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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6460328 No.6460328 [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean to "just draw"?

>> No.6460348

it means to open AI and type in prompt

>> No.6460349

It's a very generalized and often misunderstood advice.
It doesn't literally mean just draw, it's more like "keep drawing and draw a lot, trying to apply learned lessons, doing master studies, grinding fundies or anatomy, and being mindful of mistakes to try and improve over them"

>> No.6460358

it means you stop thinking too hard about drawing, you sit down your table, grab your tools of choice and start drawing, no need to overthink it on what you want to draw, what you can or cannot, your expectations, etc... you just turn off your brain and start scribbling.

>> No.6460367

FZD 89

>> No.6460376

Put pensoool in pappr and draww :DDDDDdDD

>> No.6460410

When I can't think of things to draw, or feel mentally/emotionally congested, I just draw straight lines and circles until the congestion clears.
It helps me more than staring at a blank page.

>> No.6460436

Is there no subject you enjoy drawing, anon?
Nothing wrong with drawing stick figures, you could draw them doing something fun!
You could also draw yourself and real life situations, things you see around you or just anything you like to look at, be it a beautiful landscape or pretty anime girls.
There's also art meme templates circulating on sites like deviantArt that you could fill in and there are art prompt generators as well.
You can also copy art you like and experiment with different styles.
But if you really can't come up with anything, you can still go to >>>/i/catalog and take part in just about any thread, any art level goes.
Just try to have some fun drawing, anon. If it's not fun for you to draw, I hope you can spend some time addressing that and figure out the reason.

>> No.6460438

I means put your pencil down and think about drawing justice

>> No.6460439

It means to take a pencil and draw whatever.
If you want to git gud, do this >>6460349

>> No.6461326

don't force it if you can't or don't have the energy to do it, just do some random doodles you can come up in your head, that's what I do every day, I give 1 hour of drawing session if I have free time to maintain my skill

>> No.6461331

it means dont draw, post on /ic/ instead

>> No.6461367

>just cook
>put random things into a pot and boil them, you'll make great food eventually
>just write
>write out entire dictionaries and practice writing words a faster or larger or in different fonts, your stories will be better
>just talk
>say whatever comes to mind when talking to girls and they'll eventually let you have sex

>> No.6461373

>>say whatever comes to mind when talking to girls and they'll eventually let you have sex
can be true

>> No.6461462

Its the opposite of consooming youtube tutorials and instagram reels while thinken bout your OC

>> No.6461472
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Don't bother with the outdated world views. Embrace magical thinking, daydreaming, resource hoarding and procrastination.
You can worship AI as a bonus.

>> No.6461474

You know, the more recipes you follow and the more research you do about cooking the more you will learn about it.

I don't understand why everyone then gets confused when it comes to art.

>> No.6461540

The thinker thinks
The doer does

>> No.6461551

To draw, or not to draw, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous critiques,
Or to take arms against a sea of shitposting
And by opposing end them? To stop; to be ngmi.

>> No.6461556

It means not to view your art in a technical sense every single time you draw. Just draw shit on your mind to get used to ut

>> No.6461657

>put random things into a pot and boil them, you'll make great food eventually
>"hmm this thing I made didn't taste good, maybe I should add less of X or cook Y for longer"
why is this weird to you?
you've never made anything in your life?

>> No.6463829
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To understand the meaning of "Just Draw" one must first understand that the true definition of talent is the ability to learn how to do something well with little to no instruction.

Now that we have that definition out of the way, we can begin with why the "just draw" phenomenon exists and why some people are able to actually benefit from the "just draw" when others seem to find it to be a trap.

Once we understand the definition of talent, we can now see why the "just draw" phrase is thrown around as if it was the most enlightened advice ever given. It is not because it actually works for everyone but rather that it works for anyone who has an innate ability to draw--innate not meaning "born with" but rather a proclivity towards drawing that creates a natural ability to learn things.

In order for "just draw" to actually work, one must have talent in drawing. This talent will allow you to be able to draw for hours and learn from your work and mistakes without any instruction whatsoever--though instruction could never hurt. If one does not have talent in drawing, they must seek out help in order to improve or else they will stagnate as pointed out by this anon: >>6463757

Basically, if you don't have talent, learning to draw will much harder and even if you do end up attaining a certain level of skill, your art will never be as good as most of the worst works from artists that do have talent which is why you have to find a reason to actually pursue art. You have to have a purpose as to why you are pursuing it rather than just the blind ambition of being able to draw le cute animu grill.

The real question we need to ask here is that if you do not possess such talent, would you still continue to draw? That is the real question you need to ask yourself here. That will allow you to determine whether or not to continue or if you should just quit.

>> No.6463837

The path to getting gud is not a straight one. You need to keep moving to see where your strengths and weak points are, while also developing the habit and discipline every good professional needs to have

>> No.6463839

Because someone who is inexperienced with cooking won't know what they're supposed to change about their recipe to make it work. All they know is that it sucks and they have no idea how to make it better. They lack knowledge about processes and ingredients, so they don't even know where to begin.

>> No.6463888

The fear of deleveling if you stop drawing for more than one day.
Yes it's a real thing. Drawing is a lifetime commitment.

>> No.6463910

It means to undertake projects drawing the subject you WANT to draw while also doing your best and making every effort to draw that subject well and assess your own mistakes.

If you make effort and improve your own drawings through practice you can effectively avoid all the grindy bullshit. Or you can do the grindy stuff if you like. But making your passion drawings grindy is also a great path forward and is what is meant by “just draw”

>> No.6464132

>The high IQ Asian running a business tells you to just draw because his business success literally depends on selling the masses the delusion that everyone can become a pro if they put in the hours, and try hard enough. Which of course, puts you in this trap where if you fail then it's your fault, cause you didn't care or tried hard enough, letting the Asian dismiss you without facing repercussions for his lies. And they are indeed lies, because not everyone can make it, be it IQ, be it health issues, be it unstable lives, or plain lack of luck.

That's basically what it means. Its something you say when you can't be asked to go into detail, and need the sheepple of the hour to get off your cock.

>> No.6464182
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There is actually an improv exercise like this. You stand in a room, look at things and immediately say out loud what you see. It trains you to speak without hesitation and helps to balance the filtering of the mind

>> No.6467678

how long would you need to draw each day to at least stay where you currently are?

>> No.6467784

not drawing for several days at a time will do nothing for your skill, in many cases it will actually improve your skill if you stop for 2-3 weeks, but you do run the very real risk of destroying your discipline and routine by taking too many long breaks, discipline and routine are what's easy to lose and hard to regain, the skill itself will come back in a month even if you stop for half a decade

>> No.6467795

I guess a "talented" and skilled chef can taste a dish, determine if it tastes good or bad on a very refined level, and based on prior experimentation and a knowledge of how various spices taste, be able to determine how the dish could be salvaged, or if unsalvageable, how to make it better next time. This is the talented "just draw" artist.
A skilled but generally untalented chef can eventually do the above, but mostly due to having having been told what's good and what's bad, and having had their palette refined by way of a more skilled/talented chef telling them why exactly their dish tastes bad and how to improve it. Their innate sense is above average, but they still struggle to figure out how to improve their dishes without repeated explicit instruction. Eventually they put two and two together and start making their own judgments here and there. This is the fundies-grinder artist.
A basic cook can follow a recipe and get an OK result sometimes, but they have no desire to stray from the recipe and even then will sometimes fuck things up in hilariously bad fashion. They can kinda tell if something came out right, but are absolutely clueless if something goes wrong and lack the motivation to search for solutions. This would be a tracefag.
"This McDonald's food I ordered is on-par with the finest cuisine in the world because it has a lot of salt and grease." This is the AIfag.

>> No.6467797


>> No.6467802

>hey anon, i want to start running, what should i do?
>start running
>yeah but how? how much should i run to start with?
>i don't know, one block?
>cool, what do i have to eat?
>i want to know how much energy i need to run that much
>just run
>but i need to know how much energy it's going to take first
This is why people say just draw because you faggots overthink everything, think you need every single book, every single video, spend hours on writing a schedule, look for the best tools, the most expensive tablet, the best papers, pens.


>> No.6467805

No. I won't do it. I refuse.

>> No.6467806

Fuck you.

>> No.6467817
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I'll believe in "just draw" if society admits art is unteachable and all art schools are shut down.

>> No.6467828
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>> No.6467843

stop copying naked middle aged people from old instructional books and draw what you want to

>> No.6467910
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Saving this post.

>> No.6467914
File: 66 KB, 592x891, eminem-shitting-and-cryin-rn-v0-LCPeu-vNWLcJrZM7v-Am5BGHk2HbuHY9pGwpupBrwao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this board is so fucking low IQ. Do we need to tell you how to tie your shoelaces as well?

>> No.6467915

Why were they gatekeeping petting a fucking dog of all things.

>> No.6467925

For me "just drawing" way to gitting gud means learning from correcting your own mistakes instead of following a course.

>> No.6468174
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fucking disingenuous faggots, here's a real equivalency
>want to learn piano
>"just play the piano"
>okay, here i go
>plays absolute nonsense
>okay, so i tried playing the piano and i don't get it
>"jUsT pLya tHE pIANoo
>alright then
>plays absolute nonsense again
>so i tried playing the piano again, i still don't understand
>aR eyEUr RetARDED???!?!!!
i've already gone over why this even happens but i'll explain to you faggots once again

Artists that are good at drawing do not understand the process of drawing and how to improve which is why you get shit advice and why they get offended whenever no one seems to understand their advice. Artists naturally have high egos and to imply that they do not have an ability in a skill that they think is beneath them--in this case, teaching--is far to incomprehensible for them to process. So instead of attempting to improve at the skill of teaching and finding other, more concrete ways of explaining something, they resort to shit-flinging and name-calling anyone who doesn't immediately understand their shit advice.

