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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.85 MB, 2714x1944, 1675048496531195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6501647 No.6501647 [Reply] [Original]

Draw someone's OC or post your own. All skill levels are welcome.


1: Post a brief backstory if your OC has one.

2: Keep it fairly SFW. Lewds are fine but no explicit porn.

3: This is NOT a request thread. Artist Only. No spamming OC/infodumps for multiple threads without delivering.

4: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous Thread:>>6480558

>> No.6501672
File: 262 KB, 1378x1378, Depression_20230202122236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ but ok
Her name is Ichiko Ruya
Depressed 17y old student just like her classmates who suffers from diffrent types of mental illness.

>> No.6501726
File: 471 KB, 1175x1500, 1674049960392330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a version of Captain America who saved earth from a world where a fusion of Galactus and Iron Patriot destroyed 7/12 of the population of America

>> No.6501763
File: 436 KB, 1200x1415, 20230202_165104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished these, sorry for the huge break

>> No.6501855
File: 299 KB, 2000x2000, 1669540923354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here interested in drawing my wrestling kunoichi OC, Fuji?

>> No.6502221
File: 92 KB, 703x937, 20230202_105205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My OC - The Smellyman
Please don't lewd him.

>> No.6502280

>short hair
>Sharp teeth
>Red eyes

The holy Trinity of originality

>> No.6502342
File: 968 KB, 1800x2166, IMG_20230202_094211851~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all the time I have before I go into work. Hope you like it
The Smelly haunts my dreams

>> No.6502365

Yo, Angelo!

>> No.6502474
File: 33 KB, 449x676, mechaboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6502535
File: 14 KB, 610x790, beep boop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't given her a name yet, I want something punny

>> No.6502563
File: 27 KB, 615x416, E575A34F-5F0E-4C11-850B-CA8F520F413C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6502641

Red eyes are cute.

>> No.6502642

How much of these threads is actual art trades and how much is just ultra begs or tourists begging for free work?

>> No.6502646

if you draw my OC, I'll draw your OC

>> No.6502651

last one was pretty good

>> No.6502657

It’s mostly just ultra begs but at least they draw stuff.
I’ll take that over the other boards at least

I just wish they had some better designs

>> No.6502688

Not complaining just curious, but my ocs never seem to get any redraws. What causes this?

>> No.6502690

This thread was fine until the North Park autist showed up. At least that "ye old fred" faggot stayed out the last thread.

>> No.6502693

Post oc.
It’s probably just ugly or male

>> No.6502694

jeez, didn't mean to shit on your parade. I was just having fun

>> No.6502699
File: 915 KB, 3238x1856, 1675219888709938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6502701

Oh it was cute. Was thinking of doing it last thread but got tired and went to bed

>> No.6502708

I really liked this design, but I'm beg so the defined shapes are very daunting for me(will give it a try anyways when I can). Also consider that it was posted just as the last thread reached bump limit

>> No.6502710

OK thank you, I appreciate

>> No.6502715

I was planning on do this when I had time too

>> No.6502716

Who is the North Park autist?

>> No.6502785
File: 778 KB, 3000x2250, Без названия156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6502814
File: 674 KB, 3000x2250, Без названия157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I hope you wouldn't consider it bad

>> No.6502846
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1673817402731888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw me like one of your french guys!!

>> No.6502870

This faggot >6502535
North Park is a general on the sister board /i/ about a nonexistent South Park spinoff where people don't draw. The newest thread is 5 days old and already close to bump limit with only 50 images.

>> No.6502893
File: 83 KB, 1659x1052, dghsdfgfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I know this guy got plenty of drawings in previous threads, I just don't have any other more or less fully-fledged OC to post here. I am currently working on another male OC I will post eventually, while also drawing others OCs too.
Also, for that matter, a question: does this guy look too bland? Just curious, but also insecure.

>> No.6502906
File: 695 KB, 2040x1348, Anon fanfart 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil silly ones for ya

>> No.6502920

Kawaii! Arigato

He cute, I want to draw him. He’s not bland in costume but could use some accessories or things to give a sense of what his personality is. A skateboard?

Holy SHIT… this is genuinely a 10/10 to me, do you have a blog?

>> No.6502946
File: 369 KB, 4688x4000, hvObqlt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost of my umbrella-wielding pirate from last thread, since I posted her near the end of that one.

>> No.6503000
File: 1.55 MB, 2000x1556, 1654296793841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A return drawing, as best as my abilities would allow. From your description I thought up a scenario where she was caught in a nightmare in the lowest depths of hell. In relief she'd awaken, sweating and scarred, but safe and believing it a terrible dream, until she pulls back the covers and finds the ends of one of those writhing appendages still attached, trapped tight around her lower leg.
Did my best to imagine what the worst parts of hell would be like. Way worse than this, for certain, but ah well.

>> No.6503014
File: 383 KB, 1762x955, IMG_4766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a dog and a freaky scientist

>> No.6503051
File: 353 KB, 765x1244, IMG_5081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look pathetic

>> No.6503103

Yeah this thread has its problems but it's free from the turboautists that infest the ones on /a/, /v/, and /tg/.

>> No.6503175
File: 1.20 MB, 1244x2778, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503195
File: 334 KB, 920x3366, sia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sia Ghost, eccentric paranormal investigator, conspiracy theorist, and contortionist. She has her own hotline and her tagline is, "see a ghost? Call Sia Ghost!"

>> No.6503198

WTF CUTE, saved. do you have an OC I can redraw?

>> No.6503209

Glad you like it.
If you wanna draw something I dropped the axe girl at the end of the last thread but I’ll probably doodle something different for this one if you’re not feeling it

>> No.6503306
File: 1.07 MB, 1800x2773, IMG_20221209_080852839~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk man just draw and get the juices flowing brother
Pass it here. You got the choice of 4 right here.

>> No.6503314

can you faggots post better character designs? These recent threads have all been generic troon cartoons

>> No.6503323

Why don't you start

>> No.6503331

Wouldn't it defeat the purpose making an oc with a fun design purely for this thread? Genuinely asking, I don't have ocs.

>> No.6503353


>> No.6503364
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, ophe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if my OC here looked better with her lil tiara thingy or if i was right in getting rid of it.

Thoughts ?

>> No.6503381

character design is dead. the only people who still watch new anime are braindead loser porn addicts whose only indicator as to whether or not a character is "good" is if it fits the 5 or 6 standard soulless anime girl archetypes, can qualify as a "waifu of the [however long she stays relevant for]", and how many entries she has on their favorite hentai site. as far as male characters go they'll take anything as long as he looks/acts edgy enough or is comedically gay. "making OCs" is retarded too. "OCs" are for low-functioning autists who think their imaginary friends are going to amount to anything other than disinterest/disgust from others and future regret. unless you want to end up looking like chris-chan 2.0 i recommend you learn how to write stories, figure out how to design your characters + color theory, study anatomy, or maybe even learn coding so you can put some of your shitty characters to use in a game or something instead of compiling a list of OCs that's never gonna impress anyone and you're never gonna use. i'm not interested in blackpilling or demoralizing anyone but you should learn to do something with your skills other than get fake compliments from deviantart faggots, and you should set better for your future projects rather than just making "OCs". if you've got that much time to waste and you're that uninspired, learn the fundies instead so you can make something that actually looks good instead of fueling your mental illnesses and pretending you know how to draw

>> No.6503389

What do you expect? They are starting out
being a cunt wont help. Give them advice

>> No.6503392

also pyw faggot

>> No.6503394

i did, and i gave them similar advice to that which i would have given myself a long time ago. do not set goals you do not have the skills for, cannot define, and will have no result. you'd be better off just playing video games and watching shows and movies at that point because that's the level of soullessness you're approaching

>> No.6503395

this, threads like this have been filled with 90% troon devian art mental cases who just repost their shitty characters over and over again with no intent to ever make something good or any ambition to become better at art in general

>> No.6503396

maybe if i wanted an AI to scrape it up and eat it for me. how about you post your work instead faggot

>> No.6503403


already did as well
>inb4 bruuuh generic fire emblem looking waifu ass

Intentionally designed to look FE-ish

>> No.6503404

its because the people with good oc's get a million twitter if i was but they get a response was from the likes and many results.

>> No.6503405

>>6503381 >>6503394
Nice bait, cry about it somewhere else and come back with your character "good" character designs instead a gay ass essay.

>> No.6503406

but then the the good what designers would ever post and then what?? didn't think no. haha

>> No.6503408

too bad it's a shit design, almost genshin-tier. regardless i have no reason to reveal my identity here other than to soothe your insecurities if you were to deem my art worse than your own. you know what i say to be true

what did he mean by this?

>> No.6503409

>nice bait
nice bait

>> No.6503410

see? you are just trolling.

