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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6470730 No.6470730 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about drawing tablets. Simple as.

>> No.6470741

I'd love a portable tablet for drawing but no way can i afford an ipad

>> No.6470746

Wacum schizo freak out in 3,2...

>> No.6470774

So I know everyone is big on apple and Wacom, and Huion ever since the patents' thing, sometimes Xp-pen if we're truly poorfags.
But has someone actually tried the really cheap ones?
Gaomon, Ugee, or Parblo?
Do you know of any other cheap brand?

>> No.6470776


>> No.6470786

>and Huion ever since the patents' thing
Those patents that ignorant shitposter bring up expired over 30 years ago. They've never been relevant, especially to you little baby shitposters.

>But has someone actually tried the really cheap ones?
Yes, like you said, people use Huion.

>> No.6470798

>over 30 years ago
Wacom is only a 39 year old company, what the actual fuck are you talking about?
Their emr technology (battery free styluses) patent expired in 2019.

>> No.6470800

I use a Gaomon PD2200 i got secondhand. It's pretty good, I haven't noticed anything wrong with it. But to be fair I haven't really tried anything else so I wouldn't know. No drift or delay or calibration needed.

>> No.6470870

Is there a decent 2 in 1 laptop/tablet for drawing? I might need a new laptop for school and id like something i can draw on

>> No.6470879

>Their emr technology (battery free styluses) patent expired in 2019.
You're fucking retarded and have no clue what you're talking about. People have been asking "when are people going to make tablets as good as Wacom's now that their patents have expired" for the past two decades as US patents are only active for 20 years

Stupid stupid stupid fucking idiotic shitposters like you are just so FUCKING willfully ignorant like holy fuck no wonder you can't even fucking draw if you can't even figure out fucking FACTS in this day and age with the most ease of access to information that the world has ever FUCKING known you stupid little fucking shit.

>> No.6470891

>US patents are only active for 20 years
They patented their emr technology in 1999, so yeah.
I like that you acknowledge patents are good for 20 years, but think a 39 year old company's patents expired over 30 years ago.

>> No.6470894

The newest surface pro is supposedly pretty good. Or just use a separate tablet to draw on.
Lmao, wacumguzzler is absolutely SEETHING

>> No.6470898

ohhhnoooooooooooooooo my hyperboleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee makes mee eeee e eloookkkkkk sttuuuuuuuuuuuuupidddddddddd ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I like how you just completely disregard internet posts about "okay now that Wacom's EMR patents expired when can we expect..."

You can just fucking google that and get even fucking REDDIT posts asking that question from 7+ years ago like holy fuck what is your retarded patent fanfic that makes "OH HURRFFADURRRF THE PATENTS FROM 3 YEARS AGO WERE THE IMPORTANT ONES"

>> No.6470909

Go sleep it off man. You're about to blow a head gasket. It'll be okay. Chang can't hurt you. Chang isn't real.

>> No.6470955

>can't defend their STUPIDITY
yeah didn't think so dipshit let me know what magical patent of wacom's expires in 2040 that will allow everyone to make AAAAAAA+ grade tablets like they do lmao fucking pwnd

>> No.6470962
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>> No.6470964

How is the touchscreen quality on those things compared to say an iPad pro?

>> No.6470966

Absolutely horrendous on the models that have it. Don't bother getting a touch model.

>> No.6470970

Are you trying to give him an aneurysm? Proof that he's wrong might actually cause his brain to explode.

>> No.6470994

Do you not have reading comprehension? That patent is literally unimplemented in anything, INCLUDING Wacom's own devices.

lmao if you think this is what's holding back other tablet makers I'd love to hear what other crazy theories you have about art you little tinfoil hatted fuckface

>> No.6471006

Bro seriously just go to sleep.

>> No.6471024

>ZERO fucking ability to refute

Yeah, didn't think so.




the little shitposting CRAB can't even have a discussion what a FUCKING surprise

>> No.6471041

Holy autism, Batman!

>> No.6471046

is this the reddit post you wanted people to look at?
or this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/huion/comments/hi8hrr/how_come_huion_and_other_nonwacom_brands_have/
maybe this one?
maybe you could just post it directly idk
>lmao if you think this is what's holding back other tablet makers
its literally not holding back Mr chang because it expired lol that's why everyone but you know the other manufacturers are just as good as Wacom

>> No.6471051

>the other manufacturers are just as good as Wacom

the most tinfoil hat thing said all thread holy shit are you insane

>> No.6471056

>can't defend their STUPIDITY
>ZERO fucking ability to refute
cmon post something that isn't just name calling

>> No.6471066

>cmon post something that isn't just name calling
you first dipshit cocksucking pedofuckbaitface
Literally nothing that the "wacom patents expired we're in the golden age now that competitors are just as good XD" shitposter has said has been accurate or true and they have not refuted anything at all.

tldr kill yourself

>> No.6471087

it's you that haven't refuted anything though?
look here's more

>> No.6471095

You're arguing PRETEND MADE UP ARGUMENTS that nobody has brought up you stupid little fucking SCHIZOPHRENIC

look at the shit you're trying to use as sources

random fucking comments on ycombinator and a random stupid fucking furry on twitter like

h o l y

f u c k
what's a matter with you do you seriously believe the stupid shit you're saying I'm fucking embarrassed to even be on the same board as your dumb schizo ass no WONDER nobody on this fucking board can draw

>> No.6471117
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Holy fuck I can't stop crying, what s fantastically retarded schizo.

>> No.6471134 [DELETED] 

The only advantage Wacom still has in the screenless tablet market is build quality, and even then that's the least of your concerns outside of XP-PEN loose nib, which Huion and even fucking Ugee have fixed.
And with Ugee the only concern is fast wear and tear, outside of that while it works, it works as good as any intuos, but considering how goddamn cheap it is that's hardly an issue.

