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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 58 KB, 553x577, e00ac523-3c81-4eac-a48e-2fe1983b0ac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6500355 No.6500355 [Reply] [Original]

How do you draw black people properly? No, seriously. All the tutorials I've seen are for drawing and shading white people.

>> No.6500364

>All the tutorials I've seen are for drawing and shading white people
then you're a retard, there are tons of tutorials on black people, in fact, they are very popular right now on youtube

>> No.6500378
File: 1.25 MB, 2412x3219, pexels-oladimeji-ajegbile-2379886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study photographs like with any other personn. There's plenty of good images available for that purpose.

>> No.6500407

why would you want to?

>> No.6500414

It's in demand for NSFW art

>> No.6500421

unironically the same way you draw black cars
low diffuse contrast, high specular reflections
think of the skin grease like car wax

>> No.6500442

>being a cuckold enabler

>> No.6500459

The only thing I remember is that you should make the highlights cold compared to light skin tones, which should be warm, in general. Though that would depend on specific lighting conditions also.

>> No.6500531

larger than average nostrils. big lips but its not needed. Flat nose bridge. not all black people look the same. just look at different photos and study black people faces. also most black people tend to have longer arms and legs compared to torsos.

>> No.6500537

I don't know, have you tried drawing them? Where do you think tutorials come from, if it's a tutorial based on another tutorial sooner or later it will lead to the source which is analyzing the real thing and simplifying it to your style

>> No.6500556

Morpho teaches this

>> No.6500565

Lighter skin people are more defined by the shadows and occlusion made contrasting their skin.
Likewise dark skin peoples faces are more defined by the shininess of they're skin. You can see that most black people, including the guy you posted, are particularly shiny.

>> No.6500580

stfu mikey

>> No.6500660

I draw a white character and make their skin black, fags are happy *anime tutorial

>> No.6500779
File: 561 KB, 1024x764, 5194023033_46e5446e7a_b-2661718606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't draw Black people can you even draw? Just study photos and draw.

>> No.6500885
File: 263 KB, 598x440, Screen Shot 2014-08-06 at 21.28.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bugs bunny way is best way
just maybe don't sign your real name

>> No.6500892

this is racist as FUCK lol

>> No.6500901
File: 200 KB, 600x600, YAMERO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black woman cooking dinner is racist

>> No.6501266

its all value, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being pitch black and 1 being fresh snow on a sunny day blindingly white, where does that black persons skin fall... I would probably say a 7 with the with the highlights probably getting to a 3 or a 2

>> No.6501270

If you can draw a head, you can draw any. Its all about proportions. Not race
Remember, when in doubt draw 100.

>> No.6501289
File: 571 KB, 1024x581, gay nigga daddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw white person
>darker skin
>lip outline
>nose optional
das it
it anyone complains, call them a racist

>> No.6501300

>look at ref
>apply values as you see
Just like everything else.

>> No.6501315

more like awesome as fuck, looks great.

>> No.6501319

Use the bucket tool and select the brown color.

>> No.6501324

I want to draw Samuel L Jackson.

>> No.6501333

You don't, if you literally trace them you get called a racist, but if you make them look human you get called a racist too.

>> No.6501343


Yeh, if you literally traced OPs picture, and made it as dark as the guy is, with the nose and grin and everything people would call you a racist. Only thing that might save it is the suit.

>> No.6501531
File: 362 KB, 1280x892, tumblr_ont2vrDdkI1qhwzkvo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6501536
File: 141 KB, 1200x1200, 1630980534828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, seriously
Even if you are this is 4chan expect nothing but troll and /pol/ post.

>> No.6501541

Ethan Becker draws a lot of brothas and sistas, check him out

>> No.6501547

>Fill Color
You're welcome

>> No.6501550
File: 302 KB, 1200x810, 1666360601479400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6501562

don't know but please DO NOT give them pink nipples, it's my number one pet peeve. can't believe how many people don't even bother trying to reference from real life

>> No.6501563

Fuck this cancer character, japan is going to woke hell too.

>> No.6501574
File: 29 KB, 452x410, 159552588584152650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god...is that...a...a black person??

>> No.6501622

It is, but it's painted very beautifully.

>> No.6501645

What is racist about it?

