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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 67 KB, 773x1000, Mar 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6477362 No.6477362 [Reply] [Original]

I have a parblo a609 and a wacom bamboo, two monitors and changed my pc to a new one.

Any bullshit advice from a normal bitchy little woman on facebook, I've already used it.

And no, it's not a matter of practice.
I have thousands of drawings on paper that I did when I was young, besides drawing for 20 years.

In addition to studying over 100 books and courses on all aspects of drawing, animation, 3D rendering, composition, film language, art history, art philosophy, anatomy, narrative language for film, script writing, lighting techniques, 16th century ornamentation, architecture, color language, chiaroscuro, post processing, 3D photorealism and pbr rendering, graphic design.

I have more theoretical knowledge of art than any professor from at least 10 universities near you that teach any art or graphic design or animation degree.

I simply have no talent for art.

And I also have studies in metalearning, fast skill acquisition, skill progression and I do shit like pomodoro technique and nutritional tricks like eating bananas and taking omega 3 and shit like power naps using binaural audios.

And so, faggots in 2 years they learn to draw better than me.

This is what basically drawing since april 2005 until Jun 2022 gets you if you work hard enough and have no talent for drawing.

Let this piece of garbage thread be a fair warning.

If you're not already great in 6 months or a year, no amount of just draw and draw will help you.
This skill level took me 20 years of study and hard effort and optimizing my workflow and doing metalearning and every trick to improve that grifters will scam you on this site and the web.

There's simply no method or book or anything, that is related to drawing or unrelated to drawing I didn't try the last decade.

I simply wasn't born with the right genes to draw.
There's not much to be add.

Some of us aren't mean to make it.
Not make what cope you can make about it.

>> No.6477364

Skill issue

>> No.6477367

cant tell if this is an elaborate troll or not cause this looks good except it looks like you intentionally screwed up the proportions and eyes

>> No.6477370

It looks quite alright tho

Anime girl but still

>> No.6477374

You can't learn to draw if you have a low IQ. That's really all there is to it.

>> No.6477375

Sure, It's good.

For something that it takes a normal person less than a year to acomplish.

I'm 130 fluid IQ and 20-30 crystaline G factor.
So pretty much I'm around 145-150 IQ.

>> No.6477385

>So pretty much I'm around 145-150 IQ.
Sorry, I don't believe you. If that's the best you can do after two decades of practice you're just retarded.

>> No.6477388

try drawing from memory. as in, you want the ability to make an entire drawing from scratch with no references. i bet it will solve a huge number of your problems.

I also recommend learning to draw without using any guidelines (clean), it's not that hard actually if you learn it, especially if you've been drawing as long as you claim to.

>> No.6477395

that drawing was made without references.

>> No.6477399

>i am 200iqfluid master genius
Alright anon. Next you're going to tell us you were born without the perspective gene.

>> No.6477404

This is a very real and factual post

>> No.6477407

Tbh just looking at your pic, it doesn't even look like you properly constructed the figure before adding details (except the hands, maybe) ... generally, if you struggle a lot, you should simplify your shapes as best as you can ESPECIALLY if you're not using a ref. Draw the naked bald body first (it doesn't have to be detailed, just enough to provide an "outline"), THEN start adding clothes, hair etc

However I do find it strange that you had so much trouble trying to improve within 20 years. It's true that some people learn faster than others but everyone can still learn, unless there's some mental issue that you're just not aware of ... like the fags who claim to have aphantasia (I'm still not sure if that's even a real "condition" but people are convinced that they have it so maybe that might be the case for you as we?)

>> No.6477422

... i am sorry for your loss.

you should have been less ambitious with those pose and instead stick to what you know. no-ref means you can't go crazy unless you've learned it before, you actually are supposed to stay in your comfort zone a bit more. eventually you can do even unpracticed stuff without ref if you do it often enough. However 90% the reason why good artists can do things is because they've done it before and are used to it. so you can't act like you ought to magically know how to do something you never actually learned.

the only other thing i can think of for advice is 2 things.
1: Go radically in the opposite direction. Avoid all meme advice completely, only do something if you yourself see that it works. repeat what usually works for you. None of the memes work right? You should know that better than anyone now. By not following memes, you are simply avoiding what usually doesn't work.