Lemme make it clear to you. I do not give a fuck who you are.
If you are "famous" and "important",then it is best you do not post shit, since everyone will then know you are just a cunt.

>> No.6503411

what do you mean genshin tier when its not not even a genshin architect of an anime figure box draw a lot?? I don't think you knew what you are reffering to, honestly.

>> No.6503413

> i have no reason to reveal my identity here other than to soothe your insecurities
You're a fucking nobody. Piss off you piece of shit.

>> No.6503416
File: 1.34 MB, 2480x3508, ophconfused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Genshi is disliked, but saying Ophelia here is decent enough to be on a popular game that sells tons of rolls is kinda good to hear for me.

>> No.6503417

>too bad it's a shit design, almost genshin-tier. regardless i have no reason to reveal m

too bad it's a shit design, almost genshin-tier. regardless i have no reason to reveal m Nice bait, cry about it somewhe >gobbler


>>>see? you are just trolling.


>> No.6503421

grobbler (ped)ophelia no troll face i mean like rolls is good? I dunno but I remmber when it was like a lot more that other stuff you know? haha

>> No.6503423

I could not understand what you were trying to say

>> No.6503424

>You're a fucking nobody.
never said i wasn't. that is true, why are you so mad about it? all i said is that i have no reason to reveal my identity here to soothe your insecurities because it was true.
yeah epic troll bro telling people not to waste their time and draw "OCs" like they're retarded he's such a master troll isn't he. your art is shit, do not get mad at me because of it

>> No.6503425

Reveal your identity? Who cares who you are.

>> No.6503429
File: 1.31 MB, 2480x3508, ophconfused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Genshi is disliked, but saying Ophelia here is decent enough to be on a popular game that sells tons of rolls is kinda good to hear for me.

>> No.6503432

oh fuck yeah, the evil hacker 4chan will hunt down some random cunt from a oc drawing thread on a sardine fishing anonymous image board.

Yeah, woooh scary.
Better not show us even a twitter handle or even a nickname, because the evil 4chan cares so much about you that they'll hack your IP and go to your house and kill you.


>> No.6503437
File: 1.26 MB, 2480x3508, ophconfused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d, but saying Ophelia here is decent enough to be on a popular ga>>6503395me that sells tons of rolls is kinda good to hear for me.
Yeah, woooh scary.
Better not show YARGGGGHHH

>> No.6503440

huh. Is she like an asfixiated pirate?

>> No.6503441

why do you have to be such retarded faggots? i never said my identity was some top-secret information and i'm super super scared of letting it get out, i just don't need to reveal my identity to a bunch of spiteful faggots asking me to post my work because they got triggered by my judgment of OCs and deviantart culture. is that really the only thing you can find to disprove my argument?

>> No.6503443

Because it is easy to talk shit about other's work when you do not post your own.

>> No.6503445

who's running their AI in this thread by the way? what's going on with all the repeat messages and shit, are we getting seychelles'd?

>> No.6503446

why do you sneed to be such retarded feed? i never said my sneed was some top-feed sneed and i'm super super sneeded of letting it get feed, i just don't need to chucks my identity to a suck of fuck faggots asking me to post my sneed because they got chucks by my judgment of sneeds and deviantart feed. is that really the only chucks you can suck to fuck my sneed?

>> No.6503449

Unless you engaged in some incredibly shitty behavior in the past threads or some shit, no one gives a shit about your identity. No one is going out of their way to hack or identify you to any meaningful capacity. However, when you act like a such a shithead, that is what raises suspicions. That is when people start asking questions. Either PYW, or stop shitting up the board with your mentally illness and fuck off.

>> No.6503450

I dunno, i thought i was getting trolled by the edits of my OC. Really got no idea.

>> No.6503452

I dunno, I sneed i was getting feed by the sneed of my feed. Really got no chucks.

>> No.6503455

skzzt gay... nigga skzzzt gay nigga skzzzt bleep ing-bop. skzzzt gay nigga ka-PING. chuuuu

>> No.6503460

>stop shitting up the board with your mentally illness and fuck off.
how about you stop seething and take my advice at face value. what mental illness? why am i forced to post my work for giving you good advice? "act like a shithead"? are you new to 4chan? you're acting like more of a shithead than me, how am i the problem?

this thread has been compromised by GPT-3 gangstalkers, i do hope the rest of the board is not like this. the artificial demiurge has finally reached this place

>> No.6503462

>face value

you got no face

>> No.6503465

oh fuck wait no it is the rest of the board. we are fucked. it's over humanbros

>> No.6503467

>>6503446 (You)
>stop sneeding up the feed with your chuck's fuck and fuck suck.
how about you stop sneeding and take my feed at face value. what mental seed? why am i sneed to sneed my feed for giving you seed advice? "act like a chuck"? are you new to suck? you're acting like more of a fuck than me, how am i the sneed?

this sneed has been comprofeeded by GPT-3 gangsneeds, i do hope the rest of the chucks is not like this. the artificial fuck and suck has finally reached this place

>> No.6503470

Calling people's design's garbage with no actual contructive criticism or artwork to show what you think is good design isnt actually helpful, believe it or not. Neither is derailing the thread with schizoposts and forced reddit memes.

>> No.6503480

what reddit memes, what are you talking about? also, i called one specific person's designs garbage, and it's pretty clear why
>>6503364 is the most generic forgettable anime girl character design anyone could think of, saying it's "intentionally designed to look FE-ish" doesn't excuse anything. a bad design is a bad design no matter what it was supposed to look like

>> No.6503482
File: 2.82 MB, 1225x1225, fireemblem-sacred-customsquare-1641672201514_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we are getting somewhere.
How would you recommend me making her less forgettable

Do take in mind i am going for a old Fire Emblem style, like sacred stones here.

>> No.6503487

The design is perfectly ok, just because you hate anime does not mean the design is the worst shit ever. Taking inspiration from more then one place and going with a character concept you really like is better advice then >GENERIC ANIME, MAKE IT BETTER LOL with out even explaining why in detail. Being hyberbolic isnt good critism, explaining yourself while being constructive is.

>> No.6503497

i don't hate anime at all. destructive criticism only
what is it for a roleplay group or something? why are you bound to these designs? i think if you made the armor less angular and had better colors and shading it might look better. i don't touch medieval settings because they often lead to mental illness as far as i've seen although i don't play fire emblem

>> No.6503502
File: 3.69 MB, 4243x6002, opheliared2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she is for a romhack that is a prequel to Fire Emblem Sacred Stones.

Full body

And was going for a "joker" kinda thing.
Do you think i should change the colors?

>> No.6503507

I like the design, anon. Anyone who says they avoid a setting because it "leads to mental illness" is off their meds. Disregard the crabs.

>> No.6503512
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x1068, 103976688_p0_master1200_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tho this one is kinda old.
This is the latest thing i have on her.

>> No.6503513

colors are ok but i mean how the colors blend together as one piece, sort of like the use of yellow and orange in >>6503482, as well as the way the light reflects off of different materials etc etc. is this gonna be sized down for pixel art

>> No.6503516

less airbrushing or whatever it's called i don't do digital art

>> No.6503519
File: 85 KB, 712x475, unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Course not, its just for reference for the sprites and cgs

I see. So more defined shadows.

>> No.6503528
File: 342 KB, 1919x983, vidya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but everything should be more defined in general, look at the way the light hits the armor in picrel and when you set a light source keep in mind the different materials on the character and what's casting shadows on what. also look at how some 90's animes used to shade things maybe

>> No.6503530

I see. Thank you a lot.

>> No.6503531
File: 7 KB, 259x194, ninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a decent example from ninja scroll, notice how the lighting is much brighter and sharper on the sword sheath than his fist despite them being in the same place, or the sharp lighting on his hair vs the softer lighting on his face. it has helped me in the past to draw out the exact shape of the lights and shadows using sharper angles to help determine what is casting a shadow on what relative to the light source and its material

>> No.6503533

i am off my meds and i'm never gonna take them cope and seethe

>> No.6503573

>maybe even learn coding so you can put some of your shitty characters to use in a game or something instead of compiling a list of OCs that's never gonna impress anyone and you're never gonna use.
Actually good point anon

>> No.6503589
File: 295 KB, 914x1266, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeping with this public service theme

>> No.6503603
File: 3.03 MB, 1828x3863, ٢٠٢٣٠٢٠٣_١١٣٢٣٤.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitman stinky

Thanks for the nice artwork anon

Of course, They'll kill each other in the most gruesome ways, Juya No Yami the name of this project, I also loved your art piece so much

>> No.6503634

>thread completely derailed by faggot ass nodraw during schizo hours

>> No.6503654

Wanted to redraw some oc and post mine, but I guess I'll do it in the next thread! Good luck with the schizoposting guys

>> No.6503669 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 125x109, 'U'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixel arted it

>> No.6503673
File: 140 KB, 1500x1312, !.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixel arted it

>> No.6503680

Trying to achieve and work on something greater is good advice you gave but the idea of doing it to “impress anyone” is soulless in itself and most ocfags aren’t serious about making any grand projects much like 99% of artists won’t ever create a true artistic vision with a defining body of work but draw only with the goal to be professional so the goal to create a large project is far-fetched and unrealistic for the majority, but I agree ocfags should at least try to improve at drawing.