"Just Draw" is another one of those shit advice. It's pandered by artists who want to seem like they know a thing or two about drawing but are absolutely ignorant on the process of drawing. If you were to ask Kim Jung Gi why he makes the marks he makes, he could pull a bullshit answer out of his ass that will help literally no one except those who are already good at drawing. If he was being honest, he'd just say to "just draw" because he doesn't know what specific things you need to do in order to improve and even if he did, he wouldn't be a good enough teacher to explain it properly.

This goes to my point in another thread about the PET acronym.
Nearly all of /ic/ are either performers or aspiring performers. This is why shit advice like "just draw" is thrown around.
They are not teachers, that is a skill they do not have. Own up to it

>> No.6468363
File: 362 KB, 910x910, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute no IQ having faggot.
>I want to do something
>do something
>do it bad
>Why doesn't anyone tell me how to do it good?
Just draw is the ultimate filter.
If you don't get it, you are an npc and should just get a regular job and make yourself useful to real people by slaving away at menial jobs to keep the system running.

>> No.6468448

just kill yourself

>> No.6468463
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>Types this piece of autism
>Isn't drawing
Just fucking draw

>> No.6468487

drawing is not like running. Drawing is about producing something, running doesn't produce anything. It would be more like
>hey anon, I want to start writing, what should I do?
>start writing
>yeah but how? what do I write?
>write random letters, write the alphabet 6000 times, then do it in cursive

>> No.6468490

"just draw" means go and draw instead of making a 4chan thread to discuss what "just draw" means you monumentally retarded niggers. You will NEVER EVER be good at anything

>> No.6468497
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Great to see that this phenomenon happens elsewhere

>> No.6468530

some people were never gonna make anyways.

>> No.6468598

I feel like at that point they should be sent back to kindergarten, or some sort of adult education program for actual retards unironically.

>> No.6469205

Is it possible to learn how to just draw if you weren't born with it? I never figured out how to do that. When I first encountered other people drawing, I tried to emulate their efforts by mindlessly scribbling, which obviously didn't work. I eventually worked out how to reproduce various symbols and copy other people's drawings, but never how to actually produce anything of my own. I don't really understand the sort of weird spontaneous drawing most people seem able to do even if they have no interest in the skill.

I just want to make some shitty doodles, but copying is the only drawing process I have ever known, and I struggle to even imagine how anything else might work.

>> No.6469208

Crab advice.
If you do not identify specific weak points and work to find specific ways to fix them then you will never improve.

>> No.6469219

>What does it mean to "just draw"?
The opposite of "don't draw".

>> No.6469399

really, if you want to improve, you should understand "draw every day" as "practice or apply practice every day."

dont become a box slave. use those boxes for making actual art some time

>> No.6469405

U wont stop from becoming the Box God stupid crab. Then you will kneeeeeel!

>> No.6469465

>yeah but how? what do I write?
I also want to add, for someone to not being able to answer that question themselves is a fundamental deficiencies, and I question their motivations. Often times when I tried parsing out this aspect of someone's impetus for wanting to start learning how to draw I've always received pretty vague responses. As if they were pretty disengaged with the act and why they wanted to start, as if they have no personal interest in it or what they wanted to do with it at all, and I can never understand it.

>> No.6469734

nobody is born with it, instead of copying others just try to learn really basic stuff . there's a million books and online tutorials that can teach you to do that. after that just use some creativity. make mindless scribbles with direction

>> No.6470560

I've always thought of it as instead of putting off the drawings you've wanted to try to execute when you get good, draw them RIGHT NOW and make them THE BEST DRAWINGS EVER, in your effort to make the best drawing ever you will learn and improve your skill, which you will apply to future works

>> No.6470590

>Because someone who is inexperienced with cooking won't know what they're supposed to change
>they don't even know where to begin.

There's these things called cook books. Our species developed written language specifically so information can be passed down through time.

You can both follow instructions from professionals and experiment on your own. It isn't either or.

>> No.6470645

>okay, so i tried playing the piano and i don't get it

Did you think understanding something that complex would be instantaneous? Even with a teacher it takes years to get good at anything.

>I put no time in and did no research and I'm still not good

This is who is complaining about bad advice

>> No.6470669

Yeah, there's nothing stopping you from trying them again in the future. I also find that when you draw with confidence, you find that you know more than you expect. Don't hit stumbling blocks and stop, because when you force yourself to draw what you think you can't draw, you find you know it better than you thought. And hey, there's always reference to help when you get stuck

>> No.6470858
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Realize where you are.
You are on a board that is specifically designed for giving critique and art advice. This isn't some random general or some guy's Instagram page where responses such as "just draw" would suffice.

This place is specifically supposed to be designed to be able to break the skill of drawing down into manageable steps by people that have properly analyzed the skill of drawing--at least there should be an aspect to it at the very least. The lack of effort in even doing such a thing causes me to wonder why the fuck you are even on here in the first place.

If all you have to offer to someone is "just draw" then why the fuck do we need you here? If that's the extent to which you understand drawing and delving deeper into it is not something you can do or understand, there seems that there is no other reason for any of you to be here other than to mog beginners or get advice that you can figure out yourselves since you already know how to draw. That is exactly why I immediately stopped using Reddit years ago on their LearnArt subreddit because it was literally just a bunch of people who were already good just showing off and asking for advice, and fucking getting it for some fucking reason, while beginners were just ignored or given horrible advice by other retards that can't draw.

Of course, after spending time on here, I started to realize that this place is simply a dopamanergic outlet for making you think like you're being productive when you are in fact not being productive at all. I have found that I learned more from figuring shit out myself, though I was a fucking garbage beginner, than listening to any of the garbage advice ever thrown around here. I burned out because I actually listened to the trash advice on here but when I follow my own shit, I seem to improve even though I'm not very good.

Anyway, fuck all of you and kill yourselves immediately. I wish I never found this place.

>> No.6470902
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>What does it mean to "just draw"?
If you were drawing, you wouldn't have time to make this post.
Ppl who ask this do not want to draw, they just want the final product, go do ai or something.

>> No.6470904

>I wish I never found this place.
don't come back
(you will)

>> No.6470910
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>If all you have to offer to someone is "just draw" then why the fuck do we need you here?
I always assumed this board was a place for people who already draw (albeit not well) to shitpost and talk.

>> No.6470917
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imagine typing all that out, all your post, when you could have been just drawing

>> No.6470996

I'm not a very good artist but I like to listen to edgy music and draw stuff that it makes me think of

>> No.6471021
File: 2.85 MB, 720x390, f91 is fun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and honest post

>> No.6471119
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>> No.6471252

1. Actually draw
2. Ask for critique, or about problem you have with your drawing
3. ???
4. Profit

>> No.6471259

It isn't?

>> No.6471802

is there anyone NOT doing this?

>> No.6471814

what happens
>how do i "pet"
>ok but how
>tell me how

you're proving his point. how about

>how do i pet
>put your head on the head and move it gently
>amazing thanks i'll go pet all the dogs now!

this comic is retarded.
yes reddit spacing stop freaking out, it's just to make this shit readable.

>> No.6471827

Get good

>> No.6471828

If you already know what petting is you know what it looks like and therefore how to do it. That's the point.

The same way you can start drawing and ask for feedback. You already know how to start and have access to resources

>> No.6471832

when someone says "how do I draw" they don't actually mean LITERALLY "how do I draw in general at all" but more like "how do I draw (unspecified thing)".

>how do i draw a tree
>just draw the tree bro
>how but how
>dude just do it
(replace "draw a tree" by "pet the dog")

>> No.6471833

You're retarded, just draw is the only way to get good at drawing. It is so simple that a 3 year old can understand it which results in adults going "idk how to draw a straight line though, how do I hold the pencil, how do i draw from the shoulder, what pen are you using, what lead are you using, what paper are you using, oh I must be using the wrong kind of eraser that is why I suck, this is to hard you have to be born with talent to draw"

>> No.6471842

>buy a book filled with sketches you like
That is what just draw means and it will give you greater results than any how to youtube video or grift how to course

>> No.6471848

>What does it mean to "just draw"?
It means that you make an effort to draw regularly, like something every day for one hour as an example. This is to build up a habit of drawing regularly and thus start gaining mileage. Also to stop worrying about results of your work because they are each just one step down the road.

>> No.6471895

Are you so fucking stupid that you can't realise that just draw doesn't mean to just slam your pen into the paper like a brainless monkey for 8 hours.
If you stop being autistic and sit down with a concrete goal of learning how to draw something and start by drawing whatever you decided upon perhaps you'd actually gain a few braincells.