2: pay very close attention to if you're about to do something that usually doesn't work. If you catch yourself doing it, STOP, reorient, do anything else.
next, If you notice whenever you do x, it usually does come out nice, try doing it more. The real trick here is in developing your awareness, that you are constantly checking to see if you are doing something that leads you on a path that leads to a bad drawing, frustration, and whatever. Actually apply this, it is great for helping with stagnation, it's a bit of a natural corrector

>> No.6477446

lol just look at what you drew and draw it slightly better the next time
you don't need 100 books and studies in metalearning bro just DRAW, you say you did all that "work" but it sounds like you didn't draw enough. binaural shit, pomodoro technique, omega 3? wtf? just draw it better than you did a week ago

>> No.6477523

i actually really like this drawing, blog?

>> No.6477536

You are underestimating the amount of work it takes. You don't want to face the truth of how many more hours good artists have put in. Sure talent is a big factor, but that comes into play in the actual art making, painting, color, composition and general soul and appeal. Anyone can learn to draw a well structured figure, sure some people will draw something correct but soulless, but anyone learn to draw. Not everyone is willing to put in the work and everyone underestimates the amount of work it takes.

>> No.6477542

Skill issue probably lazy too

>> No.6477553


>> No.6477558

>more theoretical knowledge than any art prof
So can u explain how light and shadow works? What are color harmonies? What about shape designs? Surely by now u have memorize all the important parts of the human body right?

>> No.6477561

Why are you drawing from imagination if you're a beginner? Of course you won't know how to fix the drawing with zero reference of what a recreation of the pose would look like in real life. This composition is too ambitious for a beginner to draw from imagination. A beginner might know it's wrong but can he fix it if he doesn't know how it should really look? Try fixing your drawing by resizing in your software, can you do it? If not obviously it's because you don't really know what it should look like. How can you be supposedly high IQ but stupid enough not to understand this very basic logic? Go do 3 years of figure drawing lessons and basic atelier training like still life then try this again.

>> No.6477572

>light and shadow
light being emitted from a light source tend to reflect and spread in bouncing rays, until they reach your eyes sensors.

Your eye genetics determine what colors and what intensity of values they can detect.
In practical terms light simply follows another vanishing point towards a light source, and you use perpective techniques to draw it properly.

>color harmonies
arragement of colors that has specific effects or uses.
By example, monochrome pallethes tend to have an unique mood compared to oposite or dual oposite color pallethes.

Such effect is related to the psychological effect each color has.
By example, a monochrome blue pallethe will have a melancholical effect, while one with yellow black and red will have an evil and dark effect.

Generally it follows a 60/30/10 proportion usually in most character designs.

>Shape design
Shape psychology relates to 3 basic shapes.
Cube = Reliable and hardworking.
Spiky = Dangerous and agressive.
Circle = Feminine and weak, cute also.

Shape design is basically designing your character to be a certain % of one of the 3 shapes, in most of it's shapes.

I just need to use some photo or reference made using 3D models, so It's not a big of a deal.

Feel free to post something you drew straight from imagination without any reference.

>> No.6477587

Apparently a hundred books have not taught you that you should not draw anatomy symmetrically, as evidenced by the leg of your drawing, despite the fact that all drawing teachers repeat this tirelessly. It's just a thing to learn, something that even an aphantasic could understand and memorize. If you had memorized this simple information, your drawing would be better, and there are many such elements in your drawing, things that are simple information, absolutely not related to talent, to hand-eye coordination, etc., that a schoolboy could understand.
And besides, something that even someone who has never read or listened to a drawing teacher reveal this information to him could have understood by himself after a few drawing gestures, if at least he can connect two neurons.
What is your excuse for this?
If someone complains about his lack of talent at the piano or at a rhythm game because he has very stiff hands, lack of reflexes, bad hand-eye coordination, bad sense of rhythm, etc., I could understand. I could understand.
But you, what are you complaining about?

