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File: 122 KB, 828x300, B07AF9D6-E1AB-4C21-8B9C-D50A07996EC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6493318 No.6493318 [Reply] [Original]

People use “talent” as an excuse to not improve their art at all.

>> No.6493322


>> No.6493324

People plateau all the time. Especially once they get popular enough, at that point they stop pushing their skills and become content at whatever level their at.

>> No.6493331

People stop improving their art either because they give up or is happy at their current state, chatgpt

>> No.6493352

Why is it so hard for people to accept some people are just better at certain things than others? I'd like see them make it on a professional sports team or become an astrophysicist.

>> No.6493418

Sure thing, perma/beg/

>> No.6493420

Correct. Talent is real but it's not an excuse to not just FUCKING DRAW

>> No.6493472

That's just a cope at the end of day, not stop being a nigger and apply yoursef

>> No.6493541

>I'd like see them make it on a professional sports team or become an astrophysicist.
those fields are much more competitive and intrinsically difficult than art.
Some things are simple enough (relatively speaking) that prodigious talent is just not a requirement for high level proficiency.

>> No.6493546

Op, we all know you have the talent but don't even draw. Feeling talented yet?

>> No.6493619

What does that tweet say;
>"pls pay attention to me fellow artists i am one of you"

>> No.6493676

talent is really people who have the resources to obtain a skill
people with supportive parents, being surrounded by the right teachers, having the time and money to do art
so yeah its not talent, its a worse privilege

>> No.6493690

Anyone can be an astrophysicist if they study the right materials enough.

And anyone can be competitive at a sport if they compete against people with similar physical aptitudes. The fact that sport rules min-max towards certain body types for certain positions doesn't negate the fact that the technique can be learned by anyone.

The physical aptitude you need to draw is three fingers and at least one eye. Most people have those. They don't want to draw, they just want the "artist" status because of some fucked up notion of romantic value. But they're not willing to develop the skill because they don't actually want to create art.

>> No.6493724

It is a privilege tho? There a lot of poor people who legitimately didn't get a chance to practice their drawing

>> No.6493748

Oh man u guys are so talented. Each and every one of you is a world class athlete, savvy entrepreneur, with brilliant scientific mind that will no doubt leave an exceptional mark within human civilization. I'm sorry I doubt you all, I do sincerely apologize.

>> No.6493752
File: 75 KB, 1387x404, Faggot got BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, listen up:
It is true.
Some people can really be born gifted

Most pro athletes were born with denser blood , higher muscle mass, and stronger bones
Plenty of artists were born with a brain that have a good sense of color, pattern recognition and even better hand-eye coordination
A lot of intellectuals were born with slightly bigger head and wringkled brain

But that's the thing
No matter how many gifts you have, it wouldn't matter at all if you don't work for it. And anyone, I repeat, *anyone* who "muh genes" is someone who has never tried it at all.

They are the people who uses Einstein's "hurr wider brain, missing part" without even recognizing that he lived his life struggling to pay bills, was heavily discriminated as a Jew, and had to fight tooth and nail against Newton's law itself which were the ultimate fundamental of the entire academic world

>> No.6493761
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To add further:
Luck, Genes, Childhood development, and Hardwork are real factors that influence a person's success

Anyone who uses only 1 factor as an argument is showing an act of ignorance and arrogance

By saying "hurr it is all hardwork", you are saying that those below you are just not working as hard as you

Be humble and recognize that all those factors are real but be not stupid enough to say that only 1 factor matter and say that it's always their own fault

>> No.6493774

This is what I hate the most on ""modern artists" Every other field: music, sports, mathematics and etc. Acknowledges there are people who just born with talent for that and some are considered genius. Not that you should give up but that's a fact. Even in the past if you were not talented enough you would just end up as a beggar. it didn't matter how fucking good they have trained a genius would btfo them in old aristocracy days. Reminds me that short story csm author did telling us how when he was a kid he got oblitered by his classmate.
But modern int. digital artists?? Nooo they dont believe in it and they got extremely ofendend to the point of look like a redditor after being called by the wrong pronoun when they hear the word: talent.
Fuck, the drawing community has the most narcissistic and insufferable people I have ever seen.