>> No.6471913
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>go on art forum
>only advice is two words
>calls others stupid
anon, haven't we gone over this already
you don't understand the process of drawing and that is perfectly fine
you don't have a high enough iq to be able to understand the intricacies of drawing, knowing exactly how to avoid traps and exactly how to study efficiently and the different set of mindsets to have while approaching a drawing
it's okay to admit you don't know these things, anon
it doesn't mean you can't draw, it just means you can't teach it and there's nothing wrong with that
but when the real teachers walk into the room, you shut your fucking mouth and let them speak

or you could actually try to analyze the process of drawing, think about what it is you do or did that helped you to improve and give detailed explanations on the process--some of which may be useful
i find that when i actually know what i'm talking about, i am able to give extremely detailed and specific answers to questions but when i'm an autistic in something and am only good just because i did that skill, i have nothing to say as well
however, when people ask me to elaborate on that skill, i explain that i am ignorant on the process because i never analyzed the process and that is perfectly fine
when a teacher walks into the room that understand the process, i shut the fuck up and rightfully so

what is it that is too hard to understand, anon?
is it your ego not letting you concede to the fact that you don't understand the process intricately enough to teaching and therefore have to admit to the fact that you can't fucking teach?
nothing i said should be hard to understand so i don't know why you continue to spew the same cope

>> No.6471926

>"you don't understand the process of drawing"
What does that even mean like you keep saying it as if it makes you some educated scholar when it just makes you retarded. You're legit saying "I don't understand drawing and need to be handheld through the process and anyone telling me to do something else don't understand drawing"
Also not reading past that because I bet the rest is even more stupid and pseudo intellectual than your first sentence.

>> No.6471952
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>The Process of Drawing
Here we go, I'll try to explain as best as I could.

The difference between being able to perform and being able to teach is based on the understanding on the process of that specific skill. Performers tend to not understand the process of being able to learn something and therefore are the worst teachers in that field. They tended to have received their skill by sheer mileage and have often taken decades to get to where they currently are. As they have not properly analyzed their approach and why they do certain things, they have an intuitive understanding of drawing which only helps them. Basically, performers cannot teach and can only perform. This is where you get the advice to "just draw" because performers tend to be the ones that actually take this advice seriously and tend to get good by sheer mileage rather than anything concrete that you can teach to anyone.

Teachers understand a skill at a much higher level than performers and while they may not be as good as the performers, they will often coach the performers regardless. Note how coaches in sports aren't usually better than the players on the team. (If they were, they'd be mentors not teachers or coaches.) A teacher must have a very high level of understanding of whatever skill they are pursuing as they have to properly explain each and every step--otherwise, they're wasting everyone's time.

For instance, if we were to bring this back to drawing, lets say a beginner creates a drawing. You notice that the drawing is shit but because you are a performer, you can't exactly explain why it is shit. You can say something like, "the forms are off" or the "perspective is off" but you can't really delve exactly as to why the drawing is really bad, much less provide useful resources to practice from.

The teacher will be able to hyper-analyze a drawing and know exactly what the issues are what that beginner to study.

Most people on here are performers, NOT teachers.

>> No.6471955

"Just draw" is the great filter, those who get it will make it and those who don't will look for that magic tutorial until they eventually get Just draw or give up.
Again not reading your pseudo intellectual wall of text but please make another one so I can comment the same thing again.

>> No.6471961
File: 244 KB, 1080x1216, 20221224_195917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i make it a habit to draw every day?

>> No.6471963

Start with an hour and increase the time daily, even as little as 10min more per day will get you up there in a few weeks.

>> No.6471970

So you're saying that only people who get just draw will become great and those who don't can become good but not great?

>> No.6472003

Those who "just draw" have a natural inclination and ability towards drawing which is why it ends up working for them. Those who don't need a more specific approach. People who have "talent" will typically learn by just doing something over and over again with little to no instruction whereas those who do not will not benefit from "just drawing" and will likely be trapped until they sit down and analyze what exactly it is they need to do.
Quite frankly I don't think your opinion matters. If you choose to relegate your understanding of drawing into two words, that have been proven to not work for most people (and I have concrete evidence of this), then I see no reason to take anything you have to say seriously.

>> No.6472007

Most people don't want to put in the effort to learn how to draw, they just want to be good at it that is why just draw is a filter

>> No.6472008

Just draw is not a filter, it's a lack of understand of the process of drawing.

>> No.6472019

Just draw is a filter. Take the people in beg, their drawings aren't worthy of critique because the whole drawing sucks. If they just spent 2 minutes looking at their drawing and then the reference or sketch they tried to emulate they'd see things to improve on and try again or notice "I don't understand how to draw eyes time to research a bit and then practice some more" that is what just draw means and if you don't understand it you're never gonna make it

>> No.6472033

>it's a lack of understand of the process of drawing

The process of learning is trying, then failing, then learning from those failures. You can either look up information, show your failures to others for feedback or break it down and figure it out on your own. But the most important thing is TRYING. That's the point of "just draw".

>> No.6472063

>Just draw is a filter.
It is not, it is a lack of awareness of what truly goes into the drawing process.
>Take the people in beg, their drawings aren't worthy of critique because the whole drawing sucks.
Their drawings aren't worthy of critique to you, or anyone else who is strictly a performer, because you cannot begin to understand what the beginner should do in order to improve as per your lack of understanding on the process of drawing. An actual teacher will immediately look at a drawing an know exactly how the beginner should approach fixing their errors and mindset about drawing. It is okay to admit that there are things you don't understand.
>If they just spent 2 minutes looking at their drawing and then the reference or sketch they tried to emulate they'd see things to improve on and try again or notice "I don't understand how to draw eyes time to research a bit and then practice some more" that is what just draw means
Expert Blindspot is "the inability to perceive the difficulties that novices will experience as they approach a new domain of knowledge."
>and if you don't understand it you're never gonna make it
Cope, pure and simple

Lets look at it another way.
Personally, I am pretty good at Japanese. I studied it for a few years and can more or less teach someone else how to approach the process of studying Japanese if they were to ask me. In fact, I am the one who provided the extremely detailed explanation on how to go about studying Japanese.
Why is that?
Could I have just said, "just study Japanese, bro!"
Sure. But that would have not been beneficial to anyone and implying that it is and that anyone who thinks that advice is bad is retarded is simply me being disingenuous.
The reason why I can explain the studying process with a great amount of detail is because I truly understand the process of studying Japanese. I approached it in a way that I could teach others. Therefore, I reap the benefits of being able to teach it to others

>> No.6472074

Nice just ignoring what I said, I said if they compare their drawing to their reference they'd see what doesn't match up. Like if you can't see these things how the fuck will you ever be able to draw

>> No.6472078

there are magic tutorials though
like drawing on the right side of the face teaches you how to get into a state of mind that makes it fun to do

>> No.6472083

Chances are when someone is asking you how they can learn how to draw, especially on here where the entire board is literally dedicated to this one skill, that person has tried to draw and might've even tried to learn how to draw but because they are so new to drawing, they do not understand how to approach it.

Just Draw, to a beginner, implies that they just continue to draw their bad symbols over and over again until they eventually improve. It DOES NOT imply--as others have erroneously said--you objectively look at your drawings and analyze why they are bad. This is not something a beginner--especially those who started drawing late--will be able to do as they do not understand the process of drawing.

Because this is a board dedicated towards the critiquing of discussing of artwork, it was quite strange for me to discover that the only piece of advice that was thrown around was "just draw." When you pursue any other skill, you never hear anyone just say, "just play the piano" or "just sing" or "just code" etc. There are typically well defined fundamentals that even those who literally just started are going to be aware of such as playing the scales as a pianist or learning the absolute basics of coding--though coding is a bit arbitrary to be honest.

It wasn't until I started to draw a lot more that I realized that most people on here don't actually analyze what they are doing. They kind of treat it like a video game where they simply play and play and play the game until they maybe get good rather than sitting back and analyzing what strategies are the best, what their weak-spots are, and what is worth practicing. This isn't to say you focus too much on strategies, obviously there is a level of performance that must take place, but completely neglecting it for "just playing" or "just drawing" is quite ridiculous.

>> No.6472087

Imagine reading the text of any artbook, it is also pseudo science anon, just copy the pictures and move on.

>> No.6472093

I did not ignore anything and I thought I quite clearly answered that statement but I can go further into detail if you wish.

As explained previously, there is something called an Expert Blindspot which means that those who are good at something will naturally be oblivious to the difficulties that a beginner will face.
In your example of looking at at a drawing and then referring to the reference, a beginner will oftentimes not understand why their drawing looks bad despite the reference being right in front of them. This also proves that you do not understand how beginners think as this is /beg/ 101.

Only after instruction and drawing as much as possible in a calculated manner will you be able to develop the observational skills to be able to pinpoint what exactly is wrong with your drawing. Just because you can do it doesn't mean a beginner can do it.
If we bring it back to Japanese, I can call you an idiot for not intuitively knowing how to use だ but that would be unfair as I have a higher level of understand of Japanese than you so to assume that everyone should know this would simply be arrogant.

>> No.6472100

Okay whatever maybe you're right and some people are just talented or whatever, I doubt it tho, I just think there is a difference in motivation those who just want to draw because they enjoy it and enjoy getting better at it get called talented meanwhile those who want to draw in order to get good or impress someone or make it will forever struggle because they started as adults with other motivations for drawing then the enjoyment of it and that is why they don't understand the just draw advice, they don't understand drawing itself or why they do it. Anyways I've wasted enough of my evening good luck anon I hope you get it one day.

>> No.6472113

you don't need to read it beyond doing the exercises correctly

>> No.6472170

Yeah that's a good point.
A talentless true beginner artist will just draw symbols over and over again until they receive at least some instruction on the need to, and a bit of detail on how to, draw what they see. Of course "drawing what you see" seems obvious to those who have the innate talent to draw what they see (or have learned well enough to have it ingrained), but a lot of beginners do not understand this at all, and don't have the talent to discover it through pure trial and error. A skilled weightlifter will think using powerful muscles like your quads and glutes to drive through the majority of a deadlift is obvious, but a beginner with no instruction and no innate feel for body mechanics told to "just lift" will quite likely just limply fold forward and try to lift the weight using their lower back, probably finding the move uncomfortable or painful and generally failing miserably.

