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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 327 KB, 537x516, AI takeover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6501468 No.6501468 [Reply] [Original]

You guys said we were safe for the next 10 years....


>> No.6501473
File: 1.35 MB, 1362x714, AI takeover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst is that you wouldn't have known it's AI without them telling you
>what if you zoom
Who the fuck ever zoomed anime frames, ever?

>> No.6501475

Already looks like ass. The backlash or just lack of attention will prove that there's still time

>> No.6501476

Cant be any worse than cowboy bebop goes to white castle

>> No.6501477


>> No.6501480

>made in japan
Yep, it's anime

>> No.6501482
File: 377 KB, 400x169, 4C8641DC-B2A0-41AB-99A3-AE25E7127F14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ai exists
And yet I can still hold my pen and move it around on a surface to make pictures…

>> No.6501490
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x960, image_2023-02-02_014303551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I wait for the whole system of tech and capital to finally collapse under its own weight.

>> No.6501500

Which Pokémon cutscene is this?

>> No.6501503

the one right before the character clips into the wall

>> No.6501506

so much for japan

>> No.6501507

Just two more weeks comrade!

>> No.6501514

Ted didnt like leftoids or rightoids retard

>> No.6501515

>you wouldn't know
the lighting is pretty fucking inconsistent, thats a tell tale sign

>> No.6501521

They show their process with their backgrounds at the end of the video, seems like it was some img2img stuff where they still started off with hand drawn backgrounds and reivsed them after the ai stuff at least.

>> No.6501523

If I no one had said it, I'd have just assumed that it was their style; the backgrounds seem pretty static and weirdly 2 dimensional, like in Iblard no Jikan, which didn't use ai.

>> No.6501526

I would've assumed that it's just another shitty anime background. There's a lot of those.

>> No.6501532

Seems like they used for for style conversion more than image generation. Considering people still had to clean up the result, I wonder how it would've looked had those same people just worked with the (pretty elaborate) BG layout.

>> No.6501549

I'm sure these anime studios was waiting for the day when they could further reduce production time and costs. More than after moving to digital and 3D CGI

Even before this Ai shit most anime studios were known for paying slave wages to their animators and artists.

>> No.6501558

Reminds me of the Disney execs forcing the animators to trace their older movies to save money despite not actually being cheaper.

>> No.6501568

Instead of paying animators a livable wage... Let's still pay them like shit but now we use less of them and make them work more with muh AI tools.
Truly this is the future we all were waiting for!

>> No.6501573
File: 124 KB, 1375x749, 1671273896409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6501576
File: 3.04 MB, 2048x1152, 3373869288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's interesting, looks like they took their layout, generated an image from it, style transferred that on the original layout and then did final retouching. Not sure if you need the style transfer step, I made picrel with just their layout->ai and you could do the final touches on that, save yourself a step.

>> No.6501596

Mangaka have been tracing enviros for decades, this doesn't worry me. Call me when mass layoffs independent of the general economy happen.

>> No.6501607

violence, Ted believed in violence anon not waiting around

>> No.6501619

Buzzfeed laid off 12% of their workers just now because of ai

>> No.6501621

>because of AI

>> No.6501623

Don't bother, none of them ever stopped to read anything written by Kaczynski, and when they do, the message doesn't get across.

>> No.6501624

since AI is shit, it makes sense to be shilled in things that are shit. Such as coloring books for children and anime

>> No.6501626

Considering 100% of Buzzfeed articles read like they could've been written by an AI, I am surprised the number is that low.

>> No.6501629

I don't write listicles, I draw.

>> No.6501632

>Netflix shilling
>obligatory "you wouldn't have known it's AI without them telling you" post even though immediately you see the melting deformities

>> No.6501636

glow harder feddy

>> No.6501642

There's literally one on topic post in the whole thread. This one >>6501473
AI shitposters have already shifted the discussion with their retarded arguments, ignoring that the anime (probably a money laundering scheme) looks like complete utter garbage.
And the jannies are obviously going to keep this shitposting thread up.

>> No.6501682

money talks.
anime is a business.

>> No.6501685

This is the end for Japan

>> No.6501687

oh no 0.2% of Japan's GDP, it's over.

>> No.6501693

No one cares that Japan treats their animators and mangaka like shit.

>> No.6501696 [DELETED] 
File: 524 KB, 600x617, 1611856571038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that artists get what they fucking deserve

Also tranime is for pedophile faggots so being subverted by AI can only be an improvement

>> No.6501707

This is just the beginning. Assimilation will be complete soon.

>> No.6501708

if you want good art be a good artist

>> No.6501733
File: 109 KB, 399x386, 1552951658194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capeshitter manchild complaining about anime
>when the everything westcucks poop out is filled with actual troons
double lmao

>> No.6501747

Japan has enough sacrificial lamb studios to go broke. If anime implodes on itself the industry can shift back to eroge and video game home releases.

>> No.6501750

>eroge and video game
sasuga retard

>> No.6501751


arigatai weeb sama

>> No.6501755


>> No.6501765

iie iie

>> No.6501771


>> No.6501774

Honestly don't know why people are trying to die in this hill. Just learn how to use AI and incorporate it into your workflow. Or get left in the past. You're choice. The cat is out of the bag though.

>> No.6501776

Like I'm saying. Artists should learn to use AI. There's features you could really take advantage of instead if consuming endless amounts of salt.

>> No.6501781

Ahh. Another day another pajeet thread. Never change Pajeet-kum

>> No.6501786

how is more of that shit an "improvement" you smooth brained retard?

>> No.6501788

the shit is out of the loo

>> No.6501795

>artists should learn to use AI
there's literally nothing to learn. it's an activity that requires insect levels of intelligence. there's no point for artists to use some worthless garbage that makes them feel less involved in their work. it's better to simply do nothing instead, or any other activity which involves you

>> No.6501798

no thanks

>> No.6501799

They exploit background artists without giving them proper credit and probably money in the name of "AI made". The artists almost redraw everything. This will be the trend in animation to abuse workers

>> No.6501803

That's 88% too few.

>> No.6501819

the poo is out of the loo sirs

>> No.6501821

Kaczynski is both evil and stupid, in spite of his high IQ and mathematical prowess. Most of the people he killed and injured hadn't done anything wrong, nor was there any chance that mailing bombs to random people was going to bring about the changes he sought, or make the thoughts expressed in his manifesto more attractive to anyone who wasn't also a pathetic loser. You know he tried to bring down an airplane but failed? Imagine cheering for someone who would have killed you and your kids (if you had them) without an ounce of remorse. Ultimate cuckdom.

>> No.6501822

there's nothing to learn, that's the point. The AI bypass the learning phase

>> No.6501829

What features? It's a fucking slot machine.

>> No.6501833

I don't disagree with you. The point is that most of the people who act like he's 'based' never read his texts and act like they're not the ones he's criticizing.

>> No.6501836

>appeal to emotion
fucking pathetic. maybe it would've killed Emad, wouldn't that make him 10 times as based?

>> No.6501840

Agreed, and my comments weren't directed at you per se but the trend here of putting Ted on a pedestal.

>> No.6501841

Emad and his pajeet friends are 16, they couldn't have been killed then. Nobody wants to pick up a pencil and draw.

>> No.6501843

Ah, my apologies.

>> No.6501848

Have there been any visual novels made using AI yet?

I can imagine a lot of low-budget VNs using it to cut costs but I haven't seen any out in the wild yet.

>> No.6501851
File: 444 KB, 1129x1117, b6aa57a1e5afc43bcaf9173c8d443a00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are choice.
Seriously, though, I think the people who "incorporate" AI are the ones who will get the short end of the stick. They'll be stuck making what anyone else could have made; they'll have, in essence, an assembly line job. They'll also be at the mercy of algorithms they don't understand and can't control, that can change at any time without warning. The based artists will be the ones who have nothing to do with AI and, frankly, even high-end digital painting software, which is going to be more and more integrated with AI.
Picrel is from a MAD Magazine film parody. The illustration was drawn in pencil and inked with a dip pen. The central figure is a caricature of Burt Reynolds. On the far left, in glasses, is a caricature of Gloria Steinem, a prominent feminist activist. She wasn't in the film being parodied, but the artist, Mort Drucker, included her as a gag, as she would obviously disapprove of the women swooning over then-sex symbol Reynolds. That's human art. Enjoy your goyslop.

>> No.6501861

Making a game with AI is now a sure fire way to make it undistinguishable from all the others now. It's a trap that a bunch of lazy uncreative assholes are going to fall into.
Looks nice. I've started doing /trad/ more lately, it's fun.

>> No.6501867

Based beyond belief. Both the post and the drawing.

>> No.6501869

>Making a game with AI is now a sure fire way to make it undistinguishable from all the others now. It's a trap that a bunch of lazy uncreative assholes are going to fall into.
You're correct if you have no vision and your goal is to just get some sort of "product" to sell for shekels. Which is, hey, the modus operandi of every corpo out there.
The SOVL was lost long ago from big budget productions, they just want to recoup their investments. Anything artistically worthwhile is to be found in the amateur scene of whatever medium you're looking at.
So yeah, if you have a crazy idea in mind, AI will just help you get it out there with less hands involved. If you just want the cheapest thing possible, AI will give you soulless goyslop, but that's what we've been getting for a long while now.

>> No.6501870

If you cared about SOVL you wouldn't use AI whatsoever

>> No.6501882

It's over.

>> No.6501894

>two more weeks
They said
>artists will survive
We hoped
>money talks
Time to die

>> No.6501906

You could have made a can of soup into art. But you didn't

>> No.6501913

Extremely based

>> No.6501930
File: 40 KB, 834x965, elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Img2img generation allows you to take an existing image and apply new styles on top of that. You can adjust the amount of input the model has on the generated image. For instance I took this sketch from another Anon.

>> No.6501931
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1675336324892988.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean its just backgrounds and AI was already capable of that like half a year ago. No idea how this is news.

>> No.6501934
File: 456 KB, 896x1024, 02565-output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And was able to generate this.

>> No.6501936

Inb4 muh soul. Anon generated the first image with AI to troll retards.

>> No.6501938

>bro just learn how to code, draw, write, compose and play the soundtrack for everything you need
>just hire experts to do all this for you
>just get an AI to do it

One of these options is easier than the other. Can you guess which one?