And that's what this Wacomfag doesn't understand, nobody questions that Wacom is still the best drawing tablet maker in the market for a whole list of reasons. The question is if Wacom's is worth the price, and the answer had been a solid no for at least 3 years. Why pay 200% the price at times for a 10~17% improvement in quality from the nearest competitor, which in most cases, it barely affects the actual drawing experience, and it balances out in life expectancy of the product anyways?

>> No.6471137

the original statement by >>6470798 >Their (Wacom) emr technology (battery free styluses) patent expired in 2019

Wacom's own blog https://wacom.blog/emr-stylus-electro-magnetic-resonance-how-wacom-pens-work/
Which lists
>Patent US8228312B2 - Position detecting device
>Patent US8395598B2 - Position detection apparatus
Both filed in 2010, note the wording used in the abstract

Now look at the wording used in patents made by Wacom in 1999, including >>6470962 which according to you with no citation were never used.

Now think why would everyone from a furry artist on Twitter to some commentors on a random forum to redditors to the anons here are saying the same thing. To be fair though, you probably have many more voices in your head saying the opposite

>> No.6471139

The only advantage Wacom still has in the screenless tablet market is build quality, and even then that's the least of your concerns outside of XP-PEN loose nib, which Huion and even fucking Ugee have fixed.
And with Ugee the only concern is fast wear and tear, outside of that while it works, it works as good as any intuos, but considering how goddamn cheap it is that's hardly an issue.

And that's what this Wacomfag doesn't understand, nobody questions that Wacom is still the best drawing tablet maker in the market for a whole list of reasons. The question is if Wacom's worth the price, and the answer has been a solid NO for at least 3 years.
Why pay 200% the price at times for a 10~17% improvement in quality from the nearest competitor, which in most cases it barely affects the actual drawing experience, and it balances out in life expectancy of the product anyways?

>> No.6471146

>patents filed in 2007 and 2010
>patents wouldn't expire until 2027 at THE EARLIEST

okay wow yes I can see how these patents expiring at your pretend time are what were keeping other tablets from reaching their full potential wow yes I SEE IT NOW god you're so smart reinventing the timeline to fit your retardation so smart yes wow I see wow

>> No.6471152

what did they use before that

>> No.6471175

>what patents of the HUNDREDS THEY FILE PER YEAR did they use before
do you have some sort of childish idea of patents where you think they only ever hold one or two which are the key to everything or what
watch their fucking shareholder videos (which are put out publicly for people like you that clearly aren't shareholders) if you want the nitty gritty bullshit on how the business works

>> No.6471182

it couldn't possibly be the ones from 1999 that describe virtually the same thing then?

>> No.6471211

>"I have no appreciation for the subtlety and nuance required for dealing with patent law"
>"but let me tell you what I think"
Kay. Tinfoil. Hat.

>> No.6471222

Just bought a galaxy tab s7 Fe for on the go digital art and I'm not disappointed.
It feels bit restrictive to go down from 24" to 12,"4 but god damnit it feels good to use.
Really puts in perspective how poor quality huion really is. Of course it's much cheaper as well and now few years old but I didn't expect my drawing enjoyment to actually go up.
This How I came to wonder. How are the newer wacom pen displays? Are they worth the exorbitant price tag?

>> No.6471492

Stop replying to the schizo.

>> No.6471742

>Are they worth the exorbitant price tag?

How old was your Huion?

>> No.6471748
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>Are they worth the exorbitant price tag?
Depends on what you're looking for. The Cintiq Pro 27 is the most natural feeling tablet I have ever used in some 20+ years, where working on it really removes that nagging feeling of having to double check your strokes before you make them thanks to how accurate marks are to your intent.
For the average person that can barely hold a pen to begin with and thinks that making 1248 wrong strokes but ctrl+z'ing after every one of them until they get the "right" stroke, no you probably won't be able to appreciate the difference.
But if you work with analogue mediums regularly because of how responsive they are and miss that when moving to digital systems, yes you very well might find the latest Wacom gear worth the price.

>> No.6471771

What the fuck are you talking about? lmao
I've never had to ctrl-z repeatedly on any display tablet. That's an issue with pen tablets.

>> No.6471821


>> No.6471889

how about you post yours since you're the one with the autistic as fuck claim?

>> No.6471899

wacumguzzlers fits of hysteria and seething are the only reason I come to this board anymore, so fucking funny

>> No.6471974

>if you work with analogue mediums regularly because of how responsive they are and miss that when moving to digital systems
this was how it was for me, largely trad all my early adult life and couldnt stand the disconnect from pen tablets, the price tag was worth it.

>I've never had to ctrl-z repeatedly on any display tablet
beginners who have no hand dexterity or line confidence ctrl-z in real life with an eraser constantly ... the point was that if you cant even draw a straight line on printer paper getting a pen tablet won't hamper their progress, and they probably won't even know the difference anyway

>> No.6471975

that's 99% of the reason I keep making these threads instead of him.
shit like this
is just too much comedic gold.

>> No.6471978

did you guys ever try anything else that's comparable, or did you just go all in on a cintiq to start? I've personally tried an etched glass huion next to a cintiq and didn't notice a difference in drawing feel.

>> No.6472362
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I have an intuos pro medium. Nibs are wearing off faster than my old small tablets. Also, even though there are no scratches in the surface, you can still see where the pen rubbed on. Are protective sheets a meme or are they worth it? Should I get the real one or an aliexpress chink one will suffice?

>> No.6472469

New non-early thread:




>> No.6472486

You retarded or something?

>> No.6472500

is it possible to run stable diffusion via paperspace using just a drawing tablet (with screen)?

If so what might be a good choice of tablet for drawing / ai combo?

>> No.6472523

I won't do anything to ever help anyone that wants to use ai.

>> No.6472607

Wtf? Is that thing made of solid silver? It's like an inch thick.

>> No.6472622

Yeah it is

>> No.6472909


>> No.6473018

Post your work if you're using deez nuts

>> No.6473021

SS S6 lite is already overfunction for 99% of /ic/

>> No.6473028

>wacom schizo
>not retarded
pick uno

>> No.6473035
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bought a 12.9" iPad Pro 5th Gen
1TB to get 16GB of ram
Cellular so it has the antenna lines and looks cooler
maybe I'll start learning to draw tomorrow!

