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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 105 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefaultt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6497611 No.6497611 [Reply] [Original]


I need some hopium, bros.
Marc Brunet made a few interesting arguments about why it's not over for us, not even close. I'm inclined to agree.

Anyone got any points to add to this?

-The way AI is trained right now is essentially plagiarism and art theft, there is an ongoing effort to make it so that AI trained on other people's work cannot be copyrighted.
-AI is limited by the data it's trained on, it can't innovate like we do.
-Only humans can truly elevate and progress art, invest new styles, etc. If humans stopped producing art, what AI would generate years from now would be more or less the same as what it does today, because of the point above.
-AI art can be used as a tool to complement a human artist's skillset, rather than replace us completely.
-Worst case scenario, AI will heavily regulated to prevent them replacing us.

>> No.6497612

Based AI is a tool chad.

>> No.6497613


>> No.6497620

Let's be real here. People will choose AI because it's cheaper than paying human artists.
Human artists real job now is to draw for training AI or fixed AI art if they work in a company.

>> No.6497623
File: 500 KB, 850x1344, 1675130212398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an artist nor do I frequent /ic/ but I genuinely think that AI in its current and future state should be regulated like nuclear bombs.
It's so soulless in the most correct definition of the word and it absolutely terrifies me. It won't just automate drawing, it will automate voice acting, soundtracks, animations, writing, etc.
And people will eat it up like they order fast food. Humanity will lose its soul.

>> No.6497630

>-The way AI is trained right now is essentially plagiarism and art theft, there is an ongoing effort to make it so that AI trained on other people's work cannot be copyrighted.
it isnt; also people don't care about this otherwise ip theft (fan art) wouldnt be popular.
>-AI is limited by the data it's trained on, it can't innovate like we do.
yes and no with enough iterations and corruption it can give unusual results, its more limited by the prompt and parameters
>-Only humans can truly elevate and progress art, invest new styles, etc. If humans stopped producing art, what AI would generate years from now would be more or less the same as what it does today, because of the point above.
atm yes, but judging by some papers on scihub it will get much more interesting soon
>-AI art can be used as a tool to complement a human artist's skillset, rather than replace us completely.
this is the only true statement
>-Worst case scenario, AI will heavily regulated to prevent them replacing us.
it will be behind a huge paywall before being regulated, just as gptchat.

seriously never take seriously an artist opinion on technology, politics or religion.

>> No.6497632
File: 124 KB, 1896x2768, donttouchme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6497638

Same debunked copes that were being posted here almost a year ago.

>> No.6497646
File: 21 KB, 800x1500, thoth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the warning was already spoken thousands of years ago. we will falter and raise again. there is currently a lack of soul within every society, that has gradually risen due to technology, it's a side effect of it, but one day we will return to our natural state, all societies have been through this, it will continue indefinitely, the cycle of rebirth. art is the same. art works the same as nature does, it lives and dies, then gets born again.
(i replaced Egypt with Earth:)
"Nevertheless, it is necessary that you know: A time will come in which it will seem that the Earthians in vain observed the cult of the Gods with as much mercy and that all the invocations will have been sterile and unheared. The divinity will leave the Earth and return to the sky, leaving Earth, its old one dwelled; then this earth sanctified by so many chapels and temples will see cover of tombs and deads. This land, that was a spiritual teacher to all humankind, wich loved the Gods with such devotion, that They deigned to sojourn here on earth. This land will exceed all others in cruelty. The dead will far outnumber the living, and the survivors will known as Earthians by their language alone, for in their actions they will be like men of another race. !Oh Earth, Earth! It will not be more of your religion than vague stories than the posterity no longer will believe and words recorded on the stone narrating your mercy. Every sacred voice will be silenced. Darkness will be preferred to light. No eyes will raise to heaven. The pure will be thought insane and the impure will be honoured as wise. The madman will be believed brave, and the wicked esteemed as good. Knowledge of the immortal soul will be laughed at and denied."

>> No.6497647

>seriously never take seriously an artist opinion on technology, politics or religion.
way to make your opinion worthless.
>it isn't plagiarism
If you put the name of an artist in the prompt it should be either that or some form of impersonation.

>> No.6497648

Nobody is reading all that Pajeet.

>> No.6497650

I'm not an artist, just a humble uni comp vision researcher from a foreign country who enjoys drawing.

>If you put the name of an artist in the prompt it should be either that or some form of impersonation.
so we should copyright, styles, color palettes, chord progressions, compositions, etc? this is exactly the thing disney would love to do

>> No.6497652

>atm yes, but judging by some papers on scihub it will get much more interesting soon
Could you elaborate?

>> No.6497654

what part of "putting name in prompt" don't you get?

>> No.6497656

>atm yes, but judging by some papers on scihub it will get much more interesting soon
Sources. Now.

>> No.6497658

>thread with an OP that's ostensibly anti-AI
>AIshitters reply within like 5 minutes
Every time. Guessing they realized that their pro-AI threads were getting deleted, so now they make threads with an anti-AI first post, then just immediately flood them with pro-AI replies and doompostings.

>> No.6497667

is it theft if I ask a commission in the style of van Gogh or ask for a replica of X famous piece?

there are some ideas ranging from using object recognition, edge analysis, color spaces analysis, spectroscopy as an extra step in image generation.

keep an eye on 2 minute papers

I'm not pro or anti ai, its just another tool in the box, I enjoy drawing and atm moment I don't see AI anytime soon in my workflow (or any kind of production setting), but I do see a lot of panic and misinformation on AI.

>> No.6497672

>regulated like nuclear bombs.
This is not going to end well.

>> No.6497679

>is it theft if I ask a commission in the style of van Gogh or ask for a replica of X famous piece?
I have clearly stated a stance on a specific case and you chose sophistry.
>I'm not pro or anti ai, its just another tool in the box
you are definitely a rat acting under the guise of being "reasonable".

>> No.6497683

ok, just keep rating me in /beg/ and /msg/

>> No.6497692
File: 56 KB, 1080x578, afkgaming_import_media_images_64144-5f5d9b481fe5863c196d3441322ab983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't fight automation faggot

>> No.6497695

Learn how to adapt, fag. Embrace AI.

>> No.6497696
File: 38 KB, 736x414, 75df9d98b7c3c7924763be69348f56d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corporations want cheaper, better, ways of marketing and selling their products.
As you may know, the United States law is practically controlled by big corporations.
AI enables corporations to make easier, better, cheaper, and faster than any massive team of artists.
This rambling about "copyright" is a nothingburger, it will lead to nowhere.
Right now we are on the bargain phase, soon artists will accept it that executives want machines, not humans.
They don't care if you have some deep understanding of art and you take your time to see a piece, because they know 99% of the people just sees it for 4 seconds and says "neat".
You can't fight automation, you art is now a hobby instead of a job.
It's over, acceptance will free you.

>> No.6497700

>what are comics and animation

>> No.6497712

No jobs ever got replaced by automation, it even creates more jobs. Don't worry, keep drawing

>> No.6497713
File: 83 KB, 449x741, ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not afraid of AI.
AI wont replace me :).

>> No.6497715


>> No.6497718

just looking at how AAA games flop even tho they have pretty graphics but shit everything else, its enough to assume repetitive shitty generic AI art wont replace anyone

its a good comparison to commissions too, why get generic shit when a real artist can do wtv the fuck you want exactly to the nano-detail

AI is all hype riding on the ignorance of people, as a dev i still have to explain to brainlets around be how shit like chatgpt isnt what they think it is

>> No.6497721

Please shutup

I'm starting to think you "people" who seriously argue about the AI stuff are bots yourselves

>> No.6497723

Even though I agree, I am sick of these topics.

You're in denial that your life had worth and you should kill yourself right now.

>> No.6497726

I would have loved to see how that AI lawyer thing would have played out if it didn't get shut down.

>> No.6497727
File: 619 KB, 2304x1024, 1674963464862488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you tell if we're bot or not?
You literally can't.

>> No.6497730

I can tell you have poor tastes, that said, I could use these as a basis and redraw the idea.

