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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6506654 No.6506654 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussion and debate. Keep the insult minimal, do not be the highly fed but lowly taught.

Why do you like coom art? If not, why?
What do you think coom art will be like in the next 5 years?
What are your coom art goals?

>> No.6506657

I go first.

>Why do you like coom art?
Coom art is fun, insignificant, and unrealistic. I can relate to the insignificant part and therefore participated.

>What do you think coom art will be like in the next 5 years?
It will be augmented by AI-generated pornstars with realistic jiggle physics and with hyper sexual designs.

What are your coom art goals?
I see, I cum and I conquered. To make insignificant art with sex appeal.

>> No.6506658

I'm lonely and horny so I draw porn.

>> No.6506661

How do you feel when you draw them?

>> No.6506675
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I don't draw or consume coom because the sight of genitalia makes me uncomfortable. I still appreciate when it's well drawn and follow some coom artists anyways.

Nothing will change in the next 5 years, except maybe Patreon pinup artists losing steam because of the spread of AI cancer. I believe commissionfags aren't really gonna be affected because people who use that would never have paid for commissions anyways.

Only tangentially related to coom art but I wanna get better at drawing good looking bodies, and I have already studied quite a lot of things drawn by high profile coomers to achieve this goal.

>> No.6506676

pornography is the lowest and most abhorrent form of art,
unless it depicts ONE character/person by themselves. i will not elaborate

>> No.6506679

>the sight of genitalia makes me uncomfortable
the best coom art is panties/bikinis

>> No.6506693
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Yeah, I do like that kind of stuff a lot.

>> No.6506695
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It's fun but i don't want to my entire life to revolve around drawing it, it's just something i draw for fun every now and again nothing too serious.

>> No.6506715

I want to make minimum wage by doing coom art.

>> No.6506716

Hornier and lonelier

>> No.6506740

I am a very spiteful person who grows to hates communities I become familiar with. For a decade I’ve been observing degenerate furry artists do their thang. I’ve grown to hate it all but can’t look away because of the attention I’ve already invested in it.
But most importantly a drive has been building in me. Like a fire it’s burning brighter and brighter everyday. And it’s been eating away at me.
I’m going to create a series of comics that draws in readers through furry smut that is going to tell one of the greatest works of fiction ever put to paper. Everyone is going to be gripped by it. A grip so strong it will never let go. It’s narrative so rich and meta you’ll have to read it again and again and then again to truly grasps its depths. It’s going to comment on sex, morality, religion, society, and our place in evolutionary and economic history. It will speak to the reader so deeply and personally that it will feel like the text is the only thing that truly understands them. It will be my greatest work. Something big and
true and tough. Y'know, finally put my real self into something. When I finish it I will feel whole and completely validated as an artist and a human being. And then I’ll die and go to heaven.

>> No.6506742

My thesis is that modernity's obsession with porn is mostly due to the people in modern industrialized and atomized society not having anything else they would recognize as natural. They spend their entire lives in entirely fabricated environments where the last thing originating from nature that hasn't been replaced or removed is other people, so they can only find natural beauty in the naked forms of each other.

>> No.6506752

Do you prefer drawing Hypersexual or erotica? Hypersexual involves extreme proportions and hardcore elements. Erotica is pretty much soft core, seduction and barely clothed.

>> No.6506754

>furry smut
You can't be serious

>> No.6506757

If drawing makes you horny you are very likely doing it wrong.

>they can only find natural beauty in naked forms
You are on to something.

>> No.6506761

Same. I feel getting paid for coom is funny. And at most a hobby unless I go full sakimichan.

How much is that?

>> No.6506763

The word pornography was created during the Elizabeth era to label explicit artefacts of ancient empires, they hide them in the secret museum. I support pornography.

>> No.6506790

Erotica, mild nudity.

>> No.6507848

Will you consider going full hyper sexual? Considering the taste profile of the next generation is super hardcore. Their parents gave them ipads as young as 2. They gonna need it.

>> No.6507857

>Why do you like coom art? If not, why?
I don't get it, why not just look at real porn?

>What do you think coom art will be like in the next 5 years?
100% AI created

>What are your coom art goals?
uh, I'm drawing a rape scene in my comic soon?

>> No.6507919

Yeah but I hate the overly sexualized coom art, if that makes sense? Things like fetish proportions or stupid faces, or close ups of orgasms and crap like that. It just looks stupid.
But I like sex, I just want it to be portrayed in other tones.

i don't like drawing it too often. I have nothing against it, I just don't want to risk 10 years from now someone going
>hurr they drew lewd fanart of a high school anime girl! what a pedophile! send them to jail!
which I honestly feel like is a real possibility soon.
And considering if you draw literally anything except grossly exaggerated fetish proportions people call you a pedo, even if the girls are clearly office workers who just have realistically sized breasts, why even bother unless you're pandering to the retards who love that garbage?

I do slip up sometimes and draw weird fetish porn, but nobody seems to care about it and I usually delete it fairly quickly.

>> No.6507927

Why are most coom artists gay and mentally diseased? Can i draw coom without it affecting my straightness and mental health?

>> No.6507964

>Why do you like coom art? If not, why?
Yes because 3D won't let me see the girls when they're at their prime age
>What do you think coom art will be like in the next 5 years?
Hopefully still strong and marketable after the AI goyslop extermination
>What are your coom art goals?
Make kino animations like the gods saltyicecream and Zankuro

>> No.6507974

Nope, draw coom long enough and you’ll start liking gay porn. Half the coom artist i used to follow does this. It gets worse when you like futa shit.

>> No.6508005
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Im a sfw fag that occasionally does lewds, Im posting here for the fun of it.
>Why do you like coom art? If not, why?
I like coom art when it's softcore, tame, vanilla, you name it. Im strictly leaned towards vanilla kinks, meaningful scenarios and clever content and I am unable to go deeper into degeneracy (which I think it's great).
That said, I hate with a might anything two levels down my comfort zone, that includes almost all fetishes and exxagerated stuff.
>What do you think coom art will be like in the next 5 years?
Honestly have no idea, but I guess either degenerate stuff is going to be pushed forward as porn become progressively normalized/tasteless... or people are going to heavily regress into tamer stuff as a demand for more tasteful stuff, repeating the cycle. I expect the former and hope the latter.
>What are your coom art goals?
Im no coom artist, but for the little lewds I do, I want to make perfectly arousing softcore, clever and meaningful stuff even with my artstyle being a mayor roadblock because it's more leaned towards cuteness than anything else.
Lately I was on my quest to do something towards this goal with a character I deemed "unlewdable" under my terms, it's a countercurrent battle, to say the least...

>> No.6508039

>why not look at porn
It is porn.

Rape scene, interesting, it is romantic or violent?

>> No.6508041

What kind of weird fetish porn? Do you get paid for it? If not, will you want to be paid for it?

I am straight and I draw lots of weird stuff. Doesn't affect me at all.

>> No.6508046

>see girls when they're at their prime age
This feels (ToT)

I don't think Ai can be stopped. Join the winning side.

Kino loli animation?

>> No.6508053

Strongly agree with your prediction. More tasteless coom art in the next 5 years. I too, hope for the more tamer type of coom art.

Is there any art/character that are not touched by rule34? I feel unlewdable is impossible.

>> No.6508064

No balls in futa
It is objectively less gay than actual straight porn

>> No.6508086

>Is there any art/character that are not touched by rule34? I feel unlewdable is impossible.
There's no such thing as an unlewdable character, I've lewded this chick before, but when I said she is unlewdable, I meant *under my terms*.
I mentioned it a few times before, but basically Im trying to lewd a character while doing something meaningful to her canon lore, but lewding her would be going against said canon, so I have to be clever about it...
Though to be completely fair Im starting to think I shouldnt be so autistic and go off canon anyway just to have fun, another day I might be able to get it right.