>> No.6493779

All this bellyaching about talent genes and whatever, but to what end is it put forth? What is this Anon's goal in pushing this? To get people to quite drawing on the art board? Go get a real hobby.

>> No.6493780
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Oh shut up.
Such people exists everywhere. The biggest and most obnoxious ones are the "self-made" richies and celebrities who got there because of parents and nothing more

You only see artists because you only spend time with artists

>> No.6493783

Its the logical conclusion of a hobby being infested by leftoid bleeding hearts.
They are allergic to any hint of determinism even though they will be the first ones to tell you that life has no meaning and the universe doesn't cares about us.

>> No.6493787
File: 120 KB, 450x544, new_york_panorama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This autistic fellow can draw an entire city from memory. There are probably only a few people on the entire planet who are capable of doing the same thing. The idea that genetics, or the underlying physical structure of the brain, have nothing to do with talent are naive in my opinion. There would be no savant syndrome if talent was solely a product of learning and environment. Take Saul Kripke for instance. Kripke taught graduate level logic courses at MIT when he was barely out of high school. Are we supposed to believe that he just tried really hard and practiced a whole lot? Sure, he probably had good teachers and supportive environment and all that, but the vast majority of people who grow up in a similar circumstances will not be nearly as successful. There obviously are innate differences between individuals and I don't know what purpose it serves to deny this.

Drawing is one of the cheapest hobbies out there and poor people often have plenty of time on their hands due to their not being employed. Poor people watch significantly more television than wealthy people. If you have time to watch TV you have time to draw. You can scrounge free pens and paper quite easily.

>> No.6493788
File: 121 KB, 820x556, 197-1974046_39255562-consider-the-following-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your armchair philosophy stinks
Pick up a pen and figure out how far you can get.

Chances of success is complex
But being a failure is a choice

>> No.6493799

>you are saying that those below you are just not working as hard as you
They factually aren't.
I know for sure 9/12 of my students are fapping or clubbing instead of doing their homework.
Guess who's gonna fail and then beg and whine that "I have to give them better grades cause I don't know how hard they have it".

Worst of all is I always did my work, then still had time to fap, club, fuck and even just loiter around campus doing fuck all. They just don't want to work.

>> No.6493806

>Not that you should give up
No, you should give up, that is the problem.
If the "hurr durr talent" faggots would just accept they're deficient and fucked off, nobody would care about being called talented or privileged. The problem is those roaches refuse to leave and constantly demand to be given secret knowledge and shortcuts that don't exist, then act like you're an aristocrat in 1917 Russia.

Either bow down to your betters and shut up. Or admit the difference between us is the disparity in our passion for practice.

>> No.6493807

Don't be too obtuse.
For all we know, they just prefer building connections than building a skill.

Not everything was done out of malice

>> No.6493814

Nigger you are on ic, meaning you have access to one of the most extensive learning art resources for free on the internet. if you wasted your time playing vidya and shitposting all day instead of using them then you dont get to point to genes, parenting factors, and anyother bullshit you feel like pointing to cope with self-inflicted faggotry.

>> No.6493815

>Drawing is one of the cheapest hobbies out there and poor people often have plenty of time on their hands due to their not being employed. Poor people watch significantly more television than wealthy people. If you have time to watch TV you have time to draw. You can scrounge free pens and paper quite easily.
if you're in that middle ground you don't have either the free time or wealth or even the option to get government gibs to do art all the time
plus those with wealth have the money

>> No.6493817

have the money to get better education and supplies

>> No.6493851

Do you really think you wouldn't be you if your parents had just a little bit more money?
Character is hereditary. Temperament can be molded but a wimpy kid will always be a wimpy kid, be they poor or rich, supported or neglected.

>> No.6493860

You may not be a number 1 world renown artist who's work will last for generations without special talent, but you are deluding yourself if you think you can't be above average professional artist if you put work into it.

>> No.6493903
File: 54 KB, 841x720, borat(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art field is so saturated that I refuse to believe it's only "genes". At this point I truly feel anyone can do it unless they don't have arms.

