint.

>> No.6508708

I'm glad I met your expectations

>> No.6508713

How many commissions do you get at $40?
How long does it take you to make a piece like that?
You need to find out how much you're making a hour, and if you're getting enough work to sustain yourself.
If you up your price you make get more per peice, but get less work. You've got to find the balance.

>> No.6508726

style isn't copyrightable, and so taking someone's style is perfectly fine, it's what artists themselves do too

>> No.6508761

I shall feed an ai the voice of (insert well known actor/voice actor) and make it do voice over work for my project since I can't afford hiring them.
>You're trying to sue me for having an ai of (said actor) voice over my deplorable (insert whatever radical political opinion you fancy)??
>But you can't copyright a voice!!!
You ai chuds are absolute fucking bottom feeders, like atleast try and make a half decent argument instead of just repeating the retarded mantra your onions infused ai overlords are spewing ad nauseam

>> No.6508765

your statement makes no sense
1. you are comparing voice to artstyle
2. and even if so, what's stopping anyone from practicing speaking like biden for example and saying most repulsive things possible
3. and yes, voice, in fact, cannot be copyrighted, and according to Midler v. Ford Motor Co, not every instance of commercial usage of voice is a violation of law, so in the end sneed as you cannot copyright your voice, and i can even likely use your voice in a commercial

>> No.6508766

Didn't a Back to the Future actor successfully sue because he was recast by someone with makeup in his likeness?

>> No.6508767

this indian gypsy would shank you and steal your wallet if it wasn't illegal. this is how AI fags sound like
>you are not entitled to your likeness. I will still your likeness, whether it's your face, your voice, your art style, and it's fine because it's not illegal
you are an actual, literal subhuman. only a subhuman would do this, and tossing you in prison to get assraped for 5 years would be the correct response to this

>> No.6508769


>> No.6508774

welcome to the world of capitalism where only profit matters

>> No.6508775
File: 35 KB, 563x291, insane clients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my prices up btw

>> No.6508777

Most people here who are trying to *make it* are either NEETs dependent on government gibs, literal children or wagies who want to make some cash on the side.

>> No.6508779


"Layout planning", what does that entail?

>> No.6508780

>you are comparing voice to artstyle
a correct comparison. you are not entitled to anyone's likeness. there's a reason retards like you were scoffed at since forever when they tried to copy someone, you didn't need an AI to do this. it's just that every subhuman insect can now do this effortlessly, whereas before they were impended by their own laziness and will to do anything in life
>and even if so, what's stopping anyone from practicing speaking like biden for example and saying most repulsive things possible
I see this retarded comparison all the time, this time it's with "imitating voice". for deepfakes, you niggers say "well you could do that in photoshop". isn't it funny how this shit is supposed to be revolutionary, but when people point how how blatantly this shit can be misused and its consequences, suddenly you relegate it to "oh, well you could do that before anyway". make up your minds, you shitskin poos
>and yes, voice, in fact, cannot be copyrighted, and according to Midler v. Ford Motor Co, not every instance of commercial usage of voice is a violation of law, so in the end sneed as you cannot copyright your voice, and i can even likely use your voice in a commercial
this is pretty much why laws exist and are being made. they're not a static thing. jewish mentality like this right here

>> No.6508783

In most states, you can be sued for using someone else's name, likeness, or other personal attributes without permission for an exploitative purpose. Usually, people run into trouble in this area when they use someone's name or photograph in a commercial setting.

I stole that from some law website.

>> No.6508785

Okay so lets say a hollywood movie wants to hire a specific actor, whom declines due to low pay, and the director decides to get a stunt double to play the role, and then go in and deepfake the footage to look like said actor, and then also do the ai voice shite, not an imitator or someone who looks like the actor since that's not at all what ai schlop is doing despite whatever leddit post you read.
Or if someone takes your likeness and voice, and make a video of you professing your intentions to martyr yourself in the name of jihad and blow yourself up in whatever crowded area. which then get's you arrested and sent to prison for planning a terrorist attack, is that fair game? is the dude who did this for a bit of banter not liable for your misfortune?

>> No.6508793

the images containing the style are copyrighted, stay mad pajeet

>> No.6508799

it’s a comic I’m guessing, so the actual comic part of drawing a comic

>> No.6508803


Like, panel grids and camera angles?

>> No.6508804

I declare my intentions to steal your likeness, voice, mannerism, mental illness', low IQ and mouth breathing and depose you and make our mommy kick you out and accept me as the new you!
You cannot complain!
You cannot copyright yourself or claim our-I mean MY mommy for yourself.
You are obsolete, mommy will love me and only me.

>> No.6508807

Honestly, as much as I (try to) respect other artists I just can't see why anyone would want to pay that much.
I don't know, maybe it's because I wouldn't when I can draw it myself or maybe it's because in my shitty little country a hundred bucks is a lot (7 commissions like that would allow you to survive here for a month at least).
Though commissions are a luxury product/service so I guess it's not surprising a poorfag like me doesn't get it.

>> No.6508811

like the fucking comic, you mong
you think some random retard is going to provide the layout?

>> No.6508824

Same way custom made shoes are more expensive than mass produced ones. You sell prints for typically a low price, since those attend to be mass produced, while commissions don’t intend to be, since those are specifically made for you.

>> No.6508833

>you can't copyright likeness
Aight bet, steal mickey mouse's likeness and start selling products of nickey mouse, I'll wait

>> No.6508846

that’s not what likeness means

>> No.6508853

and? that's only the images, and unless you can prove beyond any doubt that someone used these images directly to obtain the style, you are fucked
your first statement is a possiblity, unsure how it works for visual likeness, but in case of voice actors and game characters, that's what could end up happening to them, especially as the company that hires the voice actor owns the voice lines they received, and so they can train ai on them
as for second statement, pretty sure that'd be not allowed due to laws on defamation

>> No.6508857

>as for second statement, pretty sure that'd be not allowed due to laws on defamation

>> No.6508858

unless you can prove it’s possible to recreate a style without providing examples of the style, it is a given that said material was used, because hat is how the tech works
>hurrrrr can you prooooove I copied mickey mouse and didn’t just invent this on my own??
not how it works

>> No.6508859

>copyrighted character
Besides courts operate by the rule of innocent untill proven guilty, so you'd need to prove I used your artworks to copy your artstyle. I could have as well just manually edited all of model's weights, without using machine learning, and so it happened to look similar

>> No.6508867
File: 2.40 MB, 3025x2102, imagem_2023-02-06_202604538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's essentially a script of what's going to be in each page and panel.
Kind of like a story board I guess. It's what mangakas call a "name".

>> No.6508868

and it's the fact that while first case isn't prohibited by any laws, the second case likely is, and thus you cannot do that for any official thing, however people still do it for shitposts, like making biden say various questionable things

>> No.6508872

Nickey mouse's a totally different character than the beloved Mickey mouse
Nickey mouse spends his day committing serial identity theft & fraud, entirely different character actually, he just happens to look a bit like Mickey mouse, but since likeness can't be copyrighted there should be no issue.