>> No.6508237

>it is not gay if balls don't touch

>> No.6508437

What the fuck? This is literally my story

>> No.6508610

I've only just decided to dabble in coom shit so I'm new.

>Why do you like coom art?
There's a lot to miss out on if you avoid nudity, which is what coom artists are obviously going to touch on very frequently. And because most of their work is often going to include skin tight clothes or none at all, their well rendered drawings make for pretty good references. Not to suggest I wouldn't use the more reliable IRL references, but fictional art sparks a lot more inspiration out of me and it's much more appealing to stare at than real porn imo. Violent scenarios are also easier for me to look at if fictionally depicted.
>What do you think coom art will be like in the next 5 years?
I'm going to bet on the regression bit as >>6508005 suggested, or at least hope so. I'm not even against degeneracy like hyper shit or even shit itself but I still hope people remember to appreciate tame subjects as though you're embracing nature for what it is.
I have similar sentiments to >>6507919 though because there are people in the nsfw community that literally do have a moral problem with smaller chested (not freakishly huge titties) or aged up fictional characters. No interest in consooming or creating loli shit whatsoever, however seeing as it can be considered as legally questionable as actual children being abused and the filmed distribution of such, I wouldn't put past the possibility anon stated.
>What are your coom art goals?
Well, I want to attract a decently sized audience of whom I'm looking for, without much pandering. Sticking to creating vanilla fanart is good enough for me. I also want to try animation once I get the hang of it. Ideally, it would be possible to make money off of it (I won't lie, /ic/ has made me feel quite hopeful). Hell, I wouldn't complain if it became a career for me given the pay is worth it. I already have my own sfw art goals anyway so if all goes wrong, I say nuke it + continue working stable jobs.

>> No.6508999

>What kind of weird fetish porn? Do you get paid for it? If not, will you want to be paid for it?

Just whatever I'm into at the time. Piss humilations, guro, ryona, rape, etc..
Nothing super niche or anything but sometimes I just want to have fun drawing my fetishes with characters I like.

>> No.6509149

I love storytelling, absurd situations, comedy, animation, I love working alone. it just happens that coom game allows me to do this as a hobby, I just need to bring my art up to the level of my dev skills.

>> No.6509596

I'm doing it as a hobby seeing how unsustainable it is. To be honest, i'm a not a very good artist. I get 1 to 3 commissions a month. So I need a stable job. I can tell you are a very sensitive and sensible person. It is good, use it to your advantage in art.

>> No.6510057

>Why do you like coom art? If not, why?
because im a fucking porn addict
>What do you think coom art will be like in the next 5 years?
current high skill artists with good routines will continue to output, but low - med level artists just getting into it will reach that level by then, so the volume of competent artists will continue to increase, which is good for the consumers but bad for the artists. the reason being that the competition for relevancy and profitability will drive up skill level and output volume, while also lowering prices. I bet the pressure of that would end up feeding more into burnout than anything else, so maybe thats the balancing lever?
>What are your coom art goals?
be able to draw the shit that I like really quickly and with low effort

>> No.6510403

>Why do you like coom art? If not, why?
I like erotica, but not most of the coom I see now (hyper crap, nothing interesting). I like stuff like >>6506693 >>6508005
>What do you think coom art will be like in the next 5 years?
I think softcore work that has narrative/invite fantasies will take greater precedence due to AI, since AI will focus on the most basic coom. Work that connects with the viewer beyond a boring POV shot will be more common.
>What are your coom art goals?
I want to make sexy dressup games! I'd like to run a patreon where the audience can suggest characters (lesser known ones, preferably) or contribute outfit ideas.

>> No.6510436
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I like my coom art like pic rel.

>> No.6510440


>> No.6510657

>porn addict
How many times you fap to consider yourself as porn addict?
>Low effort

>> No.6510661

>I like stuff like >>6506693
>the most basic cool
If AI only works with basic coom. Then the market will be saturated with basic coom. Hyper coom will be the way to go?
What if hyper sexual stuff become basic coom? What is next?

>> No.6510667

>Kino loli animation?
Precisely. I will make it happen and they'll be so hot I might even convert some haters to fans
>I don't think Ai can be stopped. Join the winning side
It's too big of a technological revolution for governments to leave it out of law's reach. It will be regulated

>> No.6510677
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>real porn
you mean 3dpd?

>> No.6510685

>technological revolution
can we stop with this meme? it's a set of photobashing algorithms, there is nothing new or extraordinary about this software and no advancements have been or will be made as a result of this "project"

>> No.6510689

keep coping

>> No.6510690


>i don't think governments will have control over AI. It is going to be decentralized. Law is no more. It will happen within our lifetime.

>> No.6510694

The image generators, yeah, they're small fry. I mean shit like ChatGPT, which is the one AI government won't turn a blind eye to and whatever decision they make, will affect the smaller AI stuff. Hopefully

>> No.6511033

By "basic coom", I mean what we see a lot of now flooding the online spaces: dopey faced hornyblobs posing into the void with a hidden hand or two, asking the viewer a question or saying something "sassy." Because most fetish art is basic coom (hyper art, in your example, doesn't variate much; most of what I've seen is some weird character with a 1:90 head ratio asking the viewer a question or being so big they can't do anything but pose), it won't take much for one person to train a model on hyper art to vomit out more of this. Even before AI, a lot of coom art was beginning to become redundant and stiff, likely due to the uptick in porn addiction and consumerist demands.
Continuing from your example (I fucking hate hyper shit btw), what will take precedence is storytelling within the art. That, in of itself, is nothing new. It's just that most internet-focused artists have flooded the planes with 'posing character' or 'lazy vignette of character's assets', which AI can mimick just fine as a final product. Which is sensible; these things should be easy for most artists to draw, but should not be their endgame. And, even then, people still like connecting with the artist and adding narrative elements to your art is part of that process. I'm probably not making sense, but it's a topic that's only recently been bought up w/the AI scare.
>t. someone who sells religious artwork looking to branch out for fun. good coom and good spiritual art have a lot in common

>> No.6511119

How do you sell religious art? I want in. Advice please.

>> No.6511164
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Anon after my own, no-homo heart. Love the fashion design aspect that comes with it also. Though that kind of art doesn’t even have to be clothing-related — hand/leg/hair covering is another option.
Returning to the previous subject, I’ve always been crushed and pretty baffled that people are seeking out stuff that looks more like a biology textbook than a nice figure.

>> No.6511190

> good coom and good spiritual art have a lot in common
I might be a little intrigued. Can you talk more about it?

>> No.6512324

Outside of Christianity (and possibly even then), religious art only works if you're into what you're making with some sincerity. People like collecting artwork of deities, ideas, talismans, and relatable experiences. I make a lot of them with the intention of being worn or to decorate an altar / sacred space. I sell both online and locally, but you could do well by just selling online. The biggest part that you would need to remember is that people will absolutely talk to you about your process, moreso than any other art. Your experiences are a bigger part of the selling point than you'd expect from other niches. If you say you aren't religious/spiritual and you were just making it for fun, they'll steer you into thinking you were touched or possessed, so it's better to nail down your narrative, real or fake. This is because they treat this art as an expression of God, and the market is always hungry for new work. It's the niche where I've seen art valued on a visceral level, and probably the only niche where AI won't replace anyone and settle in as a tool of surrealist visions.
Christian art requires more distance from coom, as I'm sure you'd imagine. I do have Christians who buy my stuff, but they're moreso from the mysticism or multi-path background. You can have thousands of religion and spirituality-based artists, but they all will do well as long as they're persistent because there needs to be art that caters to every personality.
It's probably the easiest niche to do well in, but the hardest to maintain because you'll need a spiritual connection of your own, or a good masquerade.