>> No.6493927

And she's wrong. It isn't newsworthy, people are often mistaken. Humans are not blank slates with all the same potential. "Talented" in this context means that they'll learn more more than an untalented person within the same time frame. The less talented you are, the more time you need to achieve the same result.

People accept this everywhere else. A person with an IQ of 110 can absolutely become an MD, but they'll just have to study a lot harder and for a lot more time than someone with an IQ of 140. It's just how it is.

>> No.6493941

The vast majority of people don't draw. Most of the worlds population, 5.56 billion people have access to the internet. Therefore even a tiny percent will be hundreds of millions of people, giving you the impression that it's saturated.

>> No.6494005
File: 119 KB, 462x356, 1645950299044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost had a stroke trying to parse what this nigger was trying to say.

How come people can't keep their attention span for long enough to write a single, coherent sentence?
And everyone pretends it's fine. I am vomit.

>> No.6494400

no dude you're a failure because you have to work

>> No.6495420

>no I have no talent I'm ngmi
if your definition of making it was monetary you were never gonna make it anyway. just draw because you like to draw, retards

>> No.6495424

People use ''talent'' as an excuse to validate their status.
''No, its not talent, I just worked really haaard!'' - Says the 160 IQ Chess genius who reached championship in a couple years, as the 110 IQ brainlet watches from the bottom of the hiearchy after 2 decades of training.

If there is one thing more disgusting than people who use ''talent'' to avoid drawing, is definitely the high status people that insist biology had nothing to do with their success.

>> No.6495505

the problem with talent is that it’s too reductive. It assumes there 1 magical trait out there that makes you good at art when in reality there’s dozens of interconnected ones. And if you lack in one area you very likely make up in another one.

Someone with a strong sense of color has artistic talent, someone with amazing visual memory has talent, someone with great spacial intelligence has talent, someone who’s just incredible creative has talent, etc…
And while some people have more of these than others, few people have literally none of them.

Sure some people will be talented in areas you aren’t but they will also still stumble in other areas. And blaming talent for them being all around better than you is just cope. Someone with great color sense might always be better than you at painting but it’s not because of that that you’re still drawing floating anime girls on white backgrounds and you refuse to draw more time consuming intricate drawings with lots of interesting interconnecting pieces.

>> No.6495511

being a "scientist" isn't like a cartoon where you stand around in lab coats going "hmm" at bubbling concoctions. They're not mega geniuses that know something we don't. They simply memorized publicly available, they're not fucking mogging each other in a battle of wits like its fucking deathnote. They're just normal people with a passion for their field of science. And athletes aren't a cut above, they litearlly spend all day every day practicing, its all they do. Anyone who spends all day every day drawing will get good, but its absurd to do that without getting paid. You're fully indoctrinated into the just world fallacy.

That said, talent is really not that important in art. The more important thing is balancing appeal with studies, and having certain tastes. Someone like projo may have more technical skill but they can only draw ugly shit, is that talent? Some people only draw cute chibi girls for 15 years, is that talent? Talent itself is a nebulous term that people use to cope about anything.

>> No.6495516

If you believe biology has a huge part in it, then you have to also believe women are inferior to men on every metric.

>> No.6495521

No, that actually makes no sense. Since men and women evolved together as a unity/team. That means that logically, women are better at certain things (Such taking care of children, foraging, kindness, keeping families together through bonding/grooming, emotionally support... etc. Men have their weakness and strenghts too.
They are also the main motivator for many men to go out and find their purpose in life, which shouldn't be cast aside as meaningless.
I know for myself, to give you an example. Just seeing my girlfriend smile serves as a guard against staring into the abyss, and the thought of one day having my own family, makes me want to try my hardest to become a man that can provide and take care of them.

This whole incel/feminist movement of pitting men and women against each other is utterly disgusting in everyway.
So when you say women are inferior to men due to biology, you then have to ask. ''In what aspect?''
Are women worse mothers than men? Not really
Are women less physically capable in terms of raw strenght and endurance? Yep

>> No.6495524

>That means that logically, women are better at certain things
that's a fallacy, expecting everything in nature to have a explicit purpose.