>> No.6508878

that is not how it works at all lmao, it is you who has to provide the process in copyright claims, that is literally why the meme ai comic got fucked out of copyright and also what happened in the ap photo lawsuit, it was the artist who was responsible for proving his process to show he made the work independently
sorry rajesh

>> No.6508879

>retard thinks civil torts are criminal law

>> No.6508886

bro you keep talking about different things, the point was style and now you are talking about likeness. I have no idea about visual likeness of a character, but vocal likeness cannot be copyrighted, so yes, you can keep calling yourself Nickey mouse and keep talking like Mickey mouse
thats why I proposed alternative method of manually editing weights lmao, as it doesn't require any training or anything, sorry Chaquille and Rashaad!
Also on topic of the AI comic, unsure which one you are talking about, but if it's the one I'm thinking about, the author of it appealed, and as of January 24th, the comic is again covered by copyright. the title of one i'm talking about is "Zarya of the Dawn"

>> No.6508890

$100 is very expensive for one jpg file, yes.

>> No.6508899

if you’re simultaneously poor and brown, an unfortunate combination indeed

>> No.6508917
File: 363 KB, 613x551, onedollar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6508921
File: 2.85 MB, 1036x1500, ravenHF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much should I charge for this?

>> No.6508923

>bust/waist/full body composition is decided by me
>I decide the level of complex
>if you don’t want random wildly off pattern garbage, look elsewhere
the absolute state of aijeets

>> No.6508927

He's an artist being sarcastic, presumably in response to people whining about commission prices.

>> No.6508930

>that account name

>> No.6508932

He’s memeing, trying to bait out the dumb fucks who will fall for this. Not even turd world shitters go this low.

>> No.6508933

>how much should I charge for this?
350 pesos.

>> No.6508936

>artist wants 300-400 dollars for a character in a predefined pose
>artist seethes about AI when he finds out most people aren't willing to pay that, and would rather use AI
The state of "art" community, how did we fall so much in the past 200 years

>> No.6508937
File: 163 KB, 828x690, 962AC42D-1C05-4CAF-9F5F-E7A6836409DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6508938

If you look at his drawings, I'm unsure if even 1 dollar is worth it, it looks like something a monkey connected to neuralink would draw

>> No.6508941

>especially as the company that hires the voice actor owns the voice lines they received, and so they can train ai on them
Why even do that? Based on what AIfags preach, just cull audio from interviews and other movies and don't hire the VA at all.

>> No.6508944

audio quality
interviews/movies/whatever have a ton of noise, which is an issue with voice generation, even using not lossless audio formats can have an impact, that's why you want to have the voices professionally recorded

>> No.6508948

If we assume he finishes 30 generations a day he would be making more than most people

>> No.6508951
File: 426 KB, 807x1387, 09A118D3-E340-4F35-8E76-C858C032B0AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think he’s joking

>> No.6508952

This would make a great hentai

>> No.6508954

It's an interesting strategy that I doubt people actively consider, but drowning out the competition with cheap mass product to then rise prices is a real thing.
I wonder if it's a possiblity that AI will kill off majority of commercial artists with how cheap it is, to then become less cheap

>> No.6508958

what's his endgame?

>> No.6508960
File: 35 KB, 720x404, 1675569025310727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first started putting myself out there, I used to charge as low as 30 dollars for full on illustrations, and no one would bite. I'm at a point now (after a few years of doing art) where I can charge $200-$300+ for a piece and have no problem getting a client every once in a while.

I'm charging whatever the fuck I want as long as people are willing to pay for it, and so should everyone else who does art. It's literally supply and demand 101. To all artists, don't ever undersell yourself. People pay for art because they lack the time/dedication/patience/talent to do it themselves. It's literally your power, and YOU have the final say.

>> No.6508970

He's shitposting. Read the rules on the sheet. If you pay a dollar, you'll get some 6th grader's notebook doodle style animu. The other illustrations are his actual work.
He's not an AIfag and he's not selling serious work for $1. He's either doing it for laughs or to draw attention to the concept of getting what you pay for - if you don't want to pay much, expect lower quality.

>> No.6508979

>drowning out the competition with cheap mass product to then rise prices is a real thing.
that is actually the opposite of a real thing
back when unions were big in europe, whenever some new company came and started offering retarded prices, all the other companies would raise their prices and focus on superb customer relations, letting the new one get drowned in cheap demand, missing deadlines, delivering bad batches etc for bad margins, then when word of mouth got around, they’d lower their prices down and get all the customers back, now happy to pay what was previously “premium” prices for what was now “professional” service by comparison to the cheap one
this still happens in more isolated markets like australia, two of the companies I worked for (in the same field) went down like that, suits are always blinded by market share and getting to call themselves the biggest X etc, the companies were binning literally 5 units for each one they actually sold and paying out the ass for contract violations for missed deadlines, all because they accepted every retard making an order and trying to rapidly expand to meet the demand, but all the competition paid more and worked less and growing the production capacity as fast as the demand grew was literally impossible, the average new hire turnaround was under a month
temporarily, the stocks skyrocket and someone probably makes out like a bandit, but the company is dead in under 3 years

>> No.6509063


>> No.6509076
File: 17 KB, 474x333, IMG_5346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If $100 is too expensive for you then you shouldn't be buying art anyway on your budget.

>> No.6509079

This is why people pay AI instead

>> No.6509081

Nah many of us are willing to spend good money on commissions, myself included. Higher the prices less competition for slots anyway so I don't mind.

>> No.6509084

This is one thing that I cannot understand. Why do artists charge less for adding extra characters?

>> No.6509090

If you're jiragora you're totally there already, it's just a matter of taking really great stuff to the next level now.

I used to make the same amount of money for commissions on hentai foundry except I sucked at drawing faces and still do, I stopped because I was spending like 80 hours on a single commission and the hourly rate became laughably poor.

But still, hentai foundry sounds like a great place to grow as a coom artist. It's really just not my thing but it was a fun experiment and getting paid to draw and learn was nice.

>> No.6509091

>doesn't show date
Of course

>> No.6509092

Wish I were wrong but I don't think you have any other options when you're 30+

>> No.6509099

Depends on how long have you been doing commission and how many people are buying from you. If you found yourself having to reject commissions due to too many of them then yes.

>> No.6509106

Dont bother with lowballing fags if you're already preoccupation. Also 150 pages wtf, how long are you going to make for that shithead, 5 months? For 3750? Fuck off.

>> No.6509108

>Paying for free AI generators
My sides. The AIjeet community is just full of grifters all the way down

>> No.6509182

I will never understand custom made shoes either

>> No.6509247

I'm a thirdworlder.
I charge $15 for one pic, takes me like 5 or 6 hours.
I get commissions but I pander to one single niche.
I don't even do NSFW
American dollars are OP in my country, one single commission is more than what the average person makes here in a day.
However most people tip me, they give me $20 or even $30.
I don't plan to charge more than $20 no matter how much I improve. I'd rather do this than any other shitty overworked job that is available over here. I can wake up at any time I want as long as I spend at least 5 hours doing commisions and another 2 doing studies.
I know my siblings are jealous as fuck of me, they wish they had what I have but they don't even know english.

