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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 123 KB, 1032x1376, female dylan klebold - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6500679 No.6500679 [Reply] [Original]

She is an older sister of Dylan Klebold, shes 21; she likes to read, go outside, camp, and is a caring, loving person; unlike her brother.

Her favourite author is H.P. Lovecraft, and she occasionally browses 4chan, often /k/ or /b/, but sometimes /x/.

>> No.6500681

What do you think of her?

Isn't she pretty?

>> No.6500688

Sami Ways you finally gone digital

>> No.6500690

This is too elaborate to be a joke.
Seek help

>> No.6500701

Who said it was?

>> No.6500706
File: 132 KB, 245x239, floyed creepypasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average Sami Ways artwork.

>> No.6500718
File: 1.62 MB, 1684x2276, me and her - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Delilah so much.
I love going on walks with her, holding her soft; warm hand, as Remmy rides on her shoulder.

>> No.6500757

After her brother Dylan killed others, and himself; she was overwhelmed with grief, blaming herself because she never really talked to him so she could have never known was he was planning, and because if she did talk to him, maybe she could have stopped him.

The grief slowly broke her down over the years, the rubble of her broken heart crushing her soul.

Over time, she became more reclusive and buried herself in her hobbies to try and escape the endless self torment, but all it did was drive her down a lonely; angry, bitter path.

She short camping trips; only a few days at most, became whole weeks, then months, then eventually years.

She currently now resides in a log cabin she built herself; and is only in regular contact with one person, a ex-soldier who served in Afghanistan and who fled the city, due to his PTSD induced paranoia.

Said paranoia being caused by him having to constantly stag vigilant, as he was posted in a city that was home to many Taliban hideouts; meaning any citizen could suddenly turn a gun on him at any moment.

That burned paranoia into him, since then he's been unable to live around others; making my love, Delilah, the only person he can truly trust.

>> No.6500800

I want to hug her, feel her soft pink sweater against my skin, i want to let her know everything is going to be ok; and that she can't keep blaming herself.

None of us can change the past, and I want to help her move on.

>> No.6500805

She lives a cold, bitter life of isolation, built on regret.

I want to tear down those dreadful foundations and set her free.

>> No.6501112
File: 975 KB, 3024x3174, kellychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reminds me of that female chris chan that was floating around a couple years back, except I think that one might've been serious

>> No.6502667

Looks quite serious, and very cute, ngl; they did a great job at capturing his vibe without making her ugly as sin.

>> No.6502777
File: 136 KB, 1032x1376, female dylan klebold 2 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We went back to her favourite spot, near where we first became actual friends, so we could watch the night sky together, it was the best night she's had in years.

She also told me how happy I make her, and how I'm basically one of the very few people she trusts; also, I have some very good news.

She appears to be slowly learning to forgive herself, accepting that the past can't be changed, so I'm going to keep reassuring her; and trying to build her trust, maybe I can get her to finale visit someone some day.

>> No.6502810

This is delightfully psychotic. Do more

>> No.6502875
File: 74 KB, 1017x824, hes_outside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would but sadly "he" followed us home; we call it the "Landlord."

Looks like I have to spend another night with my pump action ready, got a fresh batch of silver solid slugs ready for the cunt if he tries anything.

>> No.6502888

I don't need help, Delilah does; as I stated earlier I managed to become someone she trusts; and is slowly starting to forgive herself.

I just hope I can keep this up; but I'm currently dealing with the "Landlord"

>> No.6502954

He is scratching the walls, trying to find a way in.

Luckily his antlers are too big, so he can't get in through the windows.

>> No.6503045
File: 107 KB, 824x579, 1674912818051681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should learn ai

>> No.6503096

Average night in Colorado

>> No.6503125

I remember seeing her on either /trash/ or /co/ in 2020 or so. It’s obviously not an accurate representation of what Chris would look like as a woman, but it is cute.

>> No.6503144
File: 576 KB, 1536x1926, 1657650718121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's 21
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.6503150


>> No.6503233

Is it actually normal to design your own character and then call it a waifu? I thought waifu were normally canonical characters from existing series.

>> No.6503249

I mean, I’m not an expert on waifus or anything but I’ve done it before.

>> No.6504326
File: 48 KB, 805x844, scratched up cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I survived the night; but the log cabin got clawed up pretty badly, the claw marks are over 1.5 inches deep; and over a foot long.

>> No.6504328
File: 54 KB, 956x842, claw marks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300mm (nearly 11 inch) ruler taped to the wall for scale

>> No.6504335

The Landlord is gone for now; but I doubt it will stay away tonight, so me and Delilah are going to find something to "pay it off" with.