>> No.6495526

you should have just started the post with "my girlfriend" so everyone would know you're a braindead normalfag. "kindness and emotional support" jfc LOL

>> No.6495538

>Life is inherently meaningless!! Nothing matters in the large scale of the Universe!!
Haha, imagine still beiing stuck in postmodernist drivel in the year of our lord 2023. Its time to hang your fedorah, my dude. Our generation has been there for the last 2 decades, and its leaving that shit in droves.

Meaning and purpose as inherently human things. You aren't a fucking rock travelling through the void of space. Meaning is not found being secluded in your room avoiding real life. Meaning in CREATED through voluntary action. Stop drinking the antinatalist kool aid. Its nothing but a machination of mentally ill schizophrenics that hate being alive cause they don't understand.

Imagine being this proud of being a /r9k/ loser, and finding meaning in that. Whats next, going to call me chad as a slur?

>> No.6495651

yup, quite a coincidence that every "talented" artist i know of only got to that level after 5-10 years of consistent study and/or practice. and if you look at their early work (if they've even posted it), its as /beg/ as anyone else's. nah, must just be a coincidence.

>> No.6495738

>That means that logically, women are better at certain things (Such taking care of children, foraging, kindness, keeping families together through bonding/grooming, emotionally support
this is the bullshit thinking that led to incels and feminism
there are lots of selfish women, terrible mothers, female murderers and abusers (have you forgot amber herd??). our forefathers believed women were idiots but full of light and raindbows, they put women on pedestals before and look what happened: they rebelled every time. i'm not talking about the 1960s alone, think back to witch burnings, and all that shit. women have proven over and over how easily they will undermine you when they feel ignored or like they don't have enough. just because they're not as physically strong as us doesn't mean they can't think or act in aggressive ways and giving her a baby won't magically make her docile and less cunning.

>> No.6495750

talent not real lol just draw

>> No.6495759
File: 55 KB, 583x884, boston marathon winners 1990-2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And athletes aren't a cut above, they litearlly spend all day every day practicing, its all they do
Why are white long-distance runners so bad at practicing? Too much burger?

>> No.6495765

Psychopaths have no gender or political affiliation, they have chess pieces in the tableboard of their goals. You can't paint all women, and all men as evil because of them.

>> No.6495777

Kenya is an oddity due to the extremely high elevation of the country forcing their bodies to use oxygen more efficiently and the culture of running being seen as a way to rise up in the world. If there was an example of 'born to run' it'd be Kenyans. But that's also due to culture. I'm not sure if anyone has ever pitted say, a Nepali or a Tibetan against a Kenyan but it'd be an interesting experiment.

It's a similar argument some may have about those using character scripts *hanzi, kanji, etc) having an innate advantage at art since they're already used to making so many strokes.

>> No.6495784

the point is that believing women are naturally good and great parents is what creates feminists and incels. using them like magical amulets to give us purpose in life and all that retarded shit you wax on about is a recipe for disaster, history has proven it. they're not special and shouldn't be treated as such. men can be great parents, men can be kind and create bonds, men can be emotional support.

>> No.6495833
File: 160 KB, 2048x1153, 1671338875874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone can reach the high score
But failing at lvl 1 is your own damn fault

Just because someone is better doesn't mean you are not good.
Just play the game and see your score.

And always remember:
This game is unfair but it is not unfair specifically to you
No one forces you play this game
If you hate it, then just quit.
No one would miss the whiny faggot

>> No.6495911

Some men can, some women can. The average still holds true, and its not broken because of a few outliers on each end of the bell curve. There is nothing wrong with this, and I don't see how not teaching that would help incels

>> No.6495917

Talent is the love you have for the craft.
The ability to sit down and joyfully draw for hours and hours is enough for you to get good, provided you're not literally retarded.
So in a sense, yes, not everyone has that spark of interest and love for it, that is certainly something you can't fake or force, but you still have to work for those skills.
If you can't make it, it's not because you're not skillful, it's because you simply want to be perceived as an artist, but you don't want to do art.