>> No.6472176

If you are an adult trying to learn how to draw it is probably too late for you

>> No.6472183

As an adult beginner I mean

>> No.6472198

niggas, you know you're supposed to read the sticky before posting?

>> No.6472206

Reading is unironically ngmi

>> No.6472232
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>just draw
>read the sticky
so which one is it?

>> No.6472242

neither, just shitpost instead

>> No.6472252
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I will add," Not everything that you draw has to be a masterpiece ". Make doodles,see what bits of them you like or came out well, and make more involved doodles with these things to reference from.

>> No.6472281

>Gets commissions
>Had to draw or otherwise customers kept chasing me
>Eventually became a habit to the point where I wore the artist glove out of habit even when I wasn't planning on drawing thay night

>> No.6472289
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Just draw.

>> No.6472302


>> No.6472304

>>>neuroplasticity >>>imagination >>> reference>>> tracing >>>ai

>> No.6472308

The AIfag would be equivalent to going to McDonald and then taking food pictures to posts them on twitter and then claiming you cooked them.

>> No.6472557

the difference is that you are asking a group of hobbiest to hold your hand for free. if you are that much of a beginner, I'd actually suggest you take drawing 101, because people on one of these forums doesn't really have the time or resources to provide that kind of education, and I felt acting as if you are expecting that to be the norm from this setting is being entitled . I can't force you to practice drawing a specific way or at certain frequency, I can't follow your process correct your approach. I can't grade you on your outcome, and you don't pay me enough to do that.

>> No.6472585
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>people on one of these forums doesn't really have the time or resources to provide that kind of education

>> No.6472586

well, you'll need specialized training to teach people with learning disabilties.

>> No.6472684

since learning takes a bunch of time, the best advice they could give you is trust the years of hard work and eventually you'll see the results.

to get good results, it would make sense to analyze your piece after you've gained enough symbol making abilities and think (not emotionally, constructively)

> "OK, this I lack perspective skills"

this is quite simple to fix, perspective is very tactical, with enough grids you will see where you made a mistake, fix it, remember, draw enough to train your muscle memory and you'll draw buildings in perspective in no time,
if your hand is witty enough you can doodle something abstract in perspective. But to that you need to think with more IQ points,
there are some people breaking down every type of perspective while giving basic overalls on it, then apply into your art

>I don't know how to draw circular, soft shapes

from drawing a lot your hand should get smooth lines quite easily, practice drawing a circle, then lines curving around it, find other shapes from pictures and whatnot, draw a bunch of lines to understand the form, soon instead of blockiness you'll get smoothiness

hate shading? look at how it's done in real life, look at 2 values, thern add a rim light, then maybe really soft shapes with a lighter value, make sure to think how shapes reflect light,
find videos of light traveling across the room, going far and close to the object

you're an artist, and artist observes more than normal people, and if you wanna be a master, you gotta put in some studying into it as well

but never forget this, if you love drawing, you better draw your hands off and "just draw", and we promise you'll get gut

or take things slow, just remember to have fun in it too

>> No.6472779
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>> No.6472789

AI prompting is literally made for autists like you lmao

>> No.6472842

>yeah but how? what do I write?

People ask these kind of questions because they don't really have ideas in their head. People who can "just draw" have images they want to see and to show, people who can just write has a stories to tell.

>> No.6472874

They ask them because they're either lazy , retarded or believe that there is some hidden knowledge that is being kept from them.

>> No.6472879

It means that you should try to spend as much of your time as possible drawing instead of wasting it by complaining on the internet instead.
The thing you are doing right now.

It also means that practice will do much more for you thatn theory.

>> No.6472920

>believe that there is some hidden knowledge that is being kept from them.
There is. It's money. If you're a poorfag don't go into art.

>> No.6472932
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Damn, nigga just don't want to draw.
It's amazing the amount of erudite typing and coping a nigga's gotta do instead of sketching some shit everyday and copy a manga or two.

>> No.6472962
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This is like saying /pol/ is a place to discuss deep political theory or /v/ is a place for people who play video games

>> No.6473013

>>cool, what do i have to eat?
Stuff like brown rice or buckwheat. High on carbs, fiber and protein in latter's case. Good for steady inflow of energy because of slowed down digestion and keeps you more satiated(so it might help with weight loss) unlike pure carbs like sugar or white bread/rice. Processed (sugary?) food might end making you kinda sick, but I don't have much experience on that besides making a mistake of bringing only store-bought protein bars for a hike. On other hand I suppose everyone had the experience of getting sick after sugary foods that didn't quite satiate them.

Running/cycling on empty stomach sounds good on paper, but the energy fall-off once your body has to switch 100% into fat burning is quite awful and it's good only if you're planning to slowly walk home. Having a small carby meal makes the exercise more bearable while your body still burns some fat on the way.

>> No.6473014

This. If you start learning how to draw when you are 20yo, you have only about 60 years left to learn. Why even bother?

>> No.6473016

>ay whatever comes to mind when talking to girls and they'll eventually let you have sex
yeah? the only times i can score its when im drunk and i have no fears so i approach all the girls till i find that one weirdo that likes my retarded self

>> No.6473017

Imagine actually wanting help from anyone here. You aren't that special.

>> No.6473019

>food analogy
You don't need that much dexterity/hand control to cook tasty food. The margin of error is much greater and roughly following the recipe works most of the time.

>> No.6473023

It's not about that, adults have a different mindset towards learning, it is more analytical which is good if you already got some intuitive understanding of drawing. However if you are a complete beg being too analytical is a detriment to your progress it just leads to frustration because you are 20 years old and drawing like a 5 year old.

>> No.6473025


>> No.6473061
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More advice:

Stop being Afraid.

Mistakes,and bad execution will haunt you, but persevere in their despite. In my own case,what I present to the public is usually very different from the source material that I physically draw with ballpoint pens,and pencil for intentionally moulding into two dimensional sculpture that are my finished panels. But what I have "most" of are over 180 pages of a sprawling tale of Jeremey Prickles and a good 70 pages were literally storyboards of when I was able to Do It Properly, which means everything is made of separately drawn chunks pounded by Photoshop into story, So I drew it using the sketchbooks I was dragging into waiting rooms,and an epic story sprung from a random sketch of a demon head. It has both moments of revelation and whiplash pangs at your heart strings. I ordered a flatbed scanner so I can properly showcase my recent art,and the tale I am now telling,and the decision I have made. I am going to be 58 soon,and I am pondering how to proceed. I want to tell as many stories completely as I can, but I want to give the rendering enough work, to at least give a vague impression of what I was aiming for. To balance the art with the storytelling is a tightrope walk:in a page,I want to inch the story foward, at least from these current crop of characters (I had 3 storylines going at once,and all parties have joined up heading towards the end.). So I am just letting the story take me where it will. Yesterday I drew for the first time the daughter of two characters that were my Science fiction comics,a nearly extinct race of bipedal heavyworlder lizardfolk who fly with attached wingfolds under their arms,and they had retractable claws and 360o vision.

They met in a singles bar. Hey,6 was 14. Very 14. Well,there is their daughter stuck in fairy realms because she had the food there,and binds you to that realm. What the hell. Foward momentum!

>> No.6473082

i dont know. i remember i tried to learn to draw for a few months and drew mostly every day for an hour or two but i never made anything but fucking garbage even while following tutorials/advice from others/trying my best to apply what i learned. i think if you are low iq you cannot learn to draw.

>> No.6473084

>i think if you are low iq you cannot learn to draw.
how does it feel to discover that water is wet?

>> No.6473086

it feels bad, i cant learn anything. about the only hobby i can have that isnt watching tv/playing video games/eating food is reading and even then i dont retain most of the information. i wish that it were easier to be stupid but its not.

>> No.6473094

Go one month without watching tv/playing video games/browsing the internet and eating junk food and draw instead and I promise you'll be further ahead then 90% of this board.

>> No.6473097

It's not so much about IQ but rather which part of ur brain that is more developed. I have yet to find an artist that's also extremely good in STEM.

>> No.6473108

The sticky is shit

>> No.6473210


>> No.6473217

There is potential. Will have to see how much they progress before I can conclude they're jack of all trades/generalist than a specialist of both fields.

>> No.6473222

You're one of the most based posters here, unironically

>> No.6473223

Are you an artist?

>> No.6473234
File: 161 KB, 1080x581, Screenshot_20230114_102742_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Codemonkies btfo

>> No.6473248

It was just java but I taught myself to code just to play hackmud lol

>> No.6473256

Currently no but I am working towards becoming one. Starting an art program in college this sept. so I can get some professional opinions and advices.

>> No.6473270

Make sense on why you think that. You’ll end up as >>6473234 if you continue to draw, tourist.

>> No.6473282

idk, stem is pretty easy. It all just comes down to 1+1, no? There's a right and wrong way to do it, and any monkey can follow instructions. Drawing is something extra, something most people can't learn or possess, without years of practice and shaping your brain to do it.

>> No.6473292

I dont wanna end up like them. It sounds stupid but I have loftier goals. You ever heard of Rowan Atkinson? He graduated with a master in science but is also successful and actor and comedian. But he's not gonna on anyone's list for the best actors or scientific minds to grace our earth.
Had a close friend who did ap calculus when we just started out highschool. He skipped a grade for math and physics and was doing year 4 uni level physics by the time we were grade 12. He also obtained a pilot permit for ultra light weight aeroplane since he liked flying as well. I had many friends like this, people who were good or great in multiple things like maths, music, and althetics. But none of them every picked up a pen to write or draw. Compared to them I am not smartest, brightest, or strongest. I dont wanna just draw I wanna make art at the highest level. That's all. Well, thx for reading my blog.

