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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 118 KB, 298x482, 1672862560681546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6476178 No.6476178 [Reply] [Original]

He was right and you know it.

>> No.6476180

Quick run down?

>> No.6476183


>> No.6476184


>> No.6476185
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>> No.6476195
File: 31 KB, 388x342, 1658665182429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was right considering after dog-pilling him for bitching about numbers, big Twitter artists were crying that Elon was adding in post views.

>> No.6476198

Nobody cared
>b-but somebody at twitter said
Nobody cared

>> No.6476201

Nah, he is another permabeg who believes that just because he made an effort or because something took him a long time he automatically deserves recognition and fame.

>> No.6476213
File: 235 KB, 598x463, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6476217

Well, that opinion is disregarded even though I agree with the sentiment.

>> No.6476223

>hey gais give ME attention
>average consumer cattle does as cattle do
>waaaaaaaah ME is sad
He was right about what exactly?

>> No.6476225

>i am a racist faggot that is ngmi

>> No.6476233

Racist is a meaningless buzzword

>> No.6476241

>Npc response
Damn, the jews really did a number on your brain.

>> No.6476243

Duhhh bluh bluh bluh xDD

>> No.6476263 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 242x153, BFM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6476283

Drawing OC's without an actual purpose is the true ngmi behavior. At least have something that you are going to use them for.

>> No.6476284


>> No.6476321
File: 3.32 MB, 3963x2628, 1667532451028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mogs /ic/*

>> No.6476345

>Nationality: British
Lads...It's over

>> No.6476347

I like him, he's got that 2004-era internet autism.
Anyway, there's a sliding scale between making art for yourself and making art for an audience. Hopefully you find the right balance.

>> No.6476349

OC's without anything to actually put them in is an autism thing right?

>> No.6476355

36 years old and yet he has the same artistic sensibilities of Andrew Dobson? What the fuck is wrong with those people?

>> No.6476366

He fell in love with the artstyle of poor quality movies that imitate Disney I guess

>> No.6476377

He's literally autistic bro

>> No.6476400

Autistic people shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet

>> No.6476405
File: 279 KB, 790x361, christine-weston-chandler-chris-chan-mugshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.6476408

>"I hate autists!"
>goes on 4chan instead of hanging with the normies on twitter and discord
Do you really think the average anon who spams a 500+ image folder of his waifu isn't autistic?

>> No.6476410

You can still be a self functioning human being and browse 4chan at the same time. Seems like cope to me.

>> No.6476415
File: 56 KB, 640x480, true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was one of those things that while true, you still shouldn't complain about.

>> No.6476418

autistic =/= retarded

>> No.6476435

Not really. People aren't going to care about an OC they have no knowledge about or attachment to. He expected OC stuff to suddenly do numbers with a style that a lot of people might not find appealing in the first place.

>> No.6476437

>36 years old
>Sucks dick at drawing, autistic artstyle
>Acts like a fucking teenager
now THAT'S a real lolcow

>> No.6476449


>> No.6476507

no you can't
and this retarded post is an example of why

>> No.6476510

>how to gaslight yourself

>> No.6476518

Reminds me of Animatedjames

>> No.6476555

They hate him because he told the truth

>> No.6476558
File: 148 KB, 676x673, 1673736786426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6476563

Jesus, the level of nice guy seething incel vibes

>> No.6476567

Big pass

>> No.6476580

This dude is 11 years older than me, draws like shit and has the attitude of a teenage incel.
Holy shit

>> No.6476582

I have no fucking clue who this is and I don't want to find out.
Fuck off and don't post again.

>> No.6476583

I know someone like this irl, I believe they got autism too. They are obsessed with cartoon drawings, aren't that good and are always fucking whinning about something.

>> No.6476591

The based negro fart snorter

>> No.6476595

not an argument

>> No.6476596

> attitude of a teenage incel.
So he belongs here

>> No.6476600

They used the BLM donations to buy big mansions away from ghettos and let their brothers to die
Anyone supporting BLM is a gullible retard

>> No.6476604

I am neither a teenage or an incel, I look good irl and never had issues with women

>> No.6476612

with you? yes it does lmao

>> No.6476621

Why are you gaslighting yourself?
Ok? Doesn’t changed the fact that the vast majority of users are like him

>> No.6476632

>Ok? Doesn’t changed the fact that the vast majority of users are like him
Not for long

>> No.6476663

He was right in the same way nerds whinning about girls only liking bad boys are right. It's true, but saying it outloud is confirmation to everyone else that you are a sore loser to be avoided

>> No.6476666
File: 1.68 MB, 600x450, ezgif-4-95f38d09b7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeat after me: Nobody cares about your ugly ocs!

>> No.6476680

>Be nerd
>Invest in studies, academia, and focus on a profession
>Why do girls only like Niggers?
>Be single mom
>Rode the cock casserole, but is ready to settle down now
>Where have all the good Men gone?
ad infinitum.

>> No.6476682

Nob blan blarblublenbd :DDD DD

>> No.6476690

You ignore the fact that's there's also academic chads. People don't like retards that make one aspect of their life their entire identity
In fact they prefer niggers over it

>> No.6476694

Do you speak from experience?

>> No.6476699

>Be nerd
>Spent your entire life in academia
>Never grow up
Never .an up
>36 year old child
>Marry your school sweetheart after 10 years of cock carousel
>Whack her over the head with your Nintendo when she won't peg you
Damn, how could any woman resist the temptation

>> No.6476700

Yes, the experience of witnessing others fail and cope

>> No.6476703

Every single character, including the artist got such punchable faces it's unreal.

>> No.6476710

He was. Original indie work getting buried is a sign of how many artists would rather exploit the system than make actual art. Yeah most OC will be complete garbage like what Bluebottle makes but we're missing out on so many great new ips because coomsumers are algorithm bait.

>> No.6476712

sounds like every other /ic/el

>> No.6476724

99% of Indie is as trash as capeshit

>> No.6476730

Nah, this dude is way worse. The kind of people to that'll go out for a run just to post about it, then will quit if people don't outright praise him for it. Then whine about how he tried so hard but no one cares and there's always someone trying to ruin his day.
Its the most pathetic shit I've seen in my life

>> No.6476738

This is so stupid, he has no idea how human attention works. Given that hundreds of thousands of art pieces get created every day, people have to create a hierarchy in order to mentally digest and navigate so much information. Naturally the vast majority of art ends up at the bottom of the pyramid since most people suck. Either in technical skill or appeal. So yeah your OC doesnt magically have value just because its a thing and you made it.

>> No.6476753

This is why gatekeeping exists. Its to avoid idiots wasting time where they don't belong

>> No.6476812

Amazing how grown ass people can behave like this. Seen too many. Just awful.

>> No.6476823

I hate anime so much it's unreal

>> No.6476885


>> No.6476887

says the fag on an anime related website

>> No.6476894


Yeah I can see why his OCs aren't popular. They all look like throwaway coloring book characters.