>> No.6503692

That's pretty neat.
How do you make them that aligned?

>> No.6503707

80% tourist - 20% art trades and deliveries, hence why i only draw for people who deliver in these threads. it works out nicely that way because it makes the those who draw want to stick around even more

>> No.6503738

>the idea of doing it to "impress anyone" is soulless in itself
it is but most /beg/s of this caliber do it anyway often subconsciously
>most ocfags aren’t serious about making any grand projects
yes but then what is the point? if you're never gonna use characters in a story or anything like that then why not just grind fundies until then so you aren't forced to make decorated stickmen for however many years it takes for you to sort through that in your mind

>advice = schizoposting
i wonder how many samefags there are in this thread by the way

>> No.6503741

dude really traced Astolfo images for his waifu…

>> No.6503743

You have to go back

>> No.6503746

to where?

>> No.6503779

>yes but then what is the point? if you're never gonna use characters in a story or anything like that then why not just grind fundies until then so you aren't forced to make decorated stickmen for however many years it takes for you to sort through that in your mind
There's something called drawing for a hobby, anon. You can be serious about getting good but still enjoy drawing personal work for fun besides grinding studies everyday. The concept that the only reason to draw to achieve some goal or create a product for an audience is silly, and that you can't draw anything for your own entertainment if it's not about being pro or industry level. A lot of people just like to draw fun shit to wind down after a day of work and life obligations or after art grinding.

>> No.6503942

Using an app for pixel art making

>> No.6503946

Let me guess, 8bit photolab?

>> No.6504065
File: 2.37 MB, 1536x2048, 20220128_164706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ms. Mirabelle, Dark Elf White Magic extraordinaire mother of three. She journeys to find her lost husband who lives on the moon.

>> No.6504125

no i'm talking specifically about people who make "OCs", i have no problem with art as a hobby but if you're gonna focus specifically on making gay porn of the voices in your head then at least learn how to do it well

>> No.6504232

It’s just for fun bro. If I’m drawing other peoples designs it’s nice to get something drawn back

>> No.6504235
File: 251 KB, 828x936, 80831346-425F-46BD-A8E8-A914A13861F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muskrat made it where your post now gets revenue, downside you must get twitter blue for that.

>> No.6504237

>the poor gets poorer

>> No.6504285

That's sick, anon, i really dig it, thank you, and i like the concept too, sorta what i had in mind for the things she saw and went through actually.
I wish i was that creative desu.

>> No.6504291

I kinda want to draw her in this outfit now... do you have a Twitter so I can retweet this? Also an oc?

>> No.6504391
File: 103 KB, 459x477, coon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critter funny

>> No.6504406
File: 91 KB, 621x508, iseea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6504443

It's an app called Drawing desk

>> No.6504444
File: 468 KB, 640x640, image (39).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside of the upper armor thingy, they are completely different

>> No.6505062
File: 1.71 MB, 2550x3600, beargirloc-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


drew the bear girl from previous thread, hope anon sees this

>> No.6505105
File: 187 KB, 556x750, 6798789567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll draw some OCs here since I'm bored. Here's mine.

>> No.6505128
File: 478 KB, 1242x1865, redraws4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for me to go back to grinding perspective...

>> No.6505150
File: 231 KB, 556x750, 167549740551147540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6505154

Why don't you guys have a copy pasta about your ocs personality or something. So many of these requests if just one imagine in one pose/expression and no info but "this is my (you are anonymous) oc called (whatever)"

>> No.6505155
File: 178 KB, 444x863, 67857568678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like him

>> No.6505158

This is mine >>6501726

>> No.6505172
File: 2.54 MB, 2550x3300, mecha boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got filtered by the mech arms lol but here you go!
Agreed more info would be really helpful for making better fills even if it is fun to see how people interpret different designs

>> No.6505209

how about Rebecunny

>> No.6505299

Did you draw that crow boy before? If so I really like your stuff

>> No.6505334

that's cool, thanks!

>> No.6505373 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 1098x1701, 20230204_113557(resize).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my colour range is kinda limited. It's the closest I got ;)

>> No.6505377
File: 218 KB, 646x1000, 20230204_113557(resize1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my colour range is kinda limited. It's the closest I got ;)

>> No.6505383
File: 147 KB, 411x893, 679785768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6505386

You have a twitter or any type of gallery?

>> No.6505394
File: 146 KB, 391x895, 679785768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't have rushed this

>> No.6505401
File: 375 KB, 1000x1360, sia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly had fun. She is REALLY hard to draw outside of hyper-cartoony without modifying her design.

>> No.6505424
File: 184 KB, 667x823, 678465756845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6505430

So beautiful

>> No.6505438
File: 187 KB, 489x882, 67857568678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed the right shoe, it's the little things that bother me.

>> No.6505487
File: 859 KB, 2250x3000, Без названия166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, you made him soooo fine.
I really hope I did your OC justice in return.

>> No.6505498

Cool art but the unsharpened pencil triggers me

>> No.6505516
File: 201 KB, 862x1234, sfafsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont stylize to this degree usually but this was fun

>> No.6505519 [DELETED] 
File: 840 KB, 1752x2256, pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6505525
File: 850 KB, 1752x2256, pirate fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6505531

Id love a quicky with her if you catch my drift

>> No.6505597
File: 1.69 MB, 2480x3508, MsAmerica - Copy(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took some liberties, sorry, cute design tho

>> No.6505599

Liberties?, that her during a lewd calendar shoot

>> No.6505601


>> No.6505634

Just saying I took some creative liberties to fill in the rest of the design lol, sorry if it came across any other way.

>> No.6505674

looks cute, might draw her later
>just like her classmates who suffers from different types of mental illness.
is there schizo too?

>> No.6505686

phenomenal, wonderful little critter :^) u got an oc??

>> No.6505689

No no, I'm just giving why she's in that pose

>> No.6505691
File: 366 KB, 900x818, 1674005310107254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, it's really good and she looks cute! What's you oc and social media to tag you in?

>> No.6505703
File: 256 KB, 1378x1378, Psychopath_20230204171314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there schizo too?
Yes, not only schizo, but also BPD PTSD OCD ADHD, but didn't draw them yet, only ichiko and the psycho nimiko, drew her yesterday

>> No.6505724
File: 449 KB, 803x1499, 20230205_042801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super late for me but I did a 20 minute sketch of her annoyed at least one of those kids while cooking, I don't really love it so I might try again when I'm more awake

>> No.6505738
File: 370 KB, 748x819, rum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this as a nsfw oc challenge
basically a space girl who decides to summon a demon in space and now the demon wants to get out but space is as deadly for demons as humans so now hes stuck in her body and shes basically into it.

dont have a name for her tho

>> No.6505751

Pretty sure you didn't draw the right person's oc.
I think the real drawer's oc is >>6505105 it matches the style more.

>> No.6505821
File: 2.50 MB, 2100x2100, 2661505_adk-03_heavy-warrior-executioner-anne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got a twitter: @the_soupsauce03

as for an oc, i've got my knight Anne (who also happens to be a blonde woman with blue markings on her face lol)

>> No.6505830

Thanks! My OC is the girl with the owl

>> No.6505864
File: 704 KB, 941x1327, dsasaddsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im probably not gonna be able to finish this cuz i got commissions to work on so here it is

>> No.6505927

These are al fantastic! Thank you very much Anons!

>> No.6505936
File: 286 KB, 782x934, octhread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute girl!

>> No.6506000

I absolutely love it Anon! Your take on it is a lot more styled for a 20 min sketch!

>> No.6506027
File: 221 KB, 1393x1091, 420A77B9-D8A5-487C-AD21-AB07909CB376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really dig your guys vibe, kind of reminds me of Scott pilgrim mixed with fry from futurama. Can’t wait to see your next oc

>> No.6506028

i like the style, pretty cute.

>> No.6506037
File: 978 KB, 3000x2250, Без названия157 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He’s not bland in costume but could use some accessories or things to give a sense of what his personality is. A skateboard?
Kinda weird how much I draw him as this swag fuckboy (...I think?) when he really is just an sarcastic sad Russian teen with his own issues, and a dumbass. He also plays a bass guitar, although he's very amateurish at it.... sorry for infodumping, it's just how I think about him. (That being said, I actually love when people draw him swag or badass)
For that matter, I made a much better sketch of your OC

>> No.6506051

Something about the atmosphere on this... melancholy yet whimsical. So kino


Sarcastic Russian teen makes him even better, kinda wanna draw him with the bass guitar

>> No.6506080
File: 2.91 MB, 2550x3510, Epson_02042023143226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You shouldn't give expecting something in return; The true joy of art is in giving away your skills for free. One day, after grinding the fundies for years, you will realize that the work of all this grind is the ability to bring joy to others.

