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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6485388 No.6485388 [Reply] [Original]

Lawyer explains the art lawsuit
Latent images and all

>> No.6485419

This "lawyer" would be right EXCEPT...

1. AI as in the models, weights and parameters themselves have no copyrightable data in them. There's a retarded myth being spread that calls AI a form of encoding or compression which is beyond stupid when you realize the shear size of data AI has to train from. It would also by definition of machine learning not be AI if it actually parsed stored data. The datasets like LAION are their own entities and whatever else these models train on. But as mentioned before training doesn't actually take any existing work.

2. Even if say it was a photobashing tool, it would still fall under fair use and derivative work.

3. You cannot copyright styles, no matter how much you bitch. This also includes ideas and methods (like AI itself).

>> No.6485425

Thanks goodness there are other more solid reasons to call AI art theft. In the end your latent space cannot exist without previous works.

Also don't fool yourself if this was music it would have been crushed long ago by this more powerful industry

>> No.6485428

Why should I trust some random 4chan smelly pajeet over an actual lawyer?

>> No.6485430
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>"...if we separate our emotions...."
And artists are don goofed

>> No.6485440

don't care
I will put "Nigger" in every single one of my paintings that will discourage the AI
simple as

>> No.6485441
File: 163 KB, 1644x1016, Screenshot_20230122-135914~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you're the same ESL by your spelling and the way you're parroting the same shit. Do you even know how your own program works? Stop shitting up the board. Next you're going to bring up "le one pixel" argument again. 0.7$ has been deposited to your bank account.

>> No.6485443
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Like what? Also I didn't know we lived in a vacuum but clearly you're a brainlet so I guess by default there's a vacuum in your skull. The drawslave cope is amazing. The only theft that is happening is your labor/craft skills are becoming increasingly less marketable. Particularity in the concept art/illustration world.

>Also don't fool yourself if this was music it would have been crushed long ago by this more powerful industry
No it wouldn't and startups have already begun training on larger datasets of contemporary music. There's also two types of royalties on music, the actual raw "sound/melody" and then there's royalties on the likeness of an Artist/brand.

>> No.6485445

>Artists losing their shoot praising a lawyer video that is overwhelmingly in favor of AI winning the lawsuit
Why are they so retarded? Are they really so far up their own asses that they think just because a lawsuit's been filed that they're right or going to win?

How do you go through life being so separated from reality?

>> No.6485451

if my work is in an ai dataset, its only fair I get royalty fees from it. anyone generating with my work should owe me at least $100 (10% of the average cost of my commissions, based on state tax)

>> No.6485452
File: 13 KB, 300x100, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger all art is derivative. This image from the fucking top banner of the page "cannot exist without previous works"

>> No.6485454

If anyone studies my work to learn to draw it's only fair that I get royalty fees from it. anyone learning with my work should owe me at least $100 (10% of the average cost of my commissions, based on state tax)

>> No.6485465

I hate Corridor Crew so fucking much, they jump on money making schemes as soon as possible, like they did with NFTs, and don't care about actually creating art but only to have a "nice" finished result to put on YouTube as soon as possible, that's why they do so many "time challenges" and now shill AI so much. I bet Niko or Jake would love to be able to make massive projects alone and avoid paying so many artists.

>> No.6485467

if he says it learns like a human then insta-binned

>> No.6485468

If you're not marketable, that's your fault. Git gud, scrub.

>> No.6485470

Not sure if troll but just in case,,,

If you honestly have so much disdain towards artists why the fuck do you use their work?

Make your AI using procedural algos like in the demo scene.

>> No.6485471

Do you think I hurt poor data's fee fees?

ML algos aren't human

>> No.6485473

>ML algos aren't human
Bitch neither are you. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6485475

So stealing is fine because you are a human?

>> No.6485478

fuck off shill. when will you learn that art takes far more effort than writing some shitty photobash algo

>> No.6485481

ai bros... its over

>> No.6485483
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>> No.6485485

pajeets can't meme

>> No.6485489

*takes a big wet smelly dump in the mouth of every AIshitter and AI apologist*
Smell ya later, losers.

>> No.6485493
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>NOOO AI will "steal" my job
if you can't market yourself is your fault

>> No.6485495

Who's Noone and why does he care about my loli porn?

>> No.6485497

Do you really expect artists to understand the concept of consequences?

>> No.6485501
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Like peter han said
git gud

>> No.6485504

Pointless video because no legal precedent has been set yet.

>> No.6485507

you fucking wish. that garbage is barely its cost in electricity.

>> No.6485509

Based and truthpilled

>> No.6485510

>you fucking wish.

>> No.6485511

aitrannies shaking

>> No.6485512

>Western corpo shit themselves more

>> No.6485515

You're right, we should ban AI completely, make it illegal to use in any case. Problem solved, thank you.

>> No.6485520

Ethical AI doesn't exist anyway.

>> No.6485521

>Smaller studios don't compete with big ones.
>It's ok if they gave their consent. At least they're getting money instead of getting straight up robbed. Don't see your point.
>Ok? Or they might just pay an actual artist. Doesn't really matter to artists.
Bad strawman overall. Try again.

>> No.6485525

>Ethical AI doesn't exist anyway.
Intellectual property doesnt exist either
you cant own an idea

>> No.6485528

that won't stop MFs from getting sued for violating it.

>> No.6485537
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I hope the aitrannies go bankrupt

>> No.6485538

>AI a form of encoding or compression which is beyond stupid when you realize the shear size of data AI has to train from
Grand theft

>> No.6485539

So? That's not what I'm talking about. AI in the way it's currently implemented and in this economic system is not and will never be ethical and should be banned.
Automation only serves big corporations and will always hurt the workers because it's not created to free people from their hard job, but to replace them. We either continue like this and go full cyberpunk, or we ban it until we create a utopia where AI can be used for the greater good and not only to enrich some people.

>> No.6485540

You can't "own" anything, the computer you're using is as much yours as it is mine

>> No.6485543

they will once we win our class action, brother.

>> No.6485545

>Automation only serves big corporations and will always hurt the workers because it's not created to free people from their hard job, but to replace them.
serious question
are you a commie?

>> No.6485546

I want them to die horribly too though

>> No.6485547
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>> No.6485549

imagine creating a company making barely legal and clearly unethical stuff, trying to sell and make as much money out of it, and not expecting consequences.

>> No.6485550

how much money do you think ai have already made? how much of that do we get once we win?

>> No.6485551

>once we win
lol. lmao.

>> No.6485552

>how much of that do we get once we win?

>> No.6485555

>AI as in the models, weights and parameters themselves have no copyrightable data in them. There's a retarded myth being spread that calls AI a form of encoding or compression which is beyond stupid when you realize the shear size of data AI has to train from.
You AIfags love to ramble on about how technology becomes fast and efficient, yet at the same time you will tell people to ignore the advancements in image data compression.

>> No.6485557

>are you a commie?
if you mean that I would like a world free of social inequity, then yes I'm a dirty commie. Don't see what's bad about it, it's like wishing to end world hunger.

>> No.6485558

We're not yet at the point of compressing 240tb of images into 4gb.

>> No.6485565

Inequity isn't bad

>> No.6485567

Guess what the world is not a utopia, and disruptions have happened long before AI. (i.e see Swiss watch industry). It's not always a good thing but the sad fact of the matter is tough shit.