>> No.6496026

I didn't expect to see this, you made me proud anon. Fuck normalfags.
Jump into a woodchipper face-first, normalnigger.

>> No.6496027

Kek, the absolute level of seethe

>> No.6496166
File: 198 KB, 1280x966, 1280px-Darwin's_finches_by_Gould.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a Darwinian perspective it's pretty obvious what would happen to a population that lived at high altitudes for many generations.

>> No.6496202

>Jump into a woodchipper face-first, normalnigger.
I hope one day you move away from these thoughts, and realize are tribalising yourself out of hatred for the cards you've been handed in life, and thats a miserable path to live

>> No.6496310

Yes, actually. The history of long distance runners at the Olympics makes it evident it's not race but lifestyle that makes good long distance runners. People from extremely poor communities have always been the best, as soon as their communities improve they are overtaken by another misery mire.

>> No.6496346
File: 21 KB, 507x93, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The history of long distance runners at the Olympics makes it evident it's not race but lifestyle that makes good long distance runners
Being poor makes you run better how? And why is it never poor countries outside of sub saharan africa?
Large portions of india and china are africa-tier poor and they arent succeeding at any kind of running competition.

Do you maybe think it could be more likely that the difference in average body proportions could be a factor?

>> No.6496349

I don't know but I want to see her nipples, also from time to time she draws decent breast.

>> No.6496367

Thank you for telling me that I'm not allowed to be miserable because of factors outside of my control. This is so so so so sooooo helpful.

>> No.6496384

Art can be expressed in multiple ways and methods so you can be "the best" in whatever you do
but in a sport there are set rules and in science that rule is accuracy so you can only be "the best" in a very limited way

>> No.6496394

The rules of art is no different from having different sports and different branches of science

Style and methods differ but they all have rules

And that rule for art is that it has to look good.

>> No.6496409

Because it triggers something deep in their mentality about how society is supposed to be equal. And they are just stupid enough to convince themselves that their opinion is based in reality and not on their personal issues.

>> No.6496412


>> No.6496439

Check the list of medallists and their life stories.
There's no ethnic constant but there is a socio-economic constant of people who grew up in harsh conditions, be it refugee status, underdeveloped rural communities, or poverty in general.

>> No.6496443

I skimmed over the list of winners and it appears that from the mid 20th century onward, the majority of them were black, and before that the majority were white. It would be expected that blacks were less likely to compete before that point in time because a. discrimination b.globalism being far less advanced making it harder for sub saharan africans to even know what the olympics are

>> No.6496445

Teenage artists are especially trapped by this mentality.

>> No.6496447

>globalism being far less advanced making it harder for sub saharan africans to even know what the olympics are.
It's not like they're on an alien planet, anon. They own TVs there.

>> No.6496456

TVs were new for most american people in the 50s, how many kenyans do you think had one at the time

>> No.6496458

Anyone can be an artist, though I will admit some people have surpassed me despite starting later than me.

>> No.6496463

talent is how quickly you can come up with good ideas. I have to brainstorm and thumbnail for weeks before drawing one good thing, while others doodle mindlessly and it looks beautiful. Its a cosmic force that some people can tap into more easily than others. I have anti-talent, I have to do everything the maximum number of tries before i learn it. So technically I can get good, but its much harder.

>> No.6496464
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to make it, you have to say the opposite. What you need is the confidence of a schizo but the skills to back it up.

>> No.6496470

Good luck with that in art school. The prof will fail you if u dont follow what they teach.
>be kids in elementary school
>everyone is unique, different and special.
>be grown ass adults whose been through society
>We're all equal with no differences that's why that guy is the boss of me and that girl works in a different department.

>> No.6496481

Its called the just-world fallacy

>> No.6496483

>why wont manlets just PRACTICE being taller!?

>> No.6496484

How do the practice fags reconcile the fact that most sport athletes are Black with their "all men born equal" mentality?

>> No.6496485
File: 353 KB, 1400x933, anon really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is ridiculous cope, I've seen better on reddit. Frankly I'm a bit insulted.