>> No.6476898

He could have made this comic as a critique of the taste of online art communities and how they discourage uniqueness and creativity, but the dialogue over the group has enough things unrelated to art-sharing that it makes it (correctly, I assume) seem as though he's just bitter about literally l anything that gets attention which isn't his art.
>hours of time and effort
Admiration of effort and result go hand-in-hand. People admire the effort if the results are good, they don't admire effort if the result is something they don't care about.

>> No.6476906

Is there anything more Chaddish than cucking omega males in their own websites?
There isn't.

>> No.6476917
File: 19 KB, 217x265, 165487132323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cock casserole
Fuck, that got me off guard.

>> No.6476924

yeah, not being on the internet "owning" literally who and actually doing something productive irl

>> No.6476933

>dude just be a jacked 9/10 genius comedian with a 6 figure salary to get some average roastie

>> No.6476940

Since when does being anti rioting and looting, make you racist?

>> No.6476941

But anon women have so much to offer like, a used pussy, get angry over little things, drain your money, metal issues, being overcontrolling, I already said pussy?

>> No.6476944

That's Ok, you can always be a seething incel instead

>> No.6476952

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.6476961

Then how come I am dating a gorgeous white bunny gymnast with a rich dad despite being a neet loser that draws furry shit for fun?
My gf looks like the loli from cyberpunk edgerunners

>> No.6476983

Wait untill they see the abstract art bullshit, a white line on a blue canvas selling for $43.8 million.

>Your opinion is correct but I disagree because of cultural war partisan bullshit

>> No.6476985

You actual. Fucking. Retard.

>> No.6476997 [DELETED] 
File: 651 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20230116-163341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if someone is in a situation like pic rel what would you do to get out of it? H-heh heh

>> No.6477000

>>Your opinion is correct but I disagree because of cultural war partisan bullshit
Yes, unapologetically so.

>> No.6477004

>draw better
>draw what people want to see
>interact with people
>if you're good enough, open commissions and post the results

>> No.6477006

You genuinely can't. At that point it's genetic.

>> No.6477009

>Learning at 37 with his attitude
Not going to happen. He has been drawing for almost 20 years dude.

>> No.6477023 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 298x482, 1673855761902014 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's been right about everything anon

>> No.6477029


>> No.6477035
File: 1.65 MB, 320x240, 070B27BE-F9AE-4FFB-A75D-1AB1889F01D2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had a pussy, I’d literally spend all day taking nude selfies, masturbating to those selfies, posting the selfies online, profiting off of said selfies and then cap the day off fondling my fat tits while admiring my phat bank account.

>> No.6477041

The tranny mindset

>> No.6477053

sanest /u/ poster

>> No.6477064
File: 204 KB, 925x873, shalom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i ever woke up as a girl, i'd kill myself.

>> No.6477103


>> No.6477147

4chan is racist faggot, get used to it

>> No.6477156

This. OC culture is fucking stupid. Why should someone care about the random character you made up in a vacuum? Put them in a comic, animation, or tell some kind of story with them, then we'll talk.

>> No.6477161

OMG I thought i was the only one in this god-forsaken scene who thought that.

OCs are cringe and they're even more so when there's no narrative/purpose behind them

>> No.6477163
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>> No.6477167

4chan isn't one person

>> No.6477171

I would hardly call that drawing.

>> No.6477188

The irony from what his comic brought him was the attention he craved albeit the wrong type of attention that makes you a source of hilarity. If it wasn't for his complaining for not getting the same attention as the FOTM we wouldn't even know he exists, does that mean we also have to be complaining like some teenage spoiled brat?

>> No.6477197

Do you want that kind of attention? No, the benefits you would get from that kind of attention are almost nil and becoming a lolcow never works out well and gives you nothing but internet fame. Whether you make it or not does not depend on you, it depends on the public, believe me if you have to offer something to the world and it is as good as fma it will become popular.

>> No.6477237
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>> No.6477240
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>> No.6477245

>my name is not important. what is important is what i'm going to do
>i just fucking hate this world and the human worms feasting on its carcass
>my whole life is just cold, bitter hatred, and i always wanted to die violently.
>this is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving.
>and i will put in the grave as many as i can
>it's time for me to kill...
>...and it's time for me to die
>my genocide crusade begins here.

>> No.6477252

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You better run, better run outrun my gun
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You better run, better run faster than my bullet

>> No.6477253

Hits different when you realize this song is low key an anthem for school shooters.

>> No.6477278

>my name is not important. what is important is what i'm going to do
>i just fucking hate Twitter and the porn artists feasting on its carcass
>my whole life is just memes, NSFW fanart, and i always wanted to die violently.
>this is the time of vengeance, and no original character is worth saving.
>and i will put in the grave as many as i can
>it's time for me to kill...
>...and it's time for me to die
>my genocide crusade begins here.

>> No.6477281


>> No.6477287


If you are going to do character design it's vital that you come up with original concepts.

>> No.6477310

>big Twitter artists were crying that Elon was adding in post views
provide screenshots

>> No.6477314

Where in CT is this faggot? I live in Groton.
Also has anyone trained a model on his style?

>> No.6477346
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>> No.6477396

That's the funny part, James was able to amass a fanbase using fan animations at first but then grew a genuine audience that liked his original stuff with that simple art style. He nuked himself in the end but at least he got that far.

>> No.6477478

It really is. Trannies are a porn addict/autist's idea of what womanhood is, they act nothing like normal women. If they did, they wouldn't be programmers and spending all day online.

>> No.6477592

ironically his OC gets twice as much engagement as mine.

>> No.6477618
File: 25 KB, 512x510, 1654684651615651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up this lolifurry drawing tranny's post
>thread full of coomers losing their shit
>a lot of posts spamming buzzwords
>"no retweets? no likes? uuhm actually ME doesnt get likes and follow and ME do porn... pls subscribe! gottem checkmate lol lmao cope seethe fr fr STOP CRITICIZING PO--NSFW ART!!1!!"
>thread getting spammed with coom and porn by literal children
>thread is actually just children drawing porn
>thread is just pure damage control
>thread goes to show how incredibly fucking fragile and immature the average nsfwtard is
You may make fun of him for his beg works, but that furfag really hit the nail on its head with that comic.
He's an actual real artist, because he pointed a finger at a truth.

Most of modern artists are getting filtered by a fucking furry loli drawing weeb.
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.6477647

blm isnt what it used to mean
mlkjr would be furious if he was still alive
using his words as a cover up for criminals its dirty i say

>> No.6477967

Yes it is

>> No.6478017

And it worked
I should make something similar
To the stratosphere I go bois!

>> No.6478063

is there an edit where he proceeds to go shoot up an art school?

>> No.6478328
File: 114 KB, 360x270, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6478374

>Deviant for 17 years

>> No.6478403

>rode the cock casserole

my sides anon

>> No.6478848

Is age that much of a dealbreaker?