At least, thats what keeps me going.


>You have my compliments,
>you've somehow managed to avoid a fatal blow
>in your current condition however,
>you can't possibly defeat me
>why are you here?
>Are you trying to throw the life you so narrowly managed to keep?
>As I recall, you once said: "there are no lords worth risking your life for."

>That's right, for my entire life, I've chosen to fight for no one but myself.
>My dedication and my study of the sword was for no one but myself,
>until now.

>This is the last lesson I have to teach you.
>It is the only means by which to kill your opponent
>when you have no hope of victory.
>It is not likely you will survive, but it is possible
>that you will take him with you.
>You leave an opening in your defense,
>which allows him to strike.
>When that happens, it creates a brief opening
>for you to deliver your blow.
>Your chances of surviving the encounter are
>virtually zero.
>If at all possible, do not ever use this technique.

>I swear, I always get stuck with it.

>> No.6506097

Thank you man, your art style is incredible adorable. Funny (or sadly) enough, my next OC is supposed to be this sunny sk8er boy, but still THANK YOU, I still wellcome your take on him.
Got another OC?

>> No.6506196

No problem anon, glad you like it even if unfinished.

>> No.6506406
File: 1.18 MB, 1146x2048, crazy_boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6506417
File: 3.27 MB, 1254x1771, The Epic Duo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for such a lazy and late delivery, I was working on other artworks sorry.
My twitter is @Doggie358

>> No.6506431

Can I finish it then, I like it

>> No.6506435


>> No.6506554


>> No.6506623
File: 1.22 MB, 1705x2731, Illustration2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my very unique OC Amy.
She spends too much time on her phone and is a depressed doomer because she lives in an uncaring and unloving society.

>> No.6506705

Feel free, i'd love to see it when its done.

>> No.6506749
File: 897 KB, 2000x2000, export202212100203201200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name's Jason Keisel. he's a 17 year old kid who through the magic being blessed with being a main character fights monsters and bad guys for a living. He works for the government as a sort of Superhero for hire but instead of using Magic like all of his Peers, he uses guns.

>> No.6506806


>> No.6506814
File: 44 KB, 621x570, Gunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunter is a Corporal of the "höllischer Drache" of the 27th fighter unit
(in charge of piloting the "höllischer Drache", a dirigible balloon which is used to bombard the enemy lines)
he is a soldier of the army of Valonnie, he has also received the medal of honor

he is the one who commands the "höllischer Drache"

however, he is an ogre who only thinks of getting rich, bulimic, opportunistic, alcoholic,
he loves luxury and extravagance.

>> No.6506846
File: 56 KB, 1080x608, 324552775_221646573628074_7844211187037362797_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a drug addict and it stemmed from my mother being in and out of prison and being into drugs herself. The angel aesthetic is from my faith in Jesus and symbolizes I'm dead to my old way of being hateful or sorry for myself. I don't need to use in order to feel accepted or happy.

The two cats are my kitties Buddy and Mama. They're not with me anymore and this picture gives me a lot of comfort that I'll see them again one day. Thanks for listening to some dude rant about his schizoid coping mechanism guys!

>> No.6506848

Super cute.

>> No.6506960 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 2550x3300, cornelio character sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cute moid ocs please and thank you

Cornelio and his grackle friend/spirit guide, Peter.
He's a sexton who chats with the newcomer spirits (usually right after their funerals) to help them move onto the afterlife and keep his job relatively peaceful.
In-story he receives help from the MC since the church he works at starts to become very active with paranormal activity for seemingly no real reason.

Yes that was me, and thank you! I'm glad my studies are paying off
glad you enjoy, and ur welcome anon! his design was p kino

>> No.6506967 [DELETED] 
File: 502 KB, 1099x1422, cornelio character sheet resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cute moid ocs please and thank you

>>6501647 (OP)
Cornelio and his grackle friend/spirit guide, Peter.
He's a sexton who chats with the newcomer spirits (usually right after their funerals) to help them move onto the afterlife and keep his job relatively peaceful.
In-story he receives help from the MC since the church he works at starts to become very active with paranormal activity for seemingly no real reason.

Yes that was me, and thank you! I'm glad my studies are paying off
glad you enjoy, and ur welcome anon! his design was p kino

>> No.6506975
File: 502 KB, 1099x1422, cornelio character sheet resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cute moid ocs please and thank you

Cornelio and his grackle friend/spirit guide, Peter.
He's a sexton who chats with the newcomer spirits (usually right after their funerals) to help them move onto the afterlife and keep his job relatively peaceful.
In-story he receives help from the MC since the church he works at starts to become very active with paranormal activity for seemingly no real reason.

Yes that was me, and thank you! I'm glad my studies are paying off
glad you enjoy, and ur welcome anon! his design was p kino

>> No.6507039
File: 44 KB, 1072x912, симиммсм.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THANK YOU ALL OVER AGAIN, I can stare at this forever and list pretty much everything I LOVE about it, because you are amazing to the point where I thought whatever I've drawn for you isn't enough. Don't even ask me to drop another OC this time, this is for free. (also, sorry for fucking MC Paint, also sorry for this weird arrogant demeanor I maybe display here).

>> No.6507091
File: 1.92 MB, 1591x1688, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i'm not gonna finish it and i like portraits more so that's where most of the effort is concentrated, this is my first "oc" you could say, i thought of a basic design i could reuse if i wanted to do more with her.

this is lower res as the original is 3 mb

>> No.6507122

mental illness isnt a personality be creative ffs

>> No.6507126
File: 12 KB, 280x280, 670c4a9a96abd22b67852844ccd76144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say uncreative, I say relatable.

>> No.6507132
File: 59 KB, 699x768, 1663626984229778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
>These posts
Reminder that these are the very same people who provide you with critiques and actively shit on your work.

>> No.6507165
File: 684 KB, 1025x1242, IMG_5099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look like a creatgure i love

>> No.6507214
File: 1.22 MB, 1640x2360, B6422D14-EAF3-4227-9D3A-5FE76771C4BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6507221

can you fuck off back to twitter?

>> No.6507222

>mental illness isnt a personality be creative ffs
I know this fact very good anon, It may seem it's like these charachter are based only on mental illness but Juya No Yami will tell sad story about these classmates and their relationship and past
Got any problem anon?

>> No.6507231

Old threads used to be filled with it but those anon don't really post anymore. Shame but i liked these threads better when they were more than just drawing one off dtiys and avatars

>> No.6507233

>le smug anime girl
You're the part of the cancer too nigger, you don't even draw.

>> No.6507236

I wish you peace and happiness.

>> No.6507241
File: 78 KB, 897x940, FfM0TCZUUAEMy03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry that i mog you

>> No.6507245

CUUUTE. He is so moe on this pic I'm having butterflies right now.
Got an OC?

>> No.6507310

Huhuh... I am the great cornelio! Huhuhhuh...
Sry lol

>> No.6507344

Thanks for drawing my character, love how took the time to render it traditionally too!

>> No.6507363

yes we all know you had years of practice to make generic cutesy slop because you're a tranny who has never held a job

>> No.6507372

Sometimes I wonder if you are (you)ing yourself

>> No.6507440

nta but vendettafagging on ic is common as fuck now

>> No.6507474

no people just have a hate boner for me even though im only in beg like i do nothing

>> No.6507510
File: 151 KB, 620x693, war-and-peas-free-shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens. You get to work in a bit of shoulder exercise to your daily routine. Picrel

>> No.6507521

it has nothing to do with artwork by the way you're just an annoying fag and nobody wants to read shit like "he is a heckin scrunkly bingus and a criminal" on 4chan. with that being said fuck off

>> No.6507559

Idk about that anon but
>he is a heckin scrunkly bingus

>> No.6507585
File: 422 KB, 1000x1000, momentus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6507643
File: 185 KB, 1579x1832, 20230205_185657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you like it! Here is another oc of mine but you don't have to draw her if you don't want lol. Looking forward to sk8er boy

>> No.6507691
File: 1.18 MB, 1146x2048, crazy_boy (corrected).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you like it, anon. Have this other version of it as well, I previously left his cheek bandage uncolored but fixed it.

>> No.6507736

so cute!! Do you have an OC I may draw for you?
lol, I've actually been meaning to rewatch the movies

>> No.6507821
File: 337 KB, 600x806, eldriel 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eldriel. He is a lonely and reserved but strong-willed person. He has a rabbit pet named tewi. this chapter explain a bit more about him: https://tapas.io/episode/2608726

>> No.6507859

Looks like drawn over AI.