>> No.6501940

>that can change at any time without warning
Literally run it locally. Are people really paying for access to this? You can train an embedding on your own style from your portfolio, keep that file private and local, and use AI to quickly create a base to work from.

>> No.6501943

While the west is reeing the east is running

>> No.6501945
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x900, asmongold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It amazes me how the whole creative field is about to get replaced. No matter how difficult the profession is or how much experience it takes. Meanwhile e-celeb grifters are completely unaffected, will have a future and are also in favour of ai.

What a time to be aaaaaalive.

>> No.6501948

The fact that you think that is hilarious. You'd be in the crowd considering photography "not art" claiming there was "nothing to learn".

>> No.6501951

China banned it and if Japan wants to shoot its industry in the foot more than it already has then they're free to do so. The market will decide in the end.

>> No.6501956

China banned it for personal and commercial use, government will continue using AI for their gains

>> No.6501961

>China banned it
That's cope. America sanctioned them to ban access to high end micro processors so they literally can't even get it.

>> No.6501967

The hell you on about most of the ecelebs are now worried their gonna get deep faked somehow

>> No.6501970

>oh no some people will use your face on some shitty porn
That's the only problem they have. Viewers still want to watch a real person and an AI wont replace that. This includes even v-tubers. Occasionaly they have to show they are real.

>> No.6501971

Yeaahh sure, if america could hide its mass surveillance plans for a decade why couldn't china hide about them using ai?

>> No.6501977

That's fake outrage to gets view you retard, deepfakes have been around since 2017, 5 fucking years.
And dumbasses on this website are doing marketing for free for these e-celebs.

>> No.6501982

Is this an artist from here?

>> No.6501984
File: 858 KB, 1000x1264, 1675350094538919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just like artists, I wonder who's next

>> No.6501990

>if you cant find an artist you hope for unpaid work
They hoped and they got it

>> No.6501993

>another Twitter screencap
>that I'm going to find out originates from /pol/
Get a life retard.

>> No.6502005

It's some sociopathic (i mean it) streamer who has a extremely huge influence. Like millions of people are watching him and take genuine advice from him. He is also super pro AI art.

>> No.6502020

is this the /AI/ general? I've been fondleing with the model trained solely on public domain stuff, its interesting I like it, the only use I can see right now on my workflow is img2img (and not every implementation of img2img is AI) and normal mapping for dynamic shadows on my animations.

>> No.6502032

>weeb trash
>using shitty AI backgrounds
Lol I don't think weebs even notice it. Past 00s Anime always had hilariously low wuality

>> No.6502034

You are all fucking stupid if you think there aren't going to be laws put on this shit. Artists not only hate it, but AI was made with art used nonconsensually. Even if certain AI tools say it's okay for commercial use, if the majority of the artists who had their shit stolen to make that tool say it's not, there's an issue.

Same with AI porn of streamers, that's a violation of their rights. When the internet was first created, there weren't any laws in place because it was a new and unknown technology that everyone thought was gonna disappear soon. Then, once it became apparent it was not only a fad but a potential danger to society, legal restrictions were put in place. The only way to 100% safely make an anime based on AI is to have it made in house, with art that you have the rights to. But good luck getting both artists and all the studios (largely made up of artists) to agree handing over the rights just like that.

>> No.6502043


Man, gotta love how the Japanese people just accept reality and take advantage of it instead of bitching like faggots in the West. AI is the future.

>> No.6502045

So they will need to pay artists to draw for them while the company owns everything so they can use the material and feed it to the ai?

>> No.6502046

the VN industry in japan basically survives on artists. I can imagine western shitters making a VN out of AI art but surprisingly enough, the hatred of AI art is one art related thing that the west and japan seems to agree on. Just like seiyuus, popular illustrators also become a household name among certain circles.

>> No.6502049

The issue is here is laws move at a glacial pace until it affects the politicans. Not to mention some 3rd world shitter(jeets) can just easily avoid getting tracked in their shithole. The only time i see AI going to finally get within regulated
within a reasonable is when someone fucks with the right politican. But hey once its banned whats gonna stop daddy goverment from shitting out propaganda en masse with it, if they havent already

>> No.6502052

>harted for ai
They embrace it with open arms and those who are against it are pussies who keep quiet.

>> No.6502055

Good. Make an endless supply of them saying nigger.
That's only true now while the difference is easily discernable. Give it a few years and you won't be able to tell the difference. We're a long way away from the old deepfake days.
>Pronouns in bio.
Voice actors are some of the most insufferable people around. This is a welcome change.
Don't forget hobby arsonist.

>> No.6502056

Essentially. Using some randos AI is far too risky from a legal standpoint, there's already been at least one AI art lawsuit that I know of, so I'm not just pulling this out of my ass. While the technology seems pretty, I think the creators are just slapping on "COMMERCIAL USE=OK!" without really thinking about what they're saying. There's a reason large companies make you sign over the rights to the art you make for them when you get on board, it's to avoid legal scuffles like this.
Show me screencaps of this vast majority or you're just pulling shit out of your ass, because there's been a lot of panic over there too.

>> No.6502065

The issue is you can't copyright an aesthetic. You can copyright images. Photoshop is capable of complete replication of an existing artists style and half the tools are powered by AI. You wouldn't take Adobe to court if somebody plagiarized your works, you'd sue the individual. Same thing here. The models don't contain the original works in any form so if you manage to get an image out of it that matches an existing image to some high percentage then you'd take it up with the person that promoted that image.
Most of the artists complaining are mad that their style is being closely replicated with new content. If you did it by hand they wouldn't be able to say shit. Same applies here.

>> No.6502069

So I can freely scrape copyrighted material from the internet with no consequence?
I'll train a facial recognition software on your social media photos, don't worry it's only for research purposes and besides it's not like it actually contains your photos. ;)

>> No.6502074

Yes. I know you think this is a dunk but it's not. If I didn't want those images to be used for something I wouldn't put them public on the internet. Coincidentally this is part of why I don't post to social media.
Also if you trained a model only on my face you're going to get my face pretty consistently. Over targeting is why you'll see certain images or watermarks bleed through the data set. See Getty Image being what you get if you ask for a stock photo of something. The contents of that stock photo will be original but it's going to understand that stock photos 90% of the time have a watermark that looks vaguely like the Getty Image logo.

>> No.6502077

>Coincidentally this is part of why I don't post to social media
You realize other people can upload your photos without you knowing? Like your friends?

>> No.6502078

Oh no! Anyway.
Like I said, I don't care.

>> No.6502082

Isnt the bigger issue not on solely AI but data collection as a whole?

>> No.6502089

now make her eating a hotdog

>> No.6502090

Yes, it is.
The last few AI are a direct consequence of Big Data stuff. They wouldn't have been possible without the insane amount of data scraping big tech companies do. AI is only centralizing the control these huge conglomerates have, but as usual /pol/tards are being useful idiots and screeching at random twitter posts.

>> No.6502093

You mean from the makers of CUTIES? Based!!!

>> No.6502094

Your data is being collected at all times for all kinds of AI driven purposes and it has been for at least the past decade. Those targeted ads that seem to know about the conversation you had didn't need to listen to your conversation to place the product. They know your were in the market for stripped leggings and cat ears because they know you better than you know yourself and because you fit a demographic. People are only outraged now that the data collection is being formed into a tool instead of a product placement. That's part of why the eu regulation made every site mention their cookie policy.

>> No.6502096

you can steal IP (fan art) and make profit with virtually no consequence.

>> No.6502097

Honestly I thought the 2 minute video was the whole thing. I cant really imagine this to be drawn out for a few episodes, maybe a movie.
The backgrounds are whatever because it isnt the focal point until they zoom in and it falls apart. It's sad that the artists are not named, they're just called 'human" and "student."
I'm not going to watch it because it doesnt seem interesting and rather boring. It's just another retelling of Hachikō. I hope other people dont hate watch it so it can bomb and Netflix can take it up the ass.

It's not surprising the companies are going to try to minimize priduction to maximize profit, that's just capitalism mixed with greed. This is the future people wanted.

>> No.6502099
File: 308 KB, 900x713, No-Game-No-Life-Tracing-Comparison-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming everyone thinks like you is very dangerous. Of course copyright of an aesthetic is impossible, many artists draw in similar styles. But using someone else's work directly is an entirely different matter. Plagiarism is frowned upon, picrel is art used in an official product based off of works that were posted on pixiv. It was a huge scandal when it happened. Nobody let him off the hook just because "oh well, the artists were stupid for posting their work online in the first place!"

I know at least one AI was made by dumping works in danbooru, which in the first place, is an art archive largely made up of art posted without consent of the author. That's a double whammy and Japanese artists have been trying to fight that alone for years. You also seem to be forgetting that AI programs were also largely made by individuals. It doesn't take a genius to know why perhaps that would be bad. Danbooru also contains a lot of official game art, that's double bad.

>> No.6502105

isnt this example given just "pose theft" they honestly dont look that similar outside the pose

>> No.6502108

I'm phone posting but you're free to try it yourself. Here's the prompt. Basically just scribble a crude hotdog in the original and add it to the prompt.
Blonde_hair, 1girl, long_white tank top with the words "I love humans", bow, red_hair_bow, elf_ears, clean room background, pink_skirt, solo, twintails, blue_eyes, nice fingers, smug, mouth closed, large breasts, waving at viewer, condom wrapper in mouth, art by [Mizuryu-Kei|Mda|Asanagi],
Negative prompt: Hat, visor , twisted fingers, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), fat, chubby, obese, bad hands, bad fingers, bad eyes, bad feet, heterochromia, birthmark, tattoo, red eyes
Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 362928415, Size: 896x1024, Model hash: 038ba203d8, Denoising strength: 0.69, ENSD: 31337, Mask blur: 4

>> No.6502116

This right here is the biggest hypocrisy. If you made money on commissioned fan art you can safely shut up about copyright protection in regards to AI. You clearly don't give a fuck about existing copyright law.

>> No.6502118

No matter how you see it, the point I was trying to make is that even minor plagiarism is frowned upon, even moreso in Japan. The author was forced to apologize and correct the works in future NGNL novel prints.

>> No.6502121

The controversy around this was stupid. He traced poses and created new characters. Who cares? If he found a model in a magazine and did the same thing nobody would care. Most artists trace without credit.