>> No.6485571

SD, MJ etc. are procedural algos.
Using an algorithm to generate vast amounts of data from a small seed isn't a new thing of course. Demos and videogames have been doing it since the 80s.
The problem was always taking real world data and crunching it down to such a seed so it can be reproduced, but diffusion seems to be a solution to that old problem.
It's a form of compression, just not compression the way you know it.
I also suspect the models don't actually contain all of the data they were trained on.
There's a set of images that were prominent in the training data which the model can reproduce almost perfectly (afghan girl etc.) then less prominent images that are stored less perfectly and then tons of obscure images that barely had an influence on the model. Cull those out and having the model fit in a few gigabytes doesn't seem so outlandish anymore.

>> No.6485574

Ah, yes, AI is all what is preventing small studios from growing. You're a fucking retard. Nothing prevents smaller studios from using a ethical goyslop generator trained on creative commons images.

>> No.6485576

>because it's not created to free people from their hard job, but to replace them
Just get a new job

>> No.6485580
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not that I'm expecting a drawlet retard like you to know but studying an art piece is hard work. you have the entire road between clean canvas and finished piece to cross and it's up to you on how to do it
I'm sure any artist would feel flattered to know you're studying their work cause they know it's hard work. tell me how a fucking algorithm doing it instead is comparable in any way

>> No.6485582

>Nothing prevents smaller studios from using a ethical goyslop generator trained on creative commons images.

>> No.6485583


>> No.6485586

Maybe try using chatgpt to come up with an argument next time, ai nigger.

>> No.6485587

>nigger all art is derivative
that will NOT hold up in court lmfao
If that and "it learns like human sirs" are your primary defense, we had nothing to worry about this whole damn time

>> No.6485588

>tell me how a fucking algorithm doing it instead is comparable in any way
Because art isn't defined by effort.

>> No.6485593

Unless you live in China and is stealing from the west to make pooh proud

>> No.6485596

$300 is its cost in electricity in france right now

>> No.6485599

>smaller studios from using a ethical goyslop generator trained on creative commons images.
>big studios use a 100x better AI trained on the 10% best artists(they pay the artists ofc)
>I would like a world free of social inequity
NICE inequity...

>> No.6485601

You fucking moron the amount of PD art is tiny and visually limited. Forcing people using AI to, for no real reason, "use only data based on art they have license or copyright over" would just result in crap that can't compete in the market as the big massive corpos that have GIGANTIC DATABASES OF EVERY FUCKING PIECE OF ART ANYONE MADE UNDER THEM FOR ALL TIME use the tools to speed up their processes.

You are basically shilling for the "nojobz" scenario that half of you idiots are crying about, because you are LIMITING THE USE OF THE TECHNOLOGY TO ONLY THE PEOPLE WHO CAN AFFORD MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF DATA ALREADY VIA EDICT
It's comparible because ethics aren't about fucking courtesy or politeness, it's about whether actions are good, bad, or neither. Using a tool to do it isn't a fucking issue, you're just mad because your ego was protected by the idea that if something it hard it makes you special for overcoming it.
And it doesn't "learn like a human" it's a fucking TOOL and not copying SHIT into it!

>> No.6485605

harrr harr says me in an island with a hidden treasure diffusion harrr

>> No.6485607

AI can't be copyright.
If big corpo use them, I'm free to pirate them.

>> No.6485609

>It's a form of compression, just not compression the way you know it.
I also suspect the models don't actually contain all of the data they were trained on.
I mean that just simply not true, you can't reverse engineer a model, go into it and extract "afghan girl by Steve McCurry.jpg" because it just doesn't exist within it even at a lossy level.
The reason you see that image predominantly in generations of (Prompt: afghan girl) is because its a bias within the parameters of the weights themselves (and not the "raycist" or SJW type bias). You can also call it overfitting essentially you've trained the AI to autisticly near copy that image by accident because of how many time that image appears in the training data. Its the same reason hands are difficult for the AI and the lack of perameters (smaller perams the easier bias can occur) the AI has to go by.

Also the language interpretation (CLIP) is actually separate from the image generation aspect of art generation. That too can also be influenced and in midjourneys case they really spent a lot of time dialing in their version of clip for MJ. Which is why unlike stable diffusion its a lot easier to get your desired results without having to get super literal.

>> No.6485610


>> No.6485611

Every job will be replaced by AI. Kneel before your overlord.

>> No.6485613

This is going to change. It's going to be ruled that the human input necessary for something to qualify is going to be just as much as prompting the image.

>> No.6485614

"Artists" are winning because when this kind of shit happens the boomer judges default to precedence and the music industry already won it's fight against AI music that samples existing pieces.

>> No.6485618

>To artists and lawyers: “ALSO ITS JUST A TOOL SIR”
>*investors walk in*

>> No.6485619

>"Artists" are winning because when this kind of shit happens the boomer judges default to precedence
>Didn't watch the video
Come on now. Precedence favors AI here.

>> No.6485621

Didn't watch the video?

>> No.6485623

Good. I don't give a shit if Disney becomes even more derivative all I care is that you filthy shitstreeter don't get to sample my shit.

>> No.6485629

>ai imagegen gets neutered
>coders replaced by chatgpt
you love to see it

>> No.6485630
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>> No.6485634

bad modern art may not be since the elites subverted art enough to make people believe pollock is on par with rembrandt or bouguereau
good art is difficult to produce which is the reason regular people have been paying artists for art during all this time. it's the effort artist put in their art that validates it enough for regular people to subscribe to their patreons. what else would it be? their work can be easily found online for free

>> No.6485638

Japan's got massacred so hard by Miyazaki that they got nothing today. We just need a western miyazaki to talk shit

>> No.6485639
File: 394 KB, 1284x723, 6E3D0E9F-8760-4E84-9108-4CBB5125C188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure did
So which is it
>haha artists will have to get real jobs now!
>b-b-but the google vs authors guild case!
? :)

>> No.6485640

>believes corporations will just use raw AI outputs instead of having the artists they keep on hand mixing them into other shit
And if you go "well if it uses AI AT ALL that poisons it so its free so nobody will use it" that's not fucking true else anything that used public domain art mixed in would be copyright-free.
Doubt it. It'd cause a nightmare since so much AI art is already being treated as public domain. There's been more shit added to the PD since october than has existed online previously.

This element of "can the output be copyrighted?" is also not relevant to any of the other arguments.

Look up "appropriation art." as one example, Richard Prince makes his living pissing off artists by violating their clique's rules and then winning when they try to sue him. He had a whole exhibit that was just blown up screenshots of instagram posts he commented on and nobody bothered sueing him because of his history of winning.

The "artists will have to get real jobs now!" people are retards irrelevant to anything. I maintain that this isn't going to cause a massive fallout of art jobs, it's just hacks on twitter kicking up a storm with their doomsaying.

>> No.6485642

Oh NOWWWW they’re irrelevant
NOWWW it isnt going to cause a massive job loss
Funny how quick you shit skins change tune when you have Mr. Goldberg slapping you with a case LMAO

>> No.6485645

So it's stored as a bias within the parameters of the weights. It's still data that reproduces the original image.
Could you get away with storing child porn using this method and then explaining that uhh no akshually it's not there in the model because it's encrypted and obfuscated into a form that needs a special algorithm to decode it?