>> No.6473117

recommend me a display tablet under 300 burger dollars

>> No.6473204

I tend to draw traditionally and have an ipad pro with CSP and procreate, but I cant help but feel alienated a bit. Doesnt seem to gel with me so I cant tell if I'm better suited for a PC tablet or is just a skill issue.

>> No.6473212

Report back on how "useful" the pen hover is.
The biggest/newest wacom/huion/xp pen you can find 2nd hand. This is the option I would go for personally, but some people are weird about used stuff.
If you want mobile, you might be able to find a used 3rd gen ipad pro for that, and can definitely find a used 1st or 2nd gen + pencil for under $300.
If you need new, a refurbished kamvas pro 16 is about $240, or a refurbished base model 22 (antiglare screen protector instead of etched glass, and worse color gamut compared to the pro or plus) is $280.
If you don't want used or refurbished, kamvas pro 13 is $280.
I've never personally tried ugee or gaomon so I don't know how good they are, but their 16" displays are both $280.

>> No.6473698

Why are there 2 dogs again? Most boards have generals get to page 10 before a new one is up, but for some reason the autistic that don't even belong here have to be special snowflakes about it

>> No.6473710

You guys act like dogs though so maybe both work

>> No.6473717

>SS S6 lite is already overfunction for 99% of /ic/

A pencil and a piece of paper is overfunction for 99% of /ic/ you shitbrained shitmonger

>> No.6473722

I wish Procreate would release their shit on desktop so I wouldn't have to be constrained to a small iPad screen and minimal layers.

>> No.6473723
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Repost because I posted in the dead dupe thread?
I got a wacom, what drawing software do you anons use?
I don't want to use photoshop. Don't mind paying for a monthly sub, so long as it isn't rape tier in pricing.
Planning to draw lots of coomer shit. Just don't know what to invest in time wise.

>> No.6473731

Why don't you want to use Photoshop? Clip Studio Paint is probably the next most popular program these days.

>> No.6473754

Because they rape price wise, Adobe has the worst DRM, and their colors are proprietary.
I've used it for years working in graphic design, its fine as a tool, I just don't want to be too dependent on adobe moving forward.
Ill try that one then, thanks.

>> No.6473815

>I got a wacom, what drawing software do you anons use?
CSP is honestly better than photoshop, and cheaper.

>> No.6473925

>and their colors are proprietary.
probably one of the stupidest interpretations of the Pantone issue lmao

>> No.6473980

it's still bullshit though. There's honestly no reason to support adobe when other companies make similar/superior software at a fraction of the price with less stupid snobby bullshit.

>> No.6474037

This one was created first, but the Wacom Schizo didn't like that he was getting mocked, so he made one where he can put his copypasta about anything but Wacom being unusable shit.

>> No.6474065

should just have a /dtg/ for normal people, and a /wg/ (wacom general) for the wacumguzzler to jerk off to wacom products.

>> No.6474093

>There's honestly no reason to support adobe when other companies make similar/superior software at a fraction of the price with less stupid snobby bullshit.

do you also say that about wacom tablets lmao cope poorfag

>> No.6474117

>do you also say that about wacom tablets lmao cope poorfag
You can easily pirate all adobe products, retard.

>> No.6474121

>do you also say that about wacom tablets
unironically yes.
But you're a fucking brainlet if you're paying for photoshop. Use it if you want, but pirate it for fuck's sake.

>> No.6474137

>Do you know of any other cheap brand?
There's Veikk but I haven't tried them out

>> No.6474232

I got an Artisul D13S. I've had it for about 4 years now. It's okay but I wouldn't recommend it. The colors are always off and the drivers suck. I heard some good things about their newer tablets but they're about the same price as Huion so I wouldn't bother.

>> No.6474243
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I hope the portable 16" kamvas is good. I don't want to buy an ipad.

>> No.6474248

>Artisul D13S
I just looked it their driver software UI is pretty for shit's and giggles, and I realized it's the same UI as Parblo's, lmao.
>I hope the portable 16" kamvas is good. I don't want to buy an ipad.
It's a mobile studio, it won't be cheaper than an Ipad, and at that point you might as well buy a last year gen Ipad, I heard it works like wonders for drawing and it's actually portable.
Although I can understand why, if you're a poorfag it might as well double as a "laptop" and you can't pirate drawing programs in an Ipad.

>> No.6474317

It will come down to battery life and drivers and if it sounds like a jet engine at idle.

>> No.6474441

>and at that point you might as well buy a last year gen Ipad
Except it will be bigger than an iPad with presumably full desktop drawing software and better drawing experience.
It won't be that expensive considering it's huion.
Ipads are okay for drawing, but they're really not as amazing as apple fan boys will have you believe.
T. Drew exclusively on iPad for 3 years

>> No.6474461

What tablet is that?

>> No.6474766

I don't want to spend that much money only to be stuck with a shitty phone OS (same reason I won't buy an expensive android tablet). Ideally I'd like to install linux on it but even windows would be better than iOS.

Weight too.

>> No.6474843

When are the unveiling it? I might use part of my tax return on one if they're not rape price like the mobilestudio was

>> No.6474877

I need something like this to happen now. I cant stand tablets. Too small.

>> No.6474963

ipads are very well optimized for their drawing apps and receive support for 4-5 years.
you think huion is going to offer that level of support?
bet it’s going to be $800-1000 and at that point you’re better off with a last gen ipad air.

>> No.6475061

>and receive support for 4-5 years.
I see people say this shit constantly, what support? Shitty software updates that do nothing?
Huion is just going to run on windows presumably.
>bet it’s going to be $800-1000 and at that point you’re better off with a last gen ipad air.
I'd rather have a larger screen and non-mobile apps, thanks. I have a 12.9 inch ipad and very rarely use it anymore since getting a desktop display.