>> No.6509250

Reading this explains why so many ESL AIfags on the internet seethe over commission artists. In the US, the rate you describe would be like 25% the wage paid to a burger flipper.

>> No.6509274

Not my fault I was born in a country where being an artist as a full time job is not only profitable, but also better than most jobs here that require you to break your back working from 6am to 8pm in a culture that celebrates this kind of slavery. I'm also socially retarded so it's a fucking blessing working as an artist doing commission exists, it's like this job was made for me lol. With the amounts of corruption over here you can be the best at doing a job but if your boss doesn't like you for being a weirdo you're out. Connections and social circles mean everything. This is why my family seethes at me for getting away with waking up at 12pm, having no friends or gf and still earning more than them.

>> No.6509275

>lowering yourself for cheap people

>> No.6509283

That's pretty cool

>> No.6509309

Why not double your prices? You can live like a king, retard.

>> No.6509312

too bad for americans trying to compete with cheap labor, but for those who live in SEA or South America 100 USD is a very good money even after taxes , most people in Indonesia as example ( because there is a ton of fucking good artists there ) live with 700 USD or less a month, so they already think that people are retarded to pay 100 USD for a jpeg, imagine 300

>> No.6509317
File: 232 KB, 795x805, 1gb6br4ms_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I charge 70$ bucks for something like this, anything else and I may as well get a second part time job at mc donalds. Better pay and benefits lol.

>> No.6509324

Based twitter user forcing artists to work for pennies lol

>> No.6509432

Argentina? Dude, if your art is good, raise your prices.

>> No.6509455
File: 109 KB, 491x702, 6130db41fbfc089603b07b7660e5f53fab2cc0c43f2d0e37925835616e54b121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many commissions do you get at $40?
As of late I dont get any, but that is because I've been terribly inactive in social media due to college, the only times I get commissions is when some people that already commissioned me in the past feel like getting another work from me or when I openly shill my commissions, which led me to hit roughly 5 commissions in the span of 2 days. I believe if I went fully active again, I would get roughly 3 per month, not counting regulars.
>How long does it take you to make a piece like that?
If it's simple enough, I can finish it in a single sitting, otherwise, it takes me several sessions (3 days more or less).
Idk what can you tell me from all that.
Going to keep that in mind anon, I honestly dont see myself charging 60$ for something like these, but it's a good limit to consider.
I already got three years making commissions, and so far I only fill slots rapidly between long periods of no clients, when I tell people to wait, it's usually when Im still full after a while since I take my sweet ass time with the draws. As for people, I can count at least 5 regulars that commission me from time to time...
Funnily enough, I have cheaper commissions in chibi art style, and I barely get to draw these for commissions kek.

>> No.6509463

>150 pages
>For fucking 3750 usd
Normies have absolutely no idea how much time and effort goes into making comics holyshit.

>> No.6509477

Do you actually get commissions often?

>> No.6509499

artists should work for the love of the craft and not monetary gain.

>> No.6509506

Same with McDonald's employees.

>> No.6509507
File: 168 KB, 593x681, 2buttsmaller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the last year on average one a month (some months are dry, and some a guy will come in and buy like 3 pieces), I only got like 600 followers on twitter tho. I feel the people who actually make a living wage are the guys with +10k and are on every platform in existence.

>> No.6509514

Nothing wrong with wishing the hobby you love doing was also your job. Unless it kills the joy of it, but thats not always the case.

>> No.6509523

I made 5k last month and will probably net 6-7k this month

and depending on future outlook probably 2-3k every month after. if I'm being conservative.

also minus taxes since I do corpo shit
But few tips for the corpo boys I'm guessing if there's any of you, you already know this.

But ask for their budget timeframe delivery expectations. Project expectations and then price depending on a series of those factors. Also ask anyone you know that works for them so you dont deep dick other artists.

If someone wants a painting in 2 days I'm going to charge a fair penny vs several months out.

>> No.6509536

>wagies who want to make some cash on the side.
nothing wrong with that

I work as a java dev and justr want to make cute art, if I can make a buck out of it why not

>> No.6509541

Honestly I get what he's saying - he's right. Too many of these dogshit artists walk around with a chip on their shoulder because Twitter told them that they deserve to. When in reality - which will easily reflect in a person's work and queue - they will never be commissioned for the price they're asking because they fucking suck. They're like 1 step above the AI faggots. At least they draw, but they have an ego over it because Twitter told them to.

Also, notice how a lot of the replies in the OP are all from people who have a sizable following already? One woman I skimmed over is a 2 time My Little Pony cover artist with 5k followers. Like lmao clearly this woman has already won. Congrats. The post clearly isn't for these types. But these small fries need to face reality and acknowledge that their work is not worth what Twitter insists, and is likely not worth what they're already charging.

I once landed a FCBD gig at my local comic shop but the owner let us sell prints too. Made a decent chunk of change and some worthwhile connections with two other local artists. But you know who didn't make any money nor friends at all? The college freshman who arrived over 2 hours late to the gig and whose work was complete dogshit, clearly the result of everyone in his life being too nice to tell him that he fucking sucks and to try harder. Creatively, he was stuck in like 2nd grade. 90% of /beg/ is unironically better than his works. Hugbox mentality is awful, especially for art. He sat across me in near silence for 3 hours and made no money while I cleaned house, because I bothered to learn some fundamentals.

People on mainstream sites are way too nice about the ins and outs of freelancing. Many, many of these people should not be trying to do art for money to any degree. I'm not trying to be a crab, and I don't want them to stop drawing entirely. I mean it as genuinely as possible. These people need to stop muddying the waters for the people who actually have a shot.

>> No.6509542

damn bitch slay

>> No.6509546

Sure, but you know most of the people whining are poorfags who think a fully rendered, multi-character commission with hyper specific details and endless revisions should be like $50 or something.

>> No.6509550

>fully rendered, multi-character commission with hyper specific details and endless revisions
that people don't do commissions

>> No.6509551

Hey Parker, neck yourself. Thanks.

>> No.6509555

If you're such a bitch of course artists will shit talk about you in private about how much of a bitch you are.

>> No.6509557

can you retweet my art, ill draw your OC or something.

>> No.6509558

And some artists get pretty detailed with it, so it's like a comic sketch.

>> No.6509561

I honestly think he's tracing

>> No.6509562

do people really do this comissionshit?
I would never put up with what someone else wants me to draw, I would set up a patreon or some shit

>> No.6509564

this reads like bait, but I mostly agree.

the question of what a commission is worth is just business. you aren't entitled to shit except what you've agreed upon with the customer. some people should charge less than $100 if they want to get commissions, it's that simple. by the same token, however, people aren't entitled to your work. that's the retarded part of what he's saying. what you can't afford isn't my problem.
>fuck you, pay me

>> No.6509569

Patreon only works if you have an established fanbase and then even if you want to make good money, you'll have to draw shit people wanna see or have to cave in doing polls for things your fans want to see. And also you'll have to wait for your payment every month.
Commissions can get you a LOT of money fast. But also you can get burnout from it fast.
So pick your poison.