>> No.6485647

AI can't have soul. Human art will always survive. But sure, let's make ANOTHER thread after 7 MONTHS of AI spamming

>> No.6485648

>thinking every anon who disagrees with you is a fucking indian or /g/ tard
I've said this since the start, AI art is not causing massive job loss since you need to HAVE FUCKING ARTISTIC SKILLS TO USE IT WELL IN THE FIRST PLACE

>> No.6485650

Most AI art is garbage made by people who don't know what composition even is beyond "a fancy art word." You are seeing people who are semi-normie posting art, and you hate that normies have almost no taste. That "soul" you see is actually called "having taste."

>> No.6485653

>im not one of those sirs,sir
Go back and update your shills they cant use that line anymore Emad
Also calm your lil sperg ass down bitch. Youre worse than your down sydrome son

>> No.6485654

>Artist won the lawsuit
>gov creates a new law banning AI art
>yep we WON!!!
>people still prompt AI art for persona use
>random joe: I really like this artist, thanks god I can train my own model instead of commission the artist.
>gov creates a new law
>it is illegal to be poor
>everyone is rich now
problem solved, right??!!????

Let me tell a way to ban AI art without the need of the gov, if you see a big tech using AIart DONT CONSUME THEIR PRODUCTS(games,books, comics, etc), but hey i pretty sure you can't.
All the AAA games were made under crunch work(programers, director, CONCEPT ARTISTS, ETC), but you are still buying their games..........................

BTW the law will only apply in the US and maybe EU
3rd World Countries dont care about copyright, LITERALLY.
more job for us

>> No.6485659


>> No.6485661

The idiots who are ranting about "artists having to get jobs" are of a few types:
- blue collar workers just lashing out because they see artists as poofty dramatics, similar to the "learn to code" when journos were getting laid off a couple years ago. They know nothing about AI, they just see people they hate bitching and crying about doom and they take it as an opportunity to dunk
- People who are angry and see it as "just desserts" because they had horrible times with poor-work-ethic artists effectively scamming them out of their time/money. Lots of artists will take payment and then do fuckall for weeks or months at a time and be abrasive if you check in on them. (This is why I try to get my commissioners what they paid me for done within a week at most, usually within a few days - people LOVE not having to wait and they always are happy at the turnaround time.)
- The small portion of techbros who are just upset at being ranted at by artists, accused of stealing, etc and are using any insult they can think of. "Your profession-as-your-identity is invalid" is a way to really hammer people who have their ego attached to that.

>> No.6485662

>cope post

>> No.6485663

Oh, and the people who just troll because of how fucking oversensitive so many artists are.

Like when people burned money on making artists' shit into NFTs and then showed them it. Basically an expensive joke.

>> No.6485665

>w-w didnt mean it artists. Wez a gud boy I swer! It was Raj’s idea not mine!
Pathetic seeing ai shills bend their dirty fucking knees

>> No.6485673
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>> No.6485675

>pajeets can only retort with it wasnt me sirs” and “no u”
Like I said, we had nothing to worry about

>> No.6485678

>Most AI art is garbage
It really is. I admit I was concerned a few months ago, but the more AI saturates everything the less a threat it is. It's sterile and contentless and turns off most normies.
Because of the ethics I don't mind if the companies get fucked up the ass in court, but because it exists artists should make the best of it. Steal the workable elements for reference (it has no copyright, after all, steal a background, some eyes, a tit) and make some good art from it.

>> No.6485682
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>I dont want to draw so let me shitpost about AI
Even if the AIArt is banned, (You) NGMI!!!
Time is passing and you guys are still here(4ch), meanwhile picrel was drawn by a 22 year old japanese...

>> No.6485685

no (You) for mass replying newfags, qq moar lol

>> No.6485688

>meanwhile Emads spawn are literally retarded

>> No.6485689

you just proved my point, thanks

>> No.6485692

Worse than that, they'll likely face legal consequences.

>> No.6485697

>aijeet having a meltdown
l o l

>> No.6485699
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>> No.6485702

AIjeets mad

>> No.6485705

I want the people who believe that the music industry's stranglehold on media is "good" to leave the internet and never come back

>> No.6485713

And kill themselves

>> No.6485714

>they'll likely face legal consequences.
yep let me sue all the 10000000000000 AIArist LOL
only the big fishes, meanwhile AIartist №15685 60k followers will still make money

>> No.6485716

Communism or AIpoojeetism. Your choice, white man

>> No.6485719

raj really hussling to bring in those rupees while he’s still on the payroll

>> No.6485724
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AIbros don't forget to save this thread, so we can laugh on them when they lose

>> No.6485726

AI artists don't make money though, it's not valuable as a final product.
There's a few scamming beer money off people on fiverr I guess, but fiverr is filled with shitheads undercutting severely anyway and delivering low quality crap.

>> No.6485731

no please don’t laugh on us, rajesh

>> No.6485732

This whole thing made me more racist

>> No.6485733

you underestimate just how many images it takes to train an AI. It would be cheaper for Disney to shit out 30 feature films, and even then they wouldn't be close.

>> No.6485735
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Literally the same cope artists used when photography came into existence to the masses in the mid 1800's.
>Ittsss not art,
>no sovl
>no composition
>muh fundies
Right now its just a neo luddite movement.
The fact of the matter is we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg here and its not even been a year. One thing is true here, /g/ has made more art than /ic/ has in a year.
On the devaluation/market front, digital art has been SEVERELY over saturated long before AI I don't think anyone ever thought it was a a get rich quick scheme. That being said the coomer commission artist gravy train is OVER.

>> No.6485738

It's weird seeing otherwise left-leaning people give conservative arguments.

"You know in afghanistan, they throw you faggots off roofs."
"Yeah, and we're -FIGHTING- them."

>> No.6485748


>> No.6485755
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Oh, the photography argument again.

Photography solved realist imagery thus paving the way for abstract forms of art like surrealism and conceptualist rubbish like shit on a canvas. What do we do with AI which solves virtually all visual art?

>> No.6485769

Not just visual art but all digital imagery.
AI becoming even better just means you won't be able to trust anything on or from a digital carrier.

>> No.6485773
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>can't own a style
>stating a fact long before AI existed.

>> No.6485777

whats the video?

>> No.6485779
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>> No.6485786

Still repeating these same pathetic arguments, Apu?
>How do you go through life being so separated from reality?
Separate your ass cheeks.

>> No.6485787

I look forward to the collective ree'ing of artists.

>> No.6485788

kek. you niggers are fucking blind. also you must've missed the part where the high quality that was stolen was also made by "draw slaves". and anyone who can render at that level won't fuck up the clavicula that badly

>> No.6485791

who are you speaking with retard?

>> No.6485796

I agree with most of your points but as a coomer commission artist myself I can tell you that it's really not over at all. The types of people to commission coom art don't overlap with the people who make AI art, except in some cases.
>People who just like AI for fun, not as a primary art. They still comm artists despite spending hours playing with that shit
>People too poor to commission art and just want an OC to RP as or use as a base while saving up - should be praised since many artists get fucking furious at "Fucking RPers using MY OCs!!!" all the time lol
>People who are so addicted to it, their wallets cannot keep up with the amount of content they want to consume and so they both commission and generate art because their need is endless.