>> No.6478919

for how he's acting? yes

>> No.6478984

All of twitter is going to hell for dog pilling him and I want to watch him send them there

>> No.6478989

Yeah. SoCiEtY functions on ageism

>> No.6479003

A design should give you an idea about who the character is. If your OC has no story, then their design has no purpose.

>> No.6479005
File: 93 KB, 430x436, 1647427711774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just do that. You practiced to become an artist. It takes 10,000 hours to get good at drawing, aka the 10,000 hour rule. You are not a scriptwriter, or a programmer.

>> No.6479011

who makes ocs without story?

>> No.6479012

You don't need to have something you are going to use them for to come up with interesting or appealing character designs. You can absolutely come up with a backstory for a character without a grander narrative behind it. People will even buy those designs if they find them appealing enough.

>> No.6479021
File: 949 KB, 1152x1080, Misterious Phantom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this? let's see
I feel SEXY!

>> No.6479197

>10,000 hour rule
Absolute pseudoscience

>> No.6479217

>10,000 hour rule
How do you even track that?

>> No.6479218

I am 4chan, who are you?

>> No.6479253

this is what happens when you "just draw". He mastered that style, but its a useless style. If he had just watched dragon ball z on tv as a kid, he'd be bigger than sakamichan right now.

>> No.6479259

Imagine thinking "racist" is a derogatory term, in 4chan of all places. Lmfao kys newfag

>> No.6479260


>> No.6479285

>reading comprhension
>the newfag retard has the audacity call anyone else a newfag

>> No.6479292

>Charge: incest w/ own child or grandchild
He raped? his grandmother though. Not one of his children

>> No.6479325

twitter gets mad at their dominant hands for hogging all the spotlight.
if there ever was a place full of psychos, it is twitter.

>> No.6479479 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 1032x1600, 6e386175b25ad797316cb1838284a661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femaleanons add me up on discord jibunwoh#7399
and talk about interests like: vidya and weeb stuff yuuka mei ling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou megaman monster hunter FU final fantasy the 4 heroes of light. SFM animations creative hobbies /m/ shows lolis kemono girls vtubers(and laugh at deadbeats)females from the DoA games pokemon the rwby anime and other stuff

>> No.6479579 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 1032x1600, 6e386175b25ad797316cb1838284a661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femaleanons add me up on discord jibunwoh(#)7399
and talk about interests like vidya and weeb stuff yuuka mei ling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou megaman monster hunter FU final fantasy the 4 heroes of light SFM animations creative hobbies /m/ shows lolis kemono girls vtubers(and laugh at deadbeats).females from the DoA games pokemon the rwby anime and other stuff

>> No.6479633
File: 270 KB, 776x1119, oc_wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6479648


>> No.6479650

This is what happens when you don't forbid a /beg/ from using the airbrush

>> No.6479656

How does it feel being an NPC without free thought? I imagine it makes art difficult since you lack any self-direction and autonomy for artistic choices
I'd love to see the work of someone who doesn't think

>> No.6479657

Which OCs are worse? The overcooked ones loaded with so much shit that they look like MOBA premium skins, or the edgy ones?

>> No.6479658

If I ever have a son he will NOT even see deviantart, it's like every male soul who touches it becomes a autistic usually pedo cartoonfag

>> No.6479659


>> No.6480011


I'm going to say MOBA knockoffs are worse. Edgy OCs may be terrible and cringe but they're at least built on the taste and expression of the creator. Over-designed concept artstation wannabe OCs are just cluster fucks of popular/trendy design memes taken because someone else had success with them.

>> No.6480017

edgy oc because they got so bad it's good vibe meanwhile the tryharder ones are just soulless and corporate.

>> No.6480027

aww are your feelings hurt snowflake?

>> No.6480032


>> No.6480034

>they act nothing like normal women
women aren't supposed to act like anything you dumb fuck

>> No.6480252
File: 76 KB, 497x243, image_2023-01-18_191348089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm still coping at the fact that no one cares about my OC's
Shit sucks.

>> No.6480267
File: 518 KB, 1216x2230, 6DD3E7F6-F8D4-4DF4-96A0-1D5C9DD94D74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was right
And? I looked through his artwork and literally couldn’t give a shit about his Sunday funnies art style, literal who characters, shitty $10 commissions charging another $10 for flat colors, his $20 comic that he put no effort into marketing, SO LISTEN: This guy wasn’t some kind of unrecognized hidden gem, and his comic was just sour grapes that was just BEGGING to get meme’d on. And what did he do with that attention that he was begging for? He ran away from it, lmao.
All of that said if he wasn’t a pussy bitch about it, and actually wanted to learn how to git gud, I’m sure someone in “the community” would’ve been able to give him pointers to getting better. But we’re probably talking about a man in his mid 20s or early 30s and I feel like there’s a certain age where you’re terminally permabeg if you’ve been a /beg/ for that long.

>> No.6480271

>hard work

>> No.6480274

This was a thing someone said on 4chan. This dumb fucking thing was said by someone on this website and they probably believe it.

>> No.6480285

>a sign of how many artists would rather exploit the system than make actual art.
Everyone is trying their best to exploit the system, the only thing the system is good for at all is exploitation. That’s capitalism, its just that instead of being a landlord or a lawyer, artists are drawing anime pinups and furfaggot shit.
>Yeah most OC will be complete garbage like what Bluebottle makes but we're missing out on so many great new ips because coomsumers are algorithm bait.
That’s also a problem of producers and publishers not wanting to risk money on unproven IPs. That’s why we’re in remake and reboot hell.

>> No.6480297
File: 12 KB, 320x400, 9569e4c2c381836eec5f2b291f68a45a.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post OC, I'll see if I care or not, but regardless of that, at least give it a try.

>> No.6480338
File: 216 KB, 593x445, image_2023-01-18_233533022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a Sonic fan artist by the way. The first thing you'll see in his recent drawings is "Neco Arc Jolt Redraw".
This retarded faggot is just the modern version of the people who drew the things he's making fun of back in the 2000's.

>> No.6480347

This guy was absolutely right. The only thing Twitter cares about is whatever can catch their incredibly short and narrow attention span, and they fine-tune their pattern recognition to whatever currently deserves their worthless yesman opinions. Anime is a good example of this, as they never focus on more than one thing per month. They're always jumping from Dress Up Darling, to Spy x Family, to Cyberpunk, to Bocchi, and the list goes on. He has a shit art style, but it's not his fault that he couldn't get any engagement prior; Twitter is a place where creativity goes to die, and the only OCs that thrive there are from obnoxious Patreon coomers like Telepurte and Scott Malin.