A few examples: both of them are created to be intimate and command their audience on a personal and visceral level. Both of them gain a level when you can connect with the creator on a parasocial level, too. Although I don't think it's necessary for coom, it seems to go a longer way.

>> No.6512329

Are you talking about all of the x-ray porn? I hate that shit.

>> No.6512569

>If not, why?
Not, because fuckery with the highest order of instinct only after self preservation(if that sometimes) is deadly, not insignificant.

>> No.6512587

Personally I'd say you have that approximately backwards, that the intolerably fabricated environment is simply form follows function. With errant function. I think it's not the bond with natural beauty so much that's missing, but the beauty of bonds with "natural" people. The two go hand in hand though.
>When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as in Europe.
>I view great cities as pestilential to the morals, the health and the liberties of man. True, they nourish some of the elegant arts; but the useful ones can thrive elsewhere; and less perfection in the others, with more health, virtue and freedom, would be my choice.
-Thomas Jefferson

>> No.6512839

You have inspired me to start my own religious art. I'm going to make some now. Thanks. When I make it. I will do a giveaway on /ic/ with a screencap of your post.

>> No.6512844

>highest order of instinct
How do you justify the ranking of instinct? That sounds intangible.

>> No.6512845

Based. Have fun and prosper!

>> No.6513122

It's a generality, not a rule. But from an evolutionary physiological perspective, people are wired for adaptation and reward to scale (see the clitoris' ten bajillion neurons for instance) and to great complexity(see Freuds plural perversity). And this can be seen empirically in what people will trade for sex, and what they won't. For instance the sexual instinct would seem to be greater than the social hierarchical instinct much of the time, because people all the time choose to leave their dignity at the door for sex. Self preservation doesn't even win out much of the time, whether directly like erotic asphyxiation deaths, or "bug chasers," or indirectly, like taking any number of risks wasting time and money with prostitutes, or taking the neet route of the same, of throwing life away to fiction.
The neet equivalent being far more insidious by the way, having next to nothing in the way of social or physical constraints, or even connection for the most part. It's a societal scale 'mouse with a pleasure button' experiment. And the experiment has proven quite repeatable, however you choose to view that.

>> No.6513171
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>Why do you like coom art? If not, why?
I like drawing coom parodies of my favorite video game characters.

>> No.6513711

I agree that sexual desire is a primordial instinct. What I can't agree with is the idea that it is ranked and deadly. I wouldn't put my moral standards or negative connotation on erotic desire, out of respect. I have my threshold and may disagree with some fetish but I will never try to impose my will. After all, it is intrinsic, whether, by nature or nurture, it is a preference, and therefore an outcome of free will. I respect freedom because it usually is paved by the blood of men and women. I do see how absurd it may seem to let sexual desires overwhelm self-preservation. But what is love, if one won't risk their existence to a slice of heaven, no matter how small the slice is.

>> No.6513713

>Coom parodies
That implies humor, what kind? Show me an example.

>> No.6513950

>being a cook is bad because it preys on people needing to eat

>> No.6513957

>being a chef that cook exotic meat for elites
Is that bad tho?

>> No.6513974

I don't know what you meant by ranked, but deadly, absolutely it is when abused. First to clarify, I'm not talking about imposing will, I never will- to the point where I can get away with something not affecting me or the ones I love. Tyranny and immorality are one and the same.
With that out of the way, no matter what is intrinsic, whether you have 8 arms or are quadriplegic, is nearly insignificant in the face of what you leave out- which is free will, conscious choice. It matters what you do, recursively, in everything. Some things, you could make a lifetime argument about, but sex, with the in built equivalent in neuronal and hormonal devotion to that of a long time hard drug addict? It is no less than lifelong, life altering how you choose to approach it. Take a cultural example from Muslims, it's the most powerful demon in Islam, to the point not seeing a woman's face is considered preferable to allowing the instinct influence. And they'd know a thing or two about that, having been bought off of conquest by Indian pleasure palaces.
What is love? Love is the answer, and the antithesis to following lust for the sake of lust. Because lust for the sake of lust will lead you- wherever the fuck it wants to. Peruse any number those rabbit holes at your leisure by visiting some neet caves, or just having a casual stroll down any prostitute infested street. It doesn't take very much care- love- to want to see something better. Any at all in fact that you don't purposely ignore will wreck any illusions. Loves constructive force, and specifically per this conversation, containing lust within it, has been considered de facto understood and valued for this, really always.

If the cook is making polystyrene meals that only smell and taste like food, yeah, those people are prey. No less the ones who don't care either.

>> No.6514017

Since we both agree that sexual desire is primordial and intrinsic, it will remain singular, undivided, and united. You cannot remove lust from love. It is not as black and white as you think. Love is not a zero-sum game. Love can be subtle or bold and all shades of grey. It is about giving in, giving up, and letting go. Or, it can be ethereal, eternal, and undying. Some nuances are lost through time, buried by the current social construct and culture. As an artist, I love classical mythology. Let me give you an example. In the beginning, there was nothing but chaos, and then came Eros, the God of desire, love, and sex. Gaia(earth) and Uranus(atmosphere) had sex(Eros). Without Eros, the desire to have sex which is lust. There will be no existence. The word erotic came from this greek origin, a primordial God named Eros. I can judge others based on their desires. Sure, there is some love more ethereal than others, with less instant gratification and more fruitful. However, we cannot assume that everyone desires the same love, like you and I. We both are on the same page. Here is where we differ. I do not see lust as immoral or wrong. I encourage young men to explore as much as they can afford. Fall in love, make mistakes. Be with prostitutes or young girls. The world is their oyster.

>> No.6514044
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Is there something wrong with me? I can't draw coom for the life of me but can draw cool architecture and character designs etc but coom just doesn't light up my imagination the same way

>> No.6514047

Because you still have a soul

>> No.6514205

Because good coom art requires flow.
You can only draw structure. Stick to fashion.

>> No.6514634

You can't have lust without love? The fotm fap counts as love then? Or do you mean you can't have love without lust, which is equally ridiculous? Love, in the broadest sense is agnostic to lust inherently.
Where we differ, is that the encouragement you offer is an approximate definition of evil. -Actively encouraging purposeful "mistakes" with no distinction in wisdom or care afforded. It's not the same thing in process or outcome as making allowances for actual mistakes made acting with care.
Treating all mistakes as equal, or said another way, treating all choices as equal, with no preference to any ideal would be suggesting nothing short of highway robbery of one's self and capacities. And no one in any capacity of love could suggest it.
Sadly many do practice just that sort of cognitive dissonance, however. The parents of the mentally impotent referred to as npcs and soiboys, being the cardinal example.

>> No.6514658
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>Why do you like coom art? If not, why?
Yes but I am very picky. I find most of it sucks or maybe just isn't my taste. Most is too over the top and I prefer comics or long form storytelling as opposed to one off illustrations. I just think it's more interesting that way.

>What do you think coom art will be like in the next 5 years?
Mostly the same shit but with more AI thrown in.

>What are your coom art goals?
Drawing a long form hentai/comic with my OC. Unfortunately writing isn't my strong point so I am putting it off honestly.