>> No.6477589

>Feel free to post something you drew straight from imagination without any reference.
Why are you getting pressed about your drawing being called bad when you're the one permabeg dooming about how you haven't learned to draw in 20 years? Very weird to suddenly get your hackles up.

>> No.6477596

>art school
what do you mean I had art school?

I could basically make a nice photobashing using some photo or 3D koikatsu render using a poser app, then just heavily use as reference and basically tweak a bit from being a 100% trace and you'll fags wont notice it was a traced 3D render.

It's simply a showcase of drawing without any reference from imagination.

Of course I know how to use reference.

>> No.6477597

20 years? Implying that you are at least 35 posting your free test iq score and home made anime girls on fourchan.com. Anon it doesnt add up unless you have a disability youre not telling us

>> No.6477599

>basically tweak a bit from being a 100% trace and you'll fags wont notice it was a traced 3D render.
That's where you're wrong, retard. It's immediately obvious when someone traces a doll. The fact that you can't see it speaks more to the reason why you're a failure than anything else in this thread. You don't look at art and actually break it down, examining what works, what doesn't, and learn from what you see. You just read textbooks and expect to become a master artist without even appreciating art.

>> No.6477600

OP are you actually fucking retarded? If everything you said is at least somewhat true, there's no fucking way your art should be this bad. If the problem isn't a mental issue, it might be a personality thing

>> No.6477601
File: 90 KB, 1280x320, 83b68-rupel_boat_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright OP, you haven't failed.
You aren't far behind. You just need to reframe your approach to all of this.

All of this learning you've done, you've banked it for a moment of great understanding.
No matter what you're putting on a canvas it's not about getting it correct, it's about making it read to the human eye.

Stop listing everything you have done, if you carry all that noise in your brain you can't manage anything.

I'd recommend checking out Graphic LA and just going with the flow of what that book teaches.
Then applying that logic to characters and other subjects.

You'll do great OP.

>> No.6477602

this faggot isn't even 20 years old lol

>> No.6477603

if you practiced all the information you learned in your little books, you would be better, late

>> No.6477607
File: 383 KB, 598x628, 162233678971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for pretty much until 2-3 years ago, more or less up to the point of my picture, I refused to used reference because to me It was not cheating, but simply too easy and just a showcase you were just a tracer.

You could argue that It was a dumb idea, but honestly, I just felt using reference was akin to tracing stuff.

It was just copying and that I will never learn to draw if I just well, traced references.
So, I drew without using references for like 15 years.
And I was proud of slowly getting better at drawing from imagination.

Having said that, maybe that was a mistake, but meh.
I still consider that using reference it may not be cheating, but is just a begginer stuff.

Which, meh, I can use reference just fine, I've been just busy learning 3D and 3D game assets and 3d animation to try to make another 2D illustration, this time using reference and all thse 3D tricks I've learned since 2018.

You're likely looking at my last pure without reference drawing I ever did.

>> No.6477610

yeah your just a dumb fuck. sorry, but ngmi

>> No.6477611

use your 5000 iq to think about how people learn to draw from imagination retard

>> No.6477612

>I still consider that using reference it may not be cheating, but is just a begginer stuff.
You are a beginner, not learning from refs has locked you into beginner mode. I have a suspicion you can't accurately freehand copy from references at all.

>> No.6477613

I honestly need to make a 2D manga illustration using the 3D tricks I learned in the last 3 years.

I just didnt do 2D stuff at least since 2018.

>> No.6477619

It's just a grid method using a triangulation strategy and measuring using halfs and thirds.

It's not a huge deal to "copy" from reference.
It's just measuring and getting the big shapes in correct proportions.

>> No.6477621
File: 277 KB, 1440x1080, 1666749022357575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drew without references for 15 years

The truth comes out now. So much for that "150IQ" and having more "theoretical knowledge than any art professor."

>> No.6477622

>I didn't draw from reference because it's tOo eAsY
Well look where that landed you, fucking megamind lmao. Apparently you didn't learn anything else not drawing from reference because you can't construct and your line quality is shit. Get over yourself.