>> No.6475191

question I have not drawn in like 12years but I got into anime and I have commission artists I want to learn digital first. What kind of tablet should i get and should i get screen or no screen?

>> No.6475197

So what if I'm poor as fuck, is XP-Pen Star G430S a ok for a starter? I can only afford that.

>> No.6475215

screen vs screenless is entirely personal preference. Screenless tablets have a learning curve but are much cheaper
display tablets are the easiest way to transition from traditional to digital, but are a lot more expensive.
I feel like you'd be better off just doing traditional and saving up an extra 20 bucks to buy something bigger than a notecard.

>> No.6475261

Drawing in a notecard is really that bad?

>> No.6475308

drawing from the shoulder with that small of a canvas is pretty difficult. You'll undoubtedly build bad habits (zooming way the fuck in and drawing entirely from the wrist)
You can probably find a bigger intuos 3 for cheaper/the same price if you absolutely need something now.
check thrift stores even, sometimes they get in old tablets.
a 4x3 drawing area is unbelievably horrible.

>> No.6475319

This entirely, I bought a Wacom Intuos Small and I sorely regret it, I'd buy any other brand at a medium size for the same price.
Small form factor is for taking classes or photo editing.

>> No.6475323

where do you live, anon? are you in the US?

>> No.6475329
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That's enough reasons, you're right.
Well... Soccer country AKA Brazil.

>> No.6475349

I have absolutely fuck all idea how to search for things for sale in brazil or else I'd help you. Best of luck, soccer friend.

>> No.6475442

Anyone know anything about the XPPen Artist 13.3 Pro? Saw it on amazon after watching a video, its $250 atm which is in my price range but I'd like to see if anyone has any better options for screen tablets.

>> No.6475577
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Thank you anyway, anon. BTW is that from Ebay a good one? They don't delive to Brazil unfortunately.

>> No.6476425
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Basically any modern chink brand is fine. The dude that drew pic related uses an xp pen pen tablet.

>> No.6476462
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guys i had a leak in my roof and a few drops of water went into the buttons on my wacom ctl 4100 and it bricked, so I used a screwdriver and a guitar pick to open it up and dry out the logic board and put it back together, and then it worked again. but now there's like a slight mark on one of the edges where it bent a little bit. this is purely cosmetic though. subscribe to my blog.

>> No.6476675

This type of incident influenced me to get an intuos 5, except instead of rainwater I'm more worried about coffee or saliva

>> No.6476759

I've set my mind on buying ipad air 2022

>> No.6477313

Are there any tier/price-lists that allow me to quickly scan the most popular/well liked tablets?

>> No.6477321
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People always say display tablets are bad for ergonomics, but haven't people been drawing hunched over a piece of paper for centuries?

>> No.6477323

u should make one or do a vote

>> No.6477342

I wouldn't mind creating a spreadsheet with tablets that other people recommend (so name, size, main features, main drawbacks, pros etc.). The main issue is that I don't know anything about tablets.

>> No.6477345

People are retarded and don't know ergo stands exist.
Sadly no. There should be, and was for a few threads, but the schizo wacum faggot did everything in his power of sucking off the jannies to prevent it.

>> No.6477349
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Any good recommended stands? I have a Huion HS611

>> No.6477363

Why would you use a stand with a non-display tablet?

>> No.6477379

I thought it was still more ergonomic to have a stand

>> No.6477437
File: 160 KB, 1600x1689, continuous-one-line-woman-drawing-help-graphic-tablet-notebook-back-view-digital-artist-vector-illustration-163738471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? The big "benefit" of pen tablets is they can be in your lap or flat on a desk, and you sit up straight while looking straight ahead at your monitor.

>> No.6477465

You can use laptop stands for your tablet or as a small desk easel for sketchbooks.



Something like this.

>> No.6477544

>sitting up straight is ergonomic

ohhohoho boy am I laffin'

is this what stupid little fucking drawlets believe?

>> No.6477548

What if I have no desk? I have no room for one. What would be the best way to draw and look at my laptop screen?

>> No.6477645

Kill yourself, hunchback.

>> No.6477913

same, this guys is the biggest autist of this whole site

>> No.6478038


>> No.6478239

He's needed meds for 4+ years but won't take them.
He gets high off subtle plastic fumes released from his 20 year old wacom tablet.

>> No.6478626


Thoughts? I was going to buy a sketchbook, but this is only twice the cost. I have only 29.65 goodboy points left in my bank.

>> No.6478791

>I have only 29.65 goodboy points left in my bank.
reconsider your life choices. why the fuck are you spending basically every penny you have on a drawing tablet?

>> No.6478798

I live with my parents. I can use drawings for income later

>> No.6478969

maybe get a fucking job instead of fantasizing about being an """""""""'artist"""""""""""'

>> No.6479026

Finally got a tablet with a screen. While drawing, do you draw at 100% or zoom in to draw? The screen is so slippery...

>> No.6479028

I normally have it at 50-67% zoom, but I'll go 100% for details, anything more is pointless

>> No.6479030

I normally have it at 100% zoom, but I'll go to 200% or 400% for details, anything less is pointless

>> No.6479031

I'm surprised you have time to type this with all the panning around the canvas

>> No.6479033

I'm surprised you're able to type at all when you're wrist drawing details at 100% instead of zooming in more so you can draw from the shoulder

>> No.6479039

>when you're wrist drawing details at 100%
except I'm not

>> No.6479055

>i-9i-i-i-ii'm NOT bro source: trust me
lmao cope wristlet you will never own a wacom

But yeah, different people draw at different zoom levels for their own preference. It's faaaiiiirly common practice for people to work at 100% or so and then to export the images out at half that size or less, helps smooth out a lot of rough edges and errors.

>> No.6479063

>The screen is so slippery
what tablet?

>> No.6479198

Im considering an ipad gen 1 or a samsung s6 lite, which one is better?

>> No.6479215
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I really need practical advice here guys. Should I just buckle up and buy a display drawing tablet? All I have is a 14" laptop and a Huion HS611. If I get a display drawing tablet I can sit on the ground and bend my knees up, or maybe buy a chair (not too much space but maybe could) and sit on that.