>> No.6501650
File: 178 KB, 1091x850, richardschmidpeeprfsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not american and I always thought this was very beautiful. How is depicting a large black woman cooking racist? It's even done lovingly, she looks happy and inviting. There's no caricaturing of "racist" features. Unless you think depicting real people is racist (fat black people exist). It's not racist.
Black/dark skin absorbs light much more than lighter skin tones. So when it reflects the sky or other colours it comes up more saturated. Paint some dark skin tones in bright sunlight and it can be a great way to learn how bounced and ambient light works because it shows up more easily. Very beautiful.
Pic rel from Richard Schmid's book Alla Prima

>> No.6501657

burger here, it's not racist but black people don't like being compared to the "mammy" stereotype. It's like if you did a painting of a hard-working Mexican in a field. It could be a respectful portrait, and people like that exist by the thousands, but it's an archetype that's been used against them historically. Again, I'm not saying anything is wrong with the painting - I agree it isn't racist at all. I'm just giving some cultural context.

>> No.6501659

why you would like to draw niggers

>> No.6501698

Do you ever get tired of being racist?

>> No.6501701
File: 147 KB, 307x300, 1628177903943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you a white guy decide for yourself what stereotype a black person might find racist and don't consider them rational enough to notice the nuance and the obviously well painted image?
like cmon man noone would look at earnest art and be offended and the types that would exist for every race aka no specific race is being targetted by that piece hell i could paint a white woman shopping and you'll have karens coming out of the woods screeching about stereo types
those kinds of people cannot be reasoned with to begin with so worry about not hurting their feelings is just dumb yo
enjy art man dont be a prick you high horse faggot if you dont reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep

and tldr for my racist frens: who cares what niggers think lmao : D

>> No.6501725
File: 1.32 MB, 1160x725, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fine, he's literally the cute MC's faggot actually homosexual father figure, yer right tho, they had me worried for a while, ngl

>> No.6501729

you have to draw thugs, rioters, gay activists and antifa scum to shoot at

>> No.6501757

I'm literally surrounded by 12 year olds

>> No.6501758
File: 2.90 MB, 1920x1609, ive seen gayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, at least mentally 12

>> No.6501760

He was a well-written character and the anime as a whole sold really well.

>> No.6501772

Black kid heads look like aliens wtf

>> No.6501775

Dude you can't even see the drawing, she is too dark

>> No.6501778

Leyendecker was no racist, kid's head be that way sometimes

>> No.6501779

I care so little, you have no idea how little I care

>> No.6501780
File: 382 KB, 400x557, 1669981809601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger here
stop reading right there

>> No.6501782

World traveller here, every single country is racist as fuck. Its actually shocking. (Most brown Indians and Chinese hate negro's).

Welcome to real life

>> No.6501806

>shitskins are infantile and immoral

>> No.6501860


>> No.6501862

Is it? Please elaborate, I'm not american so I don't get it?

I just see a beautiful painting of a black woman bathing a turkey in sauce, whats racist about it?

>> No.6501902
File: 44 KB, 482x465, FgFJkhnXgAA7nW5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomer burgers are trained to get triggered over any depiction of blacks or females that isn't strong militant and angry, thus the image of a fat woman triggers him, image of a woman cooking triggers him, her being black triggers him... an image of a fat black woman happy to cook meals for her family ULTRA triggers him, such is the state of burgers and america

>> No.6501923

>t. Black

>> No.6501944


Kid's heads in general look like aliens. A baby will fall over from a sitting position due to the weight of it's head.

>> No.6501953


It reminds Americans of a time in American history where black people were used as slaves and servants to do tasks like that. Americans don't like being reminded of that time.

>> No.6501960


Some, anyway.

>> No.6501997


And I don't know how stuff worked back then but the fact that it has a black kid in in as well makes me think it's not trying to be delibrately racist. If it was a white kid, she'd be the maid as interacial marriage wasn't acceptable at that time.

>> No.6502013

You can't be "reminded" of a time or event you never experienced. You have been indoctrinated and surrogately traumatized, purposefully.

>> No.6502024
File: 228 KB, 1024x721, f805bafec49143ea9b051aa2fdb1353b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's trying to reproduce the texture of the hair but he's missing the way it curls and just drawing it flat, that's why it looks off I think.

>> No.6502028

meant for >>6501772

>> No.6502081

primary advice: dont colour black people like >>6501550
black people are RED
see >>6502024 >>6501650 >>6500779 >>6500378

>> No.6502134


Don't be pedantic, you know what I meant.

>> No.6502159
File: 170 KB, 1170x779, Himba+father+and+son_Cropped_hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The darkest natives of Africa have a blue tone, which she probably is, judging from the dress.