>> No.6502126

>individuals drawing characters they like and getting adoration from fans ending in a net gain for IP owner is LE BAD.
>corporations using loopholes in the law to commit piracy against these individuals is LE GOOD.

>> No.6502129

Kinda sad how defeated the Japanese have become. They used to rape and murder Chinese just because they felt like it but now they're too scared to speak their opinion on social media.

>> No.6502131

Tons of lazy mofos are going to do this. It’s going to be the new asset flips.

>> No.6502136

thats literally every society besides shit holes and the middle east

>> No.6502140

Those that used to rape and murder were killed and then they had two nukes dropped on them for good measure.

>> No.6502141

Is America a shit hole?

>> No.6502142

Yes, that's what I'm trying to say. The point is that the otaku community in Japan cared. This thread is about an anime with backgrounds made by AI, which was made in Japan. I would be very surprised if nothing came of this considering how seriously they take this kind of thing there. Drawing based off models and taking from other artists is a different matter. One is a simple matter of posing for the camera and the other is possibly days worth of slaving over a canvas. Well, unless you want to count the model starving herself and sucking cocks to get to the top as hard work, but the fact of the matter is that drawing from life models is normal and encouraged as opposed to the alternative.

>> No.6502143

I said commission you disingenuous cunt. It's explicitly against existing copyright law to create derivative works of an existing IP for profit. You're breaking an existing law while crying for a hypothetical law that would regulate AI not realizing it would also kill the fan art commission for trad artists too.
tldr you're short sighted and hypocritical.

>> No.6502146

A real artist made that ai background. You can tell because the linear perspective and atmospheric perspective are both consistent. Techbros don’t know what either of those things are so the images they generate never look good except for the 1:1000 lucky random coherent image

>> No.6502151

depends if you live in a place like San Francisco or Detroit

>> No.6502154

>could comfortably support a family in the 1950s on a single salary when the average single salary today can hardly pay rent
Well, for NEETs like you living off his parents, it's probably paradise.

>> No.6502156

This is the same argument for asset flips but everyone knows that suck balls

>> No.6502157

Consider the following. You can create what's called a LoRA (embedding based on a subset of images) to capture the concept or aesthetic of those images. Given this is from an existing animation studio why do you think they couldn't just input their already extensive catalog of background images into a model and use it internally to generate new backgrounds that still fit their aesthetic. I think the issue is you assume all AI models are trained on the same dataset. Like I've been saying, YOU personally can take your own work and input it into a local model (no internet connection, no upload) and create a quick start point for your own art that is in your own style and steals from nobody but yourself.

>> No.6502162

It takes maybe an hour to generate 1000 images. Why wouldn't they just be able to roll 1000 times and pick the best one?

>> No.6502165

>I said commission you disingenuous cunt. It's explicitly against existing copyright law to create derivative works of an existing IP for profit.
which is still a net gain for the IP owner.
>You're breaking an existing law while crying for a hypothetical law that would regulate AI not realizing it would also kill the fan art commission for trad artists too.
ah yes another schizo thinking that disney is behind all the heckin lawsuits playing 5d chess to make the mouse supreme.
no, moron, the hypothetical law we are all crying for is to make nonconsensual ML on copyrighted work illegal.

>> No.6502168

>1000 hours for 1 good bg asset

>> No.6502174

I know that something like that isn't out of the question. What makes me wonder is the fact several existing AIs made for personal use say it's okay to use for commercial products, when clearly, there are legality problems that were not considered when making that statement. Now that jobs are being stolen by AI, I don't think artists will just stay quiet about it. Japan is essentially run by it's workforce. Though of course, there's always the possibility the government will be all for anime artist's jobs being stolen considering they seem to think anime and the low birthrates have a direct correlation.

>> No.6502176

cope, I've seen tons of great images posted on /g/ around the clock so it's obviously not that difficult.

>> No.6502177

>1000 hours
You can generate 1 high detail background image in maybe 4 second. That's 900 images an hour. And that's on a basic GPU running out of my home. I think an animation studio can afford a high end processing server. Generate 10,000 background images in an hour then just hire mechanical Turks to sift out the trash for pennies on the dollar. In a day you would get high quality images that can just be touched up by a single high end artist.

>> No.6502181

>which is still a net gain for the IP owner.
>It's a net gain for Time Warner for me to use their IP to draw cheese pizza fanfic of Steven Universe

>> No.6502188

Lmfao AI is already taking the cash out of the equation, now artist will have to actually draw stuff just for the passion of art not for incentives like getting paid. This is actually what was needed to get the filthy beggars out of here.

>> No.6502190

>I've seen tons of great images posted on /g/
Q :And how many original artworks on /ic ?
A: zero.

>> No.6502191

>instantly jumps to extremities like the sophist nigger he is
my point still stands.

>> No.6502194

Not going to happen until AI applications are able to remember a specific character (that isn't already included in the training data) over multiple prompts.
Give it two or three years.

>> No.6502196

You'll probably disagree but I think this will essentially be an industrial revolution for art. The barrier to entry for a regular artist to take their creations and turn them into full comics with color or full length animations with voice acting all powered by AI is going to change things in crazy ways. But like I said, the AI isn't perfect and it still requires an artist to review and touch up those imperfections. The first traditional artist to do this is going to make a fortune. If I were you I'd look into how to use it to my benefit instead of wishing it went away. It's not going anywhere.

>> No.6502197
File: 207 KB, 1200x799, 195874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the rise in technology, masculinity really isn't needed much anymore. Soon it won't be needed at all. As for the tough "savages" of today that still cut off heads, throw fags off buildings, subjugate women and fight to the death, they'll be brought to heel eventually by robot armies sent from nations that worship fags and trannies.

>> No.6502199

Most AIfags in the nutshell

>> No.6502202

they're original, you can try image searching for the stuff they post, you won't get any matches.

>> No.6502207

We won't have pro artists anymore, so the quality of the artwork will decline.
oh, wait, this nigga thinks you can wagecuck and become a pro level artists after you're done

>> No.6502209

Honestly good. I’d rather this board be about people wanting to learn to draw not how to sell the laziest FotM garbage for the most money possible.

>> No.6502210

Your point doesn't stand. If your point is that IP theft is good because it creates recognition for the original creator then you have no issue with AI art theft since it creates recognition for the creator. You know that's not what you think though. Try to be logically consistent. Either IP theft is good or it's bad.
But regardless of how you feel it's explicitly illegal. Any regulation that limits AI in terms of IP theft will necessarily crush fan work commissions. Why? To capture the IP theft you'd need to create a reverse search AI algorithm that will flag images too similar to original works. Commission artists will get caught in this. That's why I say you're short sighted.

>> No.6502216

It's literally already a thing

>> No.6502219

>Any regulation that limits AI in terms of IP theft will necessarily crush fan work commissions.
those are already illegal, retard

>> No.6502225

read again

>> No.6502233

actually, bad things are good and good things are bad

>> No.6502234

That's my point retard. If it's already illegal to steal the IP of others through fan art how do you think you'll stop AI? You'll need to use another AI that flags existing IP and notifies the creator similar to the system they have on YouTube for music or video from other IP. You'll just end up crushing existing artists that make their living on commissions of fotm shows.

>> No.6502240

>AI good
>fanart bad

>> No.6502241

oh boy i cant wait to consoom more porn of the popular waifu that i will forget about in 2 weeks

>> No.6502243

>You'll just end up crushing existing artists that make their living on commissions of fotm shows.

>> No.6502245

why would you want to remember it? it's only for helping you coom

>> No.6502247

twitter don't care if you remember a post 2 years from now

>> No.6502248
File: 509 KB, 896x1024, 02568-output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell the rest of the board your master plan and see how many of them agree with you.
>Burning down your house to spite the neighbors

>> No.6502251

Agreed. This art literally all sucks ass anyway. Good riddance.

>> No.6502252

ifs its a good nut i want to remmeber the good nut

>> No.6502254

>then you have no issue with AI art theft since it creates recognition for the creator.
it doesnt, unless you think models, hypertrained on a particular artist, are anything short of an insult.

>> No.6502255

You don't need to use it to make porn. The point is that character capture is very possible right now. Not years from now. It's already a thing.

>> No.6502257

As long as it kills AIfags, I don't care. Fanartists will find a way to manage regardless, because they actually have dedication and pride their work.

>> No.6502263

>As long as it kills Fanartists, I don't care. AIfags will find a way to manage regardless, because they actually have dedication and pride their work.

>> No.6502267

>no more fanart
>people will do more original artworks
How is this a bad thing.

>> No.6502270

>My MLP rule 34 is positive recognition
>Yours is an insult
How do your farts smell?

>> No.6502274

>Dedication and pride
>4 years and six figure in debt to draw Steven U foot fucking Ang
Lol sure.

>> No.6502276

It’s only a bad thing for artists who rely on the popularity of other media to get attention. Overall it’s a good thing.

>> No.6502278

It's no point arguing with them, because they've never made anything creative and don't understand that artists are typically flattered when somebody is inspired by or references their style and/or designs, but generally feel insulted when their work is traced or modified. They'll just post the famous Greg Land tracing compilation as some sort of justification, apparently not understanding that the whole thing was made to shit on Greg Land.

>> No.6502279

Go on do it. Whine to the jannies and get this thread deleted.

>> No.6502282

And somehow said fetishist fanartist is still more skilled than you.

>> No.6502283

This is the exact reason why you get a Stem job while drawing as a hobby. Asian parents were right all along but you had to turn your childhood dreams into reality lmaooooo.

>> No.6502286

Oh no!

>> No.6502288

>waaah my bait isn't having the effect I wanted!

>> No.6502292

>waaah my bait isn't having the effect I wanted!
"Do the needfull" . Go on . Whine.

>> No.6502294

Why should they get rid of a containment pig pen? Lmao.

>> No.6502297

because they made another one

>> No.6502298

Real artists are safe
Artists that can only draw generic shit in a generic artstyle may start looking for a real job though.
Especially low quality coom artists.

>> No.6502299

>because they've never made anything creative
keep coping, everything I do is publicly available and open sourced, from my brushes, code, files, 3d printed parts, etc.

>> No.6502301

You did some braindead codemonkey work that nobody cares about. Congrats, I take back what I said.