>> No.6477624

I just had no art teacher.

lines is not a big deal because you draw at 2-3k resolution then downscale to 25% and get a nice clean perfect line.

So meh, not a big deal to magically hold the pencil line in big beatiful arcs made with the elbow.

>> No.6477625

If it isn't a big deal/isn't hard then WHY AREN'T YOU CAPABLE OF DOING IT? Fucking insufferable retard.

>> No.6477627
File: 7 KB, 320x303, 1598382436560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I had to become my own art teacher and that takes more time than learning from an art teacher?

did u expect me to magically learn the same as kids in russian ateliers when I'm on a shitty failed state with no good art schools?

I had to basically learn to be my own art teacher.

>> No.6477630

just like almost everyone else here

>> No.6477631

But have you used real life references?

>> No.6477636

yes, I agree.

It's just well, without an art teacher you can spent literally years doing something and have no clue it's a mistake.

I started to work on my 3D skills since 2017 and focused mostly on my 3D skills since then.

As for references I only started to use them maybe after 2021.

And there's a lot of 3D tricks I learned to measure stuff using blender array modifiers and other 3D tricks I simply had not them when I made that drawing.

Also starting to work on photobashing skills since maybe a year ago.

There's a bunch of stuff I've learned last 2 years I haven't made a 2D piece that reflects my current state of skill.

>> No.6477639

anon you aren't fucking special. you need to stop with the bullshit excuses and actually put in the effort to learn if you ever want to improve

>> No.6477640

This is the kind of free thinker that crits your beg posts, just beware

>> No.6477641

But have you used real life references?

>> No.6477650
File: 429 KB, 704x896, Jul 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have reference skills since I was a small kid.

This is a 2013 drawing.

I just never consider it special or gave too much thinking It was something important for my art skills.

Again, It just considered too easy compared to drawing from imagination.

>> No.6477652

You probably just want the notoriety and fame Skilled artists get from showing their art but do not want to do the work.

>> No.6477653

the simple fact that you believe that's a good drawing tells us all we need to know

>> No.6477654

you're missing the point.

I didn't claimed it was a masterpiece.
I claimed I understood how to draw from reference.

I just didn't had an art teacher and had to basically...
learn to get to a point where I could teach me how to draw.

Never claimed I was a master artist.
I just need to spent at least a year doing realism studies.

>> No.6477656

Now post a drawing that you've traced. Oh right, you've never done it. Post a photo study. Oh right, you've never done it. Post an artwork that you've copied. Oh right, you've never done it.

>> No.6477657

NUMBNUTS DO YOU DRAW REFERENCES FROM REAL LIFE? Still life, architecture, people, etc. Simple question, simple answer.

Showing me a picture doesn't tell me if it came from a real life person or you drew it from a drawing, and there's a big fucking difference.

As for the picture, you are a cocky ass motherfucker that doesn't see all the fucking missed opportunities you have to improve the image. It's not BAD, but when you say it is EASY I expect a lot more than what you gave.

>> No.6477658

You don't understand how to draw from reference.

>> No.6477662

again with the excuses. You clearly do not understand how to draw from reference because that example you gave looks like utter dogshit. Most of the people here are also self-taught, but none of them are using it as an excuse for their mediocrity like you are. You need to stop being a whiny little faggot and own up to the fact that you're shit.

>> No.6477667
File: 149 KB, 923x865, Jul 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, my understanding of working with references and measuring shit comes from my 3D and blender studies, which I acquire less than 4 years ago.

But I had reference skills since I was 20.

I'm just posting shit I referenced from photos.

>> No.6477668

It is impossible for you to have been drawing for as long as you claim with lines that look like that. One of the first things covered in almost any drawing book or course is line quality. Even if you ignored that you would have naturally gotten better. Are you pretending to have drawn for longer than you actually have because you're hoping we'll provide some secret shortcut tips or something?

