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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 183 KB, 750x750, drawabox-demo-dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6461421 No.6461421 [Reply] [Original]

I am a beg who want to learn how to draw people, I got recommended drawabox as a way to learn the fundamentals. I am currently on lesson 2, an anon here linked me the drawabox figure drawing course https://web.archive.org/web/20160101153257/http://drawabox.com/lesson/8 and now I want to kms. Did I just waste my time drawing 250 boxes because someone who draws figures like this told me to?

>> No.6461425

As always, learn perspective and gtfo

>> No.6461427

just quit drawing

>> No.6461435

Is that why this course was made?

>> No.6461436 [DELETED] 

If the DAB admin to run across state traffic 250 times I bet you'd do it, too.

>> No.6461439

If the DAB admin asked you to run across state traffic 250 times I bet you'd do it, too.

>> No.6461444
File: 1.27 MB, 311x498, hit-or-miss-gun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just learn the forms and just apply it to personal work instead of drawing it 250 times like a dunce.

>> No.6461451
File: 60 KB, 440x1179, example_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I fell for a meme then, I should have done my research on the artwork of the creator, just sucks spending my time on something and then seeing the creator draw things like this.

>> No.6461454

Yes, if you want to do this kind of drawing get Scott Robertson's books.

>> No.6461471

of course

>> No.6461480
File: 76 KB, 1200x675, glow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well congratulations, Irshad. You crabbed another /beg/. Now what's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.6461482

Crashing the /beg/ thread with no survivors.

>> No.6461486

The absolute state of DABfags.

>> No.6461534

>doing the course they removed themselves

>> No.6461558

>illiterate and didn't read the thread.

>> No.6461573

Pretty sure the main value in DAB is to develop an intuitive feel for perspective, which helps fill in the gap between mechanical perspective (which is covered by multiple sources) and creative sketching which generally adheres to perspective basics. Beyond that, there's probably better, more in depth sources for whatever else he covers.

>> No.6461577

How is it possible to not improve from doing 250 boxes? Either, you already knew 2 point perspective going into it, or you didn’t improve after 250 repetitions?

>> No.6461578

You must take red, blue, and green pen to mark on top of ALL of your Kyubes and if the stars do not align 100% you must keep practicing the Kyube 250 more times.

>> No.6461586

That's not my point, my point is that I wasted my time doing a course of someone who draws like the link I put in the op.

>> No.6461590


You didn't waste your time, you learned a valuable lesson moving forward. Always do your research on the instructor before taking a course. See if they teach in-person classes or teach for a living. See if they're in the industry of your choosing. Find past student work to see their results.

>> No.6461591
File: 68 KB, 720x575, example_arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure but what is the point if the creator draws like pic rel when it comes to humans.

>> No.6461593

this is what happens when you spend your days drawing boxes

>> No.6461594

Yeah that's true, I just thought it would be worthwhile seeing how popular it seemed, are the people who recommend it just intent on making people waste their time?

>> No.6461595

low /beg/ can't recognize the value here

>> No.6461601

anon there has to be tens of thousands of people you can choose to start learning gesture and anatomy from, and this by far is the worst one I've seen, AND the most popular

>> No.6461603

Then don't draw humans like him. Once you develop a basis for roughly guesstimating perspective while sketching, switch to some other instruction.

>> No.6461605

For something which talks about perspective and form a lot that example sure looks flat.

>> No.6461606

>Be me
>want to draw humans
>look for beginner advice
>"use drawabox it is great for beginners and you need to learn the fundamentals in order to draw humans"
>starts drawabox
>draws 250 boxes like a retard instead of 250 arms or heads etc.
>looks up how the course creator draws humans
>kills myself.

>> No.6461607

draw a box is only good for teaching you the gist of perspective and construction as well as give a few exercises to do to practice line work, and maybe getting you into the habit of just drawing even if it's something small. It's only a wasted time after lesson 2 and didn't learn anything.
If you don't like the way he constructs people then just find another artist who constructs and draws them in a way that you do like and apply what you know and what you like to that method. Burne hogarth, Loomis, Michael Hampton and Vilppu are the general go tos method on /IC but there's dozens more you can prob find.

>> No.6461609

another one I just remembered. Without knowing what you're going for in terms of drawing, there's not much I can suggest

>> No.6461611

this is just horrible advice

>use DAB to learn how to draw so you can use it to draw people better
>no don't actually follow how he draws people because its objectively pre-beg tier
>actually just use someone else entirely to learn people, dont worry you did draw boxes though!