>> No.6480348

Most recent pic I did

>> No.6480357

With that being said, it's a miracle that he even got caught and called out for screaming in the void to begin with. A normal Twitter artist can amass hundred of followers and yet only consistently get three or so likes per post if they're lucky. He got exactly what he wanted. He poured his heart and soul into an art piece, and some retarded nigger got mad enough to quote retweet a snarky comment to rally his fellow monkey fucker comrades to do the same. I hope he gets a job as a storyboard artist, because my god he has more passion for his own form of art than those soulless vessels that can only draw the current thing and porn.

>> No.6480790

The game is not going to change just cause you dont like it. OP related is a loser faggot that despite being 37 he still hasn't understood how society and human nature works.
He is hopeless.

>> No.6480792

What passion, he is almost 40 and can barely fucking draw

>> No.6480795

Everyone who got offended at the true statement he made in a single drawing is 16 and can barely fucking think. I'm taking the one guy with an autistic art style over the thousands of groomed children who think the funniest things in the world are Breaking Bad and incoherent words like "scrunkly bingus". This shit was never about art style and you fucking know it.

>> No.6480818

Human nature is a meme

>> No.6480873
File: 161 KB, 332x333, 1643482712006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, anon, what can I tell you? I would like to say you have a nice character, but to be frank, I cant even tell what this thing is in the first place, some traits suggest me one thing, others suggest me other thing, and the other suggest me yet another thing. Being able to tell the basics of your a character is one of many important things for people to engage with them. With this draw you made I dont know for sure what this thing is and that is a bit of a problem. You have a different draw? something more like a standalone ref, maybe it's just a matter of seeing them at full body and with a clear pose.

>> No.6480913

He's got a passion for people humoring his work. A dramatist, not artist.

>> No.6480934

Rinotuna makes characters in a void and is GMI even if they have no purpose beyond looking cool. The truth is you just need to get gud and have characters that look cool or sexy even if they have no meaning because social media thrives off of sort attention span so lore and stories don’t matter because it’s too much investment for the consumer beyond looking at superficial pretty pictures and characters.

>> No.6480937

I'm learning to become a scriptwriter anyways
You can't limit me

>> No.6480943

I thought rinotuna already made it. He's a got artbooks and 50k follower on artstation.

>> No.6480955

My point is that he made it and is popular for his ocs, because he is good and they look cool and sexy even if they are meaningless designs. People only care about ocs if you’re good and your ocs are hot, people on social media don’t have the attention span to actually consumer your story or whatever you have for your oc. I’ve followed oc artists who make ocs for their comics but no one ever reads their comics because it’s time-consuming while some artists draw characters designs in a void and get 1 gorillion likes because the character look sexy or cool and because the artists is good despite the art being superficial and meaningless. In this age of short attention spans people on social media only care about a drawing that grabs their attention for a few seconds.

>> No.6481032

>mastered that style

>> No.6481293

I don't care if it's a true statement or not. He made one dumb comic on a subject that does not matter and now a bunch of people are dogpiling on him. Everyone is desperate for a new Dobson.

>> No.6481322

Sorry it was a disappointment. I have this older drawing, just realized I don't have many full body pics.

>> No.6481331

What this guy and some people in this thread have no idea about is the concept of appeal. You could be the best artist from a technical perspective yet still get no attention by being a clueless fuck. Even this guy could achieve some success with a simple artstyle like that by being observant of his audience and knowing how to play them. But that'd require working on figuring that shit out for yourself and complaining about not getting what you want instead is much easier.

>> No.6481368

I envy the guy, he is confident enough to post stuff like this. That's pretty cool.

>> No.6481369
File: 1.09 MB, 1393x2511, beg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys how do i avoid this

>> No.6481370

Study cartoons.

>> No.6481371

He went from cartoony to realism, pretty good

>> No.6481405

study more than just one style

>> No.6481411

>thinks normies go on discord
Retard. Discord is full of autists and retards , every server is a safe heaven for those sub humans.

Heck every /ic/ server is full of faggots that draw like op's pic or worse.

>> No.6481439

study realistic cartoons

>> No.6481452
File: 21 KB, 497x512, 1606802880980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly abysmal.

>> No.6481470

This is not funny it's just sad, what "just draw" does to a brainlet

>> No.6481489

Oh my god this is sad. There's literally no improvement, nothing new was tried

>> No.6481578

I've met people like him before. They are the kind of person, who would never do a course/study to improve because they think they can figure it all out by themselves.

>> No.6481672

It looks like shit, therefore it accurately depicted a CARTOON because CARTOONS look like shit.

>Trulli Tales
>Atomic Betty
>The Loud House
>My little pony
>Kids Next Door
>Peppa Pig

This could fit right in, no problem.

>> No.6481682

>the point
>your head

>> No.6481696
File: 58 KB, 769x935, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beta takeaway is calling this dude a shirt artist and a whiner
the alpha takeaway is realizing his whining was sucessful, and therefore, if you find yourself in a place where your genetic successes aren't up to par in appeal, then whinning is a viable tactic to increase viewership

Diversity, my friends. Diversity of tools, Diversity of tactics. Life will never be balanced, genetics are real, people come with different capacities. What truly only matters in the end is your creativity to adapt to your limits.

>> No.6481714
File: 36 KB, 640x480, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enemies to Lovers

>> No.6481715
File: 159 KB, 838x364, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dude is just the latest schizoposter, he's the one who constantly posts self-pitying blogposts with little girl screenshots. Better not to reply to him, much like others of his kind he'd never actually engage in a good faith discussion.

>> No.6481740


>People only care about ocs
>I’ve followed oc artists who make ocs for their comics
>oc artists

Key point here being "OC" artists. When a series has actual momentum people stop calling them OCs and just call the characters by their names or context. Nobody calls Homer Simpson, Toriel, or Doomslayer OCs because everyone knows they're "original" characters. You have to call some random anime girl standing in a void an "OC" because there's no way to know otherwise.

>> No.6481743
File: 988 KB, 176x135, 155960767423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one decade
Holy fucking shit, this managed to terrify me to the point I fetched my old doodle books to see where the fuck I was in 2012 and corroborate I made some actual progress in comparison. Im a cartoonfag (for this board's standards, I guess) and I also take a shit ton of time to improve, but Im not this slow! how the fuck do you let this happen??
I left him a comment on that post, I couldnt help it kek.

This one looks better, you can appreciate her design a lot more, even though I still dont know what she is supposed to be, but I assume it's some sort of dragon/kobold or something similar, but Im grasping at straws here...
I see the appeal, but honestly, she seems pretty basic and doesnt tell much with that design, I could suggest you to play with her design more, start with finding a way to convey her basics into her visual design, like what she does and her personality. No need to give her an "in-your-face" kind of design, just something that hints the viewer what her character is about.

>> No.6481839

It's because they never go outside of the comfort zone. They never feel the need to improve. They never explore for better artists or try asking themselves what things I do I need to do.