>> No.6502180

You never heard of a nigga so dark he's purple?

>> No.6502187

Those necklaces are pretty aesthetic to be honest.

>> No.6502212

you can use blue or red really.

>> No.6502250
File: 912 KB, 2560x1440, 205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First ever person of color from poor socio-economical background i have ever drawn. It wasnt harder than the wipio, just more work since there was a way more coloring and blending to do.

I simply drew what i saw. Works on any subject really.

>> No.6502265


He can't be too poor, those glasses look expensive.

>> No.6502277


His right eye isn't aligned properly because you don't seem to view the head as a 3D sphere. It's not just a stretched 2d plane.

>> No.6502287

When I paint blacks skin, I use the same palette as for 'white' skin. Really, I don't need to invent new colours, they're just the same, used in different quantities.

>> No.6502417

Fuck off faggot. My family, like the majority of American families, are early 1900's immigrants.
I will not pay penance for "sins" not just me, but nobody in my bloodline, ever committed.

>> No.6502421


>> No.6502430

I dont

>> No.6502432

Don't know I don't draw them

>> No.6502448

I’m black and I knew from day one that my life is America is a far better place to be than anywhere else. Maybe britain could’ve worked out for me as I always felt like I could’ve been a pro badminton player.

>> No.6502450

Wtf are these images

>> No.6502530

I literally said it's not racist, you illiterate retard
He asked, I answered. Brain dead.

>> No.6502593
File: 319 KB, 1600x1200, Kwaio_Community_Malaita_Solomon_Islands.width-1600.c898dbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not blue or red, their dark skin is reflecting the sky giving blue and the dirt/bright sand giving red and it shows up more vivid and saturated. Like I said here
They aren't blue on a cloudy day or red in a concrete city, because there's no blue or red to be reflected by their skin. If they're in an overcast environment their skin goes a desaturated purple.
Their local colour is black or brown and then you can play with the colours in the highlights because it absorbs so well

>> No.6502598

I can see his balls! LOL!

>> No.6502604

Also all people are red to some degree in our skin because of our blood, visible on the picture. So yes, a reddy brown is often a good place to start but some people are SO darkly pigmented that their blood doesnt affect their skin colour and they're skin is pitch black

>> No.6502737
File: 467 KB, 755x988, Screen Shot 2023-02-02 at 1.48.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study loomis.

>> No.6502743
File: 55 KB, 680x1069, 3s2lbtr7oi191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking toothbrush
every time

>> No.6502772
File: 18 KB, 612x408, imgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study black people both in real life and in pictures. Do your research and find out what black people find offensive/racist and avoid stereotypes.
Learn how to draw their hair/the various ways to style it, how their facial features are diferent from other races, how their skin absorbs and reflects light, etc.

If you are white and get popular be prepared for people to accuse you of profiting off of black people even if you are respectful.
Had that shit happen to me and got chased off of social media.

>> No.6502792


Oh, wow... did you draw white people too?

>> No.6502867

get the fuck away from me niggerman

>> No.6502883

>black people were used as slaves
the picture is from 1920's at best, slavery ended in 1860, even at the time if the illustration, slavery had ended 2 gens ago
>and servants
working is not a sin
everything you ever ate that you did not prepare yourself has been prepared for you by brown people, black and brown earning an honest living

I sincerely HATE and despise your kind, who only react to appearances whilst supporting and luxuriating from the same systemic causes that gives you a 1st world life at the sweat of colored people everywhere.
When the "revolutions" actually come, you'll be the first against the wall with your brains spattered by a bullet just before you cry,"b-but I was an a-ally."

>> No.6502885

gov. subsidy

>> No.6502889

Kek, based boomer artists, keeping it real.

>> No.6502896
File: 33 KB, 515x501, E3vVSh5XEAAFofh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got chased off of social media
lmao, based coons chasing off jungle fever'd whitey before their women get colonized one more time

remember kids, don't forget RESPECT and grovel before every random lefty, troll anyone pretending to be a coon on twitter

>> No.6503157

Why am I not surprised no one has actually posted their drawing of a black person..

>> No.6503159

no one ever posts their draws on shitpost threads

>> No.6503193

How to learn to represent anything:
Pick a medium: pencil, gouache, photoshop, oil, whatever.