>> No.6461612

How is it usefull when the creator of the course draws like this >>6461591

>> No.6461613


Drawing is only learned by long hard practice. You can't learn it quickly, and you won't learn it quickly. Drawing is always hard. You always have to work at it, even after forty years

>> No.6461614

I literally just explained it's good for learning the basics of construction and perspective. Don't try to run before you know how to walk

>> No.6461615

anon I'm not same person but what point is there learning from someone if they can't even do what they're teaching

>> No.6461617

But if that is the end result of someone doing this course then WHAT IS THE POINT?

>> No.6461618

You're right, don't bother trying to develop a better sense of freehand perspective.

>> No.6461619

what are they talking about, dab lessons 1-2 is literally just construction and perspective, anything after that is just applying it to animals and static objects

>> No.6461620

You're a crab I get it. Pyw.

>> No.6461621

This thread is literally just to send more people down the rabbit hole of wasting time.

Wheres that anon that encouraged people to draw boxes for an entire year as a good introduction for new people

>> No.6461623

Lol I remember doing this a while ago.
Pretty fun

>> No.6461625

A crab? I just said you're right.

>> No.6461626

to learn perspective and construction and how to apply it. It's not a full art school, drawing a person requires a few other skills such as gesture, anatomy and understanding primary secondary and tertiary forms. Dab is a good start but it's not the finish.

>> No.6461627

I'm still not that anon, and you're still literally not giving a single reason to why you wouldn't just start with someone who can actually draw what they teach, why would a beginner not just start with loomis or any other /ic/ known

>> No.6461633

A good start point to make you hate drawing. When a kid wants to draw they just ask mommy to buy a Chris Hart anime book off Amazon and away they go. But adults on reddit tell you to suffer through some guys regurgitation of dynamic sketching.

The official dynamic sketching course does not tell you to draw 250 boxes.

>> No.6461634

Looks like simplified anatomy, something to make the human form easier to parse for the beginner mainly training themselves with perspective and basic forms. I'm not sure what's wrong here OP.

>> No.6461638

Loomis and vilppu aren't as /beg friendly and assumes you already know a decent amount of construction and perspective, but I never said there's nothing wrong with starting somewhere else.

>> No.6461640

the method he teaches works, he's just bad at it

>> No.6461643

>Loomis and vilppu aren't as /beg friendly
Did you forget about fun with the pencil? Vilppu manual is also the exact same thing.

>> No.6461646

To be honest, it's probably because people here are always, ALWAYS looking for that perfect, absolute step by step guide that will perfectly teach them everything and anything about art, with no ambiguity and in the simplest terms. They want to be hand held through the whole process, and that's just not feasible. From what I see of DAB, it's attempting to teach people in that very way, starting with simple forms that can be easily rotated and manipulated and people STILL miss the point and complain.

Drawing is a thinking exercise. OP will always waste their time if they never use their critical thinking skills to apply what they do to what they want to do. This is the problem with people begging for tutorials, there are plenty of them out there, but the people requesting them don't seem to know how to learn.

>> No.6461661

>No form
>no perspective
>flat as fuck
>bad anatomy
>shitty linework
>look at the top of his head
Yeah I'm not sure either.

>> No.6461667

Explain why someone should follow the course even though the creator is beg level at drawing humans.

>> No.6461673

Not him, but don't follow the course.

>> No.6461674

People follow the advice from here despite /ic/ population is 95% /beg/

>> No.6461677

it's good at teaching the basics of construction and perspective, just don't fall for the draw 100000 box trap, basically what first post said

>> No.6461678

Yes, simplified, just as the site says it is.
You don't do heavy rendering for forms that are meant to be simplified to teach the user. I'm not sure what you're expecting.

>> No.6461684

> Drawing is a thinking exercise. OP will always waste their time if they never use their critical thinking skills to apply what they do to what they want to do.
I'm not advocating for DAB, I'm saying you need to put more effort in to learning the skill in order to get to where you want, there will be no perfect step-by-step guide for you.