>> No.6509572

I draw hentai for around $150 a colored piece but I throw in 2 characters in the same pic by default cause I know most of customers want sex scenes not just pinups. I works well.

>> No.6509661

I was thinking about raising my price from $100 to $200 because it's not really worth it at $100. Either I don't make any commissions in which case I have more time for drawing what I do like, or I make an actual reasonable amount of money for a commission.

>> No.6509662

>$40 for 3 days of work
That's an africa-tier wage

>> No.6509665

Engineering graduates in SEA lives off of less than $600. Accounts/non STEM grads lives off less than $450. No shit even $40 commission a month is worth more than licking their bosses' shoes only to be rewarded with more work.

>> No.6509666
File: 720 KB, 640x960, 4775d3cade83f9e1f65c0de9f8669119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509682

If you've already got a client base I don't think they'd appreciate a 100% price increase kek

>> No.6509724

I live in Venezuela and you can't do shit with $15. I doubt that Argentina is worse off than my shithole. Surely that anon is from some godforsaken Asian country.

>> No.6509735

I charge $20 for a finished pic as someone living in America so commissions are legitimately completely unsustainable for me.

>> No.6509747
File: 1.27 MB, 4291x2326, tifa_and_aerith_pre_fight_by_bbiirrddtwo_dfobkpl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im /beg/ as fuck but i got $25 for this and it's by far the most popular thing ive uploaded.

>> No.6509751
File: 208 KB, 474x301, 156021032553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With that description of a shithole, one can assume you live in...
Fucking called it two llaneras away lmfao
Totally raise your prices, bro. If you're already doing it for long enough and have a good client base, you deserve to increase pricing a little bit, even 20$ sounds like a good limit. And keep in mind even dollars water down quickly due to this shitty crisis and you can barely do stuff with 15$ nowadays, so an increase would come handy. Also, if some retard like me can get away with charging +40$ for clip-art-looking stuff while being stuck in the same hell of a country, then so do you.
>Also also
pyw, Im curious to see the art of another Venecobro.

Which is exactly why I never use time to measure my prices, it doesnt work for me considering I am too slow to draw and get things done... call it a skill issue.

>> No.6509759
File: 1.67 MB, 1520x2000, Nimbus_Finished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot pic related. This would've been $20 at full price but was majorly discounted it due to it being the first time they were commissioning me.

This isn't meant to crab on >>6509747 at all but it does mean my work and their work are within the same price range despite being very different artworks.

>> No.6509767

im not offended you should definitely charge more.

>> No.6509769

>This isn't meant to crab
But your art actually does look like it's worth that much. And fuck you too.

>> No.6509903

patreon isn’t magic, they offer polls, commission slots, tutorials, videos etc

>> No.6509908

Not bait at all, I meant every word 100%. I put the FCBD paragraph in there just for anecdote because this is not my first time seeing

>people aren't entitled to your work. that's the retarded part of what he's saying. what you can't afford isn't my problem.
This is the part that I'm focusing on - the opposite side of this same coin. Yes, people aren't entitled to that artist's work. But a very large percentage of the time, any artist isn't entitled to anyone else's money either. It goes both ways and a lot of these crybabies think that just because they draw (not well, mind you) they can justify asking for money which simply is not true. If someone could justify charging for their work, it would show in their numbers and in their demand. But these /beg/ tier artists parroting every ego inflating talking point that Twitter told them to, thinking they can justify not only charging say $20, but doubling that baseline, is just absurd. People aren't willing to look at their own artwork, and think about their skill level, with an objective mindset. I think they just browse other people's commission sheets and get a general average and run with it despite being leagues below the standard of what a regular person would be willing to pay for.

I guess the occasional fetishist with a niche can make a living doing that because it's not something that a lot of people are catering to, but how many artists focus on the next big anime trend? How many of them just draw shitty flavor of the month anime girls with big circles for boobs and try to pass it off as "sexy" or whatever other buzzword they can use to fake traction? How many of them think they can earn any kind of income doing this compared to all the people who actually learned how to draw? They're a dime a hundred at this point, and most of them fucking suck and should not ever consider asking money for their work until they actually make an effort. All they're doing right now is muddying the waters.

>> No.6509909

I started back in August and I didn't even think I'd get a single commission, my art isn't that good though I keep improving. I got 7 commissions 6 hours after uploading my commission sheet. I was lucky anon, the niche I'm pandering to has real supportive artists who retweeted my commissions tweet and thus I was able to get some work with only 350 followers. This fanbase also has a regular amount of people that like to support artists that still draw for this franchise, I would never not get work. I have almost 600 followers now. And I still don't wanna raise my prices until I get to a skill level I'm comfortable at. I do plan to charge more and draw less in the future, but for now I need to keep grinding and getting commissions is a great motivation to keep drawing everyday.

>> No.6509912

where are these shitty artists asking for a lot? all I see is droves of shitty artists asking for $7-$65 and supposedly getting commissions
this all reads like shit you imagined in your head

>> No.6509914


>> No.6509923
File: 1.68 MB, 1600x1236, Band Reunion - Part One.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pyw, Im curious to see the art of another Venecobro
Here's the first part of a commission I'm working on right now. I'm not very happy with it because the anatomy looks kind of wonky, but the client seems to be happy with it. Also, of my recent work, this is the least strange, so I feel more comfortable sharing it here.
By the way, I'm this guy >>6508459. Are you >>6508630?

>> No.6509930

This, poorfaggots are akin to choosing beggars, just a bunch of entitled cunts, the same retards that push the ai goyslop. literally not worth the time or effort. People will always pay for art as long as you're decent.

>> No.6509947


>> No.6509950

"asking for a lot" is not the same as "asking for money in general." Look just a few posts above yours. Two different artists with clearly a huge gap in skill between them, specifically >>6509759
and >>6509747. Which one is worth your $20~25, as stated by each? That's the point I'm making.

>> No.6509964
File: 55 KB, 375x500, 454917@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whichever gets paid that, art is intrinsically worthless, what value you attach to a statue of a cumming anime boy has no relevance to the fact that the artist was paid 15 million dollars for it, thus making that its value at that point in time

>> No.6509966

there are plenty of cheap artists out there ready to dish his perverted ass a mediocre and unfulfilling OC in a traced pose with flat colouring for $15.

>> No.6509967


>> No.6509970

>150 pages
mother fucker needs a pristine, untouched, personalized novella worth of furry whack-off material just to achieve a bust.

>> No.6509974

opinion discarded.

>> No.6509978

Then just draw your own shit or use AI who cares how poor your ass is. Many people literally pay millions on furry shit so why are you so poor you let furries look richer than you?

>> No.6509988

i went to see that murakami exhibition when i was a kid (7-8y/o) with my friend and her parents, because they knew we liked anime--needless to say, it was a shock to see this statue and the one with the anime woman lactating.
pivotal childhood moment ngl

>> No.6510013

So you will fuck your child up by doing the same to them?

>> No.6510026

where do you guys find new customers? twitter suck

>> No.6510034

If you can’t get commissions through twitter, use reddit or /aco/.