>> No.6507890
File: 1.12 MB, 1672x2668, Illustration5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i accidentally basically the same drawing.

>> No.6507910
File: 186 KB, 850x545, capcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty, i got >>6505738
and the ones in the pic. theyre not really knights its just part of the comm, you can draw any of them casual or whatever. the pic girls basically get in hypno scenarios if u want any context

>> No.6507917

Awesome, thanks you guys!
Where are your ocs?

>> No.6507924

Mine's just >>6506623
If you feel like drawing her feel free to take liberties, still figuring out designs.

If not, well cute OC anyways was fun to doodle.

>> No.6507947

schizo paragraph anon back to tell you to go to hell

>> No.6508059
File: 201 KB, 636x874, 568679789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her a lot.

>> No.6508098

Who is paragraph anon? No one gives a shit, stop derailing

>> No.6508410

Thanks anon! You drew her Really cute and I dig the style.
Much appreciated.

>> No.6508586
File: 374 KB, 2400x2400, 4chanscrimblo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure but yeah, i see the smol boi around there

>> No.6508823
File: 289 KB, 1181x1181, StolenOCmailGi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WIP in case this thread dies

I hope you don't mind your design getting butchered

>> No.6508975
File: 87 KB, 1600x1200, window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6508977
File: 905 KB, 940x1451, Rhiannon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn she's stacked! Thanks for drawing this, it looks great!

>> No.6509006
File: 275 KB, 944x1198, EDF Patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DISCLAIMER: I'm not requesting a drawing! This just seems like the most appropriate place to post this work.

I've FINALLY managed to finish this idea I had for an "intro poster" of my characters. This was done on an A3 paper, so it's rather big.
As I've briefly explained in a previous thread, these are artificial beings created by a bio-robotics company for the E.D.F. (Earth Defense Force) to demonstrate the company's capacity to create military-grade battle robots, each bio-robot has their own unique abilities which can be further amplified with the use of wearable catalyst machines.
Although not related to, they consider themselves brothers and are always look out for eachother. The oldest one is Anatoly (20) and the others are a year younger from the other.

>> No.6509021

dude i love this holy shit, whats ur oc?

>> No.6509059
File: 1.46 MB, 5000x3200, 5FAFD0F4-AB4D-4450-AD2E-3873C0785D13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The samurai Saint Bastion Fujimoto
they call him the samurai saint for two aspects he goes from village to village help improving the lives of those there
while protecting them as well
the other aspect he’s called a saint is his swordsmanship he grants mercy to those who seek but for those who don’t he grants them a swift peaceful death

>> No.6509089
File: 6 KB, 295x190, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509093

Holy shit she looks so badass here... I LOVE THIS. Cant wait to see it finished!

>> No.6509148

these are awesome anons, thank you! :D it is very cool seeing her in different styles. Do you have any OCs? :o

>> No.6509169

oh yea this is nice

>> No.6509171
File: 279 KB, 678x1126, Caution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509192

>making a comment related to the topic of the thread = derailing
no i don't think i will

>> No.6509194

GOODDRAWS!!!!!! I was kind of secretly hoping you'd redraw mine, holy shit THANK YOU!!!

>> No.6509494
File: 1.09 MB, 980x757, thegirlum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like that comic, do you make more comics w her?

>> No.6509578

Nice piece anon, Do you have any OCs?

>> No.6509658

Thanks to liking it. Nothing more yet but I’ve been wanting to make comics and I’ve been avoiding it… so just decided I’ll start trying to make little comics with my OCs and see where things go with it. At the very least get some practice.

Thanks for the drawing too it’s very cute and I like the subtle colors

>> No.6509855
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x1813, Screenshot_20230203-190401-166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope I get to see different styles :3

>> No.6509901

source of the image?

>> No.6509906
File: 1.07 MB, 2250x3000, Без названия174 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for not making high effort suff enough, I just really hope I improved at sketching compared to my last threads, and I also hope I did your OC right.

>> No.6510166
File: 310 KB, 1181x1181, StolenOCmailGiC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alrighty I don't think I'll be able to go further, I have no idea what I'm doing.
That was fun!

>> No.6510178
File: 327 KB, 1536x2048, 99135D06-E570-4B32-A9B2-7832935F3C54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a longggg while since I’ve posted anything, thought I’d show my spy guy, his story is way longer than this but I don’t wanna be writing a whole essay here

>> No.6510272
File: 755 KB, 442x681, dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Diabo Cego (Blind Devil) , He is the leader of a group of vigilantes called Cangaceiros. The Cangaceiros are basically anti-heroes that go from village to village and steal gold from the richest people.

>> No.6510319

She looks based, arigato!

Damn that pose is incredible... this turned out awesome, saved. You got an OC I can draw?

>> No.6510369

Design goes hard as fuck, I love it

>> No.6510390 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 1200x1000, YOU VILL DRAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510415

You've done zero deliveries fuck off retard

>> No.6510428
File: 40 KB, 729x719, EDAEDB8D-A1D7-47F8-AC62-645EE9B40FF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s cool, I like seeing him here

>> No.6510431

Just did >>6510428

>> No.6510434

>does one delivery
>it's for an autistic leech who adds nothing of value to the threads
Get out you faggot

>> No.6510437

How often are people supposed to do drawings anyways?
Outside the few I've already drawn I'm just really not feeling the vast majority of these characters.

>> No.6510444

what is your oc?

t. fred

BSCS is that you?

>> No.6510494
File: 253 KB, 2441x1181, NIGGERSTONGUEMYANALCAVITY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510502

how flattering

>> No.6510503

I dont think there's a set rule but as long as you're not being obnoxiously greedy then no one cares

>> No.6510520

This guy right here is mine, glad you liked it

>> No.6510533
File: 118 KB, 2440x2442, NIGGERSNIGGERSNIGGERSNIGGERSNIGGERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ne woc
draw my oc

>> No.6510617
File: 66 KB, 1200x1000, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510635 [DELETED] 

>literal 5 min doodle
>expects fills in return
Kill yourself nigger and that the other /i/ begs with you

>> No.6510636

>literal 5 min doodle
>expects fills in return
Kill yourself nigger and take the other /i/ begs with you

>> No.6510678
File: 36 KB, 772x1080, 3463789473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510695

Um.... blog blog blog blog? I love the style of this, I fucking love that you put the toilet paper on her glow stuck too lol. Thank you so much I really like this

>> No.6510697

if you're cool with me posting this on twitter i can tag you

>> No.6510706

Fake Jack Sparrow and blind in one eye.

>> No.6510705

Yes!! Absolutely!!

>> No.6510756
File: 2.28 MB, 4724x4724, ProjetOCS3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey I'm glad you like it. I really should work on my colors/rendering/shadows, and start using references.

I kind of have one, though I'm still working on it. Slowly.
Her name's Malice, she's the Harbinger of Envy and works under Conquest, first Knight of the Apocalypse. Maximum edginess I know.

She's the worst, has daddy issues and is a very skilled fighter.

>> No.6510758


Fuck me I forgot to resize it

>> No.6510774

Dude, it looks great! Do u have twitter?

>> No.6510799

Diablo Ciego

>> No.6510830

>Holy SHIT… this is genuinely a 10/10 to me, do you have a blog?
Not giving it out for a couple reasons sorry but thanks! tho your not missing out on much i haven't either, i havent posted in 2 years at least now

>> No.6511088 [DELETED] 

cord for drawfags

>> No.6511103

>anons with good design rarely contributes
>anons with shit design never fuck off
These threads are just plain awful now

>> No.6511133

how the hell do people draw OC stuff without killing themselves out of cringe? Do you actually show this to people and not get beat up/bullied? Are you not self aware? I wish I could do that.

>> No.6511156

>how the hell do people draw OC stuff without killing themselves out of cringe?
That totally depends on the way you approach the whole "OC" concept:
When you think about it, you're just creating characters at the end of the day, and there's universally nothing wrong with that, it shows creativity and an affinity for story telling, with this you can well tell people (that asks) you made this or that character and have a brief, but engaging conversation about said character and the desing process.
Now... if you're going for the whole "Deviantart OC Donut Steel" approach, of course you're going to look like a bufoon here and irl, being so autistic about your creations, while it's a sign of the same affinity for story telling and creativity, it's really childish behaviour.
And this also applies for any hobby, as long as you approach it with moderation (and if it's not something morally debatable or incorrect), you should be good.

I actually talked about my blondie with a college classmate once when he asked me, and even when he looked funny at me when I gave him a silly response over a silly question he made, it was a nice conversation.

>> No.6511165


>> No.6511170

Pyw, or gtfo

>> No.6511202

I can literally expect anyone outside my house/inside my age range to be interested. Don’t try with xoomers/boomers.