>> No.6497736

>The way AI is trained right now is essentially plagiarism and art theft, there is an ongoing effort to make it so that AI trained on other people's work cannot be copyrighted
AI art alone isn't copyrightable unless you work on the art it generates
>AI is limited by the data it's trained on, it can't innovate like we do
It can innovate, even if it's not like what we do limited data alone won't deny innovation
>Only humans can truly elevate and progress art, invest new styles, etc. If humans stopped producing art, what AI would generate years from now would be more or less the same as what it does today, because of the point above
AI based on AI, based on AI, based on AI would end up on some schlop, not necessarily progress but still a new style
>AI art can be used as a tool to complement a human artist's skillset, rather than replace us completely
In our lifetime this is the most likely scenario. 500 years from now who knows if humans will still exist
>Worst case scenario, AI will heavily regulated to prevent them replacing us
It won't replace artists it will just make art cheaper for companies

>> No.6497738
File: 455 KB, 1080x1812, AINikke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your hopium
Pic rel was edited by a professional artist and his assistant, for around 3-4 days and still get spotted as "AI made" by the most normies.
Even when they like the pic at first, they was angry when realized it was made by AI. The normies care more about art than you think.
If I be real, you are delusional if you think AI fags have any future in the art industry. When it's legal to steal artist's free arts, AI faggots will be shut down completely by photobash fags, especially artists who get pushed to the point they abandon their dignity as an artist.

>> No.6497740

I've started collecting them for their use of color, AI is exceptional at that.

>> No.6497742

/ic/ and bad taste goes hand in hand

>> No.6497745

that's more than acceptable

>> No.6497747

I also like AI skin shading

>> No.6497749
File: 405 KB, 2046x3072, 1675137232079369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6497751

Nah AI is replacing every creative field and broadly any job that can be done on a computer, any problems it has now will be ironed out by the billions of Indians they have working on this shit.

>> No.6497754

AI images are a fad but fuck are ai fags obnoxious right now. You can't go on any board without their threads shitting it up with goyslop.

>> No.6497761

AI is just the mcdonalds of art.
>why cook your own food when the mcdonalds makes it for you?
>just ignore that it just taste rather bland after a while and no one is impressed by the big mac and if you say anything negative about it you're just a coping cook wagie
sure it works occasionally but you won't get far eating just mcdonalds or only using AI and you can't even resell the mcdonalds cheese burger cause no one wants yours when they can get it straight from the program and or artist.

>> No.6497762

-AI art can be used as a tool to complement a human artist's skillset, rather than replace us completely.


But artists shun it and want it gone completely even though its going to be integrated into every program they use.

>> No.6497771

This guy is a fucking idiot.

>> No.6497794


a pure blooded brainlet

>> No.6497797
File: 599 KB, 720x698, 1674206956586988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one month old
recycling vids already?

>> No.6497802

Couldnt give a damn about AI anymore. If goyslop consoomers want to make and chug all the AI shit fine let them. But I want more than just pod dwelling bugmen consoomerist shit out of life so I will still draw. I assume there are other people that want something similar as long as they didnt fry their brain on some retarded shit.

>> No.6497808

Yeah it's pretty clear that these threads are just falseflags, especially that despite the relative slowness of /ic, these types of threads inevitably get "HAHA YOURE FUCKED GET A REAL JOB" replies almost instantly. Unless of course AIshitters aren't just doing drive by raids, and are instead so pathetic that they're constantly F5'ing a board they hate just to recycle low effort bait whenever they see an anti AI thread.

>> No.6497813
File: 170 KB, 768x960, 1674692356251535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will discourage a lot of smart people from pursuing art.
Let's say you decide to learn how to draw right now. You even dedicate 6-8 hours each day. Best case scenario you're a really good artist after 4 years.
AI is already at a point where it can replace 90% of the process right now, leaving people to do only minor touch ups. Imagine what it can do in four more years. And now imagine what it can do in 10-20 more years if you don't have 6-8 hours each and every day of the year to learn

>> No.6497816

>AI is already at a point where it can replace 90% of the process right now

you are a dumbfuck

>> No.6497819

Retarded Marc brunette follower, you probably bought his art school shit too, didn't you?

>> No.6497821

>by most normies
Ahahah if you actually look at the post, most normies didn’t realise it’s AI and wildly praised it

>> No.6497823

>doesn’t even try to disprove as doesn’t have any counterpoint

>> No.6497830

Even if AI did "replace" you, it's not like you can't use your skills for personal projects. There will always be a market for indie comics/games/vns/cartoons because people are lazy and don't want to make their own. Plus there's always the chance there will be a market of human purists who are staunchly against buying AI goods.

>> No.6497831

Honestly this was tagged or at least bypassed the AI filter on pixiv. Tiddies looked nice, but I thought it looked a bit off probably because the rest of the image looks too photo realistic.

>> No.6497834
File: 34 KB, 462x480, 7bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI cannot be copyrighted and therefore companies won't use it

AI art is already being banned by every art sites not because "hurr real art" but because of spam issues. Spam drives up the server cost

And biggest reason of all:
If Google's AI cannot automate language translation, AI art is not going anywhere

>> No.6497839

The fact that the one on the right is the most common "Stable Diffusion anime style woman" should be a pretty dead giveaway.

>> No.6497840

lol. lmao

>> No.6497844

Huh I thought it does an OK job on youtube but it absolutely shits itself when it trys to translate images

>> No.6497847

I depise everything about AI in general. it is all about stealing human work and claimining humans are absolete. It is a violation that makes humanity itself worse, and it kills the process of creation and everything about it.

However, when it comes to the competition in the market, it is clear that AI art is flooding all places. It was created to generate content faster, and saturation is something that will harm artists by itself. Beyond that, AI art is each time closer to mimick all things humans can draw, now it is even drawing hands properly. So, it is impossible to believe that it wont harm most, if not all artists very soon. Specially, if laws are not made agaisnt it, and since AI art was develop by the ones that have the money and laws themselves are arbitrary and never hinder those who hold more power, the outcome is clear.

>> No.6497849

It absolutely shits itself the longer the script
Few phrases here and there, fine.
Let it translate a full novel and you won't be able to bypass a single page.

Bear in mind that it's been like that for more than a decade now under Google's billion dollar research fund

And you think that AI art has a chance

>> No.6497859

I think it being spammed is too much for most people to look at, in 4ish months its created over a quarter million things on pixiv. Even things that are suppose to feed you shit constantly such as the youtube algorithm doesnt spill that much shit onto a user. Even if you cut it down to around a specific thing to around 10 000 images. Nobody is going to go through all that, unless their a terminal coomer.

>> No.6497866


You need to prove it first retard. Pulling numbers out of your mom's cunt doesn't count. 90% lmao. You don't even draw.

>> No.6497868
File: 810 KB, 1170x1171, 1673220984649910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart people
>pursuing art

>> No.6497872

>Organic machines mad that regular machines are better than them.

If the machine is able to replace you it deserves to. Don't be a crybaby.

>> No.6497873

better than being a wagecuck that doesn't give a shit about his job.

>> No.6497875
File: 55 KB, 512x512, We+live+in+a+society_fe3324_7319635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insta filters cannot replace models
Vocaloids cannot replace singers
Electric music cannot replace performing music

Google translate cannot replace translators

AI art is yet another trend
Skilled labor cannot be replaced

>> No.6497878

Then that's fine too. Just tired of whiners wanting to halt progress because they're scared. If a machine can do it better and faster than we should let it. There's no such thing as a human soul.

>> No.6497884
File: 28 KB, 326x308, What+do+you+get+when+you+mix+pomegranate+and+corn+_c53b26ceb03853fc98089e05116bda6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it can.
Be sure to tag it properly and don't pretend to be someone you're not

>> No.6497888

progress to what? Tech? Capital? whats the endgame here then

>> No.6497905

Artists wouldn't have a problem with it if it didn't use artists' works as direct input in the development, and if it didn't have functions to directly create mass-produced knockoffs of particular artists' works, a function which has already been used with malicious intent.
Also, post your hand please. Don't want to talk with a shitskin.

>> No.6497907

Progress to replacing the cattle (you and I) so there is no longer any reason to keep us alive. AI is being pushed so hard by every corpo and government for a reason, and it's never good for the plebs.

>> No.6497920

Exactly. AI is literally anti-human garbage, and it must be stopped.

>> No.6497932

I’m no aijeet, but I think there’s a big difference between a translator and an image generator in that you need to invest the time to read the translations and actually be able to translate to identify the errors, whereas seeing something is fucked visually has a much lower entry barrier on top of the format being much smaller than even an essay.
Let’s say it takes an artist 5 hours to produce an image, and let be generous and say it takes a minute for an ai, the ai has 300 shots at making something usable and the guy sitting there and pressing enter once a minute is going to be cheaper than the artist. There is no reasonable equivalent for translation.
Once the scope is expanded to an entire project with cohesive art, a comic, etc. the balance tips heavily to the artist’s favour, but outside of regulation, there isn’t much keeping the single commission market from being completely dominated by ai, especially since unskilled artists can fix a lot of the glaring issues comparatively quickly, at least to the point where they will be overlooked by the general population.
It bears mentioning that the audience at large is fucking retarded and literally can’t tell the difference between intentional brush strokes and random artifacts

>> No.6497943
File: 323 KB, 1920x1131, 159dd8b8c3961c58bac81dc37f62f49a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 years and billions of dollars still worth jack

If commissioners wanted AI art, they would just generate it themselves.