>> No.6510083

If you have to lower your prices below $100 it means your art isn't good enough.

>> No.6510114


>> No.6510128

Van Gogh is crying

>> No.6510148

>reddit or /aco/
I am talking about €600+ per commission/painting. Where to find this kind of client?

>> No.6510168
File: 66 KB, 200x193, 1658428381489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510180

I don't get it. Any mathfags care to explain?

>> No.6510190

yeah, it's pretty weird tbqh. I think it's something that comes from being insecure about charging money or being able to make it, a way to push themselves to ask for more than maybe they'd be inclined to. it's a lot of neurotic girls and hyperfeminized cucks trying to hype themselves up, buying into a shared delusion; trying to convince themselves and each other what they're worth as if it'll automatically become real if they believe it hard enough. an elaborate system of cope. it seems like a common dynamic nowadays, and something we are even cultivating. weird losers getting hostile to protect the fantasy cope world in their minds.

I was just saying that deluding yourself like they do is a waste of time. what you should charge for your commissions comes down exclusively to what's going to maximize your income. leave your ego, self-esteem and insecurity out of it. some people would actually make far more money if they charged $70 as opposed to $100, because they would be able to move more commissions. if you aren't getting commissions, it's either because you're not reaching people who would buy them, or the value proposition you're offering (value per $) is turning them away: so expand your reach and/or lower your cost. if you're getting too many, raise your price. it doesn't need to be more complicated than that.

>> No.6510196

>artist says they charge €150 per page, plus layout design fees
>lowballer wants to pay €23.31 per page

>> No.6510226

>trying to influence the market by complaining on twitter
market knows better furry retard

>> No.6510230
File: 353 KB, 1428x735, Commission - Pizza Blasphemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's good you got lucky with commissions, and good move moving to a fanbase, you have more than enough to increase your prices a bit more, but since you're still small on numbers and have some stuff to polish, I understand where the hesitation comes from, just keep the increase in mind and dont overwork yourself.
Man, the contrast of simplicity and detail is really tasty here, there's something in that rendering of your that is very charming; something in the faces kind of bugs me though... other than that, it's a really good piece. Given it's a handful of panels and not just a single draw, I assume this was pricier than just 45$, right? if not, you definitely should increase prices for complex stuff like this.
Yes, Im that anon you replied to kek. Here's another commission I made just in case, I think this was something around 60$...

>> No.6510257
File: 50 KB, 348x323, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510268
File: 12 KB, 262x262, 1553236508789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510281

I'm glad you like the contrast between the simplicity of the characters and the details in the backgrounds. It's something I've been toying with for a while now. As for the faces... I agree with you. I used to draw in a style closer to American comics but for the last few years I have been experimenting with more cartoonish designs. Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten the hang of it. Maybe I should participate in /salt/ and see if someone can give me a hand with that.
I still have five more panels to finish, but I'm afraid I won't be able to get more than $50 for the whole comic. This customer is weird and I still don't know how to deal with him. In my defense, my other clients pay me a little better.

I have come across your art several times and I must admit that I really like your style. It's a nice mix between chibi and cartoon. Also, I love how cute your characters are and how clean and professional your images are.

>> No.6510317

I think he means you could get anything from a shitty scribble to a full render.

>> No.6510328

I keep hearing this "get into the industry" but I've sent my portfolio everywhere and despite my art doing good online, I just won't get a job without connections. After all why would they hire me, some guy from europe when they know illustrators irl?

>> No.6510338

101% you’re retarded and sending drawings that have nothing to do with the job and you probably suck on top of it
there’s a shitload of work in europe btw, you dumb gypsy

>> No.6510340
File: 35 KB, 600x539, 1673101960380044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i LARP as an animal online all day
>why are people making fun of me?

>> No.6510375

AI is eating heavily into the flash commission market. But that should be no surprise.

>> No.6510387

I love your style, anon! Do you have a gallery or anything that I could follow?

>> No.6510401

it's definitely cope, that's for damn sure.

Your second paragraph hits the nail on the head pretty well; I concur. I just wish all these other nobodies would get the chip off their shoulders and actually commit to becoming the best artist they can be instead of putting elementary school tier shit up as their "portfolio" and thinking they're justified in asking for money in exchange for such a horrible quality of work.

And the entirety of art Twitter justifies their actions and thoughts, justifies them to act like they woke up at the finish line. Like they're completely in the right for asking for so much for such rubbish work. Imagine you go to a dealership to buy a brand new car, expecting something fresh off the assembly line. But when you get there all they have is old clunkers that they halfway restored out of a junkyard, and then the dealer gets mad at you for expecting better quality or lower price. That's what this situation feels like to me. Absolutely wild.

>> No.6510492

yeah her face turned out like shit but i had already redid it twice and i figured that's as good as it'll get.

>> No.6510499

I live in the US and the life you described sounds absolutely no different except for the fact we get compensated somewhat

>> No.6510516

its ok everybody has pieces like this, congrats on getting paid dude

>> No.6510526

what the other anon said. If you orient your portfolio for the job you trying to apply to so the employer could see that you can do it you wont have problems finding work

>> No.6510528

first time i've ever laughed at this joke. nice one anon

>> No.6510543

so? why would a competitive professional take less than someone in the country hes working with? Dumping is for begs

>> No.6510563

Making art is a lovely experience, the real work in commission jobs is extracting what they actually fucking want you to draw from the commissioners who tend to be absolute retards or at the very least quirky.

So no, I'd rather get one $100 commission a week than three $50 ones because the additional work is not worth the additional pay.

>> No.6510570

Coommissioners can't afford gpus.

>> No.6510577

>Besides courts operate by the rule of
Precedent. And the current precedent for this tech is it's illegal to sample art for your own commercial purposes through A.I.
The music industry already solved this problem for us, it's why nobody has had the balls to make a big cash product with proomtptshit. They know a pixel comber is gonna find copyrighted material and sue the pants off them.

>> No.6510583

>And also you'll have to wait for your payment every month.
>Commissions can get you a LOT of money fast.
ok I see your point, though I would still be really nervous about making commissions, mostly because I would be anxious about whether or not I end up disappointing the person who order it, what if they don't like it or w/e, maybe it's too complicated? Idk, my first post sound to egocentric but it was just that

>> No.6510587

He's not from Venezuela, read again

>> No.6510590

this looks really cute and stylish, I like it

>> No.6510593

Literally stop giving a shit. So many artists are so worried that their drawings are going to look like shit, that they started too late and will never be able to learn, that they're charging too much for comms, that the commissioner will be disappointed, etc etc, that they wind up just fretting and not doing anything. Just try your best at whatever you're doing and don't be afraid to put yourself out there. OK, so a buyer isn't happy with the result of a commission, even though you tried your best... now what? One person doesn't buy from you again? Unfortunate, but in the long run it doesn't matter. You could be the best artist in the world, and I guarantee you'd still wind up with a random commissioner who'd be dissatisfied with the results. It happens. Ask them what they didn't like, if keeping them as a client is economical and if revisions are within the scope of your terms, try to fix it to their liking. If you still can't, then just leave it at that.