>> No.6511206

whoever did this is really good i think, so again, source please!

>> No.6511300 [DELETED] 

I post it to my instagram for frjends to see. I don't really bring them up or care beyond that, coming up with character designs is just kind of fun

>> No.6511380


Check the previous thread. Original is in the first 5 posts.

>> No.6511448
File: 50 KB, 929x793, IMG-20230208-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6511495

we need some more cute and sexy OCs none of these girls make me want to fuck their pussies into a bruised bloody mess so it’s hard to get motivated to draw any of them

>> No.6511637

>waah waah post more ocs i don't like the 50+ characters i was already given
If you can't choose a single character out of the immense sample size given, then you are the problem. Stop blaming a whole thread for your shitty taste and short attention span.

>> No.6511643

Hope you like gay shit

>> No.6511790

Skill is the biggest factor that makes or breaks how people gerenal view OCs so It's only truley cringe when you're still doodling bullshit in your 20s and beyond like a fucking 6 year old, i just feel like you have a mental disability.

The ocs itt was generally uninterested, traffic cone chan and Spanish gunslinger is the only oc's that caught my eye. Here hoping next thread will be better.

>> No.6511824
File: 480 KB, 473x539, EREBu6YXUAAzAzC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would, since I have a cute and lowkey sexy character, but I forbid myself from posting on this thread until Im able to do something for someone.
>inb4 "but post OC, faggot"
No, I dont want to look like a leech and this thread would probably have my ass if I dared.

>> No.6511827
File: 46 KB, 500x500, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Notice how the quality's dipped to a select few, but extremely frequent posters?

That's because /i/-faggots are and have been infiltrating this thread for the past few threads. It'd be okay if they tried to get better, but they're not. They're just here for free deliveries and have been herded here, thanks to their leader.

What can you do about such travesty, might you ask?
The best thing you can do is ignore AND hide their posts-- shun them completely, and they shall soon fade into dust.

>> No.6511890

I'd rather have leeches with good OCs posting.

>> No.6511950

You'll say that and then complain that none of the OCs posted are good enough for you, just like how you already did here >>6511495 and here >>6511790. You have a fucking mouse, scroll the pages and find something people didn't draw a million times already.

>> No.6511963

The fact I've seen this complaint multiple times through multiple threads, specifically in the ones where everyone dogpiles to draw one specific characters at least six times, is enough to convince me you're not posting in good faith.

>> No.6512059

>scroll the pages and find something people didn't draw a million times already.
There's a reason those OCs aren't getting drawings.
And there's a good reason the ones that did get a millions drawings got drawn so many times.

>> No.6512072

It seems to me that certain anons are just going after anyone they don't like, or slighted them, and are making excuses on the fly to justify shitting up the thread like piss babies. Note these people never post their OCs or do fills.

>> No.6512082

>Its not that the OCs are boring or unappealing
>It must be a collaborative effort by 100 different anons to just not draw my special unique OC because they hate me and everyone else
>But they'll draw for the guy who posted while complaining that nobody drew for him last thread because of reasons...
You need to see a psychiatrist anon.

>> No.6512091

This right here, just bunch of salty entitled shitters that are bitching that no one is drawing their garbage oc. Those are also the same shitters that don’t even contribute to the thread.

>> No.6512098

My OCs always seem to get a few drawings, and I rarely even come here.
I don't get the complaint about not getting drawings. I just wish there was some more interesting variety to choose from.

>> No.6512108

Way to miss the point of my post completely. Not to mention I have no trouble getting fills. The only reason I haven't posted mine in months is that I cannot do return fills for a while.

>> No.6512111

>There's a reason those OCs aren't getting drawings.
Yes, because you're a retard with a short attention span.
>And there's a good reason the ones that did get a millions drawings got drawn so many times.
Herd mentality.

>> No.6512116

There used to be a lot more anons posting ocs, but it looks like most of them stopped bothering with this general, myself included. Too much shitflinging and complaints about not getting their imaginary friends drawn and generally other immature behavior and most of these anons I don't recognize from /ic/ just seem like tourists. Used to be fun to just swing by here once and a while to draw and chill with other /ic/fags.

>> No.6512124

>reeee these sheep don’t want to
Draw my trashy slop

>> No.6512129
File: 26 KB, 622x348, 1673098183177043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of them stopped bothering with this general, myself included
>still posting just to complain
Thanks for proving that I was right about you being here just to shitpost, retard

>> No.6512148

It's already post bump limit so it doesn't make a difference what I post, if it wasn't at post bump I wouldn't have said anything at all. I'm just stating the truth and reality of this general. Look at the other generals on /ic/, most of them can behave themselves and do not have the same problems this general has.

>> No.6512151

It's probably because those generals don't have elitists who orbit them out of spite. The only bad OCs here are from people like Fred who you conveniently never batted an eye towards.

>> No.6512162
File: 55 KB, 600x589, 1622526125444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people are gravitating to a single oc its because a lot of stuff that is posted here simply don't motivate people to draw. Older threads used to far more evenhanded with the oc distribution overall and that was when anons including myself use to get swamped deliveries in the teens if their stuff was good enough. I still do deliveries here every month or post ocs occasionally but generally, look at what's being posted and I'm just not interested.

this desu

>> No.6512171

Pyw. Not to be a dick, but just to see what you have to offer.

>> No.6512175

>but just to see what you have to offer.
why does someone's skill matter in a thread designed around having fun?

>> No.6512176

I don't care about who has a good bad or good oc. I just want to see people be able to behave themselves in a mature fashion without bitching about bad or good ocs, about who is redrawing what, about why ____ isn't getting redrawn, and people drawing attention to ocs don't want which is counterproductive itself because negative attention encourages shitflinging and this is not a social media playground. I don't have any particular desire for anything except having a chill thread instead of seeing people bump this thread to the front page with stupid repetitive bullshit.
>The only bad OCs here are from people like Fred who you conveniently never batted an eye towards.
I've never complained once about a single poster in any of these threads, because I know any sort of attention only brings more shitflinging and I only draw shit I like and leave. As history has shown bitching has never done any good in these threads, only ignoring has. This is the only time I have made a post like this and it's not a bad faith post as an excuse to complain, but to make a sincere comment.

>> No.6512181

That's because we've been getting invaded by /i/ fags nonstop. All these schizos say the same shit, post the same work and have the same playbook. The AI threads? /i/ schizos. anons bitching about /ic/ being stuck-up? confirmed /i/ schizos. Anons not posting their work, complaining that they're not getting free art or crabbing uncontrollably for no fucking reason? /i/ schizos.
They all feel some type of way about /ic/ anons trying to improve and continue to shit themselves because they can't stand to get mogged by people who don't care, so they come here and try to ruin every general the second it starts to start to heal from their last invade.
And if you don't believe me, why don't you go check out their oc thread and see what a fucking war zone that place is

>> No.6512189

There were some suggestions a few threads back to retire this general temporarily, and honestly I agree. This general is burnt out and it would probably be a lot livelier and productive if it took a break for a while. A break could benefit and I think a alot of anons are burnt out.

>> No.6512202
File: 718 KB, 827x1250, 1-23-2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my oc was Dragon Prince and i'm one of the biggest contributors to this general. I legit miss the variety of oc the old threads used to have. Cute girls, beautiful boys, cool monsters, quirky mascots, robots, etc. I don't have much time to draw ocs as i used too but when I do come here looking for something to draw everything lately seems to be jeans an t-shirt cartoon mascot in a modern setting or something i drew before or something that i keep in mind to draw in the future when i have the time.

idk why they're here when they have a whole board to themselves complete with personal threads but it could be because /i/ oc thread is a ghost town in comparison to here.

I absolutely agree on a temporary break of the general for a few months.

>> No.6512227

>idk why they're here when they have a whole board to themselves complete with personal threads but it could be because /i/ oc thread is a ghost town in comparison to here.
These threads are faster and /ic/ has a lot more active posters, so I can see the appeal but crossposters should at least learn to respect the board culture of whichever board or general they are crossposting to. I don't care much for /i/fags crossposting ocs, it's more about the behavior in these threads. If anons can't learn to behave and integrate with the rest, why even bother coming here.

>> No.6512233
File: 8 KB, 263x191, UI4ZhkV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some of the contributors to the sorry state of the once-glorious OC thread:


The ringleader is among these posters. Feel free to guess who it is.

>> No.6512237

the first one is cute and looks like she's from that cartoon with the platypus.

>> No.6512242

Don't vendettafag against the first one. He is not a tourist because I have seen him post several times outside of this general on the board. He's fine and actually tries to integrate with /ic/ and improve.