Or how do I use the Huion HS611 on the ground? In what position can be I be freely drawing on the tablet and looking at my laptop at that same time, without it being too far away?

Is there any way I can pull it off with the HS611, or do I have to go and buy a display tablet?

>> No.6479224

>has no room for a desk
sounds like you have other things you should be focusing on desu

>> No.6479225
File: 141 KB, 750x1334, FmKaAr0XgAAeZ52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on twitter. You could sit on your bed and find one of these bed desk things? Or at least get a floor pillow before spending hundreds of dollars on a display tablet, poverty anon.

>> No.6479229

If I move out I'll have to constantly be working, because my country is in a housing crisis. Full-time tradies are going homeless and I'll be competing with them for a place. I already have a job and know that if I go full-time, I'll have no time for art except for the weekend. Not worth it
This looks doable, but really hard to tell if something like this is going to comfortable until I try it. Wouldn't you have to sit close to the tablet and wouldn't this really get in the way of moving your hand? Any videos with this setup?

Just from this image though, you can see the laptop is maybe getting in the way of the further part of the tablet

>> No.6479243
File: 29 KB, 1176x300, ergonomics-of-tablet-CCby-david-revoy_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't be an ideal setup, but neither is your situation. It seems to work for a couple of poor artists on twitter, don't know about finding a video on it.

Another option is to find a bed table wide enough to accommodate both your laptop and your tablet side by side.
You could also put your tablet on your trackpad and draw that way for more room.

I've drawn in both these ways before and never had issues. See the image for positioning.

>> No.6479265

If I can find a table big enough, I think this setup seems more practical. But would this be more ergonomic than simply getting a display tablet and having the laptop out of the way? It'd probably be easy to find a small bed-desk for just the tablet too.

I wanted to avoid a display tablet because I didn't want to get into the habit of using one (and I guess they're more likely to break down), but it'd be better than this setup, right?

>> No.6479281

I would suggest just getting one of these bed desks and see how it works for you first, make sure to check the dimensions before buying. A portable desk you can fold and slide away should be useful for your small living space either way.

If you find it too uncomfortable and would rather spend the money, then your options would be a galaxy tab s6 ~ s8 / ipad or some kind of surface laptop.

A display tablet that plugs into the laptop can complicate the situation, and be uncomfortable to move around with from all the cables and the larger size, especially if you use a lot of hotkeys and still need a keyboard.

I'd really try the desk first and worry later. Better is subjective, people have been making art with whatever tools they have available for ages.

>> No.6479472

>I know exactly how you draw! source: the voices in my head
>you'll never own a wacom
correct, seethe more

>> No.6479586

>t. pixel artist
no one is going to see anything you draw above 100%

>> No.6479654

Are iPads really that good for drawing now or they're just toys?

>> No.6479666

They are excellent for Procreate, the app is Ipad only so it's specifically calibrated for the Apple Pencil, change the pencil or the app, and you might as well get a Samsung.

>> No.6479690
File: 163 KB, 372x447, 1674065364181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my free 6 month csp trial on android is about to expire but idk if I can afford the subscription yet, and I've liked it a ton and don't want to switch. is it possible to pirate csp on android? I've seen people on reddit saying it's not but maybe they're just stupid?

>> No.6479713

You really liked it even with that awful PC GUI ported to Android? I'd use something more specifically made for Android like Concepts.

>> No.6479722

>but idk if I can afford the subscription yet
Isn't it like 3usd a month?

>> No.6479729

I didn't find the ui that bad and I wasn't a fan of concepts.
I don't live in the US and the dollar is expensive af here

>> No.6479751

Who said zooming in was for what people see? I do it so I can draw with the arm and should for inking etc. Pretty much the only way you can do that kind of work for 12+ hours a day.

>> No.6479910

Red pill me on this stylus
Does it have pressure? How is it compare to Samsung stylus and Apple pencil?

>> No.6479916

>How is it compare to Samsung stylus and Apple pencil?
a fucking touch pen from 6 years ago, you're asking how it compares?

please call 1-800-GET-A-FUCKING-CLUE dude, might as well be out there recommending people buy an intuos 3 from 20 years ago like the schizo guy that makes OP posts for the other threads

>> No.6479941

Of course I know they are worse but how worse? I just want a fun pen with pressure sensitivity for my phone

>> No.6479970

have you ever tried finger painting? that's what you're in for, those "pens" are literally stylus that complete the circuit like your finger would, any pressure sensitivity data would be sent over bluetooth to apps that allow it

unusable garbage and you're kinda dumb to be looking into that t b h

>> No.6479988

Is a used/refurb ipad pro 2nd gen still worth it to this day? What makes the 2nd gen the recommended one?

>> No.6480020

When do I start worrying about scratches? Specifically on a kamvas 22, need to buy a screen protector...

>> No.6480079

>Does it have pressure?
>How is it compare to Samsung stylus and Apple pencil?
It's only marginally better than drawing with your finger.

There are some bluetooth styluses that support pressure sensitivity on phones, but I've never used one and don't know how well they work.
If you want a phone to draw with, get some version of the note. I have a note 10+ and it's pretty great, but even then I still don't have pressure sensitivity. Not that I care at all for phone sketches.

>> No.6480084

>What makes the 2nd gen the recommended one?
it's all the schizOP has ever used. 3rd gen+ is a huge improvement to QoL for a number of reasons, the biggest being the apple pencil 2 and usb C charging.

There's no reason to get a 2nd gen over a 1st if you're going to be stuck with the first gen pencil and lightning cable anyway. might as well save a few bucks.

>> No.6480087

It seems i don't have to worry about it because it's glass? That it won't get scratched through normal use

>> No.6480088

You can't scratch glass with plastic anon

>> No.6480093

It's still spooky anon...
I'll quit worrying about it though

>> No.6480098

is it a kamvas 22, or kamvas 22 plus/pro?

>> No.6480099


>> No.6480103

then yeah, you're fine. it's etched glass.