>> No.6510644

I wasn't talking about you in particular, it just explains why some of the AI shills have such irrational hateboners for artists on Twitter who offer commissions. By first world living expense metrics, most commissioned artists on the internet are maybe making enough in a month to cover a week or two of groceries, at a rate that doesn't reflect the time or skill required to make their works, so seething about them making peanuts just seems bizarre and petty. The hatred makes a lot more sense when viewed from a thirdworlder perspective, because to them some fag drawing a rabbit girl sucking a dick for $100 has somehow cheated the system by earning a week's worth of a Poojeet call center worker's salary in a single day by drawing one single image.

>> No.6510656

not him but most of the seethe I've seen comes from Americans on /pol/ or other first worlders though, it's not really a country thing but rather people who just hate artists in general. I think it's because in America artists are associated with left and stuff

>> No.6510660

Certainly there's that, but at least when I see "get a real job" lobbed at the generic twitter coom artist, I have to imagine it's coming from somebody who lives in a place where making a couple hundred a week is viewed as a job as opposed to bonus fun money, because most first world twitter artists almost certainly already have a "real job" and aren't making their living by drawing fetish art.

>> No.6510663

Another thing I want to add, a lot of third worlders (I'm from Argentina) take the opportunity like those two anons above, I don't think normal people even know about this stuff to seethe at it really. The only real genuine seethe I've seen, is towards developers/programmers who work for companies abroad and earn in USD from 2 to 6k a month or more, mostly because programming is popular nowadays and lot of them tend to boost around their salaries in massive online communities like reddit etc + how they only work for an hour a day or something.

t. studying dev + drawing on the side

>> No.6510664
File: 184 KB, 1500x958, 20230205_130203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only get 1 to 3 commissions a month.

I am not even competitive.

>> No.6510691

Notice how her hands are hidden? Also I don't like her face. It's un-appealing. She has the facial expression of one of my psycho ex's.

>> No.6510693

people here use Pixiv for comissions or what?

>> No.6510696

You can, if you know how to read Japanese.

>> No.6510702

Well, I've sent my portfolio and job that I'm aiming, which is colorist but since last year, I didn't hear them back. I want to live abroad and want to experience what's the life living next to real life people in those Stonetoss comics.

>> No.6510710

Much appreciated, anon! Sadly I dont have a gallery per se other than my Twatter (@KarmaColorCat), at the very least you can see all art I post on the media tab no problems. I DO need to dump my stuff in a more suitable platform though, I was thinking on Newgrounds or even Deviantart or Tumblr, for as dead as they are, they may serve good for just galleries, I guess...? Any suggestion on where should I make a gallery?

>Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten the hang of it.
If it helps, what throws me off about then is how narrowed they look in comparison of the head, like you're keeping all facial elements in a closed space at the center rather than organizing them in the head based on their proportions, I guess you can try and give the face more room in the head and see if that does any good.
>I still have five more panels to finish, but I'm afraid I won't be able to get more than $50 for the whole comic.
oof, that's not good at all, for the amount of work you're putting you should be able to charge more, cant do much about it now that the deal is settled, but keep that in mind in case anything like that happens again.
>I have come across your art several times and I must admit that I really like your style.
Thanks! That's good to know, there are some things I can definitely improve, like better layouts and storytelling... and using actual shading for once... but Im glad that what I got is good enough.

Shit, you're right, my bad kek

Thanks much! Im surprised this style of mine has this much feedback on this board, given my first impressions of the board and how my works were treated at first, it felt like stuff like these were hated.

>> No.6510737

I'd put my pineapple in her pizza.

>> No.6510760

I think 4chan users really take how tech literate they are for granted. I remember a thread on /g/ where they were all baffled that the younger generation did know how file heirachy worked. This is the only reason everyone isn't just using SD on an air cloud right now, you might as well ask people to learn Japanese to watch their favorite anime.

>> No.6510934

Stop sucking then you ngmi beglet

>> No.6510935

or they're just installing SD and 'making' the art themselves?

>> No.6510941

I use Pixiv Request. They're having no fee campaign till 14th Feb so it's a good time to take commissions there. Reopened recently and got around 20+ of them so far

>> No.6510973

>commercial purposes
>it's literally under research fair use category

>> No.6511043

Hey, I'm third worlder too. You can start at $15 or undercharging for your first year of doing comms, but after that just follow what your peers are doing. You'll live like a king, you'll deal with less picky poorfaggots, and you're not flooding your market with cheap mass produced art. I myself already have a day job, this art side gig is an extra income and as a buffer if I ever lose my job. Heck, it made me feel at ease that I could quit my job if it goes to bullshit territory any day and I wont have to worry about money for a few years

>> No.6511060

>undercut that badly by third worlders
>even before AI art fully matures
there must be some employment you can transfer your skills in making pictures to

>> No.6511144

I am more annoyed at the programmers and techjeets who sit there inside their office earning as much as me who had to go to factories, pulling conveyors and cables and trunkings and carton sealers and shit till 1AM. Seriously, what the fuck do these people do? I do programming on the side for programming games and stuff alongside drawing but damn if I'd knew I'd just get a degree in Comp. Sci than fucking industrial engineering if we're just gonna be paid the same and report to the same asshole boss.

>> No.6511146


>> No.6511173

Blog? I would like to see more.

>> No.6511176

>cut shadow on the left
rookie mistake

>> No.6511198

Already mentioned it here >>6510710, but here's a link https://twitter.com/karmacolorcat
Like I said before, Im on the lookout for a place to post my stuff like an actual gallery, if you have any recommend, I'll give it a try

>> No.6511218

Get appeal. Good commissioners don't want art, they want YOUR art, unlike cheap fucks who get whatever they can get their hands on. This is what AI retards don't get either.

>> No.6511244

> Good commissioners don't want art, they want YOUR art
Yes but you're trying to make this sound positive when it's not. Art is a brand and the top dollar commissioners commission art of big artists because getting art from them is a sign of status. And the artists get status by being commissioned by these big commissioners. That's what you analog artists don't get. It's a degenerate capitalistic loop.

What AI art does is that it devalues those artists by making their art accessible to anyone when you train the AI on them which makes them equal to the rest of us.

>> No.6511250


>> No.6511251

Literally cannot refute my points

>> No.6511275

please refer to >>6511250
and keep referring to it in lieu of future correspondence

>> No.6511293

Then work harder and BECOME the big name artist whose work is sought after. You think you have so much of it so figured out but you'd rather piss and cry about the AI shitheads and third worlders before you even start which refutes all of your retarded talking points. Absolutely embarrassing. Third worlders are outdoing you because they want it more than you and it shows.
I know my art isn't worth shit currently which is what is fueling my grind, but I'll be damned if I ever end up in the same boat as you. Just pitiful.

>why try when ai can do it just as good for cheaper?
truly ngmi with this mindset, and you rightfully should give up and stay out of the way of people who are willing to step up to bat.