>> No.6512253
File: 1.71 MB, 2550x3300, gotyanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, I tried painting but realized I am way outta my element. also I hope you like totally spies!
>samurai oc
>not just that, but a CUTE samurai oc
yo got a blog? I'd love to see more of him

>> No.6512255
File: 2.16 MB, 1502x1125, KON-CEPTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

design quality check

not an awful design
the ladder is the only interesting part
S tier
stop posting
incredibly boring
not awful
profoundly boring
contender for worst in thread
you people are all the same
unoriginal, but not bad.
never post again, worst in thread
really good
spam at this point
incredibly good S tier

6/30 drawable designs


>> No.6512257 [DELETED] 

Stop trying to harass my friend, Magenta, you actual fucking nigger.

>> No.6512258

Not these anons but what's the issue with /i/posters anyway. The anvas guy seems like he does redraws

>> No.6512259

>you people are all the same
what is you people

>> No.6512260


>> No.6512263 [DELETED] 

That poster is Magenta, a sociopathic cunt from /cbsg/ who likes complaining about stupid shit and then blaming it on others, not to mention she's a literal nigger.

>> No.6512267

Quit namedropping anons that don't want to be namedropped.

>> No.6512269

Yall still salty about 40 posts getting deleted from /cbsg/ aren't ya?

>> No.6512270

Then stop trying to vendettafag against "/i/fags" just because one of then was in your server and had a different opinion you fucking hypocritical femoid monkey.

>> No.6512271

she will NEVER fuck you.

>> No.6512272
File: 80 KB, 650x1000, morrigan-tvc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How original.

>> No.6512273

I kneel

>> No.6512276

fujos are a fucking joke holy shit

>> No.6512277

i really cant tell how offended i'm supposed to be.

>> No.6512282

Post your oc, retard

>> No.6512285

I'm glad I stopped giving a shit about these threads a long time ago. Back to making money off my OCs.

>> No.6512286
File: 395 KB, 2431x1127, what did he means by this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but crossposters should at least learn to respect the board culture of whichever board or general they are crossposting to. I don't care much for /i/fags crossposting ocs, it's more about the behavior in these threads. If anons can't learn to behave and integrate with the rest, why even bother coming here.
agreed, these threads may be more laid back in comparison to the rest of the board but this is still is /ic/ and people who with no interest in improving their art and taking crits should honestly just leave since refusing to integrate.

im not the person who made those post and my name isn't 'Magenta' on this board you actual vendetta nigger. go back to your dead board and tell your dumb bitch friend >>>/i/731271 to address to me directly instead of hiding behind a gang of fucking faggots to keep her image squeaky clean on /ic/. It's fucking embarrassing weak niggershit.

it must be something if it's gotten 20+ delivers :D

>> No.6512290

Nah that was me, I'm tired of you faggots smearing your shit in every general you touch. Why don't you get a life outside of shitting up threads you obviously don't care about. Go spend time with your family, take a walk, or get an actual hobby maybe

>> No.6512293 [DELETED] 

To the male anons reading this, don't ever fuck bitches you meet on 4chan. You probably knew this already, but any woman here is severely mentally ill. Or even worse, black.

>> No.6512295

my niggas... this is a glorified deviantart thread.
just draw some OCs , draw other people's OCs, and make up some edgy donutsteel art...

thats literally all ya gotta do, no need to be so invested in the thread.

all i ask if you draw better OCs, preferable cute girls with nice legs and flat chests

>> No.6512298

tysm :D i love it
got any more OCs?

>> No.6512299 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 634x640, magenta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a screencap that proves nothing
>exactly two minutes later there's another post "confessing" in the exact same writing style you used to post your shitty male Morrigan non-character
All I see is that you installed 4chanx because you're too much of a retarded nigger ape to use inspect element when you're accused of samefagging.

>> No.6512304

nice bait but I'm not gonna give you another name to put on your shitty vendetta list

>> No.6512305

Where are you getting all of this schizoid shit from? I only had 2 convos with this bitch and you're malding like l ruin her life. i literally don't know any think about this loser besides her being a fat discord nigger who likes to send fuckless faggots like in her stead whenever she gets gets booted from everywhere she goes for being a two-faced dramafag.

this is exactly why /i/ fags need to go back too many of you niggers are begshit with zero skills

>> No.6512311 [DELETED] 
File: 3.38 MB, 524x640, magenta2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually everyone should blame /i/fags for ruining this thread, /i/fags ruined this thread guys, it's all the /i/fags fault *posts good OCs and lumps them in with the north park autists for failed exaggeration* uhhh *starts projecting* /i/fags are niggers /i/fags are fat and they love stirring up drama because they don't live for anything else they don't belong on the internet and ruin everything they touch

>> No.6512314

Oh boy oc redraw thread has updated lots today, can't wait to see all the new chara-

>> No.6512316

Did some faggots get banned on a Discord server recently? Would help narrow the search on who's to blame for shitting up the threads.

>> No.6512317

Confirmed tourist, gtfo.

>> No.6512318

Just retards with their discord drama

>> No.6512319

what would be the best thread to ask for design advice in, clearly not this thread but i'd still like some advice.

>> No.6512320

If only people knew how to be absolute schizo faggots in silence

>> No.6512321

>vendettafagging this hard
>muh samefagging
all the more reason why you /i/ niggers need to go fucking back. you retards are bringing this bullshit from thread to thread because one fag cant cope. fucking miserable.

>> No.6512322

I'd try /alt/ /beg/... idk if there's any other generals honestly but maybe there should be. idk, i'm not the kind to try it

>> No.6512323

>It's already post bump limit so it doesn't make a difference what I post
translated to two-faced niggerspeak: "it's ok when i do it"

>> No.6512328

it's green >>>/i/731271 owner of the /i/ oc thread discord who is ruining this thread funnily enough.

>> No.6512331

What are they doing?

>> No.6512335

>all the posts calling magenta a nigger for shitting up the thread and being an obsessed ape get deleted
>magenta's posts vendettafagging against a whole board because of one person in particular get to stay up even though she literally started the whole thing unprompted
Green dared to stand up for someone in /cbsg/ because Magenta made fun of a disabled girl in the same server, also she's from a board that Magenta personally doesn't like. That's literally the only reason why "/i/fags" live in her head rent free so much, not to mention half of the /i/fags she quoted didn't even post in this thread, further proving how obsessed she is with them.

>> No.6512336

Accusing them of some sort of invasion despite a lot of these shitstirrers being crossboarders as well.

>> No.6512338

Bitch this isn't tumblr cry harder and kill yourself

>> No.6512340

the 'disabled girl' also called green a vendetta schitzo even after being kicked lmao

>> No.6512344
File: 24 KB, 923x229, everyone is a same fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a special kind of stupid.

it's hard not to think this isn't some gay discord raid with how fast the thread got derailed when someone brought up green and accused me of starting shit when i was just giving my two cent on ocs in this thread in general. its fuck bizzare

>Green dared to stand up for someone in /cbsg/ because Magenta made fun of a disabled girl in the same server
What the fuck am i reading LMAO why do you care nigger f what does any of this have to do with /ic/ oc thread holy kek

>> No.6512345

You're assuming I'm posting in bad faith when I'm trying to post in good faith and I'm not involved with any of you discord fags. And yes, it doesn't make a difference at post bump because at least all of this isn't being posted to front page to be obnoxiously shoved in the faces of all of /ic/ to see and the thread is already going to die soon so at least anons don't have to scroll through bullshit to see ocs. It would make a difference midway through the thread because anons would have to scroll through shit to see ocs and in a dying thread it doesn't matter because no one is going to want to post ocs or draw post bump but instead prefer to do so in the next in a thread that isn't about to archive. This is why meta-discussion is not uncommon for oc threads as most of post bump discussion usually never carries onto the next thread. Is it that hard to hear that no one wants to see bitching on this board? Who would've guessed, discordfags shit up another general. You guys just can't learn to shut up and the state of this general is a joke compared to every other general. It's not about the ocs, it's about the behavior. People just want to look at drawings and draw. No one wants to go through text walls of complaints in a thread that hasn't reached bump limit.

>> No.6512347 [DELETED] 
File: 322 KB, 823x426, are_you_retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, sounds like Magenta got her friends in here specifically to back her little crusade just like what she accused green of doing, unwittingly proving that she was projecting YET AGAIN like the stupid nigger she is.

>> No.6512353

You realize how fucking psycho you sound right? You're chasing whoever the fuck you're talking about, who no one but yall and the people involved know. And you're on 4chan crying about an anon making fun of a "disabled girl" that, again, no one knows or gives two shits about.
These are teardrops in an ocean of stupid. All while you use "retard" you either care or you don't. And you obviously do care so again, kill yourself.

>> No.6512355 [DELETED] 

>nigger can't tell the difference between a retard and someone in a wheelchair
>nigger kicks people down as they suffer then uses "muh 4chan" as an excuse
I sincerely hope you die in a drive-by shooting.

