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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6492224 No.6492224 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we not more popular? We are literally the only open community for art

>> No.6492229 [DELETED] 


>> No.6492232

do you want this place to turn into reddit

>> No.6492233 [DELETED] 


>> No.6492238 [DELETED] 


>> No.6492242 [DELETED] 


>> No.6492244

heheh, imagine if she was sitting like that but on my face. Lol just kidding, haha. But still, it would a pretty wacky situation :O

>> No.6492245 [DELETED] 


>> No.6492247

How come there are barely any websites with people painting traditionally besides wetcanvas which is boomer central?

>> No.6492250

>painting traditionally
>boomer central
what did you expect?

>> No.6492274

There are more normalfags in the world than 4chan outcasts.

>> No.6492275

image hosting can get expensive, even more in art communities because people dont resize their shit.

>> No.6492276

i wish this website was less popular

>> No.6492281

There isn't much intelligent or productive discussion here. It's mostly people calling each other fags and bragging about how they didn't read a post with more than three words. Oh, and let's not forget about all the cheese pizza lovers here.

>> No.6492284

Ic is one of the top art sites if not THE top art site. Why else, for example, would Proko shit his pants over getting roasted here (kangaroo thing)? Because he knows the entire art community is watching.
4chan is way more popular than you think, especially lately. Everyone is using the basedjaks, the lingo, the gigachad, the /pol/ world views etc.

>> No.6492286

>4chan is way more popular than you think
unironically this

>> No.6492291

>There isn't much intelligent or productive discussion here
This website has been shut down almost 100%. Just check the catalog, its completely meaningless and repeats itself.

>> No.6492312

What happened with Proko exactly? How do we know he shit himself? Spill the juicy beans please

>> No.6492323

>Ic is one of the top art sites if not THE top art site
>there’s only 3-4 decent/good artist here and they don’t really participate because they are too busy actually fucking drawing
Yeah sure

>> No.6492331

True, you could check an atomic clock against any given bait thread here.

>> No.6492333

There was an episode in the draftsmen where he talks about the kangaroo and how he thought it could really hurt his brand so he decided to avoid livestreaming him drawing ever again. I'm not rewatching the episodes to find which one so you will have to do the homeworld alone, but I'm pretty sure it was not in the first season

>> No.6492336

that was a fun episode, second season

>> No.6492364

Be grateful it isn't. The more people that flood this place means more normies, who will start demanding changes and censorship.
Eventually, we'd end up with a ton of annoying rules that restrict every little thing.
You wouldn't be able to critique anything without getting banned "for negativity" and other retarded shit.

>> No.6492371

>90% of the retards here get mogged by the average plebbitor in terms of art
Oh no no no

>> No.6492378

no karma, usernames or upvotes will always keep image boards slightly better than reddit. 4chan is terrible because signal to noise is so low.
also speaking of reddit I was posting art there for the first time in years and holy shit is the redesign unusable. what the actual fuck.

>> No.6492392

>add on to automatically add old.reddit.com/.... exists

>> No.6492393

They do, in their respective generals

>> No.6492396

wow. jesus that helps immensely, fucking night and day. thank you.

>> No.6492426

>when your legacy is not being able to draw from memory
>/ic/ ITT: forced to draw from memeory

>> No.6492478

The culture here kinda sucks.

>> No.6492490

kek he actually got butthurt over the kangaroo fetus thing? my fucking sides

>> No.6492513

He pretended to be unable to remember this websites name. Look up "the drawing that almost destroyed proko"

>> No.6492517

i fucking found it

and moment that made history

>> No.6492524
File: 342 KB, 828x1063, A3429044-62E9-4A6D-AE24-C7491E16498E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this funny, lol.

>> No.6492535

Everyone does have a visual library though. We see it when kids draw the sun with a circle and little lines coming off of it. The difference is most people haven't trained theirs much beyond that.

>> No.6492538
File: 64 KB, 709x538, 1671740039975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are literally the only open community for art
Nice bait, Anon. Nice bait.
Next time tell us /v/ is for video games.