>> No.6514905

There is no love or lust without desires. Existence itself comes from desire. That is Eros. Desires can never be evil. Here is why. Psychopaths are capable of evil because they are born without the ability to perceive good and bad. They act on evil because they can. There is no reason. There is no negotiation with evil because they are not motivated by anything. Desires do have their negative outcomes. Man is darkly wise and rudely great. Our ability to commit acts of cruelty is displayed throughout human history. I will not be too quick to judge when it comes to what is evil. Lest one meets real evil and becomes dumbstruck. All young men should make as many mistakes as they can afford. Visit prostitutes, break women's hearts, and invite a married woman for a quick fuck. Risk it for love. Accept rejection like a champ. To be courageous and seductive, lead a fun and exciting life, that is a great life, better than good. Fuck around, find out, learn, and repeat. Because what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. A life worth living is dangerous and Darwinian.

>> No.6514910

Stop putting it off. Just start, do it badly. You can fail and learn or you can thrive. Either way, you win. But if you don't start, you lose.

>> No.6514940

I enjoy creating coom art for the sake of it. I know it sounds faggoty as fuck but one of my new year resolutions was to stop giving a fuck about other people's opinions and draw what I want. It's been wonderful so far. I drew 3 coomer pictures that I'm quite proud of, but in doing so, I figured out a few new techniques to use with my markers (almost all my coom art is traditional art). I feel like I get better with every picture I finish. Feel like I learn something new every time. Also coom art makes me draw at angles I normally wouldn't - I even bought an erotic photography book to learn and study from. Really helps figure out where and how the tits are supposed to hang on some strange angles.

>What are your coom art goals?
I want to draw girls well in a style that people will recognize as mine, like how people instantly recognize Reiq's girls or Artgerm's sameface girls or Genzoman's colors on any linework. But I also want that style to be sexy. I'm in a drafting phase still, but my life goal is to release a 25 volume manga style comic with my own story and characters, but I want the art to look so good by default that doujins seem like a downgrade. I have 3 girls planned out already that I'm pretty happy with. I've already done a little bit of OC hentai with them as well and had a blast.

>> No.6514943

Best of luck. Great plan, good vibe. Go for the win. Share some example.

>> No.6514963
File: 161 KB, 804x1275, coom 1 alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon, I appreciate it. I want to grind until I don't need luck anymore.

I don't want to share the designs of my actual girls just yet but here's something nonrelated I doodled on an index card last week. Still not great at drawing cum and I think I went a little too hard with the purple in the shadows, but I do like how it turned out overall.

>> No.6515606

>Desires can never be evil.
I'm not saying desires are evil, or that sex is icky and bad. -The- dividing line begins with care, and "ends" with perfection- in other words never. In that vein, I'm proudly a puritan, not by ic standards, but by worldly standards. That is, I believe the best results, just like drawing, are when you put the most care into it. To do otherwise cheapens the experience, it robs you. More care = more passion, pure and simple. And the knock on effects of that make the difference between situationally independent contentment and joy, versus bitter wretched apathy. More isn't better (especially something cheap and shallow). Better is better.
>Psychopaths are capable of evil because they are born without the ability to perceive good and bad.
To hell they aren't. Monkeys who wage war and bite each others balls off are incapable of perceiving good and bad. Psychopaths however very much understand the destructive nature of the choices they make. They just don't "care." And "true evil" as you put it is no rarity to be starstruck by, as you seem to think. Pure monster lurks as potential underneath each of our natures. I've met one or two along the way that I could define as pure evil. Ironically they both died, in no small part thanks to their nature. But I've met many people in life who've acted purely evil in one circumstance or another. There's no functional difference or mystery to it in that moment.
And your darwinian-esque prescription which nullifies conscious choice creates just that. Even pure genetics is bound by conscious choice in the form of epigenetics.

>> No.6515609

All of the virtues you offer, of adventure, danger, courage, strength, resiliency, and passion, are not just better in love and faith, they are created by them. As they are destroyed by your lack of a higher ideal, and the genuine care and strife paid in service thereof. It's a common pervasive, but erroneous ideology that serves to create psychopathy in everyday life. Take a look at any artifact of the modern world that can be described as loveless and faithless if you don't agree. Ghettos for instance. They're pretty Darwinian, and also nearly completely faithless and loveless. And yet the best "adventure" they have to offer is a cheap fuck and a dirty needle. And by no small margin, plenty of psychopathy to go around.

>> No.6515707

You seem to focus only on one specific type of outcome. Implying that everything that consciously or subconsciously deviates from your perceived reality is negative, bad, or evil. This is not worldly, far from it, this is myopic at best and at worst, delusional. Detach yourself, remove your presumption of the world, be humble enough to admit you are ignorant, and observe with learning eyes and an open mind. See the world as it is, not through some Abrahamic lenses, or morality designed for mass control. Free yourself from your idealistic worldview, unlearn to learn, life is not a zero-sum game. The players of life are not hyper-rational, that is the true meaning of the free will. Preferences are empirical evidence. More care does not mean more passion. I will make this bold claim that people who care too much are mentally ill, they lack self-esteem at best and at worst, deeply insecure about their existence at the neurotic level. They are so obsessed with frivolous things, that they failed to live life as it is. Fussing over every minor detail, everything must have a meaning, everything must be perfect, everything they have accomplished must matter. That is not a life worth living. Instead of accepting the chaos of life. They turn inwards to their delusions. A form of escapism, to escape from their anxiety or existential dread. I too, form delusions to relief myself but I do the recreationally. And my identity or self worth are not tied down by it. It is better to live dangerously, because whatever happens, happens.

>> No.6515726

I will wager a cheap fuck and a dirty needle in the ghetto have more value than an artificial existence. An artificial life is like a perfectly photo shopped advertisement of a woman, flawless but soulless. If we could unveil the chaos of life, a cheap fuck might be exactly what the person needed to find God. Who knows, I don't assume I know, ergo I don't condemn the actions of men, mistakes as they seems to be at the moment of time, but could lead to good or great things, or death. I am not God nor a savior, and I strongly believe in not taking myself too seriously. And that may rub people the wrong way, and I don't care. Life is too short to care about the frivolous.

>> No.6515738

If you want to study cum and fun. Find @calmdraws
If you don't know who she is, you will be in for a treat.

>> No.6515979

I speak of outcomes, because logically, by nature, they are inbuilt. It has no judgment, it is status agnostic. Choices are bound to physiology, psychology, physics, and the choice whether to care or not about outcome is fundamental and striking in the completeness of it's influence. Literally, the quality of all effects can be said to derive from this, and they are quite inescapable. One way is to be a permanent slave and subject, and the other is to hone the power of your will to the degree I would say calling it nothing less than becoming a force of nature is not out of line. And I can personally witness to both. But if I had to guess, it is also probably one of the hardest things to explain fully with only what amount to esoteric, impersonal terms. Which leaves me the unenviable choice of making it personal, or telling you to try it yourself.
I've been accused of being doomed to pathos here by anon, and the more I think about it, the more I find the concept laughably, utterly fitting. And if what I have is pathos death, I would not trade my life, or what it is, for 10,000 truckstop blowjobs and all the Tolkienesque treasure you could heap into a pile, one ring included. I’ve never had anyone call my life anything short of an adventure, and that's only from snippets really. But I'm not trying to brag, I'm trying to offer you nothing less for yourself. Deny whatever you want out of hand, it just means there's no further discussion. But for completeness sake I'll tell you, none of the flaws you've given are remotely close. If nothing else, I'd politely suggest you take the assumptions you're offering and set them aside, for the sake of objectivity.
The difference on the table here is nothing short of biblical, as in the difference is that between the living and the dead. And as far as I see, it's proven day in and day out.