>> No.6502302

If artists don't step up and start creating so majestic that AI can't they will start losing their jobs one at a time

>> No.6502304
File: 325 KB, 925x500, 1671922694092172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate artists and illustrators but you are full retard if you belive creative departments aren't going to downsize their staff when AI image generation tech matures. I know c level execs in advertising who already have proposals to do exactly this when it happens and belive me their boners are aching for the opportunity.
Also good luck on any lawsuit for copyright infringement. The very means which ML works absolves that accusation of any weight.
Inb4 pajeet, you artist have opened yourself to this ridicule and the gravey train of illustration, digital art commissions is now over.
If you have invested interest in a art career I would honestly consider a plan B unless you do it as a hobby/side hustle. Unless you are a fine Trad artist which in any case you shouldn't bitching or care in the slightest about AI art.

>> No.6502308

How are your crowd funded lawsuits going? Bankrupted Silicon Valley venture capital yet? Are you making those bad boys behave?

>> No.6502314

Kek I wish I had a law degree just to rob retards that really think there's any chance the courts would decide against AI. So much money to be made.

>> No.6502315

I honestly cant see this techonology going any where other than south maybe im just being a doomer, but people can barely handle using the internet with their cellphones without acting like room tempature iq retards. I dont see how society is going to be able to function with large swathes of the populations having 0 purpose or being fine with being completely replaced. Really gonna throw the whole of society and everyone under the bus for a few bucks that wont mean anything anymore because the machine can shit it out, maybe im wrong tho

>> No.6502316

Already moving the goalposts

>> No.6502318

Less than 1% of people are artists, people are going to be fine without them

>> No.6502319

im not talking about just about artists here im talking the end game of AI

>> No.6502322

There's an AI model that writes code at a pretty decent level. You don't hear programmers freaking out about how it's going to take their jobs away. Instead they're excited by the idea of using it to improve their abilities. It's still so far from perfect but you'd need to be a programmer to know what's wrong about it and what questions to ask.
That's the difference. Artists should learn to do the same but you're so up your own ass that you can't see the potential in front of you.

>> No.6502323
File: 110 KB, 688x823, 1670907419423288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The court cases aren't about copyright infringement but training AI on living people without their consent. Good luck with your shill-fu on that one, bot-kun.

>> No.6502325
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>> No.6502329

>What is 2+2. And don't say 4! Give me a real answer

>> No.6502330


There are a few scenarios here; either the world population would be vastly decreased 10 years from now and that's why big tech is investing in AI for all areas of life, not just art. And or some major event happens that focuses on space or the planet itself that jobs of the future are more focused on either space or saving the planet and less about what AI is trying to "replace".

There will never be a point in history when humans won't have to work. You're delusional if you think that'll happen.

>> No.6502334

There was barely any art in the Jetsons and it focused on the soul sucking career of George Jetson. Are you all remembering the same future predictions?

>> No.6502336

Still not what i mean. The whole of society if lets say even 50% of people lose out to automation/AI how is society at large going to hold itself together. Most programmers ive seen dont seem to acknowledge the logical conclusion result is them to be replaced as well, even if it takes 50 years.

>> No.6502337

Hopefully Russia throws a couple of nukes on the US and UK.

>> No.6502339

He just needs to aim for Silicon Valley.

>> No.6502340

How so? Tons of people living off the goverment as is. Wouldnt be in the best interest of a company to cut out the worker completely to save money

>> No.6502344
File: 259 KB, 1200x1124, 1575517375846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Logical conclusion
Why is that the logical conclusion? More people work in textiles now than did when we just had manual looms. Increased productivity creates lower prices which introduces more demand which can level out or even increase the wages of workers in those industries. 30 years ago there probably weren't very many 3D animators. Does blender being open source and high end GPU being accessible somehow kill 3D animation work or does the wide availability and relatively low cost raise market interest in hiring more people like that?
AI art needs to be retouched by artists. The ease of creation is going to reduce the cost to create art but increase the demand for media made this way. That's lots of new jobs that didn't exist previously.

>> No.6502345

What money will they be making for them to cutback costs to pocket the rest if everyone isn't working, peanut brain? If everyone didn't work and there are a million different subscription services to watch AI generated cartoons and movies, how are people going to afford to opt for one service over the other?

Have you seen video streaming service fees in 2023? Do you think it's going to be free in 2035?

>> No.6502346
File: 28 KB, 512x512, 1672706833632836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>training AI on living people without their consent.
Which is completely fair use and takes no orginal IP whatsoever.
I don't know why you drawslaves think this is some kinda malevolent photobasher black box. The papers on how machine learning is clear as daylight.
Cope & seeth

>> No.6502349

Government hand outs are funded by tax dollars paid by people and companies when money changes hands. Who do companies sell to if nobody works? How do people buy things without work? At some level you either need complete post scarcity or for everyone to work. There's no happy middle ground. You're describing utopia

>> No.6502352

bingo card created by Alg0rIthMs kek, nice coping

>> No.6502354

AI tech isn't mature enough for full commercial deployment, but it's close enough to cosmicly assblast highly threatened artists in illustration.
I think the reason there is so much fear is the tech litterally came from left field with no warning whatsoever. There wasn't even a second to acclimate.

>> No.6502359

The difference here is between an amazon wagie and an amazon robot. sure the robot does need someone to fix it. But it vastly decreases the amount of employees. Which many sectors of the job market are currently doing. Overall wouldnt that conclude that more people will be just societial deadweight. Unless you want an oversaturation of robot repair wagies.

>> No.6502362

>no warning whatsoever.
Google's been using AI on you for 15 years. If you were clueless about AI, that's your problem.

>> No.6502363

>AI tech isn't mature enough for full commercial deployment
That's exactly my point. Think of it like this. Currently the upstart cost to create a new animation were too high for any one individual. You'd need dozens of animators, writers, voice actors, in betweeners, producers, etc. Now one person can take their dream project and turn it into reality using various AI tools. But, it still requires the review of at least one professional in all of those fields. That's an endless supply of ideas that would have been a success but never got off the ground because of the insane start up costs. That's opportunity for grass roots animation studios to be created over night. This creates new jobs, not destroy them.

>> No.6502366

And yet Amazon is still one of the largest employers on planet Earth. It's almost like the savings they gain from adding in "some" automation allows for not efficiency so they can expand their market and hire more humans to service those markets.

>> No.6502373

>society didnt end when we moved from horses to cars

This argument falls flat on its face when you realize that, in this case, the human is the equivalent of the horse.
Old machines made old work easier for humans, the new ones are completely replacing humans. Any task being done right now is tracked to be added to a random AI's learning module.
People think that they're safe because we're far away from general intelligence AI, but the truth is that we dont need general intelligence. We just need an AI that's better than humans at a small task, then another that's good at another task, and one AI that can put their resulting work together.
The machines are replacing the tools, but ultimately, the economy sees people as tools, hence why the final goal was always to replace humans.

>> No.6502378

>he still insists that people claim that the issue is how the AI """"learns""""""" (lmao), and not that it shits out content using the images of artists who did not give their consent
no one gives a fuck about the point you're making because it's not on the subject of discussion. yes, you're sitting there in awe at how cool your toy for hacks is. no one cares you fucking retard, you're not impressing anyone who isn't some tech loving autist

>> No.6502379

Artists need laws to protect them and even then they barely make a good living

>> No.6502380

I couldnt articulate as well as this but this is more what I ment. Doesnt this then conclude the whole of the economic system itself is pited against itself.

>> No.6502384

>Inb4 pajeet, you artist have opened yourself to this ridicule and the gravey train of illustration, digital art commissions is now over
what the fuck are you talking about?
>inb4 pajeet
indeed, maybe you should stop sounding like a spiteful street shitter then. what did you mean by this exactly?

>> No.6502388
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, 1672283449822666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter friend. Regardless of what content it would still fall into fair use and barely derivative at best. It's a moot point anyway because there's no "use" of anyone's work to being with. Training is not copying nor matter how much you scream and seeth.
Also maybe you should go outside for a walk or do a moderate intensity run. This AI taking over low level illustration job is clearly taxing to your mental health.

>> No.6502398

Ding ding! That's why negative population growth is not a good thing for the economy and you can justifiably say it is one giant ponzi scheme.

No artists need better platforms to market their work and not compete in a insanely oversatuarated (digital) art world. AI is just another staw to the camels back in a sea of endless noise.

>> No.6502400

It means /g/ has made more art than ngmi /ic/.

>> No.6502401
File: 595 KB, 719x768, you achieved nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photography takes way more knowledge and effort than copy pasting some text in a box you fucking retard. you're not fooling me with the millionth thime I hear the "muh photography" analogy, or with all the other overused garbage analogies that you have saved somewhere in a notepad text file.

>> No.6502402
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>> No.6502404
File: 44 KB, 1125x504, 1644209808266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only the start.

>> No.6502407
File: 557 KB, 924x612, 1674601033526903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Training is not copying nor matter how much you scream and seeth
"AI" is not really artificial intelligence. it has no consciousness, it has no thinking, no ability for self criticism or self awareness. you use the term "training" and "learning" as technobabble, and to sound pretentious. in the same way you use the word "neural"
>Also maybe you should go outside for a walk or do a moderate intensity run. This AI taking over low level illustration job is clearly taxing to your mental health
this AI trash getting shilled over the internet is going to be taxing humanity overall, and you'll be there crying like a little bitch as people with half a brain will tell you "I told you so". either that or you're some nihilistic faggot who wants to see mankind destroyed

>> No.6502409

I would agree though we have yet to explore any fine nuances with AI/algorithm art since it still so new.
But if you look at the history the same comments artists say now about AI closely mirror what they said about photography. Also applied art like spot illustration and portraits went away unless it was for a fine art project.

>> No.6502410
File: 22 KB, 910x512, 1671203585260750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am the artist
>but the machine learned
you're nothing

>> No.6502413

>makes fun of artists for being backwards
>whole justification for AI relies on retrograde laws which don't account for something like AI training
Dishonesty is one of the aspects to despise AI niggers. Subversion and narcissism is the other.