And your insistence that your audience is too dumb to tell the difference, and that they would appreciate AI art equally with actual artist, is exactly why you would always be banned on every art site.

That said, tag it properly

>> No.6497949

nigga, this “everyone who disagrees with me is an aifag” routine is getting tiresome, and if you think randos even comprehend things like brush strokes, composition, etc you are beyond deluded

>> No.6497953
File: 20 KB, 326x183, You+sound+upset+and+enrage+_3af32a90b583bbfe9e72bc86cb904ff8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they absolutely can. Even children can.
In fact, it's literally called "Uncanny Valley". It's an ability that is hardwired to everyone so we can figure out our tribes men from other human species

The only thing that an artist does is figure out why it is uncanny

And while at it, here a Truth Bomb for you, Pajeet:
Art is objective.

You can scream to the top of your lungs "It looks good, it looks identical, it would kill commissions!"
But the moment you said it's AI, it becomes worthless

This is a fact that every single artist have to contend with for no matter how great they are, they won't be making more than the guy who makes furry diaper porn.

This is a fact that you would have to eat sooner or later. Chaw

>> No.6497956

>uncanny valley
stopped reading there, you have literally no idea what the fuck you’re talking about

>> No.6497960
File: 2.61 MB, 1447x2047, 1674000368495645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you figure out what's wrong with this picture?
Of course you can't

You cannot tell why but you know that it is wrong.

That's your AI art

>> No.6497961

The same work being done in less time. Efficiency.

>> No.6497964
File: 337 KB, 1447x2047, 1674000368495645 red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the answer by the way.

>> No.6497968

you are arguing with yourself, retard

>> No.6497970

Tag it properly :^)

>> No.6497972

nigger, you are a /beg/ parroting phrases you do not understand
ai is the least of your concerns

>> No.6497974

So, if a children can be raped, they should be raped, if an old person can be tormented and killed, they should. In general: If you can cause harm to someone, just do it!

Your logic is as corrupt as one should expect from people like you.

>> No.6497975

>this is the skill level of an anti AI crusader

>> No.6497976

>it will get much more interesting soon
ah ye,s the buzzword of all techie scammers I was wondering how long will it take for it to show up

>> No.6497980
File: 288 KB, 2100x2800, ANTI AI LOGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think AI can beat me?

>> No.6497981

You aren’t even competing with AI.

>> No.6497983
File: 439 KB, 2100x2800, HAHAHAHAHAAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me, cocksucker
Show me what AI can do


>> No.6497987

Pathetic. At least AI will rid us of you permabegs peddling shit tier scribbles for $5.

>> No.6497988


>> No.6498001

Post your work.

>> No.6498010
File: 63 KB, 685x1024, 1673384769905601m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More ai cope this is great stuff

>> No.6498014
File: 33 KB, 960x640, 1675039521276889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah tranny speak.

>> No.6498019

>I'm not pro or anti ai, its just another tool in the box,
As much as a slave is equal to a tool. Violent, dubious, and highly unethical.

>> No.6498021

Clear lie. Automatization killed manual hard labor.
Also are you comparing art to manual labor?

>> No.6498029

and the endgame of efficiency is to completely cut out of the human component for what? the sake of capital? simply because its more efficient, Starting to think Nick Land was on to something

>> No.6498036

The internet commission sphere will die out because people paying for it don't give a shit about quality, as long as they get their OC wearing diaper they will be happy. Professionals who have some actual skill are fine

>> No.6498055

Most of you niggers are not even working in industry where AI is literally going to replace the artists in there. Most of you niggers are social media artist, looking for internet points and popularity, and god helps you if you're still in /beg/ tier because not even AI will referenced (let alone plagiarized) your shitty drawing.
So keep drawing over and over again. Until you actually work in industry or maybe have your own IP, then you may start blaberring about AI and shit alike.
tldr know your place faggots

>> No.6498071
File: 1.36 MB, 384x270, giphy-698857201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just draw faggot

>> No.6498073

the hips? here I thought it was the immoral nature of sexualising a child.
maybe I should go back to Loomis and hampton

>> No.6498095

>He doesnt know the art process
I bet he also dont really know industrial automation but is also one of those "learn to code" faggots while thinking robots are going to claim everyone-but-me's jobs

>> No.6498137

You giys don’t even draw so you guys shouldn’t care but you which means you faggots are getting paid to do it for as low as 10 centavos per post. Kek just get a job already lmao.

>> No.6498188
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x1536, 2426688072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not really what an AI mistake looks like though

>> No.6498192

I just think it's funny and entertaining watching paint pigs cope

>> No.6498193

Looks good to me. Would pay commission for

>> No.6498195
File: 401 KB, 512x512, 1306277312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the fun part, you don't have to pay anymore

>> No.6498202

No way! Awesome!

>> No.6498203

Let AI steal your art, goys! Don't fight back! Do jot redeem!

>> No.6498204

What you retards don't understand that AI art will improve, this is just the beginning.

>> No.6498233

Breathe in the copium

>> No.6498237
File: 3.25 MB, 5853x2304, 1672714603255931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6498240
File: 184 KB, 512x512, 5htrsrb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-The way AI is trained right now is essentially plagiarism and art theft,
>there is an ongoing effort to make it so that AI trained on other people's work cannot be copyrighted.
I hope so, copycuckery sucks ass
>-AI is limited by the data it's trained on, it can't innovate like we do.
you can train it further nigga
>-Only humans can truly elevate and progress art, invest new styles, etc. If humans stopped producing art, what AI would generate years from now would be more or less the same as what it does today, because of the point above.
banana taped to a wall aint art
>-AI art can be used as a tool to complement a human artist's skillset, rather than replace us completely.
true, why are you opposing it then nigga
>-Worst case scenario, AI will heavily regulated to prevent them replacing us.
copycuckery never works
it motivated me to start drawing again actually

>> No.6498245

>obvious falseflag "hello fellow artist" thread that has the same posts as other ai shit threads being spammed at the same time on other boards
>stays up

>> No.6498246

>What you retards don't understand that ...

You're talking down to people who draw or are you arguing with your fellow AIbros about something you both agree on? Can we all see that if you faggots had your own board you would be left scratching your head on what to do next?

>> No.6498249

my biggest issue with ai and the ai art users is that it's extremely gay and they're total faggots. I want to like ai but I'm not a shit eating homo, how can I debase myself and learn to hate myself enough to use these tools?

>> No.6498250 [DELETED] 
File: 757 KB, 1500x1500, 1674943505772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will not use a cutting edge technology because techbros got to use it first

>> No.6498255

>aijeet is a jakparty trannylover retard

>> No.6498256
File: 361 KB, 640x838, 1666528206309339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banana taped to a wall aint art
Marc Brunet does not tape bananas to wall you fucking retard
you know nothing about art, you dipshit. AI doesn't steal bananas taped to walls, it steals the works of artists you're trying to larp as. it's not the bananafaggots that are protesting, it's the artists whose skins you're trying to wear

>> No.6498263
File: 1.78 MB, 413x221, 9CE135A6-A466-429E-88E4-58F3AC8F0FFC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I wanna know is how you’ll be evilmaxxing after AIfaggots kill your dream. Pushing AI, feeding your work into the machine, antagonizing you for saying no, pushing to take away your purpose, celebrating the demise of human culture. I’d say the normies deserve to eat shit.
I’ve been brainstorming ideas of how I can legally make life harder for my fellow man:
>not tip wagies
>1 star review everything(2-3 in a row for an Uber/lyft driver gets them kicked last I heard)
>let my dog shit on the sidewalk
>day trade with the sole purpose of rug pulling redditors
>switch professions to work in law/government
>become a bureaucratic bottleneck SOMEWHERE
>validate the suicidal ideation of vulnerable people on the internet
>become a landlord and make TikToks about raising peoples’ rent
I’m open to more ideas. Frankly as long as it’s not something I’ll go to jail for, I’m game for anything. My dream is dying, there’s nothing to do except get payback.

>> No.6498267

who would have thought that R&D takes time? Most of the time ideas are abandon due to lack of resources

As unethical as IP theft for profit, then the whole commission economy crumbles.

>> No.6498279
File: 2.37 MB, 3283x2571, CB02F7DC-DED1-4E13-9F99-F576FCD74511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being on 4chan and whining about the ethics of theft lol.