Also, you're really overthinking this. Art requires some intuition and you aren't letting yours see light of day. Stop over intellectualizing this. It's making you anxious and that lack of confidence is showing up in your line work. Have you never drawn enough in one session to get into a flow state or something?

>> No.6477671
File: 45 KB, 743x962, Apr 13 b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do line work just fine.

Like you say, you need to get into the flow state to properly do then.

But I know how to get clean lines.
Usually some tool like SAI and a good tablet like wacom can do it.

>> No.6477674

>I can do line work just fine.
>posts that
No you can't you dumb nigger.

>> No.6477677

feel free to show me where the lines are fuzzy in that drawing.

>> No.6477678

No. You misunderstand. YOU, unaided, need to be able to draw good lines. If you can't draw good lines on your own, your work will always look shit, because it'll have fucked structure. When you lay down a bad line, it'll still be bad when you use a program to make it clearer. You need pencil control. You need your arm to be able to create the line you're seeing in your subject, or the line you are seeing in your mind. Otherwise you're polishing a bad drawing with tech.

>> No.6477681

>deformed fetal alcohol syndrome faces
>nonsensical scribbles for clothing folds
>illegible chicken scratch lines
kill yourself you third-world retard

>> No.6477682

>MUH referencing skills
Stop. Shush. Go do some real life studies. It's a key component you're missing out on. If you don't, just shut the fuck up and begone. You have to do the hard work correctly, which you haven't done for years.

>> No.6477683

>had to become my own art teacher

And here I thought you had studied "over 100 books and courses on all aspects of drawing."
Did they not teach anything in these courses?


>> No.6477686
File: 156 KB, 783x1021, Feb 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to post pencil drawings now?

Funny, because It was what I claimed on my OP post.

It's more like you get early bad habits that a teacher would correct and are much more dificult to fix after you have years doing them.

>> No.6477688
File: 70 KB, 1028x628, Feb 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more likely my realism skill would require my 3D experience as well.

So It's not a big deal to acquire it now.

I'm just a bit rusty for not drawing often in 5 years.

>> No.6477690

Well at least you sound a little more confident now. So that's something. Good luck OP

>> No.6477693

I was just a bit frustrated today because fags assume I'm some begginer.

>> No.6477694

You are undoubtedly a beginner.

>> No.6477696

Anon, not drawing using references for 15 YEARS because it's too easy isn't a bad habit -it's hubris. Which courses/books told you that was a good idea? If you read as much as you claimed, you would have surely stumbled upon something to deal with proportions. I mean, just look at your pic. If the heads weren't so freakishly huge and they had necks it would look passable. Can you really not see that with your liquid crystal IQ?

>> No.6477697
File: 59 KB, 700x695, 16642361092653762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering my goal is to make games and not being a manga illustrator, I'm hardly a begginer.

Not a single book mentions what I made was good.
But I was more worried about the other aspects of gamedev that I couldn't simply focus on just mastering realism.

>> No.6477700

reading through his replies, I now understand why OP is a perma beg. It isn't due to a lack of talent or because he naturally can't draw, its because he's an insufferable little cunt who's head is so far up his ass he refuses to take any opinions seriously other than his own

>> No.6477701

I'm over 35 and sometimes post /beg/level anime girls on 4chong.

>> No.6477702

Yup. He tries to sound smart but avoids answering any questions that makes him look bad. It's all ego.

>> No.6477703

This, to be quite honest.

>> No.6477704

Remember OP no rules just tools.

The point is doing a finished illustration.

3d, rotoscoping, photobashing, tracing(copyright free photos), rulers, protractors, cameras, projectors, light boxes, digital art.

These are all just tools to complete an illustration.

Just don't do copyright infringement (art theft)

>> No.6477705

Dubs don't lie sir.

>> No.6477706

What a hilarious thread, guys. I guess IQ does affect your drawings in a way.

>> No.6477709

I am in tears that box perspective, chapter of any artbook and planetbrain fucks it up

>> No.6477710

Das fine anon, i love you and you arent sperging like op

>> No.6477728

cris what are you doing in /ic/

>> No.6477732
File: 114 KB, 515x715, Screenshot_20230117_194454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rushed cos had to get dinner on.