>> No.6461685

>no form
>no perspective
>flat as fuck
> shitty linework
>bad anatomy
"Hurr it is good for begs to learn from this"

>> No.6461691

I fucking knew it
it’s always the low-begs that are obsessed with how certain artists draw specific things that say pyw rather than the ints who know how to distinguish the good advice from the bad

and no, I’m not posting my work for you trashy begs

>> No.6461693

pre beg spotted

>> No.6461694

I just wish I used my critical thinking before starting this course.

>> No.6461699

If you are gonna give me advice on drawing humans you better post some humans you've drawn so I don't waste my time, it is the only valuable lesson I learned from drawabox.

>> No.6461700
File: 344 KB, 750x1000, 2023-01-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks boring gesture drawing for animators by walt stanchfield looks funner

>> No.6461704

Every once in a while, someone really skilled would do a demonstration here or explain a theory, and then beg posters would copy those drawings or paraphrase the text for future arguments. In doing so, they introduce errors and vagaries, or take things out of context. We tend to call these people parrots.
Draw A Box is a parrot. It is presented with much effort and organization, but it's a parrot nonetheless. It is not without value, but do not confuse poor implementation for incorrect theory.

>> No.6461709

I’m right here faggot and I never said an entire year but I know you flaming faggots need to strawman everything in order to process it through your room temperature iq heads
>learn absolute basic line control
>1-2 months drawing straight lines
>learn perspective
>1-2 months drawing boxes
it’s not supposed to make you good at drawing what you want and I never said you had to grind boxes all day
you’re supposed to supplement this with drawing whatever it is you want to draw since the only way you can learn how to draw what you want to draw is to actually draw it

but I’m sure that’s far too high iq
maybe you can educate me on Ebonics so I can intertwine it to fit your nigger intelligence

>> No.6461718

>start with loomis as an absolute beg
artists who were never beginners past the age of 18 are still giving out this tired ass advice
if this were true then explain why begs don’t actually learn anything through loomis

oh, wait, don’t tell me
it’s “their” fault that they can’t learn
it’s all so tiresome

>> No.6461726

If it’s figure drawing you’re after just go for a figure drawing course. Basics in draftsmanship and perspective are plenty useful skills, so shitting on the course altogether is retarded.
You wouldn’t get mad at Keys to Drawing for not teaching you how to paint with acrylics and you wouldn’t get mad at Perspective Made Easy for not teaching you anatomy. Just watch Vilppu and stop making shitty threads.

>> No.6461729

This is the level that doing drawabox will get you to, permabeg. Remember when you say pyw to a drawabox fag this is what they would post if they dared.

>> No.6461737

Makes sense, just gonna go out and murder murder anyone who recommended this first thougk

>> No.6461745

Yes. Nobody wants to waste their limited time on an activity with no actual plan or promise of paying off. Honestly I don't think art is even worth getting into. There's a reason so many artists are depressed.

>> No.6461746

Is this the work of the same people who give advice here and on reddit?

>> No.6461748


>> No.6461782
File: 37 KB, 731x374, gwege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are misinformed. When we say "loomis" on this board it's just a shorthand way of directing someone to the fundamentals without having to type out a wall of text for every stupid question. Newfags don't understand this. The Loomis books are a great coffee mat on your desk and can be flipped through to understand what something the fundies are.

For example, if Emilie receives her fist "How to Draw Manga Book" and she's copying the images in the book she is making more progress than half of the /beg/ thread. Then she decides she wants to take it a step further past front-view head drawings but doesn't know anything about form. Flipping through loomis opens her eyes to what form is, because the gimmick book left out this information. She understands, puts the loomis book away, and continues to draw what she wants, incorporating the wisdom loomis said but not literally drawing old man blooks.

Of course, Loomis is taken as a meme. The point here is (and it was brought up before ITT) you're supposed to draw what you want. If DABman says to jump and you say "from where" and he says "from the tallest building in NYC" you're not supposed to do it. Or else you'll always be dependent on someone else giving you assignments.

>> No.6461798

Yes drawabox is a meme, there are only 3 kinds of people who recommend it.
>permabegs who have developed a sunk cost fallacy relationship with the course and can't quit it even though they are beg level after years of doing the course.
>Fresh recruits who have only spend a couple of months doing the course and are yet to pass lesson 2, they recommend it hoping that they will one day become good at drawing if they keep doing the course.
>People who want to crab begs.