>> No.6480352

No joke, just checked that one and it was a clusterfuck compared to this one.

I have a friend who has an Ipad, he bought Procreate just so his 6 year old could doodle instead of use YouTube when she inevitably picks the tablet and I got to try it.
Yeah, it is buttery smooth, and I don't mean the slippery screen, I felt an insane level of control, ecn more than real life tools, specially the pressure sensitivity was insane.
My question is;
Is this a result of procreate being so well calibrated for the apple pencil as someone said, or are active pens actually better than EMR passive pens? Aside obviously for battery life and size.

>> No.6480461

this is the official thread, right?
do you guys think a 13 inch display tablet is comfortable enough for animating?

>> No.6480462

I hated drawing on my kamvas 13 but I love my kamvas 22
I did not try the 16

>> No.6480498

For me, it'd depend on how long you're expecting to be working on it per day. I have a Cintiq Pro 13 that was very nice to work on for a few hours at a time, but when I started to work 6+ hours a day I had to move to a larger tablet (Cintiq 22) in order to be able to use my shoulder and arm more to help with fatigue.

>> No.6480543

Dunno for animating but I would stick to 16 inch at minimum. Especially if you spend a lot of time like 4+ hours it definitely makes a differrence.

>> No.6480865
File: 876 KB, 1024x1300, himiko toga dunk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bigger, the better, especially if you planning on doing hand drawn 2D. 16 inch is a good size and what I personally use, as big as an A4 sheet of paper

>> No.6480888

As others already said, 16-24" is typically the sweet spot. I think a lot of people here use the kamvas 22 plus.

>> No.6481767

Is this a good thread to ask about printers?

>> No.6482191
File: 970 KB, 3000x4000, 20230120_063126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an arm mount because I had literally no room on my desk for a tablet, but how can I unblock the bottom right corner of my screen? The mount won't go any further right because of the way the desk is built
Do I just need a taller chair? Should I just rearrange CSP so nothing important is there?

>> No.6482386

Sounds like you need a better desk, or should remove some of the mountain dew cans from your current one

>> No.6482550
File: 522 KB, 1691x1656, F6616493-954B-4E81-B8A3-10696F5D5B1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a 6th gen 12.9 inch iPad Pro and I’m getting weird pen tilt /untitling when not changing the pen angle. Is my apple pen fucked or is this an issue with procreate ?

>> No.6482554

I bought an intuos 5 pro m to upgrade from my 3 and it’s much better and responsive to pressure. Don’t buy the older hardware.

>> No.6482918

Managed to grab used 22 Plus for $400, it's the cheapest i can find and a new one costs $560 (amazon doesnt exist in my backwater shithole). I hope it can last for years

>> No.6482994

Damn, that's what I paid for a factory refurbished one

>> No.6483013

I consider myself lucky as i almost bought the 16 inch one at $330 used. I'm jelly that anon in US can buy at a much cheaper price and can return it too if they dont like it

>> No.6483073

What are good options for 16-22 inches?
I got baited by the schizo op and bought ipad 12.9 but it's too small, what's a good tablet with no tilting issues

>> No.6483093

Thanks a lot lads, I'm going with Kamvas 22 plus then.
I've noticed that there are 2 models on amazon for Kamvas plus, $450ish something for the normal one, and $550ish for the QLED. However in my country I could only find one model (around $560), but it doesn't say QLED, only IPS display with 140% sRGB color accuracy. Are they essentially the same?

>> No.6483157
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, chinesetabs_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello chang, enjoy your chinese garbage lol

>> No.6483243

is that a Wacom patented gif?

>> No.6483248

meds now

>> No.6483294

Maybe it’s you’re pressure?

>> No.6483296


>> No.6483307

That I know of, there's only 1 22" kamvas with advertised 140% srgb and it's the 22 plus. The 22 pro (2019) and the base model 22 were both 120% iirc.

>> No.6483370

Idk it feels like I’m pressing consistently

>> No.6483381

Try adjusting the pressure and sensitivity maybe

>> No.6483409

So basically any iPad that can't use apple pencil is irrelevant. Does that go for both gens of pencil or only the latest one is good?

>> No.6483622

They're basically the same performance, 2nd gen pencil just has wireless charging (which is nice)

>> No.6483708
File: 1.48 MB, 1600x1200, 1666248417504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ex took my wacom intuos3 9x12 and I need a replacement
I liked it in every way and it was like a son to me, so should I get the same model or is there a straight upgrade with no drawbacks?

>> No.6483739

Did I got tricked into buying Ipad? I was drawing digitally for years, but can't draw shit on ipad. Every line in procreate is absolute trash. Using stabilization is only option?

>> No.6483783

>or is there a straight upgrade with no drawbacks?
Literally every tablet made in the last 5-10 years is a straight upgrade. They'll have the correct aspect ratio and (albeit not really noticeable since 1024 is fine) more levels of pressure sensitivity.
Reportedly newer tablets go through nibs faster, but that's about it.
There's no reason unless you're poor to get an intuos 3 20 years after it was made.

>> No.6483784

Are you using a matte screen protector? If not, get one immediately. It's basically a requirement.

>> No.6483785

ok mr smartass, what's the hottest big screenless tablet on the market right now?

>> No.6483790

I got paperlike. Put it on but still cannot draw properly. Do I just need to get used to it? Or maybe I need to use stabilization on ipad since I use none

>> No.6483807

Don't listen to this chinese idiot: >>6483783

The Intuos 3 has stood the test of time. It's still a fantastic tablet and worth buying used on the cheap.

Even the latest chinese branded tablets are garbage by comparison. They all have this same wobbly nib, and these weird line tapers that you can't do much about.

>> No.6483829

Buy the biggest huion or xp pen. People that actually draw openly admit wacom lost its monopoly and other brands are just as good.

>> No.6483845
File: 840 KB, 1440x2047, Screenshot_20230121_103044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want you can listen to the wacumguzzler though. He draws some really bad floating Loomis heads once every 2 years or so.