>> No.6492550

Furry, pedo, anime, capeshit, tradshit, AIshit, memeshit all without requiring a login to view, comment and upload files. Everywhere else requires an account to get access to comments

>> No.6492657

post furry and get banned

>> No.6492663

Did they finally nuke /fag/?

>> No.6492685
File: 378 KB, 512x512, 7u65hetyrw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ic is one of the top art sites if not THE top art site
this is one of the slowest boards I frequent

>> No.6492690

That's like asking the emo loner autistic kid why he has no friends.

>> No.6492711

Because of racism.

>> No.6493250

People still genuinely believe all of 4chan is /pol/.
Also ime a lot of popular artists do lurk here they just don't say it because their retarded normie followers thing all of 4chan is /pol/.

Pretty much the same as how nearly all TGC personalities check /tg/ and all horror youtubers lurk /x/. But very few have the balls to admit it.

>> No.6493653

Because we are autistic and gay, also

>> No.6493693

Checked. Also

>Autocorrected to Homeworld

Found the Steven Universe fag

>> No.6493695

Because there are no real opportunities to chase clout or farm likes to stroke your own ego. Not to mention how much lefties despise this website as a whole simply because we don't shit our pants whenever anon calls someone a nigger or faggot.

and honestly? It's better this way. We're better off without normies clogging our threads with whatever homoglobo crap they're pushing these days, or bitching and moaning because we're not going to play hugbox for their pre-/beg/ art.

Outside of the nodraw trolls and attention whores, most people who come here already know what kind of culture they're possibly going to be dealing with. Nobody with 2 brain cells is going to come to 4chan and spend any actual time here if they can't deal with anons just being anons, and as a result the people who *do* stay in /ic/ and *actually* fucking draw are generally pretty chill.

also what >>6493250 >>6492364 and >>6492232 said

>> No.6493697

Because we are all /pol/ nigger. Who makes there whole life only politics and doesn't go on other boards on this site

>> No.6493708

see >>6492244

>> No.6493721

Art is inherently linked to the individual person, unlike a random opinion shit post, so the anonymous aspect doesn't have as much appeal, most people want their name to be directly connected to their art. Also, this site is full of passive aggressive at best schizos, and most discussions devolve in pol lingo debates.
Unfortunately though, there really aren't any alternatives around.

>> No.6493741

To put it lightly, the majority of this place are assholes that like to insult each other rather than draw, and most of the internet doesn’t have the patience for that.

>> No.6493985

>open community
People don't actually like this. Or rather, people absolutely hate this.

>> No.6493994

Remember when 4chan was smart people pretending to be idiots, rather than literal retards thinking they were in good company? This poster sure doesn’t.

>> No.6494030

>Remember when 4chan was smart people pretending to be idiots

>> No.6494040

This board is popular for the art book piracy thread.

>> No.6494075

stop projecting dumb nigger, not everybody here cares about the retarded ass politics of a bunch of degenerate pedophiles.

>> No.6494096

Normies stay away from 4chan out of fear. People who don't have this fear mine 4chan for memes/content and then spread it to the public.

>> No.6494768

Kek. Made me have a sensible chuckle.

>> No.6494786

>post on reddit
>get little to no feedback, ego stroking, communities are circle jerks, real vague answers
>post on /ic/
>get called a beg nigger faggot but actually get useful advice on what to work on, resources to use, and constructive feedback

>> No.6494853

I don't get why people act like this
>Anyone can learn to draw! Its just hard work and effort, so let's make this fun journey together everyone!
>uhm, actually people without limbs who also have parkisons can literally never become an artists so your point is completely invalid and we shouldn't even bother trying

>> No.6494873
File: 8 KB, 255x253, 1673867043405126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if you keep forgetting whats in your visual library. I'm a brainlet I think that's whats happening to me

>> No.6494874

good job beg nigger faggot

>> No.6495007

You're 30% annoying weebs, 20% crabs, 30% reeelists, and 10% good artists, and on 4chan of all places.
Why would anybody come here?

>> No.6495015

The /pro/ artists don’t post work, they just lurk.