>> No.6461800

Just take a look at the course it self, the creator is so anal about things that make no sense. Like having to use a felt tip pen while the courses that his is derived from encourages experimentation with different permanent mediums and legit sometimes says you can use a ballpoint pen if you're intimiated. Oh I wonder why the drawabox fag is so anal about felt tip, is it because he wants you to be less fearfull of making mistakes when drawing or perhaps it is to peddle the felt tip pens that he himself sells and recommends?

>> No.6462063
File: 89 KB, 980x785, 1664640315246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh my science! Did I just WASTE a whole THREE FRIGGIN HOURS practicing art??? This guy isn't even a pro! I am ENTITLED to being taught basic baby concepts by god tier artists!!!

>> No.6462070

boxes aren’t art, shitter.

>> No.6462076

>basedjak posting
Opinion discarded

>> No.6462081
File: 251 KB, 1495x796, nowaylmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that pajeeter han is grifting a near 5 figure income off this blatant copycat course

>> No.6462095

Hey man, if there is one thing I have to admit regarding DAB is that I appreciate this mans hustle. If he can do it, so can I.

>> No.6462148

oh no! you spent 1 measly stinking week following a sub 100% optimal drawing course. better spend the next 60 years of your life not drawing at all and then die to make up for it

>> No.6462152

>everyone is expected to live to 80 with their grandchildren and wife by their death bed holding your hand as you pass into the light awaiting your ancestors and Leonardo Da Vanci

>> No.6462165

>sub 100% optimal drawing course.
It's more like sub 10%. Anyone who falls for the box meme deserves it though.

>> No.6462175

I don't understand his obsession with the felt tip pens either. Unless you're wanting to work in pen, I see nothing wrong with feeling things out with pencil sketches and correcting errors as you make them.

>> No.6462186
File: 127 KB, 191x236, gnome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually drew the completely arbitrary number of boxes he told you to draw then you fell for the meme. The course is great but instead of doing rote work for X amount of repetitions you should be practicing every day and adjust accordingly as you become more confident and apply your knowledge in different ways, didn't you guys learn this in school? The only reason he tells you to draw X boxes is for the advertising social engagement rite of passage aspect "look at me I drew my 250 boxes mission accomplished poggers to the max!"
I was gonna say you're trolling but you had the right idea below your greentext. If this is a board for art why are you guys always thinking in numbers??

>> No.6462191

The guy even says you should spend something like 50% of your time drawing for fun.

>> No.6462193

>not 100%

>> No.6462211

It depends on the person. Some people pick up on their own mistakes and naturally fix them with repeated effort, others will just keep making the same mistakes, either unaware of them or having no idea how to fix them, unless some instructional source beats them over the head with better answers to their problems.

>> No.6462227

What the fuck? I got this video recommended right after I posted this. How quickly do corporations steal your information?

>> No.6462237

I think there is some kind of weird algorithm that if someone posts a video on /ic/ and like 400 people click on the link then everyone (who is a channel) will get recommended the same videos. Especially on a slow board like this.

>> No.6462252


It's a 'tie strength' or whatever. Sort of like if you follow just 1 guy on twitter who frequents /ic/ then you'll quickly notice your recommend follows is pretty much everyone off /ic/. Youtube has a similar system.

Then you'll notice threads of the same trending video getting posted on 4chan. So yeah, they have us locked down more than you think.

>> No.6463038
File: 499 KB, 1280x720, beg crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boxes are fine, lessons 1 and 2 of DAB aren't bad for a beginner, but after that just switch to Michael Hampton's book and video course.

t. did DAB through the animal lesson

>> No.6463041
File: 199 KB, 308x582, bridgman copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's a figure study

>> No.6463121


>> No.6463125


>> No.6463127

Not them, but I think both look great desu

>> No.6463128


>> No.6463129

you’re /beg/, your proportions are all over the place, everything is flat and you completely missed the point of bridgman

>> No.6463136

If you can't draw a box then you definitely can't draw a hand/head

>> No.6463145

Guess what, the other guy is also gonna tell you to start off the same way DAB does so you're still gonna have to draw the 250 boxes. Nw stfu and draw

>> No.6463148

>t. never actually read a single loomis book

>> No.6463149

False, false and false

>> No.6463151


>> No.6463153

it's a fucking guideline you fucking retard, do you know what that means? This is not the finished fucking drawing.
You will add anatomy and muscles and adjust them to your needs following this guideline

>> No.6463156

>no form
>no perspective
>bad anatomy
>scratchy lines
"Muh guideline, learn from this begs hurr"

>> No.6463158

Okay, I've only been drawing seriously for a year, so being /beg/ doesn't bother me. If my proportions are off feel free to redline them. Go ahead and share with the class what the "point" of bridgman is. I'm a lot better than when I started (pic is my "gestures" from january of last year). If you have a better way to progress let's hear it.