>> No.6516010

What is artificial? What's frivolous? Take any science to its atomized form and it could be called frivolous- literal and metaphoric navel gazing. But take the sum of its products, and it's completely transformative to society. A million passions may be squelched errantly prejudging the apparently frivolous. I think it's no coincidence the depressed people ive met almost unfailingly have no appreciation of the frivolous.
Basically I'd argue life is too short not to care about what may be considered frivolous. But to know what is or isn't, it has to be contemplated first.
It just so happens, that that contemplation doesn't really have an end, which is a very, very good thing. Because even something like the belly button can potentially offer a lifetime of study of a unique ecosystem.
Wouldn't be my first choice lol, but I think the point stands.
By the way, good day to you anons! It's always nice to stretch the legs and brain between drawings innit.

>> No.6516444

The outcome is the one thing that is a zero-sum game. Outcomes or consequences always have a good or bad, never agnostic or in between. It is a key role that governs self-interest. Likewise in drawing, the creative process is often filled with mistakes, the outcome can be good or bad. If it is a good drawing, celebrate. If it is a bad one, learn from it. Either way, you win by acting on it. Don't let yourself or some frivolous notions or ideas get in way of living. Live life by making as many mistakes as you can afford, care less and live free. There are an infinite methods of operation in life. Don't subject yourself to just two. Maybe a wet sloppy blowjob is all you need or a hard-fought treasure you can heap into. You don't know how it ends and it is up to you to fuck around and find out. We are all going to die anyway, might as well.

>> No.6516509

If one has fancy belly buttons, one should go all in and spend a lifetime on them. There is no wrong in being committed to ethereal love and a life of transcendence. The same goes for being committed to lust and a life of hedonistic pleasures.
There is no ultimate way or the right way to live.
Artificial is uncanny and unfunny. Everything that takes themselves so seriously, likewise a fun police in life or a vampire that drains the soul out of society. Similarly to an overly photoshopped advertisement, the bourgeoisie of bad taste, ghetto-rich aesthetics, and NPC tier of tacky. I can go on but in the context of best chan, a Mod is always gay and discord mods are trannies.

Anything that is out of my control is frivolous. Why should I care about things that I don't have control over? Take women and love for example. If a woman wants my care and attention, she needs to submit her entire being to my authority. It has to be consensual. In order, for me to exert my will, a force of nature as you have perceived. In an attempt to reach ethereal love, a love that even the Gods and Goddesses will deem worthy of ambrosia. Anything less than all-in is insincere and will only result in disdain and contempt. I wish you a wonderful experience in life. May the Gods and the muses guide us to great art, and ultimately a better self.

>> No.6516964
File: 497 KB, 1280x1926, My-dream-threesome-Incase-Art_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any western coomer artist who draws better than incase? The one that doesn't draws generic anime style.

>> No.6517040

calmdraws, sakimichan, cutesexyrobutts. Just to name a few.

>> No.6517065

she's a chink and mainly draws almost realistic anime. not western.

>> No.6517074

jesus are people literally writing an esoteric philosophical schizobabble essay on coom art

>> No.6517077

She's Canadian, just Chinese. Unless by "western" you mean white people only

>> No.6517091

She draws hybrid, she was in the game industry and her art style is an unique blend.

>> No.6517135

That’s what that retard means, thinks western is only white people.

>> No.6517142

You retards have schizophrenia.

>> No.6517148

yes. only whites matter. :^)
I don't care about that. maybe some tribute fan art to anime but generally artists that draws Western porns.

>> No.6517171

If an outcome has consequences, it can never be said to be zero sum, even if similar ends can be reached by different means. Contrary to not being worldly, it's eminently worldly to build on other's forethought and wisdom. We know where choices lead, by our own forethought- which by the way you have regardless of whether or not you choose something likely to be destructive in some way. And we have it by the collective experience of thousands of generations. One of the mental traps people subscribe to these days is thinking you need any depth to avoid the infinite destructive contrivances of the world. There's nothing new in human nature, lust is still lust, violence is still violence, pride, jealousy, etc. It just so happens the wise answer to all these is just as simple as it is profound. Always has been. Just as some will always think they know better, some will always have to question, and others will see the logic in the wisdom and follow it.
Offering wisdom, like maybe you don't want to get aids from a hooker, or take your chances getting mugged/ shot by a pimp, or wind up face down in a Philly ditch from fentanyl- these are due diligence, and a product of care. It's just negligence otherwise.
Down to the little things, life is made of choices, your literal neurons are strung together according to what you do. Even a small guilt of hurting someone robs you of just that much more contentment, destroys that much more faith in yourself, and by proxy in others, and also following a higher ideal. Unless your ideal is to feel nothing, to be perfectly sociopathic, why would you purposely incorporate more than that which you will get naturally? But that's just cowardice isn't it, if you're not already? The converse option, of both holding the emotion and suffering through any downsides lands you more ability to enjoy it, and more strength to endure it. It's actual mental and social weightlifting. It's actually more exciting too, but I digress.

>> No.6517217

Very friendly tone, anon, and I wish you anons the same, nothing but the best in your pursuits.
I can't agree that there isn't good and evil. I can't define them ultimately, but I think doing the best with what you can control is good. And the more care you take, both the more you find you can control, and the less you find purely frivolous. Your personhood isn't removed from the example of science, either metaphorically or physically. And lastly, most esoterically, if we agree on transcendence as a fitting attribute of God, then it doesn't really fit pursuit of God to focus on that which is selfish. No God that is worth anything but destruction to others that is, as the embodiment of myopia. That aside however, I'd say every single thing you listed as artificial is dead precisely because of what it lacks in a transcendent Godly capacity. Put in a different way, something truly transcendent must embody both our everyday human capacities, and also follow a higher order of rules that can contain that and everything else. In short, the furthest thing from our experience and understanding. You are the human element day in and day out, considering a higher order ruleset is where you can find by definition, a deeper more all encompassing meaning. Like the splitting of the atom, or quantum mechanics.
Good day anons, and pleasant drawings.

>> No.6518113
File: 372 KB, 1280x1810, JJFrenchie - Marvel Story 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JJ Frenchie
glorious execution on anatomie in the past. sadly he only draws lolies these days.

>> No.6518120
File: 3.34 MB, 800x526, JJFrenchie - Snow White.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6518400

There is nothing controversial about this. This is lovely cartooning anon.

>> No.6518422

Makes me feel bad for her desu… she just wanted to sing but nobody cares about anything except her body

>> No.6518450

I agree to the greatest extent that life is made of choices. However, outcomes and consequences are absolute. They are similar to the truth. Dying while on fentanyl and dropping into the ditch, is a choice. Dying while on fentanyl and resisting arrest is also a choice. The outcome is death. However, the latter caused global unrest. To the person, the outcome is death, an absolute, to the audience, that is up to interpretation. I hope you consider the concept, of the death of the author. Do not let your interpretation, misguide you into thinking outcomes and consequences are fluid. It never will be. No matter how much they try to spin it, you can never bring back the dead. Risk management is good advice. However, to each of their own. Everyone has different levels of risk-taking behaviors. One shouldn't impose conservative standards on others. Let one loses power and is imposed by others more powerful than them. Hell is never-ending, and so is imposing. Especially if you prefer to fuss over frivolous things, just as I do. Yes, I may seem to be sociopathic on the surface but beneath it all is my dark repressive side. Which I control with ease, after all, I have Marcus Aurelius and Epicurus by my side. They are my spirit guides and their teachings are fortified by my will to power. In their teachings, suffering and discomfort must be accepted, even invited as a form of practice. I feel every ounce of it, but I try my god damm best to never show it or react to it, unless I choose to. It is not an inability, on the contrary, it is a hard-forged skill of being unwilling to subject myself as a reactionary. You may see me as a coward, a pushover and a weakling. Nonetheless if the prediction of the Bible is true, the meek sure inherit the earth. Till then, lets keep the personal attacks minimal.