What the fuck happened to this place? Went from being a bunch of anarchic Americans that stole literally everything and used 4chan to share it, to being a bunch of radicalized foreign bootlickers screeching about “ethics” to protect corporations from copyright infringement.

>> No.6498285
File: 133 KB, 958x752, 1443487327547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good for people who weren't going to pay for Anything to begin with and the Coomers out there.
The coomers are having a field day with this, and people who just grab and steal shit that are too lazy to even have basic human interaction feel they can achieve their personal projects now thanks to Ai art. Problem is, you can only jerk off so much till you burn out from porn itself, even when the Ai is creating new fetishes for you, it starts to turn more into a habit than pleasure to just make a quick wank. And said "creative" people will realize just how shitty their project was and no amount of Ai anything can help with that, leading to more burn out and depression. That's just the reality of all this shit. And even the Ai agrees that humans will always be requires for creative endeavors just by the nature of how Ai works.
However, the better the Ai gets the more funny the memes become so there's that.

>> No.6498290
File: 191 KB, 512x576, u6srthfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my model weights 4gb
do explain where all the stolen works are stored
you aint gonna do shit bucko
artist community do be like that

>> No.6498324
File: 73 KB, 700x700, 1B71436B-75AD-4F34-9A3C-A54D3464AB75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I don’t think you understand. There’s nothing left, like, nothing. Life is garbage now. The only thing I wanted to do isn’t really a path forward now, so I’ve gotta choose something new that intrinsically makes me happy. And getting revenge on people, in admittedly small ways, is all I can think of.
I have nothing else to do except take revenge on society in whatever meager ways I can.

>> No.6498327
File: 250 KB, 1280x1280, 1358962012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheer up bud, you'll find something to do sooner or later.

>> No.6498336
File: 388 KB, 1440x1440, 327489416_720119526167432_1480748444721283817_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-AI is limited by the data it's trained on, it can't innovate like we do.
it may be limited much sooner than we think too

>The University of Chicago Department of Computer Technology has developed an impressive protection for artists against invasive AI machine learning. You can help! Art professionals and art students, please join me in assisting them by going to the link in the bio and taking their survey. It will explain how the technology works and ask you a series of questions to help them refine the technology to our needs. The project is almost finished, they just need your review and feedback!


>> No.6498340
File: 454 KB, 786x864, uchicago_Solutionscloak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shills will be prooomting nothing but literal slop in the coming months

>> No.6498343

you should channel that energy towards ai-related targets not your common man who likely doesn’t know or care about ai.

for example
>generating realistic cp with ai preferably with stable diffusion or other publicly available domains and crediting where you made it
>using ai to create incriminating photos, videos and voice clips of a faggot who is pro-ai (or maybe a politician if you are ballsy)
>lobbying censorship on ai data scraping like how it doesn’t have enough niggers, jew noses, or it otherwise promotes white supremacy; pressuring devs to forcibly include shit data that would create more abominations than beauty
>shaming npc’s who use ai as race traitors, don’t specify which for the /pol/tards
>create subtle or unsubtle anti-indian campaigns in mass numbers using chat-gpt, bots and generated images of ugly jeets to flood any art website
but you won’t do shit kek

>> No.6498344

I’ll cheer up in proportion to how miserable I make other people. Karma is a fat fucking meme, assholes get ahead for a reason. Luckily I have relatives who make 6-7 figures as middle management bureaucrat types working in government in particular so I have an in if I really wanted to give up on art. Same with property. The money doesn’t interest me, but causing normies a similar amount of anguish to what I’m feeling right now might be enough. And who knows, maybe money does buy happiness. But I think I’ve given up all the goodwill I had toward humanity that I spent all of my formative years trying to build up.

>> No.6498357

>wait till they open source the method
>inspect how it works
>design a script that'll reverse the changes, or will neutralize them

>> No.6498360
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 1608505125729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6498362

I'm waiting with anticipation for them to finally release the tool, to see how quickly it can be broken
All previous attempts at doing that were as successful as the transition attempts of the authors, doubt this will be much better as there's only so much you can do without compromising the image itself, and preventing your magical "protection" from being broken by just image transformations

>> No.6498363
File: 76 KB, 248x189, 1638179864599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here I thought artists were the ones coping

>> No.6498367

Coping? Ahahaahaha bro look around, you are getting BTFOd on all fronts, including protection of the images
The people trying applying noise to their image were clowns, as well as other pitful attempts
God this'll be a beautiful shitshow, hearing all the ack's of the tranartists when this one fails too

>> No.6498370

>Coping? Ahahaahaha bro look around
didn't even read the rest
Schizo posting

>> No.6498373

I've read all that I've seen, and if you have more on the topic that hasn't been posted here, you are free to post it so I can laugh more at the desperate attempts

>> No.6498374

again one of those, add noise, lower the resolution, buy our cloaking TM so your work will be protected. I'm sad for artists with such amount of misinformation and false hope. It's funny chatgpt doesn't get the same reaction from writers, developers, creatives, etc.

>> No.6498376

Huh now as I think about it you are right, when there's a problem, you can sell the solutions for it, even if they are just placebos
Sounds like developing such a "protection" myself and selling it would be a nice opportunity to earn a nice buck

>> No.6498387
File: 199 KB, 508x471, 12305871094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how hard poojeets shill it, for now AI is little more than an elaborate plagiarism machine... But it might actually become good. And theres the issue that it's going to bloat the online artscape to an impossible degree. Some websites are already pretty much unusable. This aberration is still in its infancy, you guys should get in the GMI train and make a name for yourself while you still can. Pick the right platforms to post your art on, block any AI cuck you find. Theres still room for now.
I'm sad for the next generations. Can you imagine growing in a hellscape built out of AI trash. And its not just for art, its creeping up everywhere. Fucking nightmarish.

>> No.6498406

Artfags mad, seething one can say
>uh reported to jannies!

>> No.6498412

>block any AI cuck you find
pencilfuckers again acting like trannies they are by mass blocking anyone who hurts their feelings, who could have seen that one coming?

>> No.6498424
File: 293 KB, 828x1212, 57D8C8BA-E381-475E-A40E-63CE57920895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out tech shitter

>> No.6498437

Not him but 18k is a drop in the bucket for Amazon. They have close to 1.48 million employees in total. They probably just laid off the pink haired troons that were dilating on the job.

>> No.6498443

>laid off troons
new levels of cope

>> No.6498445

That’s not twitter, fag. You think ai development will just replace half the workforce for tech immediately? Shit takes time and the fact people are already getting fired, shows people in tech will be the first to go.

>> No.6498457


>> No.6498465
File: 262 KB, 784x940, uchicago_Solutions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>buy our cloaking TM
Holy fucking cope LOL

>> No.6498466
File: 316 KB, 512x640, aerbearg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga why? the only AI art getting recognition is hentai garbage, so unless you're one of nsfw fags I see no reason for a concern

Even nft fags aint buying my ai nfts

>> No.6498468

post the link to the source

>> No.6498489
File: 118 KB, 957x687, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The survey already concluded. Those are snapshots from said survey

you can read more about the tool here

Its been in development for the past few years against deepfakes and is being finalized

>> No.6498491
File: 737 KB, 1220x763, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for animators


>> No.6498493

What does it even do?

>> No.6498495

ai animator chads we won

>> No.6498497

So ai is the death of generic moeshit

>> No.6498498

Okay that's kinda cool, animating stuff by hand sucks ass, I wish you could like apply own style to it though

>> No.6498499

I died

>> No.6498500

They should pump it with billions of unique frames from all the latest cartoons so we can put animators out of their jobs.

>> No.6498501
File: 577 KB, 1170x890, E1242458-451E-4084-BB31-DCF82B113551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If AI is fucking with you, it probably means you need a more powerful “why” than what was motivating you before.
I’m in the same boat, it’s a well of nihilism over here. I guess the “why” for me currently is that, simply put, it isn’t over for me yet. In fact I’m in kind of a best-case scenario, but I know it can’t last.
It’s not the end of the world, but I can see it from here. That’s just life and mortality, though, except instead of a cancer diagnosis I have a time limit on my career and therefore, a time limit on being able to create something relevant and meaningful.