>> No.6463160
File: 15 KB, 585x506, C443380C-7906-44FE-A14D-643852C86449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beg speaks
mmmmmmmmmmm no

>> No.6463161

If you won't pyw then there's no point discussing anything further with you. Have a terrible day, bye.

>> No.6463162

Don't fall for the crab, just keep grinding and be conscious of your mistakes and try to fix them and you will be further on your way in 1 month than 99% of people here.

>> No.6463163

how new

>> No.6463171

it's always the nodraw permabeg with these kinds of posts
top kek

>> No.6463173

I feel like just drawing a bunch of boxes without the understanding of anatomy is pointless, they should just stick to drawing random boxes in perspective to teach people that instead of trying to draw a human figure with them

>> No.6463176

bruh, you suck, you have no business having opinions on what course is effective, and your passive aggressive woman moment isn’t making me want to help you
if you seriously can’t look at that and see the issues, you’re beyond help

>> No.6463178


>> No.6463182

Pyw and before you say no, you're the one giving advice on what to do to improve so back it up and show what your method got you skill wise.

>> No.6463183
File: 526 KB, 800x1154, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre turn

>> No.6463186

funee meem
now pyw

>> No.6463187


>> No.6463189

>crab told to post work
>seethes, cries, memes, hides
Many such cases!

>> No.6463190


>> No.6463193

Sunday /ic/ Reruns are the best.

>> No.6463195

I'm the anon you were crabbing on, brain damage kun. You want to talk shit but won't back it up. Idk if you're the same crab or not, if so then that's pathetic that you're double replying, enjoy your (You), if not then let's see some work.

>> No.6463215

so you already posted work, it was shit and now you’re butthurt and spamming like a newfag who doesn’t remember 2014, let alone anything earlier lmao
even if my work was garbage, it doesn’t make yours better, have some dignity and reevaluate yourself, beglet

>> No.6463219
File: 166 KB, 540x540, 64sz4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no work?

>> No.6463223

Has anyone here actually completed the DAB course?

>> No.6463232
File: 212 KB, 1005x1000, 4CE2172A-E7C4-4140-A123-F67963B8E3E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh even my warmups have better fundies than your cherrypicked shit
I’m sorry your work isn’t good enough to get you the attention you crave, but you’re just not good at all

>> No.6463243

And how long have you been drawing for?

>> No.6463245

fuck off, I already told your womanlike hysteria does not make me want to help you
wallow in shit

>> No.6463247

That long, huh?

>> No.6463251

Nosebro...you haven't improved since, like 2016? 2017? What the fuck were you doing this whole time?

>> No.6463252

so now you’re back-pedalling to knowing better because you have less experience
if you put half the effort into drawing as you do in coping, we wouldn’t need to have this discussion

>> No.6463256

crabbing on begs

>> No.6463257

that is from 2017 ;^)

>> No.6463259

If you're posting old work then you're likey the same level. Maybe even worse.

>> No.6463265

Who's back pedaling? You want to help OP, give him some direction. All I told him was the first two lessons of DAB aren't a complete waste of time and then to pick up some Hampton. You got a better way, go ahead and tell him. If you have a method that helped you improve faster in a year, let him know. What's the issue?

>> No.6463267

nah, I was just holding back in case he tried to cope some more, but he acknowledged my superiority even with years old work
I don’t want to help, I was just attempting (futilely) to awaken some semblance of self awareness in you, but you’re full of estrogen to accomplish such a feat of consciousness

>> No.6463270

Do you still do warm ups? post one a recent one, they're cool. I should do some like that, fitting the bodies in tetris like.

>> No.6463275

If I was you, I'd just post some current work and recommend a course for OP. Seems simple enough, not sure what you're trying to prove or hoping to win by continuing to piss all over the place. Also I'm looking through the Big Sticky and what the fuck man it literally recommends DAB and Design and Invention in it lmao

>> No.6463277

if you were me, you could draw

>> No.6463278

If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bicycle!

