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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 255 KB, 800x699, morganasmoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6506726 No.6506726 [Reply] [Original]

Ahem, can I have your attention artists. """AI""" art has just been exposed by experts as literally just copying it's training data and regurgitating it. Whatever techbros have told you about """AI""" learning from the training data "like a real human" is false. It's literally just copying what's fed to it and this will have massive ramifications when it comes to copyright. Tehcbros once again lie about their tech and try to pass it of as magic that """thinks""".


>> No.6506743

I don't see anyone talking about this article on twitter so it must be debunked.

>> No.6506744
File: 53 KB, 632x431, reddit man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the AI does master studies and learns to draw from life like a human would

Sounds like a common W and you drawcucks seething and malding, get with the times, the genie is out of the toothpaste tube

>> No.6506745

How do people learn?

>> No.6506746

They don't learn like a diffusion algorithm.

>> No.6506750

But how do they learn?

>> No.6506751

Anon, do you want to talk epistemology or do you wanna talk about how retarded techbros are?

>> No.6506753

I'm happy either way.

>> No.6506762
File: 832 KB, 1301x1115, Screenshot_20230131-162017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has just been exposed by experts as literally just copying it's training data and regurgitating it.
You don't say

>> No.6506766

Not by tracing over Mickey Mouse.
AI doesn’t reason and doesn’t learn techniques, it de-noises, interpolates and shit. Those aren’t human.
Machine learning models might be built on a theoretical understanding of an aspect of the human mind but that doesn’t make it the same or equivalent in value.
A master study is like a kid building a Lego set following instructions, and drawing your own materials is the kid taking it apart and building something of their own creation.
And the hope is that eventually that kid grows up and starts building their own things out of something other than legos.
Also that’s the podcast EP where Musk tried to blow the whistle on AI lol, ironic.
You can look up the explanation if you’d like, but human consciousness is still not well understood. There are also different kinds of learning. You can discover how to draw just by drawing and develop your own ways of abstracting things.

>> No.6506779

>limited dataset results in regurgitation
yeah we already knew that

>> No.6506783
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>> No.6506785 [DELETED] 

This. I wish everyone hates themselves as much as I do. I heckin' love science and I'm trans btw.

>> No.6506787

r/singularity tier post. Friendly reminder that futurism has essentially become a religion and the singularity is their rapture.

>> No.6506791

but we already knew this

>> No.6506794

case closed

>> No.6506798

one requires skill and work the other is putting in some words and playing the lottery to see if it comes out right.

>> No.6506800
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>asked ai to do thing and got thing
skill issue

>> No.6506843
File: 51 KB, 741x685, 16d92a163084c0c8c6b832dc13f51d70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is their legal defense
Artists had nothing to fear
Meanwhile Getty just opened up their second lawsuit in the US
Yall keep drawing wojaks tho!

>> No.6506849
File: 2.89 MB, 1470x1848, 3011461094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no

>> No.6506851

Doesn't matter.

>> No.6506856

>aijeets already past denial and anger and at bargaining
you know, if the greedy little rats making these had some self restraint and waited for the relatively innocuous art aspect to settle instead of rapidly releasing shit that explicitly targets people’s likeness to make porn or le hate speech while directly threatening individuals’ livelihood and image, you might have stood a chance

>> No.6506862

Wait? Megacorps are investing literally 10s of billions $$ in this shit, ain't no time to wait

>> No.6506863

>pretending like your gay machine is "learning"

>> No.6506877

Notice how those megacorps are very careful with what they introduce into the public consciousness. Pajeets unironically set back AI by a decade, not technologically, but through regulations they are forcing through culture shock.

>> No.6506882

It doesn't matter, money speaks.

>> No.6506887

lol retard
the money is on the other side
lean manufacturing ain’t shit to IP

>> No.6506890

you serious?

>> No.6506895


>> No.6506902

look at the lawsuits, retard
the corps are pushing for regulation because retarded monkeys crossed the line and did exactly what they were spending billions to prevent, endangering their source of income

>> No.6506903
File: 705 KB, 1195x690, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You alright bro?

>> No.6506907

buddy the IT industry is probably 20 times bigger than the entertainment industry, this can only go one way.

>> No.6506908

again, look at the suits, you illiterate monkey lmao

>> No.6506909

Look up what "money talks" means, retard.

>> No.6506912

see you in 2040, rajesh

>> No.6506916
File: 348 KB, 1536x2048, url(569).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step two is to completely ban data collection unless done with explicit consent for the purpose of academic studies.

>> No.6506919

>oi guv you got a loicense for that data?

>> No.6506928

Copypasta, trite insults and bad art will not defeat A.I.
Keep trying though.

>> No.6506932

Perhaps you should go back to school instead of thinking that you're an expert at tech for learning webdev mr.techbro.

>> No.6506933

cant someone think of the poor multibillion dollar social media sites?! What will they do now??