Google until you find something like this on pinterest (tried to link before, bots think it's spam): /KaelaLindsey21/black-photography/

Paint / draw the entire thing. When you're bored, find people you trust to critique your best work. If things aren't coming up to the quality of your best work, it's usually because of workflow. Figure out what workflow leads to good drawings / paintings.

By the end, you should be pretty good at whatever you are trying to represent.

>> No.6503213
File: 119 KB, 558x682, nwjQhNWaUpTw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself

>> No.6503230


>> No.6503246

>If you are white and get popular be prepared for people to accuse you of profiting off of black people even if you are respectful.

I've noticed this territoriality before, but they don't seem to have any problem borrowing from us.

>> No.6503397

It's part of the 'mammy' stereotype that existed in American media for so long. I would suggest looking more into the mammy, sapphire, coon, magical negro and jezebel stereotypes. For a long time these stereotypes have existed in American media and continue to exist. It's only recently that they've started to treat Black characters as actual humans.

Black characters aren't the only minority group that is a victim of stereotypical depictions, but none ever exist for White characters unless they are disabled in some way.

Also, ignore this clueless idiot:

>> No.6503407

Some Americans want to go back to that time.

Many immigrants from that time only got accepted as 'White' because they also joined in attacking Black people, as well.

> slavery ended in 1860
Sharecropping didn't end until the 1940s.

>> No.6503415

>none ever exist for White characters unless they are disabled in some way
disingenuous retard.

>Many immigrants from that time only got accepted as 'White' because they also joined in attacking Black people, as well.
>sharecropping is slavery
behold: black american solipsism and martyrdom. the question is thus answered.

>> No.6503505

I went to Africa many years ago and every time one of the Africans saw an Asian person they would start doing Kung fu in front of them.

>> No.6503525

Draw them the way Rory Cummings Dise drew them

>> No.6503555

Stealing is, literally, their only cultural constant.

>> No.6503578

>none ever exist for White characters unless they are disabled in some way
>Germans are lanky faggots on child-size lederhosen
>French are stinky sex pests who don't shower or wash their teeth.
>The Big Book of British Smiles
>Americans are all either paranoid fat loud Texans or Appalachian hillbilly rednecks who fuck their sisters
>Italians, Hispanics, Slavs and the Irish still get called not white because they shit all over the privilege narrative
Fuck off cuck. Black people are coddled to hell and back and yet they're still the most racists and in the modern world. They're the ones who've started three race wars in 20th century America and gotten away with a slap in the wrist at most.

>> No.6503629

> It's only recently that they've started to treat Black characters as actual humans.
You mean, they’ve started to make black characters larp as white people

>> No.6503795
File: 2.88 MB, 2206x1530, fredd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6503806

Do you ever get tired of being a low iq nog?

>> No.6503813

Stereotypes are accurate

>> No.6503815


>> No.6503817

It literally look like those mini monkeys that wear the funny hat

>> No.6503819

>Some Americans want to go back to that time
They clearly should, that might stop you violent low IQ sub-animal creatures from assaulting 9 and 10 year old white kids
Ending segregation was one of the biggest mistake amerimutts ever made

>> No.6503820


There's an element of truth in stereotypes, yes.

>> No.6503822


Isn't that Tupac Shakur?

>> No.6503826

Agree, I used to live in London. Negro's were always the one making every worse for everyone else.
Now I live in a place where seeing Blacks is extremely rare.
Life is so much more peaceful

>Tfw no loud shit music
>No negro's stinking public transport with fried chicken
>Never have to worry if one of these monkeys is going to decide to play Knockout and give you brain damage
>Your eyes only lay eyes on healthy, beautiful people, wholesome families instead of Mammy gorillas screeching in the streets, their chicken thigh fatass rolls waving and bubblering as they run to catch their Alien headed kid


>> No.6503827

Well, thread was fun while it lasted.

>> No.6503835

Despite not living near you they're living in your head at all hours of the day.

>> No.6503841

Not really

>> No.6503846


>> No.6503851


>> No.6503869

>They're the ones who've started three race wars in 20th century America
What were these three "race wars" in 20th century America? please do tell.

>> No.6503875

White Flight the post.

>> No.6503884
File: 421 KB, 600x584, 052-3062744706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to know that the UK would have been 100% white today if your ancestors had just stayed in isolation instead of interfering with people all over the world? You didn't want diversity you should have stayed in Europe. Now enjoy running until you're extinct.

>> No.6503894

Midwit analysis is so tiresome to drudge through.
It's just like - a painting dude.

>> No.6503897

If black people are red how do you draw an Indian?