>> No.6511297

Anon, he’s shilling for AI
>you analog artists
he doesn’t even draw

>> No.6511312

Oh, so he's already a failure. My mistake, thank you for correcting me anon. I should have spent that minute I used writing my comment to draw with my own two hands instead. Something he is so clearly afraid of.

even if AI did ever succeed, they're going to eat each other alive at the end of this facade anyways. Once any sort of program becomes open to the general public on a wide scale so that everyone can do it themselves, nobody is going to pay AI faggots for anything and they'll be fighting to trademark buzzwords and prompts. You know who won't though? People who can make their own shit with their own two hands. Crazy how the end of World War 3 would probably completely destroy everything that AI represents, but you and I can still enjoy our hobby or livelihood with a ballpoint pen and a notebook. AI faggots could never. I honestly pity them.

>> No.6511435

Yeah, if you're an online artist in a country where the USD (or Euro, whatever) is extremely valuable, figure out where most of your buyers live. If the majority of them are from the US, charge based on US standards. I know it can be tempting to charge from your economic standpoint, but I can assure you your buyers don't care and if anything think you're a schmuck for charging so little. All you're doing is cutting out potential profits and breeding resentment among fellow artists. If you're charging $15 or some shit for a colored drawing, you're just in a race to the bottom at that point, where most of your buyers will still readily pay at least double that amount without second thought (and if it makes you feel any better, there's a good chance you're still undercharging at $30).

>> No.6511954

>Pajeet shilling their AI crap again
Never change, pajeet-kun. Bet that was written with chatgpt too. Lazy fucks are permanently NGMI

>> No.6512015

This didn't get answered in the other thread so I'll ask here.
If i accept a R-18 "pixiv request" will paypal destroy my account?

>> No.6512093

Nice, I like ur art.

>> No.6512105

>And the artists get status by being commissioned by these big commissioners
No. You don't know shit about art, pajeet.

>> No.6512117

>I reopened during Pixiv Request no fee campaign with my last year's price and got 24 of them within a few days.
What was your price?

>> No.6512121

If you're not fast enough to survive on $30 per commission you're NGMI

>> No.6512179

this is why women make less than men

>> No.6512232

Get more work than you want? Increase price.
Get less work than you want? Lower price.

Simple as.

>> No.6512292

3-5 bucks each

>> No.6512359

This >>6512232
I'm still not getting more work than I want. I open 10 commissions slots and only get like 7 at best.

>> No.6512449
File: 59 KB, 800x600, C79D9220-B65F-4EFA-80FC-800FA3BD76A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m looking for morally bankrupt artists to commission, but if you arent willing to draw guro I got some other stuff that needs doing.

As for my input on this matter, it is a problem of there being more supply than demand. There are many great artists, but only one of them matters for stupid reasons like name brand and connections/clout. Thanks to this over abundance of artists, and the internet making you compete with talent across the globe your value has plummeted as a creative individual. It is now completely dependent on your ability to draw things in a unique style and fill a niche that AI and cheap chinese labor can’t so easily do.

More importantly if you want money as an artist you should consider just cranking out the most awful degenerate shit cause those people have deep pockets. If you want to do things the hard way… say you have integrity or “honor” and want to use your skills to do whatever YOU want, then don’t complain that it won’t bring in easy money.

Welcome to globalism, it rewards laziness, the uninventive, and those who are creatively dead. Don’t worry though, it isn’t only the art field that is suffering, it is just a surprise people haven’t understood what is happening.

Another thing is that value has to scale with demand. If you got 100 people asking you for commissions then raise your prices. Sadly if people aren’t asking it may not be prices at all, but you being buried under the mountain of others. It is why some artist chase free attention magnets like meme/hot subjects.

Honestly I feel like a lot of artists aren’t all that creative and more like a laborer for someone else. Much like how programmers love to just program. Many have no direction, or even a goal. The act of simply doing is enough, which many artists also have in common. Such is life.


Disassembling my computer currently.

>> No.6512462

what's your price estimate

>> No.6512464

create your own website?

>> No.6512485

No idea anon. I had my Pixiv Request on borderline (R17.9) but I enjoyed drawing borderline lewds more than direct R18.

>> No.6512487

Pixiv Request is minimum 3000 yen. I had mine at 5000-12500 yen. I feel like it's the same guy who kept requesting the same niche but with different characters lol

>> No.6512516
File: 62 KB, 542x508, C2476075-3FDA-4371-9543-90878705A722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn’t runescape, you tell me what you are charging for your work. If you want averages? A Nigerian in Africa is who is a nazi and a weeb is doing stuff for 10 dollars a piece. A Canadian is asking for 30 dollars a piece. A Brazilian woman is asking for 50 a piece. Full body colored art has been 60 or 80 and so far the most expensive is some dude who demanded 100 to castrate something for me.

In all, the brazilian actually can get something out in an a few hours, the nigerian takes 3 days, the canadian has done sketches, but has yet to finish anything.

One guy is doing shit for free from the UK, another in America I paid 300 dollars upfront and have yet to recieve anything from him in two weeks. Another American I paid 500 and also haven’t gotten squat in a month.

My tawainese slaves have been slow, taking about two weeks to get shit out for 40 dollars a piece.

In truth? Hire south americans. They do the work and they don’t ask for alot.

Ffiver is full of chinese people and I don’t like using it, so I try to sift through twitter and discords more. However the general thing about artists are they are insanely sensitive and feel that they are owed the respect of a king. Those types of people should be working at Walmart.

Both ends of this sucks. An artist having to deal with retarded commissioners and then also retard artists who think their skill isn’t in bulk over the globe.

But if you wanted money and an easy customer it is degenerate furry art. The more you charge the less they complain or make a fuss about the end product. They just want to have their garbage made, and that is all that matters.

Concept artists are sadly, not all that valuable. However I do appreciate someone who can come up with unique takes on designs and have paid quite a few to do things. However you can kinda see who can actually be creative vs those who need to be told exactly what to do.

>> No.6512545

>But if you wanted money and an easy customer it is degenerate furry art. The more you charge the less they complain or make a fuss about the end product. They just want to have their garbage made, and that is all that matters.
even if it takes time? what's the realistic estimate of their charge?
>However you can kinda see who can actually be creative vs those who need to be told exactly what to do.

>> No.6512568

I thought Fiverr and Upwork is filled with lowballing Pajeets. Website for Pajeets to lowball other Pajeets.

>> No.6512572

I don’t know about art specifically, but upwork is heavily slanted towards buyers to the point sucking dick isn’t even a prerequisite so much as a fact of life. Last I checked fiverr, it wasn’t even artists lowballing, all the top sellers were literal scammers running photos through photoshop filters, erasing edges with an airbrush and pretending it’s watercolor

>> No.6512604
File: 428 KB, 250x389, 1675607561304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never work for poor people. They will treat you like they are treated in life.

>> No.6512618

Thank you! I kinda got lost in all these posts. That's the nice stuff.
As other anon said, you might end up needing an own website, but maybe something like Newgrounds could work, dunno.

>> No.6512622

>Never work for poor people.
not in most case because I got rich one that are stingy.
btw, I'm filtering my commissioner with 50 surveys before they get to request. It's a test on their perseverance and will

>> No.6512684

I thought furries are loaded?