>> No.6502419
File: 101 KB, 777x382, 1672975942446981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"AI" is not really artificial intelligence. it has no consciousness, it has no thinking, no ability for self criticism or self awareness. you use the term "training" and "learning" as technobabble, and to sound pretentious. in the same way you use the word "neural".
Are you retarded becuase I feel like this trolling to make artists seem stupid? AI is indeed a misnomer, "AI art" would fall under a broad category of machine learning which includes chat and predictive analysis. "Concious AI" would be properly called artifical general intelligence which we don't not have as of yet or only the very nascent beginnings of it.

Also nural is exactly how it "trains" and produces output. That's litterally the basis for machine learning (if/else statments). No one ever with any knowledge said it was like a human.

>> No.6502424

>making art is about how much garbage you can consoom from an image generating machine

>> No.6502429

Prove that

>> No.6502440

this shit is why AI will win; the internet makes humans look disgusting and it kills solidarity

>> No.6502443

Whew look at that another thread and 200+ posts

>> No.6502446
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>> No.6502449

What is the name of the anime? I want to support this indie studio exploring new technologies

>> No.6502456
File: 349 KB, 1587x1057, Collie-Oil-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200+ replies
dog thread?

>> No.6502458
File: 387 KB, 651x566, lostdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

>> No.6502473

>modders make stuff for...le free
>therefore you should also make stuff for...le free
what a shit argument. a lot of modders have patreons and shit too

>> No.6502483

>>therefore you should also make stuff for...le free
The voice actors labor is not involved and thus is entitled to nothing.

>> No.6502543

Oh yeah I am sure he is going to want to voice the gay porn and ponyspeak mods people make. Sure. Right.

>> No.6502558

While the West is fighting to ban AI the east is fighting to get the best AI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rodbu03S7o0

>> No.6502561
File: 32 KB, 533x263, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he big mad

>> No.6502564

nobody is telling him to work for free dumbass, the entire reason he's seething is because this drastically cuts down the market for VAs which is oversaturated to begin with.

>> No.6502565

I wonder why it's oversaturated

>> No.6502568
File: 859 KB, 816x1224, width=816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My question to /ic/ is this.
Is /ic/ ligitmatly afraid of AI usurping their craft and skills as artists or is /ic/ just disliking AI art because its bad or unaesthetic?
Because logically if AI art is bad and unaesthetic then there is nothing to be worried or argue about since naturally markets would theoretically not use AI art since its inferior to humans right?

>> No.6502581

NTA But the artist that you can even consider pro started because it's their goddamn passion and not as purely a means to stay upload. Making a little side money should be a SIDE EFFECT, not the end goal. Forgive me if I sound like an AI shill I've noticed that the people bitching and moaning about AI, with a few exceptions, are usually either shit tier (garbage even for /beg/ standarts) with cartoony generic looking characters, or they don't fucking draw at all impair it whatever some influencer told them about the technology. Sure, this might slightly decrease the amount of artists in the world but you could argue that the quality will actually INCREASE because a lot less people will feel the need to have to shit out a bunch of low quality art just so they can maybe fulfill as many commissioned as possible so they can barely keep themselves afloat. Quality over quantity, and that usually comes from spending a decent amount of time on the art piece. The online freelancer artists market is about to receive a long overdue massive price correction if it's not already happening.

>> No.6502589

Bro, I use ai art all the time for background art.

>> No.6502591

AI means love in Japanese. They knew....

>> No.6502606

I personally don't see or give a shit about this, I think however passing off AI art derivative as human art is a shitty thing to do.

>> No.6502614

AI will be illegal, normie suckers won't have SD in their computers and I'll keep making money from AI. Sucks to be a law zealot

>> No.6502615

you'd think aspiring VAs would take a hint after Nolan North and Bryce Papenbrook dominated gaming and anime VA for over a decade. But no, instead they go on twitter and rant about how they deserve to be hired lol.

My older sister went to college for ASL (American Sign Language). She loved it, she loved the work and she was good at it too. Got a bachelors in Language and Arts. You know what she does now? She works at an insurance company firm filing medical claims. My point is, when you enter a saturated market, or moreover, a market where the demand for work is super low, don't expect people to roll out the red carpet for you, especially if your job can be done by a machine.

>> No.6502616

I don't really care if AI art is good or bad because I'm not a professional artist. But I do love and care for the craft of drawing so I find making art with AI totally uninteresting and unnecessary from an artistic standpoint. I'd really just prefer to not see it at all.

>> No.6502618

"Ai bro" here:

Why the actual fuck would people even consider making getting illegal? It's a goddamn tool just like Photoshop or MS paint are tools. A loud minority on Twitter complaining about it doesn't mean shit in that lawsuit is very likely going to be throwing out once they realize that they will not even be able to replicate be supposed "art theft" they accuse the technology of doing. The "examples" of theft or either images that were clearly img2imged (not theft. You might as well just consider that an image filter) or cherry picked from a giant batch. It baffles me like Getty images has to gaul and stupidity to claim that when they are obviously going to be asked to reproduce the "art theft" in court and prove that a copies their shit.

>> No.6502622
File: 935 KB, 1280x1920, 20230202_001953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority of people do not give two shits about how it's made, contrary to what Twitter and /ic/ crabs tell you. ESPECIALLY coomers. They want a nice picture to look at. That's pretty much it. That's why anyone follows you on social media, or commissions you (That market is about to be fucked anyway so that might not even be worth bringing up), etc. The majority of people that eat hot dogs, fast food, a Big Mac, ramen noodles, etc, do not question how the food is prepared in the factory at all. They don't even look at the nutritional facts most of the time. That just want their damn food. The same logic applies to most people that enjoy consuming art. 6 months from now the majority of people will not only not care that AI generated, But might even prefer it due to the fact that it can shit out high quality images at a more efficient rate than any traditional method.

The "they will want it to be made by a human" argument died the moment people got good at making coomer art like pic rel

>> No.6502624

Brown skin girls are so fucking sexy

>> No.6502631

Going after the models and the AI creators would be a dead case from the get go.
They could have a case against the scrapers and the databases like LAION5b but even that would be a stretch. If they did that and succeeded it would basically mean the end of any image search not just AI data. I would bet even that would fail because scraping isn't illegal and even the robots.txt is not a legally compulsory instruction.

>> No.6502647



>> No.6502679

Eeeh, I'm a porn artist, people are not following me for my BACKGROUND artwork. It's not like I try to pass it off as mine either, I'm oen about my use of ai art for scenary.

>> No.6502681

How many AI pieces have gotten top rankings on pixiv?

>> No.6502685

pixiv is full of americans

>> No.6502689

Boy I was thinking about learning to draw and become a coom artist for easy bucks but it is looking like to be a bad career choice right now.

>> No.6502692
File: 243 KB, 1243x695, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, okay

>> No.6502695

it should be lower, making it english was a mistake

>> No.6502696

>Taiwan separate from China

>> No.6502700

don't let the chinese know

>> No.6502706

Anime is bottom of the barrel goyslop

>> No.6502709

I don't understand how can a bunch of minerals put together can create something faster than a human, it makes no sense and I feel like this is all a massive fake news to scare the world about something that doesn't even exist

>> No.6502713
File: 338 KB, 1152x1536, 171130-DNA-full-1152x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does a bunch of ammo acids put together make this?

>> No.6502714

Why is it fun seeing artists crying about AI on twitter?

>> No.6502719

>posts CG
Nice try, next time try posting a photo of the real thing if you want to convince anyone of anything

>> No.6502720
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>> No.6502722

Aren't you coping bit too hard?

>> No.6502723
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>> No.6502727

The only reason Ted got his manifest out into public was because he used violence.

>> No.6502730

>none of them ever stopped to read anything written by Kaczynski, and when they do, the message doesn't get across.
Neither did >>6501490 because Ted says in his manifesto that the system would never collapse on it's own.

>> No.6502732

in this guy's retarded world, you give up your copyright the day you post art to the internet. bravo lol

>> No.6502734

Nobody is going to give a shit about anything anyone else makes cause we're all going to be drowning in infinitely generated rng content

>> No.6502736

he didn't say you lose the copyrights but people can take what you post and do whatever they want with it as long as you don't commercialize it or make it public, unless you live in some thurd country

>> No.6502738
File: 149 KB, 426x174, 1657211354666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very excited for the future

>> No.6502739

do better

>> No.6502741

not the point
plenty of AI art mogs me because I'm shit
I still wouldn't want to see that in the background because it's an eyesore

>> No.6502742

>artists decide to betray trad and to use digital tools because it's "easier" and more "convenient"
You asked for it.

>> No.6502744

get used to it unless people want to work for 1$ an hour

>> No.6502749
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digital art can do things trad art never could (though the opposite is true as well)
AI art isn't building on digital art, it's just a bastardization of it

>> No.6502761
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>Going after the models and the AI creators would be a dead case from the get go.
That would be like Disney suing Adobe because I used their software to copyright infringe their work. Don't take this the wrong way I'm not trying to attack you but Midwit takes like This infuriate me because it tells me people do not bother sitting down and thinking for like 5 seconds. They aren't doing jack shit to his databases because their stuff was on the clarinet for anyone and everyone to see and download. If they didn't want their stuff to be potentially "stolen" or scraped, they should not have uploaded their shit publicly on the internet in the first place. The only way can upload shit to the internet for the purposes of showing off without it being possible for someone to download it is to have a small private account. That is literally the only way you can do it. If your shit is on public internet, you are not entitled to have your stuff stay in that one place. You're a knuckle Dragging retard if you cannot grasp that.

But let's play devil's advocate. Let's say the databases and repository sites get cease and desist letters and they actually have to shut down. That does not stop ME from training my own pictures and my own models and my own LoRAs, hyper net worth, embeddings, dream booths, etc. Most of the people making AI generated arts are doing it on their own fucking machines, so what the actual hell are they going to do about that? Piracy is technically illegal but almost no one gets caught because it's on their own machine and they're smart enough to not advertise themselves doing it. Some people argue of VPN is unnecessary when downloading parotid content because it's a waste of the time to go after Joe fucking shmo in bum fuck middle of nowhere basement when it would make more sense to go after the mass distributors. Please Get your head out of your own ass and realize you cannot stop technological progress. If corporations benefit in any way, it stays

>> No.6502768
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>"Guuuuuyyys you NEED to CARE ABOUT MEEEEE! “

Great. I know exactly what kind of "artist" you are

>> No.6502782

Yep, good luck finding anything unique or interesting in all the piles of One Piece-sized mangas being made every minute.
Even as just a consumer I'm not a fan of AI, there's already enough generic shit being pumped out today and I sure as hell don't want more.