>> No.6481855
File: 292 KB, 828x892, 6927EBED-6133-45A4-AE10-7A95CD63C412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6481857

Guys, it's not worth freaking out about his stagnation. He's a LITERAL autist, those niggas eat the same food every day for their entire lives. Change isn't their forte.

>> No.6481860

Fuck you, beans and rice are good.
Probably you’re right, he’s just another chrischan.

>> No.6481866

Rather sad to see even autists discriminate against other autists.

>> No.6481873

Well yeah duh, when I mean oc artists I mean original art or art of something tha isn’t owned by another IP. The “oc artists” I follow don’t write essays and post character sheets. The comicfags I follow always get less engagement than the “oc artists” I follow who don’t write anything or talk about their characters but just make cool looking illustrations of them that are eye catching, often dynamic stuff. They don’t give any story or lore that requires attention, in fact they barely talk at all with their audience they just draw their characters doing cool things and people eat up. People just don’t give much of a shit about a social media artiste’s comic, why would they when could read some manga or capeshit or go to an actual site geared for hosting comics instead of social media. Social media is engineered for short attention spans, might as well post a comic somewhere where people will actually have attention to care instead of scroll, like, and consoom the algorithm mindlessly.

>> No.6481876
File: 557 KB, 828x1362, 97239CCB-4C4B-45CF-A501-7E94B0993ABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people like that shit, dumbass.

>> No.6481911

Who gives a fuck about the corporation it’s about the sentiment. Didn’t even know there was a company behind the shit until after they got exposed

>> No.6481917

You can be anti rioting without saying fuck black people

>> No.6481921

What sentiment?
Blacks get shot more often cause they commit crime more often. Couple activist saw the opportunity to take away personal responsibility from the Black community by selling them the idea nothing is their fault, and got rich off it.
The whole thing is corrupt through and through and it has achieved nothing

>> No.6481923

arguing about politics on an art board means you are a fag who should eat glass
go draw or kill yourselves

>> No.6481924

Are Black communities safer?
Is there less Black on black crime?
Are blacks committing less crime?

So what sentiment, all it achieved is giving blacks another excuse to continue being victimizes by themselves.

>> No.6481926

aint that much different from those televangelist and those utopian cults

>> No.6481928

I don't see those burning down their own neighborhoods and businesses.

>> No.6481929

cute tummy

>> No.6481932

What about the innocent and the unarmed? You can’t act like every incident was falsified victimhood shit

>> No.6481934

this is why nobody on /ic/ ever gets better

>> No.6481937

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.6481939

Happens to every race, its usually not in the news when it's a white dude tho. Not that I support corrupt cops, mind you.
Just pointing out it's not a black thing only, just happens more often to them cause they commit crime more often

>> No.6481941

Black people aren’t a monolith dumbfuck. If I could fix all our problems in a day believe me I would, but it goes deeper than that. Why do you think it’s worst in inner cities? Because that’s where the economy and societal structure is the most fucked

>> No.6481946

U never heard of the Jonestown massacre Rajneesh movement, and 1995 Tokyo sarin attack? Anyways it's not like most charities and NGOs do much with their donations either. Most of it is pocketed by their board members.

>> No.6481948

>Because that’s where the economy and societal structure is the most fucked
Then why are other minorities like Asians not only doing well, but better than whites?
If the system is biased towards whites, Asians should be doing worse than them, yet they are doing better In every metric, from academic achievements to health.

Where's the evidence the system is the issue?

>> No.6481949

If you are posting about race issues in this thread you are ngmi

>> No.6481953


>> No.6481960

We’re talking about America. Their cultural values are completely different and irrelevant. When our society is money over all, then cultural values will shift around it. Why do you think my people “flex” the most despite being “fake rich.” It’s insecurity and it’s sad.

>> No.6481964

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.6481967

>It’s insecurity and it’s sad.
But that's what I see the most in Black communities, poor people buying Hennessy, 500$ Jordans and gold chains. Theres a whole culture around it. If Black people don't come together to change it for the better, no one can help them.
I don't see how you are going to change society to fix that.
What changes are you going to introduce?

>> No.6481971

I can’t change anything by myself. That’s why I’m focusing on getting the hell out. My parents for one raised me better. As a culture we need to put more value into education and less into frivolities as a start. Unfortunately I don’t see that happening any time soon

>> No.6481974

>That’s why I’m focusing on getting the hell out.
That's a good idea, I hope it all works out for you. Good luck, Anon

>> No.6481978

Thanks anon

>> No.6481979

SERIOUSLY this shit is why the whole OC thing makes me crazy.

Felt the same way. So glad to see other people saying this.

This type of OC you see on the web a lot, mostly from children/autistics. They might have a story, but it remains in their head or maybe some little write up.

It has nothing to do with how grand of a backstory the character has. Often times the people who make these types of OC do have a massive backstory, just that they don't do anything with it. The least you can do is make a little webcomic or something. Show this story happening, not just explain it poorly in the margins of a character model sheet.

you might have autism

>> No.6481984

Everybody knows you need a following first and then you can spam your oc drawings, now im only around in the nsfw space but theres plenty of artists that just draw their oc and no fanart of anything and people love it

>> No.6481988

I tried so hard and got so far
but in the end it doesnt even matter
-that guy after a run

>> No.6481992
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>> No.6481994
File: 118 KB, 450x405, 1644894844992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got to 1k by Just drawing my ocs
He forgot to be /comfy/

>> No.6481997

Literally. Shifts between being an overconfident "highly Intellectual" business man (cause he not only stacks silver, but kisses the coins and sleeps with them) to Linkin Park emo song on the hour. Its insane.

>> No.6482001

Artistically yes, but he seems like a normal, well-adjusted, and friendly guy outside of that. Too pure for the internet, even.

>> No.6482011


>> No.6482028

The only people who agreed with him were lower-tier artists with no clout who blame porn artists for why no one cares about the little man while ignoring the fact that you have tons of SFW artists who's notoriety is on par with the popular NSFW artists
Just find your audience and get good

>> No.6482094 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 1214x1108, gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job /ic/! You bullied him off the platform!

>> No.6482100
File: 152 KB, 1214x734, nomore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good going /ic/, now he's gone for good.

>> No.6482102

It'll be good for him, perhaps he'll find truth and improve

>> No.6482125 [DELETED] 
File: 1.86 MB, 1202x931, vOprHQhVV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femaleanons add me up on discord jibunwoh#7399
and talk about interests like vidya and weeb stuff yuuka mei ling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou megaman monster hunter FU final fantasy the 4 heroes of light SFM animations creative hobbies /m/ shows lolis kemono girls vtubers(and laugh at deadbeats).females from the DoA games pokemon the rwby anime and other stuff.

>> No.6482147

I found some peeps making smut 'fanfic' with my OC, which is nice. The quality is autistic schizo tier but it feels nice when randoms on the internet calls them by their name.