>> No.6483903

Try CSP on ipad instead.

>> No.6484144

>people unironically still try to find a fucking intuos 3 because MMMMMMUH LARGE

sometimes I feel bad for how terrible people on this board are at actually drawing but then I see retards do shit like that and realize you idiots deserve your failures

>> No.6484154


>muh large

People buy the intuos 3 because it's built like a tank, not because of the size. Although it's a stupid investment in 2023 and you should just buy the 5 or the modern version.

>> No.6484169

>built like a tank,
The fuck are you doing to a tablet that would require it be """""built like a tank""'""?

>> No.6484170

Glad I saw this before dropping €1000 lmao i'll just get a wacom

>> No.6484210

>I'll just drop $3000 instead of $1000

>> No.6484419
File: 223 KB, 650x519, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brother gave me pic related because he said android cant be updated anymore.
can i use this as a drawing tablet? should i use a rom to update android?

>> No.6484425


>> No.6484986

Get a $20 tablet for osu

>> No.6485740
File: 194 KB, 914x359, fuckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed the schizOP's thread was deleted, and suddenly we have a wave of tablet threads asking basically the same thing.

>> No.6485760


anyways, I hope they fix your medication so you stop being so delusional, anon

>> No.6485765
File: 40 KB, 545x864, wacom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck causes this

>> No.6485770

t. Biu Lao zhei

>> No.6486755

Is it worth buying an old Cintiq22HD for 500$?

I currently own an old cintiq 13HD and feel it's way too small, jumping to the Cintiq16 makes no sense and I'm having trouble finding new 22'

>> No.6486792

Fuck no. A modern kamvas 22 will out perform it in every metric.

>> No.6486804


>> No.6486818

>chinese garbage vs Industry workhorse

>> No.6486888
File: 223 KB, 1150x720, Lines-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a problem with my tablet:
Sometimes when i try to drawn some lines the tablet doesnt register the pressure of the line. Here is an example.
What could be the problem: the glass of the protector or the pen?

>> No.6487089


>> No.6487140
File: 2.01 MB, 1280x720, vI5fGrDXzi4h4mCz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6487189

>complete different model
>pretending there aren't countless videos of chink garbage failing left and right

>> No.6487208

>pretending there aren't countless videos of chink garbage failing left and right
then why do you always post the same 4 year old video?

>> No.6487217

>You will never buy a wacom (again)

>> No.6487681

Can anyone tell me how the XP pen artist 12 2nd gen compare to the previous xp pen artist 12 1st gen?

I know you all say xp pen is shit but which one is the less stinky one?

>> No.6487809

Maybe a lukewarm take, but putting cost aside completely, does anyone else just prefer display-less tablets over tablets with screens? People talk as though display tablets are the far superior option at the tradeoff of costing an arm and a leg more, but as for me it's really uncomfortable to hunch over your desk and draw on a blurry display. I'd much rather sit back in my chair and look forward and what it is I'm doing, on a much larger, nicer monitor to boot.

It's gotten to the point where I'm considering caving for an Intuos Pro despite owning an iPad. Am I shooting myself in the foot or are there merits to conventional drawing tablets?

>> No.6487813

just buy a mount

>> No.6487841

are there any good alternatives to the intuos 3 that are 16:9?

>> No.6487919

>then why do you always post the same 4 year old video?
Because it's the only one that shows the price difference being worth it, and that's the thing, everyone agrees Wacom makes better products, everyone knows.
What the retard refuses to understand is the concept of worth. Is just not worth it to expend such jumps in price for a 15% increase in quality.
>Can anyone tell me how the XP pen artist 12 2nd
Xp-Pen 12 is better than first gen for sure, most of the parallax has been fixed and it's more comfy, the only issue is that's if still wobbly, a lot less, you could probably correct it with stabilization, but I'd rather jump to the Huion 13"

>> No.6487989

I never see this mentioned, but turning the screen tablet off just turns it into a regular non display tablet, or at least with mine it does (old xp-pen artist 15.6)

>> No.6488348
File: 90 KB, 309x319, 1655272819186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to reinstall wacom drivers, but now the brush drags behind the cursor even with the stabilizer off AND this effect multiplies the longer I have SAI open until it's basically unusable
tried installing older versions but to no avail. what do?

>> No.6488396

>for a 15% increase in quality.
My 11 yo workhorse Wacom says hi to your Huion 3–6-month bargain bin cut cornered tablet.
ib4 muh Huion is superb quality and never breaks after 6 months.

>> No.6488398

t. ganch

>> No.6488504

>My 11 yo workhorse Wacom
That explains it, you can't even get a current wacom, no wonder you're so defensive.

>> No.6488517

Is the 11inch Samsung S8 really that much worse than the S8+/ipad pro 12.9?

I prefer android over ipad
But prefer the smaller screen overall since at the college I go to the desks in some halls are fucking tiny and can't even take a proper a4 page so the 12.9/S8+ wouldn't fit really

>> No.6488616

Not him but they're not worth it
You don't need more than 2K pressure or more than1080p (you do have a second IPS monitor for mirror anyway right) so what's the point?

we both know even a 10 year old wacom mogs any new chinkshit in pen feeling and drivers, just let it go bro

>> No.6488633

t. gnach

>> No.6488648

What if i draw a pussy

>> No.6488656

speaking of Batman. Who has the Mega

>> No.6488978
File: 99 KB, 830x830, 0170 - 8eFQrVK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of getting a huion Kamvas Pro 16.
But I'm wondering, how long does screen tablets usually last?
I have a screenless wacom that has worked fine since ~2015.

>> No.6489265

How do I position my display tablet so I don't get back and shoulder pain in the long run?

>> No.6489295
File: 29 KB, 700x319, What-is-the-correct-drawing-position[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a good chair (something like an aeron or leap), and get an ergo arm. The amazon basics one is supposed to be pretty decent.
Set it up the same way you would draw/paint using an easel.