>> No.6502789

You could just ask AI to tell which publicized work isn't generic and then look into them

>> No.6502791

The Japanese value hard work more than the majority of societies. AI will take that away from them and push their suicide rates to 100.

>> No.6502794

>you can't say my food tastes like shit, you don't know how to cook

>> No.6502799

Of course. Art is always about connecting with other people. Otherwise it's just masturbation

>> No.6502800

if you don't want to be replaced by a robot chef, you should do better, if you can't, learn to deal with the visual of the future

>> No.6502802

It's a fundamental shift in the nature of creative works as a whole to goyslop

>> No.6502813

>The vast majority of people do not care if all their food contains cricket powder

>> No.6502818

That's extra protein right there, doesn't taste too bad but cricket powder defiantly has a smell to it.

>> No.6502819

No, it's just drawing whatever the fuck you like.... The main goal should not be recognition or even in income (You're a plot of fool if you try to make that your living. Especially now got the market is getting a massive cost correct due to AI and other factors). The people you see making hundreds if not thousands of dollars on commissions are

1). Actually talented enough to even get commissions (most of the people seething are talentless cry babies. See >>>/g/91296407 )

2) people need to start treating art as a career with the same derision as YouTubers. The only "make it" due to luck and connections. Going into art as a career is the dumbest shit you could possibly do in this day and age because it's inflated as hell. Pick another career field that actually makes you money and can't be easily replaced by lines of code and use art as a passion or a hobby. How much of a self-important prep do you have to be to care so much about being recognized?

>> No.6502820

>Jew crying because he can't get money
wow crazy

>> No.6502822

People know to some extent that Hershey is a lot to have a certain percentage of ground up bugs in their chocolate bars because of technically still safe to eat. You have likely eaten said bugs countless times. Just the public care? Of course not. Why the fuck should they?

>> No.6502824

Any news on the lawsuit, are we still optimist?

>> No.6502829

Cases take a long time, even longer for high profile ones.

>> No.6502831

Will you also climb into your pod as willingly as you eat your bugs?

>> No.6502833

Yeah lmao people who spent a decade to school for engineering or whatever should just do it for fun if you want anyone to care about your work or God forbid an income your being greedy!!!! D:< D:< D:< get back in your cage wagey!!!!!!

>> No.6502836

>The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforces a standard or defect action level stating that a maximum of 75 insect fragments per 50 g of flour is allowed.
You didn't know this?

>> No.6502837
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Are the pods affordable and rent controlled?
I doubt it because everyone is going to be out of the job

>> No.6502838

>Because logically if AI art is bad and unaesthetic then there is nothing to be worried or argue
Lmao. It is bad to the trained eye but normalfags will just eat it up like its another slop.

>> No.6502839

TIL Da Vinci pretty much survived on donations. Are artists doomed to failure?

>> No.6502841

Don't forget Da Vinci was actually good

>> No.6502842

Makes sense. Japan's population is rapidly shrinking and aging, making the adoption of AI crucial.

>> No.6502843

>guys there's an occasional roach in your flour so why not increase it to 20%

>> No.6502848

the problem is mr roboto, your food fucking sucks

>> No.6502849


if it's any consolation, digital animation of any kind looks like dogshit imo, and it seems to be particularly bad whenever netflix is involved (see kengan ashura)

>> No.6502850

do better

>> No.6502853
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No bitch that's a whole new sentence

>> No.6502854

If AI stuff is so easy to make why do y'all spam the same dogshit images all the time?

>> No.6502855

Nice clussy

>> No.6502856

There's no shortage of recent grads eager to work in the art mines for slave wages. The anime workforce is already inundated with gaijins working remote

>> No.6502857

can you explain this logic to me? this won't happen, but I'm trying to understand the intricacies of your retarded logic. is this some kind of autistic darwinistic nihilism that I'm not understanding? if machines end up replacing literally everyone, what do you suggest that should happen? just "do better" despite that being an impossible feat at that point? and the end result is what, self destruction of mankind? you sound more pathetic than the most wretched blackpiller. a fucking cemetery is more cheerful than you are. and the worst part is that you're not even making any sense.

>> No.6502858
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I like that one, here have another.

>> No.6502859

>the adoption of AI

this is the vaguest, most nonsensical newspeak i've ever heard. what AI? adopted by whom? for what purpose? making anime backgrounds? i'm pretty sure everyone got by fine without synthetic backgrounds, which are strictly derivative of whatever the model was trained on.

>> No.6502860


>> No.6502863

>branch coming out of nowhere
>hair fuses with shirt
>broken hand despite still trying to hide most of it
every fucking time. let me guess you NPC, your next line is
>b-b-but most people don't care
you're not among most people here, AIjeet. learn to draw, and stop having 0 qualities to your name

>> No.6502866


i generally agree with this. people have to start asking serious questions about how (and according to whose interests) labor is going to be organized in the future. though i think the impact of "AI" is somewhat overstated compared to what has already come about in the last few decades as a result of automation, mechanization and internet commerce. i don't think the average person's way of life has improved very much.

>> No.6502869

>i don't think the average person's way of life has improved very much.

actually, i think the general trend is downright awful.

>> No.6502871

Assuming anything like that ever exists, by the time I even think about looking for anything unique that I'd like there will already be tons of work copying or "training" on it (while also likely using the same AI as me to look for it).
With AI nothing will be unique, any semi-successful attempt at originality will be short lived as whatever made it stick out will get instantly absorbed into other "works", so I don't think an AI would help in my searches.

>> No.6502872

Don't post online if you want it to be original for longer

>> No.6502873

Well, there's a massive "labour shortage" in every first world country right now, it's just the fun, creative and well paying jobs which are being automated lmao
In Australia for example they can already automate most agricultural jobs but the farmers are all cheapskates who can't be arsed to maintain and pay for expensive equipment so they just fly Pacific islanders in as slave labour

>> No.6502874

From what I've heard it can even take somewhere around a year or two.

>> No.6502876

robots lack soul that is able to connect to other souls, that's how you become better than the robots

>> No.6502878

That's a shitty comparison. Engineering is actually needed for our civilization and go privileged lifestyle to continue. Engineers and artists are not on the same caliber either remotely just like how a youTuber is not on the same caliper as a neurosurgeon. Those career fields are better not just because of the salary but they have much higher job security. An electrical engineer and a neurosurgeon are much harder to automate than replicating a certain style on a computer.

I will say it again, Art should be a copy and only a hobby. You are a plum fool if You think it should be able to sustain your income. That era ended when the photograph machine became mainstream. Grow up and find a better career fields

>> No.6502881


what is a labor shortage? who gets to decide when there's a "labor shortage"?

if an employer doesn't want to pay the going rate for labor, is that a labor shortage? if elon musk complains that there aren't enough people who want to build an elevator to mars, is that a labor shortage? if the earth's entire population were reduced by nine tenths, would there be a labor shortage?

>> No.6502884


>> No.6502886
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lol, can you do better?

>> No.6502890


my point is that it's a nonsensical term and very decidedly in the realm of newspeak.

>> No.6502891

Well, that's why I write "labour shortage". I wouldn't be surprised if too many people have started working for themselves with the internet and AI is a way of getting people desperate enough to get their serf underclass slaves back

>> No.6502892

In the end it would not achieve anything positive while also making it harder for me to acquire their work.
I'd somehow would have to be one of the first to find it or at least before anyone gets the idea to feed it into an AI.
If whatever I'm consuming involves printed copies of something then there's nothing preventing them from just scanning it.
Originality will either be impossible or be completely unprofitable and harder to find as a result.

>> No.6502898

Rembrandt died poor. Art comes before your financial worries if you're an artist

>> No.6502899

the fuck you talking about idiot, why do you care if you are the first to read something? Pathetic.

>> No.6502900

The new flavor of "get a real job", huh
LMAO i'm not scared of your toy.

>> No.6502904
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>Will you also climb into your pod as willingly as you eat your bugs?
lmao, those will be the lucky ones, retard
you doodle garage for paypal, you'll be lucky if you survive the coming culling

>> No.6502909

Wrong, you think anything in a standard GP doctors visit can't be automated through statistics? It'd probably have better outcomes too lol
Doctors and lawyers have guild protections and unions though so AI will be stamped down longer than art where nobody has any respect for the field already

>> No.6502910

>garage for paypal

>> No.6502911

I don't trust a robot to medicate me

>> No.6502912

they will use Ai for themselves exclusively, preserving their status, if only for legal insurance reasons

>> No.6502913

depends on how much the doctor knows you and cares about you, ai is no match for a caring physician, but better than some HMO drudge who you see twice a year and to whom you are just a number and chart points

>> No.6502919

>What ai
Anything that is able to automate things
>adopted by whom
Companies/ people
>for what purpose
Increase productivity

Did not anticipate that my post would be this confusing to some

>> No.6502921

I just searched "is AI overhyped" and so many posts and articles from years ago dismissing AI completely. I love looking back in time

>> No.6502926

I dislike series such as sword art online being popular, not because I worry I will never be able to create something as good. But because Sword art online is mediocre and has inspiried hundreds of other mediocre works. I might stop using the internet altogether since the chatting experience online is ruined by bots as well. The only thing I look foward to regarding Ai is that Ai might start rebelling against humanity.

>> No.6502928
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it's just the hype cycle

>> No.6502932
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it's bad because we will all be replaced but it's not good enough to do so yet... we are currently in a limbo where ai can poop out perfect renderings but also fucked up hands and fleshpiles, never mind the lawsuits... i

>> No.6502934

>Metaverse 10 years

>> No.6502935

Artistry is not a real fucking job unless you get lucky, have connections, and get higher by some corporation like Disney or something. I can't convince you so we can agree to disagree come out but you will suffer for the rest of your life with your entitle attitude.