In general though, commissioners want enough specificity that AI can't (and never can) fulfill that need. It can't stay on-model, and any modifications you'd need to do are so much effort when a commissioner would rather either spend money on a commission or learn to draw.

I'm not even left-wing (much closer to libertarian) but I agree with the hardline marxists that AI is fine - albiet for different reasons. They seem to accurately have defined the champagne socialists as "petit bourgeois." The latter end up agreeing with literal self-identified national socialists and fascists.

Photography uses a tool - a camera - to produce a direct image using the push of a button, after a bunch of setup and parameters. The camera takes the input of light through a lens (similar to a human eye) and near-perfectly reproduces it. Most humans cannot do this, and the ones who can cannot do so anywhere near as quickly.

Most photos are garbage, however. They have poor lighting, no stabilization, the wrong settings (ISO, aperture, exposure, white balance, etc), bad composition, and flood the internet with photos of peoples' pets, food, and their cocks.

>> No.6485801

All the artists that see mention of a lawsuit and for some reason their brain decides "WE DID IT REDDIT. WE'VE WON." with absolutely zero critical thinking.

>> No.6485805

redditards like you love AI art you fucking smelly curry muncher. it's more defended over there than not

>> No.6485810

Redditors are pro AI, which is another reason why they don't deserve human rights

>> No.6485812

laughing at how this IP stealing artist cope over AI. Tip lawyers are never your friend.

>> No.6485828
File: 54 KB, 828x159, 09A15C6B-1637-4807-993D-EEC8413CD4C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying, pajeet?

>> No.6485831

I wish more people did this shit with how jumpy some companies are about DMCA on youtube and how kneejerky some artists are with nuking their accounts/galleries at the slightest provocation.

>> No.6485861
File: 68 KB, 434x652, HANSLANDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will NEVER get rid of it. AI can now do extremely high quality, niche fetish coom art. Niche fetish art was the last rock you """"artist"""" roaches had to hide under and now that is compromised as well.

Checkmate. Hope grinding fundies for 10 years was worth it :)

>> No.6485864

Question how can I enforce that my art is viewed by HUMAN eyes only and cannot be used as a reference.
I don't even want people to use my work as a reference because honestly that is just tracing with added steps.

Aside from going trad only are there watermarks/legal tools I can use to enforce this?

>> No.6485871

Legally impossible. The only way is to never allow your stuff for public viewing.

>> No.6485872

If these cases end up on the Supreme Court it would obviously end in favor for the extreme right wing. It seems the GOP is astroturfing on the fear and ignorance of a.i. to create more precedents in their favor. Could be a good or bad thing I don't know.

>> No.6485878

>Do you even know how your own program works?
NTA and I do know how VAEs work, none of it involves storing images anywhere inside. For images, the latent space they try to estimate is described by a set of mathematical parameters that correspond to presumed likelihood of pixels being a certain value. Again, none of which is a copyright infringement.

With all of that said, AI threads are still shitting up the board and the majority of AI users don't know anything about art, the same way most people crying about AI don't know anything about AI, and it's all a waste of time recycling the same arguments, so these threads should be banned already.

>> No.6485885

>thread full of 4chan users rallying for MORE laws and MORE government intervention into technology
Never though I'd see the day Reddit was more based than this place.

>> No.6485902
File: 128 KB, 536x792, tumblr_npceyvFfOK1r9xf11o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Host a gallery. Have your art displayed there - on screens, since transferring it to a printer risks someone referencing it on their break if they like it.
Have a metal detector, and a guard to check people for phones/cameras.
Have people be required to sign an agreement as part of their ticket to enter, stating penalties for photographing anything in there or drawing/painting while in the gallery. Also an employment contract for the guard that does similar things.
Ensure that sec cameras only capture the floor, not the walls where the art is displayed.

You now have prevented anyone from reusing your art while still permitting them to see it.

>> No.6485906

Go back right fucking now.

>> No.6485909

If you had any self awareness you'd realize how much this post reeks of bitter failure. Fetish art has always been a refuge for second rate artists that simply cannot compete with professionals, but it's all you porn addled sub humans seem able to equate with art. You lack the sensibilities to appreciate just how weak and disgusting you are.

>> No.6485910

Stay there, consumerist retard.

>> No.6485911

Tourist here. Ai art is nice to look at but it's always the same pose. Once an image does more complicated things it gets harder to describe it with words. Eventually it will be become a mess. It might get better but i very much doubt ((they)) will fix this problem completely.
Is obviously bait. It cant unless its rips off of an existing image 90%.

>> No.6485917

>Could be a good or bad thing I don't know.
Then let your betters decide. Reducing the humanities to corporate owned commodities has been doing damage to white culture for decades, this is not astroturfing. We are not ignorant to the cultural consequences of rampant consumerism, whereas the left and the third world embrace it.

>> No.6485921

>Never though I'd see the day Reddit was more based than this place.
you have to go back, and jerk off with your fellow redditards. who do you think that funds your pointless tech?

>> No.6485927

pure incoherent schizophrenia. at least you retarded coomers could at least be thankful towards the people who ruined your brain with dopamine

>> No.6485935

Muskrat should have bought reddit instead.

>> No.6485938

>willingly admitting you are a redditor
go the fuck back and stay there retard. ai fags deserve it.

>> No.6485948

that channel has fuck all views, are you plugging your own channel?

>> No.6485952

It's too bad they pushed out their picture shitters and people are using them as weapons against artists. If not for that, it never would've been an issue in the first place.

>> No.6485953
File: 48 KB, 600x338, 2bcd7a49b6db-600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The future of anti AI art protection
>Prior to viewing any artwork you will have to sign multiple NDAs stating you will not use any likeness, colors or styles from this artwork.
>All future art created for showing will be displayed in a windowless vacuum room.
>To view the art you must step into a double locked room with a window that looks into the display room with the art work that is kept shuttered and is remotely shuttered by an attendant. Personal electronics, cameras and sketching/drawing supplies are strictly forbidden.
>As you enter the room you are allotted 6mins to gaze and view said work at the end of which time the shutter will close
>You will then exit this room sign another NDA effectively reading you "out" of the artwork.
>Nural link individuals will have their memories purged of the time they were in the viewing box.
This is the future we need.

>> No.6485963
File: 98 KB, 400x400, openai_ceo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai shit needs some serious regulations. Not only art, writing, voice aciting, aynthing creative is at stake. Pic related however couldnt care less and wants quite the opposite.

>> No.6485971

>neo luddite
a compliment actually. even normies can see how smartphones & social media completely fucked up society the last 20 years.
>/g/ has made more art
"art." lmao
>coomer commission artist gravy train is OVER
Judging from their patreons, the top coomer artists are still gravy, even in a shitty economy.
As always, AI shills ignore the obvious social, branding and content aspects of art.

>> No.6485974

This might be incredibly petty, but I don't give a shit, I feel pretty much the same.
Disney can suddenly start earning twice as much or more for all I care.
I just want a nice clean and unshat upon timeline without AI slop.

>> No.6485987

It's nice seeing even a decent amount of normies are getting tired and bored of it.
Surprise, surprise, posting essentially the same shit over and over starts to get annoying.

>> No.6485995

Bitch your average Joe thinks piracy takes too much effort.
Just the mere act of finding and downloading a model would be too much.