>> No.6498503

>using stones to destroy the stones
AI goyslop will suffer a death of a thousand cuts

>> No.6498505

>wishful thinking fueled by gallons of enriched seethe

>> No.6498506

AI can't paint men, only women. Really shows how complex men are

>> No.6498508

it’s been over for animators for almost 30 years

>> No.6498509
File: 116 KB, 400x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry more nigger lol

>> No.6498511

AI can replace my wife. Just saying

>> No.6498513
File: 377 KB, 512x512, blob_https___waifus.nemusona.com_91a68a49-1d6d-4c60-a167-71181d20542e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6498514
File: 305 KB, 512x512, blob_https___waifus.nemusona.com_880cd6ce-dce5-4803-9d13-b263515c9e49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6498515

seethe harder, Rashit. you will never be an artist. you will only jack off in your tech NPC groups, and artists at large won't ever welcome you in their communities. you should at least try a less arrogant approach if you want to achieve this, but you are too low IQ to even consider it

>> No.6498516

>art is about how efficiently you can shit out pictures
you scum deserve a life of hard labor, actually. not in art or something like that, you should dig some canal until you collapse and die

>> No.6498518

>artists at large won't ever welcome you in their communities
That's literally equivalent to not being welcome by black people in their ghettos, I'm perfectly fine with that
Associating with people of worse quality will inevitably drag you down to their level, and I'd rather avoid that

>> No.6498520

>i dont make a living off of art

>> No.6498524

nice try you indian shitskin. for someone who hates nigger ghettos, you really like to hang around them, and pretend you're a nigger on top of it. then you chimp out when the "niggers" tell you to fuck off. you're a literal cockroach who unironically shills towards a machine god >>6497872
words like "quality" or even "human" shouldn't be uttered by you. humans are the most successful species of this planet, and wretches like you are some of the worst of us. let that be a solace to you

>> No.6498525


>haha its another buy our cloak TM
>”its developed by the university of Chicago and completely free
>Pajeets: AAAAAACKKKKKkkkkk….

>> No.6498526

>free upon release. it is solely for research purposes
Do you know how many things started free (alpha) while in development then becoming a payed product (fork and add premium use cases). most recent example chatgpt probing the idea of charging monthly fee for their API kek.

ahh yes that paper, didn't aws or azure made it useless in less than a year?

>> No.6498529

Its already being finalized and thats the latest statement they gave. Cope.

>> No.6498531

you make a living off of scamming elderly women on the phone. at least you'll have an easier time at that with the new voice AI, maybe you can finally stop sounding like you're brown

>> No.6498532

not him, but you’re confusing fine art and art as an industry
nobody is employing an artist to create beauty and express himself, they’re employing them to produce what they need
in that context, an artist is no different than a cobbler or a seamstress

>> No.6498535

please do the needful, sir

>> No.6498536

Bro you are projecting bit much

>> No.6498538
File: 259 KB, 718x796, 1672050357540987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheer amount of copium and seeth from /ic/ are we at the barganing stage.
I love the argument "AI steals" when if it did it would not me machine learning/AI. Any argument in court would fail because there litterally isn't a single pixel of raster images in the AI parameters.
You can cope at the limitations AI has now, and mind you it's been less than a year since this went mainstream.
I love how this doesn't affect trad/fine artists in the slightest and only the already oversatuarated digital, illustration and commission nsfw gravy trains which are already coming to a screeching halt.

>> No.6498541

>are we at the barganing stage.
Sir. Needful.

>> No.6498543

no, i scam horny dudes with my beg art

>> No.6498544

bolo boodad9ilbien

>> No.6498545

m8 I'm taking about the paper on facial recognition cloak, it became useless fast.

>> No.6498547

>didn't aws or azure
Do you even know? lmfao

>> No.6498553

…are you under the impression than converting an image to a vector means it isn’t infringement or are you just using random words that you believe make you sound like you know what you’re talking about?

>> No.6498559

>take a screenshot of "protected art"
>feed it to your AI
>gets trained
>no way to stop this
Nothing personnel, kid

>> No.6498562

>pajeet can’t read
every time

>> No.6498564

You can't do that or else I'll call the internet police to find your offline machine

>> No.6498571

>when Paj didnt read
many such cases...

>> No.6498576
File: 392 KB, 512x512, 1674007856923176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I do know when I'm talking to tech illiterates when the first thing low tier/commission drawslaves state comments like, "AI steals art, AI is a form of compression/ecoding". That's when you know the person on the otherside has gone full retard cope. If you realize how big the databases are it would be physically impossible to compress that even at a lossy level. If you could you would be a multi billionaire overnight.
Also it's a moot point on nearly every legal front, becuase you cannot copyright styles, ideas or methods no matter how much you seeth and scream. Thus has been the law of the land since litterally the beginning of IP laws. Even if it was a photobasher that would still fall under derivative/fair use work.
No hate to artists, but disruption isn't new to art, the same shit and same arguments happened when consumer photography became a thing, and later down the line with digital. The sad fact of the matter is people will lose their jobs and there really isn't any good solution for this. Our economy is becoming increasingly automated and resourced monopolized and its not a good thing.

>> No.6498579

It will replace you if you just draw them basic ass anime girls that are dime a dozen on twitter i cantell you that much. If you have sonething toexpress and find a unique/iwnway to do it, you can't be replaced by A.I. (yet)

>> No.6498580

>fag samefags and LARPs pretending to be someone else to get an ebin screencap
I was in that thread calling you out on your retardation lmao. Nobody above room temperature IQ ever thought that that Sanic was made by a "toddler". As I said in that exact thread, toddlers dont have that sort of motor control.

>> No.6498581

Nathan Fowkes OMEGALUL The guy who jumped on AI art first hand and promptly deleted his AI art the moment he realizes people hate AI fucking kek

>> No.6498583
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x1024, badly drawn sanic the hegehog, gotta go fast, crayon doodle by a toddler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are we at the barganing stage
You again. Your posting style is so obnoxiously ESL that you have to be trolling. Do you have any hobbies? Skating? Beaver fishing? Bukkake? Drawing?

>> No.6498585

Any of these "Anti AI protection" schemes are flat out scams. They litterally use the same type of watermarking AI normally unless directed generates to prevent training loops and bias. Essentially what you are doing is "marking" your work as AI created so it doesn't get scraped or is tagged as such.
The only way to realiable way to tell if an image was AI created is if you have the seed and the parameters of the Model it was created with.

>> No.6498586

wtf am I even looking at? so basically the girl on the left is motion capture of a real person and then turned into that shitty cel shaded model and then the cel shaded model was ran through the AI giving the results on the right?

>> No.6498591
File: 70 KB, 673x245, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck it is you again. I can't imagine what you must smell like right now. Do. The. Needful. I love you. Please be my valentine you sweetheart.

>> No.6498593

>"Anti AI protection" schemes are flat out scams"
Made by an accredited university for Free.99 is a scam.
Paj, im going to be honest, your cope is fueling me more than it should

>> No.6498595
File: 1.07 MB, 1536x1536, 1671364083158231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I dive and Trad paint as a hobby/supporting the local galleries. I'm also in the military. You do have me on phone posting I'll give you that.
BTW don't get mad me, I have no skin in the AI game, but you would be a fool to not see how disruptive this going to be and don't belive its gonna be a good thing either.
I recommend going outside and doing something physical it's good for the mental illness.

>> No.6498596

man, the future is going to be crazy

>> No.6498598

>still cannot read

>> No.6498601

People in this thread don't draw, me included, if you draw do yourself a favor and press Ctrl+W a few times

>> No.6498603
File: 819 KB, 768x1024, 23721723823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you saved my image, that's kinda cool

>> No.6498607

>you cannot copyright ideas
if you mean unrealised ideas, you’re correct, but since every image is by definition realised, you are again proving to be a regard who doesn’t understand what he is talking about

>> No.6498612
File: 1.33 MB, 964x720, 1584633048531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop, won't stop.

>> No.6498618

uh oh jeets! You got too cocky!

>> No.6498622

3d anime finally getting good, can't wait for 2030 to see 3d anime looking fucking amazing

>> No.6498625
File: 1.85 MB, 1728x1280, LyciaHeart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will never, ever replace a human, it cannot do what we can do. It will never be able to give something a SOUL like we can.

>> No.6498628

The one linked by this guy seems to work on the principle of disassembling source image and reassembling it with features of other style, as close as possible to the original, assuming it works on the same principle as the anti face detection NN developed by same group. That being said, the protection seems to assume only a single image of the given artist will be used, as I see no way how that'd work with multiple images used by a single artist, as in a huge simplification a textual inversion, or whatever you'd be training, takes into account the "common points" of all the images, so in the end result the protection would most likely not work at all, or have very little impact. In the presentation shared by the research group it was also said the method is not predicted to be working against models released in the future.
Another thing it also seems to assume, is that only one latent diffusion model/encoder will be used, as any changes to the principle of operation would completly make the protection obsolete.