>> No.6482224


>> No.6482234

>Being a thot

Narcissists are barely human

>> No.6482248

Reminds me of the days when people whined about anime overrunning deviantart because it overshadowed their "hard work" and sure enough, a majority of them are terrible and are social potatos. Only one of them made it but she is a massive cunt. There was plenty of good non-anime art to be found so I don't think anime was the problem.

>> No.6482291

Congrats, the internet just bullied another one.

>> No.6482299

Any screen caps of the tweets that made him quit?

>> No.6482346

thots have to grind on a lot of dick

>> No.6482357

>now im only around in the nsfw space
Where is this space? Seems I get nothing but puritans bitching whenever I try to post nsfw. Not even commentary on the quality (or lack thereof) of the art, just incessant whining that I made something with the sole intent of inspiring horniness.

>> No.6482364

Well Ive been drawing big dicks since I created my account, so I just never got any puritans interested in my content in the first place
I would just ignore them, no point in arguing with retards when you could be drawing

>> No.6482375

Sorry but /ic/ isn't a right wing safe space

>> No.6482376

Not a tranny nigger loving safe heaven. Fuck off

>> No.6482385

fuck off astroturphing faggot, you are so fucking obvious

samefag kill yourself

>> No.6482389

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.6482390


>> No.6482391
File: 102 KB, 502x1059, Screenshot_20230120-104936_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-my bad, /ic/...
(also this post had a comment but I cant see it, anyone who follows him can?)

>> No.6482392


>> No.6482395

you had better LEAVE our good board NOW SJW SCUM
You FAGS ruin EVERYTHING and I can't be myself ANYWHERE BUT HERE! You WILL NOT get your slimy fat fingers on this board, SCOUNDREL!!!

>> No.6482443

KEK. It had to be a twitter tranny that does him in. He was right all along.

>> No.6482450

Ofc it's a spaintard

>> No.6482455

He browses here, anon. That comment was recent on an old post.

>> No.6482459

Maybe he could be bi-polar.

>> No.6482473

I know. But the one replying looks like a tranny tho.

>> No.6482487
File: 782 KB, 962x1254, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its an omorifag what do you expect?

>> No.6482490

>A-and for some of us, it’s better to stick to what we’re comfortable with
Holy perma/beg/ cope, he fucking belongs here

>> No.6482532
File: 67 KB, 651x732, 11310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is aiming for making money out of his web comic. Optimistic.

>> No.6482537

Delusional, more like
God this shit pisses me off. It's "better" to not improve. Jesus christ. Autists are so frustrating.

>> No.6482544

It’s not much but he did show some improvement as you can see he’s no longer using an airbrush to render his shadows and there’s also a tiny bit of improvement in the line work as well but come on after a decade and that’s it…?

>> No.6482670
File: 284 KB, 828x611, 1A6A92EC-F1DB-4995-9274-474AC4753A8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost ten years and show little improvements is something you want to avoid.

>> No.6482681

>draws for fun and friends
>now I wanna make money
kek this is what happens when u dont take art seriously. Reality will always be the best teacher.

>> No.6482692

while true, just designing a character might be interesting its just not something people are going to be driven to as much as one that already has an established cultural presence. Studios designs 100s of characters for their movies games etc and only a few make it and a handful are actually cared about and remembered. If you want to have your "OC" or whatever get attention you have to create story and presence more than just "hey this looks cool" type of thing its a hard uphill battle compared to being a fanartist but the skies the limit on what you can do. fan artist trend chasers are have a ceiling sure they can get 10000 likes on an illustration but they cant build a franchise. you have to understand that you arent competing with the fan artists you are competing with other IPs. its not impossible, look at undertale, FNAF, homestuck regardless of what you think these are relatively successful "OC" projects, just making illustrations isn't going to be as lucrative for either your monetary or cultural success. its even difficult for large successful media corporations, disney, nintendo etc to create a new character IP story that actually sticks with people.

>> No.6482815

>And for some of us, it's better to stick to what we're comfortable with.
How much money has this guy made again?

>> No.6482892
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 156398212668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much of a huge permabeg cope it is, Im going to commend the guy for not being a fag with that comment.
That said, it is a valid thing to say you would rather stick to something you're comfortable and polish your stuff from there... but again, it's a ten year gap, a decade worth of experiences that *should've* helped somehow to improve enough to make the tenth iteration differ greatly from the first one, even if your intent was to stick to a style. Sticking to a style is no excuse to not go beyond your capabilities as much as you can.
Nah, I just like how the portraits look I wanted to make my own, and it's in fact pretty lucrative for commissions. Mind you, Im not a troon, nor a fag...

He is going for a very difficult ride if he thinks he can profit off a print comic of his stuff with his current numbers and feedback...

Is this (You) shilling your stuff on the thread? because it's actually working. You can see the improvement in all elements, a slow one in comparison of the years, but a very decent one still. I like it!

>> No.6482896

Does every board have their own official autist they monitor or something?

>> No.6482962

People are always looking for losers and idols so they can self assess their own status in the hierarchy. Its a subconscious thing most people won't admit.

>> No.6482973


>> No.6483000

>I mean original art

I know, this shouldn't have to be said at all.

>just make cool looking illustrations of them that are eye catching often dynamic stuff

Which pages and panels from comics often are. The point of alot of comics is just doing elaborate action scenes. But somehow doing action in a sequence is uninteresting?

> People just don’t give much of a shit about a social media artiste’s comic,

This point makes zero sense. Everyone expects webcomic artists and indie creators to have social media accounts. You need that shit to network. You have a comic host AND a social, this "Either or shit" is non existent. Yeah most people don't give a shit about any form of content posted anywhere

>> No.6483097

Still has better chance than the guy desu. Because at least this artist draws something that coomers might want to stick around for.

>> No.6483113

>Which pages and panels from comics often are. The point of alot of comics is just doing elaborate action scenes. But somehow doing action in a sequence is uninteresting?
Why would this contradict what I said? Yes if your two page spread is cool people will like it and a page or two can be considered a single illustration, but that doesn't mean people will go to your link to read your 500 page comic, they'll just like the cool page and continue scrolling to consoom and get their next dopamine hit. Your average consoomer only reads shit approved by famous publishers they wouldn't dare to invest time into some nobody's comic unless its porn so they can get their dopamine fix.

>This point makes zero sense. Everyone expects webcomic artists and indie creators to have social media accounts. You need that shit to network. You have a comic host AND a social, this "Either or shit" is non existent. Yeah most people don't give a shit about any form of content posted anywhere
I don't disagree, I agree but I think you were missing my original point. I meant 99% consumers wont bother actually reading your entire comic but instead prefer to look at one or two posts on your social media you use to shill.