>> No.6506941
File: 148 KB, 480x480, 1658249796354924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Step two is to completely ban data collection
Holy fuck if that were possible. Forget about just artists, that would be a net positive for all of humanity.

>> No.6506942
File: 3.49 MB, 1536x2048, 1398015035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck with that

>> No.6506944

well do ya, ya fookn bastid?

>> No.6506947
File: 132 KB, 735x924, 1673203502511370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIfags gotta make everything worse lol.

>> No.6506948
File: 337 KB, 1868x1114, TwoCakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! Two lawsuits!

>> No.6506950


>> No.6506951


>> No.6506955
File: 322 KB, 681x500, 1673201459598793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the real one fag, also IA ain't mixing it's concept of a dog and it's concept of a girl, just copying a other people's dog girls

>> No.6506956

Just use A.I. to detect overfitting and retrain. Maybe even filter on low text token count. No big deal.

>> No.6506958


>> No.6506983

They trained the model to support what they wanted to find:
"Our attack extracts images from Stable Diffusion most often when they have been duplicated at least k = 100 times; although this should be taken as an upper bound because our methodology explicitly searches for memorization of duplicated images.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our attack, we select the 350,000 most-duplicated examples from the training dataset and generate 500 candidate images for each of these prompts (totaling 175 million generated images). We first sort all of these generated images by ordering them by the mean distance between images in the clique to identify generations that we predict are likely to be memorized training data."

>> No.6506991

>completely ban data collection unless done with explicit consent for the purpose of academic studies.
That will never happen in our lifetime.

>> No.6506996 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 773x1014, FDB40752-A22E-4131-8229-DE9CD97C1E28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andy what if your daughter sees this?

>> No.6507001

I'm hoping it does, but I'm also fully prepared for the (likely possibility) that it won't happen any time soon (if ever).
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, I guess.

>> No.6507011

If that happens im packing my bags, moving to bongland, restoring my foreskin and saying ten God Save The Queens each night before bed

>> No.6507016

That’s how science works anon. You find evidence in the base case and expand from there. The fact this isn’t just a possible, but common issue with how the AI functions and is easy to replicate shows that this is actually how the AI works and the additional noise just masks the base problem.

>> No.6507019
File: 1.20 MB, 3987x2785, original_fe1cff07-2906-4fdd-a6f7-d5785d889ed5_IMG_20230203_124657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AI art still wont draw dead women covered in feces

>> No.6507028

your dad played the lottery busting one in your mother, did he win?

>> No.6507036


>> No.6507041

Sounds like a bug.

>> No.6507044

That's like that scene from Kung Pow where they trained the guy wrong on purpose, except they at least knew it was a joke lol

>> No.6507047

but raj, I thought ai couldn’t replicate anything in the dataset because it doesn’t store the images in the first place?

>> No.6507051
File: 76 KB, 248x189, 1638179864599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil bro really thought he was saying something by typing all this LOL

>> No.6507053

well strictly speaking that is true, but it can get pretty damn close.

>> No.6507062

yeah cause nobody that isn't sick in the head wants to see that.

>> No.6507068
File: 1.52 MB, 1024x1024, _disgusting_toilet_with_people_crying_6197d50c-71bc-41b9-b5b7-57e227dfe20a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that isn't sick in the head wants to see that.

where do you think you are lol

>> No.6507081
File: 2 KB, 248x189, 50FAD896-208F-453C-B022-C5DBCCC213A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, strictly speaking, it isn’t
pic related is not an image distinct from >>6507051 just because it’s riddled with artifacts

>> No.6507082

Except no.
Its like saying multiplying by 1 is wrong because multiplication is supposed to make numbers bigger.

1 is the base case that is expanded upon for other numbers.

>> No.6507101

Just wait until he finds out that you can use stable diffusion for lossy image compression

>> No.6507107

I mean it is, strictly speaking.
Nah, more like teaching someone only how to multiple by one and then being surprised they think every multiplication results in the same number.

>> No.6507123

>I mean it is, strictly speaking.
nta but if you think thats going to be a good defense against copyright then lol

>> No.6507138

no, strictly speaking, it isn’t
what you are doing is speaking colloquially
strictly speaking, that is the same image

>> No.6507141

It's called "cherry picking" but you are right, that is how a lot of "science" works.

>> No.6507152

Its okay if you're too stupid to understand how iterative logic works.
But the simple fact you can replicate this means its no longer cherry picking and is just how the ai works.

>> No.6507163

p-value = 1.
It's not science.

>> No.6507203

No, it's the opposite of how you understand it.

>> No.6507209

last reply, retard

>> No.6507212
File: 185 KB, 904x741, Screenshot 2023-02-05 124910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they conducted an experiment where they took an image out of a training set and used inpainting to see if it could re-create it, it turned the cat into a truck i'm having a laugh ahahahhahhahah holy shit

>> No.6507235

fucking lel

>> No.6507264

Well someone has to remind people here when they fucked in the head.