>> No.6473303

>try something
>it doesn't work
>now know it doesn't work so I don't repeat the mistake
What's hard to understand?

>> No.6476386

how did people come up with music theory if they didn't have music theory to help them come up with music theory, you chicken and egg nigger retard?
yes, good performers rarely make good teachers, how does this change the fact that you have to play the piano in order to play the piano?
the reason you're struggling is because you're a midwit, screaming with your mouth open, waiting for someone to give you an ass pat and put gold stars on your homework
until you learn to overcome incompetence and develop personal drive, you cannot be taught, not by artists, nor by the best art teacher to have ever lived, 99% of successful musicians played their instruments for years before even touching academic theory, and some still haven't to this day
ngmi, at anything you will ever do

>> No.6476401

See things you like and try to copy them. Then try to recreate them

>> No.6476472

see all those books? draw every image in them

>> No.6477095

>just cook
>put random things into a pot and boil them, you'll make great food eventually
i actually did that and eventually the food did become edible

>> No.6477096

that just means music theory is prior to music

>> No.6477098

Yes to literally all of this. Are you retarded?

>> No.6477100

>reflecting on Cheng-Zhu School’s principle that “to acquire knowledge one must study things” (格物致知). To practice this principle, Yangming spent seven days doing nothing except staring at, or so to say, studying the bamboos planted in the garden.[5] Not surprisingly, not only did he not learn anything from the bamboos, but Yangming also fell seriously ill after sitting in the garden for seven days.

>> No.6477174

Drawing is a kinesthetic ability, the theory is useless if you don't practice.
Doesn't mean the theory is not worth learning, it means you're a worthless person that will never put effort to anything in their lives, not even something as easy and rewarding as drawing.

>> No.6477199

I am a teacher I get a couple dozen people from zero to drawing bodies in two point perspective every season. "Just draw" is the best advice ever because it separates people who want to draw from subhumans who want to "be an artist" but hate art and have no goals of their own.

I have a couple of those every semester. They're too dumb to grift, too ugly to prostitute, to cowardly for crime. And yet they think they'll succeed with art. If you can't just draw, just give up and stop wasting our time.

>> No.6477330

what do u teach? Art fundies? Illustrations? Or animation?

>> No.6477335
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like this

>> No.6477369
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A lot of people don't have concrete ideas of what they want to draw, or even what they like a lot of the time. Sometimes this is due to a "copying is bad" mind poison, sometimes it's due to a false idea that to "be a master" means that drawing entirely from imagination is the skill to practice.

In general, though, it's that they haven't made a conscious effort to examine their own tastes to where they have anything to say. It can be a compartmentalization issue - happens with coomer artists a lot, where they filter everything "not sexy" into a different mental box and so put almost no new inspiration into their "sexy art box" on the daily.

It could also be a complete disconnect between what they like to consume and what they like to produce - for some, a motivation to create is because of a lack of met desires with what currently exists. In this case they need to examine LOTS of things to know what to "not" make, which by extension gives them the mental negative-space shape of what fits the criteria of what they DO want to make.

Finally, unrelated to the other two, some people really need ultra basic help. Proper posture/desk setup for maximum arm movement is what is missing when a lot of people don't get how to draw from your shoulder, for example. And "How to use a ruler to measure things while drawing" is another, since some people, again, fuck up their mental compartments and remove all other skills from the "drawing" box. The aforementioned inability to compare to reference accurately (along without understanding that tracing can be a tool to help) is another. These are all things that are even more basic than what people call "Fundamentals," they're the kind of shit that almost nobody teaches or talks about outside of an atelier or private instruction.

Most people outside of this hellhole that are parroting "just draw" are assuming that those they speak with are just suffering from a confidence issue like performance anxiety.

Pic rel

>> No.6477378

To expand on point 2 and 3:
Just because someone likes horror doesn't mean they want to draw horror. They may be consumed by loving horror, but want to draw say - something more like Hamtaro or Sanrio.

But if they absolutely can't bear interacting with those media, then they're in a tough spot. They need to really examine what they like in great detail. A structure that works is a venn diagram:

>What I can do as good as them (for beginners this will be mostly empty, this exercise is repeated yearly or every six months or so)
>What elements I want to copy from them
>What elements of theirs I don't want to incorporate into my work

So to continue the example, they may want to draw cute shit and use bold lines and huge eyes, but with some kind of "implied story threads" that are more like the cute, cozy energy found in drawings people do of POKEMON, not hamtaro or sanrio.

>> No.6477390

Exactly. It comes down to talent

>> No.6477427 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6477454

101 is a Betty Edwards resume, mark making with graphite, measuring, grid method, Bargue plates then a still life test.
I literally teach these fuckers six different ways to hold the god damn pencil and they still ask "but how do I draw?".

>> No.6477456

If you can't even draw a circle you're not lacking talent, you're lacking neurons you barely bipedal ape.

>> No.6477464

>just draw
>draw a head
>erase and redraw parts of it
>3 hours later
>still a wonky head
>3 seconds of actual net drawing achieved.

fucking IMAGINE drawing a good line the first time. Imagine just shitting out a doodle and leaving it as it, and people love it.

>> No.6477466

I can draw but it's an uphill battle to make a circle or anything curved without looking like shit. I struggle with hand dexterity too much.

>> No.6477467

>just have a passion to live and a stable mind, bro! you need to be happy to draw!

no wonder women make better artists

>> No.6477484

Drawing is easy, drawing WELL is basically impossible. Its like saying "how can I make a top 10 song?" there's no actual method to do it, otherwise everyone could.

No, learning perspective and anatomy is NOT foolproof. The most popular comics in the world have horrendous anatomy.

No, consistency is NOT foolproof. Which the best artists are consistent, so are the worst artists. That guy who drew thousands of the same smiling face was consistent.

Line quality IS the answer. With beautiful lines you can trace chris chan's art and make it look amazing. Appeal comes from interesting lines that carry your eyes around. It is the only thing that truly matters.

>> No.6477491

Not having absurd expectations does help, yes.

Just sit the fuck down, accept you're an irrelevant piece of shit among 8 billion of the same, and let yourself waste your meaningless time doing shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.6477509

That's partly why asians seem like gods to newbie western artists. Writing in japanese, chinese or korean requires a lot of precision to be legible else you fuck it up. The very act of learning to write an asian script is training line quality from the first day in school, or beforehand.

In fact if you practice copying kana or hanzi you will find your line quality improve dramatically over weeks vs just drawing boxes or circles. You don't have to know wtf you're writing, just copying as accurately as possible. Focusing on the lines, not the meaning.

Posture is also huge as I mentioned here >>6477369

>> No.6477577

Unironically don't understand how to not repeat my mistakes bros. Even when I try to go full retard and randomly scribble to achieve something different, it just feels like my hand is doing the same thing it always does

>> No.6477582

I've been drawing for over 20 years, and "getting good" or "making it" was never the primary impetus day to day, but rather having something that I want to express or see that was unfulfilled from media I was consuming. I got through a lot of hard times and moderated my disposition because I was able to entertain myself. I am far from someone who has "a passion to live" and a stable mind. In fact, I can probably say that my drive to draw everyday is stemming from my degeneracy and resentment.

>> No.6477590

>my hand is doing the same thing it always does
Drawing is a kinethetic ability, you hand literally can't perform motions it doesn't know how to.
You need to ingrain muscle memory by drawing millions, probably even billions, of shapes so that your muscles know how to do what your brain wants them to.

Nerds cry when people say this, but art is more sport than science.

>> No.6477736
File: 495 KB, 800x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder pic related is what "just draw" fags worship

>> No.6477762

Now post an art by "just shitpost walls of text of excuses on /ic all day long, instead of just drawing" fags.

>> No.6477786

well, being able to start drawing unprompted, draw for fun, draw as a hobby, draw as a way of life is the bare minimum, everything follows after that, not before. you can talk all you want about what you are going to study, what fundamentals, what materials, and how long you are going to practice, but if you never do it, its all talk, but my problem is that people who does this seems to lack a intellectual life or personal motivation to want to create, and this is a real roadblock in my opinion. As someone who loves drawing, its rather distressing seeing people having so much trouble participating in some of the most enjoyable and stimulating experience associated with the simple act of drawing.

>> No.6478325
File: 234 KB, 495x480, Bea_majimea1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PYVN, fag

>> No.6478332

>its rather distressing seeing people having so much trouble participating in some of the most enjoyable and stimulating experience associated with the simple act of drawing.
This is it. There's some really weird fulfilling feeling when drawing that nothing else can capture, the level of expression, just getting your thoughts and feelings out there and giving them shape, the feeling of accomplishment, etc. Seeing people who cannot grasp it is real sad, and as you put it, distressing, especially among the emotionally stunted younger generation.

>> No.6478336

Lots of practice, mindful practice not just mindless grind, use techniques like restating and pay attention to those corrections. You are a parent, your hand is your child, and making corrections is the love-filled leather belt you hit them with until they do it right.