>> No.6498630
File: 53 KB, 571x619, jocko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope you're in the military. I've been tuning into these AI threads just for you know. Can't wait to see you in the next one.

>> No.6498634

have you ever worked with troons? they vacation and sick day maxx and barely get anything done. the lay offs are a result of the economy going down the shitter not because of AI. you niggers make me embarrassed to be an artist with your hysteria.

you think companies just go “oh damn ai is trending, better make room and trim the goys for this new tech with unstable legal consequences right now”? retards.

if this was true then we wouldn’t have to still file our taxes manually and we’d have flying cars by now.

>> No.6498635

Anybody got any good SD models? Need something for abstract art. Something with some real kick to it.

>> No.6498638

bro, we’re talking about amazon, you can stop coping now, they are not firing troons and everything they produce is turbo current thing

>> No.6498642

Ironically enough if you leave the prompt blank and the CFG scale low on the vsnnila model you can get some really cool effects.

>> No.6498643

Don't worry your favorite childhood entertainment company won't fire people just to save money they care about people being happy and with a sense of fulfillment

>> No.6498645


>> No.6498649

>he let's AI art live in his head.

>> No.6498651

you guys are neets and have never worked a job in a company let alone one from silicon valley. you don't understand how business works. i was unfortunate to have that experience so i know what's up.

how does that even make sense for your argument anyways, are you assuming troons have enough iq to get shit done and would be able to even learn how to prompt properly? no. if anything they'd create more bugs that need to be fixed and then cry out of """"anxiety"""" when they realized they should've been coding instead of dilating and grooming children on discord.

>> No.6498654

>look at this rotoscoped abortion! It truly is over!
kill yourself techjeet

>> No.6498658
File: 198 KB, 1877x280, lol2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6498659

stop reading there, they are not firing trannies, you are coping desperately

>> No.6498662

is it just making up random tags or is the tagging that bad?

>> No.6498663

ironically it's you who is coping. what's the point of you worrying anyways, you were never going to get a job in the industry in the first place

>> No.6498664

Go back you retarded redditor

>> No.6498665

That looks AI as fuck, why are you LARPing?

>> No.6498666

>Anyone got any points to add to this?
/hope/pill for drawchads
>The people who pay for art will continue to pay for art
You're not going to lose a ton of clients to AI. The people who are going to generate AI art for their personal use or their projects weren't the type of people to commission art in the first place. They're the types to beg for free art or use patreon re-upload sites.
>Hype will die down
Tech bros care about one thing: money. Either making a lot of it very quickly or making "passive income" over time. It happened with crypto, it happened with NFTs, it happened with Audible, it's happening with AI now. Once the money dries up they'll move on to the next new hotness.
>It doesn't matter how good AI art gets
People still play and watch Chess even though computers can beat humans. People care about people. Cultivate an audience who will support you. There are enough out there, it's up to you to find them.

You can do it!
Don't give up!

>> No.6498668

>she can't argue so she resorts to ad hominem
tits and vagina or gtfo troon

>> No.6498676

you’re shitposting too hard and losing the plot, I am saying as is replacing people, you’re the retard pretending 18k trannies got laid off lmao

>> No.6498680

> the presentation shared by the research group it was also said the method is not predicted to be working against models released in the future
with ongoing lawsuits and the potential for algorithmic disgorgement, thats all the time we need

>> No.6498689

>i-it’s le trannies getting laid off you see
Kek, you tech shitters are coping so fucking hard. You are blinded by this and refuse to see the truth. Now go back you braindead redditor.

>> No.6498696

i don't even work as a tech shitter, i work as an artist. companies aren't doing shit about ai until they can figure out if it's a liability or not. they care more about their stocks and their investors more than what some nobody /beg/ has to say about ai.

i'm so tired of the women and newfags on this board who can't even form a coherent argument.

>> No.6498707

lol retard

>> No.6498713

people are getting laid off because of inflation.
holy shit, is everything an opportunity to vilify something unrelated?

>> No.6498715

>still coping hard
>Too retarded to work at tech and retarded enough to say it’s le trannies that caused all of this
Might as well post your work, dumbfuck

>> No.6498717

Depends, megacorps don't care, they got money and lawyers. Case in point Microsoft Designer.

>> No.6498718

How is training AI using peoples art any different than humans using it as reference?
Why do people who don't understand even the general process comment on it with apparent authority?

>> No.6498723

>people are getting laid off because of inflation.
People are getting new jobs right away : https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm

>> No.6498729
File: 166 KB, 1600x840, first fucking place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-The way AI is trained right now is essentially plagiarism and art theft, there is an ongoing effort to make it so that AI trained on other people's work cannot be copyrighted.
In no way learning from someone can be considered plagiarism. There are artists that make a living by mimicking other more successful artists' style. An art style cannot be copyrighted, thus no copyright infringement is done..

>-AI is limited by the data it's trained on, it can't innovate like we do.
Humans are as limited as AI in that aspect. No one can imagine a color they've never seen before, for instance.

>-Only humans can truly elevate and progress art, invest new styles, etc. If humans stopped producing art, what AI would generate years from now would be more or less the same as what it does today, because of the point above.
Humans create new things by combining what they already know. That is trivial for an AI to do.

>-AI art can be used as a tool to complement a human artist's skillset, rather than replace us completely.
You still bitch and cry like a sperg whenever an artist uses AI in his process.

>-Worst case scenario, AI will heavily regulated to prevent them replacing us.
That's not the worst case scenario, but the 100% inevitable real future scenario.

>> No.6498734

Sure. But how many are going from 'enough to live comfortably' to 'enough to pay the bills'?
It's one thing to reemploy horizontally, but another to reemploy downwards.
Just another step back towards the lords and serfs that the elites want. They REALLY hate the middle class, eh?

>> No.6498740 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 512x512, rtjrtjhr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will be mogged by img2img artists working in tandem with AI

>> No.6498741
File: 536 KB, 940x1013, 0cc528a180b0376e015fd2ce28261b58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in no way learning from someone can be considered plagiarism.
Be careful about comparing ai to human learning anon!
I know Emad is on a social media hiatus but please update your shilling!

>> No.6498743

Are you a NEET?
You've spammed your shitty OC for months now.

>> No.6498744

do you even read retard? even tech companies need artists, which is where i'm at now. how do you think i know about trannies and their habitual laziness especially in tech?

i'll give you that but there are government powers that could override their money. look how it worked out for crypto.

>> No.6498750 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 512x640, 4hwt4teg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something's wrong, wagie? I do nfts

>> No.6498752

Kek, keep coping brain dead shitter. >>6498708

>> No.6498756
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1634850555310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a twitter post
are you even trying at this point?

>> No.6498759

That actual article is about using neural network to simulate parts of human brain for the purpose of medical/biological research. It's got nothing to do with using AI for anything else, nor it's trying to say that artificial neural networks aren't based on biological neural networks (they are).


>> No.6498783

Intelligence itself is a form of compression
>oh so you are ok with AI which is just a .zip file of billions of images!!!!
Learn how Machine Learning works, faggots

>> No.6498786

The idea of a Utopia is a place of paradise where unprecedented beauty and automation has taken over to make everything wonderful. The AI has the potential to create our entire world into that Utopia. You have to embrace the Utopia it will make for us.

I think if 99.999% of artists could see what the AI would be capable of within a decade or two, we would all be fine with it. You just haven't yet had a true demonstration of how it could blow your mind to kingdom come with how amazing it will be. But that will happen if we let it continue.

The worst thing that could happen is that it gets regulated and censored. Because its true potential lies behind the irrational, yet understandable fear wall that humanity has to overcome.

AI could be used in architecture to generate unbelievably beautiful building plans with engineering instructions. It could be used in the video game world to literally create a 3d world that has never been seen. Items that have never been seen. It could create 10 thousand new medical cures in a single generation session. it could design thousands of new clothes at once that are awesome. AI is the future and that future is fucking awesome

>> No.6498788

Don't bother, majority of the people here are women and zoomers. Smart artists will know how to survive AI and even find a way to elevate their work. The retards will live in the slums like they're destined to.

>> No.6498790
File: 41 KB, 600x615, 1488647938142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So raids are allowed now?
Or is deleting threads too much work for the jannies so they keep a containment thread around?

>> No.6498791

>Can only describe automated goyslop
Wanna share with us how many 'rona jabs have you taken?