>> No.6503907
File: 1.24 MB, 981x1440, 1675440626257773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you draw black people properly
By drawing them breeding white women.

>> No.6503908

You mean a native American? More red.

>> No.6503912
File: 85 KB, 650x433, e058507d9df2bdd58bdfea54163ac34b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate being a mulatto and enjoying doing art. Don't fit into the racial politic of art cleanly enough ( and particularly don't care ) - time to become a furchad, I guess?

>> No.6503922
File: 369 KB, 1440x900, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I am not even British lmao. Not even White.
I am North African, berber, and not even us can stand niggers. White people have been the kindest people I've ever met (and I travel a lot).
I have nothing but love for British/Europeans, and I know, the day a race war breaks, if they need my help I will be there by their side helping them against the hordes of godless people.

I am also going to say this, don't take white peoples kindness as weakness. The people you should fear are never the ones who are quick to anger, but the patient ones. Because one these decide its time for war, you are absolutely fucked.

>> No.6503925

Buckbroken blind hegemony worker.
For all intents and purposes you end up on the wall too faggot.

>> No.6503933

Only a person that hasn't been in Africa would say this. I've seen negros wrap an old truck tire around other negros, and lit them on fire. That's their understanding of justice and rule of law. Hunting down albino negros to eat their livers cause the tribal negro leader thiks that'll give him magical voodoo powers.

Yes, I'll rather take jail and court haha. I've also made enough wealth where I don't have to worry about any of this anymore, I worked hard and got educated instead of being a negro on welfare checks spending my allowance on jordans and gold chains to impress fat mammys on social media

>> No.6503936

How red?

>> No.6503941
File: 47 KB, 779x734, 392048723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep dreaming. there won't be any race war, just a slow extinction. Regardless, if whites had their way you'd be footstool or a slave or something. You think a racist white society wants you as their ally? fucking kek, what a retard.

>> No.6503944

You have a complex. Log off /pol/ and stop taking examples of extremely poor and backward 3rd world nations for an entire race of people spanning the world in highly variable cultures and socioeconomic and educational backgrounds. Do people ever make sweeping judgements on 'the white race' by anything but their best?

>> No.6503945

>I've seen negros wrap an old truck tire around other negros, and lit them on fire.
what you saw was a video on the internet, probably a webm on /pol/ or something with zero context. so stop acting like you know anything, or that you're travelled or have experience lol. you're just a basement dweller that's probably never even left his own state.

>> No.6503948

I've lived in your ''racist'' societies for 15 years. It took care of me when I had no money, I got educated, I got free health and dental care. I got a good paying job, I got stability, peace and safety.
And no, Whites won't go extinct, they'll be just fine lmao
I've travelled world wide, and I've lived amonst minorities most of my life. I've already made my mind based on my own personal experiences. There's nothing an inmature kid with zero life experience can teach me

>> No.6503949

>I've lived in your ''racist'' societies for 15 years. It took care of me when I had no money, I got educated, I got free health and dental care. I got a good paying job, I got stability, peace and safety.

uh yeah thank Jews for all of that, if Anglos had it their way you'd wouldn't even be allowed in their presence.

>> No.6503954

>uh yeah thank Jews for all of that
I am literally a shepardic jew, haha, should I thank myself?

>> No.6503955
File: 1.38 MB, 400x401, caption-4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess there is no point in responding to a terminally mentally ill mudslime cuck for whites, then. Hope you take the bullet to the dome with a smile, too bad your corpses will be tossed into the 'African' pile with the rest of the niggers you despise.

>> No.6503956


>> No.6503958
File: 3.30 MB, 640x480, 1675365764593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jews are just a narrative personification of the class of belligerent elite whites that cause issues for the rest. Whites would unri9nically be able to achieve there ethnostate if they just stopped with the fucking jew meme and started keeping there own people accountable

>> No.6503959

The Ashkenazi, not you.

>> No.6503962

>uh yeah thank Jews for all of that, if Anglos had it their way you'd wouldn't even be allowed in their presence.
So? You say that like everyone is entitled to live in England, if they don't want anyone but them in there, its their choice as a people

Their country, their choice

>> No.6503963

Well yeah, but they're culturally Jews so they might as well not be White. Culture is more important than race imo

>> No.6503965

As I said before they should have thought about that "choice" before interfering with native people all over the world. Hell even I have a British passport and could live there if I want because of past colonial links. It's the devils chickens coming home to roost.