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6483362 No.6483362 [Reply] [Original]

I'm alloting 30 minutes a day to practice drawing. What drawing exercise should I insert there?

I was thinking of studying Arthur Guptill's Pen and Ink book for 30 minutes a day, but I'm torn between that, color studies, mecha drawing, or Vilppu's figure drawing course.

I will be drawing comics for the rest of the day, of course. Just 30 minutes for studying.

>> No.6483432

30min? Are you retarded or something?

>> No.6483435

My schedule will go like this

30 min study
90 min master copies
6-8 hours drawing comics

I just figured i could use some "theoretical" instruction, instead of just drawing

>> No.6483495

pyw, sounds like you've never done any actual studies and just been drawing, which makes me think that unless you are an art god, your art overall sucks and would benefit more from 4-5 hours practice and just 1-2 of comics or whatever.

>> No.6483880

What's your pen work like? Guptill's pretty advanced, meaning Vilppu might be a better thing to prioritise for a while, just in terms of studying drawing in general

>> No.6483894
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I miss him so much, bros...

>> No.6483924

>just draw
>no, don't just draw

NTA but this is why i hate this place

>> No.6483935

Me too. His passion for drawing really showed. He could have been a homeless man and he'd have spent all day drawing on cardboard with pens sifted out of garbage. A true ascended master

>> No.6483958

>Syd Mead
>Juan Gimenez
>Kentaro Miura
>Kazuki Takahashi
>Tim Sale
>Neal Adams
None of it feels real, all these legendary artists keep passing away. I guess death is just the final chapter of life.

>> No.6484095
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Lots of dangerous assumptions, based boy!

>> No.6484099

>drawing a complicated and complex issue with multiple factors and variables involved.

>> No.6484126

How can anyone possibly answer this when they have no idea of what you're already capable of and what you've done before.
Just draw is about it being better to draw than not to draw. Talking about wanting to practice and then proposing a really silly balance of time doesn't really have anything to do with the principle.

>> No.6484152

30 mins? Are you autistic or something?

>> No.6484171

Yeah, I know I'm drawing way too much, but that's what it takes to make it, you know.

>> No.6484891

you'll never learn anything no matter how much you practice as long as you're "torn"
people who improve are never afraid to take in information from any source inside or outside of some allotted practice time, you need to constantly rethink what you're doing and try new things
this thread about some theoretical practice is several steps removed from what a learning mindset really is

>> No.6484896

That’s ridiculous. I’ve improved plenty. Don’t go feeling sorry for yourself when you feel stumped about your art in the future.

>> No.6484897

Like what are you "studying" in 30min that relates to drawing.

>> No.6484900


>> No.6484903

I’m following David finch’s method of studying, and the 30 minutes was originally allotted to gesture drawing, but gesture drawing isn’t my weak point right now, so I’m thinking of what to slot in there instead.

>> No.6484905

lmao, you don’t believe anyones improved on this board? Is that really so BEYOND the realm of possibility that you MUST ask me to back up my claims, that I’ve improved plenty? Buddy, I bet I’ve redlined your work several times in the beg thread

>> No.6484906

Time to start some anatomy then if you think your gestures are getting better. I'd keep doing gestures for 30min and then add atleast 1 hour of anatomy.

>> No.6484909

>10 hours of drawing a day

>> No.6484911

Anatomy isn’t my weak point either, thank God for that

>> No.6484912

If you don't have a job drawing 10 hours a day is pretty easy, I work fulltime and draw 5-6 hours on workdays.

>> No.6484913

based gmi

>> No.6484916

Sure it isn't, starting to get the ngmi feel here op.

>> No.6484919

Not meaning you can't have good anatomy, but it can always improve and you can always draw it in more complex perspectives

>> No.6484921

half that and the rest absorbing info will net you more gains

>> No.6484922

I’ve unironically done nothing but figure drawing for 7 years

>> No.6484923

What did you read and improve upon with 30 minutes per day? The 6-8 hours of drawing seem far more relevant for improvement but that naturally leads to stagnation as you fail to take in new ideas once you reach a ceiling.
Unless the comics are your literal livelihood and you require consistency then there's no reason to dedicate that little time to learning or even having the concept of a boxed-in learning time, it's much more valuable to think flexibly about what you learn and draw.
If you're drawing comics for pointless twitter points then you're doomed to be mediocre.

>> No.6484925

No, watching others talk does very little for me, I'd rather copy a masters anatomy drawing than listen to him talk about anatomy.

>> No.6484927

You’re right. For several years I’ve automatically focused on figure drawing because that’s what Loomis and Hampton and Vilppu all talk about, but now that I’m actually working on comics, I have very little time to study and it’s hard to decide what to focus on. I’m great at the nude figure, but I suck at a lot of other stuff.

>> No.6484928

i mean indirectly studying, looking at art you admire or observing irl
no good art teacher will tell you to draw 6 hours a day

>> No.6484929


not automatically

>> No.6484931

I mean I already do that what is your point? I am not burnt out, been going for 9 months without issue, I go to work I think about drawing same when I go to bed.

>> No.6484933

ok thats great for you but pyw ?

>> No.6484935

I love you and want you to succeed

>> No.6484937

You first mr don't draw 6 hours a day instead sit and scroll art station?

>> No.6484948
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i am not very good however i started drawing in november 2022