>> No.6498798

I don't care. Pretty pictures don't matter without meaning, otherwise it is just a formation of nature. Please grow up

>> No.6498799

Referencing an image still requires the artist to have an understanding of the reference and an intention for the artwork. AI has neither understanding nor intention; it just follows commands to the best of its ability, entirely dependent on the quality of its dataset.
Unless the artist is drawing a study, the goal isn’t to make a 1:1 copy of the reference, or even to mimic its style; the goal is to learn how to draw what you don’t yet know how to draw innately, so that later on you can draw what you REALLY have in your mind. You’re enhancing a pre-existing skill that you already have. If you understand the hand reference, you’ll understand how to draw your own hands in the future.
Non-artist AI users aren’t learning how to foreshorten hands or how to paint textures by prooompting, and 99% of the time they either don’t touch up the image or they do a really shitty job at it and they leave all the tells in the image.
The AI isn’t able to learn beyond what it can interpolate from the dataset, whereas a human being can learn and practice beyond images they consume. Human beings can invent subjects and styles and methods pretty much as they go once they get their fundies right. The human being’s understanding of what they are actually looking at makes a big deal too. AI makes all kinds of crazy mistakes on human anatomy because it’s incapable of understanding. It doesn’t think at all, the whole “artificial intelligence” thing is a misnomer.
Sorry if my explanation of AI didn’t have enough of your nerd-speak, but to be fair there are plenty of AIfags who keep asserting that the AI is just doing what the human brain does which cant be verified and seems false on the face of it. So unless you’re a comp vision researcher that isn’t just sniffing their own fart jargon I don’t really trust any explanation on how AI art works.

>> No.6498800
File: 1.99 MB, 236x224, be9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI doesnt use a neural network that simulates the brain
So AI doesnt learn like a human?

>> No.6498802

Scientism is really getting people put here questioning how human creativity and applied statistics being shoved through silicon differ
It's over.

>> No.6498806

Evan please

>> No.6498808

That's a long way to say "I don't understand how AI art works".

>> No.6498809

>The AI isn’t able to learn beyond what it can interpolate from the dataset
Neither do humans.
That's the definition of "learning".
Also, some of the shit I've seen AI make is FAR more creative than a human will ever be.

>> No.6498811

Stop replying to bait retard.
These shitposter aren't here to have a discussion but are trying to argue in bad faith.
Ignore the fucking threads and move on.

>> No.6498816

lol retard, yes they can
show me an “ai” innovating on the data available

>> No.6498831
File: 266 KB, 493x465, 1185247834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6498843

wow, it's almost like he's got a conscience

>> No.6498850

As if scientists could define consciousness

>> No.6498853

Every AI image I've ever seen is the same over detailed bull shit that has galaxies pouring out of watch faces. It's so inspired, it's uninspired. It leaves nothing to imagination and drowns you in grandeur and rendering. I would compare it to watching the Chiefs offense when they're just shitting on other teams. Looking at James Gurney sketches in gouache give me more pleasure than any AI image I've ever seen. I know I'm bias, but still

>> No.6498855

con·science /ˈkänSHəns/ noun
an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.

"he had a guilty conscience about his desires"

sense of right and wrong
sense of right
moral sense
still small voice
inner voice
voice within

TIP: Similar-sounding words
conscience is sometimes confused with conscious

Go back to school, retard.

>> No.6498860


The idea of the explanatory gap is that, while it is possible to come up with laws of consciousness, a true scientific theory of consciousness is not possible

>> No.6498874

the word conscience existed way before the scientific method was a thing and i think lexicographers aren't really scientists

>> No.6498878

>reading comprehension

>> No.6498887
File: 176 KB, 512x512, 3631104165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at less detailed AI images, problem solved.

>> No.6498891

>even neural networks that are made to simulate the brain cant be compared to real humans, much less ai goyslop generators
think I read that just fine Raj.

>> No.6498908
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x1024, 1673877480671169-3658633719-best_quality,_masterpiece,_red_eyes,_red_hair,_yellow_bow,_ahoge,_looking_at_viewer,_seductive_smile,_blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI is limited by the data it's trained on, it can't innovate like we do.
This, a lot of the coomers and poojeets obsessing over AI art don't seem to understand this.

Pic related is a good example--an anon was able to get a clear image of Kagami Sumika not by naming her, but by only describing her features (red hair, red eyes, yellow ribbon, ahoge).

>> No.6498910

Yeah except to look normal a human would have to rework the image in post. If this shit looks inspired and good then you probably don’t work with art professionally. Only furry porn “artists” and graphic designers are going to be replaced by ai.

>> No.6498928
File: 2.07 MB, 1014x1352, 20576800564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't work with art and AI does look good to me, so I guess it's a win-win.

>> No.6498930

Am I a retard for subscribing to midjourney?

>> No.6498951

Yes. yes you are

>> No.6498952

Did you use WLOP or Nixeu for the prompts on this one? Kek

>> No.6498962

Sadly I feel the lawsuits were doomed from the get-go, as it usually is when going against corporations with gigantic funding. Especially more so now that corporations in general have renewed interest in AI, they absolutely wouldn't want anything to hinder their progress

>> No.6498963

>you can't rebuild the entire human brain inside a computer right now, therefore artificial neural nets aren't like biological neural nets
This is what it sounds like you're saying, and it's dumb. I guess you're trying to gasp at some straws to try and prove that Ai's don't learn like humans do, therefore it's le plagiarism.
1. We actually can simulate an entire human brain in a computer in theory. But we aren't there yet.
2. The article is about human bias in selecting the proper results. Since we don't know the brain enough yet, using artificial neural nets to find out more about it may lead to wrong conclusions due to the researcher's bias.
3. Most multicellular animals have neural networks. artificial neural nets are based on how those biological networks operate and how neural nets work in general. It isn't necessarily an emulation of the human brain.
4. just read the first paragraph on wikipedia:
>Artificial neural networks (ANNs), usually simply called neural networks (NNs) or neural nets,[1] are computing systems inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute animal brains.[2]

>> No.6498971

They’re better than most artists and a majority of people can’t tell the difference between good art and bad art with any sort of actual competence or basis in theory. Only at a high professional level or in case of extremely educated consumers does it matter. The future of consumer art is in highly capable digital artists directing teams of low level editing nerds. Ai will become especially tailored for human editing with digital brush tools after the original edition’s production.

>> No.6498981

>Worst case scenario, AI will heavily regulated to prevent them replacing us.
So what you're saying is: You'reo fucking ass that you need the government to regulate things so you can have an easier life. So basically artists are better than AI but you still need some advantages to be above it?

>> No.6498987


>> No.6498988
File: 2.03 MB, 1014x1352, 30134519545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it was WLOP
I could see that

>> No.6498995
File: 142 KB, 737x737, 4B83D56C-26EC-4221-A79B-3AB29CF1CE0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6498999

Raj, its a machine, not a human brain. This will not hold up in court. Stop.

>> No.6499014

>y-y-y-y-y-y-ou mean y-y-y-oure getting the government and lawyers involved?! W-w-w-well y-youre fucking a-a-ass!
Lil bro is sweating

>> No.6499030

she's posting this as proof she won't be out of a job soon when the the reality is this show it will be soon as fuck.

>> No.6499031
File: 1.13 MB, 1452x1061, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of stuff like this where AI is used to render a sketch?

>> No.6499033

Lawyers for big corporations who want AI vs artist plebs, who do you think is going to win? This is going to be an easy case for the AI lawyers, the AI learns just like a human does, by looking at images freely available on line. Cope, government won't save you from AI.

>> No.6499036

please do the bloody proofreadings, sir

>> No.6499038

AI is awesome that's what I think.

>> No.6499042
File: 342 KB, 1920x1050, self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like image2image? a few practical uses I guess, I would consider more of a "preview" vs a lol here's my doodle turned into fine art gimmick.

>> No.6499046
File: 218 KB, 1248x768, 1675204493202282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing AI can't create soulful pixel art like this.

>> No.6499050

you can tell that's AI though

>> No.6499052

I for one welcome the AI Art overlord. The march of progress much not stop.

>> No.6499055

and with a little editing or even just cropping you couldn't.

>> No.6499056

lol is that the coomer guy?

>> No.6499059
File: 832 KB, 1301x1115, Screenshot_20230131-162017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the AI learns just like a human does
Please, please, please! use this as your defense in court

>> No.6499060

it didn’t render it, it made a shittier variation
that’s the barrier between artists and non-artists, you retards don’t understand what the act of drawing is supposed to accomplish, it’s all just random images to you
the design went out the window in the post ai image
you can use it as a springboard, but the sheer amount of artifacts and nonsense design choices makes it a dubious benefit even if we assume that the result largely corresponds with your intentions stylistically

>> No.6499062
File: 43 KB, 794x643, d8872c2d8703d19f1fe419f9a4876341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emad, DA, and midjourney being summoned to court
What did I tell you fucks LMFAOOOOOOO

>> No.6499063

the retarded cropping and resulting comp aifags use makes ai identifiable from a thumbnail from across the room

>> No.6499064

Can /ic/ paint her face better?