>> No.6507274
File: 143 KB, 1003x1416, image (875).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have higher standards.

>> No.6507381
File: 45 KB, 481x144, Fn4qK4JXoAQyPIz (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took the the top most duplicated photos in the dataset. And still despite generating 175 million images, only 109 "near copies" of training set pictures were able to be recreated, with what they call an attack. Extremely clickbaity abstract. This is exactly why stability deduped the dataset in their 2.0 version so this doesn't happen. Besides, being able to create infringing content does not mean the whole tool and process is infringing. Courts will decide whether using public images constitutes as fair use. I believe it is.

>> No.6507395
File: 1.24 MB, 1750x1740, 414944DF-9D1C-4561-A641-5A0F9DF3FF3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the issue wasn’t the ability to create infringing material, it was whether infringing material was contained within the dataset, and that material being replicated as output proves it is, the probability’s irrelevant because it’s not the output that was attacked in the first place, but the dataset itself
>Courts will decide whether using public images constitutes as fair use. I believe it is.
well, you’re retarded, because it isn’t, you are once again misconstruing the entire issue, refer to the above,

>> No.6507402

>the issue wasn’t the ability to create infringing material, it was whether infringing material was contained within the dataset
The model and the dataset is open source. Everyone knows what stable diffusion was traded on. This isn't a big revaluation.
The issue is whether training on these images was legal. Simple as. Pencil niggers really are dumb

>> No.6507404
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>> No.6507405

AIfags have been claiming it does not contain those images only “metadata” essentially. Which is demonstrably false.

>> No.6507408

that is what I said, retard
the study showed using the words “trained on” is nothing but sophistry, because the ai will reproduce the same image, showing it is not some vague process under which the original image is not contained in the dataset, but rather explicitly using copyrighted work in the production of the output, which itself is explicitly not free use
again, you fail to comprehend the crux of the matter

>> No.6507417

If it were just an image search engine it would be useless. Call it what you will

>> No.6507428

are you actually illiterate

>> No.6507431

Get the brain implant. You can still pretend to control your hands and have soul.

>> No.6507482

>because the ai will reproduce the same image
It's not producing the same image though. That's like saying if I asked someone to paint a copy of the Mona Lisa by looking at it then it's the same image. It's not.

>> No.6507488

lol retard

>> No.6507489

People have literally been charged with fraud for painting copies of other paintings anon.

>> No.6507492

>a copy of a picture isn’t the same picture

>> No.6507495

>copy right
>the right to copy

>> No.6507500

You guys realize that by acting this entitled and reactionary you don't get any people to sympathize with you, especially not the people developing this. Programs like stable diffusion have gotten incredibly memory efficient. Soon you will probably be able to scrape and train everything at home in your basement. There's no sense in trying to ban this. Just get with the time and learn to work with it. The industry still needs artists.

>> No.6507504

It's not an exact copy.

Well I guess every artist on Earth has committed fraud then, including the AI.

>> No.6507506

AI will win regardless, public domain insures that. All their struggling is pointless.

>> No.6507508
File: 897 KB, 1397x1242, 2350B009-7B95-47D4-9905-BD7D6C0AEB58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what drives you retards to offer your opinion on things you have literally no grasp on?

>> No.6507509
File: 295 KB, 750x1076, 3E5B42F8-C3C9-40F2-B88E-18099D2DE8D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one, am embracing this technology

>> No.6507511

What's your point? I have Stable Diffusion on my computer, it's never going away, is the government going to kick down my door and stop me from clicking?

>> No.6507513
File: 18 KB, 231x254, 1675322106087509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're never gonna be able to use it for commercial purposes unless your training data has been vetted and only includes stuff in the public domain, stuff you have permission to use or stuff you have made yourself. This is a massive copyright bomb waiting to happen and no company is gonna use the tech seriously for commercial work.

>> No.6507514
File: 265 KB, 1361x504, 24C619CD-172D-483A-8C0C-2BECF774DB7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it’s going to stop companies from distributing datasets without compensating the artists, crippling their ability to procure the immense data needed to have a functional image generator, and other companies from using it for the same reasons and copyright issues of the resulting IP. Nobody gives a shit if some retard in a basement clicks his consoomer bot any more than they care if he draws nintendo porn. You are irrelevant, and this was never about you.

>> No.6507515

They're not going to use it untill the creative commons/ licensed dataset is good enough. Either way you're fucked amigo.

>> No.6507516

They can’t copyright the output regardless, amigo.

>> No.6507519

Sorry, the cat is out of the bag. People are already using it to generate content that can be edited and adjusted to the point you won't know where it came from. Some artist can try suing as usual but what's done is done, even Netflix Japan is already including it into their productions, not to mention copyright law is different in different countries, the US may lock it down but people all over the world will be still using it.

>> No.6507522

the poo is out of the loo

>> No.6507523
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>> No.6507967

>copyright law is different in different countries
do you not know what WIPO is
this guy gets it

>> No.6508372

Yes worse, pajeet