>> No.6489504
File: 405 KB, 1045x1672, image[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fucking get it its ass, I have an original surface book, new surface book aint any better. Neither is new surface notebook and new surface studio

>> No.6489597

By exercising, more than anything.

>> No.6489629

if its bad why did you get it

>> No.6489636

don't make cursed art of Mr. Koro

>> No.6489659

Screen tablets are way more complex, Wacom display tablets on average have shown to last a long time, alternative brands like Huion are cheaper but a gamble, either you have an ok tablet that may last you a good while, one that it can die in 6 months or it can be a failure out of the box (poor quality control). Comes down to what you can afford, I would check second hand wacom first

>> No.6489795

late reply but Ive seen many pro artists using the huion 4ks without complaints, in terms of feel alone its probably near identical.

As a side note huions fans are supposedly barely audible while cintiq pros are infamous for having loud fans, don't know how accurate that is but you can look into it.

>> No.6490833

Have anyone used the XP-Pen deco 01 v2? is it good?

>> No.6490836

>nooo the god's gifts brand couldn't be malfunctioning it must be the works of Mao Zhe Chong in afterlife!!

>> No.6490841

>As a side note huions fans are supposedly barely audible

have you ever READ these threads? huion fans are louder than any other fans, evening wacom

like holy shit read all the fucking shilling posts that huion copers do non-stop in these things

>> No.6490856

i been use the tablet nearly for a week and is so good for me

>> No.6491119

Have a 2 year old Huion, still works. Good tablet too and a fraction of the price of Wacoom

>> No.6491635

>huion fans are louder than any other fans, evening wacom
I own a cintiq pro so I had no idea, but when I was shopping around and watching videos no one really ever mentioned kamvas 4k fans being bad or audible at all so that's news to me.

>> No.6491698

Can't speak for other models but I barely hear the fans on my 22 plus.

>> No.6491703

holy shit I thought you guys were on about fans as in people who like the brand or something

>> No.6491707
File: 121 KB, 380x264, 1646163912279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6491733

same lol, fucking brand wars

>> No.6491746

> holy shit I thought you guys were on about fans as in people who like the brand or something

ESL anon........

>> No.6491798

not him but in my defense, I didn't even know huge tablets were supposed to have fans like lol, isn't just a fucking screen?

>> No.6492105

it would be nice if you have a new-ish TV then use the hdmi to your laptop, now you have a nice tv monitor.

>> No.6492119

I dont use the procreate on my s6lite but I managed to pirate it
yes, I was able to mod the csp on my s6lite just to test probably more than a year ago. but I dont use csp, yet it still works even when it conects to csp server.

>> No.6492122

disregard the my first post, I'm still half awake.

>> No.6492548

you know what let me ask
any graphics tablet that is medium
with at least 4k pressure sensitivity
does not need to have a screen
i just need names ill hunt them on ebay

>> No.6492573

tell us you're a turbo sperg without actually saying it

>> No.6492581

>he doesn't torrent cracked versions of photoshop

>> No.6492585

is that the best they could do for the picture coming out of the screen? just her fingers?

>> No.6493874

any Huion Kamvas 22 Plus
is it worth it?

>> No.6493978
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, 2023-01-28-123503_1920x1080_scrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you lads have fun exercises for beginners ?
I'm still not used to my tablet.

>> No.6493993

Also, is it normal that my elbow is touching my table ? Should my arm be completely above my desk ?

>> No.6494054
File: 58 KB, 917x484, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got a clue as to why all my curved lines have this little dent at the start?

>> No.6494057

Gaomon is really good, got my MK10, it's dirt cheap and unironically a million times better than Wacom

>> No.6494059

lol you bought chinese garbage

>> No.6494062

this is wacom intuos3 ptz-930
same problem happens with wacom one s

>> No.6494119

Undeniably best display you can get for the least amount of money.
Oh no no no no how is the wacumguzzler gonna recover from this one?

>> No.6494124

Sure you did, Chang.

>> No.6494132

report the forced new thread under spamming/flooding.

>> No.6494134

>n-no! My beloved wacom could never mess up! NEVER!!!
this kills the shcizOP

>> No.6494163

>the hypocrite chinese idiot is mad

>> No.6494215


>> No.6494216

Chinese tablet

>> No.6494217

They're both crap.

>> No.6494220

Get another Intuos 3. They're extremely reliable.

>> No.6494221

So draw on paper instead if you're a beg. Begs should never start digital.

>> No.6494222

this is a brand new one, it should be a software problem if anything

>> No.6494224

What the fuck are you even talking about? What software problem? Re-read your own post here: >>6483708

>> No.6494225


>> No.6494231

Hey hypocritical chinese idiot, you forgetting you made this thread early? You literally cross-linked it at post 288:


>> No.6494232

By getting an ergotron arm.

>> No.6494234

At the end of the day, reliability is what really matters, and if I don't want my workflow interrupted, I'd rather use even a cheap Wacom or iPad over a big chinese Huion.

>> No.6494236

>chinese retard still desperately trying to push youtube shills
>still thinks pressure levels matter when they don't

>> No.6494237

Is the iPad glossy screen generally considered too hard to draw on?

>> No.6494241

It's recommended you get used to it. A matte screen protector is better for emulating the feel of drawing on paper, but it washes out the colors and always results in line wobble.

>> No.6494246

why are you spamming so much, retard?

>> No.6494248


>> No.6494251

Install LineageOS.

>> No.6494256


>> No.6494258

People who actually draw don't care about shill morons like yourself, and understand that everyone is different.

>> No.6494260

You don't even need more than 1k pressure.
It's one of the worst snake oil sales tactics ever. 15 year old tablets with 1K pressure literally have better line consistency than every single XP Pen or Huion.

>> No.6494262

Intuos 3

>> No.6494263

They are the same kind of rubbish.

>> No.6494267


>> No.6494315

I can get both used ipad air 4 and a pro 12,9 for around 500eur with a pencil included. which one of these should I get, I never had an ipad before, but now I have to travel a lot due to work.

>> No.6494561
File: 132 KB, 1080x373, spem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