>> No.6463282

Read the new WIP sticky from the /beg/ thread, the pinned one is outdated.

>> No.6463288

no, I'd have killed myself long before wasting a decade shitposting on /ic/
It still recs hampton lol

>> No.6463291

The pinned /beg/ sticky is a covert operation by N*sebro to shill his discord in a stealthy way *(at least from what I remember). By the way, he wrote that sticky. Do you really want to follow a sticky written by a guy who still draws like >>6463232 or do you want to read an outdated sticky by a girl who actually went to art school and can somewhat actually draw?

>> No.6463295

>by a girl
wait, what’s the other one again

>> No.6463299


what's wrong with design and invention/hampton...

>> No.6463300


There are only 2 stickies. The one that was crowd pitched back in 2013 by everyone on the board and stitched together by someone and one in /beg/ by Nosebro (although he claims he didn't write it, he is involved with it due to his discord being in it).

>> No.6463301

idk man ask nosebro he sperg raged when I rec'd it

>> No.6463308

you mean the one in 2013 that boils down to useless pseudoscience, babbie’s first sight size that never goes any further and serves no purpose, a shitty rendering book with an ad hoc system tailored to markers that falls apart on organics and “these books are free and out of print, just download those”

>> No.6463310

What more do you need to get started? I know the pencil for you is kryptonite but come on now. It's just to get your barrings before mama bird kicks you out the nest.

>> No.6463311

>a shitty rendering book with an ad hoc system tailored to markers that falls apart on organics
The scoro book? What's a better one, I have it but haven't started it yet.

>> No.6463322

honestly, I have no idea, I learned from huevaluechroma, faragasso, and sam nelson’s light course
robertson assigns a linear gradation to form shadows because he comes from a marker background, which works for his industrial/concept design niche, but makes his figures look like shit, just look at his work and judge for yourself, it’s honestly baffling that anyone recommends it on a board that is 99% about figure drawing, it’s like a /beg/ looked at it, saw the autistic diagrams and went “ah yes, this guys knows his stuff”

>> No.6463325

which is not to say faragasso isn’t even more autistic, but his autism doesn’t serve to produce a nonsensical value scale

>> No.6463331
File: 27 KB, 1280x720, prebeg gestures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, well anyway, I'm going to bed. I consneed, nosebro, you are the better artist. I'll grind harder and get better and come for your ass in a few years. If you have any tips on how to make Bridgman memory copies go any smoother, I'm all ears because it's kicking my ass right now. For the record, I'm still very happy with my progress considering I started from prebeg a year ago. And my crab was cute.

>> No.6463361
File: 216 KB, 1085x728, 1672819458452312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better artist

not so fast...

>> No.6463416
File: 884 KB, 1280x1024, 1664891062370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon there has to be tens of thousands of people you can choose to start learning gesture and anatomy from, and this by far is the worst one I've seen, AND the most popular
You're getting baited, retard.
OP posted an antiquated lesson that hasn't been part of the website for God knows how long.

DAB is, in no way whatsoever, a course to learn gesture or anatomy.
It's simply teaching a learning technique that involves turning off your imagination and conveying every shape in in-perspective, 3-dimensional vectors.

>> No.6463420

>DAB is, in no way whatsoever, a course to learn
all you had to say

>> No.6463459

How the hell did this pajeet get all the credit for peter han's course?

>> No.6463468

Yeah I guess no good artist has ever learned how to draw a box before

>> No.6463489


Learning to draw a 'box' from multiple and any angle is good and it's essential for learning to draw other things, especially humans. As others have mention though, you don't have to stick with the same person. In fact, I think it's a little crazy to suddenly jump into what I don't consider to be a simplified version of a human, at all.

Just find a new teacher to follow.
suggested some.

As for the course itself, I can't tell you. I do agree with others that the 250 number seems arbitrary, but to a beginner, it appears to be more of a concrete goal than the 'just keep drawing' advice. It's probably which why a lot of beginners keep falling for it.

The reality is that it can take you years to get to a point you are happy with and even then it might take you even longer or you may never get to point where you're happy with your work. The most important thing is to keep practicing and learning. Even those work you may not completely like might have something valuable for you to learn.

>> No.6463496

>>no don't actually follow how he draws people because its objectively pre-beg tier
refer to >>6463416

>> No.6463574

>nosebro having the balls to talk shit
Anon ITT made more progress in a year than you have in a decade, you stagnant faggot.