There are literally hundreds of messed up third world shitholes on this godforsaken planet, so why is it two shitholes in particular that produce the best marathon runners? There is an ethnic constant as I clearly showed here >>6495759

Please explain why fucked up and miserable West Africa isn't producing dozens of world class long distance runners the way fucked up and miserable East Africa is.

>> No.6496519

Don't worry about it anon :D

>> No.6496526

And so are u. Projecting much?

>> No.6496755
File: 22 KB, 252x262, 1637141838299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jimi Hendrix

>dude in orchestra

Skill doesn't help if you don't have talent aka soul.

>> No.6496760

Talent is definitely real but it shouldn't stop you if you are willing to learn. Even a retard like me can improve.

>> No.6496805

Talent is definitely real to a certain degree but most people can do almost anything to an absurdly high standard. I think people way overestimate what talent is worth due to inefficient vs efficient practice methods and a misunderstanding of how much practice people are doing.

>> No.6496871

yeah I hate when people say I'm "so talented" as an artist, it's not talent I worked hard to git gud

>> No.6496878

>twitter screenshot
the last "artist vs art" thing showed me that most working artists came from priviledged backgrounds, which allowed them to pursue this finantially irresponsible adventure

>> No.6497146

You are on twitter, anon
Of course you'll find priviledged people

>> No.6497159

you have the internet and obviously have time to shit post, i dont want to hear privilege coming out of your sickly pale pasty face ever again

>> No.6497163

so talented

>> No.6497207

how so? if you had worse resources given to you in life do you really think you'd be the artist you are now? what if you had bad teachers, what if you have people who put you down throughout life, what if you can't spend to much time drawing because of work?
Maybe you can still become a good artist regardless of that but it's at the very least gonna be at a MUCH slower pace
Ironically, if you think all of the above is irrelevant then that's pretty much admitting that talent exists because you're admitting that someone is good because they're just born better and can succeed regardless of upbringing and situation

tl;dr: nature vs nuture. which is more important for art gains

>> No.6497338
File: 16 KB, 326x311, For+anyone+that+wants+it+_91f5308a76b793657d2c8c5e2a5cfcd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shut up
There are many factors to become a success
Only one factor to become a failure.

Anyone who seeks and finds improvement is a success, regardless of how many people are better
Anyone who stays at level 1 is a failure by all accounts, regardless of excuses

>> No.6497358

talent is having no brainfog. Its how well you can retain new information.

>> No.6497510

Can confirm. From privileged background. No financial worries. I could draw all day long like an autist

>> No.6497662

They will as soon as East Africa develops just a little bit more and there's a reliable way out of poverty for dumb but physically fit people.
Just like happened to Korea before them, and Argentina before them, and Finland before them, and Italy before them...

>> No.6497671

sure man but its important to consider when judging others who seem like they haven't made it yet

>> No.6497674

>how so? if you had worse resources given to you in life do you really think you'd be the artist you are now?
Yes, I've lived both lives and improved more when I was less resourceful because I had more time.
Access to more materials and teachers did just distract me. But my character made me pull through the rough times while still improving. Now I'm at a middle ground and have stagnated vertically but continue to grow horizontally.

>> No.6497946
File: 57 KB, 725x480, 629bde060b6a1443396a797448ec1a34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless they don't have arms

>> No.6497947
File: 45 KB, 600x404, armless_painter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6497948
File: 88 KB, 1080x810, 12_documentry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean fuck that guy is very likely to be inbred on top of armless!

>> No.6498152

Existence of conditions like ADHD implies that focus and effort are things you are born with and can't be learned, so in a sense becoming a master is absolutely genetics since you are gonna need focus and effort.

>> No.6498291

>Kenyans run fast
>therefore practicing art is useless
Imagine being racist just to justify why you’re lazy lol

>> No.6498299

> Existence of conditions like ADHD implies that focus and effort are things you are born with and can't be learned,
No. They absolutely do not lol. This is honestly so stupid that your existence is better evidence than your argument that some people are unfixably stupid tbphwyf.
> so in a sense becoming a master is absolutely genetics since you are gonna need focus and effort.
Adhd doesn’t mean you literally can’t focus on anything ever kiddo. It means you can’t focus on shit you don’t care about and likely hyperfocus on whatever you’re into at the moment.