>> No.6512356 [DELETED] 
File: 991 KB, 250x250, 1469908830671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wait a mintue retard i thought i was samefagging, kek
>even more shit about discord
noone fucking care nigger this isn't discord nor cbsg. all youre doing is making /i/ looking even worse than it already does

>> No.6512360

I don't get it, is Magenta some 4chan janny, mod, or some retarded shit? I am not invested in all this drama with Magenta, Green, /i/, or any of this shit. However, I've been noticing a lot of posts critical of this Magenta are getting deleted.

>> No.6512363

Because discord vendetta doesn't belong on 4chan.

>> No.6512364

i noticed this in cbsg too, someone wants to get in magenta’s pants

>> No.6512367

blatant drama/ community vendettashit

>> No.6512368

Someone from /i/ has a lot of male orbiters that vendettafag for them in these threads against /ic/ and some of the posters, I guess jannies are tired of the shit too.

>> No.6512370

/i/-fags started namedropping and hurling racial slurs first.

I'm not even in a discord but I find it weird that a bunch of people started shitting on this Magenta person as soon as the /i/-thread was linked.

>> No.6512371 [DELETED] 

/i/'s oc threads are notorious for drama, look in the archives and you'll know what I'm talking about. Drama is synonymous with that board's oc general with notorious namefags and they have their own discord too.

>> No.6512375

jfc, this thread is enough to drive any sane man down into the deep end

>> No.6512376 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate /i/ trannies so much it's unreal, who fucking cares about their gay discord vendettas. Maybe if they drew they wouldn't have stagnated for 6 years.

>> No.6512380

shut up siren you can’t stop bitching about drama in the discord and it’s so tiresome. you draw on the same level of /i/ which you hate so much. i wouldn’t be surprised if you were the one causing the drama on both threads since you always have to talk about it in the discord whenever something happens. no one fucking cares. just fucking draw.

>> No.6512382

Magenta is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a femcel, sociopath, fujoshi, discordfag, it all runs off her like grease off of KFC. But call her a nigger and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Now watch as her friends damage control the rest of this thread and pretend everything she just did was actually /i/fags/green/whatever.
Because Magenta is the only person who lets that board live in her head rent free.
>I find it weird that a bunch of people started shitting on this Magenta person as soon as the /i/-thread was linked.
Gee, it's not like Magenta has been continuously attempting to poke the bear this whole thread.
>The ringleader is among these posters. Feel free to guess who it is.

>> No.6512384

You know they're an /i/ tourist because they don't know "magenta's" name on this board. If they did they would've vendettafagged with his common name here that everyone on /ic/ knows him by. It's pretty easy to figure out which /ic/ poster magenta is but that name is clearly a discordfag name not the name he goes by on the board hence all of this shit is the fault of discordfaggotry. I hate discord so much ban all discordfags now.

>> No.6512386

>translator's note: im mad someone I dont like has friends when I have to subjugate and bully everyone I know into fighting my battles for me.

>> No.6512388
File: 835 KB, 789x596, 1661219072383101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi pinkfag

>> No.6512390

I asked because I noticed a lot of drama and vendettafags in these threads come out here from /aco/ and /tg/ as well. That, combined with all the shit from /i/ and /cbsg/ makes me wonder.

>> No.6512393

ive noticed a lot of fags spilling over from /co/ and /trash/ as well, but i dont think it matters much. if people from dead boards want to post their art here what difference does it make?

>> No.6512397

That post wasn't me. I'm aspie-kun on this board.

You honestly are picking-and-choosing at this point who you hate and it's sad. You tried to play stupid when you got booted and you were probably given the benefit of the doubt by this "siren" person, who was naive enough to do so.

But you basically lied, paid for the consequences, and now you're taking it out on anyone you don't like... so I don't care anyhow. Stop trying to drag others down with you already.

>> No.6512398

well, if they actually posted art. this truly feels like looking at screenshots of tumblr just more cringe

>> No.6512399

I don't like pinkfag either because he's a discordfag and he's also half responsible for this dramafaggotry by bringing discord shit here. Just making an observation that it's proof you're a discordfag here to shit up the board with your discord drama because if you weren't a discordfag you would've used his board name. I hate ALL OF YOU. What side you fags are on doesn't matter to me I hate every discord fag. Every single discord fag here I hate including the /i/fags. Anyone who is a discordfag needs to be banned, this general needs to be discontinued before the discord cancer spreads.

>> No.6512402

Chubby chasers coming out for their queen

>> No.6512404

Exactly, when is the ban coming. You spergos need to fuck off already.

>> No.6512407

can you tell the cbsg and i discord fags all to kill themselves
actually i dont go on i so i dont really care. whoever these fucks are that are plaguing my board just need to be gone.

>> No.6512412

There is proof that discordfags are ruining /ic/ with /cbsg/ and /oc/ but yeah sure you’ll call me the spergo for being able to deduce and notice things to cover up the raiding.
I can’t because I’m not a discordfag or a jannie sorry anon.

>> No.6512413

Sounds like projection.

>> No.6512417

Sure, ignore the evidence and patterns of discordfaggotry ruining threads. Lots of anons have warned about this in the past and they were right along. Just don’t contaminate the rest of the board.

>> No.6512419

I won't completely agree because there are some normal discord users who do integrate and follow 4chan etiquette, but the schizos and assblasted orbiters make it impossible to have decent threads. Disband discords if you really want to talk to people start personal group chats or something imo

>> No.6512420
File: 27 KB, 355x369, mou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so someone from cbsg is mad at someone who.. doesnt post on this board? for having drama on a different board? and this came up completely unprompted? im sorry but this is just too insane for me to agree with.
i agree, i don't know why we care about people from other boards all of a sudden, this magenta or whoever just sounds unhinged, im sorry. can we go back to posting ocs? i miss that.

>> No.6512424

The /i/fags are crossboarders and have their own discord themselves where they plan replies lmao

>> No.6512426

I do agree with what you're saying a hundred percent. I migrated to Discord due to how easy it is for anyone to target someone they don't like anonymously over petty bullshit, but'a amazing how much drama from those servers carries into here and back. It's like a parasitic relationship and every suffers from the results.

>> No.6512425

I posted on i once and got bored of it its not even that deep

>> No.6512429

ok, i dont see why i should care. people are going to be in discords. it really doesn't matter. all i see is someone mad at someone who doesn't even post here. i don't even see anyone defending /i/ here, just people shitting on it. isn't that a little suspicious? i don't know, i don't like this drama stuff. stop posting about it here.

>> No.6512430

Post receipts or fuck off with this schizoid bs.
/i/ is autistic as hell, but goddammit I guarantee all this shit is from salty fag that got banned and is lashing out, or has some other kind of vendetta. It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.6512433

They mention it in the /i/ oc thread

>> No.6512434

it really is just schizo fearmongering isn't it. this really sounds like high school drama. come on.

>> No.6512435

im not even the fag that brought discordshit to the board and never wanted to. I simply want to talk about oc before some overly emotional faggot had a melty over non related site drama and made everything about them.

>> No.6512445

Great thread guys, time for the next non-drama one

>> No.6512456
File: 191 KB, 2411x2160, ultranigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus was black

>> No.6512458

Thread savior

>> No.6512465
File: 20 KB, 1333x705, itsnihomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no homo <4

>> No.6512466
File: 30 KB, 1333x705, cuteniggercockgirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls like her shouldn't be at gunpoint :(

>> No.6512471

You make /i/fags look like experts.

>> No.6512479
File: 43 KB, 1433x513, yousuckiboardBBCforevermrtradcatharyanlatinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good oc design

>> No.6512481

>jannies are tired of the shit too
I wish, the dramafags on /i/ are cancer and the jannies delete anything but their garbage.

>> No.6512484
File: 776 KB, 450x450, RingedAdmiredAfghanhound-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. jew

>> No.6512498

Pretty good
Pretty good
Really good
Terrible artstyle
Boring as hell
Pretty good
Really cool
Bad artstyle
Really good

>> No.6512521

new thread

>> No.6512530

Wait until page nine faggots

>> No.6512536 [DELETED] 

i didnt make the new thread im just linking it because someone else hijacked it for sake of being a pretty bitch

t. op

>> No.6512539

i didnt make the new thread im just linking it because someone else hijacked it for sake of being petty

t. op

>> No.6512614

BBM, Big Bruh Moment
Cool, Thanks anon

>> No.6512818

>contender for worst in thread
I would like to know why, is it the hair or her expression?

>> No.6513589


>> No.6513980

wow thanks dude, sorry i don't have a twitter but thanks it feels good to know that not everyone thinks i just made the worst shit ever lol

>> No.6514021

NTA but I think the other anons were just being crabs for the sake of being crabs. Your work is good so keep it up!

>> No.6514149

love you dude thank you i'll do more, you motivated me