>> No.6495049
File: 135 KB, 1400x1400, daffy stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i forgot to return a book to my visual library and now they took away my pass

>> No.6495105

t. crab reee weeb

>> No.6495128

Jannies got us in a little box. Same threads over and over. Sells bad ads, I guess.

>> No.6495133

At least we got a new topic to talk about last year, we just need to wait another decade for something new

>> No.6495151

What other styles are even relevant?

>> No.6495176

I guess al the furry fetish art rest of the anons here draw for rent is relevant to them~

>> No.6495325

>Why are we not more popular?
We are already too popular.
I hate Twitter immigrants so much.

>> No.6495326

this place is great the way it is dont reach for the stars!

>> No.6495366


>> No.6496736

What were you asking?

>> No.6496780

4cuck didn't create or popularize basedjaks

>> No.6496789

>pros don’t pyw
>they lurk and crab if they want to.
Ok this very based. I will continue to draw until such a day comes.

>> No.6496797
File: 2.99 MB, 252x263, to_much_text_wont_read.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6496799

>implying it hasn't

>> No.6496875

remember eatpoo?
old polycount...
now there's twitter I guess

>> No.6497034

>not being able to draw will hurt his brand
no shit?

>> No.6497256

Pedophiles and bitter artists, aka Crabs.
Even without them, this board would still be pretty meh. At this point I just use /ic/ to shitpost and nitpick every error I see whenever someone posts their work.

>> No.6497753

Which generals do you visit, I need anons to roast me alive but no one ever does.

>> No.6497760

This place deserves to be redditified

>> No.6497767

4chan is already reddit and normie, everyone uses 4chan people just don't want to say they do.

>> No.6497777

>Ask for help
>bunch of pseuds dunking on you to stroke their own ego cause its easy to say its shit and not elaborate
Hard to ignore when it takes 5 or 6 posts before someone actually tries to give pointers.

>> No.6497801
File: 1.74 MB, 3024x3676, 1674671579530726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already become reddit.

>> No.6497926

probably cause of this guy's >>6492244

>> No.6497929

as it should be

>> No.6497937

that beg nigger faggot just might gmi

>> No.6497938

Because 4chan is riddled with /pol/tards, incels, and homo/transphobia. This place is toxic and cringe af why the fuck would anyone come here except to shit post anonymously?

>> No.6497998


Accept Allah as your lord sovereign, infidels.

>> No.6498000

4chan is reddit now mods and troons erasing comments and bans

>> No.6498020

I mean the only people dumb enough to be jannies for free are either militant troons or glowies, so I guess this site got what it deserved.

>> No.6498159
File: 94 KB, 600x850, good evening whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's already tumblr, reddit would be an improvement at this point, so many fucking troons and daddy issues shitting up the board it's no wonder the general skill level took the biggest shit over the previous years.

>> No.6498160

just say you're a faggot and leave it at that

>> No.6498234

This >>6492286 >>6492284
>Why more
Lack of strong acts.

>> No.6500864
File: 124 KB, 720x480, op.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503755

The jews hate art bought 4chan and made ic hard to get to

>> No.6504577

4chan has an overblown but shit reputation online and most people are used to Discord servers by this point. I can't fault anyone for not wanting to deal with a bunch of crabs and shitposting.

>> No.6504631

We're kinda conceited and jaded to be honest.

>> No.6504644
File: 79 KB, 676x701, troon cobson suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because 4chan is riddled with /pol/tards, incels, and homo/transphobia. This place is toxic and cringe af why the fuck would anyone come here except to shit post anonymously?

>> No.6504648

/ic/ requires a lot of patience to get anything out of it, there are better places to find resources, get honest critique and improve your craft without any of the drawbacks /ic/ provides.
Personally, I've rarely gained any real critique, direction, or much of anything from /ic/. Certainly nothing resembling what Anon puffs the board up to be. What I do like about it is that I can post unfinished scribbles in a casual atmosphere.

>> No.6504705
File: 815 KB, 2000x1346, 38CA811D-0222-4D8E-9FFC-67BE0754101C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is lacking some art.

>> No.6505138

> there are better places to find resources, get honest critique and improve your craft without any of the drawbacks /ic/ provides.