>> No.6512813

Furries tend to cohabitate with other furries. They're not always loaded because they're secretly rich or raking in a high, disposable income as a single or a DINK. There are commissioners who live with furry roomates and collect disability or even a small trust, and revolve their lives around their hobby. Without much overhead, they're able to splurge thousands on their fursona and immerse themselves into their fantasies more deeply.
It's disgusting, but it's why the money keeps flowing.

>> No.6512958

There's also a disproportionate amount of them in the military. Seriously, every single furry Ive ever met irl was during my time in. Only time ive ever seen a fursuit in person too, on a military base in the rax. 100% of our income is discretionary, people on their first enlistment can come across $1500 of that sweetness a month and it starts making more sense.

>> No.6513063

What kind of artists are you looking for exactly? I'm an amerifag but I don't have a job right now so I'm not in great financial shape, but I also won't ghost you for 2 months after getting paid. Not the greatest artist by a long shot either but if it's something I'm somewhat familiar with I might be able to help but I'd rather know what you're after beforehand instead of wasting both of our time.

>> No.6513091

Opinion ignored

>> No.6513099

Post some of this $10 nigerian nazi weeb shit, I'm intrigued

>> No.6513196

How do you receive the payments without the bank raising an eyebrow for the degenerate shit, or do you just take the payments like it's nothing special?

>> No.6513210

Why the fuck would a bank care? They just want your money to invest

>> No.6513337

what skill level were you at when you started selling commissions? How much have you improved since? post pics?

>> No.6513341

You have to remember that these types of customers are mainly teenage and/or third world coomers who can only save up a few dollars every month to spend on comms.
They have no perspective on what a reasonable artist salary should be, nor do they care. They just want their furry inflation porn, and they want it now.

>> No.6513350

lemme just shit 30k out my ass to get a degree

the whole "you dont need college for jobs" thing is a meme especially so if you don't have ins already

>> No.6513362

Can I ever make money if I don't want to draw porn

>> No.6513366

>Can I ever make money if I don't want to draw porn
If you have to ask that question, the answer is probably "no".

>> No.6513382

should i leave the US to do this

>> No.6513529

Lmao just work in a factory that pays $50 an hour and work a couple overtime on saturdays kek you don’t have to deal with this faggotry. Idk why you guys put up with this commissioning bs lmao everybody wants to be an artist but nobody wants to work with their hands all while getting paid more than an artist will ever make in their lifetime fucking zoomers and tiktok really ruined everything!

>> No.6513531
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all guro and loli, a bit difficult for me to post something of his without problems. So here is something unfinished

>> No.6513534

Despite how much white American males shit on in the west, they're literally gods in most any other country. Take your middle class wealth, work remotely from a poor SEA country, and prepare to literally drown in desperate thirdworld pussy.

>> No.6513536

most surprisingly use paypal, but zelle and uh what was it... coffee, something with coffee.

>> No.6513539

I've commissioned tons of artists and just asked them to do a pass on a character design, with freedom to do whatever alterations or style they prefer to draw in.

Many really do not have a creative bone in their body. When given freedom they'd rather willingly be slaves.

>> No.6513540

And yeah, PayPal won't care unless you make it blatantly obvious what you're doing. So don't post your PP email on your porn account, and don't include a description of the image in the payment notes.

>> No.6513543

chinese and pajeets

the reason is cause the way currency works in some countries. Poland or Italy for example is insanely cheap to live, eat, pay for bills. The pay for local work is also insanely low.

So 50 USD is like getting a months pay in other countries. They don't need to be mexico or china, even places like Canada or European countries are just cheaper.

>> No.6513542

I hear this said so often, but how possible is this actually to do? I'd kill to live in SEA, cheap trips to Japan, get out of this corporate shithole? sign me up please

>> No.6513544

>creative bone
As somebody who's done commissions, you do learn that it can be unwise to institute too much creativity when dealing with some buyers. Some do want your creative spin on their guidelines, others will demand you change shit if you stray at all from their vision of the request. It's their money so whatever, but in terms of time investment, most artists probably err on the side of caution and get the buyer to be as explicit as possible and follow the description as closely as their skill allows.

>> No.6513550
File: 305 KB, 1638x1638, Fe5B6pbWYAIqrle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could just message me on discord. It is gay sure, but poast, twitter, tumblr, email, are all worse alternatives. I know artists are magnetized to those platforms, I also know many use discord.

As fpr skill issues, I'd say if you were good at more stylized art similar to this the better. If not it isn't like I can't use someone to help make more other things.

>> No.6513551

yea when your buyer is telling you to do exactly what they want sure.

I'm telling them im paying them to do WHATEVER they want, fuck it up all they like and they act no different.

I considered, maybe that they were afraid of having any good ideas would be stolen. Which I could understand, however I'm looking for things I didn't consider, even if it doesn't appeal to me, there are usually GOOD ideas in another person's vision.

>> No.6513554

I hate artists. I posted in a commission subreddit looking for an artist to draw a character in a certain artstyle and i get artists messaging me saying they can do the art in their own style despite me fucking specifying that I want someone to copy an artstyle.

>> No.6513557

Most of them are third worlders and underage. What did you expect, tourist?

>> No.6513560

I would not ask an artist to copy someone else, as many actually can't. Skilled or talented artists could easily do so, but I don't think you'd find them on reddit. You'd have to actually go find one with a portfolio who gives examples of doing multiple different styles as many usually have a few they call their own. While others are influenced by certain media and try to replicate something similar in their art cause they like it.

Whatever it was you wanted to be copied you'd best find artists who also know or like whatever it is. IE: Someone who only drew dick girls actually didn't know how to draw a vagina and despite that I liked his artstyle. So I had to literally take him step by step drawing a vagina. Great times. Easier to fold an artist into a pretzel that way.

>> No.6513577

I think the first furry I met online outside of commission context was a sailor who was out at sea. horny and insane as fuck.

>> No.6513613

Now imagine you could charge 200 for a commission like that. Don't be an idiot

>> No.6513771

I started a whole thread just for this shit.

I'm enjoying the responses.

>> No.6513827

You should just commission the original artist then. Problem solved.

>> No.6513998

>I give you the freedom to draw however you want!
>noooooo not like that!

>> No.6514027

I hated this so much. Before I burnt out on taking commissions, I'd get clients who would do exactly that. Not just a tweak here or there.
I come to these threads to remind myself to do anything else except for taking commissions again.

>> No.6514138

Yes, I was speaking form experience.
>Client sent pixiv request
>I would like a girl to be X and Y'd from multiple people. I will leave everything else up to you!
>No mention of the pose, which character(s), their outfit, not even a description of the girls or if the other people were girls too
>draw 1 girl getting oofed by 5 faceless guys
>Commented after finishing: "Man I wish she is my OC wearing X getting this and that like this pic from 2/3 more girls from <insert these fandoms here> and I wish the scenario is more playful"
For fucks sake then specify more instead "leave it up to you".

>> No.6514911

i would do that job for fun

>> No.6515238

>I wish I wish I wish
Oh my god. This part makes it 100000x more annoying than it already was. I feel your pain.