>> No.6485999

it's not a person studying to learn. and the person controlling the computer's input is not directly drawing the computer's output - the output is never the direct product of his vision. we don't value or give consideration to imposition on the freedom of computers, so i don't see how the analogy of humans taking inspiration is a relevant comparison here when deciding what's reasonable - extensions of protections for human produced art vs ai produced can and should be different.

>> No.6486002


>> No.6486009

Why do all these anti-progress vermins looks so onions?

>> No.6486012

After the whole kickvic thing I think western society has moved past the need for egoinflated media cults to run voice acting as a profession.

Fractal art has existed for decades and is an accepted form of art, so you are late to the party if you think your criteria for denying AI generated art the status of "art" is a valid line of reasoning.

>> No.6486015

Why does progress always seem to mean homosexuality and nigger advocacy?

>> No.6486019

If I can write a book and copyright that book, and then in the future "prompt" a robot to turn my book into an animated movie, then I ought to be able to claim copyright of that movie.

>> No.6486021

I don't normally agree with vaush on anything but I think he has a really good take on ai art

>> No.6486025

i wasn't arguing about the validity of an art form. i was arguing about a distinction between legal considerations of limitations on creative freedom and the definition of "inspiration" when the comparison is art as an indirect product of an ai dataset vs the direct product of a human's creative vision.

>> No.6486026

>good take
>calls ai art users virgins and losers
Definitely not bad faith LOL

>> No.6486028

That's like saying film directors should not get credit for their works since they didn't act out every scene themselves.

>> No.6486034

Plenty of humans make art with no creative vision though, and you can't prove creative vision since we cannot read minds (nor would we have a record of it even if we could).

You are also assuming that one uses all tools the same - someone working with fractal art programs is basically the same as an AI artist, only that the AI art tools have a much wider range of variation in the output.

The fact of the matter is that use of other art to make new art is fine, and has always been fine.
Legal limitations are only on specific works, and they relate to copying and knockoffs.

>> No.6486035

>You don't know how the tech works

Reminder that Vaush believes in thought magic that if you believe it hard enough, it becomes true.

>> No.6486040

wtf extremely based take from vaush

>> No.6486043


Vaush is a grifter whose opinions are mostly fake.
He just tries to piss people off for controversy, eggs on people with larger followings to notice him in order to siphon off the viewers that hate-watch them, and just generally is saying whatever he thinks will get him more spread and viewership.

>> No.6486044

>Pajeets on suicide watch

>> No.6486046

>shitposting instead of drawing

>> No.6486049

>Vaush is a grifter whose opinions are mostly fake.
Every political e-celeb does. Destiny just as much he just hides it better. Though this take has merit since i know he is a horse cock enjoyer.

>> No.6486056

Nah a lot of them are actually honest, just stupid. Vaush legit contradicts himself from week to week and says things that don't actually fit his professed views in debates, but his cultivated base is too goldfish-brained to notice and he bans anyone who does.

>> No.6486058

Okay, now try it without training your AI on "drawslave" works.
Also, learn to spell.

>> No.6486059

>his cultivated base is too goldfish-brained to notice and he bans anyone who does.
Like Destiny, Hasan, every political streamer? I used to watch all of them when i was a neet and im sure they arent different.

>> No.6486067

>Wanting government to grow bigger
Some of you nigglets are too retarded sometimes

>> No.6486071

>Vaush is a grifter whose opinions are mostly fake.
who cares. he has a large following and this particular take is based. if a rightwing grifter with a large following also has an anti-AI take he's also based. (unlikely because for some unknown reason rightwingers have gone full retard on AI)

>> No.6486072

There needs to be balance and silicon valley has way too much power. Simple as that.

>> No.6486075
File: 72 KB, 1080x1285, 1618061354144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont mind me. Just derailing a thread by forcing in unrelated e-celebs.

>> No.6486078

Vaush has constructed a system which allows his views to be incoherent. It's literally what got him and Destiny to stop being friends.

>> No.6486079

Yeah so trust the government to regulate it. Sure thing man that has always been a good idea...

>> No.6486080

>take away silicon valley's power
>by restricting normal people from gaining power in areas that allows them to challenge big media's hegemony
Are you retarded?

>> No.6486085

>sam (((altman)))
>literally in bed with microsoft
A-a-are youu retardeed?

>> No.6486088

They are literally the only entity that can do anything retard.

>> No.6486090



Also I said
>big media
Silicon valley and big media aren't the same you chucklefuck. Why do you think the media corps keep trying to fuck up youtube (google) and other tech?

>> No.6486091

I never mentioned the lawsuit. Take your meds.

>> No.6486093

Why the fuck does anything need to be done in the first place?

>> No.6486101

I hope AI loses so I can still use my local install for some Range's art without all the normies spamming social media with trash

>> No.6486102

The "Normal people" I mentioned were the people using AI art tools, not fucks like him and emad.

>> No.6486103

So dopamine fried faggots like you don't get to take credit from the efforts of people that actually bothered to do fuck with their lives.

>> No.6486106

I'm glad you learned to laugh at yourself.

>> No.6486125

The lack of self awareness

>> No.6486137
File: 403 KB, 1920x1080, 1674438381650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what part of this is my problem, get fucked pajeet

>> No.6486143

Anon, to make a model you just need 1000 images. Thats isnt much.

>> No.6486164
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, BASED VAUSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY SHIT I just listened to the whole thing and can't believe how based his take is.
>nobody likes ai except a niche group of virgins & losers (objectively true)
>art is given meaning by humans and context
>one of the best parts of art is the narrative
>AI is not like remixing since remixes do not obfuscates origins, and remixers usually respect the source material (unlike most AI users who have disdain for artists)
>Techbros act like the problem is we don't understand how the tech works. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER, THE ISSUE ISN'T A TECH ONE IT'S A CULTURAL ONE. AI IS CULTURAL SHIT.
Sure, Vaush probably has plenty of shit takes (I dunno I don't listen) but this one is one of the most based takes I've heard on AI. And I think this is how we win (because let's be real, tech has the most lawyers), this fight will be in the culture.
Thanks anon for posting this.

>> No.6486168

Damn, probably the only thing I can agree with him one.

>> No.6486173

>laugh on them
Learn English

>> No.6486174
File: 1.84 MB, 1024x1280, 2874596609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486177

>AI is not like remixing since remixes do not obfuscates origins, and remixers usually respect the source material
>(unlike most AI users who have disdain for artists)
The tech matters to people who care about whether the process slots into ethics and law as we already had (it does.)
It does not matter to people who don't want the paradigm to shift. It does not matter to people who dislike that AI art exists at all.
The arguments about cameras/etc are from the former position. But I suppose we should be saying things like "AI art coming into existence is like abstract art coming into existence." because that slots into your own issues better.

>> No.6486178

But I am. Finishing multiple commissions.
Pajeets will never amount to anything

>> No.6486196

cute Ayaya

>> No.6486206

>Learn English
>mah argument
kys faggot

>> No.6486213
File: 894 KB, 1080x963, 1674316643904676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have no money
>can't go bankrupt

>> No.6486215

>studying an art piece is hard work
not anymore, lol

>> No.6486216
File: 510 KB, 576x672, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generate AIart
>photobash, fix hands and details
I don't care who wins, AI is a tool and I will use it
“There are no rules, only tools”

>> No.6486217


>> No.6486219

>Sure, Vaush probably has plenty of shit takes
lmao, yer a filthy commie troon
only thing based about Vaush is his pedo take

>> No.6486223

and clearly you yourself are a tool

>> No.6486225

so? money is money
dont care about "lhet mau soulfull art"

>> No.6486230
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1587849103587.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is the best part
Microsoft put in a billion $ into OpenAi, so the artshits are going after the small open source company and user operated github, not the actual tech monopolies.
Even the /ic/ faggots didn't care when Dalle2 was making funny monkey painting a banana images, only when coomers started to invade online galleries and impact their furries art did the begin to squeal.