The og post I was replying to I was making a point that you don't need a story to be GMI and ocfags like rinotuna are proof of this, and of course character designer portfolio don't need a deep, well-fleshed out lore to get a job as long as their is a basic premise, but a real story nah. I agree with some of your points actually and if you're a comic artist I wish you luck. I am a comicfag too but disillusioned with consumerist culture, normalfags, and social media in regards to how it has zombiefied people. The truth is the only people who dare to read a comic by a nobody are other comic creators. 99% consoomers only care about their dopamine fix and appeal like the other poster ITT said but then again Illustration generally is shallow anyway so it's just how it is.

>> No.6483140

More like males that were autistic to begin with are attracted to using it

>> No.6483161

Yeah, nobody's gonna bother go to mywebsitecomic.com. It's not the old wild west of the internet anymore. People would just flock to their usual social media sites of choice and occasionally veer off to some random cooking/tourism/art/fitness/health blogs and maybe a couple of forums. Most people wont bother outside of twitter/facebook/tik tok/youtube/etc so it's really a good idea to cross post your comics to your most used social media. I honestly doubt anyone would pay for a comic nowadays, especially with every single free manga sites exist. I consider comic as a loss leader to get people into your store (patreon/ko-fi/fanbox) where the real money is from patrons, commissions, requests, collabs, etc.

>> No.6483174
File: 392 KB, 1500x1061, 2017_T2_CWD_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The World is a funny place, we tell ourselves everyone can do anything while its not true. We mock people who poured their souls and lives into their craft when they aren't up to our standards.
I am convinced this man cares, he truly does. But he is genuinely autistic, and possibly not that smart. Does he really deserve this hate and mockery?

I wish him well, and I hope this thread does not destroy his passion. We are all lost souls in this world, and no one chose their genes, nor their potential.

>> No.6483197

motherfucker, I also Draw NSFW and I get no Shit

>> No.6483214
File: 219 KB, 2160x1356, sun-with-face-emoji-512x512-4khqoajm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6483228

If he wasn't as autistic and knew how to market and be more like a business man his characters could potentially work for a kid's show pitch or something

>> No.6483250

he's right but also wrong because even if people did care about original works he just has no appeal

>> No.6483260

learn perspective, composition, and design
There are multiple reasons for this
1. Never learn perspective, composition, or design. these are important things to really get better as an artist. study your fundies fags
2. never leaving your bubble. i can imagine this is a guy who draws a lot but either keeps to himself or just has a circle of normies supporting him. people tell him to keep drawing and just hope for a lucky break but they don't actually know what it takes
3. being self-taught, this is sorta related to the first two but to be more specific, no one put them in the right direction

now 10 years later this guy is just another dreamer who doesn't know why his art isn't getting views.

>> No.6483270

direction brains will never make it

>> No.6483487


>> No.6483493

People of any political leaning can make it, stop coping

>> No.6483749

I read that fucking your own parents or grandparents isn't actually a charge that exists in the list because its quite rare, so they wrote the next closest thing in the records

>> No.6483751

First let'splayer
First lolcow
First virginia mommyraper
CWC remains undefeated

>> No.6483752

Tell that to adolf

>> No.6484299

>locked his account after that

>> No.6484312

>stick with what we're comfortable with
"I keep drawing the same thing but i still don't get any attention"

>> No.6484318

You know coom artist do the samething and have large following, right?

>> No.6484321

NTA, but point being?

>> No.6484325

so if you're getting attention, keep doing what you're doing.
if you're not getting attention, do something else?
what's your point?

>> No.6484326

You're a retard if you can't find the problem with that

>> No.6484329

you're a retard if you can't support your argument

>> No.6484334

>draw one thing only (sfw)
>never grow as an artist
>get mad at the world because nobody cares about you

>draw one thing only (nsfw)
>never grow as an artist
>get 30k followers even if your art is total dogshit

>> No.6484342
File: 9 KB, 301x167, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have completely missed the point. please read >>6484318 and >>6484325
the point is not about whether or not you grow as an artist. it's about doing the same thing over and over again and complaining about getting the same results.

>> No.6484347

You’re implying he doesn’t have a following because he draws the samething, despite coom artist do the same. Point being, it’s the subject matter and coom has wide appeal.

>> No.6484357
File: 120 KB, 500x520, salt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "le friggin' coomerinos!!" argument for the sixth or seventh time in the thread.
Sounds like a (You) problem.
>Draw literally the exact same character over and over in different scenarios and different concepts (sfw)
>Slowly but steady grow an audience who gives a shit about the character.
>Also bring the attention of imageboard schizos for both better and for worse.
Im doing great even as a sfw artist myself, idk what the fuck you're talking about, but I'd dare to say you're just a roastie who keeps getting his ass ignored by the nearest coom artist.
>Verification not required.

>> No.6484359

except shitty nsfw artists only get attention because you're a braindead faggot with double standards and you set the bar incredibly low for one kind of artist then insanely high for another. i'm sure i and a lot of other artists have a right to complain about "getting the same results" that were given to me by retards who would jack off to literal chicken scratch (and you do, just look at rakeemspoon and his 363k followers) but if it were a genuinely talented artist who could draw miles better but never drew a titty in his entire life, the most he'd get is around 800 followers and be forever obscured by the retarded twitter algorithm. you poke fun at artists who never go out of their comfort zone, yet find no problem in how absurdly easy it is to be heralded as a good artist if you draw a simple curvy body for the rest of your life.

>> No.6484362

You forgot slammo too

>> No.6484412
File: 1.70 MB, 1200x1200, guessing game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play a game, /ic/.
All four of these images are from the past week, and they are all part of the same fandom. Your goal is to assort these images in order of how many likes they have and how many followers the artist has. You have 24 hours to complete this task.

>> No.6484447


>> No.6484468


>> No.6484469


>> No.6484479

2/8 correct.

>> No.6484508
File: 21 KB, 317x972, 1672170624768292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people care about how your art makes them feel, not how much time and effort you put into it
Porn is just a more surefire way to elicit a feeling cause monkey brain
This guy can't make anything people value and is just salty about it

>> No.6484525
File: 8 KB, 338x84, Screenshot 2023-01-21 at 18-25-36 _ic_ - He was right and you know it. - Artwork_Critique - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6484537
File: 504 KB, 1698x1665, 1674351148686304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem really bitter about social media outlets. why's that?

every beg artist wants to discredit porn as being "easy mode" yet couldn't draw a pair of tits well enough for anyone to care.

speaking as someone who has a small porn account: it's not as easy as draw dicks and get likes. i've been on twitter ~2.5yrs now and only have about 550 followers. you actually have to be good at drawing sex. you actually have to study gesture, perspective, anatomy. Drawing naked people is easy. Drawing sexy people is hard.