>> No.6499069
File: 15 KB, 606x166, 314dd4f192c862ffbfd914960c9546bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sirs I must leave now...

>> No.6499072

Shipping? What is he shipping? Is he working on robots?

>> No.6499073

yeah sure. There's no way to really tell if an image is AI, you can only guess. That's why China passed a law that the AI art must have a watermark.

>> No.6499074


>> No.6499075
File: 64 KB, 1015x1024, 1662354889089377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shipping himself to court! LMFAO

>> No.6499078
File: 2.33 MB, 1536x2048, 2944409023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good, but should've spent a little extra time on the stomach area

>> No.6499079

>There's no way to really tell if a person is a child, you can only guess. That's why China passed a law that people must have an ID.

>> No.6499080

>it's nearly identical
but it's not.

If a human studies that image and paints it, it will be "nearly identical" too. If they're any good. nice try though. kek

>> No.6499082

retarded analogy

>> No.6499083
File: 215 KB, 512x512, 5h54h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh court
you cannot delete stable diffusion from my hard drive
lazy, should've trained an embed at least

>> No.6499084

>lalalalala no no no, its not identical lalalalala
yikes kid.

>> No.6499085

That’s the image after retouching, as well.

>> No.6499086
File: 1.24 MB, 1750x1740, EB20424F-B840-4483-804E-2E7FA1C27FF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet inadvertently defeats his own argument

>> No.6499089

You might as well be drawing the whole image from scratch.
The level of detail on the car is so much higher than everything else in the image that at best it just looks amateurish.
The trees and road would have to basically be completely redone too.

>> No.6499090

Please generate her someday with higher sampling and higher resolution

>> No.6499091

We did it, another AI thread with 300 posts. Never stop disappointing me /ic/. Imagine having this much energy put into critiquing /beg/ art

>> No.6499093

>ai to detect the ai
>"Your image has been found to contain DMCA material, please try again"

>> No.6499095

if I could make /beg/s kill themselves by critiquing them, I would

>> No.6499096

do you know what identical means? cope and seethe

>> No.6499098

>tfw pics like that will be shown in court
>"your honor i-i-its not identical! its just n-n-not ok!"
This lawsuit may be won faster than I thought...

>> No.6499101

>Nooooo you can't use reference, I'll sue!
fuck off Jew

>> No.6499103

AI to detect AI is infeasible simply because of the discrepancies between various models, some of which are likely private/not common on the internet. You could probably make it work on the most popular models though, as long as the images haven't been postprocessed

>> No.6499104 [DELETED] 

Post passport

>> No.6499105

>scale jpeg down
>scale jpeg back up
l o l

>> No.6499107

which one, I've got like 3

>> No.6499109

You can use it, you can’t copy it, passing someone’s photo through a filter doesn’t make it yours, sorry kike

>> No.6499114

The one for worst country out of the three so I can validate my point based on that

>> No.6499115
File: 45 KB, 929x1175, 1674692967214921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all images will eventually enter the public domain anyway

AI victory is inevitable.

>> No.6499117

kek, I'll bet you only have one passport, what a pleb

>> No.6499120
File: 49 KB, 459x488, 5639e044795f6d8184f392d082458e5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that this pajeet faggot is the one shitting up the /ic/ threads and its from /g/ who enjoys sucking the smegma of tech overlords.

>> No.6499122
File: 189 KB, 512x512, 454h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting half a minute for a single image
lmao@copycuck gulag

>> No.6499124

>life+70 years
current “AI” will be the equivalent of a dandy bike by the time cwc’s doodles go public domain

>> No.6499125

its brazil sirs
also I shit /g/ up equally as hard and ur seething about it

>> No.6499130


>> No.6499131
File: 127 KB, 800x450, How_do_we_tell_him_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you gonna do sue us
>what are you gonna do get government involved
>what are you gonna do, poison the algorithm via cloaking
>what are you gonna do get China involved
>what are you gonna do summon Emad
You are here
>what are you gonna do use ai to detect ai images

>> No.6499133
File: 722 KB, 1381x950, sketch2img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey people in the /g/ thread sometimes do that, though the sketches aren't nearly as good lol

>> No.6499135

this is beautiful, how far we have come. How can I do this?

>> No.6499137

No fucking wonder they love ai LOL

>> No.6499145
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x1280, 1799534861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lot of fun

>> No.6499149
File: 539 KB, 1100x1002, 1517943791961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet faggot pretends to be a brazilian nigger so people can take the bait
No wonder pajeet street shitters are known to be pathological liar scammers

>> No.6499150

honestly sad
>I don't wanna run, I'd rather use a wheelchair

>> No.6499153

these are the people that shit like "it learns like human" and "its a lot of fun"

>> No.6499154
File: 2.35 MB, 512x512, 4069164135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel too sad, they seem to be enjoying themselves.

>> No.6499157

What would be an acceptable output for the prompt "Ann Graham Lotz" then? That's retarded. It's like showing a person the image and saying "draw that image" then trying to gatcha them when they make something that looks the same as the image they were told to recreate.

>> No.6499166

It's just the image2image feature of Stable Diffusion. Just follow some tutorial on youtube to set it up on your computer.

>> No.6499171

>argument "AI steals" when if it did it would not me machine learning/AI.
>it's called X, so it must be X
You sure are an intellectual giant

>> No.6499176

thanks anon

>> No.6499192

Weren't you faggots the ones that said this doesn't store anything
>What would be an acceptable output

>> No.6499294

At best the use of imagines for training will be rules fair use. At worse they'll have to get permission and end up coming up with a dataset with licensed art. Artists will be fucked either way, amigo.
Also not to speech of every kid in his basement being able to train his own model with a decent graphics card. Keep coping drawcel/ paintpig, if it makes you feel any better

>> No.6499297

it's render monkey you faggot no one but one retard here paint anything

>> No.6499299

Then why are they attacking ai art?

>> No.6499345

>that grammar
Sloppy job Emad. Stay losing

>> No.6499346
File: 3.17 MB, 3072x3072, 1672198555209769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often "finish" or fix work on /i/ with img2img.
Some people don't care, others get very Very mad.

>> No.6499357

So its plagiarism?

>> No.6499396

To the people who think AI will ever think like humans and to the people who think AI will never think like humans. It won't think like humans and it won't matter that it doesn't. Coming straight from 1985


>> No.6499409

>Spending more time editing AI trash than it would take you to draw and render the same thing w/o AI
For what reason?

>> No.6499470

>-The way AI is trained right now is essentially plagiarism and art theft, there is an ongoing effort to make it so that AI trained on other people's work cannot be copyrighted.
All artists train in this exact way whenever intentional or not. You don't get inspiration in a vacuum.
>-AI is limited by the data it's trained on, it can't innovate like we do.
Learn what img2img generation is. You can take your own original work and modify it with the AI
>-Only humans can truly elevate and progress art, invest new styles, etc. If humans stopped producing art, what AI would generate years from now would be more or less the same as what it does today, because of the point above.
See my above point. And just in the past 6 months there have been tons of new models made. We're still not at the point of AI capturing the full range of possibility so the ceiling is far away. Most artists are pretty samey anyway so this is a silly point.
>-AI art can be used as a tool to complement a human artist's skillset, rather than replace us completely.
Yes. You should be doing this instead of trying to fight an unstoppable force.
>-Worst case scenario, AI will heavily regulated to prevent them replacing us.
You can't regulate what people are just running locally on their computers. It's not going away. Adapt or get left behind.

>> No.6499472

>it isnt; also people don't care about this otherwise ip theft (fan art) wouldnt be popular.
This is the thing people don't even understand. Get AI regulated for IP theft and you'll lose your work as an artist anyway. IP theft in the form of fan art is already illegal but people generally ignore it. They won't if they get after AI art.

>> No.6499475

Take your medicine

>> No.6499513

lmao, that line work is terrible. This is what artfags are scared of? This looks pixelated as shit my guy, lmao, delete this before you embarrass yourself

>> No.6499521

Take your cyanide pill.

>> No.6499527

This guy is a retarded NPC, all he's doing is parroting other idiots who are blatantly wrong or lying.

>> No.6499538


the only tool is ai are the users. fucking tool.

>> No.6499693

Good ideas, I am saving this post.