>> No.6518455

>Why do you like coom art? If not, why?
I like coom art but only when I am trying to coom. Other than that I actually kind of hate it and try to avoid artists who make coom art their entire identity, just because I feel like they have nothing really important or creative to show and a lot of them end up trooning out in the end or developing some other type of mental illness (go figure).

I don't particularly want to, nor like to draw coom art. But I DO like to paint tasteful nudes every now and then because I like to find beauty and appreciation for the human body outside of just sex, kinda like muh renaissance paintings

>> No.6518475
File: 246 KB, 693x601, 1668348419665968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not sad at all. He's developing a better taste as far as I can see
Thanks for the rec

>> No.6518518

>hes still going on schizo ramblings

>> No.6518705

I didn't call you a coward. I posed a question for you to judge the merits yourself.
Risk management and aversion is just the first layer. It's about choosing the risks you want to take on and why you do, and in so doing calling out the lie that the ends justify the means. They do not, and that very thing is how politics work themselves into the morass that we currently find them in, worldwide. So is the notion that denying something deeper in a mechanistic (sociopathic) approach is a valuable contributor to society. It can only serve to rob everyone, especially the individual, of potential. The difference, down to the minutia, is between a company charged with removal of toxic waste from a pond that then takes it to the next town's pond; and one that invests R&D into a plasma incinerator, that takes the byproducts, turns them into materials to construct arcologies for space travel, who are working on the cure for cancer. The difference in attitude, like personal attitudes, makes all the difference. On the way up, down and everywhere in between, success or failure. Companies are a great example of the rule of law of concepts like faith, love, and humility extending beyond the personal. A tiny glimpse of the transcendence of them, in a word. Reason is will. And focusing on the ends, at the expense of the math involved in getting to them, leads to weak, circular reason.
Ive already spoken to tyranny and compulsion- but again, tyranny, at its heart, like the 1st company above, is faithless. But extending a humble hand and voice personally to avert suffering, and potentially build something in its stead - is love. (And life).
Challenging the merits of your assertions and the virtues you suppose they give you for instance. Like the buzzword reactionary. Organisms are by definition reactionary, it's a nonsensical derogation.
>the meek.
Those incapable and/or unwilling in any worldly terms? I can only hope so.
Have a good day anon.

>> No.6518882

Nah, I'd definitely attribute that to current times where people are dating less, quarantine, and the increase of parasocial relationships. Sex also sells, just look at any streaming service original and they all have atleast one or more exaggerated sex scene.
This shit unironically inspired me to draw coom art. I'm tired of artists expanding their horizons via subject material. I will admit tho, gay/fetish artists have shit subject material but great technique.

>> No.6518991

I looked them up. Very good at what she does, but digital techniques don't translate in to marker work very well. There's actually not a lot of resources out there at all for marker work so maybe I'll do some trial and error and maybe make some copic coloring tutorials and upload on Gumroad or something. I always assume that someone has made a marker tutorial about whatever I need help with but then I can never find it. Maybe that's a niche for me to fill and make some cash along the way.

>> No.6519513

Digital art is very similar to marker art. If you have seen good copic marker drawings you can 1:1 for clamdraws. Takes a lot more time and effort. But doable.

>> No.6519540

Implied cowardice is beating around the bush. I prefer a man who can cut the Gordian knot and get straight to the point.
You have lofty ideas and generally, attempt to promulgate good values. However, your worldview is a fantasy, people do not play by your rules. No matter how good, enticing or tyrannical. People will not bother transporting toxic waste from one pond to the next, it is just too costly, logistically speaking. It will be channeled straight into the ocean. They cut the Gordian knot, they don't attempt to entangle it. You on the other hand, you can attempt it this lifetime, nobody will stop you but you can't expect others to do the same. You can have lofty goals but people may prefer a low life. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You can't help those who do not want to be helped. Each to their own, because players of life are not all rational. And rightfully so, this is not about tyranny. Tyranny will never work because even the soviet has fallen in mere 60 years. 6 decades of absolute power, of pure tyranny, they failed and amounted to nothing. They are the example of what not to be. Be humble, know that you do not know enough, despite all your good intention, and often enough, the path to hell is often paved by good intention. Maybe when there is enough toxic waste in the ocean. That might motivate someone to invent a machine that recycle toxic waste. Who knows, that's the fun.

>> No.6519786

Did I imply it, or did your conscience convict you? I'd urge you to listen if it did. You can shoehorn whatever you like into combative terms, the conversation will just be that much less useful. That’s an example of faith btw.
Funny about the toxic waste, my example drew from a certain company dumping mercury in the ocean. Is that better, or qualitatively different? Someone will be along any day now to undo that, though, won't they?
Lots of people live both type of lives and what they make of themselves is their business. But like the toxic waste, selfishness never just stops at the self, that's the point. It is its own small tyranny. It is why a tyrant is always around the corner from immorality. They are logical counterparts. The society you and i create, far from some lofty ideal, or an incalculable, immutable force, is here and now. And the ghetto of the mind creates the ghetto around you.
In all your worldliness, are you really going to claim impotence? Then what good is it? I'll suggest an answer, it is not impotent. Not coincidentally, propagandists happen to sell that brand of helplessness as a first course. The course you suggest, not unlike the propagandist, adds to the pot of a loveless, faithless society. Societies change with the people they are composed of, like one household is different to the next. And these types of people, households, companies or societies eat themselves alive, from the inside out. Look at the history of your own country, individual effects compound. And what does it take to have an effect? Simply to do.
My only charge to you is that I don't think if you were really honest with yourself, you'd really want to live in a more faithless, loveless society. Any more than you'd like to live in a more faithless, loveless version of yourself.
The metaphoric mercury simply will be replaced by blood as a matter of course.
The wages of sin are death, as the good book says.
May we all find our meekness, good day anon.

>> No.6520466
File: 113 KB, 200x510, LoveYou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it wrong to have coom as your main motivator? as in, the sole reason why you keep drawing is because you want to draw cute and sexy girls?

>> No.6520482
File: 164 KB, 600x1100, 1674078060111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like pictures where you can't see their panties but their panties would be clearly visible from any other angle

>> No.6520489
File: 108 KB, 967x853, 020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why do you like coom art? If not, why?
i like coom art. i mostly draw coom illust,nude since it's fun and make me motivate to learn figure draw

>What do you think coom art will be like in the next 5 years?
i think that AI will conquered illust art area, .quite sad desu since im no name and draw as hobby. i only do pins-up

>What are your coom art goals?

i recently learn draw manga now since i think that illust is quite not only a good way to go. i avoid doing manga for really long time because i know that it's extremely time consuming and it's hard,yes it is. but turn out it's pretty fun and make me try to learn new things, doing hard pose . learning seggs instead of only do nude girls staring,also composition about story telling is fucking hard too. don't know if i can make it but i'll keep drawing doujin manga along with illust.
not sure when i can finish mine also not expect it to be good.