>> No.6477735

This man has studied art for 60 years, has 4 art teachers and his IQ is higher than ops post number

>> No.6477763

Stiff as fuck, need some gesture drawing.
Drop the anime art style for a while. You need to learn reality before you can properly break reality.

>> No.6477765


>> No.6477773


>> No.6477777

lol, what am I coping with?

>> No.6477789

> need some gesture drawing.
well thats why im on ic, i need to swing by /beg/ and get some pics to copy.

>> No.6477798

Just use posemanics or something, the refs don't have to be top notch, just shit out a looot of quick drawings, hammer that proper flow into your poses. I suggest always starting your sketch with the spine as well. You do sketch right? Because this latest drawing looks like you skipped that step.

>> No.6477801

ngmi retards

>> No.6477802

anon, have you tried taking art classes in real life?
i also thought i couldn't do much even though i've read all theory and practiced and shit, then i realized i am much more productive when there's a person actively guiding me like i'm a 5 year old.
having classmates who are near your level helps too, unless you're green with envy like a cucumber, it can be a very fertile environment for your art.

>> No.6477808


>> No.6477815
File: 329 KB, 1000x828, annie may leg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was one of those 100 books not Huston, Hampton, or Mattesi? Strip back the bells and whistles and get a good rhythm and gesture going. Are you using reference? Doing studies of artists you admire?

>> No.6477817

Your art looks like you mostly studied those "How to Draw Manga!" books, which are terrible and worthless.
Study from realism books, learn proper gesture/figure drawing, go through your Vilppu's and Bridgmans, only once you get good at realistic figure drawing should you pursue stylization like anime, otherwise it just weights you down. You have good lines and a decent grasp of perspective, and your hands look good, but yeah, take the begpill, humble yourself, and go through the right steps in order.

>> No.6477841
File: 2.68 MB, 2120x2232, 1DAOHDAINUBW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like people like OP is a lot more common than one might think. Somewhat technically competent but due to lacking a clear vision of WHAT exactly they want to do with said skills, they end up plateauing alongside their skills because I highly doubt you ACTUALLY "studied and grinded" that long and not achieve anything. If your goal was to simply draw good, then you'd have become someone like Kim Jung Gi that can draw entire pages with one stroke. Since that doesn't seem to be the case, you were absolutely not studying unless you thought of it as some sort of RPG where you slowly gained experience points then level up which is retarded. You need to be as specific as you can with what exactly you want.

In my friend's case, he wants to draw a manga/story and here's an example of one of his drawings. He has much, much more detailed ones and a million times better than me despite the fact that he claims that he wasn't doing too much of the raw grinding a lot of beginners do like making a million boxes. Easily high int. And in my case, I want to be competent enough to be able to make soulful art for a video game I want to make. Was symbol drawing just a few months ago and I barely even drew. Now I'm much more efficient because I can specifically say what exactly I need to be able to do to make said "game" because that in on itself is too vague. Backgrounds, main characters, interactable NPC, uninteractable NPCs... etc. All of those can be broken even further down like with character's clothes, what food they eat, how they talk, how their body looks relative to everyone, how they pee, how do they fuck and react to certain things? Stuff like that. Once I did that, not only was I able to discipline myself better to keep drawing, I'm able to bring more better results compared to when everything was just vague. I hope I'm making sense.

>> No.6477850

No, he should do both simultaneously. Otherwise he will get burned out.

>> No.6477851

That's a different story. You're talking about goals and inspiration, OP just seems to have skipped the basics and refused to use reference.

>> No.6477859
File: 205 KB, 1280x1280, 1621707345982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not using references

Now I feel stupid for not seeing this and typing this wall of text for you. >>6477841 There's the problem lmao. EVERYBODY uses references. There's no human on earth that hasn't used references. Whether that be Kim Jung Gi or an artist hundreds of years ago except in their case, they just looked at real life for references. We all stand on the shoulders of giants. Use them.