>> No.6478345

thanks for writing that

overcoming that fear is a bitch

>> No.6478366

I used to have that fear and managed to turn it around. I just accepted w/e I was about to draw was going to be the worst drawing of my life, and realized that's a great thing, because if what I shit out is the worst I'll ever be, it means everything I make after it has to be better. I celebrated awful drawings, because I COULD tell they were mega shit, I could see obvious mistakes, and try to learn from them for w/e I tried next. The scariest thing (which I've yet to reach), is the point where you draw something, and are unable to see anything wrong with it. You see it often on this board, stubborn /beg/s posting deviantart OC tier trash and insisting nothing is wrong with it. If you know you suck, and what parts you suck at, you can take objectionable action.
The more you think about it, the more daunting it becomes, so just don't think and start filling pages, don't give those thoughts the time of day, spite them. When I finish a drawing, instead of focusing on the shit parts and being depressed, I'll go "hey, that hand didn't come out half bad, maybe I am improving" followed by "fuck you, fear of drawing, I finished another drawing, what the fuck you gonna do? huh? you still scared of drawing little bitch? lmao look at me I filled a page with confidence where you couldn't last year, and I'll do it again tomorrow". I take the same attitude towards shitters and crabs on this board. Every time I finish a drawing or study it's another victory against the faggots who tried to demoralize me and get me to quit. I've decided I'm gonna make it and that's that, anyone saying otherwise is wrong, even if it's my own subconscious. It's not even a question, therefore quitting is wrong, procrastinating is wrong, listening to doomers and AIfags is wrong, and every mark I'm putting down is proof of it.

>> No.6478486

read these posts:

A portion of people get stuck because of perfectionism, a portion of people get stuck and think they have aphantasia (they don't) because of an inability to generate ideas either on-demand or constantly due to issues like mental compartmentalization.

There's also a portion of people who are stuck because of surrounding issues - a lot of NEET artists are longtime /beg/ yet still barely draw. Like how people who avoid conflict may also do so in their own heads, avoiding the opportunity to think about anything stressful. The start of making any artpiece requires broad, rather than focused thought, and people who want to avoid certain things will avoid broad thought.

You all know that motherfucker who leaves dishes dirty for weeks, or who doesn't take the trash out til it's nearly ripping. Some artists do draw a lot and live like animals, but that's a different issue altogether.

>> No.6478502

I do does, during hunting season of course

>> No.6479204

Can only dream to be this based someday.
I'm almost 30 and my drawings still suck, but if you're actually 58, that gives me hope.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.6479339
File: 124 KB, 826x871, 1673542747383637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be autist who hasn't left his room for years since covid lockdowns started
>Already had social problems before lockdowns
>took some advice on /adv/ to just go to someone and speak to them like I'm speaking to a wall to jump start getting used to speaking to people again
>see girl at park
>just pretend she's a statue bro, just walk up to her and speak up, anything is fine!
>Stand right in front of her and repeat the same 3 words: apple, banana, raspberry, apple, banana, raspberry...
>she just looks at me weirded out and slightly backs off
>realise what I'm doing
>Ran away never looked back, wanted to dig a trench and jump in it.
>The memory occasionally resurfaces in my mind and I twitch in response.
There's just no fixing autism is there.

>> No.6479345
File: 302 KB, 634x701, DuLally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I espouse,and firmly believe in, is think less of "good versus bad" but more of "who would buy this". Walk down the aisle of your local greeting card store,and you can see all sorts of art styles that caught the art director's eye sufficiently enough to make them plunk down cash. And also think about how you can make the interpretation of your subject matter Yours. I am seeing the Grim Reaper on the distant horizon, and am doing a balancing act between storytelling and utilizing the art end for providing the future director of the media that will be based on my stuff enough material to make it work. I am getting a flatbed scanner soon,and then I can show all of you what I have been up to for the past year or so. Here is a bad smartphone photo of one,my marijuana fueled return to drawing. And when I get home today,I will smoke a bowl and figure out how a heavyworlder reptilian alien got stuck in Fairy realms (I am calling these the Feygrounds,being too amused by the pun).

>> No.6479351
File: 114 KB, 249x266, 1581787545411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are on a board where you should give free tutoring and mentoring to random people that are here only to farm attention with their art and don't really give a single flying fuck about getting better but only want to draw better because their current art doesn't manage to give them the dopamine they seek
"Just draw" is a filter.
If someone doesn't get it, they out themselves as the attention seeking tards they are.
Someone who actually likes drawing, will instinctually get it and understand the truth of the cosmos by those two words alone.

Also because giving feedback to random anons goes more wrong than right so anons just don't bother putting effort into helping others.
The only ones who do are the ones hungry and desperate for clout.

>> No.6479388
File: 906 KB, 1860x1384, snowglobe74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is,Art is sort of a Religion.

Or at least I consider thinking hard about the world,and trying to change it for the better through a subversive children's book series, Adding to the Zeitgeist with the funhouse mirror of your soul. To Create is to be of the Creator, and as I,in a sense,act as documentor of the story I am making, its events all significant, its pain very real,and the tears of joy as well. I want to inflict that powerful force on the unsuspecting public, make them get invested,get them to care,and if I cannot claim wisdom, I might be able to awaken something in others.

>> No.6479394

>"how do I swim?"
>"lol just swim"

>> No.6479399
File: 132 KB, 900x444, creating_ourselves_zzz_by_jeremeyprickles-d6pxgel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me now interpret this rather glib phrase Just Draw :

To someone who has never drawn a line,I would advise that phrase,and this simple excercise...on a drawing pad of good quality, scribble on a page lightly in pencil for a count of 1-2-3 and then look at the shapes and see what they suggest to you. Then in pen,draw over the shape,and add to it. This will help alleviate the WhuhTuhDruh symptoms of stupification and apathy. And I would also remind them that what they are doing is Exploring, don't take it seriously, have fun,and discover what you can do.

>> No.6479404

"just draw" is only a piece of the puzzle. you could spend 10 years drawing but if you don't do it MINDFULLY your growth will be slow. some will require an outside perspective or advice on how to improve their weaknesses, which makes "just draw" a near-useless advice. basically it's only good for lazy people who don't have the habit or the discipline. I would add that mindfulness and the ability of learning from your work can be obfuscated for those with specific personality traits but the good news is that a growth mindset can be cultivated. I was struggling with this lack of a proper mindset due to a very bad childhood and all the videos I could find about art were from artists who were supported by their families and never had crushing mental hangups.

>> No.6479824

You're not autistic. You did that to have a quirky story to greentext on 4chan. Then you realized it was more embarrassing that you first expected, and it pains you to remember, not enough to not post it here it though.

>> No.6479987

>Moron jumps into the deep end instead of practicing in shallow enough water for them to stand up in

>> No.6479995

>but if you don't do it MINDFULLY

If you need to be told this you're honestly just dumb. You need to be able to figure things out on your own to truly progress as an artist. Even as a kid looking for any kind of instructions on the basics from books or teachers and doing daily studies on a variety of subjects felt like the obvious answers to learning.

>> No.6480002

I'd say that doing this with art is harder than some other things, since most people begin their formal practice/education with bad habits and flawed ways of doing things which need to be overcome to make progress. If you're learning driving or coding, most people start their education from practically total zero, so all they have to go on is what they're told.

>> No.6480031

lmao why do u think there are lifeguards on the beach?

>> No.6480309

you rock anon, i love these so much, your work has so much soul and i hope you reach as many people as possible, godspeed, where can i read your comic?

>> No.6480351

/ic/ has made me too scared to draw because I don't want to accidentally draw wrong and get into bad habits from it

>> No.6480353
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20230118_22_56_37_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag (>>6480309) but i went down a rabbit hole of your art after you posted these and i drew your little guy, keep on going prickles sama, some of the stuff in your dA gallery was mind blowing

>> No.6480415

If only it was so easy to get rid of permabegs and nodraws

>> No.6480687
File: 747 KB, 1856x1399, snowglobe71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, DeviantArt has the only examples of my strip presently. Once Covid came and devoured my finances, I lost both my archive on the hosting server and the domain name to China,who may not be still squatting on it,since it simply doesn't have anything load instead of some random Asian gibberish to send a visitor elsewhere. I fell into a deep depression when that happened, seeing no point in continuing the Snowglobe storyor anything else. But marijuana has resparked the urge to draw again, and soon I will be able to properly scan my artwork for showing here. I am thinking about reintroducing the Snowglobe story at some other venue, after I composed a few new strips summarizing the first few dozen of the first entries that were mere storyboards for when I was going to have the time to redo them properly, which never happened. That would mean also having the time to generate new strips,which,according to the news that I had at work,may once again be in short supply. But for now,I am just happy with what I am producing,warts and all, and will forge ahead whatever happens at the job. The other angle of creating/promoting the IP I had was to bundle everything up as the "JP Experience",explaining that I am a Writer with an Artistic Bent(to offset the unprofessional art),and shop it around to agents hungry for exploitable new franchises to peddle. In this climate of AI generated art versus homemade Soul,it just might work.

A Mad Plan, worthy of Jeremey.

>> No.6480764
File: 787 KB, 1000x707, snowglobe166cleanzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An excuse to post some strips?

Why,thank you!

>> No.6480768
File: 382 KB, 1177x858, snowglobe89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An excuse to post some strips?

Why,thank you again...

>> No.6480779
File: 469 KB, 698x1000, Divergence A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of my latest work,abandoned because of a poor choice of inking. Now that I have a scanner,I may go back to doing everything in pencil with just a touch of ink for real darkness. Then I can draw everything separately, then assemble the panels in Photoshop. I want to finish the story that I am working on presently, then go back and add all of the details. Then I can make future stories the processed kind. For now,I am artistically stumbling head forwards through the story,letting it define itself. I am going to make a flashback sequence of the alien's plunge into Fairy realms, but undecided whether or not to confine it to one page. When I can post some which might be tonight,then you can be amazed along with me.