>> No.6486232
File: 1.60 MB, 666x1590, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486234


>> No.6486236

I read this right to left.

>> No.6486243

God the worst are when someone else's arguments start bitching about people using it to make porn. At that point you know you're talking to either a disingenuous asshole who isn't actually making honest arguments, they just are throwing shit at the wall so they can claim victory when you get mad at them for it. Or they're actually an opportunistic puritan.

>> No.6486244

Ah yes dall-e2, a tool that goes out of its way to create something new even when it looks like shit. Truly dangerous to artists.

>> No.6486256

>>photobash, fix hands and details
You shills say this same shit all the time but never actually properly fix the images because it would take time and effort.

>> No.6486257
File: 506 KB, 2850x1392, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486263

at least draw hands

>> No.6486264

No, I think artists started to take particular exception to the idea when targeted models using specific artists' works as training data became a thing.

>> No.6486265

Dalle2 is the same tech retard, all you are praising is the corporation controlled censorship (and woke politics).
At least you are admitting you don't care about ai as long as doesn't compete with your coomer art coms.

>> No.6486267

Most modern art communities are composed of technically illegal copyright infringing fanart and fanfics, you have fostered and benefited from this culture and now you are experiencing blowback from unexpected new tech using the same processes... now the question is are you willing to destroy fandoms by strengthening copyright laws enough to kill ai art?

>> No.6486268
File: 108 KB, 980x1105, one (1) hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486270

but porn is inherently lower form of art, if at all
sorry, coomer bro, you are just lesser of a human being, by choice

>> No.6486272

>basic Thanksgiving Turkey trace hands
C'mon, even ai can do that shit now, grab something, like a broom or a sword.

>> No.6486287

Anyone who uses this forced meme confesses that they don't like art.

>> No.6486291

"drawslaves" is an old one used (by me) in /v/ draw-threads back in ~2017
"Inkcel" is the new hotness now

>> No.6486295
File: 192 KB, 2406x1640, youre a persistent one aintcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486300
File: 1.99 MB, 720x720, GTA mission failed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is acceptable, thank you for your contribution.

>> No.6486309
File: 27 KB, 1292x730, atleast we did good or smth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what we were exactly doing desu but thanks

>> No.6486310

>using the same processes
You're a retard.

>> No.6486323
File: 427 KB, 675x540, 1670279249078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument
I accept your concession ;)

>> No.6486325
File: 13 KB, 229x220, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486342
File: 535 KB, 900x900, 20210602-0121_dd919e652378150fed8718d7171bd93c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can now do extremely high quality, niche fetish coom art
AI is not anywhere close to being capable of drawing this pose.
>Tis but a fortnight!

>> No.6486348

reminder /ss/ is still pedo

>> No.6486349

>sam altman early life

>> No.6486351

Didn't AI win a competition not long ago? Is this denial?

>> No.6486355

The photo manipulation category. He won a Photoshop contest.

>> No.6486356

replace the robot with pajeet instead

>> No.6486359

What ss? There's no intercourse. Just a picture of Captain Mizuki giving (completely non-sexual) discipline to a young lad.

>> No.6486361
File: 2.09 MB, 1024x1280, 2238914276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a stupid category including both digital art and photo manipulation

>> No.6486363

Just draw flies and stink lines buzzing around the robot lol

>> No.6486368
File: 1.57 MB, 690x960, aiart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he should've just stayed at the market, art school is for fags

>> No.6486369
File: 412 KB, 643x643, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ai fanart

>> No.6486370

>Literally the same cope artists used when photography came into existence to the masses in the mid 1800's.
Citation fucking needed. I never found any evidence photography was a true threat to artists anywhere.

>> No.6486373

>charging 1$
>not charging 400$ as "handmade boutique art"
Why do so many artists undervalue themselves??

That's exactly the point. A lot of artists were flipping out over it because they THOUGHT it would be a threat but it really wasn't. Same with photographers with digital cameras and then camera phones.

>> No.6486375

>A lot of artists were flipping out over it because they THOUGHT it would be a threat
Name names.

>> No.6486376


>> No.6486377
File: 167 KB, 828x677, gfa5d2rtkvca1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486381

That would require them knowing a thing or two about digital art, which they obviously don't.

>> No.6486383

>using the same processes
But it doesn't.

>> No.6486385


>> No.6486387
File: 724 KB, 4096x2892, bwyay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This SEA monkey got 260K followers by just doodling silly comics of one popular game
Remember, content is king, not soulless renderings.

>> No.6486390

>cloutng for gachashit
I mean I agree on principle but this is a terrible example

>> No.6486391

you can train a model on this style

>> No.6486394

No one seems to care, rashid

>> No.6486403
File: 2.41 MB, 1536x2048, 26272946372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to fix everything would be more trouble than it's worth, but fixing a few small things is pretty easy.

>> No.6486404
File: 40 KB, 563x545, 1650579348756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. It doesnt matter how advanced the AI is in terms of rendering and skill, if it cant produce engaging content, it's destined to die a lonely death.
>B-b-but neither are needed for a job!!
Big false, if your stuff is not engaging, you can forget you're nailing a good job, because you're no more than a glorified smokescreen of an artist that doesnt spark joy on people.
Making people connect with your art is key to success as an artist, AI art lacks this element due to it's very generic, blending and forgettable nature.

>> No.6486414

You really have no idea about actual prices in the industry do you

For 300$ you can expect a high quality polished piece from a freelancer, not some prompted AI slop.

>> No.6486424

>novel ai charges $25 per month per user for ai art generation
>estimate 1.5 million ai "artists" in 2023.

that's at least 37 million ameribucks coming in a month for the ai "art" industry. art bros, they owe us for stealing our styles. can't wait for them to get whats coming

>> No.6486431

don't forget Midjourney, they charge 30$ monthly average

>> No.6486434

>youtube lawyer
...........i hate these people

>> No.6486436

The noble techchud gave you photoshop and drawing tablets and this is how you repay them. Ungrateful swine.

>> No.6486446
File: 2.29 MB, 1438x959, file(11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.6486449

post yer real hands, poo

>> No.6486450

I wasn't being ironic. Digital art as a medium owes its entire existence to the noble techchud. Without us they'd be scrabbling around with pencils and paint like some sort of animal.

>> No.6486451

>drama thread almost reached bump limit
Good job jannies

>> No.6486453
File: 238 KB, 800x1257, 1654067354974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the same iterations of tech that brought us all those and the net will come full circle with ai.
Thus the Chud giveth and Chud taketh away.

>> No.6486456

sh... it's Chinese New Years, they are on break.