>> No.6463720

I'm just one guy but if you're starting from having never drawn since childhood I think DAB is awful.
You need to develop a love for drawing to stick with it and 'grinding' exercises are never going to instill that in you.
Even if you personally need them doing it asap isn't a great idea.

>> No.6463964


>> No.6464198
File: 24 KB, 300x286, 1575896985699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scammer race

>> No.6464443

that is because figure drawing is about getting/extracting information (of the shape/dimension) rather than Drawing
if that information is useless than guess what you will draw shit
you need to know what information you ACTUALLY need when trying to draw that thing
personally i always trace the image so i can get a good view of the shape and curves of my referenece before even trying to sketch
i only use figure drawing if the object is rotating on a way that is imposible to distinguish

>> No.6464571
File: 72 KB, 1597x1122, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not nosebro. Look at the file name lol
I'm nosebro

>> No.6464576
File: 59 KB, 937x1077, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally not me. Just some guy larping as me for fun.

if you want something specific just ask and I'll draw it

that literally wasn't me. The person you're talking to probably doesn't even draw.

i kinda like those, but i don't go on ic. I just check when my name is mentioned on the archive

>> No.6464578

Huh. Weird. Well sorry for getting aggro with you nosebro, I guess that's the drawback of an anonymous forum. For all I know it could be you who's the sussy impostor.

>> No.6465606
File: 334 KB, 936x632, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nonono lol

>> No.6465985

For the love of God tell me that's one of his students

>> No.6466018
File: 1.35 MB, 640x360, danny-devito-oh-my-god.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck...I haven't known how to connect the arms to the body in a good way for years, I've always struggled with the torso. But this simple diagram makes it so simple.

>> No.6466062

It angers me when I see Bridgman-anon bullied. He's been the most dedicated poster on this board for the last year.

>> No.6466217

I’d like you to take a moment to recognise the fact you’d have no idea he existed if you weren’t regularly lurking /beg/ and /beg/ adjacent threads

>> No.6466550

Wasting your time would imply you could have done something better with it

>> No.6467243

No, here you have his students https://drawabox.com/community/sketchbooks/1/EYEBO5H0

>> No.6467248

Ment for this one>>6465985

>> No.6467403

Ignore the shitters, I'm more /beg than you and I would be happy drawing as good as you do now.
Would you recommend just doing dab lessons 1 and 2 then Hampton like you said?

>> No.6467487

Those drawings are completely reasonable simplifications of the human body. You are being a crab. Worse, you are using your crabness to get out of work. Worse still, you are using your crabness to discourage others.

Which isn't to say you should go do draw a box. There are many reasonable anatomy systems, and uncomfortable's was never complete. But you can *always* crab on somebody. Follow this pattern to it's natural conclusion and you'll never do anything or get good at anything.

Stop being such a whiny bitch, anon.

>> No.6467694

I don't know if I'd "recommend" dab 1 and 2, but it's mostly just a mishmash of some scoro and week 1 han stuff stretched way out and pretty much completely ignoring formal perspective and observation drawing. Get to where you can do some basic markmaking and are comfortable with boxes and cylinders in 3D space, if that means DAB 1 and 2 so be it. It might not be the most efficient way to learn it but it is a pretty brain dead simple program to follow, so if you're completely lost it's not the worst thing. Hampton or Vilppu for introductory gesture/figure drawing, whichever clicks the most for you or hell do both. Then the Bridgman grind. IMO

>> No.6467697
File: 170 KB, 585x960, 6e31c7e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh christ

>> No.6467701

Only educated answer here
OP is obviously baiting

>> No.6467859

>You're using the information wrong!!!
lmao, go fuck yourself you braindead baboon

>> No.6468039

drawing 250 is an overkill but in and of itself the practice is very crucial to improving, incooporate boxes into your warm ups
and dont forget to use refferences when doings so. Learn how they look like at the very basic angles (front face, 45, 60, 30 degrees) and make sure the camera distance is also always consistent from one practice session to another.

this alone solves half the problems later on such as drawing faces, anatomy, light rendering/ understanding, proportions etc.

also on the topic of anatomy, try to figure out as much as you can on your own using 3d models. It gives you a much more intuitve and flexible apprach for learning the body

>> No.6469910

This is so fucking incompetent. The only thing this guy can do is overcomplicate a course about simple forms. I hate this shit so much.