>> No.6484545
File: 991 KB, 1200x1200, guessing game2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, since I didn't pay attention to the bump limit and probably won't see this thread tomorrow, these were the results.
The shitty Natsuki tummy drawing with Deviantart-tier shading got 1st place overall, followed by the godlike Yuri drawing on the bottom left which got placed in 2nd for the gap between each category, then the Yuri drawing with breasts got 3rd place, and the perfectly competent and charming Natsuki drawing made it dead last with 4th place in both categories. Even if we acknowledge the time at which they made their accounts, the rate at which they gain followers should say it all.
>every beg artist wants to discredit porn as being "easy mode" yet couldn't draw a pair of tits well enough for anyone to care.
It is easy mode you fucking idiot, look at picrel and >>6484412

>> No.6484546

he's also a lot better than >>6484537

>> No.6484547

And this picture doesn't even account for how much of a close tie it is between the amazing Yuri image versus the shitty Natsuki image in 1st. It's a 54 like difference in 2nd's favor and then a 2,244 follower difference in 1st's favor.

>> No.6484548



>> No.6484549

you're right.
these artists are much more talented than your beg ass.
what's your point?

>> No.6484555

there are more factors at play here
of course an artist with tons of followers will get more likes than an artist without.
you can't expect to have 28 followers and expect 1000 likes.
and how often do these people post? getting in front of your audience matters a ton. a really talented artist that makes 1-2 posts a month can't expect to grow an audience very quickly.

>> No.6484556

Coom really does rot the brain. Maybe if you weren’t drowning in cum, your brain wouldn’t be fried and you wouldn’t be coping like this, retard.

>> No.6484557

who the fuck is coping?
you're the one blaming nsfw artists for no one caring about your shitty anime sketches.

>> No.6484561

>you actually have to study gesture, perspective, anatomy.
Yet 2 of links I posted aren’t like that at all, how about you pyw then you retarded cumbrain.

>> No.6484576

>Be me
>1.5k follower on twitter
>Draw sfw makimapost in boring standing pose for the luls. 300 likes
>Draw the usual nsfw lewd commissions where most of my followers followed me for. 100 likes on average

I-I was told nsfw was easy mode! You lied to me!

Also no I dont care about clout as much. I'm just amazed at how much seething some beglet is showing towards muh nsfw artists and their easypeasy mode.

>> No.6484582

>of course an artist with tons of followers will get more likes than an artist without
Except the Yuri image at the bottom left has the most likes at only 154 followers, so that isn't true. Try again.
>you can't expect to have 28 followers and expect 1000 likes.
Again, 154/1059.
>and how often do these people post? getting in front of your audience matters a ton. a really talented artist that makes 1-2 posts a month can't expect to grow an audience very quickly.
This is the only valid argument here. Both SFW OPs have scarce amount of tweets, but the NSFW ones are frequent. However, consider this guy as well:
His content greatly varies, is great, and has been on Twitter since 2021. He has over 4,000 followers and 121 images uploaded.
Now here's wamudraws, who's the same thing but NSFW.
He has 245,300 followers and has only been there 10 months before Kamisato.
Also, here's the sources before someone accuses me of being full of shit:

>> No.6484591
File: 162 KB, 467x732, Screenshot_2023-01-21_19-18-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this got 42 likes.

>> No.6484599

Holy shit, you’re actually worse than >>6484537 >>6484473
talking all of that shit too, there will always be exceptions with this and your trashy shit.

>> No.6484602

Still not convinced that NSFW is an easy route?
Here's a literal professional animator who has been around since 2016.
9,432 followers. He proclaims himself as a professional animator, and he has some highly detailed drawings. His stuff mostly consists of Dragonball, which is a very popular franchise.
Now here's Telepurte, a guy who can only animate really simple dudes and boobs, which he doesn't even let you really see unless you subscribe to his Patreon.
One fucking million followers.

>> No.6484610

>Holy shit, you’re actually worse than >>6484537 >>6484473
>talking all of that shit too, there will always be exceptions with this and your trashy shit.
and that's fine. i am only going to work harder.

>> No.6484642
File: 27 KB, 720x405, 94d7a7608970f961efbe694d0d343623.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck this this thread get taken over by a salty schizo trying to prove that water's wet with pointless numbers and proof and a retarded "guessing" game? And at the thread's bump limit no less.
Like, holy fuck you all are so tiring to listen to and only reinforces the fact you are salty because coom artists ""have it easier"" most of the time. How come people havent come up in terms with this shit and draw what they want to draw and get a solid following out of it?

>> No.6484671

>n-no don’t state the obvious I can’t bear to hear the truth reeeee

>> No.6484678

>All these salty beglets over hentai artists
My sides
Go join the hentai race then ye faggots

>> No.6484685

>see my art isn't getting any likes
I can either:
>get better
>blame nsfw artists for hogging all the attention

>> No.6484690

Bet you faggots will say that women don’t have it easy online, kek. Delusional cumbrains

>> No.6484697

nsfw is easier
you're a salty beg

>> No.6484704

i think begs don't understand appeal. you can be a really talented artist, but if your art has no appeal, no one is going to care. NSFW always has appeal. So does fanart. find this months flavor of the month and draw it. boom. 1k likes. if youre drawing ocs with no appeal, no one is going to care.

>> No.6484708

>nsfw is easier
Finally you admitted it, took you so long, cumbrain.
Yeah retard, “appeal”

>> No.6484711

>this is your brain on salt.

>> No.6484721
File: 73 KB, 600x600, 1655814311677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch, Im a sfw artist if that's what you want to know, I knew the shit you're whining about since day 1, and if I wanted the exposure and feedback drawing coom gives you, I would've switched a long time ago, but since I dont want it, Im sticking to what I can get as a sfw artist instead of crying like a faggot just like you're doing. And even then Im seeing good results with my stuff.
nsfw artists have it easy most of the time, so what? get it over, stop being a salty faggot over water being wet and draw the shit you want to draw and get as much as you can get.
God, you and your kind are a bunch of faggots...

>> No.6484729

Glad you admitted it as well, just retards like >>6484711want to be dishonest and say coom doesn’t make things easier. You act faggots tend to act like those retarded simps who defend only fans shit and saying it’s not easy.

>> No.6484730
File: 13 KB, 229x220, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fucking do nsfw then if it's a guaranteed ticket to your stardom and see if you're going to be one of those 10k followers 'big artists' or the thousands of random small hentai artists still posting with no traction because their art sucks. Your constant seething and saltiness is fucking hillarious. You're Bluebottle Flyer aren't you?

>> No.6484736
File: 53 KB, 452x452, 161695625779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you admitted it as we-
Im not admitting jack, even I disagree with what you say despite the obvious gap between sfw and nsfw artists.
>they want to say coom art doesnt make things easier
Because there's truth to that, you idiot. Drawing tits and asses is not a fail proof catapult to success, you can also fail miserably as a coom artist and you see cases like those a lot as well.
Just because you see more sfw artists crashing down and bitching about it, doesnt mean nsfw artist dont have their fair share of crashes.

>> No.6484744

>i-i don't even want to do nsfw anyways

>> No.6485766

Couldn't agree more

>> No.6486133

That's rich, that charge looks worse than what he really did.