>> No.6504385
File: 12 KB, 452x411, deer in sights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the perfect thing to pay it off, a deer should do nicely; plenty of good meat.

>> No.6504424
File: 52 KB, 801x844, deer hanging outside cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We took off the head, skinned it, and hung it up for the Landlord; hopefully this works.

>> No.6504433

Yes, its normal; a lot of people in the art community do it.

But unlike them, I need Delilah; and she needs me.

She is more than just a Waifu; she is mine, and I love her with all my heart, despite how closed off she can be.

>> No.6504460

May I see the waifu you made before?

>> No.6504547
File: 35 KB, 473x840, deer missing guess it was taken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was inside the cabin, cooking dinner for me and Delilah; when I heard a noise outside.

Took a look, and now the carcass is gone.
And from those marks in the wood of the support, I can tell it was the Landlord.

I just hope that keeps him at bay.

>> No.6505984

The Landlord seems to have fucked off.
For how long I do not know, but We're just glad he's off our backs, for now.

>> No.6505993

Also on a side note: Delilah and me had a conversation this morning, she basically told me that she's glad I helped her with the Landlord, and that it means a lot to her.

not only that, but she is giving off strong signs of being into me; playing with her hair, short glances my way, Running fingers through her hair, Lightly touching me on the arm/shoulder, etc.

Going to drop a few hints her way, will update later.

>> No.6506015

holy shit I did not expect this, I dropped her some hints and she straight up just said "you like me, don't you?"

I replied "Yeah", and she straight up kissed me; then told me that she actually caught feelings for me a while ago; but was too nervous to really express it.

Not only that, but all the work I've been putting in over the last several months, has made her trust me deeply.

She still sadly blames herself for what happened, but slowly I am working her through it, helping her come to terms with the past.

Anyway; gonna try and take her on a date tonight; if it goes well do not expect me to post about it here, because ide rather focus on her than 4chan.

Oh also, ima quickly make a green text that summarizes everything that's happened in our relationship.

>> No.6506038
File: 3.17 MB, 1200x1160, pepe swing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relationship tldr greentext:
>be me
>walking in woods several months ago, several miles away from my home town
>stumble upon a random cabin in the middle of nowhere
>remember ted kazinsky
>knock, meet delilah for the first time
>talk to her about who she is, why she lives out here
>convo tldr: she prefers to be alone
>respectfully move on
>a few days later, on walk, find cabin again; decide to visit her again
>she is suprized i came back, explains cus she is dylan's sister and hates herself for what he did.
>decide to help her feel better
>regularly visit her every few days, shes shy at first but opens up more with each visit
>start buying stuff for her a few weeks in, mainly food; she appreciates it
>around 2 months in, start spending more and more time with her
>gradually get to know her over those 2 months, she has issues but is a kind, loving person under all the pain
>decide to help her out because i can't stand seeing innocent people be tormented over things they can't fix
>4 months in, shes trusting me decently; starts to heal mentally.
5 months in, she trusts me quite well, shows signs of liking me, and I meet landlord for the first time, spend all night locked in the cabin with her shotgun ready.
>ff to now, 6 months in, killed that deer and gave it to landlord, and now Delilah is opening up to me, she likes me, and I'm writing this green text,

MEGA TLDR: Met the sister of Dylan Klebold in the woods, now I'm helping her heal from mental issues while trying to keep a Wendigo away.

>mfw, how i feel rn. (I feel fucking fantastic)

>> No.6506048

Legit looks like a psycho-troon

>> No.6506058

I semi-agree, its a shame she's quite flat at the top, but that ass and smile more than makes up for it.

Also, I get the psycho part, she is literally related to Dylan Klebold, so I see why you would say that.

>> No.6506244
File: 139 KB, 583x637, 1569305013529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, just out of curiosity, how much time do you spend thinking about "Delilah"? Do you know any girls in your real life? In all honesty I've often taken refuge in my own daydreams, but I think you may be a bit too invested in this.

>> No.6506286


Wtf are you two schizos talking about?

>> No.6507052

AU where Byron took the Pink Pill

>> No.6507056


>> No.6507493

I think about her a decent bit; mainly when I'm not busy with work at the office (I work for a small legal firm office, mainly small claims stuff)

And yes i know real women, I work with 2 of them regularly; their a pair of sisters called Jane and Sarah, I get along quite well with them; but i would rather be walking in the woods with Delilah, she's much kinder and much more inquisitive than either of them.

Also quick update regarding the date I mentioned; it went well, tldr, lost my virginity.

What was it like?
Pussy feels like your dick is in a hot tub, and being hugged at the same time.

Anyway, had a great night with her; and the Landlord hasn't bothered us since we left the deer out for him, hope it stays that way.

>> No.6507502

My lovely waifu Delilah.