>> No.6477871
File: 88 KB, 547x771, Screenshot_20230117_221012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do sketch right?
i sketched this far before i realised what the time was and rushed the rest.

>> No.6477878

Right yeah, that's very loose. Get all the shapes down before you draw any hard lines.

>> No.6477883

It must be a troll.
>I use nutritional tricks like eating bananas
And the whole “over 100 books and courses” thing was had to believe as well. It sounds like the navy seal copypasta.
Half the post is just him talking about how much of a sigma male grindset meme he is
>I use pomodoro method and listen to podcasts during my morning routine so clearly I did everything right
It’s like Patrick Bateman talking about how many sit-ups he does every morning, while crying about how he’s still fat. It doesn’t make sense

>> No.6477884

rushing isn't an excuse for not understanding something basic like zigzags >>6477815

>> No.6477911

Oh you're a retard nevermind then

>> No.6477977

>reference skills
Learn how to draw realism. You need to learn how to draw an EXACT copy of a figure models. These don't look realistic at all. Learn how to convince the audience that your drawing is real. When you are using reference and doing live drawing you're not supposed to use them as shortcuts but UNDERSTAND the underlying anatomy, the folds, the lighting, the values, and shove that into your brain for future use. You need to learn from them, not just think of them as some tool. You don't understand how to observe.

>> No.6477979

>>6477977 (you)
Start doing life drawing and master copies, but this time without grid. Do it with zero measuring and only eyeballing it. You need to practice your hand-to-eye coordination.

>> No.6477980

no, this is not good, not even remotely. this person doesn't have any eye for what looks good and people like you just encourage the shit design choices and anime faggotry

>> No.6477983

sorry anon, you might be able to discern patterns easier than the average person, but you're still mentally handicapped in the end by way of actually caring about such crap. or in other words: NGMI

>> No.6477996

As a teacher I'm absolutely obsessed with retards like you. You're a challenge. EVERY TIME it makes me want to write a method, but I have neither the time nor the money nor the community to promote such a project.

>> No.6478012

Once again constructoids dab on /ic/ ref babies. U wanna draw from imagination? Use construction.

>> No.6478016

OP is based because he went 100% full imagination constructive stuff, and never backed up to reference copy cope from /ic/ tracers and fundamental losers.

Trully an inspiration to never back down on your core artistic beliefs.

fundies retards will cope and seethe, but OP eternally dabbed on them.

>> No.6478021

By sucking? I feel very dabbed on.

>> No.6478024

Realism fags can copy a photo but when they try to draw from imagination, they literally draw the proko kangaroo, then make some cope how you should always use photo reference.

>> No.6478030

Who said anything about copying photos or strictly drawing realism? Stop strawmanning. If you want to teach your brain to draw humans, you're gonna have to look at some fucking humans.

>> No.6478031
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to teach your brain to draw humans, you're gonna have to look at some fucking humans.

>> No.6478034

Yeah, Proko is an autistic rule follower, what's your point?

>> No.6478037
File: 282 KB, 720x897, loomis_framework.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so your sketch is incredibly basic and hard to even see (idk why you chose light blue color on yellow paper), yet I assume you used it to jump straight to the detailed drawing? Yea no wonder it looks like shit, at your skill level you have to do it "step by step". Why? Because this allows you to spot and fix mistakes at every step rather than do all the work first, then go "oh shit, I did it wrong, guess I have no talent then". See pic related? You jumped straight from 1 to 4. Some people can get away with that but you clearly can't, so don't skip the in-between steps next time.

Also I agree with the other anons, drop the over-stylized anime style for a while, it's doing you more harm than good. You don't have to go full-realism, just try to get the proportions right. Also, try drawing a bunch of figures without clothes and hair to figure out what humans actually look like. It's not enough to just read a bunch of books about art, you actually have to WORK on your skill

>> No.6478041
File: 4 KB, 168x299, gigga chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP learned to draw anime girls using only his imagination as reference for 20 years
>/ic/ retards can only trace photos
I would say OP is based and you fags can't rotate a cube in your mind.