>> No.6520989

Toxic to you, but is it toxic to the world? After all, where did mercury come from? So is plastic and all things, from mother earth. You do not know enough, and so am I. Our forethought can only reach thus far. Man plans and God laughs. I am merely pointing out your hubris, and your insistence that your version and your worldview are the only paths. Fathom this, I want to be part of a society of love. Yet, I do not want to impose what I want upon the world. Not out of helplessness or indifference, but out of the principle of freedom. Hard-fought freedom is the freedom that is already paid for by the blood of men and women throughout history. Just like Christ, who paid for our sins, freedom has to be fought for. In that spirit, I reject your insistence, despite your good intention. Be humble and learn, good intention often leads to unintended consequences. Here is an example, the Indian government came up with an incentive to control the cobra snake population. They pay a bounty for every snake captured. The Indians saw it as an opportunity and start to breed cobra snakes for monetary gains. When the Indian government realized it, they stopped the policy. The Indian citizens got upset and released the cobra into the wild. Effectively increases the cobra population. A direct opposite of what they intended. Good intention does not always lead to good outcomes. Yes, you may want what you want, but by pushing against others, you will only further push them to the other side. Learn to accept what they are and maybe you can find what you are looking for. Perhaps love. Perhaps god. Fuck around, find out.(in a good way)

>> No.6521005

Nope, nothing wrong.
Unless you are stuck on a self-destructive path.

Me too! I get what you mean. It is exposure only by imagination.

>> No.6521114


>> No.6521618

Want to be good at story telling? Pro tip, read story books.

>> No.6521686

You keep bringing it back around to a couple irrelevant points, like wanting to impose will, and supposed hubris, so lets get them out of the way. I don't need to impose any will, not just because I happen to believe that all things will be corrected eventually, and that they already do so to an imperfect degree on their own; but because all of the impact i would ever desire in life is more than contained in my own free will alone. My choices. And quite honestly I question whether I'd ever even consider myself fit for that role sometimes. Not only have I found that sufficient, but in acting in concert with the best intentions, to the never-ending perfection of the ideal, -as far as I can see it at any given time- is quite the opposite of "God laughing at plans." I've been graced by uncanny luck, with every step of faith. A logarithmic scale would be appropriate.
You can insist in a secular light, that it is an accident, that my anecdote doesn't count for science, and that's fine. But I'm telling you, that even only considering it in a secular way, the highest, by nature most transcendent ideal will be your eyes and ears, and fill gaps of knowledge, foresight, and even capacity that you are blind to. (And you can test this even in a secular way.)
It's a funny word, humility, its root being love, it is acting in good faith in a selfless way. In order to do this, you must be both proactive and reactive in sensitivity to the other person's needs. Some things that are impossible according to your worldview. Some I think you've demonstrated here if you'd like me to point out.
But correct me if you think otherwise, hubris would imply willful or incidental ignorance, and a self centered motive. I don't think I misunderstand your position at all after a week or so talking. I've lived both sides of it as I said early on. As to the motive, for further clarification, I don't owe you, or even myself testimony, I owe it to be true to the highest ideal(God). Why?

>> No.6521704

Why bother with a testimony that will be so imperfect, you might as well consider it a sin, as it will need so much correction in future hindsight? And to someone no less who thinks it's foolish?
(I don't make much more of a claim than that, btw.) It begins by being its own reward, practicing faith and love, but it never ends growing as more than the sum of its parts. We have infinity to expand into. (That's only incidentally pottery... or is it?)

Now go... live laugh love or something, right? I mean it though.

>> No.6521966

Hubris is the outrageous arrogance of man. In their assumption that their plans, forethought, and pursuit. Will lead to circumstances, outcomes, and quantitatively good consequences. Simply because of good intentions or worst, because you believe it to be. If coof-coof taught me anything, it is that those in power have no idea what is going on and have zero control. And trust me, those people in power believed they have good intentions. The unintended consequences of their covid vaccines and covid policy are irreversible. Excess death is the outcome. In this example, God already laughed. It might sound pessimistic or even downright defeatist. On the contrary, our choices may not matter as much as we want them to but we still try, wretched as we may be, and it is a struggle to attempt to be good. That is our wrestle with God. You try despite the overwhelming odds. Here is our conflict, you are preaching a singular path, assuming you know what works for you, will work for others. You are assuming that the outcome needs to be in a particular order. What if a man needs to participate in the vilest, most hedonistic orgy, running a train on a woman, doing sloppy seconds, and snorting cocaine off her tiddies, while boozing on a fentanyl laced kitchen sink cocktail. And even then, it could always be worst. My point is, what if man needed to suffer, to hit rock bottom to finally find god, to understand their path, and to reach for their transcendent goals? Who are we to judge which path is the right path? I do not know the outcome, and the more you claim you do. The more I resist.

>> No.6521973

>(And you can test this even in a secular way.)
Test it, how? If you can come up with a theory, hell, even a loosely structured hypothesis, I will do it.

>> No.6522725

Oh, those words make me so happy anon. And forgive me, but this week has been extraordinarily busy, so let me think about it, so I can make sure I'm as accurate as I need to be.
The singular path as you suggest, is no more singular than the scientific method. You may have many experiences bound to the same ultimate truths, but the scientific method(always undergoing evolution btw) is the most accurate method of discernment of causalities for us. There is no hubris as you say involved, as there is only raw data involved. In other words, science can only ever attempt to answer "how." The "what should you do with that information, and why?" -are the domain of philosophy.
The answer in short form, to "What about the bad ways and means that appear to end on a high note?" I would say it's some of the greatest proof of grand design, that it is in spite of the nature of the choices, it is incidental. That even in the face of utter misery, love can turn that around- and that is always what it is that does it - love. A return to the greatest truth the architecture of the universe was woven from. A truth the person knew all along and returned to, not something discovered by ulterior means. And that is the outcome, whether a person lies to themselves until they are dead, or turns a lucky corner beforehand, the universe will go on being a universe bound by physical laws, including that life is inherently constructive.
The difference in the meantime, is avoiding suffering- or possibly more accurately, the empowerment of you to only enjoin the suffering, that you will want, that is 'necessary,' and thereby partake in the unconditional happiness- or joy, that that endeavor can now bring, as it is higher than a singular, worldly thing now.
Make sense? Like complex emotions often being more powerful than the singular, and taking on a dynamic of their own. Love and faith as coefficients to action will absolutely render all else moot.

>> No.6522805

Data can be fabricated, altered, and even abused by political lenses. Do not be too confident. During the coof-coof, the policymakers constantly used the idea of following science, only when it is useful to them. Here is the part I strongly disagree with, what should you do with the information? Love and faith are intangibles and will succumb to the material world. Even nature is more potent than love and faith. Pain is more real than real. That singular path of yours is only a worthy pursuit for the 10℅ population. In poor and war-zone countries, survival is the priority. Who has time to think of love and faith, when you are starving or have to fuck to stay warm at night? Nature is intrinsic and will always be the priority, other pursuits, are mere fantasy, frivolous pursuits. It could be a noble pursuit, but each to their own. Do you see now, how hubris you are? This singular path you promulgate is not for 90% of the world population. Your truth is far from worldly and does not even have the slightest resemblance to the ultimate truth. If you were given the power, to apply your truth to the world, the outcome will be human extinction. We have to acknowledge how privileged we are to be even communicating in this way. Because most humans are struggling to get the essentials. Imagine, we are here debating about cum catchers and transcendental ideas. While children in Africa are being exploited by China to mine cobalt. Does love and faith do anything for those children?

>> No.6522885

I think I've found where you may begin with an operating theory. Love and faith are not intangible, any more than gravity and magnetism. The material world obeys them the exact same as any other physical law, not the other way around. For instance, the relative lack of love and faith that produces those war torn/ impoverished countries you state. Have you been to a war torn country or a truly impoverished country? I have, on both counts, and there yet exists both love and faith there, in spite of the abundance of that which you seem to consider their supposed antithesis, in the form of "nature."
>Does love and faith do anything for those children?
Yes, it attempts to do everything it always does- clothe, feed, educate, and free them. Would your answer be more tyranny, and less love?
If you really want to go tit for tat in proclaiming a singular hubris laden path, then proclaiming nature as love- and faith- agnostic would be the very same thing. In order for it to be the high horse you want it to be, you'd have to be open to the possibility that my understanding might actually include what you can't see.
There is no need to apply will towards what is already, without this truth, no human civilization would exist, period. And to the degree they don't exist- humans face extinction for it. It's not even a question, it's a matter of time. Like an in built karma system, or, the hand of God. Lack of love and faith -to their inherent constructive ends is exactly what is marching us towards WWIII at this very moment. Would you prefer to argue something about the relative value to cockroaches?
Life, including people, are inherently constructive, inherently loving. The fact that hate, or selfishness, or imperfection, or even utter obliviousness to consequence can and do all exist, does not and can not disprove it. What you choose to see of it doesn't change the ruleset- that it is those things that are fabricated and hollow, and can bear nothing against love.