>> No.6480784
File: 204 KB, 762x1049, chestnutburr_and_toadstool_by_jeremeyprickles-daqwptv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the award for Needs to Be Made into Action Figures are these guys. Chestnut Burr and Toadstool

>> No.6480785
File: 822 KB, 1855x1401, snowglobe59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6480788
File: 949 KB, 1854x1397, snowglobe53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6480791
File: 678 KB, 1844x1393, snowglobe47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6480794
File: 1.01 MB, 1084x785, snowglobe154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one. For now. Thank you for your patience and enthusiasm.

Me trying to invent Fairy Army Unit Types.

>> No.6480843

Grab an anatomy book and redraw every image you see.

>> No.6480848

I really like your drawings but its hard for me me to pick characters from the backgrounds sometimes

>> No.6480860
File: 1.78 MB, 1535x2054, IMAG002 (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And speaking of storytelling, the alien who was stuck in Fairy realms was put there by a Mad Scientist.

This guy,a sketch from the late 80s.
Because I can.

>> No.6480901
File: 468 KB, 2733x2995, fAeexPm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the art of a guy on reddit who has been trying to learn how to draw for 2-3 years. Just accept that if you don't get "just draw" you are like this person either low iq, retarded or mentally ill.

>> No.6480944

nice to see they have their brand of schizo

>> No.6481062

At least they draw.

>> No.6481117

Well I think if you are an adult and draw like that after 3 years you get some rope asap.

>> No.6481124


>> No.6481136

so...just draw lol

>> No.6481165

it means "draw something in your comfort zone"

>> No.6481189

It means "critique" (shit on) other artists on /ic/ but never actually drawing anything yourself.

>> No.6481341

The question is... how am I supposed to draw when I can't draw?

>> No.6481406

make sure to give yourself prompts if you have a hardtime coming up with ideas to draw
color, poses, references, actions, one sentence stories or three strings of emoji are enough to get most people going

>> No.6481412

based old man
hope you're doing great out there

>> No.6481414

Doodle if you have to. As far as trial/error/skill goes, you have to push yourself to execute an idea if you want it badly enough. No other person can accurately recreate what you see in your mind except yourself.

>> No.6481449

Drawing is surprisingly high Iq similar to programming. You break down problems into smaller pieces making sure you understand what is required. In this case, you want to draw lineart but it looks like shit, how do you make it better? Then you realize you have to go deeper and break them down into even more parts so small you doubt you will even like drawing.
>thick versus thin
>confident lines

>> No.6481597

You take a sheet of paper, and a pencil and you draw on it.

>> No.6481616


>> No.6481619


>> No.6481633
File: 449 KB, 1484x2073, IMAG001 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in some good quality drawing pads,and one pad of Bristol board. And,for now,black ballpoint pens,and a pencil.

Take the pad,and for a count of 1-2-3,scribble lightly with the pencil. Now see what the random shapes suggest to you. If this squiggle looks like a face use the pen to highlight those marks,and add details of your own. Feel free to draw upside down if the random shapes look promising. And,importantly, know that this is a way to awaken your imagination, and don't be disappointed with your first outings into art,even trying is to be applauded.

>> No.6482265

i love your art so much. What's your workflow and do you have any tips for drawing in good old bic ballpoint pens?

>> No.6482406

Source? I wanna laugh.

>> No.6482410

I respect their dedication. What's going on with the girl?

>> No.6482416

She's at the beach with an angry homeless man who dreams of bikinis and sealife symbols

>> No.6482458

It takes years to draw just passably assuming a modicum of talent. Anyone can grind the skills needed for a codemonkey job in a few weeks even if that won't earn them any formal qualifications.

>> No.6482977

don't get so caught up with materials, tools, and resources. this is a beginners trap, and you will grow very slowly if at all, as your time is spent accumulating resources but not actually practicing. you are trying to find that "perfect" tool/material/resource/tutorial that will boost your skill overnight, it's not going to happen. just get to it, learn the fundamentals, observe, and draw. you will naturally grow with time.

>> No.6483077
File: 103 KB, 1058x788, to zo art comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6483100

You can just punch. Doesn't mean you'll be a boxer.
You need to learn how to move your feet, your head, hit the gym, etc. You can't just punch the air and expect to Mike Tyson one day.

>> No.6483123

A zoomer through and through

>> No.6483191

I changed my attitude to something similar like this but more often than not I just end up making ovals and circles for a couple hours because I don't know how to do anything else other than draw from reference, poorly

>> No.6483196

Then draw from reference.

>> No.6483216

Yeah, I'll go do that

>> No.6483323

Drawing isnt hard. Pick up a pencil and make marks. Recreating what you want in your head exactly is.

>> No.6483385

>>put random things into a pot and boil them, you'll make great food eventually
that's how every recipe was invented, though. You try something new and see if you like it. And yes, people died this way by throwing in poison stuff but somebody's got to figure out what's poison.

>> No.6483386

>won't know what they're supposed to change about their recipe to make it work
the more you cook the more you understand the patterns and figure it out. How do you think babies learn to walk?

>> No.6483391

Not really. All I have to do is put a boxing glove get inside a ring and box. It doesnt matter if I lose every single fight. You know Abraham Lincoln is in the wrestling hall of fame despite him never fighting a single professional match or being trained in the sports. All we have are anecdotes of him beating up a couple hooligans and farmers. And that makes him one the greatest wrestlers out there.

>> No.6483546

>You can just punch. Doesn't mean you'll be a boxer.
So close and yet so far.
Just draw is literally hitting the gym. Theory is useless if you don't develop the muscles so that you can put the theory to use.

You will 100% draw better if you spend a month just drawing whatever the fuck, than if you spend a month reading theory but not drawing.

Otherwise all of you nodraw losers who keep looking for secret shortcuts would be good already. All you do is hoard theory without ever training to be able to put it in motion.

>> No.6483638

>all of you nodraw losers

When did I say you shouldn't just draw you dumb fuck. I'm saying you should think about what you're drawing and how you can make it better.
Begs think just drawing is literally just doodling aimesly and get tired of trying because you keep screaming the same retarded shit.

>> No.6484221
File: 658 KB, 1592x1600, IMAG001 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am constantly shopping around for good ballpoint pens,and atm am having good luck with Zebra Z-grip with "Advanced Black ink",and I can get tiny lines very easily with it. Some inks have a tint of red to them that makes a mess of reproduction, and some pens have gel ink that makes my drawings muddy.

As to "workflow",I am letting the story go where it will. I left a bottom corner blank for my next drawing session, and on a lark decided to make the mad scientist be the subject of one of my oldest works,and after promising myself to not get too diverted with a flashback sequence, made the next page a splash of him firing a big ass gun,and I feel welcome to a lengthy aside.

Pic related is the only thing that I have lying around with the species of alien telling the flashback story, and a brief flirtation with acrylic paint.

>> No.6484303

A lot of people don't actually have ideas all that often. It's not anxiety or perfectionism about making the drawing, it's that they sit down, don't know what to draw, and then do like >>6483191
Drawing random shapes is still useful, but there is an element of art where you have to actually try to examine your tastes and influences in detail.

A lot of people seem to think that artists just "have to make new and creative art from ideas in their heads" like they have to take a shit or it will build up in them like constipation. But that isn't the reality. You have to really self-examine what you like, why and what elements of those things you like, and what you don't.

References are good, but know what references to keep - SPECIFIC TO WHAT YOU WANNA DRAW - is hugely important. Not "saving every tutorial you find", not "saving a bunch of "royalty free model" shots. IF you want to draw mecha? Save mechanical images. Save vehicles, save electronics, save scifi things. Save manufactured objects. Or don't! If you wanna draw super robots instead, look at things like armor, focus on aesthetics you enjoy and so on.
You wanna draw cute girls? Well you first need to know what kinds of girls you find cute and then make an effort to save those.

To be a good artist requires knowing yourself, your tastes, and using that information to propel your work.

>> No.6484327
File: 7 KB, 199x136, 1002329_543662025681146_1575305129_n.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord, the amount of text in this thread.

>> No.6484337

seethe illiterate

>> No.6484494
File: 76 KB, 900x691, comparison-is-the-thief-of-joy-julia-suits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6484511

NyOoooO Mittens will starve. Poor thing.

>> No.6484619


>> No.6484632

It means don't unjust draw

>> No.6484659

I would rather write than waste my time on drawing.

>> No.6484763
File: 301 KB, 1086x789, snowglobe119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now consider myself a Writer with an Artistic Bent, mainly to excuse making strips like these,with word balloons needing spreading out over a second page. But...as I was making these things up Then and There,and not doing preliminary storyboards to compose each panel, I got what I got.

Rohld Dal has his own drawings in his books. Its very simple cartoon depictions of the characters, and "works",and when Danny Devito directed Matilda,he referenced the drawing of the Evil Headmistress that Rohld did,and got it right! So if prose is more efficient for telling your own stories, go for it. Comics is mine. And I encourage everyone to try different media if the one you are trying disappointed you. The Urge to Create has Awakened,and must be fed with accomplishments and audacity. Even this AI fueled art bonanza, you could still run that program on your own computer, theoretically,and generate your own crop of source material that you could assemble into comic panels featuring your story told through these images.

>> No.6484789

That's why I like prompting, it actually invokes my writing talent and pushes me to use it to best describe an image, because an AI will actually listen to me unlike an uppity artist.