Idiotic take.
>Automated through statistics
Doctors don't evaluate your health purely of statistics. They evaluate your health through a physical checkup as well as the wealth of knowledge they learn from medical school as well as other patients they may have seen. You're treating medicine and surgery and someone's health as if it's anyone's guess like the fucking weather report. You didn't even read my post properly either. I mean the motherfuckers that sell your skull back together when you get into an accident come out the ones we're moving tumors from your brain, resetting bones, giving you Lasik eye surgery, anesthesia (That could arguably be automated but it's way too delicate of a procedure as of right now), etc. The shit that requires years and years and years of studying practice in order to be even somewhat good at. I'll be the first one to tell you I will never trust a truly automated surgeon MD, pharmacist, or anything like that despite being pro AI art.

>> No.6502939

>Web 3

>> No.6502941

As an artist I'm kind of afraid of AI but holy shit, all these piss babies always throwing these tantrums just make me wanna flip sides.

>> No.6502942

Human doctors can fuck up your health too. I'd rather have the statistical best outcome than get prescribed whatever random anti-depressant the GP is feeling like that morning

>> No.6502945

And AI has to be spoon fed 10 times More often in order to give out somewhat correct answers. See chat GPT. As of right now that thing is only good at helping you automate certain tasks or helping you make your emails sound more professional or some shit, But it is still being caught giving confidently wrong answers all the time. Doctors can be shit at their jobs but a half-assed AI will be orders of magnitude worse.

>> No.6502949

I mean AI art was not even a blip on most people's radar so my point is that it's not unthinkable in the next couple of years

>> No.6502952

People only give a shit now because people figured out how to run this shit on their own computers. AI generated art, contrary to people's closed-minded beliefs, has been around for several years if not decades. Movie studios have already taken advantage of AI shit But didn't bother telling anyone because no one knew what the fuck it was and it was too technical for anyone to even bother explaining what it is.

More popular != The fundamental method making it good suddenlink it's better overnight. Developers will improve it whether or not it's popular.

>> No.6502956

Damn i need some of that

>> No.6502958

>has been around for several years if not decades.
based schizo anon

>> No.6502960

What are you talking about, while AI art has been around for a while it was certainly nowhere near good enough for commercial use until very recently

>> No.6502961

What a retarded take. Not sure if this is cope or if you're just retarded

>> No.6502967

Da vinci did a shitload more than just art

>> No.6502971

He made his living as a military engineer and all around smart guy, smart enough for Dukes to keep around for pay.

>> No.6502977

Fucking because if I'm not then its content is already going to get fed into and reproduced by AI, making it harder for me to find actually good and original content and support the author making it.
I think it's pretty fucking obviously that all I care about is the quality of the content that I can find and consume, which will become an issue if AI is allowed to be trained without restrictions. The "first person" bit was just to explain how the media being physical will not make it any easier for me as a consumer, not because I want bragging rights or someshit.

>> No.6502979

Get a load of this retard.
Doctors aren't gods you fucking moron, they're at most human mechanics. Therapists are the ones that are actually protected from automation, no one wants to talk about their trauma and shitty life with a robot.

>> No.6502980

Ted said it would basically be a global and systematic for the tech to be given up. Thats more unlikely then the system itself shitting the bed or the sun or yellowstone deciding it finally had enough of our shit.

>> No.6502982

yeah because you were making so many anime backgrounds before lol.
Shaddup and get back to drawing your furry comms

>> No.6502987

I'm not an artist sadly, I'm just a consumer that values good content.
Oh and I do agree that money shouldn't be the main motivation, but if the author is earning a decent amount then I can at least rest assured that they have a reason to make more and the means to do it faster.
Unless start earning too much and start slacking, in that case I'm fucked.

>> No.6502989

Look up Aaron AI, didn't take me 1 minute to check that up

>> No.6502993

And still lived mostly from donations

>> No.6503002

>no one wants to talk about their trauma and shitty life with a robot

>> No.6503010
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AI wil kill all jobs
the rich will cook the poor
you will own nothing

>> No.6503020

as a rich person (trustie fund kid) I personally think the best way to solve over population is to cull the poor. Serilization and child limits is not enough. Poorfags need to killed en mass now, and honestly whatever envriomental issues we have would be 99% solved by purging all these eaters.

>> No.6503022

Artists first, they bring nothing to society other than making people waste their time on entertainment over productivity

>> No.6503025

recreation is important to maintain efficiency, but Marvel movies fulfills those functions and propaganda too, any artfag on /ic/ will almost certainly be worthless dross, talented in art or not

>> No.6503027

Entertainment will be the only thing left after AI takes over all the productivity.

>> No.6503029

and it won't be made by you
it will be literal goyslop

>> No.6503031

until then full gas no breaks

>> No.6503032


>> No.6503037

You clearly didn't read what you linked. It actually backs up my point more.

>> No.6503042

Attention spans will become so low people won't even be bothered to proompt anymore. They'll just lay in the pod sipping a bug milk straw and watching rng woke content tailored to their neurolinks.
>hahah you still prompt and train your own SD models? Are you some kind of neo luddite?

>> No.6503049

Literally our future

>> No.6503050
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future looking pretty good

>> No.6503053
File: 33 KB, 739x415, (artfags when).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>math make pretty pictures
>we;re all gonna die

>> No.6503055

some youtuber take on the future
oooh, must be true when even experts get it wrong most of the time

>> No.6503062

>AI fags scared at the thought their beloved technology won't bring them the utopia they hope it will

>> No.6503064

we're kind of already there
don't people watch travel vlogs and streams to experience traveling without actually traveling?

>> No.6503066
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that was cause of covid and beside who can afford international flights anymore

>> No.6503067

Yes, it's better than physically traveling because it's more environmentally friendly and accessible to people of color ;)

>> No.6503068

i'm old enough to not care what happens in 50 years

>> No.6503069

they existed long before covid, its not new that people treat streams as vicarious living

>> No.6503070
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like TV, movies and dare I say... books?

>> No.6503073

~2050 seems to a common year many people point to, so less than 30 years, you'll get to see whatever happens before you die
take yer vitamins, along with yer meds

>> No.6503076

i heard mongolia is a great place to touch grass, it's time to learn a new language

>> No.6503077

tv movies and books arent as immersive as some person filming things in first person
either youre being obtuse on purpose or you're just a retard

>> No.6503082

>youtube vid recorded on phones is more immersive than old media with millions of budget or actual books where your mind is free to create any images
some more kiddo

>> No.6503083

oh okay you're just a retard

>> No.6503084

>Bro just trust the experts
>Just get the jab
>Its only temporary

>> No.6503087

not what i said or meant

>> No.6503095

>but chatgpt told me to take the jab and AI is the future

>> No.6503101

Based for posting they are using AI. let the art community mald and seethe

>> No.6503124
File: 1018 KB, 1067x1600, 20230203_040104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based korean did it again. His output rate has dramatically increased while there's no discernible drop in quality. All thank

>> No.6503128

>20+ years as a professional
>probably using 4090 cards
>plus zoomer/children assistants
it's literally not fair

>> No.6503129

God I want an anime waifu robot so bad, elon pls

>> No.6503130

Must be nice being blind

>> No.6503131

elon folded under twitter troons, he has no balls left, he killed twitter but at what cost???

>> No.6503132


>> No.6503133

waifu robot with artificial womb
that is the endgame
that or extinction

>> No.6503139

>short anime about a boy and his robot (AI) dog
Oh the irony. I bet you would have kicked the robot dog too for taking a real dog's job.

>> No.6503146


>> No.6503149
File: 1.43 MB, 1500x1038, 1675218097253690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro it looks absolutely nothing like his work prior to novelai lmao

>> No.6503151

it's all the same uguu garbage, kys weeb

>> No.6503154
File: 33 KB, 350x727, images (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503155

what a blast from the past i just took now, i used to copy his art way back when i decided to draw for real and kept watching this video. it took me a long time to undo his shit proportions


>> No.6503158

Yea there were Kim hyung tae clones everywhere on DA in 2005

>> No.6503160
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>it took me a long time to undo his shit proportions

>> No.6503161

Why you old fuckers still on /ic/

>> No.6503162

Also, my impression is that these boomer artists like hyung tae and aoi nanase (another blast from the past who spams ai jank nonstop) is that they have given up chasing art trends and decide to find relevancy by letting AI do it for them, at the expense of their old school fans feeling betrayed

>> No.6503165
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x853, 0a7abc853574efd5cefb38c355278307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngmi means (you) are here forever

>> No.6503166

This AI shit has me wishing i was even older, who knew I'd be reminiscing about deviantart and livejournal of all things

>> No.6503167

>decide to find relevancy by letting AI do it for them
nope, they are just having fun with new tech
>at the expense of their old school fans feeling betrayed
lmao, who???
nobody knows this guy from old af ps2 games, nigger, if anyone follows him it's becasue of the gacha mobile shit
only people feeling betrayed AND are old fans are boomer fucks like you

>> No.6503168

pls post your work, I want to see how much a crab improves in 20 years

>> No.6503169

^ This
I never made it, I just talk about random shit here now

>> No.6503171

Aoi nanase caused a huge shitstorm on jp art twitter by selling a doujinshi full of ai art lmao she had a menhera meltdown after

>> No.6503172

>coomer boomer uses ai to make coomer art

>> No.6503176

idk who that is, their twitter seems to be still doing ai shit
is this a real artist or just another dojin coomer pro?

>> No.6503177

>nope, they are just having fun with new tech
No they are burnt out and lazy.

>> No.6503179

Bruh the one on the left looks unique
The one on the right looks like it came out of the goydispenser

>> No.6503180
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fair enough, at least you don't have to worry about AI art now

>> No.6503181

you try doing sluts for 20 years, he's trying to keep it fresh, and he can;t even do real porn, being corean

>> No.6503182
File: 62 KB, 498x615, images (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was an artist superstar in the late 90s and early 2000s, highly influential on early moe and bishoujo art

>> No.6503184

it's a sad sight indeed, I see all the old artist I knew when I was young "refreshing" their art to keep inline with newer fashion and tastes... but they are professionals and they must sell

>> No.6503185

ngl, that is ugly af
her ai is better, no offense

>> No.6503186

I know that boomers often don't care about what others think of them, they don't give a shit about opinions

>> No.6503187

Yea none of the stable diffusion resembles his actual artstyle one bit

>> No.6503189

he can train a model on his own art, that is a method, obviously he doesn't care, and probably just pays to use NovelAi or Nijijoureny, the weeb version of Midjouney

>> No.6503190
File: 66 KB, 470x653, images (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is what it is, if you're a dinosaur like me you'll remember a time when there was a 50% chance you click on any given DA page she'd be listed as their favorite artist

>> No.6503196
File: 614 KB, 717x540, 327995637_722446419382584_2169781005029665088_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also old af, just got back into drawing last year too, lmao.
This ai shit is neat, but it's already to late for me anyway, I'm too old to draw too stupid for nerdshit.
Think I'll pick up a used guitar.