>> No.6522982

>lack of love and faith produces a war-torn and impoverished country
>yet exist both love and faith there
You can't have the cake and eat it too. So what is it, with or without love stiresultsult in war and poverty? If so, what is the use of love and faith? I want you to know, I understand your side, fully. And I will come up with a better argument to prove my point. If you position your argument based on the value of love and faith, that would have been much better as a whole. What is a life worth living? This is an existential question more important than ever before, as our world moves towards materialism. You could technically exist, in chemically induced stasis, eliminating all suffering. But is such existence worth living, with love and faith, even in a war-torn country, you find a way to believe and to thrive. I do understand your point of view and do not doubt your good intention or values. What I resist is your execution, as a creative individual, there is an infinite way to skin a cat. And I feel you are still doing it the one way. My best guess is that it truly worked for you or you want it to work and your identity is tied down by it, love, and faith. It is all good, I just hope you learnt something new from our exchange.

>> No.6523258

>So what is it, with or without love stiresultsult in war and poverty?
Come on, you can do better than this. The lack of virtue in those that cause it is separate from the ones that try to stop it, as always. That love can bear it is a testament to its permanence, as well as the answer to it.
>as a creative individual, there is an infinite way to skin a cat.
The creative field is no different to any other, in that yes there are- in theory only. Minus hard limits, however, just like in everything else, there's the constructive and the deconstructive. It's not a matter of perfection, but direction. You can either try to be neutral- which we both agree doesn't actually exist in the literal sense, or, you can be willfully ignorant of outcomes and not care, or you can attempt to fit what you do into an ideal that is attached one way or another to other people. Even coom artists do this by and large- the usual reasoning being "it fits a need and makes people happy -and- it's harmless." Some don't of course.
We are both claiming the other doesn't understand, but I'd submit to you, you can't categorically understand and appreciate love and faith, and be purposefully agnostic to outcome at the same time. The difference between "It's regrettable that you're going to try to find answers the hard way, you probably won't, and I wish you wouldn't try" and "Well, the hard way exists, and some lucky suckers find their way out anyway, so it must be fine, who am I to say otherwise?" -that is THE categorical difference in love. And tyrrany can be said to be humanity's ultimate expression of faithlessness- all encompassing faithlessness in the entirety of the people. Both of these are extended and translated at each level from the other- love and faith in one's self, people you know, strangers, right up to the highest ideal itself. Like in this conversation, your feeling attacked as a translation of your relative lack of faith.

>> No.6523281

That these things can and should be considered personal metrics, even as imperfect as our judgement can be, is my argument.
It's not just that they are better, but you are bound by their effects regardless. Like tyranny, the compound effect across society is someone following through with the belief you and I would be better as piles of ash, or working the cobalt mines. In order to even have the freedom to ingest mercury or fentanyl, or use people, you'd better support the idea of faith. That that only works one way could be considered evidence of it's preeminence.
I'd suggest you try to see things through a constructive light, rather than the deconstructive view that is so ingrained in the modern world. Because it does solve x for human nature, one person, one problem at a time, as opposed to the tyrannical slavery and death that are the only alternative.
Good day again anon.

>> No.6523304

Life is hard for everyone, we struggle one way or another. I don't necessarily think that the hard way or the easy way is the way. I do have the irrational belief that the obstacle is the way. It seems to me, that God places obstacles for men to grow. In my irrational thought, God exists as an invisible anchor, you know he is there but he cannot reveal that he is. And the wrestle with god can be done on any level. Love and faith are not as important if you think about the essentials, air, water, and food. Back to the fundamentals, without the essentials, life is unable to sustain itself, and therefore love and faith is frivolous in comparison. With that being said, try fasting for a day, 2 days, and then a week. Maybe you will understand why love and faith aren't as important when you are starving. Nature always wins. I can vouch for nature because I have went through great length to test it. I am still waiting for you to provide me with your hypothesis. I do enjoy testing out hypotheses and thought experiments.

>> No.6526519

Is it too late to try and make some money with art with all the advancements in AI? I never expected to live off it, I learned it for fun, but I was considering trying to get into either porn or just family friendly art to make some extra money. Is it too late though?

>> No.6526533
File: 6 KB, 247x250, 0c86decfc71fe0c12543a44f6df25fb6211e4e7954539f77cb43442dd981ee99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it too late for me because AI yadayada
AI can only do either generic shit, or a mishmash of generic shit as a pretext to pass as something innovative, no inbetweens. As long as you dont do generic stuff and find a way to stand out in your works, (something the AI is very incapable of) you should be good. Dont become a doomer retard because of some even more rerarded fags, anon, do your kinky stuff and get some good bucks out of it, there's a market for you out there and you'll gmi as long as you push through
>Verification not required.

>> No.6526562

Thanks for the kind response.
Do you have experience doing this? How much can I earn realistically?

>> No.6528217

This guys is tricking you.

If you want to start doing coom art. Do it WITH AI. In fact, if you start using AI now, you will mog 99% of the coom artists. If you got good taste, you can hit around 200k followers. And I urge you to do so, because AI coom art is only going to grow explosively in the coming weeks.

>> No.6529930

Shoo Pajeet.

>> No.6531831
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x1342, 1523222222777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder if youve been absolute dog shit tier for years now.
Youre pathetic

>> No.6531948 [DELETED] 

Yes, mercury is toxic to most living things. All evidence and logic points to the idea that dumping toxic waste into the ocean is bad. Of course we can never know the truth for certain, so we should approach all things with humility, but to suggest that we should never even attempt to do so, to suggest that all are plans and ambitions are pointless, is to infantilize humanity. If everyone followed your cowardly philosophy, we'd still be living in the stone age. Your relativist view is retarded.

Also, why should we value freedom over the general health of society? I don't want to live in a world where some asshole can dump toxic waste into the ocean, or destroy a marriage, and neither do most people. That's why we have laws, to oppress the degenerate minority that acts selfishly. Of course, we still need som protections from the general will of the people, to prevent things like mob rule and groupthink, but these protections ultimately are a means to an end, a way to make society safer and more flexible, I see no reason why they should be considered to be some sort of ultimate principle to strive for.

That being said, to comment on the original argument, I do not mind pornographic art so long as it not grotesque or fetishistic. I think it's possible for something to be "tastefully erotic".

>> No.6532056


>> No.6532060

>It’s narrative so rich and meta you’ll have to read it again and again and then again to truly grasps its depths
wait a fucking second, that's my idea too

>> No.6532062

Nothing wrong with you, in fact I envy you

>> No.6532063

damn you made me sad too...

>> No.6533888 [DELETED] 


Woof woof woof

>> No.6534196

>not generic

>> No.6537583

Coom art focuses on appeal more than anything else. Something can be technically flawless but not have that quality that makes it something you can jerk off to. I think this is a really interesting aspect of art that's a lot of fun to explore.

>> No.6537588

I agree fully, I think it is good to learn appeal.