>> No.6486464


1. True that the models, weights, and parameters themselves may not have copyrightable data, the training data used to create them certainly can be protected by copyright. The claim that AI is a form of encoding or compression is not a "retarded myth", as it is a fundamental aspect of how machine learning algorithms function. Additionally, the use of large datasets does not negate the potential for copyright infringement. The datasets like LAION may be separate entities, but their use in creating AI models can still potentially infringe on the rights of copyright holders

2. The concept of fair use and derivative work may apply to certain situations involving the use of copyrighted material BUT it is not a blanket defense for all instances of copyright infringement. The determination of whether or not a particular use of copyrighted material constitutes fair use or a derivative work is made on a case-by-case basis and takes into consideration factors such as the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality of the portion used, and the effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

3.Certain forms of expression, such as ideas and methods, are not able to be copyrighted but copyright law does protect certain aspects of a work that may include a specific style or aesthetic. For example, the original expression of an idea can be protected by copyright, and this can include the way the idea is presented or the style in which it is executed. Additionally, in some cases, the elements of a work, such as the specific selection and arrangement of elements, may be protected by copyright.

>> No.6486475

And it still is not or should be not. All you do is take snapshot of the world that looks beautiful, all the artistic photos are either you taking photo of your craft or taking nice photo of nature, which you did not create, you just saw it and changed few parameters to make it look right. Then in photoshop you edited some blimpers and you are done. Photographers are no different from promptniggers, and just like how photographers got automated by IPhones which is just technology making taking photos much easier, AI fags who “adopted to changes” and learned how to prompt like a pro got automated by Midjourney which gives you nice looking pic every time without the need of prompting.

>> No.6486476

Unironically thinking the government can fix anything is where your logic falls flat haahahaha

>> No.6486477

you didn't make yourself either

>> No.6486509

>Photographers are no different from promptniggers
I agree, but the rest of the world don't.

>> No.6486611
File: 909 KB, 1000x887, GB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy makes more money on his fanbox than you ever will. Keep seething.

>> No.6486615


>> No.6486625
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 168496456563341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should have just put an anime head of the current shows on the nudes and opened up a patreon

Comic is funny tho

>> No.6486638

>This guy makes more money on his fanbox than you ever will
Ok, and?

>> No.6486640

sakimichan makes more money than both of your families combined

>> No.6486641

Question: are right wing grifters just contrarians? With how "AI" depends on other people's work you'd expect them to treat it like some kind of commie bullshit.

>> No.6486643

uhhhh sweaty, democratising art is based and right wing, we must seize the means of production from this privileged class of artists and redistribute it to the people

>> No.6486644

you will never be sakimichan. you will die alone.

>> No.6486645

Ok, and? Your point?

>> No.6486647

you will not. I’ll be there

>> No.6486648

>that digit ratio
oh nonono

>> No.6486649

AI art is naturally communist, it takes the works of elite bourgeois specialists against their will and distributes them to the unwashed masses who churn out inferior products at faster rate.

>> No.6486650

to be fair, everyone dies alone
death is among the few equality we all experience

>> No.6486655

>muh sakimichan
I don't get the meme hate, so she makes art her fans enjoy and she makes a lot of money, so what.
Do you realize how much actual richfags makes for doing nothing?

>> No.6486656

Right wing grifters take their talking points from /pol/ and just echo-chamber it back to preach to the choir.
What they don't realize is how co-opted /pol/ is these days, all it took was some shills/spammers from /g/ (and other places I'm sure) to spam enough to make things look a certain way. The threads about AI images were astroturfed to hell and back.
You can tell most of these threads are spammed by the same group just by the way they write
And grifters dont give a shit they just want their superchats/merch sales/subs/etc.

>> No.6486657

AIfags really reek this cryptobro scent

>> No.6486659

stop projecting, retard

>> No.6486660

crypto crashed, and crashed hard, they have to move the cards to somewhere

>> No.6486661

don't reply to me, seething faggot with nothing to say

>> No.6486675

Replicating a style means jackshit if you can't even draw two characters shaking hands lmao.

>> No.6486678


>> No.6486679

I-I’ll be in the black once I can use AI to mass mint NFTs! You’ll see! It’s just a d-dip, next stop t-the moon!

>> No.6486683


>> No.6486694

So let me get this straight, you AI chuds think art is worthless, but when someone wants to take away your art making toy you get all fussy and throw a baba tantrum?
Doesn't add up, Apu's

>> No.6486734

How does AI art as it currently operates solve a single one these issues though? Or is the point that you're fucked regardless so you shouldn't bother fighting it? I don't see a case why AI is good here.

>> No.6486805

>anti progress
progressing your indian scams, that is

>> No.6486808

It's funny how Japan embraced AI art with open arm when this country was supposed to be the holy grail of art.

>> No.6486812


>> No.6486817

A model that can shit out generic poses. Good luck getting something that can animate for shit.

>> No.6486820

I'm really curious about that.Is the diffusion technique ever able to make the same character but in different poses without strong altering?

>> No.6486825

So this is the part of the thread where you post your made up narratives about japan like a weeb because everyone else called you out on being a lying retard on every other point.

>> No.6486833

No. The model has no object permanence or spatial awareness. It cannot reason about what it's drawing, and this can't know whether two consecutive frames are accurate to one another. inb4 some retard goes
>hurr, tick tock
This isn't a problem that can be solved by shoving more images into the model.

>> No.6486834

Care to say something of value? There are a bunch of japanese twitter accounts posting soley ai art and they gather hundreds of thousands followers in a short time.
>b-b-but its just followers
Look at dlsite, a place for japanese coom games. Half of recents games contains ai art and they are doing fairly well. They eat this shit up and embrace it.

>> No.6486845

Hardly any AI art makes the top rankings in Pixiv. Skeb had to ban AI because of money laundering + excess refund requests. Define fairly well, compared to any traditional drawn games.

>> No.6486846

If you steal directly from the artists piece of art with intent to hijack their art style, yes that is theft. If I were to draw in an anime style like the style of Demon Slayer, that’s not art theft.

If I feed manga pages directly from the book and your “AI Art” grafting programs splices together an image for me from previous made works, that’s highly illegal.

>> No.6486859

Almost all art is derivative. Sorry. Any new art style is criticized as "soulless."

>> No.6487005

Says the totally true professional

>> No.6487028

Wew 300 posts in a day, imagine if /ic/ spent time drawing over arguing about stuff that will never impact their life

>> No.6487058


It's not. Derivative implies "intent" which neither the AI or the user is capable of.

>> No.6487060


>Japan embraced AI art with open arm

Citation needed

>> No.6487099

the shitty sunburn ruins it

>> No.6487149

Rightwingers don't believe in labor theory of value.
A huge portion of libertarians don't believe IP is legitimate because it both doesn't fit the definition of property (rivalrous resources) undermines actual property rights (extorting people for rearranging their own property in ways similar to yours.)

It's a completely different reasoning path that goes to the same conclusion as the hardline marxists.
Most of the people who cross over between AI and NFTs are rich fucks who can afford to blow money minting shit that will never sell. It's like how that one dude had a children's book he made using AI, had it PHYSICALLY PRINTED and it barely sold anything. His dayjob means he doesn't have to care if it flops, it's a hobby for him. (But people still boosted visibility of it for "the audacity" despite him only making like 60$ in 3 months lol)
Or I guess like the people who spend tons of cash on shitty modern art, the kind you can't use for money laundering cause it's essentially performance art. The kink that rots/is impossible for it to exist once the exhibit is over.