>> No.6469990

I fail to see the issue here. God, begs are complaining about everything.

>> No.6470069

drawing a box 250 times in a row is beyond retarded. That is the most soulless shit ever. What the fuck is that guy thinking? You don't learn in bursts, you learn as you repeat stuff over a period of time. Maybe draw 10 a day for 25 days would be way more effective. Plus you can at least intersperse it with some stuff you like.
Students need to learn how to do long-term planning which includes practicing fundamentals, venturing on a serious side project which incorporates all the things you know fundamentally, and simply doing stuff you like to decompress.

>> No.6470079

What you're saying would be ideal is actually what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to intersperse the exercises with your other drawing efforts, only doing maybe 5-10 boxes a day, and divide your time 50/50 between studies and drawing what you want.

>> No.6470158

I normally don't use reddit as a pejorative because it's kind of silly even if the site and its user base is garbage, but draw a box is genuinely the most reddit method of improvement I've ever seen in any field.
It's like it was designed for stemcels who spent tens of hours acquiring and going through literature that describes the optimal gait before they get the courage to go outside for a run.

>> No.6470474

On point. Check out mithrilda (https://www.youtube.com/@Mithrilda)), its GOLD. She vlogged about drawabox, never got anywhere. Essentially quit art now and is working a soulless data job.

On dab discord THE CREATOR posted some stats where very small percentage of people make it past lesson 2 or something. HOW IS THAT NOT A SIGNAL THAT YOUR TEACHING METHOD SUCKS YOU STUPID 5' TALL MONKEY.

People just dont want to suck at something, plain and simple, everyones completely egotistical and ruined.

>> No.6470633

One issue I have with it is the way he says you should do the 250 box challenge. Sure, draeing boxes from imagination is great, but simply drawing them over and over again from imagination will have two likely outcomes: you wind up repeating the same types of boxes over and over again (he mitigates this somewhat with the "Y" box started tool), and/or you keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Sure he tells you to check them by extending the lines, but even with that you're prone to continuing to fuck up in similar ways. I think you'd be better served by also drawing boxes using plotted perspective points, drawing from a 3D rotatable cube, and drawing from irl boxes.

>> No.6470636

The only thing you need to know to BTFO DAB is that it has produced no good results. Irshad can't draw, and neither can any of his students. Even if Peter Han's faces look wonky, you can at least see his students getting results from Dynamic Sketching.
>inb4 Irshad sucks at drawing so DS sucks
No course is going to result in a 100% success rate. But DAB results in a 0% success rate.

>> No.6470698

People have done the boxes as a drill and improved but there's basically no reason to stay in their community as you improve after that. Hence the low level of art, it comes from people who do DAB and nothing else

>> No.6470726

Seems okay and practical for a complete /beg/ like myself. My only complaint is the idea of having to submit it to be 'reviewed before moving forward.

>> No.6470865

is this AI?

>> No.6470867

DAB bros...
It's over

>> No.6472348

Has anybody seen somebody's boxes, just boxes, improve through the "draw 250 boxes" exercise? I guess I just don't grasp how repeatedly freehand drawing boxes from imagination would even improve those beyond the first few. I imagine most would do:
>oh no these first five are terrible
>I kinda got the hang of it, these next 5 are OK
>alright these next 5 are passable, but when I extend the lines they still don't really converge properly
>at the end
>OK these last 5 are passable but when I extend the lines they still don't quite converge properly
Without peppering in some studies of observed boxes and/or more mechanical VP placement exercises in there, I fail to see at what point the students' works would just magically get better at nailing proper convergence.

>> No.6472357

>I am currently on lesson 2

Guys, I'm reading Loomis, and I'm on chapter 2, did I waste my time?

>> No.6472360

Over? Anon, it never even began for boxcels.

>> No.6472376

There's nothing wrong with this, it's the foundation sketch for the fleshed out figure.

>> No.6472384

I've done it, my boxes were getting better around the 150 mark, 250 felt like overkill but I might have just picked it up faster. Doing 25 at a time and checking convergence lines was helpful. But yes, I agree there should be more formal perspective and observational drawing in the curriculum.

>> No.6472423
File: 3.05 MB, 4032x3024, 1E39182C-1479-4824-A439-27A13630721A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing this made me want to fucking kill myself i don't think i can't handle the boxes