>> No.6484794
File: 341 KB, 1078x790, snowglobe130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Wall of Text strip,exploding with exposition. Stuffing the scene with word balloons, stuffing the words into the balloons and adjusting the writing to fit the space with the same sentiment conveyed. I got ideas and I gotta squirt them DEEP into my work,even if the work has to take a visual pounding. But if one views these pages not as Professional Comic Art,which I admit that it isn't, then again it's simply what happened under my pen in waiting rooms. I did it for 9 years,and 180 strips of story unfolded from a random sketch of a demon head.

>> No.6484809

Absolute visual assault. The art is fine for what it is, and I get that your point is apparently to present your writing with illustration, but goddamn. Try splitting the panels up and giving the viewer room to breathe.

>> No.6484825

if you have a why you can overcome any how.
start on what you are, who you want to be and inevitably you will act

>> No.6484872
File: 260 KB, 1080x707, IMAG007 (1) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am aware of its flaws. And I am pointing out that it's flawed,but as a storyboard for another medium, such as film,it serves the purpose of showing the scene, and getting the dialogue in. The words are important, and dominated my composition of the page. Here is another wall of exposition, but I balanced it out with a detailed drawing of the Heart of Blizzards.

>> No.6484890

Can you stop samefagging in this thread you lonely degenerate boomer, your art is shit and no matter how many times you samefag no one else is interested.

>> No.6485835

[Citation needed]

>> No.6486176

if you put man in room with paper and pencil he can eventually learn to draw

if you put man in room with piano he can eventually learn how to play

will either man draw or play amazing? maybe, maybe not.

but will they be better than they were? yes

>> No.6486181

sometimes I stare into the blank canvas and just cry until I fall asleep.

>> No.6486201

impossible to read
I hate furries, boomers, and westcuck boomer furries so much, it's disgusting
imagine drawing that shit and expecting somebody to read it

>> No.6486202

same as >>6486201

>> No.6486207

art is for the artist, not you, brainlet

>> No.6486384

ending up like this is my biggest fear
t. beg

>> No.6486402
File: 465 KB, 686x1029, IMAG002 (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, if you have been reading what I have posted along with these samples,it WASN'T meant for public consumption, just storyboards for my own reference for a day that I would do it properly, like THIS page. But the time never arrived, and instead of uploading nothing, I started putting up the other stuff. Although flawed, although crampt,although rough,there is a story full of comedy, history, drama and elation, even if you have not the wit to see it.

>> No.6487875
File: 288 KB, 768x1024, 20230123_233055 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I am working on tonight. I have my scanner,but have to figure out technical issues to get it running, and I will do that once I have stuff to scan in as finished.

>> No.6487878
File: 1.54 MB, 3024x4032, 20220523_183503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is a page half inked badly of an attempt at another story.

>> No.6487879
File: 276 KB, 768x1024, 20220512_113411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this was the uninked version.

>> No.6487882
File: 1.69 MB, 3024x4032, 20220427_121956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the inked second attempt.

>> No.6488453
File: 2.05 MB, 3024x4032, 20230124_095715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Designing the Crew,and just now I put a top hat on this angry dwarf,and from a hatch white rabbit dolls emerge. Although these are physically plush toys filled with sand,they are also animated and competent with infiltration and assault,and there seems to be no limit as to how many can be pulled from it,more like a power extending its influence through the deployment of minions. I will decide on the alien's relationship with the hat,what the hat IS,DOES,AND SIGNIFIES,even its appearance will mean "something" to its history. I have already decided that his name is Batasta,something Throop the Three headed ogre would yell as a general curse. Batasta is perpetually angry,and I am contemplating having his whole species being dumpy raging dwarves,just so I can do a story of the crew being dragged to his cousin's wedding.

I like him.

>> No.6488537

Fuck off to the beg thread you retard.

>> No.6488801
File: 190 KB, 660x449, A1A87C27-0E86-448A-B2A0-ABEFCB95BE18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at your work, don’t take this the wrong way anon but you might have hypergraphia. Why do you fill the page to capacity? This is very unappealing and stressful to look at. Consider negative space. Don’t cram everything into a tiny space.

You seem to have some pretty cool schizo-style content but it’s hard to consume. I’d suggest working on S P A C I N G so that others can actually read your stuff. Right now, everything you make attacks the senses in a bad way. Stop it. Stop.


>> No.6488806

To be fair, it takes far less time to know if what you tried to cook was good or not. For drawing, it does take some time for you to realize you are doing it wrong.

>> No.6489638
File: 105 KB, 640x480, 29wWKpmE8_xqoC_4YYSwVUu0SjvQ45sg3RYAExHmz2U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can call a religious conviction a Mental Aberration, guilty as charged. And the other samples you pointed out were failed experiments, and a splash page that evolved on its own. And I want to be my own Gerhard and give my environments the solidity of pages like this:

>> No.6490460

I don't like drawing because I'm not good at drawing. And I'm not good at drawing because I don't like drawing, It was easier to overlook my lack of skill when I was a kid, but now I just feel foolish whenever I try to draw and end up with shit that's would only belong on a mother's refrigerator. It's frustrating when I feel like the average 5th grader can draw better than me.

>> No.6494070

just draww

>> No.6494201

>I don't like drawing
Then don't draw. Stop wasting everyone's time with your whining.

>> No.6494254

Me, until I read this, i'll start doing it because I actually have a rather large .txt file with a ton of ideas that I left "for later"

>> No.6494434

I'm not gonna delude myself like a dunning kruger permabeg

>> No.6494987

Yes because drawing kills you. Retard.

>> No.6495409

>"lol just swim"
>cannonballs into the mariana trench
>reaches half the depth before starting to suffocate
>alien lifeforms save him and give the ability to breathe underwater
>gets involved in underwater alien politics
>gets caught as a leader of a revolutionary group
>the government in power order him to isolation in a remote prison
>remembers the horrible things i've done in the name of being right
>removes the aparutus that lets him breath

>> No.6497008
File: 1.68 MB, 1456x1090, IMG_0028.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6497257

that's how kids are taught to swim
don't tell me you are an n worder and never learned?

>> No.6497311

>just gonna draw for 5 minutes
>most painful 5 minutes of my life
>every bone in my body screaming at me to do something else
>lie in bed
>think about drawing
imagine having a neurotypical mind free of mental illness

>> No.6497323

People say to set a timer and force yourself to draw but that just makes it hurt more. I keep cutting the time down from an hour to 30 minutes, to ten minutes, to five minutes. Now just drawing for 10 seconds feels like as much work as getting dressed and going to the store. I have to concentrate all day and collect energy to draw for ten seconds. Its fucking over for me

>> No.6497345

thanks it finally "clicked"

>> No.6497843
File: 933 KB, 800x781, 1668640580194303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visual thinker disease. Severely underdeveloped ability to explain ideas verbally with sufficient detail. Common trait among artists. Incapable of merely just saying 'place your hand onto the dog's fur, the head, neck or back should be ok, pressing lightly and then stroking back, lifting your hand and repeating.' Instead visualizes an entire world where they yell at a strawman for being mentally deficient, likely to no fault of their own. Cannot even fathom that not everyone processes information in the same way and thus not everyone will find the things they are able to intuit are as intuitive in their case. Has the gall to mock the intelligence of others regardless. How sad.

>> No.6497864

I fcking hate all of you smelly shit eating retards.

NGMI youre not gonna make it its over die youre not talented i dont like your art and your progress is bad give up its over hahahaha art is about being like good and shit and if ur not good ur not gonna make it so give up and kill yourself please..

Or just fucking make art and enjoy it

>> No.6497870

Imagine like worrying about what random retards think about your art after you had fun making it.. Oh wait people dont have fun making art because theyre psueds who want clout little base animal instinctual niggertards i wanna be famous oooo wah wha shut the fuck up you kill your body stressing over NOTHING.

>> No.6497874

By "just drawing" you'll find problems that need solving, that's it. After that you study, train and try again until you get better.

>> No.6497889

I've learned to play piano as a kid, but I don't find that skill and drawing at all comparable. There are a lot more requisite knowledge before you can play that instrument in a coherent manner, but drawing is much more basic. Now if you are talking about drawing to certain competencies regarding to certain subjects then that's a different matter, but nevertheless its an education you are looking at, however its still possible to pick up a pen and start and still get something out of it, again, its not the end of improvement, but its the basic requirement, that you need to be able to just start and draw on your own without having being prompted and keep yourself interested, otherwise, go to a school.

>> No.6497921
File: 94 KB, 1219x807, 1674496410823442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not our fault that you are mentally disabled.

>> No.6497954

Your arrogance is ironic. Perhaps you're confusing me for the strawman or perhaps some other anon in this thread. I am merely pointing out the common trait among artists: the inability to clearly express their ideas clearly with words, and the air of smug superiority they possess when demonstrating their utter failure to explain even the most basic fundamental skills and instead opt to offer a facile platitude. 'Just draw' is a sorry excuse for advice, worthless to any beginner who wishes to obtain real skill without forming bad habits or practicing incorrect technique. It is ludicrous to assign them with the daunting task of reinventing the wheel when you could just as easily offer direction or list off resources you have used. Any veteran in any field of interest is able to do this, apparently save for artists. You want to say "start small," but instead you say nothing, and falsely assign yourself the status of an intellectual superior to a human being doing what in most circumstances SHOULD be the wisest course of action: asking for advice from someone more experienced; and instead they find themselves cursed to interact with halfwits who literally cannot use their words (except to project their own self-contempt onto you for no reason).
You are not some aristocratic elite. Your passion is making pictures. Learn how to share it or stop leeching off communities expressly formed to foster artistic development for whatever vainglory you're deriving from them.

>> No.6498005

beg, NGMI