ADHD can basically be a creativity superpower, and most creatives are pretty deep into the adhd spectrum, so maybe try coming up with some other cope to justify why you’re not drawing.

>> No.6498303

Oh fuck it’s courtier!!

>> No.6498313

>ADHD can basically be a creativity superpower, and most creatives are pretty deep into the adhd spectrum
>Talent is not genetic
Surely you understand how dumb your argument is?

>> No.6498333

>if they compete against people with similar physical aptitudes.

There it is. Now understand that different people have different potential mental and performative aptitudes as well, and you begin to understand what talent is.

>> No.6498337

>The art field is so saturated
By absolute garbage. The fact that it is now acceptable to the masses does not mean there is suddenly a wealth of good artists in the world.

>> No.6498368

Yes, someone, somewhere is probably going to be better than you, but other peole being better isn't an excuse for you to not even try to be good.

>> No.6498688

>get good
>people around u: hey this pretty good.
>move up to better artist group
>meh, kind of mid and beg ngl.
And so on...

>> No.6499021

The physical, mental and performative aptitudes needed for art are at least one semi-functional eye, any form of grasping ability, and minimal understanding of the concept of communication.

Inbred, poverty-struck people with physical disabilities can do it. It's really not hard for anyone worth the oxygen they breathe

You can't, not people in general, you alone! Others aren't superior, you are a deficient piece of shit not even fit for consumption.

Stop wasting our time.

>> No.6499041

When I first began posting my art online, people dogpiled and trolled me for being a shitty artist. But I applied myself hardcore and now whenever I post my art online, I get people talking about my art in disbelief at how good it is. Apply yourself.

>> No.6499070 [DELETED] 
File: 365 KB, 1080x1080, C824AFB7-FA67-410F-9B63-F192BDDD69A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adhd is proof that people inherently are incapable of focusing
>actually adhd is proof that people are capable of focusing to extreme levels specifically on things they’re interested in
>therefore I’m right about why I suck and my laziness and refusal to practice or improve is justified
Bro literally a oofy doofus retard can get good at producing marketable art. Adhd people being good at art isn’t proof for or against innate artistic talent because there’s an overwhelming amount of people with adhd that will never do an artistic thing in their life.

There’s no secret formula. There’s no rules. You’re either interesting and produce stuff that people like or you don’t. But you lazy do-nothing bozos that refuse to do anything while writing hundreds of words to angrily justify why you’re incapable so there’s no reason to bother trying, are goddamn pathetic.

You’re not going to make anything and you’re going spend the rest of your life justifying why. And at the end of the day nobody will notice when you’re dead.

>> No.6499197

Man I'm so glad I'm not you.

>> No.6499340

I know you get asked this a lot, but if there were five things you'd tell your /beg/past self to study, what would they be?

>> No.6499348

Kek I'm glad I'm not you as well. I dont have to come here and cope. The people around me want my art taken to the next level and see me succeed.

>> No.6501077

the absolute top in the field are paving the way for progress by mogging those that came before them with better hypothesizes, but general scientists, at least the once you think of when you think scientist, just preform experiments and document what happened possibly explaining what they think happened.

soon, and I fucking hate that im bringing this up, ai is going to replace grunt scientists think the light bulb, thats was thousands of failures, a well made simulation will narrow down the materials that would work and conditions by a substantial margin, this is already material science reality, also to some degree medical, where ai notices a trend better than people do.

the 3000+ iterations of a lightbulb before it got a working one will become 20 and we see how they work irl.

TANGENT ASIDE, you are correct, most people aren't special, they just know what to do and almost anyone can be trained to work those fields, the hardest part about scientists jobs is the lab experience needed, the equivalent in art would be perspective and value, quite literally anyone can learn it as its a procedure thing, the top minds would be the ones that come up with an appealing style that sells well.

>> No.6501079

the world is more complex than your binary first world/fucked up miserable third world

>> No.6501080

people dont even want to admit mental illness exists, let alone adhd.