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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 180 KB, 1129x1249, Fn-nLI1XgAMvLrV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6504825 No.6504825 [Reply] [Original]

why has this niggas art been actually deteriorating? does he have coom induced parkinsons or something?

>> No.6504847
File: 96 KB, 828x790, ancient egypt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not this is actually a well-researched phenomenon. When your sexual frustration gets the best of you begin to mentally decline in areas associated with hand-eye coordination. Google "big gay sweaty balls" to learn more

>> No.6504849

>Coomerism: Not even once.

>> No.6504887

what the fuck is wrong with her thigh

>> No.6504888

Post your work.

>> No.6504891

Looks like he's forcing himself to draw. The fire is burning out.

>> No.6504895

We did it crabros

>> No.6504928

deserves it for lewding the doog

>> No.6505181

Yeah even his coom art is getting worse

>> No.6505196

how much money did he make before he started to burn out?

>> No.6505197

Never seen /ic/ crab quite like with this guy. What did he ever do to you?

>> No.6505202

Traces photos, lies about traces, misleads anons and tells them to grind fundies instead of tracing, doesn’t tell them the secret to making it is by tracing, makes himself appear more skilled than he really is by not admitting to tracing, constantly shits up the catalogue with threads about himself, samefags constantly for attention, lives rent free in many anons heads Including my own

>> No.6505210

I haven't been a fan with the direction he's taking his art in either, very uninteresting. Which is a shame because his earlier stuff is really cool, I hope he gets back in that groove by making neat stuff again- like he did with pic-related recently.
I know people get up in arms about dissing nsfw but it more often than not just sucks the creativity out of people, so it's not surprising that as his biggest income of cash which panders to a crowd that eats it up, his work would decline in tandem.

>> No.6505214
File: 516 KB, 1389x1529, FoESqVxXwAEuAQS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6505242
File: 43 KB, 568x384, pantsu_ripper_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even this pic is a lot flatter compared to stuff he was doing just a year ago.

>> No.6505245
File: 1.36 MB, 2048x1749, pantsu-ripper_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6505248

Is it really ok for you to be this mean to pantsu? He might see this thread. If someone talked like this about me I'd feel awful.
Whatever, maybe I'm out of line, this isn't twitter after all.

>> No.6505251
File: 885 KB, 2188x2188, pantsu_ripper_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The older you go the starker it is....

>> No.6505259

> this isn't twitter after all
This is /ic/ and you have a lot to learn. If you are so worried about pantsu shitter, why don’t you post your work so we can beat the shit out of you instead?

>> No.6505261

>depressed quirky le schizo garbage
It was never good.

>> No.6505268

too long

>> No.6505277

Pantsu must've gotten a big tiddy cat gf, because he doesn't make depressing angsty stuff like these anymore:

>> No.6505291
File: 69 KB, 1024x576, 1663860401306571m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best guess is that the rise of ai garbage demoralized him to the point of basically just trying to milk his audience as fast as he can
Before, he didn't really have a reason to try and appeal to the most common denominator because, if he were to ever be strapped for cash, his audience and clientelle would be there, waiting for him, so he could take his time by drawing cool and interesting pieces. That might no longer be the case so he's cashing in on his audience as hard as he can for as long as he can before no one pays for art anymore
I hope to God in heaven that I'm wrong and that this is just a baseless assumption. Pantsu is a pretty big inspiration for me and I'd be very sad seeing him forego everything he's been building up over the years for something as puerile as money

Looking at his old work made me feel like humans could fly; that even I myself could fly. I don't want to see him grovel in the dirt with earthly peasants

Pantsu, if you are reading this, I want to see you fly again

>> No.6505337
File: 1.16 MB, 1101x1101, 1672758733027508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish financials troubles upon him. So that he may create good art again.

>> No.6505343

based sausage leg fetishist!

>> No.6505362

Seeing art regression always a worries me. I know I'll go through a period where it feels like everything I try to draw comes out as I want, then I'll try to do something and it's like what the fuck happened, I'm making the same mistakes I made years ago.

>> No.6505388

pantsu ended up like this because he sold his soul and stopped giving a shit.

>> No.6505393

My IP is blocked from posting pictures but my drawings are bad anyway, take my word for it.

>> No.6505415

why does he use ms paint

>> No.6505416

I'd be happy someone cared enough to make an entire thread just to shit on me

>> No.6505431

coommer art brings more money, tho.

>> No.6505506
File: 13 KB, 256x197, pobrane (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You meant alzheimers?

>> No.6505543

>lies about traces
When? I don't follow /ic/ drama but dude seemed to be pretty up front about it. I remember a thread where someone asked him how he drew some pic and he posted the ref image and told him he pretty much just traced it.
I can understand not liking tracers but don't just make shit up to further vilify someone, that's just pure faggotry.

>> No.6505579

I'm going to try my best so that one day people make a thread about crabbing on me. I won't rest until this entire board hates me.

>> No.6505586

Sorry bud, but you'll never be as hated as me.

>> No.6505619

it's not really the thigh, it looks like she's got fluid in the knee

>> No.6505638

it's just that his style sucks with nsfw.

>> No.6505650

ruined korone...

>> No.6505697

Why do all his female faces look like drug addicted troons?

>> No.6505704

He makes the threads about himself to stir up drama. He’s literally the only ic fag to have his own threads on a daily basis. There is almost always one pantsu thread up at any given time.

>> No.6505741

you are obsessed with dis mf

>> No.6505777
File: 91 KB, 400x400, Untitled6_20221211212630fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally unbeatable you dumbass crab. Next time you pick a fight on the internet try not to go toe to toe with the heavyweights mmkay?
>Nice try, but you're small potatoes

>> No.6505781

There was a thread before the one that you're referring to and someone did a overlay of his picture with a photo and he got caught dead to rights basically. Evidences seems to be lost though

>> No.6505784

is this wip yours? when you gonna finish it?

>> No.6505789

Why are you pretending to be me, I can fight my own battles.

>> No.6506555

He actually got I think