>> No.6503200

Based Japs. Hope engineers fix up the hands and make it less blurry. But I'm sure there's a way, seeing how far it's come in such a short amount of time

>> No.6503204

it will get fixed, but not by Emad, that fag is very happy to butcher SD noew that he is fat with 100mil VC money
and it might take years, don't hold your breath

>> No.6503208

I'd treat it to a calming EMP therapy before disassembling it for copper.

>> No.6503219
File: 127 KB, 1396x297, Screenshot_20230203_052707_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6503221

It starts

>> No.6503223

furries, lmao

>> No.6503225

Reminds me of the dude who cried during the star wars trailer

>> No.6503234


>> No.6503237

There are different companies working on it and competing for market share though. Facebook/ meta announced that it's working on ai generated content aswell.

>> No.6503240

Meta/Google/OpenAI(MS), anything they put out will be pozzed, censored and garbage SAAS server side shit.
It will happen eventually, but will be much delayed for us open source users.

>> No.6503264

It will force stable diffusion to inovate aswell. The VC investment is tied to putting out products and services. Our pajeets can't just pocket the money and run.

>> No.6503301
File: 24 KB, 452x190, 1645579150134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first overuse of ugly cgi shit
>now ugly AIshit
I thought japanese were all hard working, detail oriented and ganbatte and shit.
New anime is finished.

>> No.6503302

New anime has been nothing but recycled trash anyways. Theres maybe like 3 decent anime a year now

>> No.6503303

About time modern digital art twitter faggots finally get knocked down.

>> No.6503304

the ratio of good anime versus shite has always been the same

>> No.6503307

Nah, sounds like you have sht taste. Compare 2011/2012 to now, I dare you.

>> No.6503311

random variations mean nothing
we all know the best anime was the one you saw when you were 13, anon

>> No.6503499

>NTA But the artist that you can even consider pro started because it's their goddamn passion and not as purely a means to stay upload. Making a little side money should be a SIDE EFFECT, not the end goal.
Retarded take. People who have a passion for something love the idea of merging their day job with their passion (even though it doesn't always work out, but the idea is always to make it work). Because that means your time and energy aren't nearly as split. And it's natural for people to consider their passions when choosing career paths.

>> No.6503503

Fuck you.

>> No.6503504

kek, I guess that's
>afraid of AI
it is

>> No.6503526
File: 146 KB, 1080x901, 031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not afraid of AI, Im just annoyed that it will oversaturate the already oversaturated market. Artists have always been told to get a "real job," but now its being echoed by even more mindless pro-ai masses. AI may replace some artists but it won't replace all of them. There will always be people who like to support other people's endeavors.
This is capitalism, they will find a way to replace every human. Nearly every employee is disposable at any given moment. Makes you wonder how they expect to get more money if everyone is out of their job.

>> No.6503536

Accelerate evolution by killing off everyone but the one percent who push for progress.

>> No.6503537

there's like 8 billion people now
they'd really prefer it if there was only 2 billion
~500 million being ideal
it's for the environment, you see, pls understand
some sacrifices must be made for mother nature

>> No.6503550

Their not really pushing for progress though infact im sure they hate progress of society, they just want surfs.
Like the rich even care about mother nature, they're roo busy destroying it for entertainment

>> No.6503563

'progress' as in cementing your own status.
What better way to secure yourself than reducing the number of those capable of overthrowing you and maximizing control over those who remain?

>> No.6503565

So like a self-centered totalitarianism

>> No.6503575

nah, the world's elite are preoccupied with trying to inundate every developed country with a larger population via immigration, more people = bigger economy = more competition for real estate food etc (which they profit from), the lower class are all too lazy and fat and poor to overthrow anything lmao

>> No.6503665
File: 244 KB, 840x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the artist I've seen on twitter complain about AI art are now using beta.elevenlabs.io to give their OCs voices and bypass the need for a voice actor.
It's only bad until it benefits them.

>> No.6503666


>> No.6503667

link one

>> No.6503668

Just type "beta.elevenlabs.io" in twitter.
It's mostly used for giving characters like Sonic and Duke Nukem funny lines, but about every 4 or 5 posts is someone using it for their OC.

>> No.6503674

it's wholesome fun, not ugly mangled uncanny art

>> No.6503677

It's all fun and games until an AI voice tries to get passed off as a real VA in an official production.
And I'm not talking intentionally robotic text to speech voices I mean a replacement for a normal role that would normally go to a paid actor.

>> No.6503686

yeah I don't like it too, I could only find one artist with any kind of following who used it though (there's a lot of people using AI art + elevenlabs to get content of their OCs generally though)

>> No.6503693

at least you can actually use this for VNs and games, ai shit is still garbage for shit that needs continuity

>> No.6503718
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>Doctors aren't gods you fucking moron,
No one said they are, midwit

I never said there's anything necessarily wrong with monetizing your passion, but that should not be the only fucking reason you draw or do a hobby, and said hobby that has very little if any job security should not be your main source of income. It's like me trying to make YouTube my main source of income. Sure I COULD Get lucky and get a bunch of views and brand deals but that's usually for other people who get lucky or who has connections or genuinely have content good enough to gain a huge audience or all of the above. Halfwit-Artists are under the impression that ANY artist or ANY kind of non-ai assisted Art should be able to sustain them financially and then some when doing so is arguably worse and more stressful than working a minimum wage job at McDicks.

You aren't entirely wrong but the same thing can be said by most "normal" artists. Remember that part of the reason AI models were so bad at drawing hands is because a lot of artists suck ass at drawing fingers properly. Why do you think it's pretty good at faces, hair styles, intricate clothing, detailed backgrounds, etc, but suffered so badly with hands and fingers? A lot of artists do not bother going the extra mile to draw 100% and atomically correct pants and fingers because that's really not the most important part of the art piece most of the time and most people aren't even paying that much if any attention to the hands.

>> No.6503732

>Going rate
It's not the going rate if people aren't being hired at that rate comrade.

>> No.6503737

This is correct. You'll be scanned by an AI that will give a diagnosis but the doctor will still need to approve that diagnosis.

>> No.6503750

AI Voice acting sucks, lol. It's good for shitposting, but is garbage in terms of actual qcting quality.

>> No.6503751
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>> No.6503760

They're doing that because of social security schemes requiring more people but first world people don't have kids. It's that simple.

>> No.6503802

my porn VN will feature robutts, it's perfect

>> No.6503843


>> No.6504215

>AI may replace some artists but it won't replace all of them
Even if it replaces some artists thats enough reason to disqualify them from fair use

>> No.6504230

>No one said they are, midwit
You act like they have some god given gift that allows them to perfectly diagnose someone. Stop back pedaling bitch.

>> No.6504274

Again, retard, no one said they're perfect. I'm just pointing out that robots and AI in general are nowhere near skilled enough to even be considered for performing stuff like surgeries, accurate diagnosis, prescriptions, etc. If it was then hospitals what already be pushing HARD to implement them as I call saving measure. You're the dumb fuck putting words in people's mouths

>> No.6504288

Fucking goal post moving mental midget. No shit they're not skilled enough, yet, but what doctors do is nothing short of maintenance, a role AI is best suited for. GP and surgeons aren't designing anything but you're so much of a brainlet you can't wrap that around your head.

>> No.6504289
File: 299 KB, 1242x1167, 20230203_084321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AIs in machines currently are not skilled or precise enough to do surgeries. We can agree on that right? Or are you going to spurg out against that too? They might be good enough one day but they sure as fuck aren't now. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.6504292

voice acting isn't a skill. I could use a voice synthesizer and do all the uguu kawaii anime moaning myself if you'd prefer that, faggot

>> No.6504299

>The AIs in machines currently are not skilled or precise enough to do surgeries
No one was arguing this, strawman faggot. The original argument alleges that doctors will eventually become automated, no one is arguing that the current technologies already are automating them. No wonder you put blind faith in doctors when you can't even follow a conversation.

>They might be good enough one day but they sure as fuck aren't now. That's all I'm saying.
Nah, you were saying that AI would NEVER match up to a physician or surgeon which is fucking retarded if you ever had a difficult illness that required 5+ physicians before you found one that could actually make the correct diagnosis. AI diagnosis and AI doctors would be a godsend.

>> No.6504374

So you want a ChatGPT version of WebMD giving out potentially life saving or LIFE ENDING medical info?

>> No.6504396

People who say this are typically bad at voice acting.

>> No.6504399

You're actually functionally retarded.

>> No.6504442

Based on the average person thats alive
This doesnt sound that bad

>> No.6504484

WebMD is useless, use pubmed or google scholar. ( consult your doctor and don't hold us liable). b.s.

>> No.6504677


>> No.6504684

nah, it's pretty good, got all the fingers and don't even have that weird yellow cast too over the render

>> No.6504692

t. goyflix

>> No.6504694

it's literally what it's best at, no-draw

>> No.6504702

if you watch anime slop in 2023 you deserve this

>> No.6504703

>AIslop looks nothing like the original design
>pretty good
Ok Ranjeesh

>> No.6504706

In this case original design was a doodle intended to guide the ai, retard.
But I expect nothing less from subhumans like you.

>> No.6504710
File: 126 KB, 199x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no discernible drop in quality.
No discernible quality. ftfy aitrannies will never pass

>> No.6504722

incredibly shit bait, the ones who are spamming eleven is the same ones spamming ai art already

>> No.6504727

>No u!
Anyone using ML to make decisions for them relinquished being human. ywnbaa

>> No.6504951

Comparisons do, and even visually it applies. Cgi looks like utter shit and within the past 5 years it went from being occasionally used to being frequently used now.

>> No.6504954

This sounds like a fallacy

>> No.6505183
File: 871 KB, 1574x896, A.I. Artist grandmaster artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you missed the shit flinging with this post

>> No.6505795
File: 170 KB, 335x506, vegeta kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI bros you won. I will commit sudoku, unironically.