In general NFT idiots have a "scarcity mindset" to them. They want "authenticity" and that's why right-click save was so powerful against them. It broke apart their social narrative to give value to the token-behind-the-image (and they never actually USED the token as an authoritative proof of ownership when it really mattered, always defaulted to group consensus.)

AI is more like a post-scarcity/abundance mindset, which is why the crossover between the two is people who have so much money they can't lose it all on their level of interest in the topic.

Plus you can't really make very much money off AI art at all unless you're a fucking ML researcher.

Tool that allows for some easier production at low levels
= small studios can produce better things in less time with less resources
= more small studios/employment/competition

>> No.6487160

not reading any of that, you mass replying retard

>> No.6487161

With enough data it can do some level of pose changing but the real problems occur when you try to do ANYTHING upside-down. It doesn't know what a head is, it knows that "character images" contain color blobs in "this area" and it knows that things that feature "hair" all alter color blobs above the area with the color blob for "head." When you try to use upside-down it often makes a weird images bisected in the middle with 1 figure above and 1 below, or similar.

It does this for singular objects too, it can't make an upside-down urinal as one example (because... duchamp lol)

It's not, as long as you're making different enough art from it. You can do the same thing by overlaying the pages all on top of each other in PS and running filters to make some abstract nightmare and call it "Zoomer Weeb's Wet Dream" and it'd be 100% fine.

Intent-less Jackson Pollock would like a word with you

>> No.6487897

>In the end your latent space cannot exist without previous works.
Draw a hoifhohjowfe8
What? you don't know what a "hoifhohjowfe8 " looks like? What are you some kind of thief that wants to copy other people's works?

>> No.6487909

To the people in this thread who think AI art will be banned by law I ask you the same thing I ask people who want/believe guns can be banned, that is what exactly do you believe or expect that any government entity can effectively do to prevent the use of a tool that is already in the hands of millions of people, can be easily replicated, easily transferred and easily hidden from law enforcement?

It seems like any governmental restriction would be little more than virtue signaling and could not actually prevent the use of the technology, at best if they arrested a person for other crimes it could be tacked on as an additional offense.

And in the specific case of AI art it will become increasingly impossible to prove it's use, any attempts to distinguish between actual AI art and traditional art could quickly devolve into a circular firing squad.

>> No.6487912

>Intent-less Jackson Pollock would like a word with you

are you... no are people making abstract art with AI? hmm? Are you that fucking stupid?

>> No.6487913


It's not about banning it. It's about regulating it. It's about implementing a law regarding AI usage.

Anyone can steal any art they want.

anyone can deepfake any photo of any person

using copyrighted art is just a small part of it. Unfortunately that is the part people are focusing on right now.

>> No.6487916









>It's not about banning it. It's about regulating it. It's about implementing a law regarding AI usage.
And how exactly do you expect that that will work out logistically speaking?
>Anyone can steal any art they want.
Correct, they can also make AI art
>anyone can deepfake any photo of any person
But the question was how you expect any of this to be mitigated by law? Are the alphabet boys going to seize every single PC,laptop, smartphone, tablet and device in the country every couple days to make sure none of them are running AI art software? The government can't even effectively stop the distribution of CP and classified government documents but they're going to be able to stop people from making AI anime titty pics?

>> No.6487954


I'm no lawyer but yeah... it's a new tech that is UNTOUCH by law and it won't stay that way.

I could come up with a couple of ways to keep it in check. I'm sure a lawyer can do way better.

-Defining what is considered abuse of AI.
(things like using AI for illegal activities, using AI to discriminate against certain groups of people, or using AI to cause harm to individuals or society as a whole.)

-Setting guidelines for developing and using AI.
(requirements for transparency, accountability, and explainability, as well as measures to ensure that AI systems are designed and used in a way that aligns with societal values and ethical principles.)

-Creating a way to enforce and monitor the law.
( setting up a regulatory body to monitor AI usage and investigate any potential instances of abuse, as well as establishing penalties for organizations or individuals found to be in violation of the law.)

-Encouraging the use of AI for good causes.
(use of AI systems that are designed to promote social good, such as those that help to protect privacy, support human rights, and promote economic and social development.)

-Regularly updating the law to adapt to new developments and emerging risks in the field of AI.

>> No.6488100

To be fair that afghan girl shit was generated by Midjourney and we don’t know exactly how they choose to generate images since their shit is closed source. It might be that they just img2img common pictures of people.

>> No.6488152

If your argument is
>Humans can't design new things
That's not a very good argument

>> No.6488238

Funny how the leading ai company (openai) couldnt care less about these ethics and have Microsoft on their back. Good luck with that

>> No.6488459

>The same company that got fucked for monopolistic behavior in the past which then allowed the likes of Google and Apple to eventually rise up
Yeah, yeah sure

>> No.6488460

that would just be the same laws and regs we have at the user level.
i.e if you program a robot to kill someone, you are the murder.

The sad fact of the matter is its a race to bottom for the lowest cost and highest gain. We are going have mass unemployment as more and more careers are done by AI.

>> No.6488565

Wow, this is retarded, and you buy that shit? For starters, allowing big tech to get away with this blatant abuse sets a precedence for them to do whatever they want in the future. Prompters will have no recourse against further automation. The way this is going, it will end with a google instant personalized content service, the entire creative field replaced by ONE B2B/B2C service.

Going through the examples: 1) they would do that anyway, and resistance to it will have to be about inherently not replacing humans with these AI. Most of that will be social pressure.
2) and even if we assumed that would work, given how ridiculously small the dataset then would be, it would be widely derided and only affect far fewer people.
3) Why would you assume mid journey would be exempt from the lawsuit? For starters, as SD models are shareable, they would be the only ones guaranteed to survive, in a small niche that most people won’t care about.

You "people" are so idiotic it’s parody

>> No.6488595

It’s not good, but it’s better than AI data laundering

>> No.6488601
File: 236 KB, 2048x1302, 7245FD8B-445F-4509-ACFF-F74343F60DA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the angle I would go with here bugman, even for vaush

>> No.6488614

NTA but you are a retard. There’s little to no damage to creators when someone copies someone’s work, ai is far more disruptive, possibly replacing all creative fields entirely. This comparison is just moronic

>> No.6488628

I preferred the podcast episode, he says that he would deem it infringing as a judge


>> No.6488846
File: 48 KB, 384x383, a learned fregg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An AI that has only seen one artwork would reproduce it, a human that is drawing an object they have seen once would create something novel. It's larger data set makes it harder to tell that it is merely reproducing stolen artwork.

>> No.6489286

I just watched Maverick 2 recently and it made me realize that a great deal of what impress me when it comes to art is not how fast it can be done but the skill involved, sure, there is a very important economic element with it and we must address the resulting social and laboral impact, but, I remain impressed by what people have been capable to do.

Pic related comes from a time when our current graphic technologies were too the daring dreams of science fantasy, yet it still captivates, it made people dream with a strength which radiates through generations, you go back in history and find excellence in human skill and dedication despite the technological limitations of the time, they said AI shows there is no soul in human art, I think it's the contrary, that we managed works of wonder before these technologies were achieved shows there is more about us than mere flesh, we never needed these technologies to make hearts jump, they are ultimately just another tool to reflect our imeasurable capabilities.

>> No.6489287
File: 479 KB, 1021x1589, star wars at 40 poster art mark west Tom Chantrell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