>> No.6478049

>OP learned to draw anime girls using only his imagination as reference for 20 years
No, OP learned to draw anime girls poorly.
>you fags can't rotate a cube in your mind
This is not a black and white thing, dumbshit. You draw from imagination AND from reference. OP only did one, Proko only did one, both failed in their own way.

>> No.6478053

except you can draw from imagination while having some reference and basically BTFO proko.

what other cope?

>> No.6478055

How that not literally what I just said?

>> No.6478057

I'll give him points for at least attempting from imagination and try to make something original. That being said, he really needs to work on his lines, gestures, and observational drawing. Yeah he can do them, but it's like the bare minimum. It's stiff and lacks artistic choices.

>> No.6478058

meh, don't care.

my point is that developing the drawing from imagination skill is much more dificult than copying reference.

It would be trivial to just use some reference and get 10000% improvements if you have imagination skills.

>> No.6478067

>meh, don't care.
You don't care that you have no reading comprehension?

No, imagination is barely a skill at all, it's just something you can or can't do. The ability to make the things you imagine look real is the hard part. The key is to not draw the same shit all the time and stay safely within your little box, like Proko does. But at least Proko is good at whats inside his little box, OP is not good at anything.

>> No.6478073

How do you think Kim Jung Gi learned to draw from imagination you retards? You can read all the theory you want but if you don't understand it you'll never learn to draw from imagination. People who can draw realism and from imagination understand, people who draw realism but can't do imagination are the people who don't understand and fail to observe.

>> No.6478077

Stop feeding the retarded beg. Let them do what they want since they are ngmi. Who the fuck cares about these retards anyway? They are hopeless in the first place.

>> No.6478200

Can't wait to fall into the backrooms and find OPs art pasted along Its walls

>> No.6478288

This thread reminds me of that guy that made the same thread but he drew a pretty kancolle loli at least to low int level I actually help people with potential but chris is something else so I won't help him

>> No.6479299

How is your art making process?

>> No.6479300

Have you tried Loomis?

>> No.6479306

Thought the same thing when I saw the drawing. The rant makes the case even stronger.

>> No.6479311
File: 137 KB, 535x578, Screenshot_20230118_230057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont draw anime, draw this fat fuck instead
this is why nobody takes ic seriously

>> No.6479342

>look at what you draw
>"oh wow that looks like shit lets try it slightly differently"

>draw, first without reference
>then pull up references
>"oh so that's how it looks like"
>redraw but with reference this time

but other fundamentals that's always great to have at all time is knowing proportion / keeping track of distance and angle

>> No.6479370

Why not just have fun? People will love your stuff if you seem like you have fun. You seem like a miserable cunt

>> No.6479373

This is what you get for dividing your time between programming shitty games, using blender and other shitty open source software and drawing for only 30 minutes tops. Kys Cris. You are already 11 years too late.

>> No.6479378
File: 2.10 MB, 2716x2320, 1653004288943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait is this actually fucking Cris? Pic related? Guy who spams the same shit at /agdg/?? No wonder the posting seems so familiar.

>> No.6479438
File: 1005 KB, 3024x4032, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably have a good time if you simplify into simple shapes, dont force to do exagerated and tridimentional poses

>> No.6479451

u think we'll ever see a gabe/cris collab?

>> No.6479462

That's just an example on how to construct a character

>> No.6479463

>It's just well, without an art teacher you can spent literally years doing something and have no clue it's a mistake.
Wow, if only you used like 100 of those 10000 IQ points you have to look for a teacher then, or maybe, I don't know, just fucking realize what you're doing isn't working.
You dumbass.

>> No.6479514

one to talk, on a board still using same memes and threads from 2013

>> No.6479617

You know anon, some people really do just need a good teacher to point them in the right direction when it comes to learning new things. For example, most people will never be able to properly learn how to play the violin unless they have a teacher to constantly coach them and keep them playing in-tune

>> No.6482466

Stop worrying about how to draw and learn to have fun drawing. When you treat a hobby like a job, you'll never get anywhere with it.